.Mil IWKTTKVfLLF, N. C.. DECEMBER 10, l8o3. sseap [NO. 1288.J rKiSr l» Mi)N'',\Y8 \NI» T>iUR!?PAYS. J. mu: L Se’VS. i Hotiaf VeritR Female Seminar?, i it Ht. Vrrnvu Miurrn! Sprln's, ('hattiuiii Coiint}. lat. S»8«ioa to coinmettce 28th ?ept. ; ' 1 TERMS: Fr—f s»’-. -Wopklv Oa'i.n\'r.R n>, paid in ' p t, . . t ^ ) Hign^r r-f.*r ot ‘20 w'c-k:. iaO s«v>.n.I AciiJfiiii;.'* l>*s«, 4‘1 K»r V.’* fVlv (>B«f:RvnR $4 00 per anBum, paid is i “''-i P-iin'iug.-titc'tt, 0) , ' l.«'iu, F »ad Drifriog, each, J*' " ' '' 8ci?3ol U.'-itn I'X'irmco. 2 fii* B»»r1 'f-'iO j>*r ",or>>h. #r fie ;>>>r manib if i» pr r'& un* »! old priC'S. K •» WM TTOOPKU. ( „ . . T 0 H()Ori;R, j-1 ^-acioii-. Ai':!'*-®? ‘’i?*. L-.’wr^n..e 1* 0 ” fJ?si 8 b2tf C.UtOLI\.l FEfliLK COLLCliE, W" iJ.L *e ■ ? o 5 8^4 tu.: (o«fe»^crate T«x, Itobpson County. ■ViSV i i.uh, N t; , j ^P: 'I A>'-r i:’i U e i'* (^.>l.lny . . „,. ..r, : ^ ■•! J iS'i’’’’ 1 K ti >T.V. •-HjT-ii . ,- ■ t ■> »:;r- ‘ IV'.'1-1!1'.'«R\TRNTS! insprfed f«r J-J p?r ? juar* •f It' ' !j '8 '■)r ihi- fjr-ii. 5u l unt' I ■ 'cir ra.’h iuc cef.iiTij; puh'.i >. Jv rtnot rit^p'sdinff •» Hft'f hil'. i-’v'-'” 1»1 fivr>i t\U'\ 60 Cffnti r«?-1. ■>;;'• =• ■ >1in^ p ' ,n, % >vertis?rrJ -ire re of le.ire.l, or j %VKSTE «A f I. »OABk rSov w;ll be (Muiinue l fiil torbi^i, :iti.l ch»r^c4 accord- | FRKfOlIi' ANU I’AS'^KNGKR TKA1N> of this ■ jriy ■ 1 Koad lesTp pHyencTille diiily, -xcop:?d) ! at fi o'clock, A. M., atid rfturuing It-itYe «l 1 j Ti.rtMs: I P-'> V'1. , IV , lof teraa .■! ! •-■ i i';- -j • .1 i-i pv tlT' W O'' j -1;!-^ r . Kuili.s' \ 1 ii; r M'l '; m 40 ,f cv, u, -i-. >i ' •. ; .'r»r (.! i I t -II. o ;■, ;tt I •! ! i ,, f _ * M'- ■ . i -sr .:■ I A —-a ' ^iO i H : - : . r..^ * T - . Cuih in ^.-ii lif 'i.n.-a Adv(»rt!^'»''i. r‘p i>«n?inueJ tijnd', charjfd *« dkw vi Tertis,- nifu' . srLe »' hOTIOE. Frctrt an tt'r thiy d»»te, no name of a uew su’:/.ieril»«r wi’l be oittered without p iyuient in advaroe, nor will th« paper he ; 'at tt' stich ^^u^scnt'ers for s. longer tiiat . mi! 1-' I' lid tor jii •! ^ I-■! ^-s'. : '•ri^er• Ir^ire to f»ke th* p»- prr • -.i >fiU flease n*ify >i« when mfikinf »l!TThar-..! i_y r* • . Jnn’y I, Apnl b—17 o'ciocK, P M Cut’^ ■vui II '-, Tr.n-i MONDAY, WEDNKtiDAYar.i FH.ID \Y ^ Ry ©rier JNO M. IU>SE, Treas’r skod Gcu’l Traas. Ag’t. J»B. 22. 18«3. 07tf rroiii and attea* (hi^ dftte I be Ste*mer A P. HURT ^ leuve >»i 9 »'«Io,:ls, A. M , tii 'tlond' JOS. A "'OilTil, ] C. F. Ucu Co. ipa J 'I ^^rJL. •Ffrli.f V, ->-ney at Law, ' - -TTEVn.LK. N I’. I! i 5 - i'ouuty »:ni Superior ’ourt* of ^ ; I)'!.. Mtvif aui K-'be«iU Conn ■ ^■. V ,f.r. jriVfU '0 'a r.O’ S*f a” .s 6b-tf ’ HILLIAMS > V^' iiol **• » .in »ror*ri«*'i, \N, ' >UTtUS AND DF.ALF.llS IN A'4Hi:vii.L5:, V. NVILL open ih« liOlKu lor tbe r> ^ _ _ cepiicn of G !■■'!!? th.-tir^t of Jauj, i-an I hript fe'.Ri'v he abio to eaieriaiu fma .i .cni —fir-- Uv;u-iied persuus iurirf the iuuimer. l2 coaaeciion W’lh this large Ho: 1, I unrtihfi- c !I>i.oif:, ('•• . ;>vjBufC’.e.' i»u I S'l i ’.e Florsor thj' 1;. CvU f, i at a notiee. J. M. RLA1H, Pr5prI«*tvT E tgle Ilotoi, A'hevillo. N. t'. Miy ’3. 18«>3. "I'JP * \OTli'2:. T’ ’ tir : fi-tn? '.f B (> '•ti'Ri'H A C‘ V 1’ '.NIKL :T !-> -.lioj. ' V. -.j.t V^OI!T. aai'av,:nrr and CHUery, Swedes Iron, ^e., I’omnilsslon «nd Forwardlns Business, !i VV STHTKT, I A i KiTK\ILi.K, C. „ ,ha coac^m' ucAr iss f 'o.’WO.-x I'H a: ■'(). U iJtjif J o I T r. K y7 t»r\j€ i' ami .^lerchftnt, KAVKT'i l A’lLLK, N. 0. Ji-.'y :i). 1f’l-tf o'v. \vn.L Vio7~! nxuKa^, ' K li '• ■ ' i kU- , S' ■ . Jii ilic* r.iili" ■ ’♦ . er ' I’ -', m wibCine t-> mippiy La! wi'h ' li .i i i by •ipplyi»i{; t* i A. Juhr.^ u Jr.. A-^r^i it F»;,?:! "viilt*, lo E P*te, j 'i( ;L» ■, ir to J M >v1LL1AM3, tleneral :^up^r;utepdeBt. ' FaV-?!- T): .-, i^ij’7. 2h, 1>-’J Sltf pr m’.' .and fa‘:hf'!! ■■'Mtion ic bM!io •' r: 'R;n o irr>^rs. pair b?'