U.r : 't* !•■ :■,.' »se : i,. SHH ,. oe, .1.,^ «>1 ■etji »i'a,: ;r stay ut tL.- Ui HO "'•= -hUr^d ‘I tlUi,; r '•■4«tir- •sh:... .^elive^ >" ta- iOdii :, i f- tl lu cult' L* pl\ ule^ Ijr Jll : i«r *jt Janu i; u-.,d K*;r • tn I, •■X ujer » ^ict. i’ » OllJ ? r U.01HV ch : -ve*. rt ;k« v ,hje ‘9 e>Uiuan et liis.i.'T -t.!iient us h. - eiB prt- > 2in*i Oil jaoh tlO b.t > . e j ^ha ; bft lUll ... . ...ia ^Jjg naeut iuiu two {•Met ijUiirief. iclcp p^. I foj ariuj , aim tuf agouu of tho ehHll 10 trutu ctisli tU« aaij trum tke bs filed a# 4 duttlm^ liij hLuii be lUr- auditor ««w nt as a charg# ter reowiving ^-p«yor 1 h« ii btituij l=raic stci- eLiii ba ciwh piacuci u) auie shww- :-ai uuiirgiJa- rcii iw »fie u;*- .heir rfjcipr*. kls«i I"'to &• ceiviii^ ft'ua nt ot Ui,.> ui f rej.ur. wr ihg r of nr m»j he pw*t ne tax ’o Kiud I hiui S’! \i’tire- tax ja.le^iior M w:.; :^ut ai- ;eipt f;-r^tor, iX col r *0 vah'~ ijt' it %u'. }>f\rtiid I •iidor««4 «B SMQit T* ^9 d tU« r >i itx .;; %- i. V* L ~ >« e «f ihe i fi0i m ;y tiie '*!• tLe\ y b' »jjubi« 64 UU'i i"' aMoJl Jiy p.ea^rib*. at oout lU 3u ■ eiU -.r U’P fed ■ . uauner ae b« Uuh r .lfc aliiiii Co .e‘.ertkt« ;Ury v>l Wi*r tLctl ;l W«Uid r u>. :.ii€ as- ;u be ’ .'ccived th(e 2i:crcU' ^ulleui iQ e ol'' ad arli- »t ru i'li.red 1a ■;.c Mr«t -.r.d b« fw di- liu uu rear. caLi'- UQ i id L.. spe.- 4S u.u'i 'jltfl- ill L.' Ii-i.ftr- ih 0 '.lia i'-iOi. und the ih • ; • chief -liite- ■ t&z l!ec: n«D'-- ryai ball ; 'lUt';, jr ;... rict' ;f th« tax paid i 2Com- aJ.jro- . cctur ustct. ^-uar- Jcutvr ■ r ad tactj "r lue- r ruMidin;.' ia ^ry rccttivai ffitior ot aar iuiui.' ot jifl bw rwiuir«d of the laoo- inder their ^reun. rarj persya ixet her«ia r all taxea »r pi jperty rol. spitalri, awya ts ahull bo jioQd of tbiJ urj 'i^:. uud ruldh »nd of thia uetj j«ars aA«r d tho taxai I hall b« ie- il’tur Id th« ud ?or th# t shill be aval Hiure«, a^'ricttita- [■ prtfecd- ■•«jcuua ut tuiy t*r tkk« XIII. r ! EVILI.e, N. C., OCTOBER 5, I’PlNTK’i* MONDAYS .sN'l> TJIiniSK.W: i:i)UARD J. IIKIK Si SONS. K1 l i'DHS AXl> I’ROl'Rir.Tras UST OF ri5All«J:S FOIl PASSE\(iERS. I'u'e for ilii "Semi-Woekly Obskrvkr $il 0;», j,aM in advance. ‘ilinv.iu, p:ihl a>o\v.\. Kt'oiii F.ivi'ttrvilli! ‘0 1 iaiiJtftiju. ' •* •• Kiizabeth. “ White M ill, ■ K-'lly’!'(’.»ve, ‘ All poin.s below, t^KfOND CLASS, Hit urCK.. ' r. I. r’!y*U^vilU t>. oD, .fl 'i 00 7 £>0 y 7i j« 50 15 00 Mouiit Veruon Teraale Sesi'aary, •At Mf. Tenion MImjral Springs, (Uathatn Coiuity. 1st Session to commenc'^ ?.8th iJopt. T1;RM8: TKE caroliiwa niiTVki uFsc i^simixci: iOMPiNi, FA IK «R4IU:VI>« FOR RF.^T, AT AUCTION. N S'” Fr.'ni Wiluninij SeoonJ (’K-i lowpr deck cr f f. Of 7 50 :i'i Oi> t; 7o 8 7 5 12 «>> lu I'.t f.T oO •1 »; Of) 7/r,o For th« Wpeiily Ob>kbvkr £4 (>0 por Ailvauoe. Sg&“Al)VKRT1.9KMF,NTS iue.Tle.l for S-» por ^ -i.are of 16 lines for ilu* first, uni oric for eaoh «ufl- c«'cdinp pubUcrttion. .\ lv'»rtiseniPtif« not pipi'o'linjt a hiilf square (eiftht lim ,) ^1 for ihr fir-^l an>l 50 cents for fiaih •ucoeoilin? pnhlicAiiou ViWertl'ier'^ are re- j queste'l te state the niim^or of in«ertiori'’ li'!iro(l, or [ the? will be oontinue'l till forhirl. Hini charije'J accord- j I ugly I Adverti.^enifpts contiuticd insidr, charged as new ad- ! ▼eriisemenra. Sl’KClAL NOTK’K. From an ; . ter this; tlafe, no name of a now siib^cribor will b« entereil without piyinent in advance, nor will th«'papcr be s»?ut lo such t^ubsc;'ibcr> for a loiiper^iwe ttian is paid for. ! Such of our old sul>:^ribcra as de>ire to take (he pa- | per on this «iy?tetu will please n iiy u- when making j rei-.iittance^. Jan’y 1, l!.')h. j llV7f. ^IfcJL. •TlfA'.f 1% Attorney at Law, Fayettevim.e, N C. II.L »tte«d the County fttd Superior Courts I'&’oiK nii«i thfin ilftt? ih« StfiiHier .\. P HURT will yL-U.-L .tte.d the Cot.Btv ai-d Snpenor Loarts or ^ VT CnaWlani.- Harn-tt. Moor. .ud K.Ves.u Coun- . J lia. Pr#ir,,t alten.ion given to :be colWtiou nf all Aprub -l.tf] A* t K Stea- Boat Co. 5S-if WE?^TKk.\ R.lll. R0.4ld7 ' I'^IIK Triiins «f thi' Uo>id leave Fayetteville daily, -* exoepiei) r.t 8 o’'lock, A. M., and re- iiUHinj lesve M.-lver'n ai 1 oVlocK. P M KHz*betb, ^ “ \V>jii(')an. 1 *• “ Ki l!y’s '’ove.' •' • *• \:1 l.fl'iw, t P. Frm;i 'V In ii to F-k»-'t.*vill.>, K'-'il'.-e. •> Whv.- Ff-.l . •‘ •• “ KHz-.>1(1 h, ■•1 rv'^j ii'4\l, “ •* All ;oin‘i» above, SKrt).\l> -1.(Ml DVOK. F.iooiteville,' K-•!!v'* Covr, \V;,.te K-iH. .\'l poi'its abcvo, or Deck Passeugnri must stay on il pri -.e. or ^l ue as First Cla.s« ajr .\n eitr^ c!.:irie will bi? i»i;vde for Way l*asH?n- i^ers luto U»rtli>* -Jurini; day time, ami for occu pying a Uc%r(li wiib their bcutn or shoes on, at the discretion af the C''.p:aii J. \ NV(»HT11. for C. F St’ni B’t Co. R M >R51E’,L, fi*r St’rs Kata and SBu. T. .S l.UTTE.