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X.. i be d.. ;r. -;r- he cl: .iricL, me, '.r ■1 •!;- 1 tho ecti> ; t “. :Ut.S M I'L.IT, lu tl ■ tax h b; : i ite, ■. bill.' t .re- Ct C J* 'j-jf JtCe, - i ia;or let, ••. rt;,-il . iu ry r:': . -.eT ' e J-._ ; .- I ► t U:- 1 ,Ill- U>ic- . ' II' ur-Mi!. 1 . : i te-. h ' :.n aii pt- ; oi. -.r-iy pital.-). a.sys 1 sha. 1 be OQS t.hLs ry be. and rtilas id f thio iUt, re.tr‘' ;r.:C the : I \ .til 0. ie- icr t:i:. •I !...: .Sti rai res, igri-:. IlU- jure J -.-d- ti.j . 'Ji iij fgr ik« /C'--» w~v "^rar -nr ^ iVg I «-- y ■|^ f^JT W "^'■ i**^ -i [ vkJL. Xlil. i.' ■ ; ^fT'* • i TWT - 3 \ i x^k. A i:. i - ill V iJ_ iN OCTOiiEU 29, 101,3. [."^U. 127G.J 1 i’ NT^D MONDAYS aND TTIUR-^DAYS. f^PWARP J. RALE & SOIVS. Kr-rroRs and proprietous. °®“ lU^o^otn?, "f" CS^??iES FOR PJSSESGSSS. .■ice for ihe Setni-Wepkly ObskrVkr aJvanot*. S*') 00, paid itj For the Weekly Obskrvkr $4 00 per annum, paid iu idrance. ft^*’ADVERTISEMKNTS inserted for $‘2 por s jinre nf 1* lint;8 for the first, ard one dollar for each sno- ffeding publio:Uion. Advertisomonts not exceeding a half square (eight lines) fl for the first and 60 ceats for eajh tucceedinj^ puWio!i’i;)n. Advertisers are re quested to ‘»tate thf num^'^r of insertions iXesired, or ihev will be continued till forbid, and charg^ accord ingly Advertisements oontinued irundf.. charged as new ad- vertisemen( •>. I^HE Pr.Hiu;,nr nnd D>^^cto^8 »f the laterary Fut having mid^ dinfrihution of said Fund, have dirrct- ed the f.llow-nc- ./-ul.ir Ptatomert lo be puhlirbe-J, Hhowinsr the Fall Distribution of eaoh County, and thp 6UG) during fh© y©)vr, Tbe aojouat of .- aid FaI! distribution will be p^i-4 the persons cntitleil to the Sime. upon application to th« rr-.-.fijrpr of i:'« Literary Fund. 1 be O'.jntiJfs o'* Clay, Mitchell und Transylvania wiil recdive th.-ir share from (he Counties out of which they were rc-sj*‘otiv:''y formed ZE^>U^(»N B VASCH, Prettdfnf ex-fjficio R II. Battlk. Jr.. Secretary to the Hoard ConutUs. >’e.1 I'op t5i>ring Itfci. FaU Dis. Total Uis. From FHye;t^».,in u VTit^.i.^* “ •* ■• !. • ‘'VN.f,- hall, ■ “ *• •• K-.ay’sOove, ‘ “ Alt points below. fjKCOND r r.ASS, OR DKCK. From F'lyettij. ,il« Wi'jingtoB, “ “ ^•'lisab^tb, ■* '''»tte.iall. ‘‘ ‘ •* Oov*, “ t below. 5^15 0 ' - 7 oO 9 To 10 50 15 00 ?7 50 H 75 r, 25 t» Ort 7 o(i From Wilniiciffon to Al'-ma CO A'.etan.f* r A iinoQ ( All«|^hauy Aeb-s Keaufori B«rtie SPECIAL NOTICE. Fr®m an l i«ter this dat«, no name of a new subscriber Bladen j^Nete 1 will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent te 80ch pubscribora for a longer tim# . Burke ilian 18 paid far. | Cahari-u.s 2 Such «f our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- j U for on this system will please notify us when making | rii . !!iuc.'!. Jnn’y 1, 1S58 IfV?/. »nc£,. jrscx[^i \\ Attorney at X:^w, FAYETTEV1I.LE, M. 0. oriLL attend the County aad 'nperiox Courts of ?V ('uasberlanA, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. T'rompt attention giveu in the -cllc^tion of all laiia« r.irusted to bis hands. O'- i ., r>8-tf KO W. WILLIAMS & CO., DeaScrs in li?roreru*?, AN“i> IMPORiERS AND liEALER.S IN urdware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c., HAI STliFJiT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. ... V ^801. ;JG:f JOH; rTLE Y, fit'ttcrr and Vominifision .^rrchant, FAYKTTEVILLE, N C. 10, 93-tf JOHNSON, WIFJLIAMS &'C0„ «A2.T ^lAKJEHS. I irtr.y .iOl pins now in oper.itiun nine miles • I ' WilroiT^ion Partiess wishing to pupplj • . i . ' =',n, c.ia I'c furaishe-: by >ippiyin^ to ' in-">n. Jr.. Agent at Fayettevil;.;. to E. Page, ' h* tho work*, or t' J. M. WILLIAMS, fieneral Suporinieavlent. ^ V tt'Vil’e. Nov. 20. 1862 8Uf w a:\teo. O ^AA WHEAT, ^,OUU •• CORN. '. erfcn- having the abov-* anic'.?3 to ^e’.l willreceiv^ ■he higb'^st '’’ash pi ice by calling oa Mr. .M Thoiiiason. ^ the Morcfti^nf Mitl.'?, Fayetteville, or on the subscri- ,>er at i-id - . i ;-'aui >iarket Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 1862. Totf CiiWPll C .1 *» I'» Co>t.,h-»Di CL.’roU.:.i ^ttowm Cleav‘ IhlJ i.'oiumbu t!r:iven Oumb^rlanl C'i»ritu','k I> i»ids.' 1 D»vi( L'uiilia h igec. ru! ■ P.r-jf b Franklin Gustoo U iio.' Gr^avil’e Gr**-'n! Guiltord rialifttX ilariic:’ Hav-vood Hriidpr3f>n Il*rrtfcrl Myde Ir?d^ll Jj»(^kton JohH-t>in J«ues Leuoir Lincoln Macca Madidcu Miirti;; MoD w-'V 10 475, i 6.778' jlO 88i: , 3,6071 i 7,800 ;12,428: jll.03*.| ! 9.S0.4 i «,954i !n,8 2! 