• -i ; nf 0] * :» iOrS. ,r 3 r*j,! i„ ■" ■■‘»i;t - -haU U. -, ati !ir.. U tfc;V I ’■ •' tittiu, • ' u»r- •Ulivf-- ;i ?u h:» » 4JH '4*assiJI k^.EMI-W KKfi « ^\WKT%*KVHJ.E. N. C\ FEBRUARY 4, NO; 1303.] ‘■1 . - t,(j ■ ■•' lu ;■ ’* li-k . r * ;-s- fiC Tu.-nc^ ■ N It 'mate ot •• iBt - ir.»- : r h. ■ j i Wlr ■ * -jT -I l(j .14 % • u til. I, ; Ji i t T I ai;' Int t; 10 t ■ re;. i~' . '•c 'l .;u If n i h£ ; 1 :v if ; tu« t: -/ ■i Jta; OB •?t :Ci- tt£ - .-!llb . lliuitl 1 I ueti jriDe. {the ' for - -‘aa I he - R *-4 • . -u ar- - iv«d •ri a- ! :j -1 J ti.. ■All; iOQ I’RINTMD -v!>N’i)AaVU T^CR^U4T>* vvvAH^t j. miM & r.l n’o'rts \\/» f*Ri nT 'RP pftid in Prir* lor rln J»oiMi-^Ve»kly Obokhvbw f« (V\, aiiT'»Ti'’e. Kor the iV?f iy OBi.rm'HK $4 nf^ r>or inman. p!U«i in Hivau'*!. ' . ’ ’ r.HTjShATT'S i - ff>r 5*- * n->rft 'f 'i'les for a- 'l .no j r»r ter I'aoU »to ’tiili'i ;• i.^- j/'in'T)*.. n >r px'^f &'!li' 7 X hsilf sQ’ifit.: .« ’h* I'nos' fo - i first aui 5') fents for o»->h •■ i;p.T •):■->:i. A'lT(>vti“'r.' q>i'^sietl to -'tHtp (Ire- n-'riif*’’ oT inaentionr .st t.'iev wili .;.-,niin!?.-I tit! 1 rl vi. riii J »>ha-/f! ao-'&rd- iiiirij. Mr. Vernon Female Senifiiary. j THE ?VORTH CIROLIIVA h. i5.!» of FKB-1 ^iCTUAL UF« rOHPlAl, i - . I "V OW in the tenth yo&r of suocfiiyful opjr^t.ion." with growing cnpiul and firmer hold upo.i piitjlic'con- ooiitinuon to insure the lives ofit!! henl’hy per sons from 14 IJ 4»0 years of sp;»;, for otv> y^ar, for seven years, ani fur life—alllife rnomhiTssharini; lothp^iroiifs All siavt»^ frcn 10 to t'O ye irj* f ^jre are inMjred for one. year or for fire year? l’->r«»?ro t’uirds thair v ilue. All lofc.ops lire pujiC(uiny pjinl within 9i> days after «ati*-f>i?tory proof i-i p-e>»-.r«i,e 1. “For funher in'orraatlon tfc; pubJ’- is refarr^d to o: tl.e ‘'’or:ip^u> ia all p irti c /he 8l+t«, ^nd lo H if ItATTi^K, i^t*cr?tary, Raleigh. fcl. J. HaLE, Aren* »t J ir.’v iR.'i't. Faveitpviiie, V. C "PilE 2* w’.n comm*' ce I KnAliy nni '^nntirsijo 20 wo'kn Tuiu: n in Knpli'.h Pr'4t»c*’-« * I'.vJ P.»in! n'-, (o'lch,) •*• ♦■ T!l ROO T l*Xr C '*4’y r-r •'-> ~i Jf rv-ilj in r.rofi» vnr-' ‘50 V 'l . f T ii’l-n p. ! ''Hr* h-If of qilir«d in .-idvipc* f:i •!! *»•!! f’’ f.ivpl,_ -ire p'ti' pill .I m'..•»,•'■*Tie or q:»i r ^ '"i >, d y. v \VM T «’ $50 ’»> 40 0*' 3 (X» f'Ti‘ -i-t r>l • Bo»rd Tt* ish h.T-own r -. on : M HOoPP.a,)_ . , HoOPKR. ;'P>=rc!pa)8 AtMrf“‘M ■•'■f i.vw'-i J •’ !•:. '’'i'mi'.ctou Joiirr ncf •1 C' fiy cnf. w^k ni county. 97 ' A.J-..,ni., , n> Frnm I-' tOT fie ”11- V f^p psncY ''•> ihun i« paid f ;r ‘?nch >:t 01.r r.l -i tK - ou !hi‘ -ite r.'V.i tnriO'*.... ‘ !'•J';*'] I"; f' c!i!irajp>? »ot ^pv, , • . ' !r Ko ri'irnv (if a r •*? s'.ibj -riher ”,'ho ; y ^yn>e!ii ;n •i lrnni>j, n».r wii! to !»nr •■ Huos-.!!-iV,i*- ftjr «\ io .j-c WEJSTKSt^ StAlL ROAD. nn?'K eRK’G'jr aNI> IMS ESQ' R TUAIN-^ of thix U:%Te K.iyeiicTi'le d«jly. “xr-ppff^d) 8 o'-'locV. K r.-’T'nlnr lc«'>'i‘ K ;vt'‘. i. 1 o'e!".’* F '>1 r-t!U and Horst V!N!>AY, WRDNRSD\Y a^d i K’ili.AY y-y :ri^r JN> M. R«'«E, i O’ ii'l \g‘t. ' .J’U 971 FAYr/rTKvas.s^K M*TriL j C^ip t :1 ,i. 4^'«:.fiti:u N ; • *r»J^)!>. ts to i*;tl 01* M) r uSt- CONSCRIPT Ol'FIOK, Kaleiuh, Jan'y lilnt, 1864. CALEIVDAR FOR 1864. . :’-tr(rp.tT'n ’■ !ci.? order I. 1-267,UHfi D.U'~ is’re to taue tht ji»* 'ty )!:» wLi-n .Inn’v 1. 1t'-58 ■ :1 I t'-.,il .•,* A.vil H—17 * From :iimS after thi^ dow 'itv M t^x..'r A P liUUT ». ;d lf--v.-'. At !f .) . Ifj !c. A M . .'n Moiidiy ..OS \ VOUTH. if] Ar’t C F Htaatn U-.mt t’l Tot»i, The f'.'ajpany havs -T» .r.a.jf "otal ; .Uil, O'kF Mr'-'KILC., (’>-•«iJeiii U. fl.A J. V!'.j P, ide.i; •1. A. McMTll .'?cj'r. Drt 4 .'ill loa^rn prc.Ti^tly, a,ltJ i-Zii V >f‘-ir pr’Eii'iin ..‘i '.■■&/ r.u 'piJG u«’jtcd O' »r 111 f *r • 1. if n*J «oioi.rn>'.i Tne frqu-rrm »' pill fnt"- o? 1 m ' TArv pn.iifui»r I’KTER -1 •Li.ETT’, 1300 15*tF] (1q1 (joi'id’sr' N. v’ .\djutant & Inspector 0e.\ep.al’8 Office, ) RJciiUiond, Jan. 9, 1804. J rtKN*a.\L Oauwas. i No. 3. f T!\“ follo'^in^ Acts Oo ero^tt and R-^uiA ;;n9 are pur'L'iij^J iV.r ibf» iuioriu'^rion of (>.1 p*»r; onS 5cacbrn?d therein: Af Ta. ' An Act fo frfi'fnt the fnlUtnrvt or E-HroUmfnt of S^btli- (utf.i n the HUU'iry ^trvicit of tht Vonfeder^if Stuten. Jo>iirr.-v ..f in«» r'v' ' •' ^ib«-ica ■i,» 4- Vi- Thitr i;.r, p. r«:in li V> p tt> ai'l*' - y ■ tv c«> ^ -all h •rf-t'.