hue V ^ ‘ Sllli.i^ O' «> r.n:>;^Urtii •■•■«"S O” !,v ‘> .' r- ► j ,,j. C •;.:■>?•(• I -; • ■> t.^ ■ ,,^ ’ "i -Tv H '►: 't. hji'*’t«e *‘ ' '■ r -x...^. ’ ■'’Vr W,: ■.*, • ‘ ■ ' -• ?>(.f nt* ‘-payintint -h .l! ht- . t. t\v-^ u-.iTi-ireil nP'? v,;i ' ' '■• ■ "y fHJr- I ' ■ niMiiH- ’•-..v:.l -1^ ‘ ^ "' .-■ -CtT v. -. nn.J a!^o ’■'I' fh* 'T tile . 41., .j .. „i- ill* ’ - ' rr mjsif. iIlU' • •'. '^rK w,., * ’i >11- c 'uinsj . K- ‘-U-, d ■ V r;*.in f1 » i*-.j II ;e V i‘U ’ * ; f)I« , ;tii. ,ftv- TS. t ' Wi • [jj 'tMii laiit •re. t^‘-»■ f'lhl. av ,\n iU:-^ i!ti rt-1^* -'.Al, V '■■ . •■ ’ HJl .ii,. cs V. i, r.5 ^a;a til '. a ^^ -• ■ • -ai'i i\i'v ’♦•x). th ci.'i -.. and a^’il CMtijt thfui $ I . ;; , j.;lr • jii;'. -w T^'liera r>iii -. icr-». ifclit hi'k thi. j f •i~0 TC ■rc‘'»r n.w4iaiil _ ' A •ic:." ; ->r '•«• }»r(#\ul>r' t'ot Coiii 'i''-:) >’1iC » -- ii-oL U‘>r til.f t. c i dfti . 's K; Mij.j :i; ■n>=‘r. R, fr tneoi- u ex !iau(r«i« Tlttli .* !T ikitr lied a-iiiurs, 11.1 ti’--u all 2rrn, exoej^ B dt^ or ttic a;Ti.‘!;iof ^ or st'idk r u SI broken I bj 'Mjiers "8 ■ i.iefej* rt: frhe > Ivjf40 r :-dl .od a In iTiercnant !>r t!in‘ ii>r .! ItMXe t '.K P. re, ;nt t :s tCj^'irtoco m ltob;ic’ nifit w?;'k;salQ lX6^i li.s indred dol- jip-^, v.’h’ch |f thu buiid p'lrr *sp of T t‘-rm re '• i *>r th^x ical M I: he- *51. ■ pa^ if t-e.i IX afi.iti 1*0 rery buiid- M’e fbUTS af ts ar» ex- - A - '■ ‘ = aife. •'of ;.dcr 'rv uiado ■I’iiso et- ll r«- kia iiot I Itiite. ird )-'■! -mtj b!l- Biiuli ue piac' >r biiiiar 1b wil)i 'tr a bo7;i- |vely uii- ptv,n paj IcupHtion r« or 10 f.-: ei>- t]r; MIB IP*:;! ' u- irrtde. |buj' auad • B iBi 1^:: I nmssaaeaes! Vi.‘I. aUJ. FAYFTTEVIIJ E, N. KEHRUAfeY 29, i'-«4 Nil laiO. PRINTED M0NL»AYS aND TUUKSDVYS. EDWIRD J, HAlli; « SONS. El'ITOUS ANl> PKOPUlli'rOHS 111. Veruoii Female Seniiuary* 1'HE wil Sfssift.i wJ' c''ti;uir iCe ib‘ l-'ifo of FEB lit* lllY vr-il canfit!ue i.'O Tiiitic't' .n E nr.'.-'chps - $50 00 “ ' ' i. Mi’Bic ( •»'?!;,) 40 00 Price for the Semi-Woekly Obrrbvhr 00, paid in , R,o'’- i o;ip?'nsc« H 00 aJvaace. Lo*ii'il J40-J jn?r « y^iou. If pftut, iii prov'.-i^n? at oM *•«-*1. XI' V. ,-w „ . . 4 ^■SO Ah I T\i:i:o >,n-. h'.li' . {' Bora-J re tor the neealjr OBAKavBK $4 annmn, »» quireJ ’ni &lTanoe. {! f^ADVERTISEMENTS instvrie^ for S2 ppr g jiiare I of 16 lines for the first, and otw do'l^ir for esich sue j ’ *e«iing puMic*tion. Ailveriisemeuls luU exoo? ling a i kalf gquara (eight lines) $l for th« first anJ 50 oeuts ! fw eaah succeeding publication. AJTcrtisers are re- I qaiS9t«d to gfHte the number of insertions #fc4ired, or ; they will be 0>ntiuue>l till forbid, anu chur/red accord- f ifijSiy- Advorti8«'nifns ounfinued charged a«i new a l- vsrtiseideutH. !f ^e!?, Q't •unte'iian? Ad.i;-:61 J J„n'j li n -» h!".