2, 9 3SU 7,0t)t ' 4.4U-.; S, 7.39i>, 4 12.47il fi I0,0(i4 6 l(>.6uT : 8.0 S ,11.495; ! 7,612 13,707! 7 14,037' 6 406 8 1 ^ :71 7 6:^7 '1 2,9o-.. 13, i lu 11 i t,'-'7.‘'' 12 .H.431 tj.8b3 . *J 840 13 15,301. 14 7,0(»-5 o,67) 9 b'.r- 7.72ti •-,017 13,670 5,4 m; i •;**(.» 4,o'>6 S,loS 7.81;» 5.C'2 Mecklenburg ii- 14.758 ARJIY OARi\ESS. -AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagca Harness for Army use. I tan my kather and can ■iTJ good btir^iiinq. will io 'r ;^r« to me they ?b&ii nave protupi ^ ■'tT n ■ i’k ii.^patcn. Jt'i; ■» ^oiCr. .u P 0 , Chatham Co., N. C , I June 13, 1862. I ^.»n4 fV| ^;rcation, aL CARTER. 84tf ."5 6:>. ^ioutgOllle^y Moore N^sh N*w Hano'i'i .N'orth^inipoE Onsii>». Orange Pasqu •■ ji.k P.ori^uirai^us s'er'ion Pill P..>lk R iTidoiph R’chm^'n i Robejon Rockingham 6,920 10.42U 9.815 17.582 10.^55'^ 7.457 14.9t^5- *200 !>»«. i-iiiiu Arabic lor sale by J. R. LEE .... 69if 2o SiALT! or .1*^ ''V SALT!! R0B»='B-T MITCHELL. . f 1901 May 1 T0BA€€0. BOXF-- VIRGINIA TOBACCO, variouB grades, on con6ign®ent, bv GEO W, WILLIAMS i CO. 31 tf w in Hen jra .■? >iitp!>vin bi;i.uly ."^L..k-.'8 Surry Tyrrell Uniju W ake W.idhirigtoa W irrm '.V'a’-iUga W ayne Wilkes W-.lson Yadkin I YtiDCjy 18 5,820 19 9,l>«o 12,G91 3,7'Jo l*M:i5 b,8-2b 20 13,307 14,219 2] 18,014 JU.“1 ( Ti M,812 7. 38 9,414 2o 9 h'^l 4,3U1 10,30 ‘ 24 24,334 5.371 25 11,566 4,915 26 12.726 14.266 27 8,321 10,i3^ 8,510 $1217 68, fi71 G8i 1266 25' 407 ^8'■ 90(i 741 1444 7oj 1282 91' 1146 67 808 88; 15581 28' Ub3 46 1081 69, 821 17 S22 19 t60 01 1449 95 116991 193y-.2 1041 35 R22 74 133*-. 26 884 88: 1603 87 1«81 76 744 68 1786 84 876 Iti: I 'lUa 78' lo4-^ Kill j4 980 08 800 13 220128 737 71' 2162 91 1778 70 M4 32 659 82' 1150 27 .^98 lo 769 21 1589 81 629 60 1591 44 5U7 42 04H 35 Sol 673 •■■7 676 'Tl .(■^1 3b 767 0t> 1715 59 S04 43 1211 30 1140 &7 2013 87 1238 .'loe 86 i 732 67 '.»U0 •';7 076 56 1062 86 1475 3U 411 16 1^75 6ti l'i2t) 23 1540 90 I ijo2 9 > \m^ 1605 62 s52 11 109135 114801 500 33 1197 ^^7 282{ 77 t;24 :-!7 134152 572 35 147y 36 16.58 38 967 29 1178 51 987 26 $152210 839 60 1681 56 ! 509 49 ' lia:i42 1805 94 1603 64 , 1432 34 ' 1010 47 i 1726 67 ! 1204 32 i 1365 74. 1026 46 652 74 ' 1075 01 I 1812 44 1462 39 2413 15 1301 69 778 42 1670 30 1106 10 20m 84 i 2039 70 i 930 S.f> 1 2233 55 . 1095 2(», 1^79 72 1937 4i ■ 17 li ni 163.-' ftu 1225 10 10(Kt 10 M i 00 ot* . 922 14 2703 64 • 2223 37 1017 90 i 82177 : 1437 81 1122 66 961 51 • 10.''^7 20 I 7.'7 oi» i 19M* ;-tu • 34 27 llK'. it U>'-.7 >7 ’ 812 09 S>6 11 i2;it 17 9-j.s 7-> 214149 1005 51 ' 1514 12 142621 2554 85 ■ 1547 9s 1083 57 2165 S4 1125 71 >45 70 1328 5-- 1814 12 551 15 2- • 11 5 4 12S2 79 l'.'*33 ‘;2 2o*i6 18 iH*i nc. . 1542 75 2lK>7 02 l0i>5 Q5 1367 91 HR5 80 625 11 1497 31 3535 96 7bO 46 l>;so 65 714 20 ■ 1849 21 2072 99 120'J 12 1173 15 1236 57 $2739 78 1611 2K 2846 81 917 06 UOIO Its 3260 6V 2886 65 2680 01 1818 85 3107 83 2167 78 2440 33 1847 63 1174 93 1935 02 3262 39 2632 30 4343 67 2343 04 1401 16 3006 .56 1990 y8 3t508 71 3671 46 1670 53 2*;63 00 1'.'71 36 3383 50 3*87 31 :;13 ! 77 _'.»19 '1 22i;5 l,t UW 2& 495;' 6-1 1659 8. 486-> 55 4iW2 07 1832 22 1484 59 25^8 11 21‘20 7'’ 1732 72 3'77 '-7 1-11 ' ; t ’Ulf. ?15 00 “ • “ 6 76 “ “ ‘ h^ll. a 25 “ “ “ ElizabeiU. 75 “ “ • t*rj,ijr*et Hall, 12 0« “ “ " .AH paiatf above. 16 @0 SECONU CLAriS, oa uaCK Fvan WilMiarrr- *• i>0 i “ “ “ K»lly’(« Cove, 4 Bh “ •• “ Wh;f« kail. ^ “ “ ** All ]»*'*,'« abeva, 7 60 10^ Seccxd CiA*' «r B.:ck *’»j,«cng-r» must stay on lower deck er jiay full t»ric«. «r ta.me •» First Claas. ttF' An extra cka’-^-* r.il be t. .:le 'or JTay Patien- gers get»i»>}r- »to Ben.hs dMring .»a>y tiran, cad for occu pying a Berth wi*li ♦heir Wmis or ssaee at the discrt.tion of thu C»]»tai» J. A worth, for C. F. Sfm B’t Co. R M OKtVELL, far Si’re i^ase and Sun. T. S. . UTTERLOn. M»»y 4, 18«’?, 26-tf Eroisx aiifi aft«‘r (iii>» date 8f''i»3:*r \. ** HURT wi'l leave at k> o'clo.'k. A .u , '>n Monday and Thureday JOW V. VV:i;iX4.^ April6—17tf] Ag t C. F. Uoat Co. W C^iT E jR A K. '1''1}E Trains, of thi.^ Ri,.--d li;uvn F-ay^ cule daily. 1 iSunaajtt except'd) »i 8 o lock. A. M.. and re- • vit ninf !c ivf Mclrer’.s at 1 P M. Preiffht Tr.'ir- MONDAY, W?-:[)NE.'^DA\ ai^dFRID.VY. ii/ oiii.T >1;' lie rrefliJont. JN>. M HOSE, Trea{»'r nnd Act’^ Tri.ns. Ag’t. lfcf.8. 97tf Jnn. to A^OEVIff.I.E. 7i. €. AVILL >->pfn the 1’\GLK HOTEL for the re cepi' 'B of Quest - the first of 'un;*. and I hope .