—i, -(•''T.ar i > • >fi'- iM" >jr „ •,rw ,p ri. : «1;. a. J i Q, . .? r>..j *« -i. i i Iir ►.'X,. .!}«.,) ;f, t Jj, ■•vii r- ■* Ii~ ‘ •111 f .'»rile '(>« ” ■' D'C' ‘ir- • . )8* " ] An Ae' /•! pu( t” f\d to the Exe.i'ipti'>n jr~r\ M '•( ’r>> Ser vice of tho^e who hn-e htrrtoforr furntfk^d Sub'iitutM CD c; « ' H ri a »■ n CB •3 c 3 o > M DC > “5 X 3 > ► -L.aw. PVYi;rTKViLUK, N. C. 'II.L 'hf ';’id OnBjiSerit.n'L Mooii* :»ud TVII.L 'ht 'i’ld ''up-’': ‘r C!o>’rt? of *f OnBjiSerit.n'L Mooii* :»ud R'^e**'!! CJ’.r- 'J#'? Prouipf attentioa 5’.ve« k« the eol.potion of .\!1 iliuius to his hiin.ls. net. 17. 18.59. . iS-tf W, -VfLLUMS \ Vi)., Wfarlonlc iis (irocrrie.s, aXI> Ka« AND Dlr.ALKtlft IS ilardHarf and (’uliery, Swrd«*s Iron, &c., nvy MUKfcl, Ki> KTTiiVlLl.ii, c. July 2. lb’ I. 3oi; DTI. Grorrr anrf .^rrchftnt^ F WErrEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10. 1863. 9S-tf B e WOilTa. T> a >T-ktH Tt. G. I>A!I*L WOUTIi & CO., Commission and For-vardinj •Slaroliaats, lf'*rrfr/* sfrwf, WILMINGTON, N. 0. (>t I" H 72 12t» JOH^SOV. \Vl!JJAM8 ^ CO., p»;rRt. -in’nio** mil»« wisajnj t supply bav^ t'riirtv (■?."’ p.iastnw (T iw. of W;ltTUi'.^t^i. i’i,rtis '.ftsaj*; Ivtfs vpi'h o\fi ■>? ■ 1 Hy 'ipplying to A. John^ou, )r . \?.m »; F.iye t-'vil'.*, i.' F. Paj^c, n»r.aier a« the 0“ M. williams, Gi '(♦•rn.i S'Jp'tinttnd.'Bt Fay*nc7iile, Sov -0. 1S'".2. ' i^lif A*hiivVfii.a.K, .\i'. V. WILL open Jh;- EAULK HOTEL for thn ro c. p:i;>n >f Jti> sn I of an I i h»p» to ,Vd*> tf, e.itprtam fr-wn ■•>\or.t> flvp to a hiJii Ire 4 rp»'vin.>i •ni'i.'z the Sm-inmr Iti Ponne-.'ii. it with tkis i-irjip H.»if 1, I b »ve a number ■•' Mnck*. lJugeit-,>i :iud Saildi? Hor«!PB tbat my ^utstr cin » aiiiute'* ii'i'jae. J M BLAIR, Pr pr eior E»g!e A»hc»'ll- N. G. Mayia.lHtlS. 81 yp,i WaST£.0, nr the Hogpital at Fort Fisher. J):)r'Lirt^ . (’ if.': -r ,n.i •;•■ r i 'iCmiP.^ f jr 1 t V “’f'k S • i' ri5 ... i' • , it.'i ’»! P •>•1.17). r» -n. ’v- B't'- I, wT> pr;>' 'irt .pp I•)(*:»’-ei'”.^ T ai .►.'s * i :r ■>! Mr J. Wr K oii ilHi .'ir- c*. . R. E UKIDS. y«u’l Ag t. 25. 6H tf Kenrv LDly, H. L.' Mvrovcr. S. T. H N UHnii \ C B. J.-iti; ■' Kvr- j \. \. M •., ‘j tri, , J. U. j W. T;tlw j. iJU folliiu! and 0. 0. I ‘’'"’■‘P ^fiy in rite I V.ay \. TiiliujrhaHt, 3. J. ?!iu’ivlate, Wr*. NJi'Luuria, T. >t. Luocrloh, V '>eei, ' fJ. ( ■'*n^L, >r» ) a. Sbfpfeerd. H. F. i-roffii, ) , \ R Fiji- Wilia gioa Traveling Agrertii pplio:»tionii. 21- n m •. P w TTl** 1 ,„r binsli, caioiiKi* rs?.)io^aiAPf!S, w Vu»» its li-il! 4Ty. To S*L'itifc‘i'«. *.YE beor. *pi'ciat4!d by lii.- c5-.'re:.try '.»f *^e Tr»i\- 3ury. Cfcie; .Ajsesit t r ife« pure!'...-. J{ Oovioa f r 1^*6 '.^on'.edi T it.' ‘jo. ei-oa-.; n; xU «> i ibe of .•••ta ('ar^ in J w!ii puj :\-r t!^ iiiit ia 7 p_r f, ot. Sonds or J^.jb-.^geufs Ti-*itiae i«e ditfereni parts of tlic Sta'o. l>u^ M> .= y ' #r'i;«n Pr‘riiSv‘at»-H >>PP0'.' ’.'•-Clil. liy '.ritr of Svsreisiry of lie Tre».-ur., *11 p'jrcff -fpd by rs M-'f or ray Jeeaw. -n ;ied ■ui.-r r.i« 15’t. c' ‘d i#;;l l.it» p*Ui .or :ri 7 ij^r ceLi tkir.A.’. -r .n J i> -t ■» i -r ii;m . *>i iit.ii4 i tn uipr . .7-'Tt.ti.-.r.t Q' i 0 ‘.o to-!.? 'liac. Qs>ire»sr, tti* » >. '..It t,- . I -«« i .i'f i. r.-ir. t- • '.I 1 liV !•- . ie t ;pp .r:itiity to A1 \ 3 '.T.':! ' i?.t 0/ 1 ' 5 ■-• :t ;.c;r f illleJ' »a *•: pri ^-lr la * LEWIS 5. K'I'.LIAHS. »;■ , M »r-.'• *4, If»63. [o. l>-j i4't - c:rcnj -[^.7.0 H of ft? c u:;- . ry, it reqiiirre '(i-i ' f >i’! 'suo aid* to b‘‘r.r >»rnii: ■ Thrt ! iU)5 psis >f t» C nt-J.-r cit/itPB of Aaitii a do piiftp*. ’J -iao p- fs- D -.Sal* b.* • tf.; fr*.m m.l- itiry pprv 0''. hy r^von ^.f ‘ HTi:i,r lurHi . .d s *-ub *:i{uir; hu this ao! > h.^ll n i t--; si cou'-trut^.. «.■( to aScJt ??ersoi!3 who, uougU u.^t I'sKle to r>>ii,ipr ttilitary -.r’" * 8TP, n'r r*^elePH. furnisaci eubti iiut«u ” [\p- .-.ro»od t DUfirT 5 18Gi ] II P r«ou? rvnicreu !i*Ul« (o »aiiitary 8!»tTio? ty op(*ra:ion iho r>ri a''t«, ar» p!^c•‘d r Mm* 8'H e f r.tiiif *!tn all oi'icrs I'th'-rto btii li.blc by .Aots of C^Djr «?*)« in. Persons u;r-iii r»nd*rod li-hli* to tniliffcty spr- *iij« !^r(> requ:re I «-. rep.'ri as »»iiii«lt‘pri* t)r ^u?oript9, w til ut to t;.e -tiro'ltng l iliC'-rs; and a 1 wtio d»- ia> *p» ini t’M> laii ■ f F *ir'nr' will ba c'^i«’d'»r '■d »s h iV'Qi' r D im Of' t 1- p'!»ii.»