BBPHB a 111 fortliQt^ receipt ut ''earerhQUsKor :«u rent in ■ouiQ, and dip. urich of Ijiu r«ut er. or grntier ah^y about the l«t sixty-toT'T, »n hj\Te s!'*ughtererl I' ft''hnt tide; ^ ' lie post I'y th« •4'esHor *ier ibiil deliv*;^ !>auie in cured b*. i)f b^.stri to thfi one uR th« first oi tijiTcMtti'r, an cs- t'iore pJ’ovided, ol *H, mull'd, uo^-j Uv euch p#i>. i ut'Oij such valui uoptrcent.,t«b« '^‘‘riuary next auier, or tWoief ot this act, *-'* ■ ^foi* !»i’.iuatfU sBa taj. rc.i \ii ‘iiotnotjjy S' 'till hoeveSj ^ »e i. HUii the value ifcc estimate ot «e yl di»a^reeaienl I VC r as lie rei n pr*. *ax- and on eaeh I-, ■ - e bcevcj gold Qlh^i sUSii 06ti> inner. ar flhail dtvid* the partmt nt into two atei » iflT ju?rt-«r- i* *iJ lor jT ■ -tributiva to t**ic iliay, aud far tiif aj^eaui of tijt tax •’Me;'S,.r shaij 3 du'j iryiu etch to tli« d^ij an. lu^' tioiu th-c said laii be liled ad a r iu st^tiliDg his ipc bhaii be 1't»- tL nU* (,r aet- uyuii &e a charge tiaitjr ruceivioj h¥ tax pa^ CT tile kicu hi; i; ..uiiaj tuo V -iiivdi.raLa ’tu; aril- u.- i.;_. d ic a ly shur- tr •■ ’ .uvoidft- :vcr. , M »j tticj. r. .'Miptij, til aldo ktate th« r- -iviL,.; Iron* UijiiC ui taxtj in thi) re-j. iri r;he tarv wi T\ *.r lujij le ti.ti post i|u*r. : tL ' r ic fc'ua d T. ‘ ;j ii 'i^jre- ict ux Culicatur iEre& ‘^arTan; au- ret'.r; | t tii. -eJwr, »t tux •'uIi^c^5>r v ft«couc‘8 ul aaid iittt any parliiti be ui. ;-ii ed oa tiu; V the t«: 'J «.ai. ■.>>>. tiie tn, K-_. liient at Lho uepoc M w .. »Ltf if tiivjj ooQsist ;hey i ^ suicnbie iac«- ,nd it ich luiij prcsenbd. th&i: soui« cf tii0 »nd niitablt for u't/t be depos- used Mti'.er di kes, he sbait oiaijQer as ha aach suie shall 10 i^outederate retary ot War •y tliat It wwuld or u;se tbe ar- I, to be reccired ^ea the 8ecretn- oollcct ID said ue :>1 "iaid arti- Inot required is dueoB tb- first yiur, and bo aud proiibi^ laad the suto- iG Hpc;.‘idc tux iCBs and proit»> Itiuil Of uoiivcr- it tho liiaLriet, saint:, uad the ith the chiet ;uUe.-t(ir ol'tha :uicri’ or billd, i'rum tbc tax Ishail ijt: paid 6tatc, accom- or ature- UnO' coli. -otor Iroiitoe, guar- tccui jr or ad- tact, or tao- |or r , i :ids in ; .;r l^ulii vi j any UOJia_ .1 ,tii . lired th. ^r •Q orciu iixcs L of ’ U/i'i' tl- ■ ..J i'iXC-- 10.' i. lor p Itroi, sp’T .l.^, aijt tc::i b.'iuii t}ii siioii*^ ut [txrj bo, aod ruL-j nod of tliiii a«^ i! - . t'’.'. in-' I ... . \c'} V'-'rod .tO . SEMT-WF.EK I -if K « FAYETTEVILLE. N. FEBRUARY 25, [NO*. 1309.] PRINTED MONDAYS aND THURSDATS t;OWlRD J. HilG & SONS. ElITOHa \ND PROPRIP.TORS PH## for th« S«mi-W«akly Ob?*iibt«b $♦* 00. wi h> KlTaiic«. For the Wm^It OBtNBTva %4 00 r er iibu>iiil, paid In &4raiio«. ‘ADVERTISEMENTS iosertcd for S2 pw smw* of 10 lines for the first, and oue dollar for each "ut>- ceeding publica*ioa. Advertisemeoln not ex«e«iin|f a half aqtiarc (eivth* Unes\ SI for the first and -^0 oents for cash aocoei'dinc publication. Adi^rnssrs are re- qa*st.«d to 8tat« tha number of insertions desired, or they will be contlnuel UU forbid, and charjred aeeord- Inttty. AdTertiitenionte ooatlna«d intide, eharfod »• aew >d- vert)eemeni«. MU Yernon Female Seminai'ft THK 2d ^•ciEio.i »i'.‘ o^’iaowi oe the lotb of FKB- F-UARY aud c.admia 2U Trt- kg Tii jjc in E.>ijl:sK Rrii'o^! -h 160 f'O • “ M'->s‘o Paintiyg, {;'**£r i,) 40 00 Rortii expeost s . 3 00 Su ird '5400 per If iiauh iiC^r'-oTiaions .•» old prices f 50 Ai’of Tiii i ,n jvu i ovfi hfkh' if Bo'.rd ra- qu’rsd ia rtOvancr EAca pu..’il '»11 furnreh aer own wct'i. one pair jhe»;s. ■ piii” p llow cas^e, one aouBteT’^n^ or qaiit and » dr'.xkur? cup. Rev >VM HOOFBH,^ . T O H Ot’Sa. jjr A'i !r( •*« 'ji* >jv.!Oi* P 0 . ‘ "npi'3 ni o;n‘i'y. Jsii's U2. ?>7 6w CONSCRIPT OFFICE, Raleigh, N. C., 1 | Feb. 11, 1864. ) The foHowing “N )iice" frora Bureau hf Oo^soripfion , is pnhiiel'^d for tho g;ui«i».T:?“ * f-.U coace? nea Co«> ; I plian?e with iis li pction" «»il? (»▼«? nppUcfvuts for ex ' •'■mprion cr deiaM muob ucnecesAitrT in the iaTet ligatjoo of fbeir cUinid. * B;? ord«;r of the Con>c'.«cd>iiit. B. J HARDIN. Adj’t. ijotrtTu jtef EiirtlllBS •l&ce, SAL UlSTBIOT, N 'PHL o I •I'-’iS .IfOTICC. t’ONFEPEP.ATE MATES OF P.I'^A.'k Wae I>bp’t, DnaBAU or CohkCbiption, y Richmond Va , J»n 2^, 1*64 J Par»zrfti.b X of O^jc* *t •'r.i»*'*H No 82 Adjutautaal ln.s*ie' fnr Olfico oi lsG2, i .quirn ;a it -appii oiiti;.L0 for »xt'iripiijn muit ’n jtl? «'^"'?^be ai%i9 tv ihe Euro!;i' (t ” . * voth:e. ooiiMnatd ino^ MSi »t tbi* price oi‘ roav :la i*» iEtrifw-e our ra*e« of Tntilon aud boa^d j Ptfr* l.-cal E rclHnt- OQicei ia» ZiOt ibft p >w.t« to .»ot. j Ai the t'tpirftina of :h» 1«t qu»r er (20'b of April.) of , nr is in doubi wil’ ir/>^n i^mion uc4«r C'rou SPEC1A.U NOTICE. . Prom an ; ter thif> dat«, no name of a new aab«oriber will b« entered with cut payment in adviuioe, nor will j the paper be s«nt to ^acb »cb«criher« for alouf^r t5me j than t« paid for. i Snob of our old BabHcriber* as demire^ lo taka (If« pa- I per on tbis •jHteiu wiil pleaM noti^ ui when making I remlttanoe*. Jau'v 1. 