I'y u i >• ifraaitrr thjiU lit the Ijt ■tour, .iu 9 »luH ;Lter«d wr« i iht) { tli» l«* in A‘l»U 1 til I'.'.r: - K iUka >t*il (• '.ms HUnr- "or, -i‘V«r i ba- ” '^1* «»■ “ t per- '^aliie >er « . to be Jauiuiy uext ‘r, > ^ farunr oi r mis Uci', :m« Jitrd auj L»x- *ui tL>' iQoutj ck bc«v«8, i iinU ^ - valu* at «AUaiitt« «| uie»t «i* Lorein pr*. ; aad «a caek i*t:f - e« soi4 s Miavia bu Mft. nr. Uli U1 T ttnen. iiiia tw« p**»i *jui»r»«r- icie> pii«l Ja|- liSi.riitUi.MB iQ «ru.., >u« t*r 'vTtk. gtai u« trbji vie^ iki* duly ir«ra the iai4 hied M a » Ut. ^ hij sb^.i be f«r- tf >iui4ii«r lev lai « ohifga ital- ^u« ' ud b« e a ta «ao»T- f > w;Ui- i. - «,»' t-i h i.v- . C -IS It ilCn. » ^ .-nj., viti a , iroj me r aise fcleti «*«ei i.r«Bi ■ lit &; t«.^ M la \y repoTi et tiit 'j of \S kr iMxf Iba tit (^uaj- tLe L«z Lii luoi .d bii- a« A\tf- blV e>>: M» TTkr iittt au- loeit- iwrwlar, Lax 69 ■ : ai uf laid ■a: ‘. iTMiU >e eti>i9r-- d m aa;v-: te t4i ta« js . a *4 w _ ■ Lt Ul «»S *.U eceipt i«C»- - - ke ;j«l M t ■ 5 • M •/ i e '•1 aiij p: .»eati*. hat eei^e «f tk» uu.- -Mivi'cr Wtil € :pOt- 13CU . (ti- :e ibaii X2ta> . .T U k« 8ucti ■ ie 3Miiii reury 0t Wax J th;: or U: to ij . it th- c®ii at o; Iwt r>: du« je«»;. iCiAb M 3Li- ^ l^rwfi*^ ad :c aiat*- I Npr itic ’AX ei3 BB L prvto** L^il I. - dc:-V«4r- t di£iri«tii may-, auii tke uh ;ue chi«f ef tk« iziei; - er lr>)Ui viiC IfcX inAi. ij paid aca*a- •r b i ilC afore- trio* e- ;. ,otoc wotti^ tae ar- I •c^reta- ■ : li Ud - «i arci- ^i.reb im f e firsi aod b« . r ad- or tao* • ■ ;1T«T f..i ; -ji al rvw. i«o I. 1 la** • i^r T'_- iTerj do;'. 1 b« i^-'^airsd It of ruu Bioa- atidar tUeU nhfcf-son, aad erorj peraoa tiixe- &(«reiji for .■ or : ntfvj! iOfip. UXM jrsy ,, aej« L»e .; thifl uurj ’M, nod Jl f t •»« n uiir act) *v> year* after lati the taxel kibaii b« !•- 'uaft-' xQ the un'i I'll the bctr .1-. b(> oaval hi jr«8, er npru^ttlta- t*ar » ;u>D uf tumij for tko ? ^KMI-WKF ^ I. XllLj l*'AVHTTKv;Li.K, v .. NOVEMiUa; [), 1?6S. I’KiN ••:!) MON'I'.W.S aN!> TnrK>"lt\V t^IOWAHO J. IfAU: k SO\S. i;! ri'On.- AND I'h: ir-ilI K . c tor the iviinco. :ui-\Ve**k'ly Obsi iivi.b (10, pail in F; r the Wec’^ly OB^KKvsiR $-1 00 per auniiru. paiJ in !»ivaiioe S^V'.\nVKRTI?F,MENTf5 in^rrte I for «•.* j.cr ^ ..tre i.f I'ne- for th'.> fir«t. an I '.ttio Ji.lKr for e-ii''' mic- ir-.vl’ng ’>ii1)'iL-a'ioii. .\J>-. •■ti«e:.ipnt>5 nM cxoef-'linfr :v '.air sqiiHre i t-ijrh' lino'' ’?! f ^r fho fiv-;! nti i oO I'l'Jir' for ea'h »ucc'e>’iii^ jnutlicmiAii. A lvorii^rrs ;irc rr queittP'V to ^'f'lto ihe of iiisertioti'> or tt’.ov will be coiitimied till t'orhi>l, Aii'.l char|reil noi’oril iugiy A iTeriiseiucntf foi'.iimio l cl.ariio-i as ni-vr a.i vertisfi'ien’^. SPEC? ' ' "’'''ni'F. Fr«>u; »u . .tor this dale, no niinif* ol’tii‘w -ii*' TiJ.cr will ba eiitcrcil withotu j'lyiu'i'.' ’’i ■l iv iti-'*. nor wi:i (ha p..pcr be “i*nt to >uch .~u!>scri■ pr« tor a Icm^cr ihws I* p.iiJ far. Sacb *f orr oKl sub^^crihers us lU-sno to t .%ti ilu; i n pfr or. iliis >y3icm >rill u-* wht'ti iiiuk;uar reiniu.iaces. .Ihti'n 1. ■MBaBMHMpyggfpr?—^ i ^ ^j— Attorney at Law, Fayetteville, N. 0. WILL atteHil the Cuunty sad Suv*rior Coisrt* of CuKberluud. Harnrtt. M«i>re ;.nfl ^obf^^ou Ooun- tio». PreinDt u.fji.ti. a given !•■ t: *" (•■>Ut‘«-non of i»il Monut V«*r»oiii Fe»naii* Semhiary, \t Mt. ViTHOii yiuer.il Snrinirs. ( buth;uii ('diiiiO. 1st Srssigu to cciiime.»ce 23th Sept. » TEKMS; H’iT'ifl' !•'> ij. tSr^tvy.T ‘iesi'ioT i^i'’Ji) Wi*‘-k'. ■\ciliem'f' ' 1 •■'T. \iti:*ie **ni i*iii3fing^, fici, l.tliri, F ati.J Drsw-iis;. l?sT J IliP 'cjr: H}]i Prf.SSK\^;K^S, B>..r i i. .A.I.h- or S)!0 j; .r it; ii'h »: iO «t) 4“ (.0 40 (i:> I'fl Ott •J oO y p u i lu i.V h’roni F;t\ '■■ , jiif 10 . -i I'gii.u, *• Ki'Jilif'io *■ Whii.* •• K. V-C>v. “ \'i '■ '.it ■ h.!'iw, HKrovu TL.A >S, uit DKOK. b'OE5 Y 4'. * A V K I'j'KV I I.i.K, • flit iS! A.,) mv.i f Kr HI' F .y,'! K'vitl,* 1, VV,!-, i-1'7 V.... 01^ I S7 f'O r w\l |T(X»1>KR. \ o IHOiM’HR, ) :'TiOe r t) " A Pi/i:ASA%r Tinp IliL 02 tf TO liAi.Fin^H. put r 0» iiu> n th‘- l ilt I- i;n. i:'». u. t\y ■ I’AiSSilNGi^l'i '.■vni. Th.j will Icavo Fty' !!' : F:iJ.‘V ai fi A M.. '>rr -• • ? M L?iv« R. Vv'eiu(> A M , ^.rriv? ^t F-.y.'ll’ ? 1 “ S VIH ■ ij ’ J It iv?ra. or Jrivo ■'.nr(>e’v8s. I)AVID 'tARD. J. A. «1N'K. 71-4w[ .i I - Ow 1 o U -* $' 50 4 & •> ; ■ p rt-ti her at i«; jrtu!us o*' l''« W R H , fi r ih« rcct-jM!-*:! of oaaupmy. .*ni* !-iicii'; iii*" P'.tr .i 4ij« f • pu»l;c w >\ pr. Hiise ik-.i «v«*rv efluii lii fVir t ;cii' o?'