:’r .'t. : 1>. - ail . 'llj( • , i It tl!i. doll . , 1 iri . ! ;ii , lir^ ■ It. l.ii ; Ol 11 .■h , t , t> i.j A ! ■ V l’:u r.v In'. l!l»l “ rti'-’, >, CVt- • l»- V lunto t,t t'iu ■ : Oil ' I..!, Vl;^ - I be . in;,.! t\v,> HUaitc: ^iiid . .iti'.iii to Ull'l ; i." I.'! ; : sor :.;i >m eav. il luly au- tbt; .'liid led u hi-) be tur- itor set u charge eeci^ I ij _: lyur til ls luililni itftli, ’ iIl- sbaii ' • .^iaCi. j. jy !>ii .s ua\ V. ; . I the vi - reCf ipta. state thti ictxc's lU Drt ot t Var >at 1 . I - t iu • i itc= a; L • eollt rrai'; ■i- tuci.; ilecli. r ( of : :i y pu;- .ai orsed ou e to l.r- B ruci.- ;pt L ColL r.i- \’heu lic of depot tU) le aj.;; I ' ' "V jr ctio.- i„t oaiti; d iu aol. »re:icr::;t’ me cl tLu itabl 1 : If d>'f =»- itbci ui- he ... er sale : itedc ra •- ’ oi i: , It \v ; 1 Q tllf rcci 1'.' i Sec; ■ ■ ; et in ' r: i said n - •; 1 Hi I Uie L.-t , aud ue I pr : ie .'■;■■■ Oltjr id pi' ; i dei* '. ■ r- dlSlTi 't, I, ati'l ■ ■he :or a or ■ the ! :.x be : . i !, ac 1- iii.S ooii- ; .'T le, -- . .: - ;or oi a : 01 : I - jidlii,- :r: rec - If of . > Koi . i i|Ujr '1 the II; til er tii-.i' i9U, person I her* u II tai'js >rop tj tain, -.f-jrH lihaii .3 ol be, i jj.S V!'. 1 ttlid U • , ke tuA’ .' II be !• r iu tlvo fur fLo li.*ll » - ll BbUi ■ 'ricuir a- >rect ■ '1- Ctioii ot ^ fur the -«r '^y ii AfU. OCi'OliKK 22, 1863. [MO. 1274.] nilNTKl* MOVr>\Tfi ^ \M) TPT’RSn^V '•} WAI{I> J. UME & SO\S. i ! !i’OHs wi) rRorr»r,T >'^>?. LIST (M' VVWJnVS rm PASSEX(iERS. Prom F:vv('(Ipvillo ill. . On^ pnvKF 10, rai.l per •iniiiim. pai.l F r ih:‘ W'oeVly Obskrvkh $1 00 St 3v;;»i(.c. i.iiTi^HMKirr.-^ iiisiTiOil for ?'i por if 1« lines for ihc fir-Jt. nr i nnp .'oil/jr fo" on. ccP ' lv; riTsotnrntH not h piaiT i^'h '1 f. .■ ihp ;ir I rr'. 1 ' f-’T I'li.'i- HiicO'’--liuir I'uiilii :nion. .\l\v isfr> iLt- :o qneMi'ii to M‘ito the iiun.i.i-r of irisi •.•• i.-sis ilt*-iv'il, o tl;' V will i'l' I’.'niiiinC'l till I'orhiil, rvn'i ohareo'l fti'cor'i- iiifriy. A■'ircrti.'S.in; ti! cl ireO'l n"? ni’iv :i i- vrii'S'-nu'ni-;. srKClv'Ii StiTlCK. From Mn , ,.riT this ilatc, no ii.nnie oi‘a t!* w suhFcriber trl'.l he euii'reil -without ji ij iiieu' :i. vilvriiu i',''*! '•• will ih9 fay>er be se>it to such “phs^cr'’ ts for r. longt-r time th*n is pniil for. Sach of our old snhscribers fti> ic -ire to take :h« {>»- pt-r on this system will ploa«e notify us -when !'i-kin^ r.'mitrances. Jiin'y 1, ls.'>^. *ncSj. Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. N. C. ILL aiteud the County and Superior r >i;rt- w til cinin'.- \V ^'pineron fclhz>ihe» a sicroN \ »i7. « 1 ove. Vi] nr>ii h.’l Tie a r ro F» Kflly> (Ir.ve !* >rt^ I lOJl ¥1/ (0 Fctn.'lJe Seniiu.^ry, U Mi. Vor;jt»!t Mini*nil Sprinj^s, rh.itUiin; { onuly. 1st Sr-sf5ifjTi to ronnne’:c‘f 28tli :?ppt. U>: 10 oi> "••'rs _ > 5) «! o OiJ (i 75 15 00 s: 50 t oO C, 0!) 7 50 'Cc- T i: > Vc'i !i mi • ('1 p !.'V!ry - " ll '•i ll --r- . I" y.-" !■■ r>- 1. IH 0 Ol' • ()•; 00 ().) Ah,, I)' T. i’J 0 ) 111) IM'H, P T/iSE ! Adjutant and Inspector General’s Ofllco.l ’.^iTi'AL hVt-K [KxraAcTf ■^TOW i» the ttath yr>.r of surc'^’^ful oprrsiioa, witb !"^i‘;TrAL Ohi kr^. 1 y j'reWiU" i -.|i'ta! ;;n.i Mr^v.PT h^iJ i'.r*«a public c«s- | I? v / r !,'iire. .'Oiitu-;fo iti>=ur.- Va-i live^ of t'Ul boalthy ! FT ! 15URKAU OF CONSCRIPTION i« autho- -oii-i fro'n 1 \ te gf &jrc. I’hp eni^ ye^r, for I I 1 I , irt i to rats* •■quir. ir rach of the i^tites of -s, • I' l f ,rlife - ■ H lify nsi»ppi>«rR ^kaviog in 'heprefit". ■ • "-r-: - ;'-.ii''- Ctircliuii, N jr'' (’-xr'iM: it and Vir^irii, .AH Piivti from lO to t»0 yf>ar-; of *|re are i.isur^K far i Hitln.l'..:n .>f tljc foropHnip'^ i“f 'nnunted men. who - ye-' or r “v ye^ir* for i "o (tiiriis t’a'^ir vnlue 1 Mirr>;»h r fr-\ hors'M. i7id w'^o Jire not liable tooon- All irkj puncMuiliv iMjid ■wiraia '1{* 4tiv3 afttr | ?.*rljiti £i, tv b'^ .ly.lpr iic orderH of the Bureau for ihe irv pr;‘o' 's pie.-j l‘ 'i' 1'. rlhor '.'iTormat’ i; t;.