u*a rt*i tl. 1 ■ 'U'/ iK ui. ia.. th I III ‘S, t.; sUi Cfll U;>. . wr ' u! ‘ , t •d a:: th. - bi , i i- • Jj. hri . lUii I, Lull divKic ih ?Ut itw tWii ‘'!*i V lartcr- ^ iur trilu t, !uy, genu ik.j ihau tr*ui Mok duij uui iLc iaivi * filed w a iClti.liJ bil hall bt lur- audii«r hei sts a ch:irg« ;r x-j*a_.cr ;lje ht is UwUkd L'^UlcUi Ikle >cr jLt&l: '^Ii; L*a pia»cd la iii« Uy sl wrt' ii uu i.viua- ul tv : I ut ot elate tx>e iiif 'i'.;- taxva lli ro^wi 01 iMc \V ai M4SJ IW»I ia:c . v^a LU .Ik at«l . krraui au L UUl m lip>c X c« lUMt- iiS »uy i.i. •uawrsaa «ii sauie :• Lfee lk« Ui V' ..V ik.-- liiu a( li ke i au uil B««h ' p iio^e .5 ibe iU. .»iw 1«1 Ufl, laiiii' :L - : ,UL:j tarj 0 c.but . bfc i' tiic ^ oil'; : ol' ' rei i oa ear, able and . tiiv‘ Bpor and be '* the i ime :i ht. « Stia'! d A V.\: .‘ 'T- •.tiiv-jd eaid . i " Si * . Q ■ flrit iG - ■ •it'C- . , *1^ 3C > ..cz r* > yriet, tlia cuief lector 01 t»i« eoto) or L-lrt, »m .« ‘-ax lli tl ate, i.o;t*ia- r bill ict c( *re- .7^ istce c lar- cutvr «r tt'i tact, ur :sc- ^e^i - u^; m try rt'j- y* r fi«er . f l>ug oi ak R; r«kjuirri oi tiic uauo' ladcr I- . lereoo aua jrj y«r4\^B jcss Ler^iu all UZtf« r prop-r>y ■ol. ipitai->, '^yt iihail b' iuuH of thii5 iry b'.'. lit i rult»5! and if tUia act, yearn uftor the t«Jie0 hall b« le tter iu the jd fur the rihj. ‘ L> - val -ujres, agrvcuitu- precocd- tiuQ of y for tke I \»i FAyETlKVlLLK. N. C-. UJT>iU:il 15. i8l^. [NX 1272.] ;’K'MT1» iNDATS AND THTJl»-VYiS r^WAJii) J. miK d ms, KT)IT01?S and riWPRlKr^JlvS ioa iwr the P'ral-W«fkly Ounuuvfiu O), p^M la ''•'Tsnoc IJST W CEU!:«ES FOU h RuO- Jin^ ft ftr til* Wwily OBWBRvaa ?4 W p^i .^nn **jT»ac.p i*-AD¥KRriHKMENT^i insprt^i for ?2 « ;MAr^ if 16 lines for th* first, I one (toll'*r f..; c «K'*4irij5 publicatian. A'lvf^rtisements not t'Si bi»’' s^uar* (alfkt linofi) |:i for the firm anii •'.•> u‘Bt« f^r eajh •a^'oe«(ling publioatiou •*rp rs- to 8ti*to the numher of Itimrtlotis or ko continued till forkld, ui'i ahs^rr^d hocM4- tfigty. A.dTeniM»raents oontiuued no-v iid- ?«rtit«menta. 8PBC1AL NOTICE. fr«vi an i a^tcr thii lat«, no uaru« of a new iuhforit(>r bo entered without payment io a'lvau'X', nor wiU tto ['»per be seat to ench Buhacnbere for ^ longer lime ? is paid for. 8acb of our old aubacriber? de^'iro to tak«j the pa- piT mi thi« Hjbtem will plooso notify u*; when Tu vkiag rr'fiiiiacces. Jan’y 1, UXUL JJiPP" -J M" '■■'-» ifvff. jnrex. jftcjK.ti\ Attorney at Law, FaTSTTBVIIAB, N. G. WILL attoad th« Coumty aad 8ui»erior Coarfs of QaskerlaadL, Haraott, Mooro aad RoVewn Cous in. Prompt atiantloa girea to the oollcotioa of all oIoAm oBtrtMted to hie hands. Oct. 17, 186S. M-tf ifroni F^y- tfvi le to vVilmiMt^toa, |)5 0*.> • • *• '• Kl’z:ibr!h 7 50 ■ Wiiilt KV.l, W 75 “ .. .1 Kelly s Cove, " ’• ‘ .ill p«iuitf Jn*low, 15 00 Hr.noyu Oii uk-ik *: 1'lyn.'te .-U** to $7 50 “ “ Eliiabfih, ^ 76 WU;.fhi.il, 6 25 " K'Hy’.* 0 yt) ‘ • ' All poivi*' 7 5^ IbP. ?’'o»i Wilmington re F^yelleT^l(•. )51G “ “ “ HeUy’i t'o"*' >1,76 “ “ Hall, rt 2fi *• T"’ '';»bv:h, 76 , “ ^*ro^p«ot Hall, 12 0' •' “ All point# cbovv, 15 v>- HKro.vjj OT \s'i, on i>kok From Wilraiaftou i£. K*yet?e»m?, f7 6(j ** “ “ Kelly’s 4 'iO “ “ lTnit«f ***li, f) 0i) “ '• All pvials aboTo, 7 St» decend Clas? >r Parpengert must stay oa i lower deok or pay I'l-.ll price, ur Ruate aa Firat Class. Mr \n "xtra cHarft* will be mitde for Wr_t Pasiea- fet" fenltsf; ia'.o brrtM dHnn); day tiuie, and for occu- pyiat; a Berth with tkeir boots or skoea oa, at the dis-'iotica of the Ce.pt•tiw J. A. for 0. F St in B t Co. 11 M. DRRELL, for St’rs Kate aad Bun T. 8. LUTTERLOH. May 4, 18«.S. XO-tf SfeuRt 1^'rnoa FenaaJe Sfialuary, At Mt. Tern«n .Hlncral Kprlnsf^, {.’h:iUrwn (vanty. 1st Session to commencG 23th ^ept. ^ TEKM8; 10 'tO t Htjher Enj. Draaohea por scasioa of 2W Academio Clasi, Pria»ary Chssii, Mu^io and Paiatlag, each, Latiu, Fi'oacb and Drawlnf, >jaoh, Bciiri, Fihosl r'.,#--. »x' T C. H00PR1». PriRoipal for pupiJi may addr(*«^"J to me at S! 0 (K> ^6 00 1^1 OC HO Oi) 1-2 W 2i>e •(? I ot* GEO, W. WILLIAMS & CO., %%'h»irM3ile in i)roccricH, AMD IMPORTKHS AND CKALERS IX Hardware ftiid Tutlerjr, Swedfs IroB« n.iY BTRKKT, FATKriBVlLLK, N. C. IWI. SHif JOH. UTLEV, tiracet' and Vo*ninin»io>% ^^lerchant, fay!:tt^:ville, n c Jtm y l»i lti63. »3 tt T. lSr«.