i to; .t:, 1C I * V, , ■oC I' ' illio t*. of i.’T''-’ ^ U. If th |r, , •f‘)ur. ,. , RIu' - . ; JIC ( ' ; ', 1U‘* Uw« % ' r sh.i; : in . ' f, ’ tti tttf. ‘ T''" ' ■. iit.N. , .y' V I . ■ a > ‘ . ;r O' ..■ utin . = ■' '’I . - Ci.. t r, : if '(i Ui ti. il t nd r ,. . ' ,*' J f“3t i ■ ol *’ -a_ > lu I UiU ‘ :'--h «i be* > • Id >ua . •,i- ill di fh., »ont ; f *0 >Obt ; • ii iur- ;les t.)r itri’r. , . to rmy. ‘1 . iH tgcut M . L*ac; il i tr . h he u li . aU- ro_. •e fi! 1 a Sett. •i.' ills thaU ! fut- aud.r '1 . f. t as 1 1* i;r r x-pa^ r : he i.' : ;a Cdl:- - ito Lcr .. r.e les ^ ■ >i ID lUe - ' • ,v . a Uf i:i- ‘i ‘ - v..ja- eir r i ts. •0 Bf.'iii the BlVlIi ,- li -■in I Ol tdi-, - lu report ot tfi. of \\. e post ^.^r- > tax lim • -rts ax ■- tur i wt»r; >.-:t au- ipt tl: ■r .or. coi.. a a.' IQt^ anv •artiX. ;ndor.''cd od tame . J tn the v'Ctlp tax c U h .-•n the pay!.. tie depot as the a^j»DU) hey ' - 'is*. be .'U ilEJiC and . . rant! ? pre.‘ v;ribe. some cf tho suitai .• hjT U b> ' •O' i biu. e;- di- )S, r. • 11 inner a.' fc.: :h sj Jut;; try «. .; lat a .. u! 1 u.-ie ar be rec rived he - •r*-r .- ilett . of .-I. ' a: ! i- rej . 1 lon : :■ ■; r - ^ iir, Ski I be bio ,nd ; the peCi.. lakJk. and p be d-. 10 di. rr.v-?, ue, ai- .i J the c.: ^ ctor itii or ■ n t i b. J i * te, Oillb : -r-j- It COi. • T tec, utor .r . * ct, tau- ■usiuii.-' 'D re. oyr of iQj nag /ru.j . ! til.; ... idor ■.tv :rcv. -i.. i rj ^ ^ ,.u e> h, i\,ia all prji ny »1. lit&iH, odys yhaii be »U.i ■-. : ..ui y be, aad alo.s . 1 ears u • :r the I ill be I»- cr in the I fur the dhall bo al HL jroi, gricuii a- l>reO' j(i- idoQ of tko j?- > I 1 §x w i . > .. GCrOL>i.R 2(>. -Si3. [SU. I27i.] . \'n T : ?■ V u:vAts ivTr ■ 3 ' Jt *.* •) 7 . rmpAif, li's > p.Ir-' I -e ;■ ' ■"•. !» r.v» -j..: .i 'jr 6\ fyn'tit'.ta •»!!« ri'i ,-n r t*’*' ins» c*c- Adjuiant i»siH*t{or «oner;*i*s !*. id; M-)- !.• j'f J'.] !i'»' I*;. ' I t 'S'( :V. .‘I» f '"s' ■' ' ^ F‘ Ti. I-\i :’\'T>s .ijovif' t ;.'f f j p,T « f ifi lint - *■■>’ the :t, nn.l ,.!.o . • ;• 'a- .. • : -'.oil iv-;•( isoPT'tlf « 711 •! !'S ?l ha t V- ...' • >; j . ' foi PH ' -I!!-;'!-; j : I !• n. ,\i -.. ! .'>rr : r r,' ill* ':\e or’ i’; ■■ ; 'loj-ii-ol, r:- ou!i...; i !' f I .i i, uii I 1 ;i.-'V)v i - l\ . ■■, •‘ y .r.i.'s i,»1 iw, ::\i (■'i.Ajs, o!? ;>i'’rK ' niR5”nB. ‘ ••■ ; r il’. IM .')0 ir> eo 'I:{V ’e. ,11. « hi w. .'M .'111 ; 7.*' l.r -"> '1 ♦ t- 7 59 t»* Milfcu Chrc.»ic!»’ \ ' I.i n LING HJi; PMi^MiSE'S I In (>1: t’e leril in wh«n • : iiiixlitj vflori was ueiug the patriot i» r-tft .i -r hfalthy TF| Vf.i; 5iUilll.UI ‘)F ( iN'ScaiPTIrtV i* ij'l.T to co^npr,::ii.^ diffrr«nce.x, thr lioB-. -T.' .r 5^ !-1 «. f!) v*B,i if f,- j.'ir. for «?Te* I Li , *♦ i* r» «• »' ihc of 'J bii A (i:lnifv, th“!. . i'' i.v. fer.tiliT* from thifc r. ■1, «■ M )■■ Pi:'^ I' J'. U iaf^rKUiia 'B* )> r?