IS '■ ^ i ’ •) ■« ' - ^ «•*; *,, 1 li r«jii skAi is. ..t 'jr. iB a« • • ’^ 7 - ■ i f«. j ~a ' f'n A. , • I :., Sf)\ .': J ; P T ' rs!'-'^^. -IS xrwvBuwKS [NO. 1284.] 'hr* > - be ' rSt ■- iuW ...■ l» ,t ■ ,. ,^. ^*tiui)Lt« «t ■*•' . '■ ■' 'liii.llt L'- j,r#- I- 0-. i.i,*)| V. .s >‘- ■• - fc^- ti%. f.. ■ w# a-. . *1. vtt as. ai. . ^. »v ;- " >uj -V l-.j . c.t fc- .■ ;....-,j. C ‘1 , *. - ■*t«! . - .1 •« ciPt . ,, ;• t« t > a»iT rwA 1. - • j ;.’•, r • •■. ne. .- rw*. ua*> »'»18 tkt r ■' £ ; >’*« r^t' . •; mt f ': ' ' Pttkf iC 3> ; : i k 'li ;-/•: 4 - • *y *>>--•. ':« ' -* ' ■ r- i. I, 1 » V^.'t- ^ 9 .!••♦«■ ;a ; ? ; Jk .■•' .« . fiji - .- • It. ,.a->i r ?* - * .i/ dC ft' mc ei the au y . :>». ttl:' ( ;Sf* 0**- ri* . .a .. d ,!.i '4* ••- r)t r la.. iJ* X |4> a.i In a - [ »r Uii ill IL . l;U U-i -1 if rwi \ »;U'. I U.4U, . Sj9 ■ ol ; I uu^.; r [hcir.’-il, Utl> r. .- ! IXe itl >r n-,- Uiie- |»r pi *i' Itr^l. •; “ J* , 1: . L‘ d hSi**'- . ..A Hcy ■ *} ..i --.'Ji i 1 ^ ! ,^'s *«t. Lye-*. , s kcr ku ti Uiiaii l.r- |,aI i.i - ua Li 1 - a. U t 'v . F ^ *') Ur i' L L.iy 1 'V r ” ' I) MON’'-V>? and TflUK qjAVS ,'i;v. V!?i> .1. H.;>.E & so.^s. i iTs^hS ASP VuoL TilF.T ni.‘’. . ‘p fi-r !;ie ■>,■'’111-Weekly Obskrveh S''' «'•’, p.iH in S-.iv^^iDCC. Tor-Jie Weekly OBsiERVBB $' >0 por nnnuT), pi. I in . iv .nco. r-i;v=* \i)VKUT]S'rMF>’T'S? i; -,'rt(>a foi f'J ■:•=; > of lt> liTiC? ior 11 i- h;-:, . •. i r.c *• ^ ‘'>r K'iC.\ s.;c ■>n. ■' iv. r'-^-e n-'ii u..!i ex-. •’? l’>.:^ i ■ hii'-'i '' '-vi* i;!(* iir*i: ftii 1 50 v-^ ' ■r-..'\on. \'vei. I;e imv. ■ of in.-!' U'-'rcl, or . ^ 1. an,I \ccot ' ■: u ;• !'■= ;. »l“! Dfw r^O’V intjieu’d'U year e: faccc- .‘:d\ I c^rawiuc; ci.p\:.^l a*'l rirmcv hoH up-.i; M^unt Vcra«a Feanie Sfmiaftry, T >^E At Mt. Veniftu Mineral Springs, louut). >U*' 1st Spssicii to comnie ics 28th '^ept. TE'r-.U'; IT;.’ ..I? Tt !. • f . I 1 ' tilt-I.;*', .lOB': :i: i"*! t© :; - !;>'•' € M “r“"'' '?? o:! ■'■'•’ '• ^ */» 5---- '■ ■' •- «= 4-)0> UT^rnvg. '•'^ V -; So'.,.: jvv... -x. V 2 fto y'.‘“ '**’f‘" '*''«‘•••'’• ■■ -.>jr ■ '■ ., vr $16 •■ r -u n-’i if ■. :i ■.tMn i i,l «■ .T •ftOliii- -V ;inlf r.jlUir.’ .'to (•V * :; M ■ -r:; - R V’M. !i()Oi>K:i, ^ p,. C J' /Oi'hll, ) L s P. O ’■ G-2!f ri’Eti :’or ( 1-.. From i-- ter ibis d:irno ii:iaie o;' a u^jw will he eu'•. ■•?, 1 wiihoat payment h' a>lvauc«, ii:-v «’li the par*-'- ’ >» ■ ■ :. ^ ■ r-'u h si,>> s. •• --r >r a Icn^rar linip iban r- >' a i Such O'cv.v .lu .AvV.^cril'ers desire to t(v\c« th« pa per *:» ’h' H;’l ; ' .«c ‘ '-^y J' whra n- iW'a^ rwnirianco ■. Jm y 1. i^>''■ S'p’o?!! ax«#! Mliei* i- di*: S m^r A. T Ill'RT «rj i ‘ a»r - r J 2> r' •.* ■ ■;iork, ,\ ?ii , i.>n 'o.a La'’ 1 •. ,' I- 'V J.)."? A " OK" : 6—):.*J Ajt’i 0. F. Stoiw UoM c*. I c»th 00 K i .J ^VI^iT5i3t^aAIf.~StOAO. ; : -hif Irr.^p f':>.y(.n:e¥il!r drily. X cx.^. til j.i 6 o'.‘-'c'i, .^. M., Mid ro- 14- .iru- s! ' - -■ - • : o'nlcc-- ;* jV.whf ->u -. V- L »V,':\E>N'L.'