?5B5ep@«T"'5»*>5esi" i« >» lu*t$ «:i ^*1 I *. , h”»^ ■ : »• ‘ :. '*••- M • *' . BBHF THILIL: ^ M I - W Fi Fj B .k-... lUli . ^ ■ ►er V- Ju.. fr. - LlHt >»U; - at I*, r . , y ** ui_, a^rar* o: ii._ 9»*sa«« , ,_i^ «.i«k uu- ik* a .', tr»». We k.^a »«r : , » , 3 X T . . - . W« ^ Lt , I?*' - Ui , U. e* f • ’ Lis'* r;at; tile •♦I- »t : siM “ «f >i*S lil I'Ohr ^ • r' »•■ ;: 1« - -4^ f • t« ■ . ». Lj ti fc . »; C la:i. ; I •_■ _ .1 ^ - r M ■ I )«. i-c i •«,. w: •, . V. >>t'. j I - eA. .1^: • ai'. w:. 8n-«,‘ :s I iat: • X eci(«*i- . . uic - - .* ..; k m. »*#T *• • ana .a ;t L IJ I»rfi)«;i0* X >»&>; dT i *u. i1. fcr t*/ A * • e b M - « •. I a 9. M ' « f j .. *i8t: 15 hv a MK.9 aa^.. L 6 . ■* : liS ar r f. ■ vf u‘ uai .. w«s.d ■te ia-' «■ i>« . •««'ire^ ^in' B i!Li4 (if •i..a *’-U- rki[B..«>: La • »a 9« ioit ;if, B« tad the t(«i« >p«eiSs tUk aoti j-rol&h 91 n-. .,'. ;X- a« 6. 31?'l P-4 Lit-J '. a.L- ;.ck r. ■ Ik- i i t«, ,‘>i.=!ua- biUa zitL>i e- IG «H»r or a1 k«;, *. ratu«^,ag M rj n--,. . « »; ►^ag . ai e rci«j^.r«4 i a. 4 • - «u«er I- sr«:w5i. .iid ry ^ ■ .- O) L- ; ■ ;. aji i.-i • yiv.. * li.tei';. hid • 7 '• ■ alj; ■ tu. fsu.; ,,tjr tk« dll ij !*■ r .u j afiu.’- hl'-i ■ j, ,friey.:« t^rtocv J tlM:= it ij foi jm: 1 Ni L. XIII.J 4 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. xNOVEMliEK 5. 1862. (NO. 1278.] r"'\ • T> MON^'AYS and THUn'^DAYS l \Rl) .1. I!A!,E ^ SO\S. \Nn rHorRiKT(‘t.’s. MotiHt V‘ri}»H Ffnale Sfniiar?. •> ’ At \lt. YornoH Mineral Springs, ('hathani Coinitj, 1st S»‘ssisa to coaameace 28tli Sept. LIST OF CHAUWES FO!i PASSE\(iERS. «K8»«^BT05tY Pri'r^ir Hit Seini-Wfekly Obsprvkr 5l i't'1, T'‘ii' in ' h'lvancp. Fim the Woeklv Obskrvkr $1 00 per anniita, p:M(l in | \ i*\ l^liTlSKMENTS iuer(_o ’i for 5- per -s ii-irc ■ of 1'' ’ ne- f-ir iho first. aii'l oit(> il' ”>ir for e>ich puc- ] c>'o liiij piiblieation. A 1-.crti^^ernfnt« i»oi exi'pe'linp a ] haK square ipigVt ?1 for the first hthI oO cents I for i?a'h P',i'.-CP«' lin,T p'i''i.o-iMon. A'Kt'rfisers re-*4 vjues*'I'll to vtfite the iiu'iih,->c >♦' iascrtiou? ih'^irP'l, or ihfv will b*‘ !• .n'iii'.e'i ,.>rM i. .'\n.l .'•hHrpeJ nfporj- ing.y A ivertine:; verti«.t:',ea'H. Krrf. liran Ac* ?■ atM '1 • pi--v TERM.^: '1 sca«ion.u*' 2t> w'. ki. $oO 4'» 00 K' 'iicf -itiii Drtiw !i • . •« rxp $15 00 7 30 9 75 10 r>o I* .'I p ith, or ¥10 p*r ni mih y 40 Of) 20 Oi •2 yU pi^id Ml A i ;r j. K-v W\{ noOl’KR, T (' Hf)01'i;u, '^rp^,cr 1’ O ” PrinoipxW. b'iif i PI,KASl.\i' TKIP TO KALEIUH. ■nts coniiniuHl cbrtriiPil as now ail- SPKCIAi.. NOTK'K. From an ■ i.tcr tM^dafe, nonmnctif a new sul-scriber will be entcre'i without pHyment in !itlvaiK*e, nor wili the paper be sfnt to «nch siibscr- lers for a longer tirn* than !:» pai'1 tor. Siicli of or.r obi suhscribors ;is 'lesive to take the pa per (>ti this sy3*-era will please uoi '.y us when luakinp remit isDCeB. .l>»iry 1, 1>'58. Attorney at Law, Fayf.ttkville, N. C. V^II L attend the County aui J^upvrior Conns viHe C5- _ ;':i* ,1^ R 1 =i-x a "ll>; 'Uy -ii ! ^'iindiy *• li.^y :i' I' \1. Wu »^i i nave rioi: Our fi: ia wiu t> i» Ooi'r M. lSi',:i 'PilL fiiibj'.'rib'fr* baT* put on the J 'o R'lle’gh Tia Piininipr- a two ho’'«€' PAi''^t^NWKll ' ''A(’n. Th*-r will !e»?e Fayette • . ! Frid»y at ft A M.. arrive at 'i P ^I Ki1ei|;h A M . airlTe ^t FijeftsTille mjhp i; gnoT ■hi»enf. or lirive ourselye**. •V lU) 00. U.VYIP WARD. J. A. yiNK. 7 l-4w^J w ‘'umberbind, Il:irnftt. ''I- tits. Prpu.pt attention giveu t claims i*ntrii«fei to his h.in 0.-,. 17. iin J the of liesoR Cmn- lloction of all saa nrs. \\n. .^cCLA.\i: v« her hoii.^e at tfae e-'t"'!! lerniinui o' the W R. tt , fcr the reception of ir.njiidnl ceaip^ny. She HoIicitH ;h» p.Mr 'D\ge of the public with a pr niise ihal »Tery effort nil be III trtf- for iLeir oo'uf*rt O*! », ls-,;5. 71-li GtO. W. WILLIAMS k (U).. Wliolcwalo Oealer** in t^irocerit^)*. AM) IMPORTERS ,A,Nn PKAT.ERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &e., STKEKT, FArKTTKVM/LK. V. July 2, l^‘‘jl. 3tjif joj^. itb/kv, Groctr ami i'o>mni'*-*ion .fti rclutnt, FAYKTTKVILI.K, N. C. Jan y H), 1S03. . 93-tf “JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & C07 JuAl.T MAKEKM. WS hare thirty (30) pans now in operation nine miles ea>-t of Wilminston. Parties wishinp to otinply themaelTe* with ■w'.t. e«ia be furni?heil by -ipplying to A. Johnfon, Jr., .\gont .»’■ Fayetteville, lo E. Page, aiana^er ai t^o work*, or :o J. M WILLIAMS, (Jeneral Superintendent. Fayetteril!*, Nov. 20, 186'J. 81tf .Adjutant aud Insprctor fcleneral’ii 00lce>\ Richmosd. Se^t 8, 1S63. { [EXTRACT.] ?ri;ci.