-e of vc urte«riDg Hiid ( .r '.H3i(:r.m:o' ii. ^ law IV^ Enrjiiing clB’-tii wilt pr o’PiI, hs rapidly »e prtot.tc^Dl“ ill ta*-p.iroll'oe-1 of p*»r^on« b*rei«--mid.- li'Mo r service. Pr-ViCiiiJ to i^ur llm>Dt h« C >aeT'|.f4, ;,i.l -UQl- p rs vg w.|l ' ^ isuw.-d ;r> V .!j 'tpfl !'• eo'in..'*.pi'« lU >--rvio on iha 1'.tb 'pnl promii ed t t 0 -’ptny ch 'R-a ’o»-s n'.t »• tj ,’ ij-re o' leer-.ng reioh tb? m x nu-. b. r strd; '‘ti.i u;c'i( siicii cosiptay being •elected vi’luntw^r wil reociT^ from >‘iy tHr-'i'Ti, i C'lriiti - no t.-; 'r -.fi*, i it-'ii ;'. '-iH so ■»" ;4t\*. V* !.. a'. • • t , i-:: tr‘-c ■» pd t'jio a,or e n(‘D'f.‘7 exc>.i:’ u >u. a • -r' P r svm wti-1 K’! '(• mtki' (':■• r ►“I'ci'vu a' (im o? ■;ir..l! -ni, will be -d ccoiV^in^ to .’•■jruiiOO.rJ V P- rsons ifbo rjport t > ih^ u^olKn{r ffioprs ■sr'il b > pa'Tned, »-'iJ m^T he allow >.1 a far.- *> t#u V’ii«oi'»dBir'i Siyhi^t j 1 tia'lory, li>»y fu- r:, .^^oeiLe viarhle Yard. Fay- i eftPTiile. N C.: p'aiti. v.^io.i^jtcd, ooior&J, in watar j colors, oil and paeiile; fr,>m «ma’l rn lifp -»ne. Atabro- ' t'C’>«rrt r> por'iMt. i>) ihr c'-tio of in typei, MelaQ«!Ofyr"^. uii'jU otbw .itylns of PiciMret • VI All ppriuin, w'ne:hfr toi ;r>t-,frs or ootncripts peniiiu' ki; to the Art. Also. Gilt Frampa, Gilt Mould- i ui» isr fhip ord-r. will iii.s" tSrcuth the O'.T'ip of I%8 rnn- ug. G- f i for Teryjarge pictures—i.r iferj^e as id by 86 j ti in of «be rii^t - to wDich tfuy hAlo.ig H’: i h' f. r^ard }, c*r -lo Vv A.^STSuMI. *> '■'Ihk BU8BELS WH£JiT. 4,0"Ul.oOa-' OUHM. Per.-cii‘i' fearing the art;,-ip^ to »el! will r^ofiTc 'h» highest Cjv^'i price hy calliri? on Mr. .M Thoaason, .1 the ^lerchant Mill, F -yott^villp, or on taa 9uhi*‘ri- '.©r at his old etand on Market i^quare. ALhX. JOHNSON, Jr. So7. 5. 1801L 76tf Aiii'lV M.inXEHS. I AM prfpaied ro n.'’.ua'n .'iirf il; kindt o: Wagon I H»rnef>3 fof ■'. •ny u-. . 1 ici'iiiy l‘?'»'iier anJ can {sTR C'jod barjr^ir-*. • Aj^fO's n i' ao well to seni taoir /rderf' to me •*>' i • y fiu.'tii ; ■ rr atteTsiion and iopt o€ iti i)!ii'’t iiin''icif'. J*’ • > CAHTP'd rl.iSHV U V *>.. > ; 'itii&ul C-., iS. ( I Oiif —. ’ i. - , . *' 2ii0 lbs. fJiissfi -^r,st>ic t»r «alf by J. R LEc Of** 15 i>AN’i NOTtiS of Moriij tJi.ro; tj-*, i^ciuih 13 V u'KiSia an.i i:-'^rnu.. Ais,>. North Oarolin-- »ii per oe^it. "Fuada,ble N iteJi. • K'.fit ■ trolii:'- til pi-r o- 'it Buadtt, now ■V. .» Ki tURDSUN « • d., Cro^ra. R*i ■. '* C \! if-cu! 9 • ■>t.-' C'ottoii Yaro lor %VcoS. ’^OTIlZtJ is aersby a;i»en t'-iat afii;r tlijs Jate iex0«:-3t ia c-w«« wb“re ye "ave tarinio»-i r',r VV 'ol ncr^r i I'i,:- io i;ie t“rTEi! .»f our -isai of tue'H*'i ;f Vay, ^hiw'i ’ermi s.re now r^-.»oisl.) we Wiilftire 1 bua- alp oi '.on.ia Vara for 4 lb»j or '^ool i;nw.i-bed, or 8 ihs. i and piu ti'i." This oii.intr^ is m^ ie at the :»•-• «.Ei‘-> .14' (^'iii^i-.ra; W-. u>aiie the u?nrs of exohia Si . GbO r *v-tt-f.lli;. Juifi 4itf inches. Jord Mid T.'i.s'^el.'j :\,r ;iaaipnp pietureh; lu«tra Stoi'Js aiid (Jilt;' ck-jU for nile icw for c%sh. Life colored Ph.'togr^i" ks from small pictures, Hiring pertuan*ntlj located h«r*» I t>ope to merit your p^iron&^e. I »rouivi aLso reuim.uiy sincere thanks ?jr the liberii4 p»tro:i>i>i'‘ iif^i jwed oit lui hepetoforeb^ the ^0- i ^vpop.ii f fayeit.»/.d.> ici ».eii ty. C. M. VAXon.-'DELL, Pr-.t.%rT-»r'»ii.t ,0.1 Prc>p7^»(.r u„- • ■7C r- ?JOT8€^. . IihB UNDtAlIsl'iiM'jU. -.Ot J entered the mili-‘ tary sttiTiotr o>' '^ii- S'ate^ of America, ;ier-chy gxno uoiiu.i 1-. ;u ir >. i ^u«ojaer» and frieo‘l3, • ihi.'T h>»Te appo'utvHl D. 3iarr »nd Joba D Williaiaa, of thiu place, their attorneys to coU«ci either eeparat«ly or conjointlT all mcueya due them either by ac«»aai or uo:«, and otherwibe to atttnd to their ha rness generally iariug their absence. They respecb- fuUy a.-^ all persone iniebttd to tkcrtto call at* prompt ly %fi possible on their aj:e*ts and make paynieat. j»- AS‘t ft WILLIAMfi. -»»pi IQ. l^tate of A'orili Cnrclicia, COUNTY. No». Term. 18«.S 2 ^ ?AC'K.*. -if H^.lc f»y* 0 D«w» 22. P.T MlTv n"I.T. J tf TOjvAl'I.'O. I Oii ^JOXi;"* Vlil'ilNl.^ T>n CO. «ns sra-i’H, Iw v/ for sale on .E.^i/npieut- r.c GEO W WlLLlA>;f? t CO May 23 >#ole l^eaiiioi* i Liiti. of I'dvj ;,ti' id.iri- i 3uLi'j LKAIH£R, ■i^UUU euit*ble lor UeitiJiSt. A; vV ’"syetttvil'e. Apif’ 14 Wan Si* ,E. lf.UN '“AIL MUHPHY. 