> SEMI-WEEKLY. >V‘1. X:U.; FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., DECEMBER 17, 1863. [NO. 1290.] e. t- i... } a. X - lo .'H PKINTKI) MONDAYS aNi> THUR'^UATS J. HALE Ar SO!VS. k: 'K'Hs \nd PRo?rviET!!U:«. ' Qii-Wepfcly Oh'Skkvfr $♦> 'Jt. paid in Mount Vernon-Female Seminary, At Mt. Ver'ion Mlnernl ^prlnsrs, rhtitham Tounty, 1st S :8sian to coviime ;C9 28th Sept. Ti; - ! v i K i'. !‘r»ii;o . V 'fr = ; >»• of‘20 week Ac-. 1;- Pnce tor . advutnf. 1 F*r the '^eekly Oksbrvfr S4 00 per amium, paid in ! ^ P »:t. I’le p - ?h . ^ I I.ttfia, F- =nch !tn1 D’-i?*'-';:, I Sc’>ool Hoon. Bonr i { pr.'v s'oiin it u €AR0LI1^1 FEMALE €OLLE)^E, AiS'SONVlLLE, N (J . WILL he on ihft first Mondif in Jaauftrj li?04, Aud cl >S9 the of Ootobfr 18G4 TKiriiSi: Bo itJ, iaolmling fuel aud WHshiug for term of (i^“ADVERTlSLMENTS inserted for t'2 per ? .'inre »f 16 line« tor the first, and one for each stifl- •eeding publicatian. A iveriiseraentu not excee lint a half square (ei|th( lineal fl for the first and oO cerits for eajh succeeding publid ion. AdTertisers nre re quested to state the number of insertions desired, or {hey will he coatioiied till forbid-j'and charg*! accord ingly. AiTertisements continued insi'lf, oharged as new «d- »erti9emenij«. erKO):NOTU’E. From an , ter this date, no name of a new sal'scviter will be entered' without pnv-i>eiM in adyanee, nor wilj the paper be sent to such -^ibsC; .bers for a longer time ’.an IS paid f;>r. Snch of our oid subscnl'fr‘ is l:";irp lo (:»ke th« {ti- pes- »n thip system will \ilf tse noi-.fy us whru rmiKuji' remit «aces. Jiui'y 1. ] ’ H. • ■ I ■ I ■ I I ■ I I _ ■ I ; ■■ Attorney at Law, pAVi; •.'TEVII.LE, N. C. WILL attend :tie t ountj aH't J^uperior Courts \t i'mHiberiarvi. H.ir; ‘tt, Mvore nud Robeson Cour.- >•; P.\inipt atti'ntion jrivea to the ooUeoti'in of all cWirus •*ntrus:.'d to his hands. Wc'.. 17, leO'*. 68-tf "SlO. W. WILLIAMS i i:o.~ %% lioli'!ale Dt‘alt*r? in liiroceries, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN i^^ardware and iutlery, Swedes iron, &c., HAY STKKET, 1:AYhffKViLLK, >. t. July 1861. - josi. i;ti.EV, Graetr anti CotHntitHlon .fitrthaul, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan'y 10, Ibtib. »3-tf '*JUa.NSON, WILLIAMS £ t'O.. $>.%■/!' ,MAKUU!». W' have thirty yiiO, pana now lu upeiatiou nine miles ea.s: of liniing'.oii. P.'trues w.auiug lo supp.y thexuseiv*.* witli sail, ctta be furin*!heJ by ajiplyiug io A. Johnson, Jr., Ageui at Fiijelteviiie, lo li. P»ge, i ii Miager at the woriis. gr to itlt, or $H* \ier inontb if lOPF.H. 20 00 2 .oO I paid in I $250 00 40 00 10 00 80 00 :r 'V.T 0 ir* I Principe!*. Ad.'r sj “8t. L G‘i:f RAIL ROAD. •■nUE FRLIQin- aN.» P.4S: EN0: I? THA1N>^ of this J. Ron i leave Fr -eiteville J'kily. (Suiui iys excepfsd) f .'^0 0(t j,t ()Q I fivo raontb.^ 40 (W i Pngl'SJ. inc'.iiding Matheroatlca, Ancient »a 1 M'>dera fjan;ruag.-58 each, Hasio ind iia? laatrami*nt3, ’[■‘rtiH - Cush in ttiivance P ipil U;.» d to bring with them toeir olJ t» xi b 'ik> F -r fui f.-'-r pji-iioulara s.'dress JOSEPH R. GRIFFITH. lSniin,rr'o,, y% N U. Af'er tli^. ir>'b of D''Crt'n>'er Iftij, aJdrri^e uie at \arijnv)ll», NO , J R G. N'v 17. I'O'l. 82 lOtpd at 8 o''loci. .\ o’cloct, P M Va!'!* au'i IJ >~? FRIDAY 'sin I'l 18«3 M.. r-? >•**»•,Ti 'i.>;tve l-^irypt a 1 T. .-i WEDNESDAY and > M. ROSE. ' .,f ? •,! n'! Tvias. Ae’t. 97 tf ISAAC HOLLIXGSWOjlTK, (siroi vr ttsd ('omiiilssioii Merchant, FAVKTTEVILLK, N. C. W 'j—1 (tf I sTOIiift a»(i ' i-.m-r A ve . t? .1 .)()• .Air't *' alter Shio P KURT wiil \ M . on Mjudi . F Bo-»t Co. oap.'Ma ■ hp nble ^ui; ire 1 per^oiis i.; la coisr;t>ci' n w'l of ilack>, C -.j r;. my gue'^ts csu e. A»»sai-:v5M.g-:, v. \V1LL op ’U til.,- E HOI'El. 'or the re t'Sii- ^t«; t'n> lir^i .jI’ lun?, ;iiid 1 bopa . cntt ri Ml f- •,/. -^evem y-five to a B st-d A u P.- : 1 nti J d in :o !1 R,-il E hp nai-' b*" IjUc: d.1 a ni II I ha*:;' a nuniber ddr Horsr") tbsi Proprietor F 1st-.;. ,M. A Hi P.LAIR, . I v. S. C. ■'1 vrl ^oTirr:. r, tvo fir-.!-. ,.f li ti - CRl'H i (' S IMNir.L ’ - ■■ .ciii.io-.1 h:«-! *ri ' ^iieneral Cojmihslon and Forwarding Business, ■ ! r .i,; , >.1. ; f T K H C, tfia; coucpi-f., •nidc' If- ' W'i prompt .imlfi. hful . tr-;' n i ’-ik'’ r-t • n t ii- li'-ci il I-.-.'r. b>*s .iw** I ^ parai >t 2 ; • '1 Fi ttevi’lc »fT nni n- ate 1 17 FvVr'(t.