*M)w;d ou > ic.s usia.fe^ it Iv ■ >-uei^ for prouiptly pxpcu>f.l t ■' W(.t I'H i WiIti- t-t' ... 5 r . Ot. S 1«:,8. 1-) -y ,. .{«ij ! n u n i: 0 W-STH N. O. DAM EL. 3 O WORTH. WORTH Sl CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, PI *atfr Strrrt, WILMINGTO.N, N. 3. Oe’- 1'', 1803 ~ i l:Jni WAKTSi), tar the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Caiciieiis. Bu (>-r t»n i oia-r d*>!h: i:‘- ^ ••. ! th* sick 6oiiu ..■» %t ;uia --I —— -riielef can .)*^iain tae raarkit pri 'r o;; *ppiiL' i- Uju 10 liifc j.ibs^'iriber ,i. ais old s: »ad or ut Mr. J W. j fowir'^'a on H'ty Str.’ct I H. K. HEIDE. a?n'l Ai'i. >.eli ■will reeeiT* 5»-i. ' t •■'ai - «» >- - »!i I u . .''quuTo i oin Co. are now prepared to furtjish, it AoilX. JUH.S80N. Jr. aoiioe, all Kr, iy b -lS 75tf ■ and ^UiLLrf, kei , l>r . . - i. - - ^vt .*u i»;iJt. J. >l UbtLo \**-;it tr;niv 1 r F».l» N. C , JuIt 9. Sii : '■ • t. ■j'.at. picture :.!- -T. jf '•^.30:1 uae. 1 'a:. m.-. i-v; -i cai .r..*, t i cippuui.ej ..-j Uie o*-cie!tiry oi 1 i rf he tiUSHELS 'VFiii.^T. I -lOH >■ ' )KN. . >y? .: u-le' To Cotton Plaatc'r«. * i . _:•■ A \n. -1 I I iiAVL ueca jppoi/i.tiJ Sv tne bfcieitirv or i :m Preii .Ai't'iits wu aj to -;ou« lasir II ^ . - r, ^ - i 'Jur;', La'ef Azeat for tue purcha*!. :-f CoK^n s .r 'hi •V .-.'.111 j-ivt "i-' a, au.- , . . , ^ J. ' , ■ , ,• . , i , wa'..-uciu'i u >" raoi- at witrfi'; t ■ :if N"'"'-'. . ■• ‘ ’ ' ., . »ai V i. - - V ■ . I I T :;?r r U ' • ; 84.: ,i:. fi J -ii e *^4Nr iriiiia Ara*)i' sor^«iale hy J . L'm Lil.il-- Z • B RV Vi. l-'i ! '■ TOifcACC'O. 1^:-. \i r ■h'f .(•i.'ua .vra'it. • .');c s. •-• AV .i A tito. vV. WILLIAMS k CO. 31tf llu r %vauU‘«J. ^ • i-.r .1 ir'w^E LLATHf d, li ' -'nz^ Apj-Lj >0 D. MUKPHY. 'A 2(nf * > i vO i'urcha^^*, I u > ' i' ■ N; 1 •■. . S' ■- * F..n;’ bier Ar; -n.* vif.iiing 'U® difterco' .. r of •’■ ■ ._jriJis i;i ajy a-..Tie. wu wri ■ -a ^rr'S' i a ■ iij ord •r of 8«*cr‘".* "T of tb; Trfisurj, ’ .ir pure/ik.S'id by or oty agents, on anJ t.. • IHth’d-ij q! \1 *rch w.il p.. > .'.r la 7 p.- - „c -' iS.jodi lir , -iui ; It 8 j;*r ceat •i'.-ai ; «! . .u a fo 'jier 'v ^v; r'l Lp to tda' i, r^t-y.-r . . ]•> '>w - •» w : ’ = u.’r.i“:ic.l e >* t- ' rsor ; *ri "j.p rru^My 'o ^’.3 tic li.iv.-ru'',i--at '■'7 s.‘l! :iiK to :i their r'.’.r : -U’ to pf: -..r i a'i..!*’. , LEWIS S. V.ILL‘.AN;.S. v’;i;ar!ot'-, ^?reti "Jl, [c. i> ] f UAATtiW, jiANK VOTES 'f .North vtirolina, S^iui^ O'!:j'.-n•>,. O . ii, A -iU «■ GV. Jl y ... A. . ', ^'iurta ‘yAr-jlia* tix pei cent. FiUfi^bk N. ■ ■1. Ai.?.', Nf ric , .s x j er c.-s ii a is, actr ssuc R. RU.HA’.1):^-'.S %: l O., brokers, »v'-' - '■ ’■•r-.rr . ■■ II Oct. 12, Tin- ^ul).scril»er willies to purcluise a'Vw V'.'L'Nij . ii. . -mca •.« will pay tbo I '■ ( ' I- •> e ^lihin i-> b-^'I w'aid dc ■*»>:'! Ki o-i ii !•: 'r 'J - n f- at F.^if'ijr'), N C. P J til ERNE. Hvjpi. 7. rti-;Hmpd Spun Votlyu Exchanged for Lard. w .^irar ry ; • ;.'ii . . ^t'l. li .. »nc 1:1 uy ' •'P.oy-n . ^ : »■ ' . ^a- - ! i-n p.- nr .1 1 1 t C- .uiu j ■■'• ' ■ • - ; i fO’ i ■ , . 1-! ^ ' C:: i M. . S -.r. -.ll. i F.i,0M f.; 18, ?Sb3. A..if j Coitois Yii8*?a lor l\ool. i \^'()T'. - ta *1 ; Jj u n ■ r thir i > e ;excfrt il la ;• - I W! f(; ,ve iv.‘- t fjr vVj n ^ncivd •o u: ' r. , ' iiur a iv-rt. •‘eTn*at of Hie -U'j o? ■‘! •cl ’ -'..re now r v.jk “,) we will givi I ■t'.uii •i'._ . '.Joti-'u V,-.-n i\>r 4 lbs. I'f *»>r 3 I’’ «T .. .:'■ i and p;c:{-;i. Ttiis t: j it.~e in ta.ido -it the i> tf t !> (4'“rt-;rr.-.-iter l{,vl ik,li, m )rd;r to afeke .he r*r!;.>s oi !X. n iniCi* u ;iforoi thr'iaxii'-ut t;ic Slate. ^ GEO W. WILLIA.VI.. & i'.O F-ijtt ^viile, JiiD" 20, 18'J-3. 4.lif i;; i' i f.vo 1 ,!£ t'l. .Vtt coy f't tii-‘ X Oi’ .')•--': . W. i?. ’’ irrsr V Co Or'tri -ri-'s i havf nc^r oa ‘^ai-id - z- =: I'UuuiL'g i'; :a 18X2^ 1 ■■,; jl- t... 6 f’tt by II i'le^ b; .7-A ra 1 >- ive cni -■ g.. . a. ’■ V tfiZES Poruor.H 'ti ’w.,.,^01 yiOur:! lu p»rt payment for LAliL» mi. i’loaoo corr.