id k^r »b« wgt Jse r«o«i(»t 4 ftliO tJt« l«s»^ •iMd rwit i« ii» ti ®T hit fbnt »r {rraai*r akati mt tJie lit y-ft»ar, u »o- r* *ia«ght#re4 (tw- tbutUsje- I> y»^( q«ar- r AhiiU deliver u(9 ut cnr»d b»- lluC i: Vi I ho 0|}«l B :he tirM Tr-d'v r. tn «S- r« i. 'Ti,le«i, oi UUl^, But by e»t h p»r- p,«n t-uch \-fcla* per ctot., to Im January uezt :tr, or f^iriuor '3e i>s this act, iber, che 'uated ADa t»LS0 rov.. the moa«y iicii iieeTC*, if , atui the Valu« be lietimat* I «ii?agreeiueQ,t ' bcreiu pr»- x; H»d uu each the beevi’8 sold 18 8u;i.l be duti- i«r. liia;! divide tke 'tuicn: iUkO tw» d { 61 tjuarteN liCics paid tor distribuuoQ tm ) arujy, Mua tor • kc.«;iJtj5 of ib« X a-'st-.isvr sbaii’ tud trum eauk I lb3 ualj aii> ; truui toe Mi4 1 be filed u « iu settiiug ha t Mbail be t'ur> Hi itudiujr UDi M a ob»rg« Mtt;r r«»c«iTiD| t»x-payer tbe uh be is buttoi le C 'utoier«fei uter itQall m iielet pUko«^ U Mut* by »bu«> rum Hoafoid*- ired to ibe di»- tiMiir rtoeiptfL also et«M tk# eo«iviQg fruB «Ut ili UZ«« IB iy report th« ry uf Vs ax wa| tb« putit ibe lax in fe.iBd 10 him M &for*> I uuL ouiieetor •M v^raat n- iceipt tb«*r«lii^ lax cui.tfOMr aa cuuula of aaid at auy parlutl )• euuuriied oa e a«uie. to the ud ibM reoeipt ct tax uoiieot- ii. Whea Lbe i« pitym«D( of t the depot M to the a^feBM f tbey ooaakt (y be Aiitablt »«e and io 8U^ Bay prescribe, lat »oax4 of tk# ' ad auiiablb tor irt d«po»> i«d either di- sees, be sb«ll Buumer m k« tuub ttaie aJiail Coctederace eury wt Wu ihiit It would ir use the ar- to be received the eiecret*- "uollect la Mid le of >aid arti st required in ueoo ttiu flret jear, and IM eable i and proHts, id tlie Mlato- Bpeoiba tax SI atid prole*- ii| be deliver- the dutiriol, tame, ac.d the tb the obiaf lector of the leuio ur Oiiift, roiii tue tax lail be paid Ut«., auuaui* r oui3 alore- lot ouuector ateo, goar- 3utor or »d- |i4ut, ur tae- in kry receiver liti'jur »i ^aj lonig ul itii Id¥ ftj.^uired ] ol cue uiOQ* iuatr tbeir ^ereou, aod fory persop ie herciQ all uxet ■ p. .p«rcy II. kpiuiii, ai^ja dUali oe kiiUb ox thu kry be, aod 1 roi.>ri aad ' thia aot| feaiaaftw the Uxee 11 be ]»• |'t;r 10 the for the df) .ll be • Ml HiO '6B| rtcu.ta- 'eoeed- ion —i.awiBiwi — VOL XilLj r^W.TTKVI/J.E, N. FEBKUARY !5, [NO. 1306.] stai rrTr***5rrr3r?3 ^'Rl.NTKD MON!>aV£! v'?!) THUHMUa'IS GDWARO J. HALE & SOI^S. El'ITORS AM> f'HOr'aCTORc Semi-Woeklt' 0«si«rv»h 00. puiil Price for the adTfino«. F»r the We«klj 0«f»RVT« $4 per annaaj. p».A in advftnc«. f®“APVERTiaF.Ai*!NT? in?ertel for pe>- ■« uve of 16 lines for the first, and ouo liolbr for i»acb OLliH HIUH a^VHOOL, laEDELL C0W4TY. ^ . j 111 IS lhaiif'ition will be ro-op?nod n 'Vo Jn»jaii*7 t v i ,,, ,, * J' h -)f Fl/y lbi>i Ta.-ie will ;wo d.-pitlc uN ; ft'JB-.s-a Of H>r \u;p !!ad Foirt.w, which w;.l h k-pt iiKiiutit aa.l .-v. , I * TiJC lecjaUna is »«rv u'l J -u^.- i 'n rs- auie;s>g,.ed. wi:. ^.11 h. .-y | CUxVSjJRiPT OFFIOK, . R.ALE1UH, JrtW'y 2lBt, 18‘H. > ! -iifcADQJRS EXAroiWIKO BOAEO, ) ) I . SEViSNTH OONG- DiSTRiuT. N 0., - • I'i fMt -B'ioi. vO j O’** $40 ' I $60. Mu • I /r-'fj iiiT‘»‘»ifin ■ tfnii\!'l-.‘ »»ll giVv- . tbe Hchoc i Tu'i'irn pjr session fro sic on p!.i»to ?4-3 Bo“ir>t por #00. iVyinv*Tiis ' JT alvMiCH, p *rt in currency arwl p:»rt in pr.ivirfi ' ^^nvitjcM on th« *23i, 2lih'icd sue- i o.^ia 0^ K-h’/, Kill fl&d c>-n»r?vaaae to 0*ia. foT*fur of !i,C u ri niii>-FTn**r.i>j ttt-i* tjrii'^r r .y Pr.TEll ■^I 'LLBTT, Col t’ow.d’g i oaj. H. .\’ a iNaiPECTDtt Gbneiial’s 0»riCE. ) >4. '} Qbksral Okdsk*. Richmond, Jan. 9, 1834. p«iWicaMon. A'ivftrt^semonfs not exteedine tt tctr laftirma'.’.ou u i trefp lhf* unri«‘r8>r’n"i half Mqanrv (pisrhf UresV?! for »he first >'T\1 50 cpnts fer eash naoo«oding publiowion.* A.lT(»rtisvT8 %r«» r«- qtiesked to si-ate the aaa?)it]r of inscr^tions deriired, or U»*y "will be coD*inn«4 till iorbid. and eharsed ftc^ord- AdTartisenifnts centiniied inftijle, >)« b«‘w aJ- Tertto^mantx. ppF.m,-' NoTTcr- From an t«*r thia late, ao iiaaje of a new snhscribt>r irtil be eaJ^red withoiit paymefct in adT»nc«, nor will the paper V ’'tif ■ i 3;toh '•ubstrihyjti i\.v a kma:er :ira? tnan is paid for. 9nOh of ok; old subsciibftrfl a;> (it-sire to take the p«i per on this a^tetu will pK'a» noiif} u.4 \rhcn cnakii^K remittaaces. Jan’y 1, ISfftS. HUt'll L -^ItlJli. ■■■'I!' 8 27 MILSOS F!U)ST. i pd Weiiterii S&ail Hoad Oflicc% ) F.\Yi£TTEVir..LE, Jan’y 30, 1804. ) I NBT T.ARIFF FKEiaflT will ft) into «por-ii p A. on .M'lniAf 1st fab’y. which iffJl be :ura;9’5»*d '.i eUippers »» i*e j.riut*'dl. J(»HN M. ROSK 2-2i»] TrrR^’r a.ort'G??ri A? f,t Wi'i-tei'ii Rail Road Oliicts) Favktteville, .fan’y 3U, 1804. ) LEXiNCfr^*-?, Jja ■ 2i, l?04 ) The uF»dtr3 :avii. oo* nf i;,«, Met’in i > . ; ( .j. ICtim- tni;.g li uird fi-r 'a« T^h^'O ujv *»ic i. L> ' ritt, > . I 0., .h. r.»i>y -p'lo'ni.'t fto (?■.:>*>? ■■•> .* i * v ■> j j fas »-j- u'Tii^iior. afab • c ri t'i’irt f ■•; ^ | M'O.d n'f?.’. ; M'h ia, C /UKt'i u't ui;.''o,-! j Ffbru, -J- 2-, ~S, i:*! • 66t.t» R^fji ti (J 1>Hvi’!Hon (■ uQfy i.cjt'.yf'"' ra^ry 25, 2«. 