for tiie e rccfivt «t «tho U‘H^ur aiii r lit u B, and dib- df Li:r> rout grazier ukuli t the lat wi tuur. an aa. slaughtered ire thal time; he pi.-t tjuar- tho a.s- sdur, shall deliver iu . u: cd ba- Oii e tho L: t \}t att-'r, ;.;j yj,. pro . -d, .j> 1 - t u>cd y . p r- U SU '■ Vaiuc rcvur t« W# auu j ’! xt 0! !.iriuer {c oI : a«rl, kted ;>iid tax- li) tlii luoui^y b.-evcs, if ad ibi value ) eatiiDate 9t iiaaLrrc: aieal 8 hcffiu pre- and iju each e bee > s svld abatl be eati- r. kii u;viae the ■ent in‘« two posi quart^r- elff paia lor itnuuriuu t« rinv.^riu tor agciitr* of the lU'ff- -Lu; tr'iiu t-aoli lie > au- r«il! ''e Sikld »a ti. d a sei'.iU fcis »ha„ . I'ur- au .r set. it a.' 3 -a*r^« er rtv iTiug ix-j.>aver th« htt is bjua4 CjBtedorat* ter shall bo des placed in Me by show- UDUTeidA- sd to the ilitf- ieir receipta. b* BC«t« tk« »eiviBg Irom It oi taxes ia I report yf the ot War maj k« p.- (fu&r- e tax IB kiud him at«r»- tax c,’iie«t«x a warrant aa- sipt ihcretor, X co'ileciwr iw )uuts of said I kitj partial eador&ed da same I« the the receipt tax cuiiecT ''v a-a the paJr'OieUt wf tBtt depot m 9 th,^ tjent* thc^ coa«iat be tiUitabi# s aod IQ suck ly prescribe, kt sume ct tk« i smiau;?. tor depM- id eu.hcr di- les, ii« b&all Laaner aa li* iL'Ci »hali Coutederato tarj ol V\ ar that ' would ttow lue ar- i) be re^eiTgd tne o*k- \ wl rc j letiti 6ii ■ ; ab au > u a reta- '• -aid ‘ arti- r> •; :B lirst id b« - Lc CMC I ail : pr«fa»> ii b: ■ i’’or- the .-'TlOt, uue, aua ihe th- chief Icftor Oi the ento c>: biila, 9U1 tax au r pa>'l r bi. 1* re- ict c JT l^tC' >cut iaut r re tuj ma »er 'nry JLO r r rul ue- 'K ^ ■ 1 ' aU . r;'d ■ Uo-r aL-d . vJU . Tv;lU _.X0# ■ ■'-'i IplTb h, arjl e *>i.- oe iuus v: tjbii) ir^ ; ^ad ru*---= and oi tfj^-: aot) ytiare tir I tho Uxea liall be i»- d‘tt:r la tha ad i'ur tha Hb .il be ivai ^i{fricuita- Vo^fcd- loa 9i ■VB» '• vJt SEMI ■wir*i7"i«rti nr FAY?^:TTEV}LLt, N. C., DECEMBER 31, 1563, [NO. vm.] PniN'": i t. t. . V; i>" -5 T = : j. HM E t , n. A', u i'h- Kl.K: ■ p. - i),\' 8 C*' - . 9 tStmi Ff^r«9B Ffsaale SeMiimry, CAKOLIM FEHA!li: C®LLE«E, U lit. »rr»-? Kliit-rxl Spilsgs, t'Jiaffcaai {©Kilty. N C. - . nnxv • V\ rr-ojn*ne t on M in i®'* itt Jvmuarj i ISl SrSSicU vO CO^ai@»lCo- S^pti ; \\ :bU4, and elm :be '.f >6i >b»r 1804 t 4-o«feu*erau T»\, llobfsosa Couitj. ■•'Vly . ^ . >nof *>'«T Wh.. -fei tly r. S4 Mraaiv- A r r T ■ «f • C ' '*r th publioMiO kalf 19 lire - L > /%r r*?W . ’ 1 te t . i •• '' fiii '►'4. te - I* *»v •.• • A«'fprii» r«‘, \ -'I ,vs; ‘,'0. pa‘4 in ver uuttuio. ]»4i'4 -i* ’ H'gb’it E ^c«i^ r';i '■III-te ^Ti-! 1-Mn. '••■ S, R.- ■!» i f«r f - ;• ;i-e ’ ' f 1' -; I’ :>i i’.,- -! j £ c-i ;V •.>}■ ni«t xof' '■ 'w-’ # !o ^ ■•I --i-l ,‘•*•1 i •; -ov-j *’•!? » .A‘J r s s •Jo;'re i, ■•- ,v. ! . J’--: - ■ -i 'V &I«»n«es to KSf-at or ScSI. Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C.,) { T wuk th*Vv)Wter ••'♦t I'cT^x p^f i ^ wU,' « ««' ' »? r-« o l iti 1 S:}„du!e of the Arrival and Dfpartare of the MaiU thit ^ - 1.1 ^ II. r . * ... T — ... p f p»rllcu:^r^ apply H. COOK Dm’i U ltv.3 lis*. P ; nfiar. c*. rti tu 1 -V “ »XI'*VS^S. lO '.-.I-'' 4a 09 tW-; uiontb ;G5Tr 20 0'> 2 bQ ^ V'aiJ tJJ HiJ M a Ltiajfr.fcr M «-i(I ,•«« »f -tn'*. '! rrti,5 Ctit^ in e-it(ini'e Piiftil# iilTi'i.xl hr;«j ir-b its^r b’4 !*xt 00 41) M \0 00 •10 Oj) H'-OPER. ’ Vr ?) •' k' (18 OVQi'U- ' Ii il. f I - Fi' *:v iC:Q»tl P.AlN’v 01 thir li’.v, »“ . ■>•* '• K'lc ht 1:'i ' -ir-'.]'