_i'orl. (>«i 5. ls-;:j. 71 111. claiiiks pn’.ru^sed t» hi* I 17, liV'. .anJ« S'?-!! W. WILLIAMS H hok'^'-aic a>ea!rroi in -:’oc*rie«. .\.Nj iM PORThinS ANI> DCAt.EK'^ IN Bardwarf aud Cutlery, Swedev Iron, «lc., HAY STR%KT, FlYETTEVILl.K, X. V. jo.^. M l.g:v, attd Cominis^i^n .flfrrhant, F.WETTKVILI.K, X C Jati’T W. 1803. O'* If joHNsbx. williams"*To.. S.%I,T .'9.4Ki::KM. E >. ive '!iiity (30; pr,B.- T-.ow io op.'rui’an uinft aii'.ps i'8*t ' Wiiaiiuj-iac. Parti»- wi-tiin* 'siii'ritj" ill. Adjutant aisd Iiispt'otor tifiiorai’s ORlcc,' Kiciim •M), >. lt>ti-5. j [liXTRAOr.J lAI. ' >niit P.'S. ^ • i I [■'. :;r ■-.t.AL’ ' ;F t oN^ 'itll’TiON '•J .1 ■ .11 hc- ■t*-> , t W "jiri A. Jci»i>“on. Jr. .\8'>Mt niana;?*’- -i’ works, -ir he ^urc'h'-1 by at F .yetievillt', t uppiyin^ 10 . F Page, u I > 1 All ! V;r, lie I’i -I n f - i -.«!.!(>.-f miu'.>,.t4 ni-11 ..la tnT.4i«r. :.^i ; i>»ii a. s-.*, wt:o Hr*i "-.t :«Krip.i.-n. ij t>« u.'iiei' 10^? »r.lfr:. or me liureau for ih-. piirp i.o'j*; t 'otiici ip; loa. ibc arrtsi «f ^e.scneru aa.i for iocil I'.jl'uoe. i^.idter'd ; r ono jesr. Oofiip.ni-'S t ■ ei.-c ;h?;r uwii ctDir;-. Tiie FielJ Otfidcr te be iiSSi^Hei! tVntc #fli ters l.-i -u^iug ta thi- Ea rollinp *'jjy,pA u.,it t. es **e a ou* huuilr^J rank »u i iiie. v)yiuK,,.u i 01 lie difcreiiiry .*f VV ^• jS'’>. "ITHi-:.'!'. A .- I Aij': Gt>r.’l. i ON.SCKiPr OI FIOE. N. (, , ^ KiLiLiuii. t>ot. 7. IHoo j t 1 * i of lil! pcr-^ri3 , t'u‘ w . jr^ fi.*ujp>i5 froru J ! ‘uS, to ttlO ;!i 'jr : -o pr^;j p>rc! I', f 01 N.TV. ‘I'J, 'iTA.vrs-:8K ILi.l AM.-' iip^riot eaJent. 81tf tStr^HKLS WiiH\T, l.COi) ' C’.IKN, Fer«f.us baviasr the .vt ;.rLi;.^-« tj -c!: vr'll r«criTc the hifr*.;v-: C.ii'n sr^c.' by c’tl.ir.g ..u Mr. M 'i'co.ai.*i >u, at the Nleiv^h*ai Sliiis. Fayettev.lie. iS" cu tuc suUscn- ber at bis ! -■i>iiivl oa Market e ALF.X. JUM.S-,UN. Jr. Not. o, * Tjif ^ AR.T21' 1AM ’ r»^ared to m4nafacture »il kinJ- of Harco;-- t'-.i' Army use. 1 tan n^y leaiht-r ^nd enu gite gooi Sur^sinii Agent.s Tirir. do Tf?!l lo ^end their ordem tu lue ui ;hoy sball h.iTe pfjf'pi t;t;*ua')»j. t>::.! ^ent oflf ia .,;.ick aisp4tch. ^’'AFn ^'R Golds:aa i’. O.. i'b,.itbam Co.. i Jtttii li. 1st;;.' / 'THK C. H'.'.A i .3'r,.b.-w ailli.tf y .1 .n wri»r ■> •! ’ I- w. ' S', .r . ■ :i jc r:ciit t :• : i;.se i iJ . : » ;oii tfcrvice i.t N L ; fiis c^ '.eJ ii.-ii, wu- lac fiiiu ■ • ' 1 .“i.b : . b ir.tta I .. o.-» ’, nui o; t ; i; .. -•!!. "’le t ae..i 0.1 I’iracr* 'Juiir.i.uj i.» ;u.s il ..tkliaa will ezenipi I', lit iu y ’.'1 til; .i ;ui Gii«rii, ;iti 1 wili rt- o-.;!-;- ...0 p *y an.i *,i WMice of CiVa.iyiueu Ti.' Eiir.' tii^ Otli.:tT5 nr-jugi.oul ti.e Stat?areati- '■.ir/! OM, V' • I > >.ll. '• •• K -ilyV r!,jvii, “ •' All xj-iiuti brlf.w, % Fr.ii.-i *.V>iuii,i,;tou to Faf>-ii“villf*. ‘‘ •• - •• [\ v’? \'»P. “ *‘ “ Whiii* H;*ll. •* “ “ liiiz ib«Mh, “ “ I’ri.^'p. wi H’lli, *• “ A!', pjiiit-i above, SECJNO CLA8.S, OR »KCK. From Wi'iuingioii la Fayftteville, “ •• “ K.'liy'B Cuvv, “ •• “ WHall. “ ‘‘ All points lI^oto, Seco'.ij t ia.'S or D.-^k T’a«i'ug«rj latisi jt;iy od low-^r clrck ^r pay full pricf, cr s itaa &k First CUse .^n ^xtra cbarge wil’ bi fgr ^\y gers .uto U“rths .iiiring day lime, Ra4 fiir ijceii- pyiug B/tiIi ^ith their b-.ai?( or ehoe^ on, at the di.9crtMii)D of tbi* (’’itpfain .1. A WORTFT, forf F Sl'tii B't Co. R M O^RF.f.L, f*r St’rs K>»ie aiid .Suu. i' .S LUTTFrvLOH. Mar4. 2U-tf rt’Cniii and alter UiU ■ late the Strainr A. P. HURT will loftTfl Al S o’clock, K M , *u .M«ud%jr a*1Thar».l»y Jtl.^ \ U'ORTll. wril *> — 17tf ] A.^’t {' F. Stfr.m B ut ('o. UAiL KGAl). ~ Tiaitis of this Road loivo F.iyeitev il,-' daily, 1 (Snn.i-.y-'. ex( «it P. o ;lock, ,\. ?•! . H ^.lre- tutuin;: ic ive Mclver'?, it 1 o’elocK, 1' M r/-.:,-. MON D VV, Wi:!)NE.'*l>AVan.i FiUUAY. i>. i>r-it r of ■ hA I’rr-^ifiil JXO. M. Ro.^E, Trea9> an i Act’g Tran? .Vp:'t .bill 22. iJ'i)^; 97tf I WII.L op^a tin- FAGIiF. HOTEL tor the re- ^ 1 ceiii I .n of fiiif.'is tkic i'lr^t of .Ftin^. un-a I hope !,'■ ti.. r.i. » en'.'rt-ini fr^-'oi H.-venly-fivo lo a ! hmi'ired pprsur.s 'liiriup th» .^iimtnor- ' H (roiir).*rftpn '.rith ttii' Hjii*!, 1 a^v>^ a number of !la'’k . Bii/j.i^- n'.d .S-iliii- Hor.."v^bai CIV (?\ipst' ciu 5i*t -if .1 tain”/‘''j ni'ii-t*. .1. .M. CLMH, i Pr.'prict ir F ig'i" Hot.'!, V.-hevil’i*, N. C. ■ M;tv 1-5. .“il-ypl J U '. 1*. lil pf'r I'j. wil pt. H-nf r r; ,*n; — V nJ, il * |),S ^ ' !• I-. ■ 1 OTi :i;-''ii-.i- - [. ,iii I lix. 1 for I !.»