18^H HW. alfcX*. JficK^^W Attorney at Law, FAYETTKVlLr.*, N. C 11/ILL attend the County and Suy«-ior pouru. erf If Cumberland, Unrneti, Moore and Robwou Coun ties. Prompt attention |:iTeB to the ccllavtion of all claims entrusted to bis bands. Oct. i", 1859. 65-tf _ GEOrW. WILLL^MS & QiK 1% holesale Dealers iu tiroccriesi, AND IMPOBTERH AND DEALKR8 IN Hardware and Catlery, Swedes Iroa, &e*) HAT STUEET, FiYKTTKVILltl, N. t'. July ‘2, l(k>l. Siitf Ctroeer and t'nnini»»ion ^fMervtutnt, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C Jan’y 10, 18t>3. K-tT B a WOBTB. S a W*RTB «. O. DABIBI. WORTH & CO., CommiSBioa and Forwarding HXerohajats, Il\rtrr Street, WILMINGTON, N. 0 Dot. 1«, 18'>8 7!W12in '“ jMnsH'WILLIAMS & CO.. ' ^\t,T .tlAKERS. WE have thirty \30) pan# now in operation nine milec east of Wilmington Parties wishing to supplj wbiob ./U1* ps.troni! will tmre ilos noi.o-' **x?h»oge for bacon >Bd lard at old prioen «10 cifl } and for corn at 76, Flc.ui- 16. oor bi»rd will o-jDtinue iriiJiout any obanjro a* per lacotb Rst. W VI HOOPER. T. C. HOOPER Fab’v tt. 6 2aa €1 f/lHI« 12 L, IHEDEIL C'OC'JTY. I^Hl^ 1will If ve « a V’; .> ihr 24ib of F-b’y 18’4 T': 'is wjll re : wo ieparicn^nts M.^1e »nd Fen>4ln, which will bv* kip* i^isiiTict an>l rv.t* The krcation is hearihl'ul aud quite becu?c from invasion The underiigTipd, wtio will bo aided by suit-ii.'l? ass's* tnM. »ill give hi'» unu^vided :v»t«aiion to tbe dobcol Tui'ioa ptr sep.Hion fro=> J40 13 $00. Mu sic on P'-in^ ■545 Bonrd te’'‘nonth ffiO. Puytneat* in part *n cutcicj »nd Ti-.r* 5n p'‘«»Ti8ion« 3ta»lect’ arriTiag at Stp.ffeiflle an 'h-? 2Sd 24th and 26tb or will fl\d c n^^yaaee t ' Olio Pt r fur thtr inforinai'oa t^^e uudc'Tstc'otd .S M1LT0:« FROST. Jaa'y 27 1 9tpd Iftr Nil j thrc»:rn 3, «'urr-»ii flertes. refer mob applioai^oo*, * he pro>)«>i- "/E's »• oh'inu.*^. to thib Bureau All i Lit*. mi ; Shrii-, '.nd I'lThr-ably be rcftried for loc*l |nTe»tiga j ticti. in*! tL-p app!icaLt.-( will !nw» have ueelesolj lotfi ! t'uit a id crclon^t-d unnentte I A- ->ejk » f^'nj attvern- dei-iaior.s rf t!j!- iooil ufBccra, j and tt!’ ibe femnarj/Sni «.f Oonsunpt!* f„r ‘m will j be foi W' r J 1 bv t.beiri f'*r wb“t a»j ■• 1 rr and or »pp'»il is sit fif.ii. 2 rocjf-iindariix .-,f (Tmoi'i;;?*" w'll 'hit i.otl'ie ; er. liirdrjuti.-v li;., ot v:;«lv rtew*o tiTH SUtJi Pf>> u. B? ord?T cf t:uL C ii. Pit E>^TO>'. «U!‘t OrrriKLb, A A 0 5-lu M a'foaurg dt Gci- r»l Or»er No 1. Ccsseripl R;»lfd7h N. C .di-adJ-B 20-b, 18*»4 (.•■f.-uATidiDi? j ; 0*fi.;C‘r8 of H0K19 OuMui HBd Mu.i:a ! I a D.fliriot, are re^no^tea iw oaitse all p’sraons 1 > 18 aud 45 Sievn ii jf', w;t^•i•.» If oir ■►^6ial^'>ramfiSi^s j I to aKB^acbia at ifce fctlowmg times aaJ plao^a, for « 1 } 4in Dutieo (tad eutoi! jteot: j i N*-*f fl.'iH'^cr fjiiuni>, 22d R-finsesi. M. WiluiiaiMaB. ; I F b’"iary K-> ».> 27 .«. i- hmsTO N ** U.ur»-r C uniy, 28d R-f’t. at WUrain^tou. Fot)’^ i'ftsti 10 Marob 81. iiio-u.'iTt* I Bron^wick enmify, 6(Wb I-?i’t, SmitbTille, MftrciijSth to i M'.r.;b 10«h, i- j C .i’u*-j»’a-> o.'Ufl y. 57'H Rfg’i. ■Whisevill'j W>.rch 14ih I to rai? 18«b. I'lnbi^'Te R 'r.ciioji euUii.j. 68 ti :-t J •'. Linsberton, Mariii t.j M»»o . 26ib, inoiUo rr. R/'-.v.aoD eoantj. 69th Lumbertoia. Mar«b 2Btb >>' y*rot JJlsi ios'i’B!»c aounty, 60tSi Laariabnrg. April 4m ta Ap i! 7»b. oonnfy, 6l»t R^f't. Rockinfham, April lIiH to Aoril 14tk, inelusive BlAd«u county, 6§ih Rer'i, Sliaabottinown, Afril l(Mb ; IfF AkiI 20tb, >Eolu»!v*? Cnm^ *rl»fld ecuafy, 58 i iT^yattavllle, April 2*iJ ir .'.[•.il '.'4 h, O'lraberlsati o-iunty, 54 h R f't. FAysitcv Jie, April 2Jti' f'» April 80»i», ino'irfi^e. H>irBAt c>unty. 6'i.l Regt. ..i;iiii(‘oi, \\.\j ts Ma^ 7th, t:i(tnsvc. , , confederate Tai, Harnett Count? aL UlSTBIOT, ^ ^ ' faa’j ISG4 j ; T^® • No 1. Ccsserjpl A S'i"? t* -*!v'>f9 fvir Haraatt OoMnly wi!i ia«'ef the peo e (lifierfnt t'iBixicr» »i t*»e fbll »winf: tiiaet rv"'! rdnoM ff-r t>e purpose of »gsFKRii.2 Tax on Inoorco .»3-: Hri!ei*s;cg tbe p^^fk si-.ii^hu red lr?m the 2^'h April 186? to ths l«t March 18*)4 viz: 1 Ai Mrs t'?«iiBer''>n‘s. Btrbscue t»-3ir;o>. Tb j Karrjti 8d, 1864. A» Turuer » Store. Upper Little River District. Fri- ! lay •Marc*' 4 h A’ P-trk-r’s Jl'or.*, fit’w^rt’s CrotJt Di»tric». Hainrdaj * I *; Ci«ri»?nt’a 5ure, AT-rt?bcr»’ Dittrlot, M nd^.y ‘ M -r.ib 7ih A H^^idal Tarlinijton’s, Orr.vp Uislriot, Tn»«day Mar h 8'b * At Re'ibru Matthew.i’s Miil, Neill i^reek D s rict, W'*dv^d4# ^ J, At Mr.:. Art'old’e Backhorn Marob lOtH AH '.re reqaestcd u> b»T« their Hsta w>v^e o'lt ard _ readjr. And all who haTe fiiil-d ta finiab their 'iithicg i H*»te * r to U*i their eattleT.n l pay 1 heir Taxeo. n*p no'i- fied t- at ibis ia tlie last of portanity that will b f 'litn, . M ic all failures the law will h#. enforced. JOHN GREEN, B r 8HAW, Feb'y iO- 43«ut»i'ript Office,) >4 { . axtu>b;ed or i>ot. WM. Hi. BWANN, 0-ip; aa'.Chief BuroUip? Ofioer. 