mmmm wm T^i -.N.W.P tij.^ 9MP R9S5nSHHH»»Rre!9!!~ •■Heaswff aj2 1 •If le lOii iC; tAl J R J m j % " SI ‘ r, .•■ lb' ., i;iVi br; ti- ivr ^ !;;i. ;‘ ' ft. Ilf ;iw: ?d iUi- if ; St’ inr as pa. *"i . rch ... . . ,4 ^ f' : h i u: rer - ta.s y, i\ - tttb' i . kSii .-'■ ,^• >■ . ; »uri. '-■t x ■'■^ &r. - i ’ 1 I* C . '>t 'V >_ 1'm« . k>«» .1.5 »i»l; ., C it. t;pf. ■ tC'. ’lii. a ■ste «t lem “• ’^i'e- ^ aeh • ’‘'ll i.« *a|i- fa# • tw« 'i • ii;»r. : 51 - Iw r-is ifl iK nt :k* ‘ ■ ■- 6 .ii^ ■ ar- P‘i b ‘ t?;- ♦ ‘ ' Fvi t i i- aeri. .J .BVr . - - - aa- k I'Cv -t.-:rp*«, ei i. ■ -V .** -ji se. .. ■ wf saist variisl L oa iLt . lO ihe i ks : Itr.i, . KL/wect- Bl..:.. . ■ c/i thfi . tti . .jI d h'. • v.r -'Ml S3 . - -ac tiii- - tia. ^ . 1 : ;. , .ch f . • V. -t ■; . •' ■,o 1.. tk; a a.' cr . ■ \ U' . f ^ arp',. ih Ji :aer x.- he ih«i e jr. f ’iVur . woa.d CC V ;.e iir- ia, - 1 .-iiCi ivcd ihca .. , . -1 i- to . ~ .A ru.-. ' . 1 a.-'t..- i u- . • 1 -; : 13 >« u. , . jj,;' £ ry J ,.ti L'tt act. RlrJ- T-: ,, ai ta ! i Ji iia%^.‘ . , *. •-■- an » '• r r. h. t' 1 ' il . L- ■ E L., ( f i r - e-. f;r ac . 1 .Aii 1 I-fit QO - -;r J 1 U *, e ' i * V * h. ■ li r.- ■ -.Lj' T . t > a [•I * i ■m >;>'• ■} Ih ; . -i- •i k*; . u ■* h-.> • Osi'P" : EH FA^ f^TTF.V ./' .^. C„ NOVESIUER 30 18#3. JNO. 1285.] r-: invrj. i "'4 1 5S,000 ACHES «F LAND i(j c^’s b :p. ay pf- I vv -■". • '.i >• i' ■•--i, oj ’"'>■ '-^lur i-fii bj • V ft .(•: >2 ijavfi * ^*a.ea ‘-»'i-: ' . i-H : »■ ^1?; ■ : - J ‘ S,^ ** L. .1. KU»W/1 •• :i|« i'i^ninur Qi'-^U I ■' L.r*vj’*! • .-,'T. r , Oil I« • r.. vsr, ■’.' :. ^ ?;. -u ^. •; ^.: i:: t si j. Iv t.t \:-. v s? ■~ Bt ri. *: ’■ -i:* jfi r.f*' .' i'. '■ ">j». 1 , ' - '^ > ^■■■■»^ '■ .'ir.i .- ’r.jTs,-J eciir'r, knor^i *.* ■•r - ,j -«r- -.;- " >'• ^ i' j';■ i. 1 ;■:: i SS'^/Ii ■t-: F; T = i"- - t» i .: i,' ii, ;^42 ii. i .^. ?. 4u Iv, T 4i 3, "•r'lrry. ■* ^ ■i >; r.-^scv f ■ * U'Wif/, .v, Ok.rr-.**. f? J. .: :‘uuL. i i>'iv) *c:*• f'f i^^ni iti c iui5>7. Flcvi I*., com- ^ 1^. C ' lb* In ^ . f N’ E 1 f'*’ .'5co‘2V. *b* W i of N ^ • ' :\y. «3 J - -i !; i :■- z7: ii | N '7 J, - n l E J V 'i ' f-ifSS : -■' }. «■•=* w fc i -f 8*n v:- i ■^■J, ij. R ly E; Pr*- ' * r;» § flip ! ''^ r^^’® J f *ri ".j. ' - *'-■ '* “‘1 h£ ««'fi •',: IjHrJ ■'. ;i » ;■.•»- eS'lHt^T i'.'f-. L'itS =. S5^* n’Bt# ^JS,,5S L’i '' - •> 1 ®J J. -'. 41 J:!; J'roj.* ?yc'*Pid'iip ; ^'’■ .’•tir ►»* •!.• ■ i i- ; .i. L J »• ?i^-tr : .,. " ■; ? r>'’ l. v .7 4. r'y K ^ • ' i .. - . ' ■• *i .J. a ;:2 T'-'i-: . I I r. t» «• 2 7-’.-'- ; , r. : l"»" ', *'>■' * 'i »r cr , *-. . \ FEA'RFUL S«^ENE AT WARSAW. Cu>' VRIPT ^FFI' K. 1 j con«.