br'€f 1':? »■ . nil, i, . i j»:»ri p_or Ja. it«r, »»» c ka ti . . iiC V 1 11^ . i‘ a* , li; .. lli. hi s. . e -, U'.** ^ lit) ' • ^11 ■ ~- ii..”- • ■ n«., ■■ - ;r 1- iJ >'' "i.« ^ 01 , ‘•aiit ■ !ii*- M -Id “ o»a- ■ ■ • 1 a V Z * Iii I iiTo ii.*r - ■ *- 9’. ciift* . “ -• >*i r« ^ Ai i: . '• - . tar 1 « .1 - , X U 4 > ' aa« -i- j. fii * 1 S w iA V* : J :. i ^ i . • = ' s: t l»c 2 . 1 ofc a ■ «:» . ij;. 5* • ' i' ■fl { tl E : ' : 4. tIiVi ^ / i«»a Anat;. br 80#T- r«i:a •« - 5 1- I ?i u - •4 rth all- Kuira (tio ft V “i ^ - !v - If .' V im'-i * u-a- 1 U' . -J -.■'iiWl • , , ■ ' *? V • • a ^ :r »a 1 . da C k • »ie t ^ -ft' - .- nt. .. ti .t . :i i Kb ,a . uv - * ” .... a v.t 'ia ii kj K.I4 b rti*« . *r' - '‘•f -ii- lu's. . OM be bU. .t .d ; a:a •cUi . . S" ai- J lii .. r. ,^A «r a •.:f -1- ia J .^.Tcd it iii' ■. ♦ ■ B-Ji - ... :,aia d.C -i .irn- ' . . la la* . .. : yea. . . ^ De Iftdu . a an an . . It- . 6. — . hs ... . ;\j7e^- iii ' vT- ' lu. . • .. L, ii.llLi a..- t-S tn ; iiC'' iiafi V » t, H ii iaii ifc pa-i »r ioi ii.', y.uV'^ riti-i V . ui rtd - , #r iSr^;- :r ite -■ ta vsrj rtceMVL-r 5 -61 C i C^ T al bu i‘ i'l •! M) ';-3 - ua.l-r ;.sscH' , aiid .'Ciy ^vl'frB :; -. 'MU ir I .-.o* &r i ' i iy ,r-»i wpK tksyi riri oil I ; L»c ais’;- -f tliW ury •> ;, and ruij and (jf tnir ..ofc, juxrf, jl ecT 4 tiio taxes ihuil be irt.OT' lo tho ad i^r iit« t alia., be &Vn: =to-»jrf, a^r:«a.fca- r • c-jcd- 't.n.a (j[ w j tor Um Vi:L. Xill. T’R!VTrT» MOXIMVS aN1> T>n-R1)\YS. r?ni j. ifALE & so\s. I M • !!?> f'K‘ riUKT;1,:S .Wo;j!!f Vernon Fciaale Seminary, U Mf. y^rnoTi >linpraV Spri:t»s, Ch ith^m ( OBn!y. 1st S «sija to coainiaac^i 23th f*klv OS'«l'nvtR J'- I'O, p:l)l paiii 1 in :i «.•! : V' » I ' « Mll'lT ^-•] i M O. K o;" f*r'. ■• !'«'• iht Sfini W. r#r the Weekly Oiskkvir $ t 00 per nnnum, *.lv»nce. ari^ADVEKTiai'MKNTS inserted for S2 per « unre l« »f 16 liM for the first, mi'l one dolliir fi>r s(ic ■ ee«4in( puhlicati*ti. KdTe'tiseinents not exe^e lin;r « ' h»lf f^nart (eiptht li&i*.s^ ?1 for the first an'i f'O cenls j f«r e%jh tncceeding publica ion. Adrertifiers are re isit: ^»ePt«vi te it»te th* nuabor »f insertions de.'ircd, or »: »» 'will be ('•nt1sii«J till f»rhid. and charged iiccord- '■•fr- AdTerti*er*i( nts contiuued charged us new \'i ▼«rti»*meBi». SPECIAJ. !IOTirE. From aa •> ter thin date, no name of a new subs.^riber will ka entered without payriem in adram'e, uor wiU th« paper be ••m te such -lubsci il et ^ for » louder iiin« than It p»\d for. Such af our w’.d •uh«criberi« as desire t* taka th# pa- p«r »ii thi» sypiem wii. plouse i.oi fy U3 when iiiakinp rawiitaace". Jany 1, ■_'« ■■■ ■ m. J ■ II .■■■■■■ n\ff. *licL,. Attorney at Law, Fat«ttsville, s. C. WII.1. tk* CaiUitj and superior Courts of rnmkarUji^ Raraeii, Moor« >»ni R»»beson Coun- tLf^ ait#«ti*» giTea to tha collectioa of r»ll t4 his kands. 9ct. 17, \%o^. in'1 Or r". »o >• Tir 1^: f!-«r eesdicOi ■CIO of we^ij=. .$50 U0 ■}■' 00 4!* no 2' 0) •J 'Ui.r; ) 0'.,’'.::; - if ■‘-- ■ 1 I’NV. i; »• i' p monfii if pi UOOI>i;il. p .. •ncir ■ I'- AUCTIOPJ SALr.fc. »?V WJliKKS MOIiKIS, Aact^ • i: ■ vT, ALV/r;oN HY CATALt):Uii ^ r^.Sj) ^ V ■ IH.ft .Uj o!'Nofejitjir, 18Co, oc ;r M 'J o’clock. A M., 1 will sell at cay Se’r-' (}r.ii itu H)»», WHaiiogton, N. ;0 , ttn‘ Ships ■ '>rftU:S, OKN'L liEVUREQiiilD \. U TEl', i."-i/nmorts tVorn ot'^or s iip», n» vki if !■ 1 ' far th>> tno.-.! Rt!r^oti»e h:iln of ;h' f . r itr i, viz; DHV tiOODs'? > V-1- Wro 1,1 >'t ,i'i—»n.r'oiis ooloru V P. . I'.-«;i> h ■» T ; , ■ NOVEMBER 12, IKo3. CAROL I IT A io^pany, i !' l yir of succci'f'il operrtwith r " c-.j.wai aa.'l firmer bold upsn public c^o- '•otiM3i:^r, te insiiro iho liv’es of all healtiiy per- [NO. 1280.} son t' '■•ui M 1 !«■ v'?:irs ol" fcr «a« year, for .s-.;^eu v.r ■ iv- aillifeicr ■b?!'.s5haring in tht profits A:. st.m -; :'OCi 10 to 00 years of age are ja '.nred l*r y. ' .r '■ . ;■ y.:-:,rs for tw; ; tJs their ralue. All % !'.1 .■•iriO.y p;'.i ; 1 with'ti 95 days after ‘ "I! • f l L-r . .• . ’: prf^tcatei. r r fu,-; !.i;Arrnai;3B nub*‘" IS rei’etTed ro 'S' *■' ■ of .^j>rii.:ivjy in a’' p\rl.s c ihe Star.n, and i.> .1 '>V W. WILLIAMS k ro., fl h«les»lr dealers in Wroccries, an® mP«RTIRS AND DIALKKS IN I4r4irftrf tiii Cutlery, Swfdes Iren, &c., ll.VI STtKKT, FAYETTKVILLK, N. C. July 2. 