201^ t to U'}.- l> To •; J^s»ypt Coal lliiie. 'T'-'ls and;rsigDed wre, »i. the November Term of the i Cor'tedprs>t» Cour'u. l)ietr:ef '.f No»-th Carolina, np- ■ .vs inftj(*r8 of the Egypt Coal Miiie prciperiy, itr d ai»e •- atered into copartnerBOip for the purpose of amuap ‘lad gpUinc Coal, anl solicit erdcrs for the saiue in anv defcired qufjitiiy. Ordere for any amount cho be hUppHsJ on suon uotice. Th« Ooal ft'om this pro party i^ undoubtedly.tje best in tlie Confedsrate ywitc« ;pji iviiioi.3 raay be naJe to (.'has *3. Malltti, Fayett«- »!.;•> N . iT Jaritv'. IJrowne, Charl»eiuu, d. ’ CUAKL£S B. MALLETT JA.MhS JLillOWNE. PHyitpT.’^e. i-i.i’y 20. IM'l.'? ‘jftf P.'tinsa Ciirs«fi BtfaiB««. T'HE s-ib..,#'; ;tiet will psy the high-‘*it •aso prioca for a#iy quantity of Painjs ChrisU B ans. J V VOETH ^(I’-. -* '7 r- ». '•Is:') A fl i* J." 3, d I iV.l I . ■I... IV.:* Is; will.* iJ >ij ' ■; a .d .v2 0"rt fiv'i ’i 7 ».. t !> r f- t -;;t 13 $lo,000 000 1V 11: of To» n .ioJ CvHaf,)^ Blinds;' “ 0* 0! I -N'>ri 1' .ri.lti fi 11.'f* T. 0-H. 12, To»u '>f 0' eni • r ,Coiippufl '.d“ LviiXE.iLOH. 71 • .i; zi-" S'.' in ■ ijp;;t.-:rc-1 a. tuy t' •4 () i 111 ;. rt ; !f jry on Pei Lard* • ! for L,^Rl> J rt Id-AU iKLI.M. FajettCTilie Arsenal and Arsuory, > - Vov. 12. t -o3. / ^100 fi50Ui\ I V. U*'HO.>iil[' i-.'.v.i'g; ; f.yi/.e VV, bo p-rt i:, . 10 nip'»"y of M mat^d R.ll .n-ii 1 . -rTVl.'.; ;■, ih f vi.-'.-l.^y, UjtlC-> U i tre^J giV.;C fh i’ r;cruit-> fo t ;- nunitpr of tO(> non c-i.vscripis ■r il i rj- 0.»i»"d ior tc»' t^rr«t»;c. K vc-i r'TUit will be r. iuirea 10 furuisa 1 !l ^rviec-ibl-?'tiofae. tor wuioti he will t>e »l 1,«e.iil0 o.'u'M ?'-r d'arn, atid hin }’>»; *12 per coonth Wnttni ptrmiiiion wid be rpq liri-.l fro.'a p:irp;kt5 or ^uard au.=i, Wii r« tk f upplio-.iat i.i under tue couhi ript a^e. Elton recr lifwist bniig \7ith hi*n a blanket or b -d 8prp4J. ■»U'» n'-n prejLur.d to »• m-in Qt ;Ur>. s.id ikp „od fsu turn;-S- :d ' y (nfe G ^•■r in 1', tir i - t,ii ■ r- c .iii ", r>.*v pr.tvt .pd Wiih I*. ■Bi. ; * • i ii • • 1 ! ..-oi » in' »i!u .11-^0 Ai.^ly to M V tT.tEiV I’ I’Ai LO-l. vt t .c Ar i-n.i K L CHiLDS, 80if1 V ijw \ S Cou't t P-ov'.. ON rnoiion. R«>ub;'u King. M'i. riff of Robeson oun*y, read ilou 1 ia .■'o*''■ ■ nri t foiiowiug Kndij woi^l t.'iercoii fer ’.he r -it I'j orJvr to | flou-t of PIea« »nd Q i ir f.r. S •'-! ' u-'nor-n iKri-jijfiou: ihe W. VVlLLlA.M-i'd (..-O. ie prnpo^-*-* to !>cil for y-ar 1S62: 85 acres lisi^il by F. C W»->'n, Gutr SwaTnr^, tix 'H 23; :i')^acrc8 list d by J^me-« R A*! ' •>. >»^ip. 6 15; 1J0acre-listed R.»te i .Sio^l •’ E '*»'*Jih poad, 2 32; H-5 acres iis’ ■! by Jo^.a G.'aSacn (teorKc’s M.ar8b, 81 OT’’ (Fr-m rhp M'nu ■« ) 89-4MF] * JNO. A ROWLAND, ’lerk. Aff«^rtliii« date* I will pay 12J Cents per pound for rags, or fUe highf-»t njarset pnoe, dellTer#'! m Pay^HcT-tle, ^r it ray >-Bir=» oa Rochftgh. n nTTRpH? { "c T’ a. ft.if WA,\TE1>, o^>arj^c of a Oar 11a Apply at tbii) O uce, by aote adJre.^spd «8 lOM^d AM4N '.o tike o^>arj^c of a Oarna/ Roooi in a Cot ton Faolory to v»cU & Sou. l)»c r 9. I8*>8 Valuable Laod in HarneU for Sale* By Tirtue of .iaih->ri(.y ve.^t. d in me by th^i ladt Will and Testament of fl*ct >r M .MoLtHn, dcc’d. I will '■11 >u » >?rpd'.t of iiix ini;nth« wit'i inierpai fr:>rR »^1.“, nr for C '«fj as the p jro .1^; r n v,' rl*ict, that valu b PijANT.-\TI'>N. oa w tch >'10 rpKi". 'ir hred prpviou;* to ru?i .'t ii. a '-.ttiiii^ ^tio. t .’i • i aer-H 1“.;- I ad li s on tr. ,- N rtii 11 •■• F -i.r KiT.;r, frAn-.- \ "g •n t' *j Ha>r» .ti 11* 0 le snvt>' ■io l a q>t'\ri%r.-iud't';- Htu; b,\i)it rti nro>t Ii.iari.nn • » ’aile. Tnia land ik with'n a niiie of LUUnnl.jn. Mm Couaty Bite. '*ni in ycry valiiHhln, pt'Ben ipg advantas;i>a rurcly offpri-d iu this o.iiniy. X-^p'■p irt a Ter. v'^lsiuhl-? MILL "irE on l:i» i>ind Any perHoa desirioc so pximinn liae preraisoa wiU ^^pp y to HuZ'» *1 Le*», E :q . or to G a. A I) Mc Lean, citner of whom liitiKi. of H. M. MnLKAN. n-cv i2. if^as ii.itf then O'* to 'ht> coirp " ..(M> t.-’py ?r»T bs »si^ VII Tt»* B-r:*-u of C n?arir-uoa is ch»r;^ed with *- Jop'inif pr.'ppr r--j!al*lion^ fv>r the «ufor>*tyoat of Foi' ori^r VIII AT »i .-Jipii.'