*pondent *f the Lon'ion PoBt, at War- K..LKICIU, Nfv 15». r ! taw, givts u vivid sketch of the aceae whicli fol- -.i'-winf ^ V ; !4i, AUj' ftr 'l ! 1.wod thc attciupt inad'i to assassioate tfec Russitta for ^.•'* **■ * Geatral I5erw, by flinging an Orsiui bomb at him • that city. Lv . '>■1' «»f ' it has a njaryeUou! resembknc* t» some ot th« ! ’ 7* iJAL!JJTT. C*m d' C*B?crip.4, 0 Lvi-LSii, Adj’i. -- -•n ' ". pt ( ii:s f'''».e?f. a' ^il Ui':^ % } tvT t’i«| i‘ f '• j » -•-.« c. ,■ . - TTSiC' ^ -f r-' !(# . TT; ;1; fqf) Jj*r. >' 1 »: 4, : . ,-■ f- ; j; ;^ci :; ; S H:; * 1 iiru '.aw aiiu Gris-: TUli, r \ ;t tti:r r,3. *5 -A J* : jj* la Ui.l.ri Ti’ 9(i.ii»fy. F!*riv?5, 5 i J f S- ‘ • r 83 3 Ik r': Fr»i»*rif of Av- ; . ■ 1, '1'i* »sr«» of t#f »q Fio^^l • ' * it* : for pr .t th!* :»•?>'.- 1*1- .^».:; -n fe.*J tt» F»rJiat.»i'i Mc- »! Di« -iet A. .■■ m»j, *t LsV* ! ", F'. *.. K ??n, *■ T&mat. F.irii* 8 t-; ^vP*ON,‘?i^ irr-’. K -Nl-L!' >I» C ,. * i V •’/ '.:*■ ..I. '•'x'.J 78-t* , 1’, i i; •'•iV»nnb»>- ■-•>*.:• ' f* p* >' • ». • ! st^l, f/ ■ •» •,'? , VAi U\Br,l-: ^L-VN- - . .'I '.‘v i.' l.'-.s'nc;, 6 C, i ■ ,l''s N'.rta of ' ">. :>. ^ ?w !l , !»* 1 11 mil?* 3 -.V.J rf :*n V(. 0. vt >* !l i' , (••r. ^*u t »?»•«! inn i s’f* »f C'z'.-. ■ i . Oa '.,•* k i Mv-' O’ri ' vri'S r''- c'** -uUl ■■- v‘ •*.- c -J..uc-'f'A f; ,'"t. T'le ■»i.a6 ir* «r»l! ^ :»i r-i I t -ur, c,« vf cot’tn »n'i jt ts Jkusi • t ■*'r -, -• > ; - ^ ‘ ■ iv», ci '! T jsd . pr,u- ■ •> i '’•* • - »r suf*. sot t"? .,icain»'.ie;if. 1 wll! ; 5j!. * —St. ;» ir» »r * * ’* ''' '* > rtiB -ta if», .nii '■ '* ' • ^ . ij. . •'»’ ^ f'-'iu r^e i ' g, , ^ i r >> r 4i4 fs‘ Auarsis a. *. BRADDY. '.•: - e‘: •' - i*-7 u. 81-4 ,.a ■*.-: -i ■{» i* Cf :j5 0 M-,0 , •. Adiuiaislratioai ^aie. ^ a ^ :'. /• ! r)T r\•::•;• «f ti *r^fr / of «d4 --V *=% . ' O ;». i*r 5o*«f:>n* ef •. Ooumtjr, obt»i*“i ’ Si. I ' ^*«5 to HP* il ' '* -9^* I’fTii ’ fit fiiVie iV«r »» i?: s’^sl. «?r tf 1 ’ = ^ , ia* * e *'oi.:: *.-w :» tk« fa«»’ y( "3-1 k?' ^ »i». ♦ ij j -f A» J'.!” ct* J.p, T», r ie 4'. i»w of saS'l Sbaw, ▼. j r«!i‘i.;a to *n'i ?.«al at S*pt*mh«r Tirni -25LL. ; 186‘5, i« «%se (■' »a ffc« j«etition to •v-.rftnt-ii*- j »j'' r-.'l -'I tk« 3-> dfcy rf J«3uar.r, 1864, tx- -* 1 * *'- io S'jbli* ?»]« '*• Bc'jf? is F«yi:*evU?e, I lit ;j ,'.’e!t*k. M , %.‘s^ut 272 ht-c? e>f L»3'J. K'tunt*'! o« I ij «'its *f (jf Wilenitjjri ri r*>. kbovit 8 sii'«» f- >u V*/ V k.-.' ^ J-*'• **id ••'Ro' '*f'»fi»r l*y- ^ in* 10 lb* riJ.w. Ateo j Jr.. ■.Tu; Jta t;® ! e^r.^n 29 N*h- > • ;■. ir, wS c» 13 •»r>n’r.» t- T«rai> At :e-i« James JKNKiys, I (.'oiHiiiicr:»n»r. »ht«ust;;:*. 