|||L^ ^ • ^ ft i« * *i a* •4L w m* - : •, - . , 1 # . * i 1 '' fl»Ma«i «hi| a; tkt •t M • »4 • s » • • - « 1 to t ae, 1 *1 • t Ar \ \ ^ ft *• ' • \ # « * Ml ; -.S r ^ ■ *- -t. b 1 *'. , i r ’ ♦ n r. 4 ’ c >cr 0 t« be » a: . . ' r - \ I rr. ■ '' •.vr 1- r I -ar. ••111* -U'.i -■ , ^ : * ca 11 Ji n * - » ■ , . .:c ol I, i- ■ - .(i ; ■ .,M M . • e na ‘ ■' r-.. : ..r ■ C. ' •r f» *. m ,t • ►.r t ^ , > * ^ • ■ ’ u * ■ f ■ r ■. i a * . i 1.. ’ t" . 1 ’ . a ft 1 - • aaJi* • ■■ ii*r ace* t m 1 - 1 • 1 *1* i« c 4 ■« ■ v.td »a«i4*e ^ •• I* •» « ti»«a Ml Mt»a et » r. t -ar «M vti * I t* , t>« . ai»« i s -e the '•**' 'm - A i. 0 i -Ml* T i$f C , * me .«t . »• - ■ » . :n »^e- lai Ai . - ;l at IC p - 'r. ' ai :4U« X . i fi rr % ij-« ) ^ ' \Ho . ■ a: - =■ 4«t ^ P ' . §t : •ii 8b i# .T • -stf. f r. ^ i. tf a X ■ ^-4M i - f ■"'* \\ 1 • ‘ ;i:e . '.J I't t .-'i i ^ t _ 0 . .a ■'i u Lo : - .. d rf. , a Uj . -1 rc.ir, . : ua ui; . . iii- * j . . 5" uiAU ' - uUi- h .. . .:■! ■ tec'. ^ riiC iclli u Xi 1.1A >kli w .A W C . -1- iC * f ‘ - ' ■ -Ij ' * .U ■J i 1. • • O' ij; . '- iu .. ■ .iH j 1' a iAtJ . u r a. ir ■ i roi «l'i a. .v-yfl • /C iijii t t.. trt ury , . ,i la. ... i of t.iis at, i~f y«a. a .- -I r 1 iL : f li s ;U ... i i- lit r 1 •- li i I- I .ill 1 4Vai :t agt, J .1 ,C >»!> • 1 ' I ;s»r rm 9 t w FAYETTEVIL! i-. N. N0Vt:Mi3i^R. 23, UNO. 1283.] ■ «m‘jw ^■ II ^ UJIWI-JU—1I>1 m^ ppr;-’t i» ?.!(tN’.‘.\vs \xn Turii.^ovYs ! • *'•* ,r. HAf.K & soxs. :'i irTsS ANH'TKim'R IKT: )!!.=;. »* u %■ ih* S*up-Wttt>Vi» Oi’.tiRiirsB $«i y>), piiJ in j * \’i r - Ym (In' \^i>hilv Ob!*»»hviiR $4 1>U p«r asaHia, V"'''l ’* ' ;■■• . , A HV KUTIr^KMENTS iut«rt« i for ?K-2 yer s '**'■« of .1'- fr r t?;e first, *iti ! una doll"- %a*l '1* tor 1:'i£T 'i';*i^vi. A ' ■'~i’'•f’lnf n'* I'.ot jr-.'f*’r.r.r .'i ha’/ sqi.-^vfl {eig^;> lip*''' ^'1 for ib« first «ni ''>0 f"‘* ftTfh “ncpp'-il’Tirr pn^’ic‘> inn. Aut*’.tM«r» »’•« r«- nucst^ I to stnte thr iiuTlr-r ff ir-.nertioni daslrt'iJ, or j thfv will tr coi:tiim*d til: nnJ charr«d a*#orJ- i ipgiy. AJvtrti'rs ▼crtigiiEon! . IfeiiHt VerHon Female Semihary, it Mt. Vornnn Mineral Springs, Chatham I'ouutr. 1st 3.‘ssioa to cnxameiice 28th Sept. TKKMS: THE 'VOima r.lR©LB.^.\ jirrvAL um: r\su!i\Ncs ro»iPANY, 'f buocessiful ODcraiion. witu \vn HipV. I E e. Acii-'uii* 'I»5i-i. Vlll^io 'n l {'•'ui’tir. L-tin. F't uf.- rjijti eaah. H •'tr'i :»50 ;■ , . »u, c' pf*r in^nth ai'.'v - r-- h- . ' ■ ;-i ■.■ ••!. , .V w\! M >OPEiV, > „ . . , •‘^ , I, > 1’. O • i-?8‘-i(in of UO wsfk':. $50 Oli 4> 00 40 Oft "0 00 ‘i f)0 pMid ifl A i >r S.-si ^O'V lajh- : ■ itU Tf-i iM growing o%pit»i n>'I tir:ner lioLl upoa puljlio is^n fi'inrtCft, L- >H';nnes to i..--tii'c ih« livos of >tU heilthjr per- ' q ’«*• ’■ SOKS from i-1 ti» tiO yenrs nf us?, for one y»*r, for s»fau i •"'>'■ ■ ’ years. acJ forlif!—»ll life ••ni'ffihcri sharing IB (Wo I'*'’irttx ! -' All fllav*8 trom IW to ^0 y-’-irs •/h„'-s are fc-i’ . • ' one year or for Ive years f-i" two t:i:f i' thvi;' v;ii'ie. ^ ■Xll loK-r« i\v« {'Uneiiiariy ;•• liJ wiifain 9'^ _ ■''■ * ' ■i>vijsfaotf>ry nr:)of !► p."*- •-. i !, Fnr f'srihet- iut’-jcm .ti jH ''i« pjh!’ i; .iVr;«il t« pf Ihv '‘o’Bp.'aj t'’ I 1 pirt*i (. ihf ■'i •■ ■■ •:> i I ’i. U. H Vr''Lli, ir^ere’.-iry, 11 K ;, i| \fjR ^i.'>nt .*. jj.a’T 18'>V Fn^'edsTiilf . N W 33,000 At ?IES OF la:vo L\k. s’hr{: -* • uo; I b« ^ !)i*i V 1,'t CO ‘ - ,• ; ’ = , *■ : •■ '.7 L. T : tl- V. U ri'iiri -»y til• 2i !^.r> " jf)'’ >prt 7 3 yn^' I.'rut* ■' • I. of Hit Lt } r mi i)f (iiAit(a:s foh i»issesi;krs. i>ou %. J-iU’il; U‘1 m.'iJi. CktnfKi'^ ft* Hi'W ftl- SFFt'V NoTKM',. Froiii S'l tcT i '!•■ ■!?. no f-f » n«w «i\bs'Tibi«r will *'• enitrcl witliout paynioni in aiiTunc'#. u>»r ifil* tb« ptiper he E*nt io stioh «u.-^cr' -'©rs for a longer liwe than i? pai l for ' Siipli 0' orr o’.i saV'ii'r'V f-r*! i! do»iv« i« tx-Tse tVte p*- (|,i«sv«!erM -i; I'lo -n-i''y n» makine u-:*. Jnn'v 1. e'er nu 'V}.€Y a:- ■KVIIT.F N Wluk nit.'nd !.. • ( ounty aad ^in.eriuv »'.»uvv» «i ■ ii;irnMt. .Moyrf- ai» i U«ib«f>o»i Coan- fc|ic , - i : ,’ ienii'-i p'.voli t>- sf'- ectlUfc.ioa of all i iiiro'to l 10 h' :;%r-''I. T’t. 1 - Freiu FayeiiMvilirj IVilniinpfon, fl6 00 “ ■ Eli*ibt»;ii. 7 50 •• ‘ T^.hite Hall, y 75 “ •' Kolly’tf t\»ve. 10 50 “ •• .Ml point* brlow, «eC()n;> class, or dkck.. 15 «0 From Favatievilli* t.; Vi!i;'.;c'ito». 