~WokTR Oc«fiiiilN*iioii and ForwartUnA WILMINGTON, N C Jan’y 28, 18«1 84tf cITkdT FKW LAblhS c*n be acoonnaodated with t «.\rd at Fr«in and after thi»» daAe the Sttaaier A. P. iiURT will leave at 8 o’cUck, A M., on Moaday aad Thursday. J08 A. WORTH, •\pril 6—17tf ] Ag’t C P. Stea.m Boat Co. l^STKRnf RAEL ROAIJ^ The Trains of this Road leave Fuyetfeville d:iily, (Sundaya eiceptei) at 8 o’-lock. ' M , ".O'l i-e- turnia{ IcaTc McWer’s at 1 o’olook. P. .M. Pr»ifht Trtun MONDAY, WKUNESDAY.tal FRIU KT By order of the Pre«id-nt JNC .M Tre6J*’r »nd '.ct’p Traoc. Aj;'; J(*n. i-2, l«tW . . F!kTclt«tU!c HoBt, 8. nOOPKR. %¥A k LAb\ of exp?rleno* to Ine'TUOt In tho piins^ry de>- IX partmont of tno fllah»Joa i AoiJewy lai •,‘tV.c sfei^rje of a ewtiil 7^4u8>4 ria#* la order to tJb.o titi; 'irpllc»’'t^ t!I1 toct*,»viiiia!s T» 'h t'>i«;ir nj-pU. .\ddrore JON V H. DALLY, Rookiughai:), Rloh’d Co , C. Bapt. 16. ^4-tf Spul Cotton Eichaagi^d for Lard* WE will gif* dpuo Cotton in part paymont for LARlJ deiifcred at our Factory on I’emon 8t. A. MoLADoHLIN A CO. 1..4Kl>.OIf.. Factor/. ■ \ vrry ftae aniole, for sale at our A McLAUOl'LIN ji CO. II4R A!>l> TOi:.a'.i' '^OAP. -F$r s(*:* • our Paoiory. A ;.l.L.AU '‘lLIN .t C'/ Fayeiteyilla, Bopt li, ISGH t i at MOT 1 WlIiL po^ri •■• •■. o-plioni! he ■i'f lo '.o - ‘ ■- • • t .u« j v • o % Luaoi''i r-.t'-r-ir.ng :i\\rh:r tho or.yr.ai t In couuecti,*r wi;b ihi^ iar^e Hotel, I hafe a number of H^vok», Cai riages, Bugri>*‘’ a'td Saddle npr?f9 tkat r»y*;UcTUic .‘nkcual i FATBTT*TIt,l.(«, N r- , Jut? ■??), / WA!¥TEII. OMB Hb'NDHF.l) DOLLAR.'^ r’iTCO) |I.ATT?f3 taoeivfd aulbwiiiy freia tUi* i^**eret.'4’ c-f ll VVar tc iaorenu* ifae eircugtk of th« prf-afiif t'orpn s* .Ar.'^askl, tko uadtrniyte-i will "(liJt #u.> bun- Iroi 110*; Me, f.-»r that pjrty'''. Tj'.i-ii *'i> j..t ,0 ;■•. jii « turd .»o? mpply. 1 i-rt»"p;f-rr •»' '1 f.x^Ufcntod ■ T *.*n n-w in s T7i.*9 •• :i. i.'>. ‘Jt •i-'i-j* M.\ITliL** [’. i\\YwOB, Capl. U. fc. A Ju'^c ^ S'”*:: TsiHi CA i Ayutaiit aiMl iiiaKMlor tieiiwttl’i \ Sl'TBiL !,!FE IIISUEIXCS C9aPi3*, I- fRxJnT'”]"' T^OW ia the teatk year af sucoesaftil operation, with I Wp»;!iai OaDKHa. i grswiag oapital aad firmer hold u*»a pukiio wa ! No. 213. / 6fc^B!’o, ooatiaucfl to lasure tho liyes of all healthy per- 1 W DU-ilRAU OF CoNrfCKlPTlOH 1* autho- b'»iiR t^^Kl 14 to ad years *f af«, for eat yoar, for seTei* j 111 , ;*c rsise and equip its 9i»,3h of tho rftatea of yesirs, aai for iifo—alllifoa»e5aS*rB9kariag mtkopreli.Ji j Uc^' ri-., .i .uth Oaroliiia, North Csr.->iiva and VlrgiuLi, \.U elavoa fvora 1# to ycuri* of afo a^e lar.ured foi i lii'ti-l'.iTi of a^x cotcpaniM of "•'nuted men, who eno year -*v fsr five yeaia fer two 'klrds tkoir raiao. j f'lrnUh tho'f OTra korsoi?, aai :rho aro u ;i liable to con- sciipii )p *3 'inier tho oidere ot :hc Baro^u for tho piitpo.'t?!’ of Ot.-iisoripiloa, tho arrest of dct»ortcra i>a ; fo;- local ief'jnoo, T.uitered for oce year. Oomp«iii‘;r sloot th.Jr 'wl -•'thscr* Field OffiiTer to bo fro'u olBoers bdoriginjr tf- ti .:• )v'a rolling servin». Ooinpani&B not to at*'0‘»J aan Irei sftnk aui l*j oonim.'Uid of the S^orotary of War JNO. WITHERS, ,\«s’t AdJ’t »*&’l All an s jaoiually yrsi.i wU^iin 9> iaye •»f*vPT ^/►finfa’t't.'r;’ pr^sf in pre«(^»t»-d Far furtker iaformatioa tke pukli's Is referr«4 tu Agent/" er *k« C^wpaay ia all pw-i- a ’ \io fltate, aad t- R S .*ATTLE, 8o?»retary, Raleigh j. ti^LB, Agoat at Jaa’y FdyatfeTill?*, W. 0 FA YGTT CViM.fi I9ISIJRAIVCIC COnPA^If. i’-i'al la Premlu/a Wotea aawORtP to Ob»a «a kaad aud o'Jter aoscta. 1297,«SI Si i,977 »i Total, $272,746 *1 Tke Ooiapaay hate paid all lo#«oa proaiptly, aad kavt BCTcr nada &d a»g488i»eDt oa t,\o!r j.r«t>.vjitn sat*?. Total laaaea paid, $:^?',>>S2 8* OfFiPiP*; t3r,0. MoNElLJ., Pr*Rl>*at. P. A. RAV, Tioe ?rc:»id*at r V MoMILI AN,£c«’f. ;>!aBrT5 Meary Lilly, H. L. MyraTor. 8. X iHaTrloy, t^athaa A Stodaia i. B. ^JaUett, 'uiij'-a Xyie, \. A -L', J I?. ^iliiaKq, 3. If. Tillia;ka«'t. ha t>!liTj» mi 0. 0. mv P'l'' »■' 1 miuuio s notice. •I >t. F LAI ft 'rr'-'; : i'.tf'.' ;!jt.*l, \i6»!>‘Ue. N -.1 ypd A! I 0. UOOPKR. 6tJ- •iie eeatinary. ?-pt 12. IBOl. JrHNSoX WiLllAMS & 00,. ‘ SAI.T ,H.\KHKS. yi/E hate thirty ^30) pans bow ia operation niao miles iT eaet of Wilaiinj^on Parties wishing to supply ih^selTOd with Bfth, can ho furnished by applyiag to A Johnson, Jr., Apcnt at PayettcTirK?, to E Pa^*- .f~uia4rer at tho works, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, General Supcrinteadeat FayaUeTilla, So». 