4l»0 t»^jr 10 ITt t .. w«1!u 1.-^ ,,, *ui«i t -..i ,. I*'. .!;>, of i . . Ui {ff J. .- II Ih.. r*n- 6 i>ri • ‘ ,t iLo;.- ; tilt* tibal. :., t' iu ,'U!^ :’in >•_ • V iL- ftit pru', vi, ulet,, >J e»c L ►Q au ’h »r pt‘ut . i% “liU’i V itat •r f'^raier K® of tli; ^ a«t OT,r »*f'i c- li- tl» -4*WL«f b Ic::v,^ i kUil lh} .1 }*er- rt Ui.ifr 1^ Mtinat* iisagreoLucttt " bereiu pr.*^ er oii 9 bo*. .# ...-{I e=ti- f ft av: »n dii - ■ Bent P®Hl u - 4, _ lea vaid itribuc.oa t ^ tM. Rgctu« %f t^, 8h*a frria «8jk to Ju’j Bn. rom *ki - _i /e &Lil . -i Sff'tlili- : •hsil fttj. I Ucl A er r. inr-; .X-puj. ho „ I T.yjf Ujc 'dBsi 0#Mtodijf Idf si-..II ^r: ies U mu ciiuu- 'i Iw ...; ii»- .eir r,-ci.nt* s« r the #ivia^ fr- a I of t‘. ea U4 r«por» of tito of \S »r b;«^ e po~? ^uaj- ) tax iu Kuid lim ujt ax ^ i WUI. ipt tt . coii IUt^ ^UJ 9*(ior'! iaub t |K« ta>L W afor*- * ■’ > »»- r, - .r liC C (H. r««^pt iV pajuj ha Uo .ut dofot kLi •t AttJ bd aad a^ulB •ouUt i«itabl£ in inch f prMoribc iKiiiid ct tin suiublo Iw U b(f depnir- oi;--r : %U- , bo BBer a* iu« k *■'-: ^ OUI - .4 . iry «1 ’V ar it i? wti'^4 iao t;.j mi- Eo rcyeiv»4 be Hocreta- iJcot -r. '^4 if soiii arlt- rsquire ^ ia oii th^ -'rsl ur, u',‘, t « bie. ad pr«fii^ the p«i&« t9X ftoim- be deliref- k« fikinet^ tc, (uad tiio tho akieC eur »f liie or , a t.L . rO, aOr->'j- t *ei - c?-.-? itor id- 01, jl OHitJ; y re- ITj , cr i»r - Tiy\ .4 *h» rl. " dor :t'OT: - * J I;'3r‘'-.4i tf hc jreie ttU ; prOi -r-^ t»]Hj t j shaJ ‘ v ifl ^ Uiw }>ft, Cjul IldH (i Uki^ 'f i, ara aiVs* ko Uijkf 11 be Ju- r io fcii • for \L" il hUm rioulta- iroed>.'ti- jtk*’. tm Wll'TlllLlL I-WEI^K I.T. [\ C>L. Xill.j FAYETTEVILLii., N. C, OCTOBER 19, 18^3. [NO. 1273.] TRINTKU MONDAYS AND TllURSDWS KPWAKD J. HAI/E & 801^8. EDITORS AND PROPRlET«)KS. IVli'o for th« Semi-Weekly Obskrvkb fti 80, pai'l in •iTAnc^. For tht Weekly OBniKVKa f4 00 pnr annuH’.. liiTftBOe. paM In ttf'ADVKRTIPEMENTS i«serted for f i per ^ -uaro of 16 lines for tlie first, and one dollar for each suo ■ e!«^inj; publiciitjvn. AdvertIpemcnta not excoodlng a half^qtiara (eigkt lines) $1 for the fir^it an-1 r\‘) mjIp for eash succeeding puhlicatlbn. AJrertipern are ro- ^Hetted to Bfftte the ntnnber of iusortiouR dt'pired, or tlity will continued till forbid, and charped accord- AdreKiffenipntj oontlaaed hutJ*, charged as nev ad- iF«rti«cinentfl. LIST OF Foa s*4ssk\i;ers. $15 OU 7 50 y 75 10 f)0 15 O') SPECIAL NOTIt^E. Froiq an4 &ater thisdat«, nonanit of a n?w ^abtcriber will b* ttttered witheut payment in adTanoc, nor will lh« p»p«r bo seat to Bnch eubnovibers for & longer tiuia Lh»M is paid for. Ifinch of our old suoscribers as de^■ir6 t« tak« th« pa- P«r «n this pyBtem will plcaee notify ua wh%n making remittances. Jan’y 1, 1S;>8: t- - JL'JL ——gf ?- ' . I_IL ,J WVTf. altrl.. i; Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. C. WILL attead th* County and iSuperittr Courts of * OuKiberlajid, Harnett, Meere end Robepon Cotin- tfcpa Proinpt attention pivea to the collection of all «Btr'jsted to hit hands. Oct. 17, 186*. W-tf i>ow:«. From Fayetteville to Wiluaingion, “ “ “ Elizabeth, •• White nail, “ Ml. Ktlly’s (j8ve, “ •' •* .Ml points below, SKO(.M) OLAfrS, OR From Fiyettevill'j to Wiltninjion, “ “ “ Elizabeth, “ Whiichall, " “ “ Kclly'j CoT(», " *• “ Al’ c'^iiiis b.-'iow. iii‘. Prom Wilraiujtton to Ftiyeneville. •‘ “ “ KeUy’i (’ove. t> To I ■‘ " “ Whita Hall, 8 2t> | V “ “ “ Eliiabetb, i( 76 j Pr*!-peet Kail, 12 0« “ *• “ All paiais above, 15 HO tfKrOND CLASS, OR 1>K0K. i Freai Wilmlnptoa to FayetteTille, ^7 50 I “ “ “ Kelly’s t^T©, 4 60 ^ “ «• “ Whito Hall. G «W “ “ •• .\'.l abort, 7 oO S«ooa4 Cla»^ or Deck Pat^eBgera must stay on lowor d*ek ar yay full price, «r :>**« a> First Cla»B A a oxtra clmrge will b* maio f^r Wav Pa»s*a- gor^ C^'i-ag i**t* B?rtk# dHriuj day time, tad for ooci- pyiog a Bertk wiih ikeir bowts or shoei on, at tho discrttioa of the Capiaia J. A worth. f«r C. F at’« U’t Ce. (_>RRRl,L, for Sl’rs Kaia aad Suu. LtfTTERLOn. 2fl-tf Meiyit Vcreou Female Seniiaarj, At Mt. Vernou Mliioral Sprliij^s, County 1st Session to c&ajinence 23th Sept. TEUVS: Hfgher Eiig. Brauckes per se^aicR of iJW ^c'-ks. Academic (Mafls, Primary 01»jis j;7 50 i Music and I'a’ntiag, each, 2 73 ! Latin, Ffkae>> and Drawinj, eaal:. 5 25 f B»a,rd, ti OQ ! Sclioo! Raoai exprr.xea. 7 60 ' . T. C nODI’ER, I»rifccipM Applications for pupils laay be-«iJ JrfsKt J to mo s fl5 00 ' FaT«f.^r;il« T. 1 HOOPFH Sfjrt. 8 b2if 'i? Oo 18 «0 ao 00 lu'SO 2(W 00 1 uo WA.lfTED. ALADT of t*peri«nc* to m?truil i - t'^a j'^!;ia^rr de- partmaut of 11.