iPAir TIIIL SEMI-WEEfiC L Y. Vol. xiii. FAYETTETILLS, N. C.. JANUARY 18, mA [NO. 1298.] PRINTED Mf)N’)AVS TUg I’^nn v CaWiRO J. HhXV. k ms. ■PITOR? AND rRopF.nyroRii Prite far tht Semi-W>f\l3' On^nnreV f»0. In a4Tan«e. P*r lie Wetkly Gb»ervr» 3r4 (K» p«r annr:n. pai‘1 'Q i®^A»TBKTISSM^:'"r’! njer*ed for S2 per ? r>r flrst, »ml ono for e»ib j III . ■» > . , I Ml . I - i ■ ■■ I ' ' lf©Ryf vfruoii F#>R!af» Sfrainfiry, • At Mt. »r«O i MiutifH’ Spri'if*. (^hntbiim I'onol). Ifit, g-s,ii..u to oonlmen«e 2Bth Sept. j . TERMS: per !Msion of 2tt we im.Ti' ■■I'aaagB Ar« TSO.ll »ALJE«. S*crtm]^*aTy Va* ffn Sale or E^irect Mttt- po^'iufi/tn, BY •; * LOOUS aeLJLflu. vik.7 KOTiCK. nKAbQt'ARTxns Saval DcFKtiass. I WiLiiinoTOH, D?« Wtb. ?50 00 4'» 00 5) » i»0- Mvdisg pnV>li«atron. AiTort>»«in'uf« u^'t 5 i kftlf aqsarc (»>yh^ $1 for th» first j^nd 60 eeiits fw talk gioi«#'iin'^'puhlicat^on. Advortie*r« ir* r*>- , t« 8tst« tke aambcr of iunerlions ileJitreJ, or will bf? «OBtin«(>tl till forhiJ, ami charfi^il aocorj- tepy. Adrertit«ni>Mte Aontinui^l inside, 3harge! as ni>w aJ' I SPKi'lAL NOTICE. fro« ani ••tar fuUdate, nonarce^f » new sMb^eriber wtU k« ant«r«c] wiibout pe,Tment in advanrjs Borwil*' tlM pap«r te iint vo si«ah an^»crU>iir? for a 1oiig»r tiwe •ma if paid for. 6««k of ocr old i>ubMn^«r« : t.ike th» r.a VM* om tkig •Tstem ■will im i:v ui wli*n rMytuuice«. .lar.j 1, 18f>S. j i Htj'h!’! Eof-. Hrano^ j Aci ’eniic (’’I . Mwsio ftni pR'ti'jnc. !>voh, j TyT.tii’ FrftLrl' s«iJ Praning, estob ' Ropw Psp.eB""*, B '"iri S50 p'T moEtb, or 510 npr aj.'a^h if pai'l in T»v rr'lcf «. Hev. WM. HOOPER-I „ . - . T C nOOPER, ( - S*. L^wr“D«e P. 0.” BY WILRKS MOBKIS, Aactloacer. 40 00 ^ TUSSDAT, Jaouarjr JtiiU, 1^64, oomisuaatog at ^ •>0 00 I A .M I w)ii rit-U .at my Sili^ R'jomfl, No. b/ o»t«lcgHe, N C Fires* 8 02!f Attorney at Tji»w, Fayitteviixi, N. C. In4la attend the Countv ani Superior Courts of Cuiberland. HirnRtt. Moorr and Roheson Coun* Prompt attention fiveR to f'^ie oolUation aJ «l|^M eziira8t«Ni to his> hands. Oct. 17, 1869. 58-if ^IslorwrWILLIAMS 4 C0.7 %Vholesaic Dealem in iirAcei*ie»^ AND IMPORTERS AND DBALBR8 IJ tlwdware and Cntlery, Swedes irdUf &Cm HAT STREET, FATSTTEVILLK, 5. «. Jaiy2, 1S«1. 36tf JO Ftl E ^ Grocer an*i t’ammtfn/ion JfiereluttU, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. J&n’j 10, 1868. 98-tf j %VE^TERIV RAi8^ THS FRRIGHT AND PASSEVGFR TR.\1N! of th?,^ Koft4 leave Fajetterille daily. (Suniay« eio^pte^i) at 8 a’clock, A. M., and retumisg Jeawe Egjpt at 1 o’oIocK. P. M. CnIfU and Borte Train. \JOND.\Y, WEDI^ESUAYfti d FRIUAY Bv order JNO. M. RO^IE, Tri.*«t'r Rod Gi*Vl Ti-an?. Ae’t. •Inn. 22. 1864 97tf From and alter ilia^ data th« St^iuir A. P. HURT wi.i ’ravo »f oVlook, \. M.. oit 'Ion l aud Thursdaj-. JOS. A AprM ♦)—ITtf], A^’t IV F iit-v-ac^ no'*t (?o. r WILL oper the E.VQLF. iur the rt- oeptijii or G.ioBts the lirstof June, and I hop« • iSxJCsto bo ,c eniert-iin :'rom seventy-fiv’e to % hundred persona duricj; tiic Summer. ■* In connect ion with thijs large Hot.'l I havo r uuoibtr of H&okrf, Cii'naires, Bufiriisa STjd " i il» Ilorflis thf.t n;y ^ue“i# »rvu ^et k? % cn'iitiw'fl notio.- .» M BLAIR. Proprietor Kagle Hotel, .■^*he-j'.'e. S. C. Mayl8,1S«8. 3l-ypd B • WOETH. 1). W«»KTU. S. O. I;\Nr%L WORTH & CO., Cooimissioa and Forwarding Merchants, IV'ater Street, WILMINGTOX, N C. Oct. 16. 1863_ 73 12ta JOHNSON, VVILLIAM8 & CO.. SALT .11AKI':B«i. WS have thirty (30) pans now in operation nine miles east of Wilmingion. Parties wishing to STjpply ttatmseWas with salt, can be furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., Agent at FayettevII!«, to E. Page, iBaiMig*r at the works, «r J. M. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent. 4«yett*»ille, Not 20, 18t>2. ^ WaIMTEl>. 2 c: A A BUSHELS-wnEAT, ,OUU 1,500 “ CORN. Parsons haTin* the above articles to sell will receive *e highest Cash price by oalling on Mr. .M. IhotaMon, yi ibe Merchant Milto, Fayetteville, or on the subecri- iw at his old stand on Market 8quar». ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Sot. 5, 1862. 