Mi?* n ■ 0 . fc ^ **/*'"' ' *i r k« #.a ■ i»; l-«*»6. saa G a.s .. *’ ' ' ‘'i4S a*a ■;. ■*- « ix. . . , • * s, ■•• «4 !!H!L'lL.LW*JiJ!iliL'. 9iRma;aKa •ssmm m awmeri'WES'eEesH > yJL. Aiil.J iggggr'" LLlLJi Jl'l_.^- »»wgpiy»MMi^^wi «ii»i»^ jiBg-i.-M.iiMy'•^^^y^ipuipqaMww—wwwi^'WBiw^yw—!— Fayetteville, n. c., December 3, istja ]NO. 1286.] neeeewwwi* t..' c t e sir* iS" ,t ..Mi ,,l ,f . '-Ji . )•->- :J - ■. i i: 'I. r '^4i' ^: j jur • *> •jf i- is'"3xt« jjjjupuai PRINT -» Mt)\DAia a!?D THURSDAT8. ) JW«?.D J. IIILE & S«:i8. tl ITOr.S AXB PHO?a>rTORB. Pr># f«r tUe. 8e»»l-We«Wy Ovsikykk %t Cd, »ai«l j'sr tl't WcfkW 0*»iEva* f 4 W per ftu». p*i* i» Mu»i« »»(! . L» IB, Frf*rr,i ft^vs^v'e. i«t’^^AiJTERTl'K:\lFNT? istfrtei f*r t'i ■ :*v4r# I f!«ait Ter»«a F«Hsle Seaiaary, ' it Mt. Tfri*B Xi^ertil Sprin'n, CkathuBi Cnaity. i Igt Sswiti to c»£nnseoa 25;9pt. I TEP.M8: j H'lckn l!«f. t'fc»3li'9 pfr »t3>iou of ?0 wc -ns, "5 '^ iiT. evh, O'riuj, :aoj. Sel ««1 B»a»t T'E® s'rmi, Liii'a liisss^^ca rs.iirAi?, 4*' 18 40 ?0» i i>i) t->t : 2 50 • •f liao^ fer tba ami oae '-l(in#r f*r pa?k ia*- j 1*^*^ • *** *** Bct.'rf foO s»r r.»nt'j, tr 51# 9fr m^ath if ps.vi I 'f 1.1 ?:ri L- J ,’Bce, f '■'■.s 'ro yenr,’. o. All ./ »a .> - .. 1 * ia« tcii'h c'suC'^?sfal f*yer»'iaa, ri'V .irig ckpii-,! ai.ii ;j.-{s«r h^li uptj^i pii'ulio cis- ?•« icu>“ t(» iA?;r:'8 tkj v.-s » j-'.l a :a.L r.y : . v ; 1 • f* V'."?*'? sf H'..' *■; • y.'^r, fjr B^f^ i \ f-irl’f? -.il; liTc ;;•- •»>'■•« ?';k. >e ' tia t h» w ciiiOLi i vmxiM C8iK«:i. n'lbLE. N. C.. JILL hs r* . . : ;.>» tVj» f,r5* N!ojJp.7 i* 3%V'^kry 13«4. >■;.! c' Si 2I^>. «f ''’•3.ol»«i' 1^' '4.’ TtBU*: *'«, i'*c;uiia’ ra*l ^.i. Tr%»bi-jr f#r tirw u* 525® 00 0 4 '•rot.4 ta k9 y--^T5 '•*'■ i •« iaVnrj^i (tr ' Anpit ot ana f ich. ■'".I’ I iro ! k«''is (:,cir 40 (50 VO 0(1 SO C'O puhlir’atiou. A'f«'-rfi!«e'ii»Q*= n*t exoefJ'.n; » i&if •LV:&r» line^,) 51 f*r t'.t fret aiii Cf-ats *uoe-’iin; pu.;1i'%'’*n. AiTfriisprs ar# r»- to ^tar«h« nu 'iWrr *f iaierti*** *r tboT -will b* otiilnueU till f»vbid, aad cKarft^ aetari- Arf ■‘'■;i»?nrTJs c«n»innn.l ahargtd M »*w »i- j »i*4 i TcniscsPB'B. 'tM. HDOPER.-I ^ . . T C «')0?ER, > A^4nm “St. La.Kri'i-c P. O.” K»*t. S fifiif r 'I. .tj * ;■ le al: fiXVL" « ■ tk fiAi*i'L'-. =■-s ? .1. ' VL? .•ii i f. I". /. ftj’-ifir. A -H i;.-. «. r FrdSM a?!:;4 a{|c*» ll**c ta« ilsftM*.- A. p. !lL'KT ;?i:l UtT» » S «’».i~riv. A. M , »« JO.^ A v.'Or;r.;, CJ;i4 Hi April «—17ff] As'iO. F. Sl.'-.-r 3 .J Ct.. SFLCI> . >'0TICK. ' Sr=i.*i3f^ ES'JAD. Frars »«•• > ter thin dfci*, n« B«»i* *f a n«w iubtcrib«r ; Xru’ac af tVii R«tikil lear* Faye'teTlIl? Ja'Iv, rill »>nfrri»d without payiifnt ia adTano«, m»r will X (Susmyt ex»«»t*d) .V I •’,:»c , A (Ijo fxp*r l o leui t* liUcK suinorl^^rt for a Uag#r ti-»c liiFU i» j :ii'» f*r. Ii.1.'!; of «ur cld subs'r'bera as Uc*ir« to taka tie p» p»-r a'i ttils »vn;®TU will j.’tiaia n*i>fy ua whca BiAkia|; j rex> Jac’y 1, 155f | aWP.'jro M., a»d rrt- tnrain; !»a*o McIrfv’#-a.t 1 o’c’^c^. M. Frtifl.l rrflin MCNl'Af, TV EuNi;:^,SATas4 FRIDAY. By *r*«r *? th(» Preaideat. JNO. M. R.1S Tr«.\«’r ajs i A •-’j TrsiJ». -.-:’l Jm.l2,lti9. 97tf '' TV> r ^ i?» aj5iv £.6 -7 '.S'. . sH ppfl.v.pilf, ■!«» ' J sj u‘i9 if 1 ’^’■■'■‘.5 — Cath ('n ^ ivttnre Pit? !s k.‘r a»-j3fd ia Triia tk« a mr’.r fl-i »xi S?..s. Fvv rar-.ntir pmiciriara a Urtsa R. ORIFFIT!?. Cru'.uftc*, Vs. N. n. A^ er (hs 16ih o' 1): eober 1SG3, c«'»r?i:.s ir? at A- la.il « N C. J U G. !m7, 17, 1‘Go. 12 10 , J S3,(>00 itms or LiKi) FOS& SA^^E. I «sl^ i». L«k« CiiT, otJ Tbun^ar 21it ef • >! , '* Jfeuaarj, A. 1) »64, i*. ’%'a5ni?l>?r at AllCtiOM* Bnhies—Who h-\^ nnf at one tim* or other of V'l''..,r? i: Iy->J ,l^r !