--..,.'VftudFRlDAY, - I. r >' ' Hi. JNO. M. ROSZ. Trr-vi’r ii',! \-fg Traui. Ag’f, '.'C HitO"'' ; in i'l yiv'ls ,. E. ,F, UAL ero y>- .\. TiA (: Jan. 22, .8t'J, v: - ; ;i r \ v .Kornev a'; L?..w, I- - ’i :;■. . r. i M.'.. . . ;. ■ -. ( ' ■ ' ,r ■ •■ ,t ■. U-'. -' Z - '■ - • ' ’ ;■■ - ■ 1 !*; ha. • i • , jn., 1 ■' . ■ 1 ■ -; ,1' i I it I ^ , •■ - . .1, f A i ii=. ".''rril (' 97if Li ;i i . • K V Iji-, :'-,r tin* ro :> ^ '■ 0 ■. f t'lr.-i '.jf Ju..; . -I 1 :,op ■'-■ '-•}i-;t u'.i .'■rTi 'ijvr.,,-..' 1r.7t 0 . - mn 5in ■ !h;« . ir;:- ;.v . 1 r. '-iuyilic" ■■ •, ! > t . ;^ IL^r.fS ;hat .1 '^i BLAIR V 1 i£ ; ,i .\.: N. JSl ; ■ r - , * MIT” F^rwur M'j;; ijiisin ■*, V. ?roM.. ?»■ i)'-* : S. Cr it, to Jim ■ .arii ci apvi>la£; * ■ Lii-f, 10 i orwarding Merchants, WlLMlN-.rrUN, N. 7:M-2.-: .'A' lie, Nov. '20, i WANT'D, tor tli9 Hosrital at Fort Fislier. . v.p'r L I Jf I ;v-. i ■ i £i'. • iv-gor.s .. ,vi jg J M. VV.LLIV.M ipr suQi or ii Ml, J *V. !'.) l.‘ie snbsc.i a: u.a rowrTs'ti on n»y S;-*ei K. E. flEIDE, Gen’l A^’t. Auz 2;',. .58 t/ AM yr W.1>TE». BUSHELS WHEAT, ■'.»o “ r*>iiv, '; ?he lo gell will receipt i - - - ' . h ’>y tali,-g .in .Vi. .M Thoaii-'n. ’ A« fl^U.'ll iilC BlOCliadC' •ii iti! M'.is Fv/et: 3v:lie, -'ir cq tco 8ufis„r: ' IITILL coEijj^l u» to >Jo wiiat •ii,.-uli hare doDo i-e- ) i" ‘ .j Marko: --..i^'irp Vt for» this, wait upiin Tourself anu ; ’o>se from (he -\LLX. Jr c'i“rriy. l'4f "rjpri^tor;i hivlng ataritdu .- m »ua;'tO- . HuJ. 76tf ! turin/. of ail kia-la of .‘JOBiilN.S for Fan'o. i '^ in 'he ■ - — — ‘ w i b'- ‘i' ic fill -ar-* *■. /-4 .111 H -V a :v 1-: k.vj. iixCi’;,:*. V\,^rk la FtyeitevilU, N '.L ■ it d tvj maEutactUiV kiu'i* of Wajoa j - KiVETT, ! . - A.rr;; 1 .n rr.y ''..iiu;»r »u'i ca.n i » '1 to titni Ja.iC 9, 18' S iVlarbie Factory, wi; 1 I 'tL'-ocbew. :r, Canabe-bind. H. C. 3’- ,,.-...1 r. . J. -: a-: «' .■; J‘ > - N 2 1' "».. Cna -.iin Co.. N. , .^ Jua* i'% J in: Hi' ‘iOO Ibw. ikrabic los* ^ale *>y • i ^ 12V lie: -o. 2^r The Cedar Ful r bin C- ^'* E'jw pr prir«' i >o fui r ih. ,: I ■hen E ,,'c, V,1 Viad' o i*.';’ IN. . ! .“r*:uLS :-a-i QUILLS, to. -uil.v.Ic ' r Wv-/ i ' -‘Ujk hi l'.K J. M. • ■ .„. j r r - 1 N 0 .ly 9. v.: '■ | To P^asiters. r HAVE b->? i »ppoiu:ei by at Secretary of the Trct i --aty. Ccn' At'?Q!. for lh« ti-rcbi''; of Coif on f'-r tl, r> r'jf r:,L'; d> T its ( v^vera Bf’2' itHiti :hc S'-i.*e of N ’’■ir' '.'i 7 per C‘.:.i,.. V'ivok 6. II. rosiAit’o, ViK'J.'lN I i r .ib.VCCO, vario;_:- gra,',? ■ ■ cu nony.-^iirr’ tt. .17 (jt-O. V». W1LL.1..M3 c »;.>. Mbj i;:3. -il'f WO Siiic a^tatlici* waiaied. .f Wtli T, UP i : I Bei.'.ng. A^.^ly •LK i.r; h. 5iC!--PlIY. -O'' V'- J11 (bOW IvO^iT. L r.;,.^F. r f .iii-l ■•:■. ’’ ‘ .. J * i; _r .V i'nr aab-.*v:'D‘ ‘ rliifereut par’s of tk? Stii.t.. buy.. ■:; nuta':., w’li iisrc irrittca C'--afi0f4i:''i L’>y ••.fK ; j'j S^crc i..*y of tue Treisurj, V.I Ooilon .i!i*,;i „>' i hy f ?r niy agents, »u &nl at'er i ' ;a i.;. ■>i M^krcn w\:\ 0^ ra;d ^9'’ 7 r.- r ,^ea: . ’ ;• v'a^ti -r... ns,. S p-r oeut a: ■••.tci u; li . ,. •„ *J? r::- I'p tc !a,»' in: fi .i^cvor, tht . a> W f.irjicispi ^f J arc a*^w ,.)