i tw; ^ ta .' 1 ■ IS(* ’ i«. • ■ A »r ,4 it !«•••. * « J ihv ■ I . th,.' sj, ■ 01 I K '1 ' :1.. ■' • ; 11 > ulos Ii ' U *y ' jU .S q * ‘ W* I,- »r «eui . K) aUM.i, "CXt r, V ’ ‘ ■ ii*oi wi . er, ii •J'* '.lie :U Os, ImJ kl. dt.agt '--meat ifc ho; ■ vte- :iaii . IR L.’ , • h:i i-i ci ; > - «iL« uent -IV tWi> }»vsr - "'Wr- •‘M tt»l tai iSACtiftr •i.all froBi «a((h «i i r«bd ot e ai:i I ‘K‘ • Hu- ratta ms «ai«l ti!«d as a oc tur- audii«r se^ t a* : faarL'i •r rtioejvHig kX-p»j«r hti la bvuQii C jufcdt ; al« Ur ?hii,! j,e ll«4 iU ■i« hy >>L»W' * 4 lac «ir i«« it«t« (he tiiig :ijbi »1 iaxe» iu 1 »Lc inujr {*^•1 ^.i.ir- tox ,n Kiud i:*i .ii »ivrg- w(w* wkfiiiBi au ItiarMwr ••*i = n«Ui :u UiiU iiuj •adors«4 «d •aaie te lb« the r«o«ipt ktuL yujtmeni vf *• eVp-jt M A|T«UMl oOiiibt fee -‘tiiMbitt AMvi -Q r rM««cri»e souifi f»r i/ t>e ci- i6, bt aa«r La iki ^ etaitM JoEik ;w'r«K] irj I ; \Taf UitE ir -;,:i as* til ax- b« r«ciured he k- er^-ttL leer .u Mwd of ar« rsfjL r*; n oa ' . £.pf( ar, til a be ble. lU'i I of.fat, the ‘cM- pecif . >tx and ’ fffm- b«; ’i-. .Ver ne di'U’Cfc, B«>, a: ; klie the • :.lef etfjr .! f.h« nts ' r r .iyj. m »• 11 b. le, . bilL- et (.• ■. f-a. n ■tr Tl- ■' --e- ;or Bt^r or ad- et, «r lar- .ir ta 7 rBc^ vfcr «wr oi -■•j lag 'j! a.i i re^ju,f'/d thii ji.cfJ- «ier ihi'ir reoT) and y p«r(>«a •a k«r«i& aii Lax** »rof/ortj 1. iulftj aejl akail n6 (i! ;t. la f be, ftLiJ al«6 :*Bd tkis |iin J .w iiid tiuuat >ii »c 1«* !r ID foj ;xj« a . ii «L-» nuu ^ p''Cv . . Jtlu.l )l f for tlM ■P^PP r S F, IW I.W F, E K I, Y \v>i. XIII. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. OCTOBER 1. 1863. [NO. 1268.J PRl^TBD MON'HATS and THIIRSUAYS EDWIRD J. nAI.K & SO\S. iriTORS AND PROPRIETORS Pricp for th« Semi-Weekly Od'sitrver SF*> 00, paiil in advance. For the Weeklj Obskrvbr $4 00 per annum, pai.l fn a*lva»ce. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for ?2 per s jnare of 16 lines for the first, and one dollar for each h«c- ceeding publication, .\dvertisemeiits not exceeding a half equare (eight lines) $1 f«r the fir.it and 50 cents for ea:h laooeeding publication. .Adrertisers are re quested to itat© the number of insertions desired, or they will bo continued till forbid, and charged accord ing’• AJTertisemonts continued inside, charged as new ad- Tertisomenn. LIST OF fHARUES FUR PISSENURKS. DOW>i. F’-oni F-iyetieville to Wilnaiagton. S15 00 “ “ “ Elizabeth. 7 40 “ White Hall, y 75 “ ** “ Kelly’s t’ovp. 10 50 “ “ " All points below, 15 00 SEOONU OliASS, OR T»KCK. From Fayetteville to Wilniingtoa. S7 50 “ “ “ Elizabeth. 3 75 Whitehall, 5 25 “ “ ■' Kelly’s Cove. U 0» *■ “ “ -Ml p'^’nts Selow 7 50 UP. From Wilniiugton to Fayetteville, $15 00 “ “ Kelly'a Cove. 6 76 “ White Hall. *8 25 “ *• “ Elizabeth, 9 75 “ •* “ Prospect Hall, 12 00 “ •* All peiats above, 16 0(t SPECIAL NOTICE. From an ) n.ter thin date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be 8«iBt to such subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. Such ef our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y 1, 1858. ffVTl. Jflclj. mcKJtW Attorney at Iiaw, Fayetteville, N. C. "ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of CumberlancL, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Ceun- tiee. Preni't attention given te the collection of all olaiou entruU.'d to his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf ; SECOND CLASS, OR DECK * From Wilminjctpn tii Fayetteville, $7 6U “ “ “ Kelly’s Ceve, 4 50 “ “ “ '^hite Hall, 6 00 . “ “ .\.i points above, 7 6# Second Cl6^ or Deck Passengers must stay oa lower deck or paji fall price, or same as First Class WSt' An extra charije will be made for Way Passen gers getting into B -rihs during day time, and for occu pying a Berth witk their bo«iis or shoes on, *atthe discretion of the Captain * J. A. WORTH, for C F St’m B t Co. R. M. ORREF«L, for S(Vs Kate and Sun T. 3 LOTTERLOa. May 4, 18G3 26-tf Mount VomoD Femftle Seminary, At Mt. r«rnon Mineral Springs, I'hatbam Couutj. 1st Session to commence 28th Sept. t»:rms: Highet Eng. Branchee p^r session of 2t» wrokK. Academic ria.^ts, Primary Class, , Music and Paintine, each, Latin, FrencS inJ Drawine, eftch., Bj»rd, ’ School Room PTponoes, Rev WM. HOOPER, , f C HOOPER, ) . Applications for pupils may be ftddressed to mo at Favet'eville ’ T. C HOOPER tiept. 8 ti2if $ao 00 00 18 Ot) 30 00 12 50 200 iWt I 00 X)' w «£0. W. WILLIAMS i CO., %Vhole«(ale Dealers in i*roccriCM, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery,.Swedes Iron, Ac*, HAT STREET, FAIETTETILIE, Jf. C. July 2, 1861.' 86tf Jo¥. IJTLEY, €hrocer tmd Vommln^ion .^erchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1863. 93-tf T. C. & B.^. WORTH, Commigsion and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf CAR Dr FEW LADIES can be aocommolated with board at I’^roiii an«l alter date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at B o’clock, A. M., en Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C F. Steam Boat Co. %VE»TER.^ Ry\IL ROAD. The Trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (jSundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, .M., aad re turning leave Mclver’s at 1 o’olocit, P M. Freiffht Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAVand FRIDAY. By order of the President. • JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r and Act’g Trans. Ag't. Jan. 22, 18C». 97tf A M^IIOOI. F tho highest order will bo opened at 'lolnni#’* Bridge, Murion District, 8. 0., u»4er ihe suprrvisien of Mr. John C. Sutherland, on Sl'inday the 14’h init. Thie (School will embrace manv advantages—its location being noted for it» healthfulneei as well as the intelli- genco and mors-1 tone of the surrouading society; and as to the Principal nothing need bo said as an eacominm I upon his qualifioAtiona as an efiioient instrtictor and correct disciplinarian—and possessing from'many years of experience, a wide spread reputati n as one of the very best of Teachers. Board can be had at $20 per month and Tuition at $16, £20 and per nession of five aontha Address M .WcRAE. Secy, Molnnis’s Bridge P. O , Marion District, S. C. Sept. 10, 1863. 63-lin I THE .'VORTn CAROLIMA XDTHiL LIFE msiTRlRCE C«3iPlNT, NOW in the tenth year of successful aperatien. with growing capital and firmer held upen public cen^ fidence, continues to insure the lives ef all healthy per sons froat 14 te 60 years ef age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life raembers sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured fer ono year or for five years for two thirds their value. All losses are puncrually paid within 90 d‘ays after satisfactory proof is presented For ftiriber intormatien the pub)*"' is referred to | Vjjentp of ('ompany in all parts q the State, and to : R. H. B.ATTLK, Secretary, Raleigh. ' K. J. HALE, Agent at Jsn’y 1R5S. Fayettevilio, N. G. j FAYETTEVII.LE MCTUIL li«8UR4\€E €OMPi\f. Oapitiil in Premiun Notes amounta to $267,688 2b C»«h en hand and other assets, S,077 36 FAIR iiiROL'rVDJii FOR RKIVT, AT AUCTION ON Th'ir'-sd'iv the 8th October. I shall rent aif Auction, 101' one year, the FAIR OIIOUVDS and all the im pro'emfuts thereon Th«re is au exe«lleut Dwr^ll- iag House. staV 1»9, kitcken. emok»house. barn, exiiibitioo ro»».-, (tfli ;e and other buildings, and a^out ten acres f.f good L.\ND for oultivatjon. Possessiop jilTen on the 10th Novcraber For further information inquire of tbe Pres’t, Mr. Rondal .McDaniel, or JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r Sept. M ''7 St Turpentine Still and Worm FOR SALE. ONB Turpentine Still of fifteen barrels capacity and Worm, nearly new, for sale. Heavy copper . A-ply to JOHN H. COOK. Sept. 23, 1868. 00 St O' A ttie Seninat^y yept. 12. 1S61. T. C. HOOPER. 56- JOHiNSON, WILLIAMS & CO., SALT .TI.4KERS. tTTi have thirty (30) pans now ia operation nine miles Tt »Mt ef Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply thenselves with saR. can be furnished by applying te A. Johnsaa, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, to E. Page, manager at the works, or to J. M. WILLIAMS. General Superintendent Fayetteville, Nov. 2ti, 1862. 81tf WAi\TED. 2KAA bushels WHEAT, ,01/1/1.500“ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Thoiaason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subseri- Wr at hi^Id stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Nov. 5. 1862. 76tf ARTIY HARITESS. 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for .Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargains, .\gents will do well to send their orders t« me as they shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Qold.^ton P. 0.. Chatham Co.. N. C;. ) June 13, 1862 f 34tf 200 IbM. Csiini Arabic for Kale bv J. R. LEE.* «»ct 15. 6fltf SALT! P.ACKS for sale by Dee 22 SALT!! ROBERT MITCHBLL. 8H-rf TOBACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on oonqignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. May 23. 81tf 190 Sole Leather wanted. Q A A/ k LDS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.ATHER, wV/\/U suitable for Belting. Apply lo D MURPHY.- Fayetteville. \nr 1 11. 