>■ D8^.;r?»br>r 1*.'3, is" j kit lil'o been o’ nr.d subjagatod bj a squalling baby:' • more cr-rtsin, iu tbs first instance, *o the injeuuky in *n etiuit to suppre:i.s 1 , *n . the secoud |>lace, to ro=i *i> the ii^ Tii^nativn]:' The writer «f this has had lu ic!i expericucc with tUe iuluntine uoiae makers; in a word, he has been a victirn to them. A incident rill illusrrate: Some siu«e l« PI6C*^, ^ I 1 i. I l’v*» J »• U L MAVUFV'-lUKEDTOls vr.’O, i huppsncd to have a h:t.3 dunm- baby—or PT\'l-; & v^iH.lAi'S i rather our bettor ball' had it, uad Vh& claimed to 7- 711' ’''^ • tfoa >r (fit T ' ■ ^ ■ r-ToriY i;:0N FHorr .sTO’ie, ciru-d ^ r» 'I'f is ■ •* «,i-r>i fn liar S i^it f'' 'i frs E^«t hi t"- '■• i’'-^rjdo'i, su"? ? ijo'Si'f t"e Fa”'-*e -1 (• >=? -.*( t7- '* i.n I'.t; a ost o^'ii'sl bu-! r.c.ij 1 f''I ()•' ^r '. w.i. T‘i» it'crs*io'"! > f pc.rii'» i.c; f ill Es’6^5, i» ptrtiaularly iati;2u lo f;'? j Ai^.j »■ PSK ’ tifljft ^c^ pise^, 'jyill t^l'I •-’00 I •!'.,* h"»aJs ■ fc i l€ f J()H\ H COUK. A« ;'r. P'57»?(J''‘'1>. N. ?J., N.t 28,1863 S5 fit ' ' Piai)o, Bllaront he asid i^'ega'o, AT AUCTION*. I an equiil partner ?n the concern. Our b*;t(ar aif tx'.k it iatr> her hja»l one day to go 'ut vit-it- j and pressed us into service, tj keep th« j !>abj quiat durin;» her abi'uce. Iii an c^il hour we consMited tj atand j,,'uard. Tha mather left, I Tur^!fty of Cpus'y Court naxt, will be seM at j ;ind wc hast the bji\»y on oar h-»uda. W« remom- 1 ^ Auc:i-.-n: (ijg^ that \fe irere ciaminiDg onr exchane'^a, and i*a f«llowiag »rc**rtf, ae- »f t>« C#a'cd*raf# Ocari «r oa t3.?'r Brr '?' 'Si nt^Cv. . I-?, v‘-“ tor t^e District nf F\ ridr: ^ £0.030 .:;r?i - f Lii’. d. kn^'^'a tb» F'smoiiif Cran*, i (>:.?■ P O'e iJ»r:iic5»*; 0';® Rcok'kW'iv; ^ ©ae N>iro Worsan; Aud a Pliotation will be reatad. JOHN H. COOK, Auo'-’r. Nav. 30, ISfiS. P5-2t j tryini^ to grind out an editorial. The b*by be haved very well lor the fir^t hour, l^hen it got I restless, tiaalij began to whine, and at last broke out into a regular howl. We tried every allure ' lucut and device we had ever f.eea applied in such J. c. u\' \. at FATETTr.VlLI.r, 1\. 0. aitfHii ihe Ct-uaty »;:i S ijjr-ii*r OaarU *f * I .ai. H>»r2 M- 1 r« *ai KoHiSjQ Cov.n- i*-a "f ►-! 43-:f if a A: >» J . ii« A ^ C-' • > A.N r. ^i.ALl .l^' >'« .i. i vf rAffc.TTtV;;'.t, 1^. V. WILL «p*B tse K VQLf ffOTKL '»r (koro- ^ . J ^ o*9tici t'flufs’.t :*e £rtr af June, a:-.d I bep* ^•;5l5fel...;s ab’t i» •»t?r:iiin I'lon sevc3(j-tivs to * cera^ar iK? 8niim.--r. Ir c»as»jcfl a Wi:» 1 h.'^v; a nu:nV?r •f »c i S-.tji’ s flarse-^ tli.it pay e- i tt ’.s.ar.'j’b •J '■! nL-Mn. ■p.'-E.'.jN n-itr'. A:.li •’>■■'• .>•'. C. Mit 13. Sl--.'r.:l f. *usaa. ’iT-.. -: - y. f. -ha«t, • t.-.aUA V, ■' I-;* a. ^ . . ,. . j ca3e.«, but all to no purpose. The tuore a'siduoui ' K Trifn ^ CffiiRGES FOn PJli>SEXi;EiilS. | tbo m«rejchaiucnt and empartic *» 9, R 37 P'vyiir^T o,* B^rrp.rji of j A-; ^f-r **xt tbs followiu* ra'cs of Pai- j -i-^idently tho little wretch would not b« K-.180 sr-.« ..f Lrnd =n Br^farJ c r^, -», ’jpjt . r»? *r>|e *iiii i:f c'nrgtd: comlorted. Wvj fiaaily g*ve up tho eftort ifi dl«- , (ha G'l'.i i 0 -?nr, i i T 80 U 41 E: T H, K. 42 B; T j 6firt 4\‘ K: T 40 S, R 42 E; T 49 K, ft 43 E; X 41 S, i ^ 41 4;5: P.s«ftT of G'lCfa, G!-''ni** St Gosnez. 1 y''0k ‘r»4 'L?o4 in H?rr.ria.ii> o'»us.! r, F.or -le-, c.