-aventy-five to a Monat Ver»4»!i Female SemiRary) Ki Mt. Yemen Mineral Springs, €li»tbam Coanty. 1st'Session to commsccc 28th Sept. TEP.M8: riiga-.i E. liranol'e* per tfee«ioa of 20 weeks, $50 Acidemic ’Iass, 40 OO >tu.^ia »nd Paiutibg, each, 40 0# L*fio, Prei>ci and L>fa»viHg, eaah, 20 0® Si^hool Room ^xpf*n'e8. 2 50 Bcuril !j;50 p>r fiouth. or* i$10 per month \f paid in provislon'j at old prions. Rev W.M H.')()PER. 1 „ • . , T C. HOOPER, |-PrinoipaU Address “St.. La>rr^noe P. O ” •Sest 8. «2tf TPLEis.rsX TRIP follAlKIWH. The sii>^>»oriberB have put on the I'cut* t» Ralnigti vim Summer- -r.Hr, a two horse PASSENGER COACH. They will leave Fayette- ville cvc^y Tuesday and Fti4e>y at 6 A. M., arrive at Raleigh s»i»« day »t 9 P .M.. Leave Raleigh Wednes day ani Sunday at 0 A. M., arrive ftt FayeUevlllt saae day 5t 9 P. M. Wo will t ‘ve none but goo« ilriveni, or drive otirsalvea. Our firm w-l] be D. WARD & CO. DAVID WARD. J. A. SLNK. Oot’r 12, 1863. Tl-^wyd iHr». Wi?l. iTlcCLAlVE has opeued her bouse at Egypt, the present ternilnua of the W. R. R , for tUe reception of transient company. She solicits the patronage of the public with a prooaise that every effort will be in» le for thtir oooifori. Oct 9, 1863. 71-lw 111 M •a3:. " i : l.'2_ 1 1 :1‘ 152:.. I 21; 1 1 172 i:.) 3^60 lN‘l^ 97 272', 42 2567 18 i 459-' ' 1? I >•': ■ If >-.»4:- : 202-: 2- j ■;22 2 j 2-;.*i 4- 3ai^42 9.»2 -1 422.; 2 i 2ii^»9 0:. ; 3480 62 I 8719 09 I n tno■ % , l!77i: 95 ■ 3612 6 i '■ 1917 -.'.I , 2462 2 j ! 2-'.''l 11 ' 1 125 74 i 2*-95 2i 63.; 1 73 14'11 M .'.025 17 1285 65 3.^28 57 3731 37 2176 41 2651 06 2225 85 b.* u>»ie ti> enterthin ‘Vv:; hiindr'’d duriog (h? 3'tt«i"ner. I’' co.orif 'tion with >hi. Urge Heiel, I have a number ■ r' .Hrt' '''r’-i*'. Buggies aad .Saddle Horses that ii.. -t • c.»r: gof h* a micut.-’'s noiij.v ^ M, :*.L\1R. “'••prietor ivg' Hotc-I. Ashevillr N. C. •i:vy ' 8!-vnd i rol ■vr.' IV •I Ft* i V-a. t .--i T : Vu ^ t ; ^ S - - - fo: Wjk. : ir«.i "L tlP c -» -1 i « ■.V N .f A M«N.!' 21; Mrij K»r. •uad. •J, Fri4’.y •> t P*' Adjutaut and Inspector tteneral’s Olllcc, \ RicnxoND, Sept 8, 1863. { [EXTRACT.] HpSCIAL OftDBRf, > No. 213. / mTHE BUREAU OF CONSCRIPTION 14 autho- . riz«i (0 raise aai equip ia ^ach o* the States of Geoigsa, Sruth Carolina. North Carolina and Virginia, one Battalion ef S'x eonpaibiea ef Kounted men, who fu’'Jiish their own kersA, nad who are not li&ble to oon- ^rrip'i.'e, i.> bo tinker the ordera of the Bureau for the J: rposc.^ of Canicriptiou, the arre»l ef deserters and for l->cal defence, Biuvtered for ono year. C^mpaaT.'s t* elect their own offittrs. Tha Field OS''iT te be fusigaed froai offioera belonging to tha Ea ling service. I. mpanicr not to exceed one huadred rank and file. By comuiaad of the Keorctary »f War JNO. WITHERS, Asi’t Adj’t Gen’L JYOTMCE. CONSCRIPT OFFICE, N. C., 1 Kaleiou. Oct. 7, 1863. / pIIK CjrHmaa-iaat invites the a/teutioa of all persons > ■■ Ab'-" ai hejring ^rtns, but who are exempts from .1 . da: aad?r the pri»eut regul*ii*n«, to the above ... -.J i.ar Sjcreuary of War. • b •—B hat it is ttie lutentioa of tho Depart- ; - i. i* -X Bt;t;«l;en of mounted msu tor apeoial - N, (J ; a.i«i tiie Comraacdant hopes that all ■ i "i ;;iar., wh'j ra*/ be exempt by n %s>n of hav- •n. - . n;-- i 'li- l Uccs or oth-ririse, will not shriHk ii l-a ^ hxaten to culist in iba defence - •lif-'- a^esi-Jrh, auJ the State ihi.t g»ve r in k •>pt. 28. 1843. ?l L • I hfse 1.:. ticn •■> ’■ Pt^w. T' ■' 3i» rUh' ■ u Hp; ; fit '.Lroet. AEa U r i!. AL r 'J-. A.. i . : d - • P>:- ij o' j ric ’ . 1 St = i 0" -I rU^ r of 8 t. t ■HI Mr, J. n 1 Aiz' r ir. ih:.s Bi'ialiou wlii be : '■ .. I i G..: -vd, .:i.: •wj.aOii "t C--va’ryiQ'in, )r.i.TH .^iirOuiu /u’. iho St:>r. r .'crui *■ or th -y may report ef I j'4truo' ion, ‘^11-PETER MALLETT, i . . aJ ill of Co nscripts for N. C. ;-pt, atd A. ... A. G. 7MtJC t ^ -.njpt will rc- i,r.; au- ir^^cMy Post Office El‘|>nrfiiie»t Richmond, Oct. 20, 18G3. ) By ^iriue of ;*u lio: tj' v r -d i-.i ni.* V>y Rt. Ac' r f C'lr- Vttt!* “o fiuthoiii'^ the *sta‘..lipLm?*>t of expra«s mails, • p»pp:'ovcd Miy 1, l8Uv. 1 thi^ d**y cnterrd intfi •!.by which t'vo m.ils a we.'-k riU carri .J wij between MsriJiar., in f’^e St^te of Mis- oie^ipy i. ft’id Sbt •'vep'.rt. in the State of Louy^ianfr No77, t> '.•.-•’V t' » cxpe»'8o of t' e carrying of said ex pi p«8 insiil, iv )8C'’-ero>! that cn .“jil Irtters aiid paoKat>'8 to bft cvrri^-l r. ^^id route, excep' t>-i r’fficiftl s''rre' pon'lenon and blc.nks !»»d poettv^e st'smps of the P.ist OiEce Department, the raefu?». t-> be prep:dd i'^ ".1' V/TlHELi: . ; v; 1 .vt-- .r"D HOSE''RANZ’ AR.MT Co>-r 3 - .