1861. SGtf L!vr QF aa.i^iKS foii passexgi^^is. •1 . 1’ - ,c\ liroa C'.j'h ■'•U. l'» £>0»V'¥t ' f . , ■>! T i M L.^us Fr. -ii F'.Tycttfvi!!. t'\ilaiinp an. 'jO 2 ■ - 'V wr ■ Grey Mix'urrs •“ • E z'lbi* h. 7 '■:! 1 ; a:id BUct ptiJ ''ehwib"'s • \Vi„t- Hal;, 7.'- Print* Krily’sCuve, 10 -V. 1- ' '■ ' ‘ ■' ! S -irting All p.Tints *’?!ow. 1 •’) .JO •; .-. , ^ i■ ioi t’d Shirting SKco.ND ci.A.>;.s, (»a deck. 1 > U'-c. • t FTi>n. Fayeitevilie tu 'Vijsi^ n?’a». f7 1 : ■ i ■- L,'. S. ‘ j •* r i': w “ •• K-hz»U^[‘5. •• aiiekall. 3 7.i f> 25 FI:- in/'l “ “ •• Eclly'ji /0^», 0 9- , *V ' F! itin*".! W 1 *' “ “ “ .Ml p-TiiitM bp].->;f. .■n : - - i • I. ri». F',.'ra W’!raii>.Tton 'o F- . tr •ville. $16 V': ■ tl ; '• *• •• Kedv’s Cove, 0 7 .'> J *• VVhit'e Hill. 8 2‘> 3 . -, ! . -.1 : iiit> T .r-ad *• “ “ Eliz ib*th, 0 7 > 1 o-- •• Pr. Hpect H :U, 12 00 - a- iil ' •' --b s “ ,\ii poi.its a^ove. I'} V 0 -i K , a ' t S pea SECOND Cli.KSS, on PECK.. - 1 ■ I From W 'min^tou to Fjiy^-itevlle. $7 .'■,0 ^ • * - • • 1 ' > 1; ' tiric tl^v.i'ik’ “ “ K-l'.y's C-jve, 4 ^0 ; 1 : K V ‘‘.i I- ;r3 •• “ Vv i);te il■ill. 6 00 1 bt.1 F •’ F ,2-1 d Shirt* “ “ A ■ p.lint.' abovr. 7 o‘> 10 ■ . t i ■ > L Fronts 1^1^ .'^eeon-i Clan’s or De^:! Pa;.seiig T« must stay ou i 1 .• ; (: ■ • 'h >' H , s- (OW'T •iecic or ray ftil. pri.-e, or s v.i.e as p irst Cia’s 2 . - 'W ■ i!» .in i HoH * Ao *xira chir^.» wi'i h* made for W^v Pa-'en 2 •’ i.''.; ■ VV»i;!h %nd Gfe^ H >se ee.T'i geinnp into Hfrt-ie -luring .iay tiu-, pnd for ocou- ,■ . - I' - f»ving Br-'h witb toeir boots or sboi*s on, at tb» : .■' , '.raift and Bronz" Buitonf d;sv.T.-tioa i: ; tie C.,pli.ia 1 . ;•■ V .1111 k B 1 t.jPb J. A ^:.iPTri, fer C F ?^t'm R-i Co. I - r ' ■ ' t'. N-‘> il-. s K M t)S .E! L. ti)r S' r* Ka. « i Sun. 2 C ■ - i ,1; i E.,..o ■1'. .S LUiTEilLttl!. 1 1 3 . - . li Pius, oco .Miy 4, 13t>.'. 20-If 1 ES. ^ ti. DAiTLK :iecretarj, Rale;|:*i- E H VLE, A(5cst ai Ka. i*i'eTilie. N 0 i. f/r-*'iovsi.p.E ivsrn «\:ric cosfPAXf. i>a ' ars.-uats to $2«7,.iS8 • '• - VSS-'«. 6.077 U. Mr"ci Tvr- J J.-., i:'r^ »Di 0. ,'ii? : :». *• S272,7«ii ^-1 paid all leaies pr«jnpi'y. a>" ti»;.‘"'■.►iirii: on iheir pre’siii'm nsTrr. 3»29.^82 t-9 >ric»a.s; I- ,'i. V--0 Pre*i'i*£l. ^ S'* ■!! LiLAN, 8*e j. C;si»‘ TOVd; •T. N. TiMiaghait, ci, S. J. ITinidala, VVai. >^cl.auria, T. g. Luiteriok, 4 Stoel, .' v!. C*ok, ‘5on. .J. fi. ?kepk«rd, r. Rrowa, > , A. B. H:ill, I Me;‘'ruMnieii, Tra^ellaj AgeuU ir fi;** 51- JOS. TTB. KV, Gt'ocrr and .Vrt'chnnt, FAYKTTKVILLK, N. 0. Jan’y !•, 18(>.3. 9-i-tf “joHN8ON. W!L LI \ M S ^ ro. «ALT liAUKflH. IT’E fc»y« thirty .^30; pans now iii opcrati;.n nine miles TT «a«t of Wilmington Par'ies wishinp to pupply lh«ai»«ivc» with suit. Cia •>* I'ura^^lu’ i by •ipplyiag to A. Jshasou, Jr , Ag-at j.' F.vyi’‘tjyilif'. to L Pase, *ar4c-''!' II wort". •.•>' t ' J. M WI!,L1A.M5. 'r a. inifr’.at'U’ 81tf \V%.\TKSt. .A PU.-«HELS WHEAT jfJV'J l.oW •' COi'.i'J. Per»cn» Banrg the *b^Tt‘ ■■ tkc hie*'?' * * by ci’. i: y on Mr. M at the M-ficham SliiL". Fayentrydle, wr en bar at bie ol-i riiuui on Mark-.'t r-^’iATP ALEX. JO!(NS(»N. Jr Noy. 6. 1862. \i receive •nr+iar'OU, pub*cr*- I'l’OHi ;iii(i attn* d^ii tlia StPi«r P. HURT wi i le■^v^ ii 8 o’flock, A. M., on Mon'i>-} anJ Thur- Uy. A WOltTH, Atirii 1—17tf] Ae't 0 F. •''tea’s Borvt Co ^ \\i:srFAl\ 52AiL ROAO. '^nE Tr^ln-' of thi^s liofi leare Fayet»e»ille daily, n.iiyy cxi'ppiel; u 8 o :Iock, A M., aad re- ■ tiirniiii leave \icl'*>‘r’s h; 1 o'ci>>'K. P M ^ M'fSDAV, WEDNE.-DAVand FRIDAY j Bv -rier i’re^.-Jcu:. I ■ JN ). .M. P.03E, f Trpp.s'r y.Tj't A' ''c Tran.^. .Inn. 21, 1 ! ^I7if A«iiii:vsLE.i:, \. r. WlLiij .jd EAviLE HOiEL lor the re cep;! Q of Jii- -;•“ i>ip tir«t of June, aud 1 hope • oe ihle'to efit'-i’tJi’.n from seventy-fiye to ft ^*rjfvri« Jiirire .Sui'i’oer. . • II w;'u t,::- Hot i, I have number , I tr :tK •, - * ;d y>i ii.e liora*/.-' lha! ' can J;. a: i D ’:ic*». .1. M ULAIR, jr ivig'“ '\«ae»4.'*. X. 0. 1, 8 i - V V i 04 4> ? i *i .ie 1.1 V\ ;i'ch (i ns-'ua : .cii F^U Hai8 i’l Hw.ts ANU LEAiiH R. ■ a; l U!tiic- U,J'? a,iJ Shoes, Eni- ii"'-, «u;'T , .. ;ii c‘C>al alid floi-h '■i .i‘‘ 3, arPont.i r .. ^ar T’«j* Style, Swtll, AT €«allory. ART. Wocdward’* Jiolar Camera. tShrf^p.