1102. 81tf WAI^TED. 2rAA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1.6O0 CORN. Persoaa kaTtng the aboT* anielea to sell wiUry?«lTe vko kiitheet Cadh price by calliag on Mr. .M Thonia^oii. tho Jklc’-ohant Mills, Fayctiovillo, or ou the *ul>i ri w hia old stand oa Market Squate ALEX JOnxyON Jr Tux iolite. IWill atten'l at the i-i?.- aad p‘.*o."8 to OJi- lect tho mon^y ; ix for Moore ‘'ounty. Oari'.age, Vfeduesday Oo'y'>er 2^tJi; .‘^liau’i, T.nurdJay iyth; Pocket, Friday 30th; MoNeiil's, .'■&tiird'Ly 81^1; D Qra- kam’i, Mendiiy 2d; Mr». U'»rr*it’s, TuesJay 8rd; .‘Laniers’ Muster Orjuuti, Wednesday 4;h; Sheffield’s, Thursday 5t'-; Itii:?;’#, Friday 6th; T. D WiUiiras’a J^aturday 7tk. Tha A^fexsora will il90 ettend at tho aboTo appaiat- T.erte tu ri4|ke tk« assossnteuts in kintl of the matured crop*. Ail pernoaa liable to pay the *ax in kind must corae forward te tUese appointments prepared to reader aofurato llstH jf bl! :h«, ^uatuieJ *r,)pg aubjeet to naid tax The oolloater in kind for tka oouaty will iisc Uo prefient .u said »ppoiutn»enta to deeiguaie places of do- pasit, mako eontraote for hauling, 4o. AEX KELLY, Diatriot Collector Cankaga, Sapt. 2S, l8diJ. 68 tl 1400 ron of L.^NL’ 'vii-, :c‘>d ba id'M^ and cx- watrr. J'i.- timSer it* {'i-^a, oak -ini hickory, sw‘*wm ie puf lar tad J:inlp»r. Hituated Oh the ;i«ad of El'i^’s i;rei;/ lu i>l\dt«a co.iuty, d muc« Kisi »)f t'»e t; .p'> ?.>si R.V' 'n c'- • to ;• .ro'i- , »:i •»{ r'y ! , t ' iu:..- r i via, Saentf, i»i Eiuaaetb, Ulaiii: . 'i-.,-. ' ho . c pleasure In tho pr*ji:i*«s J, N. Mv. w'LJ.. i^ept 1. l-f-'i ^l-; > _ '. Wool. thi* .lare (troept W, N. TiKii^ghrtAC, B. J. Hiaadala, ITm. MciLx^riu, a. T S. Lat'- ^oh. A 'f' lt ’ J. a. C«'k, £-'P. J. ‘.Jhaj R. P. iSrawn, V A. K. Sail, / M'tfOustns »n, Trav*; ?r4. li&'gvoii. .«■ Ago«l># a- JYOTICS. COKBCilipr OFPICB, iN. u., \ liALBiou,'Oot. 7, iBoa. I TUS OomiaandaQt Isrit^a tho atb'.'&tion of all p^rfiOiL') 0t«p^bl0 of betfing arwa, t>-it who ara exempts fram wilitary duty under the prcueat rag>ilation«, to the aboTO order of tke Pacrotary of War. It will be aaen that ii ia the Lutantiun of the I>opart- Dient to raise a Battalion of mounted men for speoial eerrioe in N. 0.; and t'lo Commandant hopes that all able hodicd men, who tanj be exempt by reason of hav ing furuisLuJ sub.^tltutea or otbcrwioe, will not shrink from this call, but will haitea td enlist in the defcnco of their hoiaob, thoir ^resldoa, and tha Btate that gave them hirth Partioa OTi’.iiitin,? ia this Battalion will be exempt from duty in lha Militia arJ Home Qnaref, and will re* oolvo tb« pay and allowance of oavalrymen. The Earolling O^aerfi thrtughoat the fitate are fttJ- thorl*od to receive recruUa or thay may report directly at ritfjor of th? Camps of ItiHlruotion. By order of Col. PETER MALLKTT, ’omraand»nt of Consoripto far N. C. L CoLR, Cnpt. aad A. A. A Q. 71-lm A ?4SC«! fke .low Style'. R««il, (OWUK!? PH«Te«ilAPHI(. AT Vttn*»ra4«rir.-» 4dalierf. VS'o^vT«r«IN i)ns2st*r«su »t Vaaorsiell’s i;c iVisrbld I tr-.i. Fay- 1 Ci>lloii ¥arii lor ^€V 6, l«t>3 ARtlY IIAR ITESS. t .«.M prepared to man if«'t.urd j.li k'Hw’a 7 Wricun iruct- t->r A'lT-y u-« 1 tfvn luv lc.it .;-r 'iU t • -'i cirt; g')od bargains, .\gent3 wili do .^cil to Bcnd fueir ',riers to ne ae thoy shall havo prompt ai:,entiop. and •>«ct off in quii V ^i3patch .JiiHN CARTE’'- r 0.. Ciiathrttn C« , •' ' . , Juno i--?, 13f>7 > WADTTEO, tar tho Hospital at Fort Flslier. POULTRY, Chickens, Batter and other delicacies far 1 |Vii jiok Soldiers at this Hospital. Persona having theae article* can obtain tha market price on applica tion to the fubacriber at his old stand or at Mr. J W. Powfir^’s on Ray R. B HEIl^E, Uea’i Ag't. 25 68-tf AUg vV 2^0 C:am Arahif tor Ai^ u«(ua! t!ir Blvckadc ILL campol us to io what we skou’d h;»va iona be fora this, war. upon jyiir«elf and cut l.ic.^e froni the eaeiay. Th.? pr^'prietorn 'r.aTiap started the •a'U'ifti'.;- lii'fBr of aU k:u4^ f?" rv«*i’■.'i ;j ‘ri ifi* !, w'.l. t''5 '41'.V '.9 >iil arder^ at •Tb‘>rt ‘I i". F.»y-'('.Til.