\L OmuKRfl ) N.>. -M3 / I I I T‘:E r.UUEAU .,>F GONSOUiPTlON i* am’...-.- 1 I I, '1ZB-* « rr.. ■» rid CHch yf ihi« S''»!:’» i ;■ G.* U'u '’;i: : ::U, Ns'Ji:. t'*r'ill*i* irkn i V B i.i tli.m .l' - 1 fcaip iui''* af u. • • furai*h ’heiv s*». »iid who *re r-. ' !i: V..* i • o >n- ••cr'pii'’-'-. I - b- i.nH-r the t»rJ r» ai the Baresu for t!.* piirpaset ' ’ > ic -.p^i a me '»rrj»> ot ieneri^r ’ t»n i f.)r l«c»l deteaj? ami'Crd '•. r oi-e ye-ir Con.;, n’l*.- '•» • •«! ki^.r own olliters. Tte F;e'.d Ofi.er::' he aiii|:«rj 'r ai aSicers b^i'-njiuj; to t.^it En r.il! eg «*rvice C.iicpaJitesi not to e : «'d one huadred rank anJ file. Ctxui'x .n.l et -he Stcreiary War JNo «lPfIER». A>.s’t Aaj’i G?u'l. WA.\TEI>. 2I^Aa Rt^SHELr? WHEAT, ,OuU I.oOO •' CORN. Per.sons 'n,ivirc .‘he above arttc!*9 to sell will receive the higrhedt ra«h price by callinz on .Mr. .M rho.nMnn. «t Ik* VI,.Fiyetteville, or on the subjcri- bar at hi' ''I' "'am .''.■li-rp ALZ.'. JOHNSON. Jr. Not. 5. 186'J. 5tf A Karnefi? for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bar^-iin>. Agent.^^ wiL do to .send their i orders to me as they shall have prooip! ai,cation, ar l . •ent off in quick dispatch. JOHN’ CART^K. Qoldston P 0., ’'' .''.a'hara Co. > ’ ' ■ t June i j. iMiJ. ( »VOTlCE. > ONSCKIPT OFFICE. .N. C , Kaliigh, Oct. 7, lb'13. j ■piIE C^ umi'iiaiu invi’'s iSe attest.on of a'i periot.s A eip-b'.« 01 : e-iiiQjj «r»». but who %re ex*uipis from a.ili-ary duty iiu ' jr ’.uc prf seat rrj^ala’i >a*. ij tiie ib.'Ve order of th S* .r-.’arr ot Wi»r It wil'. b.* siV'a it is me iutenuon of ite Depart ment (0 raise i Btiiaiion of m.HiB:e4 mu fc-r specie': service it: N C ; a.ni C^inoiaalaai bop«s that all able bodied meu. who may i>* ex«mp'. by reai.in of hav ■ng furnishei iub'j'itur.-i or otherwiae, wiil u-.t shrihk U'^B tiid c»:l. bui W'.i h«j!eti to enlitt in the defence of t''fi. h M. thcir aa4 the State itai j;^ve itic.c b;r^'l Pfriiet: e:.! '-iu^ i-> this B» t*iioa w.il W« exempt I from du y n tiis ,‘.li.;-i* »qJ Home Guard, and wili re- coiv.* the ;-.y h.s i -il iWiiice of cwa.rv.-Lieu. ir.- r... o.-nj-r* taroujtiout the Sta!- are uu .‘no*‘izei 10 r.'O' i^? reorui'S or tlity may r«pwr: dii'otiy a' ►i'ti'T ''f the ''»mps o: iDstruci ou. Uy Ti r of Col. PEVbR MALLEIT, ('"la.i.aniiu: cf Conicript* f.ir N. t '. High L. C>lk, C«pt and A A A. 0. 71-la» f>O^W. From F iy»'tft»vil!e lo \Vil«aianton. *' “ “ Klizabe.h. •• White Mall, “ I. .1 KflSy’s Cove, “ *• “ .Ml p'linis bplaw, SECO.M) CLASS, (»R I»ECK. From Fayetteville to Wibniasion, “ “ “ Elizabeth, *“ W::iteV;all, “ “ “ K»l!y’fi Cova, “ “ “ .'.11 points bel'..w, HP. Fro'u Wilii'inj^ton to Fayetteville. “ “ Kellv> Cove, “ White Hall. “ “ •• Klizabetb, “ Prospect Hail, “ “ .\11 points ahave, si;co.Ni> CLASS, oa pegk. From Wilmintfton to Fayetteville, “ “ “ Kelly's C*ve, “ White H.ll, “ “ “ .\11 poiats abova, Second riass or Deck Pajsenj^r* must stay aa lower deck or pay full price, ar sj.!ne an First Clais. An ex:ia ch.irjce will be w i*Jo for Wav Pa»e«ti- gers gfttiuj inte Berths durin; day time, and for •ceu- pyiog a Berth with their boots or ph««s oa, ai the discrrti«n af the Captain J. A. WORTff. for C. F .«t’m R’t Co. R. ?il. ('nSRI.L, f»r S:’ri Kate and Sun. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Mav 4, lFo3. 26-tf noi \J 'i B-r €. A.,) 28,18t;:i [ 15 oO $7 56 3 75 5 25 e ©9 7 5» 09 r, 75 8 25 7* 12 15 fO 57 50 4 60 6 00 7 60 ^"lOTTON IN l'F/iiE.'T lUKNDS it>^.7 b>;'lad on h. plica tion a> f.h iji O!fi(*o. TL.? prtirifuQi fii-j l for>Ke’«e •'•O psr ci'ot—requiring $1500 to buy s. l>ond of SlO'IO. TK '? ' f?-.ndf,re payable in c >in at the ■1 "'I 20 ye r-i, nu 1 tbc ir.'^r;'f is pi-ya''!; year')’, l.'*f JuMf’. iti c • t'.n, —siy 5lH) Ihs *;i ni tUy Thisat 18 cts. p?r lb. will '4y p^r ceitt the iav: .stni.*ni, aud :it ^,i'«'8' n‘ pr.c.j .)f (! "or), w U'! yr-M over 25 p-T cent .'!♦ Tre“,sury Noiis i ’.^Ui'd vi hiu i!• ? yyar 18G3, may b* fu3.lt» i in () p -r ctu; IViud?. he-irinic interest from ,l\y of dtp >^it; llol l^r.s of Certiti viL'-,'?, dal°d bef'rre Iti^ Sept. last, (\r^‘ reqii9sti-.i til re urn t^*- ;i w ; ' tht'ir nkmes w'-itteo , ii th ' I* ii?k, anJ »!.;•■> ''le.r h. u.l^' 7»Mm W G 13ROADFOOT, Dap’y. AUCTION SALES. BY WILKES .MOKUIS, Auft’r. CARG > S: \LE-i ‘.UCTION BY CATALOOUK. ■A %Vlr«TEI», GOOD H-'Uyv s. rvii-.’; !to or thre? mart girls to v:»-iied ; w the Fiy Shuitl^ L'>»u. ('.9S from thii c'lU ,'rj pf'.-‘’ fTo.j. Acply to JOUX KE'ISHaW. Oct’r 31, 7G 4tpd ON WEiiSESD-W. 18th d^y of NovpTib?r, 18fJ3, O'.'tii- III !