tf't and for :*■ ,7 "*, r«««iw ii:«Juv>v ittid r»**it, jj, y>t suiA •** ^ W« roui t».. V4.U •f' .■ ■■ I'.. .' I , jb. a.. ^i-a - Ua', «H1- jA4,i«t*r, «r ^ n ui iixa l*t Qt auu »o ‘*;v« e:r4ugbt^^ Ct ;i£.u , v;4^rt; lUjife ' tuj..,.u tw iLr. ^stn^fcr! Hv>i..a 1^0 ^*ea«g, . jt. i-.iCi- .shall acliy^ iii curwdhii - axbt t>{ ’ '' »a o«. •IIV fnwijft^ ■■•J*'x*, Uut eoou valur i ‘ c> nt., tu b, Jaf.UHry U6^j «f 1-H.i ur, or faru,*r I tuf taisaci * feW ‘ ^aou ij. 1 tu. i . »r.>iij Uion*y ‘ i; ;r. at;i lU* idiJi I be 111 v*cr >i JK-^igiTeiue,,, ix '>tr ai kereiu pjg. cooitt t,-vi.. «tu4 r-;ui:*, tiie bweyei ivy re QiuK^.bi .kail b« , Ud aiaLkUt/r. it H fti .-iaall divid* r’“ «•!’»» uu'utint^j,^ ouj'uttisd ^o»i 4o«*t«iw >i tee aruolo* I’T *^vr oietabuao* ts yint .U . ;i‘ ^-Kt'ai3 of Uw »i: .‘ ' .X - ■*> -tior iiijkii rilCivj uUO tT'jtXi lAtiil Liiia, tv." ihti liuiy a.-*- , takifijf iroHi the •ftij btu »h&l; be lil^ gig g UicUtf iu,s«ttiiajj iiii I roecipi sh*ii be far- r to . i« auditor a«^ r It b. Jdiuit iU a eharge arterm*:*!^ rw«iTiflg ■OB* me t«jc-pa^er tt« Bu wtiioft h« iji Umilq X tv tfii c C JO lAi'ti-ruiaoU'.r SDtii J lilt jwuclcs ]>ia«e«l it ^ur tiic Muue tty ikaw- lUuHH ir^IU UQlVdtftft- Q aeiivuTtid M lac ttix by vheir receipts, r »hhh »!•• bt«te lUer * retMJivuijj ttuaj > paj ^jocii at tax«M ig Hiio'iih.v re[*ortof4ae ^crviur_, rf War ai^ .D ctiP' tue poat ifaar- euileot the ttu La kiad itcrud to him a* afure- distriet tji£ coii6«t«r diaLT . V. jirraat au- ike cbu_: kuc uoiiiioiof at iixb act >u..:^ of taid td, Ttiat C.UJ partui shall tM eadoraed ob iiig Uie MiJBd to ibtf Maid kb a tha r««eipt I duinct ux ^juiviQi. When the ugh (.De pajrmoQt 4t av«t at (h« d«pot • iiiauM u> tiiii ageae i«rj, li Ui«j oonsfaT. it' (hej b« auitabia Ih hJii iu sttA War luay prdK>rib«. iiad tkac M>ok« ef tk« d in aiid 6aiubl« for ea ur icUi tte d«p«*> I be oced either di- purpodtt«, h« abaii «aok maaiutr m 1m Kia j! -auii sale diiail oi i’oiiiodent® ,e btui tarj' ol War 'liiiaU;^ Ltiilt It WObid Eliu.'. -»4' U“'C W- tiite-i*, ?v .j^ receivei b, li. kiJU bccreta- >cJ Mi'^ui iu daid h^iiic ui arU” aau il U(_ . iver/ j K- lCu*Xi lau, i(l >UDiat- f> vjuirod 1b L ■;(* tho tiruv , and bs uiid prolit^ i. wkw iitate- liu. ; alia prot6»> dttiiVOT- ^twr j. uti diiiiri«% itir aa«i the t wiili the ohiei fi« t. !. cvr of the tiiteuioal^ or j^iU; jisx the tax uQ paid aoooia- KUt.i r .no atbre- e dLi .i iCl OOiidCWff \tLi k, cjLtfcator or ad- iey iu Xa€t,. or :ao- petli . siidiug in Lid c. .. J 1 jceiver pjAr ■ U . ,f t:iy VUiC ■4 n aU Id.lUi 'jairad kiXiO; - mon- loiuc *, thiSr pe:> i - . iQ, and Bud 0 01 y periiOfl Ihe t- ■ini hcrain |>ie for ail taxes pcy, or prjparty ■ VOiit r ,'i. N' hobpitaifi, adjs iDiibguo lihall l>« BroviMotii! of thia t’fca.iury be, and ■ all raiaa and won oi’ titis aet, V two yeara aitor W, and thu laxas Bar .1 iiall Ik; 1^ lier«..d. ■ I la .li6 tuw Fiv' j>' (*r r kM % F ;- ^ S: I - W B R K fLY VOl . XDI.1 f.* YF/rTRVfl J.E, N. C.. FEBRUARY 22, 1864. {NO. 1308.] PRINTED MOND\YS THURSDAYS KI)H ARO J. myR & SONS. ET'iyniJf! AXn PR0PRTT5T0KB. Mt. V«rnon Fera.'ile Seminary* ; THK 2d S«*«?ioa will Iho 15th of FBB- j RUABY and continue 20 wecie. j Tnjiion in Eaglifii i?r>i'ic>»cB 550. "-0 j . V ' ' Music a-ai Pvntiusc. u>iv.b,) 40 00 I Price for th« Sorw'-WepWv OB^ran* SW 00. poid in ! >Sohcol Room «xpcis»« ' 8 00 advance. ] Board S400 p^r fir^siou. If paii* in croTiBioTm at ol i pric«9 $60. All of TiiiliuB anil OD? li;ilr f.f Bo.T.rd rf quired ia adTanoe. Eaok ruoil Tr'.ll fnrtish h?r own ■ •cireln. cue pair «heot", oa*.’ piir piiluw caaee, on? * T yOWSOJlIPT OFPIC35, F^:vl£igh, K. C.,) Feu. 11, 18G1. J iS f-:;i .'«T>ns: Irani -i- f Ut e;; • CPP-'vl' For the WeeVly Osfshvkb f 4 00 per annnn, paid in admTiGC. * Jf«“.AT>VERTISF.Mr.NTF inserted for 52 per s of 10 r.Dos far thr. Srit. an'.i one doliir for fasii ruo- ce«llr.p publication. \av.'rJisoru''nt9 not exceedinir a half *:qi:nro (p'>r!i> linesV fl for th« first and 50 oentp for •uceet-djn? pnM5on.;io«. .^^dTcrtisers we re- to strvte the number of iosertioni desired, or they will lie oonJiauod tUl fcrbid. and charged a«eord> itiglj. AdvertijiemcDts continne-i in*i>U. charged a» new »d- TertjMinemi. v.i.'li )t . lil : rcrtion or >'■■■ v'l ■ t‘-# i>,. L-ri- r of 1’ fv..-- ii'inc-'iit. K. .) ' ;-fi)(;: ..t9 >cr cx d. }.»)• in Iby invpg riac?rf-l» ccnnierpano or qnilt and a driFVintr cap. RfiT Wvf TI(K)PER,4 T. c n::o?‘i:ii.. ( At’-^resi' SJ. Lawron#-’ P. 0 , Chiithwa county. Jk'^’v }'2. > 97 aw ■ 'T^Tcs roNFEL*^ ■ ■■]■: 'Tii c.-i of /McrriA,) ^ Vi'.*>R bf.r'i, lJo8?'• tj w 'rN-fjBjprroN, > ' IIicuaic>:.i> Va , J rs 29, 1>'04 J Paragr.^''b X 0* U i;r No 82 Aljiu»t>t ani las-pcetor Geiieriil p OtEt ef'f ItBii. rtquir»-^ k.Al “sppii CAiirj p '’r-.- t'x r.f io:i' 't .••U c>!i>rc t e ni;‘ijo ii> >he Ecral in[: 02i t.