-, C IV L. Sr/ETT. Cawbf.r'ia^ J. M N OTlCb is U«reby givou : :i*t' in oive- ff where w« Liar* b'.ririii.sa^ for Wjel rv:cfli-^- iug to '-ho isrms of hur adr^riisement of the iOtk ef May, whiok terms are saw riTokai,)wi will gi val ban- dU of (Jottaa Yarn for 4 lbs. of Woai unwashed, ar S Iba. washed aad picked. Tkis change la made at th ia^taaee of the Q'!'r'.erra&nter at Raleigh, iu order to make the ter-raj of ^xekaaga ueifara tkraugheut the Siat«. 6E0. W. WILLIAMS 4 CO. Fayetteville, Juaa 29, 1^03. litf •Vork 0- Ltc Kifypt C«al .nine. The underaigaed wera, at tka ^evcnkar Term of tka Confederate Caurt, Diatriot af Nartk Carolina, ap- peiated Maaagara af tka Egypt Coal Mine property, and kava ealered iat« oepartaarakip for tke purpaaa »f miaiag aad aetliag Coal, and ealioit arders far tke eama ia aay de»ired ^uaatity. Ordera far aay amauat caa be supplied 9M akart aatioe. The 0«al fram this pro perty la aadoubtedly tha kaat ia tka Confederate atatcs. Applicatiaas may ba made to Ckaa. B Mallatt, Fayette vine, R. C., ar Jamea Brawaa, Ckarleaua, 8. 0. CHARLKS B MALLKIT. JAMES BROWHK. Fijetteville, Jaa’y 20, 183. Wtf ORl» sale" '^PJ18 aaderaigned have takeu tha Ajijcoy far th« sa'.e 1 of .Mescrs. W. B Fwrrar it Ct’s (inad Stoacrf, atl hav'; now «h «aud sius ruaaimf from 18X2} inches te 6 feet by 11 inekes; aad oaa •‘ave iut at r*ion aolise FIZKV PerFOP'^ !S waot '♦.-■’sa 3t >a*s avl. pi^aaft CjrrcBT»aad wim aau*i ;l«;n'dL, wfee will S!I oiiera pramptly aed juar-ir.v^a il»e ^Mility 'h ' cii^ i-f /*?pr9i»enteu. CIFO. VV ^ILLI4M3 A CO. f-' T-' -r ^7 17 3i-t: pHyT«OP.APH« tM bo had at » riaHvry J.»f oi>p-i«i .1;;' V.; pUln, rcl'yuol.'^d. O-JiOTtrd, :t 'wt.l-cr .l«rs, wii and pasiilo; frvai suati to iifc- pi*'* \ii4b«r> tyV'^, Melsueotypes. »!*> all otijer ( nie^ .;i‘ ^ioi‘»cet peitainitr to the .Vrt Also, Gil! F**:**.-, li .•-■.csld- ^ I#.- ^?ry large pictui.-. lari;- .. . 'd iX,\. t . Cord and TK*i>ui8 for hanging picturce. lutiu-u- ritaok and Chemieals f.>r aalo loa for ea^k. Ltle size oolored Pawtographs made from amall pictures. rrivi'ig penuabeatly leaated here I hope to mei44 your paireuage. I waald alao return my sisoera tkanki for *>.0 liberal patronage bestowed oa ae herotofara b/ tho goed pe-ipla of Fayattevilla aad vloiaity. 0 M. TAK0R3UBLL, »ad Pr«fu4a4^>a. Um t to, 19A9 n Marble Fuciory^ Suvgeosi Wt?nei*al> Office,) Ualeiqu, Sept. 27, lbG3. ) Medical examining board N* l, campaaed .if the fbllawing narned Medical ilfllcorti, Surg'ou E. A. Crudup and Burgeon Henry Joyner, will meet at Sumaienrillc in tha eouaty sf Harnett eu Wednesday tha 21it Oct.; at F.ijjtteville, in Cumberland county an Friday and Saturday 231 aud 24th Oct.; at Luubertea, ia Robeson county on Mouiiy the 2ttlh, 18(>8, for the pur po?e of i-xriMiaiu^ all pertusa who olaiiij nom 'i iuso Guar'. d..^.v r. ji physical Jiriability, ao- • >.*rj'T.g ;-o 'aa pr.'v)»i..u* ef Osser-l Ordr-r Ho. 6, is- nin-I ‘roMk th% Aij'i 'i'>B oAce. EDWARD WAHRSN, «ii:KTvr. Gen . ' .-JfPt 2.J. 18«?S. Loiter from l\€*ident Daiii».—The Mobilop.i pcrs publisi- iho following letter from Presidflrit Davie to tlio “(Joulederato Societyof lilQterj rin.^ Miea iliciiMOND, Va., Sept. 17, l!iG3. J. fF. Ifarnum, S«cret»iry of thA Conjcdf- rate Untcrprige, Mus : Sir:—I liRVo received your l?Woi of tlie 22J ult, c-ucloitin^ H copy of au address to the people oftho Lo.iiedt;ittt6 oailiuy upoii them to uuito i» ftu etfort to restore and maintain the par valua of the cu’-rouoy with gold by forming Bucietiea of citix'jci) TrI'o Trill engage to sell and buy only at reduced priooa. 'The objeot of tho address ift most laudable, uui I siaoerely hop« for it great auocess in aroifMing the people to oouoarted action upon a Bubjewc of tha deepest importanoe. The pasflion for ppeculadun has become a gi«;a*tie cvi\. It has aeeUa&i lu tuke [>otoc5aiui. of the vrholu uuuuti'v, aud hua Buduood citizens of ail olasses from a de- termiued prosecution of the war to a sordid elfort to amass money. It destroys enthusiasm and woaken public contidenoe. It injures the effi- cieaoy of every measure which demands the leal- OUH co-oparationof th^ people in repelling the pub lic euohiy, and threatens to bring upon ua every ca lamity which can befall freedom struggling for in- depeuuciioe. The united exertions of eecieticB like thoso you propose should accomplish much towards abating this evil, and infusing a now spirit into the com munity, T trust, therefor*’, that you will continue youi I'ibors until their good effeol b»ci.uie8 apparent everywhere. Please accept my thanks for the comforting tune of your patriotic lettei It is a relief to receive buch a communieation at tL's time, when earncfit etfort is demanded, and whan I am burdtued by the oompiaining and dcsps'tient letters of many who have stood all tke day idle, and uow blame anybody but themseWea for revorsoa which have come and dangers which threaten. Very reupsctfully, Your follow citicen, Jefferson Davi* Hftid^uartera 3d Heg=t Homo Qnard, i FAyKrrKviLLS, Oc‘- tl. ISOy. ) J'r 1 of a i p-.T^oo.? thi- R.;K’t i whj oiairu exomprivc from d;uj on bcS>UDl-jf difl- i'v. .