(i f'f t S »1: ol’b ml liifc receijjt ot ruiortse ti)« leaser ade real ia ncMtiic, iiuU ilin- nuc.i »ii' lii^ r*ut ;er, or jri'siaior •liaU about th« lit sixty ?cnir, hq b'j ?!»a. htered d be • ttat line- tu t.' lil;; I ,i.'t Vs*8CMM, ‘*«UY*r ' • rtr^'ii ba- *! to t il4 ,^11^ i: ‘'11 tlnf £irn ol tKeri itri m. ke!«>r= | r vi.lcd, of e?>, In ^iit,ok ut«^ U'd bj encti per- d up.io sui’h ralae hj8 p;i cent., to be oi J lunrjf ri«xt ' ‘ ” taiin*r is a«t, ^r,u. Te;ix-r L .•‘..-.itifjy t fcUL'h beovcB, it ie«i. . i- i litc Talme Tbti esitioiau) ot It bl ■ . • _rieeia«it vt-r •Tein pr*. I tsA, . ud uu enoli cr, tiiu D! ^ vcs (did >R(ii> aL^ii bo ann t; llC>. L- >r « the the taS ! dui »! i ic the ’* If -0 twa ^ ^u&ricr- 'C-P ter 'U td foe i’ ate of uie iaes>t>r «bail froui eskch tf» the dulj aa. ;■§ IrcBi the Mu« Mli be bicd u a a^ttiisg' kij 'bail b« Tap. auiJiuji Mt. &■ s r*'eirioj x-raj-r tkv* n bomd ■uia^ter skail b« fcrtiicifs pikc«d ii le hcnt by ibow- trow mBareiii»- iT^rei (• :e« lit*. e.r r»ceipu, 8iat« ili« -e?» ag fr«B I taxttii \M r^i,9rt K,t tbe M ar a3^' c tlic r®5t ‘ e tax 1b 1u«^ hilk as af»rt> tax e»iiefft)«r Irees warrant a«- receipi tiier*l« ■oii«ct«r *c*tent? of tat iiay partjai tTidiiittd «B MU* tw tbe itD(i the icteipt di :-iX coli«e^ Wfceu th« d«p«t fta to tl;. agcili [' th .j ooasiat !«/ bt »uiiabl« ICCij aCd lii sucii waj prescrib*. kat ft ef fcke *ibic for e cape*- ’her di- btiJl .1 u he la ipt • r.be coun KiAtl titi :s liioh the T ti ll aL:( rcc taen ,hlj urt t tht i to .’cl tut. at tod . K'ii i^ea -iie*- a- o'si. all -raw n’*j «u'd o. ii ar- f to u. ' tVi*d :;v ’ cr-:ta- iti batd ae 01 u.id arii- lOt r- u;r-jd ia iu« the first aud b« e uud preSt^ nd th J stfite- 1 f> &C'; ^iic !. J - ;.*£3- u> [ tL _ itPf SUL, u rtie la liJet. . d'lho Qca - - util^, Ir-.ir*: tax S ;ii aid SiA- - ;.jn* 'tr if. fiC. « •'01 ClKt. iar- e:; .d- */ * ..i - ‘tff iiliusr : any ^ ail btt 1 ^ifcd ol i •, uaoa- Qu. tiioir aeruoti, &md rcry jU U&A I'll jLn T aii taJCc« IX i>. I J.. , t_ Ipitj.i t> tti '- : SHi fjUa u ■ UUi liy bo ^t>d ruL. aud tu aot, youx aftor tb'.' taxoa i le- m the id ll tha .1 MO ViJi •c», a;:ri 'ilU- \ ecd- iyQ for !WP1 VOL. XllL] FAYl’TTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 7, 1864. rniNTEl) MONDAYS aNP THDR8DAYS. i^:o\viui) j. mi.E & SONS. El-[TORS proprietors Price for the Semi-Weekly Obssrvkr fB 00, paid in aivance. Por the Weekly Obskrvbr 3F4 00 per annum, paid it^ alvanoe. ^“ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for $2 per s ,uare of lf> lines for the first, anil one dollar for each sac* cesding publication. AiWertiseinent« not exceeding a half square (eitrlit lines'! 1 for the first a*d 50 oents forea'h succeedinft publication. Adrertisers are r«- J^le8^e^^ to .state the number of insertions desired, or ilier will bo continued tUl forbid, and charged Accord- ■ agiv. AdTertiseni'nts continued innidf. charged as new aJ- TCrtiseinent*. Moniil VfrnoB Female Seminary, U Mt. Vernon Mineral Chatham County. 1st Session to oommence 28th Sept. TERMS: Higher £ng. Branah.'S per p. s&ion of 20 we^kia, $50 00 Academic Class, 40 00 Music «nd Painting, each, 40 00 Latin. French and Drawing, eaah, 20 00 School R*'>oni expenses, 2 50 Boarii $50 per month, or ?1B per montb if paid In provisions %t old prices. Rev. WM. IlOOPKR, T. C. HOOPER. Adilrons “Sf. Lflwrence P. 0.*’ Sept 8 62tf I Principals. SPECUL NOTICE. !"'rom an 1 niter this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without psyneni in advanoe, nor will the paper be sent to such subsci’ibei's for a longer tim'? than in pai»l for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this sysleni will plea.se notify us when making remittance;. Jan’y 1, 1858. j 5»\W. .TffX. J7IcK^S\\ I Attomay at Law, ' Fayetteville N. C. • l^ILL attend the County auvl Superior Courts of j \ f lyURiberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- I ties. Prrmpi attention given to the collection of all j olftims entrusted (o his hands. Oct. 17, 1859. i8-tf ; %¥C$(TERIV RAIL ROAD. The FRKI0HT AND PASf^ENGKR TRAINS of this Road leave FayetteTille daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, M., and returning leave Sgypt at 1 o’clock, P. M CattU and Hortt Train MONDAY, WEDNERD.AYand FRIDAY. By ord. r JNO. M. ROSE, Trcaa’r and Oen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22 lHf.8 97tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. %% hoie^ale Dealer!^ in CJrdcerie!!*, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, &c*, HAY 8TRKKT, FAIETTEVILLK, N. C. July 2, 1801. 36tf J OS. 1; T L E V , firocer anti Vommlsfdon »Vlevchant^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1863. 98-tf From and after thi« >!'