* Riahra«a 1 Acaieaiy »n i i charge of a SBia'l Mu« I f.’lass In ori«r to 5SV0 tira« applicants will pl-*9i« onoUtn te«;imoniaU w.'-h ikoir applieati.'ta.x. Addross imm^ liatoly. JWX.i. 1. PALLY, Rocking'&aw, Picb'd . N. C. Sopt. 15. j4 if "'■Hu.T;3L'-w.'»-r'sr.i:i' T?~'.?^rr-?^arL u,_. ,i?.‘ THit; 4;AR4*MiVA ^CTiur. UFi: i:»s«iH.scB loapi.’Sf, NOW’ ia the teatk year of «ucces»ful operation, with «r«w1ag capital and firner hold upoa public com- bficucc, coaiitues to iasuro t'a« liTes of all healthy per- 6«nt 1-1 t« (iO years *f age, far «aa>7«ar, for stjvea years, aai for life—»ll life nenbers skariag la th# prodta. All slaves frow 19 to Uti yenr« of age wo ii»flure«l for oBi year or for live years for two thirds tkoir valao. All leases ar« pn actually paid wit Win tt days aflor sali«!factory proof is presented. For I'liiikcr iafor>*iati#n tko publii Is referred la A^ints tf ‘It* Corapaay ia hll partj « ;ko Btalo, and t*j R. B. BATTLtl, lieoretary, Raleigh. M. J. QALB, Agout at 7an’y 1S6?. ' FayotteTillo, S. 0. " ~rA¥KTTI^VrLl7B 8!JTl*L ISSCRiM'E COMPi.If. Capital in Preainm Xotew aTn^unia to Cask oa kaad au-i ofhcr »?«»♦». $267,688 lef> *,#77 35 May 4, GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. %Vholewale Dealers in Oroceries, AND IMP0RTER!5 AND DEALBRri IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., BiY STHKET, FAYKTTKVILLK, X. C. July U, Ihttl. SGtf J O ji. IJTI. K tivocrr and Comtni^^fon ^Tlcrchttnt, FAYErrKVlLLK, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1803. 93-tf T. cr&nSr «. WORTH, ronimission and Forwarding llerchants, WILMINGTON, N G Jan’y 28, 1861 84tf € A RU! 1 FEW LADIES oan be accomtnodated with board at the Seminary. T. C. HOOPER. Sept. 12. 1861. 56- JOHNSON.’WrLIUMS CO.. !ii.4I..T n.lKEK!^. .I17K have thirty (30) pans now in operation nine miles TT eaut of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, to E. Page, maaairer at the works, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. Fayetteville, Not. 20, 186‘i. 81tf I'roiii and after dale iha StoM»er .A P. HURT will Irav* at 3 o'clock, \. M , oa Monday aad Thursday JuS. A WORTtI, April G—17tf] Ag’t C. F. Steaa Boat Co. %vV>Tiili^^R aFi. Rir%D. ^ rains of this Hoad leave Fayetteville daily. Spun Cotton Excbau^ed for Lard* w- ill gir« Spun C«tta;i iu part paymsnt for L.MID dellv»r*d at our Faci'ory on l’ers)k'. St. A. McI.AUOHLIN it CO. Of I. Factory. •A verv fl«* articio, f»r aaltj al our A. M.LAlfCHLlN & CO. I Total, $272,768 61 i Tko Coapaay kavo paid all promptly, and f haT« B9ver mado an aiiesfioteit sa tkdr pre^lnn aot«e. Total Usaes paid, 69 ©rrieBR.»: McNEILL, Fro«:dout.. 3. A. RAY, Tico Prnsidoat. C. A. MoMILLaN, Soo’y. ViaacTOUs: W. TilUnghast, M., and re- THE T (Sunday.^ excepted) at 8 o’clock, turning leave Mclvrr’s ai 1 o’clocK, I’ M. rro4n MONDAY, WEDNESDAYaud FRIDAY By orJtT of the President. JNO. M ROSR. Treas’r and .\ct’g Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 2-i, 1H0: ^7tf ^to A^ni:villi:, 'v. v. WILL open 'he EAGLE IIOTI'L for the re ception of Gu!**5t: the firs'of June, and I hope be able *o entertain ff^ai peventy-ftve to a hundred person? during the Summer. In connection wiih this large Flotel, I have a number of Hacks, Carriages, Hiicgio?» and S.iddle IlcTpes that mv guestR can get at a niiuiite’s notice. J, M. P.LAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .\?heviUe, N. C. MaylS, 18tl3. 31-ypd IVVii led HAR A'«l> T03I.3M' SO 4 8*. K*r s»’« al our Factory .A. MuLA.UCHLiN 4 (’•. Fayfttp»ill«, Sept 12, ’iJ'jv. C-T b'v»d F«jcttCTUi? irsfual and iriMvry,) FaTBTTKVILLB, N. , Jixe i?. l.^tiS ) %VAt\Ti:0. ONE nCNDREI) DOLLARS ^S^100) BOUNTY. 5 I.WING roaeivod authority froiB ib'i fleoretary 11 War to iacrt-*t« tko strsugtk of the pre««at Coro* at this .ATseaal, tk(.‘ uadp-iigaed will ^nl st ono kua- drod llXJ) noii •e*ntcr%p!j for tkat p'lrpo^o Those stib- joct to oaiiscrip'iou tif^d not *pply Transfers anl exekange% sf ns»*u now la lervioo oaa- not be made, MATTHEW p, TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8. 3otf Roary Lilly, H. L. Myrover, S, T. K^wloy, Natkaa Cl. is. Maiiau, •law*! Kj'.o, / . i. fef^Ctikaa, J. If. TTiliifias, 8. W. Tillingka«i. of £. J. Riatdalc, W». liIeLaariu, V. fc. Liil*.orl«h, A. tt. Rt^ol, /. (}. C»ok, iioo. J. Q. Skopkerd, K P. Jrowa, ) , . A.I. Hall, : hu ('o’Uns and C. C. Jov’rasimea, Trr.vcUng .Ageata fr-y'Tke Cciapaa’' ia»;te &ppioaMo 25. mi. ' U- 1400 IVA.