•»» • » ) hav H I’-.Tiid >.V -'I'* '''■ *■ * p, ^'-t ‘ ypir'"-. i«t !i i. y ''' ■ -■ »-f 1 o‘," ■■» 1 ;V("»■'T, iii ** >'■1 (itf.-r 20 ;v-i' c-nt i'. .'-I-' y^:\r i^-.y ■ e .r'ijjr iuierv c» ir'!! *1 of .^i’UNKli: ar (■) p r o'lot t •. . ■ Ilf fifil: ..i, woil^.l y /.I I r . i'-!''y N ^ iiiT'i ra ;i ti b* fun.lrd i;i ij p,r c^t.! Il ■.•dn. be.r ul- iuien*-’frcr« | ■ lay of d»p.3"itr “ I !h;> lirg-: Jloller.sof Cfrtifi2::>r!, dat-d hef->v.. gf-,. •ir,'. roq'i'>? >* I t .i rs'!i»"n iti^ni, w ihoir i »rue's '' r ln.-k, in 1 r.^".»iv9 hiir ti .nd'4 A (iOO!> II ;i» Ocf’r .'il. W U HKO \1>F')'»I, l>-p’y. ■ TTan^: >1'.,.' ' it , .'.I- thrp» ■^■■ii'irt friria 'o v/'kva tin; Fly Sbuttl^ Loom. II .'j ,.r.I'l!'.,-.i. Aoplv to JOHN KKi^SHAW. 70 -Itpi OFFICK Ok' TIIK ACF(» ASS’T QUAUTEHMASTKB, ) ‘ fe'ayeUeville Arsfiial and Arinorj, [ !-ATBl rSVlLLS N (J. Ojr *, 1-Sra. j WOORt WAi\T£^:B. O'^.ALED I’lii H’uS.ALS wiU bi rj-ceiTc.l io- iho deiir O ?rjr of f*ur hundrf J c»r;]. i/f fasil lound bUck jick woo-i, uoiil Lbn 20th Ocioker. hi tht rate ©f sixty (6^ cord.’) per Moetb Tbe wood to b» dslirrtrcl »t 'h» .\rs»Bal. wbera it irill be propurly ««r )i^«l. Ic must coq- f-.*roi *trictly to the at.^atlard cac&surenieai forc'»r wood, vi*: S’ x 4 I 4’. Proposal* to k* masked ‘*I*rop*aIa for wo#d f*r Act’s Asi’i yaartermaitar.” M.ATTHKVV P. TAYLOR, ('dy^fain Corpa Art’y, P. A. C. S. aud Act’n ian't Qiivrisrmaster Kayettcvllle Arscsal aad Armory, FATETraviLt.K, y,. C , Ju4C 29, 1803 \VA.\TKI*. uNE HUNDRED D (LLARS ($10«) BOUNTY. J, HA\ INtt ri*ceiTe4 autDoriiy frciu the Secrftwj gf V\ ir t« i3crea>5 tk« itrcnfta nf lit# prcs‘it Corpi 1 at ihi? AroeBii'i. tUe auderni^'ae«i will euUet ou« hiia- I •itfid non cuateripu for iiiiit p'.irpose. Ta««j (>ub- 1 j“Ct ta «9iiijCriutioa need not ttpply 1 Tr.iB»f(-r» and excbanijes ri laen n*w iu service can- I not ba Bia^e. ' MATTHE^f P. TAYLOR, Ca.pt. C. S. A. | June 8. Jotf FUtTTEVlLLK .UsfcSU .4Nb ARUORV/) | Skpt. 24, 1863. j s:t0 Ri^WAUU. I^S.’APkD rroiB pris'.'Q oa th« niorajng of thg 12ih iast , j lli L8MUEL BUOHINNAN, viio wai s.rreited on the | '- ill. ? 1 ;■ L' r i' nnu.»i»».! Qjeti f%/r ■ :;;a •.li'i.k:. ij /ts Ii?:i;a;l e e.'ii-c.p' by of 5.it 1 -b r •l'.ar»:t;, W;i; U 't surii-.i 1 11 i.ii'.en ;• enlist lu iho dolVtice tire3:de», aad ta? Srate th-it g^,ve WA?JTED, tor the Haspital at Fart Fisher. I)‘ >L i R1, Ciiici the ..icX'n^. BuMer and otti^'r i^l.c■ll■ie.^ for Pa a? this Hj^nii il 1Vl?'ju3 hivii’g t)n>s * irr :.-!es c i'l obt'.I- ’•« i'. irk-.'t priae ou anplii't- t! li tij fb(» jTi' ooriber hi-* .il i .»i'itiJ or "vt Mr. J 'S', r -Hay Strset R. E HEIDC, ti.'ii'l Ag't. ' -.r. 58 tf «u*-);oioJi of boimjc a spy. H» repr»itcutei hiuiislf'RS a j t’»t’tnia IriiHi Atorpaa's ariay in Kea^ucky. Said Bu- j cit^niian is suppcs-.’J to be uriotit Raleigh or aear his ! i»'.-it>.''r s !i; caaaiy l'*e att?iit;an of .Militi.* [ (•Saers r-'VIoore, •.'’uia^arlaad Wake, anJ i all goid S'ii.zena in eipiciuU’i cAlird to ihti tn»n. Tbe ! ab..vi: rrvf.»:.i ivill be p.»i l if Ike j^risoaer it deliTerei u:c iiii.-i r’ ;-;, ;r Jlo if ia auj oouiity j^il. .VlATiHK^ P. TAYLOR.. ►'■> *f O. A , i’om^ I I!>.itl o. Ah iiwual the Blockado l'otioii Yarn Wool. ^Ori'yL n-'ioby gtrea tsat atter tais «tate (exccBi \s u- ■ .z? t to xi(:- M eilbrr of i .I" Uy orler 0 il u o 11 L. ’ ‘ ■ _• rL.„n-at > or lavj m-i_; rpp^ri. .itrv;';tiy iin; H . 1 ;i^tr.u''. oQ t .vi I’EIKR MALLt.i T. (Jo'uniaiid int c-i'1'oDGCripts f-r .\. (’. ’»pi ail 1 A A A i. 71-lai IliL .*npol !o 'ij Tra-.t wf shculd Uag*' d»ue ; 3- thi.i wiii un«u yc.ur.-i:lf ^od cu^ th:- eaeaiy. T.'io pr .pritj;or« i *Tlnj; srart^ l i'-.‘ .a i'ar:- ttirzng of all )f 30!5!^IN.S for Fj.} ;Uj S^ uth.»rn B wai be aali t* fill ord'. ;' ..i *'. Jii n"!: .e>*. '¥ l liv-. -i. J • ; ?.*■ ni?."Tri!?, N V \dlr li ij. lilVi.i'T '••IT, (?ii;nbi>ilan.l, N' ('. i 111 wiirr« »r vur' h f«r *Vso! aocorJ lu til* i»raJ» if oiu &»vfrti»>«jseat af tke-O.S #f Mny, ir rms *ro new ruToKe^,) wo willg;Tel i»un- fli'* !»f OotisQ Tiru i«r 4 ei a&^asMcd, cr 3 i' :. «r'ks!i.;a piake4. Tai« ckauj^o is mad: 1.1 t:ie .■1. :aioe of tu vi’.iAr'eriiiiirer hf >a ard?r to .vi.*e tae •-na? of exea.ic^e u»(t»;m ik'-ouiffaout the • «E;i> W WiL.LiA.M3 i (JO. ; .) "..eTii ■■•, 4ltf June 34-f tiOO !!>s. t)et. lo. .'»»AS/fi’!! or »>ale t>v J. 1. LEr..* 25 ^ SAi'ii..'' Dm. 22 sA3/r: ^■jv S'.l.j bv RtjBLRi MITCHELL. -r 190 TOK.lCt'O. B'^XE^ VIRGINIA TU'.IACC for ‘.'■il; .;)ti icnii^uui'-ot, by Giij'J. IL lYSfOUTAAT ?