(• " C » 17 v j '-.{rtij JO'Kl'H II aH!FFITn. T» I i;- ' ■-'•■ ',1*6), -Jir;*? J il « SJ i , Ji 01 f.: r Tlii ,1-n’j w; • h'-rtat- ’ puhl'tlr T»»rket | t« Jta^ lot o* tb* north j c»'B^r »r h* ’*ur H«u«a »q:iftr«—c« Rowan ! iiTf ti .A ?» rou*9 I'E Gillfsfio eiisat j Also tVcofljc ?> '.V i/'i Jg« ^aowi; Eccl*r’i offi*#, •nJ i n i«t r,r t** fi'nV D Met. ,* TTRIN f Doc. 14 8V-tlJ I ■ ■ ia htt r.i ^ f •■'.I'C' i 1v n..'- : r.'i.f’-* S'" : I i;‘ i?v' Ii ■Vi- ii.c i I '-jrr •»i & ' T as ■ ^ r.«.' \ :; : ■ T/ . a. Aft'i I^AAC H'^LLlXGSWOiiril, 4rr>.*^r iferaiQii, .VAVa;TTi;viL?.ii, V. 0 V-tt,-I *. .■ i . ’ ■ At( sSicr i' nrr.T ^ '4 . &n >!3ai .J .'..ii'. T ; ■. , He ,t t’. [>T T.r' b u = \ili i /’iaic. I irt 9! I or* at lie f^llswtn* ti{n*A ifnd for ya'po^f j *■ -j. % j u ,x j 6»K«sin» Cattle (i3»h;i>ai csitls extent Ox*a ® j B^ta^lly us?d io prs^uaiis; sri-p's ) All* 5trri*i ! j Mal*9 cot u»sd *8 fanss. an! to r»s3;v* t.h^ i s** | ! ft ora, potato**, . 7,•^* ftlrr^'^j list»i. ^a'l ! j a'lK) of alt ir*oiB9s aad su? .'••fqnir^'J )»» l5»> ’ : 'f ti.q Ttx A«i T>'* -"s. %* yr»p«rt'i ! j t* ic-o. iT* t Id 03 lii^ T#:u» 9? Niiit %•! } #i’str at ihst tiae: R'5»s T J»m f 61L, 19tJ4 . S: Tti. I Laager r.fiFri»‘»j J»:’'y 8xb. i j R9.L'i*.'p»il>. J-i+'y S'.w i • P P HijUiil's. M jirj- J»f’« 1 lU) i t I'^l* j T» ff*dmrfihy, IJ \i j 'Frt> ' T‘sur»*» Jf*! ” 14'i I 'i»vl;ag'i| *£,. I friitf J»u y lit* , j ^*tu. «#./ ,f»'-’f I I L. Tt'‘Ji"'*!:. Mtj :*y Jua'y I3i» ; I ^ f'ir-'t'e, T',i*cttry Jtn » j j F;'ik Tffit??>7 Jit'j 2§»k. ' I tu-c‘-M’r* n;^ Tii'irS'lt!- J»3’?‘2^s* • J A.;' lix ;iiy«rs inre sfvrnei'-ly V» ait-**4 j j w •!, frt«sr 1 **s • it, «a* ^tssl | I ii»4 «f 1% U r j Si A LB. I a/vA '‘-CU5SPINE LANU n na'wo't o.uify, siiumo ai>«;r oi» *ui iw*nn Upp^'raud Riv-A bi'nr •■ho-'"' -i n;i!?s fr>a! each on Wr-st sid^ M tb» A»liint At|*W to RU0 5 M3' E\V, t ■ •■•' ? \>., li ru-ii i C. Dii rlU U',. 8'J 3w Sf'QUIl'Y ▼inu* »( a li*0!; • 0' il>. •'’■•nr »I IquHj, •k'i'Q'id ^•!1 T«r* > D 1S6^, I T .- (,r*r »;p-i^Ho-3al#^ at *»■•.■>5!?’ P^yaitsTiiV. Tr.*siay the w. «:TC? r« S*t .FA\£iTF,Vl« T i.. N. aiieai the Ocurty n:J inprrwr Ce-urls «i :v. v. '1’ IL'. v.’i K vG'. no'lE', ■ ■' •- . «-M IV, Ja^ ■ w .-. f .»'a ^ Jv I ■. j I ‘ ip** St-! tu rt .'mnser’">nd, Haroeit. Maovc ai*d Hobe?»a , iKip: -u‘"..t;on '• *■•*# ^ M iM« ,naurf'. . liii-O. rf. ^ ' ''•? WEteii^nir Ov.n *r» if-^roceric*, v4^0lu^^v> Ai'iJ i' > ■>;>• ' 4 f>ud luii^ rj« ossv i' * -i t! of Ian f J. ■:. .’I'iro S**’-' pprsonp v'uriag !:« Sutusicr. ta coB:jec{^«n Tritb tki^ -S'g* I b%’f a nuut^Jor of n» ’■•■■. ;’'--r;ajt'«. Liu/pi*"'' '""i lil ti n’ c'411 t •’ f » ftjinut •’» in’tijc. J M 3LA1R ^•v■>le N. ’ ^l-rr- ;.'t- v..k. w ■-, I ..11 .fc- , j J*1 fi* liiT'a w^li 'f furaisk** ’:■• '» ;• ;?syt «-•>', 7^^. trr» ^ 77ic«r r i ; r» • ». »ejM*a.v sfcr. • •» »' ii ij I t,. b» ’ti* n'tT ;'i aJT*»,-', liS-t. %-r. frf, I*::-: ■w.-'- '.r K:ii> Hr; ■ K * • ••»Ji. £ v; r- 4 »:■ •• r«. » t i ; 5 : V c ■'• *'*r, 7f > Fr:-. ■ . -n 'tj >ii'. ■i rt '-■t .' if. /-'I (, at ‘J - VI*-It ill , sbC'U' 27i '«r?i #f L»«j, both • Wilwitftn ’■t» aS»ui i k'« F».. H't' ; ’c C»i>'.c ' . fci ..». if « -.rf ’ . »:t.)r ii''' i.»i ♦17 !»ui • jicw.'i ;t li. i «'icw. ! ft!.: w - n-'' ^7'r: j’Oi / • ;'’tS » *f»'■;. !^;s jc .£c;- i .. chi 4 lia'- ; eila JAMV:s JUVKIVH, 1 'f'i.