^TED. 2r AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1.500 •• CORN. Pereons haTiug the aboTe artiries to sell will receive tha highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. Thoinason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 5ot. 6, 1862. ^ ARnY^ARAEJ^N. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their orders to me as they shall have protnpi attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Qoldflton P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 ot,f June 13, 1862 j 200 Ihn. Ciiiin Arabic lor «aie by J. R. LEE. 69tf OoC 16. 25 SALT! BACKS for sale by l>«5 22 J^ALTH ROBERT MlTl’HELL. 88-»f 190 TORACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA T(JIi.\GCO, various grndefi. for sale on eonsignmeut, by GEO. W. WILLIAM.'? 6l CO. May 23. 81*^ >«ioie Le.iliier wauteil. Q A A/ k LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, ZUUU Btiitablo for Belting. Apply t'' h MURPHY. Fayettevi'le, A rtl 14. Adiiiiiiixtrator’s ^otiiM?. H'HE aubscriber having at December Term, 18*i2, of 1 the County Court of Cumberland, qualified a« Ad ministrator upon tko Estate of Neill O. McNeill, dec’d, notifies all persons having claims against the £stat« to present them within the lime limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reodeeted to make prompt payment HECTOR McNEILL Adm’r. IV- 10. 1W2 ‘ _ ^ c3ow Lost. My COW is on East sid« of Cape Fear, somewhere op posite to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back Bha is marked with crop in each ear, has a bell on, white in her faco, while on back and belly, red on neck and sides Who ever will take her up and let me know it, or bring her up to mo La Caiupbcllton, will bo liberally rowarded. The &aid cow was bought in the upper part of Bladen county aiid may probably find her way back to that conrty JNO. A WATSON. Jnn* l-l leaX do */ OIL AND lImp TlACK." TANNERS’ and LUBRlCATiNO OIL. lamp BLACK in barrela. For sale by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO., WilmingioB, N. 0 Mopeii 7 Ta\ Aotice. V’ill attend at the following times and plaofs to col lect thf> money tux for .Moore County: Carthago. Wcdneiiday October ‘JH'b; Sloan’i, Thursday 2'Jth; Pocket, Friday 30th; McNeill’s, .^aiurday Slst; D. Gra ham’s. M“ud'iy Nov 'J i; \Irs Barrtitt’s. Tuesday 3rd; S\nd'rs’ N!u«tfr Oroiir.d. Wednesday l;h; 8;i?ffieH's, Thursday 5h; Ritter’>, Friday Oth; T. D. Willianjs’s Saturday 7ih. The .Vs3» ssors will also attend at the abovo appoint menis to th® r.>se;*“men!s tn kind of the matured crops. All per«oas I'ahltj to pay the tax in kind must come forward to ib«:’»e appointments prepared to reader accurate lists of all the matured crop? subject to said tax. The 0v.dlect0r in kind for the county will also be presant at said .ppointmen'.a to designate places of de posit, make ooutracts for hauling, &c. aex kklly. District Collector. C^arthago, Sept. 28, 1863. 68-tt WANTED, tor the HospitaTat Fort Fisher. MOULTRY, Chickens. Butter and other delicacies for 1 the Mck Soldiers a* this ir^apital. Persons having these articles can obtain the mar’set price on applica tion to tho subscriber at bis oli stand or at .Mr. J W. Powers’s on Hay Street. R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. Aug. 25. 68-tf \h ii*iiial tlie Riocka«le rLL compel to do wtiiA wc should have done be fore this, wait upon yourself and cut loose from the en?aiy. The proprietors having started the manufac turing of all kinds of BOBBINS for Fae'ories in the Southern States will be ablo to fill orders al short uotioe. Work delivered in Fayetteville, N C. AddT>."8 EIVLTT, Maiohestfr, Cumberlacd, N. C. June 0.18«8. 36-«nipd Tiie tX*«iar Fal6« Boh- bin Co. are now prepared to furnish, at ?hori notice, all kinds of BOBBINS. QUILLS, &c , suitable for Woolen aitd J. M. ODELL, Aeent. 1863. 36 Smpd FOR SALE. .\('KES of L.^.^'D with goud building ard ex cellent wftt.T. Tl»s upland timber is pise, oak eiiil hickory, swamp is guru, poplar ana juniper. Situated on tbe head of Ellis’s t’reok in Bladeu couaiy, I) miles Ea.^t of the Cape Fear Rive’". Any one ■wi'hing to purchH«j c»n apply to tk* * ibb'-'rib**r "r II P. Mel vin, SheriiT. at E'.izabetlj, B'ad«n eouuty, wno will take pleasure in showing me promises J.,N. Mc'OLL Sept. 1, IbO::!. 61-1'lipJ Cotfoik Yam lor Wool. N otice is k«reby given that after tki date oxcept in cases where we have bargaiaad for Wool accord- to Ike terms of our advertiseneat of the SOth of May, which terms are now revokod.) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. ef Wool unwasked, or 8 lbs. washed and pioked. Thii change is raado at Ike instanee cl the Quartermaster at Raleigh, in order to make the terms of exahat.ge uniform throaghoui the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. Fayetteville, Juno 29, 1803. 41 tf Tfce ]!«)w Itylf, iHall, coumES) AT ¥:inor«dcl!'K Oallerf. ART. Woodvrard^M Soiar i^inej*a. SPOOLS and (Jotton MilK Cedar Fa’.l*. N 0 , July E$;ypt Joal .nine. 'pHE undersigned were, at tko Noveaibar Term of the 1 Confederate Court, Distriet ef North t’arolina, ap pointed Mani^gorfl of tha Sgypt Coal Mine property, and have entered iato oopartnersliip for the purposo ot mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for tho same in any desired quaatity. Orders for aay ameuat can be supplied on short notiee. Tko Coal from this pro perly u uadoubtedly tiia best in the Confederate States. Applications aay be made to Ciias B. Mallett, Fayetio- viile. N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMiSS BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1863. t>6tf liiRIA'D STOAES FOR SALlT. I^HE undersigned have taken the -\>*ency for the falo of Messrs W. B. Farrar k Co’s Grind Stonea, and have now oa hand sixes running from 18X2J inches to 6 feet by 11 inchcs: ami cau have out at short notice •\NY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Stone.s will please correspond with th^ undersigned, who will fill orders proipptly and guarantee '.he quality of the grit as represented. GBO, W, WILLIAMS k CO. Fayetiaville, May 27, lf08. 32-tf Prc'Nideiit and Lalri ! )KOTO0R.\PHB oan be had at Tanoradeirs } GaUory, Hay ptre»t, opperite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retoaahed, colored, ia water colors, oil and pastile; from aaiall to life size. Anbfe- ty{>efi, Mclaueotypes, and all other atyles of Pictures t i - pertainiig to the Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould- ^ -*■ * ° ing. QUfi fot very large piotares—as large as 26 by 36 ineh - . . ~ meats. Stock and Cueniioals for sale low fer cash. LLIe silt; colored Pheiographs Made froB BHiall piotares. ' { Having pormaneatly located here 1 hope to merit | your phtronage. I would also retura Bay sineere thankfl j for the liberal patroaago bestowed on uo heretofore by i the good people of Fayetterille and vieiaity. 0. M. VANORSDiSLL, Phot.ojrraphist and Proprietor aO. IftAP 77 Adjutant and Ini>poctor Oen«ral’s Of11«o, \ Richmond Se^t H, 1H(>® 1 [EXTRACT.] SPtOI.Al Ordkrs, 1 No. 213. 7 mT’^K BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION li atitlio- , ri*«iJ to raise and equip ia each of the States of GooiFia, S.Tutb Carolina. North Carolina and VMrg ;nia, '.Be Battalion cf six companies of mounted iSen, who fiirnUh their own horses, and who arc ncrt liable to con- ,soription, t'.' b? tinder Ibe orders of the Ilureiiu for the purposes of (>utcriptiou, the arrest of de.^erter^ and for local dofence, wnttored for one year. Cotupiui'S 10 eiaot (heir own offiaers Ttjo Field OfGcor to b« a»sij;ued fron officers balonging t« th.' En rolling aorvio« Compaoied r.At to exceed ona hanJred rank and file. By oomataad of the Seerotary of War. JNO. WITHERS, Ais’t AdJ’t Q.n’L CONSCRIPT OFFICE, N C , \ RALBian, Oct. 7, 18G3 j Tub Commaodant Invilea tko atioation of all perions capable of bearing araa, but who are exempts from Bjilitary duty undar tkc pretent rogalationa, to the above •rd*r of the Socrttaiy of War. It will be aooB that it is the Lctentioa of the Depart ment to raise a Battalion ef mounted man for special aervioe inN.^O.; and tko Commac.daat hopes that all able bodied man, wko may be cxatapt by roatou of hav ing fiimiahfl snbstitutas or otherwise, will not shrink froHi tbif call, but w'll haaten to enliat in tha dafenco of their houias, their fireeidea, and tko State tkat gave them birth. Parties enlisting ia this Battalion will ke exampt from duty in the Iti'itia aad Hoaae Gaard, and will re ceive lh» pa* and ailovTanco of oovalrymcn. Tke Enrolling OBioera threughont tho State are au thorized to ra3^ive*r^.?ruiu or tbay may report directly at either of the Camps of Inatraation. By order of Col PETER .MALLRTT. Comniandiut of Conscripts for N. 0. Huou L CoLi, Capt. aud A A. A G. 7I-lm Surgeon (wenc'rai’s Oflice,) JlALEion, Sept. 27, 18G3. j Medical examining board No i. oomposad ■■■: the fallowing aamed Medical OSieers, ?urgec!i E. A. Crudup aad Surgaon Henry Joyner, will meet at Summerville in the oounty of Harnatt ea Wednesday the 21st Oct.; at F,ayatt«ville, in Cumberland oounty