76tf these Brtlolea ean obt^tin rite oarket price un app'ica- tion to the subacribsr it aid stand or »t Mr. J. W. Powers’s on HAy ’Str*>et. R E. HEIU5, Gen’l .\g’i. 25. . 5«i-if To CcUoii Planters. ItLVV H been appointed by the Secretary of the Trei»- 9Bry, Chief Ageul for the pureha«>a of Cotton for the Confederate Gorernuent nithin V>e State of North Caro- liua, a&a will p%y for the same in 7 per-o^nf Bocds or f’ssb. Sub-Agecte Tisiting tht different 3>urts of ^he Siat«, baviiiji; m my aa&i«. wiil have written oenificates > f !ippoiat*tteat. By order of ttte Secretary ef the Trewury, all Coiten purchased by,myself or my «genta, oa and after the 13t\: day of Mar :h 18ti8, wiil be paid for lu 7 per cent. Bond? «r O&sh, and not 8 per oont. BonOd a? i:i a former a^tvertijciuent. Lp to that time, hwwc-vor, ib.‘ 8 per cent. bon^B will ba fumi.shed w aiate'l. Patnotio 'sitiisna are now offered an opportunity to ail the Govemmeat by belling to it i«eir Cotton ra’faitr taa^ to priv>ii« oapitailsts. L3WIS a. WlLLlAMd. ^fcvlotte, Mar«h 24, 1868. [o. D.j 14ti AU.TIY HARiVE«i!i. f AM.prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon X Bamess for Army use. 1 twi my leather and ea* give good bargaiuo. Agents wili do well to send their ettiors .to me as they shall have prompt attention, and tent off in quick dispatch. JfOUN 'CARTER. Goldfton P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., \ June 13. 18Gi. / 900 lb«. Giiih'Arabic tor «aieby ’ J. a. LEE. Oct. 15. 6&tf SALT! SAf/ni BACBLS for sale by De«. 22. ROBIillT MITCHELL. 8S-tf BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO^ various graies TOItAC€t>. 190 for sale on consignment, by GEO. W.'WILLI.4.M55 k CO. May 28. 81*^ Sole lieather wauie«i. Ai 4 A LBS. of heavy well tanned SOLE LEATHE!^, oV/UU aaitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY. Fayetteville. April 14. ’iOtf Wanted to Purchase, WBSTEBN BAIL BOAD STOCK;' Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasurv Nofe.i (Fondtible:) ■ “ “ “ • *1 ^nd 1^2; “ Bouds, old and nev; HJounty of CuniberRnd Binds; ’ 'r^'lTown of Fayettevi le Bonds; "Oreengt'oro’ $1 and $2 Certificates;, ^Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds; ^Coupons of $15,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bon1«; *• of old Nortn Carolina IJondu; T. S. LUTTERLOll. Got. l‘J, 1!»63. "It* WAIVTED, Bank NOTSS of Nonh Caroliaa, 8otUh Carolina, Ylrpinla ana Georgia. AUo, North Carolina six par oeat. Fundable Notes. Al«o, North Carolina six per cent Bonds, bsw isaoi- W. it. RICHArtUsiON & CO., Brokers, Raleich, N. 0. M*rch 9 O w Cotton Ifarn for Wool. N otice is hereby given thi»t after this i&te (ex«;ep! in cases where we have bargaiaei for Wool accord | ing to the terms of our advertisement of the ^iOth of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn f'^r 4 lbs of Wool unwashed, cr 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is m.%ie at the instance of the Q.aartermaster at Raleigh, in order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. • 41 tf «R1 »'stojIies FojaTsa 'T'UE anJffoigai J have taken the Agency for the sale JL of M»!E3rs. W. L-. Pt-.rra? & Co.’s Grind Stones, and j have E'.'W oa h^nj siiea 'unning 18X2j iaonps to j b Icei i>y 11 i ' le. and can have out at stiort nctice i ANY .SIZ CS v.'-jUKJ P«r^ia8 iu waut of Grind Stones I wiil please 1 wi h liie uaicMii^ned, rrho will j fill orJers p’o*"!*’ 7 ^nd g^iarantee the quality of the gi lt as reprs,:. i I -. GS.O. W WiLLIA.MS & CO. FayettfviUe, 7, 32-t' ■ ^.'oal inline. T’HE nnderp g'n^tl were, at the November Term of the Confederp’;’ tjoiirt, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Mana>r5rB oi the Egypt Coal Miue property, and have enie» d int.T copartnership for the purpose of mining and seiliE.^; Coal, and solicit orders for the samcL in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be cuppHed ou ehcn aotice. The Coal from thia pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States. Applications m4y be made to Chas. B. Mallett, Fayette ville, N. C., or James Browr.a, Charleston, S. C- CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNK. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20. 1868. 