5,14, iiS5, si a«'{ - i r^. I Uin-'a OP Tril LUATHAil K, Jl Co , 1 1 C , Nov 8, 18W. / j pii.: IJM^ua:-; l-iKE ;rOK':i s' Itii c hav- i-'C **..« .:,.nr i t^j p*j»h frrw».'d th .■ ^ of ta? j • s. •■ T.-:. •-.: •, lie -TsV •;■ au .-"-ip ;.ij. ,Me c»pi- ■j -..i f--r-v : :i ft/*, '•«» •,'. i-.; r*- w ..•. • T IS .• wi’.l • ; ■ I'.i . -i • 0.' '■- J-jvl ir^n d^'^-'DEt s •'* B>'-;-j3 il V’"- . ■■•. Ir w ’:l bn i?!!\.--.s'e:/coaaecr*^ wii* j;r«ai :^*yi i» wi'l l>s on tae lin* of tli- S' i r... e -v , wiiou i t» Chart- r'oa. LsJt . , -.• t ..:ij. .1 d:*b'.«. T .j ■■i i^--d u "-1—? . • i^'avu: ■ ,r uJ ^ .1 dpTsl f: ,7 'bi ’• :;■ ■ a.' -i»riej, la :aviied ;» ■ •'?-• . pr-jOl'- ■ ij.'-v b. ,:i ( .. :;s p 'iOO >• TC" ■, • J B jv. lO. K.EMP P 5^.. iL,C, Pr«n’f ?-^J » rr tS.t. ' ) .1; 1- A ^,. .-.J :. ' :;.Li k '0. ■ ’>>3 t? . >0 S'.jj- u \\ A. Fat: I r PI uur I '• ’* ^ ^ , ’-•. s. 'I ’ , :\c'\r*n ■ : ■ ;-•■ 0’ '":'.,.d o. '-^ns! ' ■; J ' ; . ff 1.-^ ■ iA'tn & 1; ^•1 f Dm. 13, 1862. IILCIOK M j i-IL.’i, Adra'r 8§- ( 01 T.Lr**J VT 6. J. a vlutt « eopc?. A’ v: -t ..:j C )a' 3:i*;U f-;-; i,'!(3 "> will t) ; :0 :• •*, » -•V.-; ef i>>- ■ f ’ '■:■-•■ ‘K . i;j Crtlif-3' r..!! ■i ii-:h'7ryfd ^«;ti;=>r--. nsii 0 *’. ■; '•■ jili.1- ' '«J k. ? ’ .' • V.; ,' r. If ■ • ■''fiZ/r.^ ij . :|j (i> •-•■ •"' •• *5 '!» pe: fvetly .• -..I-' c:a ri\ii!i ar. ^ i.’.icnbv's no^T ou li'n ■sfiil a^:!- cVr ’O'i to e:rerc!JOt, p.jgf 'j;0, ju • '■ 31a n' - !i'r- s bv k' pr, J.0. -O.^iE. C.. li, ir-.{. ••:; d rr.Iin dB‘.> •bS'.; r.. ; o'.av;r-.y *,.ry rf i T : ■ 1..^]- 0f:3oail.yr Mcum. cl KlfiYCOKDS of WOUi>, oJiiell^ Pine. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 14. .. 1 ..v;ry .>1 ■ , ii. u \ n: ;-iu ..j yi.w \6j-i, mij be iiihd i ia b ^ r c. af. Ba iJi, bei'.f.B^ f.oiu .d ^ -1 V . -.i llo C :" Q'A' . fl,-.,i 1; r'-p.. ’aiK, '' ‘ r 4 1 i :e r-. -j. w - i -i.- >, ^. ;s >*’ ; ;• ■. . •■ O . ■■ V. 7 ; iis ^^■. G i-.OA » Fiijeitsvhl* IviiCRal auU Araayi'jr, \ ^100 Wr:i='^e£, .?I Si aca i£iavi:z?:-. A U ;! ! i. ,j 1 4 ,v . _ - ■ .. ; 1 • , > . li . 1 ^ V.'. .in tf M4. T. -a I- ■ ’. -' ; : ■ ■« tifii- y. r.»„!ca bereejgutr. .hU .ioiajis If) t. • wf lOu non e»?itcrijt/t irjii re- f ■ -i 'r !.• .'iSi. /'.,c" >■•':■.;■. WiU be?4u;r«’' ^0 ; . ., uvf'*?, ioc wiioii *10 «.•! oe ai- 1 t. ' 1 4i' • »&••• - -X ' J. a, 1 Ui i ' ™ .’ i.’sr r :i h I'Wn /.rriisiivH ~a ^'-r- :'s-.i.ii-il I'.oji pirfn'^ cr k..i'»i'u> .a-, ,iei« ai>piicaui i8 usul^r ihe co&«fript rco uii m-aji ’or ag vrilii aim i» blinkft #r bod ;pi.-: • c . .1- ',rcf-i. mi t.1 i'€aihia.'.j to (;apt ,\5 vi'TJlE’*? P.. i’AYLO.ri, »t the Ar- 3MiH\ • F. L. CHILIJS, •80i;’l . S. A. (Jonaii'g Pesf. the i^ioekade! W. i#iacan'T&'iSlk': 1.-; T»3uiig '»•i'ir 66 ! tfff.ra for sj!