‘’V' •'OKT. I! t ro H A J .M. Gcutraj t'ajeitewi;t, Nvv. ico-. WlLLlA.Nit, dupenuitinJent, for 8-It 1 . mt xe^ai ' ( ^OKTH X ro Wiftnins:tc;n, N U't 8 18ti3. B O WJBTH. V } W-.RTH 'I O. woK i ai & CO., Commission and Forwar.iiag Merchants, ft^rrter Sfrert^ WILMlNtJTUN, N • Oct Irj, 5!? IJn WANT.l^ 0, tor the Hospital at Fort Fishor. [JOCLTRY. t’ >.ckoi «. J^u'i r >.id otki»r •loMcii'ie- ^ r tr(* i^ot i;> rs \ Will rcceite I'hUi^ajou. :ue suOivi'^- A ATEI*. 0 li 1 bushels wilt'',. /^jOUU i,i»oo • gdrn. 1 ersuUb h'aviug iiie abovi articie# to ici' uiguesi price by caluug oi. .Mr. >1 41 .he Mertbani MiLs, fayeiteviHe, o: va ter ai his oil s;au.i oii Maiuet ^ ijiv ALEX. JOHSiSON, Jr. roT. 6, 180-. AK.nV MARA 1 aM prepi»red lo uianulacture all t.uai* ol Wa^jOu 1, tiarne«8 fur Artuy uoc. I lau niy leatL.r ^na cau good bargair*-. Agents wii Uu »eil lu stua tneir ofdtr- to me as t;.- j ouaii have pronip’ atis set.; o3 in quick dispatcu. JOH.N €loldston P. O., Cjaaiuam Co., N. C., t June 1^, / *iOO lb«. Ciuiii Arabic tor «ale by J. R. LEE. t>«l. 15. 69tf lot!, aa j I OARTi'.R. 34tt LS and '1 ispr al 1 »tand or it .Mr J Per-oii^ p-ije ?n ■'.pp 1 I IDE Thv bin Co. ar wUiLl GiMj ! A^ t. 66-tf Ho >- # edar FaJ- ; aov» prepared t,. , «.i i'“. au - iis c* i . -■ ii»:i’.e f>r Wot mi J. '1 Ol’ELL. \c ui! ulj y. lob8 8h b rp.l 25 Dt«. 22. SiALl'! .•jr b »ie t>y »Aiyr I! RoUt.Rl MiXOHELL. SB-if lau I'OiSACCO. « >i.i\ jiM.i iOl>Ac(JO, various giaaeb, Ii.-r a,--.; on '.yusiguiiicbt, t’. WiLLlA.MS *: CO. Ui-.t Gt,u Aiay -J. Soie iiA‘atlicr %% anted. ,11. I ae..vy i>ell tauftta o'I t.E LEAl'Hr.u, /•Uv/U BUitibie tor be....ug. App t ij- . -^p> *1 14. Wauted lo IMii-chast*, LSitiuS UAiLi ROAD cTOv^ti., D. MCRi’iiV. ^011 W NoIcl u vid 'tju '^u^‘T; jS jfiu oarohiia Irts’isur ^Sotes ^J• undable;) • • •• •• aua • • “ Bunds, old and now; ‘Cuunty of CutDocrl-ind iiouds; [down of Eayeue^iile ii'-.aJt; ^Groeiibt^oru $1 auU (-eriificates; '.ouledtraie 7 aud b per cent. Bv^nds; ,Coupoas 01 ilo,000 OU'J loan; 01 I'jwn ana OuULly r>jH'Js; “ ol ol- i^«ria Cafuiii-a LtuUis; T. .S. LUilEiiLOii. Oct 12, 180:J. Tit- To roltoii P8aiiter«. , H.VV'L : CC.I .n. (’0!U!-’1 b} The ifecrefary of th- Trea- X 3ury, C.Hict Ag.-ut f>r iL-» p-ircha'’^ of Cotton f ;r the oouftderate Gov . u."ueut w.t&iu tlie State of Norte Caro- l.';ia, aad win p -j tor ;ue a^ni« in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. 8ub Afen.-a T!»'.:*ng 'ho i’ffereat p4^-15 of the State, ■.uyiug iti iuy naae, wii’ huve wr\t«ea certificates of appoiatucat. By or dvr of the Secreiary of the Treasury, all Coiton paichased by cuvself or luy ageui.3. ou and after lae 16tk day of .M-.rch 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds *r Carjh, and noi 5 - cr oen'- Bonds as s;a-ed in a foiuie: aiv .rcUje-’>i‘Uf. ' L p to that time, bower t, the 5 per oenl, bon.'s wi;: be furntsu- a *s stated. Pattiotic ci>-x i- ire now otterei aa oppi.rtunity ic ■iid '.iif Gcvoi u.a 'iv 'J stliiuj io ii i-ueir Co.^oJj rai-aer .TS'.! vO pl:if .15 .tpiliiiiaii. 3 Ch.-irl r.f WILLIA.MS. 1 Mt! Bank V 11 r.!'.:. r. Al» V, ■■ 1 Al.*-0, - • - TWL I ' v-iin iri ti'li i ■•‘l.'fll W . •« -.1 It' sf’ j.teii a-'i; iL «>, N to ■ .. I . Carolina ft ‘tA. tfiX p- !: . I .bi9 Noif ■: 3 i>*.i ■ li a 1; . new i.i, '.. k 00 . L> '»*'• * )7i.r star ti'osiiadry' i. : i J ' • x.‘fu'»! worg i.- :• --j.i it.ij ca ir^e. M, .A B-itvcR. TILL ^ive i.v.nupt aiiri.ifioii to -^li bujip.es- »miu!l«il to nis e-vre ‘•c 20. IJ's:?. /4»f Confederate Tax, Robeson Coaity* I rpHE Assessors of Confederate Taxes ior the County of 1 1 Rab^-oii, with the Collector, ^ill meet th^ Tax p*j ers a! the fjllowing tiiaes and places for the purpoao of I Msessin? Neat Cattle. (in9ladiag all cittle except Oxoa ! •\ctU’^ll7 used in producing cr^ps ) Also lior(«eB and Mulea not used on farms, and to receive the liatu of crops of corn, potatoes. &o., not already listed, and also of .-il' incomcB and pr fits u.s requir; ! by the *^tb section of the Tax .Act The ('o’.lector will’be prepared to reofiive the Taxes on tbe value of Neal Cattle and all other Taxes due U that, time: * Refran's, Wcdnosdsv Jan’y 6th, 1801 St. I’aul’o, Thur(j'J»y Jan’y 7tb. Li)mbi»r Bri'fge, Friday Jan’y Hth. , Randilgvil>. Saturday Jaa'y 9th Col P. p. Smith’s. Mo>! li> Jai.’y 11th. •\1f-rdsville, Tuesday Jan’y 12th Thompson’s, AVe.ine?fday, Jan’y 13th Whut- Hou.'je Thur^'^ay J;.n'y 14iL. Sterl’.qiy’s Mil g. FriJay J»n'y 15ih. £tt.iy’s, S-iu'*day J^n’y 10th untiberfcn. Mon iay .lan’y.ISlb. W!sii.»r!’