ijt # uar ur t.. 1 IM*. riit* • U I •' ;in . l.i^ ■ 21. . the , ur. iiaUi; i!i.i . } ■ c .. ill , U VI. tic ici Tv .: s, ri fin ■sUi-' ecu • • uar, ur ot i\. . l!, -‘i ;;lln tlic II br.. li lit V Gsliiij^ita yj Uii-ut hcri iii {iri*. ^\jl4 Ml > .,ti- ’-■r- to b« \i ' "’W aX- iVJ u ,»d !>e« ^iv ;c the m lu • tww . ■- vi. i'. *» p k: ; tor ribut **’a ^ m3, .,.,d acssv^i sh^ll truu ^!toU du uUi .^vij e ti;cd 3J a »eu.. Lu bui. 1' r_ tiUU 1. V . fc** a ;iurw« r re* civiu^ t-piiy. ■ U, be 1.-, bwuuij L Jll i d >‘Tutv t?r bliaa be ea p.u,-. d lu us ktiwvr uuuvuidii- i Iw ;.L« dia- eir rt-Ottipti. ■Ut« t^c iVlUg iP..** wl lajLus lu epwrc •: tbj *i .iT limy ff^aL tui, iL k:ad iiii ks ttiure- IX :Ilt HU- pt iL . t.,.r UuU; ■ . »;-• : un j ■ :; ni uuur- tja ;mjt tUe 111* -C' tiiA .wfi :- W: u# F^} t bn ae, tft M CiiM ,i_ 'UUl ii«y be ai:....:# and !u iucb pre^L-nb. ■uuie •i'llic aUUiAti-. iwr *c ie- -.-s- 'it- r tii- licic: be h aii le bail -'•ul . fu:e »fjf' •! »V «r liil 1' WttU.d U.il; '■:! &r- »« r( i:eif ed b« 5 ■••«:,»- llCL‘1 .n kHid at'u^i i arii- rf«|'i.ri»d 1b uu : rif &r«t ‘ar, fijij cc ■ bie. lud ; : tbu 'PcCJlii: lax aud : r«le»- bo ■; cr- be d:>:rict, luo, H -.-i the chc ;.ief iCtoi : t.'i« his ■ m ^ 'ii ll ..•i ite, .n- bi.i - re- ■;or tee, J Uu.r- utor ict, . .... - r ry r. .If iJe." .. ■ ::a J fO*J -1-..4 t ih.. l.Jtl- idur ... ifffyu , aijU ry ' : r )U Ci b ^■ri^iu all L.:iXe§ pr^: d. ■ rty dtahs, , Jx-yi iih.'i.. bc >Ud O- IL ■y b. :.Lid .alid r thi^ uct, earh i.'W the liijb all b: lo- ^*r ifj f.bo i t'.r ni-? tjn - ^ : . pr : *n -1 •: jr for fbo 9 '■ > -•V' - tn- i V ^ w J »■ FAYETTEVILLE, xN. C.. OCTOBER 8, 18(>3. i. ^’lO. 1270.] rKiNTKi> Mondays .'Nd thur'^pavs KDWIRI) J. HALE & SONS. K1 ITORS AND PROPRlETmtS Pr.C' for the Sonii-W«»(«kly Obskrvfr 0(t, paid in «vanc». For the H pekly Obs*rv*r f4 per annuta, paitl in • vancc. fl^AnVEKTlSKMFNTS inserted for f- pf'r •* 'lire of I'* line*! for the fir'll, and one 'loHnr for i*afh •’iio- coella^ pi’hticafion. \ 1r«'rtMpmenfs not px'or»lin(r a half-'-qnare («ip;h» line^^ for the first an.I ')0 coots for«a-h swcceedinij publication. .Vilvpr'.isers are re- qnottod to ^tate the number of inseriions desired, ot they will be continued till forbid, and charjte i accord ing tj •Vlvortisenipnts confinuel chargel ».s new a'l- Terti?enien(«. SPKCiiJ. NOTICE, l^otn an ; '.ter this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advanee, nor will the I'lper be ?ent to such su’ -cv','. 'rs for a lonjrer time thiii is paid for. Siu'h of our Old subscriber? as dc-ire to take the pa per t'u this will ploaae notify u;* when making rendttauces. Jan’y 1, 1858. LIST OP niAK,^F$ FOR PASSEXtJERS. WVTl. •IfrJ.. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. IVILL attend the County and Superior Courtis of W Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- Prompt .attention given to the collection of all elalB.3 entrusted to his bands. Oct. 17, 1859. 5?^tf GEO. W. \VILLL\MS k CO., Wliolewale Dealers in irroccrie>», AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN hardware and Cotlery, Swedes ir«n, HIT STRKKT, FAYKTTEVILLE, X. C. J«ly 2, 1861. 86tf JOS. utTey, Qt'ocer and Vomini99ion ^Herchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jm’y 10, 1863. 93-tf ^ T. B. «. WoiOTH, ^onnissiOQ and Forwarding Nfrfhants, WILMINGTON, N C. Jiui’y 28, 1861 84t: _ tJARD! A FEW LADIES can be accommodated with board at Uie Seminary. oown. From Favetteville to >Vilni>nglo>i. nr. 00 “ •* “ Eli*abetli, 7 50 • • •• Whitf* Mall, 9 75 “ •• K-'liy's Cove, 10 50 -* •• '• ,\11 pi.ias.s b(’K(W, li» 00 SECOND CLASS, OR PKCK. From Fayetteville to Wi'vnasiton, $7 50 .1 .. KliziS 'h. 3 75 “ W^iteliall, 5 25 “ " “ Kidiv’* Cove. ti 00 “ •• •• All l"iint. be1o»^. 7 50 Sit*. Fr,>m Wilminjton to Fayi'tt.-ville, ?15 00 i. Keilv'.s (’■''Ye, ti 75 Whiiv Hall. X 25 “ F.l'.zabeth, 9 75 “ Pr>'sp,‘(>f Hall, 12 m “ •' “All poiKK above, 15 00 SECONH CLASS, OR DECK From Wilmington to Fayetteville. $7 50 “ “ “ K-Vj's Vove, 4 50 •• White Hall, 6 00 “ “ '• .\11 poini.s abovi». 7 60 Sei'oud t.’lats or Dejk Passengers must at ay on lower deck or pay full rriee. or same as First Class gs^“ .-\n extra charge will b>» made for Wav Pa«sec- g-TS get'ing ip!'' B -rths dur'ug dav time, and for occu- pying a B*rth witS their boots or sbot's on, ar tkc discretion .f the ^«p'>rn J. A ^YORTH. far C. F St'm P.’t Co. R M O’.xirr'bL, for St’rs Kate and Sun T. S LCTTERLOjr May 4. lS4‘-t 26-tf From and after tlii^ date the Steamer A. P HURT wi’l leave at 8 o'clock, A. M . OB Monday and Ttiur«dav JOS A. WORTH. April 6—17tf ] ,\g’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. Mount Vernoa Female Seminary^ THE 1TORT5S IMROLirVA At Mt. Tcrnflii Mineral Springs, ( hatlianH ouiity. MUTUAL LIF8 ?'