■He> caeh »r*; s«ld Ut: C»u- • dUij aii- jiu i.;.e $4t(i Mleti a I U U» L ■ : jc- rt;L I t i VJ liid ■ -t« he •) 'b . r.tiv If . ^ .ar- ux : ■ uo iku . - »■ :re- kl L- ■ “tor WM ui au pi ll. r - ■ V r. WUi i 'MX tiB f faid ^liy ~ . lai ridur aa« ;w tt'.c t*' tax \v tut j»ay la dl i-'Ot Stf ta • € 44 Ik? iey JL!?iBt b« ansi IB ereei.; iii3 ■ouia of the lUitaeia lor I yti civpos- bo, ind idi i.J'l 1 ca [ V . x.n., 5 ..Vii.LL, IS. C.. N'OVEMBEU ‘i, I5ai. [NO. 1277.] “TTTx-rrm? j.|.,yTpT-> ' yv: »y]i TrT’R^^r*\TS U?l) J, RAf.K ^ SO’VS. fi TT('?;s \NL* PR.H'RirT 'RS. p.-. :. f.:v fV. >50n,i-'V(.plily 0«i;uvrR s:!', 00, J.iil in 'civan.'t', J*At tlio Wc'oklj" OasKWFR 5^4 p-''r annum, pai*l i>i ■I h- \noc. Jrty Al A CKTISLMENTS ia^ertpil for f- p^r s Tire of Ifi HiiP'; for the first, nijil oiio dcHnr lor rich »iic- cpf*)inE: publicatiar. A lvprtiJictnpnn n.'>t excf'^riinp » hiilf yquare (eight ) 51 for thp fir a ;ii^l 50 cent?* f'^r ea'h iucCTCPilinj^ j'ubru'‘:itioii. Advertiser-* >ire re- ^u"iteil to stnte the aiinihpr of insertiotisi dp«ir;'»l, or :l ; v will be conlitmrd till f.irh’i.l, ami chiireod accord ' Z '■ V . Advert;«>i,: ni' c-'imin’ifd ''i'-’i’, cliarg*d q« n-w •! !- T.-vt’srnieiita. TPIE ^miTU ^VTl kl !.\S5n\\rS Tip ll(^ trnth li!*^T OF (’SfiHiiKS P iSSKXttERS., lUuat Ters?»n FeKsle Scmiiary, N year of fl»cce.-'ful gperatien. with jfi’oTsri.i*: uud liriMiir h«ld upoa pu«lio c«n- i 'cuPmi •• I *0 iuMuvo tb' -livfs of Ml heahhy »pr- j Msn-' fvrai I t ti» ''0 y*''!’?* of f^r one yrar, f^r iie^rn • ^ : i«rd, and tar !i;f ill life members shai iuj: in t he protiti^. All j>l:ives fro-jj 19 i» tiO yvars oi ajje arf* ia=ur«*d for ■5i;p yf'i'r t-r fv’- tiv-; yc-urj for itra thirds il»elr value. All 1-1 t'.- i*rii pi:uciually paid withiu 90 days after satisi’aciorj- ;iroof i pre«ented. Fo'" r i'lfiirmaiUia the jmbb u. rofcrrecJ to A.rpfi'f! I ' j,- 1'f'-iijraiiy in all parts c ihc State, and f-> n CATTLE .’^"‘cretary. liileigh. E. I HALK. A»;s!it a' .I'.rt'y ’s.S't •Fayetifvil’..;, N i'A Vi‘:TTKV8I^I.E T?iii r«^pA\v. Froiri Fiyett«vir« to 'Wilmington, *• ..I. Kl j h •‘ While ffall, “ “ “ K«il,v(’ove, “ “ “ Ali f-wiuts t>o)>w, biKOONU Or,A»».S, Wtt, 1>;’CK. From F tye!(evill.' ?o ’'*'ileo:aj:fE, “ ■• ■* Eli7.*b;th, At ill. Trii«tj Minrra! Spriags, Chiithaiu CoautF. *’’7^ 1st Sssgien to caitmemce 28th Sept. y 75 I TK^'AS: 18 oil Mifife^T E»f. Rrn*.^ki*s p»r of 20 wf*kf, .15 VO AoHiJfwio OU 'J'lsiG !>nii l*»in«i»«ve%cW, 40 W# LaHq, F-;ricj-- nuii D^•*w^n|5, r****, 20 0® Sc-ool B.oo>:ii eipeofes, 2 50 ?7 -.0 7 so Frol!! nn !• If' " ■ H ciiierrd tHi- I'H.pe’' '>e ? ■ is i-^^d f- ■• Suci- of I : 1 _ -PKCI'. X ‘TK’F :iit> lai.-. noiU('iH->«i ~ •hoiit p;iytni-nt .i i l' ■■ stU'Ji -..r.*.'- ibpi , I..;- IX ■iiili>'rri*!' r nei- wHi . ^ iijfi-! time Uipit. C..h , re:fliii ’ t iTj i ,» Note' aiiji'iKifo ji i'cr aspi#. S267,o»S :v07 • From ’' iliTiiiie'ou Frc^m W.lnii T* ■ lur. aI. u'-~'ji’ber! per . n reui'it ti-i> sy«it*ni i>lc:;e f I-- •ak*.' tb« pA- II: « hi'ti ii" i;iri:' •bin'v 1. 16'^. ; ve pj-id K -SC'-t'TPI.I t vai-j, ' .= ? : F.Ii^L, FAf. V'ce . '‘1 KL^N. prir.Hptly aud n 1 *• vr pt rca’UH* nt-'rn. aiVFf. .ifSnx.SW Attorney at Law, Faykttevillk, N. 117ILL AtU'Hd the County and Superior Courts of W CuBiborlanJ, Karnett, Mv»ore nd Rebesoa Coiin- tittj. Pri»Bipt. atter.tioa jfiven to :he collection of all claim* entrusted to his baai«. 17. IS^^. 58-tf iim W. WILLIAMS « ro.. %VlioI*«alr in iirort‘ri*'», ANU ]\IPOKTEU> AM» DE.M,K«>^ IN Harilware and Cntlery, Swodrs Iron, &«•#, H.W STUKKT, FWKTTKVlUiK, X. t . r .1 ■ n x..y vS T. Vsthnii A. iJ.’ed'.. J. I* MaliC!! .la'.a,*; Sylc. A. A McKeih •IlP, J. U. S. yf. Tiri;a^>,a«.- ba OclliiiM as>ii C Sot' ' i’tte *' ■.. .■atvv HK' 2S. b. J. Wm -N'. Tili;n)!rhant, ^dalo. Mil Laurie. T.u;:?! U»V. >V>Itctan, Kelly*!" Covf, ■■\I1 ''SiBtiJ b:*l.' Sr. Lt*. F l7''Uvvil’~, “ KcHy’j WKji r.’'iah-. V, *■ RxiV “ All •■*if.;£ tW. . '^NU riiA.ir-', iijt wrOK n fo Fave.ifBT . KL^'iy'* (,'«T«, " WW:t, ■' .A.:! I*-*;*!!?* v^«Tt. PccoT* Clas^ «r B>3i"k ?**♦*'• . j;#ri •s'.i’st tt*iy **ii '■■w»r nr ray full ■*ric«. ',r eftiae kt ririit t’!s»n »xtra c’na'-jr* iill l-i meia f*r Pa^««u fcei» !|fetr'- ir iii'e K'rfh» dtiria^ «ay stud fer s»cc’.i- TOyui^- u with tV>>ir or «W9C5 «•, at. lb* ■li-«.-rutinB «; ';>» ('xptaii» J. A '’iiiRTP. farC F. «t’Hi K t C-. OR.KKLL. t'-' tJt’rs hk s'an^t Snu. IvffTTKRLOi. v?(;-tf Boar ! j-tj pji' notith, or ijilU p.-r nion'h if paid in pr.>v:siions ut oii prio^P. ll-v WM HOOPEU. T C nOOPF.R, Ad !r.'