#; fc) CAPE , LA1.1C0ES, !'>503ji»; /Cl - G* ■■■! si’«, 3.ti4U jds; 1 Pi.Uvsr ■jX’K L’6'ii* =^, 2UU'J i £»>; 1 0 i-e Print-, u (' yf-i il»us ‘2'2b duzea; 1 iJ'i.Sv Frpncfi Uir.b il l-0 doz«u. N jv. 1(1, 18t).. 81-5w-*6fc WA.^TEO, ALA^OElotofcldJ'OPPEn. BRASS or lINCr. A Isoor-tl urici' oe p'itd by M. A. K.AKKR. F^vif* Tille, N. O t. 78-lm ’ si »* * iX' be ;'CE-• - * : 'r. rVE!9U •;’ b- ;l»cj '«»iU (iii^ f r.loajtb, ’wiil ‘ t: t: ^ r’-r,!’"V" r rr;.'..-, tr' ■ -cr oi iu''.;r i; , ^V ^i ■* I0115 j Wf.S ‘ '"■' ;■ X*-: .3 ? /r’ -‘i .' ; f Wit f jr'vujiJ, «a4 '■f* i -1 !??,;.'3';:irr P>''»r4. t > i-a'- v;! .%;:rsli;ag •Sen willerder ] i c; Kx«i;a’*«is 'iv c'^a^cristi. 6CV r.- .‘ ■'tt- y j-!r iis-5 j f •■ - - -A til >'h) Gotv*- ■ - .«! \ • iJ«;b II. r t» cx '-liJ :: i ^ irji, cia . ■ '.• iho p!'; :-.n G'aerii But ; »C3**f5i*;i« t-' » gerivi-ftl h3?^''t*l, he ' *.1 Exir.-icing B Ard, wb* -.■ I f* .•f , v th-r ^rea: "-.g iu?- ueii'»«. iV Iq ? a or w .ina, wh-»h. ^rom any h f ^f».ec!^S- -rdan** i'-r*iT« yr/;r>er trjatiifxi, r • ais*.') y m t.- i, i-ieinj ©r-.l?is4sd. the sol u-tr 'Jtjli firu’, kj vi:w >-ii> to ibi* ct.r'^ «if ir rv-Ti f >i- 'rra-•■ = --t ia >• japiial T. Tw€gsr^;n»eii !«■ if* far exfc?iija *f tt rfSserp »»•! fi’-0 n-M:trs *v 1 rj-’d'e*l ctriiSci-fts (i cfS?';#, ' Cf!r*ifi6.* r5 of (iisability {•■) ir>l'ii«r8, wii: Of.j be f by » 1 til Bo>r«* inTiiingr;; c* in THUS iii i.Ko fir-,: F,?c'.i€»i of PH'‘«.5r'iph Hi. cf • ii!,^ Or .'f-i‘, by tb^li6t>■d I'T lixa sio^rs for Cfiin'>r:p:! Rj”»?EreenL?».'’;-sK or iific \tf»s from r-ri»»' •ph’S-civit or f'ttti c rrec>?*l bUicer nieijiy, will ko rt*«ivpd. I'ar«gr»>^'f 171 a ITS and P»r r f. G-!n»!'fe' ♦i-’h-Nj. 5’«, f^urreu^ Serira fi*m ibU OSsct, p -'* to atcsrd with thi» pir^.frarh . VI Fail-ughc-l ^ ,ii‘r3 will kob be go ; ■ t linef !ii: i Me.u'.y. VII In ; ■-•> Ee«ic si vX*r:iit;>*fira of f-*T3b">*'. ut*«, the i~--.'.dC '••«■, s; d f I’fi^rai’s i.i'J'2,Q«a »rai Rfgnlfc. i -m, (T*%rif''#5k 4S, will bs I'a ’y .'* Ibrre! tc; ai:i if •» fa t r. ' e *%))■» *e rt«^t tbr o.’ tflc: {i'Egrapi :>e ivi.l be n- jecleJ. By i rdcr, S, eOOPES, .\Jjuiant and Iu.^.«cior G«n«rai. 18L10 HOLLINGSWORTH, (irocer aad iJoa.ds-sida i^lerehaut, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. ILL give prompt aiteatioQ to all bvtaiaess entrualed to h#B -oaro. OoL 20, 186a. 74tf .“ceues enacted bj the Fcderals during this war. .'Such thing.», b»w«Ter, are to ba expected from .~ ,, .. I lutn who jriTe way to their aaTa-r* brutiah feelings. . fij t »nd^^^nsp^i j Kederaldom are on a par, as far as QH:faT^AL «r ^ - ' » - . w 1 cruoi waifarc is concemcd. Here is the account No i n ; j of the "cene at Warsaw T TitF. ^vM.i*e of relicTinj .j*c*rt from cemraaciU j Jhe missile wp.g thrown in the narrowest part i. : * jaich ti*y hsy b.