27. 29 • ‘ . 8iid iWgi N 0 >1, 8 Muly oouGiy. Al^-KTa^irl**, '■.‘:vi; 3, 4, 5 80th R ;rj V * \i. Ansoa C'*uni> 'Vhi ■ •■di> "vc’, M'lr- 8,9.10 * ’. j?l«f, K^p N' C M, 'L-8o»i ooculy, VV^i'lf^^'b•*»o’ U, T2. 14, 15. G2 1 Heift N C .M. M 'sit^orBi’ry o->iin'v. '!>'••.. M »ro* 17. in. id. 21 . ' .ro * Office,) P.aheiob, Jaa. JTth, 18C4 ) VlK t.'llow'.'ip cireniur tVf.m V-nrisu rf : !• t>-r t:it inf' »'f »li o.e’»*!n.''J Uy crutr COL MAI.LF.TT, Cotnd’f Goa‘'. tor S "0., li J. Uardin, AJ/t BU??E \U OF'CON^f-HlPTlON, ^ Richmond, Jm. 25.ii, lb»>4. > riRODt.\R ON atid after Monday 1st Feb’y. the foU :«»in>i r tie;* * Passenger Fare will be ohargfd, ?i*: Na. 3. / T ?iic'to!lof »g Ac a cf C« grrfs »nd Rc|:al3ti,iii8 I, aro p’jhliehnd ♦'or ite io,furiuvtio!\ of all psri.'0^'fl ooBuerfl«d thfrein: A T8 An Act to j’Tsvrn' the Snlhlmsni^ or K^oUvi^t of Subtii tufet m (‘•.a Mditaty Strvice of the Conjtder'tle Shiiu. ‘•yrm Cpo»rrsa ->f tfa« i'uuf? 1 r.ito S'jifiJj of Arserioji 5ip. jiog i1 0 M, Mo.jr - county. do iTh^i 130 pirfou !t».bl* militM'T *ervioB^’j?l! ( ‘>4^ 25, 2(5. 23 bereafterbept rp'U?iJi)ri»llctwedt''i:'upiii5ba3i!l'Bti' - .r/'yi' \ 49fb"R-»rt N O v», ^ c un'y. Pl‘;sht.r . ga-'h eofviee, Bar st-.H -wij h-.iI’- l;u.« be r:-c ^o_ April 1,'-. ] Us»ed, cr ecr li^d ixs t>-o imii^arv «frvioe of th^ Oon SOcti ’ft.vl N C -f. t’h a'> -.r^ caiwtj, Pi'isbcro I federate 8t»tcs ” [^Jjprnrpd D-cemb-r 28th, 1S‘3 ] ,5^ 7. ' • ' An A¥. to pal 4'» to ths Eietnjuion jfom Military S«r- tt31 N M, Rauiolp’j conuty, Asbab' rV, Ajiril 11, vi«f of thoi* vha bttre hiretof'irejurn^fitd Stihttitutea 12. IJJ, 14.15. Wh’fm.i, in I h^* p'?.■.;*; ci'cu «t.njO*a cf a K'^j^t N C Xt, A^h b. try, it re^uir.'S (^* itid "i nil vno arc able to fcfi-r ^nu-: i IS. 18 19 20. • ;'iT Nf>. 4. } C ■'jiaao^^Efri Sj .?0PicI dly dirsG'tad to G-!i?*ra! Or- ■.!■ ra No. ? \. k I. Q. (). i-urrvi^t^ nsrics, uer«ia set T''it'i for ii*Tc,rmHt?’n AD?T ASDINHP GEN’L’8 WFICE ) Rioumuns, Va., .Ian 25 li'*4 J I P^'•■lg;raph IV-Qsneral Orders No S ourrent scri«s 28 • rayoked # ’ II. Baralliug OiScers will proc^n J as rapidly as pra-'- Apri? U\fM, JneE,. Attorney z\t Law, Fatettevillic, N. C. WILL attani the Coanty and' Superior Courts of Cnmberlaad. Haru^tt, Mooro and Robeson Conn- u«s. Prompt att«ntion jjiten f."! the collection of »11 98-tf riEAT CLASH To Livb Iliv^r •• Sp iut Spriu? “ Jon wboro’' ” K«ypt By ord^r 2-2w ‘■scnNO cu/iss. $I 50 To Liule River . $ 2 50 “ Spout !? SO •■ HwiiQa’a 2 c*) 4 00 Jt'DPsboro’ 8 Oo 5 OO *• Ecrpt S 60 •NO .VI ROSE, Sfc’y «n-l Tr^aa'r W R, R. Jo. dtadma entriut«d t« his hand*. dot. 17, 18ff) GEO. W. WILLIAMS ^ CO., ! l¥liole«ale Dealerm in >}roi’eri€(»,' AND’IMPORTEBS ANi> OKAhRRS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Sweden Iron, HAY STRKRT, tAYETTKVILLK, S. C. isf.l. 36tf July 2 UTi.ev ^\E$iT£RiW nm%j ROAl>. j TRK freight and P IS^ENG’^R TR ilNH of ihu j Road leftve Fayetteville dftily. (Sunday* oxCdfted) j (It § o’clock,, A. M., and returaiuj; leaie Ejiypt at f ! o'olocfc, p. M.- Catdt cud Hort» Train MONDAY, IV EDNESDAYand FRIDAY. By erder JNO. M. ROSE. Trcas'r and O-'.n’l TranH. Ag’C J^n. 32, 1S6« - . a7tf ’ From aud after 1!ia^ tSie ?s^i^i-'r A. P. HURT «r .i leave at 8 Vciock, A. M . on '-IdodHy and Thur«d»y. • JOS. A. trOUTH. April 6—17tf ] Ap’i C. F. 8iearn lio^t Co. A', N. V. firoeer tattl Votnintssion .yterjchant^ FAYETTJ^VTJ.LE, N. 0. ^\a'j 10. 1««3. 93-if a o woatH. B a wm::tu n. o. dasixi. WORTH & COe, Commission ai^ Foro)ardia^ Ifferchaata, 9f''aitr Strcft* ' » WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. t«, 15fi8 7S-12m "jOHNmV, WILLIAMS & (’0.. ^ TIAKERJ^. *11 tto sick af.idi'C.^ it. tais P.-reou-* Havmg \V^ K h^v* thirty (30) pan.'* now jn nrierAfioa uioe isiles j articles »Rri oob^ls the ronrkct price on »ppllca tV east of VS ilminKtoa Pftrti^s wishiug sapply i tV.eiubecrib *r at hia old ?m»u I or at Mr. J. ^ thamaelves with »aU, oaA be furnished '-,y •ip^lying to i Pojr-n's ou lUy Street. ‘ Tii9 CflMf; teHi f t^"'Cv/itl* :!• St-'.'ea ef Acieri r. j do PDact, Tii'it no p'-rs ia Ehali b.«! pij/i'ited frMn«j-l- * 2? ! it'ry 8 .rTi#.>. by ru-i.icn of his Ln»jng fumis5;ad c ^ ! dtitute; bti* sc; •-■hall bi* ai- c- •t.'tr’j>-d «. '■'* ■'‘porBcn^ wh'v, :.tiOugi> uoi ll.iblo jo »,t*dt»r military pi-r- Tio». btiTP, ne» rf*oles?, luruJshTK*. ij*ib.-iti!Bte9.” [Ap- proveu January &1-, mti4 ] II F(#r« '09 reaisired liablS to military acrTtc* by oparii'i. D nf ih? pr--T*«iiaff arts. HPa p! la. d oa tb.* Siiv* footins «itn Hit ottiers tMianto hci ! liitlUe by Acts of Confreu. III*P«*rs'’n8 h»r'Tio n-nd^reJ lisiblw to military ^fr- I noo Br« p-d ie>-?port ini.voiunteprs or oon'OriptB, i with'jut d. i^iy. to th? enroiliae ofSo. ra; ajiJ a 1 w;iodo- : lav beyonu I;;' ■; Fobru try lf^4, -fill bf ocu“ dcr- ef-iS hufitik: r-r^BicCi trj.- pri»i!-’n #f voiU’Jteeiin>», I. i»d T-'r ut \ccor(.ii.i k*w. j IV EnrolUng nli4-!;r« w il pr-o5»'d, fts rapidiy (is } r»otiflib^. ia fif- e:.r--'!lmoat of p;rs^n^ hfralu maJi' l!