*'. tovil ’.vUl i'ir'.iHh fa?f own ^ir • !.t ■. OL pi" >ht ofi-’ep. o'je- r q;uit a« i f» drifikistr cu; • R*-v VVM iTrvoFE^:,) V •’ Ili'-OPEU .. n’ .V 0 . \i i'r^' c uu-y i*7 «d»’ SPECIA-. NOliCE. JVoni an ,.ter this date, n>>ninic of a new subxcriber will be ent«r«d withovi: peytaent in adTauec, nor will lh« paper be sent to Minh >>u^!»criVer!» f'r n. loneer tim« than is paid for, ' ' 8neh of our old subscribers ais desire to tiiic the pn- per on this system will please notify u? when makin? ramittances. Jac'v 1, IS5S w n\fl, .ffrJST.f !•, Attorney at Law. Faykttevills, N. (5 ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cmmberlaod, Harnett, Mooro ar.J P.obeeou Coun- tiofi. Prompt attention given to the collection of all cMme entmstod to his han4s. Oct. 17, 1869. 6S-tf " GEO. W7 %¥liole«ale 1>ealers in «rorerie!«, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery^ Swedes Iroa, UAY STREET, FATKTTRYILLE, N. t\ July 2, 18C1. 3titf ~ JoV. VTt.EY', €/roeer and Contmitaion .fterchant, FAYETTEVILLE, N r Jan’y 10, 1863. 83-tf B Q WORTH. D a Wf*B.TH. N. O. D.ASIKI. WORTH & COm Commissien and Forwarding Blerchauts, i§r''aler Street, WLLMINGTOX, N. C OcLl6, 18e3_ 7;MJm " J0UN8ON, WILLIAMS & (’iL SAI.T .HAKKK^. WE hc»ve thirty (30) pi*as now in opor.ation nine milfsj ca^t of Wilmington. Partios wishing to pupt iy theauelves wiih salt, oan ije Turnished by applying tv A. Johnson. Jr., Agen» ai Fay**iieviUe, to E. ?.«» maDMer at the work.*, or to J. M. WILLIAMS, General SuperiniendeEt. FM^ettcTille, J^ov 20, 1862. 81 tf WA^TEIK ~ 2r aA BU8HELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1,600 CORN. Persons having the abote articles to seli will receive the highest Cash price by cr.Iling on Mr. M. Thoiuason, at the MerohanuMillfl, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand oa Mariiet Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Hot. 5, 1862. T5tf ^VOTBf'E. 1THK eonfinupu iucrpasf iu the priccof r-r-'VisionG a\av o^!i^" (13 to i.}."r«a«o our r^ites ef XuilioT^and board at the eip'trMioa of the 1st qiiar er (20tfa cf .Arril,) of w-iic^ C'jr p;«rons will L ive duo uouo ■ 1;; t-xchaugp f r bftco:: ■ rjJ N.-d !*t o!d pric « (10 C'^ ) ■iFsi f.'>- oorn n! 75 F!.;-u.