». .-r^eKMgcam 11" miipn ’' ?' r** O » . «i '»' * a^*«r ••* ' «t; i* «“-« 4i»- •' r**j it ti« lai at aa m- ' *8K^»«r»4 *' 4«&r- **»• '■■.(S'.Tjr 5 M *i t.‘ * ; >»■ ^ t' . IIU. - *. '■ i- • »«t- -'■ • i fc >er ."ut, Ja’ _»'• «tx| fr, tv itrtusr ibpr. .^t 1 yix. rom • L« mmmmj ucn *1^ » : »»; 1,0 m. *1 '-It k- 'la pr^ i; .;i.u e> eke la k 3% Mii- u«; »a^ rtic- Si lii# a ;-’» rcir * »* -• It M iar ♦ Ifet X mi .-»i«r tu« Ir«ai Mk tk« 4t.v tm- ; 'te» k=» ftM4 • 1 b« fit4 m t \a ••iiiidg «|f »l >•&.. »« !«». ► U»' M t ei trg« tai ^>jer ito« Ici M •««•« k* L3i';«frr.« •ii..; t6 t>rirt I «««4I a r»» usitr««A- irerr« ii»- y inr r-.** fta. ala^ kiM« tk« rec- ’ .| ;';MH n-ru; .x« M hij rt*cr- 5: M* *rj- • ■ -•: :t « t.« .s 3 X A^ar*- cl ' V i *. *-m- Tttf ' . ^ •■- ;«x M .4 fc« 4 f ,;'AJU '«9K r * ^ ! nt t* .&• .3 as.i liC. ■ • C .0*l* «a' '>. kM i4« tK. - '.-r. *» At iHk iffti m A % ; uf if i:'. j vtfcam bpj> Lt 1 .■ icafe llial; >»UiC •! u« »■■: lar r'le ■- -2»j^ «*- u -1 A . i - ■ r '•i* ■ » 1 T » It .,' r aa k« ur '.) - ..-4 1. or .. ai- 1, to = -j r#ceiT«4 en tccreta- O C.>ti _ . Ih SM14 Li Ull 0 ;._ia aru- awi. 1 l“Vl «i.l C«!i 11 au-e L^c iirst r y»B , aaa M -ticaf; i4. Its ana proit*j aQl n:j gistt- le r[p ta* ies4 ; :;d prO-«»“ ll kA 11 h .1 ,ix*cr- ul Ll. j ‘ils:rl€^ t ; . .tua VI Cii ,ne oiilrf iOiiei. ;.jr tn* euie;j ts (,.1 feiii*, troLj LiiC i or . 4tii‘‘ c..;.' c.Jf ti a: . . -ti-r- SXt J >: jf ai- / ^ ' , itt*' iiii ; ,ni ;*u^ ia vvaCj ree^i»*f • ‘Jih -r ,ji any t dj. ol afl il b-: i . ..J jned ii v>i Ij ; iliwD- ! a.. i r liiMr tii.- ■III, aui evc! ^ .. r» 'O tl i . -I* ior , or ■ 7 utr i honp , -i 2. y* ;gc.-. - ii. ■->* vl.11 t.i* > :d ill . .A . ^ Ml .;! Wi> tit 1 ' Hi u A .. 1 I-.; bU . 11 1- - t ^ UC i*v i. t NF.Hil N 'L. A • il. ! KAYETTEVILLK. > C.. XOVIIMUKR 16. L?.fS. [NO. 1281.] — — V: *■;•;! S(‘Mr!n'*y, ' ^: tl. iTil s;) i:us. (’!»i’ln;ii f'.ittntT-. 1 ■ :■ ''oi 1 t'. ^ . 1"»U ZV'I . ]) . g»——aiMJiiiil —tBWWaMBPT— au:tio?j sal’33. BV WILKKS MOilUI.,, \uc\fir. '>11;* SVLC; •.!• HV CAPAr.OdUE V Ci on j.(jr piiti ii. ' ■ ''.r.'- iS r'lT 5- I'.*: ? ■;»'• ’ ' •’ •'.*■ ' v-» ) r fiiT- r-i 1; s ii‘ ^ A’* -r -•!i-:i - -1 ; eT''‘!‘l ii? n . I- l •: r fir! i " ■ •- I- ■■? . ". A STeiM,''*! * »r* rw ■• t ' ■:->':ei, u: - ' . : ; . Ii i" ! t'W'r.i '* i' ' i- "■ y - ■• - A 4 • on V i-i ■ >i i p , ,. ^■ 4;, ,i , ^ j I - r ■ ^ »i i ) * ^ 7. a’tsjh * U ^J’ * S’f'*. ; I*..w vX- .iM. 2 Oil i! r ■ p> •■ ■•••• ir., or *10 !>.r ai .nt)i if p-., j a '•!' . ix-> t e. i: ■ v'r n n'PF..:'., i _ I' (’ .HO >!»!•;u, *l'. Ai . L\v,»- I- 1’ () S... S . p-.:r n r oy i PissK ,(;jc'is. 3 > > * . T!32^: ^J’Tr.iL iOdPiSf, ' \ OV' It, ■ otci'. ii yrir tf ■ .icJ'‘-'5rul ef^e-'-iWOU. wi;*i p c: ipi'«I H I ' •;. *)-r i»cl4 upj-i jiiiltlic c»a- I'* niur'- !c i j.suf I'jc I'vV-t of *11 J!*"'- — -resrrrasBc^s: r«oT2{^i:. ON , 'T^TPT ‘4»FI''E, I. 1 -*l.. N ,v 4 i8' 3. ', . ,u, mwut • i; y c'o'.icr \ M . I will «»1, k-. v»v S il* ■ *»io f. •tn-! ; I. 1.0 vr»-!= f>r n--, Ur uiie yf fir 9r?r . t. ' •«. N.. ■*. R'lW, N. f**nr ,, I f,f.-lie--.riti J 1 nlK? f r ..ti I ? I L.iivlL. isAN.SilHii, (iK^f L UK ULtSQ * K.U \Sl‘ at.a ■, >■'•-. r.,r 4.u i i>- iw« I'.iri^ in- ir f -.» a/'fl.n ?f iisi'i 4iit,r ■ i;-’ rr r c»n- ru’u*i.'y iroia aikivj; ; ■ e 1 i’ :r . - m d t.. trj! t ».j ; aOit a! f»8!iv« s -* «f 'i. ■» s>i; 4. s. uii* •.!.• •. » / . •l':iv 3 ■> ■ • S II.T r*- - .■>. ■ ■ —T*r .V.J-J s.->li;ri 1 ■ - ■ 'ri: ■ !;,-!’■■ ■ ( 1 t, i; ■ ■ ' rio-ij \'.l ■4'J •'i.l-. I.;. . ■ ’ .c i- p.-,' •li ■ n ’■i' jrr.ji iv I . ; fc . -.t. rn ,i ; ■ cr: ■ i" r. liilei f i*. 