>m- \i-.j - ? ii s K i of N E J of Sfto 2 *>>» w .f N W j ! ’'! 20; E A '*f E \ of .S-o 27- U ^ ■■f’ N *' i E ' ef 8 W I, tail v t ^ ,,f ,s»c 2s. 'f r2‘S, R 19 E: Pro“- ) r.rr.y - f T !' • J ••:. 1 •§ ■.• *■* La- * ; '{ '*'•1, n»'" 7 i’^», L ’ V 2 S‘1-? V . i-’i'-, 7 oti ;4| p. ; --j l’l.;'i;- r-n-E'••, F ■ •• V., N E } »f • ■ •' V J .(-S !■ I; e 6 X 31 S, i: i.i i >. «. >t»if 'V»t- ‘ ~ 'r. 'i'.. '■ k ] -'I. I firi’-'r'il C-iiurnfv.lwu P.n.i wur il-i ' ria-.;-!' C, -X’ r >»-.v ; p., .1 ^ ie Ml. J * .ViaiEV ILLH, X. 0. .'O. yfh L I • '^.rrx Iv = -o, • N- II: *nJ L»‘ iil .ck 12; Li,l N .. t! a fc' '.T‘ A. .• \Y1LL:A^^ ^ iO., .. If; iw- f,as» now if» air-i "B.Iw ■ li :'ittt'o*.- P.'ir irt .^’swia.* to . b» f ay Afp.yip^* •.• Nt [ Fujfitetule, In t;. (*»|5, V^OR Canailseio?* a. C- () 1? J** 0* r ■'’ii!- '• S V’lL.VINGTON, X. C. 'C:, ; 7-{ 12w ; r?r?qrs\«. Jfir* S’iri; I'a'i.’F ' ■•' in n. . A •• 'i-> i.- »- 'i/N ' r I "^ ■■ ■•! T » •' i - E i; . -1 N ii i ^ ^ IT: .,f r . 1-- -> ^ . -1 :■ \ ■ ' ■ '■'■'■ T -.7 , i\ 2^ & (' . C-- >■ - N ;i ^r w^;-. •; ••> ;•■: L .., ,, i i. •. '•'17: 1 !^-aam t.i j >rlst Hill, .1 ' ■ 'i 3 ' I I * -J .J •'.. .!ii.i,: ' !.. . I ■ ' , ivt7. F 'I N V J ; j i 8i ] t: Pi ih'i' i5 I. !'•• :. -r’ASU. T ; ‘ • ii,' s«r>» cf . i" •! . Irr ' i. i* : .r a '.j U - p-. » r:» : \ . oow.\. Fr*a Fav«lt«Tili9 (» TVilsjiaji»b, “ Ei:zib9ik, “ Wr.i;e Tisll, “ “ “ Kelly'« Cove, “ “ “ Ai! pctais »el5W, fcECONB CLASS, OR BECC. Frfta Fay*itcrflli to ^Vil'Bia-toB, “ ^ “ “ Ll’Zab^tk, “ “ V.'. itei;»ll, “ “ “ K. ..y’« Cc-vi, “ “ “ .ii.ll i ■Tilt i. S». Fro « T?ilwia^i9B to Fi; • .'ilio, *• “ i\ •. ,■ -' re, “ “ »Th; .- 5l-ri;, “ “ “ L i J, IVcsvc:- “ • “ “ lii v^iu A'.t»e, 0£CO.VO CLASS, t)H fcfiOJfc. ?n»'!j W t.) r t/- io.'ii 0, *• “ “ K'liy’a Gne, 4 J!> 8 0> 10 til' It !• u •■ H ui LO !.♦ .t I n F -i ";=okH.:k 'fcT'- ; ■.'» ;• i- 9 fi .\j «?. .*■• o • ,1’ j { '• -r :,:o e:.: a do! •)■ i - 9) , '■' I .r ilig'-Tt la-ptii -.v I>1 ; c# F' '*.t Ci i- -^. iA%’it r - ' I 'V-ita ■ay ■; .• 0(:f-i i or I lOCJ ea, nt ti- ' «■ I A,:, .ir Jt"i^r 7;l’e. 2^, 1P*2. J. M GILLUMS, sb li (ufi..a-- »Uf F^.'- »va.\tj:b. i ’“ii'k Vi7.'6\T, f i.r-i .£ fe; f'5j tfee arii«:*s t« itll will r«MiT* . - , ;i; * 'V i ta Mr. M. Tkviaatjz, ii;- • .: J-i: ivill-;, o.' fa taa i.jba ;r:- ^ .^'.v r--:a...: 'i-.rkc: :'s,-..s.rf- AL 1. J03-.^5-c. Ji. T4YT^.;, :sr Ilia vio ' ••. i V r -. ;s i -T ft. I* * : f I ■ c;: s \ie '■‘'t ‘ ' tn 't t'.a .a*"cr V— »t u ^ v r«Wi>r«’B *a Stripi. R. F. ia.;. 23. •a rii*"; ; ,u 1 or ,i 'ti n-:iDE. G;-r-l .\ I' , t;ilr U i- ss 2>5 by ill ; ;.'H. Lpo : . ii to .a -.^r^ t’’iv« .ij !if rsi^n'^r^ *y 21. .;• '■'> b» ■ w • .'•'ii' ?v»i» f F -I ' Di.: - I , B Ti'•..3''cin, * l S. Si. R,c ;f; j: . A-t'y. 7cis I '»^c- r. kp r..' i. As ii-'ii:)! t>,c ar*e TT^UL ‘t> ' -f.-. • a IV M.' r. ■I VAiOi-srSLL. .-.ni Proi^r* If V -r-- Atifiui :5£^!r;i!o?s Sale. I)Y '-'r u* '. t i!H ■i' itr c.f -L^ C-'>.iT ■ of Ple'i? ai>d ) 'J ;i icT !i5 •> ■ * u-ah-rlisd rji:?iy, obuiacl fs. IS.'S 'O'l.l. \ - > ' S'j -is i>. i!fr. ;n*r 01 I ;q *!? r.-3(i -f ■ ■ ■>', •■•!. I « h.';rv fj ■ -'.r p>'. vi ; ii. II fl: .! C-i‘i>e, r«i4 a' .‘5 ••''ri ■ r T'- \ T -•■ cb - s • * t>! : • r, •■■ ■ ■ . Nov. 2*^. ‘ r.' t I ^ni i 1 4 W > j, r.t4 L‘ ftm A i ¥ a A K -’i' k ‘ r. r ,r 1,3 mvnufuetrr'' •' ‘ :r Av:ay uji-. I •.*n «c.> .;^fTtr •■.»« cu. • * -..:c^. *^;V' ''s '•' •'i »*» f»Ei ; ; -• i V s ■ ^*7^ )>i • '».»•: aa. .'_;t ?. Oa-vi'-axi C*.. f., \ t-aiii Araliic iftr *»ale fev J. R LEE. fcSt.' I: -A : • :-S VI J C-Oi :r# The i>4Sa»* F:. b’a •■» ■• » A- . '■*• -*;2 T - • 1 . 