57 5t^ “ •• •• Kli^sbt'tb. 3 T-'y •• “ ** .H' it -iisU, 6 •jrj “ “ Ki-liy’i' CovB, fi 0.1 ** “ •• >i^tnt..-t r.»'. Tr. i, f». 7 50 Fr,.v, '^liifitiei'Mi '0 F->t !:*vtlle. SI-5 00 •• K.'llv - C'oTe, h 75 •> Wr,I ai. 8 2‘”* •• “ “ 1' Zl'r.,'ih, y 7 ^ •• I't rptTl H-.-',, 1J tut • \ 1 p 'I-.' t 'i*^*aTB, scoovi.) I I, vss. Oil nucK.. i.> fr. . i::;' -J ■>■ ■ .F . • i-t ll-j. J" .=so • • Et-^ y■'1 C' V», 4 • • ^ tr ;t 1.1:, fi-.t • A pi;- 7 .' •! FAYsrrTKvai.fi.E MrrriL ixsiinixcE C»pilal io Prevc. ti N'»fe« vmouuts \o #2*97,^88 lio C»!?h on l»;iad ar-1 othar ’ &.077 Ta'.v J,7>'> (>i Tb» f awp-inv hore p»ii all, lo’i'fs proirptly, ftn*j b/i»e B«T!r *b lh*ir preroi'iM ri'^tpr. Tiiitl IflSBCB paid, *>■•' Oi rirK!t»: GEO. MoNPILfy, frr-.;^-**.. '* 4. T\ \T. Vice I’rc^ident. P lkl■^HLLA^^ "’ec j. i»i?.eoTov*: '* !h» F e'lminx Or*nt, j*r,. rn In li*:• 'u I i; T 31 H a E; T «l ’ . f :•; r' •-. I •■iri ■ - , i.Ti .r T i- I r i; T 8^ P. 4 ' E; T ' !' ! vs R IS h; r 41 8, ! • - .2 t o X ' i rr II.,- V F ■ ■ .14, e vn- ! M. ,‘.. iv A , N W i -f ! E i .,i \ 'i }f. »n f E i 1 T -•.'J S, l{. \'J it: l’»o ! k >■] D-p, \ iivUUl/ *j' L 1‘ ‘ 41 E: Propc’tj 01 Philip •«uir, Fi*''ri--ii ■: f ;i : V ’V j T1 N E i ••!' •j E i; ' 1 8. U 22 iS-tf l^tiO W. WILLIAMS 1: Hhoie!*alt‘ I>cn5i*r« in «rocerie», AN1> IMPORTERS AND UEaUKRS IN SaxdHSft* and ('iHUtv, Swedes Iron, &f., IU\' i>TRRKT, VlYkTTKVlLI.K, C .-July -2, ISiii. J O^. TT LEV, E?i. S.'C- ‘ l*w» r -ii-ck or v,'.iy ful Ao r'l iffr* ^vtiiuc ir.'.i) Ht*rt :• L); i:n. I’ i-s-npTr' priO"*. *r •*« F rc’ »fii! *if THU.;? f^r larinif 'lay tim >: V •: 01 •-» U :-.T P.-i-.’Pn- ftr.i f''!' eocu- MeB''T LiD v, H. !... '•iYroTt*”, a T. ri N«ih;‘a Stc'*m%ii, 0. ti, Ni^iileti, «S 1^, \ A. 'l;.S-^-tk3.rt, J. I;, »5'.. , ! n ■' i' h' C. ■ 'i ■■ • .,*iny in'"-' ^ S- *.H. ■ St . I'J, N. TiUi.irha^t, Ir J. H in*-! 1», W.a. La ;.-;n, T. S. L’lt.ierloh, VV. .s;e.*i. J. f'. {'wwk., ■ alrjn. J. tJ .'ihsplaaifL, H, F. A>-or i. 1 , . . A. ?;. H ..It, f ■' ■ :i, 1 Av'. pying a-li^ria with fhair bi*on or f«boo3 au. »i tbf tl.iiar^iioa cf 'ke (.'^p's^o J. A, WOKTTT, tor C R. M *’E' L. f. 1 : i » LUI I'huLOii. Mat 4, , •■ 4 4 ;; ' . ■ , o n ill' J ;. I, 1 ic th> E A .V E \ -r ii. ' 'I: i: \ .'N E V f - ,• , of :? 'V J, 0 P s: I nf J'Vc : ; . . ■. r j's I i*r J, I lo*^ .Cl'S' L. i B [{■ »v| : Ni 2 \U'^ s ..f TStis :;i-. o;,.. ‘JOO a r- Mi 11')’ nr-TMi. L: F ^ - ; : , T r', v f:. .; >{ S E i; -ir 1 N E \ of S W | of - ' E: P".'>') riv .■•f -4 of r W !;•,; I. I'iO ' ■ Hi' k/ •• ' i t Hill •li'.roiijfcli couniy, N i '• i of > v; .3. T J7 3, il 20 E: l'rcp»ny oi’ A*.»-!\!«r, i 1 ‘laifotil V ’■ I B! i(^c N'j "8 N I of ’.V --r u-T NJ-, ) 1, *„.i L„i xo { } H VC- •■^5: L * 1. s :J 4. i. Ul -jii 12; L li- N>.> in j :;i iclt 17; I I 1 Steam Saw a.iid Grist Mill, j ‘ .V h-ooV V, S'* i. tS- Tr-:!j.v ! j ao O! L tii'i. in ccuKtir. Tiiriti*. J!f J I I N W \ of T 3itl 3. R 'iU a': l’r*pertv uf Ar- | ' (h ir l>i.i:. i lVr.ia*t — H j ' T ’« Lii d" KTinr,»., jf in Flo^'i ! * •)•». I ■ If^r H Bds i:p^r iJBit: f..;- pr .6 ihl« irTiyt- I j t I ’ 1 ' ;*r ! '1 *«.•: Vl« ft ;> .i !i? * ■ ' - I*' ■ ■ f ^ * ; ' £ i T: F ->ri,n». 1-. ? K VV Trumi •>:'i, jit T*vr>r*. Fijri i K, U. T ''>\fP»OV il-e;ir^ I • f. \i»-LE(*U. (' T .■^ i'" Post 0iflc3j FayettevillG, W. C.,) OcrouKR 8, ) f i/ig Arri*til n'-'i D’l'-’rtw'e of tht (hi* OUic.. -ri>. AVERA^liO'^O’, kz. ''’1-'. I’lCr'P* .^'in l»v, at P. ^4 . ' ‘ly. Sa'ur laj *> P- M- V->kL"uyi -,\x RUM -lERVlLLK. l>»r ar^ T'.tfJair Ffid.»T •( 0 A ’I. Arriv*-. iV ■, ari’i ^ P- '-^• Vf Af.S *, W xii Oi INTOll. .Arrives r,i 12 'iO’'>n l?4n«:u nt. 1 j P. M- ^.Al\TH^^E , Vr.'‘iv*i T'tiir.*!%» »■'’i 9Au^it'>y At 7 P M. i>>*pav(p W> Inef'isj n t) Fri4fc.y ••1 1 1’. M. cnnrrA’.y, 9. r. Arrir*^ '^II»S 1\Y, T : fj P M. L>»p.» i« Su*^'«y. Tuv ; .\>ii i''.urfdv.' fi 1 F. W. KAUl ULII* F LU'IBE^TON. Arrives Ti;‘sl»-y Tiit'. s.'"^ ''iMi'- l'-y st fi A. W. Sa-. ! .y, .. 1 T r r- 1 iy •* 1 P- M. lifjB j: o s' e : i e^iz\ d e r ii to’.v y. D#p7'(..« .'•! »i'» i'-i'lij %• ^ A. M. Arri?^!