‘»bl«^fc. '.rtvicc. Pr{iT:Cu«t to "nmllm-ct o.a : cofc.sortp!*. a>l t4iv-a p PKor.9 trill . I"-wad o roluatt> r iu cOMi'fioi 'X ii! r. r» .a- oU ihc li'-.a -\pril 18f?2: provid ed, tni: c^ - Vii' iih'.o'ci: ■’ofs no- a; ;Gr tiiov O' v>lu;i- , vu'tou ti.i w TTauCi Qu b^r nlio'Fi’d; Lnd »;.■. •. suo,h (•.■jcjpniy .'-■.?lLi’?eJ i'' u V 'Innt -ct- wdl rec--iv . : t'ron: I far.^lum; n£fi;-r a cer,i5. 1> ii; 'ftVcf th . he tju V'j uu'..erki. »aJ .;o . ? V7 ii b« rv*:iT- tii'%Hl.t» ,-nf .iiaent sfmtl pcrsooa made iiahlp i,iili.'t.ry servioe. l’re?i'iug to ofirolitw^nt as oo3fior?pi.'. all sucn perf*'>ns wilH>c i»Uowei to voluntr?r, pro»i J- ed — 1st. TI*e Company ^^tslectfd waaia aervio's un th^lfJth of .\))ril l>Sti2 2ud. The Ci'-.tjipaa/ :;eltcti.*d is at taa tiiao uc 7^ un- tc‘f‘»tng. b^low th-i ;]2inTmuB preAiribed. by r9:;ulsti'jca 31. ^iJ p-utsMi Pi^de li%Me to pervico under thia ^rd^r «ili be jierKiitied to join or will bo aegigueJ, to ^y ■’Qnipiiny wbish his nn)re than sixty-four prt».-itc8 on t' » Toi'., uatii ^11 the cocipmie* ia feervio? from thv* StHte of wbioH t^e Tuiuntc»r .jr coji»crfpt is u re^ideiit, ■jhtll hiv.' :hv liiinimaia nutnber prescribed by rfgulv TKitiS 4th Uri-'n the Cosnpiiny bfing 8ei'>c-^^. tb« volun teer will receive from the Enrollicg OQiiier & c«nificitt; ;u to ‘ efT»-ct th'ti be r.;« v()la^.teer'd; no vdlua- t^er will be r^c-.Tvel ia %n;. cottpiay cxa*‘pl on aacb j V Ill- P-jrs «s .rfho f'^il f> n>akr' spJectioa, r.ccording to No. 1, ConTj'^ripl Ofiies. N. O', a» i H.%vc fhira | foe proTisioud of this i-rier, anJ *vi the tiffie of f»si«t pf»"m'ni 'ho f»bo7e tiri(*t- and nHo‘3 foe OT'?di3»l ex- icoTit. »iit ba asuigned ab,:-jrjiag to ^'x -tiagrogulition"? aniiiv^tioo. revision oi f .r^ier exeinptiors, &c. i "IV. AU r-fficeri ip coaiiaind of er r iui-»s fca’h.>riz d •II T’^iiA ^•'.11 *inb* 3'>w .h'1 pi^rsorts b tw^en th? can i uaJer thia order to receive cauSc.'ip ; *r Toluuteisra will iicrl(:; wh-3 h^v? br rotffirc cxemptjsd. detiiil- j f'Tlhwith send to the Ooianiaada'ii. Coos^ripti of th^ e'i or Jis!jh%r%jd f/ctn “iiiiy ,‘>ouro**. or for nny c‘iu'-e I Sta*e.*accurato csrtifled roils of tu'ir ootap.xaie.H; and wh itgv^r, inclufipg pefKi-Ts wh'> *’»rve fum.i**b-d s'»b- I wilbont such roll, i aiti *7 do noi exceed sixty P G. SNO t^uri;-->oi* P .4 J & , t (lairm-^a Ksa nir.iijs B "^rd, * 7t>i G. I’aiEF E^ROLLlXfJ OFFICE, ) Seventh.O0NGRKS.SI0NAL Distkict, N. C-7 h liEXiNftTONf Jan. ‘20, 1804. j Ggmkral f)auKa, \ No I 1 , COUNTY Karonirii^ (*iSo wjll4 rocked 1.! onoe to e-^nr&llra^l p-TS'^ns i'l . air (..'ouii'isfi b»r';Te?n t>**: of 1> and 45. ’u Hjcyrdanco wiva Qeaeral Order, I. sti'iiff:!, !k8 w.'*l !»j i'r .. iriiiy, 1 all m-i.e white ^)^rsca^^ j»no ■: -t iho sifce of'fis’hteeij. feat ill '.thefj (ra-T h r '>r^ cnr'’’f>l. Ill EnroHine Oflio^ rx . -j y .i^iic' > foiirth : f ■ 0 !'->c*"'pt- »f « Mi!itifi RpL'im-.i' : 1 rvpv;** on ’ach -if I n e •»p;io'med d**V3 atj 1 requiro oioh maa to bri’.? wiilt j hicii tnr-'ft dJya’ ratinus . ! IV. .v>' pTon3 ?tubfae-d in oall «.re at'-»olii''’r four priT’dkte#, th*re T.iU not b.* h '’igued any oonrtcTjp* or volurtecr By 5 >mmani of th^ Secrcf-Hry cf V' ar. (Signed) 3 COO PUR, Adjt. & lusp. Gca, E>irl7 and Tisjoroua t'ut'v*; will ba e'*joinedo.^i the Ea- roiiiug Oifiairs. o tcn one 0." - -t. ah.'ioid ba furni.^hed with c’py of thf? order •-! - uv dei.^j. To in^'iro ii-e faM’oity 'f' th« order, ; -r« ei.iould b» several injsr- hf pre«;nt at tbt ippointed tia-s »n l I ia i h* neWiJii I WILL tfpen tic KAGLR HOTEL fof the re- eepticn of Guests tho first of June, aud 1 hope .10 I e able to en'tCrttiia fro'a ijTcaty-fiTe to a 1 huadred per»oab iuiing the Sumaiar. Ia corineetica wifh ttia lr*rge liote!, I have a number of Ha-^k:^, r >rria?;a. Buggies •'iud Saddle Homes that tcy giiosts cftn get .xt >* laiaute’# notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprie:or EagU Hotels .Vshe.iUc, N. C. May.) 3; 180^. 31-ypd WAKTE!}^ ter tka HagDltaf at Fort Fisher. i.f .my 'ailinit to appev will ba traifsd fs d«- A. Johnson, Jr , .\gent at Fayetteville, to C Pag^, manacer at th^ works, cr to J. .M. WILLIAMS. Qaaeral Superintende«it FayetieTiUe, No? 20, I8t52. 81tf ed iiit.i kuy i xcepf ' a »u jti ^-rtifi"--*!®. Pt . 7?qu»r-,->i dans wh'.-frtii o oiske ih?>r 6ehci;i-a at the tim" of ^ plio-'^>, un ct'r-»ll'i- at. will bo astigaed uccjrdiog to exi^tin.r I reguUif iTif/.H i V. 'J'bc bo'ic". tn or,t;s-jnpt6 is ^c'Toei t*afli(‘ico'to til- V. F‘’iac ni t v ush vit5r.iU»ng ofiioers wi'l jw taera atcplo tirce fop*!»rr^agtiiar *h«iii dom^»fic af- be c -r .'S J, ;j-i tiiy bn a:l«w- d f. fa k.a.-U of t€a ilaya ■ f.-iirit, ta 1 00 appiication from pi^riie* to b« a'lowed t-' betvir,’v^n !iiiu,~ to ■-.» tki’up of luijiructios . reiaV-n •-;» h''a»e t'cyoui the iiw« Hppoin>.cd f:>r their Vi .■111 porJon%'ii.T ' t* tr -ouscripta t dep.