*. Tu«sday .I»n’• I'.iiU. B- k Swi’t:;>, V*eJaesiay Ja.Ty 20ih. Hur.TT dramp. Thur.-^day Jan’v 2lst >;rc (artie.?fiy rv-qaest"d ts attend li3t.s made ou*, and avoid the pcuai- Hoiisci^ to Rent or ^ell. nEV'ERAL HOUSES.situaled on Moore street »nd O- jftoent thereto, will he sold or ren'ed and posseoEioh given on first of January next For particularfl apply *0 JOHN H COOK. Ufo'r 12 1813 8y 3; FOR REAT. ON the Is* Jan’j will be rented publicly at tke market hou.se a yood dwelliijg hiu8-.? and lot on the corth wi^st corner of «.he f'our’ House square—on Rowan j Ptreet A house ccnfainingtwo rooms on Gillespie street Also the of^ic ■ at t';? bridge known as Eccles’s office, and ' a lot on t’.e creek D MoLAURIN. Dcc. 14 89-tlJ I FOR HAM.E. > IrtAA ACRES of PINE LAND in Harnett county. ; L/vV/l/ situate abou: rqui tiietaof between Upperaiyd 1 Lower Little Rivers, beinz about 3 mil^s from each, on 1 the West side of the Aikins Road. Apply to HUGH MclEAN. ! Buie’s Creek P. O., llarnVttT^o . N C. Dea’r 12 18o3 89 3w ^^diiii^ki^tratioa ^ia!e. . .r !\u i-fd'r of the v^oiirt of Pleas vsul ■r S ■-n i ‘)r aulbt^rl•kIl 1 C>-uiiy, obti-n' d >:r 1 ' ..'5 the sj! '>cribi*r f'on'':!issiiiner if All I^tx ray>- promptly vtiih t> ties of the I..W Nov’r 2G, 18>3 J. T. POr^E. D. S .MOKRI.-ON,} 8») 5w J- nes J«>nkinii. •le h.'ifnat .«w ,•? soi'd Sf>iW, ■ •. and a; S»;pt-n-.inr T -rui i.Tir «^s th“ .Ha-’^ pflition to 5;!1 on i^i* t> '1 i'*y f 1 i.nuaiy, lb04, .*x iO -(‘-‘e '-t the Nli' -ii'f tK-u.'ic iri F^yi'tev'lle, r M -ih.xit 27i 'cre« of I.j’id Bifnr-.t-» r.n • 'ic W ltriiuc’ 1:.! roid ^,b >ui 3 .-oiles fro r B = i".r of .ss^iJ ratn j^fi af erlay i'li-i ii 5 t'i.> d 'W.r t-» the wr..' ’W. Als;; tbe . s, viz; J.'ti •ijir'l ab-'ut 20 y'’ars, Nac u i ch'ld ab iul 18 mou'hs old. Terms at James jenkins. t’oru!Uis?; juer. I. N T 14. I8;;i. SI .^oldierM^ C'iainiM. T th«> r- q'je'n af»d f^r the c )nvetiii;nce of fbot’e m- . r. 1 h- m l^rs'fTo ■ 1 ajrre-''d to coll'iot all .h- ci.i!"-.' rf ji’ifi.ted i.11 I difharfjed «n!diers, and of , . ' i.erf furh'ijh. th it rjay be p' iC; 1 in b^s hands. II '‘ad a-.i .'Spori' n-»- of o.*.tr JO y*ars ir prose- 'Uin,^ . ti.i* U- i:fd Staffs Governni' t, as ; . • ja-r, ■; 'he C.!ufi*d »=o S' >tes, >'i« ij porfeatly j • - I'.n ^it-' cv' py »*ri; tj of cl viias, and can mak ' ls ••a; iy coi’.»c.:oa A3 the larjro nutabcr uow on £!■» will ad- > I A mod»>? :.« L'6 wiU be charged to c . ^cr e .»?t, postijje, j tiiti ,u. ry Ao • I Ai.{;y in ■ jfs .1 t. id.irc'S loUer, 1 JNO. M RtJSE. ^ Feye:tcvill». N C . Oct 1. 72 .‘‘jripd j 33,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR »ALF. ^ ll^ILL be sold in Like ^iiy, on Ibursday th'* 21st «f lY Jan'i%r . * D l‘'t)4, the f liowinz property, se que-’r-itel by a jri-re^ i»f t • Ctjnfederaie States Court for I oc D: tr Cl 01 F. i 1 •: 20 oOtJ 'icr.'.-i of Lii.d kn iwu as ttie Flemminjr Grant, j »;tu it*> I in Brevar J co'intv; Florida, on Indian River, in j T S • S R >7 E T lu S, R iS E; T 31 S, R 3S E; T 31 1 S, R 37 E: Property of Bernar v of Bostoa. ! 12 18t> acre^ of L«n i ’n B' . rar 1 c'liniy, known a- ' :h- G iniei (ir*nt, in T 89 S. R 41 E; T 33 v‘, R 42 E; T ' 8iS, R 42 E, T 40 S. R 42 E; T 4d S, R 4 i E; T 41 S, I ii 41 4:^; Pt pe'iy of G Q.-mu i A G^mcx : ' Lap 1 iu M >ruand ) county. Florida, com- pii.- ;.g the E j of N E ^ of Sec 2{; the W J of N W J of I Soc 2»'.; E J 11^ N E i >f Sec 27; E of N W J, and E J I of S W J. u 1 E J of Sec 2H, T 22 d, R 19 E; Pro- i perty of 1 . ^ J Pii-sins. i 158 )• La’l l in BreTa'*i. near county site. Lots No 2 lu ;fS. c2vt, T oO R41 E: Property wf Philip ; Ilernalle?. 1 200 acr-» : Udlsboroui^h coanty, Florida, ^ E ^ oT i S E i of Se? o r :i S. R 22 E, and .V-'W i ‘f S E S j i of S E i; and N E J of S W J of Sec 3. T 31 S, li 22 i E; Prop rty of heirs of Luther Wilson. I 160 acres of Land in Hillsborough county, t'lorida, N I w J office 13, T 27 S. R 20 E; Property of .Atwater, 1 Mulfortl & Cl Block No 38; N ^ of Water Lst No 11; and Lot No—, j 31oc^ 3.>; L ts 1. 2, :«ui 4, in Block 12; Lot No 5, in I block 17: I 1 Steam Saw and Grist Mill, i n ‘ilock N-> 3S. in thr c^t- of Ta:npi: j «0 acr«s of Lanl. in Hillsboro’ county, Florida, N J j .f N W J f S.