1 ■...:, A j5.J> ‘a U >r 1 i.-i 1 ’.y t! J. i» i!vw '.--r •.•. ii.'T .. il liaro r;l iT# dr«',ie t.. i \\t* I'lC V:»- .» ■ \ ■ I't » .i-ii , ; l'. . A : • ■- L..^V7, .M .. \ i • \ 1 -I - 1 . ^.U oNi,) Cl, .1:1 DKCK.. cl H.-V .1 - I.. •' « • . ^ .m, •• I > . t'l, ■• ■• • «n. •‘ •• i{ ! y’’> ‘ A'l i’. n- t.. ) -«r, I 2*. V U '. *' "••e. : W-.s k «■!).. - J in i-rj;: **t !*•«. N ; V f. a np ;>f \\n , o r? tlf*rv, Iron. itf.« • ‘ i F.U rirrhV!;.; k. v. r. ^ ^ 5 r fV. • r j r !■ ! Jii-si >'i >'t . ..Vi ; . X v’ ' >t f J.i O 'I .VI 3 7} 6 •.>'> r, 0^ 7 ■• '* Ji;') 00 ti 7 ) j! I 8 "J • ,. 'j T . I' - : > .n, ' J v) \ 1 'i I • ■ - ■ . \ V . I'it I'i'cx . . ru ... . •. S’ 6U K V ' 4 'fl , t|., •' \. i' - V . 7 o) ?V"3. ■ 'i>' (•• 1>- ►: I’iji-*:.»jr* a ttvy e* . ■■•C - ■ k J- ‘ : ’■ V'- 'f * - «• F i -I I’lliS lii'r* A ; tx I , w . kit rus-i." f-'r >T*v ti- ■ ■ !•■ ; ;?■.• • !?.->■(:« iririoi tiiF.., ts.l ?v“ o-'.o'.i rv -t: * U .1 M t I t!n.-.r ^■|.. # or suOus 02, »l tb* a i I'ii.' 'u «.•! tm; .;•• A , i' K Or (' F !n'u U'i C«. K \1 () . K [, ' .r S:'i s II*.*• ii'i i S'.iD. i . ;• L L' . i t II iv> • '.f. ■2o-\’ this -V*. .1.1. : i.r'-'Vi**;' It'jv. s,' f I' C'.O • A M . OU !■» A i' F I. I? .*t ^! M, V. J ■).. \\ r c: \ k \ s i. u ?»d. i r '' :i- w' t. . 1 F II fi ifvilK- .i.ji» 1 i ti ■ »' X • ■• I • • 11 '' I 1 V \ M . » . I ... '.1 ■ ; S i I' 11^ ■J •• i« - F . L , ■ • ii- '.c l S'uniag ' i> . HI irli \ 1 - .1! “i 'J »s.» - L) -' 1 l> , !* *i M -..• 1 ;i>f H KPk .''•■wier 3i!k 1 I-** L »n r Fi ti.ij:-! 1 oust Ftnov' 'V.n.,. Flinarl iJ e ••»;* lllHl.* I'w l S Ot-ifS ■'Uy 1 o»i Li- a:- H 1.'AT.-..v.'k I b:i!- I.i’iin > ■>•■ ’■ Iti{ S cines l.:a*J -3 I' .*t»^ 1 it ■• •J •*' •!> i!; f. \l •: I Iri 4 ■-> 't.ija ta I5 p .1 1 t.-'.v - C«.»» l.u n I A , bf* 1 "v.'* >■’.•'.■■'* • ' h.it- I\,;C> F ' ■» lli 04?^' 1. C feusrii— L . J Kr*o:* i Hi'f Hv>r8 'J. jtiiek LaJi.’s \Vhit4 ni.l S'ttiJ Hi>v3 '2 ’■;!•«» \^n!i« »0j Grt' M .s> ft c «JS i'u’C 5 vii- • F »j'b 9 I'l l n.'uQi. J Cl*# Fau ! J* Ii uious - c •«ri* KTii' 'OjC N 'J C »»* II.JO'h-! Hi'l Fj.'Oi 3 Ci»«is H-i'' f*i,n« .&o .•^LNU IK3. 'i csi*i !■) I'U (Jioib'Bj I ^ V «liu • i»f 1 c%-r F « .Cl ’•'■'I!' G lisea i C ♦ . • F r « . r 0 F i I i 1 .i * S \.>t » M- . 1 I - II > loK - AM* LK \TilXR. ft{ t i.«(J ■• »'il »j'l J.'- • *, Rn ; .I't-.-i , ".lisri-f « ter tl kJi ii i ■ ■i. a-?>)r:ml » i, ■ T I’L 0 ^ : I, . hj.vs r ■ . .: •> j.7«* at*»»T I.-J. i SI if.i,.. I •*’ ii ! f ■* r>*-'«. {.' ■-• I ;• f. jt r ■ _ J,7''f 0- ilT. ill.; «ii lawir Ifiiu-'.!;; r.aies-. [ . 1, ii \y. ^.c.. r -4»iTf'»t. t k V- • M'-l.L'iN, SI9 V. ‘■ji'-rfr?- W»>try Ll' if. rj \ T1 ife H Tb-n*!-. H I,' Mr »> 'V. S T I) N.. it \ j, „ : Ii. T i • > Sii^l i V 1 ^ . .. , *, *.u ff-T- * if" S.. ifi»vrL .j. r>. V ; .'. m. li. f. I» w «, i ... . 1 '.■ t •-’ IS, >► . n I'iliiii" 1 - 1 c. : t--m.ti.iiK. Tt3v«liVjf Acreat.8 (’« rtpiiiV -. trilc U .'iMvitl. "I 1 ri THK TOUY W,\;kn OF EAST TRNNES9EE. Oui> of the i.d.i..‘it .. iiij litailerscn^Ulc N- C*rolin» T;iijec!, wbiitj la £1?: ’l^nct:t^ee with his regiment, w i es to tb&t pap^ii: ^ To giyo ail idea of tlie social »tafus of tbe 1»- dioi ol this bcctiurj, as well :i.s the estimate thej piai-e upon die prutei-ti-jn afforded hy our troopi, i will ii.'u’.iiu iiic reader with an liicident that oCfuricd \ fatcrJav: jjciK;^ ac if,,are, l^t. Col. Ii , M.tj S , and 1, Hk.' ! i;o .i, 'J.i J'J, l^}o3 J woKt ti'jf nut huijtifig. At'tur c.invassing 1 'the iuiiiuvli.ite hood ut ou*' eainps tor '■ '* 1 hunii tune, aiii h.ivni;^ bec.une tiied, Wvrentcred •3 b *■ 'I") .