‘ If Mipf 0*Ti';cc' rot t>ie pos»'r to ac f at f^e exprratioB of ih«* Is* quarter (20tb cf April.) of | or ip in d-:nb'. nt^ trii! ri:trr jv-—si.aa;er r'ro\i- I whioh our palroas will bAve uud notice. Ib exci>pag« I I’^r N> 8. Cn'T'Dt Ser -‘.». rrf:-f snob »pp!iciiions ^)r bacon w^d Urd at old pricp^t^® i ^^•‘ouiju t^. “ J%*OTI€E, fPHE continued increae* in th* price ?f vrorisions ra«.T I o\sligs ua te increM^ our ratce of Tuition and heat’d HiSiOQCAUTgas -rjisf BnroHIn}? Office, f ^cuTn Ow-r;.- . tii, UisTUscr N ’ ., I.m’y- yi , ;»i>4 yN 'tirFwnrf‘3 f.f fj»r. r^l Or‘V*‘ No. (, ^^nrorijr OfiRce. I S. (;., ij4,r(»; j.'-n 20.^, Idiri i'M’ii ;• !;Ui»'g O&jtrifii 1; .me- Gudic '•nd .MbU’a '.f 4>h '“pinn- •4* DiSlrjfi*, M.’e ii«qu;.--f.aj «•> •»i03c all ^ wr?''>;6 l.etw-^n 18 (uid 45 jears of rtpe, wjtfcin fteir 8:Tetal ooituiavds to assemble At the fnllowiog timen 6Di p?.'it*c9, for ex- am nation ri>»( eiiniJc.^ai; N5w fiauivor Cc-uutj, 22i Bejr’iricnt, at Wiliaiaeton, F?b.-!j»ry -20tb In 27tt. inolusAJ?. Nrw Kaaorjr Oouaij, 23d Ktg’i, nt ‘WilaiiEgifih, Feb’y 29tb te March 8^ inoRiaiTd Bcnnawick county, &Hii Reg’t, BcuUhTiile, Mar*i.,6tt5 'o j Marcli lOcb-. ii>ulu«iv6. 1 ?oiaiBbuK county, 67th Rep’i, WbiieTille. March 14ih j to r.fc.ri’h 18lb, itsrlusive- I Robeso'.j c.*uu(y, 58>b Reg’t, Loiuberton, March 28d to Marab 2Hh, inolufiTQ. \\ SASHES OF COTTOI^, J ' • AT AUCTION.- ' ’nriLh b« scld at tDe G’u o.' Ool. O. H- U>''c’ic- Tf »*ry, in Riotimoi’d county, ta la'jsd^y th?» iJScl F^Draabry-j in«t., about 80 Bolen of OooA Cotton, And on the day I'cllowing ( Wed/tesiA* t *ft 24'tt iuat ) at the rfisi.dences of J.5J. and Benj‘»a>in Ingrtnj, ce%r St^nbaokV Ferry, in Anson coo^ty, ^-out 900 Bales of Cotton^ 8o:ae of whieh will be cold by eample; be'caging to tb« estate of W. P. HoRae, deo’d 'X^eims of lia’e, fi meiitlia credit with note and ap proved sacuritj?. C W. WOOLEY, Adm'r. Ac. F«b’y 1, 18^, . 4ta , at 76, Ploar it %6, r>vr hcar-i will continue wiihoat a'-y . oliaQ|i« at per month ST'EUUta NOTICE. From an ' v.ter this date, no name of a new 8ul>acriber . will be «'»>terHi without p.ayment ia advance, nor will , Feb’y 8, the pawr be .»>nf to so^'-h rb«cribpit for a longer t^me ttnvn ip paid for Such oforr old sub,.fwiner5 (VS desire to Uke the ^ . i ^ 4 .u ' 'Pblft luatltntion wul be re-oppned on WfedDeedav th^ pel on th5# 8y8t.»m KfiP ple:v-^ notify us when makin? : j[ 21‘.h of Feb’y 18^4 Thc’^e wil'be two depHrtmenta. remittances. Jan’y 1, 1848. j .MaIk nad Femile, wbieh will b* kept distinct and fepa I rate The location is very heaUhfal aad quite lecurc from nv%Fioa The undersigned, w'uo will be ^ded by R^v W'f HOOPER. T. 0. HOOPER 5 2m oLii¥ uifiiH $$rHOOL; IREUELIi t OONir. throui^u t^.e p’-corr ofTn;..i i^'i?:r.'ls to bi*> l.urcua AH putichc: ’jJ Aj puf"' «pp!’^^&tior,i ad .r-pt-rrl tn fb=R Bureau will n«ce«- j Aprii VtL ' (jarily find i'svir^ably bs rrtnrccJ for lo6l inT.iPtigt- B;/-hn!c.nd*oV Vaiaable I/and in Harnett ftr Sale* - ! Wbr^o’u c .d»ty?Mth Reg’...Luinberlon. JkUro:, 28bh tr • • M:ireU ’I-it inoluriivc • TeBtaiaeat of Reetor M. McLataa, ileo d, I will IfVTf. •WrA. Attomoy Law, Fayettevillt:, N. CT WILL attend tlie County and Superior Courts of t'umbcrian4, Harnntt, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention given to the collection of all elaims entruiaed to hJp bands. Oct. 17, J8.5S*. S^tf (Jfct). W. VVlLLLMilS & CO., lVkole«ale Dealers in Groceries, AND IMPORTERS AMD DEALKR8 IN. Hardware and Cutlci7, Swedes Iren^ llAT STSFET, FAYtTTEYUjLE, IT. C. puitti^i** aspistantp, will give his undivided attention to the school. Tuition per session fro?D $40 to $60. Mu- j sip on Piinb f4o. Bi«ni per mas:h fOO. P*yincnt!* | in s ivance, part in currency and part in provisions Student? arrivin* at cn the 23d, 24‘h and [ 2-5ih ■-.f F«b’y. will fisid CGnT.r.yRare f.-> Olin S'or fur ; ther ioformation addr;vs i^e nade.!)'?ned i i 8 MILTON FROST. Jrtn'y 27. l-9tpd | an)T. «Oth Reg’t. J.aurinburg. April 4th to j rr^.rMri“»hI “k**’ ino usi’-f> * • ‘ cr fur caph a« the purchaser may elect, that ralaabie c^t :nv.,en«w- : fiV ♦ i PLANTAiroN, on waich tha testator lived previous to lion. «Dd the ‘vf.plioarM wiU t’i?:p biro u(?'?-'t?Jy lofit' to Aijril Hth ^nclu8>e ‘ d«ath, coniaiaing about eix buiidreu aorea Tbra tiDi«ii..d|;r«lorrr^,u.p';r.9o. ^ Bl«den county.’65th Rag’V, Kli»bnthtown. A->rill6th «*«»« North aide of C’apa Fear River, fr.;nt- At p^-i'P ffoin adrr.rsr de.~is r*: of the locsl o&oer«. to Apr^l 20tb inolusi^ • on the pame about oac mile and a quarter, and ruu- o”«g back ft* leaat thr»e-ioHrths of a mile. Thia l&nd Lillingten, the County Site, and is praeenting advantages rarely .offered iu .o April 30tb. inciusivo. “ ' ' ' . ^I'here ia a very valuable MILL filTE oa exter piv-'circi.lvfor. in‘hel'^0^. p resiof theirressec i Harnett county, 62d Rec’‘ Lillirefen M*v 3J to Mav Any person desiring to examine the premises tiv» bui\ce By oviipr of | -jj, inolo.'iive * • J • ^ j wii! apply to Hugh McLean, Esq., or to 0«-n. A I> Mc- COL FKE8T0N, auvt i This osll embrsccs aU persons, whether previously i pleiwure_ia_showing czemptrd or not. WM. M. SWANN, Cipi. ani Chief Enroll'ng Officer, 4;!i Ccn Dia. N O j atid --f::r. Cora^an.l,.nr of (J--.u-r>:,t.f^^ Suuj. j Cuu:h..rUn.i county, f.3i R.