‘-^ ‘-gt. Li»?renca P O ” S:'t 8 I Prlncipa 6‘ilf PLE AS I NT TUJP TO RALEK^H. pME Kii-)*firib/‘r» kfcve jpul on tl>i» ^ h«r!ie FAH-ShNGLR They will 1e*7* Fayetio “ly Tafftri*.* %ti Friil*/ (i A M., *rriv« at i'vva ® P M Leaf* Rslf'ifV ^e4»pf- Uv %■ * al C A. >L, irriT« at. FiiTet.i*Yili« )»_r a* p >I V «. i »on» J»mgo>ii KilTMi, *r irirt ourflalvci Our nsif irll? >e 1*. Vv’ARI) fc W. DAVID WARl>. J. A. SINK. Ou't’r 1'^, IHtjH, 71-4«r»d ■VII * S*o»f OSBee Dop.ivf nieal,) KicnMONi>, Oot. 20, j ■»irt'i5 of DU'r>-.;(tT vrvl.'d in i»> b;' aa A>i f'f Ccii } { ’‘to au^hvriz: 'hs ** t ■ esjri-.',-' mci *. ’ >f,f.'ov»d Ms-r 1, liiiiS, I i»ave thi^i day 'nt j %:i »jr?sir!iat !T^;ch ‘.ss’'' ni li!? a vffi-k wtl >- carrlc I ca;'" Tray bel'T'-cti Meridiau, !u the Sta-e ' f il:s its.’^if'Ji, rr j S5r»v*p .rt, in the S:af* of Louiiians, N#w. U sivet exp?* (n of tf'e currying af abi 1 «x pre*8 Kjail, ik ie «rd«red that on s'l letters aad pa^kaj;ed te btc?'.ri>‘d 'ii sai4 r,vt«, *xcep- ib« I'ffioial «.:rres- poodesce »nd b:6aks aad »c«taffo stamps of the Po!f Offio* Dt’ier lee p»!i:p-r.«, tr be prepaid isj all ca?»s. aba’i b-: the rate of forty c»nt» on each iiriijle latter of iulf s-i ouof* or !♦?*. r.; d f»’fy c*'**? frr ewery ad'iitiyShl half or fractioa i f a half »utjO*. Lftiters t>'d prvr'rag'i to be sent. bT this r*-me dibv b? inaileJ, and the )jc»; •£>> r-*.i , »t any y>tv?f ofccr vn the Confpi^ivats 8”lteT, R’’d tbo^e sent frt.iu ttin ila't to the of the Mipsisdijipi yho-ild bo p’.ainly ?t.arked via either .Meridian or Brandon, Mis^isnippi. and tfcofo pent i ('iniffih ntf.' M.,ncij.—It was excellent advice which j’resident l)avi!s ^nve to the citizens of’ I Kiii.ston, when ho toM them to take care of their j Confotlerafe money, th^t it would bo of full value af’t-'r a w};i!e. 'latiy jiorsons arc throwing away money under the prcvaimig laatjia for all kinds j of extravac^nce, whiah they could most advan- : ta"eoiisly use, perhaps may sorely need after a ' while. As soon as the war i? ended, the Confederate (government will have a higher credit than that of any of the States. It was so under the old Union, it will be si> under our Confederacy. It was the ca.-^e immediately upon the lormation of the old Goverii’.nent, in IT'^T. The obligations of the States bnd been selling far below par; but the |-roapect of Uieir bciog assumed bj the central Government c: 'i ;':d them rapidly to advance, and "^ior ). i ^Ji-'phcrd. ^ F A, S H.xi.. ( >U'Oru?niB«-K. Tr.aTf'inE A,re»! tt1ri^• aj (-Hi •ition-; 21 -V aaJ T' i'r»isi alter ^his dat* ilia rft»>a*»ar A. P FtURT will l^'v▼C ai S » ■. ,*. k, \.. M., «B Mit’jd I? .Ur- \ '‘Of.Tii, ' ' ■'ij' C. i- j-t -s'n Btwt ('?>. '♦V MC i?? .V R.% £ i/ Juiv 2. •'JOf f JOS. ITI. EV, tmt'ocrr anti t'o ninis^io-: .^Sercitaaf, FAYKTTKVa.LK, N C. Jan’v 10, 18’.-i. TIi F. t. >■ 1)1.R 'i>i VI>. naving •*ati*ri.; la-; *a;r tary -"‘rvi^tr of t',; r.i;jti>ii3rata Statof Ai;;'*”;:^, aeif'iv ^iwc ii> ir- I ' V i" .ild oujtorut.s ^nd fi' (bii they h-^T » •.pp.nnte i I>. S'a*'.--ivd J )S' r >V 1,or I- pia-;*». (ii-ir attorneys to ooilect eitb>»r -opur.;; *ly ■ r j.uijcunrIj. .ili ,uioni*j:j ije cither by ■I ■ - in' or fc -:e, •, rwi* • liirii ! .- ' y ';.-li '•ii.y 5': »;■ p?-> ■:i'; •' dfbti-, i>. i .-itie . n '■ ‘-ir THK rmii- { lSuH*r,V 'o Ti-.c-y re,;- c-i ’ as ‘ v-ay iTpa'. W) .L1.5 ^l- i turning /■ r^, , ■ ' - i W..1. cf fitij llaa cxo»pct-.i; 'I McW-; - -J.; I -i M')Nbf>, •' i ? Prcki-i - li: lo-T r ajf!;U‘”i!> .iiiiy S A. A1 . aea r^- i. r M. I.DMt.'-'DAVa^a FKiUAT T" ^ ' s5’’¥E \V i.i., • ii; J-N; 'Eysi:, M. ru)si ?7: ■!f Jfin.VSOV WILIJAMS 4 s.\i/r i9ai{!;itoi. ' V.' thirty i-'O- j'a Tf ■■!"■ r.f WiVi^C^ion thrrn''e.ve' wi^ti c .n ( 0.. .\. J'-'-in'-'Ti, Jr . Ai-i'i r auik^Pi • :h-» w *jrk.^. II')!T ;a ••'p -r wion n;ue tnil«>s Tarlirt : ■^isbin? to supply r>!' f'iro'"»'Te ! V'v Hpj»lyiMs; to ' F^j.-.’treTi'i'o, o K f'lge. O e ,1. Oe-r- FayeUfTill;*, Nov. 20, M WILLLAMd. ■r ;1 Sup' r.ji.'MdcUi. Sltf W A.\TEU. 2,500 "'i-i'"- I’fr^'11? ’r?:iv.Qe :he nbcv- ar::rle>! to ?p!i if’i' r,?ceiTe lh» h'^he«t rn«;h price '^y c.=^liing ‘•in \ir M Tho-uaS' a at the Mercha';- \1. . F iy- (iev)lie.. «r ju ttff-aub'’^^ ^ bet a; bit 'i ' . ■ . 4.-»rr. AT.i.V .1. i.: V>. iV. .Ir N V. r .J. 7itt h.ir:vi:s?^. 1AM prtrparo i to manul'itct ure all kind? ef ’'V Harne ; for ,\rmy u««-. I tan niy leather and oan ;:ire good bavt •.m;'!. Amenta w i uo wi»ii to ‘'‘ad thei'' orders to i.ic a; t.-.,-, ab'iVi hiyr-: irorr p; .