• ; ^ . , (j ■ nua Republican. Cavalry Ot-catur. Ala., Oct. 11. Mr. Sneed: \V- croasod tho Teuneseee river yestrfilay on our rei.ur;i fVotn a raid into TenoeB- sre. Gen. Wheeler comui.ttided t'^ree divisions, under Gcni?. Wharton, Mariiii aad l)avidson— seven brigades in all—about tijOUO men. This is the largost cavalry raid that has been made dur ing the waf. VVo ero'is^d ^ho riv'ir neBr Cotton Ford the Ust li' ter of haKan ounce or Icfls, and forty ceatv for every eddhi u'd haif ounee oi- fre,otion .■: a ;>iilf .ii-.oo Leitera ar.d packfiges to be seut by 'bis route may rp. mailed,«nd the postage ptid, at any p.iat of&oe in tba t.onfed-'r^ite States, .,kad luuee oent from the E*at to the We>3t or the Mineisaippi should be plainly marked via either Mertditn or Brao/.oa, Miaaissippi, and Dsoae sent from the IT out to ihe Eajst of the MisEiMippi should be plainly marked via elthei' Shreveport or Alexandria, Louisiana, &,.« they will be forwarded from etther of said offices, and from none oth*^r without further notice JOHN H. REAGAN, Oot. 21. 76-3t Postmaater General. Dlina/] lOH, >• J- i oflflea. shall be t.t the rate of forty cents on each sin-:ie day of September. Cotton Ford is near Charh>8- ton, Tenn. The caemy vrrrr uu tLo opp )eite side of the river, tbrte luigaUi..^ stryng. Vt'heeicr had a new read out abcut a mile below the lord, (yrosaed the river at uigbt by this u«w ford wilU W'harton’e division, attacked tu« enemy’d pickets at the main ford, secured tLat point and crossed Martin’s and Davidsou’s divisions with tfee artillery and ord- nanco wagons. ' Wo marched all night and the next day until dark, in the heaviest rain I ever had aeen, and camped in Sequatchie Valley. H«re the 00m- mand waa divided. Wheeler, with two brigades, ono under Gen. Martin, and one under CoL Avery, went down the valley after a large wagon train, while Gen. Wharton with the remaindier of the force proceeded directly across the Cumberland Mountain to attack McMinnville. Gen. Wheeler started at 8 A. M., and met the train near Dun lap at the foot of the mountain, and after some sharp fighting captured about .500 prisoners and over 500 wagons heavily loaded with quarter master, couimitiaury, ordnance and sutler’s stores. Th« train was captured ab ut 11 A. M. The wagOEfl were all bifrued, about l,5uO mules killed, anil the re.st of the mulea taken back over the mountain. The stores destroyed were most valuable. The amount of clothing and blankets was enor mous, while sixty wagons of ordnance stores were destroyed. About 4 P.M. the enemy were re ported advancing up the valley. This found our fjommand in bad copditiou I’or fighting. Over half of both brigades had been sent back by Gen. W’^heeler with led mules, and nearly a third of tho rest were on picket in the rear and on the flanks. Col. Russel, of Martin’s command, was captured, at the wagons. Col. Avery, with 100 of hie bri gade, remained in the rear, while Gen. Wheeler retired with tho rest of the force to orosa the mountain. Theenemy pressed vigorously. They charged fifteen times in the oourie of a mile, kill ing, wounding and capturing about one halt of the rear guard. Their force was so overwhelming e*ch rcpuUe was but temporary. About 0 P. M. ouj entire torce was up tho mountain, marched until 3 in the morning, resumed the march at daylight, and caniped at the opposite foot of the mountain about mid-day. Gen. Wharton, v-ith hie force, crosieJ the mouutain, and his advance guard, under Lieut. Col. Cky, attacked the ensmy’s pickets at Mo- Mlnavilio about 11 A. M., of the 8d, drove them Executive Department North Carolina/ Adjutant Gknkral’h OrFiOH, RALaioB, OotT 8, 1863. Gkkirai. Obobr. \ No 4. / I THE FIRST fiECTION OF THE ACT OF THE • General Assembly, passed July 7tk, 1863. waa ia- teaded to apply to the militia ae then organised, and not to thn orgftnl/ation for Horae Deft'Pce. II. The Coaimip'ioas of the Miliita ^£5oers are sus pended only while raenijdrs of ftie Home Guard organ ization and doin^ duty 30 it When not on du'y ihey may be required bv the Com^aodere of their Regim -nte to assist them in the ex'cuncn of ord.'rs from th'.p otSoe III. The officers and ineu • f the Guard for Ho>ba D* feuee will be subject to the Rules and Articles of War and the G«ner«l Regulations of the Confederate S:Atetj Army, when called out by orJsrs fror.