-:-i; i wi'.'-- tii*' UiiJe;-■ ja-; i, ,«^ao wiii ;.l. i- ; ■ 'i ■*'4 ‘ - rt ■' ■. ' 't L> j'i-.; I'l ’11,^1 1 .t,; Ui t- i: .n i-i: ! - .hri i 1. .u T. S. L^ :hloh. 71 e Faet>ry ft ^ our Fa - Fa>.- LEAI/ ,\ tiL.es w:' POWI-LK I. -ry o;i PerHvQ dt. A .McLAU .liLIN A CO. V r» fi i-„ ^ifiicle, top .i(/ie (v our ' ^i -L^Lv; ;lin & CO. fill orui.-T3 promp:ly ii,-i fra .r.>i>/; tell £>H r*'pTe’..:i;?;d. GEO. W. F>*y’*iie'='ill^, '“'iy 27. I8j3. t.tc vjuanty of )b> .lA'-I- & 00. 32 t. SO.%1* A. MoLAUi.ULL vj. ih'i;-:. K*ali£ai4 Chfi'isti Jfeast*.. a -l>' at I siibfftirioer will pwy tae highest oa^-a priced foi 5 OU. *>;{ f>mpd u’in:-.A>Ch UKP.Ai;i,\iE>i, ~T - , ■, rt, / ' —I H.sii t-. pur-^Dv.^.. !or (hie n »VMiif li*rg» f.r f-niKli quwi- : if Ot. Wiii ^,7e 1 p»,uua vf • tj J/' . •! [. fjA 1) T: --;'! D IloaCt, V ■ : s. lu C.Tirg'- 1-1 Ord. A«imi3ii!slrator’$i r^otice. P piK . ,k- F-.-’ *11 • .*d i ,• br jjr wt*: .’d r p: : V;r..i',S , .JO'EPH 'r. GRiyFr.'..! iiru'iirtn-, Va N R \fier th- i-> ' of D.i’i*- ‘ i.> •a A a-.’i: ■. S 0. J H O N ,v 17, 1 '(»>?. 82 ictpd 18AAC iiOLLIXGHWOiiTH, (jrrof^r asf ('oti'flissiaa iieroba?^ FAYKTTEVILLb:, N. C. II L 'i?- or •. i . • a t-.il Viu..^i,'-3» H- pv^c;^?* f..-r •’»r na r. ■*' - nj n'l c*-t:v i*v, .* ■ ' ('•' . .! ... ! A-. h ' ■■■■J . ;) rc'Tiv" ; ‘ o- ./ ■ ‘ 1 1 -* TPlpJ: '1-J • TilO - ■ V 1:1 N C.: ^ il ■: ':;ti AUnTfOiJ •;ALS8. Ci iVlLXr.s MOP.UIS, Aict’r. •’A. Ut Eu GO-.DS SiT L' JU!^. lV L* N It'-ti-, I uli, :*t •)*.-' R,x .-'1 . :t,. •' UT = ..'ite K.JW. Froiit 3l’’ee. • -.n N . •••or-iir>.'!t- ,j^ ’t ^ o'oiocii, A. M., the O' VV •:o ■ -r* .4if A4lini*»ist«*atioii f«»a5e. By t' . ' • ■ -n . i,-r :.f Me t'.-.iir. ot Pliii Q J.; ■ S; 'J o'- r': :• 1 C iiy. i, -' ;' iv.* L: - T .X- ' it . •: -iHe.-1 iXAs :iii If tti'P- K-^'/ir'-v ri.pil?-/ ,i.»r’y () ;, ISti* f«i " T u’"'^ ■ . .(.•■t’_v7 '■ P>ci, Fi'i y Jiii'y f^'U. R .iviA^s ' I ■•. i J.i ! y '*.»■ 0;l P P I'lu.t^i’H, > d... .Isi.’f I'i'a ■Vir r Jsvill*. Tucs i'.y J«.n jr- r2i-'. ^ s. W,'. »n»jda». 13'!i Wh .• ,l»u ; 14'h. 0*-e’’l..>p’iJ Mil'.s. Friia- J'a’y 1.5tb. . Situ i-\y ir>‘'i Li * • ■Q. '-ion !-*y J-c’v l?ih Tu e-iuy J a’ 19tn Bt-.oL Sj'.imr Vv eda**'-’’ay .Ja^'y 20.0, Burn ci^arup. Tbursd-’-y .Jm’y 2lHt tax I "ir'Tr! ''re t-nrii^-'-ly ■••qiiesiud U att«n^ I' OK'"'-' »>u:t ; .;r hsia lUA'.i.-out, ',nd..»7.iJ L > i'.en-il •es of ' •“ 1 J T. PO^’E. Q a »ii'’9 l''i;! »v tf : ‘'oiirl, ' ;.r> •••- ; io F-^J' ■ .1 !,i S' d i! • !'. \ if’ ;'h ' tpii «i^»r Vr-'! in ’•• ) p - "‘I * *, I’ ■ ^ kt 1 ’■ |r k. SI . ‘ .t -7 Y M i'.f f.. -. Ilf 'V ■ -?. I'v" F.- _' •'! ' k\ R r n ■ ' ( nip ►tf ..I:.-: ■; I -f .. Ni>7’; 2-S, \ A »s? «e. rs 8r> ':'7 r -s '•. ■ ■ : .J '.TVrS ■)>.' ■ , ’■'■W •■•' ■! : H T . > Mti ■ .! f. ■ .r.- ]PtJ4. • '1 r ■>“• .1 I.-; - -• -ee 1 1' •* ■'-b. u. 1^ rii .1- r'-- *. I'* J > MES .'S ;KIS' F;4l-ll:?v:n-., N 7. 14, 18ti3. f 1 iT tt*,- {-- - ■■ ..,:of **•* in* ,c>- -.*. . O C.'U? ff ■■r. fa;-', n.-p. ilif i; i.i n ' ' oli uj- , fifed ' U, chtr''fi Ivor- .di.; wnd f.r’ . -c • ’: -u i • .fi. ■" j)' • ' •• • vi-’T-- ui rr.’'-’ l'-! 'i''d ■•'i.Ufx 'j . -rprr> ' •,. ..if I F\V^TT;:VfLLii: WiTEa W liiiS, ' til iZ I .\v ' t'o fij r> r-- ; ■>' .1 t .. j / W’ -tt ■■ lu .^•.rg '• r -yrr.. •: i' ■vr*''j I I • I* -m'. .u"’il; In lidT'TiO-c,’r ct;iLBini; ; : o-ir*. ' I ; • • ■b^'r. Is:;:?; , ! Fm- !(.■!•'•■ .'f7-i i ' tlOO pur 'ir.auni. | j Li7 -y (y^d d. .-! C'--’. ‘’srt?. J3U U.k - PiOoais a 1 K,U'.r\t iioitvv..>, 30 ! B.■.Il;^ ^ 30 I P ■ -it- B'.^r’lU’g 1^-. P) j ....na; H ,'u- fl-') to 2!> 1 i'-1 re- f.'i'l ''r.opti, $10 to 15 1 ]i or 2-5 I B - ■ er’ ^ i>. 2-j I uo l l)-'c!crri’ Offioeu, 10 I Waa:C!i **'S :r'>r»* r-,, c-“in!ry. an-ta;! iraniie^t ? •H'soa-. [ vri .'il- djr- d 1 > ti«t' thr w«ipr frnuf ' • ' ..lOHN W BAKER, Jr. j Fa.'sttevilie W^^trr W rre. I Deo 3. 