>k';. Favettevilh, April 22d ■ , ba io-.T'.,rd.«ti by f:r i r^^rjre, *btn ary lu^ueth:!* j io/p:il‘>4th inoit elva • | « w«th:n a ruile of LiUi 1 P'^Tr ' !' "r .1 CtixWlani o.tlnly, 64lb Hrg't. Fayetteville, April27tb pP-«ntu I 2 * otnracdm^? of rci 'OT-i . ^ w!l. g,ve thi», notjco I ,> April 30tb. inciuaivo ® ^ ^ Uh.s oouaty. There la a Feb IJ B. Dcrri*Li>, A. A. 0 5 Im them. }| ?ocscript Ofiice, IfALFlGH, Jail. 27tb, ISW. pHE fD!lf»w'nii circiilir from Bnr«-fl.u -.f t'o"iBcHptio-> [ ip pui'itiV.p.) for t!:c it»fnm"'u>ri of a^l orn'^»rr>“d Ry ‘^rde'- COL MALLETT, ■Tomd’t Con.o. for N C. I J. IlAaDIN, A^'t WESTERllf RAIL. ROA». The FRLIGHT AND'paSSENOKR trains cf tliis I Circular i Road -ioave Fs^-ettevjlH d-vily, (Sundayp exerptJ^d) at 8'o‘clock, A. S., and returuin^ leave Riypt at 1 o’cloca, P. M JJUPEAU OF CONc ttiCHMOXD RIPTION, Jan. 25th. 1864 0N,\ 34. J No. 4. i 86tf July 2, 1861. Grocer and i'omMii*9ton ,nerchanM^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1868. 93-tf B O WOBTH. n C V74PTa. *. a. bamibl. WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding merchants, l^'atfr street, v;iL>n>GTON, N. c. Oct. 10, lgfi3 . 7.9-12m_ JOHNSON, WILLIAMS & C0.7 :TiAtiEKS. , WE have thirty (?.C pfitd ntv in openiticn nine milee aaxt of Wilmin.Tt JC. P’rTiea wishing to supply themsflvefl with salt. C’>> ’uvnisne 1 l>y applying lo A. Johnson, .Tr , At .-ii' '» F'*y‘-t'--‘»ill43, to I- P'tge, manacer &t the w'r'i/i. or ;n J. M WILLIAMS, r,ij>,*ra' Superintcnient. fayeite^ili^, Nov 2'^, lftf-2. 81tf %VAfJTES. O '“AA BUSHELS WHE\T, >&iOUU l.oOO “ C'.;KS. Fcrvonfl haviug the aBovo articles to sell willTtcelve tbe highest Cafth price by calling on Mr. M. Thotaasoa, at ths Meroaant Mills, F.iyr’ifavil'e, or on the subsori- ber at bis old stand on Market Sqttare. , ALE^. JOHNSON, Jr. Hot. 6, 1862. 75tf “ ARWY RAl^riESS. I AM prepared to manafacture all kinds oi Wagon Harness for Army ose. I tan my leather and can five good barj^in^. A2jnt>i will do well to send thei^ order!) to me as thr v shall h^re prompt attentios, and sect oS in quick dispatch. Jt>HN CARTER. Qoldaton P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 oj,* June 18, l.»f?2. / 300 lbs. CinBii Arabic lor sale by J. B. LES. Oct. 15. 69tf CattU aud Barse TVarn MOliD.A Y, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY By order JNO- M. ROSE, Traas’r and Qsn’l Trans. Ag’t. Jen. 22, 1861 97tf Eroui avid after this^ date tha St»anior A. P. HURT wHJ leavs at 8 o'do. ’ . A. M., cn Mouiay andTht»«iay. „oi?. A WOKTH, I April 6—ITtfJ Ag't C. F. Steam Boat Co. j ashVvi17i7e7^'7€! ! r WILL open the B.iQLK HOTEL for the re- i 1 ceoti.50 of 6-!ar:t:i v)D i)f^ Jaue. and I hops Lto he sb!-2 to ent.?.* ,\f> ''rcra r*vo;.ty-five t® a j lun'lred per^o^- -lurii'j; (Le.tiii-vmcr. la coanecLI^in with t!a“ " .rgp I^M^l. I ►■’.t.' a number I of n>\''k?, (^*"r:3£:~«. i .•: Sri’i'.- TTot" ‘i? that I my fuest.^ o«d pet '*r a la.v- u j BL,\1R^ I Pronri**?''r EiC'.- ^TtcL A !j»‘viUe, >T. C. 3'rpl A C)mM«nd^utP is ospeoi-iiU oir»cte«l to General Or ders No. 7 A. ft I. O 0 U">* Dt e^ri's, hef* in act ♦crth f.^r their nfcrmat:cn. At>)T. AND 1N8P OEN’L’S OFFICE, ■> P.IOMMOWU, Va.. .?an "25. 1864 / I. P^rr»^n4ph IV Geusrrl Orders i.'o 8 curr'>'»t series i? h.'r«’by reTsked ’ II E ii-ol;'..'JK Offiosrs will j t~ rapWly s.spraa- t!~.*-.’3 iu I'lfef j>er« l>8 fn»J» liable to miiift^y ^erTic®. T*r; to erj n* a* c.‘*ii3crip'i, •il puc^: c«‘i :na w'il be allov-cl to v'>!ur.tC'?«’, proviii- •d — lot T'r s Tompany selected wi« in se'Tiae co the It'th cf A.pnl l>‘6'i. 2iid. The C-itiirany s*»li;ct’;'i if* rt the tims of vstnn- ‘''■•r.iia: hpi. w!*;-' ' ■r'i mi a j r ■ j.itcd by rryuli^tnns. o f. i> & r i ' i\ ).-:i \t I: • !••>.' i«r !/»■ ihis f'*'Ct‘'..' Till b: p.! ■■, ir;d t' j ■':> r-' ■‘ iH b > R‘pig>?d to tny fio-ap^rv ¥;'■ rb •'■-i r':-.r- L '•.n ,? r-, r- : o;: • 'i.- roi' u>i . » •' ,■- - • . ,forT h i^OTl€E TO €0.^$^€R1PTS. UEAD^PiBTERS Medical Department, 1 CntRT ESROU.IMQ Orrios. J-iU’y 28«a. 18C4. j 1 Puidiiast to orders reo>ived from Headquarters of Coapcriptica fct Ralsigh N C., in regard to all nen li ible to Cetigcriptifto under recent act of Congress, ap proved Dec'r 28th, 1863,-the Medioal Examining Board for Fourth Congressional Dis»rtpt, N. C., will convene in aooord^Bce with above named times and placet The Kttentiou of all concerned is called to the follow ing crJcr; “AU 4xefnptiom htrttofore gronttd are snb- j'^ct to reviaioa, nnder instructioDS from Bureau of Con scription. and if found to bo impropi!r or unautborited bj law, will be revoked OCTAVIUS A WHITE. Surgeoa P. ACS, Chief of Examining B^ard, Fourth Cong. Disi., N. C- Feb 11. 6-tApril22d D, ) N. C., [ ■Cl b* 1 br regul > 25 Dee. H. SAl^T! Sacks for sale by J«iAt.T!! RGB RT MITCHELL. 88-tf T00A€€0. 