mmsm tiie tu M\»t 01 lt‘S»or cut io i di«- 1h r«ut ter shall 1st ot nu a«- !it*red at time; t ijii&r- l^?■.■9or, deliver im d ba ilie one lirjt ol •i e«- ii U, ot t..d Gstiu at-h per- »*ii vuiae ent„ to bd xA(, uext «r tarmor ibis act, I'.e erOBB and tax- iL- money I't'ves, it tlio v;tltte i«tiiu&te ot •‘m icuieut cf' 111 pre- a ->u eacU 'c s >old 111 ;e tBli- Uivlvle the t iiilO two I t^u.-uter- »,s paid tor ibuti'-n to u3', and tor cuts of the shall tr ui each e July au- ai Uio said bled a hia lall I'ur- luditor s«i- ujj a cuarge r r ;oclvmg -j'jiy :*r the ne is bound Couicdt raw er shuil ba les f iuocd ia If wj show- uuavuids- d to ibe dis- leir r fxMpts. SO ftate thtt eivuii; from t ut taxcii in rep ifi ut cha oi :tr may e { • quar- le vUA lu Kind him M' ai'ore- titi f jiieetor )s warr^at aa- ijit t.icretor, C cOil?L'l:yr a:i u il> (sAid ^iiv pu.ruai tjii'^.-rscd on to the ih-j receipt ux coilcct- \* heu ihe p.iyiui ut vit the .1-pot ad .j lilt: ageiitfl t! c.iusist uc suitable > u buch , -cribe. iC cl the uok for dapos- !,ji' di- o shall r as he It nail- i o. i.jfy tU' - -VUUid jt u.' tae ar- tci b. I ceivea lii. -reia- cuUl " iu said ie ol cai i urti- ljC r^>}UU'.. i in u.i hrst year, and bo ■ft.- • ids tut I cu ’ *dCs, uunu dcU tCau» lu i A bp tb3 all .ii D ihf Vh tl Jlltct umi ti'om jiial >tat I or bi .ic |i i tlC! ler ry -a 'i' t' pi 0^ i uo tax . proletJ- i- .ivor- aiotriot, aud the 0 chief r ui the or biiis, tai - i'-iid .join- . iti'uro- ;ctor guar- ■ ,jr ad- - *1 JilS"* S' in . ver ■ -iuy d all i iifed liiuQ' .■ thoir- aad h* -fy person Ittxu hiTeio ■=r ‘ t^ies or [>r ?>erty htr ;i ]iu;jpitals, &sjt hail be oi ^hia ;es ■ ury i.u, aud Til' V ;vnd r uia aot| ..a alter luvi tuA.08 flhui Uu lo" |«ait 1' in the iud tuf the ,ii ba naval sto es, [r a^ricjita- 'cc«cd- ioa ! t, , for I§B»II-WEEI£X1' VOL. xm.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 4, \m4. [NO. 1294.] PRj.VTKM MO:Sl>A\S AlSU T?!UllSl»AYi. EDWAIIO J. BiLE & SOllS. El TTORP ANU PROPRlETORi !»!*•* f*r ih« «mi W«*fViy OntsaT** T® *0, pw'i r nr the $BittBTiis $4 00 p*r aanua, pal4 la ! ; ■ !>YV'R')'li^V;^Mf?!TS iiuert«d for Sfl p«r ■ ivar* frf 1ft lii.w for ih« first, aal eua dollar for mlsJi Mt- J rjul'licMian. A lv«rtisem«att not «xt««diac a > bft,!:' tqaarc I'.iif*) SI f*r th« irtt and 60 «aett , «uoowdin|; pnhlicili«n. Ady#:tiMr« art r*- ; ^«sta4 t« Htat« th* nunbnr »f ioarrt^oat diMirti, »r ' fccT will b* ooutiuatid till forbid. >va4 #hargKi aocord- ! AdT«rti8eu*«Dtt Mutiuasd rrnitU, eJ&arfcad ac sair ad- ! Tfi^COI»BU. lf»iml Yeredi f«aale Sfniiiary, I At It. Yernoa ITiceral Sprlagt, t'li»tb»ni Coautj. 1st Segsioa to oommemte 28th Sept. ! TIRMS: ^ i Higk«r Eaf. Brea«bjs p«r •mmo* df ‘i# wi>«kc, S-'iO . j Aoad»«lc OlM«, 00 I Miisit acd Paiat^^ moI|. 40 00 >' Latin. Fraaoh aad Drawiac, c&ali. 20 00 I Schoal R9ov> expeasas, 2 50. R«^ri f 50 p«r voath, ar $!• par usatk ^ paid la proTtoioat at •];) T C HOOPfR, “S*. L»wr«aec P. 0 ” 9apt 8 9fitf RAIL. ROA0. HE PBEIGHT AND PAS8EN01R TfL\INI af thio Roa 8 •' «’alocK. P M T' X Road laava FarattariHa daily, (Suadaja axnc]»tai) 'vlaok, A. M., and rctarainf laava Bc7P^ ^ at B EXECUTIVE B>EPART.TlEiirT, I xVOKTII CAROLINA. A DJtJTANr OK^ERAL’a Oi'flOR, tti'.eip!*. I Iktit, 1864. (jtcaaral Ordars, No 6 j 1 T^e fuilaviag a«t »f tha (leusr^i Adi'aQib'f af N ji'ib I Carolina is fsMibkad far tti» iafoTfnation af aM aoa cern»»a; Am A«t. t* aMBiia ax a«t im bslatiom to thb Mimwa AKD A Gdakd roa Uomr Daraxoa. 8a«. 1. Sa it eaaatad bj tba Qen?ral Aesrsibly af tbs Stats of Nortir CaroUaa, ai*d It ia kerehj etacted bj (b; »Q[faorit7 of lb* Sana, Tl:«t neithar ’)>« doveruir of thifi State, nor the afiBasra aotiag under an aai rariflsd OB the 7ih d»y of Jalv, 186^, euiiila^ ‘*An aot ta rela tion 10 tae Militia aad a Quard for Home l>efece?,” fball aai’ oat far drill er snaatar ih? paraoRS aorolUd andar said aat, afcaaar thaa oaae a mi;aih in eai&$r.av. drill, ar cftaaar tbaa twiaa a y»mr in betmlii'n drill, wkiaii battaiiaa drills sVall *aka tba pUa* of iba ecua- ]paDj dri IS far tka aimik iu rkiet tbay ara asf>jia'esl, ua!a»a wk»a asllad iota aataal liarTia? 19 rtptl ’aras'O'/i CtafefteraU Tax, Stoheioa Coaity* fpF* £ A'se^^sors of Oonied«!"Ue TiX'^fl fi>r the County of • 1 R-b’iina, w->h thfl ColJeo'.Cf, wHIm.ff'tthoTAxpay I fTF fit tie i''tilcfring tlm'?8 tind p’fiOM for the parpoaa of ^ ® I »v«aeasiuj Cattle. (incUi.t'.ug all iHlc exoept Ox»n | p7b\u!«. B q ■ j fectuftlly iiMfcd in pr.. !iicia)5 OTopa ) Aho Hor.sea &nd | -•* D>« 22. T' SPtCUL yOTICB. From au : Mt«r ihls lite, noaaniaof a aew pakseriber Trill be enteYeJ ■witbsHit psjyiant in adranoa, aor -wiU tke p^wp«r be £;nt to such euV>BCi i'>«ra far a longer iiosQ .ttiau IS pHid for. Gaan of oar old aaksoribera ai d««ira to taka tka pa- ou tbia will please ncUfj as wkaa auiklBg •euftuuces. Jan’y 1, l?5i. or sappracs iatarrasiiaa, ar t« axfaat* tka law;) .if t)«i ; ^ - - - Btata. 