^SUIIA!VCE TO^IPANVj 1st Session to commence 28th Sept, « i** the tenth year of successful operatioB, with TEI^ *tS: *’ capital and firmer hold upon public c->a- . p „ u ^ ■ f.ifv . fiJeuoe, coniintirs (0 insure the lives of-ill healthy per- H'jrh'r E-ie. Rranchffl per sfs'ium of 20 w*‘k>: ? 0 00 r A I ■ /-i SOBS trom 14 to t’O ye%rs of age. for oae year, for sevea cv.'mic 7o ■'lllil'ewei'aherssharing latheprofits Pnmary CNss. 18 iK) . "> «• . M uiio “not Palu'inB’. e 'di. :i(> 00 Latin, F'-"iiicS .^nd L)r^winr. ".i-h. 12 50 20f> 00 Sc'>ool H lo'ti 1 00 K-v W\l. lliJOPER. } . . , T C HOOPF.R, jIrinoi;ni.i. Applic^itionv for pupils nuty a ! Irf^-* d !o m>> -.t FaT»>t eTt'le ‘ T (' !i)01‘Ca S«nt H 62(f 1 OF the bijeheiif or l.«r will be opened at \iefnni*’s Mjrio^i I'igtrirt. S C. . uniiep the «U'..’rTt>iinn of Mr. .John C. Mu' 'erbmd, on M'n.1a,y the I4ih i:'st. T*iis Sch'>.'l wili munr I'lTarj’-iies—i*s location beinjf notod for ita i-'aUhfu!ne«' v.-' wall a« the intelii- fenoe an ! ?aor.! t .ue ••>f the •■urrou 'Jinr po'^iefy; at.i) as to the Principal no'hipp need be p »id as »n eu'ioniiiiin ui'on his qUHlificifan effic'^'n' in?'r*icor -.nd corrj'ct disciplinarian—and p.i»i“s«inf from nnnv j.esrs of experienc.'. >t wid* pproa i repu: *!i n as of ihe v»*ry best of T»>ftoh*‘r. • Biaril (•■•n V'e had at fl!20 p«r recnth %nd Tni'ion -t J’fi. ?‘20 iO'l ¥ ’I p»r ^e^^ion of fire moi'ths Add’"-9 M McR \K. Si;o’y, toni-’i P.'' lo;e V O . l>istrict, S. C. M), lS*vt 03 1 rc MUNf'H \USEN1SM Hiroii Miincliausfii haf been much traduced. (’v't'‘undt!d with Pliny. Ovid, Josephus, Sitibud, tlif‘ ' tili.r. (’onl'uciiis, Sliaksp'':irf>, iVter J’arlf'j’, J;i!iic,> irv-rdon Bt-ont'tt tind other t-iuinent his- ori;uis, po^4^^, travellers and liars, he is set down hastiiy in t?ip category ol those unfortiinafe hnniiin All slaves frsui Id to tO venrH ot age are insured for i Jjginpr.s vvho are no better than t1i»-,y should in-. e year ar f>r tivj ye-ir"* for ihirds th*ir vvlue. i 'pi : : ■ j - . i ii • * u i 11) 1 -.1. Qi. i 1 Ills IS ;i-^ide lutstakc. lie is to be cla-scd rath- All lossrs -irt piiHotuaily pai l wtthm 90 livs aner i , i- w ■:iti«fact'>rv proufi- pre«»-(Ve,i ' ’ (lulliver and naboliiis, those ^reat Itglifs For funher iu*V»rnm!ion ih»» pubi’ is referred to I oi’fiction, who have bequoatlied to mankind the Arf-ni" Company in all p vrts c .ae State, and ; most pnjcii'us j.Master-pieecs d' the human iniiiiri- nation. Bio^riat.hic.-; ol‘ Muuchausen arc r.irc, but his works attest the oxcelU nt charactcr of the luan, who could not have been (»Uicrwi.«o th.-ui cheerful, genial, hcievol^nt and rliila; thropic. ln«leed, it is evident that his stori'^s wfrc written lor the ainusenietit of children, to whom he must have been passionately attached ri R.\TTLK. .Secretary, Raleicb F .1 HALE, Aijeat at FiivettoTille. N. C. $267.688 2b (>.077 86 •luu’j 1S.5'> FA VKTTF.Vllil.E MfUTl AL !:VSURAX(S COMPANY. Capital in Vresniiua Notes atuoutiin to Cas^ ei* hao’l ''t)'i*r assets T-.tal, $272,765 «1 The C^^:npany have paid >’dl looses promptly, aad h*.»e never rmade «»; a'sessnieiit on their premium notei. Tjtat !• jrtt'B p!iid, SS OrrirRRs: MeVFlLr,. President. A. RAV, V).'. >^re'i>i«Tit. C. A. McMILLAN, •5-o y. t'lr »:cTr nf; '■V nacular habitudes ot the people with whom hohii'^ for sonif time past associated He tells his sol diers, for instance, that they have “destroyed” an army superior in numbers to their own. By this he by no means means what he says. He does not wish hi> soldiers to believe that they have in flieted an irreparable injury upon the foe, rror do they so under>lar>d him. In faet, he does not. mt :tn that he has destroyed any armv whatever, :uueh hss that id’ Rusocrfinz. which, in the next breath, he inf >rms us still “eonlronts him” in Chat- tanooira. pi*rhnp'j in "reater force and of le.^ts de- >tructible tenipor than betore All ho wishes the (lulf State lovrrs of f.C'jrLrorafiov. rin'l flie wh ile country to c tiipr^^lK'tid is, rhar l.'O has delivered a creditable blow and now h (ho t'liemy at a dis advantage; His hyperb-’ieal method ol statinir this was intended m ireiy to ^ratify the popular taste and to irrii:* c Uosecranz by the display ot Far from br'iag a busy-body and originator off superior ability in that distin;:iui3hed Dutchman’s malignant fal«ehoodp, concocted lor the expres.s own pectiliar line id arrui)ient. The country may purpo.se of breeding mischief and foiuentinjjhtrif.', ■ be as.