-S6, ou' ‘•■'ir i r'll coot;ru» h»iV chan*'» i* 3‘^ r-ev nionih P..!T. *f HOOVER. T. o. ii*xn‘Ka Ffb'y 5 ‘2 j« '•KUHLu C«)U>>TY 'O ^3 l i7 the Wi> d'TPTrfiii'^nta. 1.1 iVr’jtrh’."''- w"!! b’ k-?pt '’■runner r.nd oe^-n- r-tW. T ,e loo.iuen iv »• ry hcAkhfuI afU qtii'e pecur.' frcm invwicn T.'ie v.i!d«rfliirr.^d. who will b'-n.iJ-d bj' ^s*’* ’•le tb- FC*l> 1 ^pRI-. i •: '>> Vi be rc'-op -noi "O I 2I«.'i *'y lb-)4 Tb te will be i’ Rtl! { L&ih cf KV: '.^illg-v hi! un'I.v’del .I '-nMoa to 'r 'li'i se»i’ioTj fro^ $40 »o ®80. ,Mu- • f to C'^irl D'rs't'h ^>tiO. P.iyTrenf^ ? p'*r» in curr.’ccy '.nl p 'rt in pr ■▼is’cn‘ TiviT!.^ 3* vu ihi''i3l. onv^ i-'y. vril’ ■ I* n-oy^Qce to ') in Kar fur CONSCRIPT OFFICE, RaleitjU, W.,U., Feb. 11, IHhJ. •i#^ice’ of (!o’jscrij;tion ■I for tK ^ fu'd.'.nce t-f Cori- pli^iC je wl'ii its Ji.'POiinnB S’iil t •ippUo-»''is fur ex einptio'i or deVv.l rcuca unrc'.K‘rii"" dcl»y in tbe invvs 'jjatirn of t'j«*ir cic.ini* B- oVJ.T cf the Coi^uiftnd«;t»t. P J UARUIH, Adj’t ‘OXFEUEaAlE ?!TAlE.S OF ^Mi:FICA. ) Vf.lB T. bUKE.-lU OK 'oNSCnU'TfON, > RiCH»tcNu, \’a , J '.t: ‘.it*. 1^*04 j Par'ij'1CX o 'Gene>'’\l CivU '-a y.. 82 .Au’jufant ari laspioJ'jr U rieriil's Oflicc of r- qrirt'S *h>4i '‘^ippl! C;\‘i(0 3 l(j? fxeii.',..; >n uin;^f :n 'I! .r-,n j bn mfidn t«r the Envc*ii ^ 0# k‘r If t>.« 1'h,-h1 E-r- li'n^- O'fc tr h w uct me p-iwi-r lo act. cr ii? ill C' liti* be wi!t « f*: r t n uiuier Circu- J:»r N’ 3, t’luroni. S:ric'?- ret^ »pplit;*»i.? ,8, t'jro.;;t'. the piupt-r oflioin' ohf.n'..•}« to thiH Btrroau AlJ suer .>p H'Mi • . e-i ' . li ^ L'l- an TVill s.'iT 1^- TO J j-r )itra’.\ for ioc il ;..>vth!;ga tio': -J 1 *'•(■ app!tc:Anf.* will ’hus ?;»?>• Ir-iJt A' 1 “ -N fr .'T -d,. ra- (ie- ifei .iLi wf the !oiv»I otfi'^ers, au ’ C''>'T''nin f'lpt of C f.jr't. ■ Mfsifc- , "’il. be fo;?/!rJ 1 b- iliPDi for he»r)!>;> wneo pUu-vif^lc ^'•r'>'-i jii 01 a?;)- Is S:”- ’o/tb. 2 ' V ‘ ‘»'jd>n'3 0’ Ooii».cni' will giv.- rcis uoiio'. !*‘ior; it .h !■ c,.l na:*s of their r.sp* c HKA'M^».'1UTKK‘ i II i;uh . ext-., tiv-. F^’ i'i Uy otdrr of (’OL P11E8T0N, g!ut.t. r. I!. UuFriKLU, A ■ A. G 6-lm I Wi'T iarorni:\'ion J n’y 27- Ui.ue rs jr *e l MILTON FROST. l-9!p.t Til£ 11? Ey cr ier L J n«BUi3, 'oa£«rript 4Mlic«,) ■ Kal^ioh, Jhp. :^7th, l»t>4 ) J .i'; u^':r fr.'ia .1 -o:,3crij>lio i ' ' . i! e lui rin-.!.ort yi all o>0o»*ro‘d C'»L .MAI^ETT, I ViAiiA't \'0'. for N. C. Aif't ('OBfederate Tax, Harnett i'onnty* Thu .A!'(s>‘c»"ie fi,r O' utily y>:!l ra*et ttic ft* of '!•■» ti.Jleivnt. ' iHiri full' tinirs !•. 1 T.lskce- fi-r purpo.