•!■ / at 0 o’clock, A M I will sell at mv Si.les Wilmington, N. C , the THE SITl Al'ION .\T CHATTANOOGA, j A ( hatra!ioo_ii\ corrcsjujndorit of the N*w York 'i'ributie of the liiih gives tue f«ilowing gloomy view of the YiUikee pri..spccvs in those parts: “i h;tvt* alrnitiy d'. uioiistratwil in former letters that, wliiif Chuttauo( j'a is a strategically impor- taur poii.t, it i.i not a safe one. ~’i'o hold it ae- R -o.'fib, N'!. 2, Granitt' Row, Cirer'“’s of >*hip3 .SPUNKIE, ; VNSHEE, OEVL BE-UREG.VRD AND j cur-’-iy involve.^: tije iiecos.sity ol holding the Ten- ‘ nrsstc . ivtr lor til'ty niiies to the ritrht and left of Fi’obii aiifl after this date the Stfaw»r A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, M.„«h Monday and Thursday. J).^ A. WOKT.'I, •\pril G—17tf ] Af’t C. F. Sie-im Cj.u Co. \VE»TES«.\ KAIL ROAD. ~ 'T^HE. Tr:iins of this Rond leave F»Tei.!evi’ili: daily, i (Siinliys ercP’.ied) at 8 «'' lo k. .A .\i , ;i- ^ re- turntn;? le.av* Mclver’s at 1 o’e!o''C. i’ '-1 Frfiyhl Train MuND VY, WEUNESD.\V hbJ FRID.VT. By or-i^*r of the Prc‘i i*nt. • JNO. M. ROSE, Trt'-. .'r an l Traas. Aj't. J^j. 22. 18i; ; 97tf OFFICE OF THi-: AtTG ASS’T Ul.AKTKKM ASTKR, ) ‘ ^ t'ayelteville Arsenal and Araiorj, ^ i - Fatbt’-mvillh, N ■ , Oct 18;i3 j ^ «VOOI> %VA.\rED. St"jALED PROP'^SALS will be receivsd for the deiiv- rry or four i.uudred oi;rd« of gyf d sound bNck-j;»ck wood, (100,) uotil tiip 20th Oc'..ob-r. at the rati of sixty (60 covdsi per luoo-h The wood to be idlivered a> the Arsenal. wh?r« it will be pioperiy corded. It musi con- iorm strictly to tljc Btaudard weasarement for cord wood, viz; 8’ X 4’ x 4’. Proposals to be marked ‘‘Propoaale j for wood lor Act’s Ass’t (Quartermaster.” , MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, i _ Cajitain Corps Art’y, P. A. C. S. ”0'f and Act’g \rs I Quari#rm»«ter. Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,) FATkTTuviLLR, N. 0 . Juwe 29, 1803. / WA\TED. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ^SlOO) BOUNTY. Having rectfivcd K.ui'ioritj' frata the Secretary cf W^'^r to iflirrease the stroagth of the present Corps I »t tuis .Arien il, the un.^ersiirned will enlist ene hun- 1 dred (100) non conscripts foi* that purpose. Thoss sub- { jfCt to conscription need not apply. ( Transferr^ and ciohanges of meu now in •orrice can not be uiadf. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. June 8, . 85tf A*>»2IEVII.I.E, A. . or**n tbe KAULK HOl'KL ^or the re cefiijuot Gursts the first of iuue, *tjdl hope FA\lTI'EHLLE ANl^ ARMOR), to b.- ^.h!e to entertain "roni soveaty-five to a | Sept. 24, 1863 hundred persons during the Summer. • $30 REWAKD. In connection with this large H-uel, I have' number t naCAPED from prisoa on the morHlDg of the 12tkiast., Hack;, (’arria^es, Btijju'es aiid Saddle Horses that my sruest'* caa cet at a minute's uoti^e. M. LLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, .Vsheville, N. C. May 13,1803. 31-jpd WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. 1)0ULTRY. Chicken^. Bu::er • ;J olh*r delicacies for t‘'o slek .St tiers a' t.^.'i Hospital Persons having thf-P:* art:.' tion to thf Powi Aue 2' M«»u r.bt'.iu the rn i’’ket price on spplica- >u!iii,’riher at ;i Har .S’r^oi. his old «t-ind or at Mr. J Vt II. T, HEIDE. G. .r’ Ae't. 5«tf \ Am iisiiial tlic Blockade TILL (*omp»! II' do what s'l-ii!d ha^e done - f.re thii. w.aj: up >n yourself and cui luose from taa en.^my. Th..' w turiDjj of ail . i Southern S i, p. W..- ^ddr.»v nd^of P.OR ilNS ■s w.’.l b;* ar)'« t ■ i-'Uv?" 1 J.; F ..■■■ f' .... .U. _o.». jr Paeterie? ia t;..' till ord.>r» a', short villf^, N C I fii PORT IAT !»AEE. 'P4K UNUER.'IGED, CoM.'dlSsilONERS appointed | ^ 3J.f 300 lt>«. (niitsi Arabic lor wale bv J. R LE’-'. 0''tf by t ur; . L '.i jb al.j;>, • • J J me :• will b*-.l r: r. » v »:u •ou; 3‘) uoj Oct. K*. SALT! f'l’' '■ .’p bv Dee. 22 HAi/rr: RtjBi-Rf MITr'dKLL. 88-If TOBACCO. BOXE.^ VIRGINIA TOBACCO various graie.-t, for -»le ou eonsj^nracm, bv GEO. W WILLIAMS a CO. May 23. 3Iif 190 Mole Leather wautcd. nued SOLI Apply to QAAA LBS of heavy well tanned SOLE LE\THE'i. /wUUU sui'able for B-ilting. Fayettef ' V..-) 1 I- MURPHY. 20tf CO%V I.OHT. My fOW is on E»>t side ot (^ipe F ar, somewhere op- posita to f'ampr. r.ton being driven into tha river by boys and can’t end her way back. .She is marked with crop in eaoh e%r, has a bell ou, waste ia uer face, white on back an«i belly, red on n“ck and •'i .l-d. *Vhc.