*33EE^ dale the Steamer A. P. HURT will lotrre at 8 o’clock, .\. M , on Moad^ty and Thtir-day JOS. A WORTH, April 6—17tf] Ag’t C F. Steam Boat Co. A^HE VI ■ r WILL open thu EAQLB HOTEL for the re 1 ception of Guestd the first of June, and I hope clfilELto be able tf> enftrf.'iin from seventy-five to a hundred persons^ during the Summer. In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses that my guests can get at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel. Asheville. N. C. May 13,1863. 31-ypd IVOTICE. The two twms of B. G. \^ORTH & CO., and WORTH ft D.^NIKL >iavA co’ubined. and will continue the Genoral Commission and Forwarding Business, At the old stand of T. C & B G. Worth, as fucoessors to that conoeru, under the style of WORTH A CO. By fonfederate '{ax, Ilobesou Coouty. The A^stjipors of Confederate Taxes for the County of K'bes^n, with the Oo'leo'or, will meet tue Ttx pay- t'rs at the following times and p.ices for the purpose cf assessing Neat Cattle, (including all cattle except Oxen actually used in producing crops ) AI®o Horses and Mul^s not used on farms, and to receive th^? lists of crops of corn, potatoes, &o.. not already lisU>d, and also of all inootues aid pr. fitd as required by the 8th section of the Tax .\ot. The Collt’otor will be prepared to ’•rc»ive thn Taxes on the vs.lue of Neat Tattle and »U' ofiier Taxes due at that * Regtio’s, Wednesday Jan’y 6th, 18B4 St. Pftul’3, Thursday Jan’y 7lh. Lumbci' Bt i Jge, Friday Jan’y 8th. ^^adiOt^ville. Saturday Jan’y 9th. Col P. P Sriii.h’s. Moiidjsy Jar.’y ^t-h. Alfordsvillc, Tuesday J^n'y 12th. Thompsotj’s, We.lr.*jaday, Jin'y 13th Whitp II us?. Thuri'^ay Jan’y 14th. Sfprling'rt ’'’ii’s, F.-’Jay J .u’y 16th. S.'.ily’s, Safu-day Jia’y 16lh. L:vabcrfur Mor l. y Jau’y 18f l. Tu.-^'d.'iy J»’.n’^ lOtb. Back S^rvT.,», AVe.hie^Jay J-vn’y 20ih. ■ r>arnt Sframp Th'irsd.»y J*u’y 2tst All fax r>ay.rs Tf fvvnpstly **Tqu“St^d to attend jToraytlT wii’i their lisit i0^ i;'0ut, and avoid the penal- ■5 ’F of i'C 1 ' *' J. r. I'OPK, t 1). >S MOIIKISON, ( N' v’r ilj, If't.-: 86-5w T\\ IstJTit’E. TIX Ofllf^i.jr nl ^he A^s^ssorti for the Count? 1 of Bladen. wUl m-’et the T vx Payer-t &i the follow iag times .ind pl.ices fcr Ine r«rp; t)c .f a?so3flicg t!»c Neat ?attli . Hor -s i;:d au J nlyo to r. ocive tli- list rf Tax 'n Kv. l th .t Vi!i !iot b'cn given in: .^t Mavpville. on Monday Jan’y 4*b, 18-'>4 Whit.T O ik. on Tresdtiy Jan’j 5;h. BeaverJ>am, on Wodneeday Jan’y *5th Heaveo’s. on Xi*ur!»tlay Jan’y 7th. roily, on Friday Jan’y 8th. EHzabethfowu, on Siturday Jan’y DfK. •\11 person!: mu'* a^fenl and pay thtjir Thxcs Those failins: lo do ho will ^e r. i[uirei to pay t- - pen iltiee presenSel by h'.v. J -x. IlOBESON, Tax C->lIe»tor f r U!a leu (^'!lnty, N. tf. l>->c’r 11 M-ttpi NOTICE. ~ Hk VltsJt'.^KTKES NwAL DKfENCICS, N. C., \ WiLMistiTON, Dfo 16tb, 1S63. j FAYETTEVILLK WITE51 WORKS. (’IITIZENS of tbo Tow^ii wi l furms'icd with t,'c- J Wa^cr at the following ra'es, ?l*e payments in every inatancnto ba tpadesemi-.apnu^-lJy :n advanc(, begi'ininr wi: h the lat of October. 18H8: For Hotels. $75 to $100 per Annum ■ Livery and Hotel SUbles. !§30 Bar Rooms and Eatin? Hou'^e'?, 30 Banka, ^0 Private Boarding Houses, ■10 Dwelling Housee, . S15 to 25 Stores and Shops, $10 lo 15 Drug Storep, 25 Barber’s Shops, 25 Lawvers’ and Dootors’ Offic‘fl. 10 Wagoners from »he country, and ail transie"! pcrsoDf^, are priviltd^«’d to use the w-tt(*r eatis. JOHN W F.AKER, Jr , ?lup’f Fi^clteville. Water Wor’-cs Dec. 3. 8H fiw Hillsboro’ Military Arademy. The Sixth \cademic year of tHip I’lstitUkiop will bo gin on Wednesday Feb’y 3i. IR^l. For 0'r0!ila-s and inforrnplioii applv to *’aj WM M. GORDON. H'lIshTo’. N, C , Nov 21. 1^63 81 3ta prompt and faithful attention to busiaeee they hopa to j ^pHK f dlowir? Cirrnlar f*om the Buroan of Consorip- retain the liberal patronage bestowed on each when do | I tion is pn^llsh.’d by order of tbi officer commanding JOHNSON, W1LL!.\MS & CO.. | !«;%LT ,n.4KKKK. 11’’ E have thirty (30) pans now in operation nine miles ^ n easti of Wilmington. Parties wishing to supply themselves with salt, can be furnished by applying to j A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at Fayetteville, to E. Page, j 'Tjanager at the works, or to j J. M. WILLIAMS, , General Superintendent ! Kayettfvilie. Nov 20, 1862. 81tf W^i.VTEW. I O tAA BUSHELS WHEAT, ' j ^,OUU l,5rK)“ CORN. ! I'ersons having the above articles to sell will receive tilt highest Cash price by call’ng on Mr. M Thomason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, «r on the subscri- ! ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 75tf ^R.TIV JHARHEJSS. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargain". Agents will do well to send their order* to me as they shall have prompt attention, and =»ent off in quick disT.atch. JOHN C.^RTFR. Qoldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., > - Jims 13. 1862. r SM>0 lbs. OiiBU Arabic ior nale hy J. R. LEJi. Got 16. 69tf SAET! SALT!! t SACKS for sale by | BOBKRT MITCHELL. I Diic 22 . 38-tf I "tobacco. ' 1 OA VIRGINIA TOB.ACCO. various grades, j for '•ale on con.'iignment, by i GEO. W WILLIAMS t CO. I May 23 31tf | 1 — - j ; $^ole Leather wanted. A LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHER, | suitable for Belting. Apply to ! D. MURPHY. Fayetteville, April 14. 20tf Wanted to Purchase, ’17E8TERN RAIL RO'AD STOCK; M Bank Notes; G'jld and Silver; North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable;) “ “ $1 and |12; *• “ Bonds, old and new; County of Cumr'-j-l ind Bonds; *Towu of Fay>*i«ville Bot;dh; Gre«'a“^i>ro’ jl a: d $2^Certificate.‘’; jCoufederate 7 and 8 per cent. Boiids; .Coupons ol $15,000,0J0 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds; “ o*" oi l Kcrt i Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTKRLOH.* Ocu 12, 1868.' 7 It. Spun I'ottou Exchanged for Lard* WE will give Spun notion in part payment for LARD delivr-rbd at my Factory on Person St. A. McLAUCHLIN. l.AK.I> Ol —A -/try fiue article, for sale at my Factory. A. McLAUCHLlN. BAR XOIl.JBr SOAP.—For sale at my Factory. A. McLAUCHLlN. Fayetteville. 12, 1863. 63 6mpd ing business separately. Orders for Salt promptly executed at market prii'e. WORTH & CO Wilmington, N C., Oct. 8, 1863. 73 3ni B O WORTH. D. G W^BTII. M. Q. .DANIEL. WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. • Oct. 16, 1863. 73-12m WAWT£D, for the^pital at Fort Fisher. POULTRY, Chiiikeut), Batter and other d lici»i3ie‘» for the sick Soldiers a* this Hospital. Pernon.H ht»ving these articles ean obtain the market price on ipplioa- tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr J. W. Powers’s on Hay Stre*t. R. E. HEIDS, Gen’l Ag’t. Aug. 25. 68-tf Tiie Cedar FailiK Bob bin Co. are aow prepared to furnish, at short notioa, all kinds of BOBBIKjj, tjPtK)Lfi and QUILLS, to , suitable for Woolen »n4 Cotron Mills. J. M. ODELL, Agent. Codar Falla, N. 0., July 9. 18«3 i»6-timpd To Cotton Planters*. I n.AVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purohie« of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay fur ibe same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the.State, baying ia my ni^me, wil* have writtea certificates of appoiutsaent. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, ail fJoiton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bon'ls «r Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bouda as stated tn a former snivertigeraptit. ’Jp to that time,,however, the 8 por ceni. bonds will be %rnished as stated. Patriotiu ciuxena are now offered au opportunity tc aid the Gove'-ument by eei'Ing to it their Cotton rather than to private capiialists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Chariotie, March 24, 1863. [o. u.] 14tf IV All TEW, Bank notes of. North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia iud Georgia. Also, North Carolina six per cent. Funiable Note>. Alsu, North Carolina six per ocut. Bonds, new issue. W. R. RICH/ !1DS0N Sl CO., Brckera, Raleigh, N. C. M arch 9. 9tf T ^ale of JVejfroew. the nom*’* Court of Ou»n>'e’‘Iand will s«'U at publir auction in thr* town of Farptfpv;il«. on Saturdjiy the 16th January 1804, at the M’lrket ilonue, foll»winr Tifgro filavps, late the priperlv of N->ill Diniet liuie. Mary Buie, and Flora Bui*. (Bin) vif Rachel, an “ld»rly w'^m'n. Simon, aged about 33. John, “ “ 31. David, “ “ 28. • * Ternae made known at sale. A. MjLEVN, -Admr. & Co.n. D»c. 21. 92 ta The $^tar Foundry IS again ia fall operation. Having io my employmQUt competent workmen, .1 am prepared to execute work ai the shociest actioe and for a reasonable ctiargo Fayetteville, Aug. 18, 1863. M. A. BAKER. 66tf OKIINANCK DKPAKTMEXT, \ Kalkiqu, N. C., May 8, 1803. / Lead wanted.—1 wish to puroha«e Lead for this Departnier.i Persons having large or small quan tities will ideaee app’y at once. Will give I pound af POWDER for 10 p>uiilB of LEAD. TUOS D. HOGG, Capt. C. S. ' 69-tf In charge of Ordnanco. Colton Yarn tor Wool. '^OTICE ia hereby given that after this date (exoept 11 in cases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to th? terms of our advertisement of the 30th of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, o?* 3 lbs. washed and picked. This chauge is made at the inst&ncs of the Quart ar master at Raleigh, ia order to tiiake the t^rms of exehani;* uniform throughout the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, Juuc li9, i»63. 