*r urt; for oaicp wi'l he enterfain-d- unlof t’lis .irdor, Vi :il , iS^ ihirut'I tm* cirop of loatruc- . •* .J M LITTLE, tii>i» ct tiie S t» w,;ion ;M.d ba forward , Capt. and Chief Enrolling Ofijcr, ei iheaco to tiJe c'>aipiDi«‘8 wais'i ar*; or to.-j 4-4i^ 7th Conz. l)i^t., N VH ThVhur’uiyiLa-rr;^ i.= charged with a-| ~ FAYETTEVILLE -doptin;» proper ri^:al*t.ioi!s far i-ackftnfore. lutac of tbi-: I POULTRY, Chir^xend. .‘’ati«r ;t>id other delic:»i!is3 for o; it>r tto sick ar.idi'C.-j it. tais llo-icfal. P.-raoa-. kaviiig Tlll.-Al. ex-mpt'oae heretofOi.j granted are 6uVj>et : Cap t^l in Premium ftutes amonntnto f 52’>7,688/Jh to revi^li.o, undn i letructiona fr .m he Rur ria of t’:a i c^sh on hand aad other .'VSfj-iia, 6,077* 3& scnoiioii; and If found to be impropM’ or anautboriz^d . ^ - ■ by will b* reroked By ofdT. S ('OOPUR, ' . ' Adjutant and lonp'ctor General. i •£ rj " -*■ Q.reuuuou II. P^rs .!.n V'' 'J'^nliOZ -k»';jHC’ttl em '• o -* : \cnv r/ i t •lutM >ict'-p»j >■ takeu oj ^ i^ur aa he iuresti^ated lu i-occr.l .aui» wi^a rent Seris^, wiiu t:i« i ^ •'('Uy tr i > ,• By order of C-ii JNO S- PK.E3T0N, Sup" - ('^igaw) C. B. J)UFFIELD, A A. 0 J-tn’y 27 tor sp^^eiti ex- not benioicsti^! TCitr - :u ».* N.-. 3. Our- 3 1.U iBHTlAL ISSliKAACE CO.UPA.Vl. ft. E. A an. 25, HfilDE. Gen’l Ag’t. 68-if To Cotton Planters. 3,500 f. WAi^TED. BUSHELS WHE\T, 1HAV£ b««B appoimed by tha Secretary of the Trea- ■ary, Chief Agent for the purchas* of Ceiton for the ' ' Ceafederate Oovenuneni witiua the State of No^h Caro- j j lioA, aad will pay for the* saaie La 7 p»r eent. B-‘uds or ; „ iifll »,U I Sub-.Vg.:al3 •sisitiag tto uLfeiuiit p'u'ts of i’u--S.afe, highest Caah price by calling ^n Mr. M. Tho»aapon, 1 baying ia my narae, will batre writt;n oertiri :>te. it at the Merchant MiUs. FayettsTili*'. rr on the Bubsri- ^ appoiut*kent. bar at aia old etand on Market Square. ' j By order of the Hecrctury of ^be Treaat'»ry, Cvit^ ■ , ALFX. JOHNSON, Jr. ; j:uroi/v3jd by tnya^lf or iay ageata, on aad aii " f v So’T. 5, 1862. j 18ia day-ef M^rch 1863, v?i;l b > paid for iu 7 ptf/V;> m ,600 •• -CORN. 'PercoH£ hiding the abcTi ar'if!?* CO)[FSdKKiTE ^TiTBS 01^ CMiwilll'i* ) . ExoiHi>aii l>i*paa«MHMT, Dist. Capc t'aAi^ . f I Wi.cKBg;r-n, N. C , aiaroff IGtb, 1883 } \ Notice ie^hereby eiv u to ail per«ons hafiac claim-”* agiiarit the Eiigiuot-r Dopariment, for aervicea of | employ d a.1 I b-ir-ra on ih«> hind ps>r j Wi'»iii(jg'vP. ■» C , t!'s*f t.hc irr,drrGiEacd is t>aihsrisc.d j ar.d prepared jt:} p»y the eaaie at his *ffioe, on ti>e ee- I iac ROovc Maares’ Uru. AR.?I¥ BAR.^JiSS. iAM jwepared t) manutactur» all k;n-l.’» of Wagoa Hamees for Army use. I tan my iea.her anw caa give gc«od bargaic*. Ag;entd wiii do well lO laeir Stdent to me aa tL y shall pronpt atieation, aad oft in quick dispatch. JOHN CAF.T*53 OeldstoB P. O.. Chatham Co., N. C.. 1 Jun- 13. 1H82. i 900 lb«. iruiii Arabic tor sale by J. R. LEE. Oet 16. 1 Bomls t>T Csisi. aiii iiut b IJor 1- as ?!:: »**rt;si m-at. L '> -i t_:»t iiju..., 1 ;joiias sr i r. '-J* r iT i-,'.' 8 per leat. tcc U w»ll t>c Turai-iiic I sis ‘‘lated. P'ltriotir c:tii«t>9 3r«» uowod’jtda^ opp-»rtuaity to >iid tha ^OTer-i by ic.iiftt, to it tae-j Uotta:i ravSet >Mi pritrat*? •>ipi.a^j!»tH. . , LEWIS WILLIAMS, tll-'.rloite, Marc-i i4, 1B63. [o. ».J 14iJ * WA^Ti^^oT " iSALT! SACKS far Bale bj Dm 22. S?»A3.T!! UOB^^RT MiTCHtLL P^-tf Bank notes of .North Carolina, Souti^ CaroliAa, ) yiTginia and Georgia. ATio, Ncrth (htrolica six pef oeut. Fundable Ketet. Also, North Carolina tiz per cent Doadt, aaw li-sae. , VF. &. RICHARDSON & CO., ' Brokers. Paleigh, N. C. ; •March 9. ' 9if I (iOi'.ji C'.»r of th ou: Rtort», M’i«’ket ^trs-t. Si^ Pf>rp.i.)-» pxocutiatt Pcwrr.s of AU irney will cb ^ rr.' th.‘ f;.U-.!'•in,'? form--t^■'!r s.,»,n- rur •«, i/i aU e.n ■« t I be wi't":«9Cd by IWV \f I; 1 i't dus'li c.a'e. fr tl- >7 ti V "J .1 s= -i > .tort; * .(tiB tti' P,-ao3 ■•'!• =:i •c!' ' > r ForvM OF i»r,a !«•%-..i •• t i 'sj?;i rcc,-j iti f r, n-l pajacutaf ali lua-;-y- u t ■> rr brli 4-; I pari'ii'at of the Cijui' d^rav" St aoa ,-.f Aai.-ricx. : services tf a.y s.awfs fcployeu «s UVorcr* o ’ tko lao I i I dcfence-^ at —during the utonti* of ^ . 1^6 ! Witness my hand and »eal at , the Jay of i Total, $272,7(53 61 The Comjmuy have p>»ii oil losses promptly, tuil have b.rf»cr made as assessrccnt oa thslr promiuia notes:. Total Icfh'i paid. ' f29,632 (jWFicxa^ G^O. MeXEiLL, President. D. A. RAY, Vioe Preeident. C. A. McillLLAN, Seo'y. VixaoToait: Hanr.- Lilly, W. N. Tilfcnehant, H. L. JiyroTon 8. J. Binfldulc, 8. T. Hawlfry. Wm. .MoLftarin. Nathsji A. Stadaiau. T. :j. Lutterloh, A. W. St-ecl, • J. G. C*ok, Joa. J. G. Shephard. R. F Browa, ) ^ A.E. HaU, ‘ 'rr.rariec. Tr«.'»elin5j Agewtft. I.ARCiE SALES OE «:OlTO.\, AT AUCTION. W' ILL be B')id at the Gin il« u»c of Col 0- H Di,‘ck ci’v, iu Richmond Cv>nuty, on Taes•^ay ttc -■i-* • Fi-^ritary. t , •iboat s»0 Miales of Good Cottotu' 1 -\ad on th i»y fallowing lceai»y tbf! 24ra ia-t ) :,l tho resHence^i of J R »nu Dvnj'tiatn Ing^aM, ue'^r Ferry,, in Ad5 -a cou; y. ao'.