1 Q A BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, X^V for sale oa oonsigomeDi, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO. May 2S. 81tf ■l^oie JLeatlser wanted. OAAA I'BS. of heavy we!l tanned SOLE LEATHER. Wl/Uv Btiitable for Belting. Fayetteville, April 14. Appiy to D.' MURPHY. 20tf vv Wanted to Purchase, 7ESTERN RAIL ROAD i?TOdK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver, M«rth Carolina Treawrr Notes (Fundablat^ ** " “ Ifl a«d ** Bonds, old anl new; County of Cumberland Bondp; 'Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Gre«nsHoro’ $1 and -?2 Certificatee; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonde;' Coupons of $16,000,t.h.»0 ioH*; “ of Town atli Coifnty Bonds;] * *• of old Nrtvh Carolira Bonds; T. 15. LUTTERLOH. Oct 12, 1888. 71t/ Span CoUou Exc&auged for Lard. WE nili give Spun * ot»on in pert payment for LARD delivered ai mv F;»etory on Person St. A. McLAUCHLIN, .May 13.1863. W-aI^TSI;, l?r tko Lct pOLLTi^v/c-'-tk f- • ‘ I t-'i'' »i!*t •.» liLf'f.e t>rticle« c '.n cV.t v.a tion to tbe snbs-crib^r sti Powtr^'8 oii H»v R. Atig. 25. t ?:rt Fisiier. • - fcr ' H-Tl'i- T ri 0 on ipp:?; I -r -I .Vr J. ’'7, II 4'i II. ;/•! (l!f: • 1. ih? V lU.i- * c a £ucit ’Ins t ■ fTl.iS*' ''1 Az't. 6*5 tf p 3 •ra To Cotton PL'infers. I HAVE b.".en appoiated by th‘ f?ecre'ary of 111'* Tre«-*j sury, Chief-Ajeat'fr.r t,-.» t5!i“'?'- a?s ef C Confederate Gove rnment wit^i.j luo S arc i f Non!) "an- Jina, aad will pay for the pfvm»> in 7 a-?r oent, or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the di2'erf'.i' of tbe Stat.? buying p my name, will hav* snr t‘ n certificates cf appointaei^. liy order of tbe Secretary of t>>;> Weacurj', ell Coilaa pttrrhaaed by mysnlf or my agca^. oa ac I after lae 18th day of ^aroh 1863, will be i for ia 7 per cent Bond? »r Co^h, and .oot 8 per cent. Hands zb stated tu a tornor advertisament.» Dp to tb-vt time, however, th? 8 per oent. bftiiie will be turr:e .',‘t vj si >;•?i. Patriotic eitisens are !»g^t an opf>i>r.anitj tc aid the Qovtrameat by Mliing to it their C«tt«n rather tbaa to private oapitaiiet*. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Msfch 24, 1863. [o. I>.J 14tf .or. Sl’C’l, : ; R'a'P, ^ I wr'’cni '— p'iv;;--i a TP »f n far the ■ or Tjj’n- :^-r. ^ *li ' c;nri^n cT ?h S L' .rlj C.Z v’.g'rou^ ‘ '•o'.iiog OS:-,' r.'. •j.c.h -.i wi(-a a c ••■y of tt jurtijei T it tJ«Tl!j jl» th-^ -1 II. Pcratcj pr“>"'n‘;.'» emi'tioa. W'lk any until actiOJ- )•> tsker ^ y not r . - . ' tU ; I «; c- ■ ’i>‘ S cviai -liK-B; iJiiJ t;.‘-.y Of c - ,*i.-c'el £‘xty »V. oor-.crin' H£ABQ>HS EXasnifflNa BOARD, SEVENTH CONG. mSTRIOT, “ LsxiNOTfW, Jan. 26, 1864 1'^IIE underaignpd, one of the Memb.’rs of the Exam- . iniug B.iard for the 7th CongriMjrional Distriot, N. I (i, heroby appoints the foH>wing times anl {.-laoes for the examination of the conscripts of tie bistrict; tv5'' H*gt ri (' Miliria, Davidwoa couut>Lexington, r bru*:!*y 20, 22, 23„ 24 6S'i. Ko?t N C M. Div).l5,on c.'unfy, T.ex’ngton, Feb- r. ,ry ?5, 28. 27, 29 8«- h . f C M, S’auly c'»unty, Al’’e, IMarcb 2, !. 6 OOiu r.'c; N C M, An3cn coupty, WadesbfJro’, MfJcb 7, а. 9. iO P ■: N C M, .inso.T eouiity, WaJeil-oro’, March t!-L !4, 15. C2 i' ix r .M, ?l->Pt~oii\.-ry ccna'y, Tc3t, Mweb 17. j- 39 21 r> . 5( 'T. Sloora c^ JDtv. Oart* •i.?-, !:I«rch 28 21 '>0 2S R ;i M ; .'I, ('brt;;,sm county, Pi*.»!tbiro’, Marct }?'''. 31 Ann! l.-j. CO 'H-c’i N 'I ■'■, Ch. th'.n r'uaty, Fit*'boro’, April 4, б. G 7. r- :• N C y. Rin’olph county, Ashcbrro’, April 11, U 1:, M 1-5 6.1 ‘ or V T f.f Vp,r. ;OrEP.,'A }j ClEPg. Got:. \ ji ■sill 13 : i^d i! tiie F!r.- • ^-n-.1 -.'I >-fi;rPi^a(!d ■I :u’ t‘. . 'T-. ■*.« oil:'. b"'f inser- f )jr cir.^cV.iicn ■ 'I'. ii.j !*i-. 13 f^r jptf-i-*l ex- »f 11,r '■-''r b:'m 4 iJu.^d&u T ic-e O'*::*-® vfiu be invr.>(*tj;;%-/»(i in ;ooo5'^»3cr w.ii 0if.'u'a-No^3, Ciu- rsui' 'itij tre •• i.; rr^- i'-.t. \ Byor ie* '? C i Ptvi;. i'ON, J?upt. («i*:2f^.i) • 0 ti UUFFIEID, A A. Q. Jan’y 27. ■ 3 !a 1 WAi%TE», - \ Bank notes of North Carolina, Sotith Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. Also, North Carolina eix per dient. Fundable Notes. Also, North Caroliitacix per o>at Bonds, new isdUe. W. R. RtCHABDSaN k CO., Brokers. Raleigh, N. G. M^roh 9. Otf Cotton Ifaru for Wooi.- NOTICE is hereby given that after thia date (exeept ia eases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of otir advertisement of the 80th of May, whloh terms a^ now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 8 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the iastanoe o'f the Quartermaster at Raleigh^, ia order to E^ake the terms of exchange uniform throughout the State. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 1863. 42 tf ■ Egypt Coal lUiue. THK nndersicned were, at the November Term of tb« Confederate Court, District of Nortn jaruua>,, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered icto copartRersbip fpr the purpose of mining and sclliag Coal, and solicit orders for the earns in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplie-i on short notice. The Coal from thia pro perty is undoubtedly the host in the Ccnf.