4sk C-b Die. 21 0 Kaleiuh, Jan. ‘^Tth, 18G4 rpHsi follow n>i ■ ivem vr f-. ?■> :ti* . (j!..nitript 1 i* fur ite i«it-cf all oincerned By order C:>L .M.'VLLKTT, Gruid't Ccn«. far If C. B J. UakBiH, A4f'i I _ UE«TERiH KAIL ROAI>. 1HE FREIGHT AND TAS:»ENG- P TRAINS of thin | Cn BUKEAL’ Off tX)N“C'BlPTIOW, Riaaiiaiib, Jhj) 2i>ib. 1864. Road leave F*yeiteTiIle dal'y. (Sun'laye excepted) at 8 o’clock. A M., aud returning leavp E^ypt at 1 o’cloeu., r. M CattU liud Bornt J\nn '*Jo!fDA!r, WBDNE3D.ATand FRIDAY. By crder JNO M. R4>8E. Treae’r rtsd Cen’l Xrana. Ag’i. Jan. J2, 18C8 9Tii No. L TO Co Com of Com!nH&d>ii:t* of * oB^fri^ts ' i'be a 'ebtlMi iixiiukoiMu is eipeatally JiruaAd to Saieral Or- | soriptioo. aid if foaud u» be iraprop«r or anaathurixad d»fs No. 7 A. «■ I. a O. earrent swlts, herein ji,.t I j>j law, Will • r retoked fortb for their iBforant’on. j .ADJT AND INSP GBN’L’S 0FFIC8. \ • RiauMOKb. Ya., Ja» 25, 1^64 / I Par«grapb IV Gvnera! i.*r*i»>r8 So 8 ourreat series ( Assesiiors 8 4lpd jCOIVFEOE^TE TAX iWTICE. trpfiE 4R4t y$ura, vit'i t^e (H>!i oi'or for B. >be‘«oa couuty, ; 1, ■»* ;i oieet the pe>.)j>i* f ib« difF-’r-nt B:«trn't« at j t!ie foliotfia*' tittie* ind plaoci^, for tftp pnrpo**8 of a«- Tiii ci*ll ernsr.fOifs itU persi.»A. ^>;vi«usly : sesBin^ the X ix ou Incooie aad recoiv'ng tfie at^Eie: al- 80, tbe lithe of Ptrk. »i*: At Regati’s. Wed'^esday Mnrsh 2d, 18f^4. At ?t. Paul’s. Tbnrsdtiy, Maroh 8d. At uutober Bridge, Friuay. Mitroh 4ih, At Rand.l9Tllle, Saturdi-y, AiarebCth, A’- Col P. P 8DBi"i’e, .Monday. March 7fch, At .AlfurdkTtile, Xueadny, Maroh 8th, At Tsciap»on’8, Wedues'iay, M.i«roh 9ib At White Hoaae, Thurfd^y, March 10, At :U?rlijBg’8 Mills, Friday, March 11, At Sealej’s, Bi*«arday,'tMbreh 12, At Lamberton, Monday, Mtircn 14, At Wisaart's. Tuesday, M>irch 15, A.I Back Swamp, WcUnesiaj, Marah if. 4t Bi^rnt ciwaicp, Ti:urad>y, (.larch 17- are rtqaested to have their licta laade cat and ilfOTl^E TO O.'VSC'RIPTS. " USAD^CAKTERS M«dieal DepartBCBt,) I Cniar £bbolui.« Orrica. Jan’j ::8ia. ItotU. / I 1 Pur«uai>t to orders recoived from Headquarter* of t CoDsoriptioc at ^leigh N C., ia regard ta all* aieu lUble to (JocAcripttoa auder raoent mi of Oongrass, ap- I proT«d Df^o'r 38ia, 1868, the M-^dioal Bxamining Board I ' for F arlb Confressioaal Di*) rict, N 0.,*win ooav««« f I in ac*erdaaca witb above nataed times and placaa I The attevUra of a'l a»ueeraed is ea'ied to the follow- i-tg tjrdor* "AU 4Kt7i^lim4 ktrtUfor* grauttd ara eab- j"ct to rtTisiin. urdor instrtialiouH from Bareaa of Con- Surgaan P A. O From and after thi» dv.e the Steatyar P. Ht'RT wiil leare at 8 o’clock. A. M , on Mooday and Thursday. ' JOS. A. WQRTH, Aprils—17tfJ Af’t C. F. Steam Boat C»k A«sHEviiiLLtr, :05. ~ WILL -open the E.AGLE HOTEL for the re oepiica of Gu«-iits the urst jf June, a^d I hope to be abie to entertain froTi seTi*nty fi*e »o a hundred persons doriog the Summer. In connection witb it*is large Hot**!, I have a oi4Biber of Ilaekw, Carria^'es, Bugj^ies aad Stui-ile Horses that my Kue«t9 oan get at a miout^’s notice. J. M.^ BLAIR, Proprietor Kagle HqicU AflisTille, N. C. May IS, 1868. Sl-ypd I is anoby revaked II EariiUug Offioem will proo^ad as rapidly as prao- ' tiraob is. ib enroineut ot all perams icitie liable t* j milii&r'y serrise. Previous le •uroi«>.-Dt as ooniMripis. i all fiuch persons will be allo'fed 10 volunteeri pr .vid ! ed ready and .ai; 1«ho have tailed to fiuiah their tithing ^ ilata or to list their cattkc sni «ay tbeir taxeb arr uaii ; fled tha' this is the la^t .ipportumty that will be givea, 1 aa in JJ faiiarat tte law will b.> tjf.t. -H ; J. T POPE. , . __ i D. 8 MOhHISt>N, / HKi»QDAB'lBll8 K~erolIlng0ac«rCBBiberUn^ i PROPRIETORS of^a^r FWor^PH* F^'oalrie*, Machine I *latC i^Orth Jtyaroliua, A m a ^ . V 1 nAlia.1 Us 1 1 V'UUafil. *! I CoortofPieMAQian« Sesaioaa Otcember le.m, 1863 Fab 11. • OCTAVIDi /L VfHITl. S . Chi^f of BxamiDinr Bovd, Foarth Gong. IMst., N. 0 6-tAprit221 1st The CoispiUT ««)cti>d was in e«rvio««a 1 of Ap;il 1^62. 2nd The Coinpany !