SEMI.WEEKLY. rj.L^ -X_J FAVKTTEVlLIJv N. C., DECEMBER 38, 18G3. [NO. 129*2.] a", "uu. "g; VniNU- >io\i>\VS ANn THrRSO\YS. i:inv^n!) j. isii.E & so^s. KrlTPRP AKD PROPHIF.TORS, ?>•. »UT. Os'ifcH.vKR ‘•’ll 00. paiki in on .T.nnu's. f'li ot 1. .. •c«din» T balf i fcr €!• h (!Wf“te- I r f}i*T wii! bo ikgty. A/Kcr'.is s . A!!'in T.^vf'= 'or f pM y ir.r I nn I one'i ll'»r for e»sb cuo 'V., .1. ■^T'r'Ncm^’nt« uot eieepJ'in .1 e lin>“) f i foi il-r first aad 50 cmi'^ u'.-o-* ling publication. AdTcrtiscrs are re • J - I'.uml'cr of in-***rtion!i des:rel, or iUi' l till forbi.l, nod eharpcd aacord- oor»;'nu3-i inttJe, charged as new ad- Manut Vcrnoa Fc?».'ile Seminary, It Ml. Vprm)n M’ncrnl Sprl*gs, lhatba;a ( ounl?. 1st Session to commeaco 28111 Bept, TERMS; Eur^. braT-'’*'? p'r " iO TT^'ke. ' •■■•‘v• .1.. 4-1 tHi i ;0 f r r./- .3 • A P, r-i ''v 2.'» o«' i’> ir • sr ?19 f>.r ci.r.'h if Vv 33,000 ACJIES OF LIXS) FOSl SALE. TILL he sol'* in Lik>- rify, oa Thurs-Jay lU - 21st of J»uu»'y. .* l> l?-04. :be f.l'owiirx pr 'S^rtv, se- Confe?erate Tai. iiobcsoa County. ^ ^ ^ . . _ , , ^PHE Th2 J oII«*ctor and tbf A9''-£d"'« of C. afiJer.ty Tax« ’ of BSI-n. w U maet the Tax Pi*y*r- I by !. 1 V: •. •I r 7 K: r- n Orant, ;;> !a V tn River, iu 1 = :l 38 E; T 31 Ad Ir'’^* 8»rt 8 T 0 HOOPKlL, VPrD.i?i... Lawrcuce l*. 0 ” 521 f 1! rv~ I >1 - V - . ( ' iv T ; ■- •. I 1! '.I. 1 ;■ i 12V- i 1 LirtrvarJ o.)u;.;j, known a*i t'-*c G.)IJ^Z Or^n*. !-i T VJ S, R (1 p]; T 3^ S. R 4 > K; T 3'J^. R 4-' F. T 10 R 12 E; T 10 S. R K; T 41 S, K 41 4-i: f'Toppriy r,:' G vrz, iiar'j- z G initi yt'Oic^es of i, i.n 1 in l i OTUi. j;. ^di, Coia- priiii ir th- E ^ of N II ■* »f S*.: tr,;. \v ^ ot N W ^ of li-.« P 'l'C.- ^38 . S P ll O' r uiit' .nc ^ i. •:;;Tlf'F. DO name of a new ^ubforibe" lit pAvP: ‘i;> ' ■ ai’vQfitv-, n.;r •.ic’t pii": -.T- fvir a li'.ifer tirn' n\lf. ROAD. TME FRP.T.Hr AN!) ^Ay-li^•G''U TRAIN.’ of Ko>^d leave Favene^ille daily. (Snn'lsyB excepte l! at 8 o’ ’!ocV. .V. M , ar.d r^tavuing leave E>ryp'- •''■t I o’c'ocs, P Si. r:..-h ,!U / /hrse T^atn MONDAY, WEDNE?DAVand FRIl-AY Bror!T .INO M. ni)SE. '^rl•^^.^’r ftcd G nM Tr»Li!-. .l!>n ’KSa ■ - r» .7»il '] ui il ir. Ar'il ti—Ktf ] to rake tlie pa I - ruiiiir.^ i;.TI V 1 , i I’rossi n«i atf*r thS '.tc tar '‘a’ r \ F HURT w p fi'i'lpi'k. A M , i> '-i >n'i »y ,TOx A 'VOi;T'.!, Ar’’. F B'! 't Co. Sec :Jti; K A ot N i; of 8 J. '.r. l K ,{ prr'7 -f T . M I'i- ^ lo8 o' L. - 1 Nj 2 !^n i Df r! .J.', Il. n> vll^s. 2.‘0 •. r..- ill II ]; S !■ i . ^ .8, i .. ■V vf s 1-; ■ n i , I': !•.• V . i ^ l-'O :. . 1.!, i ■: \l ■ .1 V (■ I'.i v-k N • -s. '■ i ■ t 8,-c 27; II j f N .V J. an ^ li i f N. •-2 \ •)' 3, li ly K: IVo- U'* H L5.' Vi, 1. n !.»■ fjr.iintv Lo^s »S, ;> -li L. I'rr,pcrty o; P'-r:-j c-.un'v S, R J2 - w i .r ■f I. . I- 'V -ouk' S, ll 2'* ri: i’ .' V. i..- X FI•■>1 .dj, S E ^ ■ S W'i -f S i; \ ; c r 31 -A, i« J fPME \“!>e?sor9 L R bfson, w!fli ilie Collector, will luoet the T»x p»y pr« at tb*> ft*llowiag times im I pl ioes* for ibe pu!'po.«e cf iipe?!'in5 Oa'tle, (includ'n? a'l cattle except Oxen actii'.l!y nat?d in prnducing c^'p'*,) .\l?o Hordes acd >lulf8 not nsed oa farms, and to receive the bats of crops of corn, potiitoes, &c.. t»o* ftlreaJy listed, and fttflo of all ircomt?« and pr fii-' r*-qairpd by the J'tb a*Uit>* of thf> T^s Aot. Tho (’r.'i!*'0‘or will be prfp^red '.0 r»c ive thf T' x"« on the va'ue of N *at Jftttlw and all >t* cr TiX-’S .lu>‘ a.t 'Uai timt?: R?:’ n’ti. We iK'-'-d'^v Jan’v 6th, 1864 St. V,Tl*ured«y J.rii'y 7ib. Luinb.'r n-' i.r >, Fri ln,y J ii’y 8«h. ^ *v S', ur'l'.y ‘J"i. ' Co' I* I* Srnin’H 'lord .7 J>\r'’y lltb Alf ’dyvtilt'. Tu?jJtiy I'itn. 'I’s. Wt'da*-diy, J^o’y IS'.h. V/h:; Hjir-if'. .'■> y .1 14 b. c luigV; Mil 8, Frivii'.y J .n y Son'y'.', Situ'.' ■•)' J in’y liih I Lv'ti'-p . >r>n iv J in’y I’^rh ‘ 'Viri'iH! •'■ >, 'J'u -d ;y .1 !i 1.* n B^.k S.^ ;■■■!•. .Vei!..