^ hi'sdiT, Ttii'diy aoii '^^fsjr-J^y af i! P. M. KLIZ^B£TKTO-.V\’ vtn Tt.:EI3ISTIJ Arrives M-i;»Jiy S( •" P '•!. Denartr eiin- (^i'»n?'^y) a' *i P M. .V VCrCOLIA vU OVPUEj^iJ CSKEK. A^rir?;! Tu!>^^(i7 2 P M. L'.'pilfr *^IU‘ -1;»T (TtlfsJiy) 1. 2^ p. V. S'^'IFT LSLAND rix MM';TU')?E, C(>VI??aTOX aca rcWELi.TON. ArriT's Tu-vJ-iy >i' 0 P. M. Depart* Wfdn*‘i;iy «t 11 A. M. S'-nrr ISL ^ND Tia TltUT, Arrives Tiics l*iy at P. M. I)-pii:r(,« '*T«dn«?'Jay at 11 A. M. All la'iil* '**via ‘ hfrfor«7J A. M., ura tvea- . ...» i is? ra '.t P. ^[. All leifer* to be uijnt off from •r r r.i o.i.io | ffjie, Mh»r tSi’j by n«i,il. trM«t fee >ai«l for as if i*y, ui l--4Sf; I iu*il. All drop 1sturs skion' J b« prf )#*id by 'J C‘ot sf:>rr.p Tn» c.flict* Ti'l be orca on Supd*y ■'rooa la SJ- A, sni frou» :o P. M. J.^.« G. COi'K P. M. F : Cj. v'r>> i>b 1 Sun. 26-»f ettitl I ^Vit'chant, FAYi:T'ri:Vli.i.K, N. c. Jaa'v It*. l*'i>». autl TiiariJ'iT Th» tow Stvlf , d KT i lie Snb.scnher.^t wi.sii to •*p; Apr; »?ii atler ttii» Jtt'; iij .A. P IIL'KT tv:U U» >» ai S o ulook, A M , on Moud*y JOS A woaiii. 'I C F 8tei'n Bolt Co. AHr. Woodw.ird‘« CaiUv li', ' i. (i. contract i ^ J ' Ie.1(1 «no-T I Ur. ' iai! drj^ » ■ J fi': 4 ! » :! f'r r-il 1 ^-r i ,V l.L‘)ru. ‘ U" US-’ ok c'lia ^. 7V-4--1 ! \. s-is'ove^s will open A SCH' fOL itir irirls and tmalih y* N1 n.-'T next. Wl'h, #* •’pSoo! fl-'-wsp;.. Sf. . »r''re L*'*fe ' "'y No rav;.’' •'? to p ■■■w;.- '.■; f.i- it o'" Tiupil^ :*• i IJ f'-r ^cri r;i. Tuiii tn JilO p*r q i !rt ■•’, ons htilf p^rahlt• i / .i; ?Trv. 11 * i Cttrc-J. JO^INSON. WILLIAMS is SAI/r S'-HS. ivm* E KAIL liO 4 I). 'IViK Tr,.,Q.x ,.f ik,:t Hj>il L I i • S. «0 w 'E li .'f'' »-a>; i f :1 lttwi'^lvL-5 w!;‘; A. Johii^c^a, Jr. ottAnact'T •'■ ff ^ p-i liis? o’l i',:. C'.i'. * ^eut :-r-, ■ir Bk B ■!»_- Ktil f.f: M!oa Btu.> tiis vii'uiap to s.i-pp.j ;u li slied by .-.kplyia tf I'h?-U t P*.i;C. \l v.ILLUM.'^. Si- *-«»’ ^Vip>ji'Bivi' Uir i.iiia/ \l. l^ti'rf li' Frtiy hf Trtti n M') N D \ Y, 15 1*.iof ta6 I* e\T? raTett«»iP.e liily. .S o rtj«k. A. M , «il rw- ’C‘>si^. P M.* weuNFSDAY ai..i FkIl#AY. . nl. •68. .i:»(). M R05E, •r. i Aiii jr Tr»iis. A’l. »7tf Fxv -T. 2v. 2,M>u f' UR' y-i -VTt r. IF.* n 7 ■at iK- '. iV '4 T •■ .n vti 1 rec >’■»'■ k' • I (J • t*« i ubi'Ci’i- h' E'^r* I j -;0 .1 of Hi' It' AM Ti«r !oa to u'.auniACtu’"? 1 f n of «3.a «oo i ■ order** to :i sen off in Go'di^i* ' u'.r Ai-lilh f- t: K.^ ! y .•^.'*'1 bnvw ,i,ii. t ji.-pnicli. P. v'.. I iiViiT.m ’'. 1 -i. ■».i w .,;i 10 ti»ai; ^:(en''«u. »nJ I \t the JUir> l AHTtR. «00 Arabic for ^ale l*y R l.Kt. 50:'. »>ct la. \ViI.i.. -*,.rr. ■--• I. Vvii.f- Hi/rtt., fort^iare- ,'.. . n ( ^5 ‘ ^ -'I Juu», »u«i I ho j*-! be •bi« ti 'ix u :r»(iu oaTtiiiy-iTO to h 9~^or,i •■-•.; S'liiirti»r ( ■ I “i'K ii.‘» ;«ir2a I have* Duntbwr Cai ' .'-i -f f’li.: 1? j .'^nd SaddU H*r»«* that «it. .. . t»j:« n«!ic«. '• M ’’.LAIR, f. r- - :>jr » i, - H • .\j!iv v:IK .N' ‘'. ?. V.-r;-: r "i"'. \. *i: - B ii. ji. '»7oIiT? 1 \ i>‘L>i!iL .'V. oaHi'^i5.^i. 'v» i «nH coiit'oe th-s tenersl l.’oiuml»*ion and FurwdrJIag KusiueM, 1 ■! »] ( »r 1' J i 15 G •Vorifc, *‘ii«or’.ii3org to !h*' *#j'xT unHdr t>i» 'tjle of VTOP-T*I X CO By p -iu:' '’■*'• »t .1 -.■.;v-’i 'I :o bniiue-tii lh»sy bopa tj i-a'H-.u ;.!e lii-.*r*l p.'^'rosftfs W oa each wfltu d" •n|jC 1» Or^ -.rM fwf' »'r‘.Mptlf *^t itiHrket prie4. WORTH kCO Kt.nji— 'u, N' , O*: i, 18'* 7 Zru I I RAPn'S oaa 1*0 h \d .^t v audrsdt-ll's ii&yug'Hl | I r Sallery. Hay iirsfci, oppo:Marble Va .1, Fny- I fiicTiUe, N C.; plain, col'rol, la w.iicr • : oolcrg. oil an i p*«»i;'.e; fr-jui n-i.l to Hf«> *i»«. Auil>ra- } i types. Meli*“«iyp«s, an A ali oilmr style* of Pictures j I pei'tiild' '0 tli« .Art. G.'i T: .-.uk^s. Gilt r»4ujlc:- ■ j mg, b' .■ i fur Tery ia~^v j'i'ar. - :-—•-» i irg- r\s 2b by ■it) ' I in«he?. ’’or! asi Ta*^l» for baii:f'n~ pi*:uri‘s: laitra- i tuoDte. Stoci aaJ Ch«Hji#alt for p*i'j ,s% Cor ci?:-.. L'.fe j u'lxe «f/lort'l PliotMg!.ipbi made viuuH pictUi««. I Htviiiij; ptrsiMiently loc iud Bert I aope it- nvri*. j I your f I wo J 1 alsto re'.irft '*y s'i.»>«re . .;t'i5c» : j for til J liber*', p.^trnnigo aejt: ea mi aeretoior.' i»y I tae peopl« uf Fayeti.evvUe vi.nuitj i:'. M. VANt)Kj»l.»iJLL. I f*hft-n*’rftpV>-.t »nd .: r 1 I 1 . A LArUiJS 1 liki T.! ‘ 1 r: F; Tillt; iv.in'rrji, Q! 1,1 i 0!'i’Lf', ■' VI I !’