>elfeted ia at the time of velna- t teering. below the ntaiaiuin pretreribed by refculationa. | 3d No ptrson siade lia^de tc servic*' uad;r this order | will be p«rtaitted to Join, or w>ll be assigned to auy 1 campaay which ha« more tnas sixy-four prfvaies oa the rcil, UQ'il all the oo'ap-iates iu »er«ice frocn ;he j State of artiioo the volunteer or ooaacnpt is a raaide.jt, shall .Nav« the miniaiaia numbor presoribed by regula tions ' i 4th. npoa the Company belag selfotcd, the volun- I teer will receive from the EarolLog Officer a eenifioate deuuled men in tht'ir employ, will hand to this Offioa i VoLtukn va the l&h on or before 1st April 1864, a fa'l descriptive lisC of the ' * ^ a*n>e. 5 tlA] GKO. Lt. !»nd E 0. iptive B. HAIOH„ for Oumheriand. (wlotes aud Socks Wanted. ID£^I>i£ to pureniMe for tiie soidttrs lO.OOt* p^irs of QKves and 10;000 pairf> of 8oeks. t>aaationa will b« tbaaktully reoeived. Jaa y 11- EDWARD WAERBN, Sargeoa Gea N. C. 9H 831 themselves with salt, can he furnished by applying to A. Johnson, Jr., .Agent at Fayetteville, to E. Page, IffATSrPTrin (or tll9 HoSPital at Fort FltllBYi and no volna- maaafer at the workjs, or to I w^,.rrrwm' 'nv v. _ o . j .1. j ; » J i raoeivad ia any ooBp.4ny except oa^saeh Fayetteville, Nov 2o, I8C2. w^TED. BUSHELS WHEAT, CORN. J. M. WILLLAMS, Oeneral Saperinteadeat 81tf 2,500 S Femona having the above artialea to aell vUl receive the highest Cash price by oalling on Mr. M. Tkoinaaoa, at the Merchant Milla. Fayettavilla, er oa the anbacri-^ t>er at kis old auiad on Market Square. ALEX- JOHNSON, Jr Hov. 5, 1862. T5tf ARlriY'HARlVE^^^ I AM prepared to manafaoture all kinds of Wagoa ^ Hameae for Army use. I tan my leather and can | giva good bargain*. . Agenta will «to well to sand thair j evdem to me as tb>y ahall have prompt attention, and ^ aaat ia quick diapateh. JOHN CARTER. ' Goldaton P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 Jaw 18, 1862. / FiULTRV, Chio^ena, Butter and oth^r delieaeies for tlie ciek Soldiers at this Hospit.^1. Persons having bhea* articles aan obtain toe market priec on applioa- ^ tion to the cabeoriber at ais old or it Mr. J. W. ■ Peware’a oa Hay Street. R. E. FaiDK. Oca’l Ag’t. i Ang. 2S. , 5H-tf 0oxe«iy ^c.. tom the Armv. I WILL a^aJ a apeaial m>aaeager to the Army af Northara Virginia oa the first day m aver/ taaoth. All bexea, p-iekagea, Jie.. will be forwarded fr«a my bSoe frae of oharge. SDWaRD WA&RKM, Bargeoa Qsner J H. 0. RaleigV, Jaa’} 15, 1.A64 9ft ta A D. MoLit-.aa and wi'e v*ttiariue aud u'.h^rs. Petition for paniuoa of HUvee. ^pHli3 case oomiug on to ^e heard, it is ordered: tb«t X publication txi ma>le «n the Fa; f!tr«vi(le O-Jservrr for SIX weeks no..iiying Vvm B^iin and wife Mary, X:iou»m Boliu a d wif% N .rcy S. phia, t^ ^e und appoir at h.^ next t«rio ot tbis C jui:, tatt ibey aoflwor th« aad petttua. pira> or demur aa thby stay think psupsr .•Wituadk, ii iijamic F. Sba«, Cit-rJi ol sacd Court, at Office in L-lliu^toij, Feb 1, 1864 7ew*^dM;»i’tiiw] B F SHAW, Cl’k Wanted Immediately. 27ih Jfi. C. TROOPS, roit THK OBSKHVKli. HlADaUARTERB 37tH N. C. T., ) Feb’y 10, 16-4 j MesHffi. E. J. Eiale & Sons: At a meeting of fd-ij • t.We JiTib Ili'g’t N 0 Troops, the fallowing Com- I mittcti having been a{>pointed to propose reaoln- I tiona I'or the cousideratiun of ’he meeting: Capts Win T NichoLsoo, ’ouijany K, D L Hudaoa, G, I A J Critchtr, B, J M Btack and private I H’il'as tlo'dawiiy, A, S^t H D tlagauiau aud pri* ! vate 6 W Turuiuire, B, Sgt J H AUxaoderand private J W Harnett, 0, privates B M Hasty and K .M Dtx**!, D, Sgt Altr d Greene and private Jaa 0 Ui-'ffcOj E, k^jft 11 Sfai* y and Vjutpl J C Dun- ,c»n, F, (J**’pl tj tj Pooi ana private A Campbell, G, ?gr J J Oruuauu, U, iSgt J 0 Flow aud prU vate L) Li McVJurd, 1, privates 1> H. Uout^laa and S V'Cox, K, Sgt il B Tucker, 1. Ca^ VV T >iuiioi6ou, cbuii'uian of the oommil* tee, reported too fbliowiLg reiiolutiona as reoooi- aiendfd by all the comuiittee except Sgt J H I Aiexaadcr oi company (j, aud be recommended I none iu lieu ot tliem; I ilc!«oiveii. That we are still determined that I our country eb&il bt^ a free aud independent na- j tion, autvfi-.batanding the abburd proc.laiuatlona of I Abryhttifj Lincoiu; atid w.e do hereby pledge anew I 0 r property, our iivef), our honor and unr all, : aov«r to bubiuit to abohtiou tyianay iivr ymnkee rale. * K'.'Solved, That w* originally enlisted aS » r*> gimeat for twelve months because we belier«4 our country neeoed ua in the field; that we after wards re-enlisted for two additional yeara or the war ucforo the *iy'ou8cnpt Bui had been iatr»> duoed iu Cungreas becaozte we thought ahe itill needed us, anu tha*^ now actuated by the hsb belie;!' we leuder to the Government of our ooua* try our dervicua in tne held lor the war uneea- ditionaliy ana withoat reserve. Ueaulved, That we are perteotly satiafled with the present orgauixatiun of our army an4 hare unlimited couhdeace in ttie akill, bravery and patriotism ot our Generals. Kea^lved, That while we endeavor to do omr duty we diiall expect tne authoriuea to do thein: we obali expect luem to see all deserters BD(i sliulkc-rs irum our ranks shot at ttie stake to dis grace; we ynaii expect theui to allow ua to visit uur homes once every'twelve muQtiu, at saeh timed aa the exigeucics ol tue service will per mit; and we hiiail cXpoct them to teed, elultM aud stioe U8 aud net uiiow worthleiti suowtdinatet to make us ^ulfer by tucir luaoleuctt. Resolved, ibat wo aro reauy lu endure witk- oiit a murmur all necescary hardsinips and prlva* tions whicn tue goou oi tiie cause may dcuiatid. 