/a^ h*rclofo e jc-i^t-d nr >9ul j‘jt to reirion, tiodcr 1 fltruc lvi'>t ‘r 1 (c»* Ca'faa of -jn «;r:pt!on; -nj if 'oun ! • hi i-i;pr p*.r or unnutborixed by Idw. w-li reroicd liv Td r S roOPKR, '^'nd I ftp cfor Upteral. CO\FK»RBtTE STATKH OF AM^IcI, Kn'UIMB«.H l^VP.IBT.MK^T, Dt'ST. «-APB Wi aiu-g 11, N (I, '■ .ire** If NOTJCE is ' ere^'y ri'^n m aU p-r-ioos clairus srainrt th» En?in->-r Dpnartrapni. fvr epr»inei of - ores rtiploy d as !*\b»r'r8 on th“ htr,d dgf^neft n«'ir Wilroirg?.-T >' C , ih't'. tha ,?>d-- *i|in •■* in a't-h r-z d a"d prep%rp-l to pay lae Mam* at his office, or ti e se cind fl .'.r of ih- b'iildia» n- xt \hoT« Vea'.'^*' Drujr Si‘r», Market J^trper. P raotj- pxec'j'ing Powrr* -»f Atwrnt»y wili ob “*rf" *bj follow;: ,^ fono —lapirsign-tures, )'• ill p.Iph. to be wi rifs-^ed^y f iro wiineflsps atd digred in duoii ('•i'e. or II- y trt'-y bp fr!tn''-9«ed befire a - of t*ie P :iC'" or (']»'k ('f n» C ’ !i'. FORM OF roWKR OF aTjORNEY, I, f . 1 i h?r."by nppcict , of , iny tr!!.* Aii 'awful A.otit i.j eijja rp'*PifiB for, ■nd -rcpiv; menl cf "11 tn n. y/>i du» lo nif by *!.e Ejji'-efr De- p»r! u! u' o' th-.* (.'.iiif derate «f An;pr:c s for 'hi- serTicps > f ivy sIi'jps niplnyed os o tl’e ipd d.'fpDOp* ai dtiniif '-.e 'H'd ii of l'^6 WiiE««.« ray h%nd aud peal at , ihc —— day *if , 18'i (Signed In duplicate.) • [Seal ] Witneiifpfl, Tne ►ignaturea of colored rtrsons should be witnessed by thrro witnpuses Therf mu«t be ppp^irate luplicatp P.'we-ffof A torney f.>r eHO.h moutH Bl :nk ’orm? c^n be had upon appli cition at tvia oiTics?. W H. .lAMEB. Gapt. & Chief Eng. Ja'i’y 20, 1S64 ' lSO«-f Of la Factory. ■ ry h-’t'j nrtiij'i*. for silc al my ’a. •v!.;LAUCHLlN IS A 14 A *SP T\P ih:: ,f ®f !■’ 3t'jry. Pay-t,te»ill‘', J2, l^tj.3. J*. —F. r at A l!i.AU-'HLlN r> •.-t’xupd OKU.NANth DKPAKfjib.M, i. vi-KiuH '•J., .‘i >y 8, 1 I KAD WANTED.—1 wisli 10 ^ars"* Lijad fur this Li l»ppar-r e-,'.t Pe’ '''>h b-Yiii,* i T-.-e or PEoall quan- M'lej Will ap}i!y 'it W.d 1 pouua >>( POWDER for li* r».;u of LtlAD TllOi b riO'.JG. C .1 0. 8. fcO-tf Ili C‘t Ilf: at 0.'dtJuH?f. F ’I’HE ■-■ • ; ^ •- h- ^ i' ' ' '.fjv. ■ k ! ...;t .ai’ ^-r.. . . ;! -Ui >11 u , . prv li . -.U-^ *v = :' ; *•'» riv. 10 r Iti C‘i •'» I-**!*-!* (: ■ '"lit- f $$ouiiicrii iJooia4. SUI'JKY • V ilOOli i-JELU ^ibOji', uH . 1' 'I - W*i.>»iav'>t‘ .»i. H ;".ir!a»l Qu i’.o..e l:-i 8 .u5ij Schools 8U:( m 8011 ol Ti;':-i.mite; ThP First DiXit: ll«ader; Tbo Sion 'wsuh .Son-; ii.i Ti:« Ooti,. n FI- id .\1 ;!u lies; Tae Dixie l.ao t Sougsfer. D,jr r9. ' f. hale a {='>NH piii plpj.sure in ehowiog EFFl(i: *\ v5cLB \N. Ei r ■ of I tti E« ■«r- i vi if*. 18ti2, 0 •i, -r' Ad too Ci:>. T oi« d ;s‘ 0 .(■»/ r'd .w -r, j M 1 . jLi..*^i rr ! Fi'fll llEXT, ARM. kriowa i i-r Myr ie ti • Lji.c-i N 1- '• : i Iv: .r -iai cj’. »r i*ledai , , ® ,11» i r.rt • u;icv a *m I i-j !• i i/ oa th-> riVir '■■’t Bit-.lvt'd Fs :«r H ?pr, III.. •.!,rp> *; ,i f.O. k-i'jiCt. i\ort«t f'at'ofsiia., . , ,,, WAKt ^.OUMY. \ '"■1’“'? iN **1* c.kiti »i •'»•'!! -la'-e Uo/'aa. J-'ho FI B'tvlan &ad otV?i3, ag^iu?!. Gp.'rif’ W Movd cr^i, E*eo'»ior >;t WilliiiTi B‘»j n, ''i-i'iou E IJ.iyl^’i. Boy 'an an I othfrs.” fi.#d*to .Spri’i^ Ttr . A D l.8«>4. i1 the C)u> l uf Eju ty tor ttv* ‘if W»-4.» nn I .S'‘fo o£ N i ;h I'Hrciin V f.ir ti.e pupp is* of tiiitini? in acoount and pa.y ;atj tf I Xicif!«, &o N'-u«o hp>' :by giv;n to W- !in E Biy in, S-»ra ■ P'r*?pr. K'"? "'p! J.ic U -vt .i, U >yl*n ,a‘d EL»>i W.Mt)-»t0r, to fioni” fAfa t'l. >/• zr Terni of s Lourt, iiiJ pie id. 4-.JW0’’ .'r .i.rnur to siii or it will he takon pro c.ini'e“«o, ijsd h^ ir* r-x ‘‘S to thpta Diinp at Oihce in th.i -’I'j .-,f R-4I. the Sta d%' -f Jin nary, i D i8j4. 97 6»1 It. G. mWH, G. M E. •I'lSscr'h'Sr 1 .-fifl ! pi.- JS'OTiCE. 1WILL LE‘»VE ■/’eeaiH -ranga .>n th» 8 h^nf Febra ai-y nex', Hillabaroiirh tho 9-h «nd G jl.l.iborougo the 10th, !*r ^rrny of NoriKaru Virginia .\1 p-rtsons d.'flirons r.f .spading bix;’>'. wiil plpi^se hayo tticni re-tly on th» nboTe n v' p1 .a- s w 'e;hpJ, marked -‘ni; p opr-r* ly dir^'ct^d . i^mtll pir»»,o)8 Ci’.i.'t 1-j- t>ikn. Box'i* wil. oe ti.kc',1 m tt.-> i'.t-»r .-di.t-' st.:'Mrr-» W .L ER A riP.>.V, (VO «}, AcPtit. J-in IG. 9S- I'ari’aer Suppi ev of Sclioci Books* / VHR oW>) ijipfc; .c,i>G BO -K; »>,u»-«-w i Fr a- K •M.l-rr; •• •• P'l.iijiry iiX'.-'e*ic; “ “ “ G'irDji.