%A£.i:. MAKi. UNDERSIGNED, ;(XMMIS:^IoNER> apt .n- d J. by th'j ' ouuiy f R;ctb.>ii c-.a-tv !.r tr.a; furp;ue -Wiil *ell hi public aucti.;n, m ih» town y. Luinbenori. ■■t v-i'iabie int kuowa a? i;'j "J KIL L'Jl', .* so, aBou; i'-.a cl .r->a, tugciher v.i; . !Ltii uruk •.-1 .nei"t’0 t.iO ■'I Jail f.’ie nale ol i nt* a i'” : v. . i- al»!r;’' r- rty w;!! tate piHce iu Luiub-«rii).i, = iu'« • i iv fie .iri da> ji N’oTt;uber liexL Tt-rai C9‘(h. Thr ir^n vrri be «oni ia Ij # ios iit parcbie;rii. R. i>. i KENlH, j 1*. 1*. S-'lll rl, K liODW’IN, ' Coiaailsbioii'ri V-.'. A. ("• K, I I J. A. IvUWL.aND, j U)LS t on The Trtlar Fa»i« Bo>- biH Co ar» ajw pn^parcd to fiirci.=h, M r! nil kiudH ef StOBniN?, ,|1'1LL ' A.-*, ‘■-(liia'file f«r W«olen and J. M. ©DEIL, Agent. . M ■I ^68 Sti-brsipil i'-ilE ‘Jc pt C'eaS Jouleder*is >uri, Digirict of Nor:k CarglinA, ap pointed Miina(j.?rs of ttia Ejy^i Coal .Miae ]iropnny, a.ii ti:i;e mtcrt'd into coparicBrs'rtip f-'.r tiie parp«ii of aiHing fcad ?■ lliag Caal, aftii *.)!icit or«ter« lor the siine ia aut Ucairei C)u;iti'iiy. Or'lers far any ameimi can je supp ; -1 ou »#•:;?. lac Cea! trem iv-s pro- pert v IS ua4iiilbiedly l::c Dsn .u ihe ’»iifedrate State?. ). viirivai gra i?i, (J .iAMS May 2^ "c (JO. ilif ^ofe Lisiliii'B* ^vau(i‘d. QAAA Lliri. c,i Leary veil taond .SOLE LEATHEii, ^UUl/ Bliitable for B.*ltipg. Apply to D. MU«PH«'. FayeJipviii.-, \.nr:l li 2utf COW 8.0vr. My COW is on E.»3t si l# of Cape Fear, -^mewbtrc- op posite to Campbi-iltoa. boiug dnr.,a in'o th: nv*r by biiys a"d cau’t tini her i^ay back. Sn* is ni irke l with crop in eao'i ear, ha.« a bell on, wciie iu her fac-% white on bick an*i boliy. red on neck ,i:i-i W:u-,- eTer wili^a^e her up r»nd l-;t ri.e kn it, jr l^ri.i,' tie' up to me in .mpeeUton, will be liberally rc^itr.4 .■■•i. Toe sai.l r.^w w i.-. bo:;gtit iu ta« upp.-r p^rt ot tsiaii-n ccunty a'- i a3iy prc-k-.-.r.Iy fin t *u couuly .i • un« 12. iSG;"! N ii. C5- '.. J pr^f'.js li:- LiC uuii tlug a new jail for R '.cscu eoua y, wiii o« r-ccv.-vi b> itte tuM. r... ^ ;eJ tjij a:;ii.-si..iierft uuiii S\TUt\E).VV .In .N'lj v’E.M ^E ;k iiexr. t’ii'i,'' rtud spevi ticaiioiis oI tne buiiJtri!' vci i . fiiraiaii-.’.l by i;i ' --.iimidiiouura on A J .NiiveLa .er, tiled 17 •»'J'liat.-d lor'iie »i«* of tae J nf. i.j: praniisi;*. R. 6. FREN. 11, 1 P. P S.MliH, j li Gt.>.lUl,N, C JKj*Lil>i 3. \V. A. DIiJK, J. .i. Ru\NL.\.ND, J 7U-tl 1N»,t i I ;i. \ E r. .. 1.1; . I f:n*y. (;U;ef A?L*n; ..:t I'oiift Jerate ‘t - ■ j liaH,. &a i will ps.y f.ir iJi '*.«D. . S'l ^ A.'iD • n.' l..iyi.i.- ia ■ / rja.;!?, t appoint ict*/! I. Byor.i-r-' f;ir .-tS I Ks ' ?x.:ri o.- ...I 1 tac 0 . »C prsy »t ; *■•4 S*iaii(rr«. ■ .1. 111 S‘"..’rfliary of the Trf%- • .3 t ir.'k-ii# gf Co:ton for tt^c ; iio 8:ate of Nortb ■j atft * 1*\ 7 f'-r cent. B >»•' -r Vi • IT. *p^i • ■.0"^ Tf 'J Lve v.i-'v 3 3 - . '' ■ ’ .-."I •-sr-', t e_rl ..vo; CMAi.LE.3 1>. i.A 'ii .-i ’jrtij. fiUo. Jut.’y 2i, If^ti'-!. 'J'.n;. ZH c ^ 0 C*' M L L £T 1 AUCTION SALES. i?Y WILKTS MnUJliS, Auct’r. ; SVi.E-. • •■'f 'TlONBY OATALOQCE HI)'. Y. l.‘^;h day cr N'^Teraber, 18fi.j, c »m- t It .'clock, AMI vriti sill »t my Sa’p.^ K'O’: , J :, »ii;i,aitt; R,«, Wilsiingtan, N. C,t'.e ShhH ll\r;.SilEN, OKNL BE ' UREGARD AND PKI'. c -iits iroru oihtr ships, taakir.jr it i;.d bv ,^ar f.*:e K;t..'t attractive li'ile of the • u '.'.f !. viz; DRY iJOOD.'^ !i CQie^ Snprr iiroai ('ioth—T.ir\»ii« colors 1 bale •’*11; .T Biu» Br.ia l ('LtIi 1 b.Hl' S::j er Black Br.>a.; Ploih 4 ^ (’a-sim-ires 1 b;.;c >!ix-d Melton- 2 casvs Browri ard Gt -y Mixtur.--a 12 hsi!“» Di'iv Fancy and Blai’k and Whito Pchwabe’s Prints 12 04- ■« hi* i.-'heii ? .irtinjr 2 cas-' Fin* L*nb«'ache l Shrrtiag 4 cai»r3 Bla.-'k Alpaei 2 D^^'k D L^in-e 1 c.awe Black Hp\7ir>fr Si'k 1 cape Lance Fianncl 1 casi; F»ucy Wove Flannel 2 c".s*!* India Twi’ls '* can.'S i-’tay Bindinj^s 1 cas" Linea Huckaback 1 bal;: Linen .Sh.H’iiiip 3 cas^a Linrr. Thread 8 casftf Spool Cotton 1 case Machine Thread 2 bales Blue Mottle* 1 bales Regatta Stripea 1 bale Bedtick 2 cai^s Lisen Gaoibrio Handk'i 1 bale Fancy .Mohairs 1 bale Fancr FUnaei Shirta Itt cases L C. Shir a—Linen Frants 1 ca‘'*> Geat’g Half Hose 2 cases La.iie^ White and Slate Ho*o 2 cases Misses White %nJ Gref Hoas !) C'ises Piiis 3 casts Flexible .\gate a.!id Bronie Buttons 1 -case Fan;y anJ Silk Battens 'i cages knitting Nepdles 2 cfcses Hooks and Eyci * c*3t:3 Needles, Hair Pins. &.a SUNDRIES. 