- f t'ne puf-'l'’' referred ti ;H(r ia al! (m- - t; , h ' -Slate, an^l !:• tl fl iJ-\TTL!. ■iecreiarj, Raleifch. £ J H A fiE. .Ajoat At ‘ ■’■ r*’i;ycitirville, M. C. A pm:a ivr Tiitp TO ' ■ ■ Ul tl I «v3J! T'V V'llr* \ •, l AOlJ. Vi^TTE;- ; T : i-n e y r* F.i .M .V 'i N'Ji.i; Thoy will le;;v‘ Tiiyi-ftj- •'V Ml 0 .1 \!. .. I . .■ .1: Le'vi> K-,' -i-:'it lh-s- ■riv -!,i ■ ,ne ■ .1,' in i :.pih or •i.'.iiiui ■( ncp au^ciuatji to til'! aHfiota, V'B (’0!^?A3?¥. y2C7,t>Ra zb 6,077 33 r'^lbiir nerv -o Cijmp»t!>e« not to exf-eei oce bundr'd rank end file. I?v command '••f th“ Seereisrv of Wpt •INO. vs ITHF;R.S, Afls’t A Jj’t Oi'ii’l. .voT#r;^. CONSCRIPT OFFICE. ■ '1? Fu'St 'n'.iie for V/av r*(»^jpn- * .y tini.-, -.n I ‘‘ur •• or pbof** 0’'. ni fh * We will h >iir firm w.! ^ O'!*" l)!ii e ■ e D. W \ir 'I T I. f )RHK'.L. for Si' lL ; I'KUl.oil. I'umherliind, Ilsrneit, .Moore and Rohesou t'oun- i ronirt artention givcH to tht.- collei’tion of all and Thur~d'iv April ♦)—17 atiil thU Jile 'he .Sti'.i'nFi ,\, I’ 'iUil!' I'ill VIV'- .• 8 !•' .■..•U. \ \I , i-n Mo:id;ij •j i ,\ Wdi’Ti*'. f ] ' ' I (' F ■' . I'l' B ' It ciiTvu-;ed to hi-» h^mds. 17. 1>''». (ihO. W. WILLIAMS ^ ro.. fVliole^uIe Dealer^ in A.ND IMroRTERS AND HK\LKRS IN iiardwart* and ('uilery, Swedes Irou, &c., 11\Y STKKKT, KVYKTTKVILLK, \. C. at .161. Tni. 1-.:.!^ It i,-i .* ■ Su;i »'• : X. , - , -1 ■’ ■■! irnn: ' .•■ /■ -.V B V or u■ ':r-e'' :i> d i: :.‘a. M., ;in ■ ■ >1. ! vV reof}!1 KSTi'U: ,'»Sr.. \r ■ op.-ii- i{ h»r 1 --ill iHi niiii; , or -ir '7e oui's>-» \ DAVID \VAU:.>. J. A. ^.INK. 71- l y. pd hfii'i' it K , ih ‘ U K K , t-v h ; N C Ralrjoh, Oct. 7, 18G3 _ ^ ' ^IIE Coromar.dant inviirp the atteation of all persons iOini, * ^272,765 61 I I cftpsMe of hearing arru*!, but who are exempts from The y '.V. v'.aid nil I'rapAn promptly, and: _‘ilitarj» duty un Jer the pre>enf r^j^uHtione, to the above J u TCI i#-irtp (lit .’,s3essment on *beir preinir.ru notes, j nrdor of tb- Secretary of War •;al l.-jjoa p.tid. $29,082 tt9 ] It will be seen 'h»ii it is the iaf«>ntion of the Depart- !le,- n. d. ~ 5MS«m! So Pii:,-4'ika->*, K \1!. Ku.'.U .-T(* K; J. b. Oi- f U'fs.-i: ■MoNElL.o. Pro.'ideui. Ft.\T, V’ioi* . •vic.MILLA.N. S'r’r. r*!KrriT:i5; ty- T’’"s .1. 51’n"^sle, Wa;. McL»i.irin, :n .If. T P I.T ttierlob A !. R. I. Mon ,1. Q. 8'»ophsrd, ;t. F. r.r->¥/n. 1 , ^^il;u gton. »' u, Tr»»el’D ■ .A?ents I Uib.vV, JNi>. aitd .A.” I?!’,. r 'I’l ’uiv •». JOH. i:ti.Fv, (Mt'octt' and t'oniiuission .'^Srrchant, FAYETTEVILl.K, N Jan'y 10, ISOo. 0;^-tf JOl^NSOX. WILLI\>!S & (U, NAi/i iiakk:rk. ll’'E hive thirty i ‘^Ot pau« now in operntiou nine mile? ?T ea;i! of Wilmington Panifli^ wishini; to supply w'li'i ‘'ail. cun be fii'i'.ii-hi'i "v ^pplyin^ • ■ A J . n-on, .1’. Ajeni -if F'ay.'itevjlio, to H. r^ge. ffiHDager it the work.', or to J M WII.LIAVS. General Sup. riniendi-ut Fa’'etI-vi!'?. Sot. 20, '®'V2 ''Itf .\^sn:v9fi.3.i:, I’. wi: t-'J - H iri'l. fo" iS -ro '•i-rti, -1 :f G I--**! r::.- ‘ f l r.n ' 1 •! p ■ fio •.' ip tr r •'r'XIII 1';; “pvenfy-tive to a Sun Ire I ri T-ons dur.njr .n ■ iNiiinTiiT la c ’ in wiili. liirc'- HlI'-I, I have a number i’. l'i . ('.I,'. •' . ;■ ;^r 'HI i id'iltf Hordes that mV f.ii 'i:-* ■-‘.in p- : •. ■ rau: •'? t!o:iL'e. J. M. ULAIR. T *' 0’ :. ' !ievi •>. N r.l-ypi T An I'f j' O-'t. 12. l'-> 1 "r-' ‘ ‘ ’n ■' "I’ '' p.T .I !,t ,>on I-'; r. ’.V The Ve:v Style, Sinnll, PHOTOi^JiAPHS, ,\T Spnri (’o{loa Exfhunged lor Lard. 3« a I’tiV I a t Pr M.-iy l;'., 1. W": jr '. > :i ;n : ieliv re i n; nur F i ■■ ■■ , ".VUi :i; t T 1^.\liD ,;.l V iVri r; St A. Mi-l„\C in.i., & ■■() E. \#5S> OI IV A.\TKI>. nUSHEL.'^ WHEAT. i:>RN. 'Pcr-ijnR h:iviOjr the ab.'>v*s ariiole* to ?'’li 'Till reoeiie the hizhe^t Cahh price by eal’injr .a .\ir .M Tho.'>a(*on, at the Merchant .M'.lls, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old !tanJ on 'larket Squar-- ALEX JOHNSON. Jr. Not. &, lStj2. 7otf ARnV UAKAi:^.^. 1AM prepared to manufac’ure all kin1« of Wacoa Harn-?' f ir Armj u.-c. I lan luj leither i^nd C".n gire Roo 1 bargains. Agi'Bts wil! do well to seud 'he-r orderf! to me they fhall hav^' pr-^n.pt nitention, and 8'?n' off in ijuick dispatch. JOHN CARTFR Go!l?ton P. ‘I., Chatham Co., N. f’., ■) June l;’. l^‘-.2 { a* ^ .* O i ' i’t'. ’V; \ .* .•! . -.'ll! t ■ - to c- 1- I !