^urfrd fh t (ioneral Bva"ir 'b'»es not wish to he was a mild and harmless old man, who passed ■ “destroy” tin hard-t'arned conlidence in himself the evening of his days amid t'r Mips of delighted b\' a wilful mis statement of facts. He is playing A LADY w> Usic. F.' 'I ib"*^' 01 Ti'aclirr W^mlvil. '• can t?a''h a'l t'’' Kn;;)* h hrs.i.chp!4, tn f = Rch in nv f^^mily w A aTK’Nj^ON. ra. ^'•pt. *4. O-'j-Ot 4'*p I %VE$TER.\ RAIL ROAD. The Tr.iins of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Mun.lays excepted^ at 8 o’?look, A M.. and re turning leave Mclr»>r'* at 1 o’clocR. P M , Prn^ht Train MONO\Y, WHDNESDAVand FlUDAY. By order of the President JNO. M. R('SE. Tr*%«'r and .\ct’g Tran«. Jan. 22, 18G3 9,tf T. C. HOOPER. 56- 8e|t. 12. IR61. “jOHN^SOX. WiLLlAMS * CO.,” !$Al.T nAKER»li. WH have thirty (30) pans bow ia operation nine miles •%sf of Wilmington Partiea wiping to supply themselves with salt, eaa be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., .\Kent at Fayetteville, to E Page, man^c^r at the works, or to J. M WILLIAMS. General Superinten ient Paytuevilie, Nov. 20, 1862. Sltf WA.lf TEO. 2'^AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,0UV) “ CORN PtTsons having the above articles to sell will receive the h fbest Cash price by calling on Mr. M Tbo.aason, at Ike Merohaot Mills. Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at kis old itand on Market Square ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. IfoT. 5, 1862. 76tf ARTll HAR.\EJ^J^. 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harneso for Army use. I tan my leather and can jive good bargains. Agentp wil'. do well to eesd their orders to me as they shall have prompt attention, and lent ■)# in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER Or’-dfton P. O Chatham Co.. N. 1 June* 13, 1862 f 34tf !S#0 IbK. Itiiiin Arabic lor Kale b> J. R. LEE Otl. 15. W 25 SALT! J^ALT!! SACKS for gale by 22 ROBI^RT MITCHP’LL ^8-tf T0BA€X:0. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, vari«u3 gradfs. 190 for sale on consignment, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS May 23. t CO. 3Uf ^le Leather wauted. QA A/i LBS of heavy well tanned SOLE LE.\THER, wVUU suitable for Belting. Apply to D MURPHY. fayet'e? le ior Ilf. ASHEVILLE, i\ WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re- capiioa of Guests the fir.«t of June, and I hope to be able to entertain from seventy-fiTe to a hundred persons duricK lae Sumrner. In connection with thi« large Hotel, I have a number of Hack?, Ciirriaies. Buggies and Saddle Horses that my guests can eet at h minute's noiioe. J. M. BL-VIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .\->hevil.e, N. May 13,1863 Sl-ypd WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POCLTKV. ('*.ii k.?:is. Ku-er and oth. r delicacies for tne sick Sf'ldiers a' this Ho«pital Person* having th»'e ar'icle* can obtain t*'e market firi"* on applica tion to the •nbscrib-*r at his old aland or at Mr J W. Powers’s on Hav Sireet R. E HEIL'E, Gtu’l Ae’t. -\ug. Vi5. 58 tf A«$ iiMual tlir Rlocl«ade TILL c?>mpel us to do what we skould have done be fore thii. wait upon yourself and cut loose from the eaoHiy. The pr jp.-.jtors haviMg smarted the manufac- turifc^ of all k^wds of fiOBBlNS for Fa*t*rie8 in th# ?l.JUt^eri StiV.s. w.;i be ab!« to fil! orde-s at short .‘t;ce WorV >l-v?’’ed in Fiy-*!te?!!’'-. N C ir»s« I) L KJV'ETT. Mancb»-ler, Camb“i la ■ i. N C June 9. l8fiS S6 t.tnp'J The Cedar Fa^is Bo?>- bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, *t short notice, all kinds o." BOBBINS. QUILLS, .te . stiitable for Woolen and J. M. ODELL. .Agent. N n. July 9. 1863 36 fi»r-pd To Cottota Planters. T H.WE been appoint? I by the Secretary of the Trea- JL sury. Chief Agent for t‘»e purchase of Cot'on for the Confederate Sotrrnmant withi% the S'ate of '‘•orth Caro lina. un l wiii paj for same in 7 per oest. Bonds or ask. Sub-Agents visiting t-'ie ditferent parts of the State, buying in my name, will iave written certiE. ^tes of appoint nvnt. By ordi'r of the S- ereiary of tb« Treasury, all Coiton punhas.-d by mrseif or my agcH'«, «■ and after the 18th day of March 1863, will i»e paid for in • per cent Bond# *r 0%8'i. and 8 p.-r oent. B^snd^ ai ttated tn a former advertisement Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent bon ts will t)S turnisaed as Aiated. Patriotic citiieus are now ottered au opportunitj t« aid the Government by ■‘filing to it taair Cotton rather ikaa to private oapitalista. LEWIS S. WILLI\MS. Gharloiio, .M ircT 24. 1863. [o u ] 14tf "WA.^TEO, Bank notes of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Fundable Notes. Aleo, North Carolina fix per cent. Bondi), new issue W. R RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. Marob 9 9tf WAATED. 