•■}:.cd I ; the f.'icg-j’ng EctiCR, tL.v ■’it'y may pr«3oii! i*iiiriS9hos for axftiwav.ioa at tho times aad placua ni*‘ntiened. 70 5t] W. DRAUGHON, Col By GEO. LAIJD^^?!. SeliS .U9I! S. T. EAiei! t SDKS’ 8T9U! S-’ayctteTilfe, 1%. C, i i'-', 1 iiiO The 84- i^OTICK. Tl^’Z C.'tDHnSlGNED. both St7ins entered th ; .Uih- U-ry servise of the Coufei.'ra;'. 8(v.i;.- tf Auv*riea, teraby give aotiee to the‘-r aid cm'onier» friead-*, ibit they i:avc appointed Johu D. Starr aad Jahu I), »Villi,i*»’.«, t’’’f j’laje, their ?’forn«ys to c »licot eil!»>r or rc'nJf'Miily al* w.»i ey-: dne the.'w either by account or pnte. ^ad ofh«rwi*3 to ai^ent? lO their bn- ItiPORTAIVT JUALE. Tub undersigned, COMMISHIONERS appointed by the County C >'irt of Rol>eson county for that purposo will sell at public aucticn, in the town of Lumberton, a valuable lot known liP the “JAIL LOT,” alao, about 80,000 lbr». of iron, together with tho hrick belonging to the old Jail. The sale of tho a^ove valu able property will take plaoa in Lumberton, on Tues day the 3rd-dav nf o»mu iron will be sold ia lota to suit purchasers. R. B. FRENCH, 1 P. P. SMlTfl, B GODWIN, }• Commis&ion'rs. W. A. DICK, I J. A. ROWL.AND.J Oot, 8, \9m. N. B. Sealed proposals for building a new Jail for Robeaon oouaty, will be raoeived by the undersiicaed ComaiiBsioners until HATURDAY 14ih NOVEMBER next. Plans and speoi&oationa of the building will be furnifihed by the Comnisjionera on the drd Novoraber, tho day appointed tor the sale of the Jail lot premises. R. S. FRENCH, ) P. P. SMITH, B. GODWIN, y CoHsmissionere. ”v. A r'^CK, 1 J. KOWL.irfDj 70-tl4Nov Grremhorou'jh Mar7i‘Ai.—?oaie of our exchu.i- ges doubt the propriety of ne?:ipapor market rc- portii during the present lurd times, as affordiiig tiio extortioner a b«tter opportunity to “ply his Towation." We rather agree with i>'.u contempo- iuries in this respect, though an occasional report of our town mark.-L may do i. ^ seriou*? itjjnry, and will alTord an item of intercftto those ef oui town readers who buy their proTisions on the streets: liaeon, last in market active and Uocly, no quo tations. Beeswax, none; Butter OOU a0000; Corn, none; Chickcn.*, 00 a 000; Eggs 00 a 000; Tallow, none; Tallow Candles (in the stores), 81 each— extra wicks, ?1,50 eaoh—without wicks, sto5k ex hausted, but wili soon bo replenished; Oats—win ter, too early in the reason, receipts light; BeanA —none—crops failed—owing to tho wet weather, onOl uvuv;, Lard, 8000 a 80000; Soap, slippery and little doing—quotation 80000 a 00000; i^our—com mon, per bbl, ^0000; lino, 800000; superfine, 8000000; extraordinary super&ne, 80000000; fam ily ‘blao-blaek” 800000000, with an upward tendency \intil put on to bake, when to use a mer cantile expression, it beeomes “heavy,” and does little; ehinquepins, market well supplied by little boys and negroes at 50 cents per quagt. Grtentb»rou^h Patriot, 0;t. 3, 1808 25 ^ I/ Ci bACilB for 8&le 'ey ROBERT MITOlt’LL .■i 21 TOBA€€« POOLS md Ct-noB M'ii*. Oedur X‘»C i^CuaS* bin Co. ar*? now prfi=.rei to fismi?h, - t shcrt notiae, all kinds o.^ ;rr;?r =’ sr.iwlile {'•■T Woolen »»d J. M. f»&Ei.L, Arev^i •i C., Julv tt. 1.S88. S6-«ttpd -f BOXES VIP/HN'A TOBACCO, various r X t/V far !»'e consignuisBt, ty GS J. W. v,'t L'^.IAM^^ fc C'» Lcallier OAAi'i LSI.'. . rhtft'-y well *an3^*iu 801.: l,.l ' I ^ ivUVH/ anitabie tor BeltLn? Apply t . I. MURPHY. > ly >*ieville, AfTii 14. 2’’ f 'i o C'ott«:8 1 n AVH be*;.*! a(.foiiilod hy ibp Sr-riretnry the TrflS- i .:.»ny. Chir! .^ge»iT for tha pnrub*a^ of Catron far the (.’'infAO(‘r ,t# jJovo'r ie.