(.('; thf m>. ■ iX ;.;r V; . ,r . irii; •K . V, fiiiip i »ot ' r ■ -r;' Tb.‘' 0* i t . Fl i iay 'i': ; ' I • « -i. ■-.u- i", Hr; !. •( tv M- I, •} _ - •* • T T •ir : S -U UM M...' r ■; ■ ■ Uv 1 ;; '^'■i -i'iii- ..r- 1 • ur^ • ' V ; 1, ‘ , I'r; i - 'iJ.T, T. Wliii. •n- 3 {{ . : 12. . Vaytin vii; 1\Y .! KVj: A M .. N ii. ti-r ■•LIS J.in- 2' \ ;j. 1 cM .I--, cil t^;i . 1 r --r. li' ^ in^', 0- • IV.f II.V’ At-":' H.. f-i" vc: ■-'li J ! ii '.I Ui- .• The \ 'SSO' riki' or- ; .\ coma forwa' I ncr’iirate 1;^ ■ t:ix. >ie c prf •.• - pw-'!, Til ; 34tf •ii’i’. s.t'f'D i at the aV.iiT-' apT 'ii ' r.a-—-'. 1 - ■n''i tn of tb" m^tiir'') .-iM? ' ly ths tax ia kind luu^t ' ' = ■ ipr; -iTi!' preiiari-d to r*r«d^r ali t;..>' n.ature 1 cr su*'jpct to s(\id r in k;al fur th* ■ .naty will a’.«o be .;*'n'^ to l-»sij;uate plio'.-p of ue- ' ' fir ba-:ine, .vc. | AKX. KFlLT.r, I l>;?irici C li^’ctor. t ar'h.'.ee. Sert. 2^, ^>^-tt i WANTED, f>r the HDspital at Fort Fisher. I)oULTitV, Chickens, P.'-’ r and other lcr..'.ic'es for : P":---in-’ S"-ving •I pri''.' un 'ipp'i. ^- nr •'■ Mr J'. »'. oNK HU I! WWI'KO. JREU D 'LLMl.-^ '^lOU; UoUNIV. ■V. i . . •!i)Ti y fro-n t.io .•‘•.•cr . i’ .• : .' •>; !i of •.!:!' t thl- .\r.-en i!. tbo uu l“rsi .;ii-d w''l c'l’l--! mup hun- rt‘1 \100) non-couscru :> i’o.- ih.i pjrpr.-:* Tho?~ t ' c-'..' ‘-iptio’! -.■■// ri'H afply. Transf'"'-! and exchaii'ic- of tH. n nO'» ia iervijc can 't be c: >’> •j \TTiiCW P. TAYLOR, L’api. C. S. A. Jiia* 9. Sou ,{ c«.u V)S had at VaujraueliN Skylight.^ veet. oppi'-pitc Marble Yard, Fay- ■ :l«in. T'et«iioh«*d, colored, in water '■ile; from small to life size. .Ambro- ; % imI all oiher styles of Pictures .\lso, tiiit F’rariie^, Gilt Mould- • y larj,'.’ r.lcturcs—.is large as 26 by 36 ■' i.5-^-1- r\.r hnnginj; pictures; Instrn- ''.‘le: ;>r t'.Ie low for cash. Life ■ s-rai hi i;iacit from small pictures. / "li!" iicfited hero I hope to merit, I voi;' ! al.-i return my i>iBcere thanks ' r >.erttcw«d en D>e heretofore by f K\}?ticri!lL> ani T.emity. C. .M VA.SORSDKLL. r* Itc "u^Wiat hnJ Pr»i»#io»rtr. -Vr. yVri* IWsldent Hamlin on ^^Thp. Uv,ion asi it lias.”—It is treason now at the North to wish I for “the I’nion as it was ” That article seems to i be very far below par Vice President Hauilin, j in a speech at I’hiladclphia last week, gave the j views of the Administration on th« subjecJ: “Well, we havfr a class of men there who vel'j 1 much want “the Constitution as it ia and the Union j a.5 it waj.” [Lauphter.] Have you got them piirpo"i^ . of f''>nacr'ption. the >*’'r»sf of de«erters fin'l for I here."* J^Cries of “\es. I^aughter and chcCrs.J Ioc?-l d»f-«''r> rs’jitered for 9P0 year. j Well, sir, I have found them all rotfnd. 1 am very CoiTipitii-^ '5 elect their orrn offiiers Tbe Field I gpfry, indeed, that they Cannot have it. [Laughter.] (»ffi.’er to 1- a^sijned from ofticera bHoaging t-? tbc Ea- i possible waj in which they can have it. Why, it is mere demagogueism; it is the merest clap trap; it is nonsense and not very good nonsense at that [Laughter and cheers ] “The Union as it was!” That means ti» bring back the States in pre cisely the same condition they were in when the re bellion was inaugurated. How are you going to get Missour^back so? The people of that State have, unsolicited and uninterfercd with bj any power, inaugurated a system of measures for the emanci pation of sla>es. How are you going to get it back a.s it was? These people want to have the Union as it was! And what are you going to do with that little State nestled in Western Virginia, formed by loyal men, which has adopted a series of measures to rid itself of slavery? How are you to get it back as it was I should like to know? [Cheers.] I know they mourn over it, and re gret their inability to bring the Union back as it was. Now, if there are any men in your goodly city of New York who have any tears to shed over such a result 1 am half inclined to think they must be crockodile tears—but if they aranot, and you have got those who have tears to shed for “the Union as it was”—I think it would form a good subject for a