■, • » '■* ‘ .80 iV' • -r I''-*' ^ ehe-itiiu*. tree inside a I, * , t ^ r n ■■ ', • tMv* tit^h li ^d 1-.*i^e.iV*eM»iiiij cho'tnuts (.'ii the treOj wa . - • T , I- ; • •• , ■ ' • ijy \y,, ^J■,l li;ij lhilklll|^ tO Tl-St U tcW u;iimt s .uid i‘iuco.-U on I'ur j urney. We liad n r iji.>u;\e t u’c were win.in twenfy puces of •. I; U'.-, vvit'rii! u;n»^>e wali.s resided liviji^ peopla — i !.. l ao, litwo Ii.i.I oL«.>JerveJ i!ie liouse, we n;i 1 riMt iieo^niz d the lact that it was irihaliited. i; ir wc wt le i.oi lon;,'*n bciii;; made o-'nizaiit of (or we liad sejicely taken our seatd than \v\i Were _i;r.*.;jd Ly a sharp tcuuaie Vuiue, with ilic c-Xj-r •0.1' i il be with you, you Cowardly, sneaking i t . !"• il O i* IV MU I h" A Ij Ititit .il i «: .f 4 O h ,0 bo'tf .y t-u*}r ^ -cJ !jt iL* tC-. ' li ;•; .- tt V'l C ..• : (il .1 b or ie' '.f -1^1. p. M*I.T.V.TV, I' . ' ii .l o' vV 1!S * J. '*T '»! ki.Lrr, A j i iiiJLrxsr *NB I "K I (> -»7 XX ' ■ I.- .-• I Vo l!F :\riz s.iLL. !ly, '’.I Tiiii'tiiiV *h- 'JlsJ cf & a I j T.‘:a V' if «-T!r, r.aJHll, * iCOlOlUCd i^:ji ;/u;LiP8S, ; i *T j lialicry. 4 • II , ... . t t n n -.1 o; I * c V • ‘ r 'sii > . K ,i- : h\ A vU-’Uff t* .... ..... • h I I’ M '' 1.. Lr D V V *'i 1 r it I i • \ 1 T-'ir .^N ) \l U 1 A • 'j: Ti' ' MTtf • ■■ ! .1 Sv \ 1)N- tvV 1 . N Id l*ip r v» 1 . . !* I I li 1 A iTrtrii'j* tf'’am5‘ra. I ; I’tl-s.r.'".f ^ n»;-4«.I'i'.- S \ jli^ht i “j • • •, . i i ; Vs; ]. FaV T.'pfi.'i' N I f . • c. Ft .* .. • 1..* i, ia wi'er • ul- t i;'. yp. V M ; !li ■) ! > «o; \i‘ L ; VV J;n,2 A U K'O}, fan t a.: j!r..r-rt>, F- ict.el !-luep .'te:iler.s/'' ' , •- • f t -o ConfeJ.ra o ; mr ^ .ohfuscd lor a moment, whCD lur k« 1)1*1-iC’ o: h.. 11.: . ■ i - ■ i i *. • 0;t> c-r i-..r,d. i uv-»i. ■- , ih«. F H; Gran* turnui- in the uircttw.n Jrom whence the voica j 'i.u*'» 1 !>; U -rti.i C'.ij.- V. Ft ; i-I* -.Ti I:i 11K;»-r. ;ii c.iuie WO obscrvod a iiui^c leuiale advancing with ;T 3 I S, R J . 'i' .:,o k Mr 11. T 31 .*. il G? E; T 3 ^ luasvnhue Mep, and plainly indicated t-omething i s, I! •!. h: I* ..;>rrv '.f ;j . ,,, : cxiraonlin^rv eharaetcr, though we were j j o‘ni';a^lr;:f ••'■'“rn ‘V:. Ts-^k »t lirst to know what it was. We k.pt -V.*'. *' i, i . T i) i; 1- L. i i ‘ R H 1., 1 41 S 'puct. tlioau,U i uiu^t cont’t^s I telt ati iticlinatioa i r. 4 I ',: l‘r-f.-» I. ot G i. '■ i!i I x ■ rt> i I to "lali back, ” tor I have a natural and uncon- j o j') -if ■' (.* ■ ;ii M. rr •* i i > .• .11 V. F •■r ,i i cm « .r illjbio horrur i>t Ijcin.; in the j>re>ence of an en- j v'i? (?!«■ I. ^ ii .'. i, i .S-_- “i^ 1 '' ^ ! j'Tt-i] virajo. Jiut we had iJc'jyed retreating till r • *i ^ j ^ i I t- •** r ^ w !»' * ‘ * *'-*y ^pe’neU on . ot 1 s.u-5 L i ot iis I J fc K I’J E. rr-.- , . . , i . i » I .,1, ; p,r;y i.f 1' • .* J i'A 9 u». . With a Vi,n tliat showed that bhe was not laok- 1-bHnor-'. . L\"'1 ;» r.-sro>u- iy sii^. L- iii^ in eai ni-stiii,ss. N . J »n.| 8 ,f s».?-2 *. T o'j S. K 4i l*- j"r i!o: r I..:i are you doinj hcTQ—plundering my [.’■opiMtV, you rebel il;i* vc??” ^ - -1. >1 r , , 1 . . L 1 " e WLie a-tuuii J'jd and shodVod at the sud- h 1 ■ .''^r -1. 1 '1 .'>. v I- itr i N U V r > h . II, 4 O- i-: i- »’i i N L i ..t ' i .. c -J 1 Ji S. tw ' di iititss aii i vclieniL-ney ut the attack. liut at K: r ..,.rr'j of fif r-i b I 'i r *V- , n. ' ien_tii S. t^ ok courage lo reply: I'iO » res -r L»nr-. i , il li t) -o i^^ c- .:f-.iv, F -, .«, X . ‘■.\Jjuaiii, wi are i.ot truablitir an_)thln^ " i V' ^ ‘‘ »i’ .1 4. J 1,11 yy^ —rij^ht here in my yard, N i \V.UM I.