*u npp i»-d »«d awijnr.l, i gt^eet, between the house *f Count Andrew or««nug •rf’u t« in p*’tjn lo this ‘fiitt f«r i r, i • i c? i urt ^ f.mhr- «,t^ar..a^^.l^c««uu•;^H,Tiecuny i.qu-red 1 Saxon Palace NV hen the V; cr*sr»«f »iarb'is I i^i'ioke clearcd away, Gren. l>eig was louna to b« II "-‘ur onfurUugb, *rcD r**«h- j unhurt in his c-Tiage. Trust \f?.rth^ witness of I the sct-ne, who wert.?t their wirdowsnt the time, j dcf’lai^'l f'if. wa* Ti"rf?ctlj l2)j' >'>-iblv cither ■ for them o»- ()ej. Herg, Miflf’cd with smoke, ®r for : hi.s escort, to ?ee whence the bomb fell. The po- I lice at tbc carrcr of th« street were bo trighte*- ed ihat thrj c)nc?aled tbeToselvcs, so that they co iid not even haT« a suspicion of the house w^ the Ruthor of the attempt was. It was a ii jmect of t-nspease, fear and uncertainty. Mean- '.Uini r ! xfii;!e, lifrj', hs.vinr arrived^t the orderly roem, gave certain crder.«, whose nature subsequent events diicloscd, and afterwards surrounded by a fre.'^h convoy rode home. One thousand infantry and catalry now pro ceeded in a wide column from the or«ieiIy room ia t-'^e direction of the ?pot where the attempt had been made. Oh the r*ad they arrested, in tlie most brutal manner, every persoi they met driving all before them with tkeir bayonets. They, then entered both the houses of Count Zamoyski, one of which is strictly a private house, occupied by his household exclusively, and the other, per haps the most magnificent in Warsaw, It- ted up in a most luxurious siyle, and occupied by nearly one hundred opulent and highly respecta- bl.^ lAmilies. That the bo»b should have been thrown from one of these houses was most improba-" ble, and I havo already pointed out that it was inspo#3ible to know which was the house whence it W8.S thrown. What were.the scenes enaeted in these, perhaps the most respectable houses ia VNTarsaw, between 5 in the afternoon and 12 at night, (jrod enly knows. The crowd outside saw tke windows all smashed, and the turniture, book* mirrors, pictures, pianos, drcises and cupbeards thrown into the streets, and they heard, in the midst >f the yells of ih* savage Boluiery, the noise yf the breaking of furniture, the despairing crisis and groans of womea. After seven hours of destraction^ the soldiery dragged the male inhabitants, upwards of two hun dred in number, covered with wounds and contu sions, to the- citadel. These poor people were without hats er coats, and their clothes were near ly torn off their backs. Among them were sev eral old men, whose weary and despairing looks moved the bystauders to tears. In Miidowa street, where there is a church, these unfortunate people knelt down to say a sileat prayer, but the soldiery rushed upon them with their bayonets, tore them from their kneeling position, and forced the» to mar(?