-- ■\v -U. - 50 W. ■ ’ill i»: uo, T: iiMi.;, .1 -a’> lildt. A'! ' - e ,-ir." •>■ requested to tn. ;r l.P'S 1' ‘.1 • out, Hud :»VO’d tlie pfcai'.l- Those ’-'C -I ); oloclt i7: I, 11; 'UI 1 L Vo- •• IJ- Tot N.) 5, : :'>OTnvt?.' ■ii ? ut lr. i N v’r l.v? J T. U. S porr MOilltlSON 1 S’o:ini ''»v7 V'\ Griot rit/. k Fayk't^.villk. N. C. • « i C'5 .Sill tfekUVr Oct i ;.(■ , ity .4:,-I 1. *'■1 Moo-o »n at'*, tii; 'H i;i?ea to tht' .; to his f & iioU* ' A ■«' ■’ Oouri® c' r Coun- ■ collection of ail I 68-tf I r!!„ ~ ■ A*^js2-:v!s.s.s:, r. f ^ r WILL n >hv t.\ 3L- TIOTL' f rT'-.r-ye • t I o.’Pt'. iti Gt Gu> H‘. tir ■ . f Jut.', and I h.’j>r t.i fr! r u :"OTT» ?^*Teutj-iiva lo i. t . ,ji : - u.' liiri'it» I ;* "J i^ui'r. I- f’c-itiiV'!i a w'tli ini ■ • ii. •'•I, I nitniVe;- •. • H .'k-', C.>rrii!«-s, Bui;^ » Sa'idii- Horses lii-it liiy pueiits cia at a m.uate’d ■if .V. u- W. ;ULL1.\MS iic 5>e;»:ors iti iivovcvi^^, nirOHTFR.S AND irEALEH.S IN *^.nd 1 uTlrrv, Swede^i iroo, &f., Proprietor F,ig> Hotel, Mav 13, M KLA1R. l l .' •'. m Lei.j, Co;, v i! . FI , Vr :lll: 1 L*i ■ T! in* Fer lin^n I .Mc- A'l .fu. 'kt Fi • L'»ko R 0 ivar. T’:; V, a. W K V Ja.T bTui.l^T. t- iVtj'TEVlLLB, N. 8otf JO%. I'i'f.EY, C'roei f' afttt t'chant, rAYF/iTEVlLLE, N. C. 1 -.w, Jau ) 10 : fci**r.;T:u (oinmissl^in ami Kor\v.;rili'j^ Cc■iint’ss, ■it l.ivi -I of r ' I’. G A” •‘•■'•r • .. 10 I ha' coac;‘rr. nnder'he ■»(•, ;e of WU ...TI1 ,t >’() B;. K s * ^ind fT.i;hfal ■ ‘i .n ta bnyio^ ■> s^- y 'i w;l rv'i tia •(• i.^vr tl [■+!'• ' bestow-’1 oa ' ic'* wb' U ■; > . .-r inp'^ii in acp'.rM 1 • Orji-,.-^ ft.r S .ii pi jm^' ly etoc.iu-T'-.t iti'-"'- t rr- WOK 1 it V (’0 Wilaj’^itoB, N Oo: 8, 1?*'.^?. 7-^. ;!;a > \NA .'W D. >br d- .> .1 ! V I*- >1 . ’.VILL'A’IS t to,. P/J' *I A H ri"**. ?PK hsv 'i V' T ftrtBJt - v€ ▲. .fOtin. -ply •i t Jr '-ntf'j.ffT- a‘ in« >rcrri, or J. .V,. tcni :ul f. AV!LLiA\JS. &!tf 3,500 i err'-Q' ' ». fte i.ip-''*--' •' tt tbe Urc'- b«- at uid 011 Jfov. 5. -V .« ^ WiiKA-, j , aV-ive »nick-- t. sell rill receive -cr ! y r:.t .’■i: on Mr. M Tno-.oadoa, j "• F .V ".leviiie, «r ou !ua •ub'^ri- . •... ';Ar*tft Squ&’e. ALEX. JOHXtlOS, .Ir. Totf B . \T .RTH. T' a W'Hrn s. 6, woitrn & CO., Comiiiiasioa an.d Torw\r un% iilcrcliPiits, ll\:£;r .S'lvt;, V*IL*:iN'.M U-\’. X c. ' . X. 7S l'2ia ! ¥7^?>iTZD, ior th3 Hospital :U ?Oit Fisher. ' I >i >'*L I H i', Cu.’ ii ’.-i. r.J r 1 4 ..-i r ■ .. . . • -I . ts-*.;.: .Si.'Af. i »'.i • iu t!:«! D..*rKei p; i-ja cu appli' i I tlon to toe w'U’^s' ;' er »; oiJ 8i.»ai. »r m .Mi. J W. I i'«w.-rH‘s oc '.iiy t*.r«et. ! R. E. HEIDS, Gaa’l A?'t. ns a' Yvuns n\ii:;-i.v I I'j pr, I D 1' J .1.- n .I'k’t C ^ D’ " ' ■ cn 1 ni't, n i I', S'. P.ul’.-, Uo ' .■ >v.» r ^ I"" 1 ! -1 I '■ ;>Fi';K.V\V r5. n> Dif'i Miary, 0. ’’ ‘ , U .• 1; 'U • i n K , >': I n n ,v xr s A\ FAYKTli^VILlfC Wimi W HiKS. 1' VL . u' Ti'^ 1 iw.'i "wi 1 t>' fu'n's'.c'l ' iiti t' ) 'Vs. . r.» ' ■ 1' ,;'jr !'vv»?. t^'6 =.ymei..'« i'l rv* y b 'I' l.i ■ -!j Ml ^ilr’D u'iy iU3-*, i 'i'r ' e 1 .* o''(•'f‘b-r, 1 F r tl'.i® ^1') '0 i'luu }.er rCDuiu. L H- I $30 Ui-- ti, i S..I ng IIuu-J*', 3'> Jiiri?'», SO PrivaiB Ro^rHouses, 40 Dw>»ilin;j: H nne*-, to 25 Store-* 1111 S’lOps, Sl*^ ‘o 15 Drua’ Si'-’r.'S, 23 U ir ' '1 p.^, 2'5 rf' aui OictorH" 10 T.s frotii :'le c )'iU'ry, !i:i J ;aU'ransieat p -TimtiJ, . dg^ 1 u> U 'p t;:- w t>r »f.ti~ jmhn w baker, J-. Siip’i F.».’atttjv 1” VVai.-.- , rkii. • *^0 fiw TAX IWOTiriG. - tbe County U the follow ing' tires* H^d places for the pu'-pose of ^esessinn t^* Neil ('aim. H- T-ei!i fc-.l ^'ulea. acd alao lo r»«9i»* th' li'jt pf Tux in Ki'id t '* not been j^iven it«; .At ^f^yf'v^^(•, O’! I .’^n’y 4th, l%-'4 White O'k. ctl T ••'■• J^’-’y 5th. B'aver I) tn, o” '■‘'c .-sday Jan'y fith R^HVcrt’s. on Tliu"' 1 ■'> Jan’y 7th. t^dllv, on Frid»v Jio’y 8'h. Eliz't’^ptbrowo, on Siturlay Jan’y 1>t6 \11 ppre'>r'S -n'eni pay tbeir T»X4ii failing to do so « il bi rjqu're.l to p*v r>*»! prrso'ibed by J A. Rt)IiK"^t>N Tax CoUe-’ior fsr Bl%dea Coir ty. N C Dfo’r 14. 90-tt| J .l^OTirE. FT..i r>Q»; vBT-Rf N.Wa^ l>KFP”:c»' ' ' '^ILMlNaT 'S. Mio Itit^l, l'^^' 'I^HK fol'ow’n? Ci” uV.r f.