—Our farmers are now Utrniag • 1-i^on which they should hav« learned ye*r» past, ad which some periodicals have libor»d h»rd to teach them; all were couvincod of the truth of tLe 1&»- j soa, but few gave heed to it. Had a jiortiou of their time, :ind ooe or two old superanD^atvd ne groes been put in charge of a flock of bbeep cm ' every plantation in (reorgia and Alabama, it ie i not very likely that half the sufiFering for w*ol I would have existed. The general policy h»o beoO- I to give this branch of husbandry the go-by until 1 now we all and the farmer especially feeb how much haa been lost by relying upon yanke# shep herds. Neither have our legislators been blame less in this important matter. With a atoic-lstu pidity, we may say, have they stood by year after year, and voted d jwn all proposei laws for the en- couragemrnt ol sc important a branch of husband- j ry. They huve .sho\ni themselves willing to o»o- I ritice the wants and comiorts of the country, to the thoU'U!jd and one worthless durs, who prowl ' throu';li th;’ ioresf-? of the ?and destroying sheep wherever found. In vain have we looked far a j reason why tlie rai.«iiug of sheep should not be j f-rotected, and why the number of worthle,^ cum should be reduced; but no answer, or reason, is conde.seended by the dog advocates. Another word we would say for our country, and for the sheep, it is evident we can get no rwliijf from the dogs. Let us, then, ask of the butchen of the land to cease slaughtering them Remem ber that every sheep slain i« depriving a soldier ^ of a comfortable eo5t, and that every lamb drop ped and reared ie adriii^g warm and comfortablo clothes and blankets to his present threadbar# suits. Farmers and planters of (Jeorgia and Alabama, lef us appeal to you, to neither slay or sell a sin gle sheep oxc^'^pt to those who you are satisfied want them for their annual crop of wool. Hus band what you have, and prepare to care for and . rear every lamb whi.:h shall be dropped for the 2ij0 acr»3 -.n Hill-'borouzh C'jiinty, Fi.-iridH, E i of j live year.w Y'lU have no "cotton on your E i of s»c .1, r U S. H 2- E. and N A i;. : hatui.s now. I’uild you comfortable sheds, in AOTICE. roNsnniPT OFFICE, ^ R'ib’ip.h. Nov 4, i •li.TtiiiiC oj'C-’ Or i. • fr^nraP Adj’^i'int an i ■r O^fje is Serehy publist'ed for tt> ■ i- - r.f 111! ouCi rn.. d. 1?.’ nrdc’’ of COL. P. MALLSTT. Co'!int‘’.U'li*i of ("iDsoripts, N 0. a) .LLt^T, A g't j AiUL'TAST .4SU I*S1>K0T.)H. GssIj'.s Ofkiok, 1 j Rtchri'ond, Oct. 29, 1803 J j (Extr.ioi.) \ j i-'PEf'I \’u OKDER. I j No. 'jr.7. ) XX. Pa.':'P9 piv-^n by Couirnind-.nis of Conscrip'.s er j of (5a;'’P'» of I- -tficii'-n Con“Cfipt8 on furlough, I froti) tt c'r Carnn Ui«.ri8. or wbile awaiting decisions j a>('{ .y’ll-'c'in?' t.“cimo- in whe’'e the lia‘jili!r to I iDili^HfY “t rf • -8 d(jutj-?ul. will bere^p-.ctei luuul- I ■ '.'ll t.oi f.l'iut' wii! in the^e clinst'-i -'-rt- fcTfiu- tie-. by G.’ucral OiJeis No. 135, Gurrt'nl r>eriee by an i -f th.' -ecroi‘»’‘> of War, JNO. WiTIIEil3, Nov ti, 70-1 w A. A w 33,000 .4CUES OF LiND row H.\ 8,E. TILL be so-1 its L ikt- ^'ity, o!i ThuraJay th- 2lst of J*tiu^ry, V I) IHOl, {he f Iluwinjc property, Bf- q'ic'!r*te.‘. by i .jecree cf iJie Confederate St»te8 Court f ir ihf- Di?trici of Fi"'i i : L'O.OOO acres of Lanii. known as the FlemmlDg Grant. .«nuatfd iu Bre*ard county, Flori«i;i. .>n Indian River, in T 30 S. R 87 E; T 30 S. K -38 B: T 31 8, R 38 E; T 81 S, R 37 E: Property of iJernard, of Bostoa." 12,180 %cre.s of Lind in Brevard county, known a« the G-itnt z Gr:int, in T 3'J S, R 41 E; T 38 S. R 42 E; T 39 S, R 42 E; T 40 S. R 42 E; T 40 S, R 43 E; T 41 S, R 41 43: Property of Gotnei, Gooi^i ik, QDmez 5»i0 *.cre.H of Lini in Ifernaado county. Florida, com- prising the E J of N E } of S*e 23: she W ^ of N W J rt’ .