^« wi'kiu the State ef Nor*h Ci-.ro- ’■« , r.T*'-. «’ill 7'V ■ • r fa* 7 per .;5Bt liou't’ or _> . . -- - — .. ^k(n c'Tierary dnrlD» their ahsensc. Tuev r^l^p^.cfc- I aiiti I j p»TrH-nH indeb'«*d tn Ifci-m ta chi! as proia]»t- j tfcpt. lo, j ;v as u^-eible ou tkt'ir &g»ate f'S*-lukkd pnyiurtnt. j ItfT^RK .% WTI.UAW. LaURINHUH' .4kt1»iiiwUlr^tieii rHotice, i 5uSr.nrtPor- hwiug ^ualilied au Adiuiaistrators on { I tli« estate of C ij t Beaj’n Rush, at 6ep*ember Term I of Cutnberlatid Couaty Court, Uereby give actios to all * rer«on" ind-ibfc'i to .said estata to make ia'-mediafe pay- j moat, aud p.ll peisonsi having cliiinis against said estate I ta present ther. with Lii the tiiae prescribed by law, or I this notice will ba pioatfed in bar of their recovery. MARY A. RUSH. Adm’x. BENJ’N RUSH, Jr . Adm’r. AdaainiBtrator’w riaCiee. fPHK iubscnber httviajf at If. ;u, Mot. J tke Cauaty Coiu't if CumkerlaT»d, cjualitied is ;»d- iMkietrator upoa tht Eniato of Neill G Mo**iii'i, deo’ti, BOtiftes all perBOM having cKims agiiinst the Estate to pr*«eat them witkin the time limited by law, dth*‘rwi.>tj aie tt?H V>e pleaded l» bar of re“rv€->;j i. r-= KTQ re*\dected t' :aake pro*ii*t p»y®eiit BHCTOR McKBU.]., Adm r l>»e w>, t > .>n £i.^t side of Cdp« Fear, tfoweTherv op- M "p^Hit.H to '’awpbollton. bei^.fj dr'rrn into the rivnr ‘'f.vH und can’t find her y&y hack. I’iio is -i •liii cv -p la ^ whlio or and beliy. rod cb ncok and sides. Wko- ter will *ake her up and let me itnow it, cr bring her up to mo in Campbelltoiii, will be libarally ‘ Tke raid caw was baught in tka upper part of nauaty aad may prabaWy fiad hw wajr oaxintT. '' to that /HO. A WAT»0«. 40 tihod tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TUNNER8’ and LUBRICATING OIL 1 LAMP BLACK la Wreb? For sale by .we B BL0880.M & C>., VUstiairt^. N 0 Mank 1. ~ »aLt-?^ai.t. IkRKIiONB wishing to purchase » good article, will J ftnd it ta thoir advaatage V> lir» of HABTER8 ft CO , at Little River, 8. 0 , where they feep on hand a large «upply whioh they will bell at low Jicui ee. There ie abfo fine faeilities for getting t+ie Salt ap to the Raiirt‘a4 by tiata. EASTER^ & ' ri Little B.iver, 8. C. At>*. 6. Alter this date 1 will pay 12} Cants per pauad for rage, or the higheat market prioe, delivered la rajeUevitle. or at my miUs oa Kookfish D. MDEIHY 2% im, SuV viiitinj U*c diff-arent parts sf tke State, k’sjiw^ !'i ray aawc, wil! ' '.ye writ*.»B cfrtifiaates of 3y 'I l^r of doarat-.j'y of th».- rrc.i:”.ry., alit’aitaa tnr*i'J aifjrilf or tny ^^oata, et and after the ! (t .y c* Mai'iK l.'Hi’i. witl be p'.id for 7 p?r ocn!. Boi?d i a;- ta, »uii a-j‘. :* j’^r eeit licais as a;ated ta } 5 ' r-'..;'. ?4v'.~ i* *ne:it. to Ih^t us.te, however, tk* jxM* J»!at. i*' .i-l- 'ffiii ws -,!i.ted. Pat-iaiifl o;tMea»^ arc a ■.« 6lT::''^d opp>>rtaaity to sid thj tl-.Tor.’-.u»*‘at r. . lliag to i* th?ir 'J.jl»an ratfeai LtiWl.'^ B. ■??lLLl\Mt3. Ci:e»l''tu.-: li, [vi n.j Utl NOTE.-* of Nii-«L Cwroll.ia, 9^uth Cardllua, o Virginia and Georgia. vrth !;;roliua "ill per seui. Fand’.l/lJ NofcB. V-.-. iN'oi-iW C>»roliart ais per o^at. lioade, aew ia!ue. Vi. ^ KICHAK.D80N & CO., Br,;kers, Raleigh, ri. 0 Mareh ft. Brin;; i« your €anc. WE have at work tha vary superior Iron Roller Sugar Cane Mill and tpn jaad Kettles The Iron Mil! pre«see out all the juica from th* oane, the wooden rollers about one half. Ttrmt of ToZi —(JuaBlity whioh will make a barrel or less 0B5-half the syrup Q'uatitias greater’oue-third Persons haijag small oropa wauld do well to olub. Aa acre of cood cane will yield 8V galloas ar mart of syrap. ‘ H. K. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. l^lYETTByH^E AisKJiAL A^i) AH.n»feV. c , BKP’i. L’4, 180a i I f30 t^EWAitO. I E.SC.VPKD from prisoa on the moraing of th* 12th iset., j LEMUEL RUCHANNAN, who was arrested oa the j Busploion of being a epy He rapreseuted hitnaelf as a j from Morg.in’t' ^r^iy iu Kentucky Said Bu- 1 TMS ANNUAlwMBETiNO of t>.a rttockho’d—■- tf ^ilcniogtca, Ch*rl«nte 4 riuih.Ti'r-i 't'.il ad »,r-i-i- pazij will he field ia the Town of llookiii»;'\'-'a, oi» 'tSad neaiAy, 21st October 18SS. JAMES 1. MoC-iLLU‘4. i5t>e’y s.-pt. r* Tj fsj Rea! sll^tate at Aeictiou. WILL be sold, at tKo Market House, at 12 o’olack on Fri'i^y O'.'i 10b, 1HG3, i-o cli's a D^'id of Trust, th* liTORE ot CJillcspie .Siroot, acoifpifd ;«ove & Ovcbinigk. The hu.iso is in tocJ repair, aad ■wall lo- e’*.ed f»r retail tr» Ie- JOHN MURPHY W. {iIiA0{4Il(»N. Trustea. A. M Campbell, Aact’r. t}§l« Btpt h? ’-101 “ LAI¥I> FOR «AI.E. y NOW fo’" »*le ray place, s* Hept. 21, IB'z-l. 