sketch. Place in the foreground a slave, with his manaelep stricken off, clothed in the uniform of Uncle Sam, and a musket in his hands, Jo sustain the L^nion, the glorious Stars and Stripes floating over his head; while in the remote background stands a modern Democrat, with large tears rolling down his cheeks big as turnips, because he cannot have the Union as it was. J^Laughter and cheers.] And^ if you can find an impressible Copperhead woman, I should paint her in the attitude of reaching him a crash towel to wipe away his tears. [Loud laughter and applatise.] [Very much like a quack doctor giving deadly poison to his patient and laughing at the poor fel low’s friends for expecting him to get well.] ment t' raise a Bultr.lion of mou .teiirpn for special service in N C ; and the Commandant hop.es that all •■hie bodied men, who may be exempt by reason of hav ing fiirnishod wiibstitutefi or otherwise, will not shrink from t’.iis call, but. will hasten to enlist in the defence of their heiiefi, their firesidc.s, f>nd the ,'^tate that ifave liiem birih. PQr':es eoiiftfin?: in this Battalion will be exempt from iu!y in tho Militja and Home Guard, and will re ceive thf'pay and allowance of o^vairymen The Eor ninp; (Hficers throughout (be State are au thorized to receive r-^cruitg or they may report directly at either of tha Campa of Instruction. By .■^rier of Col. PF.TtR .MALLETT, r'-3;taanc!art of Conacripta for N. C. Hruti L. CoLK, Capt and A A. A G 71-lm I Tl J!»0 RT lAT A L K. ^rHK UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSIONERS appointed 1 by the '^euaty Co.irt of Robeson county for tb.>t furroiie will sell at public auction, in the town - f Lurubirton. a valuable lot known as Ihe “J.AIL LOl, ’ also, about 30,O0tJ of iron, together with the brick belon'^ing; to the old Jail. Th“ pale of the above valu able pr^'perty will take place in Lumberton, on Tuee- d'-y the 3rd day of November next Terms cash. The iron vill be sold in lota to suit purchasers. R S FRENCH, ] P P SMlTtl, B GODWIN, j-Conrnission’rs. W. A DI'^K. I J. A. ROWLAND,] Oct. 3, 18«3. N. Sealed proposals for building a new jail for Robe'on ir.ui'ity, will be received b/ the ondersigtlc 1 ’om:ni?8iouer« uniil SATURD.VV 1'^: NOVEMBER r.pxt. Pian.*! and specificnitiong of the building will bo fiirn'shed by the (,’oraraissioners on ihe 3rd November, tho d.ay appointed for the sal' of tho Jail lot prarnises. R. S. FRENCH, 1 1*. P. SMITH, B. GODWIN, }• Commissioiere. W. A. DH^K, I J. A. ROWLAND,] Oot 8, 186S. 70-tl4Nov T Factory, tSOO lb^. Iiiuiii Arabic* for !>>al(‘ b%' J. R LEE.' Oct. 15. ori"' i.’’e ‘ i-ie »r' .n I ' w- I- '■ ■Ok :' -i: !- 'Cl?s C'i 1 H '\k '^'Uit Au7. 2 >. TTEiDE, Oon'l A2‘‘. 58-tf -.ler'ti, at H .z I'OIt SAI.I']. ‘ jI i '■ .N':* w'in uood Hiiiidine ;iad ei- W'.tcr T;'.,- uplr'.nd ii'uber is piae, i ; i e r:i. r- rLir '-•r 1 junir"T . ■» 1 ' t' F, i •* ;'re' k iu Bia I’li 'MUiiiy, •i ' .f F Rivi '. .Vny • Tie winp ■ r : • ;h' . -ir i; 1’ ’!. I . -n Ci'-uiiiy, w‘io i«;il t-ike jiAi.T: j^Ai.Tn n ."' .A'^KrS for s le by ROn^KT MlTC’HtlLj. TOI5ACCO. P'tXfiS VIRGINIA TOB.ACCO. v,ri .uijrra i-' for -sale on cout'ignnieM, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k H). May 23 3itf ^oie Lratlier %vantel. \r en-iuy. turhijT 190 A*« ii*(iiai / *1 U t ' d r • 's uj" ■ Ti-- tir . r -i.i k u • ‘ S' »■ ■.* ^ ftAAiV LI58. of hcrivy W..U tanned S>LE LE-VTHEH. ^V/Ul/ s iitable f'T Belting. Appl^ to T) ML'PPHY •ly- \ r ' 11 AriiiiiiiiMtr.*)tor'«i Aotic v. The su! Hi'riber ha^iu^ at Dt-Oi niber Teri:i of the County Court of Cumberland, qualitici as Ad ministrator upon tht; K-iate of ' -iL *i. .li, dtjc d, i notifies all persons havinp claims ^giiii- t i;k; Es’tate to ' present them within the time limited '>y Uw, otherwise ; this nt iiofc will be pleailfd in b:ir of ri ' 'iverv iiebtors j •Jre recju: s-ed to make prompt paymeut ; HE(T()R McNKIL! \.!m’r I>Ae ■; 1 V> • . S1- ■ cow My cow is on Ea-t -ide of Cip.? Fe'tr, sim'-whe. c of- po«ite . - C .mphpllton. ’'.einfr irivi-n in' . ta - r)7(:r by boys aud cau't find hf-r way V.i-iC:k. Sli« i.. rriarited with crop in each ear, .as a bell ou, w'lite i.j ter fice, white on >.ack an-1 b»d:y, red on neck and r-ide^. Who ever will t;>iie her ;p .»nJ let ue kn^jw it, or bring her up to me in C.iuiplu iii jn, will oe liberauy rewti'lcd. The said eow wvh bough, in t.lid upper part of iiladen county and maj probably find her way bac* to inat oouBtv. .tNO. W.xx.’