on l*'riday and Saturday 23d and 24th Oat.; at Lunberton, ia Robeson oounty on Monday the 26th, 1863, fur pur pose of cxaiaining all parsons who claim ezoaip.i .a aum Home Guard duty on acoount of physical di^ab iitv, ac cording to the proviaions of General Order No 3, is sued from tho Adj’t Gen’s ofBoe EDWARD W.ARREN, Surgeon Gen Sept 26, 1863. Headquarters 3d lieg’t Home Onard, \ I FAyETTEVlLLK, Oct. 0, 18t>t{. j ^ ^PHE attention of all perspns belonging to this Reg't j X who claim exemption from duly on account of dis ability, is called to the foregoing notiee, that they may Cord aud Tasseli for hanging pictures; lustru- ! th.mselyes for examination at the times and “ ^ ‘ plaoee mentioaed. 70 5t] w. DRAUaHON. CoL Hlarble Factory, 1 Oir4‘ctor««i’ Office, | Niu:atJ, Sept. 15, 1^);>. ) SALT—SALT. PBRSOKS wishing to purchase a good article, will find It to their advaatag* io oall at the firm of EASTERS & (30., al Little River, 8. C., where they keep on hand a large supply which they will sell at low firures. There fs also fine facilities for getting the Sail up to the Railroad by flats. E.ASTERS & CO , Little River, S. C. A ig. 5. 63-19tpd Alter thiM date I will pay 12i Cents per pound for rags, or _ the higheiit market price, dcUtered in Fayetteville, or at my milla on Rockfiah. ■ D. MUEPHY. loly S8, leei. Mtf To 4Jotton PianterM. I HAVE biien ajtpoinied by tho Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for tht pr.rchasse of Cotton for the Confederate Govdrament within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay fur tbe same in 7 per eent. Bonds or Cash. 8ub-.\gen(a visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my na-Tie. will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by mjself or my agent*, on and after tke I8th day of March 1S63, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds er Caaij, and njt 8 per oent. Bonds as stated in a form)r advartisoment. Dp to that time, however, tke 8 per cent bonds wiil be furnished as elated. Putriot’o citisens ar3 now oilorod an opportunity to aid tlie Government by selling to it their Cotton rather tiian to ririfttle cn.pitAlii»ta. LEWIS 8. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1863. [o. D.] 14tf WAA’TEO, Bank NOTES of North CarolinB, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, Nonb Carolina six per cent. Fundablj Notes. • VIbo North t’aroiina six per cent. B.iuds, new issue. W. R HICHARltSON & CO., Brokers, Raleigti, N. G March ft. Rriii;; in j^oiir (L'ane. WE have at w.jrk the iJory Superior Iron Roller Sugar Caort Mill and ten good Kettles The Iron Mill pr*ts^3 out all the juice from the cane, the wow ieti rollers about one-half. TVrrn* of Toll —4uantity which will make a barrel or less one-half the ayrup Uuaniities greater one-third. Persons having small crops jould do well to club. An acre of eood cane will yield 80 gallons or more of syrup. H. E. COLTON. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. Sept. 7. 61- ^ “ FAYKTTKVILLE ARSENAL AND ARMORY,) Ski’T. 24, 18G;}. .) $39 REWARD. ESCAPED from prison oa the morning of the 12th inat., Ei LEMUEL I5UCH \NN.AN, wno was arrested on the suspicion of being a spy. H? repr*‘senled himself as a I Captain from Morgan’s army in Kentucky. Said Bti- channau is supposed to be about Raleigh or noar hss 1 mother’s in Chatham county. The attention of Militia i Officers of Chatham, Moore. Cumberland and Wake, and all good eitizens is f»pcially called to this man. Tbe above reward will be paid if the prisoner ia delivered to me at this Poet, or $15 if confined in any county jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, G6-tf Capt C. 8. A., Cocad’g Battl’n. 'plIE .\NNU.\L WEEriNG of tho Siackiiol-iers of the 1. Wilmingtot:, (^hirlotte t I'uiherford Rail Road Coni- pany will be held in the Town of K .ckiaghatu, on Wed nesday, 21st Octobar 1863. JAMES I. McCALLUM, Sac’y Sept. 10. f.ic> tm Real E««tate at Aiietion. II7ILL be B«ld. at the NIarkct Huiiie. at 12 o’clock on Vt Friday Oct I'ith. 18>3, to o'.oss a Dead of Trust, tha STORE on Gillespie Street, occupied by Love Overbiugi^. The house is in good repair, and well lo cated for retail trade. JOHN MURPHY. W, DRAUOHON, Trustee. A. M. CA.MPBELL, Auof’r Kept. 21, 186«. The Star Foundry JH again in full operation. Kaviag ia my employment coiflpet 'f.t workmen, I am prepared to execute work at the bhortest aetico and for a reasmablo charge M. A. BiKER. Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1R63. ot tf Painsa t/liri^«ti SleasiM. The nubsariber will pay the highest oaeii prioe? fur any quaiitity of Paiiuo ('hri«ii BoJins. J A WORTH PareHcT'.ll* Oc 8 ■ H7 If ORDXAXl'K UKPARTMkM, \ HALBiaii, N. C., M;i.y 8. 1861. / IEAD W.'^NTED.—I wi>ili to purchase Lead for thif> J Di*parinient Persons having larjre or small quan tities will pl»ase apply at once. Will giva 1 pr.uud of POWDER for 10 p./unds of LEAD. THOS D HOGG, Capt. C. S. 69-tf " iu charge of t)rdnanco. STll.E. €OYiflAi 1:%, ~ 4Q'V^ SHtH—a88»)rted; iO 25 Kegs NAILS; SO bbls. TANNERS’ OIL; 3,500 lbs. tUlUSHED SUGAR; COTTON CARDS, No. 10, Englisk Copperas, Sbof Lists, Thread, Pegs and Awls, Fish Hooks, Pins, Pitch forks. Shovels, Teas, Mason’s Challenge Blacking. *0 &o., at WILSON’S Oii, Leather, Siddlery and Ilftrnesa Estab'ishmenf, Wilmington, N. C Sept. 30, 1863. 69 4t*2t " . SALT,"* OF the BEST QU.\Li rY, will be exchanged for bacon, corn, rye, or fodder, on the most reasonahle tnrni«, at my works, situate on Jabez Frink’s land, opposite Tribb’s Inlet, six miles North of the South Carolina line AIbo, two good mules wanted. M. B. SMITH. LombcrtoD, Sept. 29, 186a. 68-av*6w Bv GEO, LAUDEH. i-o ii«9P.!« 4HSVK c. T. niiea & scxs' sms yayeftevilie, 1%. C. • ■ ?• -. i i*»'i R4- * ]\\>Ticnyr.'" ritRE UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili- 1 tar}’ service of the Confederate States of .\merica, hervby give notice to their old customers and friends, that they have appointed .John I). Starr and John 1*, Wil’iams, of this place, their attorneys to oolleot either separately or oonjeiatly all moneys due thens cither by aee«uni or note, and otherwise te attend ta ihcir ba- siness generally d'.iring their absonce. They raspeot- fully ask al' iJcrsons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as poHsibk* on their agents ;4 make payment. A WILUAMS. • a«p‘ 1C. 18P.1 LA^II FOR SAi.E. INoW offer for sal** my pla^ie, containing 350 acres, iituated in Mo«*''e ’onnty on Kilieti’s Croak, three n;il.‘s west of Cartua»e. Ab >ui 75 acres of the above lands F.re under culiivation. There ia on the placc a comfi.rtaWc dwelling, with necef“!ary outhouses. I will also sail, should t-he purchaser desire, all my this year’s orops. farming ivensils. stock, &c , all upon reasonable terms. For further particulars, address mo at Car- thn^e. li. J- B. KELLY. 12 fi2-12t wX>irEii. 'pHE .Subscribprs wish to contraot for the delivery at their resid'i 'ooB on Hay Mount, of FIFTY COllDS of WOOD, chiefly Pine. E. J. ll.ALE & SON. •Sept. 14. WA^Tin>^ AYOUNQ OENTLEM.AN who has a Tory good nnder- sUtiding of Latin, tircok aul English lacguagas. lesires to obtain a Bicuatlon as Teacher. Addreas 0. W. JONES, Oaks P O , Orange oounty, 0. Sept. 6 ' 62-16tpd Tlic Subscriber wishes to purchase f-w YOUNG NKCROE'. for which he will pay the tiilThost Cash price Those wishing to sell would do well fo '.all on mo or address me at Raleigh, N. C. P J STERNE. Sept. 7. fil-3mpl m PORT A AT SALE. rPHB UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS appointed JL by the (^unty Court of Robeson county for that purpose will sell at public auciion, in the town of Lumberton, a valuable lot known as the “JAIL LOT,” also, about 30,000 lbs of iron, together with the brick belonging to the old Jail. The sale of the above valu able property will take place in Lumberton, on Tues day the 3rd day of November tiext Terms oash. The iron will be sold In lots to suit pnrchaaera. R. S. FRENCH, j P. P SMITH, I B. GODWIN, V Commission’rs. W. A. DlfK, I J. A. ROWL.\ND, J Oct. 8, 1868. N B. Sealed proposals for building a new jail for' Robaaon county, will be received by the undersigned tTomryi.saiontrs until SATURD.\Y 14ih NOVEMBER next. Plans aud specifications of the building will be furnished by the COiimissioners on the 3rd November, (he day appointed for ihe sale of the Jail lot premises. R. S. FRENCH, P. P SMITU, B. GODWIN, ■ Commls|ioner8. W. A. DICK, ‘ J. A. ROWLAND,; Hat Explin't.—A late French paper. The Abeille Cauchoiso, rccords the lollowiti" instance ol the voracity of rats, which it declarc.s has just occur red at a farm near Yvetot (Scine-Inferieure) The proprietor of tho I'avui, M. ranchout, had a pig 30 exceedingly tat that it could scarcely move and was nearly always asleep. Three nights since he wa.s awakened by hearing the sjiieals of the ani mal, and on going to the stye, I'uund that a num ber of rats had attacked it and eaten their way in to its Jat to the depth of four inches. The pijf wjis so much injured that it was found necessary to kill it imiiicdiately. The Journal de llouen, after gi ving the above account, Hientions a circum stance wtich occurred to a •gentleman of that town not long since: “On returning from a residence in the tropics, lie wished to bring back a serpent about six feet long, lie accordingly put it in a large box, and along with it a number of live rats for it to kill and cat when so disposed. On open ing the box, however, he found that durrtig tho passage the rats had not only eaten all the food in closed for them, but had also devoured the eer- p>ent itself.'’ The Green ('orn Battle.—FAm a private let ter of a soldier on the Rapidan, we get an account of a fight which may not figure in history among the battles of this war: Just across the river, in full view of our pickets, but at that time within the Yankee lines, is a corn field which earlier in the season abounded in choice roasting ears. From this field tho men of both armies in the vicinity were wont to fill their camp-kettles by .xtfdlth; for it was a dangerous business—the field being exposed to the fire of the pickets on both eidee. As long as the gathering was from opposite sides of this field, the danger of unpleasant collisions aud interruptions was much less; but gradually from day to day the hostile gleaners ap- protached each other, until only a few rows in the centre of the field were left ungathered But still our boys wanted the corn, and would encounter tho risk. One morning two of them had crossed the river and were cautiously foraging among these ungathered rows, when their eyes lighted upon two stalwart Hessian? engaged in the sime business. A.11 were unarmed, but in an instant all straightened theniselve:^ into fighting attitude and demanded a surrender. Both stjuads returned a defiant answer, and both fell to, fist and skull, to enforce compliaHce. They “fighting fell, and falling fought,” and when they fell they kicked about. They turned and twisted and pummelled and thrashed away among tho corn, till our boys began to doubt whether they had not caught Tar tars. But, luckily for them, just as their wind was beginning to fail, a reinforcement came up, in tho shape of another C'or»-federate gatherer, and the Yanks were captured and carried in tri umph over the river, prisoners ot war. Macon I'eleyraph. A Renegade.—The yankee Maj. Gen. George 11. Thoma.s, recantly so badly whipped in thn Battle oi the Ohickamauga, is a native of South ampton county, Virginia, where he was born July 31st, 1 Sl(> Gr.aduated at West Point in 1840. The New York “Tribuue” oaya. “Gen. Thomas enjoys the distinction of being the successor to the Rebel General Lee in the Regular Army. When Lee was in the United States service, ho was Oolonel of the 2d Cavalry, and Gen. Thomas was Major in the !^ame regiment Both the Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel resign ing to enter the rebel service. Major Thoma.s be came Col. of his regiment by regular promotion.’’ T Oct. 8, 1863. r0-tl4Nov Administration Aoticc. ^pHE subscribers having qualified as Adminitstrators on 1 the e9f‘ite of riapi Benj’n Rush, et September Term of Cumberland County Court, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment. and all persons having claima against aaid eatate i« present them within tha time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded-in bar of their recovery. MARY A. RUSH. Adm’x. BENJ’N RUSH, Jr , Adm’r. MO WRY HIDES, tlJHICH I wish tn exobango for LE.\THER, for the Tv whole or part—St>le and Upper. This will suit every ono. Von oau address me at Favetteville, N. C 'M. FAULK. Sppt 28, lfe(i;i. 67 ifpd Sloop Iron. BUNDLE.S litJOP IRoN, for sale.by S.'pt. 28. _ W.AATE«,~ FKMALE TEACHER, who oan leach the higher English branches, French, and Music oa Piano. Address D. CROM ARTIE Elizabeth Town, N C. Oct 3 69 4ipd UTLEY. 68tf Further Aotice. The subscribers will sell, on a credit of six montba. notes with approved security, the HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE belonging to said estate, on Wciliiesday ihe 28ch inst., at the laie residence of said Capt. Rush, on Person street i*nd near tbe Ifalf-way Bfidgrt. MARY A. RUSH, Adm’x. BENJ’N RUSH, Jr., Adm’r. Fayetteville, Oct. *>, 1863. 70is Wanted to Purciia^^e, WJESTERN rail ROAD STOCK; It Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable;) “ »• $1 and $2; »• “ Bonds, old and new; County_of Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteviile Bonds; Greensboro’ l?l aa4$2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds; Coupons of $15,0(H),000 loan; of Town nn-d County Bonds; “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 1868. 