- .m t* o Bn'‘ '^a of CoD?;'i*' * jio- i« by ^ r’•• * of tH»* cffi • r coitjixi'v’idiru' • h*. N v-’l D of rih t'iv>'oMn4. f‘T tWe iaf .”" >i tio* .)f ?jn«'''i;'!- :i t r iin hthl* t {^l^■*crIp;i u: Goafederatf. Statrs of Amaricn,'^ HuIIKAU of '’o.WCKU'TtON, V RichtnonJ, Murcli 21, ) rrn.'^ULAR 0!:it'.',U IK i ■ 1.1'JT.' ’ * V >’g chdr/r. .'f ci"“Onpi> I i I ■,'.«*(' > "1 2 '• t' ^ ^.~t .f C'r*V i*; prr>v- 5 '-o- , IT i.!. .2 ■' "i.-'h if- '.b > dow-: .S: 'i 2. rhf>.' if •»'7 } r^=on who ^119 boon o- i-t abost to t' '!iil d .-•■r:ic-^ ;'5 'h*- ‘ii' iy, ?h^il, a; ar.% ti»n»' b f're b i- ; -.-..if-i. .1 n any f ornp-vnv de.:’.»re f • ■ ' e i'.nr. it or iinj' • ID -r th»i l.» ;-cffi' be. iijir rnrol'ed lor ?erf.ctt in ioe ti«.vy or ioaii’i- c irj * i’ ?b;-.i] b.' :!•■* -i '7. f t-’e (,aiJ > faoer ti> pug j p"r i «or, t r I'.r- ..•ry c-,- Tvh I'h lir njay prc.^i’". '.. d '0 ’rsf i I mit 10 the Soc:elary cf tliC Na?y a ll5t of the pyrsuas j 80 rurollrd. , Tiic riuteodent direc;.=. tUtl tbia provision of the law i~c observed. Wh' itr ft"\ Navy Dt'parin .. tity cuic -r i:, ' ' :li' * V"id in ■ d>r 'h-.l ":. ■ y \ t n-ivai e*"'- By r.rder ^1-i-wj d ib-it r-pcrta bo Oiid* accordingly ' ot tic Nwy. do-i2'^*»te-i t'^e \ present Iiinuisif fur ti:e purpo-e, i c-i w'll csiu-*.' tb • ■ br f m ; ruice” i ite ‘ ..'y, iri or- -■tl-r.d Liu Jw.- ruiuv 0'eii't'f.i’ lil!c G n. G J. R'lin*. A. Jo L.-^, Ll Biniorir.tfu ient , A A ci }) c LSSl Oi' Foil PASSL..liLUb* | ti,g 0 ch F;- ■ Fav«ttevu;.{ lo •V i.i'i ii^io », E.'z i ). ;h, W; ;uu. 8.CC0.\!‘ ' r,A-', UlX DKCK. ">>V IL -row V • »r ■;n 1 ati-.D, m T'.i •I'll' Fayet:. w: • I-.' n 1 >r r. Acg. 25. - I A ii \ aS A R."^’ I am prep-r-i to niftnuf’ictUTe all k'.nds of Wagoc Eam’-^'- fjr Af-my u^e. I tan my li'.ther and can il’.Te fo)i t; irgti; =. Aeents wiii io w-U to Bead ifaeir iriirn to tb'v ^dall have prompt .u-ntioa. aca •tut oft ;a qM.'k 'h. JOilN ty.iilTER. 6 lirtOE F 0., Gii^*'J lOi C X. t’,, 1 ; i i. I / 200 Ib'^. 4KiiEri Arabic for sale by J. ii. LEL bdit Oat. in. The C'edar FaE * SSo 5- bln Co. arc now prcpar«d to fuTsir-h, -st HUurt nutiv,—, *ii iind* oi buB'ilN>, UUILL;;, Lc . »c’.t3v;e for Wjou i auJ J. *>DF'.L. N v. Jnly lrt»c> •.- t> • fd i To CottoM I*3:ii6lt*r». 1 j H.\VE bi>i » .’\ppoiate'.: oj tue o -Jte ■»!/ ol the Tr?^. X *ury, Chief Ageui lor liij purcaA:** il' Cotton tor the 1 coUioaeriiH; Goveru.QOQi witP v- rftity of Nor.'i I'arj- ! liua, &»a Will pay for ;i.e ■■.ai' :ii 7 per liaiijs jf O :>S b. i biib Agent.o visuin^ tue diJcroul pirta of the .Sute, I buyiu^ lu my HLi.ii'.', wiU hie ffritisa ceniuoa'.es ot jk^'p.n-tKicat.. I By Li-aer oi me Seoreiury of i-e Treasury, al! v'.-it-.u I purctJHSt.J' by ni,. seil or ray a^eats, ' ».■ r -.y from y-: -■ y '• •' S iV^ 1 one ’ e.'.r oi A’l lO'Srs ai-» p'!!' ■ ,;ii.y »at5«'‘,i.?torv p"') 'f i- p"‘-' ' F.t fu'-'hrr inf'’r!n I'i'^n .\^ei*t» o' to'.e t'o;np'.iay in r>J n li. LATl con r '.•.-■I 0/ .11 h’.i.'ny per- ■' t' I- - Ttg v-« f .r '•) ; I* ■ h ’ profi: ir- . !. :e ,k'e insur ' t for •V J r;;i” 1 't;'ir. V 4i ic. .ri wit iiu ‘jO days after Fr: Jaa'v 1**.50 he T>’ibli'' is referred to ; ’ Sta'-’, and to j Ll.L. .'“’.'-etary, li»!ei.h. t. J. I '. Ll^. .Vijent lit • r .veti.-vill.*. N. C MTT' .>4V ,■ Ca'»■ il iu ] w Q V U li . h*».' r\ «> ti*5:TT£n I i.>1 t;: NoiO' k!’ J i- ; ot^^r is.-'f. K. h I 0 ' Id (ill 5;.!.2^ r: :to S-o7,*«8-o • >.077 ^b fc.’Z;*-'. th, ■‘ .teiiili, •• “ K- i.y'.o C:yi, •‘ A.l :.-inu 1*1jw, t P. W il.iiiuc'cn I'J F »ti;';», “ fve iv'- ('yve, ‘•Whue Hill, “ Ebz^bita, Ft . reel Hall, •* : .-.jt.o abov«, ^ OB DKCK. r ■ . rt (Jove, » . te If.i’, A . i'. ;;.•■> lb ve, • r I'l^'i.-3. ng.'ri t:iist 5 20 00 iu 00 3 >(' II 00 ■20 00 510 Ol- 6 00 7 (H> >( 10 LL !•■ 1 -1; ' ' '.n •• 2')' ol L> u ti^e L\ND bt.-. ... n : • . H-ix. ■. v. .-.5ui”.i' '.J lO icr H. r .• ti .e t„.i a i '’:;u n T -re ve :r :■! I) .. . ':ij il :• .jry u’ p.;; 'T-r Sj' .i'. TuP ' i:o.J Th‘i li'jo ■'.'