*^LOH. May 4. ISSf 2G-tf ll'gh^r Kt'g Brhurjh's i)vr .■•esiiji 'n of-’i' .'ukiemic.'l.i*. T*r)marv Clas^ Mii-ir “Tid I'sis'invt, each. I-vi:i. Kr»-ach snl yrawii'?. Sc“-0«;1 i‘..i>oni t'xn^turs, ■ ?-v WM. MOOI'CK, T ■ ho ''[m:h, ! pupils loav b ’ add’ -* / T C ?'0 C-& ■ tH' U u:} ^i> t'C l u r,v •.'•'I) (•' 1 (-l‘ ..I- iv»t r-1 s I I*rinpir>'l‘>. i ■*? ‘d ;o in'‘ TOW ;b the tenth year of successful aperatian, with ' Ti'Mr-:d .y the 8th ()ciob^ r, 1 »• hall rent at .^uolioo, growing capita aail firmer kvld u^*a puWHc coa- | F.\IK GUOLNpS and all th-’ im- fideRce, co*fi«ues t« iasure tho lives of all kealthy per- t’oereoa There i* an exoellont Dwell- !«ou3 from 11 t« (jS ye.ars of ate f*r •»« year, far sevea j >«* st ibles, kitck^'u. sm jk«hou».> b-iru, exhibition y*-S»-s,auUforlife-aillife wMiberssliariaria the)»r«fita. i r-iC’J’S Ai •« other hiiildiugs, an labofft ten acres of All f-Uves from lt» t* litj^ears of are are iasured fer * L 'NU for oultivati/'n. on tho OU‘3 year er for five y«ar>» fer twe ikiris tkeir value. • ' Nov‘ ..Mr. For further intoirnation iiiquire. of ih All losucs ^ra puactually paid withi* 99 daya after ku:i-f>i.;.-,'y prrtof is preseateJ. ! Fdr furihor iuforiaatioa the pukl'"' la referred to j “Opi ‘t’p.nM of rlq.. Corapauy ia ail parts c ^he State, aad tx K H. ?iVTTi.K. ^^ec^etary, Raleigh. Pr*u’t, Mr. K'tndal Mul»llni^l, or JOHN 2o. 11. COOK, Auct’r 1-7-81 .•’v l«;5s E. J. HALE, Ageut at Fayetteville, N. C. OF !li« hifh Ri'!j;v. t.»-le*- will bo opt-n^d of Mt T^ii* .Scho'-l w. beiuK n ■ ■ d f ' 'D ll■•^^ict, S C , lui sa'he'-laod. on .M ■'!» Li;hr>. r.i.*!!' ii 'v'liv ■tr '■•■s’: f.iS). H,; a- M t r'p -i , 11.« '■-’Ifltl’j’b ij-^'-vi liort 14.- VKTTK VII. e 5niTlAL I^SrilA\CK C«MPA\T. I Tur|9i‘9ttiiic Stiil and Worm I ' FOR 8all:. ONE Turri*»ntme Sii'.l of fi.Mi'cn barrels capaoity and Worm, nearly rew for « ply to liept. 28. 18C3. Heavy copper JOHN H. COOK 40 St )I)8t. S -. i ■ tlioT ;i'. tS ■ iU- eriicc and rn. r-’ tnna of the »urrr?u*idin;: '»Dci fy: .tu l as ‘ t3 the Pri!!cip‘il nuthic;; ne d be 'iS nn encimium ' upon hi'* unal'ficiti '-is i> xn e{?ic;«i>' iu.finuM 'r ^ad 1 oorrtci vliHO\p'irari«n --;\nd passe*4i\,p 'roin unay vfArs i 'if experi.'ii^'-, a veide Bprea4 repu a*’- m > s xno of the ' very be't ot T.v-cheri. I i c'!” *;ad at $-0 ['fr -ja'iU,h and Tuitinn at i $ltj, $20 »nd 5 'i Tr •ei^ion, if ti«e la 'nthj .AdJfoja : M McUM'i. Soc’y, ! Molniiis’s Ucidgfl P. O , MariAp. li'striot, S. C. Capital in Premiuin Notes am«uat« to Cash en haod aai ^ther as'-ets. $287,681 I 5,077 85 ! Sept. 10, •iX Iro tlEO, W. WILLIAMS t CO.. M'liolrioir Uralrrs in 4>ro'eries. AND IMPORTER.S ANP WEALKUS IN hardware aud ('utlery, Swedes lr*u, HAT STKKKT, Fi\KTtKTILLK. N. July 2. 1X01. SOtf J OJ!^. UT ilTe y, Ovocev and ^fterc/itint, r AYETT'EVlLL^; N. 0. Jau’y 10, 1S(>3. »>3-tf ~T. €. i b! €^\%^RTH, t'ommissien and Forwardiiig Merchant.s ♦ WILMINGTON, N. C Jan’y 28, 18G1 * 84tf CARO! A FEW L.\DIES can be accoraraodated with board at the Seminary. 4 LA A Mn A Tea*’lit*I* LADY w*)o c Hi teach sic. ic. t > ; ‘ \ili iiv > W:»iilrd. 'i f,- . ; t»U! V s Elu4b>>t)itc WG. .‘^rpt. y. A St nooi. -vTKir l)-5 '.'t 4’ n««v, oti'Q and T. C. HOOPER. 06 S;ft 12. “loiJ.'^ON, WILLIAMS & CO.. sAi/r ib \ki:rs. VUE have tLinr i8'.»i pan?* now in operatiea nine miles Tf cas: of Wilmington Parties v.-is'aiag to ijuppiy themy*'lvc! wiih salt, can be furai.-^he 1 by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, lo E Page, inanagar the works, or to J, .M. williams. General Superinttniient Fayetteville, N'ov. 20, 1802. 81tf WA>TEI1. O BI-’SHEL.S WHEAT, 4,0UU 1,500 CORN. Per8onM haviag the above articles to will receive the oigkest Cash price by cal'iiog on Mr. Thoinaioa. EU ike Merchant Mills. Fayetteville, or i>u the subscri- Uer at hie old stand ea Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Nev. 5. 1862. 76tf ARTIV HAR^IK^S. I AM prej'ireJ to nianui'acture all kin-in of Wagen Harm-j8 :or Aray u«e. 1 tan nij Ic^ilier -iud can give g ji.’'! V.»tgaiu.-i. .Vpeutx ^ill do w^ll to stud tbeir oriern to me a.s they -^Viall have pronip: aticntioB. and neat uff in t^uick di^j atch. JOiiN C.VRTFR Goldstoii P u . Choiiiam Co.. N. ('., •lune 13. 18t»2 Frr,„ht rramMONUW, WEDNEriDAVaud FllIUAY. By order of the l*reiident ^ JNO. M ROSt, Treas'r an'f .Act’g Trans. .\g’t. Jan. 22. 18US «7tf .A'»»iii:¥EL!.t:, i\ WILL open she E.iGLE HtJTEL for the r»*- ception of G ii'Si* the fir«t of June, aad 1 iiope to be able ts eBtertain frsai seveuty-live to a hundred pemnnJ during the Suamvr. In connection with ttiis large Het^, I have a uuBiber i of Hack>:, (,'arriagpd, Kuggies aad .''