■■* t '>/ ;j -i X 0 . ()«■.. 2J. 1?6S. ZIN'- BAKtR 7B 131 N '• »r '»i;I b4K !ia ' hr Kive Dolltri h I •; bus ;■'! f.ir R^p' P3''i:‘Ui..i;#, fr!>a from rot. » .' » .Tiil'orBu;'.' i.oTT Svfi r»".d iiin'iir, or ho^* r -• |i",» *j'i.‘>)tily &v a ;itti -. jo;i:; f ulhheth, ' I'O'-'i U IT ;!' ’, F i.v:lt?vi'.le, N. G. S ' 79 A Walc!»sna2i WasittvL 000^ WlP h.; Jili'i LO ^jluJ ; hat «^a «'■'tilt well r%t»sB«K’t-:ided. Apply ijiai>diat*ly t * D. ANl)E’\9' « CO , E'kfid fouadrj. Ncv ) 1. 80 IV I'oiSosi yariB for D- .Vtv * eat. ! * » ■; (ui - i i S (exc«pt nre;.ii‘K' I fo‘- aoc'vrJ- A roK kale:. MILCH ro\T ^nd a FINE CALF. .App’r to • N->v U'.. 18‘.;3 81 If BOW, Hay \lont:t Harblc Fsirlorv, .1 K a 2a |0a n a vr^KTH. x. a. liahiei.. WOK i'd I & CO.. nomai'.ssioa aad "or-vinisag Merchautj, s/rrrf. \viL\iilO.N. N. ■,v^ iur ■■) lb-:- t-.—‘j^s of our *J»r rt>'='*'r!*at the 3rtth of! M'iv, hicii t(*r.'.-.s »ro n.'tir r':vak«d,) trvj wiil gi^e 1 buh- “f Oott'.a T*-.'!! f^ • 4- Ibj. .if '’fsoi tinwi?. jed, or j 3 ' - '.Tiis'ni 1 »r 1 pie'i" 1. I'His j;,.- is naad.> at tli« '3 i-i.;':* f • Q J ;: r .-.v; .■ R i ;'i, i:i or.l-r t» J ru» ,! :oij iT.n.i Uti’T:;n throUfiiii'ilf tij« *• »:■•. '■!!:»> V VViM,J\M ic rO. Fayiiteftll?, Ja”.? l-'Mti. 4uf Slim tii(^ illoekade! W. ^Sacli'^'TVRK I' Sp.ninij t' day aati •fT*rs for stIc: t O ‘’.AiK'’ CALIC'''Ek“^, •-. S> ;^ t ii:; - \ '2 Cf‘er English S -irf 'u>«, '{.'340 yds; 1 C'asa Pilloir ‘'it o«.s, 2000 ydi»: 1 Case Prints 3 H iuk r'hi^fs, ^20 :liier; l,Ca'-:o Fr.-ioli L)r.\b Hai;-. 2«) do2»n. Nr^v Ui, IStn. Sl-'j-' '•ot S’Sypi C’orxi ’Sjrsi*. '■jUirl uad;.Ti.. a 1 we.'c, a: No7.jn^cr Tirm of thii J O'!!'!'.* itT t,’ -,:r: Di.-;: '': >N. .t:-; C .roiin.i, ;.p- p-air 1 “L.u -^er.t of Ei'r.-pt C.'»l '-liae properly, »i"i rtc.v.'! e.;'ert i ijto .,t ir'Ci ."•«!.■[> f'>r titc p'jrpi'i* of raiiiinx an J »'';ling . rt ; • or.it ' f,>r tiia E"\xit in r.’j t*C r .. T, »n " ‘np: ville, . »!; I rt*d Or ■ i;* ih \4.nou!ii..cia r pro- .If*rale .'3*.ivt ii.tt, Fivett*'- S. ; vL: .vrr. >\i M.-j J iU by b'-.j ^ A' ■v;ta !■■.;>• . white on ever ir ' ; up to tJi-t It ^The Do. ; CaUiit; a-: er.n- • , l: wuuted. ;,.'d mill LL. A^.iy ... I _) )l’L i' 1'. 1, tor tii3 Hospital at Fort Fislier. ;. i;.i r ,;i i Ottl- r d'd C^iClH.i for ’ 1 >il p. ''• ivi'tjr r».. ■ : o ■ .’''l--' p''l';e rn ipp’.ti'V ., ' -*. U’>( 'jil H'iud or il Mr .3 W. t,N')!'R.'’l':NED. b I !%ry vi. • • ' ^Sy f I- 'it -A • • L rh. V . "iV ■ _ ‘ William'-, ■?. • ' I p:; “irei- ■' count rr i-.. ;• . i. . Jl i 2^ 1' -. • B'ajetteynie Ars^n^l and Arwi>ry,) • No’’. 12 I'tlu. I i^BOa 150U vrv. . 1 UrilOhllV' K.vlug baea i'-tir;; • s b«y iii* 'I'm De- ! pir'. '• ■ f' r-i; • a C- iriri' y of M :i •t;d R fl 'rafii : f.ir *’rr.y v.uc^O:* i^ ‘;»’-ef-y giTt;: fb»t i recraitj to tii*' n'tmber ot ]nO citmcripti wnl re I c.’iveii for th." *ir^\ •«. fctch r'-vruit 'TtU he i»^uir«l ] to furnis-. ^ - h r.^**, tor w -.trh '.» irill i>* al- 1 >we 1 40 !'»:■ a !'»r .^c".. S'* i bis v«y 51- par meolli Wrtttffi frrrnftion wid h- rei^ 'ii-d tT-cm parents or t^u^rd'ant, w.Tt-ro siiplisaai a>,‘i>fr ti>« c»ii*'»npr. >tire. Eic’j r^ciiit iTi’ist br-'.^wiih h'ru a blanke: cr bed an i o ■ -*■. i >o r-rn-.in ' A..->W (;• . ;.t .M UT.iEVV' I' r.vYLO)!. a t-» Ar- F L OlUM).?, oil 1 \r.\j •' i'’. S n. ■'■ r.'. V,: Pi'sf. KxoctiTiTe Dt'{)artiue;it*N'orth ( arollna, D. f W-'I “ S I. «> 'f 11. 7. HKIDE. Gra l Ai?’t. .^s-tf s tJ’ ’ i). ; F ■•' ariT .T'.v 'l .r li rb'i e (»p- . -!» riv*T : mt.rk i ^(•r iv.o». .V^r- ■I'u^ ti-’r r ti n.i"n W WaifiiceS »o k. RO . l) TE^TEtlN i; li mii N - (' -I' !-U i •' Noril> C:i!^ l'ur*ha»‘, .-To K; M-;) W fn'-.- thi-. -y. T-. ■ I he Kiorl/alt‘ '^IIL coiap-i '.\>i t.. do w^int w* •"ttuii, ba»« ■i'^no be- iipnn ;. ftjirwelf and out \on?f from tbe .- r.tr I,!.•••»? sf’-rie-l tSe in'tiufac- s .ir liOli iSS ftir FiCi'iries in the ; i ,.i w;i' !v- *0 fill ord-'r? at short ...r ’.-I T.'.'.*; i i F‘-• '‘‘vil ■■*. N C. L). L. KlVErX, 4»»>;ck. -.1 T. Ciiraheila id. V. C. » X 8('- 0mpi H ul ,.. no'icc C.v.iu:^, ^ r Cu Tot=^o i)f !• ly Grern'‘ li : ’•■FI 1 . 