^ON. Jnr. - f-- ■ 40 V';:. : OIL AND LAMP BLACK." TANNEIVS' and LUBRICATING (»IL. L.AMP BLaCK iu barrels. For ile by JOB. K. BL0SH^M it CO.. Wilmingtop, N. (■ M»rob T. "> ‘ Alter fhiM date J! will [.>iy 12A Cent>: per pound for rags, or _ ti c iiigliest mar!;ct price, deliverr.i in F^*’t**-?iii»-. or -i', my mills ou Rocktii h. >. MURPHY. 1, ' 1,; - q _ • t,-’ l.aiil lor hiaic. nOK :aLE, priv:i.Tely, a Finn of four huu ;rfd acrcs. f in Randolph c-iuniy,.N. C, lyit'^ ahi'Ut 20 milt-s Bouih-east of High Poinl, on the p'aak road runnitig from High Point i F 'tevilk-, ;u ! aboiji, & miles from Asheboro’. About, 10'./ acrm cle^irel, tue remainder heavily timbered with Pine -.nd Ouk. A two story log dwelling ia the only ia:prov,->n. nt on i*;e place Poa- Bcasion given iraaie ii-itcW. F.>r partir.u ..ra t.-Mregg j JNO T. M.\(iAN, C.»re of H D Turner, Raltigh, N. C Oot. 3, 180“^ "1 !ii*4i sAi/r, OF the BEST QUALITY, will be exchanged for bncon, corn, rye, or lod'ter, oft the raun' reasonahle ternis, at my works, (’itu ileou J^b»z Fri ik’s 1 md, opposi't; Tribb’a Inlet, gix ajiies Ncrih ot the 8>uih Carolina lino. Also, two good niulea wanted. M. B. SMITH. i4ftiabwton, S«pi. 29,1868. 68>6w*9v «0' >L3 ttnt Chief Agi-n! f.>t am 1 i^sh. 3ub-A^.^nt« ri? tiuz L1J.U1 ».)UJIQ7, Tior..S^ 7»^.rii3oment a toria W r»cr ft'Q* j.s Wl ratn iUc 2(iockair I w'a *t we Fhi'uld hiv« done re-* li ' ''iirsc.f .and cut lo'j-se from the II- 'in.' - >»rti-1 the m>knufic- liiiii'-iN"^ fir Fa';ti,rie‘- in t:ie i ■ ■ till ori'*"-' at short , .- ■ Ft -I N ! D KlYETT. I M;.':e‘.' it r. Ca'ubeil .-id. N. C- Tbo 4>‘dar FaJ; . BoV >in '•■'. f;’ * n- K pr^p^red to furnish, s.! >h''’'t !Vi(ic-‘, a!l kinds I'Ol’RIN?^ •UiLF.:'. ■ c. ''r Woo'eri '>nd .!. -tj iULvl/L. .Aizinl., V-> 1 pt 1, 1 ■•):). Coitoi) TKEi^h' ; 1 J C IS-.'- W1 me i-;r :■ ..J J. N. Me ’ i.M.i >LL. Yarn y ^iv :r: l! lor Vi'ooi. u. M »y, *h' -h ler -i.rt di' of t Kii>n Yarn i 3 lb". ■>T ■I'!'*'! I p; '>'"I. lict; ■ I tQir t^ iir. '-'.a f'.'T- I »1M .i-i.'.’ , 'Xl'*-'*. iVe ■■■■ ircai'if' i for ’A'l.nl accor 1- •i iv-Tii.'i'.-n.-u‘ of thl,' "0 w r-v)k-l ' 5T,-is;;;g.v 1 '.iiu t lb-4. i.~ W , ■! ur.w I'-i^ 1, 01 T • mil vl t- .■> R i, IK I*. l.T t > T'v.) n FAicn Ut>KR-, SONS’ STfl&K 3-'a^ ptt-t yiSl". ^al^Po«!it|»oiit‘cl. HE SALE adveri-sed in tb*- Observer of Jail Lot, Iron and Brick at Lumberton, is postponed until Saturday the 14th Nov , 180.J. Proposals for build ing a new Jail will be received until Monday the 23d of November Plans an i specifications will be furnish- e1 on 14th Nov., the div of tho ah-jve •■aie. 'R. tKEyt;!!, Chairman. Oct. ir,, 1803. 73-t9 “^otiVk [WISH to employ a aentleniac without a family, who i.i competent to teach the English branches well, a good scholar, to t>aoh a few boy? at ray house in Bruns wick coui.ty. A liberal price will be paid. Address rv:e at Wilniingiou. I also want to «mploy a competent OVERSEER to t;ike Cbarga of my plautatiou in Ro^?fou county. A single man preferred. I will give a go:l price for the right kind of h man, and do not wan! one unless he is qualified DAN’L L. KUSStLL. Oct 19. 18G3. 73-4tpd s*. iVOTICIi. The ‘wo firms of B. G. WORTH & CO., and WORTH & DANIEL have combined, and will continue the General Commission and Forwarding Business, At the old stand of T. C. & B Q Worth, as nuccoHPora to that concern, under the style of WORTH & CO. By prompt and faithful attention to business they hope to retain the liberal p»troD=jj?« bestowed on each when do ing business separately. Orders for Salt promptly executed at market price WORTH & OO. Wilmington, N C., Oct. 8, 1868. «8-3ni B Q WOHTU. D. G W^RTH. N O. DANIBL WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, ffVrfer St reel, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 16, 1863. 