>frrred t» l^CJ.1 vU^'S'* •ti*i9r*J for •I's jff.r UirV will V ' .f.T. Ai;vprt;« vrrn’si ;u»*ii 1 PiCASAxr r ! , • ' -err::-! ,f i\ • ;p Fro 11', r>i ri r on I li wiiMn icd hni'if. i'll rs:> t:. n-i r. tei - >. plP-jaO (i,>; I \ GEif- W. WtLLl\^*S * T K. Vvj IsoN ' iaa roc ANl! iMi i-ivTKiv ANU J!:AI.KR> IN riar(iH,u*(P ant! sHicry, Sretifs irou, ^o., Fvv r ^vul V. r. 1. :- i. ni,-;- ' \? V 3 1 £l w’ , t0i'oi;r aii l t rcUttnf. I-'AY i> 1 TK Vi LiJ:. N ^ 10.. «Ai/r IS’S ■'iVr ’• r, .' .‘1 n*ro> ni lf * T ' '*f 'N .. = -n. ?• ”■ ' - • , r I -55 "W .'. '-':=sas ' ''-J : •n on r>i:oK fi wa V on P. F4 Ir F>TTI-:VgF.E.E rmnkMs ■ t* '-tiUW**'] «f ill*- *f TTjr J.SO. r^ lTllKRC. .\sj’t Aij'i 4«»’L _ ^ two last {aragrapiis of tVat speech, and riiunrk / >1. I ' » ika A«a It, . r'otL»BE-t* t* cite' tksir cvo '.ftter* Tb* Fi^ld that Mr. Gilmer not on'.y foretold the- i'n^cqu«i>. J ;]i.oV:;K ' j ® 2ATTLI; OSpfv t? u frr.« pftctrs k.Unginf t* tk« Eu- gg, Nortli.rn •tubboruuess, but h« ii now, and to one bu^rfr.d r«k ...1 file. ^v.r b*en since thi» war began, fulfillinj hit promisfi to the letter. Too old to tak* the uahS ti V f.■■-' ' is r»»• 1,',Us - 4 S-r-- ,-k- ». Si, J ’«7,«g 2i S.f77 Si hiiu»elf, he hai jallaut son* who H*iz«d the mu*- ^ ^ I bUit of the war-buglc, ani wl» • * a Si-m,, j -ouiht iht *nciuy on many a bloody COSSCRlPr OFFICE, N, C-, I while at. hom« Li.-* voice has been rasacd to irispir* H*.i,ar(iii. Oct. 7, 18^53. rorac'^n^act Twitvf i(s? a!t»mka of til c«!r»«»5 ! men to tl.e rcicu«, and hia hamia hate dai»U hi* TVs » T u: ’) ^ \RU. . ’NK. 7 !-{■.,a 8272J8R «1 ■ I «a: .b' .f :r^ *rr.i, but »r* ^x*nr.;t fr*m lueans far bus^ainiag our ant y w.ta _p Hbaralitj •■ if?5?5 jtr«.«>pTly, and 'vili'rrr duf !»*- ten (:• ■sji.ra rv^ula'i®?'!, !* :!ia abj^e unsurpjssad. His brother is sccond in oo«ni#n3 ta ii»ir yre-n;. »' a-^.es. '.'•ii ■ ■•' V* ,.':rt's-c ■ ' w,i- j {}eii. lieaaregurd, at Charl*»ten. J.r.fes-' Hi It i - K.rx u ii Ihi :p-5ntija ef tb« Depart- ^ (3ii,u«r is u candidata to represent thia di*- L, ?r».:«5»i '■ i."ft Trfn'dcit y. • > • 4 S i 1 \iK '-r^ I I',* r-.s of t: ; ■■' •’ r i ■■. , . . ■B-’IJ ’ ^ = . , rr:-^’ > r a ■ y> >t- «r Jt-r gf .^ i' !'.•••»' ■k, .\ M., und rr- P W k f=. I -/ S iU' T- JNit -.■ KoS‘/„ fcnti V V ^ i'rai S j‘i 07! t' •Oli 0. ' I i’ L ;'a: ; !ip re- ;* ’ ^ !'. sn«i I - e'’-"!.;; fire 'o ■;. 1 Il'.Tf' \ UUT)’’P1’ -,,,;.i.^ ,ha: ". Hf ' ?l. •.*■ i.l : • I'vsr; N 'I, h 1 I't-', 1.:; I : ' - S i ’ 4 ! Fnidl' )1p; 1 4 i 15 •) ’ .1 u 1 1 r.,'- - ■■ ' » • 'ifV;' Ut; ' • . . J r • 4i •f •■ : ,»r ..id. . .- :,. -1: ' . ;4 a i • ‘-r: :'. ' . ■ 7 M, i ff ■•. i. !>oa i»; vJouj ■ . J ^. / i ; wlMJ U" > i i;>; of V '»n an! ■ i t ^ !l n ; ■: 1 : \ r;- ‘ /. •. >.r !' l.’U'I'l I ; ' - . '» ■ e:. 7 i 1 Spud J 'oil >'i EAfliHU{;-d loc k.ard. ■ ►"3 .-■ . r^Yr»r ^ !, T ' ■ ;i. y , . . n . ; ) ■' ' ■- j ■' Cll^c, ■■ ■•, •’•> ' ”• s. 8ilil»k3^4, L, Ui' •:’. t' Mi*.’■as>5!*:» It * * Ktrx T ’:; S', il r in .he Oonlcderatc (Jongresa,'and addresio«i J • frv;tA |i r ; »•;,( i«e ( >n3j»?=ta» hop«s tkat all ' . . .■ • . ^o^e bo(i;«d ra»u. tvao tirv bo re»»Mi of h.‘%T- ■ *arga as.