-t'en'ioD, ^lid r-t’ut o{> ill •i'lick di*patch. .JtJil V t’ARl FR. Gohist:n P. 0., ' h.ataam Co.. M ( ., i Junp IH, I UFFU EUFTliK VrT’l. iS.sT ijl AiiTKKH ASTKK, i FayeUevilh' Arsenal and Armory. - I -.1 • KVILLK. S .(),•’ ’ J %% A .\Ti:U Kb Pki.U' ^ I. ^ ? i : i.- r coi?-! ’'i* i’;>. lehv r 'j ■ ' ^ i '■ »• ■ d .iv’i'i l hi »ck j .0-' f'J. u li;;; i)c • r. ,')t ih»rii!e I. ' c Tj. w d to b > d>*' i Jce 1 ■! I he i i. T r'y C r’-d 1' niu>- ... h'' ''i J d rpni''' ‘ I ; »>• i J Pr >r,t ) ‘le Dia'it'd • Pr.'p.nal-; : > .1 '! r-M.L^ior " M VI riiEW p. TAY!..»R. ('■>■• .in t'o’i.'J .\rt’y, P. A. !• I .\c'V \ t Oi: .r! r:ii .-t T F.iycuf vfUe .irsoiial and .AriKorj, i ‘ N. •' , .Ju’i*- lM:-i I la cotri'V ii! ii"*'t« Can c • at a a .‘■'I' • i i'*r I li« f ■ s .. *f J iaf>. aaj t L' > >. .. ' •;* v.--aly-1’ve >'> , .ii rf;I’". : 1 riN’r*!! ti-lHibl*: as.i .'itJj.* n :i-it -Hrs. Wn. *‘^3.-43L.Ar%'K h-iij op9!ii»d iier ho’jp; aV t** pr,«s*ni tersiinuH of th* V\' R. U., far i f p leceptisn »f 'ra.iinai c.fjpany. Sk« !»licU£ t)>t T ? f ro* f;i»lic r. ] r«Mise li*at erer” effort -fii hp ;.■#* for t]ieir oornf*rt. j i)«t. l.S')3. ' 71-Im AdjTJtant ail Insppcur ieacrArs (JJHce, > , njcnKo.'tt>. fl«»rt 8. 18a-3. J [KXTHAOr.] j oP»('F' I. OaviRi. > * N->. 2i:{ , I j I] I".E HUllEA'J OF COS’tciilPTIta i. aiahc- ; 11 i , r;z«^ c ra.(« i.*i. ilf ic eae« cf ika dtair« e! i.ia Car ’’aa Nert^ Car •H'l Vlijfioiv );i *'s »axipK3;e* pf at.uat*4 leta. who ■ OSS' ♦;5s», »«• riia *ir» «»t. lia^’e tecan- ;k i.Je’i; ot th* Buraau for tha ■'j-'sor 1.1.1 a. t^a ari'**: ef aoteriers aud fut •> for *C8 c«tr. m ;« c;«r.' ikf'ir one »(!i««r». Tk« Field t'l ,3K «li, 6rs b*l*nj!ttg te t.*i* I'.: ii-r =5 BaVf t-'init.'i a C ., If -r, * a*’ to a.'oea caa iu«4refll rsjik and flU). «-.%a ! :ae KceriMiry «; War JNO. niTHER.«, At-i’t Ay’t (iis’L Miy pi-ietor K.igl flo'el. .1. n\. Ashe*’’’ C. : ■. ii. W’ . for:n_^'ri-/'/y ¥iz: 8‘ X 4 3 w ■ .1 '•Vil! r V ONE HL'”;.: re>.'‘! W.»r to Inc ii t !. - .A : l-ed I 1IK)^ TUt'i '■ H 'ILT.K. WAi; I'Ki?. E ■ 1> li.L \i;.S ; ^ i V. i Jtuoriiy f-i g* •Oi b.icsry. tae t- ..y of .atri-nyilh c -ii.' ..r.*; i.orj^'- tho i’l It 1 wMl t OU' Ku;.- foi p'irpv«o Tu'ise "iuo- r 1 \v p ^ Mu- T ur.'- li^ ;Vb; "a'ur iar 71h lUi'i.' ■ I 1 -V IV V i-r • f ir wur i HCO'iri f s*« p ! e jvr hoiU iU;f: I •ICE. .1. C., 1 j t. 7, i8*J3 / I " ■if al! r>«reo!58 ; rL' d Or' 'J-'-'? ; t I : t ; f -•>! ri; 'Ic‘N ^ ; M.-.id.ySo/ -Ji; d (« J :nJ. 1 'ora K V > * r> Hitter':*. Friivy .ttth; . J 3 fa c*!- ■ii’i y: I’-rT'iit:' . Tli^’r^ix,' I ». .-!)iiitra..y S i fi ;■ D U ra - s i^ai. T i‘?n«iav 3 4: i'::; S,..riiit-li’», Wi'ili.,'a*'ti ■'it re 84tf *200 It*!*. ^iaiin (or ‘ale l)v 1 LEt-'.* t)‘>tf SALT! s.Ai/r:: ‘>0 19) R»P>'RT NTITCM-Lr s». •' TDBACt'O. >xr. ♦ViRGLN'IA TOBACCO, rari u? ^r^icf I .7 ri': ei-n.^'s’Pra-at, br GEO W. V,-IIJ,L\\i ■May 2.} 2000 LtaJSicr ■t V ' w- rr^ll !p 'nr B Iting. P .7Ctl « CO 31tf ' u asiU'd. inf-d SOLE LEATITV A'-U >- ■ It s u^vhy. 20! f .'^fliiiinisfralor’s rVolict*. ^HE subscriber having a.* Decetnbor Ternj. iB'vl cf C’otuity Coi.rt r.f Cu’sberiand. fjui’i.'i:-! Ad- iri.iiistr'i.tr.r ups'll! t.li'' Vj-n *fe of Neill 0. d“c’d, n'’»ifi. g 1' p-raor.' h:.vuiz: '•biirwH tii«i Kstais t.. pri.-« -i;t h ill wif.in tha tiai • iijui.^d ' , 1« , .;■ (••■i wi^c ru ^ •will b« ple'ilod iii b.' a* rei-o-'Pr’ are Yi.-.j •'■■H t.'> prooit't pavtireni (lEC ' OR M NKfT f. D^V A^t/?’r Si- I My C‘*w ■- p. hite to by I'lij i .ii ( »itti i Ti i. I while on b . ' cTer will t up to die in ■ Thv said ■■■ county .1' -1 It ''CUT>! • VUW I.OST. i‘-t hi ie v1 F- ■- iapb‘-le^njr dr r \'i tin i ':.• r yr.it bat ■. ii. : K I A f.cr .p r;v ,' H it fir"- ■jr t>i.0‘'. W ■ ■ sr ho :) a nor p ’.nd li-- toe I ;i|.. 1 ; wHI bo Ub'T^l t i. !:? i. »■ V? H t' 'u;rht in the uppT part cf Bud u ■1 " O' 0 tbnt J w-.' t^' cor, «-or p: ^.■ja m i not tpfly Triinrifjr: an i eschiagv'i of a novr in ••.‘■Tii'e cao- •• '•t Of :naJf. '•iATTHE'.*.' P. TAYLOR, C-,,.:. C. S. \. 7u.-.- 8 3oif i F.lVLTrtilLLE .\R\lNAL ,1\'J ifiMOKh ) I . Sept. “J-t, j : JJJIJO Ut;»VAKl>. j P-S' .\Pi:.L> fr ;• i pris n ■ q th- rajriiii.g of ih? 12'h iaai , I Li LEMCEL P>UCI1\NNAN wnu ■wao am ited on the : ‘iU'^t. citt' ^ s,.y. II;? repr-?eii! ^ d iiiuistir ■.•■ - ! ’ip'.iin from i :iriBy ia Keiji'icky. 5»i i Bi I c'taiin.n n u^pis- d to bo a^ou' Ralei^n or uear il^^ I mof'- r’s lu i.'iiii ii cjuu.j. Ice »u.'uti .a of .Miliiia ■ ()3iorp>» lit C' -i' !.m '1 ».-•, Cumberland an.l Wake, and i -d >l'0-d ei. :7.-u.-’ I,-. c v'.led to ihi!