% ftv ^. t;. T r»Ci ' .1 tnc.' .,'> i • u r*’U I b&ait the i.-i u! ui. .li :n-. iu;iu :i ■ ■■■ ,; ^ Xf!i HHBSfpr *r«:rurTw ^ iJJ ' . N.-C., UECliMBER 14, ISGS. [NO. 138».] b* fe ot I V '4,e ■i irtr t II' •- :. tl he •r- . \ 3 j. rv*. ■ '> ; t Is ■; 4 e ^ S eh^,. - .M-- auu ., a-. . '-d .T : ■ g . -4«- 4. ..«i ^.or &u- ' ’’I, I u 9K e cki ' a« i.t» ,'r. V fa a'i ,,'h 1j ai ii# J.. . . li-' ^CU J2; • [i a.. » . u« u- ,i r . • ;e . -il r i. s U i' « !4. - to v.d a ' CO. . : u- r. r ^ n ; .xcs .. le- .ii‘) ^ '1' jd lOQ tar ^ M\ o->\Y- an J, ■V. r i ■ Tin • X • r. nVT'B V. y^rnoa Female Sessfa^-.’j, A: Mt. Yfrftftu MJiiprv' S?\!ag^, ; : stafy. Irt to c«55^*!fca 28tli COLLEU?^, H roiifo'jerato Tax, ^lobi^oit CoiiRty. or.- n ”• r vr ,i f ? ■\.'-i *''r AUCTION 5AL2Sr 'in n? Us r fr »>; . l-*v r,;4 in . ?':i? ft :?v >' 4't '(4 I** li'nl'iM ti- ' i c’ T' =i: 'iiiw .■■ >^^ '■ .> 1: X r ■■ ,Xi-- - • ; ;s • C'A ■,]& I* ' r r no'i: ;. np Xvi' ri ' ni nil • I i ■'» i r;.; ■U'^iro.l. IT I'hurgptl si'cor 1- i fl«t n»w fc'i- 'f .'I ne >T suwscriber ■ -i-. :ii\ '1-. H01‘ will - 1 ;r ■* >!!»;?;■ ti.i ■• A : r Sc- ?, I \ y p- a \ o ■ R T. ^ IV W .. ('; ' T'■ ■•■'■ illo Ci '.y. I ftjtf ‘rcf*-*: ■ mrfc i ii’ -.'j ■ 1 lU : . I. at 8 o’’! ’c'- , A o’c'oci' T* .' Cnti!.' a-.i- Ilnr.- \ T, Wi':.'N AY FKIL>AV U” .rJ:-r JN > M. K, V-. rVr .T'. .A JSP.. :‘2, 'S ■■r - ^'. ■ ; JM-: ■ li : _ '•!; f i; usj;«. V- '•> '' ' '■ ' • ! is •, - - y-. :* ' .1 V. 'i t-2 0 H'?i.LrsO5W0UTU, “ Fr - ♦llfl" ^:-c \ ,T VV Mr :S, C rv^'a'% . A- * ■ 4- 'i. 3i • r ?, ;bf r; \\k ' Pl-\ ■rier Courts C' I! 3, ' « Touh- .'f ‘ i 57~ rrs IN 'S frea, N. C. »>.:f - - i ; h":- ■:■•■:• - i :: 1-! c; ' ii . _r?-V- : F ji k 0';- j ]). ai • '» r t - ■•' \J 'n'KiX 13.S f!■ 'i ILuij Vi 1 i , i' ■ — i'»-. 1- ■: O T,. 1 , ;■ u i3 'N, r ‘"'' to bv Vt t'eni-i-ai (o;ij.a Nsijti ;*ij!l r:>i’>v;u* i- • i • . .: : o: : - il S- C i-v = r , ■' ' - ' Ji.'-. mr- %:.... ' ■ %.• SSO «!t 4') rr> tr. 1) ti' o;^ fMf'ocfr .’frrr/irtii/, • ;• \ KTTKVli/iJ-':. N. r .;Wv •■ w-tf ,S ^ i’O.. ,t: iU- n-«: 6. p'V ) - ier-f fsr S -'s r.uii- rt.jw, N B O Tri'dTIt. ,, O r 8. is 8. P. O. \T.-"T!!. ■U i>u -M; ■' ■ r !. iS'l :-^ll ]>« lo ■I'j t v'^^oae. j ic,::, '.V 1 AKFTiv, J F ! :! * v.i : V,’,i;,-.' W rks. .SP. tj" :’ r :t i.t i, •' i \ ' '*■' .-. t ■>. .