8(> ()T7 I y>T OF if i5i(;Ks FOR pissi:.\Gi:?is. 0\ id fifur 'I ind »w 'ji-xt lu** f.-H iwii.t r-i o.‘ Pa«- w>l‘ be fii rj. i: I DOW^. ! Fruin F kyet'r'vi’Lle 'j W-!pi-jg'ou, ' ” .11 K'Izibf-'h,. j '• “ “ White Hall, I •• " •* K.*lly’i ('ove, I “ “ “ All p•i;n!^^ 'nelow, f 6KCONI) CLASsi, Oil DKCK. I Froai Faye'tetiile to Wilraingtoa, I “ “ El.zabeth, . ) “ •“ “ W.'.iiehal!, ! “ “ “ Kelly’b Cot#, “ “ ** .All point, b->l-iw, IP. i FroB- '/ilutia);tun 10 Fay-?'vPville, que«.ri,(ei bv a a^:’;eo .f t e C.n;’c.irare .‘’tatei ' ^r' 1 . 1. i. n./;iy's Cjve, fjrt:.^i>i‘, no: of Fi. .-; I-.; ' .. .. .. Vftiitd H«U, 20.0i#U torcH oi L*i.d, 'in.'.wn ;he Fleminimr Or»u‘. j •« *• •* Eliiabeih, sill. «tpd in Dr.?Y;ir ' coi;ir v Fi 'riU^t in In iim n ' i* • •• Pr.-'p-."' H-:H, T 3 J', 1’ ■■> 1 i.. i * ' I., i j\ **. oS 1.; I Si j .1 It ti ;,hove, S, R 3/ E: P- .-'C’-iy f Ber.-.^r.', B."5t.>a. I SECOND CI.ASS, OH DKCK. 1 ■ 18U n.-r« .>f u.^n ’a .Jr,r-rd x, i^-r. kn^-rr a. Wi!«-agran to Fi.yet(evilt*.. thf (i n.;z 1 T 5'.' V li E; T 3h s. R t f E; T : .. ,T teliv s ('o»e 3" S. R 4 J E. T 4;> S, R 42 L; T 10 .M, R 4 { E: T 41 S, j .. .. vv tc iUU ’ ri 41 4:;: Pr^^. -riy -t G ‘ i, U'-u z i G ‘ .. “ All poiuis :Jb3ve, .j'.') iCros : l-'^rr’-indo C: unf^ F .r’d-i, coci- j Second Class or Dock Pagsenijers must st-^v on pr- r,r >tip r i 'f N - ^ ^ c'- B iy full price, or iime an First Class ^ -c -ti; h ^ ' E ^ I -0 -I. r. ♦ ; .>( ■ ..n i L * .\a'extra ch-irge will bo Di»Je for 'Vay Pa*^en- .x-. i:; i c J ■"'i.ik: A* Mi; » |. ii.‘ Wi'l vi mit. A L i- F ■e V. iit h,- ■ .1 :»dvlr,-.i b, IfMrr, J N' C VC' li, > ^ )'E. S3,000 A( RES OF LA.\D I ^\LK. \\7!Lt. be *0 - i L k" ' j, 11 / jdriiay rh-. 21a: If .ItTi.ivr . L) l'‘il4, the ■ .0 t!ui^ pr T^-'^y, ^■- V20 fH> 10 nO 13 tio 11 00 20 GO ?10 00 5 00 7 00 8 Ou 10 00 f JO 00 H 00 11 uO 13 00 !A 00 20 00 $10 Oti t;. 00 9 00 10 00 of M W’ ^ irJ ,-; E i of Sec 2H, 1 J-.i d, K iw E: Pr j- peri'* f f 4 ■ s .) i'*'!*' as. ^ O’ Li ’J 'ii Br'-T.irJ, D»ar , luut / Bite, L-iia S 2 i .; ■[ »0 5' li E: Property of Phil;;.. I!'ri'i ’d,-!. 2-Mj r i • it :.eh conn' .', Flo'-idu, N E of S K ^ 3, T '.1 .-J ■’ J2 E. ■>': \ W } ^ •j -’'El: N E t f s W i .-: 3. T Si S, tl •-••.» E: P ipt-. ly .>e' : L ucr ’■■''dr.ou. 1(J0 arres of Lin i 'o'"l b r )Uj« >. ; Ftorr!:^. J f‘i'f 13. T 27 R -•} E: P w-rry of A af r. M.-roid&C li' >ck N '. ^>8; N J cf •. v’;r L.” N''. 11; ;i. l Lit No—. LV; ;c s'): L 3 I. V. 4, 1 ■ l>i .G.v i-f L.it No 5, m M,.,. 17: 1 Steam ‘ aw and Grist iSiil, n S',, -V \ . r' ih n •- T i; j :• So ^ i .:t L i.i S, i ll ^ >.ri V i>: . FiTri.i', N > . N W J )i o,. r 3^ ti. R T'' ! L-rty . i .\r- th ir B- ;i. T,-rm“—CASH. Toe a’t o"** L^ni"> a'tnpris ^'tiorae -f ih- 'r-ic F' ’•i V-\ and oiTe;- > t'ln’ in’: / f ).■ pr .fi'ahi» i;iv-s' .. .1. I I'-'ir! he h i 1 i;v .^Mr. - : !.r F'r i’* ,th\ \!o- Lc")I, !'i ' S: ; ’ bi • A .ri. /, F U :i:\\ Florid i a'; i E W Th :ta.. u, 1'trn i F iii 'a. E. ^ T { F M !! . - ‘ - V- y O • Jl I,‘".3 7H t-t s' a it 5 3 H M % S * J irer« petiia* into Bertas riarini? day time, and for occu pying a B-'rt.fj wit’i their boots «r siioes on, at the dijcrftion of ih« C.iptasn J, A WORTH, forC. F. ^t’m D't Co. it \i Oit.KELL, f.tv Si’ri' K'*te and Sun. ^ s 1 U i'lEHLOil. N.,r 2 !. : 84-tlJ,, Waiitrd iio Piir^JiaMP, I *'n n/Ul F'»:‘l>E)l H\Y vnd SHUCKS. i-f/v/.UVM* • I ^ -^ili ri0 pr\i 5 in c-ihd .'r in ■ .Ll i. . • . 1- n’t A F ,na ■ N ^ r 30 >t;3 TSie £'nk‘*sit‘r'«i’ aiid l*iaiilor!«i’ Al- - ’> .'iO -- ' .Civ^ of jy^oci I '.ti-l. T. LUMER .on. 8.') 2w ■ ur 1.''’. i, J’.isi rec d N V. 28, lSi>2 !?IOO Ki:WAKI). I) V« '1'V V 1.'. ,. U-. .J. ■ ■ .111 O.A LEb li ; il28 y.-ar !, -p..K : ..lai u. ■ . >n, •s 'H -.11 lit y. a w:L 'e I'ji' ■1 on -‘.nd of'*-: r 'is.-t?:?. r*,0;7 -ih '■•.ra-jod o; dt, Pmi e 11. . s .* •• 1.' 'V- r >v 1; i h dohv -r ,a V J I'l v.,h ■ I ..