* this ofiice, either for drill or for special or general service. By order of Governor Vahcb: R. C. OATLIN, 74-2w .Adjutant Gsneral. Execative Department North Carolina,) Adjotaut Gknkral’s Opficb, (Militi.\,) V Raleigh, Oot. 17, 18t}3. ' ) Gbkbral Oedkrs, \ No. 19. / The MILITIA OFFICIiRS IN EACH COUNTY where the Guard for Mome Defen.i-^hjis In-nor may hereafter be fuily organized, will taro over t.« the cctn- masder of the latter all arms, aocoatrament>: und amma- nition in their posaession bclouging to the ci-.te, taking reeeipt.8 for the same. By order of Governor Vahok: B r CAT LIN. 74-2w Aijutiat Qanerai. Corn, Wheat, Bt'ef Cattle and Pork for i^ale. 1WILL Boll 4 i,eiid of likely /oung .vl ULl-'S, well r.roko; 1 WAGON: 100 oarrele fu Ct)KN; -OO tuj .els ol \VHE.\T; S3m. BEEF C.VT7LE, and 2 ar 3000 l';&. of PORK, on lime f^r goou N.ven. l^s all of my own iii“.ing and no apenuLv.ioa Tiio -Viuiw'b -vrili not be ae- hvfred before ttie -O^a v' Deicmber l"-^03 Apply at mj pUiCii n E > -ky tlivor, \;rHth.ini ^ unty. near St Lawren.;e. .Sept 12. l8tiS. J PA= F.. ' in .U“i' I WIL J. j:>o7tiaber i.i;c .?ii v.U«-, at 12 . C O t j ii:e Lita oi I iao County C-’i! . ior ? exp-se tj bite •>n Taoadiy t-.? \ra>' uut 514f. Hcu?r 1/.1- ■•ic -M, -i ouKt> •I. ' .he at«Jk .c-.Gics A, lij ■ ,;t ‘"I ,I1»- ■ vr: icn iiou: ' out r works. His artillery i:; ; . i‘i ! c-uiiii/.aiiug the town, and ’rui-.- "•,111. ;.i I'J .iKUiand the &«irrenuer, : iuiiixi llin-.'Ij lu .'Vu- The garrison was ^ o cou^uii^sury aad sutler s stores at>u : ivl ucslrcy^d. i-rm laot, lov .n a vUvis' - I. sve J. '•t e i-i - ■>> T .. Ail'Ji ill .V. i. : .\uir 25. •ill w 10IM)00 0(> 12500000 22500J00 2000 ^iole Leallier wanted. LBS. of heavy well t.^nned SOLE LEATHER, air! .1^' ^or B If^nf!:. Apply t !• An" 114 MURPHY. 20tf Adniin:»trator’» liotice. 1IHE subscriber having a> December Term, 1862, of the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator upon the Estate «f Neill G. McNeill, dec d, notified ail j.er3rua having claims against tne Estate to present tLeui within the time limiteu by law, otherwise •bis nc'i* will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reetested to make prompt payment. HECTOR McNKUL, Aln’r 8f t .*1 '.i IT.L royi.i 'I u« f»r«> I.";' ?, •'a;- enemy, if'J'r turinj«'ii kj’i;'-- Soutticrn notiee. Wo:V. ..f’-v r Addre«? June 9. 18S3. {Slii Blori. ‘Se 0 d* wb • we sb>.uld h-i-' Uaa. • ■> .non yoarsclf and c;ut loose trft'.i i.--. i-f'jci S.'iTias: started the minufao- '■ >u :S.’ fo'" F-i'^^ori^^ iu liie o *-'•» • tiii ord'rs at shcrt i-i t eitevill*?. N C. I>. L. KIVETT, It', Cuinbcil"'''i. N. C. cow LO^T. My COW is on East side of Cape Fear, somewhere op- pcoUe to Campbellton, being driven into the river by boys and can’t find her way back. She is marked with crop m each ear. h^ a bell on. wbitft ’n her faeo. wliil'j on b%ck an-1 b^lly. red on necit i»ai si lea. ,-ver will take her up and let rue kniw ;t or briijg h. r up *0 me in '’anapbellton, will be liber ,hy rewarded. Tho said - was b^'Ught in th" upp^r part, of BHdf-n ••f,untv»"d I.. . -aMy *>«'* “**■ ' .T'f :, i V'J.THuN. OIL AND LAMP BL.iCK. TANI-ERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. 1 LAMi’ P.L VCK ia barrcld. For sale by JOB. R BLOSeO.M & CO , WihningtoBu N. C. Wiirob 7 Wanlecl fio Piircfia*iit*, \ITE TI'! N H.'IL t’«i »Ab .^TOCK; \\ Ba»i- N 'rr r.. Id - SiiV-’r; Souh Caroiiaa Tr(;-.,ur. Nntes (Fundable;) t. “ *• SI and 52; i. Bonds, old and new; Crinty of Cumberlar i B .nds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greenrfb'^r-' Certifif^ates; Confedt-r^ie 7 and 8 per cent. Bond«; Coupons of $45.(X»0,000 lo»n; of Town and County Bon is; “ • of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct.. 12, 18tj;;. "H. Tho Niibscriber wishes to piirch.i^.se P ?r.w YOCNG NEGROE.S for which he will pay t»- : il;^hf.=t C^.8D pr-ce. Those wiB’:-ing to sell won Id do *Vll to cali t-n me or »»ddresa mi at P..ileigh, N C. 1IP11 to c»*. u ^ J STERNE. 61-3m); DEUl’CT FOB DEAF AND DUMB AND BLISU. Notk 1 —Dtvi't J Watson. Eliza J C Watson and Jos Watson. Deif aj'l Dumlf, 225 00 Note - —Mapgie Uromley, Blind. 75 00. Notk 3.—Sirtih W Busi.all. Bliud, 75 00. Notk 4.—MiRerva A Walker, Doaf and Dumb, 76 00. Note 5.—Cs^iweil M ('obb. Deaf and Dumb. 75 00. Notb —William C Abernatay, Deaf and Dumb, Sarah C Fooshee, Blind. 150 00. Notk 7 —George W Hartie, Blind, John McCirqua- dale un:l Mary McCorqa-kdale,- Deaf and Dumb, 225 00 Notk 8 —James Swing, Blind, 75 00. Note 9.—Enoch Orr*-ll Blind. 