41 tf STOjllEiri^irSALEr' THE undersigned have taken the Agency for the sale* of Messrs. W. B. Farrar & Co.’s Grind Stones, and I have now on hand sizes running from 18X2| inches to 6 feet by 11 inches; aud can have eat ai short notice j ANY SIZES wanted. Persons in want of Grind Sto'ues I will please correspond with the under-igued, who will fill orders promptly and guarantee the quality of the grit as r«p.red«*atttd. OtO. W. WiLLIA.Via A Co. Fayetl-jviile, May 27, 1863. 32-tf Paima Chrititi Beans». The Bubseriber will pay the highest cash pric«s for any quantity of Pabna Christi Bet'us. J. A. WORTH p»TT5>t»TiM'» O'!. AT-tf Admini^itrator’s rVoticv. TTHE subscriber having at December Term, 1862, of ^ the County Court of Cumberland, qualified as Ad ministrator ap';% the Estate cf Neill G. McNeill, dec’*!, notifies all per;!ons having claims against the Estate to preeent them within the time Limited by law, otherwise tiis notice wil! be pleaded in bar of recovery. Debtors are reqiest«l to maie prompt payment. HKC'^OK McNEir.I. A.ir.’r D'-. \C} Rfi. t T3E l>f\'9E PRLIliESl, T’’ !tn. * *art^er supply a .wur.l.:j; r. -} {X't'-V: .■» OIL AND LAMP BLACK. IKNHRS’ aau LUBRJCATING OIL. L...MP BLACK in barrels. For sale by .. JOS. E. BLOSSOM & 00., WilmingioB, N. 0> >fur«bT. l^oldierfi’ Claims. At the request* and for the oonv%nience of those in terested, the undersigned has agreed to collect all {.he ol'iims of deceased and dUchargtd soldiers, aud of ioldiert on furlough, that may be placed in his hands. ^Having had an experience of near 20 years in proso- cutiog claims against the United State* G-jvernmer-t. as weil as i.gainst the Confederate States, he is perfectly iWuiiliar with every variety of claims, aud can make aa early collection as the large number now on file wiil ad mit. A moderate fee will be ohargad to cover cost, pbstaga, statioimr/, &c- Apply in persoa ar address by If ^ o, M. RO?E. Fayettovillo, N. C., Oct. 14, 1 72*ompd WAiv^ aib' • c*ne COOK, for which a liberal price Wu. i paid. Address 'T, at this Office. Also a good NUHfl£. Mov’r 30. Vm. 86tf >he Nav.'vl Defences of North t’arolina, for the informa tion of ConscripH and per«ond luable to Conscription: Coufederate States of America,) lit HKAU t)K ^>_N.SCall'TIO.V, V Hichtnond, March 24. ) CIR 'U /Ai’ t.-IU>h'll rpilE attention of otfieera having oharg.^ of conscripts, 1, is directed to ‘iectinn 2 of the ict of Congress, ap prove! o.’to! fr 2i, IHfVi, whi-^h i3 as foliows; Sec 2. Thai if any person who has beeu or is about to be enrolled for service ia the army, shall, at auy time baforc b«ing Asstgn>'d to aay eciapauy. declare to the enr>'ll:r.g or comajanding 'f»c«*r that he prefers be ing enrolled for scrvice iu me n ivy or in-irins corps, it shall be tne duty of tue s.iid ollicer t«* ouroll such per son for the service which he may prefer, and to trans mit to the J^ecretary of the Navy a list of me persons so «Br'lled. Ttie Superint.;ndent directs that this provision of the law bo observed, and that reports be made accordingly. Whenever any officer of the Navy, designated by the Navy Department, shall present himself for the purpose, any officer in charge of conscriptH wiil c.aune them t»j be mustered in presence of such officer of the Navy, in or- dar that th^y may be offered the alt«rn%live of entering CHval cervioe. Bv orde*- of Brig. Gen. 0 J. Rain.s, Superiutendcat. 91-«wJ A. JONiES, Lt Cel., A A G. Fftyftteville Arsenal and Armory, i Nov. 12, 1868. I SlOO BOUi\TV. • H*anteU^ 100 RiUcmrn. Authority n.avlng been granted by the War De- pirtneut to raid* a Company of Mounted Riflemen for service in this vicinity, notice is hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 non-conscripts will be re ceived for this service. Each recnait will be required to firnish a serviceable horse, for whioh he will be al lowed 40 c?nt9 per diem, and his pay $12 per Tionth. lyrittrn permission will l>e required from parents or (rtiard'an'j, where the applicant is under the conscript age. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spre»i, and come prepared to remain Apply to Capt M.VTTHEW P. TAY'LOR, at the Ar senal F. L CHILDS, 60tf] Major C. S. A. Comd'g Post 3S,000 A( liES OF LAND FOR SALE. ^y^lLL be sold in Lake flity, on Thursday th 2lst of Vf Janunry, .A, D. 18t>4, the f llowini^ property, ee- questrated by a decree of the Confederate Htnte.s Court for the District of Florida: 20.000 acrcs of Land, known as the Flemming Grant, situated in Brevard county. Florida, on Indian Uivet, in T 30 S, R 37 E; T 30 S, R 38 E; T 31 S, R 38 E; T 31 S, R 37 E: Property of Bernard, of Boston. 