9^tf Pal mu Chridli Bean». rjlHE subssriber will pay the highe!t canh prices for any quantity of Palma Christi Beans. J A Soidierti’ Claiui». ^OHTIT ' 7 •» SpQn Cotton E&chaQged for Lard* W£ wUl give fcpun Cotton in part payiuect tor LAB.D delivered at my Factory on Person St. A. McLAUCHLIN. I..4RD »I4. Factory. -A very fine aniole, for sale at my A. McLAUCHLIN EIBAR TOI8.l]it my Factory. FayetteTllle, 12, lt6a. j^O i p.—For sale at A. MoLAUCHLlN. i>3-6mpl OKUXA>CK UKPAKTMBNT, I Raleioh, N. C., May 8, 18C3. / LBAU WANTED.—1 wish to pur«ba«e Lead for this Derartmeot Persons hRviair lnrfc(»‘or «m«n — Mfm, WM «•« «v itDia a shor* es'at Washington have beco.-ne oe inso gressmen doubtless fiud it dithcult to They probably fear that they will be r places by the negroes. Already some have been leceived wjth distioguisfaiil Lincoln’s New Year’s Levee, ani bj we expeot to hear of thsir shoving Ise from the Levee, provided they be lilies POWD 6i)-tfl 'rHE 1 the mioiBlt notifies pres«n this ^0 the penitentiary under th are yajutoui,. UECIOa MoNBILL, De*. 10, WW. ^ ‘ At the request and for the convenience of tho!*c in terested, the undersigned hag agreed to collect ail, the claims of deceiutd and ditcharged soldiers, and of tohiiert on furhugh, that ba placcd iu his hands. ' Having had aa fxperi*nce of near 20 jCiirs in prysc- cutirp- '•laimn against the Unifri Svitet Government, .'.s well as *'«ainst the Confederate StKtes, he is pcrfoof.ly familiar with every viriety of claims, and can make as »arly collection as the large number now on file will ad mit. ^ A moderate f^n W’ll be charged to cover o'is?,postag«, stationery, Ac. Apply in psrson w adireas by letter, JNO. M. ROSE. • Fayettevilie N. C., Oct. 14, 18S3. V’i—Hjapd Vayettevilie imBal aua irniury, > Nov. 12. I8«3. .( $100BOUi\Ti. ff>iier6/l, too *:ftaunHtd ilittetnen. Authority having been g"'5nted by the War De- psrtment to raise a Compawy of Mounted Rifl^m-n for service iu this vicinity, naticc is “hereby given that CoMUKSgs number sf 100 non conscript! vrill be re fer this service. Kaoh recruit will be required frrfseuted for ^ serviceable horse, for which he will be al- uries A nutiQ cents per diem, and his pay $12 per month, tu the House: permitmn will required from" parents or Ga., to author w*‘e*‘e the applicant is under the conscript tain oases. reeruit must brint^ wkh him a blanket or bod On Tharadii^rid cooie prepared to remain read to the saddles, baUers and saddle blankets furnish- uf meuber« of ’® Gorernment, or if the recruit Qomes provided pm, he will be paid far them a fair valuation. Its passage MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, alTtbe Ar- ' senal F. L CHILDS. 80tf ] Major C. S A. Comd'g Post. THE DIXIE PRIiHER, Foe the Idttto Volki. A ftiither mipply »t wboles*I« •r nMI kf ' I. J. BAU 4 90l». TESTAiflEiHTS A.HB CONFEDERATE States-Bible Society Teetaments. A CoUeetiw of 8*M)>th Sohoel HymiM. VWMtokf B. J. SAU 4 MKS. Graait« !v w. WilttiinirtoM. of the ^ PKi\ l.liCy, kn W!I.D D\YRELl, Wit!; oonHtfnmcnt*’ fror» other vcsiele. vif: « LHIV GOODS. 68 hales l^ark.an-^ F i'^oy Prints, Sobawbe’s & Boyle’s 2Ji biilcs B!pck ni'H Wait* do 2*1 h«l»a (»nl I’/pBohcd Shi>'ting 14 c.ists Bl.kck A!pae'^» () .''upc'r Ff'iics Clitcl. B. oad Cloth : S haJo.* ertr» h-«vy Wool Co&Mags 10 Cnt^sim-rofl 5 ''R*‘8 Fincv M'jhairs 6 V- ( pis.nr.el 4 '•■.x.lfa F'i'.icy W r • Fi/inaeis I'b -i 4 hd ... B'.w ?..th.- •!'. 2 h.-ic «r ‘lixpd S-'il ?k’^ ■J F. ■■ Tr. -'e 4 ? !>', ; Ti.k r;a.«?e Fr'-r.a'-. M'ri':o ‘2 cin s t’-'i’iicH C'l.’i'.mere L. vi S'-irta I Of • . ' Ii. »Cl 'ih 1 CHS.* i> th •> ri- ’ ■ ” ■'■J l”u- ■Vrn'v Cl"*b 2 ca'^- s Hla llroad Cloth 1 ■->!!•■ \v it,'- Proof Tweeds 1 CIS-- Ve'vs-; P- e 8 Cl'-"' L n 1 f-.'e I \'picca 1 QUA'- Gr^y DeLi’7.1« 2 cT3?s F'v’h ' I' LHtnfo 1 c :>» 1*1 I i Kn'iok-it' .pker 2 s\sn F nry Fli’trii;! Stii-t« 2 c'i* ^ M.tIoo 1 Ci'^e Me*ino D-'iwers 4 c^^es Meriit-j 1 onsi?CoHrci H'»n'k^rotie’i 1 enso P.4per rambrics 8 aMPt :^poo! Ccttiin cases B ae But'otis 1 o.ise Military Ba'tsns 4 ca!-e« Pins, Kirby’s ‘ 1 08“ Hair P:ns 1 case Stay BiaJing 1 C:i.^e L non j*hirt Collars ^ 1 c»se Loiift Soaw's 2 G V! '.ad Miitj 1 «*sc llo' p SV!rt* 1 cas« Ribbons POOTS \ND SHOES. 