•^rc 2'i; E J of N E t of Sec 27; E { f N W J, aad E .j of 8 W and -( E i ..f Sec 28. T 22 S, R 10 E: Pro ptrsy f Thre J I’araona. lo8 aci'ei! of Land ib Brevard, near oounty siie, L'''t Nil 2 and 3 of See 20, T 30 6, R 41 E: Prop-^tv ofP“i ;i' Hprnalles. '■ d Call iikiiih s Th .iJ S I'.vTi* )N. AR.nY HARAENf^. inufac 1 laa mv )*‘alher 'iiii chu AM prepared to manufacture all kiuiK of v. ^ Haraess for .Army use. piye good bnreains. Aeents will cio w>'ll to «i nd their wder« to Kfl as they s^all have prompt attention ar'i ••ol off in quick di«p>*tcti. JOHN CARTER doidsiua P. 0., cha-j'-m Co.. N C., ^ Jun-> 1 >. 1^02 ) aoo ll>«. #;mii \rahic lor «ali*by J. R LEK uCj|Sf| > bun ii fd li’ -jr. of il'i ii my _ \«Tici:. *']'';{E ' 'Ir rB.'J. (a I 'i .t *'•). ';-.lW)Rri 1 .t IUnIEL ■ >y oom'-i,. d, ' I will :v, ina! th Commission and ForwarJins Business, : At tl a ; 1 8.-:a-t of r. J i5 G Wc-iU. ;is .-u-cedsors I n ih.u ooo r- , ’•fie niP aud I'a^ h ui n t 're 1 1 1 i- -.'»j , L'l-er .tia N-. to I _S . : Et- '.-p '.', ass rit- i. .S t'-l I’.ai i 3 c w . ! P-L.^ ;3 3 b' €8 ■V . ,e N'".’ • ' aOtr, 30 x 49 1 1 c.— K C": ou C 0 d: W...0I Cards ' A -J (’ 't -Il ■ ling ! 1 C . ' r.n ■ .Id- ;i; - iips j 10,0-ii| ; 1! ,;l-w War; 1 4raks H .-d 1 J.» ( .i ■ i> . •J do .'■■■r.-ws ; 1 io .. V W i d GHO ERIES. ■■■■*) :-.x ■ ;T r'lj 'ni .>:'er:'j Caudle* I'llOTO-IH\PrI.^ oaab«kai at Vanorsdell’s SkjLght f G.'i’br,. Hay strret, opp^sita MarhU Yard. Fay- • teville, N C.: retoucncd, colered, ia water .ol'irs, Oil a;id f ;»r.;ilt?; froai sraall to Ufa iiize. Ambro- y.>^8, .Moiii'fo ypc*. ipd all other atyles of Picturei j>-n’Laia' .g j ili. Vrt. Alifo, Gilt Frarues, 8ilt Mould ing, O' .- i t\.r rery large pictures—as largt as 28 ky S6 ir.'bes. Coi .l ,u I T..i.sels for haajing picturei; Instru- intMis.'als for sale low for ea»k. Life di.'.e c dcrec* i‘..«:cjcrapk3 iLide fro» iiaall piotures. .iayj.'if: pvTn.j.ii«iiiK located her# 1 kcpa ta aierit | vi» ir j.;» rou..^-:. I would alsa return »imcer# ikaokB j f^r th^ ’.i'. n a’. roaage bepiowei on heretofore by j 'be goed peop’.* f Fayett*Tilie and yieinity. C. M. VANO&SDBLL, . r ncto/.-r-pjiai aod ProaHtfter i>2arlb!e Factory, . p'.'' i ' !tip ^ II ’! Orliri er : ' WOP.^II .V (;). Dy t!,fy h-'-r** to w.' 1 oii cavH k!u-1. li'- Oe; TViiipi- N xecu'“J .it TT; -,r'-(-' rr^'e. WUiMH & I’O. lSti3 73 3TJ •jO •10 b- It: r : (I t o o k.:- 4 '7 -io i'vO E ! Y.'’K>-7 S)aj,- , C i',.;* C- tr»« , - C ill u Tt » c>j, si • ->i;_ ■ Tea c'. ? V uii^ II »oa ra L ‘i’ ~j o -*>« 1 a '■ .. Ob M.. ... A 1 jU dv 2.‘i svi/Fi r« for s .le by i**Ai/r:: MlTCnpLL B o.iAi CO. li.iXi > VUU.lNl\ lOB.\.C0x). vari i*7'J fuc '>'' eo‘.i-i)!r'>ru»Dt, bv OLO W. WILLIAM.S Mej 23 11* pT‘>. I-' K C-). 31 2000 J^iole Leailier waiilfd. LBS. ')f heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHLR, w suiiable for Btlting \p:'l n. COW tAtST. Apply 10 D MURPIiy. 20tf I 7 CO^’ is ou Eh-i hi le of f »pe F.**r, som. where or [ poBiiP »o Carnpb. Eton, being driy^n a>‘ nvi'r by beys auii can’t find her way back ?t.e i-t marKel with crop >B eac-f> e^r. ha.'i a b**li ou, white in der face, white on Oijk an r,-*.,y. red can>'ck aud siaen Who- cyer will i ■ her up and U>i me ta r it. or h r up CD"; >1 ■ )%nipb'"'lt.'>n. Will be liberAlty r*-* »rdi-d. The F 1 c«w was boujrht in the a>«P';r part cf L.a Jfn Mumy .* may procao^y find her w-y ftfi'jk to i-t.{ eoupty ' 'iAT.-'OK , V ' BOW RTi; U U. y^wRTH. N. U. UASIBL. WOIM II €Oa, Comm'33ioa a iti Forw'ir.i’ng Mercliants, it\tf r sfreit. WIi.'lIN'iTUN, N. C. 0,«t lO. ;.s 3 73-12m WANTriJ, tsr at Fort Fislier. 130ULTi:V. C H'l r a;id oti.rr iti-cai .e'- t'r f»- «;’k -■ .. I; s t--:s II • ri'al Pc-SJO^ hiviriz ip.-i'e ' ^l-sciT ihe m.rk-'i prir.* OQ ■>pp'i''a ii..n I.-- .i-.i .^;jh \ -i4. r His -l i itMi I or at .Mr J. VV. Po^-'r'i's 0.1 ilat .-.’.r-.-et R. y.. HEIDE, Grn l Ai?'t. Auir. J;"' '' 10 pas ’ 17" 1 iu uo 2''ew- 1> i\ U G x’. ! (,» lirui^o, 2,(.m;u 0*3 hi C .! 