*derats States. Applications may be made to Chas. B. M'^llett, Fayette ville. N. 0.. or Jamts Browne, Cbarlestsn, S. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT. JAMES BROWNE. Fayrtteville, Jisa'y 20, l^e."? 9Stf JLARJ» Olt.—A Factory. :ry ha? article, for sale at my A. McLAUCHLIN. BJiK AiHia> HO tf* For sale »t ray Factory. A .VicLADOHLlN. Fayetteville, S-d^t. 12, 18^3. 6.^-6aipd OUU.MA.NCK DLPAKTMKST, > liALEion, N. 0., M.ty 8, 1863. J Lead wanted.—1 wieh to purclia«e Lw»d for this Department. Perpone h^vimr i;ir>re or Bmall quan tities wiU please apply at on.Jc. Will give 1 pound of PtJWDEB f.>r 10 peuuiB of L.’r:AD THOS. D HOGG. Capl.-C. 8. , eO-tf Id coiirga of Ordnanoe. Hillsboro^ .^Tfliiary Icademy. The bixia Aeauciuiy ye^r c. if in mn:jtutLoa Kill ba- giu oa Weda«aday, i:'eo'y Ui. IS(>4. Fgr cLroolardi and iuforvJ>« lou t;>piv to M/\’. W.M. M. ffORDON, Sup’t. IlHlsboro', N. C., Nov ;’l. IV>3. 84-Bai OIL AND ),AM1^ BLACK. 1 BANNERS’ and H?BHiOATiiG olU . LAMP BLACK in ban'fcle. For saie by we, R. BIK)S80M & 00., WOxitBftoa, M.O. tl ^ M Paiina Chrirttl Beans. The subseriber will jay the bigbcst cash prices for any quantity of Paiw Christ5 B«>anp. J. A WORTH. FajTsttATille. Oct. 8. • In Equity. ilVorth Cf'rolina, Wake County. IN the case •( “Mrs Jate JoJin II Boylan ami Others, ag-.inst. George W MorJ,*cai, Executor of Williafti Boylan, Welion E Boylap, 8arj0 Bovian and others,” filed to Sprin|J’*ror0i, A. D. 1854. of ton Court of Equity for the County of Wake and 3tat« of Nortli Carolina, for the purpose of takinf. an aoooiint, aud pay ing ofr legacies, &o. Notice 13 hereby given to Weldon E Boylaa, Sarah Parker, Kate Weldoa Boylan, Hannah Boy Inn and £li* WetMiter, »o e-forward a*, thn next Term of ^hi** Coitrl, and pkari, a»^j«»rer or drtnur ►> bill, v it will be i pp» ccnioi^rio, and bevil c-'t fMrtc rh Ui tUeu! Dona at OiFcc ia tbe City of h, this tbe 9th d w of Janoary, A. D. lStJ4. . n. 0. Ei5wr3. C. M. .E. PiayMBCian’N CariJ. Dr. D. a. CA.ViPBELL ^late of Marion, S. C.,) has removed to Fayetteville and taken an office cn Bow street, where h« may ba fooad at all times, wii>h an ampU stock of M*diciA«8, to answer Professiwial oallt. iati«&eUry refeN»o« farnUiked. 94>tep4 COr«FKIi£&.iTE SIATHS OK | Esoiiii!.rin l>spA,».x. Dr.i ai'k V vVi'iP’r.g’ -n, C , ! l^ircU Ibth, I8G3. j Notice is Vpvony 3ci«^.in t' all p-r.notj^ ‘•Hvinc’ '*.iav'?n bj Eh/ju.'vp D-rp-vnnivut, for aer.-ices of braves rPiX!l'>y-.*l ii*b''r'ri! oa ib'deffnse-i V9^r Wi)miDgt;»-j. t'! C , tHdi the iinu»‘.'tiipi3»i}, in authcriz’.:l scd pre|‘.irf .i >o p’?y the •j'\rrio “i bi= on ihe Se- cnnd a ;or pf ibc biiiliinj n^xt above Mcarpp’ Drug Store. M . ke Slr»'i*. 4®“ P ipo'is cxecjtinj' Fow-^r^ of Attfirnoy.wni ob serve tbe fjilowing form—inrsr pignatures, in all caiee, ta be witnessed by two w'tne«^rs and signed in dupli cate, or they m»y ba witi!“?'»d bi'fore a Justieo of the Peace or Chrk of 'ny (j -crt FORM OF POWER OF \TIORNEY. 1, of , do hereby appoint , of ——, my true and lawful Agent to pign jeefnjiis t'c~, and receive pa}>ment of all mnncya (iuft t'' ma by the Eogineer De partment of the f!onf*:derate States cf America, for the services cf roy sH'fes f-tsployed ss laborers on the land dcfenoes at ——, dnijiig tbe month of -, 186 Witness my bsnd aud seal at , the day of , 186 (Signed in duplicate.) [Beal ] The sign itnres of colored pprsoiis should be witnessed by tfcrfw witoepscs Ther* mu-^t be sepwafe duplicate Power? of Attorney far e?.cb mon*,h BUiik formt^can be l»ad upon appli* cation at this offior. W. n. JAMD.^, Capt. A Ch’pf Eng. Jan’y 20,1864 1300tf Fajrettcifillc Arsenal and Armory, Nov. 12. 18K3 ^100 BOUMTV. purtcrteut to raise a Compaoy for service in tbj» vicinity, ud'.ioe i-* hereby given that recrulta to number of 100 non cnnferiptii will be re- c.'^ivcd for thin ncrvifie. .Eao-i tcr.n-it will be require-.! to furniph a BerT!'*a:>Me horse. f« r'lioh )«» will be al- liwed 40 ccr.ts p«(r'iis'n, hi; pay ?12 per monfh. Written ferriiBStop ^ill b«- r»qjiired from parsnt; nr guardians, whv.rj tho appiiermr in noder the coneaript age. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bfd spreskd, tvnd eoT;p. prepared tw reinain Sridles, e.'*.d.i!'*f>. end Prifidl^ blanketp. furnish ed by the Gov^rnm^nt, or if the r..crnit come^^ proviUad with he r' l be I'li * r— >.'■ -w ». f-iir valo.a^ion. Appi^ to t’-irt iiiV j i'HK"’ F I'A Vf;0”, a* t?ip A-- 9«oaS' • .? h. t.UifLr/S, SOif] f.I^i - fj. s A.. O ’m-l’g Fcpt ,lLtUR 0 f.ili r.' ?o •~ngc^ t'^ir Coro at tl:> 8 sre of D r>J':f:iuru:, by gi’-i g fei~i » 'rfW dv.a notioe. F;o«r fooi. Oa>:'Fa 1-biajjr ,»r 29 2tf f THE IMA8E PRiJtER, lilOS tbe Littla f tik«. A ftarUiw nxppiy tft irholesalt X m ntA fef r, jr, tjaim * PQ53: H-': t K C if, Randolph county, Aahcboro’, April , 18. 