6i.o»se9 tie.it’s --nd L*dies’ 3boe« 24 ease- .4rw!y B'uchprs 6 ’?£“« Shf'3 7 bale-« Solij Lua'-hor 3 c%ss Fr.nc:i waxr 1 Calf Skiiis .‘'TATIONERT, 'o c'X'se' p, T.ettcr ani* N. t** Paper 13 casa- Peai, Hol lers and Pencils (j cases Epv-’icpfwhi'e '•nd butT 3 cases Playr.s t 'ardsi b'lndles y^ntf Boards . CARDING, Ac. 4 o»ses Card Clothing 47 cases Cottou Ottrds. No. lU HAT3 aNI) caps. ‘20 caees Genfs’ Caps GROCERIES. 44 bbls ■’’•nshed JSagar HO ba^a Jatr Coff' o 10 half Ches:? Toune Hyso?’ Tea 20 case** V^neg"»r 20 oases Pick*en 20 ca«es S-^I.vi 0;J -y) can B "own j^o%p If'O 'asfs Wftiti? Soap ."iO oio's B.-lni'-nt Sperm Can4ica .56 birrels Mackerel 18 barrels S*l:noa LIQUORS. , 6 quarter caBks '^oKnac Brandy, a siiperlor artloie 90 casks 3’ urbon Whiskey 10 h«lf pipes Bourbon Whiskey 8 pipes Hr)ll''nd Gin 9 casks Old Turn Gin 20S oases Geneva Om 123 eases O'd M »lt. Whiskey 6-*> e?iso3 Bon^hon Wbiskey 16 '•■\8eii J^cb'idim Sobnapps 20 cases Champagne 18 cases Pale Al*» 215 ' .’.S'’ Hognao Brandy, Dnpsnt and ether favorite br.an;l3. SALT. •^06 sacks Liverpool G A Salt IGO sacks T’lrk's Island Salt , ■ 2 crates Earthen Ware ^ 29 oases Glass Ware, Tumblers, Wine Qlassee sad Decanters. HARDWARE, &o 10 tons, 400 bun lies, fine N»il Rod Iron 80 boxes Terne Platrs 44 k«»g8 cut Nails io60 lbs. TTo'low Ware ^ 4 o^sea Kniv* and Forks 2 ca»e!; Hf'Hsors ar.d RaxTre 1 case Fi''", Hamers, TIetofcets a*l Gimlets, lie boxes Window Gla^s 10 ciwes Per. Caps , BAGGING AND RQPK. 25 bal'^8 G'lnny B^gjcing 30 coils U.-vlc llop“ DRUGS, &o. 320 keg4 Bi Carb Boita 2^5 casifs So'.Ift Crysials »0 cask^ Er>som Salts 85 liarrel:* Lump Alum 8 Prea'T' Tart«r 2 cases I^flide Potass 8 case.= Qu'uine 40 b'-rrcls Kaglish CoppersH IW br>x"‘> Ks rao* Lopwood 0 casks Refined t'amphor 1 ti' rce Cl ■ at iiesen'* 1 rasa Citric Acid 1 casfe Aeid T.irt 1 tiew.e Pulv A.iaoia 3 ca-.bti F;or Sulphur 10 drums Balaam Jopeiba .SO casks Alcohol 11 Pnn?beon« i^lcohol 12 casks Linseed Oil 70 drums Linseed Oil. 10 cas’.^s Tenn'm Ac»*i 1 cise India Rhuhfs' b 1 k“z Chlftr Potash ' 2 keis Salt.fi Tartar 14 cases Balsam Copebia - 2 ca»"s Pov’d '!ant''ari leg 1 keg Gum Acacia Zino 6 oases Mustard Z carooys Sulph. Acid 2 carboys Acetic Acid 1 case Pow’d Ipec.ac 1 case Pulv. Rtiiji Turkey 3 cases Bi CaVb' Potash 3 cases Pow’d J^lap 4 cattes lodia R5ubarfe B .oa:J*8 Castor 0*1 10 drums Olive Oil •10 cases Calomel. Pil Hy Iraiir, atid Iodide 4 oases Chloroform. • Jan 7 96-te gSr Persons attending this sale with r view of pur chasing, are hereby notified that no drafts or aooept- ancee will bo rf ceived in payment of bills Only BOiiey or Bink paper will be received. I The follow'tij Ciri;«lar frjia the Bhrean of Cor«tr;}>- titia i.» puMished by order ef the officer eofiim-ifeiiiiig I the Nival Delenoea of ?forth Carolina', for the iuforw'i I lion of Consoript-i and per-c.n . li ihl*. to O inPoviptivB: Confederate States sf Amoriea, J i Bureau of (•oNscRiPTio.'f, v j Richiuond, Mareh 24, IStiU. ^ i CIRCULAR ORDBR The attea'lon of oJB^ers ’ avicg cbartre c? eonseripn. is directed to 8''«ii5i 2 vf the ael of Congress. s;j- j prov»a Oof.^hfcr *J i.«802, wj.i'h i* r.s f.,llo»i§: , I Sec 2. Tsiat if any person who has been or ir> about to be ei.rv>'led for service in ihs army, shall. THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, OAKS. ORANGE COUNTY, N. i FRENCH ELECTIONEERING. ■ correspondent of the Times, at Paris, I writing on the 17th of December, tells ^the fol- I iowitig story: I The brother ot a high functionary in Paris was started for one of the northern ^districts at the ' last general election, wh.'ch, as you laay reuieia- ; ber, began on Sunday, the 31st of May. It is 1 superfluous to observe that a person with his I nearest relative in so exalted a station was not ao I opposition candidate. Bein po'-?orfully second- I cd iu his canvas by all the officials, he was re- I turned by 29,067 votes. One of the most active ; . K - w • ■ J ' J ! ’»'s dijaih ooniai^'niF abo**t^six”h"andr^'LTrM a»ect8 happened to be la the principal town »im% bi>,;,re b. lajr asmiEn'd to any rompaBV de.Uire » j , . .. ' "IT aoowi six ranjrea ^ree ipia j,- , i .v i. j i the carolling or coT.m iadi:ig i,fti.;«r tfc.ai fcre fcri.f«rs he | ^ ^ ^ront- | the district at the niouient the pousants had i InR cf»r 11* : for scrvice 5u .ae u:ivy or aarike sur?