^emblage oi the citisens ot >..»a county 1q iuf fiir'j'jhel snbsiitutss or nrhfrwi**, wiil aei »briak ! the Courthuuse at 1 ancey ville,iii?t Tuesdaj. W# tir» c»n, kilt wi'i hj»fen ?o -cliit in tk« Titfsuca ' ware SO unfyrtii::iLe as not to bear the speech, bifc .fri H. her.», ,i.,!r £ir«,id».. stii .k. s;ataik»t «*TC Universal aatifcfaction. Hia fcirih . , P;r.;-. eulivisg i» this Bt.ftlica wiil it* ''''e are assured, war* m keeping from Ju>7 in :!js Vji;t;a snJ Ha^s Gukr«, i:i »ili re- IgfttS 'ir F A CJSCSS; i ! I I 'fc?/ ! ! roLfI Ta “Sfliilrry. Clinsfra. «iv* laf. pfcy Tiii-vTf.a^i' cf c^-vi^-jmen T.':o KQr .IHpp ofBjpr* '.h-:,,;rr.ont ibo Stkla are au- i!\f,ri7.»'i to r*c«’.T5 ‘"'ruit# q>- iia»j niay rflpart dirsctly »' e.tber -■' t!.o tnjps *f lij •rier of l.i!. PKTt.R-.M ALLiTT, C' Baaianaant *f (?ormript» f*r N. C. Ucaa L. Colb, C».»i. snd A A, \ O 71-1* S?lPORTA\T SAt.K. 'pEB UND1R5IGNKI>. COMMI88IO.'fERy appaintwi I by tk* County Co in cf H*b«5*a cauaty for th*t purpose w;;i «eil at pukiio auftisn, in tka town «f ; Liiashirton. a valuable lot kaown ai ika “JIIL LOT.” j ftlso, ak'u'. Ihs rf iron, tegetktr with the Vnek belcngmg ;o tbe *14 Jail. Tke tala ef the aboTSTaln- able property will take plaoa in Luiaberton, aa Tuee- d»y the Sr j day of No»«’»b»r next Teraii r»»k. Th« «re«i w^i be eold ia lit'* :n s.iit pnrehteeri R. S FREN’cn, ] 1’. i> .S^I'Ttl, f- ‘X, ^ C©rr«f'»*Ua’rs. W. A r-!'K, ( J. A. Pv'.iVVliAND. j •ir'op-90f>Ti9 Ma.ra:e Tar«l. Far-i v v.- i i i * v -'j- « -w k.j ..1—- I ” f. Staled rr^possls fer h'sndug a aewjulfor . t ? a. • }'je«*a. ^jiarKi, ri ira;»r .> v . • u ■ i , • i • i ’• ^ ^ • *.*a J ♦ III'? f A -Tfiaciw. ^ #1 r.#;Aroa •> 1 •, 1 1 . . A-w *J 11 ■ :ia:.i ft- v ‘ nmliinj: Will br ■' ^ • . r.-.n««f.. «ilt sieuld- , , „ • , ‘ ,v. A v._ ISC' ' . ' 1.5.-J •• Pe’-^or.r h-ivir” 'lie . -i' .,- • the hiszl-;’*• at the .^ler,?h u': .vi':N F vc’-pv berm ;iif^ old - Ji I4 Z* T. i , fiir.Ti-^e'i O'. i;'« :,9r« ;. .e lurjt .> by 36 ^ r,. ■■ ' nifinren: Icetrii- '■• ' !■ T *';w f'jr ca-:';. Life K' *vi f-e« rai*U j*iet»rc». • 5RS -? t 1 k»js# te s»?rit ■ I 1 •, > r» r . ^ -jtei-t tlaaktt V,..,.., 7T s., keretefsri by ■ .J •. 1 \ e a' • r M r.%.*Ci ;i.2BLL, a' f’v'ii'fd -f Ji»'tl 1>' pr*niij«s H. .V . ■ H, 1 P. i> ’ il. i U f10l>'V'\’. ^ C9s»a>lti'casr3. W. |.; K i J. A [10WLA5L>. J O-.i i5. 7S-tl4.'ov ^aic 8'0?*poised. ->s*. -w teO ■ i b* I AM rrfp''*"! n.atai.T.>’i.f i ' -.li' Harnt'-is ' ir \ w- u. .. 1 ' lU ;;iy gire Gcn i }):irg t;ri .\g*-Tits wil'i ;l,. r: ord.^rx If' me i* 'hey ■sh-i” i:av? ■; .1 - :■ e r.^ni'Ac:- for r.-.M. ; b- Uild- 1 - 1. aK.K KRU,T. D.^'.ric' •' -t r. ti-'-tt \VL I?. her aui can ■’ ‘ ‘S Wii NTP.O, t^r the ■>> t'-u sect oiF iii ou;: i;-r-.4tcb. ■hai. .) IU> I; i>, .ir, sM/r: 2o'"‘’ . ■■■ .. . . » - '4 % I \. IMU : - G ) • - ■ • ' ' Mfc •- . ' ' Si- *■' V. 20()U fc'uitabif t\,r li 'ini: \ , • ' ■ ^ *1 ’I2. \ T I 11 A!cnii8i!»tii’:itor% Aoiic *. 'I'Ht >-U‘ : ;'n •••■ 'IT .t 'i a.bif I'ei •- ... "! t t; e C' ,i ; ;r i-t 'lu.' ’ : ' .ri ; - Ulik ' ■ - \ ! tniniiitraf . \;p>n ' .p. K ;e •. 