‘•iu IV T PEfiE’W Y • ■' ,-jr n. X V 23, )S-.H r'ljelti viUt? ;»H(i Ariu.jrjr, 1 $fi.oa ho5ji\ r 88*,f i itcil ujli. VI; i ilOivl i. ni\iiiijf I.. . n f. tUiO.l t’;-eW‘ii Da- vi-i ;ii. I'l to I il a ''■.•inri .’.y of .M 'u^t- d iv.tl in-,u ! >r «;r 'ic" irii.j vici:.. y. U'liCHi-i c.eby gr'en h^t i-icru!i-' •> t I n irab-rr o'. 1*)0 ”on co'-.tcnpts bi11 ’o.* r.-- c. .'J I ji- ^erv;..■^, Lv.- :> f .•vui -,?ih he i-qai-i-d i ) tu;-ui3\ t» tjiv-ict ihle hi'i le. t'ji wiiijd -le wid be ;»!- 1 .»o i 40 orn;“ pyr diem, an i hid fv». per pj otb. Written perni.xsinn will bo reqiiir-d froai pa.%nts or s-u*rd.:.iui>, w '--rti appl’icsini 13 ureter tiie oous.'ript apte. Each recruit must brio? with hira a ' lanket or bi.d iipr:..i, ‘-.i c. .r« pr;'t>i-.’d to r-tn-»in.- , vto* -t MvrriE^V p. i'.VYIiO’^, at t‘'c ^r- N- O ■ F L CHILL'S, ■'dU .1 r; S V • !•; r l’.'->. I *f»y Quantity of Paini*» (Jhrinti Bounp. J. A. WORTil. FAyhllliliLLli' lR-si'.N,\L Ali.HffRV, > Sept. 24, 1858. j Ij^SCAPEu trom prison on t he nuoruiag of tfa.: 12i5i i:i8t., £i LE.dUEL BUOM‘»rre-‘‘cd .-ii liis j sudpiCK'D of bciug * npy- Ai'® repr'.’Hcaicd uionelf :*« u [ C*ipi:i;u from Mi>rj;,au’a army in K-i'"oky !S ad Bu- ctM .taiE !3 euppov-d to be about R^leigU or aear iiis soother's iu Otiatti >.rn county. J.tie atttnii.;U of '•liluia .’'LaT i r. ’L AVutti-l, \ , ■ 11) . v' ' '1'; ailL i»: noiitu! prv:»: . i: i :,. t, !, .,y iwtvv, olhetwisr Il ft ill '.'1^ t'-'d >fi ■;: r-.,u ?,ry. Debtors ; fti.v { r€c,atvic"i U-- i'Divjii- picr. --ii m.i. i, . • ^ , HEiJTOi M NF'LL, ‘4,',7vji,.;.A fiti'.ii’ illiM 1 . ®“" ■' " 'laii liiAit; fuimn, j f^tSS., »r “ ^OR the Liule Folk*. A Airther supply »t w^.olesal* 1 D. MURPHY. * w nMl bf 1. J. hAUI k SOVa. | J1I7 28, IMS. ifitf T..!r,\ S272.7“1.> r.l TV? ’’>iiu-r I ii'.' h ive r .i ’ "'U pyjinntlv. in.i i> nev r t - n ■ r;L '-n tneir pi e;uj .tsn iir.!i3«. Ti>r»l lo.'isea p^id, S';'^,682 'v> ‘KKt'-f GEO. ’'teJsElLL, l'ro«idcut. D. A R.\Y. V'ioa Pret ideiit. C. .V. >!c MILL AN, Secy. fc>i i KG'K^V.-:; Henry Lilly, W. 'J. TillinrnsHt, H L. Mvrov.'f, ■ S, J. f liis -M.v T. Kavfley, W u. N-i.ib.3iu A. S^edrn'-.n, 'I . L.i:i.tjr! ;a, ja.^'I tii-e-351l€>ckade! .\. ,\. ’-loKcihan, 'toa J. H. 'i'd, } *1% • .'‘i at; 2 T V kit ki J. D. ■‘Oii'aras. ;v. F. Brown. ) , ' 1 1 . : 1 ly -a.i -.Jfrrs !or S. Vi. I'iuluxiviat. A. ri. Hall, ( '' diP'gfO'-. , ;a- E ■ r .v303 ,vi«: \iti CuiiitiS) ariu C, C. MoC’.Travc‘Up.f; Asjentt j 2 ,' *•! -1 g-.-’t ,,.'-xiri:a.'rf, 3,(j40 ydn; ^•*^The Coiiir 1".-. inrir-i ;i.ppiicaiions. 1 --'as,'! i’ fi .v . e Cutij. R, 2'J‘)0 yd->; r i*ii. 21- ^ 1 Pri ii - Jo ion ll:'.:ik rcui -i, 225 dozan* _ ^ J 1 b'r.-.i-ru U;.^b 20 dozen. No% I'-, 18'/', '■ ^1-0^- ^ .'finable S.aii(l in llaciifec'St c'oaintv I'OK i-:. ' 'jUlL ru’':so,ri:ier. '^x -i ' 1 ; vs> VViiland Tefl- i :j ..*■ ;'“.cc'd. oC’.’rs for s ile I V. Ul’. 1 • ul ... her X* lived, i r- t.OO'i'r: . lit u •!' F.xe’d Isl^i.id cn iho -i • , C;P- F .-i;- ili’'-;', aTld rn^n it.r o;j '3' I I- -/T f.'>r It- di.-: ‘ hide 1.'! i ruan: ■!,'! !'ib-1: I Rii-Mit. hr-.i four >1 'jii' - ’I,\if at-?*., ! ! dit- ai -. oti :'.!e oi.pcait'' Gid'? r.f t^i. riuer. from I L;1 M'*' .1, G‘»iti>iy ei;. ut i;nj "re ro^i-.id Pnn-r..,'i. , T.iiij T’ . .. ' t-red an v.i'u jKie aa a'-V on tJU V.vcr t-r .’• e pro luci'cn I 8kyii,«:fat ! of v:-e‘., vod c,:tiO!i Gftu. ^ Lean will&l.ow Gallery, Hay street, opposite Mr»i-td* Yard, Fay- j ,i,g ,0 p.;rctii-e. To those who ctieville, N. L,, pl3in, rt'toiif'hod, colored, in watcf*! if. jp »hfri pnt^jerty la^Js colors, oil ani pa-:!i!e; from sinall (olif- ?;ze. An,bro- | a. ■ -.^rou^aK, Jac'/u.ea" typea, MelMit'oiypt- ^ ftad :i’i ot u-r styles of Piorurfj . Uni'«-ai.-i.-.W of pr^v:o-i‘dy, t^e fT-ip-, rty will b; j.eriJiin* ig ivthe ■‘^r ■ Gilt ("r. Hif:, Oill Niou'd- 1 yjj'or^d at pubi;c h'Ip in ’b*.’ .->wu .>» Liii-.