#. i' i *'!®' qnart.«r. and rnn- ! just left the church after hearing mass. About i shall be the d'lty of the said ;>tfioer te enroll sueh ptr ( a! least three fourt’as of a mile._ This land i ICO uf them were Standing in groups near the I soc the S3>-viee which be may prefer. ■iBd to tra^-.a ! LilUngtun, the Connty Site. an4 is whero the polling was going on. They were ' vei^v valnable, presenting advactages rarely offered in if i.,- f. , th«H cf>nnty There Ls a very valuabls MILL 8ITE «n | 8i“Pie-looking fau cumplexioncd and round-faced the iand. Any person desirivg to examine the premises I —the very men on whciii the «^lu«:|ucnoc uf a bnst- C. Room for several food Boys Tiiition for 20 weeks from-Jan’y 14th, X150 H-«ard “ “ •• “ *• “ 600 Address W. J. BIN;iHA>I * SONS, 0>i^8, Orange. N. C. Dee'r‘iSJ. 1868 93 9tpd ¥alu»ble Land in Harnett for Sale. By vir'ue of nn'iiarlty vested in lae by the las! Will t'n4 Te*tai»ent of Heetor.M MoT/«an. dfc’d. I will II a (i-redit of six uoniks wJih in'erent frotn Sil'*, as the purohiiser m-^y elect, that valu^tbie oa wbioh the testator livod previous to for c'ijl] PL.ANTATION mt'- to the Secretary *jf ib? Navy a li''t of the peraoas so enrolled. lawte!b«erv«riTihl7rL pro’isien of t^-e j Hugh McLean, Esq , ^r to^Jm. A D j ling and devoted partisan .would be likely to tell. • that r port-bo made aceordmgly. I Le.n. ei.ber of. whom will t.ke p'leasure-in shoillrg j He accosted thenJ^, inquired after their health,- H^^XI^^M^LEaN j ao'l that of their mothers and sisters, wives and D*n‘r .'2, »‘58 °* ■ ■ ‘ 9.5tf | chUdrcn, iu the most affectionate manner, and - • - ended by a«!kinK them wiiether they woula take /k timall lot ot IVortll t'aroiina a little refreshment after their walk on a warm day. They smiled consent, and accepted the in- n oenever any otSccr of the N'i»y. >t.f.'«igrate'l ^'y •t'u Wbvj- l>apa.rim«nt, sbi'l p” ■r'-'it. ^>in;srif fpr th» piirpo*- -, ! *n» offiojr in chu;ge c.’’'*o; r-rirr^ iryt o.uuf^ tncm «.»> r»* I mustered in preseuoe if auoh effije'* of the ^-'uvy, irj or- * dar that tb»y may he sSVrpd tKe e.U‘-rn,iti7q, of entpr'nir ^ Bttvai service. Bv*rder of Brig. Ger. Q J. Rains, y'uptriutcn l»ot ! «w] A JO 'F.R, Lt C*»l., A A 0. i BAR IROxir OF Superior quality, to be ezab.ance) for CORN, PORK, B.V.‘- ON. or other conniry Produce. Apply Jan’y 4. W' SJ,000 ACRES OF LIND FOR SALE. ILL be sold in Liku '"^ity, on Thursday th^ 21st of January, A. D. 18(51, the f Tlowia^ propt-ny, e^*- quet’tr.'.ted by a iVaree r.f the ConteJ«r'a‘e States Court tor the Distrrct of Fiorii*: 20.1.K>0 acres of Land known as the Flemming SraDi^ situated in Brevar.i eoantv, Florida, on Indian Riv^r, in T go 3. R 37 E; T 30 S, R *.8 K: T 81 8, R m E; T 81 8, R 37 B: Property of Ber/iarn, of Bostoa. 12,180 Seres of Land •.•! Drevatd county, known a*, the Q.'mei Grant, iu T 3W .S, R 41 E; T 38 *S. K 4i E; 1 39 a, R 42 E; T 4U S. R 12 E; T 40 S, R 43 K; T 41 »r R 41 43: Proporly of G jUiei, Gomr;i & Gj’ae* 6tiO acres of Land in 'fnrnando county, Florida, eom- prising the E ^ of N E ^ of S«c 23; the W ^ of N W 4 of Sec 2C; £ ^ of N E i of Sec 27; E J of N W 4, and 1 ^ of S W J. and S E i of Sea 28. T 22 S, U 19 ■: Pro perty Qf ThoB J Parsons. 168 asre'^ of Lasd in Brevard, near eounty site. Lots No 2 and i of Sec 29, T 8tiS. R 41 E: Property ofPhiftp Hernalles 200 acres in Hillsborough cosnty, Florida, N £ } of i SatiMfactory referej»ee famlsb»*d, ao. 8 E tof 8eo3, T 31 S, R22E, and .H W* of S£ i; S ’ ’ |ofS E J; and N K J of 8 W i o^Sec 3. T 81 8, R 22 ROSS. 9-3 3t vitation with many tl.ianks. Adjourning to a public house close by, the hospitable stranger or dered tlicpublicau to regale Ihcm plentifully with bre;ulj checse, .sau.sagts and wine. The order wus complied with, and they ate and drank their fill THOS. J. JOH3(SOi^\ G«D«ral Cojumission and Forwarding Merchant. profusion of thanks _ ^ ^ i« r»Af TYi£» T-r'»t 4-5 »V»rth V^\*ter *»«., WIL.MLNGTON. N, C. Jan’y 8, U61 9o *mpd 0 NE or TWO such to disp'ii'e of will pu*ae .i.lj!