1 1. .'•! .■- ;5 ••■'ci. notifit'3 ^11 p*^r.'on' clftinis 1 r.e Ksra’c to present thfiri wM -.r* itie ‘imt' i ‘)v ’.-vr. fj'aiT»Tise thiF ne t,!',- will hi: J ia V- sr f 1.^ v rr. Do’., .rs arc re:,,!-. ■• d to HEi rOR V, Vr ;T_- !>* i > f 'ow L4>vr. My 1^‘VV •: : Ei-t - ie C ■ - F pr-/ O t(i i':-’i. 'ri '" by boy*' vu 1 Uu i -cr i.' i-ji; wilil cr, : il! f ' ^ ; "T. ;. . ■ ‘‘i ' •.. wLiie on ^ 1 ' -■'■ ■ ‘i-. ,. .t i ■ 1. : . ever vi' up .al ; I--- •■.■> ;> up to M- I - ' .1= ■ !• . 'X.. V ; Tbc : • -V^ ^ - ti -t. ' V ■: , coua;,' A • 'ir ly p ., • »•. > n:i'i u • * count" .1 ■ '. }n-> • = Kiif •’ I ^ ■■ for P -TP b .vinjj p.ir ;r. -.pp'ic*. im ! Si* li;.' ■ JC .-I'. . ^ ^ 1 or J. V.'. ■'! \ ■j »• t I j S.\LE advs*'• ;?ffi ia tist Observer of Jail Lot. I I Iron and Rrick at JjUin>'Prtr>i:, is postponed utitil I 'i>jluri,9y the ]4’li X.)'’ , Propos.ale tor buiii- j inr a new J.iil Trill b? re'^eire-i uaiii Monday the 23d ')f Novertih'r PKnp lu 1 »pc 'ifications will be furniBh- j ed ou llih Nov., the liay tUc nb ve sale, j K FRi^XCtl, Cfcairman. I Oct. 16, 1863. 73-If ^ .^TIC'K 7 j f j} '[•^^u'^f^'e ’ftngTink krmickei well, a 1 c'^od «*lj«’a,r, to trsoh a U't bsy^ h' sny botite in Uniee- I vritu uti'r A iib'rcl sr'cs w-11 he pa: J .\rf«re»e ! i«i' at ;lnii>i£i' r. I ii«o -waui I'? a cfmpc'tnt OVKKSV'FR to ! t#ke rharee of r.;y p r.r.ra'if’, in Pwo;>«s .a c»unty. A i J.i!,{.lp r,.;-.n pr'f"- *.], I w r. fi:- •. p.-td f*r'te fT tb? i kind of J>. ina". f-r.( ilii n f wt; ■;.) ,'.cl>«9 he li'.! >AN‘;., L LI.L. j I'i. 1S;^3. 78-4:pd ‘A.a r; w :cTif f.ci I v^'t A's'5v33, j Fcrap Lrrather, OUl oliaes or Boots. ^.j. ' j S‘'l?iP LE\TilHii. for whiek *v * .' ' .' . JL-’V* •i''" pri-** will n- t. lid on d-?livetv (.t the Fay- 'f Kn-.^-r^r-a • ^ J ! A F L -ir V r.'aO >- r-j - ) fi’r.ii.'h, . . 'JLJillN'. ■ V.O''." -.:;.i i!.. ' S'.-It t' 1 .r >, ii* 314 Sk 11* 8*?’ . I \ , n. npo 1 a; 1, eu’ Aj^ 1 C'uf i... ^ T . I:-’ ,i3 ) wi.. L .. r ,h1i. \.--tlV2 ? VtJ.' ■ ;V': : , ,ji n i :i. ’ ir> o'liic Ire*- ■if Co •■'1 for th? i.tf of ' -’ih f'aro- t.’ •;■ . i '11 : By .i ■■• •-..4 , .■'.if i .in -.ii- :-t E y I- j'.it'?', r.y f'f111 i!u- - n.•■;■ sto .S;*’. 1“ !u 7 p'ir ceiit Bond^^ or j .A,-.lic.i!; '.'is laay c n!:iis.' t« n.v- H M ilie?i j Tiilj, N 0., c>r J.H20S BroK .', ■■ >u & V u-r'-iit ;)r^r of .b,"' .S'"ite, ! v ii ilil.i . iV 1 \L.uLir n. >■ . '.ri;t.;'' c *r. iioitteij of j J » !• •- ..iO^VNC. 1 Filj ;•;■ S'*!!!’;. J..: ' y J| ii s.- '-et • r-7 of Ti'ei iiry. iili Coitoa ; • «• V'- on .itid 'vtuT the j H cv^ 1 . i-i. . . .i' . 111!' Ill I [. r c!*nt ! I • ’-.it, L.y.i'i-i r. t ti! ; I ’ •: •, . I.' , • .:! 'inc. li.J •{' 'he 1 ^ ’ I b n- ,7 1 ‘d ; t r -J 10 • .- ■ i ) - vj'i r.i'- ii.r ■>r t- A - .'N t ’ ()c' • ''fi:. t f W.4A'2'SiH», " I • 11>L;. ^ , i» oir e r --i Mi'.'.. (c‘.iti- *•' r •,. ' \ s r >s nie Fthi Vi..i:-Til!e, J. B. KUt^-KIL TI .T • i1 E>r. .1. H. !• A i ■!, « Hnd t'’t SR b3.vir.g ens;iKPfnonia j will j ls-i>4e . .Ill P !»u. I . O • 12 •I Ire j. i W. Hl.‘d. !