-; * •* E^in 'ufaty Grv-iomar; » “ Pf m*^r; Bitntham’j Lji'in G-'smiair; r-criivl. E J. H\I.E &-‘5QNS. 21 u 'loa -.ad J-i 's iVf.'. \j to Mr D ir- pmpif'vrf 901 1 ■ o’o'5i'*n» If :• i,»c- ' vv .. ’1 ri- 7 •J! W U '-m'j bia fri?ndp Fi i'i now in h;fl ni ’s fu'lr prvparpd at !hp *'■> -rtPi*' fi-! ‘•P' SH ' --r H,* ' U4 f. e L ttle fjlJt*. A fartH'ar e ipply at wboln**lV’ «t NtlU hj S. J. HAuH li'HAKd. T .T ,n’y 4, 18'4. ifiiisj) iro’ 5tiilU''y AeaJe'>ay* IKE ci-x o A - r * ;y.' j>-i)r i-*,., *111 be- ^la on \Ved‘iv,.ay. Fti^y 3d. 18o4. . for oircuUrs and infor aitiou «pply io Maj. WM. M. GORBON, Sup’t. HiU0boro’, N. 0., N«r. 21, S4-8a r i} FayetlPViUe Arson.%1 an'l Ai*trory, \ T lb, 18o4. j W.'iiitcd. PR.-'^PO.-^Lti w ! h:* rp*-'' /- 1 uot.i .; l-5'’i Jay cf i'f'. I r^' n"x*. for ’h? dfi!7.T7 tf (’[fAR -O'.L at !uis Aps^u*. !»c} .*.f.aory. ■»» tkie rit'> of 1f03 v^T rjcnth -\ddresi 99-bil Ii' Col F L CHILDS, Oilioer. wlovcM av»d 's^ocl;.i« %v»aiitc‘d. PESl L t.> ;i!i3 for top soidt. 18 10,*>(M> p ira of 1 vt>- . d iOoiX) pAirs of •'•■ckfl D^l’nno'8 will »o t:i i'*^!'’!ly ticived. ED'V.vRD W.ARKEN, 3argecii Qpu N. C. •Jao’j 11. * 9 • 8ia • floxe«(, Ate*., for t^e Ann’'. 1'A luL ^n1 a (,,j..jTi!.'! rn'-'9-’--I'P: t i ih« .\rmv of Nortae'n V r^n.i* oi I- r ’uj rf crfrv m?ufh A'l bx ■^, Jr.t U»jT'ha. will ''e H wrp.inf »j . tfi.>e fr .'i' ci n EDWARi> W ARRt’N. 8ir-o!i G, li-i C. J -n’T l-’i. l'G4 8sn F£7-i^Sl A\i> ~7~ OLOUK i ti'A i If f- , J. it.... d f >r ■ otm ft't*- l) .'S r. It' ]> by bv- a Vw d-yt» JANUARY PEBRL'ARY. MARCH. APRIL MAY. JUNK.. JULY. AUGUST... SEPTEMBER.. OCTOBER. NOVKMBE*.... DECEMrfKR .. 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 If 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 31 25 a> - 26 27 28 2% 1 o 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 *17 18 19 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 2»'. 1 5» 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 21 25 27 28 29 30 31 1 3 4 5 6* 7 i 8 10 11 12- 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 ' 29 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 IG 17 18 19 50 22 29 23 30 24 31 25 1 26 O 2“ 3 ” 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24' 26 27 28 29 30 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 81 25 26 27 28 29 i 2 8 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 1 2 4 6 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6 * 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28, 1 2 3 4 ’ 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 27 21 28 22 29 23 30 24 1 25 2 4 5 6 '7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 \%’esterii Rail Road Office ) Fayetteville, Jaa’y ^G, lfetj4. ) VNKW T.VRlFF oi FRElGilT wt:i go i«tj operati'i -in Moada3(,la» Fob'y. wti'Cb will be mrn a'led to •itiipppra a! sos>n as prinipd. Jt>HN M ROSE. 2 2w] Tr«a.-’r an.l Gen'l Tr >n^i A«fnt 0 %¥c Urti Raii Road Office, ? . Fatktteville, Jan’y 30, 18G4. / \ snd after .Monday Irti Prb’y. loo following raie^ of Passpnger Fare will be ctf-»pged, y;i: FIK8T CI.AMd To Little River Spout Spring Hwaon’a Jonp»boro’ Kgypi By order 2 2w eKOi’MD 0LA8S. $1 50 To Little River 51 0(» •2 60 “ Spout Spring 1 3 fiO “ Swann’s " 2 60 4 00 “ Jonesboro’ 3 0(1 5 00 •• Egypt 3 50 INO. M ROSE. Sec'y ai^d Treas’r W R. R Cc. Fayetteriile Arsenal and Armory, i January-^0. 18 4. / Maskat and Rifle Stocks Wanted. Proposals win be received omil the loth day of Fttbru *ry »pxt or the delivery of 50,0o0 W.unut.Mu' k.it and Rifle Slocks at tbis Ar^pual an^J Armory. Speci hcations will be fiirniflhed on applica'i >n to 2 4t Lf. C*L F. L CHILDS. Comd'g Ot&cer. 0£.liV HIGH l§CHOOL, IREDELL COUNTV. This Ins'ituliou will bp re-op'*ned -’n Werines.'ay the 24tb of Feh’y 18^'4 Ttipre ;»ili be two di panuien;8 Vi*le nnd F'li'i ..ip, w^i’ch wiil b» kept, distinct md fppa rntp f ie locaiioB is vr; beilri’tu! and quit» secur* fr tn inTthion Th'- air.icr-i.-ucd, »'0 w;ll be aiJod bj s't.tt.vis aas'st.ta'*, will g vp ni. u>vi v d.'d »t[.-niioo tr 5/-J t:obool Tiii'ion pc-t froio J40 to SCO. M ; e » Pi!»i!0 ¥45 tio:i'".t per n-:^uih $60. P4yin;-a; 111 a-^T*»nce, part in curroccy a'»d part .n prrv.jiion SiuJen? nrriTian »l trt itetrdl.^ pn >be 2.S'l. 24h and 26th of Feb’y. Will fiad otnTiyaaoc to Oiiu For fur tber informaiion JidJr^t?!* the uudersi^oed S MILTON FBOBT. Jan’y 27. 