'T;.; w. A .*; .1 ‘ ■ .' J*. T^- vion: ir :. 1 ■ Jl--'- Ai" J -■ ■ T n. ises. -1 ‘vjO. 9 jjsi ft/J’.I.L'i, k; r V.P )i ;* fv. - C : -tr* > —■ - .- A J: ■ S' r*-.- Pv5-T.‘fc'f JiliVftEI.J. E o?5A^:i;o. ViliViNi.V TOilvCO Tan’ra:* 5ii- «ii S'S hf CLv>. ‘... WiLLIiMf k C9 •i.r \’, j 28. I^eatacr \%autekl. Li s. «f .•' .vy V.-L’ i SOLii LiAT^J^S, pc.Tl» 4V;;!Ci4 ic Ti-wc'; i.:-, «*i a; iV . t I.i ■^. «: .— .vy V.—L' i SOLj 'U . , .:,r Arp.? r. 'i'o .'©*: i } S V\"E !^{ -.-i J. ?.:;>• |Cpn;t*rrai" C I ri «d.:» .iJ« ' T'r* ti? ■ * f • ''i* i'. 7 ; ..- ;ji. ; * fi tiiy a . € ;, y.. J H S jJuJ I-"I t. iij- f.u I Of' r.-’..* i ■cr;i..>r; if j »i. oht!»-'ri ty ityy-If ;'?• isy 'iSih aay »• il^nA Wnl b* pa ' ‘^r a 7 ;i'.r ; .-t AyM«« »r (.»•» -Wi* J - >* p -r oai > s !« 1 ta a i,inuL'! ar-.'rTt,^^.A- L » ii* m.u n r >. .;.■7-M', :ii« 'T i>rf wii. %'■: -w ^ T. tIAiC' •'I-.; k ‘-SNS’ ST8RF « Vicjsr . a I L t... ' ! ::s V -. ;u- pair, tor,sit'd the aggravating brat into tho •ra«ll«, #20 6£» I BciKei a new^piaper and threw ourself axhaaeted 10 04> j into n chair. As our-eye wandared over tb* 11 l>d I paper, it was arrested by the words “Td 20 W i * crying baby.” That was prociselj th« r«- i ceipt we wanted, and w« cargerly read it to »M if J10 QO 1 thore was any thing under th* sun we had not fi 0'^ ; tried. T'lif; wiit-u' f*tuted that whe-i every other rcmcd/ had l.iilcd, his wou'd Cjrtsiuly succead. I?: \VMi to p^' >p tho b.iby up on tho floor with pil- o:ts, d.iub in aands weil with mola-sses, aud ihtn ;'iv-i it; a hxll dozen feathers. It stated that th« ;>a(htT3 would excite the child’s curiosity, and it voisld imiii idia ely go to picking them frtin •ue ■idnd lo th,'^ wtbcr, tac uioi^isacti cauaiug tkea to This TTOjk woaid eceupy the child b» thorou-'iily by giving it a new idea, that it womld forgi-t to cry. Oar y«*lper wa^ still going it at the concerl itch, Hnd we d( tevmiiied to try Ihe plan instan- :v \/o ni.si3td to the closet and got a vaueer of i ai"!a;.«‘v •, ripped i-pen a pillow for the ftalhars, •m l w:-s hJjn icaJy tor the experiiaeut. Tho C'ii'd was fixed according to the progra«me, on : the li-vor, its hand well diubed aud the feathers attached. Ths crying in.xtantly ceased, aid w* Lha.ikially rctursed to our labftrb at tke tabl*. ■ SVc auon i ;rgot ail about the baby, and was get- tijf- along with our work iiuely, when we w«r® hudlealy startled by a shriek. The mother was b iridin;; in the hilf open door pointing at tho ' I’-uo y t\ ; 'tqijst’C y one aQ(j ga*iu>j with a look in whioh in- 1 F'LU Tuis ■ •. i j llf.Vlcck, A. W , for H^ivy, .agony and repronch were strangely and (iaugerously mingled. A look at tke child ex plained cv; ry thing at a glance. It had, in its uataral inclinition to thrust its finger* ia itsmouth, L>ot a taste of tho ‘‘long sweetening,” and had pro- ’'’pd:d regularly to gobble it all up. lu the ef- f rt ;t L vi uGL uiscrimiaaied between leathern and yusia-ses, and Ljd its mouth full of both. Its '.v-; c'aubed fiom eyts to chin, with an ocoa- siiHial feat .4er sticking here and there apon, tho j-urii:C3, and prcaunting an appearance exquiBitcly. ! iudicrous. We could h.ive laughed heartily, but I for I he indigc ant wc inan standing in the door. We knew a storm wa i about to buret upon us from j that quarter, and without attempting; any expla- n.iticii, we scizod ou? hit and leJt; wo stood :i /S !»*! So S*;trclia>r, “Nui upon t- a order ef our goioc Y au i SiJUCKS. Bu; wrut quickly.” or .1 \ i'.'fif \I. 0^ ri LV'-i. y r. 2 \ IS-; ol t'u J p, • • . r r ^ i I ni • I t ■l.y .;f D'lih t?.e t!auiic:;Oii •OF ? 