* rnau T)i'' ■ib.iV' r:VH.’-d will '>’ p.»id if the prisoner ia delivered to rr'e -t tis^j P '^r, o- $|.^ if contin.'d in any county jail. .\MTTHEw I- Taylor, f ■ >I . 'n; i H . I. u. roKois Varsi lor Wool. Tfrr'oy ^iv-’n tii.:: after thi^ d-aie (except *.1 it! c:; ■■. where we ^ia?e bar(r iiBi‘;d tor Wool aocard- fjg to (tie !• our adv. rt'sjaj?i«t of the 30ta *f -Vlay, wiiic.li tfr:ns iri- a >w revoked,) we will ijive 1 bun- d’e of Colt n i ara I'or 4 lb.*., of VVooi un^sra.iaed, or 3 ihp. wa-i;..- i a.! i picked. Tuis ch.in)^e i.n made at the ijst^inoi'd ■ he'4ii>.»-ti;nna^ter at P. vieiga, lu erdsr to Ti'ak- ^hp tf'.ns jt f x»'b kQci* uT.iiV 'oj throughout tae St',i . GEO W. Wii^LI.a.MS & CO. f -f- ville, ,J;kc 2'*, I8t»3. iltf K^ypt Co:il ''r'HE un itTsipuod were, at th« November Te^ru of ?ke 1 Cniitrd: rate t’ourt. Litirict of North Carolina, ap- i.oia'ed M'.n vp'*rs of the E^ypt Coat Mine property, at'.d t .ii.^red into copartn^rfhip for the purpase of mining iui .“rlli.ig (’oal, an 1 sjolicit orde»'s for the same i.i an. - iVvt q’i-nuty. (J;’ders for a>sy aiauiiut c be ‘ upv : i ;i '‘*'U notice. The Coal iroaa this pro perty I ; t-rfiy thi*-est la I he Cenfedf rate States, pt.lit-iit, iy he raft *1! to B M.-illpt.t., Fayettn- viile. j • • .iaruoa Br 'wne. i^harlcBton, C CHARLES B. .MaLLETT JAMi.« aJUOWNL .1 i. ■' . 20. ttUtf witi ai-^j K'ti'nJ at (be ab"»« a'fp^iut- . . • in ■:,* iS* mature: . •'»' ' > '!e i > ' ay »;.ie -ssr i’j kind tens' .■ atp iatia ri'a ; -#»>are4 f; resd^f a’i i;i ii--. ; or p* t i ■ =r in k ;■. >r i’>» • -loiy -■dl b? pp'.iiai’ii i! s t ) J-* i,'■ e idic*.' of Je '•'ract:» for hfiuling. i^e. aEX KELLV, t)ii:r!c (’u’lectcr cpt. 2>, 18U.-!. 08-it lor tlie aosnital ?it Fort Fisiier. I^OUL’i'JxV, . Ku’^»r aiu i ik-r i;'ie* for lha bi'.'k S'^'d:-'r!> a’ tHis Ho*nl- *1. P.'"-.---)* having .rese lirtirl,-^ a;’i obt.iii 9*1 ii^t pri ' ’ ■•) app'.ica tii)n to iha ftihs ri*j'T at his old »;-n i or 3' .). Powor-'s ou n.iy fr:>-?et. i'v. E. lit:!UK, • . ’ Ag't. •Aug. 2o. ii-;f \S 4i ] '!l ’ {ise ^ ITILL u*- .V* d^. wr it •* • r^ou’., '6- f>»re thi?, w.it tifjwr. y.-art.l' -iai eii^ i.-'---! freas th# cavity. T'lC ’sT’- pric^aru .- “ir ’•ae.ufac- '•f all U.’ndi of ROBRiS.^ r-"' t a- is ;S-» ra H •! e® will b» ihio t-> Cii ard?r» at tk^-rt 'Vor’s deliVv'r.vJ ia Fayetteville, N C. I). L. K'TETT. VJm eb -it r. CuatiiCili ;d. N. C Su-t'.i.«v-d Tlic ’c«lar bin Co ar^ bctt proT'arcd t« furaish, at sh^rt ko'ioe, aU jtir.?» «' BOBRINS, QUILLS, i's , »nii.'.pl# Wealen and C^F.'L. 'r-r.;, N C , July ^ If »■•(. o-oj^d turn aoiee. Addiec* June 9 SPOOLS an€l C. ivr F^_ U P.AVE WseM a&js>oitt't>d >>y 'K« 'it.- 'ef A? for t ,= iHc V ef Tre»- Cs:ia.; f.'jr ;b« ^f N-, *1 "’ara- oa Il.'-jJ’ar the Torep.: >i ‘il; have *f T C'j!'';p'*^*-n at tht' rtb.-i.u OIL AN’i) LVMP BLACK. "rA.'NERS and LCHIUCATING OIL. 1 LAMP i?L ■ CK i 1 barreiH. For sale by J(»S. 1; BLOSvSOU .t CO . Wilminjff.o*!. N. C V.,- ' ViaiEteti lo i*iirrba^‘, UrEHiTKKN i!Ali, sTO K- (A ’ ."^i V r; , Nvr i! Catoii*! i /-o .-nr ,ter j K^.nd >ble:) “ _ 'It. 1 S2: ‘ “ I* m ; :•! 1 m; 1 ^ t' jiin'y of 'u *b»;i 1 i(i.j li i. iv; T'-wij vf Fayei'- v'H‘‘ i; )p i! •, Gre n^'^rro’ ' ! i. -d .-52 i>.-rt-fi ai; )if'‘i; ra' 7 and x [.-'r f 15 (JoupniiH of f l.‘> U'"t l vn: oi 'l'')'*n ind cou" ty B .n ts; “ of ol I North C..r:.li!;a I’ jti l~; T. y. LUl lERLOll. (»et. 12, IRf d. * 7\i 'I’lio SuhscriixM* \vish(i.s to purch 5lS(i ! wiil pi aie wrp'y ot o a few V)L-'^0 .S i!G *'•E'^ l-'C ifoioh ue a*U p»y r. ^ i P‘I>L fl f. %1U p I'l ;i hijtbeHt Canh j.r;cc Those lo !l•^il wonli do well to caH «n i;>'- r.r ad JiTS'^ rn“ at R>leij|rh, N P. J. STERNE. Hept. 7 fil-3iapd l8oo|> Iron. Ua BUNDLES HOOP IRON, for aalc by OU JOS. UTLEY. Sept. 28. 68tf FaT.-itr.-n. !«iTO-^K.S r«3« IHE uud''rr:jjn.'i !inT>; laU^n tne Ap't'ocy for ft>e sale o.’’ .\I:;rf-.rs VV K i‘'->rTar si C > Grind .Stooes. and Kave aovT on bvt'd iiie* ruuni'jg tV.»'K 18.^2^ i>ior.e lo 6 f“-‘t by tl iae.h*.‘H; tiiid. c-f\ #m> lit -^b-.rt notice iNY iSiZEJ: Wir-'pd. P-ttioijs) ia w-'iut iif Griuti Stca will pl;aKc correspond wll!^ und‘>i'*.ijtned. wtio w i’ 6;i p.'oiiip y aa.l gi.tr>iiie« tje qu-iityof tuv in it Hf rii>fe9«fitcd (iEO. W WILLIAMS Jk CO- F.ayotteTille, May 27, 1863. 82-tf TSftv ?iiar I'oiiisdry Is lin ia full '.>ri-;r I'.iou. Ilavint^ tn my emp’oyrnfut C'j!'';p'*^*-n’ W'rii’Den, I p»’cpired to ezcou^o w->rk noiii- 'T a>. « f ir a rea-! >r.