^crc >*j r ;, Ttun.iy Ic •■ *■ / ■ ■'■ Ir..^ ii L'i- ). ■ 'l: iCr T.E-iViS 3 TrlLLiA'I'. Ic. llvi . -}, i 'jj. ; 0 lb oarciiM- . -,i fvi- FunJ',i)-& Nofe.;. ‘.ijT-;- n;:.l ni>w .jsiit. -. ii. isi '■• A,-; t>Sv.'X -Ai X)., C.C'Ci-H, ?■(. C. 'ti U t • ^\ j O ■ ; J :.-i v- r, N- u : ..... Trt i.-^’ir/ Nt;:c! (I iiud '• .?-l iJ, “ B c; - ;.t, i «• I : /' ijt r..rl ir -i it : of 1 t - • l ; ; >r- KU ..ji .i d G'-. i'i iica vS; i' ..tVac! 'c 7 .".''1 8 fiT c*!-'.!. lids; , vl ^ “'/J.OUU l.‘-t:i; ; 'i - ,v;» •;(; ' '.y.jAy ; ci‘i i -ir.iir. i iJ-'L'lj; T. .S. LUTTEbL.>H. Got. '. i, i> '/ ]. 7iu i iic . u >. f.n'j : to })urcliise ‘ ff!*r V I. : .r ;.-.y . iT ■ . H i ; Si- « W-. A.-' u:> .. . .1. %'ii i-.NiJ. Thi- Fo’iuia’y . . ■ ; : J. ii ,iV\: ; hi ' -air.'cyujeti V -ri'u, i i'.Q prt:p.-%rra to ‘.'xeciOtj wor- , . '.fZ'i u 'or It rt;«. > >;i vr*:^ C*\.ircfe. M.. - V ti.'.KKP.- i\. H : ;g iS, lS‘i3. »;if Si^alsBia :ii. 4u'. > . r jr-il '-'.y • pri^'Sd for .,...• : , .. / -■ i f-c, ' i ' r i.> WOKTJ. ; - ' r.-li ,2 ; i wy V. V a?* '. dE UNDER- : ■ nwi. i ,L '‘-ry ‘-'“rv','- ’ .r- ■ ' ;:*ri*1>y gi-^e n'),;,'c ' > ■’■'eir ’ :r.a- i-.yiiave appoiu .;1 . ■■. • • h iUi:tmr', of this pU^f , t :• .r HCpar.iteij «r '>nic’ni'j ali n;. iioy ; ! r.'; (.-r nd r, •.,.1; o;; " !■, a, ,' • r.i:;'s j-:nerA 1;. ;,.-. - • ■ ■■ !uUy -nj'. ' -i i7 0 0!1 • j r . I;'’ !Ffl r.l r.n • 1: y r, T u: I' -Ii t'. :• ll; 1 ' L ' ? i- -j ■ : s. u Uti -it ; .\r. ■i. ' (.V- 1 .irloiii'ii w:.s; i > .Uj. F 7 'Ic- Li VI F-. ' ti.: Wit ^:.i ' . ,;i Vii j A - r? > ‘ '1 ,U-V. ■•-4 .1 jre - .-.:.d i ■• .• .'is f.r j-a;; ?! n•■■•nr;*,; b.n r^- nv ,. 1. aad t\ r ’.iIc :0W I'aii. ;j]fc :ii“ rt . r',i "tof:’• .'^■as if.m Mucli pi^nire.^. riiTi'ig petnjitj.-n ly i,. . h";e L hu^-t t j oi.'tL yo’ir 1 nr.',.: i ',0 -c- n Liv »inoc ■(* 1- '* • fer lie iiotr^ paTPL •.'^o >,^t.,w- i \jb. w.? h^; .. ;rvr,? nv ilia goO'i i.,soi>Ic of i .^ye’.icfi-dc and Tic'uity. C. ,\1. VANtmaDKLL. ^ i'taplii.ii Prc ^tict /- ifcti >, i J - ' % ISr'-i. «x- j ■ i ' f . ■ - V !T ■\!' ■■ • ivi - vi .. N ;. ; ■ iJ -• io.X ..>. J h\v- 1.. F i'«. L>. \i - n.' V":- i. • - V K.lVr.TTKVlLLIi ANJ ;lRMimV,) Sw'x. 24, 18GJ. } '• U; i, urii: ■> . . a . .•■•^•^■,■ -i 1 Cr>M'- ; i'-, ; . •>■• -i ■■ -*■ 1 poinic-i %1- r..’.p;'1-J ,T i!i ' ;. ftnd ha-/r i:“t- 11 i i’- ' J , ; njdiLr.g .Xi l '.' .h' ■ 1.! Sinir S'-'ir. ,.• .1 'j;. 7. . , ‘i ^l.p' Ued r» . ,;.'UCr. , 1.1'y uiri'Oi.L!'. . ir.-. ' ■ a1 \iiao ; ■ ^n- -he p,;, , : or-^i . a ■.■ f I: ^ 3 .‘or t;.j ,»i-i Vi ,.‘0^1 u'o:^') .1; . .I'l - ; ■ ; ■; • '* • ’ ^ ' '^f ‘ ■ .• ..1.,'-. ii. .M Ll. 3 ii'.l »>■, Nn. IT., Ai. 1 • ’I ...:ra-' ( C ; 7 -'I I . . . »■ , fS .'■Ji y a,'i>- A5iy'2'’t'E, [ Kif Lcgii Meat.—Tho i^reat scarcity of meats ' ONS ’IPT OFFK'E. ( : oi .*11 kinds in this Coniedcracy rendera it abso- i./LniGH N iH-?. J ; lutoly necessary that all classes should be exceed- ! »■■>;' 0 .1 t): ;. ;S > i4!, -kuJ ;u) I ingly ccunomical in ita use, in order to furnish ' i .