•r. s of f ■ •s re..'.C i • Tii''TTt ;H J. ':»■ “ Litif, ** . "t*: 'ercj.^ ^,Ii be ?oii i*ti Oxt \ii ir. y »ia 'Si !j c ;6i ' WIL'.lA'J GRtGOc.y. Ai - N v r22. 1)^3?? t!3 5:.-i rxi^. ’•i d y. „*. FOR THS OBSF.RVKR. OALDWSLL RELI.':F ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the citisens of Caldwell ooHBty held at the Oouft Home iu Lenoir, on Saturd*f Nov. 2l3t IHfi.i, On motiou, K. W. J^nes, Esq. was called the chair anil Pr J. M Spainhour appoint## Seer»?tary. Tho chairman explained the objects of A* meetiiifr; “Tlie relief ot S lidiers’ fauiiliea,” m»4 on motion cppoit)tt*d a Comtnittce of At# •• dntlt resoli’.'ion? Hiii report: Tlic chairrann ap- j)!jiuteJ R L Patterson, i‘Nq., ('ol J. O. Ilarptf, SV' A. Bidlew, n. (! Hauiilton and J. M, Coalf., Esqra l)urin? the time the coinmiiteo were out, tk« u*.'.'ripliitn list was hruu^ht t'.cw.ivd, and act* wifhstaadirj,' the incietxi»i ot’ ti)? 'veather it v s f rand thitt luorc rhuii i iur t!lou^ulld doUan i.’ce'i .-^uli'OribcJ Tl'C cuiiiuiittoe retiiipod and were repr*?«ent«d by 11. L Patters, n J- 1 in ;i very appropriat# 9'f(ire."'«, g'-tting forth ?he hap, j t fleet that our und Tt.tkidg W':u!d have i- the anuy and at 1 o’.ii’ ic Ali>r V ' ;t:h the loUowing preamble an I ) c-5.)la:i ins wer..- ;iUoptcd: Th-' A.'Sociutlon about to be formed bhall be known aj the •‘Caldwrll il'Uof \ssocialion.” Tiii: operatiuiit- will cuimueiico .^o soon as the sum ot T.'fii TliOU.'and J)».llari fchall have been sub- snribc'i in ^ooi faith. Tfifi purpo.sen are to r«- iievr the dt^lnutf. v^hen-vef found within the liniits our (’ounty, but most ei*pecially to care for the familie.s of oui brave soldiers. To tho n'i-donj of the ofEcers of rhe A>.-JOciation will bo led !-uch oth#r aeUs of chaiiiy as they may iicc-'^.sury and ap|)ropriate. M ’ St benevolent astiocialicns voluntarily formed are toLuporary. Perseverance even in w«ll doing ii not a tshiuing trait in human nature. We pro- ‘ p j?o ro inuko this a.«sociation an ex jcption to the : gonerii! ru!*. r . .?-tah]i->!i it as a T.ioniianent inad- ■ uui'-r, duriax 'ii'^ vT>ir. Wo 'hort-ti.rc cill upca ull iT'x' •' tiii'U to aid Its; wo invite tlie co-op*.raMua u! t.':c ll 'Ijie vi’(>mcn of )t;r c'^; wt demand i:i tlio name of ju-^cico ai.d Laiiiuriity tlie asiisUno# ■ f oar c jutjty c'ur'; a;i'i tinaliy we invoke upon jiir J 'tiiotic *-fT.irt.“i tiie blessing of Almighty God. Orj 1"»I'zaUtjH.—Th'* (Jiiicers of thid Associatio» , shaU conni>t of a i'r.sidenf, Vice Preuident, Treas’irt'r, Secretary aud f"iur Directors. The ; l>r''!.'d:'iit Knd Vice President shall be ex officio I members of the Board ot Directois. 0* •to AOTIfS::. rUE .a*»?r;>-r ( f.r s^'.o L's PLANTATION. I CiJl iC‘ w;'.b 'JJo or 2 O^.Tre.-. *'f p!-j..’'fd / L-* ;■ . aoC .a .Ttie .■ a 1 v ^is^f oilf" * *. ‘ oi ;ubr.,\v f-'**- I R. « 11 13 -on'' ■ j ij GU’ boUj*- lJutia of t'ue PrtsiJent—The Presideirt shall I profeide at ali meetings of the association and whoa present at all meetings of tho Botrd of Direotora. lie muit exair.iie aud ?ign r*.'! ovdors up-'>n the 'reii.'?u.'";r fjr ci her food, cloi.tung, or money, and Fr vui Wilmln(?i’>u i'272,i6o t)l ■ •?3 pro;jij)ily, an3 leir prr’iii'i'Ti netcs. t >y>> ! GF ) 1‘ A C. A. :b. .'1 -r MIT- L KLu (O. ' ' \ CO, v.»-1 , ' iViLI ;8bl. VI..I t ■ ; .iJ 1 >r 1 pi .-nt rtux u^/C 6 pisr '-Ol ij *-i 81 ■» u 1 > 11 ■ iCil tj LQjl ti J'.-, ii '/i /. •■, lie n.; . y fll ll J 'a n. »ic 1 •i- . I. .▼ »a .j .• iriuni'y tc 1 ni ■ '■ s'-i.i ii ■ • t. lu,.'' . iU 1 u '.sr M •■'i:: r. K \ \ . ’.! i . 16 00 2(» &0 flO 00 6 00 ft 0(t 10 00 . r I'.-.-i l^'i.-3. ng.'ri t:iist ^u-y uu lew. . iei'it ^ ti'iy full p:;.'o or “tiiue Fir.^t Ciivss Ali I'XTA ctiav;;? wi;i te mile for W*v F'aisen- j.Ci' gefiui; lU'.o Uert IS daring day tiuie, .'in d for o:iH- .'Ving A B.riti witu tneir bouts or shoes oa, at the uist retiou v! I be C i.pi»'i' J. A Vv'Ol'vTU, fjr C. F St'ni B't Co. R M Oi^KL\L, . ir .'•t’re K*te and Sun. I. y LClTEULOH. Nov 2d, Idii^. 