• -rv.i.T : T-t' HT. i 0 .\>’V . 1C ]• ; >.rit roj- 1 . OIL TA? • IH*- LA>!P r.LX' L/i-.U 1 ['. ■ 1 r- . • J-.ic. il . 1 ■ I > i J 'rh: tv.. :.i0 r» C . I'l ^11 I .'■'>'?••■: 'IL>1 ■ -> ; >‘X- j .■.(•',■1 te • C'JL >i .s;; :'l H Itlc* v ii i>; (jr'-. J Si ' ■ .-r.-yj J, .*•... -\ (■ > la.' >,'1 ..i.> ot lb- ■ J ' A ^Soop Si*»Ei. • ‘ 1;’ IK') :. ;■ V ;e hv UTL.-y. Krtf I " li;;- .; ■-! '■ I r‘,ir i^f C ! PU C • of tfie?? tTl- wi V te"‘'''^ i nr.c*'': .ir',''-I ;i t-113'***d ■> cnllest all I!!' f’iiiv^ fif ►..d -i-s. fo'di^r~. ksd p' t l iirrt 'in furioii() 'u .n 'Tj »y b.-, p; »/'-l in h;# ha‘:^». itAvnT 'i I'l aa xi er^^*lC“ of ni'ar 20 TMvrs in prose (')■ ■-• ••\t.ir-.r .’.jf-iii:-: ;Hi Government. a! ■wpli Hs c'v.iC'! the (^'Ilf'.d e he is prrfffltly l--:TiilMr xith p»«>fy vsrii'ty uf s'ld C'.n inik'j as e-t: ly •• ro'icu h,-’ tii-.j '. .r^: r.ariiber now on fi'e will ad Oii;. .K ru • fsie will b?_ch*irsed to cover cost, postage. slat .in' ry. As. ,\l'plv ill prrson tr til iress bTl'‘tier, JNO. M ROy=E. Frivi't^ville, K C . Oct !■», ISiiS. 7- Smjtd with the following; ‘•Syjw, Mr. Jj.peaker, 1 liateprtsentedtuase c«a* sidwrations, hoping thereby to get us in propo* frame of mini and diipoiition to TTork for tb« peace •» this country, becau?9 1 dasira to do mj dutj, and my wh*le duty, while I ani in tha Unioo^ and if I am forcad to jo ou; ot it, 1 may be aJ«» anaWled to do mj duty then, i ti il gentlemen that if, in spite of all the efforts ol' wvse and gool‘ men, the State from which i coma decidr.» to dia* s*lve her connection with thii G»verniiien^ my de.stinics are, and will be, \rith her. 1 know that when that '?Tent occurs peace cannot long caor tinue A war, a terrible waf, will ensue. Wh«a- ever tha peopla of the North anu ;t;outh have ouca appealed to the God of battles, ior which 1 look with mo.?t learful apprehension, a civil loilow tha’L will end only in the destruction of all the great ifjtcrests of ail sections of the country. Whcuevcr I'lut cTeiit ccines, 1 know my duty: and wlictucr i ha^e the nerve to b? there tujsalf or i;o!^, I know that suah will be wy duty, and that it will also be my duty to devote Uf the sa»- Tice my means, myself, and children. yv’heccT«r That struggle comes, you will find, North apd ri. '.a •>» .5r] | ^hd’havc sought most t« prcf-erve the Union, who hare been the last ^o give it up, will be the first men to b* found m ilu- huik and Sic oa both sides of the bloody co»- test, then- means moat liberally and freely be de voted to iieiping and maintaining the groat, ter- ntic, and blocKiy sirujgle, and they will enter it ou either side f« r victory or Ueatb; and if tbay fail, in their etForts for the first, they will be faund with their back to tho field, atid their fe£t to the toe. 1 want gwntlcmcQ North and South to mark my words; whon the^e thinga come, when thi« .bloody strife ensues, as it certainly will unleaa this spirit ot •ssunion can be cheeked; when, mark you, this eountry shall be laid waste; whe» all Onil AnTTriTmn»** StlftU be broken up; when the shipping in our porta shall be destroy«d> vrJmn our institutioas of Ivarn* :rig and relijfion shall wither a^^y orot iui.» j.