.uldle Werses that ! tny guest's can get m a miautp’s ontice. I J. M. BLAIR. I Proprietor Eagla Motel, -Asheville, N (’. May I 13o3. 3l-ypd FayettevillOi Sept. 2d, 1863. ^OTICE is hereby given, taat a Depot is now op?n at this plao?. for the reception af the TAXES iiakin-J) duf undiT \c of the t'ou'>d>ratc Coneress. approved Avril 24. 1?0:^ Fi'-mers ac I Pl iniers havinu articl's ready for de- I livery, cu.n lorwiri ;o this l»’pot at unc*. Receiptf? I will be |fiv»u suhj-'Ct .0 endorseia-^nt on ihe Aeaessar’a e»f’snat“a wh^n mu. te 1 Th-./ !.e'a;: c?n:r'.t’ an 1 couveni;ut f>>r di^tri butiou, ii i.~ i-sir'vl as far j.raoticable shat tax pay- I ers Khould deliver i> 'ir viajta >.f luxes at this bepot Li(>eraJ compeuitu ia will b« made to peraaas Ucliver 1 inc articl’8 at a d'jiaace of ov?r eifht miles ' Ofii''? at the s^ore formerly occ'ip'e-J *'V Stvirr ^ Wil- ; li%m- J. M WILLIAMS, 00-1 lu] ,Vg( nt for Cuinberlaad county. OF the hig>:et. ordar urfdar tha suparviaton ot Mia LU' V A. .M«F.\K- LAND, at Oak ind Aeadetuy, three wilo kel->w Floral College Ttiii ackoal enibracea m»ny aWant»e»a in its Leabhfulneas »a wall as tho intelligekt aad ihjrvl tone of the surrourding countrv Pupils a.^IMiU*d at $T9, S12 aiid $14 p?r quarter of three wonths, charged from tioj.' of entrance; no deductiou made fer absancs i-nly in casa of tiickn'ss proir*c:ed one saon.’h or more. A few >*oarder'». “•lall Woys or girl.s. will be taken at $20 per Mohtk A(i ire-^s Qil»»polia, N C Total, S272,7tt5 «1 ; T!ie Company have p»i4 all losses promptly, aod ' h»vp Dev.'r luade aa assessineiit on their preaiiuK nete«. 1 ‘n;il lo8.ies paid, f29.t>82 CV j OpnoKas: - | McNeill, Presideat. R,AT, Vice PrcdldcMt. McMILLAN, iao’j. DitacTeaa; W. N. TiUinghast, 8. J. Siaadale, MoLauria, T. J. LuMerloh, A W. Steel, J. >3. Caek, Mob. j a. SkepUerd, R F. Srowu. ) . A. S. Hall. nil Callias and C. iT. MeCruaiiaea, TraTeliag Ageats f^l'The C'^ai^aay imvita a^|>UeakioBa. V*ay li>yl )J1- IVOTICE. WESTERN RML ROAD OFFICE, Fayetteville. N C . Sept 2(). 18«8 ON and after Tii^sdav the 20th in«»., the foHowiup rate* of Passengar Faae will bo charged, viz: B, A. C A Henry Lilly, H. L. MyVover, 8. T. Hawley, Natkau iitjdiaan. C. B. Maileit. JaBif» Ityi*, A. MeKotkan. J. D. ^illiaini, rf. W iihiDgkaxr FIRST CLASS i T-o Little Rjver I To i^poat flprug To Swann’s ^ To Jnaeabaro’ I To Egrpt i By order, Sept 28 HKOOHU CLASS. 51 00 T J Little River , 75 1 f)0 To Spout Spring 1 00 2 00 T» Swann’s 1 25 2 50 To Jenesbori’ 1 SO i 00 To Egypt 2 00 JOIN M ROSE, iSao’jr aad Treas’r W. R. R Co. C7-St Tax .Ifotice. E. W1LKI>0N. Poc'v Se?t. 22. l^a:} *7:^p^ A 4ii:.TI! The Xew stylf, Saall, (OLOREB PfidmitlPiS, AT VaMor'^deirs Ciztliery. k %VA.\ri:i>. LADY of oiperience to iB'S'mct in the prinjary de- ■ pa'-tment of the Richtnond Acadeoiy sn 1 rnkc? charge | of a,ama!l Mii->ia I'lats In order io?\v liiae spp ican's will vl-a8« eucloBO [ t'atimon'alo wii'i tiie'rat'flication-. Addreas im'ii' iiute'y ' .ION \ »•». DM.LY, i Rockingha'u, K ol‘‘? Co , N i Sept. 15 'W (? ART. Woedward'K Camera. Spuii I'otiou £\chai:gfd l«r 4.ard. IITE wi’.i give .Spun • oi'on ia wnri pM>ia'rtir tor L..\RD If Jeli»'-iv I a: ctir oi'on la (>Hri pM,t f-'aciofV 1’ ■: .* 'B '' a! MoLAb'. iil.lS & CO I. VRI> Oil. Factnrv. iry fine ariicia,.T\ r '»t our A. McLAl’CHLlN .v ('> I" taei 34tf ^OO Ib^s. liJuin Arabic for xalo by J. R LEE. tiOtf Oct. Ic. sAi/n lor bale by HA S/m Rr)CJ'Rr MIT .IFLl- kk tl' TOBACCO. WANTED, for the Hospital at Fort Fialier. OULTRV, t'hick. n- tJu'tcr and oihrr d’’l:ca*ie« f>r ttie 8ick S>i'diera at this Hospital. Persons having ece ariicle^i can obtain itae Tuarket priow on applica tion 10 lae sub‘ii'riber at his oKi siantl or at Mr. John (’ulhreth’f ^it tha fo"' 'f Hay \Ijunt. K. E. HEIDE, (Jen’l Ag’t. ALSO. Wanted for the above Pos\ 200.0i*0 lbs. HAY. R. E. HEIDE. Oen’l Ag’\ Aug. 2*. 53-tf Ah UMsial (lie Blockade \1TILL comr^el us to do wh.at we skouli ha»e done be- VV f«re ibis, wait upon yourself aad cut loeae froia tke tar-niy. The pr^ypr'etor-. n iviag a'arted ths maniifao- turirj ef all kini^i i>f BOBSINS for F»Claries ia tha Seutbera States, w ’’ be ab’. to till ord»r« at ahort notice, ^orli ddr.-erei ia Fayetteville, N C AiJr--. D L. KirETT, M lucb'--i ■ r, Cumbrrl*-d. N C. June 9, lJ‘6o. oo»pd Tlic Cedar Falff* bin C'j arf- now pr^p^rod ts furnish, at >h !ri ii.j.’ic?, a’.l 'i-'.vj-i o BtlRBlNS. QU1LL:>, S.C , suifiSlo t--r Woolen and J. XI. U&ELL. At^ent. V C Jii’r, ^ f‘"-r.d PH0T96R.\PHS caa be had at Vaaeradell’a SkjUght gallery. Hay atrect. opposite Marble Tard, Fay- eitaville, N. C.: plaia, retuuaked, aalared, in watar Cblorb, oil aad pastile; frem umall to life size. Aiabro- lypss, Melaucotypea, aad all etker atyles of Pieturaa portaiai ig tu tae Alsa, €Hlt Franes, 0ilt Mould- iag. G\ /i for very large pieturea—as larga as 26 ky 36 iackas. Card and Tas*els for kanging pictures; laatra- lacuts. Stock aud Cheuiaala for lale law far caak. LA size colorod Pkot«grapk§ Bade froM aaiall pictures. tiaviag permanently located kere I kopa ta Bccit your patronage. 