-1* .Ip i ! . "i i.T- Southern armies with proper rations In tke ■' ) .•'. .‘>1 -io ! i); c".'I'V O'Uoe, P.-.’e'g i, I coun•.ric.'?, where the people possess iron con- Uy -r '>1 i scitution.s and enjoy fine health, comparatively >5', Lif-:iTT, ■ .m dt'7oriseri,ii,!j N J. , iittjc meat is used. We must, follow their ex- ' ' ” ' j iuiipiovluriD"this war. Every housekeeper should A Jj't anill7sp’t(i™eral's'0Slcc, l | “’"“"i' •'■"•f, f?* « Pos^W*. «'i ‘.uoTot Kb. '.'t-t, iJ I80i j i every f;irnj'r ought to devote a lair proportion 01 : ' ) ■ I'.is best iunds to the cultivation of the Chinese ) j KUj-ar cane, froiu which to make abundant supplies ■• , sM ; .i.T, «. J ?’i Imoluiises. iJy doing this, and by cultivating ,. - V:./" V'^"” ^or i ports, we shall have an J n:, .: r -J peci lil • r‘.4 ir''i I nourishing food for private II ■’ ! ■ • j families and exempts ami a fair proportisn of ,r , m* ». or or. recvVv ! nieat.s fbr tht army. The South has its all in this !i si -.J fii.i u^i:, w.u j conquer an honorable peace, or lose all that is worth living for. If it Jos»iros fre*.loni '■■raui- I its people imist Ik) willing to boar sacrifices, priva- rr-TT. ' tions, and wkiu Without these we catnot suo- ■ : f rl.-'iirb, and >ir- I cecd, and tUo sooner every man and women in a1 fx.iu;i 11. e Board, makes up their mind to bear all and suf fer all, ratiier tb&n become Northern slaves, the sooner we will attain to the great end for which we are aiming. Meat is scarce, very scarce, and we ar^ compelled to .do with very little of it, even now. Tho stock on hand can last but a short liuis, and our readers should make up their minds to do without it altogether till this war is over. Practite and Preopt.—“That which thou hast to ..lo, do it with all thy might,” said a clergyman to Iii3 sou one morning. “So L did this morning,” replied Bill, with an cnthasiastie gleim in his eye. “Ah! what wa.". it, uay darling?" and the father'^ hand ran tbroui^h Lis offspring’s curls. “Why, i woilopcd Jack Urown till he yelled like thunder; you should just have heard him holler, dau.” Dad looked unhappy, while he explained that the preccpt did not imply a case like that, and concluded with— “You should not hav« done that, my child.” “Then he’d a wolloped me,” retorted Bill. “Better,” expostulated his sire, “ior you to have fled from the wrath to come.” “Yes,” argued Bill, by way of a clincher, “but Jack can run twice as fast as 1 can.” Tiic good man sighed, went to his study, took up a pen, and endeavored to compose himself and a sermon, reconciling Practice with Precept. A Shrewd Editor.