-o j. T 3» S, R 20 E; Property of Ar thur B-'l. T'ui^-CASH. j The a^ovi' L m Is C‘>mpris» some of tbs' b'“»t in Flori j !a, •iuirtiiT I tin** .. pjr iiniiy for profitable invest- I n3‘‘nt Inf irrsation can be had bv ad>lressine Ferdinand Mc- T.i>'l, Conf derite Stit“s Di'-'rict .AiUirney, at Lake !l Florid an I E W Th rapson, a* Tampa, Florida. E M T:IOMPSON. Recover. F M LE'>D. Cj:i Sti'e^Att'y. Oc! 21, l«o3 78-ts FAVIiTTEVIM.E AL L\SI RA\( E CO>JPA\Y. $2«7,688 2t) 6,077 So ' FA I ET f i:\ ILLE WATEll W HIM. CITIZENS of tt'" (’o«!> wi!i be furuis'opd *>iih the Water fc» t‘«? Ib.wtng rve-. ihe paymtu's iu every I in«! Alice t« b" ^.'■r.deii'y in advince. I'^ginnin^ ; with fhft Ivi oM>ct I vi.'; I For H'-'el*. $7-> t., $)00 per annum j Liv- ry and li',)'-*' Sta> e-. I Bar Rv.i'ina s'-J Eating Houses, Banks, Privat‘ Boariiii* H-. ises, I Dw*-iiin(r llou-^"!;, iStcres and Snop*-^ Drt'y Stores, B'*^ ber’.o >'h .'ue. Lawjtrs* and Doctors’ Offi;ew, Wagoa'-rx frorn ibe co'iuiry. and all transie^it per»onH, are prijril‘-d«ed to use th« w trr gat is JOHN W BAKER. Jr , Sup’i Fayetteville Water W rks Dec 3. Hf> f>w ! 8()3 w Spun I'oaoa Exclianged ior Lard. T K will giTb Spun Cotton in pan payui' nt for LAKL -(ielivtrtd at our Factory on Peisvi. Jst. A. McLaLv^ liLlN & Co. LAKii.-u-l f actuiy. I , hi ■ at :• .e, lor rMe at ou. A Si ;L.iUC»iLlN fit CO Fot a». A :»ici.AL ,tlLlN & CO. d i bun^ i our ti.o-. jiy Fayctitvi, 12, l^bo. Fayeite'.i; e, .* ug i 4'otton Varn tor N' 'OTK'E is T'^ri'by >;iv‘ n : , : • lU C'licS where we l';ive ' ir;; 'Lsr to the i*^rrus of oar - liay, wh;cii lerojs are U'.’W v'--.• ^ >. •I t. 01 ''iiMOU ^ i.-’i 1 . 1 ' •i iiit;. w .i ,!• ft :i:i J J.I.; : . it.jirici ol ihv Ciu -.r! r.. -Be lti‘ ur.Y.s ot -x ■' State. ' t'avijtieviile, Junf' STih\A:^S toil OliL t:; j. ui a*-' tr i%OOi. extent iccorii tur Vv I tUQ tjr'ier iliCilOUt th iM (X). i^rHign>-d ’-V i> I' *- 00 11 1. .1 b ty 1 1 It;-. ■ ti- .\.;eacy r ir ttje ‘a e ;r Ii.i ■' -■ 1JX2^ ii'C'.itiy > ;l . • ! .1 I uOiK'. Capital in Premium Votes amounts to Cash on baud and other assets, Tot.al, $272,7o1> 61 The Company hare paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assesnnient on their premium notes. Total losses paid,' $29,^82 6'J Om-'EPs: GEO. McNElLL, t*residenf. O. A. RAY, Vice President. C. McMILL.vN, Sec’y. tors: lb Jot Ohb^AMK OEi'AKl'Mii.^T, 1 nAi^biuu, N. »-•, It'bo, J LE.AD \V.\NiED.—1 w;3ii 10 puroUj. e Lead lur th»o Ur( »rnoen! i ..avin^ i>»rg« or rinaii iii.ee , i-a=.- ''"O'- ^ pouud #f i'iV'tDLi. lor 10 j.'-aiiud 1.LAD. TllOS. b H0'0, Capi. C. S. lii etinrge ol Ordnance. Adniinisiraior’s Aotice. ^rjlt buObcriuer uaviug at Dec ruher ierui, l»G'2, of «. tne County Court 01 Cumberiand, qualified a-. Aa fiiinistraiu! upon the Estate of Neill G. .vicNeiii, deo >t, uotifitfS all persona having clftims against tne Eaiate to present mein wiiliin lUe iiuie limiteu by taw, oth'.-rwise tiiu ii(M.ict ivLll be pleaded lU bar of recovery. Debton* are reodostwl to make pronript payment. “• HEt TOa MoNEILL, Adm’r. IVe. * TMK riill;7l*0K, tk« Littl* folka. A ftirtker supply *t whole«»l« J. HALS * OIL AND LAMe BLAOiv. '|^A.>>EK3 aua L.Ubiiiu.^iii'^G UIl.. i LiAJilP BLACK in barrels. For sale by JOS. i. BLJStiO.M & CO., WiUaimftom, M. G. lUnkl. ^ N V SlZEd Pc:so!s ‘ il. i I‘ .... ■ C‘ rt-p-a.) F i •■!i i-r !• ■- p, - p ' rit Is ie.prt,-'-. G^O. >V Fayr;tt-vii:-. 'd ty 2i, i' Faiiaa Ciii's- I'HE »'ib3(jtit,.cr «r.i pi,' f 1. %1'J quantiiy cf P&.r. i; ., i, vr ‘i j w ■ inty 01 i>. Henry Lilly, H. L. Myr'.'ver, g. T, ll.fificy, Vji!h:tn A. .Stedioan, C. P.. M.-Jlctt, James Kyle. A. ' «icK*'ihan. J. D. i'i!.-*iiiH. 1 S *V 1 ;L.Oi'r.:'.st. u J'-ll'n- vTi.t C. C. M'f.f !»')***■ ■’ T>-inv v.iT’’-- 5 W. N. Tillinehest, J. Hinsduie, Wm. McLfiurin, T. S. Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J G. C*»ok, Hoa .1. ». si'ipphfrd, li. F. Brown, A. i. H,i);. ou, Traveli'ig Ajreniy V Wilm’e-'oti. IBS. 32 It prices for • .RTt; A The Xow Style, Rmall, (OLO^tEi* PJ10T0«RAPaS, KT Gullcry. n %'aluable I^aiid in llarneti connty FOR ^ALE. 'PlIE ^btfcrit'er, a- Ex-cutnx ot tn I-.hi Willard T ■- 1 tameat of Hector M. .MoLe^n, dece’d o^ers for fc^*!e ;be.v^luaVde plantation on whio.'. her T--'H.tor lived. oontaii.iUfc.r.oO auret', si'tiaie n'.-ar FoX-^’s Island ou the nirtti side oi" Cape Fear River, an i iron mg on th^;, river for tae di.si titoe of one mile 'tnd ru;juiug back about three-four tisof a n’dle. Tl.elacJs a'e but a t!:ort diHta. e..r b!-'.»w, on the oppos'te hid:: of tN- r'ver, Irom L:’iUi gtoii, th‘ C'‘>iiity si:'"' >f Har- e;t :; l t-re eor-.snl- ered -»« v. iuable a- at v .