-al !iiOO Bales of Cotton, y ^ . . ^ Tints o" srh cb will be sOl-; b>* saaiali’; bs’cngitig t'» ino i iscf.t? of 'V P. MoR-iv*. dfoM i Temn of sale, ti monies orrdit with cote t-ni ap I proved peburity. ' 0 W WOOLEY, Aim’r. *c. I Fcb’y/l. 1864. 4ta C. B. Moiidtt. Jairc? Xv’e, A. A. McKf^thaa, J._l). ••illiaras. •t'f. Tiriin. hayf. rji OoiLa* aad C. C. M. 21- 1 P ir v:« ' r 18fl (8igm»d in dup!irMo.) WUnesscB, « [Sea: ] A Si IS!, I The XeT.!e, SotalU | COLORED ‘ A7 - j V«»Horsl«l!’s tfsJallwry. - ! i^^OTlCEe ! ^HE nad'^rjign^d,Adui’r ot 'i-ra J MoN*iil, 1 , L by d?L- rf^ a; the 0 >uri c>i Pif.'*.-* .«ui tia-irtsf Seatsiona ! fgr MMrc C;^a'y ’fil* S'll « i • G- ur II as* ia i.;«r i ge, on Tu-^da^ 231 ./f Ffo'y. 1>504, 330 ic'>a V. ■ L a i, n tiie wtt^r?'.jf: BufTai > • re k ;ib;r: 8 mil.. w «;■ Jou'vo’ l>'-p3“ ont .tf F V. ,H R T ■ i-t on 'he pr’in ’J'’2 i 8'a-»ll fioav.'i ;i.-d iotae "u- iaouie.'', w - a ti or * .ici'bs of c ea'cii I'vad T ; • -Cl's wttl I f-i' cul>* i ■ i -jf C r -.rfajH- o , 3ud ail pr-xluo s rii:“d a '■ jt -tita ' I try, iiid in a gJO-l ueiij-borj dJ. A rsr? c t -i j tliostf wi.o Wisa to iaveit, lb ir .n^acy it r-.-il^is sile i Tae pl8.ce ia t>oid to p^iy deb. s. Terms ii nsontiw cr dii Feb 1. 1SC4. JOHN :.IoNEiLL, Adia’r 4 4i^:«t TOBA€t:j>. 1 OA ®OXiiS VIRGINIA lOilAi'CO. iri.aagradijn, L^v for Bale on ooneiirnmfnt, (ItO. W. williams * GO. May 2«. ’ 31 tf W iioic Leather wnuted. OAAA heavy well tAi'r.el ;0'LE LsWTHER, ^UUU suitable for Beiting. Apply 13 D. JlCbPHY. FayettCTilla. April 14. 20tf anted to l*iire£iase, ESTSRN K;AIL RO\D&TOJK; Bp.iik Notee; ttold i»nd 8iivp«^ ' North Caroliiu* Trcaiur Notes (Fuad^lih;) “ “ “ uad *2; “ Bonds, old (tai ■s'w; 'County of Cumberland Bonds; |,Town of Fayetteville Bond^; 'ttreeashoro’ $1 and $2 Certifioatet;; [ *CoBt»derate 7 and 8 per cei.t. BoadB;| ^Ceupons of $16,000 000 losu; “ of Tcwa aod County Bonds;? “ of oW North Carolita Bcndti; T. S. LUTI'feRLOH. 4>ct. 12, 186«’. 7U. Ipun €«tloii Exetiaoged Ur i^ard. WE wiU giTu Span fotton in ran payment for tARD deliy«pfd at my F*ctory oa Peia b St. ' A. McLAU{;HLIN. tiAJtl) Oil., — \ Tcry fine nrticle, for sale at idy Factory. McLAUCilLli' BAH A.'Sit T»ILKs’'»S1>.A8*.—Per S(i»e t.t my Factory. A .*loI^\U:,’HLlN. ' FayetteTille, K-c^t 12, Iftbii. G3-flmpd OBUXA>CK DKPAKT«ENT. Y Ralbiqu. N. D , Muy 8, 18tJ3. j Lead wanted.—l wish to purcha-.8 Lead for this Departir-ent rersens h&>»:ng larre or baiVil quan- tHiea will please apply at once. WiU give I poai.d of POWDPR U>r 10 pou..ds of uEAD. TH03 D. HOGG. Cipl. C. S. In charga ol OidcaDCB. Col toil Yarai t&v Woo3. ] J^OTICE is hereby gS'/en after thii. dale (exccr-t i ilk eases wb^re we O^rga.^jd f; r 'Vooi .>ocorJ- iag to th* terms of ior Mivjrt s^aseut of the iJOi; ci Msiy, Kinoh t^/ mit^aro new r vcif^ i,) *r*' wiilgiTel bun dle lit Ooton Yam for 4 iba. ot Wool uawts.Jeu, or 3 I'OB. w .eaed and picke *. 'i'his cii^3yi;e is maae at the isfitnace of tiifc Qusirterma«ster at R*l>.igh, in •-•dor to tra*c^ tba t^rors >>f cxohi*)?e uniform throo.gaout the i Staio. GEO. W. WILtlAMS & CO. ; Fa^etteriila, June 2y, 15ti3. ' 41 tf ' Eg^ypt Coal >?Iiae. i rilHE underetgaed ^ere, s»i the November Term of th«j j A Coaleaeiate Oouri., Uintrict cf North Carolina, ap- . pointed Managei of the Egypt Co»l Mine property, ! afld have entered u'to oopariaerBbip for the purpose cf I DDiaing and selling Coai, and lolioit orders for the same I in any Uceired quantity. Orders for any amount caa i b« euppiicd on short n-jUce. Tho Coal froM tbi« pro- petrty la undoubtedly the bext in tba Uont'ederate Staten. I Applieationn m%y be avadc to Chas B. .Mallett, Fayett/.- I Tib*, H. G.. or James ttrowne. Charleston, S. C. CHARLES W. MALLETr. JAMES BROWNE. I FayetUTiira, Jar.’y 20. 1863. 96tf I Palma €lirisli Beanst. The eubs«riber will psy the highsst cash prioes for any qnan.tity of Paltua Chriati Beans. i. .A. woaxH. F*T*tte^Ra, Oot. R. n7~tf The ’i^aturc*! ^f colored4''?r*'>j^s shoa'td b(* wi*n'’3^d by thvt’T wi;. •■s^®3 Tbcf** rr.u'it hr s.-;p r^!* Piw^r ; of A:t"irn‘ ■ fcr rv-atb Bl u; lorros cia bo i'»l a-'pii o «tion at t‘;iB ouhc't. W U. JAMBSi, ‘-^apt. & 0.hh>' T g. J'in’y 20, 1SG4 , lH>>tf w Vain ble Laud in iiaruett for ISaie. Y virtue of f»uth rity vested in me by.the last Wi'l and Testara^at of thui >r .M McLean, d«c*d, t wiir « 11 on * oradit of six m n»hi wit‘. inter«!iffr:^ro or fo’’ »..» the pvrc’^'xprr m^y e'tfot, that,bl>' PLANTATION, on wSioh the te«»tor lived previons to .•jia d/nh. c'tnt.aming ab. !it iix hundred acres .Thi.s I'.ad lifH on i.’i'i N»ii3 f i to of Cape Fci»r liiver, frcat.- i^g on t!re s%nia- '.b> ut, o"o jnil-i and a qn-ji tcr, aud run ning baik at le .st,thre'? fcur’b* of a mile. Thia is within a mile of Lillin?toP, the C'^ttaty Site, aad i*? veiy valuable, .pr.-scnting aiv£>w..g‘^s r'*>‘--lv ofFitod ia thia oouaty. Tbero in si verv valuable MILL 3ITR ou t^ lai3i. .\ny pera -n dasiring to ex.imin') tise premiaeM will »pp!y to Hugh 'foLoa'i, E.