->.,-.i'«a»r i Fi--'i'eT^iip .'f -v 14 S.'f’r til. U» J T. PO»E t D. « J W \ tisr »f l*.u 'A.ts M#r-> Vi I 5»*4l r*wa e*j;:* r I S AYETTh^ViLLs irn/KJf^ t( fi* liirr n, &€«, .. I. i ' r t .n^r -' r-.)i.'* ai'sivw and ■ orwur'tto;; tri J OS. 11 T i. » , 0rc€tr and rcnant. r WHTTKVn i.i-:, > U. Jaa y 1' •>. ^ Jul-rTijUrs. VVlI.Li-i.uS i cii.. S kaN« 'lb' Wo;-T iji ^ O. C; V |.i ■r '. r-« c. ■■ ’. - .. J .’ r.? i . ,• d ; '.-f kf n. . i» «f I«t' • ii« • • ■ I C»':'.ilt' ail • **.d 'f f; f'’ftsnn A. Jeki. ‘ t ,'U uiat* r^‘Uf-» ig •-PV'/ ■;-i 10 t V ul.v >. '. lU'; i’.. B i; '▼ I-. ■ r.. '> tJ vftria > • D.\:«;»‘u WiUi CO., Cujiuiissioa aud Forw irdiag ItlsrciiHntS; vVIL:^i iNGTv>N, X. (’ 1 ’-■> I J 'O I •' i - >5 tr;- u-:' i'.f !•■ :'0 ■««; -.b pts*#- lSj* l'> I'ei S-a'n (JoTvrTtir-r.t. is . > i •■ C,':;!'- T ' ■. .'-.r. f-* ■ ■» is ■ O'fc* .*y iv'- /•.- •' 1 •-i i>- i »r~ n 1' iV.' . i*'...rioir a»'W 90 3;i will »•» ff* wii; Ua ».» t*»c: JNO > C :♦ RO^B. ■ i V, td a e 'Si',. .“".i. %VAr*«it'Eii>‘. 1C‘ ;i£LS if , :>!i 4jL?V>V 'J■•--•- .■' feftT an '.r-t >; ■ ;i\". i - - f*--' Ml./ t’.-J f * K-r .1; i I'i. tsr fae Hospital at F;;rt Pialiir. j \y‘t-L »'. kvc.>, . V ....J w!u* -i*s i.i- I ’ f . t M-k ' -3 V P- VJ . . I I'-.-l t,/ .. -t ■!■ asa o-f. ’I . insrke! priu« 5u i*T>vJa ■ • . .'i' r . ’’c #ia eUaJ vr il.' J VT. ' V - ' '■ R .lEIDS, G*«': '. ^ ’ 6^ :: : 32,00a A(KES OF i.A:iu 1‘OSi SASiE. il L ■:i‘ on rb'.ir»day th; Uls «f D ■‘: f !’.>wiag : I .e 3^’icra;* ; \'uri " . Di 'r;o -0 1 iO ■^.'■■i F... ■' L.\tu. Itu'»-Q Le F.eai'viai: 3 ^a-. t;i-lc .;ry. F: ! I«i ». CU lu iUf i - :. c r. a t: T « . S, K " C. T 31 S, R t; T »; j» si *; s V'ilai' t'a. . -Jo ir • t» ~ ‘Ji' uirwa ^ • i ~ a uliAuKan , 3- S. r. i7 !l K: i'' -. . V . ! i:. H- , V ij.,?;, 3 i iSO »cr?s ' 'a 1 .n i3r"T ,r i 1; ■ j ' v, Vp? •*') s 1 i 0 ; Z . •, ... 1 K ii K; 1 ti S. il U E; T ‘ , K A.' I'-; I 4— ■'. ii 4'- L.; 14.’ 41 li, . I !: • . ■ u ■ J. i :.. t V i il ‘ . .' ■ !n .'. •,-■'• •) . ' '.'i. C«-«- . ^ i :W J ■ •_ % ! .J u e. t j''*'’ - • 2 i >■ i i’ ® J ’ ’ ^ ' ■ U J '■*' ."'f! -■■ >' i i’v iJ K: Fri ACtb. 7 \vnh't ser laSt* Ai.i N ’i lI- 'I. '■ i .•- L L;.- 1*.- ■ i. a;' '.r ■; 41 L: e : L; T t'P>4. i •I .H- . V J I 'tl^V ojan'y. Fieri.I*. K ,J - n. I N Vi f .;f h h ' 3. r SI i'l a. M t’ c»'r 7 '^..1 f-3 y-a i HI 1. 1, i^y 20UU $»osc 3.c;'aihor waatva LC.7. ' ii - ■■ ■■ “- J .1.^4 It* It* 1>^'* S^.c\in - H, ^ ■i.’ Li ml, ■: t -i. -b. '• . '■■ I ■' ?5-> lU %n,I L.'t !'') —, t.* 4 : iV. ;ic i'Jj L r No a, ia '..7 and Orist Mlill, f t M':iisborj’ county. PioriJt, N i i'ie d. Ii :;0 R: I’raptrty of Ar- I •51 's/^^wiiD: w 3 ,.!. T, .A ^ aiiii-Mi io I’lii’i1 Li i'Kn.S HAu.. -.OAJ ■ i'> ii i.ii: In . •?; M L il I ' H V . U-n- iif o r :r w ^ ,-,1^ ,. ■; rn —i \>H. Ti'c •' L; «? s’^na ' '.' >'i' it Florl , •■; I o?'*r .-= an: I-.: '' .-.•luitr fir pr.,fi!abi» ia'2Si- n- .it l.,fo" :r ; >a c^n h !);■.! by '.Ic- i.c !, . ! ■.' ■ t'" Di :r:nl A **■ L>kC! on.'. ri.'riJi, aaj K VV Th .m ■ -. Timpa, Fl'>r;H. E '1 T T .‘ .IPoON, a-.o«irrr. F M f.L'^i) 1 ■. i ;. () - _!, ; - '15 ' *i'Jn7,iiS -b 5.0;'. r.C; 1.-' 'L ,'t!y, .Hn' 1 ^ I'", n 1-, •'f.’t. ^VATii:a \v5fiiiS. 't« furaisk*^ «*!»»»; ■» «'T#rj i^^aslas with »!’.? Is' ^ ' ISiJ: F«'.' 57& ;« T.»r »»muia LiTtry aa Haiel Bar St ^a:f apv 7atirif li»a«*«, t Banks, SO PriTait B#*r;nf *T«tnM, 40 Dweiiii:^ lltnsi* ' S16 ‘-5 Bi*r»*- r.nd tiaopa^ 5 • la 15 >r?: J .S*«r»i, 2-> 8arb»r'a /’uoft. 2i J-avr'-f' ftn"i Dtai*’^’ OSr^, 10 T^a5«D»if f'- m 9'vm'’‘J. aT^ »!’traaa’;ar\ptrnie:-, ai • f:'viU i^»d {• ■ t* ibi w*i;r ja;!