1. S da ^ \ . ;ij] 1 I A -i 1., >!.1 i of a E and N E i of S VV ^ of tiec 3. T 31 rf, H 2j j "7*'" ^ E: pV^rty of neir, of Lu hcr W;isor.. I ““-‘J pr^nected from the chilling IkJO a.;rc8 of Lsnd in Hill-horougL county, r N | biasis aud wet months of winter. It will aston- W j of 13, I 27 S, R 20 E: Property .f l '"afer. | you how they will multiply and replenish your \luiford 4 Co. t lUjck No 33: N J of Water Lot No 11; an i Lrt No—, BlocV 3r>: L)I3 I, 2, and 4, Block 12; L .t N ) 5, ii. i hl-ck 17: I 1 Steam Saw aud Grist Mill, I on Mook No 88, in thV city of Taoapa: ^ ! SO ao'es of Lfind. in Hillsboro’ cou’- r. Florida, N ^ of N W ^ of S»o 5. T 38 S. R ‘20 E: Property of Ar thur B«ll. Terms—CASH. abo7e Ltada oomprist sorat of the best in Flori da, end offer a fina opportunity for profitable iny«at- nient Informati.'in can be hai by addressiaic Ferdinand Mc Leod, GoHfsdei*ate Slates Disirict Attorney, at Lake City. Floridv and E W Thompu^n, at Tampa, Florida. K. VI. THOMPSON, Raceiyer. F. MiLEOU, Cos. itales Att’y. Oct 21, 1803. • 78-ts I'lio Sub.scribers wish to contract for cuttiiijj 14 DITCH ia B»rkle tiwamp; the diiitance ■»ili be ibiut a niife and a h'.K. through a level and dry Bwainp. Tbs auca to bts 10 ;\et wide, frota 3 to 4 f«et li'ep. T'ae tijhc^t om» pri.ta will be paid for the work. ALLEN .Si. LLO^ D, Rlack RociJj, Bruns*ick county. Nov. 6. 70-4tpd 4 LAf ;\ lib? WAATED, LARGE lot . f old COPPER, BRASS or ZlNi; ral piici« will be pa'd by M. FiiTet cv U-, N C , Oot 29. 1.S03 A. RAKER. 78 lu STiJiit vsMp, 20 b.rrels Ui- .obta/ P.iwder w A-* U'iiial th»* 55lofl ade Ii«L couii' I II- I;. w;i »; - O''!! _ L i.e doLC li'-r** liiih. w-t'i iipoii yotiT -fif '.•'*>'* 2ut loose from t!’f eat’.iv Ine -T.p’; ■■-.r.- "i t’i.Tsr e'.nod tbe ro lrl;l:■a•.^• l^n•lc of till UOB^ilN.-i f.^r Ftnorie" iuih' vr.ll i.’ itf tr fi'i orl'i*'' al sbof •»ere> ir: Favcttev i e. N * D L. KlVErr. M i ii ',,’3'■ r, Cu'.nbri la id, N. C. 30 ('■'Tipd !*.ut hert. notii*. Ai : V'Pj .1 * I- ■ ■3 Waitled lo Purrlia^i*, "E'^TKKN t.AiL P.O.VUHld K; B N i€“; G'.ld ^nd .Si.v'-r; North Carolina Treasur- Notes ^Fundible;) >1 “ “ $1 )*»id .>2; «. “ B iii'ia. old an I rea; Ccunty "f CumberUrd Bon is; Town of Fayetteville Bond®; Green-'^oro’ il ard $2 'trtificatrs; Confeaeraifi 7 aud 8 per cent, iiocds; Co'jp'ins o' §l.i,tK)0 000 loan; of To'«#n and County Bonds; of old Nona Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOfl. OtM. 12, 1863. bin Co QUILI ruDi-a Cedar Fafr> flo >- piiw pr.-pured to fijro'sb. •>; C*, 't.l kin t . «. :o , mil .h'»- fnv Wooii‘:i in i J. %1 OUK'-I... Ao-i'nt U i Hi'nrd To I’ottoEi riaiaterx. I HAVE ap 'ota'ed by trie Secretary of the Troa- eurv. ‘ Ag'-'jt !'>r t'i“ purch.*."» >f Cotton for th“ Conf-;^ '‘k'v Gov*r:i’ii'!»' >,ii!ii’. S'.Ue of Nortii T’aro- liu.'i, aa- wiii p-/ f "' in 7 p.;r cent. Boftds or v’'»*>h. Sub-.Afput Ti.‘iting the d-Jfer.^nt pir'^i of th* Sn*e, buyiai; n-r ;-'. wtli wruten ccrtiSc'ites of appoint Hjfnfc. Cy or icr of t;i-' Senrc ary of (t;* Treasury, allCoiton y tavsil;’ or niy >;U *nd af:er the 10 V). la d” 6 cfts" t 11 I. 2 ic> 1 .d ‘ P V r T’ G !• • I' i I I S ,l .1'.! K L it u B . C' ; J ! a' i 'i >v p .... o. ! A t ;t ol. i soldiers A’ '.i '• B.t: i;.\ iCt Loi;,wo;^ i L .(lis". Mustard • ludsor So ip ANl> a-'sortcd ! nriM-: uNiirns- £ tar'- srrvice ot ! berfhv .;;v* . ' I lha‘ tnr>y ivi- lip, , WilS. Ot :/ ' I aCC ' ?iti»- }!•• .er.i> - I .Ull> . ■ . U ' ^ I'Tt. L-StS, Sulrh Mori'b’a, G C-,irjp Mr, 1 •-. C If- " 1') ', r .ib- Ol ie. I ;, .m T‘U ' .r, Uut .11! dt ig Mit, ( 'v r-.c Ac’>'. O*; ni 0 Sci.tb, Cs ft'-» O.l G '• r; ;o, - B ; G ils, T ii'nb Bt:ia, t’-it..r O 1, ' G n:i Arn'iic, Cnlo. L; .;e, ]) iTFrs P'iwder®, E'i'i r, Su'pli. Opp 77 Is • i • br.c r hayincc entered the mili- v'otiirdsrate Sfa'.e* of Anieri’i, .-ir vld '• js; 'na^rs ;ii frieads, ! c ! John D. S:arr and .^o^n P. i ii"‘i^' it srrjpy* -o cc!!c"i either | fii. 010I1. 7S uuc th*'M ^ah^r fcy i ' to aiiead lo ihej'" fc:i- I ; .".eir aSscace. respect- 1 >.ti ■ n-im to cad i't proi»ipt-'l .rpT;* .•’■ik'* pa^.n^pt, I * KBPli The v'^iib^ ribcr Wi 1 pt’. Mil 'far.:'tina8. Five Pollara (’a-h p'r bus.To' or Kip'* P^-'simmcrts, free fr-imrot. 1 tn ikc’ i?o >.';‘Jcrono." low eof.. »n i musfcj, or how lirge or sai>li the q lanti y at a time JOHN CULBRETH, J)jhbia H- US'*, FiyeitiyiiLe, X. C. N'v 79 it CoUosB Yarn lor WooB. V'OTlt L »8 aereby given tuat aft“r this rtate (except in eas.-» wa-re we save bargMined for Wooi accerd- i 1 ic 'i'.e :nxin ot our advertis»'Bant of tiie 30th cf M y. vtt,: -J . r.r? ajw rt-vok'd.; we wulgiy^l bun- c.t’ol’ ...t; 'i\ Hutu or 4 n>« o' Wool uu'^isbed, or .-i i:n. H a'! 1 pici?d. This cfe.iojo is la.ide at the ia^t lact I.