*iq., er to si/n. A I» .'In Leas, either of whom will take p!ci*ure ia. showing them. EFFIE C. McLRAN. ExV efH. M. MoLRAN. Dso’r 22, lf«8 05* f FayctteTllle Arsenal »nd krmfirjt Nov. 12, IfitiS. 69-tf Hillsbortt’ Militarj ieadeaiyi '■pHE Sixth Academia year of tuts InBUtution will b*- JL gin oa Wcdue*day, Feb’y 8d, 18C4. For oiroular* and iafortaaiion apply to Maj; WM. M. GORDON. Sup’t. Hiilsboro’, N. C , N v 21, 1H6S, »4-3ui OIL AND Liie BLAOii. TANNERS’ LUBRICATING OiL. LAMP BLACK io barrehi. For Bale bj JOB. &. BLOSSOM Sl.OQ., Wilviaftea, M. 0. } $100 BOUNTY*. W*anteU, lOO •floudled RiHemen. AUXHORI'iY having been graated by tt» War l>e- p»irimeut to r>>fse a Company o£ Mouc’ed RiO'-men tor service fu this viotauy, Uittioa iy ti^reby given th::t reoruitti to tae number cf 100 non-ciifitcripta will b(‘ re ceived for ihia pervice. Each rccruit will be required to furnisi a aprtioesble horse, tor which he will be al lowed 40 oents per i^cs, ;:nd hia pay 912 per month. Writtrn permivnou will ba required from partnts or .guardians, where tht applimftni is under the ooawript age. Each rf cm It must bring wiib •Rino a blanket or bid sprea3, aiii prep*reU to r^ioaiu Bridles, saddles, halifrs and ea^idle blanjtets furnish ed by the Government, or it the rcoruit oomes provided with them, he wi.l ba paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MaTTHKW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- j PansTAd Gr*te Car4, Sc aeaal F. L- CHILDS, Sotf I M:»jfT C, S A. Comd’g Post. IN the case of “Mrs Jar.e Uo^an. .John II Bjyl.on »rd otherB, againflt Gcor^o ’,\t M:»rdecai, Kteoalor of WilliajM B'lylau, WtUiaa S Boyi«jt, Sarah Bayiaa und others,” fii^d to Spri ig Tcr-i, A. D. tfc64, ot tho Court of Equity ft)r the County of Wake and SAte of Ntirtb Carolina, for the gurpns-i of taking \d «\eccaal and p.-ij ing C.1T legucio', Ac Notice i9 hereby givr-a to Weld>n E Bayltui, 8ara^ Parker. Kate Weldon Bjjlaa, Hati'iah BoyUa and El^xi V/eb«ier, n corw forward at the- next Tern of ibis Court, aad -ll-^d, at?swar or deaiiir to aarJ biii, or it will be t>k'*n pro ccnfetHo, and heitr i pirc. to taem l>ona s.t CMBce in the City of Raleigh, thip the 9th J.».t of Jaaaary, A. D 1864. »7-iw] - R. 0. LEWIS, (1. M. E. fVoodwrariS's »cfar '■>nOTOOii.APHS e=iubf had at T^^anor^i-icil’s I Giii.ijry. n.ty street, opposite Miirole Ya;;*d. V^.y- ?tt:*viil? X. 0.: p’.'-ift,' r* ?, c«>lo.'? 1, i/i T^ater ."olor’i, oA ni)‘i p '-;iie; fr'>n s-.iall to life .Aiabro- ty-j'iiis, ".ni i'i other styles of I’ir-u-ea j)eit;>ia’ to the Art. Al^o. Gilt Frames, Gilt 'f -uid- iag, G' .'ifor very lar^e ricii;res—*s l.trge as 2o by 36 Inc'cos. Jord «ini T;«:^ijU tor han^ing-picvmvja; lir-strii- msats. Stook (Jheuiicale tor sale low for tush. Lift* sise ctilDi'pd Photograph? tii-idt from sraall piotu^'es. Having peTrnaneatiy 1oC'»!cd hi^rc I hope to- merit your patronag> I would retnru tbv si-.cprei!!'^^'-*? for the Libenil4>.%!r^.ag'3 r;f'*-o,w^il ou offvc'‘j f Fay^l^'Vaif; n.ud irir>Kuy. C. M. ,V.nNOtiHl>e!»ii. Photo»r‘i,»i\!i.t an ! TW'v 20. 1SBO , ' Tjaii trNl>ER.SIGNBI>, >b3th hi^ving ent«*reU the mili tary d'irvioe of I'ac Coufsderivte Stat^g cf Americ'’., hereby give notice to th?ir old cuftfomers and frierJa, teat th«y have appointeii John li. Starr and .Toha L> WiliiajiiB, of this place, thoir attorneyato oolleet eith«»r fffparatcly or conjointly all moneys due theaai either by aceonat or aoto, aad otherwise to attend to th«ir bit- kimsa generallyjiuring t.l;j!r tsbstnci'. The> rc-vpcj.- fully aak all porBons indebted to tneia to call ns proapi- Ij M pessible on their ag*at€ and make payment. ' STAUR & WILLIAMS. 19. 1861. ^ Sit-tr EE-91 ALE TEA4:Sir:i2i, iruMfet/ lit (I private famify for two !S^ssioni of jv e monthx mch, the present year. I WILL eive iwu uundrea doiiara and ooard per Sea- Bioa ;.jr a Fu:ii!.le Taaoht^r that *»a coma Wfil ic •^oaimeaded and i5 Inly qta.ilifi-'i to the u.itu E..)CU9h ijr.inch t, Freno>»,. aad Music oa I*i'nc. u:ini ivr'ti ufi s* will nt.t pxoej i :c-i, «ti-* ‘h 1,1 -L? 1. w'-!C^ •« ver> heal- iv, i5-ti my r.'sivlsoo-' r.' :aile-» frosi Wol>^>u .\d‘.:iiss3 '.VM H PONTON, Wrld.-a, N. L\ H -.’ f .x Co. 'Sr. ... J 2'>. 1*^. 1 • 3 4 rd T^B D\RK 0AY3 OP OUR FATHERS. ' The iloLile Tribune, referring to tbe Bnniver- sary of the CoTpt.nB—which we d|i not forget, but o»uitt (I to DOticc on accotint of pre^^sure on time S!,(l (ip'ice, ai'^d wi*ijt of needed books at hand— ^ivts iKe lu!! . iti^ s’:mtiiary, which should lur- ntb-h i!!ta'.