15 :id y ■: W V iil- li a'' •■; '■} 1 '1 $2 Cfci t fi'3i ’ rs; Cotife-i'f • T r-.n.i p-r cont. Couf.oiii o: 5’*.r>.i'0') 00*) 1 j*u; tf J’.v.,a 'Hi > CjUnty r>i.jU'lb; “ of ol ‘ Norta ( -.ri ';ii!% Bonds; T. S. LUTltRLOH. ^ Oct. 1-, 18i(3. * •' 'i'he Siih:^cnbcr ^.n.shcs to purcha«e a few YOUN'vi NtaROk : jrt-io** will pay f>>4 higbeft C*uti pricts ”• b4 ^ •'iat".a(r to n^ll w. aM do W^!l to O'*]' »'i* >'1** or >id-ii'.).i.‘ Die at R.'»!f*ijch. N J*. .L STLRNK. Fepi 7 SpuB €dti«n Kxchaaged or Lnrd. 7E will Hj'.ni ' ' i.'on in p'.ri payia'jM frtr LAKD The I'edar Fair« Sio >- bia ^o. sr” 'tow pr*pired to fnrnt«b, "^t sh. n aoiM . ;»!1 kindi c- ROBBINS, Owi.K .ri QUILL?^ : ^uita.hio for Wooleo a.«d r p ^ ; J. M OlH;I>E. Agent. , F 1 N (V 7 t1v ! “'3 3f, ‘ir-rr.d '8'o .'o!t»«s S*l:»«9ler*«. rVK i,«, ‘.‘I . J • .v'erHtary of tbe Tretv- i 'VI’T. ‘'-I.•5.. ifi’ f.'r i'.«> pur„h of Coitun fir tb' 1 a r-.rimeis' th? .'?tate of North Caro- lia ? - i. 1 V .: > s» ii"! i»i 7 per oent UoodtJ or i"y -- s 1 Sppi 1 ,1..-- - II .' " FArKTTi'VIi.l.i: A' J S*RAL OrDS N Tin. liij: t'j vi* U -Ti.r- ra- :i' - Hon.. t»ef- .0.-, by e' Oniy oiina, I 1 I. T"iST >f.'^ea^ Orrice. (U r.-’ligU, No"^. 1'-' 1803 ia a r^-'oH FaC'Orieri • Gti'ds f.r :ba CoDfed%''a'e uaa >Sti»to ’’ ex''in:tr. ;r->ni .iuv il t if Ouari for px- cr.t •wli.a r:._oir c-'Uniif-s ar« itiTidcd N ■ i. .\S i \r, :hlilY, ! Sei’T 21, 1803. I US';Wb:-£i». E,'^:’APED from priioii on mr: niv.-, '■>" I'-’ih ins;., LEMUEL BUl’H\NN.V.V. i-^ 'o wn-, .-res ed on tli ,‘.u>?p^cion of beiB? a *ry. He r«pro-ei-’d himi 1. hs a Csntiiu from Morftm's aiiuy tJ ^''.)d jji;- chaunas is HuppoB’ti t'^ btt sboiit R*leigo or rer;r h>i roof: «r'8 ill Cki'bara county. Thti att‘>un m ■•! .M.liti’; Offioerfl o^Casf'i im, Moore, Omn-'-rland ajd W.ake, »nd all 70od ei:i*enH e^peciaVu ceiled t.i liiis in»u. Tip nbove rewird will be oiid if tiie prisoner is delivered 'o me -it tbin PoJt. or il.i if r.'."fin»d in any oo i«»ty jail. MATTHEV P T-VlOR, (•,(». If ri*p( C A . 't-ml c * PjX t i A' GliDXAMK UKl'AllTaKM. Raleioh. N. ' , M ly 8. 1. c- :_l ii- >jset J. •-r /■ ■■' d ■- a ji‘i 1,1 r.i on jurLonjit, : .j.1 .u.*/ b- p' i..’. » . ; ; ^r. .,(• h-.T ,!k' n.iti Hi* iXv:»;u .I-.: ti-' 2'/ • jir. in r,r. ca ; jUi •!■( sg. u t . U .i cd .'f!aU* vj' u » j 1 ii' */u;a“i fo C I '• t>.’.ti S, us i.T » I, Ai'ti er^ry \ rit-;y 4 ci i'« '‘ji 0»*i iiii’-i •4; iy codectloii >^8 tiio Ur(c r...inbtr ui’v ua ti n;i A 111 &d- bj obi^rg'sd to o iver e.)?t, prtst^ge, A m,-.aerait» m; 6ta'.!oa«ry, &3 ApL y in p»rsou *r rtddri^fi.^ by liuir, JNO. Faycttovill.’, N. C., '-‘C‘. li, Ii T' 0 r-’n ■' f. i»r'i y,,;. ,i 1' « tti- : I I'T jr !'? O'. 0 . . li. (,!■. (la-.: I'il ?t. 10 ti'f^e !o 9.;w ■'. V \S0'; Pv. r GaT f.:” Il- -'.e ]) f ncf W:ll b( .. d i, 1;v:e. -,er n-x‘. t. 17 r'/it-ir ;r.%:i 0 n’ril P'3 _w »*.0.5E. • u^ Iii'' JiifeT-tHf p-irt* of lb'- iSt'ite. wi]: virr.tr,>n c*rtifici?-' \v .'on in !eii’"-r«'i O'^'' F .nt-ory ou Per^^a -St. A. McLAUHLIN A CO. 1 (’on lin-i. ‘in ? - i. 1 C;j-h. Sub .A'.' a'-' K- ay ivpoi wi--at. i>y :ir>i;r v.*i' '-3 a-"’ >«■'• } li.t- ^^^5!»^^ury, fcll Ooiton purcHr.kJ.H'1 i)r Tir-'.'lr 'r cay ou and .ifier tSe 18*^ d»y ot .M tr.vi wpI 1 e pn.ld f tr in 7 p«.^r oea lionds or Ca^;i, nii.i x'j' H per o«-»i Hond-t as «tatod in a foruie.r advtrtis. i ni U'> ti tl: -J timo, kowcvor, tU'.; >j ptM-!'cr>? hviid^ is ('u:'ais;nj'i i.i etsled. Piitrif.;3 •!>'■*: uuvr I'frc.- i i»a i>pp«ri«3Uy '-la ;iii tb" Govern^usiii. bf is ;i"»: ■■■» it the'.r Co'ten r.'iUiar V. -a t^ ;i;-v.it;3 c " LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Ckat-l.d e, Marob 2d, 18v3. [o. D.J 14if T F. VD IJ U...pari. 1, le'' will v! -!*. " ’r PO'>'’L»liR i‘jr '0 p- 69-if IVrnn^ h»' rtvi l«»rpje nr tjii.an' Will j{ivj ! p;..u'id 5 -d.s rf LK.X L). inOS. i>- H00(5, Capt. C. S. In cb^ireo f,lOrdjaD0«. AIU*r lhi*i daU» I will p>y I'ii ?eri*T p-r'p'.innd f.^r r^^s, Ci fny-'itfvnl.i. or a; oit ni'd; o^; IVK-’clisk. v*nut»!T^ EwlEtl> Ol Factory. le anio'.-. f'.;r !«;ile u‘ oh; MoL VUCilLlN Ji CO. A '»> T'l>SI>i^'r SiO \S*.