•*. '•» ;j t' it*'. T ■■'•*' LI'TSi'’ FO't f'-ASSK-'.SJKaS. • V* X ' If I i'.wicf : - of Prf8- W .A. 2.O00 , nine mue* j --ll-':} ■■ .rp'^n^ ,c I ^ K I'. -’. ! ■ \ 8h' woimi CO, Commisaiou aid ?or??ar'I:n.:; I.io: Sircii, WILMI.VUT\)N, X. ' 0;t 1t>. IS'!;: A» -I t« I ’»'*i «!•.• . « li * "'ill »- ■ ■•t( '* *iv .■•: 9 ,■ . IT -'fc. ? ki,-‘ ii.l.ii) Wi-.riT.clD, tor tii3 Xo3pit.'4l riifAcr [)OrLTIlV, -r 8- 'c '*■“ r,* ;!** r 2'»t « . 1 C'-j. ^ I : , r:: j wMi re'-fi»s. i i . r • ..^'.v Jr , "-.tf ■ of ^go ■■ •.er .sai ciTi ic •••jnJ thfir • :>•■ -3, ic i .'.-RTrh ?Ar\ fn;ci?s e/»a e>-u.iin . ■'. ’.■.i;'t ; . ■' I ii )n o 'he ■'Ub'C. ib'-r !\> ;ii3 oii -’ji t r 'I: .1. V. • Pow r“’e oa Httj S."'.-'. II. K. ilKIDE. G. r/1 A..- :. i dW ■ is. ' 1 ^ T a! r. 35! t: ■»: 8 t fl? 1 o;. ii: Oi \\ a:-5 ior *^a!oS>y ii L.EL 7T ('• >. TilC I'foKJ* 'oin Co ftre cow prsp-,rr-l .o f ’ib'.).' ni'titc. / i.,,5 iQj t^UiLL.'i, y. . ^ . ' '' r V '•.II r M i!;. J. :• ' :--L' !. O -,r V:. }f N. 0., J-)/ To C’oltoii rJasiter^. illAVt bef'i ;>ppwiiii?i '^>7 ■■>■ 6::r'i iry r.' surj. C'ii'e!' .\i;.:L. i?r i -.e p'.>v r.;.* ci' 0" : Go‘.- rnm-'i,: r.:h^. il; .' .• ' •. Vl'ta. '.&■. rr" ■• !-t 'u* s'.rt :n 7 ;■ r ;. . •■'v i}.- SJb-Aq;t'iit- ▼i-'itinr; t\jr ■i';Te’'?n' u n./.Tu*. tUI a'-Te ■wrh'^r” c iij ji* i r of i.*'**' 8wrjr«’ y of i :o Trcs''; ".Cr .J' J ’y ■'* -Tl / ViiC'-I': '. ^5 -■••■ * iay : ir-; i 1S63 w;.l oe i-iI'j '«r .1 7 ' ;'W- . .:i'i H'j! S ^ er cei'.. i-' ■ ' a ■ iier .Ji .■ •> ':.’E!. L ^ .'. K' V K 4 ‘ i: FftyctlfTi'lo to Vi lim'uec'oa, “ . “ “ h. • IV ■ f Ha'!, “ • K ' 'st’uvr, “ “ f “ V p in ' below, .^Ki.'O.SI' ‘"I./J.-S, on ULCK. '^ro't’ Fayett' '■ to ••. “ KKiu. h. V N . .-!1. “ “ K'l'.y'-- ••'ove, *• *• *• A’’ . liri:* 3'i*. Fi j i-. WP.aiai't-.n to t -ii'». *■ Kt'ily- C've, “ “ “ - 1; ,li, I* «i i b, " “ “ Prv j-et. I'L.tl, *• .iv’’! I : s .ibore, bECOND CL bS. OP. DECK. ID (''’i i 2.1 W» j H ue 1 Frra WilaiB:-; ou t.. I- y -i C’-e, “ ‘ • Ai' I' ' 3 >Ye, 5ecp'.d C:a; s or Uv.i must «ty.j on •H? T-*'- f '? ' ■ U ,' ^ i: 1 t S- J . 1; r of ■ I •' .■ -V^:. \ . » •» 1 . .- V - ... X «... . -J : . ^ ^ I I«-*yir deas «r p»y f ull |.n«ie. or s* is« a« First ^ ; _ ' ,t' " if 3^^ Aa exui cl;arg.* will be laide for Way Pa'st' i J ir, K • :> L: I ro- —^,.3 gftttiDj; \n'o I5er:hs I'lring il'iT tinie, f.nti for oc r'-ii'i'y eif". L S. r;. ll i;: r. j: J^riT *: C: V ' 1. f N n • r,. 1 *• rf I" V • -■y j.E^ris ‘' I • \ v\- '1 4 : • .; . i 7 f I !i '.i '-J / . 3 S, f. -0 ■ : ■t c. > Li', li .