1 Kesoivcxi, iiiat we call couhaeniiy upuu ail j good people at tiome to give tu tiieir sympatnj ; aud buppuri, and ueud us tood to Buataui Ute, and I recruits to hil our ranks ’ Ktoolved, Tnat a oopy of these resolutions be falmMe Laid !■ Hftraotl for Sale* 900 lb«. €tnm Arabic tor sale by J. H. LEE Oct. 15. 69tf 25 Dee. 2;t »»ALT! SACKi* far sale by MAL.T n ROBfttT MlTCaSLL, 88-If To Ootton Planters. ilLAVE lifihn appointed by the Secretary of the Tre^ eary, Chiaf Agent for the purchase of Cotton for thf Confederate Oc^emment wiikin thp Svite of North ’aro Una. aad wiil psv ft>r (ae sa^ie in 7 p«r e«'nt. Bonis or ''Wh. Sub-Agents visiting the different pms af the St^te, ^tiyinjr in ray name, will have written c(vt:ficat«a o* appointsaeat. By order ef the Secretary of the Treasary, all Coiton purchaaed by laj’Self or my agenta, on asd after the I8th day of i.laroh 1863, wiil be paid for in i per ceat. d'>' *r Caeh, and not 8 pot oest. Bonds as stated ta a >rmar advc'-'Laemeat Up to that tiEie, however, ikr 8 r»^r cent b.-’nia will be fu’tiished aa stated. Parn'itic oir-.xens are now otferri an opportuaity tc i^d the Governicent by selling to it caeir Cotton rather (aan to priviV4 capit«iif,ta. LEWIS S WLLLIAMS. Ctarlott*, Mjdroh 24, 186S. [0. n.] 14tf ^ certifioat*. j III Peravaa who fail to make sAle^tien, p^ording to I I the provisions of this order, and at the tima ef ealist- I i rre>'t, will be aasigaed boaoriiugtaexittiag regaUtions ' ! IV. All ofBcen in eoum'uid of oompaBtea authorised { j ao'ier thi» erder t»reeeive oonsorip’s or volunteers will 1 forthwiih Baud 10 the Guumsan iar.t uf Cunairipls of the | viriaa af aaikority vested la me by the laat Will State, accurate eertifltu> uf iheir oompanies; and I J) and Teatamaat of Heater M. MaLeaa, de«'d, 1 will I witho'U snch roll, showtnx t^At rh«y d? aot ex'^eed sixty s«Il oa a aredit of aix montha wita tntaraat from aale, | four privates, there wiU not bj aMigned any oenscnpi er for eash aa (ka pHrsa«stir may wieat, tkat valuable ; • or volunteer. * , FLAKTATIOM, oa waich ttia taatator lived previaas ta i 1 OAA By eommaa of the 5eoret%ry «f W^r ! hia deatk, coaiaiutng aboat six tiaudrad aoree Thia ! X^VV j tha i.-UBiaea ut Fratiauu .diLii»ry auu -«itDtifto I ggnt tj the Oongresd 01 tne Confederate dcacee, ! D laatitore a Lady w*d qa^iifi.-d to «it« 5a,>irue! un on j Secretaiv of War inrough tUe regdlar of- I lue PiUiO, t>> a.ce cUargo ut Me Mu»'oal Dv[>attmeat 01 .. , . u ™ 11.0 ! eaid sahool The Apa*temy ia in Dupiin ouunty, near j hciol cbauaebj, to liis ExccUenoy GoV. V«aoe I Moutti'O-^va, ^ibrfee raibs troni the W & W. R. ftcaJ.j • of N. 0 , and tba uewspapurs tor publioatioa. in a good anu re>&«rkabty h'la'.rliy D'ig.'thorhood *p- j plioAa;a will adJrc^a ■»* at - M -txa* i)tiv , N. C I JAS. 0 J>h Seo’y. I Feb’y 9. • 5 ttt*;kpi * Cards, €ap«, Ceflee. ' FaIRc t^oIlO-N iio 10. >*OOL a>«i Jl.Vl iJllOrt i..AtvL*3 (3 gnad) S COOPER A^jt. 4 Insp. ^a. fc^rly au i vigorous ■toiion will bs erjoined oa tae Sa- rcilu'g Officers, each one of whom aaocld t>e furaiaaai with a Sopy of tke order without deUv. To insure the publicity of the order, there ahotild b» aaveral iaaar tiena in the nawapapera of general circulatiofi II. Perssaa preaentins: apphoations for spsc.ial ex emption. with o«y 4AO10 of merit, will not be moleateil until action is taken by tbis Bure»u Tiie^e oasos will he iDvaatigateti in acoordanoa with Circular No. S. Cur rent Series, writh the least delay prae>ieabU. By iHHJar of Col JNO S. t»RESTON, Supt. («igaed) C. B. DUFFIELD, A A. G. Jan’y 27 8 Im 1»b4 Lea oo the Nona aida 01 Capa Tear River, front- j I'urtj OOD iilVER OIL f»r Cocaucapiija, Rneumailta ing oa the saane about ooa mile and a quarter, and raa- j aad othei SorotUKius diacaeea; TaokH, Powder, i^bat niag Naak a^ laaet ihrae i\^urtiia of a mila. Xhia laad is witkin a eitle ot LiUinEtuc-, the OoSnty Sita. and in very valaabla, praaeniiog advaatages rarely «fferad ia this et'uaty. Tnere is a v«>ri valuabLi MILL SITE on | &a , a»> and Capp. Hand Saw. Mill 8a« and Bastard Fiise-, Can dl»s, 6ioe Thread, Prima Kio (Joffee, and Mule CoiUra, Copperas, Sola and Uppar L«:»iner, Ptns, 4io., WlLboN’i tee land. Any paraon desiring exiimiau ttia pren^aaf will apply te 'tint* MtiLaan. K^sq , or to G-a. A D «4a Le-kn, eitaer of Whom wiL uke piaaviara ia abowing tkeaft. KFFLB 0. .McLEAN. Ex*r k o H. M. McLEAN. Dee’r 22, 186« Hotf WAxliT£S>, Bank notes of Norta CaroUna, Souta Carolina, | Virginia and Georgia. TOBACCO. 190 V^GlNlA TOB.VCCO, varlotis grades, j May 28. for aala on oonaignmeo>, by gIo. w. williams t CO. 81tf Alao, Non’i Carolina aix per cent. Fundable Notea. Alec. N rtb CaroUpa- six per cent Bonds, new i!ane W £L RICHAUi)80N & CO., Brokers. Raleigh, N. C- Maroh». 