-ib'e charg-**. L iar:, ('ok’-: >'■(. »=>▼ ; ii '■.ui. r-.’ii wii: -r f pLb- Ar^n;^ ^ayi«^ i »=y 3 vji appnistmui By ardcr of tte S»*r*'ary ef t!s4 Tro-»'i'ry, aU ^’»it»a f^ar?iiK)»*t t.y n^yjelf #r ruy t.yeut.5. wd .tod -ifi*;- tkc • 8;'» Jay .Maic!» ’iitiJS, will tc pai4 for in 7 t l$OBd.«i ?r Cask, aai 6 par tjui . at Btai.ou a a forttior -idv^rlis^vafut C -. ts t'jat ti.'io, k«w v-r, U»c ? per ccat J.-i wih he rariiaied * : Patri .*tc n-. w Difored an opp'.r jniiy t.> «i i toe .ruouf •>/ j.iUi’ij to it - heir tJof'^oii r.-i.>-J>cr tb» - to priT,U‘ 'api'aliist'-,. LKWIS «. WILLIAMS. ’harl'-it», 'd .roH 24. i° 'S. [o. y,] S:ate, - ?>s jf WA.’VTEI&j I p.\NS NOTES »f Noriii Car*»lina, S«»utii N ■- Ncri; >’nrcL y (te->rKia. per «9»t. Fundable Notes. :’cr o.'-tt ail;? ijiijii,' 'IICHAKL-'^:^V k i O , Brokers, Kal^irh, N C 9tf A M. A Fvyeii viln. \u>;. IB, iHtj3. 4['!iri*li |jl;c‘ai«;«». » iba .ri*i>;r will ,^y tun iiieh-'nt ca-*ii p- BA.KER. :f f't SoIiiier?»’ I'Jakiiis. T the r -quMi an^i f.'f the cjnveuieuca of those in- terenjied. the undrraijjaed had agreed to (collect all th." cbiitas of 'Ifrtased and discharged «o.'di0r-»7 a»d of soiiicrs on furl'iu;/h, i i.4.t ni-.y be placed ir. b^ h;md«. Ha-Jitie had an •xptTi-nc* of nnv' 2i> i '. ’vr- in - cu!;o^ cl kiiHs iicjf t.-i' Siutri- 1 i'vrra;'!'-' 1. i", v»«*il '.s »r^; ‘ ; (' nf'.l^r ite I-'. .ito.^. h ’ i ' i,--. ■ v fatniliar 'v;t;. e.'.^ry v ivits'.y ,•! oi ii;i,s, f: i c>*a i;i'i«“ a ; t a?iy col^-f ■ on '3 je .ar,f-! uinii'!;;^ iiow oa tiij xvi.i ■, •■ *YOT£t:S CONbt. RiPT OFFICE. .* , IUlbiuu, Ocl ; iar'.’tis tJke » t4 -‘iou 4ir *:i pareojsH i -.-..- 'y.r pf e.rei«, but vi • o *r« exempts fr*ni r I' .i' ' duiT us *r v«j>il»ii»a«. t# the abovo ■ ..J S* .;»iAry of War Ii wi!. 8*e« 'hat it is tht Intontioa of tkt Dopart- '1:1 I :•> ra:c a ftctttliou »f m*aatt^ «tta for ipeaial #p!T:*e is N C ; Rxd th* Ctuataatiaitt hopts that ell rul.ed ui«a 'wb, caay b* exeuip; by reaii*u ofhav- i£;r iurMisii-d cuti«uiutta or #therwiie, will »«t ahrink fv sLi t^it cajl. ku: vn!! k»,»t>a to enliat ia tkt dtfsuct vf ' *ir tui.r tire:iJt9, aa4 State tkp^ (ive ihe i k«’na I'ariifs enii.iiiapF lo this Battalios will k« •xempt frotB du'y la tke Milii>a aud il«a« Guar4, aiid wiP re- .vivk; .l ? ps.y aaj a;ijwta3e f c^valrytueu Ei-Tu linjr OCisere throujrtjout tha State are au- thorie I i.> lewrive rtjr li^a or t.i»y may rtport airectJy at •Liiher of ih« t'aiurxi »f luxrusiioa i;y ord-r of Cwl PEfLfl MALLSTT, C^.M:.«nJ«nt of Confijripts for N. C. ill HI L CoLfi, i^apt. aud A A. A. G. 71 la 2 n vr’^\~a.,K. iV'E CN 1>EnsiGNEL>, COMNilSSlUNEtiS app«»ni*d . i y liit; ^.ouiiiy Co-.rt of Ilobesea (.‘-^uaty fur that furj...-'? will e .1 at ^urdio tactioa, iu tke town of L.UMbBrt "ti a■vKlu^^.- 1 .1 kaowa af the ••JAlL LOT,” ■s!s.>, atom lbs c*f iron, i*»?:k»r wita tho kriok t >il ii^iug 10 t;u u.a Jail. Th* aai« «f the above valu- 'ibitf t r-ij-ony wiil ta'tt p!ac» ia Luuibsrton, oa Tuea- dij iLi> Sr J d-%y of N jVv..vbtH-nex^ Teims easb. The eaiJ oSe*-: and frtrn ii*Dc oth-?r witkout further noti.-ie JOHN H. REAGAN, Oot. 21. 76 3t Wptioart. r Qet»*»-al fr^. the fo the of the Mif*i«ippi shouW b# the a.s.-ui^ption was made they rose to par. euh^r ihr«veport or Alfsindris, I m, • - • r .i. • j-* Louisiana, a, thay will ke forwarded frotn eJt'-er of ? There is an oolous reason for the superior aredit • " • ■ 01 the eeistral Government. IJoth under the »ld ^ Confederacy an l the present, Congre.'?s has almost . unlimited powers of taxation; and those sources I of revenue which are mo.st prolific, such as import and export duties, are secured to it exclusively. At jiresent the Confederate credit is less estab lished than that of the States. This is because I IBt; Of THF. ACT ..P THE | four avenue rom I. ,»»«■; JulT 111,. 1863. .... in- ! comaitrof is Jcil Ihc State.s lor thwr own political interest'!, aad the personal individual icterests of their people, should now lend their nrr'dif ^o fKp (1nnl»'dpr:inv Tlmv will find in 80 iuIxMutlve Department .Nurtli Caroiliia. AIjJUTAXT GbN«U.\l’s OVi£CB, Paleiou, Oot’r 5, I6»3. 9s!IBUAi. OaitRH ) No. 4. I THE F1?ST SECTION OF THE ACT OF THE Gsneral Ati«uiMj, ji.asu i July 7t.^j 1863, was in- teau^a to apply to the militia as tV^a organized, aijd cat to tka or^ariizati^n fir Horn- I)*f''nco. II. Tka CaMtTii.vioan of tke Militia Ofiio*^.'^ v'* sus- pandad only w'nle meraksrs *f tbe Horae Gu^rd organ- izati«a a^l dnty in it. no%oa iuty «h#y »5T bs r*tj jif*^ ky tie Coiawas.d^rg «f thair llsgim'inti t« ass’it th»m in tlit ex»oatioa :t ordsri froni 'hi* oliice III. Tne of!i.’