•v!no, > r'; • ix 1C! cr-'.' •tt- Tjcrs EfttUDj '!i’o I5er:^s I'lring d'iy tinie, f.nu for oceu- pyiBg n Berth with their l»o»ts nr nhoes on, at ibf* diacrfiioa of ae C&.fttv;a J. A. VVt^RTH, for C. F. St’ia B’t Co. j K. M. ORREI L, for t^t’ra Rate and Suu. F;.:- ri», -N E i-if j ^ LUTTEiJI.OU. ''o ' t, 23, 1^-? 8M1J ; 8. r 31 S, !; :2 ■ _ - - - n j Wnnt(‘l l» Fiirciiasi**, ■!:. FUrlK:^ I . - lbs FODUEK. H^Y SHUOKS. V ■, . ^ J>7l/,vV,fV/ A ''.i«h pr w 1'. t*p>ii in c sh or ia t . . n, 0 -in ' ! t r ■;■.?. ’ P tn -r" :;i')) : ' l oOO .ce- " ' i - i . i. S n. N ■ :■ ••. ). ' 0 5 ' '• - -• 'i'he E’lia^kS-'4>’ .'*1- -. a • ■ r t. .J a.? r j-li. E. .J H .Li:; Oi S0N^. N .. 1’'^. iv-: _ _ «I I L- F 'ri X j p -(7 of A-- s». Fu- ■n i‘v .i \ i' .J.v \r ; n,i ii Oc. 1-2, 1 V -KU.' 7K. to jiiirciiasc .. . . > a do Siv T»t w L .■ iOs* . ^i. Lii lor L.AitL' ;n .i IDS. V ■ ’i; ! .•r' f :• i; -h M 4 t S C ii‘.*i'..I J ii . :5:> i? ii: Fnctijiy. A. t). i'.L.VL liLlN & CO. ■•.ruci,, tor Stile at out A. :a-uAU'iiLlN & CO. 8.'%5i A 4 oar lat 'y. 1-i. '■ Si>Ai'.—For 8»le at m'.LAL'. liLIN & CO. (iH OuidI U.\ LE.iU V, l»f. -r , V.’ • VOMl'.A. r 10 1 .1. ,, A-y b, 186-J ■ -. . ; ' ■• i .■ L' .id for ihiB V •.. >„• cr “EuaU qu.t';- W'.’i v.iva 1 p(-uiiu .f!. t. \D ■.,.:>. ii ;!O'.j0, -'ttf'. C. B. i;i ca i; . of Oriin'iii?;:. r ni -t. ■ ,.t >;;o. w vs'i: Fayt:t:eTil!?, y'^j'21. l'v-3. ’O. i tb- m.nis'" UCUfi> pivso..; At'- sui iaiy.«i^’oiice. ^‘ilK . V . ■ .. i.-'-.-CLiabcr Term, 13(52, of I J iri .,'CuaiL.^ri-iud, qualified as Ad- , ; ii L..f L'. iK- 01 5 ill G. .Mc^eiil, deo’U, I,".:: u c. iias-igajnsi i!to Eaiate to : i ■» iiin t!'r- iitiiir li'ii ed by iuv/, otuerwise U' ’■'■ ■ -Jf - \ c*o pisiii’ i in b(ir of recc’'l‘^;^ *r,; reo-.ieijicd to r.-iak"! j fp.jiac*’-'-. HE'.’iO l M-NEILL, Ad!T.-r 1(1. 1CR2, ‘ i; OR tii0 Laiile Foii*. A farther supply »t wi»oica*le ' 4T rtm. hj M, J. » Bora. PasikJc* t>€a5*-. THL 8ub.;eni>tr w:il p;^y fac -i c.. a prices for auy Guactity of Palroa C" ' i. S ^O .T)l if ■ > iL FAliiliLViLLL Alk-'ji^jL A.\.i > 'i m.i, { Ski't. 24, iSG3. j ^ttn 4Uhj>. Escaped fro:rt f.nsoni.’it:- ‘iP.orDu:!i.or ib‘ I'ifi ■ LEMlit^L DUCllA.NNAN. tt;: > fi-vs .>rr. ‘u:i rr rr- eu.sp:ci3n of hfing a *py. H- r.:pr'^ei • i i’ - Cajiiam from .Murga'^>’s a~my in ^ ^ ^ ^ ou-HdinHa is Fuppo^ci t'J be ft^*out. ii ioi;.;.' ot jir. uioihtr’-i in Ciia^i Htn oou:itj. TSit; ■■ > n. "- of €o: A j T:?p ^>•,V Sf ;]p, Snirs.1!, I A';' r s\s Ivry, j II V *r s.