4 L.AUY of "xperience to in**'-iior in the rrimarv .1e- . «. pr»! tm^nT of t.Hi« Ri.TSmoii ? A.'a Ip*«t *n 1 tike charge a •mall Cla«s Ju order to ®iv>'ime fti'plicaits 'wiil pl-p.se enclose i»«t>monial» with tbeir applic%tiou«. Address immediately, JOS A. H. DALLY. Rockingham, Rich'd Co . N. C. Sept. 16. 64-tf Spun Cotton Eichanged- for Lard. WE will give Spun f'otton jn pari paym“tit for LARL) delivered at our Factory n Pe-s n St A. McLAU niLIN k CO I.AK1> Oil. —^ v'ry tine arlio e. for sale at our Factory. A M--.LAUCHLIN & CO. K%R .\\l> TOII.Sii’ SOAI*—For sO* at our Factory A MoL..\L’'.'HLI.V .t C*'. FavfttevilK. Sapt 12, l^63, 63-6'upd Hoorv 1 ’11\, H L.'MTro-rpr. S. T. Hawley, Nath-.n A. Sfedman. C C. MaH.'it, Jsaief* Kyle, A. A. MeSetl’on, J D '?*i!li'vajs, S. Tn’.inghr»f* •m ». oU'a' "iftd C. C. McCruwm.-n, Travolir.if Age-'* '■••mpanT irvi’e "V Tilliaghftst, !. r*i'-sdale, ^ 'n .McLaurin, r. LutterloH. V. ‘itr^el. 'i. C*ok. rioc. J. Q. shepherd, K. F. BroTvn, I , A. E. iiall, t The New Style, Stnall, COLSKEi* PnOTOUItlPUS, AT iSallery. XHT. Wood«raril'« Solar Camera. lads and las.ses, whose chief fnj yni' nt consisted in listening to his marvellous narrations. In all I probability he never committed the indiscretion ’ of putting these stories upon paper, and never in- , tendcfi or expected to be immortalized in print-as ! the most prodigious liar that 'ever lived, the ; Prince of Darkness and William FL Seward I frcarcely excfpted. His stories were probably j collected and published by some evil minded and I dyspeptic yierson, who envied the good old man’s ; health and hearty merriment, and who availed j himself of his opportuniii(>s to interpolate certain . passages which have given the work the infaiauus ; reputation in which it has long been held by the j vulgar public. There is every proof’ that the ' Baron hiinselt had an honest man’s detestation of : types, abhorred newspapers, despised books, neviT was an editor and certainly never acted as a tele graphic reporter, for that disastrous invention did not exist in hie day. It is important that these particulars in regard to the private life and character of Munchau.sen should go to the country, since there ia u I'row tng disposition at this day to suspect eorrfsr- ndents and agents of the Associated Press of fteing im bued with the spirit of the deceased nobleman iu question. Nay, there are malcontent and unpa- liaron Mtuu-liauscn simply because he is in high good humour with himself and everybody around him. He moans no harm by it to any human being whatever, not even to himself. Rit'hmoml Kura miner. Gumbo's on Kcri^omy —“Gumbo,” said a planter to his negro, “climb up that tree and thin out the branches.” To which the negro said, “Well massa, if I go up dar and fell out and broke niy^ nick dar’ll be a thousand dollar out o’ your pocket. If ye jist hire a Irishman to go up dar and he fall out and kill he selt, dar’ll be no loss to nobody. iJllOTU(3iKAPHS cam be kad at Vanorsdell’s SkjUgkt 1. Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble \ar4. Fay- ! triotic creatures who push the accusation much ettcville, N. C.; plaia. retouched, colored, ia wat#r j „n^ n„r r.nmman.dinir cr^nftr- eolors, oil and pastile; from small to ufe size. Anbro- Faypttevllle .irsrnal and Arraory,) FATBTTeviLLK, N. 0 , J.jn.* 29, 18 .3 / WAATEO. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tSllX)) BOUNTY. HAVING received^’authoriiy from the Secr-tary of War to increase the strength of the pre»«nt OorpS at this .Vrsenal, the andi>rsigned jrill enlist one hun dred (100) non eonseripU fo~ that purp'se Those sub ject to cjn"criptioB n^fd not apply Tri*B5fer8 and exchanges of men tjow in service can not be made MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. 3 A June 8. 35it types, Melaoeotypei, and all otuer styles «f Pietur«« pertain’ ig to tke .\rt. .^Iso, Gilt Frames, Qilt Mould ing, G> .•’1 for very large pictures—as large as 26 by S6 inckes. Cord and Tassels for hanging pictures; laitra- meats. Steck and Chemicals for sale low for cask. Lift i site colored Photographs made fron small pictures. ! Having permanently located here I kope to merit your patronage. I would also return my siaeere tkamka for ths liberal patroaage bestowed on me keretofcrc by the good people of Fayetteville and vieiinity. C. M. VANORSDILL, Pbotekgrapbiei ajid Proprioior. T)ee’r 10 IVO 7T uoo SPOOLS and Cotton Mdl.». n^.Ur Pa'is Administrator’s Aoticc. TR E Bubscriber having .at December Term, 1862, of tkk- County Court cf Cumherlaud, qualified as .