—For '-le »l our Factory . A .vlcL.iU''ULIN h CO. Fayettevilli'., i 12. l^ti-i. '••i Brnpd 1'^riB Biibf. n:,.;i ua^.iip -M l).;c.Miibe'- rerio. IR-'/2, «! tht‘.;ouni V ‘ 'iiirt r,i Cu''ir>,-rii»ud, qualified A.J • I. iatf e* G. Vj'.r^c ! )c j • ‘/-vlcn - ' pr»!!.i. .ij A.,. .Ti .. ‘.ipi" * t*y ;-i.v, ot'. ■ *n.e tki9 at* y » '" ; ; i ■■• :' • u b'tr 'ii recoTtry. L'ibtura »re reqa.'.si^d tc i-v«lr - nr iri.fi payment. HECTOR McNElLL, Adoa’r. Dm. 10, >862. 86- t [)ANX 50TES of North C-'-rjlin*. ?outb Ci.r'Hn*, 1) Vir^i-Ji'^ r^nd a.-ovg:*. Ai«o, NftrfJi C3,roinii civ p«i esit. Fundabia ?»ote«. K'ao' ^ rih C>irdtr.;a *ix per cent B inds, new J68i** W. K. KICHARDg05 « CO., Bro^*rs, R'^leijjh, N C March S IS sgfii't »•>: iui'* priB liubK ri tht ‘.;tiuni', niiuiatr;it i DOtifi -- , 5 .;. rhe ?>»2ar Fomnlry co.Ttnon. tIi.Tin£ ia iny •mp’oyuiftut aO.-r. 1 r.K prep-ir. { '■> execute worli • ,i.;.- ii r-. i =uibie C5 irf?e. ^ M. A BAIvBR lui''’ ij'-tf F'.ye!-.- ins;» 4 »? **‘Si >• - «. ’ ■. t -it'.y ci'istti’ty ef Fain:* r»7«lt«TiUe. Oin R. T„K e o^-h priCM foJ ribti Be>»aB. J. A. WOBTQ. 67-tf Coiitederatc Ta\ iA^. VIjL r-’gist-^red per-foni io th^ co;vity > ii; .''til'.''- ret^'iir.d 'ocoTie forward in 2^J d i”. :r u t?:'; d*t,e and rn=ike ritnrn to the of fVe on erops Bales, npiriis di-»ti'.leJ., and all oth«*r ef tsxMioB during tbe qurrtfr »n'iHg t'i« 3 *ib '>“.y I’r l.i t. Upon failing te .lo i«r>, a'lih p- r^'iw-' tt- ; bo subj;*o* to 'bo t>«nHU'y'D-,fSjnb?l H:. !-..r the 6 i» s«o- tiOM of Ibe IPX »ct. Tti'e As,-.-p.^ort* .f it.« l>ig;rie' iiirn i'V-T thf list- to tb-. (VPeotor tbay ar-.i riik^in, a‘ tbe eJtrliiut practioable moir.ent; and tb? t'x piy«r8 are r-;qii“f>t»d and vfqti'rad to pay the f.’trlbw^th, •'ftc tV* li.if# bo»u returnai lo the Ct^ll.jct. r, Further ilioice. '^IlHS AB8*99vr f.-r tbe j. rtion of 'b-* r>iHriot ly n;? oi^ 1 ib^ South Hide of I) .-p Riv-'r ' ^ coiup\ ' sijafSP.Ttent of thtt por-ion of (be l>’.-;'iot r.nd 1 I’is lists ef 'iBKPflfnieTita, the rr’Ti® Wil’ rt'miin j lh« iD'p^ction of ^il if rvcrc orndf’ j f-r too flpi'ie "f 1- ft-i - . •' I sirous t ^ appeal ir v ' U,. -t --or t ■ do so J B TROY, Cot. .>r Rnn i. :' Co. ' Not. y, I8>.3 fiVKP^ilJ^ITOktV r- A.,) i’'AY’Kt'i'KVlIiLK,'t.)ct. J8, ) |1t)Tr«>.N I.N’riJli.lO.ST li'ti.Urf ai*T t.* il I'l t'n VV lion M t.)iti . T... preru U;n fixi t f;.r i i.ese Bfir.' S oO ptr •jiit —requinnjr $li>il0 to buy a Bond of $1000. Tiiesf lii'nis are payable in c.ia *! t.he end of 2‘> yeare, and th.» intere.st ia payabla yearly, l«t June, ia coKon,—say 5(>0 lbs annually. ThiH »t 18 ct*. per lb. will pay {' per eeai. i*b ibe iaves'iaent, an'l at prrR, nt pnte vf o tM-u’;, would yiold over 2i p r *«nt All Tru--«itrr N >tes ij«vei withia lii- yr%r 15t>8, rasy bt* !u!i*t i ; ■ t) J, r coat, Ujnd.s, be-irl'm later’.iii frtici day of il •p''*ttp. ticlders of c?. d ti ^d bft'pre Is*. 9ep:. la«t, ar‘> rcqTJS'e I I ‘ .■'OMirri i?>‘;ii. «itb tUeir naiwias written Oil b.ijk, ;vsd r. s;®? their b''n.l'' 7;.-lm W. i«. BROAL)F0')T. D*p’y. ISAAC 110 h LINGS WO lirli frde>r and vlercha .J, FAYlbTTblVlLLhl, N. C. Officu ot Tiu; '!n'Tn\>f Iv R t'il , T; ink'll. N ’ , ." ■■“ •‘s. IS^S. I 'THIS IiO.»ii.LJ of DUi’KCrOR.' ibi« Coror-anj. h .v- .1 i:ij i n-'i to put f'".rw.irtl i^e jfriiiuj* of tbe votd witb v^'or, tne * vtokai of pu '. rip i n to the o»pi- t*!! ok rrc •■iir. c'’’'i lo b ■ r'?' ''n ■ *.. Tuis vo*i will rnn inti tae av>\'' of 'h.i ('Tf.l i -.d Irnn d^pos’te of the D t p Uiver VUley. I? will b.- :nti t!=it-, ly connected with our ir*at railways will b-* ou tbe line of tho flhorteM r u e i'rfirT: R.-.-litnon ts C'tnrlss'oa. In'tuck has ttirr “for.? ?ve^y pro!peot of .nj iT-tfi'abl:*. The fclieatiou of thoFa d'^iring iuT.'sim « f fuii'1#. »« well a« of tho^e who wie'i to fti'i in dereiopintj ta* coal and iron resourcei of the ConfedsrAOf, is imrited to this enterprise. Pries of sharfs $100 eiah. Onh p.iynients may bt made. Sub«crip».tOBs wi'.l be reoeiTed by George W. .M»>rtlecai. E^q . at the Bank of N. C-, by W. H Jones, E -q , %l the Hvt* -.oh Bank of Cape Fear, by the Treasur er cf th«J Company and b^ thv UQdc’'siRoe!l. KEMP P. n^-TfF Noy 10. JBATTLE, Prefl’t. 80.6t W ! ILL C’TO >’’• ('cf. 2ii, 18ti3. •1 a‘! .4f •red m -in .r>fu f ’ ;\t IT."' V. !>r l ei '.tiis 81*2t THE i^asex oi ^labea« €or|>us, DKOIDED bj O^p tiupr me Conn >f Nt.rtfa tiaroHcft, p,t the Jint^ T'‘v?i3, I By ITamtltot*. C. J'»n»s, U'>ii''rt»r .