=30 ■'. 6 * ^ j \1'. •- V , 1 . V • :, . . . i. : i“) C~ i .■ l l '■ li.:' ■■.„•:]'. . : AJ ^ ^ ..1 ‘ r- •■• ^ ■, 1 ■ ._■■ PM . •■ -■ • vii.--, ^ K) ■ 1 -N'.- P:i,i' • ) 1 Fr -10-1 Dc.b N I.-, h;, ISo^. ___ __ __ ValnafoSc 3ia?»i 12a S3ariae5i coiiralv 't'HE PU'f'?.'-'•:% •.. c-.v ■'"■rlx. .-•;•»> hstWiU.mi! To?- •■ ■' '- 'u McjLi;;'-' ofi.--.-. f^r v.'.ia ( ^ W'.'' ■ ’.i ::■ r--'’.’ r ■■ ''I I'.- ' z ' ’ • ^ F ’X?N Islin'i 00 the i'fi . .. i' Ft'’-r R ;.ai Von .n-: \ tho f. r t >.^ -S -f • .' rnnniiii^ 1 >out:hr'^ fi;ur haof'i H.*. ' *t5 .s t-n l-r/(v .'•'lort ,- ^turr-: hr;,.ir, on -hr .'-f,- ':"'t oi fro.n I) i: Y G 0 » E S . F P 'fi I »' 1 b- Our Gallant JJe/enJfrs.—The Chariest^ Com- iiv H ILKKS MOURlsrliH^ , iier,.ay,,‘‘Wc rctura ■ .R or lMl>.)a ;ED •ol.Bi tr I Ort burner l.r the loltowmg incid^^^^^ , .y, i i'ORT bUMTER, November 27, 1863.—The h»- ■ V ^ T ■ X ^ Sergeant Jasper pf“ RevolotioDary fame ' " ; • ?t times equalled if not surpaised by ;. ' A. « , »3“J(letendero of this grim and ruined , - t lartro.'S. This morning the flag steff which is ( Y .>:■; ■.• i KT, j noT just h;..;’i i nougb to Haunt our colors in the ■ P*» ^ j eyes^ 01 th(' toe, wus cut away by a Parrott ihot, but DU soi>acr had it I'alien than four gallant youiiLT "'^IJiers sprang to the parapet and replaced it. A i'.' j were exposed to a severe fire while thus en>r:i!j:oH,a.sthc} were obliged to splice the pieces of the staff together and make a hole for its reception, afi'l thc.-io operations necessarily occupied some ti ao T I.' oii liiv porccivcd them, and opeued 5 upon th. ni with :*00 pounder Parrotts; at one time * the very as .'^wopt by a shot from their hands, but with uiidaurited courage tliey continued their •• heroic vr'.-k to its noble consummatien. When th« staff was S'-curoly planted and the starry cross ept'i’od its t 'lis to the luorniui'breeze, they gath ered beneath i;.s .sh.adow and gave three rousing chocrs. Tiir-ir Dari'CiJ were Covp«rils W.C. Bnck- hei :fer ;,pi A. J. JJluett, acd Privates C. B. Foster and J;is Tuppcr., Jr., “Charleston Battal- i; 4 , ion.” B S'Cid Cloih -. ’tj Tiur S'r-.na Liiicn Fr^HtH ..-*. n a U jA Pi>ra£'»q P •J."' xini '•Ui I*''’'; Uaioa J. - L:. i .• ,J X 1 1 ■ ) S -iinj;, f6 repcr .;i:‘t . ’ rr-o.i 4-iiers :■ . . : J4 -bbi-^; j\;' ('are for llog Cholrra.—J. W. A. Sacforii li rnishes a Southern exchange with the following: I dc.