- fver will lake her up and let me kn w it. or bring her up to me in Oampbell'-in. will be liberiily re»^.rdtd. The said cow wa3 bought in the upper part of Bladen eeunty and may probably find her way bdCk to tiiat ooanty JNO. \ WATSON. Int.* 12 40 I-;*!.'* t' Wanted to Purchase, TyEvSTEUN RAIL lH»AD .STOCK; Tf Ba^k Notpf«; Gfld and Silvf-r; North Carolina Treasur- N^tes (Fundable;) “ “ •• .51 trid Y2; ‘ “ Bunds, old an 1 li'-w; County cf CuQberla:>d Bonds. . Town of Fayetteville IJond*; GreensHcr--’ -tl a.' d Certifijat. ''; Cttnfederatp 7 and 8 per cent. Boads; Coupons of •'515.000,00tJ loan; “ of Town and County 15 'nd“; “ of old North Carolina I> >nds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 1 711. Tlie Suhscnbor wishes to purchase a f»w YOUNG NKGRmE.S for which he will pay the Jiighest Cash pr.ce Those wishinj.*’ *o sell wouM do well to call on me or addres- me at Raleigh. N ’ P. J. STERNE. S^pt, 7, • Spun t’olloii EiLchaaged for Lard. WE will Spur. ' in part paym-nt for LARD deliver.'d at our Fa>;iory n Per« .,. yt, . A. McLAU HLIN & i:o. irt of R/boson county for tuat puoiic auctioiR ia the |.own ot li:sao!fQai tu« ‘-J\IL LO 1’, ' •>f ’-■• V t'jgi*:!i';r wit'i t!ip ..riok ■jei rTi t i'l- . i Jail i j-k.e sf t!ic iiUjve v lu- able ;'r «i-erty w.il taie plice ia Lu’uberioii. ou Tu's- :l-iy t.ie 3r i i*y oi N jvt nber ueit. T.'ruis casa. Itie irjn Will i>e soli lu lot.-' lo djit parc'u»sers. R. S. i'ilENt H, ) P. P. Sviirri, I B. GODVVIN, }■ Commission'rs. W. A. r»iCK, J. A. Rowland,] Oc. 3, 18ti3. N B. R'beson Comrairthiuuers uum S.AlL'iiD.^Y 14 n NOVEMBER iiex;. t'lafis au*» sprc'tijtttioiis of the building wiil be turnisiiod toe j iimissi juertj on - ni 3r.i .Novemoer, ine d^y A-,p iiaitd t-jr - he »ale of ta« Jail lot preuiitses. R. S FREN-:H, 1 P. P. .sMllll, I B. GOl>WlN, [■ Commissioners. \V. A. DICK, I J. A, ROWLAND, J 70-tl INot June ft SPOOLS and (‘Ttion .Mi Iv C. dar F«- 's. D. L. KiVKTT. Mai'CB.'''” r, C’i'^i'"'eiia-^d. N" C. 3n '.nipd The Cedar EaEE - bin Co are now prepared lo furni.sh, u ^h rt notice, all kinds o/ BOBLIN.^, VUILL;-. ft.a . sui'-i^^le for W'oolen and J. M ODEl.L. Apcnt. S (’ .Iiiiv 0, 18»>;-i. Hi LE.MUEL BUCH 4.NN.A.N, wao was arrested ob tb« tius{ :cion of being a spy. H« repraseated himself as a Captain from Morgan’s army ia Keuiucky. Said Bu- chanuan is euppesed to be about Raleigii or near his motlier'* io Cbstiiaaa oounty. Ths attention of &iilitia 0£eeni of Chatnam, Moore, Cumborland and Wakt, and all g^od aitizeui is especially tailed lo this man. The above rtward will be paid A tha prisoner is delirered to me at th.:a Pufci, or {16 if coafiaed in any couuty jail. MATTHIW P. TATLOR, if Capr. (V 8. A . C«md‘f Battl n. Cotton Yarn tor Wool. N'0T1v:E is Uereoy given taat after this date (except ia ei«" w.vre we have bargaiaed for Wool accord- i^j, .0 'ae ter.-ns of our advertisemeat of the 30th ef M'.y. ■jshieh icra;? are now revoked,) we will give 1 'oua- «tie cf ..otlon Yavu for 4 lbs. of Wool unwas *d, or 3 li,?. W!-»sed and pir.'t -1 Tkia in uiatle »«. liis iB».«a?*ef t;.o y 1 if-rtii**':r at RAleigh, iu orUer to .iiuie the tsrmg of exchar^o uniform throughout the Slate. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayeitevillc, Juo« 23, 18ti3. 41tf S’^n.ed propoH-iis for building a new jail for Mij-y, will be r.^ceived by toe undersigned Oc. 3, la-: ''plIE J. Iron and Brick Male Po^^tponed. SALE aivtrt act m me ObaetTer of Jail Lot, Luiaivrtou, is postponed uiitil Aaturlay tae J 4in Nov, lbti3. Prop'SaU for build ing a new Jail will be reoeivei uatii .Monday th? 23d of Novoiub ’r Puns and specifications will be furnish ed on Mih Nov., the day of the above sale. R. S. FRENCH, Chairman. Oct. lt», 18v3. 73-ta \OTICE. ''pHE twc Sr.-ns of B. G WORTH & CO., and WORTH JL & D,\:nIEL iave cojupined, aud wiil continue tba jeneral tuinnUssiuii and Forwarding Business, Al i.io 111 SI iul of r. •). ^ B. G. Worih, as xuccessors i-j ii.a' cj!:c rn u.j ier the style of WORTH & CO. l»y p', nipt and fairhful aituution to buMinet^s they hope to retain iQe liberal patrooago bestowed on each when do ing bueiu -K-j separatoly. Orders for Salt promptly executed at market price. WORTH & CO. Wilmin){toT, N G., Oct. 8, 1863. 73-3m To i'oUr>ii Planter'*. IH WE bt-en ap; ota :»1 Sy the Secretary of the Trea- PU'-y, Chief .\g->ai f -r the purcha-« of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of Nnrth ^aro- lina. an! wiU piy for the earn? in 7 per ceai Bonds or (’ash. Sub-Ag'nts vi.siting the difTcrent parts of the Siaie, buying ia my name, will have writtrn ceriiticates'of appoinfnc-nt. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or ray agcate, on and aft.er the 18th day of March 1SG3. will be pani tor ia 7 per cent. Bonds or Casa. an«l n‘>t X r-er cent. Bond? as stated tu a former advertisom»>ut. Up to tti.it lime, aowever, the 8 per cent boni.s will De furnisred a« stated. Pairiotic c;:ii>'QS are now .'•{■■red an oppTrtun^’y to aid tha Goveiajnent by selling to it tneir Cotton r.iteer than to private ciipitalisrs. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte. .March 24, 18t>3. [o d.J 1-lif WAATEO~ ~ Bank notes of North Carolina, Soulb Carolina. Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per oeut. Fundable Note#. Also, North Carolina six p*r ccut B..ad«, lu w iasua. W. R. RICHARDSON & CO., Brokers. Raleigh, N. C March 9. 9tf Coal .liine. uadersigj.-d were, fit the November Term of the • i Confederate Cotirt. District of Nortk Carolina, ap- i puic! ?d Maii.»"fr3 cf the E^ypt Coal .Mine property, I acd have eti»ier, d into coparrnership for the purpose of i mihi.ig a;i l ' ingr C-vi], and solicit orders far the same ;a au; d- j'Tea q\' .utity. Orlera for any amouat caa lit fcuypiir'i . a BEori u.itice. The Coal from this pro- ; per'y ib uni .uluf-tlj Uo West in the ''onfederate States. ' .\pplioa '-•i.s :• -.T tc to B Mallef, yayette- i.ie. i'. r ittip; Browp?, Charl^-ion, S. C Cll.iRLES B. -MaLLETT JAMES BRyW>.E. Fayetteville. Jan’y 2), 18b'>. 96tf i;rmki> mtoaes ¥on ' aud'r«igned «iavfl taici^u the Ageaoy for the sale 1 c'.’ MtSt'.rs. VV G Farrar k Co.’s Grind Stones, and ; tiave b .^w on hand size* runaiag fr 16X2j inches to { G firet Qy 11 inahes; and caa have out at sbort notice i -ANY' SIZES wanted. Persons la w.»ut of GiinJ Stones I will please correspond with the undersigned, wno will Sill o:d;i5 promptly atil guarante# ta; quality ef the 1 ^rit .i.s ri'present od ; GLIO. W. VVILLIA.MS k CO. ^ Fay ?itefi ie, .'lay 27, li>ti3. iJ2-tf !§oldier$$’ Claina^^. uest and for the ooDvenie.’ico lerestjd. the undersigned has agreod to ooUect all The !^tar Poundry again in full operaiftia. Having lu my employment Co.npeti'Rt w.irimea, i am prepare ! to executu work at liio sa-j^iedi noiioe aui tor a rc«d}uabl«i charge. .M. A. BAKER. F&yet;e»il'.e, Aug. 18, 1863. obtf P»lii]ia Christ! Be;%iii». subisriber will pay the Aighest castt prices fer i any quantity of Paima Chrisii Beaas. J. JL WORTH. ?%r. ti.'v'.l!/' t'oi. S. 67-tf B a WORTH. D. O. WfiaTH. N. O. UANIEL. U OKTII & CO., Commission aud Forwarding Merchants, tf'ater Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. (.)ijt. 1(), 1S:>3. 73-12m soUiers on f'^rlough, that m;y be p!ac. I .3 bis hands. Having ha-1 an experif-iie« of uear 20 years in prose cuting claims ag*inst tho United Stite^ Government, as well ns njraimi. Ibo (Jc>nf*di?ra«p Si.ites, h« is perfectly familiar with every v^riefy of claims, and can make a'j 'early collection as the largo number now oh file will ad mit. A moderate fee will be charged to cover cost, postage, etalionery, &c. Apply in person er address by letter, JNO. M. ROSE. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 14, 18t>3. 72-3aspd €«ratei»! (wrate«>i!! For sale at E, L PEMBERTON’S. All those that have left orders for GRATES at u e Eigle Foundry, cm be supplio'l at E. L PEMBERTON’S. D, ANDER.SON & CO. Oct. 15. 18()3. 72 Im OKUNAXCli UKPAKTMEM, \ iiALittaa. N. C., May 8, 18(13. j Lead wanted.—l wish to purchase Lead for this Departoieat. Persaus havi.nj large or pmal) quan tities will please apply at once. Will g.v4 1 pound ef POWDER for 10 poi»»>ds of LEAD. THOS D HOGG, Capt. C. S. 6ft-tf In chargo of Ordnanoe. After tlii!» date 1 will pay 12^ Cente per pound fer rage, or tfae higkeat market price, delivered in Fayetteville, or at my mills on Roekf sh. D MURPHY. ^I1v 21:. PET, with sundry ooTsi.;nnicntH from other ships, making it the larjr.;.'! dud by fai the ir.opt attractive sale of ihe seasjn—as uincrate i. vii; DRY GOODS 3 cases Super Broad Cloth—various colors 1 bale 3iif cr Bin? Broad C^loth 1 bale Super Black Broad Cloth 4 bales Cas3im»res 1 baie Mixpd Melior-s 2-ca»'.'