1 Otpd 0 RUA* THE BEOCM^tOE. WM* MiC IXTFilE V H»« rcce'ved, NE cas(>, 29 -no'i^ i*00 >d4 al' Wool VVhitc Flannel; tjae ■’ass I'iOO yds M.i ipr Oil'O-i; ioi Fmo 3 B! idtj-i S i »•■:>; •-'OO Grose Elastic •'’leel Kaittiog NeedltjS- F«*’y 1 2-6 w “ WA!%TEi>, ♦ - ' The advertiser, a g^n-.leaia;* ahuve tfte c ascript wi8‘'iCB to borrow fro«r t'lree to fire t':ou«~nd Do'i » ^ for twelve or eighteen in>inihs. For the rpT *“.yine'*f * whinh a lien on Pc-r8 »n*i ‘tr Rim Est.*ta will be given. ■Addrpsis "INDEX ’ anJ leave at this oC53e. Fkyeitivilie. Fob’y 1 2-2t THUS. J. JOHKSOX, Jr., if CO., General (’om!uis.sioii & Furwardliis .Merchjirt.s, 45 or#/» 9l^*atrr' Strtet, WIL.MIXGTON, X- C. PP.OMPT at’?r.iriu ;r'7j3 I ;-il hiiji" r ruiipd ‘o our "and-. Oonsii Qtu?a; . d^lic... I ^ X. J. JOli^T.SON, A. o! F-Jn •tcviU , N C. J -i. y a. A. u;l*!i^O: cf P Va. • '^‘G 8 J! pd o I’la w, V» Tii, rt. F- e.f vi’l*. N. C , )t. 18-4 .4. B KK>1. 97»f J-. q'. ~y; ? ' iir go->.l, N J 1 iiia k or waiip 2 tf FhVMCiaii’s Ca**il. 1CK( A. A. tllAVJS hal.’ del q gooi tilCK()aY BUGGIB-J to trada for proviilona. A. A. MoKEFHaN. Jan’j as, 18«4 IgOO-Stpd ^)iii A. LA.vir^ Bl .-i*^NKr,c^- aud LDUKlC.MiNG OIL. 1. LaMP IiLaCK in batrois. For eale by KMwk T,‘ JOB. a. BLOBtiuM & CO., Wilaisftoa, N. O. I'XH ’!>. «Ai»iPl«SLt. "I .M%?toa, S. C.,) bw ( U jryrtiovfd to F*yetteville and t«k.-n aj officn; on Bow *.i.rHet., wh«?r« be nay be toand at ail tiniua, wiih ah ator le of Me iioint's, td a&Bwer Profe9.-uoaal oalls. S>t.tefaet«ry refereaoe famiBhed, &o. J*n’y2. 18A4 94 8mpd • BE KlNDiiV AFF£/l’iJiJ.’' God (ieuoauucd tieav^ j adgmeiite against these M I who .^vaii liitruseivcb ol lortmiuud circum- g i biauceb iQ iilt;, 10 opjjread or afflict their fellow » : mtu. Oiiii great oLjcct la tLv lumd ot infinite W isiioiu in orUdioiug bucu aivcrsiiy of cuuUitioa in teujpoi'ui tif.uys wao, lo .oppuiiuoity to call lordi, ad as ocopa to ex.v;i\ lic, lUe kindly and better lec lugs ui our tiuiuro. W eifc all men etjuaily pio.xpvioi^ m things — had tuey au abouc. tiiu suuio luuabuiu ui leuiporai couilorts —tliere Would Oc iuiiu cali lor iLic cxUK’itlou of some ot liie Lobiiist, irmuj oi iiumau clia»acter. liuc, With the preouui niverti.j lu lUvbe things, tiicre la uo iiicn. oi oppori.uu.u.a- lue calls' c»re liuujcroua auU proBi>iug. lUe poor we iiave MVfAya wi-U UC5—pour lou who uio bucii, uot ba- - j cau'.j ttirj/ iiuvt biuu' ii, or ciitir paicins, but be- li)0 ^ €4J 'j Kfi 1^101 iiitVo tiO 'oru«;rtd u. Auu ixn. 4.-I luc la ri'jvci iiuMivu lu l/Ui Tvuiiu^ IJUT y - u .,i' nivutvvi.ooii uoc Ij ^*ow aiout-'d Ua UiTu *s al ways giv.ug ua opp rtUL y to ojyct^ oui haud upv'ii tiiu iiicu^j anil lo oitv.r > W--jd cl couiiorc lo »ho alMiCiuU. . AiiU tile oppoi luui'.^ i.^, lo us/ (/le J?'ur • arv we uoi au brciii/ tu, uuu hath not one God crcat^d as?’' Arc we not inade of the same ciay, aud Las not the same breath of the Aiiuiguty given lUu to Uj alii^ To ptrveii ii»t,s>e opporfcuuiiic;i to do good, and n;ake them available la opptcsoiug auu ...iritciing. tiioae wiiuui we ougnt to aid aua toujiort—uot outy to-laii to a» wuat tne Prov;dciic>. ol liod im- £.(.x5vS upon Ub aa a uui_^, out tu be ^uni^ -■! cioiug iLe Coiiirary iii'H la wickctiiCh.-* id ini; tte«'pest d^e. it biioWa lict oLij u di&rc^urJ oi CroU’s coLuUiatiUm!.uts, but also a waul ol the common iceiiu^a ot humaiiity. £>uuh meic---i.aiy creatures dcooivc to jjc iuarked out a> pjaj^-ii. ^'0l^ on hU; ludu cLaraeter, atid aisovvutd uy lue ii*co. They Lavc no ci.iiiki upou lu^u, uuU wci'c it potbiblo to cua.’^e tiicm out oi luc Woiiu, it wouiu oc a rtiiel an^; a b:cssiug. Thc^ txcitf, tt.c^ u .'&rvc, uo pitj, when tueir sins ate sieueu upou tin.in hue; arju li tiu y meet wi h >io ici.in» uoo ./» .■> wund, they bhuii.have tuoir ju;-i. , ' t.io.j *u au'j-itr.' l>^t, in the pi'tSCUL Cir;,lilii3.a.;i:.’:j -ji t.it' OoUll- i.rjf, how muca mole aiu *v« u>uu‘.'. to give i:ccd lo the uitiue iujuuk..tiou i£Uotcii at lL>; hui-Cl ot ihi.' arutlt*. 'ine wai^ias ueiaugc'i ou. ludustrtal ahairs co bueh an exteiit tiiul luu ui quuiiLus a- ujought us are tar laore Ktiik.iiy lu viUiUii.y times, 'i'tie poor rthv..