5 ^af-M TVmm M0N9AT, WEDNESDATaad 2a H fartkar SaMtad, TJ'al tka CaTei“nor j FRIDAY i haT« tba pawar te asa tbe On^rJs for i7oa« Da- Bt erdar . JNO. M. ROdE. ^ ^ a,->e for tba purpftita of arrastlng aoassript» atiid aa • TroWr and G^n’l Trass. Ag’t. » s«r.»rr: Frovtdti. tiie/ skali aat ba ordered ar^B ikis . Jar.. 22, 196« . 97tf Froni and data tke B^tatsar A. |«a-y bajand tha l.miu cf tk»> eouat-as in tk^y , praapfr w-h i:, reiiUa or t'sa a»un!i«fl adjaacr.i ib?rate. 1 i._ Vful's n(vt ined on farms, aud to reoeiTC th« lists of 1 joj,^ ^ orApH of corn, pota'oci^. &c.. not already listed, and ^ aluo of a’l iocomes and rroftta ai require*! bf ii»e ^tl» seetion of Tax Aot. Tae Coneetr.j* will be pr^p^red to receive the Taxed on the Tnlue oi’ Nefet t.'attle ai>d aU I'tkor Taxes due a* that tirae: Rejrsn’fl, WeJaesday Jaa’j tttb, I88i St. Paul’?, Tfcursd'ty Jr\n’y 7tb. Lr.mber Brii1g;e, Friday Jin’y Sth. R«ndal«)vil'e, S«furl‘iy Jan j 9t?» Cs'l P. P Hoiiib’n. 'tIoad»-Y 3v\'y llth ■Mf jrdiTille, Tue.^day Jan'y T!i.iiav3>n’B Wfdnredav, Jau’y 18‘fa 9an««, Tburei*^ lau'y 14!h. Bterling *. Mil's, Fridav Jan’y 16tb. 8ealy>, Sitn. Jan’y IB'.h Luiiji.r(c>n, MoaJfcT Jen’y 18tb. W’«ir«rt’«, Tu'eMay Jtn’y 19 k. 5-v>k Pw«!iyp, 20tb. Bu'nt Hwatap, Thursday J-^o’y 21st. in lax DaTrrd »ro «aip>9tl7 raqupii't^d attpsd 1 s 9%i9 out, and ftyoi4 tka petal UOOK^ OPE.lfED. WashiH'jifm.—In the year of our Lord 1790,1 !)'*^)£3 of eUBSi'RlPTIOX ^ka CAPITAL ITiOK j gtood upon the door sfpp of the couDtio» house, of U tb* LoakviUa Mia;«ir aai Maauf«atann Catepa i r k.,* A i. 1 ny w=li be oTKjaed iu,mfdiaia!y in Raleigk aader tka ! ^ youngest clcrk, when lea;ie of O 0 W. Mord««eai, *»q, aad Kemp ; Companion beside me huTriedlj said, ^here at Laokviila aader tka saperi*-j he comes. There comes Washiri>;ton.” “I looked Brjau. I N. Clag*. «'•» t up Pearl e^treet, and saw approachincr, with ■tatelv rnos. D HOG©, tread and open brow, the Father of my Country. His h^t was off, for the day was sultry, and h® anJ ^pt If. n»q President Boitrd af Got lissianars ri^tt SaSc I^’ei^roes. HI e«bf>arihor i',n Couimiasloner midar am ardar af tba CpMuty Coa t of CuiakurUad will sail at pablia j >uati»*n iu t> tcwn «f F*r9tta»>ll8, oa Saturday tka Jano^ry l)ici4, at tke Markti Hsuse, fki fallowia* li^jrro blata^, l«a tha rroi^ertj af NaUl-Bata, Daaici P-uie. Mary Buii.'ani F!a-a Buis, y;a: Raob'l, aa *lderly w^-man, Piwon. aged about 8S Jjka, •' .’ii. Dkvid, “ “ 2S. ^ Tarias nade ka»w« at aala.^' • A.'MaLJAA, Adar. it C«as. Da« 'JT. iO tM H\fl. aWcA'.f a*. Attorney at Law, Fayettkvills, N. C. WILL atvand the Caunty aad Superlar Coarta of Oaaiharland, Hameit, Maara and Robasoa Ceu- ’ dks. Pronrpt atteotion giva* to tke •oUaotioB af all elESim* entrasted to his hands. I «!»*?. '7. :s859. ' 68-tf ! “fiEO w7 WlLLIAMri C(rr" ^•^iioicsafe Healers iii €ar»€cric«, A.Ni) IMP0MTBR8 AND DKALERli IN j 8a?uware aad Catiery, Swedes IroQi Ae«y i HAF 8TBEKT, FAYKTTRY1LL8, 3f. U. ] Jaiy-2. IPOl. Stitf j JoirUTLEV, . %romr and V^mmUsion «Vet*c)Ui>if. FAYETTEVTLLE, N. J. | Jaft’y 10, 1S83. W-tf j JOH^^ON^wYLLfAMri'cO.. i SALT Y1.%K1:H!II. I l"S hare lhii»y (80) pan." now ia operatiaa nina asilea ; awit of WilmiKiKton. Partie# wishing to supply i AemsfwWcs wiiii salt, saa be foralshed ky applylig t« j A. Johnfoa. Jr., A*«at at Fi»yetiaviiVe. to I- P*«a, and TktmJa?. , April H—17»f] JOS A. WORTH, Af^t C r. 8tea» Bosit C»». AS3SS:V2I.f.e, -If. €. WILL opeu tba E.AILE HOTEL far tbf re ception cf Ga^sta tka first of Juna, acd I bopa be able ta aatertaia fr«n aaTaaty-flra ta a kundred parsoas during tka Saaaar. In connection witk tkis larga Hatal, I kavt a aunker •f Qaoki, Carriage!, Buggias aad Saddle Rarsas tkat ny gaeets oaa get at a ssiaata's aatioe. I J. M. BLAIR, I Proprietor Sagle Hatal, Askevilla, N. C. Maylt, 18t»3. Sl-ypd | The tws tSrais of B U. WORTH It CW-. aad W0RTH : % DASIEL b»T aoabiaad, aad wiil auntiuua the | General Commhiion and ForwArdinc latlaeM, | At tke old ftani of T. G k Ji G. Worth, as »naeassors j to that csD«era, uadar tVa atyla af WOPTH & CO. By i prompt and faithful attaatian t« basi^fsa thay kope to ! retain :be liberal patrea»ga kaatawed aa aaak wkaa do- I ing b'ulntsa Orders for Salt prtiaptly axaaatad at Market prlee. WORTH k CO W-lauactoa, 9 ff.. Oat. I, 18«t 78 Sot • WORTS. W at the works, or to J, M. WlLLIAilS, Geaeral Supariateadant. 81tf Bfiy^ttevilla, Nov 18(52. 2KAA BBSHELS wheat, ,Ol/U 1,600 “ CORN. 1 Pereons Laving tbo aboTP articlas to sell will raoeies I Cm k^'b«»at C»ah price by calling on Mr. If Thotaasoa, I ^ Merchant Mille, Fayetteville, er on the sakactl- ' Sar at his oU ptsjii on Market Square ALEX. J0HNS05, Jr. MfiY. 5,‘j86‘4. 