2 cases Raady M-ade Clothiag 1 cage Violin Strings 1 ca!e French Wa'oh GUuseu 2 cases French F*U Hats o ca!>es Braziiian llai^ SHOE'S and LEATHER. C4 c>8es Gents’ and Ladies’ Root* a^d Ea/r- lish ra iruf.icture, puperiur material auJ fiais^it 140 sases Bluchers, assorted I'J roll* Harness Leather 100 sides 5 lie Leathfr 'J bale* E:..^liea S.jie L?atiisr 2 ci«-s Fronch WV.x d Calf Skins 4 casei Stioe Tbr^ .l STATIONERY. S2 ca^ps Foo'sc'.?, L'tter aa.i Note Piper 28 ii lvi.-"i.jpes, w.«’ ass-iri,-»d 5 d.j S eil P.JK3 6 casea L*al PincM- i> ba'es Wove apt*’-, SO x P.* 1-t cases CutoT (’ir is 0 d 1 Wool (.’ar Si 4 £.■) C .iton i’i’. iir.?. 1 case T n .SoUcr iii .jirips 10,000 ibs. H.,H.w VV.»rr 4 cask^ Hoes 2 do C'uiliry 2 i!j Screws i do Awl' (JROt'KUIKS. 0% boxes Be.cj .at .‘'{.i rni iJau i'es 6*) do Eucll'^h Yellow Saap 40 bacs Priii; (? inj C.>freo It) chests ('on;HI Tet 20 half c^ic'tfl (.''.ing'u T>a '26 halt ch-'r^is V uoj II , s.'u Tea 2.i» boxes Laauiry Search 05 do T^ rn S arch 21 kit; Mackerel 5 kitg S \ltTi.>u 4.h7 .saciis L;v S'-lt ■''•'iO do lie ! ia fot:r !iiy, r. ol’ • Ivo rac;;.: I ; you will f;r(' t!io l»ail8 lor cylinder, cViscvl ts\o. l.otlom o;>r - C. 0..0 G: iti : M . 5>y- ro. i .1 •. ia.i t.-. : uOl’.C.. 1 0 cas's (.i liain ■ 170 k:>|,’. L>i i.'»«'I 1 j c i k> Alcohol I 'j L) .i'; el. El'S • ID '(1 . 2i> b irrcis lile » . • l:> i'l u.i Dii’cG.S 2,0'.lO 01.3 S.da S- . • in tor U J a.i t . t. lijr; X 3 da 4 dc I's'ract L'^woc I i l ij I;-ti' Eiiriis . .\Ias;a.-d 2 lio Bi.j VViii.i;or So»p . .'i D ‘ »s, a-sortod Mrr' 2t. t,; \ VvAl.'" V' 1 ' Oci .^, 'PiiL S i l>'>n .;;.r lay llig 11 ■> ■ k on I i A S V, Male 1*0 *iit polled. lu (I.t; )t>3.-rver of J iU L *i, and Bp'ck a. Lu iiiM’rt.jti, is postponed unt-, I'le I4ii Nov, ihO.;. Prup.i.ii>i !’>r build- “V' J lii «»H rv."cei>'e t u.^iii .M >uil »y 23d ■ h.,- P n au i specitic.itiun- vti i be turuish- >i ly cf tDP. an hk i* ii.-. R. S- FikE.s(;il, UiiaTujan. 78-(rt i) ib io i^urclia^e, >>AD .•'ii; ;k. Wanted W^'ESTERN UAL;. >V Bink No'cr; Gold and .Siiv- r; Norlli Carolina Treasur. N >te3 (Fund hi,;;) “ •• $l and $2; *• “ Bu^iJs, ld ani new; County cf Cumberland Bondi.; Town of Fayetfeviile BonJc; Greensboro’ f 1 acd $2 (’enificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds; Coupons of $lo,000,0(>(> loan; “ of Town and County Bonds; “ of old North Carolina B.nd,.-: T. S. LUTTERLoH. Oct. 12, 71._ 1 >u\»scnl>('r wishes to purcliase a ft* iOU.Nu ':l.O which (la will pay ti-e higheht C13S pr-.-^e. ii. -o wt-iinc t.i s.'ll would do well to can .n me or a.i irrf^c r,.. R.-.l"]'-*) N C _ , _ P. y STERNE. Spun ('ottoii Exchanged ibr J.ard. iTE will givL- >in ('.'Jiri,.. la > .trt p;f,-ia .nt r..r L \ RD deliTertd at our F-.ctory ^n iVr'- ’ A. McLAU .WTlVlu. p;l ;1 L.» ... ,.r iJ •. I '*■ !' 1 ’ 1 ..L »*.*v v*> (ienvra! Co»i'n;.>sU)i • i.i'tt an-1 >V(.)RTti :i : I w’li c'.iii.iiie i.ie itiid Foi vf.irdiu;; Basiiic.^s, e ; . .il ; I .i B ‘j W.i'i’i, B,.* Mi.jc"i*:i!orr 'o c. 1 f. u.i le; : le 'Vo.-i'll it •’>» !;, j)rviji:»i an 1 tai:hful attention to bujttue.'S ihi;y hepp to retain t^)e liberal pi'i-'.Hage be.-towed oa eaoa whvn do- ii'g fcat^in-vKS aeparal ly. Orders t.jr Salt iironip'lj exeouted at market price WORTH & CO. Wi’nilT)j:tou, N C., Oat. H, 18(i8. 7.3 3a NuTES -f ,ni%k :iaa u. Al> •, Nr>rr.i; ‘la Ai*jO, Norih CarDi; .a W. MAroii 0 ■irc'ina Thi* . t..!l •. ,1 V ■ : i. a.' .-'■I U..i-l-3‘* 4.U J J.; 1; •5 li iVia : ■ . aiw fvp'oy“ir^ui j prepar^a ■ execu..e warSt j a rvi.'-iano.c z \ M. J. BA2.ER. 1 ll.O.j. iii'itf i i ''■r . ' 0.^:. F.jnd I )l8 Notfo :i n.~r .;ori( B-i ■>«. u - ir*'K . iLiCfiAK- >';.N X -’(J..' Brt-'- .y.. Ka,lviifii, N 0. A’ .^oMier^’ iaiiiii. T th« r.-quest a-i 1 I r tf e o vrniei)ca of ti’oae iii- teristcd, the tin.i''rsign.-d has a2r»i».l to c.jllect all th» claims of dt'tastd and d\ieharcfii ioid^er, aad of on furlough, tliat rniy be p!ac-i ia his hands, ila ' ir had an »^pori“no* of near 20 years in proso- oI liois .maitint th“ United Stitfx Oovernment, as well .».i :v^ain.i tlie C.^nfodtra'p States, he 1* perfectly Oiniihar TCin (?Tory viri":v of claircs, and can make as .'•arly colincti.on as the la.'tc** n-:iuber now on lile will ad- A luidBrate fee will he charged to ooTcr cost, postago, stitisnery, &o •Apply iu person »r address by lottcr, JNO. .M. RO.«!E. FaycttoTille, N. C., Got 14, 13H8. 72-3iDpd w oa i.- fact'iry. payia .|lt V I .Si. HLIN & CO. ' very fi.ie art ;lp, f.