\ iVw ootn!*" for ■ -i leut. Oei. 7. I''”'?. S. J." i'tAI.E ii i^ONS oOND LA^P blaokT' 'PANNt.^tj’ anti LLU5BICATING OIL. .i i-AMP ftL-iCK i:t barrt .lOjs. R I A DISASTROUS BALLOON EXCURSION. There was a grand ballooa excursioa from Paris I three weeks ago. It was a moustcr balloon, and oarricd a tty^-ptory wicker house with thirteen person# in it. 'Ihe trip wa9 to be made to St. Pe tersburg, Russia, and a lew days before the Empe ror Napoleon had.presentcd one ot the proprietors I of rhe balloon with 85,000, to aid in perfecting . iiis schcmc for navigating the air. . The Consti- 1 (uiionnci gives the iollowing account of the freight 1 for the excursion: ' The balloon wa.s called “The Giant,” it wai j whifi*. The car carricd .some legs of mutton, ices, ! a lob.xtcr, ehauipagne, carriage wheels, Chateau ; Mi«rgau.x wino. swords, Lyons’s sausages, guns, a • wild boar’s licud, speaking trumpet, a dinner ser- j vice in hundsoino porci laiu, a printing press, a ta- * ble, and pvc.rylhiii.v' uc«essary for j.hoio;:raphy. It i was iii)uuic(i i'V ttiuanio Li-' 1’.t Kr*'.ss»' del'iTour j d’Anvcr:.r3e, i j ■ ■tji-' Godhf^l, .Messrs. xNa*ier, ao i'l .‘iariit.- Ueh nrt, the I'rince Wit- gtnseiii, Ti'uiaachon, 8t. I'elix, Paillar, Thirton, an anon^'itious iudividuul, and mybclf. M. Eugene Arnoult, the anonymous passenger, furnishes Lfk Nation with the following account of the Jif?astrous experiment, dated from Hanover, in li.‘lgium. They left Paris at 5 minutes to 5 o’clock on the evening of the 15th ult: You saw us leave the Champ de Mars on Sun day. You were u witnws of the maje^tic ascent of the Giant, rising into tne air amid the applause of the crowd. They cried to us from below, ‘^£on coyu^e!” Alas! At nine o’clock at night we were at Erquelines, we passed over 31aline.«, and towards midnight we vh'To in Holland. We rose very high, but it was njcessary to «ome dtiwn to see where w« were. Ignorant of that, our position was a critical one. Below as far aa we could see, were marshes, and in the distance we could hear the roar of the sea. We threw out ballast, and, mountingugain, soon los» sight ot the earth. What a nightl Nobody slept, as you maj suppose; for the idea of falling into the sea had nothing pleasant about it, and it was necessary to keep a lookout in order to eficct, if necessary, » descent. My compass showed that we were going towards the east, that is to say, towards Germany. In the morning, after a frugal breakfast in the cloud, wv re descended. An immense plain was bvucaih us. The villagen appeared to us like ciiiidren’s toys; rivers seemed like little rivuleta; it was magical. The sun shone splendidly over all. Towards eight o’clock wc arrived near a great lake; there found out our bearings, and announced that we wero at the end of Holland, near the sea. We wore eompelltd to think of landing in order to take in a little ballast. Un happily the heavens had made us forget the earth, over which blew a wind so violent that in a few minutes our aucht>rs—enormoUs fulcrums #f iron yfQTd broken. The valve was shut, and the bal loon, which would carry us no longer, began a gid dy career. We rose from tw*;uty to thirty metres, and tell with incrcdibie force. Little by little the balloon ceased to rise, and the car tell upon its side Then be.^'an a furious, disordered race; all disappeared before us—trees, thickets, walls, all firoken gr burst thromgh by the shock; it wan . lri''^htful. .Sometimes it was a lake, in which we uhut-cd; a bog, the thick mud ol which entered „-tir Tii iuths and our eyes It was maddening. “Stop, stopl” we shouted, enraged with the mon ster who wa.s dragging us along. A railway was Lelore us—a train passing; it stopped at our eiies, but we carried away the tele graphic posts and wire. An in.stant afterwards we perceived in tUc distance a red hou8e-~I see it now—the wind bere us straight for this house. It was death for ail, for we should be dashed to pie ces. No one spoke. Strange to say, ot those nine persons, one of whom was a lady, who wgre eUn'ang to a slonderscreen of osier, for whom every SLCond seemed cuuntc'j, not one had any tear. All tongues were mute, all faces were