84-tlJ -1, It Wo .S L-- V> iL 'jlA .LS I::.! .1. D. hii Collin ! :uj 2' 200ii K- Ht>iv l.eatlier wautnl. ■ r - i - .. V ll liunc'*. c'I LL LE aT FI E’.. «i' • Aorlv t-' i, Y. 4% .* jjANi NOTtd of {Soria Ciiroiiua, S)at!i Caroitna, IJ Vi.-giniA oni'i oeorg'.*. Alno, ^olln ■ .*! undi bi*. per cent. Foa table No'-^«. N'-. *1 C^r!»i:u-* BiX (>**’• cei-t :. .■. t ii.a-: ''t. '.I,I lU. J -f 'ut^rlicrd, il-i I, j- g'-in. nen, 'l'~'»Tci;ag Agoata .'ilO »' '..TUS. 21- ilillsboro’ Academy, - X , ■ — I >a will be- oa A’.-i..' • I ly '?;> • j I 1 . 1 r c. 'oa...: ua. ;u ; . I' .i .. ,A, to •’ ■J ''VM ,\l' G *RD=>N. .S ip’:. V 2!. 1^0 5. M :l.a Vt- C i R R It. ■ >u r FLI.ING -c i '■ a ce cur bou;:*-3. e ic'i r-i fartbormore mcst aid with all his ability and in- . f 3'z ■ »'\dr*. A.t'i"'* • rers; Owtrfniejit t"> C'i''.’’ | Jq carr'yini; out ihe obiecti of tbo as^ooia* J. P. McLAUUlS. • ' ■ ^ •’ Dic’r 7, !6r.3 I xAotice. j '"piIE .Su*-'?oriber havir.^ q ialtfi?d a? Executor of the 1. l%!t W.ll Tai ata u> of l-t iain (,»rv«r. Bst’r, 'iec \ Lerehv gires n.-.iop to i»ll pfraoB* ^av‘u}f cl'i-i.e Kg\la6t the b^ of liin Testator, tc prcs-nt tLe.m with • thv I'nif* r ;pcrir>^d by ) tw, or !a:s ii oe will bf p' .'ur J .-ii- rvc V. \ : H U McLE.AN, Ex r. fi'uB’ilrji- ,\oiice. j ''rilS NE0ROE.S bMoi.ji T '? liii. Estate of tli.-Ktv 1 1 J^'i'»iqC' v r, J»o'j '.ll! b' ii’re 1 Mti' ^'i! Tatrsdsv the o-n J*'/ .' Tji.-xi, ht ience of -Mr-^. L A ^V, 1’i.rvir. r. r n~ l,'.ii ku)*’; n r'.nj:. A dcLFAN. Ki r. P . r.9, l'^‘'S h ASI^lS.'^'l^iTSiA 1’5«\ K. •: 1-:-JC I u- . > V ' a i. - r : X I. *in iti • '■•'i- -i » ■- -'I*:- ' .\uj ;'•» ll :• 1 "c j ■ •, riv (« n io I r- Hi:l>^ r/, .N. C . N. V : i>A.\u iiOLLI.\i.S\Vi)IiTtl, (r«rt*r a*iJ i’o.5ir«iivioa jiorciia’ic, favi:tti:vili.n:, n. c. ^^J^ILL (^ive promp. !*'tvaiiuu lo all busmsss entruitfd 7ttf tiou Jjui'ifi of Vic9 Pi egid^nt.—In case of tho ab' i Bence, sickness or death of the Preiiideat, tho I Vice Prcaidcnt shall act as President; he ghall ^ moreover perform tsuch ether duties as the Froai- ' dent uray at Ms di^erctiou atk at his hands. Duties of th-. T' t isurer —The Treasurer aball ho a gc-jti K-* k ‘Otrr. of u' doubted integrity, : and of tried iu iho performance of ! duty. He fh.iil kcej. a booii prepared for tho purpose, and shall enter fully nrl faithfully ail iits reoeiptsand disbursements. He fhtili proTide far the sate koepiag ot all ■ cluth'.nj^, either matiuluc'ured or in tlie or;,^;ii;ti j,i. kag^; of all the nunrys, and all otiier pr -I'C’ty ■ f ue -.:?.«ocia- tion whicli muy bo cinru-l ! tj Hi* ctre. lla .siiall notify th*.‘ I’rc.-^fd* n; / .*'1 /' Cf'ip*a, snd IS £‘X ’. ,nt M ’o:> t!i»? I'r-'bKieiit’a sh;tll p.iy out n' Vj .j're.-’d>-nt .•j, w’len acting in ;ii reo ' r uive a l.n)nd for tho If »o 'us t'ct. 2ti, 18i>d. u i y. Ci u-.J i Town of ! Gl-ViU .. t 1-. 1 '• Co- » jr-?:.~ar.’ Ni'f-n . FiiiidAlde;) “ «n i j.; Bjh-'b, old aod new: iii :;rl •.111 L> .;U'iS; • -ville linn i'; t -d Cernfioatep; Skn l 8 pr;r cent, lioud-*; I.. 'Wiij UOO 1 ji»i; * 'i ^!il Cuunty Bonds; - ■ (’-.r :liua 1> .n I-*; T, S. LUTTEP.LOH. 71'. A tu« ; •'f ■ ■ w..:i i i. -.tb’. aa» t J r.nyelieville Afscnal and Artnory, i ,N‘JV. 12, lotid ( gjotW'S'v. n’.'tiileil, !.»;> itilleinrii. • -i. e '■. ?a -i ' in- 'ii-. K ■. I-t. ’ re _r. th,m ^ K. • he t iiio vrcsori; vd by l.i**'. or tcis uo i>.e w..l bepl-'ad- ed in If*.' oi It. ;r re ov. r>. L. A. CARVr.U, Ad.a’i. KCUl'lTKli N'vrU^K. 'pnE Nci-rro 6i.w.i ooi- r;g n.: jo the E-v.e of tie Uis* A Mrs Sar'kh ■♦Qu iJu I'f, aec’J b- hire* out a‘ to.j resideuci* of thv> sjb3cribi»r on Tl'ESUAY the 5tb d =r of Jaa y n xt Teria^ uade kQO*n • tmi?. the sum of L A. W. CARVER, ■'!'? iri;i Ann Builer, d-’o’d. 89;s prc, I J v lt :u:rt worn I .;!JU .1 .VI. F&yeH-e^i •ug. 1'-^. I’aaisera. x\ 0«t. ;2, r ' Span Co:‘o:i i-lxfhanged hr hfinh | p(i} tri ’iii for LARD i V a«.i» ■ » i Cotton Var** ioa* Wool. OTlLti 18 uno.^y “'i .iii.'ri ini. i> o (except la 0 iscS wlitre a.*v>: o..r£>iiEi.