1 would also return my aimeere tkamka for ’.ha liberal p&iraiiage baatowad aa m* karatafara kj the good people of Fayettevule and vioiaity. C. M. VAlfORS»»LL, Pho'ocrapkiiK and Proyxaetor D»»e'r ‘JO . 77 ''PHK Ass»!-sors' List for Moore Ccuatj will reraain 1 open for examiuatioa at the Ceiinty Court Clerk’s ofiice iB0anfa4ge, ».iid tae List for Maaigomery at the County C’iiirt Clerk’s ufiae ii» Trwy, for ftftaen days from the date beraof During which tim* all appeals mu«t be made in writing (o tba uaderaigaei 1 will attend at Troy t>n the ath aad Cfh Oat., keiag .Monday and Tue?- j day ef C/urt waak, te hear an-1 determiae appeala, &c Special atientioti is called to seciioa 5. article 3. 4 aad 14, of^ the Tax Aet, relative to dealera ia liquors aad tobacco; all parsons liable as such, -who have :. >t regiatered may yet do so within the time above allo t i for hearing and decidiag appeala; after that time me panaltiei of ibe law will be Btrictly enfercad It ia tke duty and ike interest af all hoaest tax pay ers to aid i;-( tke due adiaiaiatration of this law, that each one aay bear his just proportien of t’ e b’l-deas thereof and no more; and to that end infuriu-.tioa is invited in regard to delioq’ieneies wherev-.-r aad uf whatever kind existiag. ALEX’R KELLY, Dist Collector • for Moore aud jmery Carthage, Sept. 17, 1S63. ^ t>7-3i Tj»o DRY WHICH I wish to exchange for LI' \THER, for the whole or part—S^le and Upper. T.^iis will suit every one. Y»u can address me at Fayetteville. I^. C. Sept 28, 1868. MOTICE M. FAULK. 67-Gtpd 1 QA V1R01NI.\ ToB.^CCO. various grades. X^U fur sal-! on consignment, by M-iy 23 GLO. W. WlLLI.'v.MS *l CO. 3ltf Holt* Leather wauled. OrW li 1 L-liS. >l iicavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THB ^UUU suitable for Belting. Ap>>ly to D. MURPHY. Fare';«/- 1“.. vt 1 II. 2t^:f SPOOLS and Coti.m M.Uk C- ’ar R, Adiiiiiii*«(rator'«>» Aotice. The eubrcrii)er having ai Dirccaber Terra, l!^02, of the ('ounty Court ‘.f Cutnbtrlaud, qu*litjed as .\d- ministraiur upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all per.-t us ha-viug clfums against tii^* Ediate to present thciu within the time limited by law, otherwise tliis crtice will be ple-.icled in'^>ar of recovery. Debtor:-) arc re,ufe6ted to make jirompt pn.ymenr,. HErToR* MrNKir.L Adrri'r T>-‘ K. ■ ^JY COW COW I.OHT. is ( u E*^t side of f’ape F-ai’, “'.lartwhere op posite to C>tiupb.'rtoii. tieme drivf'j in:o the river by boys and c^iw't find her way back. .S^.» is 'atrkel wiln crop in e^ich cir. ha-" a b-!’. cm. wait? in :ier t;ioe, white oti tjack ariji belly, red -m neck and sidoa Who ever will t.-ke he; up 'ind U-t nir^ kn -w ii. or hnnsi her up to ni'* (Ii la»nou, w'll be lib'^raliy rewarded. Tuc sai l cow was bought in ttie iippi*r part of Bladen cenntj aii ' iu.ty prnSahly tind her w>»y >ack to that c.''Diitv JNi>. A WATSi)N ,*ti- ” ;/)».' 40 pill'. OIL AND 1A.MP BL.\Ci(. TANNERS' and LUi’.UlC.VTlNQ OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOa. R. BLOSSO.M & CO., WilminrtoH, N. C Marc>? 7. « To €Jottoii Piaaiters. IH.WE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief .Aclmii f->r tne {■•ircti^«c of Cotton for th« Contederite Q iv^-iain-.nt wiihiu the State of N»vth Car«- lina. aud wiii p*_ f ir ■ le Siin; iu 7 per cent Bonds or Caeb. Sub-A^'-'nts visiting t’ae d'ffer;'nt part.^ of ice State, buyincr iu ny ntme, will hive wr.mn certiSsates o? apjiji’itfu-ut. By ord of triu Secrei.iry of the Tre.asiiry, all ^^Jitoa purchas.'J by m.s-'.h' or ray ngoQts, oa and ati^-r thu 18ih iy i: .M^rcn 1803, w.'l t>e paid fjr lu 1 per ccut. Bondf i>r aud not 8 pai- ceut Boaii as' stated tn a former a‘lviriisec;oni I'p t » rb it tiui-, tiowaver, tiie 8 per ucsui, oouds wili -.e rui ,i:j.'jei as st^viyd. ' Patriotic citizens are now utfere 1 lu jppinuaity to nid thv! 'i.ivr!'.’i>’.aaut hy to it lacir Cut ion ratUer i aari t'» pri*-Al-^ c vpii aii ita. LEWIS .1. WILLIAMS. Cn:.rb ri >. M’-rc-j 24. If'-i-'t. [o h ] *t4tf «%ll A'^U rUll.i::T HO\i». -For sale *t our Factory A 'vliL.AL'uHLlN it CO. Fayetteville. Sept 12, ll^Ow. C'-?-6iap'I Fajett«Tille Artti'nal »mJ .irmory, \ KlTtTTBVH,LB, N. C , Juue l«>is j WAATFO. ONE Hi NDRED DOLLARS l.i'UNTV. II .'.V' -'' reccired a-itiiori:y froia tr^e Sr:-t:jry .f ll Wai to increase tLa sireagth of ih. prr»eui Corps at thi \i>eiial. the aa'iaraigaod will euhat one hun dred (100/ ri-in C9tiscnp'x for that p'.irj'i-: .- I'tcee S'Ui- ject to eauacnp: ion ntfd not apply Transfers ,^0.4 fixoianjee of men aow in a''rvi(.