'r? ii't Ci. '•r Si’ra &.»ir »ai Sun. ■gltlj ' I '-'uo y I'. ; vv ll.as^ T. :'n a-X', M pu lie biL'io'-as DAVID M'NEILL, T’aD. H?!lsbor»’ Academy. ' ' ■ . ' ■ V, * : - - ' "M .;i 0-1 ' . - .1 — * . ;J) l.v. I. . .'-‘a. .N. C , :*2£Si'- : I. 1 ?tiS. ■. DON ■ h"* i. 2 P S-.v'r :iO. 1l03 ! \v' snt \ 'i«. at'i Vv'i \zi‘T\j ■> rn y, M. r ^j. L(JiTE.U.C fi Ho 3w ?»le ill 5.a-?i*5£cU i , 1 OEi. H >,Y aii . -ix .cu.rix 01 I .■■ Isd-Wui T-*ri I lOv.vI/U ^ »b pr.,.: w;ll be puiJ ia cish or ia Hoping that a little soap and watei would ehow her that the b;iby 3till lived, and appease her 1 V. MoLe^a. decf’J, o*--'fl fo ' »*.'« -:i )U #a VI-I c' bfl’’ T •■»■ utcr'.ived, = . r i'ur.'p u F'^x--’'- Is’iDd e;i the .t> > ya> !i, A F I’ai .iu(C, icatLer .ir fait. —A'.SO — >00 0 loOO icrf-1 ■'f r-aJ l*.n 3. ;.N A.I. y ' •4i C.li .••I.-1 £•. f-i-.rr ..It .J i'-: rij (;i »- 1 -ID 1 5 s.tical.!» i'lr ?. T: V r* •'. t ■ ■ (;.r^'F?^r RiVvT, tVvn o-i tb- . T. s. LUTTERLOH. t ■ 1 ■: of oae ri !,• 13> ra.wn ng brwjs N.t- r ”••>. 103 ■ fco 2w .k • ■- 1 ■ !■ - ■ V \ :ii ...il-j, 'i '..■ 1. ...V itl I I. .'!■ • ■ • ‘'iv-'r. fr t mtX - .iSm^Sjrn 3-i;^ L . • , • i| . ■ .-••I. : . ■ '• -r 1 i ■. rj j 'ii'v Cl I .•; 900 rOX^v-f ar d valtj'-. j oi Manu actured TO r '» !s. ' ».'.t., .1,1 --V ,,;i l.V->r ; >• •; c i.ro'!i’i-" ..?■ EAC'.'.i >; ;(.»> of • , .r. i tw-iiOT D ^i3l.*••^n W(' 24'' Bit: Dr;' SALT; . . ■»* T S/ , ft* ]; w • fit pji-c'. ■I'. T>> 5!?'.' . li J'JO E %'iTtld XIC' 1 1.0»;^^^’. f '■ • ■••.. ' • , . - --.I n' >vT.y U.-.-i.. T S LUTTERLOH. >■ -? .1' ^ 1 ■ ■. ?. '• .ivli’ S N' r 30 85-2w I righteous iud’:r:iittion. I We ar« sa:ioii».j Iroiii our experiment, tkat tho j remedy is a sai i- amf i;;tai;abi.i one, but would not i advise any bu-^band to try it on the baby uaiesf I he is suio th«j mother is out of town. CliuUauooya Rebel. Ml- TJ'hf. '..Wi f «'.;t :• J '■ ijr- . nt Tn - i-vy !.i '11 L- J r .•.v--.-:ly, t'.e p'opnriy ttIlf-1 ti's t?«‘V 1 cf L’.i!■*> -n 0- -i . Pemi’’ :-*.T ■ t >.> .ru E'rlE AL'LE,*. N, Ei ', x ■; 'I f.llf? 8,2 l'*' .' w. T. H.Ul tE -3 ' 5 V-cJV’.rd, -1 niilcs norf: on tne‘.~ F ar, ao a- 200 frv; i f F-r-tcV. f i . S :i; ;' wr. • ft'. V- rqr J *" 0 - i V.. ’t T:n 1 C'- 'ar f» - ^ •. J >i n h ; i: «'.1 . t—?r, (i*in'’wrfvo «’> ' , l*g ^'.7 u " b rit T 1ii1£''*jS i'_*L' .V ■ *S. !.«•‘>•1 Til* ^*^e U wv'ii.ji! ‘ • ! t i^ jier f!’-4 V ‘ If. '" I'; . • “ C i'lilr r '' tl'S P’rfO- ,'■ UJ. .n ■ 1*^1 1..C Vrw V'iJi'' k , W ■ k\ » if j -1. V >• b>u} «; j’l t!»- t';i' ill H '.i. . ' i-i';V i'a r s"'It -t \ . i jk iu o\r _ ? ,i-. kj.M''* .iiJj. .''•■li.u Cir-.j'-£ i_U4 Aii .. .iifo, ‘Jirc!:-.’.. set s-jm. Fc.t-. tbie Aj.1 ■ .rijt..'-. ij-iffc - ii ‘iji f'*T C-- .t, S' .ifw i«!': W. iViviCiA ..jv ^ c; cr'iM;., C V, .'■. >7 V ■ I t)>. h ■_ t 'tt . i.l: VM-: 4:tf L> «; Nr. ^iatated l*m‘fUa?iC, Y^7 R i E I. : AIL lit) A U bTU^ u; ■■ T'r; !i lartliua Tr«isur'^ N iin (F iad^ble;) “ “ “ “ “ Bor>'’8. "M.ar. i .-r.v-*; r :■■■ -y ^f r-i; t-,1 P..-4.U; * I ■ oi F ■ ■ill ' ^',t ■ ^'i* ' 1 r- d ;^2 4.‘.‘; £: aif?; ;> . 7 t»;0 8 p-rr iJoads; C. 7 o,'^la.loO.OoO b tfc;' • tii TiWfl BuJ (JoiMt* P.'md?; 0^ oli North C>*roln;a Ptn4'=:; T. H. LUiTi;KLOfl. 0..'-lu, 7h. Vhe ^i:ir £''v#ui.-i«6\v KtraL- ruii ».f s;ii O's. iu uiy 9^^;>;c»}»'.£'at a' -.red to ti-trUi * i/ifk -I ta‘^ t'.-irnt,'.. b.cti;;c .i-i f»)r * rc ci'\‘£e. :%i. A. B iKLti. yiiyett/iffiiic, A.zg- lli. 1S«3. v>n[ fin L c«* U' * f, .if* ii-T y. I 11^ i I 'HS *'»ii ^.'»y t.ae ^;it';»rsr, ot«a prioei far •■’HiV I’r.