calm. Nadar held his wiis, covcnng htr with his body. Poor wJinan: Every shock seemed to break her to pieces. .Jules Godard then tried and aecompliihed an act of subiime heroism. lie clambered up into die netting, the shocks of which were so terrible that three times he fell on my head. At length he rcached the cord ol the valve, opened it, and the ga? having a way of escape, the monster ceased to ri.se, but it stiil snot along in a horizon tal lltie with prodigious rapidity. There were we .'qUj'ttting d-'Wu upon the trail ear. ‘‘lake care, .VC cried, 'Mien a tree ffas in the way. We turn ed Iro.M it, Wild the tree was broken, but the bal- h>')n WciS d;.schiirgi.._ ^1*5, aiid it the immense plain wo w. fC crosai -g ha i vet a leagues, wi were saved. i>ut, « tofcst appeared in me Soriz'tn; we iua.-jt leap out uc whai/ever for the c::r.s would be damned to pieces at the liret cjllision with those trees. L got down int» the car, and raising myselt I know not ho^, 'or i su - tered trom a wound in my knees, my trousers were torn. I jumped, and made I kn'jw not how m^my re- roIutif>ns, and tell upon iny head. After a min ute’s ilizziness 1 rose. The ear was then far off. Jiy the aid of a stick I dragged myself to the for est, and having gone a few steps I heard floma groans St. Felix was strctched on ths soil, frightfully disfigured; his body was one wound; he had ao arm broken, the chest torn, and an ankle disloca ted. The car had disappeared. Alter crossing a river I heard a cry. Nadar was stretched on the ground with a dis located thigh; his wife had fallen into the river. Another companion was shattered. Weoecupied ourselves with St. telix and Nadar and his wife. In trying to assist the latter I was nearly drowned, for I fell into the water and sank. They picked me up again, and I found the bath had done me good. By the a.ssistancc of the inhabitants the sal- ra"0 was got together. Vehicles were brought. I'lrey placed us upon straw. My knees bled; my loins and head seented to be like mincemeat; but Adiiiiiiistralioii l^ale. By virtue, cf an «rd,-r of tbe Court of Pleas an«l y-iarter Se.’sn-n’^ of Cumbt»rK-ud C''‘'««*y, obtained at Juae Tcm. 18P3, tbe su'-^criber Cotncaipsioner of s^.iti Court, appointed in tbe cas'^ of Jameii J**jikin^i, A'.im’r of .An JIM Sba>», b. tbe boirai law of s^.idSbaw, Petition to sell R»al Eiiate. ^ne a*. September Turin in tbe of s'ltnc *h-' pt*titit>n lo ?.’ll slir^ , .;!1 ot> I ic 6;u Jiy • ^ J t.nii:'-'. ex pose to vubhc ai'e *t tiie M%'k-rt Hiim * vi Fi>ctt®7iHe, at 12 .Vlo.-k. M , iboir -J72 - :r. r i. -i.!i»t**i on both sides tif tt'? W'.->-ri ..I vo-v.i. -1. ni! 3 udlcB fr on* > R i’ «.* t h af i cf J r.*"' l*ft sf^r l^y- j toms ituu uvau acciuf.i lu **“" — - inz^if Hua uUot ->'■ (.acaowerti L^.. >’dow. .\’r-ttie | 1 did not lose my preseHce of mind an instant, and following nsg^oe3» v\z: Jim, sfr i v/jou? 20 N^a ! fox a sccot;*! i tcit myself humiliated ut looting ^ Tt -ns at ! frnca utraw at thc.^e clouds which'in Marok 7. KLOSriOM * CO., W;lm»R^o«, N. C. •? tr E.\Gh\E WAiXTED. r^OR the LitUe Folk*. A furtker supply *t wholesale j A 4 or ti horse power Engine, with fixtorea complete. C er retail hr 1. J- HAU6 * 80F5. I A lUy » » * *>K8. cr, ‘‘peJ 17, ^n l •‘i ri abnut IS :« JAMES JESKIN8, Contijitsioner. FayetteTilIe, N./V. 14, i8C8. 81 WO«8> %VAi^^TEJ>. The y»b8oribe^‘i I'ie^ to 0'^'Q‘r-^ot f">r tbe delirery at their f O’' Mount of FIFTY CORDJI of WOOD, cbietly Pine. E. J. HALE & BON. Sept. 14. TESTA flE.lfTS AX& HY.IIiVS. Confederate states Biblc society Testaiaeats. A Collection of Sabbath School Hymns, ler Bftl* by B. J. HALB k 8OK0. i from the truss of straw" at tho.^e clouds which 1 tbe night I had had nnvlcf njy feet. It was in ; this ^.ay we reached Ruihoui, in Hanover. In seventeerj liours^we had made nearly two hundred nnd fiftv kagu«:s. Our co«->'' had coverf'd a .space of three leagues. Now that it is over I have some shudderings. It does not iisrn fv; h^vve mid- a fivd journey, end I marvel ^wiih w'l.*’ iu jifference may regard t e most friRbtf.;! .ieafh; for beeidea the d'ifibcd about on our^ay, -we had ^ sea; and how long should we hare . . (?lai to have seen this—happisr yet S ii to 7«u.