-e can not be made. M.\TTHEW P. TAYLOPi., Capt. C. S. .\. Jyne 8. 83tf FOR HALF. .\>’RES of L.\ND with e'-^'i and »-s- ce'.lcm water j' -e iir- a'i>l ii!;>. 'r is p;'«e, oak and hiokury, swnmp is gum, jijplar aai jituipcr. Si!U:ktci :a ^ko h :ad ef F.iiis's Crceii iniiiaira cjuaty, b miles East of the C'ape Fear River Atiy me wishing to parcha.^o can apply to th iia!>»;riber cr !l. P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at EUzaheili, D'aJaa ccun'y, w jo -will I'.ko pleasure in showiuz the premiie*. J. N. Me’ )LL. Sept .i, lH6o. *>1 l‘*'p-^ W4ATFI5, I WISH t.i b'r b ’ tlir ia- or :«i- r e '»-iia-ica f tho V''ar I'lFT^ tlOOD ll\SD'' a^ciis'ant'1 lo Railv»ai work, t'j br eicplxy- 1 in cu'tii'tt a c.tu-*. t..iou.i;i l.i- Swamp in Blai“u couaty. G ud -s-ili bn pwi I snd th'- hands »i i b# vri ll 'eJ. A-'jiiy i-' ~iV a: Faye tovi^U, or tj B G W)rih »• .-V- t'- H-.irt We w m. i be w.ii n i • -jn’ra^it liie T by t'»i> ya'j. The j'>b is a inrr.* >."• will bi' w^r'ti loQliitiir aficr. JO.'. A. WORTH. Aug. 27. 58-^iw .llarble Factory* 1400 r .'i :V . '‘.V '• > T7;«i BobHS AbaVK C. T. HAIGS & seMS vilJe, 4',. CDEfi. .^^OTSCE. ^nHE UNDERSIGNED, bath having entered tha laill- X tary service of the Confederate States of .Amerioa, hereby give notice to taeir old eustomers and frieads, that they huve appointed John D. Starr aad Joiin ©. Williatas. «f this place, their attorneys to collect either separattUj or conj.jintly all moneys due them eithar by ace 'Uat or note, r.ri^ otherwise :o atieud to their bu- uiness "en.ra ly d.irmg tkeir absence. They respect fully a.-k all pcr-^ons iudabtad to '...uia to eall .as prompt ly ai t - ••'iVili »'-i ft .-ir a^jKt.-. r,uv-', make pavmeat. A WILLTA\f8. SiTi. 1Vl CoStoii Yam OTIOl'l is Hereby given tt; Baniv Not: Virfrsa.!'. > .^Is,, Iii rth AL-j, Notiii March 9 WAATifc:i>, «S of N.irth Carolina, Sjuth Curolina, I'i ^Jeorgia. : .roliua S1.S pi't Cwjat. Fuaiable Notes. ']-tr«.liua six pcrr ceat. Bosdo, new ihsuo. W. R. RICHARDSON k CO.. Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. 9t.f , HA'i/r—HAi/r. i)ERSON8 wishing to purchase a good article, will find it lo their advamtage to call at tie firm of EASTERS & CO., at Little River. S. C., woere they k.-iip on band a larj^ supply which they will sell at low figures. There is also fine facilities for gettiog the Sal; up to the Kailraai by tlals. GASTLUS (;o., Little RiVer, S, C. 5-V IJJtp,' w Auff. 5. Briss^ ill your Caiie. TE have at w >rk th’ ve.y superior Iron Roller Sugar Cane Mill a'"! good K.ntlcs The Iron Mill prei-s>-8 out all tl«e j'lioe Iroiu the cane, the wooden rollers about on-* ^alf. Ttrms of Toll —y lantity which will make a barrel or less one-half tli"! nyn.p (ju intiliys gr .ater ene-t'uird. Persons having small crops would do well to club. An acre of good cane will yield 80 gallons or more of syrup. H. E. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. bl- . IA FOR U ATIOA WA^TFB. ~ Any information concerning Enoch E. Newton, Co. K, 38th Regiment North Carolina Troops, whothtr dead or alive, wou d be thankfully received frtvm any person He is about «ix feet hiih, bUe.k hair auJ eyci, aikH a 8-;ar -ni bis r k'uL haua and U-.g caused oy a barn. The lu.'t c^ri.aiu noftouj liiu^ tiiC compuu.y wcharg ing a battery u--ar i'tiai!C?llorsville, Virginia. Address . 1 LV a O iT. li'» for Wool. M-*r‘:r t'-'is iaie (fX3«pt a vjas:-t> wli.ire wa ’-...ve a ;r;»-.i-,ud f-.jr *V >;ol ;iOCiri- in;; to ihe t 'r-iw.-f '. i.- •. iv, r>: ■; »cne:U •n the '!ti U .f- M'.ty, which Mr .us irc a ■,» r» -ist i. > we -vi i t;iv^ 1 cuti- dlt^ of Cotiou Y.irn fgi 4 Itiv of >'/.->■>! ii iAtt»ae4, er 3 lbs. w^k^^ed an'i picked. Ta;-> cliaut s ’nad“ ai t'jfi in i.;i,ncc of Lue Uu.-ii'!.!r'na> H i, i.i ordi»r t3 laake t-.va:s ot u.iu j.'in Ui'.as^iout ’.he s^Hf. (5EO w. V/1..U1 :o. Fayetteville, Juii-j2t?, ^■^0o. lltf ll'Srypt C’oisS 'I'Hfc. nr.'li-.reisin-'d -■vere. Jti tr..* b«r Term «f lae 1 C>'i!ri-tci U t Di-«u i.;i wf N>i' . (TarfpIiMa. ap- P'.inten \l.n..c-r- of ih;> iViypt proH«rty, and eaiered ifctn ao^in'iRrrsMj* fer the pur»k#» of minioy: and st tling Co~l, ai>d p».!i' if dr i-;-s far iha sanie in any desired q'.'tniiiy. t)id-_r!» for :»«'■ i^inpuat oiia be suppli‘‘d on ebert no-lco. Tue 'I'oal fi-w I'fci*^ pro perly is un4'.