12,180 acres of Land in Brevard county, known as the Gomez Grant, in T 39 S, R 41 E; T 38 S. R 42 E- T 39B. R 42 E; T 40 8, U 42 K; T 40 S, R 43 E; T 41 8, R 41 43: Property of Gorsez, Qodi?z it Gomex. 560 acres of Land in Herpando county, Florida, com- pri-iing the E J of N E of Snn 23; *he W J of N W i of S-5C 26; E ^ ot N E J of Sv-c 27; E } of N W }, and E * of 3 W and 8 E of Sec 28, T vJ2 S, R 19 E: Pro perty of Thos J Parsous. 158 acres o* Land in Bi'»vard. near county site. Lots No 2 and 3 of Scc29, T 36 S, R 41 E: Property of Pnilip Hernalles. 200 acrf s ia HiU*«boiou(fh co>*ufy, Florida, N E i of a E i of Sec 3. T ;tl a, a 22 B. ani N W J of s E 1; H i cf E i; und N E J of 8 W of Sec T 31 S, It 22 E: Pro;>c’'ty of heirs ot Luther Wilson. 160 acres of Lind >n H;ll*borougli county, Florida, N W J of See 13, T 27 t', R 20 E: Property of Atwater, Mulford (^^. I!l)ck No 38; N ^ of Water Lot No 11; and Lot No—, Blocn Lots I- 2, aad 4, iu Block, 12; Lot No 5, in block 17: 1 Steam Saw and Grist Mill, on block No 38, in the city of Tara pa; 80 acres of Laud, in Hill.iboro’ coutity, Florida, N I of N VV J of Soc 5. T 38 S, R 20 K: Property of Ar thur Bell. Terms—CASH. The abovp l^an Is ocmprise some of the best iu Flori da, uod offer a fine opporiunity for profitable invest ment. Information «an he had bv addressing Ferdinand Mc Leod, Coufederate States District Attorney, at Lake City. Florida, »nd E W Thompson, at Tampa, Florida. E. M. THOMPSON, R;jceiver. Y Me.LV'OD, Cou. Stalts Att’v. Oct 21, 1863. ' 78-Is Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,) Faybttevxllh. N C , D»c 26, 18f»3 )' REAt^Ki^.mTH^ AVAIITEO. The undrrKijrneii wishes to hire a nu’nner of firet rate BL.ACKSMITIIS. All suoh. who wish to do pocf* sarvioc to the Confed»rat9 Sfa*?**. V ave now an oppir- tunitr ori^'^rad them to serve tv>eir ooartry as accept‘^^^ly as lb**y could ia Tennessee or Virginia, and at the saiae time.receive good wages for^heir labor. References as to qualifications raust accampany ap plications. Apply to Lieut Gol. F. L CHILDS, 92-6t] Commanding Officer. . RiJiii the bLockade. W. MAC INTYKE has kecrivku, IC.ASE Mfvlder colors Calicoes, .1815 ycrd«. 1 case black and white Calico. ^ yrJ wide. I40u yds. 1 case pillow ca=8 cotton, 40 in wide, 2000 yds. 2 oases English Shirting, 3500 yds. 20 pieces black Alpaoa Lustre 200 d‘* printed Lisle llaudkerchiefs. 500 doE Clark's Spool Cotton, black, 200 yla 5(K) doa* Clark’s Spool Cotton. whit«, 200 ydj. 600 Great Gros^ agate Shirt Bn*'ons. 57 dox. fine 2, S aud 4 bladtd Knives. 50 sets Table Kuives and Forks. 500 gross Kuitting Needlo?, a»«orted Nos , 10 to IC, 20 dot Drab English Ha^e. 8 doi. No 10 Cotton Cardi 160 Expansion Skirts Dec. 29. 92 5tw&8 For Rent. The Country residence of the late John D. Starr; it is about two miles from the Market House, in a phassnt neighborhood; there is on the premises a good well of water, stable, carriige house, and other conve niences. For terms fie., apply to M. M. STARR, F^trx. A. JOHNSON Jr., Extr. PayetteTilH Dec 21. 92 3t IVE.iRO SEAVE FOR SALE. UNDER an order of the Court of Pleas- and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland County, passed December Term 1863, I will expo‘»e to public sale, at the Market House in Fayetteville, on Monday, Jan’y 18, 1864. ne^ro roan Johu, beloaging to the estate of the late Dugild M’D’iffie DANIEL SMITH, Cfom’r A M. CAMPBELL. Auct’r. Dec. 28. 92 ts Sale ol r%esro .^an. ''pHE subscriber as Administrator of the Estate of .^ohn L McGill dec’d. will bull at public auction at the mar ket house in f>e town of Fayetteville, on Saturday the 16th J'.a’y 1864, a nearo slave by the name of Lingo— terms made known at sale DAS'L K. McGlLL, \dm’r. Deo. 21. 92 tt .miLESand WAGOAS to HIRE*. fllWO Four Mule Teams and Wazona to Hire. Those X wishing to hire will please address tht^subscribers at Owenf?ville, .Sarnps'a county, N C., »«id utate what they will give per day. W & T. CUT/DRETH. Dec. 24l 93 4tpi ’ .\OTICE. 'pHE subscriber otfers for sale his PLANTATION, 1. containing 631 acres, with 225 or 250 acres of cleared Land, and in ope and a half railes o’ Laurinburg: Depot, W. C & R R R. On the premises is a two story DW.ELLISG and «ll nect' sary otif houaes, an Orchard of six hundrel Apple Tr,*»s; and convenient t . Churches and Schocd. J. R. McLAURIN. D'.c’r 7, 1863 88-9tpd r' hire for the year 1864 E^ypt Coal ITIiifie. 