« Vf B.*K^5. Jv, ' ,>'i Fa»«ti*T.i> I.IST ei'YSAS^ES F9R riSSSr.tERS. ON' -.-.I'i tfcr llnniaj -■’X fol;«wlJS »*ci Pft* ra~? ’T'.'.' b» Fr»ai Fay«tt»vi!'!« to WilniirjttB. $30 §9 “ “ “ Eiiinb, h, 10 1^0 rrkitt Hft'i., 1» H( “ •• “ Se’.lj't CflTe, 14 »(® “ “ _ •• All po.un ■-') tS tSCON£» CLA^S, OK OXOK. FrwUi Fay*tt9»'.il* t« VTilrainjisa, $10 #• “ Elizt^rtk, a 00 •‘ 7 #0 “ “ “ Sfiiy’i CaT*, 8 “ “ “ Ail pointi bjkw, lU ti» a,r. Fr?« Wil*ninjrv«H 10 FajfittTillf. ?•■' Si( •‘ “ Kelly'* C*v*, t 30 [ “ V hite JJisll, 11 >'■) I “ •• *• iki zabtlb, 12 I “ Prespeci R%\1. 15 ®8 I •• ” •• -All fiaiiis >-ba»*, -0 ?4 j SfeCn.NO CLAK8, CS BZ«K. Fr** WilKiejtM t? F'vj'e-i«»il!a. $.# ; •‘ “ “ Eciiy's C«Te, 4 tw ; •• fTfclU iJ'll. t tti i ' •• •• • A.. 1* tb*7fc, 10 ? i 5»»|’.^ Oia^ cr ■f'll »viy o>» ; , i*.7*r 4*tk a pay fall |ir;4*, sr i»a a* I?irrt C.V4. ! Aa *itra #r--, r? w^'i t* 'cr P>t;-sr j ;■('» r»i,iaf tlas*, ^b«J fai- «c?'j ; r' l?' a !>»;:» v»uli ta«ir 'ae*r« »r m a* ••» i r. i^re ic« of C i«iN.i j J. A TlOitia. U. C. r fi’a fc I X >i ',f*r S;’rs !^al« as.J aa 1 r 'i ; C 1 - ..Ai.OF ! !^c» 1*-*^ *4 tiJ I HUlsboro' Aiiiita jr Ic&dfoiy. fitlti bix r. V •ad>-niv- >►>’• oT l» ' ir-s:;m".4,a wil! fc&- ^ .;i »f ■ *■♦•*’> 3 i. IHt»4 f-..r Oiri-difcr& aa-i r los .'o t ;» , '■-j. :i. (sl.»KD>N f*.r, }li.l''--r.)’, ^^. C , N V 2» litio. i i»icaiuei* rWoriti i'ai‘oHiia« LiI.AfE F*T;i;e '»V-;a-lj .‘.y r.^ i .S.\;u. .iT .narn- 1: f ftl b o'oioc't, -\ . iTi ainzi''n » .SUBfi*-/ s.1.1 TLiireiay at 2 P M. T. 8 LUTTEPwLia. Nov’r Stf, 1808 ao 8w ~ WA.^T£vS> TJ» hi; J for a y.-*r 18(14, COOK, I ’l* w.uca a iihsral pris'? wi.i ' t ^a.a. A«4i^t«a T, at 11:-3 Ofuce. Alsa a goo'l NUIl iE. Kev’r 30, 1803.^ _ i]%e{;ro )iiri i'or ^ale. ■ I’uiH UNDE:-;>SlGN 51) ■ latn; “si 4 r, vi. ;.,r 1 a JL L-juii y •■outi of ilj ;rsi^.i c jiitv, 'or ■ -a' *ili s.:U :ii pu'iHo .a; tii^' I'.un Ii ..s'. '... in ■ T.i7ra oJ Lu-.ubtti *t>.h i>oo«iTb*r, a linei,T ''EUttU OiKi/ -a.' »i u* c? : > :.j ta;■ »s •i.; * f Arc..'s M. Mviyca'.-i, >J" ai Mri A r .V.jT D*o’r 3, 18*5 r i^6i. ue HFSIDliN>-3 of tiie ■ , »iiiifcte •;» Ptrsf :- 3-reet >0 t'»« r*s'.,ifa?» o? aoNfill T«r^ T W. A SU3KS, 0. & M B. Orice. RALi;iGH Tia AVERASCOKO’, &c. Arf'i7-'* oiijv, exofp* Suaiay, at P. M. DlfRrt-t J^ilT. ?XOrrt S'lliirl;*y r,t ti P. M. RALVi-:4II ▼;» SUMMERVILLK, DepAr:* Tuc aity «.ud Friday at 6 A ■^^. Arrivea VVi-d(>H.-da>’ and Sunday at 9 P. >4 ’.^AHH^W Tia CLINTON. •Arr-»'S ’oi!'- 12 no'.n Dtparis *- '.il» -it 1 J P .^r. t.^RTHAGE Avri .'>» Tu*-* • T -r'-’ay jiu.j Saturday at 7 F. M. I'l'pjir J '.'?uJav. V'; -Jj.v a^.J Fridty at 1 P. M. C-11." w'S. Arrivrs'I'-: " t.-T ■ '-■ i-ai Saiurda at 0 P. M. Dvjiarti S V T'l'H.l.iv Thursday at 1 P. M. F*.;v: ■i Lt ' F *'.>1 LUMDERTON AriifPs -. 'iri.iay acd Saturday at. 6 A. M. l)(*DarH F» !■ i - ' ■ d\v ThiireJ ly at I P. M. ■- . ’ria t'MZiIJETHTOWN Lfisr. Niri'iJiy, Wrdn^si'J.iy iJ'J Frida? at 6 A. M. T'r ' • , T ,'»7 au ’ Srttiird;iy at 2 P. M. Vl,A v,a T^REBINTFI. .Arrives Ni u .''^y at P. M. Dt' irtfl fifinit; dajr (Monctsy) at 0 P‘ M. MAG.VOLI* via CYPRESS CREEK.. Airtvr.-- Tu«i?Ji»y at 2 P. M. u.T (Tu;-!*'*) »t 2^ P. M. £TMFT ISL-.??!' V’" M)Mllf).?E. COVlNflXaK and POWELLlON. Arrirt.s Tn»«day at ti P. M De?“rt3'Te'lufsday at il A M. SVvIFI' ISLAND vi.i THOT. Arrive* Tnr«'la;.’ at 6 P. M. V-«(iDe!iJay at, 11 A. M. AU Tiiiils leaving bffore A M., tre oleseiithe evea- \»g B*fore at ‘J P. ,M. All letters to ke sent off AroB 'Lis iflQ.^e, other t. *a Wy raail, mutt be paid for ai if s»ft by inai!. AU drop l6lii»r8 should bo pre-paid by 2 c»ni Btj»i;ipf The cfiice ^iU l e cpca on Sunday from PJ to A. and liora 4J to 5^ P. M. JAfi. a COOK. p. M. EOLlPcEs IN ANCIENT TIMES. Tn ancient dajs ati eclipse ot the suu or mooa WHS attended v, it!i. strange ceremonies; and even at u I: te d:iy the sanio ignorance produced the sucic dice:; and perhaps still docs #o. Bragd, in ids “pop'aiar Antiquities,'’ 4U0tt from Lloyd’s ‘•::>tr-i.teg:ni - ui Jerusalem,” 1602, the followiag or ob^.rvaiicee ot tha ijrreeks and iiotuaQi oil 5ueh occosiOii?; "At my ftlip.oe ot‘the moon, the Romans woald take tiio’.r bra*/en pots and pannes and bcate them, iiiiiug tip many torchea aud iincacs lighted and iirtbiRuds iuto me air, iLiuking by these super- sgi% s; 5st!».:." nf T^-:'tj r.-ira | utitiou.'’ means to reclaim the moon to her light, i., ■ t na*- tvjr.-' .s ■ ; .' t 'j r-oiict; »’'ll t j^o the ^iaoudouiaus were as superstitious aa i:: h,r >f 'asir » c;v?; j j iiomans wore at any eclipse of tne moon. No thing lerniicd the Gentiles more in their warres FOIS 1WILL esl’ ar C1’?*'i>p, on»''e “2Kth of l)ec»’»-ber Dfxt, ti*« LAND iei» ‘1 ll*n.-? Greffi>i-y, d ic’d, con- i«isia{ 24d acr^t. T«4 ('lac..-! tiva SontheMt rf C^aton Tte.’e ar* j;»«d tlu*a« aud all r«e#ti".r7 *ui houj?»; an iiiil riite. Xae water i' very p9od Tber« ’? ai*'; 2o0 acKS •{ it* s»irt^ tra-:*'. of Imd beV')n|:i'>^ *» TbrmM J r-hirh caa b« bvuf*>-' *u rfr»«7ra»le j^rms a«d will be pflld *n tiss satn# dsy All ia SrTj«»gon c»n>if». WILLIAM GnESOHT. A?«*’r. Kar'r 22 185S 88 ytrd 'yilJ! s-r^r,'riw oflTi-M f-'i- .5;* l;!p PLi’TATTON, i c.j»ia'r'E|- 0^1 ■w-.'S '.’25 i-r 2^0 s.c^'-s of !j*f. >.i-* ia onf- »a i • «;!?■ o L'^iira D*nor, ^ t“? Jt ?► K, U tie pr«seit*s ', a • •> ^ ort ^^EL; ISG S9« »•?! ■I'ri'.f. if ’-r »»' r- j*-.-. ••; -.a i'C'X-'.iidmd T • , : .•,»« o»«v->r»i-i'it *.•' jf-r »tia hsi' - I " J. h 'I ■ ' r:. i^ Pro r 7, 18I.3 * •''• J: «• Ei;fc:rrT©®s-s >«Tf I^HE S”'i?r;'c.*' ij-a-i'. fl«i *.i Ex«fu ur df t'j" it't Win i;i J 7«'-■ ()■ Ii: ,’.-T?r, sfn'r, ‘"I.1.-her:'■’' jriT'-. :;f ir . i.: * 1 r.g cl-'i •» AR/H’D Mol.EAN. iix’r. X 0/-’T.r, wee'* ^i! i» oic J*:*'y text f: (•arrar. Tera? suowa at >'.rinf A i4eLlwA2i. Ki’r. D;:.'; V 18-,a S'J.h ~~A OTSI ,Vf ST it Si. nnHS enwionb*? u t-'Oi* 'e^* ■.-■ a-'.rvtff i A^'si t ■» r x Ai:.- Sj'ltr, li-'. ■ c!*;mf '.^i n ha t;in? v'cfcr’ .id ia b£. .' t ^f '.- ; l^'lirlSaei’ .Ifotice. ' >-he eciipae of the sua uid moou. There was a NEGROIj^ t. io tio Ejt«it« of the lat# 1 iuw in Sparta that every ninth year the chief magia- ' - ! h, ..ire^ out (.n Tu's^Uv I trates, called L'phori, tvoald ctioose a bright night r?:i.ic»e* af Mrs L A w j witliout luoonh^ht, iu some open placc, to behoid the t^tarros aod if they had seen any star shout or move irom one place to another, straigtit these Kphuri accused their kings that they ofiended the gotis, and tiiereby dcpof^t^d th»>u from their king dom. So uid Lysanaer depose King Leonidas." Thi.^i vf’.ll retuind the reader of the osc to v.liicii Ut^iuml-us put hj.>^ knowledge of the ad- Tcnt v^f ua >.ci.pc>>, on au occu^^iou in which he ilaud it nccvs.'