-! '0-3 Qa irL^rai«'l'r ^r,R;leiga. m order to Ui-.k . tKfc tert-.ia oi ex"bauee uuiionn- throughout tho stoit.- GEO Williams & co. F i7fcti?vili“, J'l -e 29, 1803. -411' OFFICE 0 S T,t.- l.V,. V' 1 tt ■ t «{■ V.11 Ti 1 MV, ^ 1 ' V ”. iprf, Ja?*d w -re, ai ta« li'>vi':aber Tei U vi'U> Arso:Uii and Arsnory, ; [ Coi;i-dor > in. Disinci - r North Ci.r ; i.v t i.». N 1, , Oj? ISo.-j. J I pf,;;;;.../! o’’ th* E^vpt C‘ tl Mi^-y ^r i'Oi fot — i * fc)sv|>t Coai V' fit i.' "'I (J: lilFKH tl VSTER, ^ I fp.jjv dprf.jaVii w-re, av ta« NTvo^aber Term of the jlaL OilTlSk. ' p'.- .f C'fcLiU* ili> C.It ■it prD- ■%yeae' WlvI W%.\TS:5>. ' I". :3 i.'Cew il 'o’" the dcliv- • -if fd ^oun i lil'Ok jHcji I ttie r;.to af si*: V 1 - ,i I.) ijt» dt*!ivpred ai tn? .■ c .'t- i. d. It inusi con- I d 3i.';.sii.'.-iu;’iil for c'rd wood, -■ • I.-* lt“ ’’.iwlf'd ‘-Pr.ipota’s (.i : r’' ;• ii.'.v »> T \YI OH. : . • ^ . r \. nil Av’t '‘•.’I Q'l :r: rni.iltr Ord>‘r> Tbf •r CU' purc-i^a ... , , ., . , ^ „i, iQih diy of M tr-:b .S'i3.Vii\ b*i v:; i lor in 7 p»:v asut I he c>Hl)SCl’lh*r VVJsilCS to piircllfl^^c JJOJ, i,. er ’a-n an 1 *i' .' 8 o*r C"*j' U ni 1, as stated id afawYOUNG NEGROE.S f,r which he w.l! pay th ' " ' ’ highest Cash price. Th'.'se wishiui; lo sell W'ltili a well to call KB t»)«> or aiidrcaa loe at R«ilt*igh. N C P. J. PTFRNR. t.^niiiisr It v.-'Iy C‘>ii.'o nit. A ra id. .'•'1 Appiy ' F.*yf.| -I . );■ . i i f ' • :;e o.i;i»enifcnc? of t^ose in- ; • ! g !t 1 'I Ai 'vgre'* 1 '' collect all ■1 litrea-feii > >d difthiirgt'i ?old;“rs, and of ■ rkH^h, tbs* may hi [daced ia U s banis. , i •xu'^rl u » of near 20 >ears lu priW- . : - Ihiied Statft tlovern.iiei.t., as | ti,is . .j C al. Jsraie dthtos. ni is pertcdtiy i nred j lOU t'voiy y i;- of oKiins, and can m-ke iwt i lU rvs'tii'j large liiintber now ou file wiil ad- ; f e JV’O be ob'^rged to cover cost, post»g«, ONE lIUNUViEi) AVING;vcd .1. N' 'iddrt ss by letter, JNO , Oc' H, 1803. M. RO^E. 72-3mpd 8ep>v. 7. (il-SrniiHi Spiiu Colton EiLchanged for Lard. W E will give Sr^'ia s'oiiou lo p-irt piyment for LARU delivered at our Factory on Pers-'-i St. A. McLAU' IILIN & CO. v^rv f.rt;o>, i* r sale at our A. .\IcL\UCllLIN & CO. LAUD Oil. Factory BA It \:«D TOII.H^r »OAI». —For sale at i our Faolory. A McLAUCHLlN & CO. } Fayetteville. Sept 12, lf03. OS Ginpd i fTliile»i, 4'oriA, W!i*al, C'afll*! and Pork Tor ^al*. I WILL" 1' 4 ' t-ud It^ -ivy u"g \JULK8. well broke; ; 1 WAGON; lOO t.arrel, ot CORN; 200 !■..)■=( »^is of ^VH^^V1': Ri iuir I5ESF CATfLS-:. :.r,d 2 «r 3('00 I^b. of PUKK, ou litud f'r /c ‘i N‘j es. Lh (,il cf my faining an n'j 6ppr->i!'*’,.>o. Tn« Mul-e will not be de- . hvtfp 1 thi 20ta ■..( l>e ciu^er ip«i3. ! Apply Hi ny tiinca on Rocky tliver, Cha’bim county, osar St. Lawrence. J PACE. ^pt« 1^, 4 ^3w a fof'i-r adr^r: i ■ -m’. Up io trial time. how. v? •, !b' 8 J.OI Ceiii •■>! ... r. II.! fur.i)"'.'.. i k-’ si.ii-.;d , I’ainol;-) ci;‘i' ar,> r. • v rr^-'-laa opp.rtuaiiy to ni'l the ilov*;rTMi;fu' by aff' ;i.>« to i! Ihsir Cotion i-. Lci ti'ac to> cat) t LEWIS .S. vVILLU.Ma. Charlotte,' 24. iSiid. [o. u.] 14if WA.\TKO, Bank notes of Nonh (’aroUua, South Carolitia, \ ir^inia and tJeorz»a. Also, Nonh Carv>Una s.x p.^r ceat. Fundable Notet-. AJso! ^orth Carolin.i eix psr cir.t Boads. q* w issue W. K. RICHAKUSON vt ♦ 0., March S. Brokers, Raleifh, f* C. 9tf j(3i-:po.*«i0Toiiir c. A., ' I' AVKTi KVILLt:, Oct. 28, 1S03. j /10TTON iNTly’! l^■lT BO '1>S may be hwl on applica- i Hn^pni'^n o' t-cvijs? - - v \\J ti'jij a tbix Oiti?.'. Tte promiutft tited for t bete ' (Up;, ni i Bji! N >s r^O r on —retjuirjug 3»L>00 to buy a Boud j chaitn ,n if -iiri»i- ' i of I'h'.'.’r, B nd. are psyible .n coin at tt)0 cjot'i’*v’.‘ •> ' ■ ■ i of 20 -e:ir. and the interest i.« paysble'yearly, l-'t j (iBiceri ■' v-. • ■ > ''• Jut;;;, in c.- ion. -S ij ;'iOOlbs! v^. Thisat 18c'fl. I ,.iU go -i einzctis f v ; p-r l’:>. wi>' ; »y '■ pv c>nt *n the luv '*T}ent, aud at j phovf.^- I prps- n i f :;.' ^ ; c >' '>0, wou' 1 yi‘!d o?" ' 2-j per cent, j i Ai- Tr.-. ^;;'v No. - u--i ;.-!iniu l ie year 1803, may I ■ b- fuid*-l ir. i) p.T o-^nt. bear:u«; iniere>»t from j j day • f a-p .sif “>:Ue \rs»'«al aud .Vrtnory,\ r . June 20, 18t>3. J I* LLARS :>100) BOUNTY. ,'i ji: ori.y'from the Sooreiary of : t . iroii.T.'b Ol the pro-ent Corps .Ip !