-a li-^: riv -'r f r p"'; of Cot n. wiicai, as-d Cvl.on G« u. .A D .'d WMishow lte i'kLds to a^ who wi*-;.. (o pnrca-c I’l’ i-i'i'i- who ART. Woodward’»( Solar Camera. t30 80 30 4i #15 tn 25 $10 to 15 25 ■ 25 10 EUriTY !^AI>E. By virtue of Dccrre of iie C'.ur- of Equity, obtained a: Fall Term, a> the “81 il day late .Ml?® Mary \;urp**iy, situatr' ou Person Street in said Town, adj-'ii’ing tbe residence cf Duscau MoN»'ill i*nd Mr? Mary \ Full-.^:-. T.t ..s • ^sh. W. A HUSKE,*C. k M E, Dec’r 8, ]8' 8 88ts From the Atlanta Register. THE SOLDIER AND HIS MOTHER bile at the Postoffice this morniug two joung officers were hard by. The one w5. reading a letter, the other asked who hud written it. The answer j was, “the old woman.” Let ua go back twenty yeai'8. Within her humble abode a woman beari in her aching arme a helpless infant clinging to life by an uncertain tenure. Through long weary days and sleepless nijjhts the anxious mother watch es without ceasing every movement of the child. She has been told that it must die. Hope has abandoned its abiding place, but a mother’s lore can never die. She still bends anxiously over the cradle, (iod is merciful, listens to her prayers, and rewards her sleepless anxiety and toil. Health comes bacit again to light, up the mild blue eyes of tli^htuiliug iitlunt aud deck its cheeks with roseate hues. Whut joy filled that mother’s heart and how inexpressible her grattiude to Hhn who listeri.s to such prayers a.s a mother alone can utter! The infant becumes the noisy prattler; then, the top, and haop, and the well worn spelling book. Pal! Term, A. D 1863, I-'-wiil offer at p'ahlic sale, j wheel srands silent in tbc cornct. Its whirl- Msrket House in P’yeU-vilie. on T.,e3i^y tbe ; rpj^^ kfiitting lies idly on the shelf, y f ?crm .or (j. .oe xlv c.. j a t e j mother may watch the steps and instruct I the mind and heart of her darling boy. What I cares she that her life is one of toil, if she sew till her fingers ache and her eyes grow dim. She I is content if only that fair haired boy have every j whim and fancy gratified. Though her purse be ; slender her wants are few. She only lives in the j life and joy of *‘her darling child.” How she fidorns his person aud smoothes his tangled locks and kisse.s his fair forehead and clasps him closely I to her bosom, and then at morn, noon and night I what prayers a.s musical as the song of tho morning i.AAO FOR S.VLE. I WILL “‘ll Ht Cl’nto*. on th- 26iti of Dicember next th-.; L AND V“l-in;fin^ lo IL nry Greeory, deo’d, con taininc 2-10 \cros Tne plave ■ five uilcn Southea'’t c’ Clinton Tnere ave g.^od Dweliinr H uses and all nec'-ssiry out houses; one MiU Site. The water is very eood There is a'so 250 ncros of the eame tract of land be’cnpijc* t--^ Thomas .1. f^h'‘Stnuf, which can be bought on reasonable terms and will be sold on the same dnj. ■All in S»mpson countv. WJLLTAM GREGORY. Adui’r. Nov’r 22 ISe.”? 88 otpd LIST OF CUA^t;ES FOH PASSEM^EUS. ON' aid af: r \J->oday rifxt the f jllowi"*; TatrS of Pas sage will be cb -rgf-d; aotbi:e. H'^HE subsorib^r ofT rs f *r satr his PL\NTAT^O'^. I cctlT^inine 631 a;^c;«, with 225 ,>r 2 )0 ■icv*'9 '.'f cleared Lan 1, a'id in ont and a half miles o L'*t:>-ii,1,usg D p-v W C & R R R. 0.. t*io iirerii^rs is a •’ or- D^EL^-ING ,-ii l -'•1; mc' *?ary out bouses. 'trc’-f.rd i I pix‘:uudre-i .\r plo Tree*; atd convv* '• '-i! atidScb.L .) I. M-LAIiRl D .c’r 7. 18ti3 H" i - DOW>. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, S20 00 “ “ “ Elizabeth, 10 00 “ “ “ White Hall, 13 00 “ “ K^-Ily’s Cove, 14 M> “ “ “ AM ptiints below, 20 00 SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. Fron Fayetteville to Wilmingtos, JIO OU •• “ Elizabetit, 6 00 ■ “ “ “ Wtiiteball, 7 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s CoT», b 0?i *• “ .All point* beldw, 10 00 IP. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, f20 00 “ “ “ Kelly's I'ove, y 00 “ “ W hite Hall, 11 |»0 “ “ “ Eliubeth, 13 00 “ “ Prospect Hall, 15 00 “ •• *• All point? above. 20 OO SECOND CLAMS, OR DECK. Frsm Wiltaingion to Fayetteville, $10 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 6 00 White Hall. , V 00 “ •• “ .All points above. 10 00 EAS^i’FTOR'S AOTii S'. ^PHE S-i-ispriber havinic ifnab'^sl a" Ex-''tMor of *b- 1 )*st Will Ri, 1 T,3! I'.n rr ’-\rvcr. scn'r. dec’ 1, ber.