^ry to attaiu pawcrfui inlluence over thy vandenug .rtbe.s among whom he tound Litaseil thrown heio in the New World It ia i.lsv) caicuiafcii to lead tj r. flections as to th© LU kuowlGdge ttic aacicuts had oi means of forebell- ii Ljl'AY tti. ' lius icnowiedge'L-i supposed to be traced back, at Ica-st a= tar as Thales; aadyct down uluiost, It not ([uite, to tiie prtsaeot day, it can scarcely bo said to have gprcai widely and fully tr..,aj^h, even in civilized nations, to have al together b^nishtd sup'jrtiiitiou, although this be Dot tjuite so gro3.s in iis mauifestation as it was. The «umo authority above named tolls us, that ih ‘‘Annouiiious ou Medea,’' 15i8, Edward Sker- bu:n suys: FI Kill T tki ’’‘I' V 0‘tl- ’ ; V:. T#'' • '.na Tf - cin : ;v. . AnT!lF ‘..1 .’x I 'TiCL. g.vf 10 iU^ E*.f« t.r iV* h ■' 14._ 1 • rr^ yr-^ a» 1 .s P I .’.r.'ic; or ,\ D^ .-' cnu I 7. 'h? ' .r £i 'I -■■. • •i“C ^ Ca • *. ] ’ nd*rn r.t ■■' ir;. L. A. W AllVER, cf S»rac- '■i '\ Kuilfr, 'iftfs’ij. ?Oti SILK. B': 1 r I h.'' ■ mj-.' 4.Q ■■>'-I el*y Ji^'y ;• x SC'* ; i1 t) i;' -jC.^J 11, 40, 1 g.;i I'j, i g'rl 1 4, 1 Dic'r 14, 18‘3o I !>i> ; .-ri'! -I tamo'.!'- 'r>. T a'i Ckvtj-ir_~-ja r - T-^' Z". i . to ;^le, . r ■*;cl‘ -.i’.. d c i, knowa &4 NcivVROEr!! 1 ms.n I' “{Ji‘the beating ef kettles, basons, and other 1 voiMiu aged i bruaca vessels, used uy the aucicnts when the 2 ■ irm.? a , nioou wa-s eclipsed (wnich they did to drowne the ■ -{. J .M- rilAlL, C >aj'r ‘ ^ - 8y-t«pi J!i4a5e oi r^orJli Carciiiaa, ROr*ESv.).' i t_>U • ■ Y., ■.’»uri "f rita-' mid Q liner s-sr.'; - .;. Not. T«rm, I8'i-S US ij;Oii 'n, l^eu^‘^l* Kir*;;. ^h^riiF of K>t’cn''n o'untr, r:' ■ I ^’.on l ia sp a tjou'.' tho ^.jllo-^isz las:^9 vr .iC'J .-. . £?i’ OT . r.ix,, • U'sr- on i'lr la-' ib I'. Kj Vf'a-. Gu.-.’ r- J-I n 'JH; t b .1 -i.,'* K si. . • y, Hj;'S >iaj«, o lj; it-iL .tf-ni iinr' li-. . E- z ■' -* ' ' s .Joij U..i ; . a, U-. ,, -Iu ,'hiin .)NO A "’lerV. 8> :TC i.») • 2 :V.J; 8'.i c. * 8‘J “] il' JNO A L'l ubiH»s, 30 h Not , 1-PS. ROf’LANi', «ct. 12, V C. W i^pUU E p.' .0 ^ir> Tc ty Ml •-a I )5 i A t.' ■ y. 1-. tiAKi A : t \ iTJ. il'r'ajr.ifc,-*. i»i il Li!A& S’A'S ■ kl). —L «.bU i>aT'.rir^e- - I '.eg V.-.1 r‘- *].pl7 ■-! -• • V'.'fihi l^iiT l'l ; '-it- ■ - , oec /. :. IV ‘^r' ’"t, 'I 1* w. . Ll'^F.x'ioV, ^ v7ii>T:’;r' I ■'■■‘.iS Afc, 2\- 'j.'ir. ("UP^oi 1 ■?!■ i iBiiJ, 0: ' .a 0^ •■ •' ill • • i .'i 1 , 4 * . 0 A 4t iss i 5 ■•♦ i i' '-i '■ •• •' ' ■■- «. the Oeu»„iy Ht.-ait cr ^ ■ ' iKihiBvrii : ’ir i ^ ■ • ' BoufuB ;’l n:.v^r.£ pro^ieit vr.M-: ;.•'■■ '. im.'i ■ *1.1 •. e ^ f ■-■i- • K-e rwj«writ»« i - H*'- 1 U; rA’.uli' i..., • .ilJit' ■-> I,' i,-.r «i iv,> . ■-■; ■ ■ .,t. H' iiC ■ V>t :\iS ;.el ft*:”! "VC ^CT.’ f.tvV sr«n, iiaviag .■»! No'.eiBb--:' T.riirf, A. D. •i; >• Pl.-.^B .iiU Q I • Stvii ■-' :■• iV->bc-oti eoa.'.ii, qun.ti:.a «it> 9 isi», Es- i.ii? r • i'nY'.-.rJ. .-'e’j. to :iU p .*or;* iais'opd 10 the llsii»(e t« v-»y>n>>' i fi * ► ' 'i'la.'it An*l all {*:!•.,».■'Ui7- ).' e >U;: ' '..r-' >a ■ H' F^..’ ■- ti> '.r**'.-*'” •t'-.i “.il t: . ,.i .'kl ; *fI •« Ueu S'- v •. iV. -ii Nyii.'- Ti = ir .■J'.CJ Wll! .* d M L-1*; ’Jt u Tffl -.J, T. R. MjNaIR, iir/r. RA.Lv"-.Yi' ■. ': ,1'•^,'.' CDi J « .'j{f J’■•:4n C.* LEb ,V!...r •l'l 1^. 2? , w /d-'..-'. '•.•jd IU-' '.••'I. i I', pv? i Ic, ii? ;■■ th' • ? t'.''»;r' 'I ’ f>'. P .ul’v, H • '■•c.'ioii M.auty,'-^Hpra t'5 h"*o ^ ffii>. T.i« i ■ Tf^ r.»K*ril iViU oe T''v-i f„r l-'.a iciiT-.i . iu .}m\ I •.an i;et iii i* “ JA ?. T PF.i'} L:'.V£.Y. .r hui«v:nn. X^r. 53, 18^3 2-5 r. n ,.i fX-'.l'-li' la ' . 