^re through the medium ef your columns to inform the public tbat tar and greasa mixed in iqital proportions arc a certain antidote for this prevalent and hitherto fatal disease. The m»de of rreutraent is aa simple a,-* the remedy itaelf. ‘■afcli the nlToctcd anircal, turn it upon its back, 4 gig it, and drench it with nearly a gill of the mixture. The ffFect is almost instantaneous. ; In a few honrs the animal regains its appetite, and is seen bu;-ily engnaed in quest of food. My stock minder, with whom the practice originated, irays, ‘‘If you can get the tar and grease in him, you can count him good for bacon.” In more ! thou twenty cascshe succeciV'1 in curing every on» 60 .^l Ki- "fl ' a ■ j 180 .-.'-rp bkicB I Curing P«rk.—Mr Editor:—I live on flat land t) 0 .58? F:-l. H tts. ^I"n and Uoys i and in a cold place. Novr, perk is sc&rce, aad S wsn.r Silk (’ ■ f- V u Ki-b%’s P •! \ -Xfp .‘-i "2~. ’0 C- tt?n C^r.i« 1 li" .C^rd '('lo’binp. 220 sljefts, 8*i x Xe. I'i wir» 2-1 t*o 1 fi 0 n f". ’" 1r;’sHr-. S !-> Er r- -‘ Pi p? f.::\THER .L\a shoes. 2^ c>ss'P F. V. -xe-i Otilf Jjiina 20 «© i 2 cs* • Ki p I’i-Ot 3 = IV> 'k r.i.d Cr' Jlrrnrss $1000 1 €■ • 6h. ' T.itinf ' n 00 4 ; ’ E ■ ■ S : Lestb-^r 7 IK) 101 c.s - -• •ri. r rv J.!3 aul finish Lnditd’, OfcBi’d » Os ■ ( '.’ro'’.• Hrv's"? l .t Oy *'’'0 : ' E 1 rr.. Blucl ers o8- Tr.rt d - j $20 00 2 .w .'OD’e B';.c4:jngr. _ j » 61. HAUDWAiiK .iXI> CITLERI. 11 '• V" :l >■ ■=; OT t d 1 (Vi 3 c-k,^ ing-s, TT. :1 as i.;-ted | io ;rn 3 s " ■ W ' '*•’ uo 20 «» 10 • i'. Ax -5 2 c - i’ i--,l=. a= ->r(, d $1G VO S c- ■ - T '- K"i -'’san’ Forvs. S'* *t. Wire 0 0^- . v'.'i-.u '•lire Di-*'. C-»vrr«, L^d'-s, t> t-y (Y sj : '- .• W -I :B' 'ik* Sr.iis * sin. lu Co D. - 'uid L tnJ C:;a a-, Soia Ir-?* Zti- .'•t -'.5 4 or,=f-s TrcV^ box s T?rt e Piftte 'J Dlock Tin 10 Cjc»s Z nc. KOl'E, BVGGI>G A.\D IWIXI. 23 «*oii’ .M Di .lU K'. pe 10 ba-e.'i h^f 10 bales T^ioe. (JIIOCERIES. 900 b^.iTP Ivio Cofle?, prU*:e SO “ 0>;-' “ “ 121 hrses K;. '■-’sb Urown S-v-p 7 c'isis I*!- *:i Win'l'-'r SO'P 40 c - 3 S: --i:rj -i. i \ lim'?ntine Casdlet 20 ilf •. : ' • ’ iU • oO c-.--' ’ ' • Oil iSTVTIOXEUI. T») n le K L F 0-p >ad Note Paper 2 e:-r-s b ■>■•1 Pe-. . 1 „ : • Pt- i 1 -.V, 1 . .J i ■ - ^ i ■* ’. jt I. - t' ■ ■■ Vrl li ; U.-') -U> i.l Tkl .v; ( 1 1 .rir. I ..