'pflE undersigned were, at the Novctabcr Term of the I ■ Conf3derate Court lUsnicf. uf .Nor a CaroiiDi, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt C- al Mine property, acO. have entered into copartr'Ofrship tor the purpose of winning sollinj- Coal, .'icJ solicit onler^ for * he s'tiae ia any fJ^rircd quan.ity, irders for fruy hinouat oan be aupphc-d on pl ort noticc. The Coal from this pro- pr;rty is uudou'oi^ly the beai, in rbe Confederate States. AppUcaiions way be made to ^has. B. Mali:»tt, Fayette ville. N. C.. or Jar^es Browre, Charlo.sfon, S. C CFIARLF.S B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNE. Fayitlcvillc. Jan’y 20. 1863 y6tf TESTA.?!EA”|’S Hi^nASr CONFliDERATE States Bible Society Testaments. A CollectioQ of Sftbbath Sohool Hyians. fgr Mie b7 B. J. HALB 4 80XS. [NO. 1295.] JOIir-J H. . OQK, Wharves Sier" and T^' iir'J'i i” ) wn 'T;Vf:s .U J 2 T. ’lo’joi-- uc '7 tTi'.r J?' 1 T i-.r■■ ii! re ir ' •. it'll, No 10. in Nc. n, If ns' B'l vp.“ ■laotioiiser. House .\U!;ti)N. ■ i^jndita. 1 Imr.rov? i 1 P 1 Dw r- Faye!* -yil!*; .v!. t Two The iV>07“ 7* Hnus“ in »!. • .■ 12.h lR‘vl D.' c’r 26 1 ^()S .1- T.-a r: F vrr; P'i ,a ?o'ji!i side of liny bi‘ r=t.- I at M.xrV et !l •. o" To''>-'‘diy .Ifth’y KTj> :;USi'. A I n' Am- 93 ileal E^t.3e ON the 12**' da-j LOT ku V.: ,-s Hay. Maxvs‘1' «f Cl« end • u. w Dre’r .30, -!8 Farm for V of ’ ‘ Wl\U Fru- I:'* at AiieCioaa. -ryl.^ril, tbu O'J’ORE an'* ■ \uci'T. S'O'"*; tV'nis on .: .11^ -:i ar .V- Bwk fr' Auct’r 98 3t •ienl r.‘^d Sale, J-jr>v^ nf I, :,f,tadpole confincd in dark- nvs. w-.u;,] n, , V .. lYoprj and an infant d. ()r;vi'd of ileavcnfs free light wotild only ^row into a slinvtlc^s idint, instead of a beautiful and reasonable i>einir Honcc, in the deep, dark gorpjes auu r.ivin-, - : tbe Swiss Valois, where the (iirect stinih’oe # ;v r ucbes, the hideous pre valence of idiuoy Mar.lc.s the traveller. It is ft strange, melanclmiy diocy. Many citizens are incapiiblc ot ;iny articiiiate .spcochj some are deaf^ soiuu ftio 'lUfiu, s iiie labor under all those priva tions, uiia -ill :ir. iiii.s.'hapfn in almotit every part oi tho body I belitve there is in all places a marked tlifforti Cc in the healthiness of houses ac cording to tbe'r '!'p et with regard to the sun, aud thu.-c :iro ic.-i.,.:dlj, the healthiest, other tliitii'S bein^ tqu: I, it- which all the rooms are, duriti>^ .s-!)iue pri' t ot the day, ftllly exposed to the direct liglit. Ki/idtimies attack inhabitants on the shady siu»> ot tla>. 'treet. and totally exempt those on the otiu r Kidc; and rvea in epidcmios such agui*, J4i,! ujorbid influence is of^en thus in if* lab jra.—Dr. jf' r>re. iT.:. Taes" ■•i "rk* AT 2!h Hi i - AU('l iON. Es: rioN . > el- 'Ti'm. ,i f. I I.". :i .1 r.feii.’i.-e.i i.-s ■- g(i. ) DwvU b iow F;tyeite«ill-. .•^t '■-.lie I' - ^1-i‘l hi H'Vj Moai;i, f • of JohnJ'ick - a—a* ci. superior spriu.., ot ^er At Haaic iims' w 1 t“: r . motlious Kesid 'tice k ; on Church Lii-e Will sell at •>»'. •Iv t iaa I recte' ;f Auc-ion - -, . PL\NI \- ••.(; v-s ' w' ich are t!-> 1; »n 1 on t ie b'v -I 'ied fiv'? rail s pii- ter. ■/ pi a ■fir, tbf f-T I Cl com ■a^fp.d -.nc JOilN ISKl- \)OOK Aui-rr, 94 2t V!V F itl thrt FO?5 -nri \RM, kuo', i.ic'iudiug the 'argo aud c oSice. T.'fr,; re c-no c'oar: i Irs-ad, ai - ;\) to overfl 'W For further iafcr:.' *t'ou can McLaurin. . il le t'■pKcj s’tua! '#4i, t/>^ * f'' ‘ar Uiver, r p .U uw.ndtg hou«e and ;;ndr I i t .rty acres of fj!i -i■ -ei a.id sot subjtG" 1 iij JAMES W. SI .’NGE. itl-f year For ’ ■KLXS. 91-fit w Jan’y 4, 18 1. Plantalioii tor Reisi ?nUE fch.iW iL’ ■ r. ? *.'■ F"';r, X Town, i.i .tT-^reJ I'-r r ut further partioulai .to J J Fiy'- -P!^. J'..' - 2, 18t,4 EAx^’i> i’OIt SALE. E will aci! to the iiig .o-aL *..id it>r at Gritnu’s Biuli’, Rcb.'roa county, on ' .:ur.i»y .ho30: ia> ot Jan’y '864, the fcllowisg C.ANiJ: 1st i u, ciw.rop. Creek iJwatnp aa t t" uj' ' '■‘j ’li’ti, C'j '’itiiDg aovea or eigh im’. •■ire.l r,;-’ c. n’-.inifit, three oundred au^ four ;jcr.^,', ii:;...wu ■. t iC Crnner place 3d lot, contiir.ing vix iiua :rn i .n i iz'y iu Coium bus county, lying iu'.iis Cr .-k iiv i-.,', op.-c-ite Grii- fin’s Bluff ’Toriiis cue haif c-ish, ii“e balaiico twelve nionihs credit, note -in ' approved .‘•ecurity. WILLUM GRlFFIi^. ALLEN GRIFFIN. Dec’r 28, 1863 , 93-4'p l 5000 ACRE'TiiACr Oi’ SlPEIilOR MOinV.TUN LA?iD, In llsaiicoiiibe., A. C. 'IJF, aSovc ir>iC’ vii.it^ius tich i^u « i .ab - fouad We^ti Vu North Cstrohu;: i5sii a:i-. d oii the wateis or S -udj Mn^h, anl in I ae taiige-of tn.;uufain'i called by that name. Tnc i’.ud t-j qc ‘Viiy t;:nb 'od witi Back- ^•e, Chetunut, Oaii, I'-.; lar. V. . na-, L;nu, t.-»tTry, A8t>, !?agar'r.?e, e;c. W^iiio tue sou is .ap;n -'priate to all kinds of grain, i* is pec.aily udaj ic i liOOK raiding, and offers '-n? of the best cppr.;ta.iiti-'a to any one do- siring the trad fvr ex e”slv^-i-.; icid • f. ■ p r;*nge“>. -it who would hkt wi; • i e pr^.in-’tor cf ths lanU in that t.uisinrs.