71t. OFFICE OF THK AITG ,\SS*T Ql AUTKRMASTKR, ] Fayetteville ArKCiial und Armnry. > Faykttbvili.k, N. C., tjci. 18ti3. J WOOII WAITED. ME.ALED PROPOSALS will be racoived for the dcHv- io *'ry of four huadred cords of gocd gound black-jack wood, (•lOO,) until the 20th October, at the rate of sixty (00 oords) par month Tho wood to be deliverad at the Arsenal, wbofe it will be prf/perly corded. It must oon- form strictly to tho standard measurement for cnrd wood, viz: 8’ X 4‘ X 4’. Proposals to be marKed “Proposals for wood for Act’s Ass’t Quartermaster.” MATTdlEW P. TAYLOR, Captain Corps Ari’y. P. A. O. B. 70tf and Aot’g Ass’t Quarterznaster. 'T.f A .VO Tu if, The Aqsessers for tho oounty of* Mont»rom»»ry will at tend At Difllie’s, Thursday 16lh Oct. • Bean’s, Friday 16th. Fork, Saturday 17th. Zion. Monday I9th. Mt. Gilead, Taesday 20th. Rock Spr'ngs, Wednesday 21st. Bruton’s. Thursday 22d. Troy, Friday 23d; To assess the “Tax in Kind” on wheat, oats, rye, fodder, Irish potatoes, &o. All farmers arc requested to attend. It will be greatly to their interest to do so The undersigned will also attend at the above places to oolleot the money tax. ALEX. KELLY, Tax Collector. Oct. 1, 1863. 71-2w V Land lor Sale. Ij^OR PALE, privately, a Farm of four hundred acres, in Randolph county, N. C , lying about 20 miles .“lOUtb-eHSt ef High Point, on the plank road running from High Point to Fayettaville, and about 6 miles from Asheboro’. About 100 acres cleared, the remainder heavily timbered with Pine and Oak. A two-story log dwelling is the only improvement on the place Pos session given immediately. For particulars address JNO T. HAGAN, Care of H. D. Tomer, Baleigb, N. 0. Oot, 3,1803. 71-9t»4t Dr. J. H. FREE^IArV IS in towji, and those having engagements will please call soon. Fayetteville, Oct 12 71-lmpd IvOTicE. LOST, at Cape Fear Church, or between my house and the Church, a CORA.L NECKL.ACE, with a Gold Locket attached. Any person finding the above property and rcturniag it to the subscriber will he suitably re warded. I^- !• iENNELL. Oct 10, 1863 7I-2tpd WAJITED, A SITUATION as MILLER, in some good Mill, (coun try mill preferred.) N C Oc t 6,1863. Address me at FranklinsTille, J. B. RUSSELL. 71-6ipd A PLEASANT TRIP TO IIALEIUH. fPHE subscribars have put on the X route to Raleigh via Summer- 'ville, a two horse PASSENGER »Ct)ACH. They will leave Fayette ville every Tuesday and Friday at 0 A M., airivo at lUleigh same day at 9 P M. Leave Raleigh Wednes day and Sunday at 6 A M., arrive at Fayetteville same day at 'J P. M. Wc will have none but good drivers, or drive ourselves. Our firm will be D. WARD & CO. DAVID WARD. J. A. SINK. Oct’rl2, 1863 71-4wpd iTlrs. \\yi. ncCLAilIE has opened her house at Egypt, the present terminus of the ^V. R. R., for the reception of transient company, feho solicitji the pationage of the public with a proriise that every effort will be mads for their oomfort. Oct. 9, 1863. 7I-lm Pocket Book Lo;»t. IN this town, 1 think between Jones’s Hotel and the Market, on Thursday eight last, my POCKET BOOK, cuniaining about $240 in Confederale notes. Thoro were y !520 notes, the remainder m notes of $1 to $10 Also a V'irginia fl shin plaster. Bank wf Amherat. A liberal reward will he paid on delivery of the book and contents to the subscriber. J. T. MARTIN. Fayetteville, Oot. 8, 18tj4. 70-3tpd Turpentine! Turpentine!! HAVING purchased the Distilleries formerly owned by W. I. Rhc lenin Faypfteville, 1 am now prepared to commence the distilling of TURPENTINE. Persona having it to sell will be paid a liberal price by calling on me. £ F. MOORE. Oct. 7. 70-lm FOR SALE., A LIKELY YOUNG NEGRO WOMAN, some 22 years old.. She is sold because she ia found to be un governable in the absence of my husband. Apply to W. F. Leak. H- P- STEELE. Rockingham, Oct’r 6, 1863. 7I-4t $100 REWARD. R.ANAW.AY from the subscriber, about the 1st of Juno !»at, his negro boy PETER, aged 19, dark com plexion, front teeth affected and one of them out, slow spoken, good countenance, about five feet eight inches high, tolerably stout, would weigh about 145 He la sopposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of Launn- burgh, Richmond county, N. C., where his relations live. I bought him from Duncan McLaunn, lisq., ot that vioinity. , . I will give $100 for Ms deUvery to me or confinment inBennettsTilleJaiL Ptraassaa, S. 0., Oot. a 71-lmpd