\d- min;s’raior upon the Estate of Neill G. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having cle-ims a;tainst the Estate to prcfe ’ them within If..-* time limited by law, otherwise thie Ef’ice will be ple ided in bar of recovery. Dfibtors ar' rcuJest»d to roak«“ proujpt payiaent. MECTOR MeNKTLL Adrx, T !'■«, 10. • cow lost7 MT COVY i.s O'.J East side of Cape Fear, «omewhafe up- pORite to CampbelUoB, being driven into tite river by 9^ye^ an.J can * finl her way back. She is uiurked wit'i fT' p in each ear. has a b.?ll ou, wh ie in i)“r fac%* white on back anJ belly, red onnvck an i sideu Wno- ever will taice her up and l^t lae ka iw it. or Lting iier np tr. ■n^ ii; Campb-sllf.on, will be liberaliK rewar i.>d, TLe faid ef»w was bought in th« upper part of Bladeu C''4B*y may p."obfthly fini h?r way baflk to tbai V .ISO. A WATSON •I • ^ *!• lOiv.l I' OIL AND LiMP^ BLACKr TANNKRS' and LUBRICATfNG OIL. JjAMP BL't’K in barrels. For sale by JOS R BLOSSOM * CO., Wilmingtpn. N. C 7. FORM%9^E. A*'RES of L.\ND with good building and ex- ce .eat waier. The upland timber is pice, o.ik an i hickory, swamp is gum, p»:.Ur an ( juniper. S -uated .'ti the brad of Ellis’a CieoV. -n B’l) :i c^uhIv, * mi’i'F 1’ v‘t of the Cape-Fear Ri'-\T. .Any n- w>hirg to pii'O i ObH app _ tj !iie 3abicrn>?r or K t* Mel vin. ■. fT. nl Eriia'ic-th. Bladen c. umy, who will ta'.;e pleasure in *how:ng ‘h; p caiis«,j. J. N. Mc''Ol L Sept. >, 1863. *1 lOtpd Cotton Yarn for Wool. N otice is hereby given that after this date (except in cases wher* we nave bargiinei for Wool accord- i«C *n the terms of our advertisem-nt of the SOiH of May, wk’oh terms are now revoked.) ^ve willgiv# I bun dle cf Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change mad? at tiie instance of the Quaner'aa«*er at Ral»-izh, in order to make Ihe terms of exohanz* uii'onj t^irouirkoui the State. GEO W WILLIAM^ A CO. Fayetteville, Jun>' 29, 1?63. 41tf llrinjjr i>i your Cane. WE have at w >rk the very superior Iron Roller Sugar Caj}e .Mill a&d ten goud K'-itlcs The iron Mill prtf^ar-a cut .‘*11 tho juice from the cane, the wooden roll**r.a about one na'.f. Terms of Toll —Q lantity which will make a barrel or 1ps9 one-naif tb« syrup (j iantities greater one-tJaird. Persona having sm‘*ll crops would do well t.o olab. An acre uf gojd cane will yield W ga’it.ons cr more cf syrup. H K. COLTON. JN >. KlRtiPATRICK;. Sept 7 61- Esrypt Coal .^ine. The undersigned weris. a; the Nove;«ber Term of the Confederate Court, District of North (.’arolina. ap pointed Maaageru of tke Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered i»to cepartaerefiip for the purpaio of mining and fetliBg Coal, and ?">Ucit orders for the •,tnio ia any desired quantity. Ordci’s for auy amount cfin bo supplied on short notica. The Coal from tbio pro- pony is undoubtedly th.« i»e?t in the v'onfederate States Applicatis'ns may bo mad^ to ^’ba'' B Malleti, FayeJto- ville, N. C , sr James Browne, t'harlcsion, S C CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BKOWNE Fayetteville, Jan'y 20, 1863. 96tf VrIAD JsiTO.liES i'OR SALE. '11HE nndersigaed have tak^-a th“ \ee>ioy for tfte sale JL of Messrs W B. Farrar s. Co ’a «irjnd iioneg. an have now on hand siie.'? running lr''m 18X2^ inche-* t 6 f*" ' oy I] inppes; arid ca" havo "U* ?t siori nonce ANV SIZES WiHted. Persons ia w of GnudSor.f will pleaHO corre^•Jn^ with th» iiud-r-'igaed, wijo will fill »rder« pn^iaptly and guaraa;i*« n-ialiiy pi (he grit ^s r^;:r««2eDted GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO. F%rrtt. v:!le, .\I ly 27. If*'i3. 32-if Pr*!sili‘«it and Direclorj*' OSHce, liAi RiNiinm, Sej«t. lo, ixii:}. «4I/T—.^ALT. >1RS'N.S wishing ‘o purchasQ a geod article ige to River. S. C ill cf ih9re thry KAI I’EilH s. CO., at Little kf J on bar.d a larg- supply whioh tbtiy will s?U a* low fi2iu >s rhe*-e is also fins facilit'ci'for getting ihe SaU EASTERS ft CO . Lit'le R-.ver, S. 0 up t') the Pailr''ad by flat.?. Vig. Aftertliit-i date I will pay 10 Cents per pound for ras-s. «,r thJ bigheft roark'-f priO'*. d''!;v«>r.-i in Fayetteville, or at my mills on Rnoktisb D, MDKPUV. Iblj 28, 1««. ^ PlYEmVILLK IRSKViL USD AK>IOKV. ) Sept. 24, 1SG8 j E^EWAKO. I^S'JAPKD from p «■'?'. '..i' ni;>rnine of t’o ■ 12'.b insi !j LEMUEL BUr'H \NSAN wh was “rrested on ttM suspioK.u »f Se-.ag i ^.oy. M- r-pr.--ou-.-;d h-.msel'" as *• C>*ptain trOFH Morgir.’fl a-inv i ; K mi i.rVy .“*i.{ Bii- cha'tnau is suppospd to be about Raleigh or nea” h>3 niottivv’s >0 Ch-. .n' coantj. T»> atteuiion of \lilit^a Officers ofCbatnam, VIo)re, Cumb'^-rlan l a;>d W'akc, and all gfHjd citi»et)»i is ('•^?cta/-y calle 1 to i.hi« man. The «b:iv rrward will bo pai i '.t the prisoner is delivered to me at this PvB . or il."