76tf ArSiT atARIlESS. I AM prepared to mannfaetnre all kinJa ot Wa^on Bru-nsEB fnr Army uee. I tan my leather aad o»a Agents 'srill do wall to send tkeir lae as itiey cUall hate prompt atteatien. axkl «Wit e€ in ^liisk dispfvtck. JOHK CARTKR. (JoVdston P. O., CLathaa C» . N. C-, \ ' Juae 18, 1862. f UOLJB aad > CaMea MiUa. Gedar Fall*. g^e go«d bargain= OHbra'te 9P0 !f>«. «ufi« Arabic lor hy J. R. LEE. 0*1. 16. 2o r Li Slf.TI t'.T «A1.T!! ROBKB'] M1T0E1.LL 19 I T;)ai6A«;€0. RtX^Ert VIRGIMA TOBACCO, va-leusgrpdi.8, lor H«i« oa eonsignr.'ei, by GtiO. W. WILLL4.MS * CO. .May 28. tlif fliAle liCatiier wanted. OAAA keavy well tanned 8(lLE L3ATHER, «tj't»blc f-"- Sf’ting. Apply to B. MURPHT. ?a;jf*eT!Me, Aptil 14. 20tf AVantcd to Piircliate, ^T■'E^.I£!:N KAIL ROAD STOGK; »^ U w » N‘ f .-i: 4i 1 = iii! I 6i v*r, Nov!- Ti'f Notes (Ptindablr,) “ “ •• $1 ana $2; • *• cld anl t«w; County f f ('uraberlrkB'l I>'>nds; -Town of F'ijetJeville Csn^ltt; Greeaskcro’ ?1 R^d $2 Cernfioates; Oesfed-rat^ 7 and 8 r^r cent. Bonda; Cowf^OBB Ot $lc>,(HX> 000 luai'; ‘ (»f Town Hn I ('osntF Bon«is; “ ef oi l North C"»rcliaa Bends; T. 6. LUiTFRLtia. ©ct. 12, ims. Tit. B atfter Ihi*' ^S'3 S Be it t*iriber enacted, Tkat ia additian tc the P HCRT wi'l { exeil'ptieitii eoBtaia^d in tka aet t? wkiak thie leave 41 t « clock, A M , «n Monday { *mendEieBt, t>are skali be »xet»at ecuaty eaainiisaion- 3RTH. ! ^fo sppoicied uadar aa •«'>■ aslit'St! “Aa aet tor ttia re li»f wire, ^ad fp'odias oi aoldiari is tkaermy,” ref«- mitlcra, bfaokssa'tks wke kave tfs'.ablisbcd ek«pa, nMiC«arv ep^r«^lT«A f%*i5ri*s' and fom ir'a^. ii>n At tcrnay G«n«ra , Po;ioil«ri of t.‘:a sevsral aircuiii aai’ o-.Hi^ties. p^ystoUns ef ive yaars' praatlea., oontraoters Wkta ka Htata ar Coafedarate goverc.R«nt, aee edltar to etflk aawi^aatr aad tke aeo«sary aoi«peil'.eiit saail aarricra. pr«r«esora ia aellagaa aad taaeke/t ia aeade- eies; Prtviifd, tkat tkla axeaptien skatl oalj apply ta tka drills speoifad ia tkia kill aad nat ts sarTloe nkea the O iard for Horae Dafaaea is aaifad iata tkn field dee. 4. Be it t'urtker eaaatad. Tkat fer t'ai'ar* to at tend at baltalioa er ragimeital drul, eaek iald a&ser shall forfeit aad pay on« bnndrad dallara, as#t« aad Qtaer ofie>'s who shall fail to muster and drill tbeir aauipanias tka tisiea appointed, ska'il forfait asd pi^ for eaeh fvllatc fifty dellare, and if a a^a aaineiisrianail of ficar Cf private shall fail to attend at any drill, ka aball forfeit end pay net i«s« thaa ire nor more tkan twa;>iy fiTS Jeliars; ^ottded, that every aktaat«« sk&L bt a. lows'i oatil tke oext inastar te nake kis exeu*o Tks fiaftt siiall be aOjadgai ky regimsatal aad ecmpany ooariK isartial, ejad juJgmaate ara te ka aa'.ered na an tAs finrg i.:U$t]Utj ii tb« bahs taodt aad in s«a«a4&Q9« w;iii t^>a of the kliliiltt Law of North Caro lina, ;>aia*-1 %t tae Hsaad extra sassiaa of#ke Gaacral A*«embly, 1881. Sao. f> it farther rsaated, Tkat tka Strg««a Qta- eral, ky aad with tka ad vibe aad acucaat cf ’ha Go^araer, ety appeint surgical koardt, &ei exeeeding tkrea. eaa peaad a^tws pkysiaiana asefa, wko seall declare ky iHeir oeriifiraies thots p»rsaaf (rkaesaUbe extsiipi f’-tw evrviee aader tk* act to wktak tkis is aa amaMdrneat, tk attoanl «f aeital er'ybysteal ditabiiity, aad tkay sKali reeelve tkt pay ef tkeir raafc and truvellicg ex pease), u be de'eraiiaed ky the Adju art G'^aeral tiee. t Ba it farther eaeeted. Teal toe Guard fnr name Dafeaee, skeuil tkay ka Mila 1 lato serrlee b* tba Gavernor, sbsl! raaeive tke sasaa pay, raiieas aaS allewaasea aa aaldiers in tke Confe'^era'e Ste'ea' ser vise, and shall be nbjeet to tke rales aad artielea »* war of tke Confads’^te Statea Ssc. 7. Bs it further eaaeted. Tkat when tkepreesare ef paatie daager skali not prevent the observanea af suea a rule, tae said Guard f^r Hoias fttfaaea skal a>t ^ V ii sailed into eervioe tn mwt, bat by drafts of a ausa- * “® t.>eiar vaiiB ®0 >■ . pf nsea from eaak eoa>ftaieat-e«>aipaa.y, so as to Ub C«. ara aaw praparad to fUmiab, at { aake aa tba ageragate fares raqairfd. skort aetiee, all kiada af BOBBLSU.-j Bee. 8 Ke it tariaar eeaated, Taat tki« aat ekail ka QUILL*, fte , saitakla fer Woelaa afdl ia fsrae aad take efeet frea aad after its ratifiaatioa. Wad lnr#e tiaes aad ratifad ia Gaaaral Aaseakly, I tAls the 14lh day ef Deeerabor, A. D , 1P6I. I R. 8. UONNELL, «. H. C. aiLIS MkiiANi. ^ 8 ! 8TATE OF IfO&TM CAROLINA I I, JNO. P B. RO08, Scara.ary of State, in acd fer j the Stale of Nortk Caraliaa do hereby oertify that the ' foregoiog is a tree eapy of tke ari|(iaal oa tie ia tkia I oSoe. Gtrea aadar a* kaad tkis 14th Ucaamber, 13GS. , ' J. P. H RUoS, See of 8ij,te. j 11. The cowpaey d-ilis required by the 1st sactian of I tae forf)r>Lng ac: wiil tak^ plao^ ca tae etcoad 3'.'nr j vii.y iR thi* Uioniesof J*v!»a\ry, Pa^rusry, M‘%re»», vl%y, ^ Ju: S, J^ly. Auinsv, Srpieeaber, Njva.'nbsr *• d Dsacu 1 i-'e., Ral tta srilU on iho sestiud Saturday ia ; tk* "..fa*’ » bf .A}>ril tir.d OiJtukc.r. I ill T-..