« wo ult uji ua,c vvita uo, as a means ol doveiopiug ouc humttuuy and cLristiaa grace-ii, have grtatly niUJiipiietl Aud u»ny who have ordiuanly liveU in cjiuurt, if not in abui.uauee, are reduced to huau» re- (^uiring ti?u hclpiug hand jt tu^ inor«; o^ ulent to relieve them, ^iu^oands and latber^ have been eallea into the tservieo ot il^itr couutry. In .obeying this caU, the interests ot hi>ine and ot busiiejb, upon which the coinlort oi tae wiie and cliirdren depei.dtd, have been neglec ed. I'ionths, perhaps one or more jears, have tuua eiataed, the lamiiy la toe mcanume ma&itig such tcmpofary .'hiUs '.iS circuuiitaneeB wouid ptimit, to procure The ntCo?-S.tViea ol lltjj uutil now me ula use has btcoxac diioiiic, «nd ajojctiiiu^ mu.-c t>e doue more emctualiy lor their roliet. The very poor have gcucraiiy been cared tor. Liberal provition has Occn luaue lor thvm in un»st of tlic counties, lu aduiion to nhut the d.ate-haa dope, while in many places individaai asjiociations Uave added still larihei’ to tiieir 'icml’uvt. . So mere are tew ot'tiiose who are w^liii/g to avail theuistives of these ol roiiei, wuo ma^ not ■it-cure It, aud oLdaiU aii tliu ue(;^.*ssaVlcS of llte. Uut there is a cl'ios ot p^i..» u.-i in eVery comuiuui‘ ly throughout tLC couu ry, not gi neraiJy icaehed oy tue-.e pioviisioiis ol puoac cUaricv, tiiiit uthcrve the bpceiai sympathy and uind ohices ot those more luraiuaie.y si uaccu. iiavo ncietulore iivcJ in comloit aud iudepiiudeacc. They are now au'.tiiiing to avail iheiuaolve.'> ot tni. mpaifs for relieving the poor in their county oT neighbor hood*, though they are more wortuy ot H;>bisiauce oltcntimes than many ot chose who ii(piy for it. I'ho result is, that more real privation aud suffer ing exist with thK class ot persons than with any other. A liitle attention to the apoe-tolio injunction, "Be kiuuly aliettioued on^ towards • noincr,” on the part ol those in better circumstanced, wouid greatly relieve such frotn th« pressure that is upon them. There arc m^uy way.-* io which this might be done, briu^iug reiiri to the -burdened heart and doing nruch to reltcv>3 iheuiiud.T of our people of the present exces.-ive gloom and des- pondoTley. The cau.se would be reiuovtd, and the efftct would naturally toiiow Trj it, ye who have the mcaua, aod sto-what; will in the result. i'Ixhilit sympa^t.y atjd a tonitiiuuity •ot leeiintr atid iutertst towarti-j your n :g.;buffi, *hoiii you believe to b w; f-traifijnc i t.-i -ui a. ci ;-. ov thij ‘var aau it,^ a',’i-om|>.!H!mtiit?. iiuu ti>* et- t.cc mil Ue uiosi i>a]tpy, both oa y-u fv^' S and on thim. The wiuui; ci Ufary vvill f.t t itie el- h^'i^Mid "h- mouth ot >//-/r croakt rs would tft')ppod hj the iiuprovdi f;iic ot ol jiuLiic aenU- aient everyVI here—>V. C. fitab^tt-rian. Kik: to Fat —Many of the taitcs-. and bravest mtn in- the Confederacy are-atniid ttkgo into "the army hst they should be nnwieldy or lucapithle o: r ii'U'r:ng ^er-vice. This is a mistake. Some xe . diag j fat men ire now in the service tit-t; li,i»,.pLriy Mar- .-ihall served lor t.vo years i> it fo s i tiie mat ter at ro."t, we neeti. only eite tife'exaii.p'c ot Chi'jpin Vitelii, one of the abiist G*‘iK'ra..-i who accouipanitd Ava to the Nethvilands. Stroda «ays of him, “lie w:is c^UHl'.y untiuguished for hi.s courag", his crueky and hi.s c rpulcnce. The Ijst charaetcfiouc w.ii oo remarkable that he was aimost mon.'^-rous in-hi.s personal apoear- unce. His pr^tubera^it stoiiMch was always sup ported in a baiidagc buspeuded. from his neck; yut, in t'piie of this enormaos luipeditnt-nt, he was pcr onally active on tl-ci battle held, and per- lornitd uiarc servicp, not only as commander bat a.'i fc'ibalteru, tlan itairy a younger and lighter uiun.” Bivof g»X‘d ohcer. thiTclo.;;e, fac, ^.rocura your nan tages, and in.— *'.v 2^ 9 16 23 30 C i:l ‘JO 11 19 2 9 r- 23 S(l 7 14 21 25 4 11 18 2r, 2 9 13 'Ji 3j C) 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 « 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 II Hlaak Warraat««al9 for at thi»i Oil^ee The foll'.'Viiug liiri. G jj wo el.'-rr rj. T- “She dic'l, ’ s-aid Polly, “an ! r x n for she tt?. b'aritd in vh^ v; .*,ro the f'crs grivr.'' • ‘•Tne co*d ground,” said the tLild, ahHi.hIar!i;g “N the w^m "'"nixi'i,” retur'iii'i Pfaiy,‘where the Ugly little seeds are turned into leautifal tiow- ers and where gtx)d people turn into angcla aad fly away to heaven.” i

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