*: t. J. A. V?«T.V-I PAlETiKiiiLLli AR -tX iL A‘\ j AKS.)1-V, j . Kki'T. 21, 18t)3. ) *30 U¥/V^\ks.119. Esj.jAPED fr »*» pi ’«-3 -r u ,i ri'! of th • 12'h ia^l., lEUL’EL ELCH .'xrw> Ai^, «;■,■ v.Vi tr:-;sv;.i »:i iht Ua IVpl 'C1 ,J '1 Ulii-lf iTi3 i N. L., ■>0 V i .! '. a fnS3« !, I he No^^oitar Term «f tiic i •. '!•)'' of N»r‘b C'lfoliai, ap- E • pt Mijd pr«i!i;^';y, ;... •' :> Tihtp fi,r thr purp(,*tj *; , luJ, or’i,r3ijr tbe ,Mnv ^’r l^rf) i\>r ftwy O ii, '■(. *'-oal iroia tiiis ivi'fl ’ ':• '.'J': (’■■•n ■• .ti . . 3 M l\rf, i-> y, r : 'r ;;p. (.'•'fiflf d. '• !. ;1\ U. MALLEIl. J a'I-.s ' j .irscuiil in.t Arniory, t * BovN'XYr' ' I a iSf/ic'UP .'?. 1 i L'.ii; .i ' . -.1,.; •. ;> i.t.iri 'ty fl.a 'Va-- L)e- ^ l\. •. ■■ • '.->' 1 •. -.11 • y of }jL ^ •; 1 Riflits-n i 1 1- - .■•.I. ' •■• t‘:i.. n?i-ot ir ti---,i^.iy (i.Tti tixt I ■''■ t T inier A 1(;0 non c->.)scnV^j fTih -ja re- I c i 1- '>ji- rcz'. jb vfiii l;e rj'qTiircd . . ;r *■■ i :U li li -. t:;r vcr.i,;h \ n ;1 D? a1- i. .. .. -iJ ••■ .'J-r- ] r U'oi;', a;>d iiis ny JI2 pur a *nth, fr.-)i7-n p'm..!.ion •»!'iU b' re'p-irt I frora o\v’*n'5 ■■.i i u u^!'. £1-, w ■.: ? ' a; is u-:-i :r tbc cor. ■'■ri;it a^’e. E.voh recruit mniii. brIoK i^ah kina a bUnket cr bed RiJ'l c-;:-* ■■ ^r -* v. ;'d fo r.aiiin. Aynly to C.*pt- Sl.VxT.‘iE;V P. TAYLOR, at th« Ar- br-.M‘ F. L CllILUS, SOwf] AT-jjr O. S. A. C'-ai i g Post. ■r ' V Ca >.T :'y .v'i:.l ,r ' -i i ;■ 0 . j .xl'1« r- »-/ lii- 'i he : u'woni.f'r r.nr^hueo 1 « ®S * ivpi 'ci .J M i ^ ■ v^llUtr .,l>iiO.S lO pUrCildbC I vlt.rjtaQ’a artay iu E. ;» ■ c;»j t;.id Cu- ’■ ■'•■■■:■! E^ • - •ncii l a wiU ?ay itr-^ : »i:h»;i iin-ipp-.- to b.j n.‘Ou' tl ic. ;- or ?.'*r iiijtne#c ' f-’-.'- k.rc w.!>...u!i f-rgril waal4 do ^ ®«ii!»‘jr’8 iti Oi#''- ■!.«& c?aji'y. Tf» a'; t. >.>f ■4;1:.,>- well to 5. .. *-a c f. ',T a..i:r8b ma ai. ‘’.-’..'Iv N (•. ■ *.j Cfea..5-^a:, Mj---.-. Cu-i' -si-r.i .i 'lilt- ur. Irf -ij’n. f. l5, j i'or tae *.•';> L oi 1 -,.•{• '.V E. Fj.T;-. r i ’» t}'-:*!! ''ii'nea aai f. 'V. I ‘-i;'.- / i'.-'ia 1HX23- i.'iCliC*-' tr •i J' ( "''f 1J s.ad c-^n La?t» tut. *> .•nori. r v; li'-, ',. Pcronjj,s o'* Ori>:.l Stoir • i!'. J.1 •■•.‘r I - ' uv-,1 .'-.i;,, r.cd, vrj-: ^i; ii j^u'\r iHl' ^ I'i.' ^1.1 .»«iLy of tb^ Itiisi the ISIockadeS ■ W. .Tiaci.'^'i'YK.K li '.j'-ir-'s' ;-y ■ n i iVr ."(aU: iy n.S> E.:> C.\! I . ;;'S, y!'; /W 2 S E Ijlt.l '-i ’ I fl^'3, 3,040 yij..; 1 ' Pillutf I ’. • 0.-i;a e, 2u00 jJi; 1 » Prilif Riak’r.'iiiwV, 225 dozen; . 1 ’'i-* Fi-.'--ch Di" b iJ*'?, 20 doica. • N-V. If., 81-5w-*6t I‘ • ,r,s ! • m f.If' s. s, • ; ■ »-'.i. H ■ ‘ • )»• >,■ E pvr . >Q .1 puvp. s. r i'. for i c'r t > •' '•.1 ,>»’(i • ■' . 'na-'>id a:»iin as HortJ- h 1 j •;.! d lo a ciicmic 1 analysis lit'f ,■->. i; I ’ »vt3 t'■ • c?;l:ir, , ac fcpc' f-n- cL.a'U;'}?. tj pro^’o it;> 7.r.!i7. P:cf- .ior .li.k-ca s'y- th-^l thv Souvpiiraort fT.'u of X b‘ t ^rnp. o;-t!;:9 cin'v.iPi.f :• > A -.ne raat.d rany he n> .ds 8 3 tine aa to .-xo-'l aU .,lS.rw;n:; iKcrrfor^j it ou’ht lo niakij lio^dhnviy, ^rjptrly di.'ti''i.:d. Pat’.nt O'Jlc' RipcTt, 1859, pagts 60-31. Nov. 20, laOrf. 85-4t t:STKAY. ^ jiAKEN up o'.i my plaae tan mile# below Fj»yi5tt«»il)e, J. aboui the 1st of NoTefnbsr, % ypott-d SOW, with a s-i'coi.a crop iii r;^'.t. aad a htlf ooon ia th« left ear The ow'-er iij requfctod (0 come f_rw4rd, fto^e proper- ty. pay cliarges, aaJ take htr &w4y ROB T J. FENNELL. Nov. 20, 18")3. 