- %VA.KTEI>, MULj^lY saws. Anv ’-tsoa having ttie under- •signed at PriH7«ct Hall, Bi''.ii^;a Couui - si.atin^ price J. W PURDIE Jan. 7. 96 8tp4 Phj^sician’s C'ard. R D. A CAMPBELL (lau-cr*.'.:8. C.,) hw r?moved to Fayetteville and t.ken an office oa Bow street, where he may be found ui ail times, with sa ampld e^.'ek of Medieines, to U’^a^or Professional calls. D' Property of heirs of Luther Wilson. 0 acres of Lan w J of Sec IJJ, T 27 S, & 20 B: Pro^rty of Atwater, ICO acres of Land in Hillsborough eounty, Florida, N Mnlford A Co. Block No 38; N | of Water Lot No 11; and Lot Ne—, Block S6: Lots 1, 2, and 4, in Block 12; Lot No 5, in block 17: 1 Steam Saw and Orist Blill, on bloek No 88, in the city of Tampa: 80 aor'erof Lan^, in Hillsboro’ oeanty, Florida, N ^ of N W J of Seo a, T 38 S, R 20 E- Property of Ar thur Bell. TiTsae—CASH. The above Lauds eompriee some of the best in Flori da, and offer a flae opportnnlty for profitable iaveflt- ment. Information ean be had by addressing Ferdinand Me- Leod,. Confederate States Distriet Attorney, at Lake •••ji ._J B nr nil tfuvw, >k- i.BUiy&, fiOItua. E M. THOMPSON, Reeeiver. T. McLBOD, Cen. States Att’y. • Oct 21, 1863 78-ts “fAYETTEvIlLK WATER W0RES7 CITIZENS of the Town will be fnrnished with the Water at the following rates, the paysaeBts in every InBtanee to be made seaf-annuaUy in advanee, beginning with the 1st of October. 186S; Fut Hotels. f75 to SlOtl per aanna. Livnry and Hotel Stables, $S0 Bi^r Rooms aa-1 Sating Uo>'es, SO Banks, * 80 Private Boarding Hoasen, 40 Dwelling Houses, S15 to 20 .Stores and Shope. 510 to 15 Drug Stores, 26 Barber’s ^ hops, 2i» Lawyers’ auJ D.^'otors’ 0^s"s, 10 WagOi»ers from the co'intiy, and all transient persons, are priviL>iged to use the w»ter gatis. JOHN W, BAKER, Jr , Sup’t Fayetteville Water Worki. Deo. 3. * . 86 6w Jan’y 2, 18tM » 91-8>ttpd $50 REWARD. RANAWAY on the 29ib of Deeember, my yellow boy SIL.\3 DANIIL, coi«^£r complexion, leoke surly unless spoken to. at whieb time he ia quiek motioned and quiek to speak. I' think ha is lurking about Wil- miagton, the salt works, or ranning the river, working about uader the pretenee ef being Tree. He has a mark on one of his arms, a blaok spot between his wrist and elbow and ne'rer'his wriKi than his elbow; I think it is on his left arm. 1 will give the al>ove reward for his delivery to me cr confiocmeiit :n any Jail so that I get him. I will give twenty five dollars more for proof suf ficient (o convict any ptrsoa of harboring or couveyiag him off This boy Silas is between 19 and 20 years of age, and is nearly six feet high. My addrnH is at the Post Office, Fayetteville, N- C , ^amberland eounty. GEORGE HOLMES, Jr. Jan’y 4. 18M Plantation lor Rent. THB Shaw plaotatioB, on Cafe Fesr, S aailee tr»m Town. Is offered for rent tUe present year For further partioulars, apply to JAS. Fayetteville, Jan’y 2, 1864 JENKINS. «4'ff FOR RE.HT, M three miles North of town, on the Cat>e Fear River, including the large snd eomfortable dwelling house and offiee. There' are one hundred and thirty acres of cleared land, lying mostly on the river and not subject t» overflow. For further information and terms apply to Mr Dna- ean McLaurin. J.VMES W. 8TRANGB. Jan’y 4, 18^4. 94tf Hillsboro’ Military Aeademj* The Sixth Academic year of this Institution will be gin on Wednesday, Feb’y S J, 18fi4. For ciroulara and information applv to 'taj. WM. M. GORDON. S ip’t. Hillsboro’, N. C., Nov 21, Pti?. 84-8m FayetteTille Arsenal and Armorf, \ Fatittbvillk, N. C , Dee 2f5, 1863 ) BI.ACKSIIITHS WAI%TED. The underuiitned wishes to hire a number of first rale BLACKSMITHS.' All suoh who wish to do g0o4 sorvioc to the (^nfedirato 3tfil.es, have now an oppor tunity offered them to serve their country as aoo«ptaWy as th>*y oould in Terne8-«ti' cr Virginia, and at the same title receive geod wsges for their labfir. References \b to quaiificaiions must aecomp=iny ap plicatio!»s. Apply to Lvcut Col F. L OHILDS. 