20tf AdniiniMtrater’at Ifotice. The subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad- HHnistrator upon the Estiite of Neill G. McNeill, dee’d, notifies all persons havinj; claims against the Estate to present them within tho time limited'by law, otherwise this ncHice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reqdest«d to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNElLL. Aim’r IG 1f«i2 *«- t COW LOST. My COW is on East eidq of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven in^o the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is narked with crop in each ear, has a beH oa, white in her face, white on bacKJvad belly, red on neck and sides. Who ever will Uke her up and let me know it, or bring her- up to me in Carnpbellt-Du, will be liberally rewarded. The said cow was bought in the upper part of Bladen AOUDty ard may preV>ahly find her way baek to that ?''unty jfJO. A WATSON. Ann* 19. 41) ,f OIL AND LAMP BLACK. 1UNNER8’ and LUBRIC.\TING OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. B. BLOSSOM & CO., WilminjfioH, H. Q Verch 7. tf ASHEVILLE, 3T. V. I WILL open the E.VGLE HOTEL for the re ception of Guests the first of June, and I hope to be able t» hntertain froaa seventy-five to a hundred persona during (he Summer.' In connection wim this large Hotel, I have a number of Hacks, Carriagps. Buggies aad Saddle Horses that my g'lest.s can get at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .\sheville, N. C. May 13,1863. Sl-ypd Fayetterille, Sept. 2d., 1863. V^OTICE is hereby given, that a Depot is now open at this place, for the receptisu of the T.AXES (in kind) due under .Act of the (’onfederate Concress. approved April 24, 1863. Farmers and Planters having articles ready for de livery, can forward to this Uepol at ence. Receipts will be given subject to endorsement on ihe Assessor’s estimates when made This being • central point, and convenienf for distri- bation. it i« ie^ired as far a* practicable that tax pay ers should deliver their qaota of taxes at this Depot. Liberal compeasaMon will be aia>le tn persons deliver ing articles at a distance of aver eight miles OfSce at the store formerly occupied by Starr Wil liams. J. ,M. WILLIAMS. 60-1 mj Agent for Cumberland county. ; WANTED, for tie Hospital at Fort Fisher. | POULTRY. Chickeus. Butter and other delicacies for | the sick 80'diers at this II««pital. I’ersone having i these articles can obtain tbe market price on applica tion to the fnbiicriber at his cld s'and or at Mr. John Culbreth’s at the foot of Hay Mount. R. E. HEIDE, Gen 1 Ag’t. ALSO. Wanted for the above Post, 200.000 lbs. H.\Y. R. E. HEIDE. Gen’l Ag’t. Aug. 2"). 58-tf Am iiMiial the Blockade WILL sompel us to do what we should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the enemy. The p'.'prietore baviog started the manufac turing of all kinds af BOBBINS for Faetoriea in the Bouthern Stares will b* able te fill orders at short notiee. Work del'v ■••ed in F.fr. tteville, N C. Address D L. KIVETT, •Manchester, Cumberladd. if. C. June 9. 18^3. Sti-^sipd The Cedar FaISs Bob bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at short notice, all kinds of BOBBINS, QUILLS, &c , suitable for Woolen and J. M. ODELL. .Agent. N c.. July 9. 1863 S« ftwipd A Teacher Wjinte«i. A L.\DY who can teach all tbe English branches, j iX Music, &c., t'l teach in my family. « ' W. A ATKINSON. Rliz-ibrthfowa. Sopt, 9. 9t 4(*pd i A SCHOOL • i F the Jkig')ost order is now open and in session I under the supervision et Mis* LU» V MeFAR- LAND, at Oakland Academy, three miles below Floral College This school embraces many a'ivaDtases)q its healthfulness as well as the intellittent and mor-^l tone of the surrounding eountry Pupils admitted ai f 10, 512 aad $14 per quarter of three identbs, charged from time of entrance; no deduction made for absence only in case of sickness protracted one month or more. A few boarders, small boys or girls, will be taken at per month Address E. WILKI'"ON, Scc’y Oilopolis, N C , Sept. 22, 1^63 ftT 8tpd wa:%ted. L.\DY 01 experience to instruct in the primary de partment of the Richmond Academy and take charge a small Ma.-'ic Class In order to save time- app'icants will plesee enclose testiraonials with their applicatiens. Address immediately. JON’^ H. DALLY, Rockingham, Rich’d Co . N C. Sept. 16 64-tf Total, $272,7«& 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and i hive never made an assessment on their premium netei. ' Total losses paid, $29,682 K9 Offiobrs: GSO. McNEILL, President. * D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MeMlLL.VN, Seo’y. DrmncTOEs: Henry Lilly, W. N. TiUinghast, H. L. Myrover, * 8. J. Hinsdale, S. T. Hawley. Wm. MeLanrin, Nathan A. titodman, T. 9. Lutterloh. A. W. Steel. J. a. Cook, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R F. Brown, ) , V K Hall, hn C)Uins and C. C. MoCJrummen, Traveling Agent* JS^Tho Company invite appUcatioBS 18. l^A] ^}. 