-,r Htle at our A. McL\UCMLIN & CO. BAR A U> TOII.iiiT .S;> \|»._For n ik hi our Factory. A McLAU ;HLIN & Fayetlevillt:. Sept 12, IPO.}. O.J Omp,i FOR iSaVkT^ 1 /ion iAND with good building and eit- L^UV/ celleni water. The upland tiaib?r is pi-.e, oak and hickory, swamp is gum, poflaran l jitn-per! Siinated on the H»ad of Elits’s Creek in Bladen c.:.ui.t”yi 6 miles Es.; t of the Cape Fear Rjver. Any oi^e wishiijg •o puroh’ipe can app y to rK* «;;h^nriber or R. P. Mol- vin, Sheritf, at. E^iza'iieth, Bladen county, who will take pleaBurc in showing tbe promises. _ J. N. MoCOLL. Stpt. 1, 1863. 61-19tpd B G W.iKTII D 3. W-inrit. s. U. DANIRI,. ! WOKTIl Si, €0„ Commissioa and Forwarding Mercliaiits, i%'aUr Sirert^ WII.-MINuTON, N. C. Oc 1^, 7.1-12ra ?8iiSe*», I'oris, Wlieal, fieefl Cattle asi«! S^orL for iNiale. 1WILL -s 1' 1 nea.l. f iii-elv y..iiiif: MULES, well brok'»; 1 W.JVGf'N; I'l" b-*rr»l.'i of CORN; 2uO bushels of WHl2\.i'; H.Ttae BEEF C.ATfLE, and 2 rr HOlMt lb». cf PORlv, on time f^r good Notes. Its all of rny own raising and no specula ion The .\lulrs will not be de livered br fora the 20 ti of Dacember 180.3 Apoiy at my plac* on Rocky Rivor, Chatham county, near St Lawrenr'e. J- P.At’E. Sopt. 12, 1Hrt3. 7o-3w Ciirates! i«rateM!! IlOR SALE at ’ . E. L PEMBERTON’S. Al! thoss that have loft or.iers for GR.\TES at the Eigle F nndry, can }■.• supplied at E. L PE.MBERTON’S. D. ANDER;-ON & CO. Oc*. ir,. I8n:i ’ 72 1/11 J>r. J. II. FR£:i:.Ti.l.\ o in town, and tkoao having engagemer.ti w'll pleas.* ■•’.all ‘.itn. . Pa/i’t!. vUl.'. O.'t 12 71 Impd lia'iKl lor Male. IIOR .^-XLE, privalt?ly, a Farm of fonr h!iadr**d acres, L in R lu 1 >ijih county, N. C, lyintr ab iUt 20 mib'S *,outh ek3f. of Hieh Point, ou the p'arik roa.i ritnninj from Mi^h Point to *'ayettevill«», and about 6 miles iV.jin \3brb.jr0’. Ab mt 100 acri'-> cleared tbe r»rria’nd*r HraTily tini’.?'’»*d with Pia-i and 0»k. A two Hfory log dwelling ie tie only iiTiprOTi*m?n* on the pl;icc- I’os- S''t'>ion given iratr''Ji.atelv. F'.r pT-tieuiar*; arfdfess JNO T. HAGAN, C.4!^c of n. D. Turner, Raleigh. N. C. Oct. 3. 1868 :i Paimxi €hristi • h. tiub-i 'ir.T ..ill oay th« fai/he^t cash j.rises i ;i:iy .ai^Ciiy of »'a;. ■.* (’hri^ii Be-. JS. .T. A W(*,KT?I 0;i!).\.V.\OK U^:i*AIiiMLM, \ iv.\i.i:iuii. N. . , i\i*y 8, 180.3. j LE.AD VV.vNTED.—I'w.du o purc^^.»-a Lciu for this Depariuient. Peisoas haviu>r lai^c or '-riaU quan tities will pleas t apply at •j.qcs. Wiii giT;; 1 pcu.. l at POWDER, for 10 p&undj of LE.^D. TH03 I>. »C)U3, Capt. O. S. )9-tf lu charge ef Ordnanae. Attcr thi« date I will ^ay 12^ Cents per ]»euBd for raga, er the highest market price, dellTerftd io FayetttfTiUe, or at sar oiills «b Pk^elUiBti. I# MURPHY. '2S. 18««. SfHf !!^100 BEWARED. Ran \W.\Y from Iho aubscrib'ir, abcutthe 1st of Jure ' t, his Bfgro boy IMii'ER, aged 1‘J, dark coci- p!ex’;.ii, froa; ter.th flfc:ed an 1 one of them oat, slow i spi'ki-n. ;,ond countenance, about five fe*t eight inohes hi^h, tolcr.ably jtoiit, t?.iul l weii^h about 14-> Hs is wuppoKed to So !url.i;i_» in i:)» nei^h'orhood of Laurin- i \F the BEST QUALI TY, will be exchangpd f.ir bac'^n, burga, Rinl;n'-.nd county, N. wnurf his relati.^ns ^ corn, rye, or fndder. on the most reasonable tv.nn, .^.b°U(5iii him from Dunoan McLaurin, Esq., of I ftt my works, situate .3'.r J'ib“z Frink’.s laad, opp59ite I at vic.nity. j Xfjbb’s Inlet, six miks North of the South Carolina lina- 1 will give $100 for hia dellTory to me or CAnfincuient .in BtnaettBTille JaU. w. li. LiiS. I ParMMM, 8. C., Oot. 8. 71-lj^pd J\cj!^roes for J5aie. IWiLL expa^je to sale on Tuesday tho 10th day of November at the Market Hsuse in the town of F*y- etti-ville, at 12 o’clock M, 4 NEGRO SLAVES, belong ing t.' the Estate of the iate James A. Byrne, a decree of tr.e Co'mfy (/ou’-t having been obtained at September T‘rra la?t, f.>r ihj b^le of said .slaves, in order to effect a division. J. T. W'ARDEN, (yonimissionep. ()c 21. 74-tspd ISAAC POLLINGSWOirrHr Grocer and 1’oyariilssidn ^ercha-^t, FAVim'KV'Ilil.E, C. ILL give proiapt a t,*tMion to all bujiiceea entrusted fV f*' his care. ('ci. 20, 18fl3, ,4If i 0 cacde Dr I'j liUti P wd IriL'c Tar:. Ao:d, Tiuot. Upi-', Gam ()r>ie, U.'.i;;. li v.ii.kg t^jr'-, Pii ily ir.iig, 1 ju ne. Ammon Cr.rb , E^s L'aio;\ LiqiOiiC'; Pa>ite, Blu' Sroiio, Biking Powiier, Cod Li“i'r Oil, Cltr.'iie Ma^;.ii;:ii 4, Magnesia i.’arb, P.'t^iH C.ilor , (Jot. 31st, ISO;}. .Sulea Mgrphia, G am Camphor, i;'!?