19 20. P. G. SNOWL'EN, 6urc'>on P. A 0. S., ChairjEin ExicitiiiKr B-iard, ' 7t*5 Coug. Dipt, N C. Cf’IFF office, - ) SeVINTH CoN(JUK3S10XAL Disxjiict, N. C., >• liEXiNOTON, Jan. 30,1864. ) GETJSBAt OeuRB, ) No 1 / i '''OUNiy I.aroHh-.i' Ofuc^rs wUl prooeed’at once to , r« ec. ^'.11‘! V- '■c-.a: In . c?:r Couniiee be'woen tbe Of 1-S an ? 4‘>. TO icnce with Omnral Order. 1. i,’.»B-fTripi Oaiee K-iljijia, N. C , \c. b»ve then prf'-’Pirt a*. Iha ;«bovc time* and places for medical ex- i-.pituj-v?n. r'*v}.;..'n c*" foroifr exomptioas, &e. II. This o.iH ctibraoes a 1 poreoos iKtwccu-'he ocn- ewt t axes who have hpretof^'re been exetnnted. dftail- *•4 cr dis^harred from &ny souro*, er for any oau»e wi:s'evtr, iaciu ii'^g uers^n-i who .have fumishrd pub- ftilute", tta well as those Ircar. array, and all ipal>'» vlHe p?r.onp who have i»rriTe» at ihe a>^ oC eighteen, eni all otberp who hive not iieretofore bea® enroiled. III. Enrolling Offic r will only order a fourth of tbe conscripts of » Militia R*ifim!ut to report on eitoh of tne appointed d'tjs ana require «,ch m***; tc bring with him three days’ rations. IV. Ail persons embraced !n this call are absolutely required to be prpprnt at the appointed times and plaoeti, and any failing to appear will be treated as de serters. V. The Doiice to conscripts is deemed suffi'^iant to^al* low them ample time for arranging their domesiie af fairs, tuid no application from parties to be allowed to remain at home neyond the time appointed for their departurr for camp will be entertained. J M. LITTLE, Capt. hnd Chief Enrolling Officer, 4-4*] ' 7th Cong. Dist,, N. C. HiADqUABTKBsYnromn^iffle^ J Faibttev 11.1.1: Fcb y 9. 1861 j PROPRIETORS of all Faotories, Fcundries, Maehine. IShopa, and all M»U Conti aotor*. &o , &e.« who have datailed men in their Mnploy, will band to this OCce on cr befo^’e 1st April 1864. a full dppcriptive lipt of tbe «^c. GEO. H. HAIGH, 5-tJAl • Lt. a»*d E O. for Cumberland. QiiartermaKter’s Department,) Ralkigh, Feb’y 6, 1864. j This Djnarlmfnt hM on hand a small lot of Cott*»n Cwle for distrihu'ion among the femilies of soldiers. The ppecial nonrts of ea«h county arc requested to ap f t>iBf an ttgent in ea'h county to r. ceive »nd distribute them. The priea will b« five dollars, ($5.) and neoes- sitous wiv«fc and mcth«tB of poWlrrs will b«ve th»i pra- ferenc".* Mors are expected daily aud will be sent out as fast Of! received. H. A DOWD, A Q M , N C A. Raleigb, Feb’y 8, 1864 . 6 3t ttiovei9 and Socks Wanted. IDESIHrt to |>urchase for the soldiers 10,000 pairs of Gloves and 10,000 pairs of Sochs. be thankfully received. Jan’y^l 1. Donations will EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon Gen N. C 9» 8m Roies, tor the Army. I WILL s'-fid a speoiiil m.".R="eaft=»r to the Army of Northern Virginia on the first lay of every, month. Ail boxrs, packages, fto., will be forwarded from my officWro-of charge. • EDWARD WARREN, Sjir.^-’oa Gen.'.r=i1 N. 0. R >l*»gh, J'ln’y 16, 1®64 • 9^3® .«40ck«i fijicS CvloTc*5 ior theSolf^iers. I HAVE bpfn au'-t-"o oxchaar“ 4—4 Sfc?et- i.-.f? ior I'.XS pr,;r>7 0.^ fc-0‘t ‘Vooi*!* Bo}kfi and G.>*>tes, to t'- prcpa’ji-tj the Soldior.s at th‘ jate a. ibiee y'^’-./fl of S'a;:f‘tia;- four f-airj Cxll n-xt uocr V- RA & p;&r- 0> J A. PEM3EKT0N. _f * TESTAi^^(T^^ii» BYiHilS. CONFEDERATE 6tates Bible Society Teatamants. -A OoUaetioQ of Sabbath School HyBuu. Fk wOa by 1. J. HALE * 8(Hllk Dea’r 22'. 1*63 EFFIE 0. MeLEAN. Ex’r ofH. M. McLEAN. 95tf NOTICE. mHE undersigned, as Adm’r of Wm. J. MoNeill, and 1. by decrea of the Coart of Pleas and Quarter SesslouB for Moore County, will sell at the Court House in Car thage. oa Tuesday 26d of Feb’y, 1864, 830 aores of Land, on tha waters of Buffalo Creek, about 8 miles weat of Jonesboro’ Depot on tbe F. & R, R. There is on the premises a small dwaliinp; h 'lue and some otu houses, with some 6 or 8 acras c' o c«ed land. The pl»ce is well adapted to tha oultiv.ition of corn, oottou and all the jiroducts raised in thl” ttotion of the ooun- try, and Iq a good neighborhool. A rare ohanoe for thoae who wish te invest thfir money ia raal estata. Tha plaoe is sold to pay dabta. Terms 6 months credit JOHN MoNEILL, Adm'r.' Feb. 1, 1864. 4 4tpd i$tate ot IVortU Carolina. ROBESON COUNTY. Conn of Pleas and Quarter Ssssions, Nov. Term, 1868 ON motion, Reuben Kir>j, Sheriff of Robeson oouniy, read aloud in open C^urt iko fallowiHg lands wbieV 5»» proposes to sell for lue l'axe3 due thereon for the year 1862: 85 aerea listed by F. C Wifson,Gu» atratip, tax $1 23; 360 acres listed by R A?hicy, Hoz Swamp, 5 13; rOOacre?][sc«d byR'»bei's m S’.n^i.^tary. E^izVrcth road, 2 82; S6 ec"s lisi?'.fcby Jox:n Qr^-iam, M^rsti, cin (Fr,a» tiiv Minut£i.j «3-t4MF] • JNO A ROV7L4NU, niMk. Cardin, Cap!i, Coifee.- 1 OAA t.orxo.^ O.^tRDs, Nj iO. 1/0Ull WOOL arrt JIM CRO*V t.ARDS Pure COD LIVER OIL for C.'nsuc.; ti)ti, P.S»o-natl«r' aaJ otbet Scrofu, i«,-: Ti^ck''. PsK-Jer. and Car,3, H/iiil 84 r. .Aliii g'v i( "a-J Da.^tarJ Filj;, Cm 'I I-. S^oo TarfE'J. Piia'e Bvj C.vti-K. -ud r»!ui ‘'oiia*'.