.s Brown and Gr.'y Mixtures 12 b»!,'3 Dfc>-k Fancy and Black ani W’hite Schwabo’s Prints 12 cases bl--ftcbed Shirting 2 cas»s Fine Unbleached Shirting 4 cases Black .Alpaca (^tscs Dark DftLain-»H case B'ack Scwine Siik 1 ease Lance Flannel 1 case Fancy Wovs Flannel 2 cases India Twills 3 casts St>*y Bindings 1 case Linen Huckaback 1 bale Linen Sh“etin{r 3 casns Lin«n T-iread 3 cases Spool Cotton 1 case Machine Thread 2 bales Blue Mottles 4 bales Regatta Stripes 1 bale Bedtick 2 cases Liaen Cambric Handk’s 1 bale Fancy Moh'iirs 1 bab' Fancy Flanuel Shirts 16 cases L C. Shins—Linen Fiunts 1 case Gent’s Half Hose 2 eases Ladies White and Slate Hose 2 cases Misses White and Grey Hose 6 eases Pins 3 casfs Flexible Agate and Bronze Button* t case Fancy and Silk Buttons 2 cases knittitig Neodles 2 cases Hooks and Eyes 8 cases Needles, Hair Pins. &c SUNDRIES. 2 cases Ready M.ade Clothing 1 case Violin Strings 1 case Freoiih Watch Gileses 2 cases French Felt Hats 3 cases Brazilian Hats SHOES and LEATHER. 64 cases Gents’ and Ladies’ Boots aud c i )t-8, Eof- lish manufacture, superior m.aterial and Snbh 140 cases Bluchers, assorted lU rolls Harness Leather 100 sides ^ole Leather 2 bales Eaglis’n Sole Leather 2 cases French Waxfd Cai; Skins 4 oases Shoe Thivad ST.\TIONERY. 82 cases Foolscap, Letter and Note Paper 28 do Envelopes, well assorted 5 do S'eel Pens 8 cases L?a.l PencHs 3 bales Wove Newspoper, Sf. x 4a 14 cases Cotton Cards 5 do Wool Cards 4 do Coit'in Carding 1 case Tin Solder ii. .strips 10.000 lbs. HoUow Wr.re 4 casks Hoes 2 do Cutlery 2 do Scr. WS 1 do Awls GROCERIES. 60 boxes Belmont Sperm Candle* 50 do Enzlish Yellovr .S ;ap 40 bags Priin* ('apo Coffee 16 chests Con? u Tea 20 half chp>ts t’cngou Tea 2d half chfti-'is Y an.’' 11. son Tea 25 box'^s L'.'Jtidry S’arc'-. 65 do C •ra S’arch -21 kiti MivUerul 5 kits S I'ni jn 4''7 sacks Liverp . ;1 S .It ^00 do do do 28 lbs each. DRUGS. 16 cases Qiiinir>“, 2.0O0 .)zs 170 kegs Bi Carb Soda 15 ciksks .\lcohol 16 barrels Epsom StlH iO casks do do 29 barrels'JUeachiog Powder 10 . do Alum 10 do Borax 3 cases do 4 do ExiracL Logwood 14 do best Euglisu Mustard 2 do Bro Wind'or So'.p AND 70 ca^es Drugs, assorted Iodide Pol ass, Powd. Ipecac, Tar;. .\cid, Tinct. Opie, Gum tJpie, Uug. Hydrag Fort, Pil. Hydraig, led ne, Ammon Carb , Ess. Lemon, Liquorice Paste, Blue Stone, Biking Powder, Cod Liver Oil, Citrate Magnesia, Magnesii^ Carb, Potaes Chlor , • Oct.' 31st, I8t)3. 8uli»h Morphia, Gum Camphor, lp.'Cao Wine, Piilv Ot-ie. Cre*m Tartar, Ung Hydrag Mit, Citric .Acid, Oxymel Scills, Croton Oil. Glycerine, Blue Galls, Thumb Blue, Castor Oil, Gum Arabic, Cblo. Lime, Dovers Powders, Eiher, tfulph. 0pp. 77 18 Beef Catlle .%ale. I.ARD oil. Factory. *ry fi.io artic!*. ft^r ^alp at our A. MoLAUCHLlN & CO. BAR TOII.Uf* ««AP.~Kor nale at our Factory. A .McLAU'Ml LIN & Cl) Fayetteville. Sept 12, 1863. 03-6mpd FOR sale] 1 i A A ACRES of LAND with good building and ct- cellent water T'je uplanl timber is pii e, eak and hick'try,' swamp is gum, poplar nn i juniper. Situated on the head of Ellis’s Creek in Bladen couuty, 6 miles East of the Cape Fear River, ^ny one wishing to purchase c»n apply to the subscriber or R P. Mel vin, Sheriff, at EHzabetb, Bladen county, who will take pleasure in showing the premises. •J. N. McCOLL. 8«pt 1, 1863. «M9tpd lliilew, Corn, Wlie^t, I ani Pork for I WILL s-11 4 1 ,if iii^eiy young MU LF.S, well broke; 1 WAGON; 10!> barrel® of COR^; 21)0 bushels of WHEAT; a. m > BEEF CATTLE, and 2 or 3000 lbs. of POltK, oii time for good Notes. Its all of ray own taising aud no pp?culaiion. The .Mules will not be de livered bpfore the 20ih of December 1803 Apply at toy place on Rocky River, Chatham county, near St LT-wrence. J- PACF,. Sept, 12, 1863. -73-3w $fOtt J^WARD. l^ANAWAY from the subscriber, about the lat of J^ne IAj lap., his liPgro boy PKTER, aged 19, .lark com- ! pifxion, froul teeth '.ff -cted ati*l ore of (hem out. slow I spoken, go'd c'juntenttnce, about five f:*Pt eiuht inches j hii;b, tolerably stou’., \s.' uld weith ab..ui 145 H-': is I supposed to bo lurking in the neighborhood of Laiirin- burgh, Riobmond county, N C.. where his relati ins live. I bought him from Duncan McLaurin, Esq., of that vicinity. I will give $100 far his delivery to me or oenfinement in Bennettaville JaiL W. B.' LEE. PftroMsus. 8. C., 0«t. a. 7Mmpd »ttevii|>* l>r. .! 15. FKE!:.fiAi% Is in towa, tio?e iiavtDg e’ig;.;repienta will idi'as' ■'.lU S(,; (KM 12 '1 -1 TRfd Land for Sale. IjlOR .'^.\LE, privately, a Farm of four hun.lred acrcs, in Randolph county, N. C . lying about 20 mile^ south-east of Hi?a Point, on the p aak road runuint^ from High Paint to Fayetteville, and about 6 miles from ■^/>heboro’. About TOO acres clearei, iha rctnainde" heavily limbered with Pine and O.ak. A two story log dwelling is the only improvemeut on the place Poa- 8?«aion given imme liaiely. F.-r particul^ s aldress JNO T. H.