0 i^OTICE. WESTERN lUIL ROAD OFFICE, 1 Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 20. 1803.- / N and after Tilesday the 2'Jth inst., the following rates of P»*ssenfar Fare will be charged, viz; 0. B. Mallett, James Kyle, ' A. A. l^cKethan. J. D. Williams, 8. VT. Tillinghast. A SPOOLS and Cotton M'llk, Cedar Fa.la. Spun Cottou Eichanged for Lard. llfE will give Spun t'otton in part payment for LARD T ? delivered at our Factory on P^sm 8t. A. MoLAUCHLIN * CO. i.Aienoii. —4 very fine article, for sale at our Factory. A. MeLAUCHLIN k CO. BAR A\l> TOII.ET SOAP For sale at our Factory. .A MoL.ACCHLIN k CO. Fayettoville. Sept 12. lSt)3. -' 63-6mpl F«jetteTlllc Anenal aad Aranory,) Fatbttkvillb, N. C , June 29, 1868 j WAlfTED. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100). BOUNTY. H.AVINQ received authority from the Secretary of War to increase the strength of the present Corps at this .\rsenal, the undersigned will enlist one hun dred (lUO) n»n c»rucripU for that purpose These sub ject to oonscription need no Mpply. Transfers and exehanges of men now in service can not be made. .MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. 8. A. June 8. 85tf uoo FOR SALE. ACRES of L.AND with good building and ex cellent water The upland timber is pine, oak and hickory, swamp is gum. poplar and juniper. Situated on the head of Ellis’s Creek in Bladen county, 6 niilea Cast of the Capo Fear River. Any one wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber or R. P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at.Elizabeth, BlaJen coanty, who will take pleasure in showing the premises. J. N. McCOLL Sept 1, 1863. 61-19tpd To Cottou Planters. 1H.W£ be#n appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Colton for the | Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina. and will pay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. 8ub-A|7enta visiting the ditt'erent parts of the State, bayini; in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of tbe Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton pHrchased bv myself or my agents, eu and after the 18th ^ay of Mareh 1863, will t>e paid tor ia 7 per cent. Bonds «r Oaab, and not 8 p^.r cent. Bonds as st.itcd tn a former advertisement. Up to that tii&o, however, th« 8 per oani ut/uds will be furaixried as diatod. Patriotie oitizens are now ottered an opportunity to aid the Government by se'.Hog to it ibeir Colton ravner than to private capiuiliFt8. LEWIS 3. WILLIAMS.' Charlotte, Maroa 24, 1803. [c. D.j 14lf WAJVTED, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Ct^rolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six p-?r cent. Fundable Notes. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Bonds, now issue. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Kaleigh, N. C. March 9. 9tf SALT—SALT. PERSONS wishing to parchase a good article, will find it te frheir advantage to call at the firm KASTERS & CO., at Little Rirer, 8. C., where they k«-ep on hand a large supply which they will sell at lew fi^’ires. There is also fine facilities for getting the.8aU Dp lo the Railroad by flats. EASTERS ft CO., LitUe River, 8. C. 63»-19(pd Auf. 5. Alter thi« date 1 will pay 10 Cents per pound for rags, or _ the highest market price, delivered in FayetujviUe, or at my mills on Rockfiah. D. MURPHY. July 28. 186S. mt Brin^ in your Cane. Y17E have at work the very superior Iron Roller Sugar VV Cane Mill and ten good Kettles The Iron Mill presses out all the juice from the cane, the wooden rollers about one-half. Term.1 of Toll —Quantity which will make a barrel or less one-half the syrup Quantities greater one-third. Persons having small crop? would do well to olub. An acre of good cane will yield 80'gallons or more of syrup. 11. E. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. 61- I.\F0RlHATi0?ir WAr¥TED. Any information concerning Enoch E. Newton, Co. K, 3Rih Regiment North Carolina Troops, whether dead or alive, would be t&ankfully received from any , person He is abeut six feet high, blaek hair and eyes, ' has a scar on his right haud and leg caused by a burn. ^ The lant certain news from him the company was charg- i ing a battery near Chanceilorsville, Virginia. Address ■ GEORGE NEWTON, i Fayettt-ville, N. C. j Sept. 14. 