•'I -, .i-i, 20 dozea. -lo a ’zpb; {>l-')Tr *ot c. iic^rio, 8go5 9.V \ ii^f,3.nt I ggjiree. The writer, in former days, when salt was plenty, ha.s killed from 300 to GOO hogi at a time, "packing in bulk, ham': at the bottom, I hocks in, now and then filling in with jolea among the hocks; next 1 put the shoulders, lastly the middlings. The weight soon presses it close and keeps out the air. l..et it regain four weeks in this condition before it is taken out. Should the weather turn w&rm in the time, cover it with wot ptraw or shucks; straw is better; sprinkle with water and lay wet cloths ever. Some people would air it at night, but this is often ruinous. Pork should be smoked only in drji/ weather, and with corn-corbs or hickory wood If smoked ia w«t weather, it will cause it to drip This is th« r*- ^nlt of sixty years experioncR. Gf‘orfia.—No Specxdntiun in Augusta.—Tke city auti orities of Augusta have prohibited the purchase within that city of any article of pro duce for speculation.. No man is to be permitted to buy any article of the kind and sell it at any time for more than he paid for it. To enforce the observance oi this ordinance, a detective has i been appointed, with plenary power to prevent t or report violations of the ordinance. A Remarkahle Girl—They have at oneofth* numerous exhibitions in New York “the tallest girl in the world,” of which a paper says: This is a young lady of seventeen years of aga who has reached the amazing height of eight feet one inch, and is still growing. The giant boy, who is now at Barnum’s, is eight feet^high, tho girl turpassing him by an inch; but as the height of tno soi'tcr S! X average?! a tnnch smaller figure than that of mon, the contrast presented in the case of the girl is still more marvelon.‘?. Her face, her arm.-), her fingers, her feet, are in proper pro portion to her iri-ent hei ;ht—tremendous in size and length. Her foot is fifreca inches long, and its width exceeds the length of many a lady’s dain ty pt dcstal. The fingers are huge. An ordina- 'y arm by the bide ot this lady’s looks puny and ^. ’intcd. Her kiiee reaches nearly to the hip of a ■;r- (n of ordinary height. She is agreeable and pitasaur iu manner, quite handsome tor her size, and woll proportioned. A lady of usual height sta-’ , i!i b_-^i'le her seoms the veriest infant. 