-cac Win?, Puiv O'.ie, «,>eJtnwTarfar, Uag Hy.lrag Mit, Citr c -Acid, t)sym»l Scills, Croton 0,1. Grvci.rine, Blue G ill?, Ti^uriib Blue, C 4' tor Oil, Gu.n Arabic, Cblo. Lmie, ]>3vers Powder*. Ether, Sulph. Opp. 77-ts 0 Also, two good aulos wanted. biab«ieB, Sept. 29,18M. M. B. SMITH. rivroi. N thi' Asheboro mad, b’’tw'pn 'iarley’a Mills and Matthew'®—.witliin » raile or two r.f the latter place. Tt- '‘*n**r :*an l ave it \^y d'-sci.b ng the Pi;^tol, and p:;yit^g - he co«t of udveriiitiag .Apply by letter, to the siibt'crib'sr al Fayri'evilli. GEO WASHINGTON. O.-t. 17, 1«0H. 73 «>tpd Tiirpeiiiisie! Tiirpesitiue!! HW I.NG purottased the Distiijeri-s forrasrly owned by W. 1. K '(oJes in Fa> ptteville. 1 am now prepared to corainenoe tho distilling of IUrlPENTlNE. Persons i having it to aell will be paid a liberal price by calliag on me. E. F. MOORE. Oct. 7. 70-la AUcrnoA, At Sa'es R'lotii on I’liursdiy i*ic 12th Nov. 1803: 1 Superior Rosewood Piano, 7 oci. 1 do do do OJ oct. 1 da do do 6 oot. 1 Rockaway. 1 Barouchc. 1 B’aggy- 1 Ladies’ Black Cloth Cloak. 1 h&ulsome Black Silk do. 1 Lot Furniture 1 Pago’s Grist .Mill. JOHN H. COOEh Auct’r. Oot 81, 1803. 77-3t ' 100^000“ POUNDS OP TOBACCO AT AUCTION. IWILL exp >s' to ■public sale from Orye Hundrr^d Thous.ind to T»o Hundred Tuou'^and p-.icnds of MA^ijTlliTtRlii) TOBIUCO!,, at my SIORE m Salisbury. N. C., on tha l7io of No- | vembcr 180-3. J«JHN P. FOARD. ] Oct’r 17. 1803. 7t»-4:pd Aotice to tlie Public. i 1'VVILL ruti a BUGGY to Clirrav- for s.‘’e aocortrnDda- tiou cf travelers ^rre tiiaes a we!k. Leave Fayette- i v^tllc Tuesdays. Toursf.ay8 an.i Suiid^yjs at 1 o’clock, j P. M. Return to FayeUcville Tuoad-y, Thursday and ‘ Saturday at 0 .A. M. W. II. BAILEY. Nov. 2 77 Stpd A'OTiCE. D ANIEL McNElLL. .\am’r of Angixs L. Mc.Arthur, ddc’d, having eul*'rr 1 tit*^ military Bervicfl, has ^c- posited rnOTiey with mo for the purpose of paying all the debts outPt.j.uding against tae Est ate of liis intes‘ate, and this ia ta gire general notice to al\ persona holding 7'fnr,s—fht Dit'u rfinc^ h''iwe€H Grnpc^ ' Vf/ws/, .-, -i.n' t itnd She//.—Grape consists ot 11.IIP shot arra: -;fl in tIir'o layer.*:, which vary iij .-^ize :K-e;n-*iitiii to the calil)re ot the gun; they ar« hcl.i tucctl.i'i' by two ]/lute.'- of about one-four- t(!cnth of un incli lor^s tli;uncter than the calibre of the "un, two rinj.'s, a bolt and a nut The can- va.=;s ba.;^ arratii.'cnicut i.s too oM lor this war; it is not .''•1 .'■iinpl. ur 'lurablo, and hua not been u.sed lor ycavii. Cani.-uir lur a iiusi cuiitaiDrt tweuiy- scvon .‘■itiali vi-; iron balls, arranged in lour layere, the t;»j, of .si.v, reiiiain>lcr of seven ‘ach; I’cr a howitzi r, ir s'unf iinx lorry ei-ht suiall ir*n balls, i,r tl.o.san.o ■ ilibn* caTii.^^fi-r -^re in a tlij i>y a thicL c;.st iron ' plate or a '.voode: ^..bot, and at tho to\i a sheet iron plate, v.’iih ;■ l.iuidle attached; the intersticcs between the balls ;to closely packed with saw dust, to prev.-'r.t cnurdir." when the f Icce is fired, .‘^hrapnel con>-sf - ol a vory thin shell, which i.s filled witii luii'ket ball.'^; the interstice;? are then lilled by pouriii;: in meltod sulphur, when a hole i.s bored throu;.;!. t)tc snlpliur and bullets to receive the burstini; cl.arjic. Now to explain the differerfCe between “i^hrap- nel” of “.spherical cusc’’ and a “sbcll:’’ The de structive forco of a phrapncl is what it receives from the charge in tho gun, tlie powder in the shrapnel being only to break the envelope and spread the balls, they still moving forward by •force of the itupulse tliey leceivcd from the charge in the gun. A thell i.s made very much thicker than the envelope oi a .shrapnel, and is nearly fill ed with po.^dir, and will do great execution if it explodes on the ground, it having destructive (jualities in itself, aside trom the discharge of the gtn. A shrapnel shell has only half of the charge cf powder th:it a shell proper has; thus a 24-pound er shrapnel contains one hundred and seventy-five musket balls and six ouiiccs oi powder. A 24- pounder shell has. twelve ounces of powder. A O-pounder shrapnel has thirty-niae musket balls and twenty-five ounces of powder. A Faithfxd and Sensible Slave.