{i on. Meanwhile the women aSid children, thus deprived of their natural protectors, were exposed lo the insults and obscene jokes ot drunken soldiery, without a home—even without warm clothing against the cold. About 11 o’clock, p. m., a fakort time beforo the men were taken to the citadel, a lurid light was seen in the sky above the spot where these scenes occurred. It was thought that this must be a fire, caused either by accident or despair. Th« fire brigades im mediately collected from all parts of the town, but the soldiery who were posted in tl’e street would not allow them to enter it, and oven threw furni ture into the flames as fuel. The fire‘lasted all night, and this .morning heaps of atihes are all that remain of the residences and homes of nearly one hundred families. Among the victims I will only mention Prince ThadJeus Lubomirski and Count Stanislaus Zrm- oyski—brother of Count Andrew. Theresidences of both have been razed to the ground, and both are BOW ia prison. The well known Oriental scholar Kowrflewski, rector of the University, owed his personal safety to the accident of his absence from ho;ue, but of his furniture, his roomb and hi.-s'o.ajr.^licent ()riental library—the l‘iuitsofsouie thirrv yearr juiiclou^ collection—noohingremains. The very valuable library of Prince Thaddeus Labomirski, who has for some time been occupied in wi’ilin>^ a hWtory of Poland, his been completely destroyed in the fire. As for o^^er articles, which in the eyes of the barbarou.-^ soldiery, were of more value—such as fursj dresses gilt furniture, &c.,—they were taken to the citadel, there is no doubt, to be divided among those who showed the most zeal in the work ot destruction. The im- m2Qse storc.5 of the wine merchant Krupecki have been coaJpletely destroyed. ieal filrcctor, ), no, > sijh, x\ V. 12, 1863 j EXTUAcrr. Offive Mfdieal filrcctor, Cbnkkal Itbleith Special Oidss. \ N-j 8. r IV. Here»fti,r the H. ?pi'^> fx«a!i«isf BarJs T'iji m?et at titt b*ar ar.ii sl«es bsrein detiga*te4, viz: A.' General i^o. tL WiUon, •« Tu#id»y ami Tbu“efJ;-7 fc! 9 f. a. of every we*k. A. Grnerc! Hosf' ^l ICo. t, Gjldibor®’, on Tu«iday itid Taursdty »t 3 o’elcck p m of every week. .■»•. fiecfra' Ho?pit»J ». 