1’ ra i ! : JU : 0 Wiira'nr' :n. N G . Dj-'r S • -r»ix. p .C-r- V y i>orA3II s;i . - •-! i'l g-OO 1 ; ■ ■ .;0 I a i K.^N-- ii. A l.^uF^- vv ... I.J.). X . .1 ,1^ i - - :i ' C'lt ;i ’.rj -S. d ' f' 1 ' ... n'MO^ , ; ?0. Y>'^. |«0& tiie UUAb Feftfl £ or raMU If OiL ANi) LA3ii T t i » . * J A /urtbe*- supply *ii »!*' I. J. ^ " ' libcVCK. L.\.MP iiL.VCiv ia barr^l^. 1'‘>7 JOS. R. BliOSaOM & CO., VTiliDlastca, K. 0. ll«reJi7. •-« VaSisu8>lt‘ isii ij, ,, A,^ J.i ;::ii.iX •>i i u ■ *. .1! l 1 • - Utc! -r 5t. MyLor-, j. . ; 1 il' '•.; Oi’ :■ '.'hlC . -Cl' 1'. 1-l.ljr -iv'* . 1 ■;■■■* t n F-X/j Ifiiii'-i oa '-. 'J ■- K '-r RiTcr, !ir .* rV n i'-.f f-i h- *i tii;-? !jf r.iilu '^'id ru4u;nr'f' ..u. ..a„; .» ;ii.i. 1 hfU-.stfs are tut ^ »s.;rt it;> ,,1'1 -s;; : • , ,i ^ ’i i- IV.i.l - ; .u-ty ^^. '1 M :■!. ~n.« .il'*; iOu:.,u- i ere-i T-lu'ihiH at ■ ■■ri '• t~i' > '7 ‘ >e pro.-uc'ion . cf oora. wbe-*t, si'ki eotiou 0;‘a. • U-f«i * . i!j4 li.-’iiri I I ».' ? WiM . ! ;.'.irc j »'. 5. I’o th:.,'*.' TV?i.> I wi*h i' i:iv'*. in r.-'i o- eci h c! } ro;oriy t2>.*9' I ott'*^r the ?'ron^'ibi .u iui i--:c-c « ! Unie.'S ilixp'! : .a rr- v:o iy, t'.iv v- rty will be I ofTtired ftt public g.-ile ,i.v ■ * •- lO'vf’i cf Lillington, cn 1Tu‘-tt-aiy tbs i'l>\ Decei.aoer naxt. Terms ia.vle kaoffn aisala. EFFIU MoL£AH, £xir x. LiUiBfioa, N. C. Not. 1», litiS. M-KMpd 1'“.; •abC';. t'vi ;urd^ii ??‘or«r C-sessttra. ’ .‘iiOTtit I'.Al il;'. .;>n b:» ,»aJ at Tai'i-jitflell’s SkyK-’skt | •.tsi'm-* 5*:iiifry. ila/s’.if.-i, 'otiitf ■'i, Ya,vfi. F»y- t L'ttcT’.iic, -■■ t.", ii'imione.*. \jolt>r>'‘/l, la Tratsr | g^^eh rfcrnit msji FajoitciUle Amaal naU Arwdry,) Vov. !2, (‘JtiiJ. / 0SOO I503Ji\'rV. VUV}10*i.Ii.Y t*;a grr.uCi b; i .. vTcm D'5- : i' -a;,ot U d 3i r,i a It'll' tC'- yu->l*tO*,:^ Scr«ij {T'^e: ti;>l i'icrtii'9 t-'> th;- nuTnbjr I 'lt non c'yn’-'riptt W‘U 'b- /c> for ffa’.j; tijrv. 'r.i'f.;- f’^iai will b* spq-.vrr 1 j tu fu'-u sb « rvics-.Mi* ’.r,\ WticU (■« W; 1 ■■’• I lowed 40 cent? p-^r tii'e'a, R-‘i his p*y >1'» p^* ai^ath. Wrtitm -:.ri V;^ ■( eqilT,-'! fre'-i t^.r^.iii '•: t > ap«ir •';-i ii)t cvlsrs, aa.i pastik; frow (■-■^*11 t«» life ii is. ABikre- !j;‘.r, and ivll v!?;r njirs ef Piatnrss f-:rt">i-J . i -O t!.« Art. .\i.',o, rr- -J;C3, Cilt NiOUl’j- • M?;. -J' • ■ i"*’ '‘*ry Jrirg*; ^ire.u^ ■>—p*' 2') bj US u,c,r-j’. !’.l a»ti i:i.u'cis for hat’^ing ^tciiirsj; iKStrn- riviii!S'-';'’* -fid r.’.cau- sali* i»?t J'or cush. Lifa cj—''-i! j^v.ipn - Mai*; irr,m .--*iail pir-iurci. Maria ’: pcr^an'JcinJv i;>. ii^.l ;icre I JiOjij tw meiit yoi.r 1 -ilso re uni >'-.y j thankj far the !vbert»i pitroji^-e bf-to-nrc\i on h-vitofaro by the good people 0; jb’nyetteville acd 0. M. VANOttaUELL, Sholofraphiat aad Profrietar. D60*» 20, IM® Br uit must bi'i’'.? ■'rlta kica a blank-.'t er bf-d sprr-~^. -S'i i t's "'’■sajui Ai»i>i7 tti t}»!u 'f.iTTt-'E'? P. rATfOH, •■:: the Ar- F. L vJFI[Ij!'S, .S'ji ’] -j’" S -V. t'-jmit'g Pe"t. charaies of witches, that the moon might not Icaye them, and so be drawn from her sphere as they tiupposcd), I tball not need to speak, being a thing ao generally known, a custom continued among i}»e i arks at this day; yei I cauuot but adde, and woadcr at, whui Joseph Sciliger, in his annota tion on Manilius, reports out of Honiucontrius, an aueicnt coiumcctaiur upou the same poet, who aliiiiii.a t,^a£ iu a towao of lluiy wliure ho lived (^witluQ Liiese two centuries ot' years), he saw the saUiC j'icot' oi Pd.;anisiae actcd apofi the like oc casion. A i«w years “later, wc are told in “Osborne’s Advice to his' ^jou.” I;j5t», “The Irish or Welch, duri;g^, run aboa.