9f ^iiole Leather wanted. Q A A A LB8. of heavy well tAmed SOLE LEATSEJit /wUUv BBitable for Belting. Apply to D. MURPHY. Fayattevilla, April 14. SOtf w I Wanted to Purchase, ESTERN BAIL ROaD KTOCS: ' Bank Notes; Gold and Hilv^r; North Caroliaa Treasury Notes (Fundabiet . “ ‘‘ “ $l and $2; “ “ Bonds, old and aaw; Gotini 7 cf CnmherUBd3 >n l«; Town of PayeLtttville Bonds; Greeusl'or^’ S(1 aod $2 Cerii£oatea; Confeicriitu 7 aud 8 per oent. Bonds; Ooupona ot $15,000,000 loan; “ of Town and Count])' Bonds;’ «• of ‘lid North Carolina Bands; T. S. LUT'l'KRLOH.. Oct 12, 186a. Tlif Spnn Cotton Excbanged for Lard. \|7E wjll give Spun «-otton in part payment for LA HD M delivered at my Factory on Perijoa St. A. MoLAUGHLlN . L.AKO 01 i... — A vary flue article, for sale av »y Factor/. A. McLAUCULIN. BAR A.%D 'jrolLi:r MOAP For s«t» tw my Faotoi*. A .McLAUCHLIN. Fayettevillti, Lo^». 12, lft«iS 68-6mpd ~ OKO.NAXCK DKPABTMMT, I RM.B1QH. jN. C., .Vlay b, l£6;i. j Lead wanted.—1 Wiah to puruaat«a Lead for Uiis Deparunent. Per^oua havinjj lai ge ur t'mall quan tities will please apply at ouoe. W^i giva i puaud of POWDER for 10 pouudn of i-BAD. TU08 D HOGG, Capt. C. 8. 69>if iu obttrge ;f Ordniuioo. ifiilsboro* Military Aeademy* The Sixm Academia yair of tnis luatitutioa win t>«- gia on Wedae^iiay, Feb’y 3d. 1864.. For oirrulurs «ud inforoaiioa apply to Maj. WM. Al. GORDON. Sup ' Hillabore’, N. C . N«v 21. Is68. 8*—'{w Cotton Yarn lor W^ool. ^^OTICE ia hereby given that after this data (except Il in eaaea where wa kave bargained for Wool accord ing to the terns of our advertisement of the 80tti of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will gi've 1 bun dle -of Cotton Tarn for 4 IbH. of Wool unwasaed, or CO^rrSUBBiTB STATES OF AMKKIGA, ) Ebgim^sb Dbpabtmbmt, Di8T. Care r'saa, V Wiimington, N, 0 , V^irch PRUi, 1868 j NOTK'E is baraby givan to all p«rsqna havini; claims ngainst th« Ecgin^er Department, fox servietts of staves emplcyud aa laborers on the land defmeti n«ar I Wiltp.ingfoo, N C, that tbe uadeisien-H 14 aiib^>riz^d , aud prepyed to psy the same at hia wffice, oa the ae- , I cond fl'^or of the. buildinjt ne&i above Meares’ Drug | 1 Store, Market Street. i j Persons executing Powers of Attorney will ob ! serve the fallowing form—taeir signotures. in all eaiea. I ta be witnessed by two witneesea aad signed ia dupli- I oata, or they may be witneaaed before a Justice of the I Peace ar Clerk af any Court FO.RM OF POWER OF \TTORNET. I 1, —— of ——, do hereby appoint — , af , my true and lawful Agent to aign raeeipta for, »nd rvauive STAR FOUNDRY. The Buhsonber very respeciruliy mforas ht-j friaaJa -tni tte public (reaerally. i^hat he tia« bow la his employment ooiupe'ent wurkojen, aad 'e fully prepared to C'^ any kind Oi' WORK iu his Ime at the shorteat no tice aati oa tbe ^sst rea«oo..ble t’Tintit such as Car Wo«als, Driving Waeali, Grcea aad Dry 8aad work, L'lom wcrto. Bluwic^g Cyliuders, titoam Boat work, Salt Pans and Grata B»rri, ko So. M A. BASER. FayatteviUe, N C., H, I8?ll 97lf |1 8 l^. washed and picked. This obaa^e ia made at the 1 payment of all moneys due to mo by 'fce £jgi:M>er De- iastMno^ of the Quartermaf^tcr at Raleigh, tn order to mak* tae t«rii>e of exoh^nfre anifcno (hrou^hc^t the State. GEO. W. WJLLlAMa & CO. P^iyeUeville, Juuti 29, 1863. 4ltf E^ypt Coal itiine. \ rnilE undersigned were, at the Noveiober Term of- tie ' A Confederate Ooxirt, Disiriot at Nonh C'Aroliaa. ap- 1 I pointed ^Uanagers of the Bgvpt Goal Mine propwrty, I j and have entered inro ccpajrtoerehip for tho purpose af | I mining and selling Ccal, and ru^lioit oniers frr the sain; j in any daaired quantity. O^era for any amount can | I be supplied on pnon noti^. The Coal Trcm tLis pro- ' i perty is nndoubtedly the best in the Confederate Statss j j AppHoationa may be made to Chaa B. M>>lle‘t, Fayette- i villa, N. C , or •l-'4ue« Browae, Charlesi^tt, f 0 i CHARLES B. MaLLETT • JAMES BRO'VNB Fayetteville, Jan’y 20 It568. 9t!tf Patina ChriMti £ean». The aubs^riber will pr.j the highest caeh priafia fcr any quantity of Pai.^a Ghrihtj Beans. J. »■ (>e( 8 Phy«ician’8 Card. Dr D. a. Campbell (We of Marion, S. C.,) ha« removed to Fnyfttt«ville tnd taken an te on Bow atreet. where he may be fonnd at ail timrs, wi.h as auiide e*ock of Medicine»^, to gnawer Pr#?esMonpl calis. Sitiar'.actory rcfcr^noa fn-nishud. &o Jan’v 2. *>* * r*'* parim«?at cf the Conffderata States of Arxeriaa. for tbe services />f s*y alivea employed as laborers o-i the land defences at - ' , during the month of - —186 Witnesa my hand and seal at --—, th« -— day nt , 18H (Signed in duplicate ) [8~l ] Witnessae. MCt/.Y THIB WM. Mi€ L^iraii: Has rscaivod, QNE caaa, 29 inch, 90u yds all Wjol Whita Flaaaal; One eaaa 1800 yds. .Madiar Calioo; 8ft dct Fine 8 BUind Raivea; 2:'i0 Gi'os^ Elas.ia 4‘.f«s* ft.aiuiog Nea.U'a. F»ti y 1 S-fiw } WOHTrt fi? if rvoi i€i 3IQNED. 