73 12m IjOST, ON the rosd from Cedar Falls to Egypt, between Cedar Falls and Mr. H W Dixon’s one PISTOL, Colt’s patent. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leav ing it at either of the following places: Mr. J. Goldston’s, Mr H. W. Dinou’s, Mr. A. Lawrence’s, or deHveiing it to me at Favettaville. W. H. NEWBEURY. Oct. Ifi, 1863 73-4tpd j j St^t- F . I I t.T' r,f ei .1 GLi) W. ’T>) lie 4,oai • • li- I w -r-*, ;i' ti, • ,v. -- -I • .! ■. . ■ ..r ■'!ir “ WiLLlVM ' i 2 2 5 *. •V T ^'OTICF.. I N UKIlSi'.iNKI). ' 'th n winij onterei the m;li- j 1 :ary ^n-rvi.’e of the ('ouu-dnrate States of .A.m'^rica, ™iv -j.i’^'e ' ' their ol.l custovuers and friends. •h>' thnv hnv-* apr>oint'>d .l>ihn f). P'arr and John D. V.’i.lli;."'■. .it i"'-' r'-kCe. their ati irneys to collect either •■.•pv’t ■■iy O' " I' i “ ac -lilt -T. II"' ^ri ' .1 ful ;y '.'I mon’V' d ie then •^iilier by i’.(-rw!.-'e lo atieni to their bu- ihe-.r They v“-i]:eci- bl.Hl t.- t t;j t9 Cill -a*; prirapt- / pav>iie/it. 'O«io£l 3*lilBA(i‘r'^. ')iT. le p'.ir-ih.i.i.f St ■j o: : t»e Trc CoMon for the of N i-ti. ^^lro per c( at. Bon is or lai 50 ■">"v?r"!ineii' ►'y '■ 13 (I ; 'iU't I i :.EWl.S Mar'^a 21, M(v). [^o the iiTeront p:»^ts of th-* Stat?, i:'. :-.vv written c'rtiti-.at ?■» ot i~7 &'■ ^ Tn laury. all Colton ' ..I' nts, oa i.' 1 ii.iUr i;ie v;!l tie p'iid fir n 7 p.’r cent per cent. jJonl’ i.-. v.at" i in Up to that tini;, a >j»ever, tho 'l-T li ■ i.^ i it:’-'.% d. • w ’t.. '-i an i.ipr.riuTiiy so *1 II t;’i'ir C )^:un '•■i'ti.,!' mtDii'-' a lu an ,■ '1. - !i eij tji. iiy. C'v be Huroli.-J ehor: notice. The ('■•■♦1 ; \j !■: un.l ubi-- l:y t le ' .'i m the •’ ti Applicii'iou.^ tuny ' e "i i !c to ville, N C.. 'jr Jame5 Br'^w:-?. Cdiail.'-t IIXRLr.": B ::il. M:lli ; --v ton. S. C \iALLETr J \'IK? IHtr- '’RiiWNE. o. Ilf V WILLIAMS. u.J 14tf B ANK NOTES Virginia and Qoorgtn. Al-*^, N'J”’ ' '' ir-; f; i: .Also, Nor: ' (iHfii-'m “i? II. .Mfferi f). Dt Nortii Cikrulina, Fa^'eti.j^vi’l;. .] in’y L"). S’TO?kiuS rOR iSAfiii:. JMiE uii'i Tf ig.ii- i . ■ ii- n th« .A-foucy tr.r i uo s tit, X of M ■;".■i’s W B. Farrar .v, *!o's Grind Sion.'^. .n 1 have now ua '^and sixes running frr'’n 1>?X2^ inoed to Uf"-'! by il iiioiivs; \u:l c»'. tj >ve cut at s'lori notice A^Y SIZLS w.ntei. P'rgoiH m want of Gri.i i St nes. vill please C3rre.‘p .r. 1 with thi' uu ler«iga.-d, m ho will fill or iers p'orr'^ • a;j 1 .;uvr-i:ii«o th.- i{.i .Utj of the irrit a.s reijroseat;.I QLO. W W1LL1A.V18 & CO. i';>_,etl.‘f’lie, >l:i/27, 1-juS. 3_ :f N. :o ’'’•1 S' IT \t;-) ‘ :r3 :n :r-f WiATED, Scrap Leather, Old Shoes or Boots. M\Ci f^trSHELS .^CR.\P LEATHER, for which a .Ll/Vf fair prio" will be paid oo delivery at tho F*y- etievilie .Arsenal and Armory. F. L. CHILDS, Maj. Comd’g. Oci. 13 1803. 72-4t A’ MIL'.r •!. so::i.- ■ I A i !r cie J. O.v ;ri- 1 M ^C'lUTi- t Fr^uVii'iMville, B. RUSSELL. 71 5t.;id well .'ii'»':-riher wisliti' to piircluiso ^ YoUNG NEGROES for w-nch he will p*y the -t C>\sh eric'' Tho‘=« wiihing to sell wonld do call >-m ij. ; '.T ;u1! -'8-’ me at Ralei;;b. N C. P. J.' STERNE. 7_ 61 3mpd 80 IBoop Iron. BUNDri^>: ifMoP IR'iN for «ale by Jor;. UTLKY fiStf ioutit Carolina, TSie Star FouiiiJry I, *,r e:.Tt,. FunJable Notes. ' rv '■••nt uyvv iHHue. HlCrlAUDSON ,t ;0., jirokar«, Raleich, N. C 18 ftgaifi i;i Tull u'lormK.a. II >via.c In ruy c/.iip'^t-'ni c-.rini-itj, i i^'ii prepar»-i l> ‘cutij wcr S'*pi. 2.^ rHK Siibneri'-er>» wi.in t.T c intr-iet f ir the .lelfvery »t their rcsi i •'>!i Hay *fr>iinf of FIFTY OORDS 0fV.''K)D. ;!iiefly IVn-'. K. J. H.ALK SON. Sept. 14 Soldirr^’ Claims. T t;-,:» ,'qu;»3i a"’d for tne e luvenience of those in- tere>;;-d. 'he undc'rsiene I his \(;reei i;. collect all th»- claims of and dischnryed souli^ri*, and of gof iifrs on furlough. >bjit iTafiy he plac*d in bis hands. li-ivintr had an exrierii-r.CG of near 2) in prosc- c:i'.'iir clanr.t* p,ifain" the U'li'ed Statfx Goverrimei.t, as \Te>il ai n^aris' the Ccnfj>ie’'ji'e S' it^8, ne i^ pertectly f-'iiiiuar ^iti every v^r\(>iy jT cliiins. and Ciiii make ao .