^ Io .cy nj .iu-ari.u;; of cii eriug stock on “h»res, or of furDishiDga i-ipital pr-.p:rtionatc with the prov»rie;'ir, for tac purposf, by ad ire.-i-iag Liu; at Sandy .Mush P. O., Bunej.’ube , N. C-, for the lat ter 0; lor purchase, everv ptirticuUr aui terms will be made known aud abcut one Luadred acres of cm- K'a ;es ou the tract. J M. LOWRY, Propriet'.T, 8a-o; Mu-is, S. C. E J. .\STON, Agent, Asheville. Dec. 24. 93 3t I'HE BINOtlAM SCHOOL, OAKS. OF .NtiE : OUN'l'Y. N C. R le' hiT- vcr.'.l ffood B.'ys T ■' "n . ‘ 0 ■’' k. from J n’v 14th, #150 B v -d - • • - ' •• 600 A '1'. - V- J niNjIfA.M & SONS, 0'i.d;', Orance N. C. I’f o'i -.’O 18i; . * 93 9'pd CliarSotte Feaatalc Institute. '• I'li n- x: : -fti .91! : n n '.V'ednoeday -fan’y 27th, . and o. iti' u. i. — ly w • ks Board per session ‘•0 >. Tui " in $.50. T> ■ iru^tn’utAl branches an ex- - ch'^r; e E .on p' ■ wit; furnish her own towels, •bie iiaV'iius nii.ii;, ic p«ar of sheets, two pillow .■■e = . oa-- .u- isod oae drinkintt cup. Foroir- ir.= . - 1- a’’.pi.! ^ address R y r •■I'ivWELr., CharloMp, N. C. D -o’r 31, 18' 3 ■ 93 4tpd P.- c y: riiir: co*.y iXOTiCE. ’piIL B;i.:g'noe g v^s notice, that the County j_, uv. r Hoc' ii h Creak, pn tha Wilmington Road, >s not J -d 9-ifc-. I’ rr -. ;s cro-sipg it must do so at heir cw:i ri'-t Prep irrtiioa,- are being made to rapair itie Bridge, and t!:«-y art^ ;.xpeeteJ to be oosipleted da ring ihe next week Dec’r 30, li'63, ‘ , 93-8t €.*iLlUI.AR, qU’RTl:.'.MAvSiKR GENEHAL’S OFFICE, Uicn'toKD. Nov’r 1, 18(J8 IN erdvr to i^ivr it?. (mediate effect ;;nd opet«- ilIE(4ROES FOR SAIiE. By virtue of a Decree of the County Court of Cumber land couritv, the subsfiber as Comjaission:-r ap pointed for said purpose, wi!! expo“e lo public eale, a' tbe bite resKlonoe of Robert McPhait, dec’d. known as ttie old “FI -a Hill” muater ground, on the R ileign road, on the 5'h day .JaR’y next, SEVEN NEGROES, 1 man aije l 19, 1 boy aged II, I bjr\y aged 6. 1 woman aged 40, 1 girl 16, 1 girl 14, 1 irirl !2 Terms at sale- WM. J McFHAIL, Com’r. Deo’r 14. 1863 89-tiepd State ot Aortli Carolina. ROB?:SON cou N'T Y. Ccurt of Pleas md Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1863. OM motion, Reuben Kiag, Sheritl' of Robeson county,' re&d aloud in op‘-u Courtlha foiiowiug lands which’ La proposes t.o sell for the Taxea due thereon for the yeav 1862: 85 acres listed by F. C Watson, Gum Swamp, tax ?1 23; 850 acres hated by James R Ashley, Hog Swamp. 5 10; 100 acres listed by Roberson Singletary, Elizabeth road 2 32; 86 acres Haled by John Graham. George’s Marsh, 83 cts (Fram th' Minutes ) 89-ts] JNO A. ROWLAND, Clerk. ' FOR S.AEE. ACRES of PINE LAND in Harnett county, si'uatc about euui distant b«"t'.r?en Upp’rand Lower Litt’n Rivers, being abou^ 3 miles from each, on the W- St side of the .Vtkios Ro id -Apvlj *0 HUGH McLEAN, Buis’s Creek P. O.. Harnett C'' . N C. Deo'r 12, 1863 80-3w |»01\A.^53. . . ^ CASKS ex*ra quality i'oaie-niade POTASH on hand, put up in excclleu? packages of 3 to 350 lbs each, raaiie in Richmond oouaiy by a party who un- d: ratands tho business Orders iry Bolicited. WORTH & CO , Agents. •Vil'aington, N. C., Deo’" 8, 1863. S9-I0tpd 1200 T Uauoubted litU-, t'lvated lands, »r.d \Y U r« Phy-iiceaii'i!. Cai*»i. D. A CAMPbKi-L (! se ot .M rinrj. S. t ..) baa removed to FayeUevill-3 i»nU taken an otQce cn Buw street, where l;c Qsy -je fcuiid :it, .-ill times, with an ai3; le stock of .Me liciu •■, tu a.j^wor Proiesdional calis. Svisfactory reference lUiaiaaod, &c-. J.iu’y 2, 1864 94-3D3pJ . Wood Wante^.. SEVLED Proposal;: w.Il bu rccfivei until t';e 10th last, f'-r ot.e nunir:i cor is b:u«I O.VK WOOD, ddliv*red at tho Ar^ci.al ...xVil’HESv P. TAYuOR, ■! ai.d A -V. Q. M. , J.ay2, l-ul - 94 tlU.a Siai nett €oiiaty. rpilE Magisimes of iIhi :^it tJju'i y ar’ ordered to ui-jet toltue C’jurt ! >u T Mond.ay ja Ji»uuit,. 1-iil. D>’c’r 31, 18tto li Lilccgt ju, on the 2d !!jj.'LD -IN, tJhm’t.. 91 2t W W.4.1iTE», MAN lo t*ke oi.arge cf a Ctifding Boom in a Cot- Fabtory. Apply at this Offi«e, by not« addressed . & Son. Deo’r 9, 18W. 88-19^1 i A A ton 1 i to MqD. SIO Ige%%ar4ii, JILL be p tid f->r t i ■ >pp. ’h- asi^n e..ijd do'.ivtry to ne d‘ Ilf'RY \L ‘iNZO a mulatto tre.’; b.>y, abuu*. 16 ‘ fk n . !' ’ i'-t ' 0 me as au ap- prn/itico 1 > ’•eby t.Te w v n -,11 p ; s fr-ni harhor- i*i-; said hoy. *1. '^llALET. Fayc*r-'v.dl-. J>-n’y 1, ‘804 9} iipd CATrS^E STKAYi:!^. STRAYED -ro.;i i.nc S,d..,r-*:; >■, ;iv,tig t. -ir viile, .about M-n; .i‘;'t-io, ab'-:oii and ’^i ite>‘ow 4 ' f»ars old Ale v nb'-tii year a r.M Cow, ^hcui 6 vears old. w?t;- cru^iply horns; Tjuid r v ti.i« iin.c have a calf about 8 .