^jton. on ing, G‘ .'r Tory If ■;•«—«« Inrrv -I by ;.i‘ T l-y • - . 2,^; t' o--n x’. br wi- '.nulies. ^' r ;i>ir p^. ; t; ei: lr.?tm- E'.''FtE M.Li^VN I'y ; tnffoiH. s».«-k Si- • ■•'• «•'•=•■ • I'l, N r s,-a ? t'-d h size color” : -i - ... v,- i .t - — -- - - navJUK }>«ri.i- !••’-•• • i '.. »c i-'-i ' i', \ i * vf :A ■ \ p ;> J \ /I ^ ” your,-'" i ■- 'It S' ? . \ .'i 1-^ i J ■! ;U ^ ^ J A U \ . for th* il.:'- >’i •’ i." ,1 I .^ i! ;. I >-7 ! ‘ ‘ -.'l;^. the good peop;;>-t .^ tyctte/lii.: ifi.i VIC uiiv. ' ^ L.-i.‘.P BL.ACli iu b,>.rreid. For aa;e by 0. M. VANOKSDELL, | JOS. R. BLOSSOM « CO., Photogr»p'Bist rad Profriator. 1 Wilmiagto*, N. 0. D««’r20,186» V- ’ -M*roh 7. A . j , . Thi* \efV Sriv, S«ia’.!, { ^’OLORK^ ! Viii ■3i:5’;,--v. ' 1 I’l th I.,,-- 42 4 li.) •i .1;; iS 2 .1 , ■i 1) : U- V .NU i’E'’, '-•■•'ie . ■ ' t TsittM, cuvHMting of UKY (jftODS. ‘--J F-i;. Prl-i!9 Freu -:i» 15 .iou. B’-O'id Clolh y .\rniy C superior '■•> Pti i Grey Ctsaiinere , F.>rtcy T»voeds •io iijavy Mii(»d Seal Skxns 54 -r'-Q v*-'et Pilfj 8 bsi.1^;- Qrey V?o-. 1 Sbijj^a 2 e'isei! F'.uay Woyo do •1 b'ilt'H Wr!'*’’ F(r..”fii.s t> i-e“ L ^ bifh tiivts Liaen Fr#uis 1 il:; B".. , ^.nt n Flmnel 1 btlr- Di vj;i,r (ind lia'h T iw. Is 2 C!>s-.-P Silk an.,! R+ridir.a Htndkfs 1 c%ie U'lji. 8kii'!3 -And Corijets 3 Si'r*-"i'’t B! ^ck B^cib^z'-ae 1 -0 B;-?.."^ P .. :n A Ir-iC--, ff-; ’ 'I (3 do d. d- k 1 4 4 2 8 1 1 6 10 1 8* do iT3 do do d.-> H- P: ^ t. I • R ,F- F O' Wn;b- E. - I Li^i, u 1) . 'd-'bi»irs Mu hti Bill,; Uuion log Li'-* r.uB -'1‘tt. J^boetln^, 86 in«ii super ■Io ■Io do 1 do wire, 60 'd Ri'4' 1-0 '^D^-p -'’k--5 tj C-1-. H F if L ji,- U;>.f V* :,i-f- .j .". U“t Fi!.x I ari.ad, a.sr^orted colors Liiien ; »pe and Bibbina T'« " : ■ l>'-i)s\e3 G.>: i - Bl'^c’i: l..a!i)ir^ Sew in*;' Silk P'-ai Ktrb;V pr-rl liu I n? A f-t . 4*> 2'j''’ 0 yr : ( . aoD Ci.rds i:-.rd '-■'i Ki'if, 220 sheets, 8si x 4, No. >4 Letjal Ati/innent.—In the ji'ood times new pone, Juiiiise Hoopfci- reported the iollc'^ing cm#, the speeeu in 'trhicK l.c {.ruiiouuced to be the grjiitc.st Le ever icar-; iuf^lc is certainly M erhiiustive as Abe Linci. A lellow was indicted aj. i., the Old Ninth, whpD roiu Cr—t wus s'-ticiici, toi gambling, to wit: pIajiDi> ‘Short cam^;.” at a certain loc&litj knot’ll as I'ru,r LjvoI, C'.d. dcfeuded him, and eoDtended before the jury that though th® btite’s evidence ‘'tended’’ to show that his client, with a bottle of litjuor in his pocket, accompanied the crowd, who, it was shown, did actually play, yet it never did, with actual certainty, locate him as one oi the play«rs. Said he, by way of perora tion; “(jentlemen of the jury, the witness have t«ld you that Peter Wyatt was thar, and a playing; tor he noticed his hand and it wits a full on queens. { ilarry Snow ^vas thar, and he war a playing, for t he hilt two little par ^Villiam Upson was thar, *• and he played; cause witness noticed in particular that he had nothin’ but an ace. liill Conner was thar, and he played, f^entlemen; and he had the bully hand—i'our high-heoled jacks! gent* nifti, a’u .i I cun? to ask him about Abralium I’ltKin, ;i.y cin di'b iiatid, \vL:^ did h« tfay. m'nti; tin*- .'' iij 'ni;bi-;2;,2:eiitlf-u3C!;,except tliHt il Atie hilt at.y liaiid, be (iioreiuembered w'lat wu?* iu it. “And Il0^?, irentlcini’n of the jury, because my . elituit wit.s seen j.;-aui;r «own to^ I' rog Level with a I b,)ttle ot liquor in hi.s rocket, and the witness J u;iii t reuitiuiber a^ he hilt any hand at all, when oui^y ii-a.1. Js was out, and iiiiu the best player in the cruwd, is that—/*■ ihut, I say, gentlemen of he jury—i.^ that ttcy reaMon that my client wai guilty of the crime of ^umbolin^'” Gfttiuy a Famili/.