— 'vhen your cities ,‘;hall be given up lor plunder and ior siaughter; when your sou* ai.J ni} tons, your neighbors and iny neighbors, siiall be carried irom t!ii> hh'oiiy field of sti.te; and our iii-jth^r.-;, our si.-itcr.«, (-ur wives and our dau_:,hlers, shall assem- tiie ari;una u--, a,iid, with wct ping eyes and aching tiea^fs, say: “C.'uuld not you have done something, could not you have *a:d something, that would have avericd this cuiv^mity?” I want to ^el io my consciencc and in my Soul that I havfe dyno niy duty. [.Sup2>rcss . applau?e.] I want yot^ tciijw-iaen ol tke North, to be ablo to say tliat, ■upon a jrore ab>.truo:ioij, tlv; upon a tiues.ion of no practical importance, you have not held out and reluscd to yi*:ia i-ir tha faki^ cf giving peace to the country. 1 a;-k you, ^!^?iin, il you cannot give up this more ab.^lra . ■ . I or, with ail duo respect, I can n;vur envy tUf* {;>.■ iij^i.ot the man, North or South, wh.;, when i d":.) t' butchery and destruction shall c*mc, v.ji: tto- iu his heart that he stood out o;> .1 tir re pt.-in;, vt etiquette; that if he had yielded a :aatter el no pra''tical im portance to him, or hit ccs* ?;tiiu?nts, all ‘rouble couid have been avoided, i ->k geutieu>en, North and South, if they will not unite lu scitiiiig these abstract questions, and give peace to ti» countjy? :5. Mri. 7-_ 4i ■ ^iJrates! v>raU*^II ‘'ALl f.' \y I. II- n. Fh; !V:i i- ) .' Pi .^ K xVOOl) .'f liv.’ • ; ' « y j'T-jCiii'ii fr !.;l;vi: ,LV kot:. 7^s. I K. PEMBERTON’S. '. ■' O'.i.K', ‘ha* I .1..' I‘ft •■> !f r^ ! ;r tJitATFIS fii tho E vfU- F-'unlrj . c-ii! " I 8’i.''pli’i ^'. I'. I, PKMtlEETON'S, n A?I'Lil60N & Co. ()>•(. l.'» IS..:';. 72 Im L .L'■) Wjirr,.- March 7. I .. I FayetteTille, .— Jniv ’ AMii’?«s«i I t' iiS L, 12A ('(.-nrt- , r'r poari ! '-r • r : h’.pi! St uiiirKci prii'e, I'liv-.red m ioy mills on llnckfi.-^ > «'! tTiV !i.%b I ■ 1. • c ; ir::-’ M \ \ k K P. F E’aissi. • i..'t : IIU! >%li ibt; juitv : r •.• I . M 1: ,. ^rS„r-.r | • > '■%, ■:-( I Iron .vliil ' m ih c.%ne, I !i J wooden loi* Nule. sale, priT.aifly » Fi/n ot tour tii'n 'red »ijrci-, in K.«nlolph c.iiin'y, N J , l^iig abou' 20 iiiil*3 Honth e p* of Hi(cb Poim. on the j .,1'; ro-t i r;iinii '^ from Higb Point t-> I •y 'tl 'viilH, unr. ,ibuu o mile;; irotu .\^hi*ri ir'j‘. .Ab">iJt IOO cl^'irc i »*• : rr:i;ain lrr hPrtVi.j lirnl'ored yrMh P-ri" .^'id Oik. ,\ ik.i 'ii'jr' 1 z ■■*■,■/ . ; . . n' • i' i r>iv. 'f: tit •. ' ; ■ 1‘ - , .i ir'tii.i*' *■, i.'.! ■'■ . 1: ■■■ ' J'.' > -1 i i( (’j.reofH U Turi-'-r. N C pr ■- r jlvr- • al ^ Termf of Tu ' *fili I’l.vke a barrel or ov.2 ''i’i'f t>i' ! ta tti.*- c’*'. 'ifer on* liitrl Por-toUfj hivinfi; ••ra ’.1 t ipw w >11' i Jo w-il 10 0! •■*> Au acre of ao; I Cine wvii-id SO z il’oas more ot ..yrup. ri K. colton. JNO. KTKKPA'if:i;;K. i. 4 •Ji'i'-iii j,-r wil. pr.y •'>. li-j.lu-^t c'V ,.i i *uy qu,;*i>iiy cf I'.i n ritii J A WOHTIT O.