-'. Cppg*!^8s, bolr aud Upppr L. i‘’ • P ?’.;. &{>. , &3,-' ’7‘ISON’-. Vyi!, L'l .thor, Saclt’sry end II^t3?v: E .* --'i unnt, *^''l!aiue^'.n. t). Fdb’y fc 13t4 [w. J J ~ 6 4*'^4: r SHAWL FOUi\r'JitY. HE subscr.ber vtrj- r-f, ■ r’ul;r i?;f ■’'’id his fiien f«.ni tbe publSo gti'.atat’.y. ih -t i-e haj uow ia Lis employment Qoa»p«lcnt wc-rkn.-ec. !*ad ia fully prcparai la c vst feny kind of WOTi-K ia bis 1:;:: nt I to; no- fi0(* uni on the most reason ibl*-'.t'raa: sc’h aa C;%r vVhosis, Driving V«aecl', Green r-nd Dry tf^nd w«rk, Locst work. Blowiog Cylitiders, ^t.-am B -it wcvk, tali Ppus and Gra*« Baj's. ia «c. Tii A. BariER. Fayetteville, N. C , -^an’y 11, 18«4 97tf Ke.v THK WU. MAC IMTIKi!; Has reoeivcd, ONE case, 29 iuea, 900 ids all Wool Wiiitc FlanBcl; Oae ease 1800 yds. Mad.iel* Calioo; 8A do> Fine 8 Biiied Knives; 2S6 Gross Eiaaio Steel Kuit4isg Needles. Feb’y 1 *2-&w THOS. I. Jt>&\SO.V, Jr., & CO., General Ci)iainis.sioii & Forwarding .Merchants, 45 J%orth fW*aier Street^ WILMINGTON, N. 0. PROMPT attention given to all busineea entrusted (0 our hands. Cunsigamenta salioiteJ. T. J. JOHNSON, Jr., A. QRABROWSFY, of Fayetteville, N. C. of Pstenburf^, Va. Jan’y 8. 96-3mpd After this date I will pay 16 Cents par pouad for 'rags, or the higbaat market priea, delivarad ia Fayetteville, or at my milL^ on Rookfiah. D. MUBPHY. Feb’y W, 1864 7^f Wanted ImBiediateiy, By the Trust«fB«of Franklin Military and i^ciettific Insiitute a Lady »*U qualified to giim instruction on tiie Piaao, to take oharg^ of the Musical Department.of ■aid School The Aearfemy is in Doplln oounty, near Mount Olive, (three miloa from the W. & W. R. Boad.) in a good aud remarkably healthy neighborbood Ap- plicsnta will address me at “Mount Olive, N. C ” • JAS. Q DICKSON, Scc’y. Feb’y 9. 6 6t*3tpd $300 REWARD. STOLEN froii* itie !mb8crit>er on the night of tbe 4th inst. a large B.AY HORSE, black nano f'nd tail, ia tiuo order, five (5) years old next spria;r, shaved cn bis sides by (races, a erack in the hoof of the left hind foot. I will pay the above reward for the aaid horse and proof t.o conrict t1$e thief; *r I will pay two iuia- dred dollars for the delivery of the horso to me at Union Factory, North Carolina, or for him at any place so that 1 can get him. ' Any informatfc^a will ba thank fully received. JAMES DICKS Usion Faotory, Feb’y 6, 1864. 5-9. pd STOEiBJr, From the Stabla of the subsoribsr, on the wiffht of tbe 8ib of February 1864, a flm^]) SORREL HORSE, 8 or 9. y;>ars old, with white in hie face and one or ^oth of his fore feet white; his feet t^rc flat and have same cracks extending near to the uppar part of tbe hotrf. Any person delivoriwg him to me or giving inc any in formation so (hat 1 gat him shall ho liberal'y rewarded. Addreas BRIGHT WILLIAMS, Brooklin P. 0., Bobe^oa Co., N C Fih’y 10. . 6-4tpd The UNBERoIGNED, b&tt baTir,- eutr-ed tbs raiti- tary service of thf State* of Amtrica, Isfreby ifive nutiee tc tt-ir . ?J owsio^ufjia and fri:a;2p, tli?,t they h.'ive appointed John IS.^Hi irr ai.i JohV. P Williatr s. o'* this plsce, their atfnnie’'c to c^'lIec* nittcr fcp»ratc’y or ccnjc’ally i»ll laoceys tb«*m citLor Rc^JTint or ao'.e, an!* othcrrris? to s;tf,nd to fbeir b>i- g.iae:a!Iy during ikair abcence. Thoy respoot fully ask ail persons indebted to them to oatl as prompt* ly as poasibla ob their age&ts and laake payment. . 8tABB & ^LLIAMS. 8«ft. 1», IMl. « 68-tf j The 2^'ortA Vespo,ideal.—TLe Richmo&d Whig ; sajs: “.Dv« oiio cau have roiid cLo exirauts Irom I iu.t« INC.- Lcru papi,f;i ou lUo sui'juct ol the war,' j aud lailLU cu diacovA^t tho luue ul defpouUtQcy which they uiauitcst, iniereutially at ietst. For I the first time iu jhe progiess ut this war, they I iiatiiiiatu at iiti uuii tilauUard the maj^nicude of j the tusk which thej' aru to enter upun in the coming campaigu. The pru&pect of realizing rich bpoils, in the shape ot iSoutneru farms, i» fast diminishing, and the o&et of large bounties se cured belore hand seems to be little regarded. Every motive that inevitable success could fur* nish ^as disappeared, and with it every spark of that spurioaa and ephemeral patriotism which served Lincoln so. well at the inception of this war. Jlot a bigu of vigorous lite ia visible eitner in the halls of legislation, IndBpendence (Square', the Cooper iiisticute ur Faueuii Hall. Peace to day lb the prominent, and, we migbt almubt say, the ali-prevuaiug scDtimctit of the .NortL, it tbe truth were kuowu. We venture the prediction, that by June or July next, when the abortive el- iorts uow being made to recuperatc the acmy shall display themselves, peace propositions Irom the bouth will be acceptable, it ottered. The policy of Seward will bq to intimate to the leading foreign powers, through bis ministers, a willing* ness to treat foe peace. «Our cause is far brighter to-day than it ever has been. The vei] of despondency is fast set tling down upon the cao^e of Yankeedom, and they are rapidly verging upon the last throes of -final dissolution, blavery has done for them what was predicted of it in reference to us. The hanging ot Lincoln, Seward an ..'Chase will pro* bably ciose tbe tragic scene,” Burnt hy the Yankee».