76 00. Notk 10—Nancy J Blanchard, Ellen Johoson, Deaf and Dumb. 160 00. * Notk 11. —John W C Luper, Deaf and Dumb, 76 00. Notk '2.—Jonas M Cortnen, Blind, 75 00. Notk 13 -Jdeorge L Joneq, Blind, 75 00. Notk 14.—Wm Holt, Jas Holt, Deaf and Dumb, 150 0® Notk 15 —Jasper Jamison, Mary M Nichols, Deaf and Dumb, 150 OO. • Notk 10 —Christopher Seevers, Deaf and Dumb 76 *)0. Notb 17 — Isabella P gram, Z A Pcgram, Daaf &nd Dumb, 15') 0J Nutk IW.—James C Lane, Deaf and Dumb, 7-5 00. Notb ‘0 —Cornelius W Willbura. Blind, 76 0J. Not* -0.—Ji>ha H Uclt(^, Henjamin Belton, Ueaf and bumb. l-5t) 0J jSotk 21.—John B Watson, Blind, 75 00. Nots 'l‘Z.—^I A Hall, Lizzie Hail, Blind, NoTh 23.—George Harris, N J Hill, Deaf and Duinb- Notk 24 —N J Duj -ee, John Simpson. Blind, Geo B Harward, R Clemente, Deaf and Dumb, 300 00. Note 25 —Joseph J R“id, Blind, 75 00. Note 26 —J L Sumerlin, S W Sumerlin, N B Sumer- I'B, H Sumerlin, Dgaf and Du'nb, 300 00. Note 27—S.-^ Owens, M Owens. Betsy Owens, Blind, 225 00. It was ordered that the abflvo tabular statement be •,'Utilished ir. the Raleigh Standard, Tarbor >’ Southr.rccr, WilTiiir?pfnn Journal, F.vyeitev He ('btferver, Wadof^bcro’ ,\rgiin, vVcpiiTn Democrat, Greensboro’ Patriot, Anne- ‘ vilio News, Hendeirfonville Times, Salisbury Watcbmin 1 a» d Milton Chronicle, twice i N B. At the meeting of tl»« Board hell in Marcn lr.st,*! it was orderel that J20 should b.-« paid for a.lvertisin" Spring and 540 for advertising Fall distribution OC. 10, 1803. - A ilc Cedar Faff 3oV bin Co »>re btw prppircd to furnish, *.( shart '.otio',. all kinds Cf BOBBINS, SPOtlLS and QUILI "'. suit-ible foi Woolen and Cotton MiiU 3- M '‘DELL. Aeer.t. Cedar F-»!’- N C- j -JyVt a8-^?r.pd To Cot«.ss S*la«ler». I HAVE been aj woimt* t»j t’ 9 Secre'ury of the Trea sury, Chief .^g^nt for tae Burchaf.a *f Chiton for the Confederate Go7* rnnii‘.'nf w'.‘Wii> the ate of North Ca7 > lina, and will pa, f'^r »he aaoi- in V v;.*'* oent. B-nds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the d'ff*?eRi p :, ef tho State, buyinjf in my name, .vill ija 0 xr'Lteti certificates of appoir-ment. IJ^ order »f j.h« S'f-^’^lary ef ?b« *frea>”ury, allCoitea purchased by myself «r my .li^eats, on an*! after tae 18th day of March 1868. will t>e pai'^ fo” ia 7 per cent. Bonds *r Ca*h, and net. 3 per B (0 Is as stated ta a former a'lvertiiement fJ’' to t 'l , however, the 8 per rent, b^'nds will ’ i..'sbf4 *d -itited. Patriotic oiti'ieca i.'’w o9>rjJ in opportunity to aid the Qoverniu*ni oy s-l.iug to it their Cotton rfH-her than to private c.apitalists, LKWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlott’, March 24, 1803. [0. n.] 14tf WAiVrEy',~ Bank NOTHB of North Caroliua, South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina ais. per sent. Notej. Also, North Caroliua aix per oent. Bondji. nt-w issue. W. R RlCRARDSO>^ i 0-, Brokers, RaUii,!!, N. C. March ft. ®'*-f Oc. N. D. .,£ .ion ' v' I-Utliir, :i. n.^xt. Vi ..irrishe-d ;h 3, I'HoS. I '1' -.'lONErkS appr inte i ll> ior* c-i.iiity i..r ili'.i . ;CLi0Ci, -.n tbo uv.. of jr.- as I -e "J ML LOT.” , t in r wi'.'i the brick e --lie 'I tbf a^ovjv>hi- ■ ; lu Lua)':>‘rLOu, oa T ^ s- 7. ibcr oaxt. Term-! caoh. Th;- • ' :o 8jit p irc'a -serit S. FRENCH, '1 i’ 3^11T^1, GODWIN, [-Commissioafs. A. iHCK, I A. HOWLAND, j W I^AIC llOLLi.NosvVOitTil, irrottr a*S5i v^ifiiiiissioii FAYljL'TE\ lJjLI'j, . 0. JLL give proiapi a i -uUOi» *.0 i>n a-i.u-.ia • to tio c-rj. t»cr 2'J, lai>3. f rTna“tnr:Tr icf» 'rj ifi-'hr.ii'. ii; Hic ...1 alio foot of the motin- . .4CI brcn. Wheeler, which II -/!; r rnniraanji ot Gen. Sc aled propoi?^;B for bniHing a new.jail for fup.iy. w.d 1 e rf'Ciivt'd b/ the undersigned ..ier= uniil SATURDAY It.h NoVEMiJER lar. an I .«peoi5catious of the buildtug will bo ! , tli6 i .I'iiuiir-din'-.*:; c« :hn 3rd Nov»*iaber, di'. app3iDi»-d i\tr h(! >-».leof tue J-iil lot premises. R. S. FRENCH, P. p s.Mirn, B. GODWIN, I- Commissioners. W. A. DICK, J. A. ROWLAND, j Oct. 3, 1803. 70-tl4Nov WO;>ii lor ish to v;x.'ia»ug. W.' .j. c- ■•i, '• c.ru, good negro br -gau .. Ai ing lerma &o. Ooi. 23. IWis: of J/i ! i- ii. vr 1= .: J Wuydbury. The ene- :':y -oa-y. the alternoon they I cLa; .ct d Vi- c> ..ii u.iijd at tL.j Texas Rangers ac- iij..; a^ roar -aard, an‘ disperse‘i ilieiu, but Col. ii .i’Wlar: r» ■ H. K. . UiUl- - r-'ik BU^ti WVN. 74 Jiip : !$ale Po!