*;ibt.;(;y the ;v-«i ii* thv >;'•H^^d>Ira^«» Stat^a. Applications miiy-be mada to Cnas fc MaUeil, Fe.yette- viile, N. 0-, or James Browne, Oarb’st'j.’i. S C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES KTvOWNE. F.jetteville. Jan’y 20, IHb.'i. 96tf Rl\\ D HTOA FH FOK HATiET ^PHE undersigned have tak'u the Aeenay far tho Ha’e X of -Mrte.irs W. p. _^Farrar & Co's Grind Stones, and have now on hand sizes running fr«m ■]HX2A inchos to 6 feet by 11 inohes; an-i ca-j have eut at stiart notice ,\NY SIZES wanted. Pctsoas iu want of Grind Stones will plcaee correspond with th:^ undersigned, who will till orders promp'ly and g iarante« tiu- quality of the tru .as reoresenied QEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. Fayett.f-viile, May 27, 1863, 32-tf Head«|iiarterM Home ^wuard,) ■ fcu’-i'N. (’. Militia, ' RF^VARB. I) \N \W.\Y from t;;e ij;i’ •ic.-ib-r oa the Hi of last ulti- LX :T)' f*'"' BILL, -t bci^h' mulatto, soma 17 yc|rs of He li. dT«j ■ el two Uches hi^h; hiiS a thin face and ' 'ni: rioee. -*-.id upper f'o:;i- tfotb are a little decayed; ilu c; sj/OicTi iVtien be left lie ha t on hhw oi>n';hurg p;t': s aud .“hirs; lie .als'* w':r.> a brown-Jack coat He .. r --.--c r, 14:i._.”s ir. S♦’■labuf/, N. G. w'-iaro be was r Used; iin mav try • ■> m^i? Ki» wa) back. .Anv ,infor- m'.tion coii'iorai’ir - 1 b -y t'l-iaVfi-lly received. .%ly iadr-«3 1- R •Tiin,rti i:a, N C. MARK COLE. S.-Dt. 1. 6l-9tpd B.A'>a5l FOR HALE. 1N0W otl'or for sal.- -uy place, ■•oataiuing 3.!K» acres, ^ilu.^!,^l iu '-io»r« coun‘y on K.illett’3 Crtfek, three uiilco wesf of C‘irt lag;'. At>out 75 acres of the abova ia-id-" >-r.: uii l.-ir cuiiiva-i u. Tnwrc is on tha placs a ofiHit’-riiit'U* dwfiiiag. wit)i becci -nry outnouB')^. I will al»o H«l!, »uiil ih« , iirnhu.sur il*.sir>, all Wij' this yaar’s cr ps, ftirmiag utens’.’a. itock. io , all upoT re-Bonabla ier:n«. F»>r .urilier p-irtionlar». address me at Car- ih\te, N. C. J. B. KELLY. H".i.l2 62-12t fP.AKEN up and committed to tbe Jail of Moore County, jL au tha 11th inst , h Negro WOM.VN by the name wf BETSY, ahout 85 years of -ige, of a dark browa colar, one of her frant teeth out Sha saya iha belongs to the eitate of Travia Butler of SanpsoB Cauaty, or Jamea Porter of Bladan. The awoer ia heraby notifiai to oome forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with as the law directs. J. F. U^NDKRW.OOU, Jailor. Sept. 22. 67-3ipd WA^rEi^ ~ A MILLER axperianoed in griadinf FI mi, to take charge »f the Merchant Milla ia FayeitevilU, N. C on tha'firat day of November 1863. A good rccoa.uien- datioK will ba required. It ia with graat pleaaura, now that my cirotuastauces favor, ta ooatribute ajmathing ta tha comtort aad sup port of tho neady familiaa af eur patriatia aad lalf- aacrificiof aaldiarj, that I propaaa ta (riad frea of tall tko aarn tbay may naod for their awn uso; and I appaal ta tha patriatiaaa and philanthropy of all mill owners to joia na in thia attempt ta amaliarata tko coaditian of tke poor of tha laad aad advance tha aausa of our af- liatad aouatry. Wko now will reapoad? Applioationa will bo eatortaiaol if ad iresaod to W. C. McDANlEL, 64ta N. C Rog’t, Hake’s Brigade, Karly’a Division, A. N. V. Sept. 14. 1868. FAYETTKViLLE ARSENAL ANO ARMORY,) Sept. 24, ) KFWAKB. 1'^SCAPED frjm prison oa tho morning.of tha 12th inst , J LE.MUEL BUCHvNNAN, wha waa arrcated oa the mspicion ef being a spy. II9 repr*iented bimaalf as a I Captain from Mor^A'.i’s army iu Kent'.icky. Said Bu channan is aupposr i to be a'-out Raleigh or aaar his mot'-ar’s in l.Uiath-ioi county. Ths adention ot Militi't OfHcers ofCtiat^iam, Moore. Cumb;.'rland aiid Wake, ana all go *d citizens i-' ttptciali;/ called to this man. The abovi- r-wird will dr p.*: i -f mo prisoner i» d>?iivere 1 me at tais Posi, or if coatintd lu any county jatl. .MATtHE'^ P r^iYLOR. CGtf] . Capt C. S. A , C.iiad’g Datil'n ^ Fayclleville Arseual and .irmory,! Sept. 24, lJstj3. / $30 Reward. Deserted iVoa* this i>ost, ati^r biia^ regularly en- litted in i'ue Arsanal Ba'tali.jn and p?stod as a aeu- tinel, an the7iu day S-;pt ins' , Janies W«trd, of the coumy of Ai:imano=*, N. S-tid '■'Vard is 5- feet inchiiB higti, dam bruw 1 bair. rud:j cjmplcxi^u, blu& ayes, and repreteaied rituselt' 17 old, aa i by o? cnpaiion afavmer. S \i i Warj w.s recogi.ized tne day h* dcaertad, as tiie man wiio stole a n..roe ;n .Montgomery county, and as soon as hi was rclicvrd off po^•. deserie I The attenuon of miliiia oflicors ot Alam.rtice, Moor.;, Cnafhaui and I’uiiioer and, »in.i aii goo-i Citistns is calt- .fd to this man. Tne aDove reward will be paid lo any one who will dtliv.jr hi:u ta u%e ai. thi»i post, or 516 it o nfined in nay couaty j:til. He baa bsen caen in the neiehborftood of his gran Imotner’a in Cfafham rcuary. .1 iT-l-II L-vC n 'P i V i r»R WOOI> WAA'TEB. ^nilE Subtor. - e'-i'f’i.-'t' t>t con-r«cl for'taa delivery at 1 t()eir r.rsid - ;c s ir\ Uiy iloiinl of FIFTY CORDS or WOOD, c.Sielly ^ J HALE & SON. Sept. 14. A WAATEB, YOUNG tSENTLFiM-KN who has a very good under- slauding of L.iiu, Greek and English lacguagei, fcacker. Address Q W. JONES, . ! Grange county, N. C. H2-16tpd «KUf] M.