8') 2'-p.l IVA^Tl^i) 'P? 1-?'B for yr-rtr lsG-1, a nuraber on ('t^OK, for L wbicb a iib*!r tl prl»« will b.i p^id. AddieSiS T, ftt this Office. A>o a good NtTRSE. NoVr 30. IfO^E 85tf The Boy at the DyJce.—A little boy in Holland was returuiag one night Ironi a village to which he had been sent by ki.s i'ailitr o;i an «rraud, whon he uotiot»d the , riirongh a narr»w opening ifi tho J} p 'd a;d thought what tue confuj j u iho hole wad not' clorifd. lie kiiov., , r uad ol'teu heard hi* iai.M' r teii. tr-.; sad ^iionster'^ .xuich happened Irom suou siUiuU t>e^iutiing-j hovt, in a few hours, ci*e cpouing would bceomc- larger, an J !?'• in the mighty ma-s ol witerd pn;b^ing ou two dyke, uacil, the v!h.;le Jet'ijuee being washoa -vwy, tbe rolling, dioiiiDg, angry water.=3, wouii sweep ou • to tue nest village, destroying iite and property, and - rytliing ih its way. Should he ran home itr. I :ii«.rm the vii.agus, it v,julJ bo ufik b.dcre th;;y cou.d arrive, aC^ tha hole uiirin. theu be bo large as to d^fy all at&onipta to closc it. Prompt ed by these thoughts, he seated bimself on the banks of the canal, stopped the opening with hi« hands, and patiently awaited the approach of somo villager. But no ono came. Hour after hour rolled slowly by, yet there sat the heroic boy, in cold and darkneijs, shivering, wet and tired, but stout ly pressing his hand against th« dangert>u.'i breanh. i Aii iiijMit he suyed at his po-3t. At last ths inornitig broke. A- eltrgyman, walking up the caaal, heard a groan, and looked ar«und to see where it came from. “V^hy are you there, my child?” he asked, leo- OKFIEP. OF TUS ACT'G .\SS’T Qi Aiifiiflii.lSTIiK, I j a couT TWENXY \ULE3 fr,.tn F%vettf*vil!e, on thp tayPltC\»U0 AlN*llft! attd _.V.riaury, j- i ^ road ) aUi t’' ^.”m tn« lo Ralei^b, in a dfsira- E b:‘i. s n>pir.lH ri^uhh aod scoi*y, (■ i he*ut>fal i>OU?E. %uii' a'v^.'iae CottH'r>; stv'e; ou' FO Kfci5PlJail^Fi.'*i Ai’tifD OTOKii!*^. * surpriaed at his strange position. ‘•I am keeping oack the water, sir, and saving the village Irom being drowneO,” answered th« 8«pt. .J. iJTEHNiL Sp(i.» luuoa tiuckajjg?-! Isr L&rrf, ■i ~-n ’ m p. c t iav LAXD J li-: car Fi.;-:-,ry i.-\ «• A. McLAG ’M'.l'i & to. ''.A I' Fa ;to. V our Fu' F-yt' i A Tcrv- fi' ■ artic ,. .;V. Mclrf.'VUCiii, *' .:c fci uur ^ Si CO. . .» ;»> u'’ »*> J Vi*.—F:r spU at -j A. AIouAU*■ rlLlN « CO. 4 12, lJti8. ^■■'-Cwod i c’: s !i iM iral or*s i¥-»i ec. Ofiftctrs ail {tJ'i i ’ abov*' Ti W' i b^ pill u t‘.a '> .-cr .sd- ; \j &« at tiiJiJ Po*i, or $i » ii c-.'-'ii.rd ,a a. , i .-iy j ^ 1. MMr.iK ' P. XAV:..)Ti, HC . ' '*>• i' . i -r-i-i'g B-.-'in. diiHNA-Vtiii Dr.i'.AUi y[i.NT. *, li.'.Li'.iuH. .'I. »)., 'i y • ■ ii i '. ) LEA9 W.ANTEU.—‘ w.sa i* pura'ia:-J.L. •.i f-i’ .bit !Jfcp.irt»«r.'. PiT-r^at a^Tiag S;.r-;e t v . ?.'mU qa a.- tit-.M plra.' »;.p.y VI-"-. 'V:iig'-V« t p>;i.:u , ?0»>'L»Srk lor jO pjU 'iif) «f Lii.AD, i TH03. I). H0Q9, Capt. fi. 8. I C^^-if In cftf^r/!* ot O'duaTTO"^. n-. GEO. -V 2:. i WlLLIA,.\i3 & CO. S2-if VT tberoqu A teiS ^ fijMC 1 W>li Ibc » - 'ifi DCV' tre requ' ' ' '-••.»tu* a.t l>e amber ' ly'jfi *I CUTib '•! - [» il.,- o: ■' •'.t •iiu ;«V7IC;; c!.'.,ia.i .1- . a • tia)* li i^iraj »y -ij u. ' r-f 'ji:,.; ».i !h- r.ithi fa .vf, 6iaer»fifie i ’}f j;'«uac'i >u h tr o> rPCinery. i * 0 Bi.-vlce prcn:Li, p*.y;ueat. D^C „ '•i ».S.V ?‘- >3 te. 'I'BW BIX8k-: So3s!ie»v’ k'luim-j. uPHt ".:id -.r t'-»e c t-v.-ai^nac of tb«3s in i', t '-r •■ ; ii.’.’ . i to ceU*;-.;t ftii la* ell--; ; f •.h-fiii’ei 1 d. ■.*:••;. » ;.i c.' on t -i ' ; .y •)■ ■■ 1 in a j b»TiU8. ; ii '-' in'? ; »ri ' xc >ri of u tr "0 yt;>r» jh ]iros»- ! ea*v. t-j. i'i.1 (L-ii'cJ S; itr-’ (lovf">i'rt? u. rs I T.