\GAN, C-ire of H. D. Turner, Ralcieb. N, C Oct 3. ’863 .1 Ht*4t SALT, OF the BKST QU.\LITY, will be exchanged for bacon, oi>ru, r,‘", or I'od ler, on the most reason vble terms, al. my works, situate i>a J ^bez Frink’s land, opposila Tribb’sinlet, six inileH North of the South Carolina line. Also, two good mules wanted. • M. B. SMITH. LtUBb(»tUB, S«pt. 2d» 186S. 6^w*Qw J^egroes for Sale. I WILL expise to sale on Tuesday the 10th day of November at the Market House in the town of Fay etteville, at 12 o’clock M, 4 NEGRO SLAVES, belong ing to ihe Estate of the late .fames A. Byrne, a decree of the County Court having been obtained at September Term last., for the saie of said slaves, in order to effect IV division. J. T W ARDEN, Comin'ssioaer. Oot. 21. 74-tepd I8AAC~H0LLi\GSVV0^^^^ « ^ Grocer Aad l'om»issioB Merchant, FAYfnTEVlLLK, N. C. rLL give prompt aitemiou to all busiaeaa entrusted lo his A AUCTIOA, T Sales Room on Tnursday the 12th Nov. 1863: 1 Snporior Rosewood Piano, 7 oct. 1 do do do oct. 1 do do do B oot. 1 Rockaway. 1 Barouche. 1 Buggy. 1 Ladies’ Black Cloth Cloak. 1 handsome Black Silk 4o. 1 Lot Furniture. 1 Page’s Grist .Mill. JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. Oct 31, 1863. 77-3t 100,000 POUNDS OF TOBACCO AT AUCTION. I WILL expose to psiblic sale from One Hundred Thousand to Two Hundred Toousind pounds of MllFAUflillKl) TOBllip! at my STORE in Salisbury, N. C-. on the 1/ih of No bis care. Oct. 20, 18«3 74tf PISTOL POUAfB, ON the Aeheboro road, b»^tween Marley’s Mills and Matthew’s—within a mile or two of the ’alter place. The owner nan have it by describing the Pistol, and paying the cost of a lvartising. Apply by letter, to the subscriber at Fayeiteville. I • . GEO WASHINGTON. ‘ Oct. i7, 1*^03. 73 9tpd I Turpentine! Turpentine!! H.WINQ purchased tfae Distilleries formerly owned ^^y W. I. Rhodes in Fayetteville, I am now prepared ] to commenc.'^ the distilling of TURPENTINE. Persons J naving it to aeil will be paid a liberal prioe by calliBg I on me. G. F. MOO&B. I Oot. 7. 70-lm vember 1863. Oot’r 17. 1863 JOHN F. FOARD. 76-4fpd Aotice to the Public. it. As ioori our army had crossed at-Belle- lunt, .■^tevenaon afiJ Bridgeport, it waa virtually uiu.'.tcr ol* the place. For the panse reason, wheb it was forced back into it, alter the battles ot tha llJlh and 2Uth ultimo, the question to hold it re.«:ed upon it.s ability not so much to repel an attack irom tiie front as to retain control of the river beiow. Tiicrc \ras tiot force enough at the command of •.Jon. Ivosecranz to protect all the ford* and roaus leading Iroiu the south bank to his depots aud line.s ot communication on and a- long the river, iieuce his principal danger was the contingtuoy of a flank movement by a detach ed column ot tiie enemy over the same route that he took to leave Ciiattanooga. With the arrival of rciniorci mentd that danger passed away. Tha failure oi tfae cuemy to snake the movement af fords good evidence, not only that their offensive Rtrength was greatly weakened in the battles, but alho that it really never was as far superior as re ported. The most direct d^inger in view of the teiapo- rary state of partial dissolution of the army waa, of course, at lirst a front attack. The few days’ delay ot the enemy in closing up with us around the town, gave us time to avert it with th# axe, pick and stiovel. But, although we checked an us.sauit by infantry, we were powerless to remove liie danger tlirtatening from their artillery. That with 31iisionary Kidge and Lookout Mountain in . their possession they can use the latter effectively against us, they have amply proved by their can nonade on the 5th. 1 use the word “eflective- ly,” although they did little actual damage at the time; i’or their projectiles fell into our camps all along our line, aud it must be the veriest tyro in war that will assert that by tripling their guns, as they have it, doubtless, in their power to, they could not, by a caunonade of a week, annoy and damage ua beyond endurance. It would be the lirst instance in the history of wars ol a large army of unsheltered troops maintaining its posi tion under a protracted and heavy artillery fir«. That the enemy have as yet abstained from sub jecting us to a severer trial than on the 5th is a mystery that 1 am not able to solve. But supposing even that it is not awaiting’ug, there are still other ways left open to the enemy to araw us out of Chattanooga. From Chattanoo ga to Knoxville the distance is 110 miles. That this long line cannot be successfully guarded against an attempt to cross the Tennessee in force, either by Gen. JRosecranz or Gen. Burnside, is evident. A Hanking movement to our right is, as already stated, no longer practicable for the enemy. But there was nothing to prevent one to. our left iu the mentioned direction until to-day. Since midnight the very gates of heaven seem to be opened, and the rain is pouring down in incessant torrents, if the road?