^e tf (‘BSeftPitjg tl-a Tax ou InenTe nn'! .liifeso’np tbft P'’•ts!’in(rhi'r*'(ifroin the 'i4(li April 18ti;i to ihe l>*t Mr*^ohi8>4 vii; At Mrs. Canicrcn’s. B^rbfcue bis'.nc’. Thur3d*iy 3d, i8(>4 At Turner’fl ^Uppcr Litile River DiJ'fri.’t. Fri- :J *y M:»ro}" 4 h A? P.irker’e 8icrr^, dfewsrt’s Crf'lf DijIricI, fc! -.:urd'iy‘ V»,irc/i i>th At Clenii^t’s ^tcrfi, AverisborJ' D strict. M m? »y M‘ T'h 7'b A» R-ndftl Tariiogton’,'^, Groie District, '’'u''8jAy Mar i, ill a Ai Reuben Matthews’s Mill, Neill Creek District, Wodnefd.'^y .Vlnruh 9ih At Mre. Arnolds*, Buckhorsx Dlstriot, Thursday Marjh 10*b: AU requested to Uave their lists nikde out acd Bi'.J-’ fiOta H«c’t. Lavidnbnre. AwH 4lh vo ready Aad b1) who have failed to finish their Titbiac AprP. 7::«, ijicl.t'iiv* i their cattle anday thiir Tazts, are noti- R’cs® lid c’outity. 61t>t Rig’t, Rockiughatn. April lUh ■ i-'’ 1*^ of-portuaity that will ^e >:;t n, 1 *-♦ A pr«i X fa,i!iira« la«r will frnffrxrtnl j lil .d.'n ciiuBty. o&ih Ruj^’t, Eliiabsthtown,* April 16th ' JOHN GT?EEN, to Afril ^tb, inclui^iv'e j Cua»t:T:-»a.d ooiin^y, 53d Re’t, F '.TOtt'iviUvi, April 22d ‘ iC’ "i" ?sl 24th. in.iiissive i;u’ni'crb»ad coaiitj, (H;h K -gV. F:»yfttrvili?, Aj ril27tb J (,0 nwil oOt^, inolustvn. I Hcrnett county, 5'i>\ R»jg't, I.ining'nn, M.i/ Sd i.> May I 7tfa, inoluaiva. ! I.”!? oall enabr-iC‘;9 tfZ2 persons, whether prcriously i exea*fi?d or zici. ' - WM, M. SWANN, C.'ipt. iad Chief Borolling Officer, 4lh C5n Dif. N C '-lef Borolllng Uffit-e, i ■*1»1 bisTKKST. N (.ac’y ..‘ti >, I8ti4 ) I j N r of Ceu. ti! OrderiWo 1. Conscript Ofli'.e ; i Ka^ilrh, N. 0 . d le-t Jiin 20!h, 18f‘4 Oc’nosin.alu^' I Officers of Qup/u rind Miiitia 4 !i C'>ug. D srvict, fere reqde°teu m eaus« all w-rsoos betwrcn , lo aud 45 jre^p ct sge, wilhin ttioiv !i rcVal aou:aiiii!'j> ^ t • assooibie at lh« foPowmg tiiuts t>iid pi tc-ts. fur ex j *m n'.itioa an? ©'•rnil.n^iic jN w HCiu.iT..!r CoBvty. •i'.rd R j'trnoiii, n* Vv'l’mir‘-.ton. j F- bruary to 27ih, n.cU'.ni'T I Nc> H nover County, 23d R g’t. at ’.Vilpi'nufou. Feb’y 29ti> ;o r*I»»-'ch 3J. irchi'ive I Bruno fick county, otth Biuithyilii’, Marohj5ih to I M-.ron lOtb, iuclative ; Ct>!uuibu? cotin’y, 67th Reg’t, Whiievill.- M>.«uh 14;h ' i« M:jt-ob 18th, i'lclusivc I llolK-uon o«'Uaty, 68th F'g’f, Luoiberton, Mnrch 28d to Miu'ch 2Uth. inolusivs. RpVioUiin county, 6f;th Ee^’t, Lumberton. M^roli ^Ih to \Inralt 81st iaclusive Lavidnbiire. Awil 4ih vo I U UAII. The FREIOHT AND P^S^lE^:0^ll TRAINS of tbis Road leave F-ivei'eville daily, (Kundsys excepted) at 3 o’oloek, A M., aud rettMn'ng leave K«ypt at 1 o’clock, i'. M. Cattle aud UnTSt Tram M('Nl>.AV, WEDNESD \Yand FRIDAY. JNO. xM. ROSK, IV-sts'r und Gen’l Trans. Ag’t. ‘J7if qio (bi J (' n;r By or if Jan. 22, 1863 XOTlvr. TO COritiSCKlFT^. UEAlKiriUTEBS Medical Department, 1 Chibf Ki?aui.i.i(>Q OrrtOE, Jaa’y 1864. j 1 Purtutfot to orriem received from Headquarters of Coiiscripiiou at Kaleigh N C , in regard lo all mtiu liable to ('&ba.