*h iii.stfact'(‘>n: III Fobr».iry, 17^'', of the prccedins: year, a Ijri.i>*h riKval i:ni lutui for«e, uiidor A^buthnot rmd (Minton, apprartd bclorf'"Oharlehton-and htid to it The tfficer in coinnisnd of the revolufif>tiary forces St, that place was Gen. Ben jamin Lincoln, who Viis nest year appjinted Sec retary of Wiir, ani l.eid that pout (or three years, after which he retired to his larm His nicaos of defence were i^aite inadequate, but he made a g^Ulant though vain rei-i«taiice. Ob the forty- tsecoiid day of the attack, ho wag compelled to surrender the city and his whole arruy. In, 1780, after the lobs of Charleston and the State, Gon. Gates, with un army of 4000 men, was 30 utterly reated by Cornwallis that not a fourth of the army could be jfot topether again, ^cd the Southi-rn States were left ap parently deft*nceleSS. Sumter and Marion, Shel by and Sevier, however, kept up a gutriHa war fare against the Uri»ish, and* in Oct«)ber the two latter ohieis drfeated 1000 tories ynder Ferguson, taking most of them pri.ioners, and lianging BOmc of them as traitors. . In the meantime—in the preceding month of September, that is—the treason of Arnold wa~ discovered, he having sold himself to the British for 650,000 and aGeneral’g conxmission, and undertaken to deliver up to them ‘‘West Point and the other fortre».«e8 in the Highlands.” At tho North a French fleet anti an army were blockaded w^t Newport by a supe rior British fleet. Want of pay aod rations drove some Fenisylvania fegimenLs into open re volt, and (jongres.^ had to redress some of their grievances to get rid of this sad element. Then some Npw Jersey troops followed their example; and their ettempti* had to be crufhed, and a few of the ringleaders executed. Blit all this neither dispirited our forefathers Uor lod to the uUiiiiate loss of the cause for which they fjugiit—the cause of fre«-domI Whafc is there ia our contlitiou to com pare with theirs, al- fhough we have not yet to grieve foriiaviug had an li tiiild among us r Atid yet the end of that i-.imejear 1780, Gen. I Greene, who had succeeded Gatet), fcoou made j the Briti.'h foel how tar they were froih having acci>uipiiehed the work th. y had undi,riaken. ! They had got Gtorgia and i^jouth Carolina, and 1 now they tsade sure oi getting Vir^'iuia and ' Norih Carolina. The-traitor Arnold, with 1,000 meti, mostly tories, wus sent to plunder and de vastate and-murder ou the Chesapeake and the t»am;s river. He was a/terwards joined by Gen. ^ Pfiiiiips, from New Turk. Ihey, of course, caused terriDle suifcring. but did iittie harm to the cause, fcfr the ioccuscd sufiercrs then enlisted in it' with an energy wnieh never tired or ceased until the surreuder of Cornwallis in Yorktown, tho virtual end of the .first revolutionary war. 'J'he first ovent^f note after Greene’s assumption cf the command was the battle of Cowpene, on the 18th of January, 1781. Here Cornwaliifr had posted 1,100 of his light troops under Tarle- ton; and Greene sent half nis force, under Mor gan, to attack the^e.^ The result was the utter defeat oi the enemy, with the L&s of lUO killed and wouocftd, prisoners, 800 muskels, 2 field piece.4, i5 baggage wiigons, and 100 dragoon Horses. Murgm’s ioso was only ll? killed aud 60 wounded. - Waen JumeB -T. Brady first opened a lawyer's office, he tuuk a butfeis^cnt room wotch had pre- ' viou>iy bet^ii tscupied by a cobbler, lie was ■>ouiev9Uat annoyed by tiie previous occupants, callers, aud irriiated Dy tae fact, ta-at be had few of his owiJ. One t'ay an Irishman entered • The cobbler’s gone, I see,” he saiu. *‘I should ►think he had,” lartiy respoi.ded Brady. “Aad ! whai da yc seili"’ he tsaia, loofciug at tne solitary i:iblc and a iew la>v books ‘-Blockheads,” re-. spoiiUcd Brady. ‘ Be e«id *ho Irtahmau, -ye muse hc u.-u.g a mighty fine business—ye iiiut iTOt bat uue ieJt.” O' 0 Ib.o «o!!d people of STAR EOlL\4>Rir. The subscriber ■^try respectfully jnto'n;^ hia friends and t* e pabilc ;»eaeTal'y that h« ii>vs cow in employme's- O'spi Hnt wirkSi^H, snd is fully pr-3par*d to c-s^aty kr» i o*’ WORK is t;iN lin^ at the st>ort«et no tice pnl oti t_ne taost reiMtonabic trrap: bu jh as Car Wtietls, Driving Wheeli, Gr-?ea and Dry Band irork. Loom work. tJlcwijjg iTylinde’-f, r^oam B^at w >rk, .^alt 'd. A.. BAKER. Feye!t«flll«, N. 0., ^&n’y,ll, 18c4 « y7i-f i^iaic ol i\oriSi H iR.SfciTr c .'ir^fi. Sa:i“'ior CV'un Oth;;;*, J‘^i!n^ry ’831. Tiiiiio .»f a Corum lioa ii’ira';'! Jij !ti-= F.S..V. iio". rcjr V .ass. ^uyi irizian -»»d r .quir aj? r, • ou and fflr-ainer to be bet i for tdt? t' luutv of HaS’- ne't: It’s or lor. d tfs.Tt Mioh Coarl he h' li i-> t'le ■*•!- i -,-‘5 f? L^ili- g'on, on 'Vlou-iHy ih»! l.jt.a ?i ’etn^’y prvX- 1:3'', -tt 12o’.lvc)t. d. By oi \ r cf Rob t R K«at«. oas cf tHs Ju^^r-S o ■ ..>* tjui’ST ' r 0 -itr‘.“ of L»w ar.d Eq iftv f r tU le. Al-.i^*'*iti, Cl.'r*v ot Court, >fft o&ce in Lillinirli n, this 2(5;h >any ]8o4. ^ A. D. .VIcLEAN, 3 • Clo“k’.‘*iip> Oonrt-Harnett Co.' EXft'CliTOR’S i\OTit'E. VT Feb'-U'i y Xerin 1S64 of the Oou't .jf Pte»«i &. Qiurtor S2ii» ions of Bladt n '«ua’y th« lRHt wsU Trstanent ol the i- =e U *vid SiV- s wai aJ'Oii;tpd to p obitf, «i i BniMtyibtr qujlifi-jd as Eiecalcr of the Fame. Pc-sons iadrht^i dee d -ri' notified fa’tj- k eaily p.^yiUin*. Tk-ose havii.g fllkiis raa;t pr-sm in du'i fir:c or fiho statute will be''d in bir of th.‘ip recovery T. M. S'KES._ Elai'a c>unty, P.'b. 2, 1864. 