« .'J«» s'C’ioa 0/ liio foregoing aet is aonstrued 1 in Tsaaa laM th» piriies eniirr!er%i*d »re ex^aict fraa j irilis, apj*rehcftiiog ‘i*K«rt»ra, aad otkar ordin ;ry da'y j of ihe Gan>rd for def.usei, bat are bet fcxetcTt j frooi liutT woen vhe Qatrd for h'^me dof.-aoe is Ctilad I into eervica to ret el ir.Ti^si :n, sapprnsa in-arreatica or I to exceute ih^ Kws of ttie Siata. By ;rd*r of Qavert>or Vabob: ft C ttAi'LlH, A4jut«.st fteaenu. Dee 17, 18ft« SI 4i Ifev’r a&, 1888. J T. D. 8 POFB, ) MOKaiSON, / ifl9*«Hers. 86 5w 1 WORTH it CO., €eiQini3Sioa and Forwarding IZercliauta, Wf"^i4‘r Sirert^ WILMLVGTO-V, N. C. ^ 0«t 18, 1888 78 1-ii^ WAWTED, t«r the 3ofplUl^FtrrFUlier. POULTRY, Chiakeas. Batter aad atkar deliaaeiea for the tick SoMiert at this Uoepltal. Parsoas having tkeee artlelee ean ohcain tba ssarket pries oa appliea- tiou to tke subsariber at kis eld stand or at Mr. J. W. Powers’s ea Hay Street. &. I. IIIDI, Gta'l Ag’t. Aag. id. 6»-tf T%x XirnvK. ^riE Tex Cor'ro’ r -•-•d ttin .AaB?s».'i-s fer tka * wasty of B'vleu. w>U m."9t the X** Payers a* t*e f'«llow icg tiuM avd places for th« parposB r.f ewaessing t^e Ssat r«iftta. Hors»(» aad Males. an-J also to r^e^i^e the H»t ft T\x in tied tkat kas ».'i b*aa gi^eo is; At Haysville. en Monday Jan y 4th, 18^4 White Oik. on Tn^sday Jt*»’y 6lk. }^av»r Dara, ca Wednesday Jan’y Cth Reavos’s, on Thure^ay Jan’y 7tn. Colly, on Friday Jui’y 8ih. Blizabethtown, on Satiirdity Jaa'y 9tk. All persons'aust attend a«d pay tBeir Taxaa Tkosa falliag to do se will ka raqaired to pay ti>e p«tnaltiefl praaa'ibed by law J A. ROBBSOIf, Tax Oaliactor far Biadee Couaty, N. 0. Dac’r 14. 186? tU ttfJ » C., July », J. M. 1848 •>ILL, Afpat. »>^8apd To Cotton piautcrt. I Hays !m«q appointed ky tke Secretary of tka Trea- sary, Chief Agent for tke purchase of Cett«u for the Ceafedarata Gof;rnaent within the SiAt* of North Caro lina, aad will pay fer tke sajoe ia 7 par caat. -Bends or Gash. « Eab-Agaai^ nsliiog tke difsreat parts of the State, bayir'4; ia ay oase, will aave wnttea eertifioales of appoiatneou By ■»rder c' iha 6«ratifcry of the Treasury, all Coiten p'lrshMod by layself or tny agcots, on and alter tbu 12.h 4AJ cf Maios ISb-i, fri:; l.a jji*id for m 7 per eeut liesiiu ar aAd noi i$ >er t.'ei't. B«aout aa stit’ed tu 2. i-l.wr'-s-'n-at. th^t tim.., aoirever, th.; 8 p: r.i.'ct. bendii wili "r v ■ -d a,s sieved. i*itn^)iic 'jliizeha ar j n oSsrod .in cpp^rtnuity tc fti l viic n' hy .o .t tncir Coitoti rkih^r >san tc pr*vf»U) caoitAiiair*. L£\Y13 f? WILLIAMS. Chvlov.', Mar-»i- 24, 1S53. »•] WAi^TEO, ANK K0TJE8 of North Carolina, South Careiiaa, Vii^iniA and tteorg’i. • Also, I^orth Carolina six p«r eeat. Fundable Motel. A’.as, Sorth CitroUua s'X per ceat. Hoads, acw issue. W. R. UH.HARU80N 4 CO., Brokers, Raleigh, N. C. March 9. * 9a' w Spaa lotion Esckanged for Lard. K will giv» 8 • ta CsttoT in pKn payment f»r LARD delivered at ay F.ietory on Pcr?»n St. • A. MtfLAUCHLIH. OilL faciOTy. -A verv ftae artioie. for sale i*t my A. WeLAUCMLlN BAR AHi^ aoiL.i:': my Faeiory. rayettoTllle, 12, 1P63. —^Pt'r Buie at A. MoLAUOilLlK. 63-Soapd ORRXAVCE DF.P4BTMF^T, ) Kalbi««. N. C., Mt*y 8, 1868. J Lead wanted.—I wish to pnrehaea Lead for tkis DepartcveDt Perioas h-wiag large «r snail qaan- litiee Will plcasa apply at ante. Wiilgiv# 1 pouad ef POWDEB f9r 10 poaad.^ of LRAD. THOS. D HOGS, Capt. C. 8. tfi-if In eharge ef Ordnaioe. The i^tar FoniKlry 18 again ia fall oper^iou. Having in my employmeat eompeteat workmen, I am prepared to execute work *1 Ihif snortest sotiae ano for a oh iirge. M. A. BAIUSBT Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1888. . §t>tf Colton Yarn for %l^ool. Notice is h?reby given thiU after thiiTdate-{exeept in oaeeN irji^re we iave bargained ’'or VYooi aoourd- iiig to the ier^ns of our adrertisement ef the 80tk of May, which ter jis are uow revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 Iba. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lh*i. wasued aad pio(L;a. Tiiii ehange is tnado !i! t^’e itii.tac'se ei tk* tiu-in«irin>vi^cr at R.^lei^h, in order to j csAXe too inruin of exrib'-in^* uniform tnrouijnoat tue 8taie. OEO. W. WlLLlAkia & CO. Fayetteville, June ‘2i, ld53. 4itf (~tVd'c. cndcrgigaed ba-’O tii?r ‘‘le Ajeaoy fw lita ta'ta 1 01 .McBsrs W a. Firrar x _o’s Grind dtonea, anil have now on a»cd siias njacing fro* 18X2J iuckcs to 6 leet by 11 incltcs; aai o.»a cut at assort ootia* ANY &izSild vre.nted. P*sr80Q3 in want of GriaJ dtones will plcfVie ccrrasp^nd wiin the uaicrsigned, who will SU or'lerw promptly and funrtmui? the quiuity of the trii. M repreiwnted. 