—At a Welsh celebration Dr. Jones told the following amusing anecdote: The speaker said that editors were like other shrewd men, who had to live with their eyes and cars open. He related a story of an editor who started a paper in a new village at the West The town was infested by gamblers, whose presence wa.s a sourco of annoyance to the citizonu, who tokl the editor that if he did not come out against thtm they would not patronize his paper. He replied that he would give tht>m a “smasher'' next day. Sure enough, his next issue contained the promised “smasher.” and on the following morn ing tbe redoubtable editor, witn scissors iff nand, WAS seated in his sanctum, cutting out news, when in walked a large man, with a club in hi« hand, and demanded to know if the editor was in. “No, sir,” was the reply, “he has stepped out. Take a seat and read the papers; he will return in a miautc.” Down sat the indignant man of cards, crossed his legs, with his club between them, and cDiamenceti reading a paper. In the meanlimo the editor quietly vamosdd down stairs, and at the landing be met another excited man '.vith a cudirel in hi,s hand, who asked if the editor was in. “Yes, sir,” was the prompt response, “you will iiud him seated up stairs, reading a newspa per.” The latter, on entering the room, with a turious oath, commenced a violent assault upon the former, who resisted it with equal ferocity. The fight was continued until they had both roll ed tp the foot of the stairs, and pounded each other to their hearts’ conteit. Cuntcntment i6 Wmlfh.—Agar said, “give mo neither poverty nor riches;” and this will ever bt the prayer of the wise. Our inaomes should be like our shoos; if too small, they will gall and pinch us; but if too large, they will cause us to stumble and to trip. Wealth, after all, is a re lative thing, sincc he that has little, and wants less, is richer than he that has much, and wants more. True coatcntment depends not upon what w'ii have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes, but a world was too little for Alexander. Su’jar avd Tubaceo.—“Arc sugar and tobacco injurious to the tcethy” This question was discussed at the “Congress ol German Surgeon Dentists,” •which met recently at Frankfort. The Congress decided the quc.stion in th« negative in both in- stance.^, when the articles are taken in a pure state and not in immoderate quantities. • i,W-_ ■■ '■ ■ ‘-7. •' O ' I rr-' W..'i H;.. •. ' -;i\ r. ; ; otS'.'?;'wiltor-e-r - ‘ ! . E'{ = .!• i rj; •■■T C'-nsoripN, f.nd ■, ,i ,i in.' ‘ ’y.-Icianf? "P r >1 lyed" i' ■•* ^'{-.-• ■ i COT'icindijig Ger*#- nn-- r • i r-:C ■firac.O'f.'V'i'Ii i'.‘r ■ .0:-I t ir,y d-vs. ■ ’• '. ■ > >-1 Ge:.-. r.;i But . : p.'i '1 be •' - H ■' Ex . B j.^vJ, who ! ■ ■ :’ • : ' CO ■*! cs V ;•■.■.■, whi’jh, r'rom rh.’ J \ : dvp- t er trs;-t'-eat, V . ■: (j,L tUo Sol , . - -I - f’l-'.rr. ;otheaeirc6i •, ,i; ■ I'rr -r . ;• . ‘ '-.i. - 't;:- .-J if3 officer-^ - ■'•' cr;;, •.•.•i t r > cf r'M t • V »:''i - r J- to -'I'l ni l’s, vi' :i by ; ■ VI i .,1 Extiminers; : . ' \ . ; i> .i Ion -•, P.'.Tastrsvp'i JU, •■ ‘-r B.' ^1 "-s.- , .a-r= f rPous ■ • - o-• :fi';t,: fr.’1 • !■ . :»> obysici':.cs t ■ , ;;i.' • ^._2:iv. Tt • 0. ba ro* 3 71 .. , . J t:i Cr '. il . u ' aon-. rv.* 1 Par- ;l’.: rN, . .'ni :?ir Ssri-:3 fryoi ihl' ; -1 :• 5 : ni;o;r-i w:h i!.de p-xrH-^rapU. t ■'wii' E >' );c r)!