4. Wilmiigton, om Tu«s^»y and Thursdiy a» 3 •’clock r ■ of OT«ry week A G -.r d No 5, iVuni-itttea, oa Wtdues- d*y »a-t Frii . at 3 o'c\>ck f tu cf arery week. A: ieufrt Hupital No. *i. Fayetteville, c» Ta»ii(iy ftcd Thui‘; J*3’ •'it 3 o’.'lsck v- *> every week. At Grnyrik! H'‘•■pitel X*. 7, ?a>;gh, o» Tue«J»y and Triir-i lay 3 o’olwck p. k. of evary wssk. G v'r^l I{.-.p:ral No. 8, R»l^igU ou Wtin»»dfiy »u 1 rri-i->v a; 3 e’clitt p. si. «f «r?ry week. A* Or..*.-jil II*^pital N j. U, 8aK»kury, en Tuesday and T u''#d»y at 3 o’cleck p. m. of erery week. (Signed.') P. E. H1SE3. Suicfsen, Me i j**.! Direct«r. ^"ov. 2 ?. 83 Iw emoLira feiial^ c?lle«e, AS.SOlvV( uLE; N. C.. YYflLL ■ • re-o^j29d on rHe first Monday 1k Ja»uarj II iS64, aad clov? - .c 2Ji« of Ociokw 18b4. Ta5jj.*i: '? 'ard, iaclu'iir.f fuel Ry * w.vs.'iiog for t«rK of 5t» $26* 0‘J ! ■-’ ■ , i 'I'.i; g rua:h^ln‘:;c*, 40 9i ..i.i M .j.^rn each, JO 00 i • v'f I 'Mn.r. :n;p, * 80 00 -C :sh in eJran^'c Mi,. r? PupiU 6 F> :■ - k -. c i.'ivii •! t« bi-ihg wir'a tktm tkeir el text N. B. . ♦ i. A: r n : . T -.G VidsirJliIr I • rt>ulir» a drfsi J05i:.Prf R. GRIFFITH, Bru!ug.oa, Va. l-5;h of D. --^•r 1*63, rua N. C. .T P. O. 5:: i r i :eil couiiiv .'I'HE 1 -er’b-(r, ■i if - - •' ^,00 V*:. f^' l:;* n. abcntihrec-four . d'tiv.-'; b-Dl .iT, on be • >: , -b’ C -xwlj e"ta ■ V ..a ylo a-j »o' or» :t" , ». 1-iJ oedoa G"i ihe ! •. I' I Ti; '■ = {1 ;nvt*!r I • • o Oif *r tbe jircng M? Unb'rg V,ibi->*d Si). u '.X‘ jv -IX . i. i- list Will a’"l T'.f- r ’>i. M d:-r-’.i, nfTf f ^ fnj. • iA A't ■ h. r T -^i'. jr li»^d, :. M . i n*.4f F»iX'’e IsUuJ «u th>? F V’ -r. ft id frim !u{t on ib- .'ja .if our mile c,ha ruaii'ng ba-k • f anile. The binds are l>ut » short .‘rosite side of thts nvar, from ,tf »>f H.trac t. and arc coasid- ;.n the rit*-r frr ihr prociuc'ion A. U wiilsbcv? purc'iS-t;. 'i 4 ;iios « whu ^ «: fiL^erfy ibeu* lauaa .a, iu- I. ! at •y »i- ia'iuccmeati’ of previw’i^lr, the prjp&r(y ill be ^ubbo s>;Ie iu tU j t«t»n 6f Liiliajjr'h, on ! 2.J J Deerriijhe • ni T». T v=a? i»5i'ic knawn EFFir: .McLS'N. Eii. x. V ?•. N r. N^V ]9. 1^::; S‘: :0 |;,i x'«t*s:rot‘«»I i\ej?r©es I'or s^aic. U.NDLilH^lGNUl,', n- iiii Ter:;» of C un, beiuf 1. -.'It’ .*2'-’V ^■rat v-'^.t-jer i j f-li f’.e Jia^'cs beleusrinj, ! ■ ;he E»fttx' nf Ntcv D4;u3iit v, d«oei.-'J, will cellar Ciin’on, S ;.oanfy, on Moui'^iy, f»»artttr-ntb d»y •; l)ec«.m!’':r nox!, st. pu^'io auel'oo, eight Hi cir siarcs, cjn-iibiing 'f :a3B, boys, womeo an J girid. Terms caab H. U LEV\'I3. Gom’r. Npvem’^er 17, l^GS. 82-4tpd STHAYEO, ]7I»0M wy pl.i.F;a‘.ioa near D.f'is's old Store, Marl- . boro’ Uis'rict, d. ('., o.i or abayt rbe 1st of Sept., i sui.i ewrrel MULE, rigiit fere out. A»y oub tf»king up iiaiJ Aiule will bo iike*al!y rewarded by ail- d.ctsinj: J. M. DAVIS, Cliernw, S. C. Nov. 1». . g;j.3{pd «aSEEP. IjlOR sale, three BUCK JuAMJig. hRlf (^otsw«!d, siiaar frcTH six to nine peundo of «ool Price S60 oach, C3.3h A;ply »o HUGH McLLAN. Bui?'s Oeek P. O., Harnett Oa , Nav 18. 