63 6tpd the DIXIE PRIMER, ~ jpOE th^I^l* Folk*. farther supply at whbleaale W4.1JTED, I WISH to hire by the day nr fej^the balance ef the year, FIFTY GOOD HANDS accustomed to Railroad work, to he emp*vyed in cutting a canal through Lion Swamp in Bladen county. Q iod wages will be paid and the bands will be well fed. Apply to me at Fayetteville, or to B. G. 'Vorth at Wilmington, or A. P. Hurt We woirid be willing te contract the work by the yarji. The job is a large ene and will be worth looking after. JOS. A. WORTH. Aug. 27. , 68-6w Cotton Yarn tor .Wool. NOTICE is hereby given that after this date (except in oases where we have bareaiaed for Weel accord ing to the terms of eur advertisement of the 39th ef May, which te;;ms are new revoked,) we will give 1 biin- dle of Cotten Yarn fer 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 8 lb«. washed and picked. This change ia made at the instanee of the Quarierm'\ster at Raleigh, in order to make tho terms ef exchaaee uniform thr-jughout the State. . 6EO W. WILLIA.MS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, ISe.'i. 41tf Ei^ypt Coal IHine. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the C«afederat« C*urt, District of Nerth Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership for the purpose nt mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders fer any amount oan be supplied on short notice. The Coal frem this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas B Mallett, Fayette -, ville, N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNE. Fayettevilio, Jan’y 20, 1863. 96tf (.iRI?VD STOj^ES for SALE. The undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale of Messrs. W. D. F*rrar & Co.’s Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running from 18X2| inches to C feet by 11 inehes; and can have out at short notice ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stones will please correspond with the undersigned, who will fill orders promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as represeutod. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, May 27, 1863. 32-tf Headqiiarteri^ Home Ciuard, Town L)isi'.,3d Keg’t N. C. Militia, Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 16, 18G3. NOTICE is hereby given, that there is •» regular Drill every Saturday evening, at Militarj' Grceq, at 4 o’clo'jk, P. M., of my Company, and all the members are required to be there to drill, otht^rwise the law will be rigidly enforced upon those that do not a'tend ROB T MITCHELL. C-irt Sept. 16. 64-3w ' 4 —• % The Jfew 8tyl^ Small, COLOREt) FHemitiPHS, AT * THnorvdell’s Callery. ART. Wood«rarl’»» Solar ^laera. PHOTOGRAPHS oan be had at TanorsdeH'B SkyligJht Gallery, Hay street, epposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. €.: plain, reteuohed, colored, ia water celors, oil and pasiile; from small to life sixe. Aabr*- types, Melaneetypee, aad all other styles ef Pieturea pertain) ag te the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Oilt Mould- ^g, G1 fer very large pictures—as large as 26 by 86 inches. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; Insl'm- meats. Steek and Chemicals tkr sale lew for aash. Li/b siie eolored Phetcgraphs made from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope te merit yoar patronage. 1 would also return my lineere thaaka for the liberal patronage boetowed en heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville and Tleiaity. G. M. YANORSfilLL, Fbotoc^pbiat a«d Propeieior. rWr JMi. 1 *49 77 Fact.ory, Ih GF/) L.VUDER. Twe DBOKs legrE c. t. itieii 4 snsii Fayetteville, C. M- MOTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both ha.ving entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give detiee to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williams, of this place, their attorneys te oolieet either separately or eonjointly all moneys dne them either by aceonnt or note, and otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally during their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted to them tn eall as prompt ly as possible on their ageixt.? and make payment. PTAItR & WILLIAMS. Sent. 16. 18U] $*20 REWARD. 