«tpoiicd. rpiIE HALE advertised in the Observer of Jail Lot, X Ii on and Brick a‘ Luonberton, 13 postponed until AiUurlay the 14ta Nov., 1863. Proposals for build ing a new Jail will be received until Monday the 23d of ,*;.iveniber Pi ins and speuifications will be furnish ed cn 14th Nov., tne day of the above sale. R. s. FRENCH, Chairman. Oct. IS, 1803. 73-ta Piaiiois lor i^ale. 3 SUPERIOR PlANOvS for aal-.- > JOHN Ji. COOK. Oct 21, 1863. 74 ;'i 7>ri*'ict:c. it. il. co. i V'anck, Oct. 23d, I8G0. ) A LARGE Sale of eligiole TOVVN LOio wiii oe ieiJ at this plaue on Tt»ure.i>iy Nor 5;u, li'0-5. Tn*c town is tiacly siiuatei inimedialelj'oa ;i»t R&iir.iad nctvr Grabtim. The lots .re Uid off :iOO leet tquaie. 1'i.e Btreets 100 feet wi-ie, with two iarg,. open oqui.ie?'; r^i i he sale claims tae attention of all persons wishiaj;^i - Secure a ploastnt aud aealtay homo, rerm-i ct»bti si approved Bonds at 0 mouths with miereoi from 75-.S THOMAS WEBB, Pre.s t. IVOTICi^. TIHE two firms of B G. WORTH & CO., and WORTH & DANIEL have eombined, and will continue the irencral Commission and Forwarding Business, .\t the old stand of T. C. & B. O. Worth, as successors to that concorn. und^r tho style of WORTH & CO. By prompt and-faithful attention to businoss they hope to retain the liberal patronage bestowed oa eaoh when do ijig Wuuinosi} sep-kcatf ly. Orders for S.nt promptly executed at market price. WORTH & CO. Wilmin)?ton, N C., Oct. 8, 1868. ' 73 3m 76-2t Ser) Hoop Iron. yQ B0N0T-S3 HOOP 1B0», for S«^ 3& «84f CONSCRIPT OFFICE, » Raleigh, N. C., Oct 15, 1863. j General Orders, 1 No. *'0. / IN acocrdance with in^-ruoti.ins from the War Depart ment, persons liabl* to conscription will be aseigr-ed, at the (Vmp of I'.struction, to regiments of their choice in General Lee’s or Bragg’s army until further orders. By order of .. COL TETER MALLETT, Command’t of Conscripts for N. C. J. W. Mallett, Adjutant. 73 41 ___ October 16, 1863. / Dividp.md No. 108. A DIVIDEND of 6 percent, has been declared by thia Bank, payable to ttte Stookholdera on Ist November. J. Q. BURR, Gash’r. OoU II, 1862. 78-2W 9»ol*iier!«’ Claims. At the r’.quest au 1 f^-r t\e canvsniens^ of iho“» tr.re led, the unJ'rsjga'd has agreed too^llect all ti>kiru.4 of deceased irid diseharged soidierp. and of so’dievs on furlough, th- may ne placed in h**- iRP ls. Having had au txperi’no’ of aear 20 ve»r* ia prose cuting cliiina the United Stiles Govc!nwpit, as well as gainst tut- Cunfrd.'r..it.e .Sit-vti-s, be le j.orfeotly farailiiir'with every varie*? f cl.inis, ^.ud o»r. mak^ as early collection as the large number now on tt!e will ad mit. A modcra‘« fee will ba charged to covcr cost, postage, ptaifonery, ka Aptilv in persTn or address by letter, JNO. V. rOoE. ! FayvUeville, N C , Oct 14, 1803. /2-3mpd €frates! tiirate?*!! j PALE it. j E. L. PCMBEilTO'^rS. i A’! r'l .s^'hat !.>:v« left oui;iMfor G^tAlVS at the Eapic F- unury, cn-n be sm'pli. i .1. i:. L pe:i3E'1'^on-?. D. ANDER-on & C \ Oct. 15,' li'PB. 72 l^J J. yt if ijwu, aad luoao having eng»^. aienii Jl will plaase oall soon. F*y«ttenUt, O0412 7l-lmpd D 0- worth. D. Q. W»RTH. w “ WORXfl K CO., CommiSBiou and Forwarding Merchants, %W'aier Street^ WILMINGTON, N. C Got 1«, 1803. 78-12m WIi .NOTICE H to employ a t;eat!.man without a family, who T > i i- competent to tfac'i Che Euelish branchea well, good scholar, to teach a few boys at tny house in Bruns w:> w couaty A liberal price will be paid Address 2*e at Wilmington, I ■il‘»o wau‘ to employ a compet.ent OVERSEER to jske charge of my plantation in Robeson couaty. A man pr ferred. I will give a good price for (he Tiahi kirid 01 a m-ia. and do not w»nt one unless he is (Uititii-J DAN’L L RUSSELL ' Oct. 19, 1863. 73-4tpd iaoo Ki:w Asi>. Ran A way from the subscriber, about the 1st of Ja;ie Iasi, .^i^ negro boy PETEP-, ant'd 19, dark oora- n. tr .r.r ter’^ ntf oted ind one of them out. elow sjok- a. t"'d couiitoaance, about five feet eight inohcb y n, r^bly s’onf, v uMweiwh about 145 lie ia ■0 5>ode i to b'» ’urking in th« nttghbor.hood cf Laurin- I h:r-.;>, Hi'-t.miind ourty. N. where his relations i I tiO;ighi Mm from Duncan McLauria, Esq., of ii:i,t vioirity. 1 i wiil'^ive iiOO for his delivary to me or oen^necoent In. Bennetttiville Jiul. W. B. LBS. PtMTOMSIM, 8. c,» OoC 8- 71'l«p4 w Spaa Cotton Exchaageil for Lard. E will give Spun C»iion in pan pajment for LAi^D delivered ac our FtiCiory on Pe:B.>u i»t. A. McLAtCHLlN A CO. L;a.lc . eu -i- V- T:u- n X he i‘i»reo [ n- LASII> Oil.*—A very fine article, fer sale at our Factory. A. AloLAUCtlLIN & CO BAR AiHO 'ffOlJLEr SOAP.