«*r8ign.r-i will enlist one huu- ;p:s of that purpjse. Those eub- j.*ct lu i:oii(..iip;':. n nrcJ not apply Trin •» ' t'Xfiri'ijio.^ of i»ea now in service can- r.ct br raad *. -I V Tlir.'V p. TaYLOR, Capt. C. S. A. Ji;:.,. 8. _ F,\V:;Tri:V!Ll.'6 arsenal ano armory, \ Skpt. 24, 18G3. ) ns^.‘ fi- -a pr;5fri r>!' ;»e ;noraiiig of the 12lh inst., Pj LE );L liiicn ,NN.\N. o > was *rresi«d on th« lio r'pri'-eated himg?lf as a :rm" .n lirm'.^cky Bu- b-: fUletgh. or near b'a p nry 1 ■>' attfution M.liisa L';iui ;iM tan I afc i Wake, and c-i'i.ed to tiii.e man. T*ie I b ‘ • ’-d if i.-c ;'”irotier is ds'Lvere.l to - ;-l' .f roiiu ''i .a an r .'!Oi:: !y jail. >1AIT H K ••• P. X A YLt > H, ■’*ri C. .•'. S . Csni.l'g .'’>a:tl Ti. f I a*id ’.-v ■ i iut>. cov'itu.i rsti.p tor the p ‘ L.i;ui!5j ia-l s^llitig (’uti, .‘.u I it-j i-. { i i ’^i.y dc.s’rcJ (^jKn!.;/. j ou sm-puc.J I '/ t ii .li I {■■•rly j.c un>k liC t .j- ’ -''•t; ' /ri.i .'i j .^;.p,K:.l'l•JR1 ly •■•■* t»a to J" .i »l-klur’; > N *■ . I.' JaJ;if!* B''*-- -- vii, S C ! ' t iT Sili. ,.S n rM ^LLETT I F..yc!:eviii . ja.-’y 2 I, I"'--. 90lf I k\pa. ■ JJi!-: ii tij* \.'..*JCy lue 3vi*if i. .i'.M.Srrs \V f' .rrrkr J Cw ’» Giiud .Sl'iUiJK, and ti -y^ now ' .‘..-d .-•.* •« niaa>‘'.5 'r • n 18X2^ inc;ies to 0 i.r.'f *>7 11 juc’ies; and tsan have cut at eaort uoiice A.NY’ SIZES w.aat.*!d. Persons in wa'U .-jf GrmdSionea will please corresp-jud ^itb the uodersigned, who will fill onI-;rs p'omptiy aad guaf*.ai.e« tae quality of the j/nt Fsprescaiii GEO. W WILLIA.MS & CO. Fayeitevilln, May 27, lSt>3. 32-tf, il'you will give them a little attcuilion. ^'olambus Times. WeJl T’nmd Advice.—The Augusta Chronicle and Sentinal says: In such times as ouv country is now passing thorugh, when the utmost efforts are necessary to feed and clothe our armies in the field, it becomes communities and individuals to practice the most rigid eeotiomy. Individuals should live upon less expensive food, wear less costly raiment, and th# corporations of cities and towns should abolish the superfluous avocations that grow and flourish during tho ‘‘canker of a long peace.” This is our only safety. Individuals must not be slow to make sacrifices suited to the times. Families, although reared in the lap of luxury, must curb their desires. Ladies must eschew fashiojs, and gentlemen their exp»*nsive habits. We must all ecDDomize, if we would win our freedom. Let us practice self denial at home that we luay liuvo the more to give to our gallant defend ers. Even now there is much suffering among them 3Ii>re warm clothing, socks and blanketa are needed. LH our people continue to give cherfuily as they have in times past. Cotton i'ards.—The Richmond Sentinel says: We have seen a specimen ot the cotton cards (No. 10)manuf’sctured by Uarirrove, Penick&Co., at Pittsylvania 0. li., \'a The«e cards are equal in appearance, and we have no doubt in material, woriimanship and value, to any of the imported or Northern manufacture; and, we are pleased to learn, are meeting with a ready sale, as rapidly as they can be made. The machinery—a very complicated iavention for manufacturing these cards—was constructed by a gentleman of experience in the business, at tho works in Pittsylvania; and tho same gentleman is erecting machinery for making fiiletting, sheeting, &c. He also contemplates tho manufacture of cotton and wool cards for mill machines. Suoh a manufactory in our mid.-5t, at this time, will prove gf great benefit to the Southern people. We repeat this notice with pleasure and hope the example wiil be followed. If we would be independent and retain our independence, we must toB^er the 'nveutive and constructive genius of our own citizens. To excite aud direct atten- liMii to this lU itter has been a favorite object with t!ie Courier, before aud since the opening of the war. as -mr liie.s wiil j Cojjfe ierjtj aiu, State aid tind the patronage of I private cipir tl should liberally given to all I proper objeets and artivles of domestic manu- fact arc needed for our use in w-ir or peace. CharlrsiOH Courier. “Ci i tna TSie Star Foiiiidry 18 ajain iw full operation. Having ia my cmplnyment jo”ipetent work.acn,. 