—A Gorman named Hoe- flich, residing five miles wei»t of La Crctcent, was married in Portage, iu Surcmher, LSOU, to a healtfay German girl. The week after they mar ried they moved to ^Jinneeota, ou the farm whicb thuy now occupy. In Au^'uat ISGI Mrs. Hoa- flich }^ave biiih to tiiree boya, two ot whom livsd. In June, 18G2, she gave birth to three boys and ti C.-. H K -t !1-^^ ; -n «nd Boys i “ girl 1‘vini;. On 1 do K^ir. .’Iota. Ileirt:., Shoa aaJ I..finf ^^e 0th ot this month .she gave birth to two girls ^ j und a boy, arl ot whom were, as late as Tuesday i of this week, alive and well. Ten children in ]«S6 time than three years ia pretty good, even for ;his vicinity. '1 he p&nnats are proud of their su^ cfcss in the family liue, and point with pleasure w tfjeir coiiipaijj oi (jtrmiiu iuldutry. Governmeut cannot afiord to draft th«j head 01 that family. ha ' ro&se Democrat. Uxn-i'n 3 do P>rii r f’.Pi eH LKATUEU iVD SHOES. 2*^ Fr-:-i;-jv V\ »xeil vJ:»it oiiiu.-» 2 ca^.-- K;p E 01 - 3 ca^f** Bi’k ii»;d Br ^ H-iru';*?. ^idati 1 c.'^b? Sh.if i iiiA:? 4 t'^iU - E-,(r’-"h S ■ L '*th r 101 cas.'s sup^iit'f T^.aife :m i fiiii-ih Ladies an.I (’'’ Id. eu’a H'jo» b jO E I .\rmv r>Iuoi,erd 5 C' H'li ■ T‘ T' ~vi 2 caGts M i-;on’r. I’l'^cUine. IIUi!)W\!lE A?»D CITLERT. Sent' 11 Cftpks t ■ w! ; i j.,-"or4, 'i 3 c ^k5 fliri'TrS, W-' ll as.-;It ted 3 Oil ’-- ■ Q • • , vr •io lt ca?' • .J " C' It .-J T,. la. &3«>-jrt'^d " 3 o - -ari T.,"’..i Kci. > k:? i F.->r>is, bags ^uot. Wire i:j p'tfeat VVire Dish Oovera, LHdi«>5, Crfiatn and E»-)? Whi; Jlichin# Rr^:**' * '^ain. Dog aud L«.ai : Uatui, Sofi 8w‘'.ag6, Ivou Bed stead 4 Cade'S T-ic.ks 39-i box,;S l:ri-o P'ate 0 iag t-' Block Tin 10 ca(«»(> Z-!,c KOI’E, .i5D TWISl. 2.3 eoil'’ .M .ii'.U i.:p.» 10 bii f 9 b-..s? ng 10 h.aV' T.vitJ.* IJROCKKIES. 900 b.igs t*vio roJf-'e, I'tirm, 3(> .. • .’vp* •• ‘ .* B- * • n S p Vv’..u i ' - I So p i:!-: A i Lciiuiiue t’aiidlea 121 “ I. il. 7 e-.ri s Br -v. 40 c .- ■: ’ . 20 lif . -..•St-' V 50 jShM- 1(1 c H ■.; C-i-J 1 c ’1 CJv ■V a»I Oil STATlOXEIil. »p :.;id Note Paper 17 Cik-jks p ir lo c-.i^'-i. .\.e ‘J t i i 1 l^irol S 1 c’. k , 10 k-, - C. i. 'J r.vrrt! B I P - il li'pr?t 1 1 k DUIGS. '■Vi it4 Lc“. 1 2 c 119 d 12 h -!-u 3i> e >- 3> 0 keg 30 I! 30 b X C It . L L 11 V Es I. ■ P '•X L V 1 ! I I v);i Oi ?oJ‘» :c; L i;W od SALT. 232 ' ick L-.'i’rp.,;:'! G. A. U'lj 3T Tar^r’-; S»lt l.ini OKS, At. 73 b.r.rr‘l.» B nrot) 1 Wnick-y O'? S ^>0 . ICil lio 4*.! do ]*iir" Ijollan'l-Gia (il ,;.i ligae. and pintu 3 do t 20 do 80 d z J ffr y's Pale Ale. D. '’r 2 1K(‘,3 8Tts I’hlrty Thonmnil Dallai'K Intcmal hnpro've- nunt xY. 6'. i^tdie Bonds for sale. Ortice Til I'ha::! R iv..Cc> . ilaleit'h. Nov 18f)3 0’^’ iii> i ;, t j5 ^ di id Dc'fritbcr 1803. Ki!l^^ f, id .' ; 'ir> i'j '‘lie I n. It i;..- nuKtj room of t.reecb L t(-.;f.'- .t, tl ;>io .* V ^ f H-'.). i^ti. thirty thousand dol ;irs Nrrrh ^'itroiitis x p . cent .’^t:>fp Bonds, the inr.r"'- e.-t of which is pvy .bio .-•etni .ti^nnail-, on the tirsi duyt^ ..f .1 truar / a:>d Jul;, of • v.«i, year, aiid *he principal or thrs l.-.t dny fJ iQuarylh^3 The--.' b'-n.lp w r^- '--siji.i to tha Raleigh and Gaston R 11 :■ c'liy 01 Rueigh, for the benetit cf the 1 hatiiatn U 11 I'ooipany, :.nd in addition to the general credit of ;he Siate, liavc the security of a spe cial Si-king Fun'. (lopioH o the laws authorizing the i?sue mav be LaJ on -vfpl'i'I'icn to t^.'? undersigned. “KE.SIP P. BATTLE, Prta’t. Nov’rSO • 87td l-irl l''or Sale. '■j^HE UNL)*.- SiU^EU mmi sooner, appointed by the JL Ccuu.y » ouit Cit Kcbcso.i co-.inty, /or that purrose, wil’: t..;i ->1 -.uni.... it ih-,- Coart liouse, iu the Town of Lur bc=:-oo. tr. P ittj” !ay tiie 2Gih Deceniber, 1863, a likely .NEGRO GIRL t>7 the name of Roxaana. beloi.g’ng lo the e-^'Hi-^ - f .^rc^’d M. McKinnon, de ceased. .}iS(i A R()WLAND, Clerk Luinburton, 30ih Nrv . 1''63. 86-ts “77/ Rti^' tckei^ I 'jtt Hume.''—While I was walking through a fitret;t in the city of , a few days ago, 1 pa.-jsed r man whose head was ■whiis.