! if confined in ;iny coun'y jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, C6tf] Capt. C. S. A , Com I’g BatU'n Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, \ Sspt. 24. 1863. / $30 Reward. Deserted f'-o;a Inl? post, after being regularly en listed 'P Ar-enal Bittalion and posiei as fi ec'a- f uel. Oft ;be7tb day r.f Sppt in"t, James Ward, t»f the coi;nty of Ai-Gi.mc", N. C Sai*! Ward is 6 feet PJ inches high, darn browa hair, rud ly complexien, blue ejea, and represented himfclf 17 years old. and by oi- cnpaiion ftfa-ra-r. Sai l Ward was Teci)g>”Z9d the day iic deserted. a-« th“ r;>an who 'tn’e a horse in Montgotnary coii:.'-, aud a« Hoon ash® was relieved otT post deserted The atte.n’ina of inili'i-* ofbcera of A1 ‘-maiice. Moor. , ChaC'ain api ^'umber'aod. and till good citizens is call ed to this man. The e.hoTe reward will ^>e paid to any nt»p ^vbo will d-'iiv.'r ‘lim to m** at this r>c^t, or Jlo if c nh C'J in -ary j.il- He ba^ beea seen in the n»..ath^ ornood of hip gran.lmcth«r’s in Chatham county. 1 ' MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, I estf} Capu c, 8. ▲.» Coad’t s«u*u«a. • ^1 Miss KMILV JESSUP will re- eumf ti e duties of h»r School on Monday 12th of October Favetteville, Oct 6—2t pd WAA'TEI>, A,FFMALE TEXCHER. who can teaeb tbe higher EngllBb bracchep B#«ilth, and Music on P|mo Address Elizib^tb Tc-wo. N D. CROMARTIB 69 4‘pd i^arble Factory, TWO flftORS V80TK C. !.ATTI>F. HAIOn k sour SHIRK Fai’ottrrillt*. C!. Ia "t 84 i^OTICE. The UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate States of America, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, bat they have appointed John D. Starr and John D. Williiuns, ol this pla5e, their attorneys to collect either separately or coajointly all moneys due them either by account or note, at^d otherwise to attend to their bu siness generally dnrin.t their absence. They respect fully ask all persons indebted vo t'jem to call as prornpt- ly M possible on their agew* ‘ v'.;' make payment, el' 'TIS h WILLIAMS. S?r:. 19 IHGl LAAO FOR J^ALE. NOW off-^r for “ale *ny plac". coataiu'ng 350 acres, nituated in ^o^rs ooun'y oq Killett’s '’reek, three mil*;s W'-^t if C irtiiaj;"*. About 75 acres of the abov« lands nr? under ciiltiva-i^r\ Th'-re is on the piac* a coinf rtaHl" dwelling, with '“-i'ss try oiitboiisea. I will alS'> s.-*l!, atiould :bo purohas^r de.siro, all ?!;■ tai* year’s rr ps. farming utenstlf!. stock, &c , all upo-i reasonable Fur i'>»rtb*r pariicul.arr. address me it C ir- thnpje C. J- B. KELL^ . 12 62 12i '•S'H \L MEtrP’tJ of th.* :'; jckhol l«rs of ' ■ ;■’I-:'':. •’’liri-Tic .-x rt u'be- ra I'iil R 0-d •' : •V'. ! Tf‘Y» ' oJ' R 1C :iui-o-. V. 21'- o.'l ‘IM .1 W.KS 1 MrC Ki.'.lT J, Vi »-n -1 »>i Real E'^t.'ite a! Aii€;tio3i. I 4 ' ll.L P'.l ‘ /•.! H '•HO •! i _ 'ri'h. k •! YV :.uv ‘>0! l'^s;i ii) » b ■•■'1 T: it', the S'l'oi’..i; o.« Oilleon'.e Street, i-erui'iei by i>‘- Overbauffri. The h'^iise is in i '•epi'r. and w^H I i- oated for retail trtdc JOHN MUUPHV. W. DR X Uf'ijloN, Tt ust"P. A. .M. CAMPBELL, A.ir.t’r- Sept 21, 18')3. 65! s The Star Fo«isidry 1H ifa-.a is full ip ralion. ll^viut ■ rty - '^v ■'■joitrt cowpeifnt w.orkmea, I am pr*'pir« I t.o 'xsnure wori i at tbe soonest notice and for a ro;*s i'labio ct^a-ge 1 M A L}.\ivER I FayeUeyille, Aug 18, 1803, ' «^’'f I PaScna Cliri!ti £fetai>H. • n’HE subseriber will pay tM«j liigbv^t 'ast! prioc-s fi’f ' I Any quantity of Pftlnia Cbri^'L B : U ■ IHS. J. A. W()R7:t hPj quantity of Pftln»a 0.*t b * TE-^TA.HEATS A AO (iONFEDER.lTE States Bible Socve.j TestaMents. J A ColleotioD of Sabbath School Hymns. for«iyi«bf fL J. 4 80N3> further, and charge even O'lr commanding gener als with Munchausenism. It is bn^ just, there fore, to the memory of the defunct Baron, and to the reputation of the illustrious parties accused with him of willful and deliberate prevarication, to show that neither tbe Great Original nor his imi tators were or are guilty of a premeditated pur pose to deceive their fellow-beings. If this be proved of the Baron, it will follow logically that his imitators, if such there be in the Confederacy, are equally exonerated and blameless. Consider the Baron’s stories “There was a heavy fall of snow,” says he, “and, about night fall, being fatigued, I tied my horse to a stump, laid down in the snow and slept soundly. Awak ing late the next tuoruiu”, I toxind myi'clf, nomo what to ray surprise, lying flat of my back in the market-place ot a villaiie. My horse hung dang ling by the bridle to the top of a neighbouring: steeple. The snow had