^beaTing ketties and puRs, ihinkin, tiio'.r claaioar and vciations avail- auic it> tbc a'i'isLaUi;') cl the hi^rher crt>c,s.” FiO:a i*. Du llald- ’n “General History of Luma, ’ pubii^tieJ in l. oO, we learn that,— “Ihe very i’Ujiii'jni, the iuhabicarjt.s perocive the piir, i.r mooii tt; bj aa^kcned, they fall oil tLeir kn aud be:it tlir. gro'ii:d with their iOicl.e4.d; at .-i.iujO 'lui • is n ai d the dreadtul • raitiiug ot drutiis and i».eitle uruus throughout i Pcki'i, ai-cordiv.g to ihe p Asuasioa the Chinese i'nraiuly had tVial by iLis noise they assisted the 1 fMii or uijOU, aad pr';\ent» d fiie cekstial dragon i iroji lifvourin:; ^•^cjl u.- ‘lul j»! inets. Though the I iei'fi£d and pe ople of ijUulity aie quite free irom I this ancient error, niid persuaded that eclipscs are j owing 10 a uatuial cause, 3'6t such a prevalence I has custom over thorn, that they will not leave ( their aiicient Gerctuonicf'; these ccremonies are ! prac;ic?d in tho same manner in all parte of the I Etupin;.” ! The Women of Kuox.i VU—A hitjh spirited j La1>i.—TiiC woiiien of Knoxville, as in other j towns infoted by the Yankees, ure true and un- I shrinking in their devotion to tlie South, even in ■ any ca.'sra against the opinions and prei^rences of ! their parcuib. The Atlanta Ilegister relates the following ebaractcri.-^tic anccdoto of the daughter ol the Union .Mayor Knoxville. Not very many days ago an estwrnally elegant Ej'Vpt Tlsiir, i I’edora! officcr cailcJ on Miss Luttrell, sending T'.RS UP ’cr-ijjaeii wre, at iha 2Jeyc«ber Tera «f the j in his card vliss LuttrcU was passing through i C»uTt, Sifiriat «f N-^rtii f,'»7cilna, »p- : p,,]i j.^tho negro servant girl handed her the Muwer? 0' th^ C-.xl T’r--rty, ■ J,, visite At ta;it instu'it, too, tire Yankee ;■, V,., 1 ‘wi»S “ . ^ V. e-i'j -ju-‘y, ta me beailug ot the orquisito, “tiere 1 . cii'c ttio N er A- V ividor t^ro r itr. * I ;iiro I'r pTl.O''- ■ r U: h 11 } ,r. • L .' oa • i U■■'.;• V ■'*t i-i 4 J •'»' -1. . '.c; f W.;': :a : iis Fic.i- I . II •‘Oil ccuu-V. a ’ h 'p'll/ ^ ='ii‘^ "7*^.' f-— ti'-^ tim;* .in.'- r!ic.« I will stjl :o 'r-' i. giy n ->rroe3. 1* rr. *‘ii wi;:’:e-r to I W to T-i.lo hA»in- f ,;.i;s i.^siEi; (•A'i;-? ? .1 pr-iF'ct Ii’’';? D-'C. n. iHeS. •ia *. lat an M. 5UUAF. Adi.Vr. S5-t’stJ A VI' ws W-* '11?d, FSiV; •Jf:o68 V. $■■.• &■ iiiiWS; i U ■ - lU . ••.»* ' n-i,. V; Fer fffiiv la a P.ter .1 pri ... T. naan. D'/r 10 JU’d. R- 8'-:ft ih Cp 88 4» dv»t4? 5 will pij--- i..;j '.•■n!5 cer j£«» n--^ f-*r ,>'• !«•> i: pnoo, 4-^ii7**: c t’•'? c.'iy^ttsTiile, or .-tt -ay .: i •.!'cV6?h. D. MfJSPHY. J ily IB, ista. Wtf B)ank Warrants tor sale here. nicii;i; i■'”»!? i'l »« S’ •.*■ ■• i. fcr'^ Ve r'.'. y - ]f. 'I' iji u i■'*■ Avr'>ar •••' - ' ■ V. : fi J - • .1 rr..^ I) U;:* fu'ly. 'iil-i c;:rd *.= f'. :»U- C£A[1Lj:S S N:AL'L£r'; JA:d£S liHO?.KS. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 1*^3. itnh )—.S' v. ; *■ tii.f Joseph , Vfa? tarr.-d, li. •ithjv*-i -r.i-i ran ‘-£f irom Sa vannah upon couvicti;^n 01’ tijeft .'^c the lato j battle of Missionary Ridga the same scoundrel waB j captured and found with tho buttons and etripo® plant W‘>fTTrnt^»?T^ f?r 03^lff> i of a Yankee captain of tho lin# ■ • I

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