'I'bc* Si«r In again i«t tall oper^'ioa. ll-kvinr in my employment ocMpctvM»t wjrkcacn, i a«n prepared to oxeoulo wori rA tlio diiertebi nctisd aad for a r«aflonal*.e oaarRe. M. A PAKBa Fayettavilla, Aug. 18, 1863. 66tf Palma CitriMti Bcan*!(. TRE B'jba&ribcr will pay th« highest d^eh iricon foi aoy qo®B*ity Paliw* Obriati Beaas. J. a PayetiaviBa, >d S WORTS 07 tf i- f S5^' _ ci*iia»'‘ iin *4oiir« oo«--y .-a fCilletl’s Cre'-k, .i.il V wf et oC Carthag?. About 75 acres of ’he above lardi ara nader culiivalion. Thore is on the placj a -■■•iuf■■r»*'.h',^ J-.vfrilir.g, wi^h neot'a..ary Pntl’a':®'-. I ■’fill cc;i, 'he purchaser denira, all tcy taie y».rr’s ! c i>’ 's': lag utcnsiis, ?took, .io , aU upon nit tjrrjs r'.r rurihsr partiaulard, addrsM a» -*1 €■*.■- tlvij(;e, N. C. J. B. KELLY. H-'j 12 ' tV2-t2; 09W W A' The Subnori'iers wink to *ontraot for th» d-rliv.^ry at taeir .'tsiid-aoea ea Hay Mount '■■f FIFTY OORDS of WOOD, sl *etl7 P'ne. E. J I1AL3 d: HON. Bejt. 14. WAJ^EW, AYOUflG GENTLEMAN who has a very go'd uader- etantlintr "f L^tin, »re«k »ud Ra*lish lanRuagM, desires to obt-.la a sitaat’ca od Teacher. A ldrc>i? Q W. JONLa, Oaks P. O., Oranga oouaty, K. 0. Sept 6. 62-l*'tpd 'rhc Subscriber wishes to purchaae a few YOUNG NEGROE3 for which he will pay tho higlu'rit Cai»l» price. Thase wis’alag (o sell would do WcU te ottli «i or vidrees n»o at Raleigh. N. C. P J. 8TBRNB Ser^. 7 I • Further IVoticc. 'i^l K suhsoribars will sell, on a credit of six Months, I I notes with approved security, tke HOUSEHOLD aud ( KITf?:IEN FUP.NirurtE b'donfing to said »Mtate, cm I Vt'ciiiot-i-'iy (he 28th Inst., at thv; late iti.'cdeace af said C'^pt. Il’iflh, oa Pc^'aon stroet aud Bear tho Half-way Btidi-o. MA?vV A. P.U.'an, AiTn’x. BENJ’N HUSH, Jr., AdraV. Ffi.r'*!..f»iUo. Oct. 7uis Wanted to Purciiase, \irESTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK. VY Bank Notes, Q'jld and Silver, !•! ..th CaroUua Trea.=iary ^fotea (Fundabi?,) $1 aud $2; •- •• Uondsi, old anJ uaw; Couaty 01 Cuioberl/iud Loads; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Oreenshore’ j>l aad $2 (Jcrtificatee; Confederate 7 and 8 per ceut. Boods, Coupon", of $16,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds; " of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH Oct. 12, 18«3. 71t/ ORDX.IMK DKPABTMF.NT, \ Ralki‘.ih, N. C , May 8, ISSil. j Lead wanted.—I wish tc puriha'-e Lead for this yjparimeut Persoaa iiavm^ laitrr or llrr^.■^ll qur-n- liiias will pleare apply at oacia. Viilip-.v.j } D'f-i POWDER for 10 p«nad« of LEAD TH08 D HOGG. Caj-t. C. n. 63-tf ' In charge ot (.\di.na!i.-> Cap' - ^ - . ? • clianniuv is supponed to bo about Raleigh or n*ar iiiB motUer'e in Ciiatbam couaty. Tha atteatlon of Militia ORieers of Cbetbara, Moore. Cumberland and Wake, and all good eitiz^nH i»* especially called to this mau. The ab'jve reward will tie paid ii' tho pruon-v i;? delivered ta me at th'a I\.ct, oi $16 if conHficd ia ffny county jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOB, I 66-H Cai.t C. B. IQ'Vr LBS. SHOT—assorted; , 4 I 0 26 Keg.: NAILS; 30 bbb. TANNERS’ OIL; R.ftW IbH. CRUSirED SUGAR; CXmO-'t C.VRDS, No. 10. English Copp ras b»0‘ L.' f '-. Thread, Pegs aud A ^1-j, Fish H joks, PioR, Pi.oh forks, '^hvvclt' Tes^, Ma^cu’s Cl>"»l’.erg8 BUvkirt/ • $9 , at WUiH'''-’ .‘J Oil, L‘’ai:. -r. c.jrddlery and H.’.rn««s E^tabli-'ijinont, Wilmin.itou, N. tJ 8tp{. 30, l)^Cd t)9 4t«2t F the BEST QUALITY, ■'vilibe eschar.g;' ! fo; baoca. corn, rye, or fcdCer. nn the raoet remoa”.b*v torma. At my work**, eituute on Jvo-'z Fri»iW’-4 land, oppor'i'.' Tribb'i* Inlet, six aiilas North oi the H. Carali!'., liiic Also, two good Biulos wanted. -JJmpd ISO IdRY IIKDI V^HICH I wish to exchange for LE f vfhoi* o» part—Sol4 and Upo**" vjrr '^n*!. Ysu (vin addrvh^i ms »! Fa ' 2H, iSCii. I'lER, for thfl . his will suit jtteviUe, N. C M. F.vULE, 67 “‘d Sr^n. PUKtJj.Kfl Il>OP iitON. fcir f»a!e by }(\^ ;;t. UTL?iY ►Uitf 0 WAHTEII, IS'.Ci'.MR. '^h« can teaeh the highrr Mn^lieh branolios, French, :>nd Musio on Piano. A»drc*s D. CHOMARTIS Kii7ii!.. il ^"..Vn. N. C. Oo^8 ZSi 4iH l^aiid lor Sale. j^OR ^ALR, pr;?ately, a Fara» vf four huadrftd acrt«. OFHOK OF THE AtT« .