melted, th;it wa.s all. Surely there is nothing ot the busy-body, tiie type-setter or the telegraph man in this deliirht- ful narrative. But examine another. “Riding along one i;itenselv eold winter day, 1 bethought me to arouse my bonumbed faculties and enliven the tedium of travJ by playing a tune upon tbe French horn which hung over my shoulder, lo my morrification, the horn refused lo emit any sound, althouL'h I attempted, in succession, all of ray most familiar airs. Disgusted with the in strument, I threw it into a corner ot my rcrom, where it lay until spring, when suddenly it com menced to play of its own accord, and regaled me for nearly an hour w’.th my favorite pieces. The tunes were thawing cut.” There is nothing “fal.se if ngt malignant” in this. It sounds like a dispatch from JacksiJn, Mis,-^issippi, but there is no harm it Like its predecessor, and, indeed, the whole series of the good Munchausen s stories, it is a simple innocuous exaggeration, whose very excess deprives it of the power ot iniury. No one believes it, and therefore no one is hurt by it. The same may be said of the thousand and one fabulous reports of corrc?pondcots and telegrama- tists with which the country ba.s been cnteriained since the war broke out. To bo su c, those in ventions are sotn''timcs construett-d with such ex quisite art anti bear such verisimilitude ol truth as to stagtror the credulity even of the higbe.st ot ficials; but, in tVic main, they :irt p irposely so grot#>sque preposterous and inconsistent that tuine but the quid-nnncs of the capital are for a mo ment in doubt of their •tntb^nticiryr It, for ex ample, the mony (.ti'Tntf at dai'ks. n tells Us that MilUken's Bend bus b. !'n c:nitorod by forces, we tmy b»' trt’.*'p d U'^o ;• m^'inentiir', be lief of an event so far within t'..> b.)un is ot p-ssi bility; l^it wh«n, with pt’rsisi»'iif uu’uonr, lu- in sists day after Hay tJrit (irant nas lOst tifty thous and iiieti, that bis troops aro perishing by tnyriads for the want of water, and rhat Vick.sburc is .so amply t rovi^ji'-ned that l‘emi>'- rton tfiis John-ttMi to “take bi^' tinii".” ’ve know very well ibat be is 'nly oceupyi’'"-! bi*’ :!t'd perfp.-t ing liitn irlf’,n the iiia;iipui;itioii td lij,s iitsfi iiiiJ>‘ i by narapbrMsi'ij: the choic"^t [.,:s--as:fs ot .dun- ciiausen. •'^o, the other day, vvben ih i'lvontive iXfntl-oiiinii, who appear' fo I'-c ;i-' :t;u •!; a" ii.inie oi; tl'p (li'ntral train railroad as it he were ■ t:‘’ condii “• fi>r or a fh^^- n'lVf (*r'j !yi j ■ li >- ie?e ‘>f a iitiivers'.il frre il' ket, intor-ii ■ 'i- 'Sut :i part of Lf'f’.c army b.id I'ur'iii vd s vt - hoiifir d Yankee e./ivalry. we were *t n ! *'i niify i: reliiblo narrator or to estiin vn’ bis fi.;tion a' i's true value In Virginia, tin' spirit of MutKhai>>en appe rs t.o be pretty well di-.'^etnnniiat C'i anii to have achieved a fair detiree(>f sncecss in itsinissit*n of tit tillatin the pubb^ mind. Bn" ovi' ir. P‘’i‘baps,»o thtt c>mparative dullness and aj a by'd our peopb- thi« spirit, wbb'h. after all, out *ie sp.i'it of bn- manity set free frn;Ti tbe eloijs of a :.rros.--iy :■( caiato anil matter-of-fact mateiiabsm.seenis to huvt- fi«'ind a less congenial atm^'pbere than amo^g the more youthful, buovant and exi'i'abb- p'l^'.u.ulioii (d tbi- Gnlf States. Tiicre, iridi'-d,i!iol ive of Muncnau sen, so to Hpeak, revels in a tub of joyous exuber nee and activity; and the Marvelius beget-*-the Ian cuage of hyperbole in all elasses ot society, to degree t1iat rt'iidfrs n r ’ain s it-;raent of any -o currence not oniy "vn tmpostiibiiity but an iti'-ol- erable gricvanco and ofleuce to public taste. It OR til. Littk PoUt. A ftirther mipplj U almoat painfully affecting to see with what ease ~ ~ ^ tOCQi. I tnd gno6 (ikiMnl Bngg lua £aUea into the yet- Oci 3 Attention! t'oiupany A, Uoae Guards. YOU ar.’ hereby t;r‘^e4’>'4 t) appear at tbe Csurt House every ^aiurdi}’ a^tsrnoon at 4 o’clonk. {‘ir Drill TAoi-e vho fail to drill will be required to perform all th* extra duty devolving upon ihe company. This r’'-.p’n'.ny i« (‘''inpoB-'d r.f the LaFayette L*. In fantry, the Clarendon Ou.ir>’s the Cros,* Creek Militia, and all men living in the Cress tJreek District between the agss of 18 and 50 }l7 ordo' of Capt. J A. PEMBERTON, W V TILLING HAST. 1st Sorg’t Oo 6 Iw Tax Aotite. IWill attend at the following times and places to col- l-'c' the rsou»y tax for Moore County: Carthage, Wednesday October 28th; Sloan’s, Thursday 29th; Pocket. Friday 30th; McNeill’s, Saturday Slst; D Gra ham's. M mday Nov 2d; Mrs. Burett’s. Tuesday 3rd; Sanders’ Muster Ground, ,WadnesJay 4 h; Sheffield’s, Thursday 5-h; Ritter'p, Friday 6th; T. D Williams’s Sal unlay 7th. The Asjeg”©*-? will also attond -v* *.W« mems i make the assp^sments Vn kind o, the matured crops .