-by giT*>s no'tce to all ppr*; : - I't'ne cl^irr . igaiobt the Est^tn of hi.a Te-»*ator. to pr2«-u‘ them with in tiie timi* , .i-“C'it'?d by law. or tils'" notice will be ! his strong arm as she goes trembiin r^fars when the glories of creation are unveiled, ascend to the thronq^of God to bring down the choicest blessings on her beauteous boy. Though her robe be threadbare, his apparel ie as “costly as her purse can buy ” Her food may be scant that dainty morsels may pass his lips. She may toil through tfie long weary night that he may j sleep the drcamkss sltop oi happy childliood. But years have pas.-"d Tlie mother’s eyes j ^'r«iw *iii.; ii;.>r locks :;f: } , her t e^is t ifeeblr*!. ; The iufant—tiif'tioj , bccjuiv'.' a man. lie was i*ujar u? jdst li' > tie it> a soldier aud decked ' 'th tLi; insiguiaof rank. Surely he has not for gotten his mother’s teadernese'; lie venerates Lcr now. His memory reealis the days of his hel})lessness, an^i of that moihcr’s unwearying watchfulness and devotion.- She now leans on down to the pleaded ic bar of their rec 'verv ARCH’D McLE.AN, Ex’r T”.' eau Second Class or Deck Papsengers must stay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as First Claag. An extra charge will be made for Way Passen gers getting into Berths during day time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots or> shoes on, at the discretion cf the Captaia J. A. WORTH, for C. F St’m B’t Co. R. M. 0RRE1.L, for St’ra Kate and Sub . T. S LUTTERLOH. Nov 23, 18ti3. 84-tlJ grave. His voice ot loiQind tenderness is sweet er in her uars than the song of seraphs Can God forgive him? Tho ingratel the re morseless wretch who has forgotten the holiest wori, save those divine, ever pronounced by mor tal lips. The mother who bore him, who watch- j ed aad nursed liim, who loves him yet, aa «he j loved him in the cradle, with trembling hands _ i and anxious heart writes him the story of her life, AD.UIAISTR.ATIO.A AOTICE. j joyless in his ab^enct, aud with the letter in his HE subscriber Slaving been appointe'i Administratrix | hand, marked by her tears, (^may tjod have mer- • . ... woman. Furtlier A'olice. i HE NECROES belonging 10 the E>*tal8 of the late =ham Carv*r, dtc'd, will b.» hirt’d out on Tuesdav the 5th Jar?’y next, at the residenc* of Mrs. L A. W Carver. Terms ms-de known at hirine. A .McLEAN. Ex’r. Dec’r 9, i8o3 89th fiillsboro’ Military Aeadeniy* The Sixth .Academic year of tisis Institution will be gin on Wedowday. Feb’y SJ. 1864. For circulars an l information Rpply to '’aj, Hdlcbf.ro’, N. C., Nov W.M M. GORDON, Sup’t. n. l‘^6H. 84 3m 9iti‘aincr A’ortli Carolina, LE.\VE F*yoitevill« Wednesday and Samrdky morn ing at b (I olocic. .A M hU'i lnunday at 2 P M. No^ 'r 30, 18G3 and Wilmington on Monday T. 8. LUITEKLOH bo 3w \%AATEI> j'O hiie for the year lf>t)4, a number on" (U)OK, for J. w*)ich a liberal price will be paid Address T, at toi-i Oibcc ANo a good NURSE. Nov’r 30, 18G3. 85tf Aeg^ro jiirl For iNaie. ^pHE U\1>E.»S1GNED ’ mmi-.non: r, appointed by the 1 Couuty Court of Rohesoa oounty, for that purpose, will sell at public auction at the Court House, in the Tviwu of Lu i.bei'on, ou Sa'ur lay the 2G:h Deoeaiber, 18b3, a liaely SEGRO GIRL b'- tho name of Roxanna. belonging to the estate of .Arch’d M. McKinnon, dc- ct^asHd. JNO A ROWLAND, Clerk Lumbartou, 30'b Nov., 1^63. 86-tg »ith the Will antiexed, of the late Mrs. Sarab j cy) he speaks of fier as Ann Butler, dec’d. hereby gives notice to all persons j havii g claima agr-inst the Eslaie to preseui them wi hin | the time prescribed by law. or this notice will be plead- ! ed in bar of their recovery. L A. W. CARVER, Adm’x FURTHER NOTICE. The Negro Slives i'clonging to the Estate 0? the late Mr^ Sarah Ann Butjer. aec’d. will bt> hired out at tbe residence of the subscriber on TUESDAY the 6th day of Jan’y n^xt Terms made known at bir'njr. L. A W'. CARVER, Adm’x of Sarah Ann Bullet, dec’d. Dec’r 14 89ts B’ AE.iROE9« FOR J^ALE. Y virtue of a Decree of the County t?ourt cf Cumber land county, the subscriber as Comnnssioner ap- (.■^•io.tcd for said purpose, will expose to public sale, at tiie late residence of Robert McPlsail, dec'd, known as the obi - Flea Hill” muster ground, cutbe R-tleigh road, on the 5th d\y J it "y nex». SEVEN NEjROES, 1 man seed I'*, 1 boy agod 11, 1 hoy aged 0 1 woman agsd 1 44J, 1 girl 1*\ 1 girl 14, 1 girl *2 Term at sale i WM. J MoPHAIL. Com’r. j Dec’r 14, 1863 89-tspd I l^tate of xAorth Carclina, ROBESON COUNTV. Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Nov. Term, 1863 President Davis's Cotton—A Correction.—In the Exatniner ot the 4th inst., we find the fol lowing; “The possession of the^.cotton crop stored in those counties would bring up the Yahk^ finan ces to the highest pitch of prosperity, ana as few or none burn their cotton—not even the Presi dent—they would get it nearly entire.’' So far as the insinuation against the President is concerned, it ii> utterly without foundation. As far back as J une 10, 1802, we published a full and complete contradiction of the charge. From the letter of Mr. C. R. Dickson, of Jack son, Misi., published then in full, we now extract the following; “In answer to the interrogatory, we can state that Mr. Davis’s cotton is where tho Vankees will never get it, for the following reasons, viz: first, it ^ was removed from their reach) and, second, it j iffa.s all burned, as was also the crop belonging to ! his brother, Joe Davis. For further proof of this ! wo can refer to Lt. H. 11. Hailey, who, with a { squad of men performed the duty of consigaing I it to the flames.”—Kick’d tJuqitirer. .VOTiVE, •'IMIE subscriber having at November Term, A. D. 1 18*33, of the 0 iri of Pli'as an i Qairter Sessions of Rjheson countj , qmiifi-d as >dnj:nia'.rator ou the Es tate of Duacan Crawford, deo’d, hereby gi^os general uotic? *0 all p'’r*'jr.s ludcbtrd to the Estate to make im mediate pay-.s-'ut aa l «e-; U m 'Ut And all persons hav ing ajjHir.M' the K-«tare to rreso^it them duly au ttu;ut;-,‘:.ti-d wi'hir* ifu: '^le •prescri.)td by law or tlib aoiicc will bj oleai-^d in b ir of i r-'c very K. McNAlR. Adro’r. N »r’r -23. IS-'-^i >*.sh I invf.-: ' ’ II.at T. 01 pAi, ».rt^ otl»'.' ;ne . :roug;8' inJUcttiieu 'd UniPbS di8p'-;ied of pr; v;o.-rl7, Ihe p” '). t)n()TOGRAPHS can be had at V^anorsdell’s "Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retouched, colored, in water colors, oil and pastile; from small to life size. Ambro- types, .Melaneoiypes, and all other styles of Pictures p-.'Ttajai ig to »he Art. ANo, Gilt Fr\;n« s, fJilt .VJould- inp. G‘ s' for v(‘ry.l:trgp piccire'^—ai lar^e i;s 26 by 06 in'-'hes. .>- i and T :'cr pKiurt"; instrn- iieni-'. S'o.' ii ,i:id ( ■;t - : ;jK j.-r .;i !o i-'t ‘or cash. Life six? colorod Pliot'.'yr “phs 'r'ii;-. s.null vt’i;.’tires. H.iv I pe-: ly io'.a'"'L -i-r,* i hop- to taeril your pa.i-'.-ua.:';. 1 o(,:iil i. i.iso rr»;tr!\ r;iy »ir. .-rio th;»nks for the liber.ii pairc.’ a^;- o'^siowed on ruo heretofore by :^IOO RE%VARI>. |) \.NAW\Y t, ,iuif) suo.^yr!t>,-rnis i:r.y,ro i^ian O.ALEtJ l.\i 0 ' if di'S, ,kgo 28 J »ar,j, s;oi» spoKe-i -»nd 'nmiou, sa .p is j l .0 b - :a L-ic v.\s x*->oor.,^».» t o! St. P tul’s. ^»■sou f’c.umy. w ie-r he ■* «ri‘V. Tho aSover wrd will he i-iid for h;s ici've:-».’ 'n aoy J i:l whfr.- 1 oao g-' him JAS. T PErrEWAY. Wilmir^ion. Nov 23. lHt>3 ‘^5- m ON motion, Reuben King. SherUf of Robeson county, read aloud in open Court th5 following lands wsioh .,0 v ^ 1 \ •! .jo ae proposes to s«ll for the Taxes dne tLreon for the ! years, volunteered April 28, 1861, from Char- vear 1802: 85 acres listed by F. C Watgon. Gum Swamp, tax f 1 23; 350 acres listed by J»me9 R Ashley. Hog Swamp, 5 16; 100 acres listed by Robersjn Singlf'iary, Elizabeth road. 2 32; 85 acres listed by Jotiu Grisham, George’s Marsh, 83 ct* (Fr»m'the Minutes ) 89-ts] JSO A. ROWLAND Clerk POTA^SlE /ASKS extra quality home made POTASH on L ^ I 1 -Li (ren. James H. Lane.—Geu. J. 11. Lane, aged read aloud in open Court thj following lands wSion ' lotte, N. C., and was commissioned Colonel Sept. 21st, 1801. He was wounded at -the battles of Frazier’s Farm and Cold Harbor; was in the bat tles of Big Bethel, Hanover C. 11, Mechanvjsville, Cold Harbor, Frazier’s Farm, Malvern Hill, Cedar Run, Warrenton Springs, Manassas Junction, Manassas Plains, Ox Hill, Harper’s Ferry, Sharps- burg, and Shepardstown. He took command of the brigade after the fall of Gen. Branch, and for his good discipline, gallantry and soldier like con duct through all the campaign, he was promoted to the command ol the brigade Nov. 1st, .1802, as Brig Gen. ^VAAXEO i (■ Afumnl 'oht'f'r, ure.