-t V H7 tr !( j;- ij •,vP' I) T. n 1- .' > L; L ' I • !i 0 V. .. . , , . I , 1''bt, f. 1 pij i.ji .. ( AKo, two good u.i!,^ wu.ted. Itoaherion, Sept. 18&3. FiVKriKiiiiLE I .uni(!*n',) Ski-. | t* i» 'rc:: if of t;i' 12th i u fed r.i» 1 he M- - ..‘-.i i ii:m^lt' i, •( 11 4 ar K-i. !■• >. f*; Lu- (••.lU'.ur. is -111' .-. to n:- s'-O’.l or 'ir ’.r his r.'-;-- ;•. ^:b • : • ■ . V T -f »r- . ‘ . *■*,■.>;-. Chilli t ' i’.l-i I F K -■ ii: ■ P!'--'-; ; .■ ! 1 t • i.. /' y ,vil' 1 ! ■>•,' ;i,i'. Tha f Ibe S:-'i(b (Jaroln.! lire. :ih’,7e r. v.-vrd piid 1 t'l ■ , me a thia P a , or ;il '» if • >an . 1 ;n yiU/ rcm - jail M. B. SMITH MATTflEW P. TAYL >tt, 68-6w*tiw I 66-tf C*vk. C. ti. A., OKiJSAM'K \ K.almoh .N’. ■' , >1 iy H. j LEAI> *V.\Ni'KD.—? W...I 'o p'jrchi e l.? d t\>r this Depar' nf*u! Pep.son.i 1; viHi , irje or ^:ii'v! q.iai- ii:'e3 w.if J! 'i>p zt .,■..0.'. Will aivo 1 jc u.i l o' POV^'UEii *''ir 10 p)ii-; ii oi‘ L1]AD TllO.i 1) ilOGG. Ci:. S. tMt ’f !;l r.; u'.' ot O d .e->. 5 ;»S . •■ 1 5’n I 3 ■?> ** 3:>S i 4T. , ■. 1 - \ -,s .:i j ■ I : “i: i TtT '11 •' .1.' / : ' . ly . .v. ic- ! • ail ■ . ,.; •' ! T''i; 'flUl>;ra.ll3 p87- t : ^ i s«td^-‘*t« 1 :i ;:■ •; • ('•■• I h-i '-.t*. or .■•■ , • ■ V ' . 'V f - 1" ' t.-yc. * ■ ■•. M iV. y .\. i.O': M J ;r.- X. l’.i)N.I N I'USii. .)r, \ i--irr Aoiice. ,,Jh V- ■ r-i i. .:r. -.1 .Vi lit -j: .months, -I r , d 1; . t'-.t lloUSIjfi'.)Ll) and Ki rOIO'X h L’ i Nt : U dF, !■ I n"\. > ..kiu ?.->tate. i.n \v ii( '■ ■ *■,' -I-, :. . '=! '1t' -'■•icQCC of ?-ild r U'-. llu.su, Oti Pe .a .'-r,' ' nt p tt:„* Hiilf-v^ay Bridgjo. M\i!Y \ U^::r, A ;;i:;'J .N KU.'ii .l”, Alio’r. F*.yr: i e. Oc. 'i, l!?0o. 70 k !'ilE 'iVorliw tor i.ra«o. rpilE !u‘ ,CT-*C- ’■•i;! ! u-t M •■'•* April a _1 ovi”'.Tuf!a("M‘’n ■ E l.oT tn W ■’i^ht^v.l’e Ssnn^, to-;e;}‘t'r ru ■> • tsc: n SALT W "'.’: KH. f”»fj warlvk with pr. V 't !i.t‘-r.iioa wMl f--cm t'ltrty • ^ t^ir”- fiTe ill!.'.•!.( v.-r dttT, Ti.-y •*’■: ii^ ■•>■ ir .'oo.''. !unr»inj; '.rdrr. ' e’ i-"'Sr th roi’j'i.'y r«’p‘.'i#'^ T/ ■ . ^i'i b.- l.'t i fc : I'V v-iriO pr 'w.in « pf r.'inn • br ralt Tt i'»i ■p;:.''n oT Oir \ pi» t af tk* teaw *»il’ m'li i'uc T.irk-j v;xv;d(« »&rt'r npyhc^'ie': i» run'*' Ad-rfMi ip” o; Bi-i.;k Rock, Uri;r!»w;'^k ceu'ity, or ■ F. L1.0ri> Oc. i:«.' 1^1)? 72-4:*2t .^'OTI€5i. ’'IMIE fR., ftrpts "f D 0 tVORTll k C»., mad V.OR.S R X k- P\N1LL .4HTP r,*yT"biof i, ^nd will ontinuo ik* Ueaerai t’omraissloH r.iid ForwaruWig Business, Al i.*\er . i J *.iaa tif T. • • -It '3 G '^1 '». -- »'i-'cjs«oia Ic ctsacem, ufJi^r '.-le .)!•’ ol d k. uti. By p.viii*.^ iud l.vihfal ft.iaaiioa to bu->;.i3i» tbcy heix- to rst-in ttce li>.»rftl p%;r'ja:/« bitsl-. wsi 0:1 «;jb .v-oa'«•- I1J5 ! u! inPF« .V Ofaei.*- I'-f S»it pi' iuD-:; -cu .■■: fci 'iec WOKi 11 & CO. ^TiluiujioD, N f ., O::;. 8, iJ*3 73 3m r» a w*«TH 5 a UANIBL. oFi^K ! !:; u T u i; •'■T'ii UiT^fASTf-ir:. i ii:.' A“.-. d.i'i -if.tl Ar u;>ri. i:;..-. ) . i-’ j«>AS/r, ’•.^^1 ' L! f V, wi'! > • ri ; f r 1> ■." . 