-r 11: ,,.i 1,;: No-. cniekvns—cvery thing I’va !i;oe- L 3 1 »■ J 4 I . U. )ci 1 i. I-- .N-• j, la ^ rfti>rted the W •Mi:in. b'.u. ii 17: I j>y ilii.s tniic shi* hail arrivod within a threat- ciiii!,' distance of us. I noticed that she wjs mud 0 1 tM i k \ 1. i i-ci't uliii r .iTi', while lire seeni'.'d to flas^h irom her eyea. ' L-i 1. ;. -■ ;• .1.: - i.^rl--, N h ; “We were oaly lookini: at that che.stnut tree, 1 Srsiin Zv,v and G-r-st T.': •f • c. rr.* .. • ,.v.’i, !a wi'er f,.> . .-• i :, '! ■'r^ ,,-,r .• ;• ,i.: - i.tr'l'-, N }, ' “We wereoiilv lookiui; at that che.stnut tree, ■ fr .- ..-»x t:, I-U- MZ* A.ur.in- .. . J ^ ^ J, J.. I . J Ai- ! f) S‘?e if theie were any efiestnuts on it,” replied . i 1 : #(.. .s >: t‘;c!ur.-s u ■ ! \ . i i r A : • \ .1 I r, . ‘.:.t Uo.ii.l- ■ ^ tolonel- . . . , : , \ . I..-I, t.v-i*. ! '' ' , - . , ! •• And\ou wa« soins to Steal vny chestnuts, wns ' I J > r C . > - ■ . . 1 -J* f.r .n -t-vn. ^ t ■> ■ '■.J 1 ' - I" •' , ' ° , , . , , . ■ • i 1 .1/ -’1.1 i ■-‘. 11.-1rii- *»;» .iiw r-jr L;!e . .,ii -« i.^li ^ Y s '. O. a:.. \ .1 TN'W -%'*i53. V1LI.3:, V. i Jl I Ail.,., .,.. -1 -... I. V I 1. *. Il 1 i K fn* t H r rr- j jf'^ i I : ■' t; - : ' i : ■- ri • -: ,if I il .i I Sopp ’ ’ JL ' ■■'• ••.. -'i.ni :r.B ne»«iU_v-fiTe 10 ». .1 , J • , I U . ; iri g >1 - -‘1 ■! :^r 1 ..» . .h A ■ . ^ ' 1. ^ --li I i. I ‘i^»e \ aumStr ■ ill ^ . (’ill I ' 1* , ’ t — •> V 1 S I I I .»* I l*fr*fS tUit ' ■*'/ ^ : = 'I Cm ^ ■ \i A . Li Li ’w 3 II ■ i. J M r.L\m. T* •f.r.e'or E g II icl, .V-hi.-».r« .S. C- I'-, j .^l •• pi r. ti t 49 1 ■ .Q ui\ i-»''n'r Mil l cat. w ! '.*• tb^'.' I ■ -*.■' •■■; •** ***'i .1 ;u:i r.\ :x i { R. I- tifV l»> 'I' J r, ;: ■ 'i'" * s ■ I n 'i •• • I .i i'. I .i C - as i WORT # I 't ! I V N 1 '■ L • '» -ri 1' il ■ I VI1 will COM' 'ntj* tie i;i'iit‘r.T! i j.ij ni'.sl:);! an 1 Forw irdinj Business, -,. ■ *r ,! .;i i f f t il tj *4 'Vii' linl*r the .»'vl^ of WOilTH 4 CO. Df ft m ■ ;iii '-i' 'm t■» b'ni If** ihy bop>“ >o ' I !• . • • I *r -I ;. »■ r-if ovreJ o:i aicH wh«u do- ,■ 7 'I- 'I 4 I •' O tc! I .r S .it -jr ro ^ 1.J »x ■C’.re 1 wi -.•%*» »r'»« WO'.TM % (’) «T!,p:...t.. S I' '>-■ 8 M'3 7!?ti -■> 1 - Cl . r II' 3 *i.* ij » ■ i' 8 t)A r- •* .... ,V ». i4 c\» » .l-w ( '-Jd 6 .1 'V • )1 I' 1' 1' 4 .I'l t' 11 II IIQ^ 1 cn*. X n > 11 -■ III » I i^s . lOOJO .h- 1I..-I.W 4 . •»!(« !{.>«• ! U lij Luiicrj i lo 1 vi J A .▼ « J GR(,> KRIK!'. ! &• h'0T»-.; 'iWlniioi ^^ «rlu j a) 4-j -ik .fl'.ifa Y«:lo» SiAj> I b«r>. friOje Ctrs C I lt> eS»i»ii OoD2' u T*» ch«5t« Owii^rU T«% « • fc^lr CD^na V tu!i; II non Taa ‘J5 xc!i LkiiitOrj S Arch t-5 lo O.irn st*roH 21 kii4 M«cb«rnl 5 icit* S\'m .n 4 *7 ««ot» Li»^rpaol S«lf t'OO do uo D ft UG S. If, .-111 • Q I'nini*, 'I "'0 r>i3 I 7w t1.. 1.’ »iH 'i ♦ 1 jir l« IJ'fnt J , TI'' 1 S mk* n i*."- i. r. t ov T L. . . i-.j- -4 «. • -t t *. • i ,r i;ii i.;.- p- 3 ,uec uut u'liere, or I’ll thrash the^eth with { )u'ji e-i’ca-'i.>I ’ , . . •*a hi h »! il*’ \ I irr-is!" » F-p.iiciin j ^'c i Ar tliii j iiictiiro I su^ifcstcd that wo should !, *' i L*.* n ;i A ■ rir-v, v I.hIi j \^-.t',draw Iioin tho preitil.io, but the other gen- . F-.-.i:! , 'iu.> £, >• I ti ■r' ' -n. ^ I iKuieii th ui^lit jiiuper to useertaia tha lady’s po- L. . -T • >v'P.iO.N ii.O’iver. , . 1 , 1 ■ M Li-'oi) .'•1 ■, \ ' liticjt !!>)ti.iii tiLiiire i.;n^sj. ■ . j ^ rtiadam, wc d) not mean, *- - - to trouble any ol your piopcrty,” said the Mi>jor, 'I'iie Sul)scrih‘,‘rs v. i.s'i to conlracl '-ou.! n itur. dly. Aiarinjil —d-j you suppose I’d l>e al-irmed at D. 11 li i> --)1 t ■ :n . /V . i .1 iu 1 -I I t :.ii I J', tiiihii. b!viilk-> u-yuu 'uns are, yon rebel ■' .. ‘ ‘J' V' : e;iKLe!) .