\TTHE\V P TAYLOR, Capt. 8. , Comd’g Rauallon THE FUTUl'.E STRENGTH OF THE TWO .ARMIES The New York Time.s, ut the l.'ith instant, has au articlc oJi the uccessity of the Yankee artuics “striking liercely during the next two months” for the reason that “next May, we (the Yankees) shall lose at one strwkc all the men in our army, except those who are btiny raised under the present dratt, and the lew who have Toluntarily euttirud during the.paat winter.” With Decem ber, the Tim tbe South will hava the aid ot its oltl ally the mud, “which has already twioe paralyzed our (Vankee). moTcments for mouths together at apparently critical periods of th« war. Once the winter rain set in, a.'tivc operationa will be all but impossible along tbe whole theatre el war, both in Virginia, MiHsi.ssippi and by Roae- crauK ” “We ahoult^in May be ablr. to resume operations—the .state ol the loada would not per mit it any suonei-—but by this time the large.st and most valuable portion ot the army iu the field—that which was recruited from tho very fiowor of our population, and has tierved through the whole war—would be on the ere et returning home, and we should be left with nothing better to finish our work with than the 3UU,00H compara tively raw substitutes whom we are now raising.” The “striking fiercely” which the Tines rc- eomimends has availed nothing yet, but a disas trous aud terrible di.scomliture at Chattauooga. If other attempts reault the same way, “our old ally, the mud,” will turn traitor, by taking ser vice with the yankecs- tor w« sk'all need tirm ground to pur^sue !.he’eucuiy and to push our Tic- torious arms towards and into their country But when May comes and the Yankee veterans are all mustered out of servicc, will *‘thc 3UU,000 eomparativcly raw substitutes” bo in place to supply the void valdt drjenu us, i'f which the Times speaW li we can believe another yankee authority quite as credible as the Timca, they will uot. The New York World, four days later than the Times, says, “The draft has proved a failure. Of that there can be no sort of doubt “To raise oUJ,OUO men 45U,OUU were conscripted and of thene less than 00,000 will find their way into the army, either in peraon or by proxy.” This ia a proapect equally disheartening to the eueaiy and encouraging to ourselTes. Their best, bravest and largCHt army has just been seriously beaten, and now risks entire destruction, on the line of Georgia and Teunesfcee. Their next best and largest army halts beyond the banks of the llapidan, more coLcerned lest they may be iallen on by Lee than intent on “striking fiercely.” Grant’s army has been divided up, and sent & portioa on a wild goose chase to Texas, and anoth er portion to RosecranZj where they have shared in his overthrow. It is not likely any or all of these armies will do anything iu the next two months that will seriously hurt the Confederate cause. Alter that they will be blockaded by mud and snow till May., when they go out of service-, all except the “comparatively raw substitutes,” who, the World thinks will not number 60,000 Meantime our armies, under the steady system of conscription, will be receiving all the able-bodied youth of the country a.s they roach eighteen years of age, while the organization and mobilizing of the militia of the different States will add much to the efficiency of the regular torces The number ol our troops whose term of service will expire next spring is jiot very considerable, and we shall probably surpass the enemy by that time in numbers as much as wo have always done in courage and devotion. The future is lull of hope.—Kich’ti Whiy. W7>ut t/ie are, doinj for the Slaves o f the South.—A friend scuds us the following ex tract from a letter received by a gentleman in this city trom a former resident of Savannah, now in Havana. As oQr friend remarks in his note, it is another corroboration ot the charge against the yankees, that, while atfccting to give liberty to the negro, they speculate on his condition aud return him to slavery—slavery in the West In dies, where his condition, physically-, socially and morally, is tenfold worse than that trom which he has been seduced by the lalsehood aud villainy of his pretended friends. The poor negro who has been beguiled by the scduetive promises and pre tences of ttie lying yaukee aboliiionists of the North to leave his 8 jutuern master, his home aud relatives, to fiuil iiiinselt basely betiuyed aud sold into (. uhan .slavery, 1.' indeed to be pitied, though even such a lute 1.' preierubl>' to the bitter expe riences of the liberty winch tiiey promise him. I'^veu ■d.'i a Cuban slave, his -coiidition would be better than that of the Northern tree negro, the victim ot yankee cupidity, villainy and bruUlity. The following is (he extract; “Wiiile walking over in tho city, examining the different sights, 1 was stojiped and callea by name. J.,ooking round, i ,aw a ni'gro mau, wr.h hat ort and a broad snuit' on lii-; luce. He told me he was from Savannah, that he had gone Irom there to the yan’iiw^, and wa.s after a time sent by tliem, with a good iiiany others, and sold near this place (llavana.t AskiHg 'vhat price they brought, he told me fhat he heard they were sold at from four to live ftuiulred dollars a head. H .seems that they brin- but very lew women. This boy says that ihere wa.s but one woman for about every tiltecn men.”