>r i u 1go Ml' if 1 ■X:.;’ n^:!icn -.-f pa!-: i vir\ the : .• •• t P..r . I 102,Gm- . .^c; •i'f' '-H, ,'i- •- . '. : >■ • ■ i; uni 1' .'1, • . ' i' f*.i’ t.-^ • ■•■' -f, ,t. f, . -■ ■.-.■ . .■. i i ''r ! C By orJ , S (,0 'I'Ell,. .^dju’nnf au l 1. . . vT Goneral. ^ KXTR.VCT. ' Ofllco Mcdlcal Director, ] ; L;Esuk\l lif r>i>: r.\L. N C, [■ ' I N T 12, 18W j i CM’i'.Ci AT. (ji’iJKH, ( i ‘ IV i' -lit r li-'-'pi’'.! Ejcr.'ii'j';aj; B.^arJs will I Hi ■( '• 1 , :r !»•; ! , ! .c-'S '^errin iosignaV'J. viz: • t A: G?uer/. II'* ;N >. 2, Wil,^oa, oi’ Ta.’i^d'iy i.od ‘ i T ;U'■ r>‘ -i -r.'cl. ck p ui. -f evjrj weok. ,\i G~v.i'Ti.\ a’ No. S, G.lidhboro’, on Tucaiay j ..-lu TVtu-s,l *v ' 3 oV’.-'ck 7“ rn oj' every -week i •.'.G -Mpr il Nd 4, W^.Tjlai^ton, oa Tuesday ; un . 7'u -'i-y :■ 3 o'clock > ‘’f c’f ry we,^k j .Vi G; i ;■ \i T), ‘>V.:01 Wedaoj- I d'.y r—'':t“ ar '■’c"o-. y v.. 1 ■ G-.-r r\ ii jj?;,.:-*! Xi u. F.iy.^L'K;/di •. onTa, sJay I i .i’.r-i:y B .'.^lock ■ . m fTi.-r> 'Wrak. ! At G.-nt^ra ' osnitilN . 7, i'a’eigh, ot Tu«s'.-y^i.d i I ;ur- V. ■.' 3 r’c’.'c-: n. ns. of e’J Ty *7. ek. ' G ;t •.- -i ' p il ‘'’.1. y. ll»t-i.Ta o'j W>Ja.':diy ; .■ . i’.:. .1 S u oi e?-ry -wee* ! \ G i;- - I ;i X - 9, 8ili*l>i;ry, on Tueslay ! . V -.1 ■ 1. C o’c’.'"Ca p. ni. of e'?-:ry w.'Ck ‘ . ) P. E. fIINE3. Surgeon. Me.'.c&l Director. '■ /. .I.'. , 8;Mw CAuOLlXl COLLEGE, ^^ >NV)i>LL N C. *VTlL^ i ti'-f M'uJay iu J.muary • \V •■i- -. c ,u 2'ID CJ'Octobtr 18(54. cna-ns: ’ B ^ in.-luihjs i wi!'’aua; for term of 1- ..... $‘2'>0 00 in- • 'X : '1 . ■m'tlije, 40 00 ., ■ i' ,;u .i"'-’ iO t'O 'I .• •.! ■ t ;=c-;.--i-q:s 30 00 ~C 'n T\i 1\. ... ... 'd. !v.’iu2 wilh thpia their old text ,uUr; JO.-EPH H. GHIFFITH, Bruiug’o ', Va.. 1 '. I'.- ;i IcG'J, %diirt*3.‘^ ins vT K G. 10. rd ; 11-^ I'C ‘j' ' N. £il iJ.n’iiett COIlil(% '•» -.ii. I • iis'. Wi'it .ind T‘S- ” N. iev 'u. odi-rs f(’>’V i ^ T - or live i. . : i,t " u F 'X'' *? i.-iKnd on th-^ ■ F- I.- U'r. .1.* ’'rendu/ ''-u lir • ‘ u- . ■. i , ijaci I ■ - IJ. i . ■ 't -‘i\d: "f I-;.'r-Ter, from ■■ 1; ;, - I? t du.- c , liu I .iro coa.=»id- - ’. y J: ! (' . v’-v J .f liiO prC'luoiion . ;r 0L> McL-an wids'how T K ■■ purcl.i -- To vho ■’\r. c; jjnipovty laese laiid.s .i':i-.'•vU'a. i r . , p.-ipcr^y will ho i . . (■ 10'~ ' LllUllJ^tOU. \:U •-•X*. T■■ .in*! nj V..-' knjwa EhFIE McLEAN. Es'r'x L’. I\ 1V4. iK>u 8_’-iO:pd iuUoii i:ixciia.igcd Tor liaiU. ... ■ 1 r ; ,-.UL> S30 SlB':iVA3C«. -i! r' »'*!* f-i! n • *i ' - • the 12ia inst., !i LE ibllL’ I’i. ii NNAN, v. , wa-: M-r-^-.ed 0^ tbe i -us-,c> V. ! ...s .. . .y If- -- p.; artiiy in K a ,.cl.y B'J- j V, HU, • ha - ■u' ;-■■.I'.z 1 or nt.-.r his . J 'i i i; ; . C- - ■'.■•‘‘i '= v"''. '-'a,J ' • ,1'’ ’i 'itl'' ! i • y I-:'.:.. Thi-’ j 'le-' IS c.-' •’C'T'c 11' I : iz-' .A V C> TUi •- I*!' fy., 'J vi ta in/ ■ I.i / j'l E y r.\V-.ULl. . K . •. i I i'i 1 . i’!, C., cr •i' • il \ ii. ,.l Ll. II, ■ J !i,■ »^'1 N Fttrc'tcTillQ. J*--T''y ii'!, . 