—We saw a negro man at Madison last Sunday who has recent ly escaped from the Yankees at Helena, and made i his way to his master, lie belongs to Mr. Mo- j Gi’hee, a.large Mississippi planter, who is a refugee I residing in Morgan county. The boy says that » the Yankees took liim from the field and marched I him to their camp across the'river, where they put him iu:o a negro company, and drilled him for about six weeks. During this time he became sick of soldiering, and very much disgusted with his captors who had separated him from his wife and children whom they had sent North to sup port themselves. Feeling—to use his own ex pression—that his ‘‘old mat=s neber treat him dat a way,” he determined to de.sert, and get back to the o!d plantation. Accordingly he swam the the way deserted but not then occupied by the cn':iny. He staid there several weeks, aad tlmn ri*«olrf'.I to oomo to his ma.«ter in (_Joorgi;i. He reached ^Madison one day last week, and the meeting between hiiii and his master i? described as a most touching scene, ills cxperif’ficc and influence will be salutary amon>' the simple minded blacks, who are deluded I by f.iCse notions of freedom and of the friendship i of the Yankees. He says that many more of the ! negroes iu the I '.jderal army v^ould gladly get awaj I but tiiey are afraid to aitcmpi to .^vviiu the river ‘ and take the ri-i ol capture. j Aui/i'.'a l.ijii6ti(a(i/)Hahit i Mill-’■ ia[ic ’n't !).ia‘jiit r.—In tho i bc'i iuiiii: u- thi- pre>.ciic year one ot the Turkish i ijuUaii'.s daughter.s was married There wa.s a magtiilicc:itd.?play ol luxury and wealth on the occasiotj. a ii'.‘ cl/.tC \^'as *‘laljulous. liie modus ol rovul husbaiid la'w'ing is thus described by a I conjspondont ol tiie l\ew York World; I It oiw of the l:>ultan's daughters has attained I tho age at \\hiuti xurkisii giris are generally mar- I ried,'the father seeks a husband for her among ! tiie nobles ol his court. It a young man special- ' ly please.i her ae is givcu tho rank of Lieutenant ‘ deueral, m>iiuiig iowcr being ever selected. The j chosen ntau reoei .-e.s in aidition a magnificent ful- j ]y luruisiied pa.a^’-e and sixty thousand piasters a I iiioiith poclv-^c Hi ley and in add-t.ion his iaihe.- ! iti-law deli’ay ! ai'. th..’ hoiisc-i\;i-'! lu.' i xpctises. I The bri.ii'gio >’ai i.‘> ti''- iiivvays ovei ana ‘ pUa-ed it being soi.H-^.d. ii lu; Oo iiiat i ie-i I'e is i obiiiicd U) '_;et .i iii. iroi; he u.iist '.ev* r iiuvo a I wife or mistres?.-; ui aidi'.ionto the pruioc.'ss; and, ’ moreover, he is •regarded as the servant rather I than the husband ot his wife. The Sultan him self announces tD him his impending good for tune and it is hishounden duty to boW reverential ly, kiss the Sultan’s f*^et, andswmmer a few words, about th(j high honor, the unexpected happioess, S:c. He then precedes with thd chamberlain, who wears the imperial hat, to tnc Sublime Porte. A military band j.rocoeds him and soldiers arQ drawn up along the ro id, who prese it arms. At the head of the stair.caso the bridegroom is receiv ed by the grand vizier, eondaeted by him into a rooui where all uutiislera arc assembl.'td, and tho fiat is read aloud. This ceremony corresponds to the betrothal. Adiiiiiii»«trator’!« IVotice. The subssiriber having at December Term, 18C2, of the County Court of Cutcberiand, qualified s.3 Ad- t**‘nistrator upon the Ectate of Neill G. McNeill, Jeo’d, nw*fees all persons having claims against the Estate to press, at them T^ithin the tim? limited by law, otherwise tb!(» r\ *'ce will be pleaded in ’o.ar of recovery. Dobto«^ 'r(« rirti ;eated to make prompt payment. ' ' HECTOR McNEILL, Adm’r. r)., I'i 1S62 86- t OIL AND lEIP BLACK. •'jIANNER.H’ tLnd LUBRICATING OIL. i LATvIP in barrels. For sale by JOS. n. BLOSSOM & CO., WijiDingtoau N. 0. THK .\«KTH CARoLi.Va srruil- l.iFK INSCSiJiCE ftSPAJIT, NOW in the tenth year ef successful operation, with growing capital and firmer h»ld uw^n puklic c*n- fidenee, ocntinues t« i««ur« tke lives «f *11 healthy per- sous from 1 -I ti* o« years of age, for oqa year, for sevea yer-rfl, aad for life—all life menjbers sharing iu*h* profits. All slaves from 16 to iiO yeirs of age are i..s'tred for one year or five y.’ars for tvre thi."ds thriir value. -All losse? ara punctually paid with’B ;:•*) d-iya after satisfactory proof is preseuied. ' .. . For furth*ir information the pub***' is referred to ' ^h« State, amd to juflt claims again.n^ai.i Estite to pnjsen? them to me ! Ageiits of tkc Company it» all parw c ja* State, aad .x„.h«ntinated and th«v will hif I R- H. BATTLE, Secretary Raleigh. duly autheutioated and they will be paid. GILES LEITCH Lumberton, Oot’r 30, 1863^ 76-4tpd Y Jan’y 1859. £. J. Ageat at f ayett«Till*, N. C- ■IHii

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