—For uale at our Factory. A MoLAUUHLIN Sl CO. Fayetteville, Sept^ 12, 1863. 03-Ompd FOR ACRES of L.AND with good building and ex cellent water. The upland timber is pine, oak and hickory, swamp u «um. poplar M4 Siluated or the head of Ellis’s Crseii in Blades couaty, 6 miles East ot the Capa Fear River. Any one wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber or R. i*- Mel- Tin, Skoriff, at Elizabeth, Bladen county, who will take pleasure in showing the prebii«««- 6 r J AIoCOLL. Sept. 1, 1863. til 19tpd 1400 PISTOl, Fovmu, OK the Aeheboro road, between ilarley’s Mills and Matthew’s—within a mile or two of the latter place. The owner can have it by describing the Pi«tol. and paying the cost of advertising. Apply by letter, to ^’c- subscriber at Fayeiteville. GEO. WASHINGTON. . Oct. 17, im. 73-Otrd Land lor 8ale. For SALE, privately, a Farm of f.>ur iiundr-’d aore^, in Rand'>lph county, N. C , Jsout 20 miiM ioutli-e.ist 0/ High Point, cn tho r run.iiOf' from High Point to Fayettevill';, an4 aboat 5 railftR fr^m Aaheboro’. About 100 acres cle;.reJ. t>o rotaainaev heavily timbered with Pine and Oak. A. two-story lop dweliiag is the only inoprovemant on th'? place Pcs session given imme.jiately F r n^vrtivuli-B addrcns J?;0 T. HAGAN, Car.j of H- D Turner, Haleigi. N. C. Oct 8. 1863 71-9(-*4t •iivi.'i'in, lormed his bri ll it waa determin- tile witii the entire com- t'' i;, .1 wu.s ^ii.’Undooed. - o Ji, ! main body of * ■ • r tin’ River, above Mur- aii i • 1, ■ .Iie'bridi;;e3, and joined ii' v, a;;Oii.s at i osierviilc. A small force at Chris tiana were uls ■ captured iu a sluckade. \t dayli^'ht ot tbc Otb, tiie llangcra, under Col. Cook, charged iuto S^olbyvillc, but the cavalry uarding the placo had left during the night. Ijargc Butler’s storo.s were hero captured. Gen. Marlin with hi.« division proceeded to_^\ ar Truce and burned all th- lrid‘_'C6 on the railroad and re joined the coiuiiiand l‘y a night march. ^ Gen. DavidsOh’.s-div; iiui i‘-iuipc(i b' i jw fihelbyville on the Soutjiern tide ■ i the nvor, ;ind tjeii. VV barton seven mil'jo Irom SliClbyviiic cn tlu' North side of the rivor. ^Vitb the command in tais scattered e\tu:ition, Gen. Davidson’s divi-^ion was vigorously -^Uaclied by tho enemy early in the morning and pushed back on the Shelbyville and Lewisburg pike.. One brigade of his was driven back in disorder. There was now a race by Wheeler, with Martin and Wharton’s divisions, for this pike, to strike it at Farmington >)efore Davidson was pre«^ed to that piolul Col. Montgomery, commanding Scott b brigade in Davidson’s division, was woun-ded, while Major McDonald was killed. Gen. Martin’s divi.sion arrived just in time ana was thrown into position on the I'lke, where the road strikes the Pike, :.nd the re.st ot the com mand had to march into the Dike under tbe fire of t.v»o rji.tsmy. This was Gen Wheeler’s order. Here a fierce figlit cnsncd. Our loss at this point must have been" 1 .')0 men. I’he enemy were fi nally checked. We marched during the night to Comersville, and through Pulaski to tiugar Creek the next day, where we camped. At this point the 2d Georgia, a battalion of Morgan’s men, re mained as a rear guard, wliile the command pro ceeded through ilogersville and crosscd the tea- nessee, at Muscle Shoals. Tho crossing was safe ly accomplished, but the rear guard was charged by a heavv force, broken and Kcattercd, thirty men from the 2d Georgia, and several officers and about forty men from the battalion of Morgan’s men, captured. We are now on the South side of the Tennes see river reciting—will leave here in a day or two. I have tiius given you a brief, unembellished, dry account of tho raid. I have not time to give you fuller particulars. In the \^umber of men en- g®'ed this is the gres.tcst raid of the war. It is not .the greatest in fruits. Many mistakes have been'’ made ia its management. It is not prudent at this time to say more. OF tbe BEST QUALITY, f'X(hanged for bacon, oorn, rye, jr f ;J ler. on t)e reasonable t'srma, j at my works. piruKte on J;^bez Frink’s land, Apposite I Tribb’s Inlet, six miles >orih ' f thj® Sovrth Carolina line. I Also, two good Buuleu wau.ed. 1 . . M. B. SMITH. I IriunbttiQt, S«pt 39,180. 68.6w*6w “Official. Tisrpentine! Turpeiitiiie!! H.WING purchased tbe Distilleries /ormerly ow^d by W. I. Rhodes in Fayetteville, I am now preparea to commence tho distillirig of TURPENTINE. having it to sell will be paid » liber^ TO-lta 00 me. Col. 7.

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