6E0. W. WILLIAMH it CO. Fiyetteville, May 27, IR6S. 82-tf Palma Ch)*i«ti I3«an«. rjULE subseriber will pay the aighest eask prieet for S3,000 iCIlSi^ OF LAND FOR »ALE. ^TiLL bs sold in Like City, oa Thursday th' 21»t of VV J«nu»ry, A. V. 1P04, the f I’owing property, p-s- AfSiriini%trator’« Notice, 'THE Bubsoriber having at Daecmber Term, 1862, of 1 the County Court of Cnmberland, qualiSed as Ad- oslQietrator upon the Estate of Neill G. .McNeill, dec’d, aetifies all persona having elaims agttinst the Estate ta prepeat (hem within the time limitsd by law, etherwi8,e this netiea will be pleaded in bar ef recovery. l>tV»«*f9 w reodeeted te tobke proapt paycieiit. HBCTOIl MoKSfU.', Ada’r De*, 10, * THE DIXIE PK1.!VIER, lUftR t>f Little A fvriimr nuepb who Wle OIL AND li'AV BLACK. TUnWERS’ and LUBRICATING UIL. 1 LAMP BLACK in bturels. For Mle by JOU. R. BL0B80M & OO., WlUklAftoa, M. 6. Mmfkr. any qsaatity of Palaa Ci^iati Beana. sj • A.. llioldicr»’ Claims. WORTH. «7-tf At the request and for the convenience of those in terested, the undersigned baa agreed to eolleot all the claims ef deeea>$d aad ditehargtd soldiers, and 0/ tolditrt on furlough, that may be placed ia hia hands. .;Uoving had aa experience ef sear 20 yeare in proso- eutifig ol&iiQB against the United St*itt Govemmeat, ae well as against the Confederate States, be ia perfectly faraiiiar witk every variety of elainM, and oan sn&ke af> early eoileetion ae the h»rge aaiabor now on nie wiil ad mit. A moderate fee will be eharged to cover o^t, pastage, stationery, &e. Apply in p*rsoa er address b? letter, JNO. M. ROSE. Fayetteville, S. C., Oct. 14, 1$J>3. 72-8mpd "ivAMTEW’* ' TO hiie fer the y^tir 18C4, a na;aber one COOK, for whiek a liberal price will be pi^d. Address T, at tUf Office. Also a good MUIAti. Kvv’r 80, I80S. 8(Mf q>jes!r*tpd by » decree r>f t''o Oon/ed^raie Stf»teJ Court tor tHe District of Florida: 20 000 aeres of Land, known as *ho FiemrniaK Grant, siiaated iu Brevard county, Ftorid.v on lo li;tn Uiv;tr, in T 8'J S. R 37 E; T 20 H, K 38 E: T 81 3, R 18 E; T 81 8, R 37 E: Proi'srty of Burnard, of Boatoa. 12.180 acr«!i of Land in Brevari caunty, kaewn a? the G3f3ex Gi'&nt, ia T .39 8, R 41 B; T 38 S. R i'i E; T 89 8, R 42 E; T 40 S, R 42 E; T 4'J S, P. 43 E; T 41 H, P. 4! 43: t'rapeny ot G >wz, Oonjt^i & G >«iex. • oGOwes of Lan.i in Hern&ndo oouniy, Fiur da, cora- pri.'t'iR the E ^ of N C J of 8*c 23; th" W J'of N W ^ nt' Sec 20; H k ot N E J 'f S-‘c 27; E J of N 'V aa.J E J of i.'-i-’d y E i of JiU'c 28, T U‘2 S, R 1« K: Pro- p.riy sif Thi>» .1 I' • IftS rtOfe'5 «■ lu t$'*™vn.rJ. n»»r ooanty aite. Lota j N » 2 Had 3 of Sflc2'., T 36 d, it 41 Ij; Property ot Pai'ij i il‘=-rnirn’i. 2iM) »~r‘’s ill HilNSorough coanty, Florida, N E ^ oi S E J of tieo 3 T 31 8, H 22 E 'iud N W J of S E i; S J of rt E *: and N E J of 8 W ^ of '^ee 8. T 81 S, it 2J E: Profjwty of heir«i of Luther Wilaoa. 160 a'rres of Land in Hillsborouf^t county, Florida, N Wr of dec 13, T 27 a, R 20 E: Property of At*vater, Mal^ord & Co. Glnck No 38; N J of Water Lot No 11; and Lot No—, 31oe •'i6: LjIb 1, 2, aud 4, in Bl>ek 12; Lot No 5, iu block 17: 1 Steam Saw aud Orist Sllll, on blof'k No 38, in the city of Tampa: 80 aored ot Land, in Killsboro’ eounty, Florida. N ^ of N W J of See i, T 88 S, R 20 E: Pr>perty of Ar thnr B:U. Terms—CASH. The above Lands eomprisa sone of the best ia Flori da, and offer a fine opporluaity for prefitable iavest- mbnt. . Information can be had by addreasinc Ferdinand Mc Leod, Confaderate States' District Attorney, at Lake City, Florid v, aaJ B W Themp«on. a» T:*mpa, Florida, E. M. THOMPSON, Ryeaiver. F. McLEOD, Con. Stales Att’y. Oct. 21, 1863. ^ 78-ts NOTICE. f!x4U%aAKTSK« Natal Dsrssoia, N. C.. 1 VViLMiii«T»x, I>eo llith, 186S. j HI fel •••'’>15 Cirrui^ar from tae Buraia af Conacrip tios is I ’l I'gbaJ by arder of tb«»liiMreo»n*nd;D» tha N»v^l befaacea of Sortb CarolLoa, far tha ia.arrt\ tiou of ConscriT^^ti fiud psrsaa!-. liable to Cooacripticn: Couiederate dtat&s of America, 1 or Conscription, v KichiD'jud, March 24, 1863. J • MR CLAR OPvDER 'PHI attaatiea af officers kavisg .harge of ooaaeripts, I. i* direot^u t> ate iop 2 nf tke aat cf Congress, ap- praved October 2d, 18'.a, whicb if ai fjligirs: Saa 2. Tba’. if any >arfi«a wko has been ar is about to be er.rvl«d ’or stvtica la tke aray, skali, at Aoy tiisa bafore baiag >>acie«ad ta aay aampany. deolara to the earoiliag cr eo’ars'sadttig eSeer that he prsfen be- ijg eurolUd far aarvlea is ike na»y o'^ marine ecspa, it shall be the duty of the said of&^er ta enroll such per- soa far th« service which be may prefer, and to irai*# eait to the Raoratary of the N.i»y a list ef the persoas 8J aciroM»d. Tae Sai'erlntaaden*. dirtats that tljis provislvn of the law Ve obrfarred, and that rtports ba wade aaoor ilatly. fca..tvei‘ any otfi.*«r tf tke Navy, •.’tsigaatad by t*e Xary Depart mant, «hail pr«9Ci.t biTiseif for tke purp«?e, any >n w ."irga cf cua^crif ts will cauaa thaa to be mcat^red \u preamaa of suah efficar of tka Navy, in dar iktt tb«y nay )e offtrad tka alternative af entarmg aaval tervice. *Bf erder ef Brig. Gen. G. J. Rail*, Buperialandant. 