-tea:e,-s'’ (I’liekiv retailed the old woman. w.,ia. ' ^ I : i-M r : .i\ ;> i ‘^c!iiekt;!;s — eouldn t you sell us a jS 7. 6 - --a : .1 4 . -X.-- 'P ^.p.; fK ^ ' * -• i 5. ^ .f. * C i ii vaS3 or ZiX ^ ' l.‘> ••-.'k-i A' ..h‘jl U031 !l .3 J 1 I • - I : 0 .'* V I i ill J ./I jTiJ-l^.H -3. I 1f>irr.*l» E. » lu Si't* 'i L{. *3tf W;tnU‘t!. V- . i.v i L LKA l'iiF,' ■tit -^rr. ■■ • fi' I''•- -** . I * t*' Ia*» il 1 • -• r.: v» : •• ’.■■-$ !•- . ; !>• -... > : “ * '1 t . 1. f ■ • ‘ II -r V .r 1 I> • . .1 \l 1. \ • 4 - 1 ■ *S 'ti' J S ' ^\ >S > . VVa:VT.:.- \1 it Ti^’ier })Ol 1- . - ^- .1 l» I • I 1 ‘ ■ j I i -S 11 ..;■ .il r- i . . » -Ji- :>•, j\-( ,r.t»;'i I'.i; iiiir*-' pri.'t- O'l -•pt. i ii:iu tvi iti-* -n'r o!J i or *1 Mr J..‘ . I’aw !• &a 1! vr dtre»t R. E- HLIDS, Gfii’l A/ t. Ai)tf A- is«.:jal I'le a«lt* 1' ..tu • .j - . . -1 V* vi - ' - I L’ 4. >. r>fi“ ■ :r- I . J .'i v.'> ’ • n i‘' . - [■ . r 1 .r- • . ri 1 ' - ■ • I ■- 1 in ti I'nc ;f ^ i . I.... •' >15 .' S ' ’ > • F I ' >n**- i 1 I h ; .a.- . ,-> , « ',1 V / I I fi ir I -ri -ti , . V . t.-i >.rr ii F*.«i-» l;- N ■ i !) I. ‘ilv;]-'T. V?»r C-iii'iw 1 i I V C. ,11 1 S-; ti.r.i. 1 'la ■-..iifl' !J '‘..cSia/ PijnJor r\ii r* W \. \» «- so t*iirc ha>r, . I .\ .4 • . . ' . i ‘ ^ . 'I'fi** I’alT: Ho fi n «ir II . A r i» .r 1 *o f*ir »i%h, ,( ( . .V . . .. ; K ■-- I- . ff i i . Kt - •• ' L>»••» ! KJrV'Jt 4ir.y r 4 t: 1.; M 1*1 »r J *'( f **nni • »ir -J Jj ii O 1, l-iir p an;* y aSi iK ’ •' *• 70 zi, a 1_ .S I'i.-/ .-1 I .1. : • 1* L Si, ^5l^^h Mirp.hia, P w 1 1 i'*c'0, G ll.. • ' i.fii- .or. V,": r i ' Tir. \ 1. T i. t O 1-, 1:. . » - W.ii/, ImW t) i-. Ol' f Il f. 0 , ! ii G n- (I -, ^ rji T »r:-Ar, I t« U ./ It - - . F :• L’ 11 Mif. 1- : il ir 1 1 i; r c .V'-l 1. 1.. l.f Oil III -1 Sci'li, i’^'i V 11 0 ll : irb , t r ,1,111 t) I. O r- '• ' ' F.'» L -tl G' riiiti. ...| (>110.'’1 L 1 1 .r '•■' P tt(“, ' ll ti.» G •ll^, • cn .1 ■ 1 r-’r • i; .1 J» -i'. Tiiuaib Blue, >i . w n B - Ul,! P i» t*r. {’'^t-ior Oil, t >rtn rtrirtly ' i i i .il 1.1/. t I) G JIB Ar.it)ic, vii: X 4 X ■ ’. rnriin* M »;t-lo. L'trie, for w.- li tjr .AI- M le'i' ' 'irb. D >»t-rs I’.'W ler«. P l o- f l.r . Etbrr, c'uipb. 0, p *-H I''I .'T II r. IV “i:ii'iio.'!.«. fr-** fr^ ra rot ftfhf! k STi S-'! I I rn-te.*; no di:!'.;ri, p r.o'fr • nt i cm bv, or bovr % i ij'-i:'''or •'in.'il; tLo • t j.i.,\ , L'l.m.Kr’i. j L*jbb Li n .1 '. 1'-vrticvi !*■ N C. c'i The rXl'FRS.-NKU V,-f an'-rfi the rail-- I CoUcll li.’iril i»T OOi. tirv ji.Tvie*. *-r I . .\r.:t u*. j tl if .1,j{iv-u ini; iit-er i>ji- -it •* (eiO-‘pl «-:^v ' i •-• >■' '• -•ir - ^ sni fri.-ri^s I Ci«** r* .t.iv-.‘lir^ ii 1 1 'or W )>.i: i.co.^r.1 ir.it ill V h'V... r.;..'u,i. ^1 •'•:• :i t* ' J.^ 0 U {•. ;o ;;;e ;-= ■, 5 .. t ('ur » i». 11 ;>.i *;:ii-m o' tiic JO:a of •• \.-•■. •■•.' I c (“itiii-r .urcti '"t-«. -w ^.-vi it- ;. j !. -’'J,'' I' :■ -J V .r • t:r 4 I'rw ‘V i 1, li i -i-.f f, Or eiue.'v'l,s — we wiii ] :iy YOU auy piiue ^ou iijuy i;j!iie,” Slid I'ie r. “Dvi ua .'Uj p.,T ■ i’ll -'cii a d—d rebel a cliick- tii—i -J tee i’l ii il li.-'t You’ve atol • ull liiy chicken..!.” I l.e -M .j ir endeav.-i(.'d l>> C .i.vinCc liiC uid Wo- I11.JI1 ih L v‘i.. liiil ii'l .^’v-.ii e.*l^.•t.■.;.l^, iiiivi an — — I 0.1 .1 Wv iii-.i..L i ' “* ^y Uciii^ oil tier p.c* ; iu,«,.s iJut ahiJ persisted 111 her deeiaratlon tllaD rp:r: .S.jr.o--,t.er W. i .-. ;,|I hi were the vilest ul the yilv. She aunoun ed hei>ell’a zealoUa aivoeaie ot ‘•Linkuin,” uad the 4 LASOE 1 - -i.i' It ii 'i i\ I'b-’r.. v'ri". i*;:i ‘ i.J t'.Tr:; -v;’.!'. .X ■' 3 7 i.. T Li.ioii. •■ Her attituJo I> inj; still tnore flireateain^, and manileifin^'a decided d spo.