13 AN.AW.AY from the subscriber on the Sd of last ulti- fV mo, my boy BILL, a bright mulatto, some 17 years of age. He is five feet two inches high; has a thin face and long nose, his upper front t«etb are a little decaycd; quick spoken. When he left he hai on new osnt.burg pan's and shirt; he also wore a brown sack coat. He tjss psme rel-itions in Salisbury, N. C where he was raised; he may try to make his way back Any infor- mttion concerniQB- said boy thankfully received. My address is Rockingh an, N C. MARK COLE. Sept. 1, 61-9tp} LAi^D~FOR SALE. 1NOW offer for sale my place, containing 350 acres, situated in Mo«re oouniy on Killett’a tjroek, three miles west of Carthage. About 75 acres of the above landii are under cultivation. There is on the place a comfortable dwelling, with necessary outhouses. I will also sell, should the puroUaser desire, all ny tkie year’s ei*'>{.s, farming utensils, dtook, &e., all upon rf9sonable terms. For further particulars, address me at Car thage. N. C. J, B. KELLY. Sept 12 62-12t WOOD WA.1TTED. The Subacribers wish to oontraot for the delivery at their resid'i.ces on Hay Mount of FIFTY CORDS of WOOD, chiefly Pine. E J. HALE & SON. Sept. 14. WAITED, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN who has a very good under standing of Lrtiin, Greek and English languages, drtsires to obtain a situation as T*sacher. Address G W. JONES, 0*»k3 P t) . Orange county, N. C. Sept. 6. 62-16'pd $100 Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 1st day of June last, bis negro boy FED.' Said boy was pur chased by the subscriber of R. C. damer, Marion Dist. 8. C , on that day, and it is thought he may be lurking in the neighbor.bood between Hamer’s in S C. and Jno. Thompson’s in Robeson Co , N. C- He is about six feet high, will weigh 170 to 180 lbs , and is of pleas^int countenance. The above reward will be paid for his lodgment in any j*iil so that I may recover him, and $100 more for evidence to convict any white person of harboring him. B. F. HAMER Cheraw, S. C., Sept. 16 f>6-4tpd ■. J. EAUB 4 lOKS. TESTA.nEi\TS AXU UYiTli^S. ONFEDEKATE States Bible Society Testaments. A CoUeolion of Sabbath School Hymns. F«c aalaby B. J. HALS & BQNS. The Subscriber wishes to purcliase B few YOUNG NEGROES for which he will pay the highest Caisli price. Those wishing to sell would do well to call me or address mo at Raleigh, N. C. P. J. STSKNl. 8^ 7. U-aaq^ FIRST CLASS To Little River To Spout Spr'ng To Swann's To .Tonesboro’ To Egypt By order. Sept as SKCOHI) CLA.SS. To Little River To Spout Spring To Swann’s To Jonesboro’ To E(?ypt JOHN M. ROSE, Sec’y and Treas’r W. R. R $l 00 1 50 2 00 2 60 3 00 76 1 00 1 25 1 '-.0 2 00 Co. 67-8t Ta\ Ilfotice. The As8*s80rs’ List for ^loore County will remain open for examination at the Connty Court Clerk’s o®oe inCartkige, and the List for Montgomery at the County Court Clerk’s ofSee in Troy, for flftten days from the date hereof During which time all apptals must be made in writing to the uBdersigL»^ 1 will attend at Troy onthe 6ih aad 6th Oet., being MijnJay and Tues day of Court week, to hear and determine appeals, &c Special attention is called to sectiva f>. article 3. 4 and 14. ef the Tax Aet, relative to dealers iu liqtirrs and tobacco; all pe>‘sons liable as such, who have n >t registered may yH do se within the time Kbcve all)!: d for heiring an^ decidi»f appeals; after that tiitie the penalties ef the law will be strictly enforced It is the duty and the interest ef all honest tax pay ers to aid iu the due ^Ministration of this law, that each ene T«ay bear his just proportien of the burdens thereof and ne more; and to that and infi-r. m , > i ig invited in regard to delinquencies wherever and of whatever kind existing. ALEX’R KELLY, Di»t. f'*lIftotor fer Moore and Mwii.gv jery. Carthage, Sept. 17, 1803. 6T-St 1.10 DRY HIDES, WHICH I wish to exchange for LE\THER, for tbe whole or part—Sole and Upper. This will euit every one. Yeu can address mft at Fayetteville. N. C. M. FAULK. . Sept. 28, 1863. 67 6tpd i\OTICE. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Moore County, on the 11th inst., a Negro WO.M.VN by tbe nameef BETSY, about 35 years of age. of a dark brown color, one of her front teeth out She says she belongs te the eetate of Travis Butler of Sampson County, or James Porter ef Bladen. The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with n.>> the law dirccte. J. F. UNDERWOOD, Jailor. Sept. 22. 67-3tpd WA^ITED, AUILLBR experienced in Kfinding Flour, to take charge ef the Merchant Mills in Fayett«vil!e. II. C , on the first day of November 1868. A goo^ r*c«»»en- datioa will be required. It is with (reat pl«aaur«, now that my clrsunatancct faver, te coatribute somethiag to the comfort and sip- port of the needy families ef our patriotic and self- sacrificing soldiery, that I propsse te grind Tree of toll the eern they may need for their own use; and I appeal te tbe patrietisB and philanthropy of all mill owners to Join me in this attenlpt te ameliorate the eondition of the poor ef the land and advance the cause of our af* flieted eouatry. Whe BOW will respond? Applieations will be entertained if addressed te W. C. McDANIBL, 54th N. C Reg’t, Hoke’s Brigade, Early’s Division", A N. V. Sept. 14. 