9-'»(f I ' ..’I ,.•■ 8 4i.l ^A.i.iaD« I im'il'-n f. : ■'PLIE .^’(rocd i,;.'.:,-;. I'r;: .Vsr.-.icy the ’ii^e ( .n.",' L of• W \i. F:k- •>:. C .>’s G.'i'i i '-i’-ieos. rv-ii ■ • !■ ,Vl^ a-'f ' i (. -'.d Z(s ruuvi.u.: trj.-u iJr-X:.’.'' iuc-e - 'o ... ' b fr. t ' r '• ‘J"'i-i "J - i' .cri w . \'>Y StZ'/.-j ’'■ 1 VCT' .-i'. i'.i Vi of -- j /x j - •’•di ,’■■1. u,—, ••r.-i ■» ,ii V.U : --.'jru'.’ii, /r/70'Vi'-i i . i • t ^ -! t .. .j-, .; ■. 0/ ^ c.; \a r.-;.!i. ■'J '.ji G. *■; v71.*iL) A 'A. r'svv-Ufv.^i , Ifiy » . ; -Jj. rnir;: u' I - - . E i or b- d . VijO fv >.ho \r- tj \ C'i Pil -t leaded ■ /ii. V* ^; . . . . ; ti -.."J... J’; i'-. i . . ;.f ■ • GU. ?S ■> » W". '1 :r t . : ,L, L - viL . ^ ‘: >. I i.M> WANTED —X »;«.j i.urc-. . •« L-: .d icr |j . , ir , ,.,.;t. i’«.,r30i*« n'.vux^ li*.' :s r «uali c- . -'I . ; I’ '**• ^ pouad 9' i'*J iO : > vf * T ii03. Ii. HUGG, Gapt. C. B. ;i*j. I la cliirg-j of Ordr-itiC3. riii?r’ss .’Vcdkiiv.. . -• .Dcc-ioiber i'-^rrj', iS‘... .>f t ,- i GMail'-”i-id, qualified (*-> , ■ C ' --.n.ty ■ '-’I •::c.> j: ;.i ii-V oi 0. U'.'C’,*, ,1.'.: • ►. ■ J i-v: r.-'; Daviair oia’.ni.-^ .-.g In >: tiso Estate to ■ Wii ia iru; tiuic li:,iiiC.! hy law, olaerniso . .:• :. will i. pir.ided in bar ol recovery. Debiors *:; re(^«it«ici to rsake proaapt payment fl£CXOi( Mol£ILL, Adm ;>••. 10, iwa. W- f li' Alter iikis dale 1 wili • j.iiy l^j pouud tv" rage, or tnc liig.ii-fit bi,.rfe,'U priCf, da'iivered ia Of »t a.j iiii-.-i OH liv>vk&-fl D. MURPHY. Wif TUJb: mxi£: |H}& ioe LitUe Volk*. A forilier supply at wholesftle W %I ft. J. HAJUB ft 80FS. At !;H. 'i ; r ■ o ? ■ , .V'J of t' :i ;« i. t.'.'.I 15';''’ ■■,. i i . • 1 ( . c ■ i c-...,-_3(.f aV.-i.-’t-ii . 'i schir'/fi - .'ui.-r', . i 'I (>?t furLj\.j i, , j.ii. r.;’ ;.i. ...1 ^:r-, .5. ! .i ra,! a,- :^2V, I'v'; ' t,-r -u'n' -ii r .-i -.-r-i-- | (niG;.,' eg i .. Ct:ticd •'•7'' •-* G ■' * j. .:ei j TCU ! ■;' 0 ;Vif. ; \. • ■ ■ . i - . ; j TTit.3 cvory v»ri.-;ty oi ;t'-i -nd c%-i ni'-k..- 1 • ' :a'ly collection as the u luiVitr ua fi!'- w> 1 u- i mil. I A ni ■i'?r*je f"e w;il he to r, ,ve"ocj • >., * gta’.ica T7, eiH i .ippiy in p’!3on «»r ih-.’ 1 i.-r, i JNO. • i-.O-E. I Faycttfivill-.^ N. G., G-;t. 1-^, iftSG ii ■,;‘l j WCKI’d IVAiW^’kK HE Subacrioers iriaa to oou-rioi i :r ins d?iiv«ry at -I E . S’oi* i^ale. . ; 1 -i,!.), 1 . Tt • > I.' Coi.-rt, beintr i: d I ;■ s;iiVi.s heloucinj? f)i i O ' L>. -;-y, d'jc :-.^.‘d, will fisl! »t . .*1, /. -'u iVloadiiy, i’-j'irf'.euth diy .> , h' auc, Uk'dy pIitc?, LiiOii, h.)jy. V 'IE-..'• g;ris. T(?I01SCiFh H. jJ. LEWI8. Coia’r. Noivm’ -.'r 17. 1^03. 82-l;?i !!5iTiaAVIiO, 13-vOM ; )y * ■'ni . ■ • ji - r D oM ~‘ore, .Marl- ) -. ’ j’ .- -:n t. y. C . I ~ -..lit lb-; Ir: of S’.rf. ?, s: .i ^ s .li MULlu. lirb oui Aay on? M'i;e v,i.; . > I’ “-all/rcrrirdeU by ad- ' ^ n: J. >L DAViy, Gaert'v S. C. i:*. 8 J-.3ipd 'i. ; 81-5 ir *5'. j ^ !lree K ii.l -iBt'. -I' Gots-^oid. sbe^ir I Jj fr'.r' -.x ■ : .’,i J p ■.: j.' .'