^ftion to assutne the otijnsive, we .^uddonly becauie impressed with the iinpurtJi.ee ot retreating. day ur two previous to the occu*-rence above relaiod,*! went into the coutitry some three or luiir nuie.', to \ isit a siek siddu r wh) had been 1 It a' a prnate nous--. (,>n the way I ob.served -. j.-iJ !3 Ill'll''f'.i- ■.> ihs. ■*-..»•'*.j 1 p'.ct. i. I'fiw ca t .’i- !H :s t: t >»t tb* j 4 mi.iI 1 e;ie.>t nut t rec, fpii te I u j I ot eliestnuts I :. T.j".t r-pv .'i- ; ,, I,.not .i! tr. (4 nr--rrj-.v t ^ II . -i^i. .1 jr l>*r t. I conc.ud«.d it would "I'U^ ’ «0 teli it, ind s-nt pri- M 0 C-i: liJ pr'ivijrt I ii.iiia tjie r,, ^ I M ill • I'’ •■> c* . .ki :l. ' v;.' I ’ .\ 'Ai,\ It : y.-iK >Kv I C-;. oi >-i u '.f.i '"i I nr'I'uii tht 1 [] wM ) w^i-. Witii me, t-j a liouse tint was a intlj du-iai.ee utl', to borrow an axe. lie rode ’ ' J'*" ' ■ '• • I,.....il n.Irli rbii !-l:iti‘ini>ili: **rhfl I.j:; ri C':> 1 1 1 ■i > • I'lJi . • -- 1 il ■ Oi’f .. I i'.'/iJk, a-U': '• C.r.. -fi : .,-r ' !he \ Z‘ •^l'■ t- P -Uj Furl 1 • 1 \V ) (1--: »;» ' • F ■ I, ,•■ a- 111. X‘. 1. ■ r 1 ■ VT I b« '•• i'l *-i I r I ■ c o Itf u '-uo of tHoae in- i.'r K? II 1 r rn ’- I t« collect all ’2 O *C.i-]»i>;! i* i .J «J »* f***. I III- clii:’!-' f ■*'«a tisrharj/ei »o-l.Tf. and ot , V,. •. • • • I .r -,• i>'! *■ H Tr«*» ! fo/ i-^rt on f'trl >u t a it la 17 b« pi>»0" J io I* !! , J . r \ . ■■. t ■ • • .r ^ . .t'i'-.'rinfr:ht.j il»vi(i/ii>i'iaM-ipfr'n'"*of h*ivr "JO y# >et» m pros j , , - -• • •' 1.- ,r S ->rv> ,.n-i ^ inn I»• Su^e* OiitrerBOi^Bt, »s . t- . »- • . • . ' ^i-. , 7 jj. r I> jti-l!* or »• --^ntuil lue C 8»t««, *'• •* pB''fet3*^’y (j ^ j r-tuiiliir win e»erj T*rii#tj of al\iw8, aad c.b mkk« a*i > ;!. *.n’' ■••»'* '1' *'1' r>M**^ 'if I**' Si^'ti j .“irly colU-oiUui »js the l«rf« naaibtr new on fila will a^- : .; 1 riy ul. - c-i't.5s»^?i 41 I ait ■ '1^ j A m'Jfci'iif f e will b» ahargtd to aa»ar cost, postage, ' ■ of t5 . l i ■'■-I’;' of ‘ ' Tr t . JiU v>iitot« it.4f-caer/. A'’. ' ‘ ‘ j r.i^i- -n ■:>- • >'■ rat ->*-i aai nufr tfc« j Appi/ ia jwrao* *r a4«ir«is by iaitcr. ^ , I ^ tj ,,f \j if,.j r ! oe tor » 7 per ««Bl j • JNO- 5ti. r.O?B. •pi >f>r ishiiS t') j)U)’C!lilSC , fio'jJ- -ri iu 1 e»: S i» r c«'i: iionUi stuei i» j FijeUf ih*, C* 18*8. I'i 1 w II 1,-y P.f I t fu.,-er .iivei'.u.w-o' Up t-. t.ju tiae. hy ^»r, lUv* j r- « A S^.l n'uulJ ' f, pg, ceil t>c.n(- *>‘l iurai»«aJ as j IHik W3I a “ *» M ^ • -r -r Ut” >ii i-'.l-'.«“. N ' - I l*airi.>'.5 -ire n-jif *0. oppjrtURity to l^AYKTx’KYILLK, Oct. ^3, IftSS i‘. J. STt fiN’F.. ; iL-G iT»-fE a.-m lo it ibetr Cotioa r*i-k«r j ^.^xxON ISTEKEil’ li->'iU6 :«»jr be h*d on •rplica- Kl-il.^p-l t.,.-1 1 ‘ V. u ^• I i> r, ■; ■■r. 1. L ! 1 E F’} \\ u Aeliadg’cJ ior i.ard. . . ::i i .. i { iij»-iii lur L.^iXb 1 COT' . li.jii Ri ibi* Olfiiie. TtiC preraiutn fixed fer taese l.t'VK'S ?i. V*iL,Lii.'i-'rtv>. j ij 50 per oect—rcq>iinug $1^00 to buy a Bouil Cbiiloite, ,'Kro • 2 i i [o. » 1 j cf S'.OOO. Th^j-a lVjnJn nr« p%j*hla m «oin at t^a ^ — • i .-«(i cf 20 ytskT». »ni ti.o ir.mr«t ia pa.;ahl9 ya*r’.y, l^t ! Ju'je, ifi o i*iv>D,—fny 500 lbs anDually. Tiiia nt 18 cts ‘‘ I'Vr: 'hmn’ a to 1 {»\NE. N’OTES uf Nortu C>irjliuA. S»,uHi Cir»Iina, | p.-r IJf. wiil «P*'' e-«‘ •“ iiiTiSt-n-ent. and i*l ,\. mcL VO Ill.rN ^ 10. I M ..eJ.-i'A I *>rr8-n pricc of « .non. w-uld ytr!d 07er ‘i6 per o'..«t. r , - 1 i V- c f t ou- 1 AlV-' t-urv.l .1^ ■■‘i* per cent. F.iu4%ble Nous. ; ‘ M Tre-miry Nji.'S i*.i.u>d withia the yeiir IBM, may r h - Af.i' - t.,1 H.Cuiou 1 Alsv, ^'■r'.^ V-I*rv I J'* *» ^ . R,v..