«r« and .tj?ii o£,tha Guttrd •'♦r IloaiP L>e- fenca will b« s.i'ojscf t» th* Rul'? tnd Art:c!»s :f Wsr and th« 0»i;er«! feepuia^isna of tUa C nfaifer*.ts .S'.ait Army. wh^«u cMled out lij order* fror_ tiiii ei'i;.- for drill «r 'or .'picial or jjei;er.a’i (jervico. By o-^.*'- *f Suvernor Va.’»ob: K. C. RATLIN, 74 'i'w * ajufaa- (ien^i-.il EiecHtlTe Ucpaftnifiit Xorttj t i^roUna, s AuJUTAST Gi.'i«.iL'3 dXFlUr.. (MlLlTli.) '■ il»!«iju Os' 17, iJ" ) ^■iiES.AI. OKT'KK!. \ Na 1* / ’rut MILlTIi UFFlOiRS IN EACi' •■U.JNTY A wkara ifc« Gu^ri far Mai&e L>»f«i>ce*as V»f!i:i-r v*.»y her»a'ter ba fully wiil turn •■’■^r . t ;-: 01m taaad«r of tka latrar «ll arms, asi^ou'rici-* ' '.•■Uairima sitiea ia iheir pos?«s‘ion baljagicp to the ?,.-Ae, rai.iug receipts fo'* thv> stica. Br arder of 6or»rnor Vasos; R C GATLIN. 4-2w a4jiUiBt Genar-%1 „'.il Oct. 8, R. c i.i i ! lO 8';it ^ai'5iif.8?rii. 11. S. FRES'l’H, ] P. t*. SMlXrl, 1 B GOD^^IN, ^ C«rau>is3ion’r3. W. A. £>iCK, ( J. A. EoWbANDJ IStio. S?a.od propcsala isr baiid'.ng a new jail for Roiiesva ooaaty, will ba rejoived by the uudersigoed C .1 iniSKioaers uuiti SATUK.!>Ar i4'h NOVEMBER tii.x*. Plaa-> aui sp'citications of tba building wiil be ruruisl.ed u/ I'la ' ou t«ie 3rd N#vsmi?er, ir.e cii»y atp^iiit-4 for 'ue sal” the Jwii l.jt prea^iue^. R. S. FllEiNCll, ] P. P. sMirn, I B GODWIN. > CsmmiixsioHere. W. A. DICK, I J. A. ROWLiND, J Oot S, 70-tl4Nov tiorik, JSeel Cattle and Pos*k i'or f^taie. I WILL stl; 4 kead ol li>te;y y *ai; J J ULKS, well t roke; I W.\GON; im) ba-r*!.'' ui CORN; 2U« »u»’-.el^ of VVHE.\T; aoms bELF ATTLE, atid 2 »r of PORK, on tima far pool Note*. It.' all of tur o»-u raising am! bo tpveula i 3 Th* Malrs will not de- livsrai betcro tba 2U.a af D» smber \pply at my place liocky ll'ver, Cb itharn uounty, near St. Lawreajic. PA','F,. Sapt. 12, 18t)S 75-3,t I^c^roc^ {or SaSe. 1'*flLL exp .!« ta iile t-a Tu*sl*/ taa 10-h diy o! No»emaer at :l:-• .\larke^ H«u»» i.j ii.a't • ■ ■ of r^y- ctteville, at 12 w'ois.jk M, 4 NE€KO dL.WKS ' :1 u^- inc: »• (ha Estai: ui liio ate Jsmes A. By rue. a Jcctec of th* Cttuuty Ceui^» bariBg hr,v'n oUtainc-^ 3' Sapt. uher Tern* lait, fai- iha sa a of oaid hUv* ., in aid-r 1 tIT-cl a division. J. T W.\RL»E>', Commi»*.«»--r. Oct. 21. 74 :i..d ~ 1 me UOLLLNGSWORTH, (iroeer aad Merei^ajtl, FAYilTTlhViLLt:, N. C. ir^ILL gtfi prcaipt a IT to his cita. Oot. 29, 18G«. '.wuiiuu to ali Dusiftess eatru-itcd ^pilE r^.^LE a>virrt 9c>i iu ttse Obs^r?;r of Jail Lot, X lr>ia acd iJrick hi LutiibertoTi, is iiostpoued until ■•^ituriay tae i4ui Nov., Ibtid. Proposals f.r bnild- .'ij: f uow Jiiil vril! be riceived uatii Monday the 2^d of .\Dveniber. P)-iU3 lud Hpvoifioatiouii will be furtiish- ed cu M:h N >v., the day of tno ab..Te bale. R. ti. FRENCH, Caairman. Oot. 10, ibjd. _ 7o-14 I\’OTi€4i. 1''tiE two tirws .'J 15. G. TfORTH k C« fttd WOrvT'l . & U.iaIEL .'uve cotabiricd, and will coatiaiia the iicneral lumniLssluu and ForirardiHS Bu'^iness, Ai .r'.tv.dJ ii tni of 1'.'vl. & B. G. Worth, a.** vucc-csors 'J iha: coi-c.r.- unucr tte Btylo of WOKTH it CO. By pr.Dip . .'iiiu I'aith'.'ul K;:.ei>tiuii to butiuesi they hope to r^i iiii the ir^tro-l pairjui'i beslowad on oacb'when de- inir htij-iu-s.Ji n*psrai. Ir, Orders for Siit promptly executed »t marVjt prfr».' WORTH k CO. Wihninrtor, N C., Oci. 8, ISbS. 75 3tn n. G w>)dTH. #> D. 0. wsnru. n. a. uaj^iei, WORTH CO., G'om nisaioa aad t orw^ardiag Merchants, ft'^rtcr Sircft, Wll.MlNGTOIV, N. C. o;v. u;. 73-12tn auy ^juantity of I’airna Ci/riaii li. *iis, I.* 0.' ^ V70.1i H OROXANtK UBF.4KTMK>T, Raleigh, N. ’J., M^y 8. lS:>;i. j EAD WANTED—1 wii*h to purois\ e Leud ^.r thi? ijrp ,ri i',i.Tit. Per-ons hivii’? nr^o or in-iri (ju»n- 01)0*. Wiil e VC 1 pound of LEAD. mod b. ilOGG. Capt. C, t\. *''^-:f In chargi; of Ordnance ht* CU'Tpr i tiiOC^B’ C i3t, ' A n> ‘i . f i station ry, ft ' Apply iri p-TH'-u er addrc-s-j b'‘ !• Mor, JNO. Fayf'.tevii;#, S C , Oct 1 i, 18*'.;’,. M. RO'^E. 72-8:n,-d tl!erHii» date 1 will pay ll'j iJeutrf per f>otind for rag;^, ot hiyl*‘ St nip.rket prioe, dclivured in Fayetie^iile. or «t my miUd o ; Rook€sh D MURPHY. July 518. 1868. iiir’*It**! ^^raJes!! SALl'iit r E L PE'IREilT,) ; s. All those that have loft o.- i,.r» ;.ir Gi'. vTI'.S at ti.e Eagrit! F 'Undry, on he Htirsd.o .' v E. L I'RMHERTONS. D ANI>ER ON « i Oct. 15. j'2 ^ liPr. J. ai."rRK i S in town, and those having ecg.igemeuts L will pleas« call soon. FayttteTille, Oot 12 71'lmpd f;> •■>. k ‘■■•Illia «:^ho'>t » fHraily, 'vho t!..; i'^nmi^h btvincbep'ttpU a ■h .