*rij»ii':n under reuen* act of Con^res^, ap- . provrd D^c’r 2•8«:^, 1863, the Medipal ExiiniinMig Board BUiE.\U t)F CONj^CRlPTlON, 1 | for F urtd C'>uvre>4SioQ!il Did ri't, N. C., will jou/ene i I in acocrdanc? with ‘%bove nvmed (im&i) and pUces i Thc-aitentif.o of al! conoertitd is catUd to lhs» fol’.ow- ( lag o>' ier: "All exemption* htrHofor**d aii. ssnt- iif '^cuHPr.ptjt Th^: ft'teution of j jeci to rcviuioa, undnr iiutmctions from Burv:&u ot Cou- c3peciail> -lirect.d lO (J!uet»1 Or- • go.iptiju, fouud to bi^ injproper or uuauthuriieJ G. O furror.i iu-rein e='t 1 i&w, will b-> revoked tK TAVIUS A. WHITE. eSarifeou'P A ’ S , Obief uf Kxauinins Board, Fuurth Gong. Diet., N. C F^b 11 * 6 tAprii22a B F SHaW, I Asseeaora. Peb'y 20- . 8 4tpd ^iVFC:OEKATE TAX IWOTiCE. fltllE Assessors, witt« the Colleclor ior Rvbeoon cou’Wy, X will meet the people of the different DiatriciK at ttie followitig tiRiee &nd places, fur the purpose of as- Froiii and date the Steamer A. leave at 8 o’cloak, A and Thurfktlay. April G—I7tf ] alter fhiA P. HURT will M., on Woud,ay JOS. A. WORTH, Ag't C. F. fcteara Boat Co. a^hevii.b.e:, V. WILL open ti.e E.AiJLE H)TEL for th« re- cepfu'H of Gxe^tp the fir^t of June, and I hope be able to eutertftin from goveiiiy-tiife to a hundred peraons during i!ic- aHiniutr. la conseation wiih this Hrge Hotfi h .?c ’v uutnwr of Hack';. {’arrir»ge-, Ct'g;;!?"* and J^addlt Horse? Ibit mv zueatt> can gel at a iijiou'e’r uotic:. J. M UL.\1Il. Pri)pri®»or t-'agle Uoiel. A-h-v:l' :, N. C. Mayn, 18t33. «l-ypd ARMY HAR.lfESS. I AM prepared to manafacturs all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army uie. I tan my loalher and can give good bargain*'. Agenls will do well to send their ordera to me as Ui»y shall have prompt ittendon, atri Best off in quick dispatch.. JOUS vARTKR. Goldeton P. 0., Ch&tham Co., N. c'., ! o. , Juue 13, 18H2. / 300 lbs. (wiini Arabic tor «ale by J. R. LES. 0«t. 15. ^'9tf SAL.T! SAI.T SACKS for sale by ROB Dm. 22. F.R»MITCWBIX. &8..f TOBA€€l?. 1 Qfl VIRGINIA TOBACCO, varicuJgtadts, JLyU for bale on consignment, by GEO. V». WlLMAMa k CO. May 23. aitf iloie Leather wanted. LBB. of heavy well iai-ced'3l)LK LEATHEH, /WvUv Biritablo for Belting. Apnly to D-J.IUBPHY". fayettoville, April H. 20tf Wanted to Purclia^e, WESTERN RAIL RO.