92-6t] Commandinif OSicer. Sale of He^roe#. ~ The sut'SSTiher ai* CorTmissloacr under an order of the OoButy t'onrt of CiimberKnd will s^ll at public anctirn in the town {>f Favettsville, on Salard^y the 16th January 1864, at the Market Housf, the following negre fclav»s, late the property of Neill ’^ale, D«iel Buie. Mary Bnie, and Flora B«ie, (Ban) v z: Rachel, kn elderly wnman, S'Dton, aged about 33. John. “ *• 31. David, “ “ 28. Terms mtid" Vnown At eale. A. MsLEAN, .A.dmr. 4 Com. Deo. 21. 93 IVEGRO SLA¥E FOR SAJLE. UNDER an order of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cumber'and County, pas.tei December Tera. 1863, 1 will expose to public sale,«at the Market House in Fajetteviile, on Mi>ndaj, Jan’y 18, 18ft4. nesro man John, belonging to the ^taie of the late Dugald M?D^Se. D^e. 28. DANIEL SMITH, Com’r. A. M. CAMPBELL, Auet’r. 92 IS Sale ot iVegro IHan. The subscriber ae Administrator of tr-e Edtate of John McGill deo’d. will seU at public auction at the mar ket house in t»ie town of Fuyettepile, on Saturday the 10th Jan’y 1864. a neirro slave by the name of Lingo— terms ni>ide known at sale. DAN’L K. McGILL, Adm’r. IKo. 21. 92-ts Tt is not to me you ow thanks,” .said their generous CMtertainer: ‘‘it is to M. X , wiiose affection for liosiest men like y >u "s'iaown to ali the country round, and wfio never thinks of you without tears in hi.s eyes ” “M. X is very gtrod to thiak of us, and we should be delifhted to thank him in person lor giving us such a gcod breakfast, only we don’t know where to find him.” “My good friends, there is no occasion to give yourselves any trouble. >1. X , who is the wealthiest man living, is the Government candi date for the district; and if you really .wish to show your gratitude, you have only to step over the way and drop your tickets in the ballot-box.” The peasants looked at each other with a very puzzled air. “We would, sir, do that or anything else, to please so hospitable a gentleman; but, we , are sorry to say, we cannot vote.” “Cannot votel How is that? iVVhat do you mean? You haven’t lost your civic rights, I hope? You look much too honest to have ever incurred such a misfortune.” “We are honest men, sir, and wq have never dpne anything against the law; but the truth of the matter is, we cannot vote because we a»e not Frenchmen; we arc Belgians.” » “BelgiansI And you'have eaten whole kilo- metrees of ray sausages, and drunk an entire cask of wine, and all for nothing!—You are a pack of W’^hat he said was not heard, for ho ran off amid the lauchter of the and a^amea, mtti sweating, like Maitre Corbeau, ^‘qn’on ne f*y pfendrait plus.” The Belgians re turned to their nomes with high notions of French hospitality, but simte that day the impulsive agent cannot bear the sight ot a Belgian, Th« Mortality in the Armies.—It ap pears from statistics that -the general mortality rate of the armies of the United States during the first year of the war, was 67 6 pef thousand of mean strength, inclnding with deaths from dis ease those from wounds and Injuries. The. mor tality from disease alone wa?; 50.4 per thousand; that from wounds and injurie.« of evesy kind, 17.2 per thousand. The average annual mortality from disease alone, in the U. S. army, during 18 years of peacQ, was 24 per thousand. In the U. S. ar my, during the Mexican war, 109 8 per thou sand. In the British army, during the Crimean war, 232 per thousand. In the British army, during the year 1850, 9 per thousand. estate ot IWorth Carolina, ‘ ROBESON COUNTY. Conrt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1869. ON motion, Reuben King, Sheriff of Robeson eounty, read aloud in open Court the following lands which he proposes to sell for thq Taxes due thereon for the year 1862: 85 Hores lisietiby F. C- Watscn, Gum Swamp, tax $1 23; 350 aeres listed by James R. AshWy, Hog Swaorp, 5 16; 100 aeres listed by Roberson Singletary, Elizabeth road, 2 32: 85 acres listed by John Graham. George’s Marsh, 83 c^s. (Frsm the Minutes ) 89-t9] JNO A..BOWL\ND, Clerk. Atter this date 1 will pay 12^ Cents per pound for rags, os ^ highest market price, delivered in ^ayettevUle, or at mv mills on Rockfish. U. MURPHY T,.., ro fOtf POTASH. J.