1 am prepared to'pxecutfl wori ihrt sbo"iest notice aad for a reasoaable olnrge. M. A. BAivER. Fayeiievil’o. Aug 18, 18o3. 6Htf Pataia Cfira^Si iSeatis. i^Il E tubst! ioev Will pay the hi/hest cab*i pnof.s f*’r any quantity of Paiflaa Christ' Beane. J K W-'.RTH >. ti r I ft S * 1S.10 HOLLI.\'«SWo'R'rH,‘ (iros^r aa4 FAVryrTEVlLl.!::, -N- c. lt.L .Tive priTvpt ftitention to ;.li busiaess eatnwted HoVi'-’s of »\*rtifi^it?s d iird arA r*’'4Ut'Sfcd :3 re’ura taratcs! ^raie^*!! 1;^OR ‘^ALE at . ^ , \ E. L PEMBERTON S. Al. I'l 'B-^thai havi' Uft ord* i'o for GR.^IES at 1 lie Foundry. c>u t.e suppli'^d f«t ^ EL PEMBEiiTONS. D. ANiJEildCiN .& CO. Oct. i6, lSti3. 72 Im ^ Ttifii mxijfcj pki.?iE«, OK tkfe LiUie A turther supply wholesale •r retail by R. J. UAiA A S0V8. Otl th'j biC'-i, tiU. 7G-1 ill w •ef r-’ tst Sept. last, :i-.‘ir names written .r hr nils G. liiio-iJ'i' OOT, Dtjp y. li' A(iiaiiHl;»(r»tor'»ii rVolice. %T|ir. S'ibsoi'ibcr h&vlug ui L'soember I erm, ISK^, of \ vbf v'oam^ t'oiuv of Cuuibfrianl. qiftU^ed as Ad- rfiiDiotr&t'jp upon lh(» of Nt'iU G. McNeill, deo d, j no'ifiss !\'i pt'j'sons having claims against the Estate to | prcseat (hem within lue nme limited by law, otherwise this notioe will bo pleaded in bar of re orery. Debtors 1 are reia^st«d to make prompt nayment. ■ HECTOB. MeNBlLL, Ada’r. Dm. 10,186JL «•" ‘ ' ORDNAME UEP4RTMKNT, 1 iiA’ijion. N. C., ,Miy 8, 1863. j LEM) V7 ^'JTED—1 rf.s'i 0 purcbaju Lead for this U?i"ir: •• Til 'SCii# h^viar 'arsfe or small quan- iltie.-. t i- !'.--‘ avp':7 Will g^vo 1 pourd sf POV.T»j;;rf..r 10 i.' • '>{ Li \D. ■ TilOS D HOaa, G.a].t. C. S. jV.i.*' In cha.’go of Ordaanoe. . 6 iSer 8hi« date 1 will paj l-i Cents per pound f«r rags, or lI.- iugaent market price, delivered iu Fayotteyiile, or at my laiilB OQ liockfialj. . , D. MURPHY. JuJj aa, 1868. •Otf to ms oai'ti (>ct. 20. 18(53. .4tf PI»TOL rOL\A», ON th.T \dh“uorj roiid, fa tween Marley’s Mills an.l Aiat!h«w s—withia a mile or two of the latter place. The owner can Lave it by A-scribing the Pistol, aad paying tl;e ooat of .advertigiag. Apply by l*tter, to thu sabsoriber at F*y‘t^viile. GKO. WASHINGTON. Oof. 17. 73 fttnd Cai^e^ of Elabcasi Corpusit, An old }yoin/>/i Cii iryes on (ini. I''/rr'ef. It ib well known that for ten days previous to the battle of Ciuckamau„M, i-'orrest was busily engaged in skirmishing with ilu'^ecranz'si advance forcts as far South as Tannel iliU- At this point Cmtenden'a command, 15,0U0 stroug, was feeling its way cautiously, and being constaatly picked off from trees ou every hill. .Just above Tunnell Hill a large body of Feder- als moved up, and FtJrrest, who had at the time only 4U0 men with him, ordered them to fall back in double {uick. llerft they met an old woman riding a gray ^‘ r!n>-r,’' who, feeling indignant at what she consitl ,’rctr-i rather hasty back istep of the rebels, pulled iWf h'r sun bonnet, and gallop ed up to (Jen. l-'oi^fi \s'here ho was placing some men in aml-u h. and r.xih‘d : ut,/‘Stop! stopi you cowardly r:i-' i . W doji’t you fight? Where arc you r;iuniii ; V't Who are yC-u afraid of?” Tlio (' .^ocing and h aring the old lady scolding so h ;rd, naid in his (jti’it, cool way, ‘-Mud^m, you had belter ride b:tck: you may get fiurt. “i/ttr/.' I'.in’t c.irf. if do. I won’t run. I t» God Oi l F «rrest wa.s here. He'd make you stand, ;ind fight too.” , So saying, she dashed on in the direction ot the l'’'=i, who soon cai'ie in range of the guns of the men who had just been concealed, when f down carnc four or five of the Yankee advance. The old lady tacked, and came galloping back, and in a half-cry said, “My (rod, I never did see the likel them men arc just killing one another like hogpl Every bodv will get killed; and on she rode but a few paces when her' /•///'''’jcceivedashot in the neck, and was dead in a few monaenta. The old lady, by the a.ssistancc ot some soldiers, , got her bridle and saddle ofi^, aud shouldering Decided b> tba Supreme Court •t North Carolina, ; ^ home on foot, crying as she at tho June T«m, T8«3. By Hamiltoa C. Joue., .?"lSou3 Lj ^ Atlanta Contederacy. vK#U loO#. A* !• UAIaEs m IHJrici. |

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