186t. F.UETTETILLB ARSENAL A!SD AR.«ORT, 7 SiPT. 24, 186S. J S30 REWARD. Ij^SCAPID from prison on the raorainK of the 12th inst.. J LEMUEL BUCHINNAN, who was arrested en the nusp'eion ef being a spy. He r«nrp>e^t>d himself as a Captain frem Morgan’s array in Kentucky Said Bu- channan is suppesxl te be a^out Raleigh or near his mother’s in Chatham county Tho attention of Militia Officers of Chatham. Moor*. Cumberland and Wake, and all good citizens is ufteially called to this man, Tbe above reward will be paid if the prisoner is delivered to me at this Post., or $16 if conftnsd m any couoty jail. 'M.VTTHE'?^ P. TAYLOR, 66tf] Capt C. S. A , Comd’g Battl’a FayettcTlUe Arsenal and Armory, \ * Sept. 24. 1863. J $30 Reward. Deserted from this vos-: after being regularly en- lintad in the Arsenal Batt.al(T>n ac.l posted tvs a sen tinel, on the 7th day of .‘’opt ius. , Jame-- Wa*-d. of the county of Ali»mancv', N C Said '^ard if a feet HA inches hizb, dark brown hair, ruddy eoinplexiMi, b^uo eyes, and represented himfulf 17 jears old, snl by oe- eapation a farmer. Said Ward wm rflcog' Ized the day lie deserted, as the m-an who stole a hor.^e in Mon»ari'>mery county, and an eoon as h» was relieved oil' po«i denerted The attention of militia eSioers of Alamance. M4or«. Chatham and Cumberland, and all good oitizeas is call ed to this man. The above rewari will be paid to any on* who will deliver him to me at this post, er $15 if eonfSned in any county jail. lie has been seen in the neighborhood of his grandmother’s in Chatham eounty. MATTHEW P TAYLOR. Mtf]' Capt. C. 8. A , CoTsd’g Batt»lion. Pay your Coiitedcrate Taxew. I Will attend at the ofKoe of *A. M. Campbell, in the town ef Fayetteville, with the Assessors for t'ais Dis trict, for the purpose of collecting the listed Taxes, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and .Monday, the 1st. 2d. 3d and 61 h of OCTOBER'. 18G3 At David McNeill’e on Tuesday the 6th, At Mary’s Garden on Wednesday the 7th. At Malcom McMillan’s on Thursday the 8th, At B. Culbreth’s on Friday the 9th, At H. McNeill’s Ton Saturday the 10th, At Duncan Shaw’s on Monday the 12tb, At Potor Monroe’s on Tuesday the 18th, At Daniel McKinnon’s on Thursday t^e 15th. At the same times and places, 1 will receive rbe Tax es due from Auctioneers, Apothecaries, Butchers. Ba kers, Commission Merchants, Cattle Brokers, Distillers, Pedlars, Photographers, Retail Dealers. Retail Dealers in Liquors, Wholesale Dealers, Wholesale Dealers in Liquors. . All persons intorr ■•♦ed are herebv notified that th» above Taxes must be paid wi*hin the time limited by law, otherwise tbe heavy penalties imposed will be en forced without regard to persons or property. B. W. HARDIE, Dist. Collector for Cumberland. The Assessors for Cumberland County will attend at the aboTe named places, with the District Collector, tor the purpose of assessing the Tax in kind on Wheat. Oats, Rye, Irish Potatoes, cured Hay and Fodder. Wool, &c. Persons interested are reque*'!ed to meet us as above, with statements of their matured crops, amounts pro duced, &o. S. T. HAWLEY, I A. M. CAMPBELL, AB8«eMrs for Cuaoibailand Sag*. 16, last. «|U Urcfk Fire.—In recent Northern aooounts of the siege ol Charleston, we find frequent mention made ol throwing shells into the city charged with the destructive and abominable c«mpo1ind called “Greek Fire.” It is doubtless an imitation of this famou.s composition, the receipt of which has been lost to mankind for hundreds of years. Scientific men of modern times are by no means agreed as to the ingredients used in the manufac ture of this u'ikl tire, and while some announce one thing arfd some another, as forming a con stituent part, all are at a loss to form a grand ag gregate, and are left to conjecture: Wild Fire, or Gfeek’s lire as it is called, was the invention of u Syrian engineer named Calla- nicM.'^, who first applied it in the «oa fight nder Constantine, a :a:nst the Saracens, in the Helles pont, and with such effect that he burnt tho whole fleet, in which were thirty thousand men. It ia a kind of artificial or factitious fire, which burns under water, and that, it ia said, with a greater 5 violence than out of it. Its composition is sup posed to be of sulphur, naptha, gum and bitumen, and is only extinguishable by vinegar, mixed with sand and urine, or by covering it with rawhides. Its motion or tendency is said to be contrary tJ that of natural fire, always following the direction in which it is thrown, whether downwards, sideways or otherwise. For the annoyance of the enemy the Greeks employed it with equal effect by sea and