««0 'H .- t • ‘i I' O C '••It' i' ■' >' ■■'- >■:* in prrfeijily i • ijtiii .»r v.;:h c'-eri > .r; j A RTd o?.’’ inttkts as .-.‘-i.y ■;. '..'Ctloa as tlic It.ge ruiF'jnr ao^ oa fi'o wi;l n '.- ; niii . A n.G-icira'tt if;e will bo rh^rgoi to ooTC^cest, p'^.-sta^* iP’r-.i?-* .',p, ly ; - ■’,£:• li f td.ii-Cvn by Irtter, JNO. V ^vJ?E. piy wli-. N. C , :c: 1 ■ -c I. .d S' EALED PKHV BAL.-'. y N‘-V. f.yr it;t ,o;;viV (.• t i VO ,1. lif .. ' -.-.t . '-1 R i ‘ i> .' T: t' A ' t 'I' e O'l,.: ' '• !•'- f .-.od ;;')vn i i ■ ' ' • • pli,'.> to I- ! v-'r'. i s'ri 1.1; -o *hft• i ' ■ z: 8 k d X i. Pr.'jr— .' 1 tOr Aol .-jtia't Q*. AI. MATTHEW V. TAYLOR, 7-f t ' n ‘I -I. Qr. M. i;f') rci'ivr.i uu:il tho .“iO'.h V -utidr^;!* .J r.! 1 oi’ o.»'s ’ I.U2 f tij VVc«'.*i‘n •! t'.'ti ^-r;i 1 ■'iy f r. j- ;'n Tt ; c .'■. .tr wiiitr ;li , ! » .i'd. I; 0 f r co.'d w^od, I'; *?!, P•■op;^4.3 A>r wood gfidd as v.f'w, c r,u frWig fu; r lare rooi », exch'J 'e •' I-.'-■jp'rer’?. paltry nrd otNrr !ii;l-» "ii'*di';s: a ^11 o'" good water jn the rHr.i. a gOv>d (^orden, oinvttiient o’jt- liri’FtH rtt^«‘.8ii PojiSi-,-?'. "r: g=we.ri ’n;-r>ed!iit'.’y. TrrP4 p.g nO’tcTHtc ih- tuaes wrl adTiit. 1 .,■ ftirth-r imcr.Ti -riOK, audrei’^ la-', at AvT'^siioro’. Mss J. J. WILLIAMS Nov 25. 85-3tpd child, with lips fo benumbed with cold that he could scarcely speak. The as^onishad minister relieved the boy. Th* dyke was closed, and the danger which threatened hundredi of lives was prevented. ISAAC liOLlJV^S VaaTH, Grocer afid Merchaat, FAYETTE VILLI'], N. 0. kT^TLL '’ly.'' T-ro ;T»f rt'-f.,'f;tion to s!l baflisesii ea:ru?te * Waa&iLii to a*iii’cha!!>e, A JOHN SHELLER. Apply to ' r>;pt. TAYLOR, at tha Arsea-.l. Not. 25. Siit r )3. ■/4'f ILLUrOii MoNKILL, Adm’r. I TT'OR tKc Littla P&lka. A farther supply ^ 10, vm. 86. ft » Jb M iw«ul by 1. J. RaV« at wholesale ^ * eu^3. wmm : ' ■•UE fitibBi'.ri^e.'s wt-h tj ccu'*’;3t ft>r tb-? d^Ur^ry at I j(. ■ t c‘ir reaif’eDCts OQ liay .Moant ©f FIFTY CORD3 1 of WOOD, chiefly Pine. E. J. HALU & SON. I 8ept. 14. \ ? 1' i k V1) L V ^ P '* > 1J \ U ’V. TAX.'.iiUs ajid La^:RIG.-^TlNa OXL. JL LAT'IP EL.\CK in barrels. Far sale by JOS. B. BLOSBOM & CO., WilmingtoB, N. 0. Marek 7. 6^ I LOST, BETWEEN Liborty Mills ar-d ihp C%mp of Lare’s Bri- { t it;. •>’ e rO' KEr ^'O _>K. ’OLf Aifijpjj ijj -ib 1 I'l- no» ■-■: 0 - ■'■.•-na'it M E. MufJaob;;’^ !■■■• Clt* -1 ''5E'. A »» •;• >10 J. C. Nor?'-u H‘0, Ji' H.f'i, D -^’r. n 5. W. Patt $0, >1. H a.. ..r) • i,t_> t''c ''.'ir ■ , E Nnr’'j-:, J*.. S23 10. ' J. 'V' Wri?:ht .'9 30. ri* m ! SI2 50, J. W. i '■jiVA.it 6 CO, and on^p.g.iiiot A. A .M.'iktt for 1 PO. ; All pe.’poaa are forbid tratiiag for aay of the above notts j or acGOU*:ts. A. A. IIUr’KABEE, Co. F,'18th Bsg’t N. C. T. ISAAC HOLlLXiiSWOllXa OFFERS FOR 8ALB: BOXES 8NUFF (Citobna B?lla ) Also Tebaea*. 8f.»p, PijBci'3, P-a Pointa, Fins T«oth Ooabs, Violin St’inea. Extension Skirts, Salt, &e. Nd7. 20, lb>3 84 4tpd The Farmers’ aod Planters’ Al- icaaao 'or 18G4. Just rcc’d. E. J. HALE & SONS. Nov. 28, 18G2. Nov. 27, 1863. 8o-2tpd SlOO RKWAllU. AN AW AY frotn the pubscriberbji aeiiro naa* CALEB, Ai color dark, 28 yaars, b.’ow «pok«T and moti.-^n, 3u;:pcsed to ba iu tha r^aigblsarbead of 8t. Paai’a. Bo ots jQ eciinty, where he b*9 a wif*. The abovarewar*! will be paid for his deliver/ in aaj Jail where I oam 1 Mt him. JAS. T. PBTTBWAT, I WilioiagtoD, Nov. 23, 1SQ3 85-lm

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