—Sucamtuh President and Bircctors’ Office,) Laurinuuro, Sept. f5, iSOo. ) desires to obtain ^ sauaLim Oaktj P O Sept. *>. A«cr Uii>» dale 1 Wil3 l-r.y 10 Cents per pound for ra.;a, cr _ 0 e " :gb.;P» mark .'t price, deiivcirad ia Fayotievitle, or at my mills on R.jonfi»a. D. MURPHY. July as, 1868. KW Sept. 14. GEORGE NEWTON, Fayotii vi'i?, C. 63 Cfpd If THE BIXIE PRiHER, OR tt>« Little Fjlka. A fortiker supply at wholci«ale ar Ktaii by 1. J. EALK k 80^. Town 1>ist.,3i> Rfcu ...... , , Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 10, l>tw5. ) ■^OTlC.E is hcr>-bj giv-.-n, :Lat tl.O(e l3 ie-.;iar Dt. I 11 e»*ry Saturi-:;. fv.-inii;:, M M^'. t.-.-v (J- -li. a' -i o'cb'';K, P. M., c!'a*y Mi-i .>■! ’ r- -jers required to.be there sr, dr:'.. iiL -.■•ni-j wlH lc riptdly €n*’oroed upon I'lu: uo r-;. -.'“r: .Mii'i'.fll -.... Ca^^t. ■^cpt- ' 3w 'i'EHTA .U £> "us. V A'5^. ONFEDERATK Slates Bible Society I'c^tacaeatB. A Collection of Sc^bbati; School Uy tuus. Foe mU bj £. J. UAJU£ a 80^8. RAN.AW.VY from the subscriber on the 1st day of June last, his negro boy FED. Said boy was pur- obasod by the subscriber of R. C. ria.ner, Marlon I>ist. S C , on that day. at«d it is thought be maybe lurkmg in tlie neighborhood between,Hamer’s in S. C. and Jno. Thompson’s in Robeson Go . N. C. He is about six feet hiifii, will weigh 170 *»o 180 lbs, and is of plean^nt C3un!4»nRnce. Tbe !ii»07:. reward will I'C p»tid for his lodgment ia fin? jiii so i'.iit i may recover hitn, and $lt)0 more for evidt»no>^ lo e->Tivjct any peraoii cf barbaring him. B. F. HAMER Chert,w. S C., Sept. lt> (>5-4tpd The .ANNU \L VEI;T1N0 of the .litockholdars of Wiluiicglon, Charlotte -s Ru'.berford Rail Road (!otn- pany will be held in the Towa of Rjckiagbam, ou Wed nesday, 21st October 186.^. JAMES I. .McOALLU.M, Saa’y. Sept. 19. _ Real Estate at Auction. WILL be 9«ld. at the Market House, at 12 o’clock on Friday Oct. IGth, 1863. to dose a Deed of Trust, tbe STORE on Giliesp:e Street, occupied by Love & Ovcrbaugii. The bouaa ia in good repair, and well lo- oated for retail trade. JOHN MURPHY. W. DRAUGHON, Trustee. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auct’r. Sept, 21, 1863. Ptpsivnaun S'lyur.—The Chambers (^Ala.) Tribune says; We are inloi'fied that a very good article of sugar can be made Irotn pursimmons, and that several of our county men are going to try tlie experiment. H“ th«.y should succeed, it will be another triiiii’ph ol .Southern enterprise. Coinci(i’nct.—Thc battle on the Chicka.uauga. was commenced on Saturday, l‘Jth inst. That t^ay was the aiifiiver.sary of the total defeat ot the Persian hosts at I’lata-a, 2:U:i years ago, aa well as of several other signal military events since that time—a nice place to put in a big victory on the Confederate calendar. 'I he Siii)?cribrr wishes 10 purchase a'■-ctf YOUNG NMG fl'U-S for wbich he wi!’ pay the highest Cftdti price Xhone wishing to sell would do well to call on me or address me at Raleigh, N. C. P. J. STBRNB. Sept. 6l8»p(i The star Foundry 18 agaiB in fnll operation.* Hiiving ia lay employment competent workmen, 1 am prepared to execute work at the shortest notice and for a reasonable charge. M. A. BAKER Fayetteville. Aug. 18, 1863. 5iltf Palina Clsristti Beaus. The Bubseriber will pay the highest cash prices for anv Qoantity of Palmft Ghriati Beans. J. A. WORTH. ra|«tte«Ui«» OoL 67-tf ORATEH! ,JRATEH:I Y\7E are now prepared to make ORATES for baroing VV Bituminous Coal cr Coke These Grates are so mad 3 that they will fit any Sra plaee. D. ANDERSON & CO. Sept. 19, 18*-3. 05-2W Administrator’s Police. I^HE unitersigaed having at August Term, ISrlS. of Sampson County Court, qualified as Adminijtraior of the Estate of David A. IJizzell, deo’d, hereby gives jioti£e to all persons having cl.'iims against aaid L .ta^e W present them du'y autbeutic.i'ed and w-thin 'be -ime prescribed hy law or thid n'^tic- will bi pi8*aed iu bar of their recovery. All persons owing said Estate will please make immediate payment. ROBINSON WARD, Adm*r. Sept. 1. 63^pd

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