-be not rendered impracti cable by it we wili in all probability see the 120 pontoons the enemy have built at Chickamauga Station put to u--e b;fore long, somewhere between here and Knoxville. It would certainly be the best move they could make. It would give their army once more the bcnetii; of the crops of the rich valley ol' the Tennessee. It w5uld throw it between Kosccranz's aud Bwrnside’s, and compel the latter to beat a ha^ty retreat to Kentucky to csc.ipt anniliilation. And lastly, it would force this arniV to abandon Chattanooga and hunt up the eu.!tiiv lor battle nor:h of the Tennessee. A last cicuieut of uncertainty as to tha duration of our occupation ot Chattanooga is formed by . our prceanous lint.s oi communication. We have had three uriJgcd ucrL>s tho leniicssee. Two of these wcie rcndevi.d iinpracticabie by the rise a week ago, and one had to be removed. The other was again u.soU uiiiil this morning, when the dan ger of its being carried away by the great rise now to be expe'eted induced (.tcu. ilosecrans to order likewise its removal. The third was built during last week, and affords now the only moans of com- nmnicaiion wiih the North bank. That it is in- suliicicnt for our immense transportation, I nCC^ hardly say. Again, the roads to Stevenson, our supply de pot, are Si» rugged that hauling a sufficiency of supplies over them is attended with difficulties the character of which only those can conceive who have passed over them. The present rain will probably double these. One of the roads along the river is rendered unsafe by the bush* whackers hring from the South bank. It waa natural for the enemy to attempt to cut the long thread of railroads—over three hundred miles—that alone connects us with the North, by dint of cavalry raids. It is to be hoped that our cavalry will prevent the inisehiel’ contemplated by the bands ol heeler and Forrest, now again loose in Middle Tennessee and Southern Ken tucky. If they should suceced iu breaking our railroad connections lor any considerable length, of time, a retrograde movement by our forces can not be avoided. Whatever the future may have in store for us, it is obvious that the rebels are masters of the situation—at least so faY a.s the power to shape it is with them. That they have improved the time of quietude elap.sed since the battles, to repair damages and gather additional olfensiva force, may be presumed, tis the fortunes of the Confederacy depend in a great measure upon further suceesaea on their part, and as they have eonoentrated all their available strength before us it is not likaly that they will lie idle much longer. Without having any positive ground for the theory, 1 think that if they fail in starving us out of Chat tanooga, they will make the flank movement to the left under cover of a cannonade upon our front. As to ourselves, prudence forbids me from say ing more than that we are not yet in the condition to resume the offensive, although we are able to operate promptly according to the initiative of the enemy. For my part, I would deem it a cause for congratulation if the enemy should give us an opportunity to meet them in a decisive bat tle a hundred miles nearer to the Ohio river. tWlLL run a BUGGY to Cheraw for the accommoda tion of travelers three times a week. Leave Fayette ville Tuabdays. Thursdays and Sui'days at I o’clock, P. M. Return to Fayetiavilu* Tuesday, Jhursday and Saturday at 6 A. M. W. H. BAILEY. Nov^2. _ 7 3tpd irOTlCE. Daniel .McNLILL, Alm’r of Angus L. McArthur, dec’d, having eaiere.l th9 military service, has »le . wr i ,,ri. i posited moaej wuh ite for th«j purpose of paying all the Arteiaus Ward says: I have already g debts outataading :.gaiust tiie Eji,ate of his intestate, cousins to the war, and stand rcauy to saennce and this is te give general notice to all persons holding my wife’s brother rathur’n not see the rebelyia just claims against said Estate to present them to me ' kru^ht. And if WUSS cunid to WU33 I’ll shed duly autheaucated and they wi’il lEHOH ' 1 relations has LaaOtttUa. Oot’t 30,1868. 7&4tjA ’ 1 §9^ to prosekoot the war.'^