. ‘ Price 3>-5t) each, ' f •• , A '.y I..J iiGjlI McLE4N. . ':ek P. 0., "..ur-c'f Go , Njv 18. 82 3ipd { I \ :.vE ‘ ui. m;. Aes __ , OFFltE OF T51E A»T6 ASb’f QUAUTEH5IASTKR,) i i Kaiocieville Arsenui and Armory, M A j rATKTiEyiLt.M, N. G. Not. 17, 18t>a. J ^ their reaidfsnoes oa H-y Mouat of FIFTY of WOOI>, ohiefly Pine. Sept li. £. J. UAL£ y coPvDS \ir & SON. K Tf I o WAi%Ti:D. ‘ i. ii\KER. j HEALED ritOP J8AL3 T’d be received until the 80th .{. .J ,; ■/_•! , >;■> 78 1-a 1 iO No».^'»o i*'"-V'-’; of fiv-j huadre-i eorda of oak ‘ " . j : u.; ire »ron J •’ d n t.^ie line of t'ls Weiteru ;'v-i i 5 ii/iKT'FU or di iftt'ArB-jn-’.'. Ag the parties raay prefer. 1 ^11 \7 .J-J 1 il‘3 Vf tJ-it I 11) j j.) (J lod *'!’iad bj.-..;k ja>ik, red o*»k, or white • JiiiOiCr iiZid Merciiani, i ■>''' • ' pii^e b-'«od f.uad Wjod Itmaiion- ' vMU'rri L-i \T 1 I foTiJiBfriotly to theafsud'trdm-iafiureiaeatfor cord wood, i'AYE 1. ilii V ILLL, N. C. I »iz: 8x4i4. Propoaala marked, Proposals for wood ILL ^ve prompi uiloatioa U ali bofliaasa ealrasted J for Aot’g Ase’t Qr. M^. to hit care. 0«t. 20,1863. j\*0 y ##' jE» CONSClllHT OFFICE, > Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 13, 1863. j 'PHE fcEowivg narri-d Qtgroes are now oonfioed at 1. C liip ii^ \r lla’eigsi, 8u> ji ot to call of owners; NICV, biack, 30 ycara old, 5 feet inches high, and h^jr son, JOHN, blAck, 8 years old, 4 feet inches high; were arrested hy pickets near the Trent, and sent to Cucup Holmes, Aug. 13th. Represent themselTcs as belonging to Mrs Louisa Oiam, Polloksville, N. C. ALBEUT PvIDDIOK. black, 33 years old, & f«t 6 inches oigb, and WILLIAM FULLER, black, 23 years old, 5 fee^ llj inches high, arrested ia Princess Ann county, V , and sent to Camp IToliaes Oct 27th; state that they are free. By ordnr of the Comd't. 82 It] E J. HARDIN, Lt, AePg AdJH. $io« REWARD. RANAWAY, on tbe 12ch of November, my negro boy WENRY He is about twenty-one or two years old, weighs about 140 lbs., 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, .^ark complectioDi^and very talkative- He was seenlast to ihe neighborhood of F;iyctfeT:lle, supposed to bo go ing to Wiisbiagtoc, N. C Said boy I purchased Oot. 10th in KichcQond, Va. of J. Lynch. I wiB gire the above reward for siid boy if lodged in any Jail so loan get hioi. ' JOHN FAIRLEY. McBlpeli"r, N. 0 , Not. 18. 82 3tpd TAKEiir UP, T my house, three Bsile^ fpcni town, on the Western Plank Road, early l!v«t Sp.-ing, a light BRINDL£ QOW, m-diuta siie, white belly and flanks, » ilit in the ; i^h: cat, r.nd an nnderbit in tfce left Tho owner is reqa.'ftcd *o coiae forward, prove property, pay charges i*Ed tV»e her away. RUFFIN VAUGHN. Nov. 16. 18fi.3 82-4tpd 70tt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, Ca^ta'A & A A. Qr. M, OIL AND LAMP BLACK. TANNRR8’ and LOBRICATINQ OIL. Lamp BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. B. BLOSSOM ft CO., WUjBimfltoB, N. 0. * Marek 7. ^ ■#.- , - ■' yf 'Tf ■

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