82 3f OFFICB OF THE AIT« ASS’T QU.iKTKRMASTER,) . Fayeltevillo Arsenal and Armory, [ FAYarTKViLLE, N. C. Nov. 17, 18i»3. J Wmn W4.\TGD. SEALED PROPOSALS wiU be received until the lOtb Nov. for the de’iv;ry of five Luudrei eards ef oak r,nd pine \Tocd delivered oa liie line «f tbe Western Hail lln» l or"at tbs Ars^nr!, r.s the parties isay r.refar. Tne oak to be good .ud b!^:;k j lok, red oak, or white oak. Tb» pine to be good sound wood. It must con form strictly to the Bf.indar J measurement for cord wood, viz; 8x4x4. Proposals marked, Proposals for wood for Act’g Ass’t Qr. M. MATTHEW P. TATLOB, 70tt CafUi»&A^A. (4r. 1[. .VOTieMl. cu.v.sciiri’T oia''iCE, \ RALEfan, N. C., Nov. To, 18G3. j fcl- w s: Rasiid ir:’ now cufined at ' p nf;ar tuajtct t ;• o:' ewners: NICY, blncW, 30 y9i.rd oi-t, & f*.et *g uoaes J»igb, and h^r {icu, JOir*, bl^ok, 8 year« old, 4 ieet 2^ inehes rh; wars. k,rr*st£j aj pickets ».far tae Tr*nt, and sent to Oaap Holnt^, Am;. 13tb Kaorestat themselves as b»lonz=.^g to .Mrs Louisa Od««, PoUoksvill*, M. O. AL3EKT RIDOI 'K, bi«ck. 83 years old, 6 feet d I'nchss nig>i. and WlLLIA?.r FULLSR, black, 23 years old, 6 feet nj inches high, arrested ia Princess Aan e'juuly, V:, aad sent te Gamp Holniea Oct 27th; state that *hey are fr«e. By erder of tbe Comd’t. 82-4t] E J. HARDIN, Lt., Act’g Adj’t. iiO« !C£WAR1>. R.A.NAWAY, on the 12ih of November, my aegre boy HENRY. H* is abeut twet>ty-o«e ©r twe years old, weighs absut 140 lbs., 5*feet 8 or 10 iaohes high, dark soBi^lection, and very talkative. He Was seen last ill tbe neigbberheed *f Fayetteville, supposed te be ge- iojr to Waahiagten, N. 0. Said boy I iiurckased Oct. 10th in Hioamond, Va . of J. Lyoob. I will give the aiove reward fur ssii boy if Itj^»ed in any Jail so leaa Stt him. - 'iOHN FAIRLEY. Montpelier, N. C , Nov. 18. 82-3tpd At «y house, three aiiles tfiUi tewn, on the. Western Plank Road, early lasf 8{.>ring, a light CRIJfDLl COW, u'dium si*e, white l>*lly an# flanks.*" *lit in the right ear, and an uadtrbie ia tbn left. la« owner is reqiitytrd t» o*i»e forward, prove pro)»»rty, pay chargee tad late her away. RUFFIN V.4FGHN. Sov. 16. 1868 82-4tpd OIL an¥ Lw blagkT rilANNERS’ and LURRlOATINfl OIL. X LAMP BLACK in Iwrrelfl- Fer sale ty If mat. JOS. R. BLOSSOM k Ca., WUai«gtOB, N. I ' i ~

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