-arly coriectiou .as th*’ .Hrze riUTSiber now on file will ad ini'. A moderate fee will bb c/narged to cover cost, postage, siat^-ini^rv. &c. Apply m i ^rson. fr address by letter, JNO. M ROSE. F.ayetteviPe, N. 0.. Oct. 14, 18R3. 72-3mpd Tiratef! Orates!! For S.ALE at E. L. PEMBERTON’S. .All those that have laft order/for GRATES at the Easlc FoHudry, c»n ba supplied at E. L PEMBERTON’S. D. ANDERSON & CO. Oct. 15, 1S63. ' "2-^™ Apply Prefer to sell j^alt tor Kale. 1 A A BUSHELS dry, male 11 raonths^ago AuU to me or Ii*aac H dlingswofth the whole in one or two lots. THEOP’S EVANS. Oot. 1«, 1863 73-3tpd yy Can at I Ue plojtnvat I ri '\I!E :lOrte:^t notice an 1 f- Au-r a rea.Honabio ctiarj^. M .A B.AlvEii. i.=-’3. r>.u' Rriii;; iai your C'aite. •AVI' a* •• : ihe very .'-upevioi iron "oHer ;iutar ane Mill and luii good j{> ttlcs Th? Iron Mill pre"3^8 out. ail ne jttice from th-i can-i; the woo ieii rollc'-; about nnt'-h.t'.f Term." -/ ToU —ti ‘.u;' will u ike h ;>ar:«l or lej'shalf thi ryrup t^uantiiins err-ater one-thi; J. Persou- h.»ving hd> til rrop=! woui I do vj.’M to club. \n acrc of good c vtie Will yielded gallms or m^rr- of syrup. H E. COLTOS. JNO. KIRKPATRICK. >^(!pt. 7. , 01- FAYETTEVILLK .\RSEJi\L ,\\i) A:;>IURV. ) Sept. 24, 1H03. [ $30 Rl^IWAa^D. ESCAPED from prison on the morning of the Pith inst.. rj LEMUEL BUCH VNNAN, wt»o was arrested oo the sui'piciois of bem^ a spy- He represented himself a? a Captain from Morgan’s army in Kentucky Said Bii- channan is supposed to be about Raleigh or near his mother’s in Chatham county The attention of Militia Officers of Chatham, 'foore, Cumberland atd Wake, and all cood eiiizens is f.fpi'ri'tlly called to this mat>. The above reward will be paid if the prisoner is delivered to : me at this Post, or $15 It confined ia any county jail. 1 MATTHEW P. TAYLOK, : W-tf c»pt C.‘8. A., Cond’g iJittl’a. T.IX .^'OTti K. ior tlir county of Montgomery will at- i t F-l_. e! ''.nvi'ili' Palma niriKli ?Seaiiw. riMlF, fiubiiieri^c.r wlL pay the hii^hest c vsh pricc.^ for I any luaniity of Falma i^iin.-ni Be.ans. J A WORTH. ?aT(>tte'"ili-‘ O'* *■ if 0R3).vAN( K incruirnKNr. > ll.M-hlUll. N. >■.. M -J fi. J. r EAD W.\NrED.-‘—I wis:i to puroh-t-.e Lo id t'yc thi i Aj Di^pir 'TK'Ui I'er'onn h .Viii.: i. • or "ni >r' »|uati- tities W'i’ : ’ a apply «.t miO-.-. Will >!iv-3 1 ( ‘ui id u; POWDER >or 10 pou’ds 'f LEAD. THOS D HOGG, C =r.f t' S. 69-if In c:i»rgi of tii',luatice. Tiir|>en$isK‘! Tiir|>ei&liiic!! UWlNti fc.iicha-'- I U.u D;rti|ierii*a !or/'i>.Miy owne,*- by W. T. RtiodfHin F-^yetievilie. IjBin n wj.rep.irid to comnien^e t)‘o dihiilliiin f TUilPEN'I'lVl] ■ eis u-* having It ; ; at'il will be p.id i*‘libi.-rat prii-' hy c iniiu'' on me. E F. M()0!E. Oct. 7. 7''-iiii ALIKKLV YoU.Sti .N;1'jKO W().MAN sonic 22 ' , ; s oKl. Sr”; is b MifiJO .'he i.-i : niu i to b • ;iu- governablf in tho absoncj of my hus ind. Apply to W. F. Leak. H. P. STEELE. Kockiogham, Oot’r 6, 1863. To ’ k- t ■n t At I'USe’". Thu'sJay 15th Oct. R‘ itj's, Fri I 'v Diih. Fork, '’a ur 'ij' 17th. Z..1U A'.'.iid'iV l^th. .V.i. Gil-.l T^v'>da/ 20:h. Rock Syir n/",. !nesday 21 s(. U--t .nV (IV 221. r- .r. fri :av 23 1; th. X. in ( lr>:i , -i; '. 1 wi''. ff ■. '1 Salt Woi'kx lor l^easc. The 8ub.9criher will lea.se until the 1st April next, a commodious HOUSE and LOT on Wnghtsville Sound, together with a set of 3 ALT WORKS. The works with proper attention will make from thirty to thirty-five buebela p*r day. They are bow *n good running order, having been* ■within last week thoroughly repaired. They will be lei at, a raonry value or such a portion of the ealt at the option of the lessee. A part of the team will go with the works provided sarly application is made. Address me at Black Rock, Brunswick county, or Wilmington. N. C- LLO^ D. O^t. 13, 1S03. 72-4t*2t on wheat, oats, rye. 0 PI.ST«I> FOUA'JD, N Ihe .■^sheboro road, between Marley’s Mills^ and >1). t : 1-e ;10IiP ' A 1.x Matthew’s—?ithia a mile nr two of the lattt*r place, Thr owner ■'’an I’.ive it Hv de>-cribnig the Pistol, and .i.rm IS i.e rique. .et p^yjng (},e cotit of adve'''ti[jiu^. Applv oj letter, to tho f ■ ir ; ,!er>’st to d■) so ! ^ r ., . r. .. -u ^ Hubeciibef at F iv 'tevtllc. GEO. WASHTNGTON. Oct 17. 