-I l-:v» ' ..vs 'Vi ^-3- h ''U‘-e io Bruos- rice wiil Vn* p kid A'ldress .1 nn .>i :-; ] is •ir.;>' ir);l to t»". gorrl rio''-.r, to ci.ii- y A hoc ' '' >1 1 HI-o vvaiit, tnmi'r'liy a ■ im.je?/u». (.‘\’Eii.'^KER to t 'k. c’ i fc-e of iTiy 'u in Rob- 'iju coutiiy. A » *’cio niat* pr f-^rred. i wi'l give •. f.'.od pr’ce for (he iiiiht kind oi a man. and do no» w»rt cne tini-.'^s h» i« qualifir’d. PAN L L IIU.^SELL Oot. I't ’S';3. 78-4tpd >NAV> AV frxi 'ho .^'ib-^cribrr abnir ift? ]yt cf J4ne t '• up.i’-i' Jir.y PEi'ES, aj^.d 19. dark cim- p'lexit'Ts, ;>liVo'vd .and one of them out, h'ow spoken, t-o J onuiM n;n ;»•. about five feet eiijbt incrbes bi.'tb, toler -b'y i^-cnt, 'sti u. i w-.iyh abvut 145 He ig snpooseii to ' iurkmg i.'i tbe litTighborhood of Lauriu- burgh, Ri'iLrr-ond county, K' C.. where his relations live. 1 bo-,'2bt bi»a from Duncan McLauriu, Esq., of that vicinity. I will give SlOO for his delivery to me or oon'fineraent iB liennattsTille JaiL W. PvnuOBiu, 8. Q., ChL & 71lnp4 i4if WiPOiL 2or iWiali ta excaauge Wool, c»itu», er o*rn, lor bO pair o[j/»oJ negro orogautf. Aalie*« iue »> llaloiga .^Lat- luj; iTu.>i li K. iiLhavvi'N. Ooi Z'-i. 74 otpd PiailOK tor !§ale. ‘> 'U'l’EiiIO& 1‘IANoS or sals t j O JOtiN fi. COOii. Oct 21, lbC3. 74 at oi-'fr'acE €. II. K. Co. i N'ance, Oct. 2:Jd, ISOo. j A LARGE aaie 01 eligiuio TOWN Loi'5> will be acju at thin p ace om Tiiu-:*aJr.y Nov. i>.a. iStil. Tu« lown IS fiufcly ssiiuatfea immeuia.eiy on tee Aailrjad near urahaui. The Itisj are ia;d oif iUU iee^ i^quare Tue tireeld lOO leof v.'ldc, wita tw» -arg* OptH tnd iLff sale cia:ij;i fbe atieaviju uf jli pertiu .» viahiiig. t :- Sijcura a pie&Svut iicailaj li^m^. Terms c’.lc cr approved Dviiv..o at li aioat*. - ./iih iU o.-eS'i fr.m a.'tte. 76-18 1 dO-\iAc WEBi;, Pr«b’t. w bpua i'otida EiLcitaaged f«i* Lard* TE will give Spu» iU pi^rt paynvut for LARL) delivLiid at our Faclorj •& Farsoa Ct. A. .McLAF{'m,ili it CO. L.IEIU Of i. - very fitc artioie. fer sale at aur Factory. a. Msi.,\LiCii LIN & CO B litt A.4i> 'i'OiJ.JJ our Factory. A Fayeticvilie, Sept lii —Far *»la at A ,\ScLAULiUi,lN Jc CO. FOU SAfiiE. 1 K Art “*■ with K«cd kuilding aud hx- A“r\/U cellent water. Th«* upla»4 tiwber is p^ilO^ oak aud bic&ory, awaiap is gum, poolar aid juaiper. Situated on tb# kead »f Ellin'a Creek in.8lfdea caiintj, 6 miles East of tha Capa Jfear River. Any eaa wi»'’..in; lo puich*5e otB'apply t • ibj aubjcribcp «r R. P Mel- •vin, Sheriff, at EHz iTfath, Rlndeti county, wka will tak* plea?iuro in showing the prvini?es. J. N. McCOLL. Sept. 1, 1863. t»l-lS'pd 1* I STO L f7> ON the Afibebor> ro«d, b^t^SJpen Marley’? Miil9 r.a-:. Matthew's—.withia a mile or tw.T >f the lat'frpltce The own(T ca’i have ir or descnbinn rhe PiftoL »■■ pay'tvg the co^t of advertising. Apply by bttf-r, m t'- dub cribev &' Fay.?itf ville. • ni;o ''’APniyoT.'S' Oc>. 17. l--rs 7.: tv ! credit to the Confederacy. They will find in so doing an abundant recompense, apart from the support whit'h they will thus give the common cause.—Itithmond Scnti)ieL CdjtSorirtiiA.-—The Secretary of the t’wnfo.tieratft ’Soeiety at Enterprise, Miss., furnish- s the Ah)ntgemery .\dvcrriser with the following, showing ji'iiat has already been accomplished since i*^-' ostaM'.slnuent: As 1 inforiiiod ywu v^ould he the case, corn is n«w -•■“Hin[r to the soMiers’ families at §1 per bush el. Thr v’o:t'.3rticMorr-. were selling cotton yarns at -■^■..^2 t“ und liiiuugh the society’s merchant, , L Ji .Mtiody it CO. wi' entered the list and sold I a: a;;J vre n^'e i)i;w luaking arrangements I with the '‘titton facforitM of Georgia to sell at a ; tjiuch reduced.riito. j I'hfy soUl rice at o> cents per pound; we sell at I !'•' cents. They .sold s.ilt at ?45 per bushel, with ;u; upward tendency; we sell at S^i2, and hope to bfing it lower still They sold flour at S50 a sack; we sell at So3. They sold sugar at 25 per pound, with an upward tendency; we sell at Sl.GO. Sinijiif.ar Inihlent.—An incident ot a very sin- suiar nature, ■which occurrcd a few days since to one of the most re.-ipecrable ladies of Powhatan county, has been related to us, which, without of fending, wo hope we may be permitted briefly to mention. The young lady in question, in company with une or two sisters and other female members of the family, had left the dwelling house to visit the grave of a near and dear relative, a short dis tance off. Ju^t before reaching the spot all the group, except this lad^ stopped to gather fruit in :in adjoining orchard. The latter continued on her .nibsion, and had scarcely rcachcJ the side ot “ th'? yrrave when a dovt^ flew down from the branch es oi an overhung'ng tree and restol upon her shotildor. Friirhtened atsuch an unexpected visi- tr.nt, she at on.