- aud body bowed by tiio naiiisliip of not less than six.y years. liio limba trt;mb!ed under their heavy bu. ien, and with mu- K uppaient elfort he advuiiced but aiowly. I overiieard him talking in a low and subdued voice, evidently mourning over his weariness and poverty. Suddenly his tone changed, aud his st»p (juidcened, as he ex claimed, ‘‘i’ll rest when 1 get home.” Even the thought of rest filled him with new life, so that he pursued with energy his weary way. To me it was a lesson. If the thought of the refreshing rest of home encourage the care worn laborer, so that, almost unmindful of fatigue lyid burdens, he (.juickens his step homeware, sure ly the Christian, journeying heavenward, in view ot such a rest, should press onward, with renewed vigOr. This little incident often comes to mind amid the perplexing labor uf the day, and stimulates me to more constant aud earne.st etibrt. Each la borer totiiug in his *'ia.ster'« vineyard, bearyig the heat aud burden of the day, can bay, ‘‘I’ll rest whoa 1 get homo.” lis^e let ua be liiligent in the dt rviccs of our i..ord, remembering that our rest is above. Fellow traveler, are your burdens grievous to bo borne, ^o that you are ready to faint in the way? Jc^us suys, “('ome unto me, all ye that labor and arc heavy bdpn, and 1 will give you rest.” To rest from toii is swett; to rest from sin is heaven,— Christian Mi.ncellan^. The ^'kristian iSold'>r.—'llie Kev. A. W. Manguin of Goldsboro, > . in a letter to the North Carolina Ciuioiian A vi., -['oaks of the death ot two Coi.i'-dcnit-: vi.i.a.or.-: at the Hospital la Getiysburg. lie says: ••Oue 01 them, v. ‘ii told by the physician that he must die, .»pT-ke cionucntly to the comrades wLo gathentd around nim It was a touching scone, it must have been a terrible ordeal to him and yet he made it magnificent—he made it victory. Far from home—in a laud of foes—in the midst of strangers—a captive, wtmudad, suffering, dying. What were his words? “I am sorry that I muit die before our independence ia gained; but it will be gained it we fight on and put our confidence ia God. We have fought together on the battle-field; let us meet together in ileavenl” This was graud. Such socnes alone caH display the sublimity of a chri'stian hero’s spirit. Sergt. St«gar sleeps in hi-; grave; af GottysDurg, but he •built his monument r-.cfore he dici. Another young ."OliH -r, \vi -.n dyin^, exclaimed, “All is well,’ aitd b. '.•.iio vecMe.-^. When ask ed, “are you liappy a. d ar^you prepared to dij,” he could only nod tuS* iicad—tbar wa.*! enough. Perhaps it was ;> salute to the swilt angels that iirceted him. Hillsboro’ 3Iilitar*y Academy. I>ilE riix n AcaJemio y"‘-r o: tMs Instituttoa will be- i. giu on W^dneplay, Feb’y 3i, 1864. F.r cir; ulara aad int-'riiftt'oc "^pply to M,ij. VVM M, GORDON, Sup’t. ‘ Hillsboro’, N. C , N-r? 21, 18^-3. 84-3m >iteaiuer A’«>ii*th Carolina^ T EAVE F.i;,;v:tfvil'.e VVf Ja vy >r,d .Saturday morn- ruE -ubi' :3, n c I L'U- .VOTiCJE. r ' . .T • November Ter?i, A. D. - ' P c i? lio - fjaint.-r Seeeions of . .,1 ' t'-d ^ J ...-•I -.t-'r (,i ’ho E-’. ■ .. V-, ,. !. ge'.ftra' ‘ ,.^-ri'e to Hiiik - im- ■ - n. > •' a . r. ..-^on, bav- :;.;r . ' - ~n' iu^y au t..enti.-.Hted -withia tr.e prebcribo-a by law or tjis notice will b» pleaded ia bar of a recovery. B. MeNAiR, Adm'r. Nov’r 23, 186a 8b-6tpl Hu.) Wiliri’a^tton ou Monday r. S. LUITERLOH. 85-3w I i ing at' 8 0 cli'ck, .r’ M aud TiiiirKd.v/ al 2 P '1 Nov’r 30, 1863 rtpn ~ ~ BOXES and Cciddie4 of Manufactured 240 B%ga Dry SALT; 20(X> Barrels No 1 ROSIN. I S LUTTERLOH. Nov 30 86-2w TO- '■Pf' !'." 1 -W' I.' t*:- 0'’i \VA.\’5TKI> ■ I e ■ ’i i tbf''- !'n -COOK, for h;.-r.* r , ' -. . d Aidresfl T, at :A . Nf'K L. 85:f .•> I'*,; V. .»i4» t.j riir Apply to cTiUtiiC '5 AOORN SHELLER. Capt. TAYLOR, at tha Arsenal. No'?. 2-5. 84K

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