00th hF.vint hF.ving entered the mili- Tha sigmttures of oolored t^ei-aons sbould be witnessed I'j three wiitioasea Thera rou«t be separste duplicate Pswe’^* of Attorney Atr each month BUn'n for.-ns can he^ad-upon spplt oaiion at ttiis ol£oe. W W. JAMES, & Chief Eng. Jai^y 20, 1864 . I800tf Fayetteville Aneaal and Araiory, Nov. 12. 1868. 1^100 BOUrVTVe ii^ntedy too JKUtemen. AUTHORlXlf hsviag been granted by tba Wat De partment to raise a Company of Mounted Rifleman for servioo in thia vioiaity, netioa is bereoy given that recruits to the nnmber of 100 non eonteripU wdl he re ceived for thi^ service. Eao'o reorait will be required to furnian a aerviceabla horse, far which be will be al- l)wed 4U ntnts per dieai, aod hia pay SI2 per m-^nth. Writtffi ptrmigfion will be required from par»uts or Kuard’ans, whera the applicant 10 andtir the conscript I »«e. £aeh recruit aiqat bring with him a blaukat or bed f>pr€ad. aud oi>me prcpaied to remain Bridles. siMldles. baiters and saddle blanket« furnish- TBOS. J. J0il9iS0.\, Jr., & CO., Geoeral CuiipissioQ & Forwa.diii' .\Ierebaots, 45 orlA H^fUer Htreet, WILMINGTON, N. C. FB0M1*V aiteatioa g'.vea ic all buslneda eutruated te oar bauds. t'onsiKDiatula aolioited^ T.J JOJNSON. Jr, .A, GRABliOT^Sh’^T, 0/ FayencTilt*, W. C. of Psteraburn, Va. Jau'y 8 d6 8.npd oil,’LeaUiitr, SaddUry acd Harness B.-Utnia^-jxtut, I W.lfl,ing'>B, r c. I Feb y b 1SC4 t* ^ j , 8 4t*4l 5^e-i*ale i‘ c • r « 1 »■■ C *r {:-f a*:-...:,! ,1- 01 &v« montiiS ur U'to uu.^^f..a j'r .eu u.v.'riLiia .4ad boKid, tor*u lai. ftiti ^..las ncli reuom T*eBdd, to ua.;.! iho uauai £iii^li'h Hc^uoh^i, Frcu'>M3d Ma.^ic ua Piano, aud wilitviivw ttiti l>Hv.n>>r tj oUar^e Ivi uil aoholara uukuide of Uiy oirn l»t;iiiy. Perhapa tae sciool wilj not txceud 10 ootiuiarii, o ui theni la mj ttiuiily UARIUS TT.-jOR, F*»r Hav'n, N. 0. Fc^V 18. 7-4spd Office el Chiet Quartermaster, > liALEiGH, Feb’y 17, 1964. FROi'odALS will oe rcoeived at tuie office until tue 28tk laat.. tor ^he mwafMiture oi Oil f>ora lue Tithe l*e» S Propaaa'a must atala the price per g.tilcn f.,r the 0 1 produfiod; aa tne Gavernment will require cnu total pro- duee of oil as well as oil oake W. W peir*:e, 8 81] ' ' Major aui ^hiei Q M. i'VE&ROEN for .^ale. * T*A0 likely NEGRO B0V8—one «.ig !« ami the ’i.itt BIX y?arii »f age T *c o»ncr of S grg-- U a r: Kideo .« '.or bis famtiy iu F;*y‘ tte#'.’!^ ar t'.v vi oliiity. t£Jt negpora wsii ht oiu fui- tnnri y, f.ui au 'i- chan.tre for li^al Es aiu preferred. 1 havR a CAR»*ET of tl-ix tud wool f;r . ’n^—'d& >«rJfi 111 aa«M- inUClS T'PTD* 4. fl. t-'OOli Feb’y 18. 7-8t Ttie abuvu resolutiuus were tneu auomiited te j (be Keg’c and opportuaity wad allowed lur a lull , and lair expre.'^^ioti 01' »piuioii; wnco it was louad T that out ot nearly 5UU wtio ware pceaent onij i about .;U were opposed to tne *resoluiiiunb. X&e i resuluiions jrerc ucoordiu^iy d dared adopted ! and tne meeting aajourucU. ; ‘ WILL. M. BAKBOUB, i Ct)l. altii N. 0. T , Pread't. I Bufaloc$.—Tne term “b iffiio” took its origia i from tn«> fact lUac a great uiauy of tUoae wno ! went mad orer a. red uoc&ade, auJ trutiieU aad I bWt>re that th«y OaUid siau^uter ever au mauy y^ukcts, provided tee y^ii^eea would ouiy ivi ! i/kcfn yei ci'jae tnoaj/iy Wore tuc veijr tiiSl to turti ■ iaii aiid run un tot: a^proaou ot aauger aud t>ei- 10^ -.3utjjU(iateoi! duojugated! ’ Oo tuey were j £iiid to UaVs Ividt thijir Uoroa aud were called -^liatialuea;” but ttiis oia^a gradJaily lost tbat I name aud went by that ol Ex(‘n^ra or U«nscri^t$i * wliiie the Uuion uhnexers, ana tnose wuo volaa- 1 itiered in the yauitee scrviCti, too|t. tne name of “Buffalo.”—L'or. Wit. Journal. Puncb says women first reaori.ed to tight lae- iug io provd to met) how well th'ey oould bear si^ueeziug. Furttier JSappl.e.^ of School Bdokii OUR O'VN aPh..ulNG BO jiLi •uT own Firai R i ier; “ Primary Aritjoietia; *’ “ “ Graua'a«r; “ E'enaentary Grammar; •• Pnm?r; — J I *t r- »t Jt-a'y 21. L^tin 3’ .lDia*r; E J. n AUC « iiitlNS. $300 RE%VAR». STOLEN from i»je •tuh'^Srioer ou the ri|Sfl"Of the 4.^h in->i- a 1 trge BAT HOR8B, blank mane and t«»il, io tint ordor, (5) yr-ir-4 oil nnrt ^»orin ', sh-»ved on bis fidi-B t>y ir>to^s, a ijraok iu the hooJ oLfne i»ft hind foo*. I will pa-; tne f*h.>ve reward for ths s»id norsv and proof to ecnvlet t.*ie thi»t'; or 1 will ji^y tW'^ hun dred dollars for tna delivery ^f the horee to me at Onion Factory, North Carolina, or for hi- at aay place .80 that I c*n get him. Any information tnll be tnanic- fully raceived ' JAMES DICKS U'ton Psctory. Fab’y 6, 1864. 