-VSKS extra quality hooie-made POTASH on /OO 'i»nd, put up in exoellent paokages of 8 t* 360 lbs eacli, vade in Richmond county by a party who un dergtan*!* the busiuMS Or«ters are solicited. WORTH A CO , Ag«n‘s. N ,C.. Deo’r 8. 1863. 80 lOtpi NOTICE. TKB UNDERSIGNED, both having entered the mili tary service of the Confederate S^tatee of Amerioa, hereby give notice to their old customers and friends, that tliey have appointed John D. Starr and John D Williams, of this place, their attorneys to collect either separ.\tely or conjointly all moneys due them either by account or note, and otherwise to atteqd to their ba- sinesa generally during their absence. They respeofc- fuUy atk all persons indebted to them to call as prompt ly as possible ea tkeir agents and make payment. 8TA&R Ik WILLIAMS ««pt. 19. T^Sl. A^«E,Ti! The Kew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Tanor*i*l«l!% Gallery. Turner^M'IV. C. Almanac tor 1S64, ee«OBd edition, just reooived. Jaa’y 9. B. J. HAU 4 MNB* RVIV TfBE BLOCKAOR. W. MAC INTYflE HAS^RECBIVXD, 1CASK Madder colors Oaliooes,’186 yards, 1 easo biaok and white Calico, f yrJ wide, 140« yds. 1 eape pillow ca«^' cotton, 40 in. wide, 2000 yds. 2 cases English Shirting, 8-500 yds 20 pie.oee blank Alpaca Ln«!tre 200 do*, printed Liels Handfesrohiefs SOO d’* Clark'o Spool Cotton b^aok, 2i*0 vie. 600 del CUrk’s Spool Colton. whit«». 2;»0 vie. 600 Grev Gres« agate Ssirt. Bu’tnns. 57 do*, fine 2, 3 and 4 blad’d Kaives. 60 sets TaSU Kaives and Forks. 600 gros« Knitting N;?eJli*i', assorted Nos., 10 to 16. 20 do*. Drib Enslish H'\w- 8 do*. No 10 OoUon Cards. 160 Sxpaasion Skirts. Bm. 2». 92 6twAl A too Factory tu McD. & rtoa. Dec> 9. 1S68 Apply at f-hie OflSce. by note addreesed «X-l«tpd Prof. W. S. ffiattbews will visit Fayetteville and viciniiy, a^o^t the 80th ef this month, for the purpose of TU'{'ING Pii^DO Fortes; Strings raplaosd, etc. Deo’rlS «Uf' Southern Baokii. rjIHE SUNDAY SCHOOL BELL; ateohisms of the Wesleyan Methodists; , Historical Soripi«r»i Questions for Suaday Eoboolr and the Camp; School Testsments; . The First Dixie Reader; The Stonewall Song Bo^k; The Cotton FieM Melodies; The Dixie Land Songster. Dao’rO E. J. HALE ft SONS Cates 'of Habeas Corpus, Decided by ta idapreme Court of North Car"kna, at the June Ter.n. 18^3. By Hamilton C- Jouss, Bep rter \ few for s»’« on eoB»ign:i»r.t O i. 7. 1«A3. B. -1. H \LB * Sf)»(3, ART. Woodward\« Solar Camera. PHOTOGRAPHS canbekad at Vanorsdell’s Skylight Gallery, Hay street, opposite Marble Yard, Fay etteville, N. C.: plain, retoDcbe l, colored,, in water colors, oil aud pastiie! from strall to life size. Ambro- types. Melnnajtyptii.-ind all other -nyles of Picture# pcrtaiui ig to the Art. Also. Gilt FriimeH, Gilt Mould ing, for vtry large pijturcs—a» large as 26 by 36 inches Cord au l Tassels for Laagiug pictures; InstrU' ments. Stock ana Chemitp.’.s for sale low for ca^h. Life sixe colored Photographs m»ie from small pictures. Having permanently located here I hope to merit your pokironxgo. I would ateo return my sincere thaatai for the liber'll pfcironag? h itowc »a mr heretofore by the good people of Fayetteville ancl vicinity. C. M. RSDELL, Photoipivppist and Proprietor. D*c’r iO. 77- OIL ,\Nj) T RLIGK. lANNERS’ and LUBEICAIINQ OIL. LAMP BLACK in barrels. For sale by MsrakT. JOS. E. BLOSSOM A CO., vnmin^m, N. 0. THt; .\OKTH €.1lRO^I:WA MllUlL UFK INSCaANCK COXPl.^I, NOW in the tenth yoar of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon pablio eoa- fldenee, continues to Insure the lives ef aU healthy per sona from H le CO years of age, for one year, for seveB years, and for life—all life members sharing la the profits All slaves from 10 t« 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for. two thirds their value. All lessee are puuot,uaUy paid within 90 days after satinfactcry proof is preseata i. For for^ ler information th« publ*'' is rrfe'ted to Agentr f the Company in all pertfi c ^hc State, and to * R. H. BATTLE, S creta-Tj italeiga. B. J. It ALB, Agent at Jan’y 1P53. f ayettevih*. N. C Youi.g’s Arl'??metical Dictionary, EMBii.V li.G asjst'v. rf - ;o, K^a / R c^ott- er, Interest Calculator, Bo^ £, J. liAi^ & SvXtS* Dee’rlQ.