'ei-«w] A. JONES, Lt Cal , A. A. G. FaretteTilie Anenal and Armory,) Nov. 12, IriOS. J ^lOO BOUNTY. lOO -fl.tuiUed iHilemen. AUTKOKliY h*ving be«n grs.ntoJ l>5 tLo War De part .~»3t io raiK.i a Conpany of .Mouaied^Ritl.-raen tor sarvios lu this vijiaity, notice is’hereby given that reeruita vo tk» unmbir ef 100 noi-eonteriptt will >e re* csivrd for this' serTice. Ka-c^ r^cniit will be required '0 furnish a s 5r*ie«aHl» hcrae. lor waich he will be al- 1 wed 40 v',8’1 pi'r dieTi, an*! bi3 pay il2 per ns.intlf. Wruttn pi'rmx'isio’i w:tl be required from paranis or iii-i.-d'i»as, waero the a^pliCitui. is uadrr the ooaPcript 'gv. Eack r:>cru;t must bring w5rh a blanket er bed spread, and co'tna pr^ared to remain Apply tu C«pt .M.AITHEW P. TAYLOR, at tbo Ar- CHILDS. SO;f ] Majpr C. S A. Comd g Post. Fil'ETTliVlLLE WATEa WOilkS.^ ('(ITIZEN3 il'tLe Toaa will bs tu -nia.ied »nta tke .» Water at l.".e folUwing rvei. the piymeuti in etery •'farvoe t:' brt ; ^ s"ni--v ouilly in adva,ace, beginning with the 1st oi Oot'^b^r. ISo-'t; For Hotels. $75 t-i $100 per annum. Livery aud Huifl Stables, $80 B »r ttoooas .‘ind Einnj llaaaes, 30 Briuka, 80 pr:»ate Boarding Houses, * 40 Dvrelimg Houses, fla to 25 Stor!!».»ad Haopa, > 510 to 16 Drug Siortjs,. 2a Barber’s ^hops, 26 Lawyers’ Doctors’ Offio.'S, 10 Wagont-rs from the country, land all transient pf-raona, are pn?ih d^id to use tho w .t >r gatia. JOHN W BAKSR, Jr., Siip’t FayetteviUo Waur Works. Pec. 8. 8d 6w F»ye4teTllle Araemil aid Irmorj.V FaTBTTiViLL*, N. C , Dae 36, 1863 j iSfl.A€Ki§.TI9TH.$ WATVTED. '’nns uud»r«iiD^i wifiies to kira » nnnsber of first r4te J HLACK‘^Mirri3. All Buca wko wisa to do gaoi E*rvic3 ta the Ooofedirate Si^ata.*, kavs naw as oppsr- Miuity cCired 'bs*n t7 *«rve tcair aountry as »**eptt.My K>ty aould ia Taenaseae or Vitfiaia, aa>} at tka aa«» ‘i'»e re«>ive j;»ed wagea for tfcair labor. R'ifarancss »• to quaiifi-.afloas ntuit acesmpaiy ?»-. plications Apply ta * Lieut «t,l F. L CHILDS, tiij C- .'aBsmiiag Ofieer. ” TRt^^ini bTlo^^ VV. MAO INTTtlB B«a aaciiTBD, CASE Madder color* C.ilicces, 1845 yards. ease blaek and white Caliea, f yri wide, 14d0 yds I ease piilow «as« cotton, 40 in wids. 2000 yds. ca^»* Eajtliak Shirting, 8.500 yds, 20 pieufs black .Alpaoa Lustre 300 das. printed Lisle H«t>dk«rckiefs. 500 d, I C^ark’a Kpoal Cotton blaok,‘iOO yAs. 500 doa Clark’s Spool Coftan, white, 206 yds 600 Gre.«t Gresa agar* iiairt Bu'tona 17 dcz. 2. i. a:^d 4 bbd^d Knives. 50 a.'ta Ta^Ie Eaivaa aa-i Forka. 5U0 g^ass Kaitii^^ N««dlM, aitorUi Noa , TO 20 d.* Drab Eatliaii H*fs. 3 d: Na 10 Cei'-m Cards. 150 Jixpaneiju Sci.fa den. 29. f2 If If For Ren^t. rpilR Oaaatry rasidoDon of tba iata Jaka IX Ita'rr; it I. is akeut twe rntlts frata the Markat House, ia a plracaet sf‘igltbi*rh«.'>t>; there U i>a tha a gbed well of wa er, >(t(ble, c&rritge house, and otker toave- aifacaa. Far tcrm^' A«., apply te y. M. 8TARR, Ixtrf. A. JpHNSON, Jr., Ixtr. FayeitsTilla, Die. 21. 92^ 8t ~x\ E«ko S L A VE FOR i JeT DNDER an order ef t^* . eurt «f Pl»as and Quarter St»4>oi>8 of Cumbcriau'i Cuuuty, passed DeaMobar T»ra 18tl8, I will expose te pablie sale, at tka Market House in Fayaittville, on irfimiiay, Jaa'y 18, 1864. a'ljro waa Joha, be’.osginr to tk* aa^aie of tka late Lujrald MsDuCe DAffllL SMITH. C^m’r A M CAMPBELL, Auefr. Dau. 28. S»2 u N Sale ot Xejgr» iTIan. 1'^HE takeeriber M Adainisirat«r ef i:e Istaie ef Joka . MeGill dec d, will sell at pablio auacioa at tha mar ket house in ibe tewa «f Fayetteville, ear Saturday tke Htk Jan’y 1884. a nagre slave ky Ike naae ef Livgo— tenc^ made known at «ale. DAN’L S. MoGILL, Ada’r. L'cc. 21. V2-ta HDI.EMand WACiOXi^ to RIRE. ''Pi^O four Male Tef^^is amd W«f0u« t«« Hire- These J. w;suuiK to &irc will pl9»se ai>ire3'4 tke sabscrikers and sta'.e what CULBRETH. V8 4.pd at Oweaaville, Sampa«a ceunty, N C. tuey will giva p^r dty. W. 4 T. Deo. 24. 7wriCE.’~ i^HE su»‘«'’riber offers for ^.*>9 his PLANTATION, co:Uiiu:Qi' ti31 aorea, witb 225 er 250 acrds of cleared La::d, aia ia oue and a haif miles iiaurinburg Depot, W. C & R R. R. Ou the premises is a twe story DWELl-ING and all uicessary out QOus?g, an Orehard of 61X hundred Apple Trees; aad eoviveaient te Churohee and Scaool. J. &. kicLAURIN. Dee r 7, 1868 88-0tp4 . EiECl'TOR^S A OT ICE. ^rflS Sul eoriber having qualified ag Exeoutar af the J. ii-t Will i*ud IvBtament of Isham Ciirver, aca’r, aec’d, hereby giTfls notice to ad pereona having elaitns (*g»iti3t tba Esiato ot bis Teaiaior, to present them witn- iB the time pr€::jOMbsd by law, or this Aotioa will be pleaded in bar of their reoovary. AK-^H’D McLE.AN, Ix’r. Hilf^boro’ 5iikitary Acadeinya 'P'lE 1 :V'r%i('-aic y-^^r t’»i-i laetif.Tttion will be Wed’i*?--; Py 5'1. ISfcjd Pnr 0i'’eai'i’8 fvn t in^T -' -''oa iptt'.v to 'MM WM M. GORDON. Sap’t. Hi‘lfboro’. N. C , Nov 21 1H63. 