1=63. 73-Pit'd i t'uu above rlace-s Oct. I. 1K03. .vEi LY, Ta:: ColVctor. 71-2 w 51 r. J. SI. 1*^ R K EC n A A' y TS i'l • 'Jrn, ui d t'l.ose havir.g enf e‘ nir-'.t« * '-f Xj I vill v!’^ne ’all = ■;a. F-lJ -ri.: (l.’.t 12 71 In;} i J) -'^v f it U^'. !, 1) exiin. 1;,)ft. ‘ ;P' "iT- i-on;! .- 1-ii h, 1 -1 rilbiy lOXSCUIlT 0FFICK.1 L«ale g!i. N. C., Oc. tO. 1863. / WOOD. PERSONS who want Car loads of PINE WOOD of five cords each, can be promptly supplied by procuring from the underslgne i tickets for the s^me. BEVERLY ROSE Fayetteville, Oct. 16 1863. 3 3'pd Siirg^eon liJeiierars Olllcc,) llALEioii, Sept. 27, 1803. ) Medical a mining board No i, compos»d of the folIoTTsnc n»L> *d Medical OflScers, Surgeon fi A. Oudu;^ tnd Surgion Heniy Joyner, will meet at Sarajjervi'le in tbe conn y of Haraett an We,inesday the 21st Oct.; at Fayet eville. In Cir«iberland county on Friday and Saturday 23d and 24th Oct.; at Lumberton, ia Robeson county on Monday th? 26'h, 186J. for the pur pose of examining all pereons wo i claim exemption from Home Guard duty on account of piijsical disability, ac cording lo the provisions of GenerU’ Order No. 3, is sued from the Sdj’t Qer.’8 office. EDWARD WARREN, Sa geonGen Sept 26, 1863. Headquarters 3d Reg’t Home Guard, | FAYETTEVlLbE, Oct. 6, 18G3. ) The attention of all persons belonging to this Rsg’t who claim exemption from duty on account of dis ability. is called to the foregoing notice, that they may prssent thfrneelves for examination at the times and placed mentioned. 70 5tJ W. DRAUGHON, Col. Adminiwlration !\otlce. ^■^HE subscribers having qualified as Adiainifitrators oii L the estate of Capt Beaj*ri Rush, at September Term of Cumberland Co’inty Court, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estato to make imniediate^ pay ment, and all persons having claims against eaid estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notioe will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. MARY A, RUSH, Adm’x. BENJ’N RUSH, Jr , Adm’r. Further i!¥otice. The subscribers will sell, on a credit of S’x months, notes with approved so''urity, the H()USEHOLD an4 KITCHEN FURNITURE belonging to said estate, on, Wednesday the 2Hth in.st.-, at the late residence of said Capi. Rudh, on Person street lud near the Half-way Bridge. , , MARY A RUSH, Adm’x. BENJ’N RUSH. Jr , Adm’r. Fare'-'fviile, Oct. 6, 1863. f'U'r -t.i,i 1 .1 iiv ‘b-ii vioiniiy. I will give iSiOO f ir IB BennetlsTille Jail- Pwnv!s«i8, 3. Cm Oo». 8 s iNii-rii‘ 'be Ir* of Jure : r-oy I‘r>VE'l, '£:••.1 1’.'. cm- | IF-'C e-i :i-id o^e oi i' out. fiow ; 'i iii’i-. ab'Ut five fr^e! inche.s ! , . m -u! ; v7iMw!i 115 11' is i ;(,■ r.' ?■■■'■orh O ' f Ii'lll’’'!!- ■ ! wf. • ' h'u rel^ti ii; 1 . Ill I)'.!”.-i:. .M. Laurin; F.?q., of ! his dt'liTerv ti me or conSneuient I W. B. LES, t Tl-lmpd { Gk'.' KR.\L ()i«DKBS. ) No. I IN ‘•■(jri'iucii wi'c *:-om tc ^Sar Dep ut- ni nt. pftrHctiffl* .h!-1> -roTi: ^ripiio.’. will tie assigned, at the I'r-in*;’ '>f lo-itruction. to reg mei'tH of theircbeice iQ Oeit'Tal Lcp’a 'r iJi'ag^’n arn:;. 'U lur'faor ord^r?. By 01 . I '{ i'ktER M ALLETT, CoE-mand’t of Conscripts for_N. C. . J. W Maliktt. Adjut ijWK. UK rU’H FKAK, 1 OcTtuKtt Itj, 1863. / lijVIDKNl) No. 108. . ,U- A1>IVI1)'c1N1> "f n P&r cent, has been declared by this B ink Dav*ble ro the Stookholdera on 1st November. J, G. BURR, Cash’r. Oct. 17, 1863. ’ OFUCK OF THK ACT’G ASS'T UrAUTEKMASTRR, ) Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory y Fatettevill*’, N C.,0‘'t. l!St 3 ) WOOII WAATKD. j ^F,AuED PROPOSALS will be received for the deliv- ri-y of four hundred cords of gor d taund black-jacic ^.o'od. (400,) until the 20*th Oc'ober, a: the rate of sixty I .tVi red") per n.onih T*i' -t 1 o b? ’ ’i^-. reJat th-J I irs«nal, where it Will be propc ilj f-r.led i. .iiUSicon- ! I jrm ttrictly to the standard me vHurement for c' rd woo. , i viz; S’ X 4’ X 4’. Pr-iposals t.> be --rije t. ‘ P-'T''’'* * I for wood for Act’s Aso’- Qaarteran M.ATTHEW P. TA\^0R, TOtf

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