“i tor 'V ;oi .icco- i- f. lo 'luc tertL;6 01 .'ur ol the •'!0; i ot »y, vliich •'■lu'.ij ftf" now r-jvoied,) wo w.ll give I buu r ot 1,011 ..n V*. n 1" r 1 ot Wool uu or w .. .ioi ii. i p!01'v 1. i j'-J c’u \ui:e IS maa': *t itie ri*ace ol till. '.J ; »ritiiu.i'«ier at la or lc: t .* . »-* i. • irTiJa of cxoQia,-# anitoria tnr..-u,juoui. ;iic -i-y. GfcO. W. WIliLLWIo a t.O. >■ bye!/fill", Jurfl 2'>, lfil33. 4iif C';ll iJ j pHoTOGKAPH j i, Caii'.-i'./. iLiy ' ;i f- villi?. .N. ': ; '■ :: I oolor.-i, o:. I I • .'• : j iyji«?, '.ifl vn>;i>t_ ; i j j>. to >li>‘ Art. j ii)?c. G .-■ ‘'.r ■*' ry ! ,r ‘ liii-' ips. ■' >■ i '.'n I i' ^ ' iij.-rit.H. "t ( I I (i.ic ooloii' i l'h'.'.;:rr:.. n . : i. ! i (ifcfui^ pert-i.'iaen../ i )•:»!?' i yoar paitouu;'e. 1 d t.i.-'u i. i.i .11 V^.j, irj lell’p Sliylipcht ■ !3 Vard, Fiiy- 'li'' t, :a wut!T '. lil 'o ;/.o, Atiibr'i- .i-i- ■■'lyn,-: of l*ictu:i- iliit t'r'i n'"-, Uilt .Moiild- t ■■.H—4.V(‘ H U; V.y .Sii . ar;' Mi- ( ir ? lRf> K.4U A \:> B» F . -I y ViT • f-ui A. .M L .*le 'll Di) I .1 ujl' A. >1r,LAL I'Li.N , tii-tiniwd OiS.3.«£> I'Oil iuUi-i^'io:^aji.1 iju?c * *fc^'a tuo A^eucy >■.* i”- ..J -rj W 3. F vrr;,r i Co P Gnna .StOKf'i, , '• Qow a iiA id Tunuiog i: ; ia iiionc.s tu t> tt'Fi ^y il .i.-".d c;;:i bnva oiZiiid \riMted. Per". • ill cone-p/..d wi'i ■iK' .;iT *or c.irL. Life r^n piciiiris. Ler“ 1 -‘-./pe to laeri! turn n'.y »•(«: jer" t a'VT'/s > for ti:- . > ‘--i ;i.i p.i'f :iv ‘.enio Ated on 0.3 iicrctol’oie by ^ I i>if, gjod pl^p!e of Faycttevlile -ind vicMiity. :• ..• i-s Mi-. ! . C V. V'N->rshell. VUIIKJ i It L'UK.) U 1 V ill I terv : .1 . ..• rt'cruitb . « ii .‘ OJlV.-d L-:r : !•: 1 D fU'Ii’ -ii • . i .v; .1 -iO . ::'o , ^ /■ernn.sjioh > u ird'.tii , wut’ c Uteii gn.rit*- i,o’up..'iy of lue ■'ir Ue .Moiiriied IVtliin n ii.tico is here y giveu oi lUtJ 7iun conscrints will b re- Eij'i rfct'.l.i *ili bf quired - h ^rae. toi' wiiii;h he wiil be ;il- a_ I ills ;•->> i-l- f ' r c.i uta. ! (.J iC'pir-d troin ^'ir‘iiis or .ijipt.O'iiit is uii ii*T tr.c c >ur npt blank J k T b‘-d Adm'\ Deo’r 11. v;-‘le of » IJ C.I.. ; ...;;y C .urt f Cumber- oou i- v» il)t? wU /''ihcr, A.-'iijriiips.on* r ftp* V-.'.n fd f jr S'-id , a>v xt'03iMo ; ubhj at itie l i* r i-M'C • t Rob’-'t Mj’P iii, d. c’d: kaowi a: tbeo d ••F.-'A Uiif mi^l-r g lui /nfie ll.‘- -v-o , (iu it'o 611 dvy J i^’> ii 'Xi, iSLV li. • E :U )Eri, I iti"-- t I. I r\.>;. ; o I ». 1.1 ill i I. 1 •’ ri 2 I - !:->• ;i b.t A. i. J M-l'iJ \1L. C >Tu'r b'j-i-p i . c*i 1 '■• y 40, 1 g'll 1-5, 1 glii Fach rccniit in i-»: 11 wiia Li .V 'ill . 0 • I ', .• . > I- .11 lin. \1 \'ri';;K'V P. f.^VLO;’. lit tho -■\r- K CiMLdS. M j r ' S A. C...u.i'.' P :.>t. A;'p'y to C--ipi Ki-Il.-.l bOt'i Tt.- n-r’r ‘iO, 1 Proprietor 77 «t -I' s’iort uoiice j6 111 wi:i( oi Gfiad at . tic • L.t“ un U iai|?n3'J, wau will or at AiJcrrtus eSale i wi!? V :2' ».'i u:s per pounJ for ra^s, or ^ iiigii -it lu^rgel price ;ay ij.ilis ->.i Rjiika-h. dciiverei in D. MURPHY. OUiJ>A>CE UKPAUTMc-M, ( i.v i.iOH. N «.., >i»y S, 1803. J LF.AD wan 1 lu. —I wiBU 10 vurs'i-i'e for this ilvPiiri PiTMon“ Luvin-: iar;?i.* 0;‘ '■Piftl! qii'^R- iui pi.ii -r r'y tit ... Wi.i tf-vi* I p'.'uud t,-. PyWLEU .or 10 iOJ. !=• ot LKAU ! ; 1. L* : C. A. eju ^ \i c irg- .f O; iu in .-e »il oii-.iiS) y '-)::r> .y _-rit I*., ;f u.'-vitoa GLO. W. Fiiys'-i-. «;lic, May 27, 1*03. wa 1.1 AMS & CO. 32-tf Ai’i;.-.. ^UK sn''" . * tlie CO'ir. siiBib'.riii' ' noti®*-.^ i r {.rMOHt laeui v» tliji aotKC w'i’ i H r%'oJirr. at ■ I''.’•ill, : r b”i..Di, qniililied .*- Ai- f>f >»e’.li G. >lc>ieill, den’ i, . I • agtudsi the Ebihi: to ■'^d by law, otherwise u bar of recovery. Debtors- are reqa.^'il^.d 10 tj ike pro'?-pt p.iyineiit. 'lEOTOR Mf.NK . !0 1- NKII4L, Adrr.’r. “fi. * T li: WIX8E PKi^lKK, A ^nrtV*' Ol! Tu lA U Marok T. ‘ *»• > iivj.VUA' 1,L-J Ail ■ 1 •■. r. ii* P-'f -•’ JOtt- u. BL & CO , A daxiugum, H. 0. t-t# i^aisBiu fi»L*ai;s. i'iiil auboei'i'.