—The Bristol Gazette gives an account of the burning of a negro man in an out-house, by the ys^nkecs, because he had the small pox. The horrible affair occurred near W ashiagton, Rhea county, about th^ 15th of November, aud was perpetrated by some of Col. Lyon’s llliuoid regiiqent. The negro had been stolen by the yankccs from hid master, and con tracted the disease in their company, and thiif la the tender care he got at tbcir hancte. The Washipgtuu correspondent oi the Cinein nati Enquirer says: ‘‘A statemeut hus been print* ed ihid wctik in the London currespoudcuoe 6^ oue of our loading jouruais, tiiat Atexitad^' Bar* iiig, of the liriu oi liariag, Bros. & Cu., and a latinber of tue briiiaU I'aihaiae-it, i« iu close CfiiiimauiOa wuli tiio leaiiu^ tpintd of British iSjiiitiC-rn reuoijaiZuib, iini uis.^ iLdi. Le id ati ao- tivO iucmbor ji a Oummiitce,, luriu;d A^ith tao ex press object ot oocuiiuiu^ au oihciai lecugniuon of lae StjUiuera CuiitE.deiauy oy Fariiamenc. Tbts is cuiisidered Lcrc, atuoug iiuauoiai circles, as a 4H03t.r« UK-iivatnj dUtSiriuU’., li auU tiua ^iven ribc to iv^uCii. v.cuiiLi\.iiL la iutiauuii.ti uirulcs." MvA L£j'-Ci&.—tio.'u iUlLority svlUv pv,.cuiiS a.’tfit Oi clJti cuUtili ;S, WJSt ■ji i/ii.3^ niivo iVii:.iLi^ i'j tadi' i>juy^ bruitiers :iiid iaUSj4t'X.ib 111'lue ai itij lO 0 j^iio ijjme, that Jiiis iS ly) sv.ccdo icoui i:io OyiHtacia- j\. iu tlitj viuy suiay liave alrca,d^' been iuduccd u> ucbOrt i.hi^ IS oae ot iho uud uliccts ot the iaeaols pubac laeetitigs reucatly ioauguruteu. Uiuitrloita Litmui'i'ut. - . ^ . Daniel Sturi.cs of Uuion couuty, has' tour sons ':tiiU iVtO scuts iU ua lu the L.'oalcu«.t'aLe hcuiyf and, ailtxo'u^.i uti id 110 vv uii utd luaiii, ue bays be WoUid wuac itic huiu biOiscit VuiLer (hau bUi>Uiit to the Liuojiii crcVciiitutiut aud t)ij Couiiust;rod over by tiic brat^ii y-aacej. jJuUUl Ouiiiies, vLougU a pjv>r ina^. aud au iiUu.Uiu cilizcu, is a souilieru pa-viot of tbe rigut j^rit. lie ae^jervts to asve ilia iiA^iuO eu ti^c liuii ui li ;i^ur. I liurLoUt Vtmoi^rat. Salt in ,Aiabama.—A iarg« stock is now on uand, witb tiie batting seas^.u clu-;td, home of it ^ttrchaiiid on sptcau>aoa at higher prices than .hose uow zuiiug. la aadiauu 10 luis stucic, con tracts are b^^cg tosered la'io i,etween puitics aud the Govti'uor uearly every day, tor the mauuuo- ture oi salt at as low uH loar aud oven three dol lars per boshei. , Afftctiunate and Admonitorj/ Epistle jrum a Hooaier to hi* Son.—A correspondent with Long- street’s corps sends the Savannah Netrs the fol lowing yankee letter, picked up at the Bean’s Station" fight. The heart ot the fond ‘‘patient” must have bled with anguish when he heard that Thomas had ‘‘chawed another man’s tobaeker:” September the 17th, 1868. I now take my pen in hand to drop you a tew lines to let you know that we are all in tollerabie good health hoping thes».few lines may find you enjoying tbe same. Larrey receivlsd a letter from you to d*j Stating that you wascnt. very Well at present. We was about fixing some things to send aud We heard you had marching * orders and we dident send them—William mar tin was here and your mother gave him to shirts and one pair of ndcks and filty cents in money to take to you in stampsp I^aac Zink brought home your miniture and tihoea We sent peter over to Isaacs to get the sliocs and miniture I suppose you have chawed up george zinks tobacco bor rowed some of the money and isaac zink kept^ the shoes you sent to me te get pay fur the tobaeker and money you borrowed I thought you was raised or tried to be raised to chew your own to bacco in plaoe of Chawing other folks if you chewed grjoreres tobac6> without his Ivave i vant to no It and if you didcut Chaw it i want to no it if you cant trouble mo at one place it looks like 'your at some other when i was hunting my horses In place of your staying at* home and helping to ten to things as i left you to do you put ofi to indianapolis and Joined the arthy and now you can send home ior money and bootcr end things and i( is no easier getting things and send ing there than if you had staid at home the boots you sent for is being made if i see william martin before he goes i will t’-y and t«end them by ‘ him and if i Uont tt^e b. >t (jiiituco i]e sernl th?'^. I w.?ntyou to » t «De r-j tliit ;i,at t; ’\.oco ii you did C^aw ;/co:;'c3 *>-l:.>ac*;o tLal b'jb tarsey tcuk out i til'll :o be the l.3t vobacco cf any bodies th a ever i h!;ar ol your coti'»g. I tliiuk I would try u' t cj'iiit (jha^iiig tobaeker riia now beiore I 0 Jd t:ojichj jj eki.^ t» b.iok-?r aud i« eosi an- 01 "er pair oi Shc-cs ior G tl si.L-.. Noth cg mJre ai prwt^-. auiitur ihia letter im- mediattly, This to Thomas J. Zink. Hibam Zxuk.

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