84-8m ISAAC aOLLLNGSWOllTH, (ffdcer aad i^omfaissioa Merciiant) FAYSTTEVILLE, N. C. W'lLL g'Tj prompt attention to all busia^ss entrusted te hi'^ care. Oct. 20, l'^S3. 74tf will Alter tiiis date B ptiy 12J Coata per pound for rags, or the hignest uiftrket priee, delivered la Fi47“tt9Vill*, or >41 T3«' jqiUh B.oskfl9h. 0. VfURPHY os * FOR ^AIi.E. 1 OAA -ACRES of PINE LAND ia Raraett eounty, situate about cqui dist>4nt between Upper and Ljw«*r Litiln Rivers, bi»ia abou 8 milo»« from each c the W*-et 9id« of ihe Atkiiis R-i^d Arply lo HUGH MoLEAN, Creek P. O., Harnntt^'o , N C Dso’r 12. 1^03 89 3w Further Motice. *pHE NEGROES bfcloug,ing to tha Estate of the lata l?haia Carver, dcc’d, will be hired out oB Tuesday t/ie 6th Jatj’y ue&t, at tho reaidcnoe of Mrs L A. W. Carter. Terms miiJe known at hiring. A. McLEAN; Bx’r. Dec’r 9, 1868 8»th A on I .^fsTR ATiOi> K I’H.'i dubscnber iiaving beeu appointed Adasinistratrix «ih the Will 8uatx-vi, of tiie llte Mrs.- Sarah Ann bu«ler, dec'd, hereby giveu notiea to all ptrsops hATiJig claini'j agr&tndr. the £«iste to present them wittiia the i:uaa prescribed by law, or this notice Will ke plead ed ia bar of their roeovery. L. xA- W. CARVER, Adm’x. wa.s accompanied by Col. I’a^e and Madi son. Never have 1 forjjotten, nor shall I to my dying day forget, the eerene, the benign, the gdd- like expM!«‘>ion of the countenance of that man of men. ifig lofty mein and ooniinanding figure, set off to advantage by an elegant dress, coosisting of a blue co%t, buif email clothes, silver, knee and shoe buckles and white vest, his powdered looks, aud powerful, vigorous look, (for he waa then in the prime and strength ot manhood,) have never faded from my mind dariiig the many year^ which, with all their ehauces and changes, have rolled between.—/Vr.w;ia/ Recollections of the Ameri can Revolu! ion. QommendaUc.—We Icarnthat Mr. John Wh it man brought in a load of Meal a few days since and fcold it to those unable to pay the enormous price demanded by others, at three JoUars, and that our Town.siraan, .Mr, John Snider, very generously authorized Mr Whitman to ?uppfy thoso unable to pay at hi.-? own individual expense. This is a girern spot io the desert which* seems to have spread itself ovec the whole fsee of our country, and reflects honor on the heads and hearts of these two gentlemen. Wgll do their names adorn the Roll of Honor!— SalisLitri/ Watchman. TIui Tank^es In Priiice ffillia?n.—We learn that the Yankees ate behaving with their usual brutality in the upper part of Prince William. They visited Mr. Lawrence Cole's, about ten milei of Dumfries, last week, killed hit> sheep and milch C0W3, and committed other depredations upon hia property. They met several ladies ou the road, who had been shopping at the store of Jno. King, robbed them of the articles they Kad purchased, ^tole their horses aud left them t« walk'several miles to their home.s. They robbed Mr. King of his goods and were f?earch'inf: the woods for hlnr. Notwithstanding their sufferings and unprotected condition, the native citizens are as loyal to the Confederacy as any in the South. Rich’J Sentinel. ^'urtd &j their FoMy.—Gentlemen who left East Tennessee about the tirae that (Jen. Long- street raised the seige at Knoxville, and who are fiuuiliar with tho Btatc of public sentiment in that section, are of the opinion that the excesses of t^ie- Federal soldiery in East Tennessee during their occupation, have produced a very healthy change upon public opinion. M-tny of the peo ple are entirely and thoroughly disgusted with Yankee rule.—Rich. Knqnirer. Specie fur Tax.—The Georgia Legislature has pa-sed a bill providing that v.heu any person haa refused to receive Couledorate Treasury notes in payment of a debt, his property shall be as sessed by the Receiver at il? value in gold and silver, and his tax shall be paid in coin. Hard to B*ot.— Col J. M. Potts, of this coua* ty, killed 40 hogs, last werk, whot>e average weight was 198^ lbs. each. The heaviest weigh ed 402 lbs., and the lightest 150.— Char. Dem. Glass Factory.—The Columbus Times nays that a Ghiss Manufactory is about to go into ope ration in that city. The Lant Words of a Good ir«>?naH.—The wife of a Bishop in fingland died recently, and being a woman remarkable for her piety and ex cellence of character, her la.'^t w:>rd3 were expect ed to be full of interest, and so they were. Just before she expired the good woman said to her at tendants: ‘‘Remamber to give the Bishop his warm soop every night.” A good thing is told of a battle-ticarred North Carolina regiment, which entered Kiohmoud not a great while ago, while a company of ‘‘citizen soldiers” were performing their “evolutions’' ia the streets. The ears of the Old North State were greeted bj a good nijiny UQComplimcntary interrogations concerning the pertsimraon and huckleberry crops. At length one of the F. F. V.’s adktid “what is the‘state of the tar market?’