-’c bni.shcd the bird away; but in a llw mome'ii.s she again felt its weight upon her shoulder. She .-scared i^ away the second time, and rctveated tremblin;.4 and uneasy in the direo- tion of her coiijpanioiis. Beneath an apple tree near which wero standing, aud in full view of all, the feathered visitant flew and lit on the ground close to the ik t of the frightened lady, who now began to con-idcr the strange conduct of the biyd as'ominous of some impending danger. The party now returned rapidly homewards, but no sooner had they entered the yard thaii the dove, which had followed them, again descended to the shoulder of the sa^iie lady. This time the lady took the bird in her hands and placed it in a cage. There it remained for one or two days, when be^ng turnetl out it flew away and was seen no more. This is a strange and unaccountable occurrence, but representad Viy the highest authority as strictly Crue.—1 ^ fertih u rtj Exp re»^. Tragir.—Quite a tragic affair, we are informed, took place recently in Coosa county, the particu lars of •which are briefly as follows: Two soldiers (if tl?e Alabama regiment, who had been captured abuul fourteen’months since, and who had not been heard from by their families during that time, were recently exchanged^ and hastened, with all pos.sible speed, to their respective homes in Coosa, expecting, of course, to find an affection- " ate welcome. But, alas! their wives had re-mar ried in the meantime—having concluded that the object of their earliest afl’ections had gone to the “land of hereafter.” No. 1 was appri.sed of the circumstance; when within a mile of home, and the shock Wi^.s so ovcrwlielming tJiat he fainted aud died. Xu. - journeyed on, little thinking that hisspuu-ij wi5uld he so unfaithf ul. He reach ed home, and was received by his wife in an un- c nitroilable tit of weeping. “AYhat can be the matter with Betsyy” he asked of a neighbor who chanced to be in the house. “1 can’t imagine,” replied his friend, “unless it is beeause^she’s got wne husband too many.” The truth flashed upon h?m. He suc.-umbed, sickened, and at la>=t ac- fioimtr> was dcspairedi of. The individual who htid been >jcting as his substitute, on being informed of ijie tirrival of the principal, sougiit his presence inimRdiatcly, af^surcd lilm that he didn t mean any h;^rui, and dep-irtcd at once to parts unknowu. Tiierc is a moral tiie above whioh we need npt point yut. '^!ay it be observed. Misusaipplan. liasid ittfr T^OR priv\! ?iy. Fi-rii I.f f ;>r •rii'Diir'- I;,;'’'' L in .i.'fi'p'i c'tua-Y, N. C. ivins --^pu" 20 'ni'.'*! sout^-flrtst of H57b Poift. oTi the a-t- from High Point to '■■ fty*tt»*rilie, r-c about 6 m'leri fr^ir .\>r.cboro’. AbouL 100 ao'.'e.'" cr’Biel, '•era>*'iidr : heavily timbered witfi Pinp Oak. .\ Iw.- i»':>ry )■.. ; dwellintt ifi the ooi'- onin^pla-'r' Pi.* ■•Pfcsion )tiv:ri i(aa.t vii ueiv h r ii- ':irut^rs JS(» T HAGAN. Ca'-e of II. D Tujuicr, ?li.le)jr ■. N. C Oot 3, 18G:^ "Y^t*4t .?.T, the BEST t^UA LITY. wii' bs cxchaiT^e J fur baca ooTD, I V'', or f'Kjuer. on the ra-st rc>i tertr r.t my workp. situatf^ ou ' ' Tribb’s Inlet, six miies Also, f wo good uiulc3 wanted. M. B. SMITH. IiOBibwica, 8epi. 29,186S. ' Q8-6w«€w t . i The lica-■ n" or'h ' Kan.-a?) Tinifs of the 2Gth 4 Tilt . T' ir.'!■: j:,riii*-rs w.»rit extensively 1 into ■.■■■ ti ll p nT't-ipt; y.-ur 31 .niy thousand * u'TO- ^(-ro. pl'int' 3' v'.ti'.i tii .:>y insisted that this * Vf'ar ’’■'•uid tii*m';.';''Tratc ilie practictibility of rais ins; cotton th',‘ free States. iser heads and inoro observant iiien predicted faimre; thtit suc- ct-?s -.votiid be tho exception, failure the rule. The r "nib vcriiic.s the prediction. The recent trosts-in 1 iiiin'is have .-ntirely ruined the cotton crtiT)—to such an extent docs this damage rcach that not a single bale of cotton will be gathered north of the Ohio river. I’liriieiitiaifc! T'uriH*»iti«eI* AVING pa7chh«ed the DietUScries T - I fl b? RboiC'i'a Fayetteville. I am now prepared >.j Jat»ex FriDk’8 laud, oppcni ,ie ..Jr^evc^: tbo distilling cf TURPEN riNE. Persons Aorta ot the South Carolina hr b, paid^ liberal pnoe by calUag E. F.. MOORB. 70-lm jMfli

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