>t-r pity tuc uig'acst Oiisa prioja lot ' A *ny quaatity of Pilma Ctrisii J. A. . ^ , I- fir tf 4 T r-ja-jit a.jd i r 0 «v:u;- u ;e of iu- A tt... •>■■■- uul-f .s .' I i.'.M i-> O 'ii:A all tJ»c oi.irasoi dectatrd i*a'i difch'iraot so.aior.*, ana 01 tolsnrre ‘in furlou(jh, .taal iB'iy be p;..o. i n a;s haaJs. Ua'Viag nad aa cxperieaco of near 20 year^ la prose- ctitiag I'Kiias aguiast t.10 U>nifd Stiti4 Goveruiuer.t, ti8 #ell i*3 »|>aiQst the Coafcderata S'ates, ho is perfectly lamiliar with evOTy variety of ol'iims, and can make a*j oarly oolleetiofl aa the large number now on file will ad mit. A mttd?T.its feu will be oUarge i to oover oo?, po8iago, »U*tiuu*r>, i.0. Ap; iy iM Ljrson «r tdJress by Ijlter, J.NO. M RO^iE. r»y-;!;ih, N C, Oot. H, 18'.^. i-': "^lod 0 it K, FOES aEAT. V jbe 1st J .n'y wih ».>- r -uti i p;it)licly at the market Qoti^'i ^o'lii dweH'j'g house and lot on the north *■•81. comer of (be Court. Hou=e eqii'ir'.—On Rowan Htr!ei A uouee coniHiutug • wo rooms on Gillesp'Pi street Also the otlici* at (ae bridge known as EcclsB’e otnoe, and j a lot on tlio creek McLAURIN. Deo. 14 8'J-tlJ s. Nor, T.’rm. IH .'J of R . jeM n c Mill' . .I.-.';.-.; 1 ill is w ic*’ dut; iiicrecn tor the P-.c r 14. li'G'i jilalc oi Siaa ROBE>-).^ t OU ' i V. Cnu'i oi' PleA'? .tnil (j 1 S »-i •'> OS ■.■o i'-u. Reiib 1 K.ri? rf = r;If rc '.d .i! la op . i'.jur. i i.-> ! •.e pr«iix'iPS to ?tii or luj i.ixe^ vear 1-H2; ’ 8-3 .^cr.-8 listodby F. C '•V'vtsf'n, Cum Sw.icnp, t«x 23; S50 .HC1V8 lifted bj J » n>-9 R A‘»hii y, H Swtoip • 1*1; 100 H-^re:* lixird r-> R j!-''i-i.'n Sin^l ;.ry, E’lZitieiti rofl, 2 ?.2; So a-r.'.- iu-*-..' i by J»-'i Gr.iriaru. Gf nge’s M>rs , «a O'S iF -m ;‘i'-vi'-‘at^o.) g9-t«] -V. ::Oi^L\I>f>. n.'ri j( ' -I' 1! b tire duty of ■'.V us {.iis.'iUle alter TiVS 3i"?S C. T. aJlCH h S0S.5' STUBS FavoHcTi sSe, 'V. OT F«» -SAI.E. 10/lU ACRES of PINE LAND in HaraeU county, A,/wUU 3 uvt* iiboj' . q'Ji di3f»atbetween Upperand L.)«vor Litti.1 Riv-^r.«, brin^ -ibou' 3 tailes from each, cn tttrt VVot'. sid* of tho A'.kiJS Ri.iJ. -^pply t-o HUGH .McLEAN, I’uie’a CrdPk P. O., Hara-'tt Co , N- C. Dea rl2 lSt)!{ 8^ ^w T WAATi^a# : t - p y.; .r ioo4, ^ lua a libcrAt prii;c will b; pa. "HE U.NL''i^':IGNI'L', botb hiivitig entered the mili tary pcrvice of the CAafed^rate States of ,\aiei.’ioa, hercbv give uctice to their oM cu^tomcra «d fneod.s, tha' tht'y have appoiut.ed John D. .‘’t i^raa.l J"'ha]>.>?, ol this place, their attorneyp to collect -.’^■'er fifpara^e'/ cr coajoiiiily all nione/s dus t!icf*i -I'l^^r ty •v-jcoui;'- or note, ;i.nd otberwH'j to at'ead toth.'Lrbu iiiaees generally duritig tiieir ab«euo?. Thry rcf-po^'t EQIIITA' J^ALE. By virtu ! of a D^u.-c ot t*>e (’ouri of Equity, obtained at Fa'l T 'roi, A D IbS:^, I wiil offer at public sale, .V the .Market in Fay ttp.vll.e, »i»* Tuesday the “I'ly of Dec^tnb•^r lSo3, the RLSIDEN*'E ot the late My!3 M »ry i>Iuri^3vv ^iluato ou Ptirsoti dvra^t iu siiiJ Fu^ra, .idj.iin’ii^ t j rcsiltace >f Duacau McNeill and Nirs M iry A F.iUsr. Ter ^s oasb. W; A. HUSKE, C. & M. E. Dec’r 8. ISr.S BSls i I W 1 tuu Ot&e«. Amo a gooA Hof’r »0, JbCa. y^ir ca* COOK, t^r fuuy ask a’l persouij 'udebtc-l to tbeui to caU prowpi ■a.d. AdAofcs r, at ly i^a possible on thtir agcala fciid nyise paymsuc. 86tf t Sept. 13, iSeii BTA&& tt WiLUAMS. iS-tf l»OTA’*:2i. »;.\SKr exVii q.ivli:., 1-ra« ntiida POTASH cn /CO baud, p it up .u v>£Cri’ent p^ck^Jjes of 3 to 850 lo-* ef'cb., :ji:*d^ 'u Kiohiuoai coua:y by a party whi> un- ■Jfcrsl.uids the business. Orderd are solicited. WOaTK & CO , Agent*. Wilmington, N. C., Deo’r 8, 1863. 89-19tpd WAA'TEIJ, I 1 MA!? to take c^ a-gc of a Carding Room in a' Cot i A. toil FaC ry. Aj>ly at t^iia OQice, by not* aJure?8ed to SioD. & Dfc'r 9, W>o 88 1 »trd AEtiii^O HIRE. 1 WILL HIRE OUT on S.ATURlT.vY tbe 2d day of j. J.iDuary t8^. at the late residence of Wiliiam Ma- Kay, deceased, c^“>’ ?’