«a hearin? interexl from vuA.iiL!:'! i CO. i' ^s> 1*. —>r «“'# .k> LA U JlLLN ti ;'t>. ■ • I..; t> s tliiii-ii A.ifl3 N&nh Carclnvi an per osa H newi^uuc ! hi lund-1 ii 0 p^r c«nt. B):4da, b«anuj interedi from ’ “ * W H. Kl'JH.V fvL't^O-N A * 0., I d »y'■f >i p brokers, ftaJeii{h, N. 0. ! ’ 'Hol‘'■r-of (V n fli''V*>a. Jn»J before let Wept, lant, 9vT j nr r^q if.i'ed tn r»» urn w *S tfisir n^ineB wfitt-!*a _ --. ■ 1 ou iiit' M-i r%c..ii. ii il'A'if b'ti l; «JratV»: «SM«e»:: ; " w. «. uaoMiF.)»T. d-^ -til T~ • • ' : ■ i ' •■ 1 ' ■ IT ;i h' r>’0','. *rly c.r .. J T cn:;- ■ i ! I'd • e is irr'n>'!ii fjr i' r t w >o i. l*r I -' Ix* i ‘ i’r.)po-“a-s J .\ Q I >-r-rr.i . -• r \i \ I Iti-; -V !’. i \ V r- .•• MU f..> vri i^. r. A. 0- B- KII I .'Jl Ij.i-r- !iii.»»ie^. F.i}fiioI!Ip Arsenal an!i Ariiu^ry, Ir ii> ' r>.V!Li.'-. N. •’ . Juae i t)NE HU\D.iK,» V l.LAKS .3-l.:0) ROUMY. f]A\ l^G reci'.v. 1 *11: -ori'y f -fi 'i.e c^-crr-tarj «f Il W.ir ‘.1 t .i.Tfa-'t* ti'-* >.11 -i :■!“ ’S-' fim.Mt Oorpn ..t tb^s li. ti*. j!i-.!?*vai£iii*d wi-.i cnlii^t cns hno- irf'. (lOO) n->-T i*?- t^it p irpoft* Thoie huV- j.«ci *•-' eo*i.«o^ipi''.in r./-'./ n')( ‘xpyly Trftnii*’.*r3 "iti S eToUjinr#* of d'W ia e«rrie* *n nat bii 'nii.ie :.iAii;ir:w p. t.vylor. Capt. c. s. a. Jan-‘ 8 ^FA:LTrKV!LLii IR'iKML .4N ) A'lHORT,) 8i;i‘r. -4, liit33. \ E«,n fr.'.m Jir-n : . . re ne ' tf • t^i* 1'-'^ >-*’ • Li-UUHL B'JI li ■-N-'i >T4i \tre?io.t ea \:t * * 'f- • ^oo-iKrx,N»’e I** Bu- !? Jiipp: ;-;.4 t«. •"v. ® .V inetnrr’^ if' :Ma vo 'f y ' ■■■ ■• ; i)i£i'rs • f O'ftl'-:rn il ‘ • -ni fti 11 all iro..d «i TH t'pt'i'il,')/ '.Ho-l ;o ■•‘llH T-'«^ all y« r-'Ws: d wjli I..? pi' * i ■ pf'-i' ae'’ ‘s J?i.'«ri-| to .nr 4t tb^ vii- 51 j if "-S ■ •'» *• 'uj ' 'n vTrnii'^' P- TA\ Aft if (li. t *'■ . i ru^ c n >iti u. I i ^ 0-. ^ ! J. 1 :ie •> i'ii? , ■ ' ‘ • 1:. -■ -I!: . .lai C 11: i: - I, .ill r...ii t.ii'. j r'j ^ ... ■ ; f-i ’ SiHlf' Ar}.!.* »t!'};;' i'= niv V I ( -i.l-- h il FMjt»ti.;- v.ii.c, N C, V.: i.iiv«- .^. t':.;:'- .• 'U. St;. \.Hv!.L.£S ii .M.vLi-trr J M i;iivji>’No PtT.iCfvi.le- ^ .■* oli, out s ) 1:1 let.into 1 wall rhe ^tateineoi: “Ihe gil Won t iet i!ie 4i ive it- ’ ell, said 1, ‘‘let 3 b->tli g'l iloiVii, and 1 think we can J1e^^u^de her i t.» let'll!- li tve It. ’ We ;uoii •riivea oppo-sitethe i 1,.illaii'i -illzhf ed —went to thednuiand knocked. \\'o lep uteu K two or three times belorc we wero h ed’u. At Icii^t iu caino a spviglitly looking “What hii.-^iiics.s hive you {:ot here, sir. I t'l-k. uii' iny ii.il i.stiil .>t.iiHiing on the steps) and b'Win..^ a^ poiit«‘iy as I c-.nid, .-.^ai:!: “Oi'iy (o iio. r -W an a.ce aii^li ur, t 1 le>i a sJi.iil Ciie.stiiul irv e’ ^ ■•[', i>-.> hi 11 tile ; ”-• ovci» iii.s ’'c.id—he s ;i c.iiOiv- t'li Mi-iiliiiu icl'ci. ci'ied a I. male voiee in an ad- '■fnii. aiii-m^i.u.'d !i4Tt* t t iti • i L»t s i. «■ ,,,,., ,,. • c/ V '■'.i:'* V' f !.~r-ir .'tt Oo li m I Sionfs. na 1 | ■ i • t . 1 h';-v -m =.1*- . ruar.-,:.,r fr-i, l^XU^ im-:,.- t. i Irlt aiia.-h-i, irtid wa^ eo'is'.derin- what I C i5y li !’ictio..i; iiod ch.t fc '• ;»t « - .-ri n.Micc I ghoiiid say lu xt, wiii-ii 11-, thinking L Was getting AN V !>lZr..S » .ni- •. i'V-j'oa- u W’* i ot «5nad S ene^ “close p'.a.e.',” e itn-; to uiy a3-.«l:ince, and »lU C».rreM>'"VO %;’ll ttl.* ll’l'.ii-.'cij^lied, Wl;l fi,; or';-; :.s i.* ;capi: aai gii-'irintui* lae qu.'.lity of ifce (ifit ftf* GLO «■ WJL-.IAM:’ & CO. Fa'^ett^T ’f. M^7 27, 1 sti'i. c>.I tf The I'oumt*y 15 a'^a'A i■•-f->i ouar,i:u,.a. 11 , my cup . ytneol cii-iip.rtiu- * rUiQio, i ’iJJ prijp»r-i 11 el ice t! wort At ta; r.K-.C.’ liia in '» rd%sj;:tijie C i-ifi-!'' Ai. A. ii.