land, in batteries or in sieges. It was either pour ed from the ramparts in large boilers, or launched in red hot balls of iron, or darted in arrows or javelins, twisted round with flax and tow which ‘had deeply imbibed the intlaxable oil; sometimes it was deposited in fire shins and was most com monly tlowi> through long tubes of copper, which were placed on the bow of a galley, and fanci fully shaped into the mouths of savage and hide ous monsters that seemed to vomit streams ot liquid and consuming fire. Subsequently to the year 000, about which time it was first used, it was oa divers occa,sions applied with signal ad vantage; and what is remarkable is, that the Greeks were so happy as to keep the secret qf the composition ta themselves, though their galleys and artillery were sometimes loaned to the Ro mans. Up to the year 9G0, no other nation knew the secret. Kven at the end of tbe llth century, t'iiO Pisans, to whom every science and every art were familiar; suffered the effects without under standing the secret of the Greek fire. A Happy Illustration.—In a group in front of a well known hotel a few days ago, a gentleman who has been a zealous and prominent laborer in the Southern cause, remarked: “Having seen the horrors of this war, when it is ended I will be for hanging the first man that ever counsels re volution again.” “Then why don’t you submit to the abolition despotasm?” gruffly queried an impulsive patriot. “Never, bo help me God!” was the emphatic rejoinder. “Strange inconsistency!” commented one of his hearers. “Not at all,” said Col. B—, a gebtleman whose patriotism and whose eloquence are both of re cord. “lie is not more inconsistent than a wo man in her first travail, who in the hour of her agony denoxinces and renounces all mankind, but who, after she has kissed the beautiful lips of the smiling cherub which cost her so much.pain, would endure a thousand times more, rather than be separated from it.” ' In the convulsive throes of this revolution— wJiich will surely end ia a happy deliverance— many petulant expressions escape the iips ot true men which should be kindly consigned to obli vion.—Atlanta Ke(jister. The Sfcret of Hnppiness.—The most common error of men atid women, is that of looking for happiness somewhere outside of useful work. It has never yet been found when thus sought; and never will bo, while the world stands; and tha sooner this truth is learned the better for every one. If you doubt th« proposition, glance around among your friends and acquaintances, and select those who appear to have the most enjoyment in life. Are they the idlers, and pleasure-seekers, or the earnest workers':' We know what your answer will be. Of all the miserable human beings it has been our fortune, or mi.sfortune, to know, they were- the njst wretched who had retired from useful employments, in order to enjoy themselves. Why the slave at his enforced labor, or theJiungry toil er for bread, was supremely happy in comparison. Earnestly would we press upon young minds the truth we have stated. It lie.s ai the founda tion of all well-dwing and well being. It gives trantjuility and pleasure to the youth just stepping across-the threshold ot rational life, as well as to the man whose years are beginning tO rest upon his stooping shoulders. Be over engaged in use ful work, if you would be happy This is a great secret. W (.CRATES! liiRATES!! E are now prepared tD make GR.AIES for burning Bituminous Coal or Coke. [I'hese Grites are so made that they will fit any fire place. D. ANDEI15ON & CO. Sept. 19, 1863. 65-2w l*re>«ident and Directors^ Office,) Laurinruro, Sept. 15, l8G.‘i. ) ■ciVv ^pHK ANNU\L MEETING of the Stookholders of the 1. Wilmington, t'harloite A Rutherford Rail Road Com pany will be held in the Town of Rockingham, on Wed nesday, 21et October 78t*S. JAMES I. McCALLUM, Seo’y. •Sept. 19. 86-tm • Real Estate at Auction. WILL he Slid, at the Market House, at 12 o'clock on Friday t.)ct. IGih, 1863, to close a Deed of Trust, the STORE on GMiespie Street, occupied by Love & Overbaugb. The house is in good repair, and well lo cated for retail tr*de. JOHN MURPHY. W. DRCUGHON, Trustee. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct’r. Sept. 21, 1868. 06t* Tiie Star Foundry IS again in full operation. Having in my employment competent workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the shortest notice and for a reasonable charge. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Aug.«18, 1863. • Palma Christi Reans. The SQbseriber will pay the highest cash priees for any quantity of Palma Chriati Beana. _ ' w* WOmXS* , fafvUavlBi^ Oc*. •-