\8S’T OUABT*!RM.iSTKR,) kajeltovlllo AiSf iial ana Armory, > Fa'i KiTKtvii.i.», N. C.,Oct. U, 18o8, J WOO£» W/ilfTED. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeaivad for tho deliv ery .if fsur l undrod nords af gof d 4iound blaok-jack » >oi, (400,) until 'ho 20ih Ootofcer, at tha rate of sixty (t*'i eorde) par month The wood to ba delivered at the A rfenal, whore it -w'll properly oordcd. It must aon- ferin itriellj/ to the standard measurement foroord wood, 8’ X 4’ X 4*. propoeala to be marked “Propasals for woed for Act’s Ass’i 0'i»rt«riaastcr.’’ MATTHEW P. TATLOR, Captain Cojpa Art’y, P. A. J. 8. 70tf aud Act’g Asj't (ittar'armaster. iviA' JVofsi:i^. tpHK AsKesPsrs for the co:;jity of Montgomery will at- 1 trnd At DifBa’s, Thursday 16th Oct. Bean’s, Friday 10th. Fork, Saturday 17th. Zion, Mor.day 19th. Mt. Qilead, Tuesday 50th. Rook Springs, W'edDOBday 21st. Isruton’s, Thursday 22d. Troy, Friday 2id; • To a.«ae»!" the “fax in Kind" on wheat,, oata. rye, foddor, Irifeh poti»fi)eB, &o. All farmers are requested to fkUend. It wiil be greatly to their interest to do so The undersigned will alao attend at the above places to ccllrct the money fax. ALEX. KELLY, Tax Collector. Oct !, 1^*03.. 71-2W ~"5rrj.Tl7 f i« E eSi A ilf Is in town, ard those having engagements vill please call soon. Fftyotfevill(>, Oct 12 71 Itapd .WTiCE. L0."5T, a' Cape Fear Church, or between my house and tho Church, a CORAL NECKL.\CL, with a ()old in Randelph aonnty, NO, lylo? about 20 mil« I Locket attaM.id, Any p'rsoa fiading the above property unv.th-er.ft .:-f Pflyh Poiat, ou th-* p:-.nk r.'5**! runai:»g [ an'’, rtturpiug it to ihw Bibf!crIoer will be smtably re- fro'r. High I'^int i« Fnycttsville, and about a miles fr«» ; vrarded. “• '*• FENNElJi 4 PLElSiNT TRir TO UiLEMJH, ^pilE subscribers have pat on the I route to Raleigh via 8ummer- vill*:, a two horsa PASSENGER COACH. They will leave Fayette- villa every Tuesday and Friday at 0 A. M., arrive at Raleigh easaa day at 9 P. M. Leave R*!eigh Wednea day und Sunday at (5 M., arrive at Fayotlevilie same day at 9 P. M. We will have none but good driver.^, or drive ourselves Oar lirm will he D. WARD & CO. I;AVID WARD J. A. SINK. tX't’r 12, 18»33. 71-4wpd nrn. wm. iTIcOIiAWE has openeii her hoube at Egypt, the prtwoiit terminua of the W. R. R., for the reception of trauoi*iit conipany. She Bolicits the patronage of the public with a pror.iRO th«»t every eiTor* will be made for theii' ooaitort. Oct. », 18tj3. 71-1 m rocket Rook liOtst. IN tViis t*wn, 1 think belweaR Jones’s Hotel aad the Mark'jt, oa Thursday night laat, ay POCKET BOOK. o«.iitaininl5 about 5210 mtlonfeJerafa notes. There were d $20 Botes, the remainder in notas of $1 to $10 Alsa a Virginia $1 shin plauter. Bank of Amherst. A liberal reward will be paid oa delivery ef the book and ooBtcats to the subsorifcer. J T. MARTIN. Fayetteville, OoC 8, 186S. 70-8tpd Tiirpewtiiie! Turpentine!! Having purohaaod the Diatillei-ie* formerly owned bv W I Rhodes Fayetteville, 1 am now prepared to corameBce the distlliitTg of TURPENTINE. Persona havine it to sail will ba • liberal pi ice by calling on me E. F. MOORE. Oot. 7. 70-lm FOR ISALiE, A LIKELY YOUNG NEGRO WOMAN, some 22 years old. She ia sold because she is found to be un- govera&ble In the absence of ff-y husbaud. Apply to W. F. Leak. ^ STEELE. Roohingham, Oct’r 6, 180J. 71-4t ilOe REWARD. RANAWAY from the Bubaoriber, about the 1st of Ju^' last, hie negro bay PETER, aged 19, dark ooi*i- p’exlon, front teeth aflFectsd and one of them out, slow snoken ' eood countenance, about live feet eight inches ^ lolsrably Btout, would weigh al'out 145 He ifl teaktrtoa, de^. 2d, IBW. M. B. BMITH. «&-6w*6vi \i»hoboro’. Ab'iut 100 aerc*_ cleared th” rer-iainder aea?;!y tiroh«r»J with Pii;« au'i 0«k. A tvc story k'g dw«)i!i9f i» t';.' .'rlv t.nvrovi-nenf .''n ihe plr.^.,- Po«- •ijs^ion given iHsiocdiately. F*r particulars address JNO T. H.\GaN, Care of B D Ttirnsr, fiaJeigh, V G. Ot* 8„ia63. Ti-9t*4i Ocr ;0. 1808 71-2tpd WAi'VT.EIK ASirUATlON (W MILLER, in Boaaegood .Mill, (coun try caill prof.'rred.) Address me at Franklinsville, ji. 0 J B, aCSSKIJ.. Qcu &, 18tJ.'». 71-5tpd supposed* to be lurking in the neighborhood of bu?Jh, Richmond county, N- C.. where hie relations live. I bought him from Duncan .McLaunn, q•^ ‘7,1u g“/. tlW) (or W. J.U..TTto in BennettBTille Jail. PKmaeeas, 8. OL, 8 71-lmpd