^ North Carolina responded, “there’s not a Uar’l in the State, Jeff Davis has bought the last bar’l we had and brought it to Kichjuond." ‘“What in tl|iR d 1 does he want wita it?” “lie wants it to make Virginians stick in the fight.” North Carolina was no further molested. ■Rn*" ^ FURTUEH NOTICE. I^tlE Nej^ro SUvea ij^iiouging lo the Eslata af th* lato Mrs Sarah Ann Butler, aeo’d. will b« hired eat at the rn'idfn'se of the subscriber on TUESDAY the 6th day o' Jaa’y Q«xt Terms m&de known at kiring. L. A W. CARVER, Adm’x of Sarah Ann Butler, dee’d. Dec’rU. ^8^ 3IEGROES FOR SAEE. By virtue oi a Decree of the Couniy Caurt of Caaber land c.fuat^, the sujscriber as Comaisaiener ap pfiuted for sAid purp-^se, will expose to pubUo sal#, at the late residence cf Itobstt McPhail, dee’d, knowa as tke Old "Flea Hill” master ground, eu tha Rt>* ;'gh road on the 6th day Jaa’y next, SEVEN NEdROES, 1 mad aged 19, 1 boy aged U, 1 boy aged 6, 1 woaan aged 40, 1 girl 10, 1 girl 14, 1 girl i2. Terms at sale WM. J. McPHAIL. goa’r. Dec’r 14, 1863 89-tspd t.'cun O' Ntate of IVortii Carolina, ROBESON COUNTY. Pieas and Qaarier Seasiows, Nov. Tera, 18«S. Eg^}’'pt Coal iYIine. The usdersiguad were, at the Novembsr Term of tbs CoGtVierate Court, Distriet of North Ci^rohna, ap pointed Maaagsm of the Egypt Coal Miac preperty, and have entered into cepartaership for the purpobe bt' j mining and selling Coal, aud polieit «miers *'or s;i!j.i \ ia any desired quantity. Orders fer any asiount oaa i be supplied on short r ••tice. The Coal tri^m »flii> pro-| perty i* an4oubtedIy thv beat in the t.l«u?'edc~a>s fc’rat-'i. j Appiicaiioaa may be to Cha» B. MalltU, I ayaitfl viUe, N. 0., er JamM firowne, Charleston, S. C. • CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BBOWKS. ftf«tUta»»JaB*j20,' Wtf 25 POTAJSia. CASKS cz.r-i quVuty h'; i*- made P0TA.3H oo ON notion, Reab?n King, Shtriff of Robeson eonaty, read aloud iu op’n Cjurt the following lands which ke proroscs to sell for the Taxes due thereon for tka ypr.r 1^62: 85 !,crta listed by F. C W9t«-ja, Gum Swamp, Ux $1 28; TOWM EEECTIOIV. An Election ff>r.Mayor and seven Commissioners •f the Town of Fa/: ttevill» wiil be held at the Towb IaU on the first Monday in Janu.irj 18^14 HBCTOR MoNEILL, Sheriff, ©ee’r 18, 1888. OOiE .^aJTOI.E.y FRO'f lay *t"blo i'll tas tkijjbt of the 18ib Hist., a D\RK BAY MARE, (nfarly a black,) little white en one of the hiad fout, m^rka of siddle on the back; also mtrks of gear on both shoulders. Th*re is alee a mark, or sear on tho nase proluond by a n.ail. I will pay a liberal reward fur any iuforot^tioa that will Inad to Bar raiiovery, or Fifty Dallara far any prosf that will •onviet the tkief. Any informaticn of tho above aa'mal, please direet te Terebinth P. O., Caml»«rUnd ooanty, N. C. D P. west. _^ac’r 10, 18n^ 91-3tpd i^lVTED, By an exempt soldier, a situatior» %>i Tpaehar in some Ssbeol or ^-ivata family whe.-e little walking will be rsqu'red CouM fill some of the many ‘*shade offi ces” abont to be vRoat"d by the present ^'ongreas Is a gnuluate, asd baa refereBaes from the late H. W. Mil ler ond ethers. Address WM. MARCOM, 91-3tpd , Raleigh. N. 0. $IOO REWAROI Ran AW AY from the subscriber his uegro man CALIB oolor dark, age 28 years, slow spoken add motioa, supposed to b«' in the neignborhood of St. PauPs, B«« keson ecunty, wHere he h-s a wife. The above reward will be pai4 for bis delivery in any Jail where I oaa getkitn. 31%. T. PETTEWAT. Wiluin?^an, Nov. 23, 18B3 86-lm h;ind, rut u* in esTCftit of 3 ta 860 i 850 Ecr-s listed by J i#iea R Ashl^^y, Hcgii^amp, 6 16; Ids taoh, f** da in Riciiaao^d county ^y a pa”ty who «it- r'f r^tanJi th? ba‘^U'!»i?s 0-l*’“ are rol oit^d. WOtlTH ^ CO , .\genW. WtlauAg:«ia, N C. b, I8(i3. 8''*10ipd of a C..rdia_ Apply at this OSice, by note addressed J t^§a88-19tp4 A MAN to take ciarsj of a C.rding Room in ton Factory to MoD. & 0ao*r 9, Cot- 10.''icr>«iliHt‘d by Roberson Singl tary, ^z%beth road, 2 82; 85 Hcrw li-te-'* by John Graham, George’s Marsb, bd ot4. (Frem tho Mii.uias ) 89_tH] J*’0 A. ROWLAND, Cler\ Prof. W. S. B, Mattbews will v;nit Fayetteville and vjc’eUy, awuut tie SWtn of this month, for tke pnrpeee of Piano Fertee; Stclacs repteeed, eke. D««’rI6. Sllf l^OTICE. TffE fIO)ERST(lNKD, both havinfe entered tke mili tary aervit^ of tke Conf»>derats States x>f Araeriea, hereby give notice to their eld oustovaerts and friends, tkat tkey have appointed John l>. 8t:»rr»ai John D Williams, of tkia place, their attorneys to c^iUect either separately or c5T*jointl7 »U moneys due t>»eia eitfatr by aeeeuat or ac*.#, a^d cibsruiM’ to bu- •iLSsa gen«T*’!y donnj,- tbjir a'.5»i oe. They respeot- foUy aek all ptrsons indebted to thei* to -Ji»ll as prompt- as poaaibie oa thw age****! make paysneaw 8TAB& A WUJJLAMB. atft 19,^189}. I

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