—Tk. *V C. Annuil A MAN to lakc c'ar^e of’ a Car Sing Room in a Cot- j Conference of the M. h. Church, Sjutli, commen- ton Factory Apply at this Office, by cote addre-s. d j geJ j.j this place on yesterday, Bishop I’ieree to v'.cD. & So’j. ! presiding, Jno. M. Lewis was elected Secretary, i and T. P. Ricaud, A.ssi.stant Secretary. ifr CAS.B land', put mi in excellent packages of 8 to 350 lbs each, made it^Kichmond cotluly by a party who un derstands the busitiess Wilmington, N C Dec’r 9, 1863 Orders ar>* sol'cited. WORTH & CO , Agents. Deo’r 8 1863. 8''-lOtnd 88 1 ’tpd J , ^ rty »"11 otl.-rtd ai public sale in the town of Liiliugton, on the good people of ifajeiieule »ud vicinity. Tuesday tUe 22d Deo^mtier next. I'orms made known 1 VANOttoDELL, at sale. EFFIK MoLEAN, Extr’x. j l’hoto|{rfcpl»i«t usd PreprieUr. LUUagUm, N. C. No». 19, 18tt3. 82-10tpl " !>••’» 20,18M 71- Fayvttcville Arseual and Armory,) Nov. 12, 1863. / ^100 BOUx\TV. ,fi:mnted Kinemp.n, AUTHORllV having h-.-tn granted l»y tiie War De- partme'it to raise a C(>mpany of “Mnu-atrd Rifl-men for service la this »icinity. notice is'hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 non conscripls will b? re ceived for this service. E^cb rcoruit will be required to furnish a serviceable horse, for which he will bi»»l- liwed 40 cents per die:n, and his pay $1*2 per month. Written permintion will bv required from paronis or guardians, where Ihe applicant is undtjr tbe coasoript age. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spreii, and come prepared to remain. Apply to Capt MATTHEW'P TAYLOR, at the Ar- s>ual F L CHIL[>8, 80:fl '^a.lor O. S. A. Com-l'g Popt. A?U*3* till* date I will ‘_>ni ■ per i^ound for ra^a, or ?! . -irknt ["rict-, deliveroa in fayetttvide, or m,- ■ ■ R.»'ik'.-ft. 0 D. VLUEPHY. Jaly a -•'S. T WILL 1 1 Ja lU i . xAEfiiRO HIRE. RE OUT on .H.ATURDAY t!'e 2d day of _ y H'-t, at the late residence of William Mo Kny. dec.- i:* d. ne *r Flor,>l C ll-»e, R >b»?on county, all 11*? Ni-gr«^es b 1 'Hg^ng to said es'ate for the year ]8tj4. At tf»e ►auie time and place I will s?H *0 the highest ‘ iddi«r two or 1 tiree liki ty negroe«i. I'er^-ons wlsniog to ’.ire or p irch-i.se %ill lo vrdi to attend T.-rms at sale '11 havic/ clairis again.Ht sail estate will please prtscut the in on ti:at day. M, McRAF, Adm’r. Dec. 11, 1863. 89-tlsU Screws Wante«l. LFKW GROSS of ^ :nch S^'REWS; 1 inch; U •' 2 inches For which a liber«l price will W; paid. C. T. HAIGE, Pres’t R'-ekftsh Co. D c’r 10. 88 4t I The roll was called, and h large number of i Minist#>rs answered to their names. I The several Standing Committees were appoint- ! 0*^, and a new Committee for the appointment of I Chaplains to the urmy was constituted, of which j the Rev Dr C. F. Deems is Chairman. 'The examination of character of Elders was oommen- ; ced and continued until a large number pa.ssed. I The Bishop’s inuDagcnient, as a presiding officer, ' is characterized by a promptness which indicate? ' an eminent sjualitication in that respect. There i is, we believe, the usual attendance of Ministers. I Greensboro’ Patriot. E^y pt Coal ifline. The undersigned were, at the November Tern^f tbe Coafederate Court, District of North Caroiiaa, ap- ! pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, i and Vave ev.ter-'d itsto copartnership for the purpos** of ! dining and se’liag Ccal, and sol;.-it ord^r? f tb» „>uce ! ir an- desired qa ntity. Ord‘;rd any amount c»n ’ be sn-oplird on ^hf:r» The V?.il irora this pro- ' n-T'-’ is! Sly t!--^ ‘'f"* Coafpde'^te S*.aV6 \V.pr;oAtionV'da-. 2 Milleti, Fayetie- ' ‘vil’e S (' T Bi wc^. rhar\*stou, S f" ■ CItARLZ3 D. NiALLETli ^ JAMES BROWNE Fayetteville, Jan’y. 20, 1863. 96tf Blaak Warrants for sale hero, I Blanic '^^nmntMVKle for at thi« OiSce ! Gen. Robert B. Vance, for some time past iff [ command ot the military district o^ Western North j (^rolina, has,been ordered to the army of Gen. I Bragg, and Col. J. B. Palmer succeeds him. I Good for the Phat -The Yankees have decided that “abdomens grossly protuberant, or excessive^ obesity,” ar« sufficient causes for ex emption. How much would it cost a Confederate to raise a corporosity—to have an “abdomen grossly protubercnt” .It it e prescat price ol vicru:ils>;" U’?V J-.arnal. Blankets are rau'.h ni-eJed hy our suldiere in th;* lield. Every person that f‘:\n sp.-ire one or more should do so imiue.llH'^ely, and tfiiis prevent groa*^ .sufi’ering in the army «,’arpcts. cut up and made into proper size, will keep oil' the cold aud 1 damp, and will be highly appreciated by ail who ' receiye them.

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