3-4tpd State rVorth Carolina, ROBESON C-OUNTY. * , r. n. i* it i. ♦ Court of Pleaa and Quwrr ^-8«ion3, Nov. Tern, 1863. | (lenefdi OOfllt liSSlOD &' FOrWa'OlQg MerCliaDlb, TH9s. i, JOflKSOai, Jr., & CO., JJ,- —A gouU thiag^on Fooie lately oc- utnd i.i iiie liouac Tiicre wa> a iiig-'it session I jf tV . p ii pu-'C' of -xpivJr.iLg a tiili, aod l^oot® ’ ..b-ttl'. iic L> tu cXec.’^slVcJy buicr on ocvti.rc-. ai*d . - iiitiiiOcjr who would li'. l.iirihs.i u.^.uO' u y a.' tiiih, was io pa- and so on. Ab ac did noO atibWer to Lis uaaie, V’est, wiio in;itates his uiiuner exactly, fuse um dvvjur.- d Utabsence oi such a pa triot i.t SUCH a cri'is coi.«d be ac-,;ountcd for by the f‘CC of iiia exirciue ilujcas, or peihaps his Jeuth, au'i *i> uee;!.uie i.iio liuuae to iueja»re into hi.-* conditiOii be?ote v.ntumg'ou pruueediKgs which, lu view ol tliu p'.a.-?*bie ueMth of such a lueuibtT, would i>o in tlie .ast degree uutceling and inappropriate This wassaia very gravely. With equal gravity, Pugh r-plied: -The gentle man from Missouri is mistaken. The member from Tennessee is neither d. ad nor sick. He is absent from tUjtives of the highest and, purest patrioti'^m—the desire, nanjely, not to'embarrass the public businLSSot hi-^ beloved country.” Imag ine the Liugiiter.— 'or. jioOilt Advcrtist^r. Il^RSE %VAATEJ[#. A GENTLE F.m ly Hjr-*>. »j- tin a Liiy can, *1.1 fio i j.-urc4a.i;5r. Also a pair of PLAi FORM SCALES. Apply to “T ” at this office. Feb’y 8. 0 N RiOtion. Rcuboa -K\;ig. Sh.-nff of ttihes m connty. fayettevlUe Arscual and Armory, \ | Jam cast MO, !‘864./ ; Bluskst and Rifla Stocks Wa&ted. i PROPOSALS »ill be received until the 15th day of j February oext for the delivery of 50,000 WaltfatMuir kot and Rifle Stooks at this Arsenal and Armory. Speoi* I fioatiooa will be furniahsd *b applieation to ^ U. Co). P. L. CHILDS, G«md*g Offi««r. * I RITA* TSiJK WM. M.l€li\T¥RE Has t-eeeived, ONE oaeJ, 29 inch, 900 yds. all Wool White* FHnntl; One case 1800 yds. .Maddef Calioo; 85 dos. Fine 3 Bladed Knives; ' 2S0 Gross Sfastio Steel Eaittinc Needles. Ftb’j """• ho propc.sng t.i sail for the due t’lereon for the year 1S62; 85 acres listed by F. C. W»t^on. Gum Swamp, tax #1 23; 860 f»cr?8 li«??d by Jnia"* if .A.«h;(*y, Ho*: Swamp,'6 1®; 100 acrea listed by Roberson Si'tiiil'-ury. filiz.iihcth road, 2 82; 86 acres listed by Johti Graham, G-^orje’s Marsh, 83 c^fi. (Pr»n th*' .Mitwtofi.) 89-t4MF] JNO. A. ROWL\ND. Clerk. ^loTes and Wanted. IDfiSlKE to purc-i'isi for tn? .\oid'.rri 10,000 p*irs cf Gloves and 10,000 pair.-i of PotAs. Uouations Irill l»e ihatikfnlly received. , EDWARD WAR^^N,. Surgeon Gen. N. C. Jftu'y 11. _ 99 3»n Rojtes, &^c.. lor the Arui'^. I^ILL H*nJ a Bp;ciat me.snenger to the Army cf N-Tthern Virprir.ja bn ths first itay of every month. All bcxfcs, pnftk- g»8, Ac , will bs fo^w jrded from mj .ffice free or'chargn. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon Gcn^raJ N. C. Raleigh, Jan’y 16, 1^64 9^ 8m , I HAVE half dnsen good BIGKORY BUGGIES (o trad* for nroviaioM. ^ „ A. JL McKETHAN. Q«Ju’7 28, 1S64 UeO-ttpd 4i J%ofth JtW*ater Street, w t;lmington, n. c# Prompt atier Jiton Hiven t’ ill bnsinesa er trusted • ou!" hmda. Oon8li[nBi(«;*!i ao’sicitel. T. J. J0HN50: 8. Jr., A. GIWBRODSKY, of FSycttev> die, N. C. of P:‘t»rshurt, Va. J^n’y 8. PI kTMician’s «;/ard. Dr. D. a. 0^ iMPBELL (iate of^Mftrion, 8. C..) has rftnoved to Fayetteville '»ni t'lta' n aii cl&ce on Bow street, where he * laay ba fonnd at ft'l times, wiin ai« atrjrla stock t»f Wli dicioes, to answei* Professioual ORlis. Sa isfaalory r»fe R-noo fnmish?!, fcc. J*n’y 2, 18«4 _ f>4 8:mt»d - iiijjj date I will n iy 12J Centa per pourid few fjigfte*’ ’s^rkei price. de!iv»r«d in Par«iteTine. or • at my nio.w j'* Boo>f;S»h f>. viTjar°fV 4-at i. injrH for 100 pairs of g tod Wool*n Socka and G*oves, to b> presented to the Soldiers, at the rate o. »aree yards of Sh^fcUPtn fi^r four 4>a’r3 blow ELiy & Pearoc s Fayeiteviil*. Peh’y R. Call at nsxt dosr A PEMBERTON. 4 * SLTi.V.\JS'' pl.7 to Feb’jr 8. FOR HIRE, GIRL aooui twelve y-*ar9 ft age. Ap- a. T. hawley a. son. 4 2ipd .Tfitv «8 A MAN to tea Facte to MoD. ft 9 iSi. . WAITED, iaka okarge of a Cardimg Room ia a Cov «y. Ap^ly at tUa Office, by note addressed St. . ELOUR A"VI> OATS. I3L0UR aB.i OATh will o-f xc'.»*n^ .d tor i.orn at the ! SM)feef D. MrLa-. rjs. hy g;vifg »•>*■•« a i^ow dajs notice. Hc.ur good, fMr' No. l.^blacii ..r •fh»i*'. Jso’y 29. ^ — # -- 2 tf \MiSi •V;'j Littlo Feika. ■fi C.- V i- UKXT. My PLANT \-TlON, one mile »oulh’lV.MiiS..ulh rn Plauk r.i>.ul, Kig I'he iieiwt p«.i tiun t'I’ihi* la'.d .s t-> til liviie Ij ivini: u-ni I u out u»l \eni. To nn in lu>ir!>av (X'rviii it iiiiilht ‘ CiiHy ti th-i-^e hitving o> ln »l >i tiieir ^>>vo. 1 nave tn tijicelleiii p)ou.:it Hoiuial and eear itiai rr.igulif waab:l tie ailUed tu the bHrcam «j. J. Mcl-EOD. Keb’y 8. _ 4 *w $^ckts and (irloves tor tUe 9ioldierN. Have #:en authorized to oxctiangc 4—4 Sheets XBE 01.Ji^lE PRMER, 4 forti>«>r supply at vbolesalo ?. i. 54« I& 'KJFa.

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