^..nitis oid .Vho. a Idftck ye ‘.riing, with a red sfrcik all d;)v?n b:- b iok, cratup!> uc.r ts. All marked wi'h ihr MalivU :n..k, viz: sw»Uow-fork in t^oh ear Aay informa'inr w'P b,^ tUaakfuIly rc.c^iv d, • ad a rewar.'i .'f ■’iU> a.‘>’ vnU berr’.id for their 'ovory. ELIZABETH IJyNDF.R'ON. Dec -29 l>tvidend Ao. 2^?. BANK OF CHAllLOrTE, N. C-, ) Dr: ^ rpilE D.ard tf Di;f> -rs -f th\.- ■ ■ ^ ce' is ($2 50) ; ?>"•• ■ ' ■ i Five Do’U-g (S3) r.'r v.iil be paid f SicckhaMers or O'-'l-’?'. 'a C-'t-fcd-r^t? Sta« Treasury Notes, on an 1 ^ > di.'.;ds.y fh«, «th lay of Januiry 18t;4. Stockhol art r‘qui. d lo drav th^ir divi- den ls proa-j.tb ioa to :he :ict ot Fe^'ra.ary 15, 1862, intended t« provide- for ‘-dlBibk-.t soldiers” (by oonferring on them app^ intnieins w’ i.,r ih'-y n^y be competent to fill,) it is hereby a-uour-cc 1 t'.. >t a y “uisablod soldier” who may ?' «!’rr fi. pi,:-ii;ou in t? , Quart* rraastif’s department ri.ot.Id, ia '-rd' f t > om lirftor report to the Chief Quaf'erni&-ter oJ th' tu’ete of which he is a resident, or in which he may bs ia ho~.'tal or rn duty at the time of his fif’piicti^ ic-n. L;5 N .iue, . j C'-iipacy, Age, } Regiraeut, Prfefehsion or if wit, I Brigade, end Piac-' of abode cr station, j Nature of Disability. ^ He wiil stati* in his applictoiion loe nature of the po- cition det-ired^ such >:s clerk, wagon or forage master, &c. &o. II .ApplicHa!*^ for clcrkships will be required to pof- sfss .* f»ir hhowledge of arithmEtio, lo write good Eng- li^i^, and iu a k'cible .'jand. For subordinate positions, loss wiil be required III AU applicationn mn*>l be supported by voaehera of uuiiopeachaMe oa i. ader, and the sufficiency of wit- nee«-s trierennto. if \n civil ufe. r>'u?it be csrtified by sntje ju9t!fte of I '.'tee. c ‘>'her county or ar.unisipal oiiiaer: Where fi’siipj' aiab are from the commanding officers of the ip’.lici'y, no such certificate will be D'cessary. IV. It •, S-.1: b r 0 d. !.j of tho Chief QuartermMter U.eaCii Stc.to.to a r.isier of puch tpphcants, and to pl’-ce thoir papers on file for reference; and he will re- p-irt at the exp ration of quarter the number there of, ;.nd tie uu' iher cf appoin meats, to the Quattor- maettr G;n -ral. V. Local t^iaarf r-vmasfers will (in case they have made no authoriz‘'d arran ;oa:ent3 for clerks or other em ployees) be txpeo-'id fo fapply themstlveB, as far as pr.acticable, ftora tl; ^ cImS cf “disabled soldiers” thus enrolled, who r.-ay bo t'ouud competent tc diacbarge the duties of the departmeat. VI. A*ppiications should be asooropanied ia eaohoase by a copy of the ccjtificiic which shows the soldier to Ve di.-jabisd, aad should tie a t pressed to tho Chief Qoar- termasttr of tbe Slate ia which he may desire to obtain a popiiiop. thus: “Totho Jhie*(^ ’Rrto»-ini-?er of North Carolina, Raleigh.’ VII. Po!-ts cf CLiei rmasters are as follows: Virginia, . Richmoud, • North Caroliri.a. 'Raleigh, South i ifonna, Chf.rleston. Georgia, Augusta, Ai-..bHma, JMontgcmery, Mis'iriBippf, Eau rprise, Floridfi,, ‘ Lake ' ity, Louisiaoa, Alexandria, Texas, San Antonia, Arkansas ana Mi“soari, Little Rock, Teuiie-see >ind K'^r.mcky, KnoxviUe Vill When a vine . ■ brtn ^’ntiad for any appli- cvti?, the Cfvi. Q‘i .rteriu iu whose district tbe post may bo, wi l pfi t ■> at t au to obtain, through the r giilar ohann i't'. t.i j i ;f ;ii a:;-; a siz^ajcui to duty of in - ■‘■5ieable { l :-ij .vidfi for IX. Tae r c ryci\it .>a cf all ofScors of tho Qaarferniswjttii'H d { -.i' rc i;t rrynig into etreot this ‘■y.'jtcm, wueu it , i - irhou'. inanifest injury to the pubiio -crv:.-‘-, i.-- nS icni !y :-xorcted. A tt. L \ w i'ON, Qtiitrtermastf r Gon. Dec’r 29 93-2l*2t .Itfi'r ts!i!^ d:ite 1 will J- V 12J C^ic:^* per poun i^or rags, or the ;r U'*v ; ‘. price, delivered in Fivottevuie, o. as, iiiy 'i»:' ■■ vr. 1'- MURPHY t-- fSt. •• ^ ^ Mari->Se Fuctory, By TWO !;:?’K5 /i''"'. . P- Ddc’r 20, 1S83 TN ». J D": VOK'?OOI>. Prco’t. 93-: . Prof. W. S B w»li 7ult Fiyotitfu!^ an.j v-cini:y, a'>ou? the 30th of thi.-t month, for the purpcBt of TUNING Piano Fortes; Strings rcplaciid, etc. . Dee’r 15. 91 tf > a, » S;i l»i‘’ ■ ii J *NiiD, bcih h-ivlag ear*Vi‘d the miii- ji .&rr iiic Co''f“d*^r : Ptate.'f cf America, K :,-eh’. K* V-aGCs to t.hi'' ^ ^ ;f ,,taw': and friends, t’r- ti! .,. l ,T I r. >r' and John D Willi^j. or thifi piR' ti, '..■■-or:eys to oolisct either St pu.- or ccs;ointlr e’l 'r-.-*-It’-' '-Iteai eitier by •-;'j;;nnt or note, on ’ - v‘i’t ’ to tlicir bu- :T'."'c V. ttflacraliv i .: • roo- .laey rcEpect I'uLy ail* al- vcr.ior ^ .'htt-j to osi.! as prompt* ly as pcsfllble oa th;;'/ agv'i-; ftE.i TTAke pay meat. £> .ii & WILLIAMS. ■ bopiu la, 1S61. 58-tf