1 ii ‘s. of a p* r'on on seeing this lady ri-o :) h r loet u ona of positive frigtit. To watch h-r onwsrd progrc.ss with ral'iod eyes is apu'iiiiiv.' to fi person unprepared for the sight. To uso the expression of a little girl who saw her rising from her chair, “Why she keeps going up.” A lady of five feet six—and a >ady of that height is cousidcred quite tall—walks under her arm without stooping. Her weight, coasidering her size, is uot roujarkabie, being three hundred and stvoiity-Jiitio f)L!Uuds. The gi iotcs.s's dro.'^se.; are being rapidly mado f> ix! r- 'y \i Jr. 'sible for her appearance on 'lo! i T>' V liiko Twenty two yards of cloth, v'ii h r c v u ui iji’ir- -, haver to be made for I . .-i. ^ Htid v^ry I'trge mfsa^ure. 'i'- -. y ’■’> • h r is tn hs tity. She ■- } «■ ; 1 a'-v • ■ V, «i-b‘ infant, the hr -thtr ui :,!i- ' iri- • :■ \-^'chan} iu!*n can dangle at tuc t ii of iiis The infant will have to "To^ iuiaziugly la-?-, evof to reach hia sister’s proportions. , . i '..-JfJ ■ ■>- .1,1... -I. l.Tg« iWii US. itv; Lead . n 1 - ();i C ' ' -I;:* ;-od - ■ L . - 01 ? ALT. ■ ■ '’.it' S >vi - - 't J 11%^ 1/ i/it .** . tv'. « 'I 'V ■.'.1 ! p'afa !,.• A'e. iK !nf I'fial Impruce- j j for j • ■ '-..V I't. ISOS ; . - .. 51 . ; ( r* ■ . ' ' • ^ V >ij » u !■ > ■-' •''! ■■' li ♦>K- : If.- . - b'*: • T7- r.il , oa t.'nj Cri?t (J«j« J ■ . •• I i-' •? • -> y. vr, ard the principal oa the 1 t -!• 3 ■. f ■! .••-airy lb>^8. Tb> £'■ i li 13 w -I •> irsufd 10 tho R'lleigb and Gaston P II Coiapv y, ;r:>i (be city r' llalei^b, for tbe benefit of th'’' b.ii'j iUi R 11 ''onipiiay, end in a-ldition to*tbe g •n?ral cr^ •)♦ ~{ h > S:ati>. irive tb? p;*curity of a spa- ;-:al .‘^i! k ’i? F'jh'. Co; i''s pf the Iws aiithorizinjr the '8^JC mriy be had on p.pi li. ^ i .n to tbp iv d^rsi^ned. K.KMP P BATTLE. Pr*««’t. N Tr’f of) 87td WBBISr' ■ , . i-V.-!.;- ' J— Hillsboro’ Military Aeademy* »T1IIE Sixth Academic 7«&»‘ of t%ti Institutiott will b»* .L cin ou Wednc.'^-c.T. Peb’y 21. 1S84. For oiroularB an^i inf'^rcntioa spply t« Voj. WM. M. GORDON, Sup’t. N. C., 21, 1RS.3. 84 3m o:i.n bji ;\t V^nov::;i^Mi’s S’-'y'.i'cht JL G.ik'i./, U"y «tr:-ei, .:.r-i- :.ii« Mar'-ie Vstri, Fny~ 'jitcviile, N. C.; pixin, roiDaeliea. c-J .".’ed, in tvster olur..-;, oil .'lU’i ir.iK.ilf.; Ti'; i! -niiill to bfe .