^ral CoU“s:e, R jbeson ooutii . all the Nugroes bt*' -...r n'> •-■■' said fstat ^ for the year l>64. At tLc same 'N'i'’. ^iace I w'.U ssH to the highe-t bidder two or thr ; • ft>.ly. !i. (;roes. Pi-rsins wishing to hirQ or purobapc ’ ii woiiio attend T^'rtns at sale All perwoiifl hi.v.iw claims agiiasi said estate will rilease present them oa t*iat dav. - \1. iioRAE, Adoi’r. Drc n, 1868. b9-tld;J ~ Egypt Coal Si inc. undervga^-d T7?rs, at t;;o VoveTber T: ••a if tbe Confederate Court. D;?»not of Nc»th Ca ?lica. ap- poini.e i Matiager;! of tbs Egypt iJiue ■»v.'*tj. 'ird hive fptrrcd i*:fo ccpartcerphip ^or t?e p^.' of cnioing and sciUcg Coal, and solicit orders for ■.* tan;* in any desired qunutity. Orders for any auiO'jni cu. •>fe su.'''-i®d O'a BHori notice. The Coal from th' - '-ro Ti»r(y i«» undoubteiily the beet in the Coafed*raiJi 8tat»« .\rT'i’'‘i'5oi.s !T' y - B t"-'- e N 0 er Cbr.>l»pt'n. 0 CUAP.Li:S B. JAM'.S iiKOWiiii - 9otf Fayette dlle, Jtui’y i\), 1»03. Rlan Wamatjialn for 0^*p "luof, or i;: ! laowj Or f;i’thtui I), if^i Ot his duty in t VO thou.^and dol'ars, sigtiei by two good and sa3i i?nt securities, and apjiroved by the Presi dent of the Asbociation. iio si.all reocive for hii servict'H -4 per Ci-nt. conimi.'"'ioa on his rcceipta, ' and '1 ji-;r cent on lii.s di.-burseuient^, tu be paid ! cvcry three months upon order ot the President, j lie shall make out a full statement at each of h^ pay days, of the rcsouroe.s ot tho .\980ciation, and j a f’ull fist of the receipts and di-ibursenient^, speci- ivitig in each instaace the object for whicU paj- inont was made Jjufiis of S‘'ci>‘A iry.—The Secretary shall re- c.ird in a l>ook kept t.>r the purpose, all tlie pro ceeding.'of the mcetinirs of the Association, and tlie niectitJi:s of tho 1» 'ard of nir;'Ctor.-^. It 'thall be hi du'y to k- p r.'cid »r '11 ii^t-. returned liv til-; 1>:T'.'• r l.iw ;i.l or i*-rs of the Pr >i'j O' !i . >'! ■ . it T. ail i’lstruetioris to '» «• Di. icr-'.r wi!!^ '.1-. r- ileshahalso kt’i^p a ooiTf'c; ii-‘ : I ■ -’ii)-i;:'iher.-J to this .V^»o- • ■i.itiiti; aii'i p.’ti »rui 'Ui‘o 'ili r Jtitics as the P:L-'iii;‘n! may rcjiin' ; I; .> ■ lie shall .V' for : i- .'. rvic:.- ^ ; u ^ oi iuce hyndred li -lliir-wpr-r ;in-iuiii !)u>'ps of !) r,'cfor^ • ticii ( >■ rector to obta.u organization ot ibis A. .ioc.citiitn, a complete and j correct list ;f all th« t./.it’ers, cither volunteers i or conscripts', living or (lei^r.-ase-l, wlio i^.ave been enlist"d from thtir Disri ict, t' l»i..rn the number ' ill tacii of the'tr fa?n i *h »r condition a? to eu:iiiry nuan^, and their prob-ible wants, 'f j any. lie is to rep.^rt this information at the first I nn'f'iing of tbe i);rectors or a.^ soon thereafter as I practicable; and if there be any families in ades- I titute condition, requiring the aid of this aseoci* I ation to prevbut them from suffering, ho is to j report the saine, and the Pre.sident will order the j Treasurer to furnihh such supplies for that Dia- ' triet as he and the Board may think necessary. It shall be the duty of each Director to reviso and correct his list monthly, and also to includo I in hia record of destitute families all perions like- I ly tj suffer, who are in no wise connected with j the army. It shall also be the duty of the Di- 1 rectors to fix a reasonable price, considering tha condition of the currency, upon corn, wHeat, bacon, leather, wool and co'ton yarn, and to appeal in the ramc of p.arrio*i>tn and humanity to thc.prj- duoeri of these artt*;k*h, to eell their surplus to this A'^.soci itibu at the prices 6x«d by the board. Tho I>irecti)ro, aided bv the President, will colleot such supplies at suitable pointH, and distribato them as before provided for Khctiom ami .\lertiinjs —The officers of thia Association shall Ue elected the 3d Saturday of 'Novembr'r. In case of failur*; to elect officers at the r-'gularly app'.intod time, thi- I* "rd of Direc- •■ors iiro to oon'ir-u • in otni" • u t‘ t’;* ir rucces- sors caii be .iloctew, a’.’d in ui "ao lime it will be their duty to elect temporarily ^^11 th* othor officers. lCon4ud4d on ith prigt ]