6-9 pd The UNDERSIGNED, tary service of the Confcdeniie Statef nf .Vmenoa, 1 ed by tke G3vernro*nt, or If the recruit comes provided hereby give notice to their old cualoicera »u4 frietids, | with them, be will be paid for them a fair valuitica. that they have appointed Joha D. Sta/r and John D | Apply lo Capt MATTffKW'P. TATLOR, %t the Ar- I Williams, of thia place, their attomeyi »o oolleet either i genal . F L. CHILDS, OIL aNO LAjIP black. 1 *1L. For sale by JOB. A. BLUMOM 4 X>.» WiliatagteB, jy A*NNLRS’ aud LUBhltUTlNG *1L. Jl LAjIP SLAC& iu baireia. aeparately or coi^oinlly all moneys u>^ then either by account or note, aud otsorwiac to attt'ad to tbsir bu- 1 ainem generally dunni^ theit ahi*ne«. Ti'ey r»spsei- ‘ fully ash all [••3r8cr'a indet>t«*l to iheu to cali as proiapt- | ly aa t»oat»ible oa their ai^e.nta ni«ke bayotoat. i * ST tRU 4 W1UJAM8 , I Bapt 19. ISni. fs tf 80tfl Mojrr O. S A C’OTad’g Poet. Payette VIII2 Alter this date 1 will pay 15 Ceata per pound for ^rage, or tf>e higbeat isarkai prioe, delivered in or at tay milla os Rockfiah. D VURPHT. Ffb’y 16. 1864 7“ A' fLo\jR~AI¥» OATS. Flour and 0AT:« Will be exohiinged 1>r- Corn at the Store of D MoLaarin, by giving biru a faw daya aoMce. Flour ^ood, Oats No I, bUt Jt or white. J^n’y 29 2 tf THE DIJLIE PRMIfillt, (he Uttle Mka. A fteilier eapply at whekeete nm^f 1, i. BLAil a SOI«!i .Socket a^id Oloves tor the Soldiers. IH.Ai^E *>^n aiiihur'zed lo cacjanjto 4—4 Sheet- »igfi for 100 pai’a of g>oi Wo 1,-n h^j-sks md ^iovcs, to h?* presi'nted to ihi Soldiers, at the rate j. >.bree yar Is of yMe*»Jing» for four pair« Ctll at next door below Riy & Piaroe’a J A PE.VIBERTON. Fayetteville, Feb’y 6. 4 Blank Wamntiiaki for at tbia Offioe PESt?iO.'«AL. AVOUNG Man «.f po|'dohai^otorand education, is de>«>rou8 of op'jntn? a c ■’-rospondon*'* with some young Ltdy upon tuf subject of aiatrimony Any young la ly who to opea a eorreapDndenee oa that anbjeet vill address Major BARNEY B ARTON, Lane’s Brigade, Wilcox’s Dlvisioa, A. N. ▼. 'F. B. 4 la4j ia iu Is Breftmd. fek> U. 0 FOR i«AI^E. NE PAIR MIL =*TONES, 42 in. I&t*y are c! •> » M 'i-.r-^ vo.ifi'v ittv fVr grindiaa: cr.rv 'i d Paymi^v ’ie, K C., '>. T S. >lEMOltY ai ^ Feby 11 iP4 in ‘ilc »r gJO 1 quality L:r.‘ J,-i. ii*-q . »t it'rvii’c. C. 7 fufd feong’N Aritirmetical Dictionary, EMB;iA l.^G asi«i >of *.iitbtu*t:c. P-«a y R akop cr, latcroat t/alcoUior, Book S.e pinr^ F rms to E. J HALE A SONS Dec’r iTs ~ FA1ETTEVII.LE MGTCU IKSDtti.\XIi; CUMPl.M. I 'CHe .\okTH V\KOIii.'«A ‘ jjiGTl'lL UrK I.V!il>ai;iCli; (U tlPA.fT, N'ow la th« rj*nth yi»ar of )iuctK‘«‘>rul 0^»ratl0n Witk growing o.i(>ital &ud firmer hold upon puhlie eoa- ftdnnoe, uouiinuf^a to ineurtr iht* Htcs ur»ll Ue^lta/ poC- sonB fvoia 14 c« uO yetrs of fur one year, for aevaa • h»cl for!ift»^alI life T.vwbar* sharing in the profits .All ia7.fa irou' ’0 to '.-■'-irs of tige ara inaorad far ; one ov for ft■ vfafii for it?>. th*ir valua. i S'il loa es ar« punctually paid-within tfO daya aflat, isfttctory'proof •;>re.->-*nied. j Fyr furtiicr iuiuri:ia,tioTi iHe (nir.ij" ia referred to ■ Aj onfj* tjf ihff i. y in ;i! p tri^j c the t^iata, and te I !l ii 8A'’TLK. Secr»ti»-y, Eilaigk. K. J. H KLIfi. .Ajfent at Fayertenlle, N. C J vs’ v* Capital in Premium Not?s an>ounts to Caah on hand and other aseeta. J267.688 tb I 5,077 85 j rtie .1t‘vv ^tyle, SbibIL tOLOHL'D PHOTOiitHiPat), AT VaH»r«lcire Gallery. ToUl, $272,765 63 Tke CoBii>any have paid all loBees promptly, and have a^er aad? an asst.ssmont on th^ir nre^nm notett. Total los*«^^ naid, OrFICRB.?: GBO. McNEILL, ™resiit>«' D. A. RAY, Vifle Pt aid " C. S. 'McMJLLAN, Sec y. DiaacroKs: $29,682 69 i aHT. Woodward^ ^$olar Camera. W N. T^liingbaet, 8. J. li'csdaia, Wm. .''i-.L»arin« r. S. L-.itei'loh. A. W. Sael, J. (F. Caok, H^n. J..G. Skepbord, R. F. Browii, ) A>£. liaU, I ha GeUias aad G. 0. MoGraaiaen, Travtling Agtata Ooa^aaj faielte appUeaAoas. lau. SI. Henry LiUy^ K L. My^over, S. T. Hawle>, Nathan A. S'^jdman, C. B. .Mallctt, James Ryle, A. A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams. S. W. TiUingkast. PHOTOGRAPHS can be had at Vanoradell’s Skylight SaTl^ry, Hay street, opposite Marb> Yard, Fay* I att^vlDe. N. C.: plaia. rfltouohe:* colored, ia water I coiora, o:l and pantile; frora small m life sue. Ambro* i tyaos. M*»ian*gt}’pe>», ml all other lAylea ef Piotoree I ?K=rrr»i!.» to iti« Art. Also, Gilt Frames, Gilt Mould* I lini;. O -• i tor vtry large piciui'ea^—Jarge aa ‘^6 by 86 I incuts, ’ord ai*d Tas^iela for n«n^ug pictures; Inatra- I iatcia, Si-vjk Ouemtcaia for sale ' jw fortfash. Life I size colored Photographs made iro-^ small piotarea. j Hai^ng per:^tauently located Sera I hopa to merit yoor patronage. 1 wo'rld also return my ainoere tlianka i for the iii>erai ^atromgc beaivwed an tsa heretofore by j vke ga^d peoue of Jfatatia^tUe aad vio^iuty. ' G.'X. YAMO&SDILX^ Wr ao, IBM Pbotograf kist siad

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