\l!'^i^ ir;.- >8C3. -V'lt FajSMr.y'’' Marck ft i'^iarni, i.alCle ^ pemuerton’S. i a 2 Ik lOi ^ ihai !rtt‘ f i r;t lor U.^-vTKd .tt toe | rp,;^ suii.^cr>».r hj'.tnij; hi b-cs’aihar Teria, 1SC2, of ^ Q^.if E al. F imjrv, sin be auj'i 1.,-1 Ht I ih*. Couniy ’jurt t>.la;h.-rU«J. |u*liftei as .\i , _ E. .L PEMBERTON'S. ' ojinistratnr upcn the H!s ..te of Noill G. \4c's«i>ll. d.*c d. L». A.SbEitsKN .*Si CO. noiitifs »il porson^ u.\viii,: .Kims »jiiin?t tai* Eflf-»t.i t , . Oct. !5. lon'i. l'i» i pMjeeiit (hem wiiitin tho liiuite'l by law, (jihevwife D,-«.jce will he p!ei».J:?d m bar of reeovery. Deb-or? I T2I i-: l)3X i !•: I* ill iE A, 1 are re(*ae8tei to make ^ 1 r’Oa thif L Liif F.ika. A tuTLber *t;ppty at wDoleaala I HBClfoft MeNSILL, > 1 'Xartmmlby *. i aiii * lOfi. • DecW, 1*0. * I ^ 1891. Uiili.N^NCK l)^:l•Ar.T■^^U>■T. />, ■■ Iv.M.riUO. ’'., *l*y If'J-' ) LK^U W—! W-. - -K -.e Lta-I r.r ih;« Dv':. •- ."-I V... V ’ .'.i- r -u-»\l qtiat.. i-l ' - t-* :t 1 r>va>.i »». k’^aU&£:a CUvisii iU-aias. E sub.;'.'^*^r w.ii p:«j Mitf ui^b'.^i caaJ prices far ^ ii'ifin -'y cf Pit: .11’^ I'biiff't ^ ^ J A WORTS fi.r* fit fi ^ t i/ .sleppiiiiT pa.-sL me into the houae, remarked to the youiii; iady: . . * * - ••■i i.u’ro niis'aken; the Dr. don’t steal chick — ”l')p liitn over the head with tho poke stick, Liz; you know that’s the way Jimmie toid you to treat the rebels wiien they conic abujf- ’ "rit d the leinile v liec in the adj li.'iing room. .Just at this moment I nbsorvci i-t z S^>fiiig to t!i;- c iimney- place and gather Uj) w;-al ll. e.IltC u whopimtg L>ig i)ii:er s'n/c, and' rai^lnlJ^ it i'* *1 sti»Aing posy- tiOi), I fcuudeniy concluded i did nci waut any the.-nuts, und .'kediud ed, double quick—jumped over the I'e iec and inlo my saddle, and tiuickly found my spur.H toucidn'/ uiy horse’s sides, whila he ‘'cn;ly b-jre me away fr itn the scene of action. J U't as I sjirati:' Ironi the door, 1 heard a loud rcpor;, which 11. says was the result i>i the poLer guc/c, hitting the shutter, when thrown hy Liz. at his persoi'l These Jjincolnite women, down on the river, are liihtinir stockj and 1 must say I would rather \4 L L iS. V pll V.rokt; ; .-I I -OU t ii-tifU ot ■\ l ■ L i, -u i - or i • ‘ , . ■■} 1' - siii ^'! lay own I : ll 1 L-; .Mu. « Will ii.’i »e ile- 1). . tu vr i. ii^J u Rj. ky li vcr, Cu'ithiiiii Ci.utitj,, J- PAt.E. 7o-;iv I II * I l-l ' - t' / ^ i'OiVbE t i.:.- it) -- ! • i- •• ^ „ Xlii.t-* L) ii'H'ifl C'ijt S. (i. c--\rz' of Ordr"iiic-'^. l.S.VVC 'il,)LM\(iV,V.) tl'il, Gr(K;fcr JiiiJ i!ou:aUsi»’i Si^^rciiani, I'AYiirri'iv'iLLh:, c. \i; ll.L * .-.■aaoii to ull t udiHCS? entnuttd >V ;ot.iiC-»r». ^ ^ >c^ 2'1. lSi.3 . j without chestnuts a .great while than to come li» ! coiituct with one of then, again. - 1 ()V.Hi-'-^-"-- » m:le -r 'f tbi l.i"erp"tce j ^ T:»r \n,v^v r‘j d ec‘ b fnc P>«toi. j i’l-i-W* (.•tvi"ir It---* of a )v,-r'iTiti^. Apply by l.-iter, t if.e rj-ijr; Eub9c*i e»s »m!i fo c»itriot f'^r i'ie »utiS3'iDer al F iv'^ii-.tville. i I tti-'ir r^;^i c^s on ll'ty .Mount of ^ i:’ t ii 'i a Will 1 r -■■ KO'-in 1 f jr nz?, or ■ -r;c t prsco, tlc'i’f^red ia iayeu*^e, or at-a/ ii-o iioaki-a. ^ UUBPHT. Mt 0''t 17. GEO. WASIITVGTOM. 7 f't d oi BSabf.'is Corpus, Decided by Sijprem-' Cour- of N .’nh Caroliiia, »i the June Term, IS‘3. By Humilioa C. Jones, Keporifr. A few copies for flile oa coasienraent.- I ^ 7, 1863, E. J. HitLK & SONS. cf 'VOOD, chiej’.y I'ine. (Sk^ft. 14. E. J. IIAfcE & SON. TE^TA^IE.\T« HV!l-\S. CONFEDERATE States Bible Society Teaiamonta.

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