0.;r. I. V!" '■'oL'.N -i .N r, J •utf'' del r*-redto .'.igsjesi '•• •tjLi , rio>v '1 -.'vl-.ft VI, I ;ili rir.’.'r’y i.. ... . il >iy Vi. T . ‘.'i.'; : .’■ F ■••-. «•• ’. > i 1 ‘ iv • r - H S » • ••'= ' ■ ; ! •■'■ i:’--'- '■•• -'E •• •■ •••»'• I i-. iL • cru *.; .1 j VV1T..8 (I IS U *'iii !;« 1 » d » .‘i'.-;(-r .0 p, i :>■ I.y 0 ^ I'ng j ^ ;.y- ,,■ •- , ) .f , d td bi^-ok j .c? j E. F. j .1, (I'l'i/. a >>t '2 Oc n",,'-. M •he’■'its ot “'ity I 1-1 ■■ ,i i , . ~ . .j', I"'.- -.■ b d: 'ic: ^-ed th? { ••. ' "if *• ' » - I • ‘‘t C '*i* I !ic ■ ^OSsTllxT fo i.-e ‘ ■ ■■ . ! ■ •.•• I I ri 1 . jj: ■ ' \ I jj i' ;'■■ I ■ ^ ' •* *1 *■ T * ‘'PfL‘]>0"'ri ii-r wo J I'or Av.:I'b A- • Q ' n*, -a r^;. r MAriHEvV P. TaYuOR, ' w.j! .,'1:: I.) SI iv.iti. ; uo wed U) call an me or adireaa me at Rtlei^b, N 0. P. J. .STERNE. Sept. 7. 61-3aipd TOtf Ot»j-*tiin Corps Ari’y, P. A. C. S. aAd Act’f Ass't Qi^arterioaster. ON the .^pteboro rOnd. b'lwee* \*.*irley‘« Mid* ftud *>Iat'bew’H—TJ'thin iiiil-> . rl-!T(i.sf the l.i u-r pl»ee. The • wner r.vu r.ore it ''>v .Kfiorib't!^ ]*ie!ol. #a« pavjii.t the c jpt of n lver(ininjr Apply by leti-jr, *o fh* subsci’oer f*' F .ycit-vi'l". r.EO. V7 AS Ml NO TON. Oct '7. 73 Ptpd ~ (OmiiiPT OKFK'K. utileipt), N (V, iJc IT), IbtiiH. I Gk: OilKttR'*, ( No ■•■. I T N ^--irc : ::■ -vr i,. ru '’' ar I>rrr - i ."r. R'. t r .r VC" •: ::'-.'i ?"i.* t’*-‘ £.* Si^oCd, .tlh^ ‘ '»nH' ■ • 1'P'r;;o:i; ti, i( r. p-i;.fD .■^ rf th^iv ?b’’.cc j i .a Oo” ■ .li l.f-i'’.-» p.; ftp's V «*r'.;iy until TariiK'.r o'df-rfl. [ 13? ord^'r -f r,or. I ETE'i M..LLETT, Oonriojmi I 01 C.>nscript9 for N. C. J. W .-Vdj : .r.i ' 73 it i OF MPK FKAR, ^ ~T~ ‘ i b; B fc .-t 10. lS*iS, ^ ; l>iVf ,^i; N--), i j A DIVIDEND of ' per cirnt. h*,s been declarel by th^ B.iak, payable to ttie St,oekholdev8 on l->i Novcnber. ». Q. WOVTI^. WOllTii & COe, c'GLiuiissIou aud Forv/araiiig Merchants, WlLMiNijTON, N. C. 0«U >6, 18.^3 7S-12m • MjIPST, ON t',« Ifrid fro« F... • s^-. Ht. bsi C!«dar FaI!' fcs,1 Mr 11 W \y>: - ; Pl.-TOL, Colt’s p.\lent. Ti»i Bnd*r will b» i '-trti'.v rivr.f.*' i Vy leav- isj: it at either of tv.? foil*' w ir;? j;lae'' 'i r. .'. U-cHstea’s, Mr II W Dixon *. .Mr \ I t--. r»D8(» :■ i r U'> Tiriug i| to me Fav«‘iis» lie -7 tl 'ihV, ilT. Oct. Iti, l»o3 .Va iitj'i Salt tor 1 BUSHELS dry, nia-le 11 rijrtpg ago Apflj XUU to ni or Istsc JL lli»i£*ffi'rtb Prefer to fcU ice wnole iii o*ic tvrn lri.e. THKOP~ FV«V> Ocf. : ' 1) fHOn IC?-:\VAss’iSD. .V' AY f' • su'>’(.*ibt.r. aotui ib?, li Oot. 17, 1863. J. G. BUI^, Caeh'r. 7&-SW iiic ■ koy PETER, 19, « P-exi -Ji. tro^i tt^:li affected i id ouc vf tis -n t : , »'^w -iiftktrj •'•.'•■■• .‘■I'ntcTii.aoe. ab ,v five f*-* .-ji incase iU,at, wok'J ▼?'••;;; '>.& It 14-j H j'.s I} hii'kiag in the ut;j5;*k.;rLo'j.I .>f bar::!:. Iltc^asond county, N. wkere h;* liv-.-. I bought him frcru Duuc'-u M.Lauiiu, Esq., or tuft! tioiaiiy. . . I will gi'18 5100 for his delivery to me or coi^.^eni la Ueaaoti5'»iiio J»il- », PWMttB» 8. a, Oct. 6. n-lmpi