\:1 persons l-'a^^le to pay the tax in kird must conjf! forward to tbep*^ appoiniments prepared to reader • ccnrate I^s'b of all the matured er'p« subject to Bvd tar. Tbe e Ileci -r in k nd for tbe couory »ill also be present at said *-;r,p dntments to de?ig lat • places of de- r.t-ii. msite contruCte for h&ulmg, &«. ‘ A EX KELLV. D'strict t.'ollector. Carthage, Sept. 28, 18’,>3. 68-tt 4'oii#edt’ral«* Tax Aotice, The Assessors f >r Harn-Ltt County bav ng completed • Le T'ix List. ■ wil- reniain open at the C.iUn‘y Court C erk s Office i' for examim'ion f«r fifteen days from thiF date ' 'n Monday 12th and Tuesday 13tb Ortob-r. I niV a'f.'n.; at Li-lingtpn. t^; ' rail com- 7>laiPlo nnd le‘;rmine nil apposls that fax payers may b>vike, vviiieh will be final, C.' C BAKBFE, D-trict Collector for Marnttt Sppt ”:^OTlCE. 11HE ,\esr .scrs for Harnett county will aU«nd At .Jo!-sponvi le, on Wednesday (be 14'h Oj*. At Barbecu'’. Th ursday 15'b ,\t Uppw Liti*’- River, Fr.day l^Sib. At Rtewari'u Tietk. i?A'uria> 17th. At Aver»isboro’ .Mo’^d .y 19 h At Grov'-. Tu-‘"i!*"-COth At Neili’y Crei'k. Wedneadrty ilpt. At Ho-'lnr> Cl k. Thursday •!2-‘- . .Vf Buckhorn. I' idr!* 231; F r the I Iirrjo ^ '' - US. pp n(j It T T 'B K-'"^ Ol ry. I ' -h r'tJK-’S, csir-d f.>.id'r -.n.-f P rs.r.v ■: tra?,''d pr -■ed to ;a et UP at u-ies ct'd vlacee above‘’ta’rd, with s c,|..i'r -r f"' 'heir r atared cror> WOOO WA\TEW. . 'PHE Subs tri’-^e.-s t ■> c m'r-vc* for t:ie d«livrrr at I their re,si.lenc s »h ,’'^'>unt of FIFTY ^ ORD^ of WOOD, croe.1v Pin - E J ilALE & SON SeH 14 ~ W.4ATEO, EM AN v-hi !’as a v^ry g-i- d in ler- n, Greek and Eeelis - l'»r^u.ace':. as r»--4cN"". Aii^ire'Jf G .lO'E--^. O'.K- P , Oral’—^ S. 0- *^*2 Srpt. 20. 1S-.3 V ’■ row jF.i i YOUVG IJENT^ /\ atanilin,r '--f Lit il.*eircB fo nti -vni .• s 'Fhc Strus*nl>er wl- a few YOUNG N'HG .lOE.'' to- highest Cash r-ur;- ^ wsll to or.n >.‘11 • t' I- ■ ■ ■ -t: lies to pijrclifise « linii ,-e -•^dl pay tbr; ?»il wauld do H>HS GHEEN. !’■ F SHAW ors 1.' ' ‘1 ;iruet' 69 2t «K5S\.*.y( F, DKP.UiTMKM, ) K*;.vi(iU ■« , H. ii''-' f , W H. * ' ijrc'::- Lv li ~ .‘tis P r ■ T. . » .. ■ ■ r ' •' di q i^'i- vr 1 r .1) ,d of Can’ '' S .f O'drar • It? Os H’-U D tKHJu In cb irr i.t'S 1 ).t S S!! T—ane tr , ^ K.-.- NAIL': ’ :^,0Vhl. TAN'ViiRS’ i!f.; V. «V r r r. N' AVING . ♦r let! i -.s- • ■ l.h.'l'MKil. fth- o.v -tt’L—S h:. i Ui’i>. lias ar 11 ;uit fvrr,- . 11,. V i:i .d-.ircss nie !•? FayetteTi'.l -, N. 0 M, FAULIv. S.} t, 2s. iSo:;. ‘’>7 6!pd racE. -Ht.'.3 mv i>:’p-'s •'*’1 W. C A R. i!. the fci'j’V':.li' •ii; L-ni- biartoo, Mossr:,^ I- Red '.'*■‘1. :-:p S^i'.e ’He b I am t-ow Tfcn^ly »'» ;f.-«iv.- • Pax It k’n'l Produ '’!= i- » re- fjUi-Pled tj- 111!*- t.i 'r j.ir.i.fT'- >>.-t r} G- iv-Ti-^g it Ho ^pa aa 1 fitavep wdi ’^ d-iir.cu^d fro a •.ho atoount fc. as to •lif IIP* w,:!irai :-r bold’Ur uffin can tur bad 'O application e.t .:ritr ■!!•} '’b -v*; u \h\e^^, Depors. D. IV »McEACHKR.'«. .\j( rt tV,r Rn’oP'Oit count?. PP-3t •Sept. ?8. 5« ;3 BUNfU K;- Iran. 1:0 »p jStOrr, for sale by UTL^^Y. 68if Ti^SE OIAkE ti’iiI.TIER, nrther «l •• J* 3,r,00 >v? RUSHED SUtiAf,; t'OTTON ( .\RDS. No. 10. Eaal - Co-p rap 8no» >.r.»tp, T>’te'd, Pess tind -I'., F.sb '! .ok'. Pins, Pitc^- '.iiltF S‘''='vc * T -f. M.'.''oi;’e ('Kvi^^.pe B ackin , ?:c.. at WILSON’?: O'.T, L3'i.{*>ev Ty and H-rnesp Eatablishmeat. Wilmington. N C 69 4t*2t I UfV Ser‘- ^ \otic:e. vlTOl.KV to uoder t e sub criber’s Turpentine fltill. ■;• ; = . e a t fortnijM^, woven pifc»s of IRO^, . ,1,: d a half inche,s "nuar-. three feet long . , V,- -gethCT about l‘>0 Ihs Said ron has been ., ” 1 s " ti’l f'r S' me tim? and i« '•onseqtJently '>m n' i>” A lib-r.i rf»ar i will be p-*'d for the >-e- ^ . OT- if r?i» ' 'voh ;'roof to convict the thief. ^ M D DENNINi. T:yl*-’s Landing ; er’and Co. S^pt. 28. 5H-8tpd l'«IU .^ tLE. A Uaro^*pnnr1«nUy tosernrra tlo»nelH Verkn.n- nurii (ou:uj- ‘ • ■J'MK 'i^-'r - ■ ^ ^ I IS .r-c-.'.* =•"! ”J-!f f ... . I . , (j/iT.ta'n*: 4t5 ab'U' • r.■ . - ■ ■ r . ‘d wt'’ g- i -‘>--'h*rds ..T.d «•.,), r Ft i''torr'at*^n ad-irtr- Ihe eubscrih.-r at Chari, rto o-. .• , .,1 » p.. for yo-ir^ep- W .M. MMTHEVS Si>r. , 2.''. l.’'*'-^- 68 SALT, OF the BEisT QUALITY, willba exchanged fa' l aooti, c..ru, r/e, r.r foi-ier, on the most rear-mftble t^rm^, ■i* ^57 works. or J^bcz Frink i? laa-j- oppo-iUj Trib*•^^‘ Inlet, six miles North ot the Sootb Ca.-olina 1 ae- Also, two good mules wanted. ^ ^ SMITH Loabwtoa. 8*pt. 29.186S.

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