■\'.iibr';- «:-f) If 5 >r;!l Ikllcv aaic i%ei?ro Wiri For Sale, ^pHEUNDl'jl'iStGNEK^^v'aimi ^ioneT, appomted by the 1 Coiin'y -..ou • r-f K 'iv 'oti co^inty, for hat purroie, I - • . L o .,r u , .... J i) 1 wil’i tf'll ru I'c auct.ioti al Court House, in the Liui jg . .b* Cv' T'i/ c .a , - i >•.. - • Lu-n’'>»’Tr'>^. on Safur-i'ty the 26th Deceinber, crol as V .iM- u. a -,v ,.n the rv,-. f.r M e p^o nc;,on j ,ggg ^ Roxanna! orrora, ^hc-.t.r-.:..yoor c^, G-ia. V. D wiHflr.ow , MoKinnoa, de- tne K’ld^ U> ajy wxio -ri', i fo pure ,.i o. ic thcs- who j - ,v^ ^ ROWLAND, CWk wish t.-> iuvca;. ;n -o.-s ot property tnese i.iads , .'lO.h Nc» , 1^63. 86-ts oir'T* ibe s-roHi^es* :t- I ^ di?ipT!rJ c: p.-iviourl.y, the property'trill b•^ ' JVOTtV.E, 0-- n^t*. Terms kn .wn ' /u>>^eribc-r }:avii;^_at November Tarm, A. D o!Tcrr^l at pubP” fi ve in 'he town of E«^l'a(;».)!'. on } size COioV^I'l'fiC.j.ir,' .1 a. ;-ii- jm r>:-; -U pi( ;Ui':;ni. {■'..•r’aii'moii'! ,• '.t f*' i to LaTriit your i i.'I woifil -o rs! .;";! .nv ^ tli pay 12^ Ceuta per p.>.ia'.! f;>r r-if^s, 'ir ■ for the libynil patroniig^j tniX'Vr-. J on li.o litretclbre by tke bigiii-it ma? let price, tlelivtred in t! ayettcvule, or at my buUb oa Rooknsbi. D. MURPHY. Mf 28, 1M«.' 60tf the good people of Fr.ycttc*'iilo s »ul v;c'aity. g. ai. VAIJOiiSDELL, PhotogrftpkiBt %ad Proprietor. Dw»r20.l86fi 7T- T l‘>Kl.-y (i;.; 22 I I) at y-.’- , EFFIE M.-L.^AV, Kx-.’ z ; N. 82-:.t r! ^)IL /INi) IIAIS'NfiRS' rtn i ulJ.'. -VTii'tQ OIL. LAMP BL-ACK in baiTels. Ffr sale by JOS. fi. BLOSSOM Si CO., WilmimgtoB, N. 0- lUrehT. ft-tf I. f> ■ t. r C'irt r.* i’leaij an i Quarter Seseions *f i Ro^'-f n c u:'*;-, qr-1 ft d r.-i ' l;Tj;Di?{r.%tcr oa ♦h‘ E* • tate rt Dirv't) ^'vril. ceo’-', icr*‘.>y ^ri^fs geutt^l ' i.c-lic' ='^ :iil ^.'r‘'->rs i .i**:,i?d to ibj Esf^ttc to make im- ftjr.di'-ie r-y>^Pt*' * oe'tb-'mbnt And all persons h»iv- I ing clnitns a.5').in8t the Estate to present them duly au- I tfienticited within tbe time prescribed by law or tbii I ootice will be pleaded in bar of a reooverj. R. MsNAlR, Adm’r. » HoT’r 28,1863 866tpd i!iiteamer i¥ortii Carolina, LEWE F^yeitetil''; W-dnos^sy aad Saturday morm* in>f at 8 o’cloc-, A M . aid Wilaioiiton on M«b4*j aiii ThiirPday at 2 P JI. T. 8. LUTTERLOH. Nov’r 30, 1803 85 8w _ >OK HAA BOXES asd Caddies ef UaBrnfaetved Tf* yUU BACCO; 240 Bags Dry SILT; 2000 Barrels N# 1 ROSIS. T S. LeTTBKLOH. Not 30 S5-2w r'bire for tbe yur ;> *.i'jT.b^r ano CUO^ for ■wbieV. a prio'j wil' Adurcas T, at tais OfSoa. a1«o a ^--ai NDH3B. *\oy’r 30. 1863 86tf A Wanted to Purchase, JORN 8HELLBB Apply to Gaipt. XATLOR, ai the An«aa% Hov. 25. Mtt, mim

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