\D ST«>C K; Bank Notesj Gold fticd Silver; North Car«>li«a Trea.-urj Notes (rundable;) •• *• Stl cr-d S2-, •* •• ' Bonls, oli aiii t-w; Coitniy of Cnmberlaad Bunds; Town of Fayetteville lionis; Grconsboro’ $1 and $2 C/i lifiotitc.,!; Confederate 7 and 8 ^er cent. Boi ds; Coiif ous of $16,000,000 binn; of Town and County Bonfj; “ of oli North i’^rolira Botds, T. LD'iTEPvLOil. Oct. 12, 1«63. 71u‘ . I^puii tolton E&ebanged for Lard. E will give Spun t'otfon in p^tri paym.-ut for iAR'U deliverpd ut my FVjtory on Persia rtt. ' a. McLAUCHLlN. WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POCLTKY. Chicfeeae, Butter and ofut-r dt^licacic-i for t> . ■?ick Soldiers at ttis Hospital. P. rgoart h.ivit>g tne»e arlioifcs can obi'iin the a'arket price on .applica tion to the subscriber at his c'i s-and or ■;! "Mr. J. W. Powerr^’s on Hhv Str^e*. R. E HF.IDK Gcn’l Ag’t. Auk. ‘25. 5H-tf To Cotton PSanters. I HAVE been r*ppcinted by the Secretary of the Trep 1 sury, Chief Agent for the purcha";-* of Cotton fo” :' c Confederate Government within the ^ii^te of No»'th liui, bn'.l will pay i?'i ’ -c s»;ue ia 7 per o«,at BouJs or C,wh. Sub-Ajrenta vLaitLng the different pans ot the State, buying 1.' my name-, wiii wtit'.?a ..srtificateH of appoi rtMent. r»> ordor of the^ tivcresiry of the Treasury, all Ooiton fu!*] "yajself ''r my agp.nts, ou an.J afx?r t’r»c 18th day of .''I%roh 1863, .Yrll be paid for in 7 per ccat. ison4.i «r l aa;>, and not .•> p^.r oeai. Cond.^ aa st^itod in a I'jrmer adver'isciaent. Up to th-it ti&iv, however, tho 8 pf'r ".ert. boals will be furnisbei as jstated. P-Mrfofie ouia?na are now offered tn opportunity to aid tbo Goverti-'icnt by selling t'j it their Ootioa ra«her tbao to I'riv.'-ta ciplt%liH3. LEWIS WILLIAMS. €?■ irlc'tt3, M; :-;ii 21, ISo^. [c. p.] ittf "“wa.Vtes!>V AXK NOTES of North C?»r.->lin4, So^itti Carolina, Virginia ind «ii orgin. NorC> Carolina six per cent. Fundable Netes. Als\ Ncn . Car-nina nix per cetl. Bonds, new issuo T. liliJHAliDSOS & CO., PT'^Vtri, Kftlcigh, N 0. rob 3. Ot* B RtctiMOMu, J in. 2uth, 18ti4 \ No. 4. t . omrr.and .iil'i ri( .u It'fiH is U TS No. 7 A. i I foU.S far thi'ir ififurnmtion j ADIT ANDINSP GEN’L'S OFFICE I i CloUMviSJi). V.i., Jan,. !-‘>. I>'e4 / ; ] Paragrpp'i IV Gen; rt»'i)rJ:-.”« No 3 ourrt-nt serioH IS h reby rsvoted • ! i! Cur llidp Olfioers ril*. proopc*! r:»pi !iy a:j pr!»c- ti.ij.yc ;n t,« enr.'unen: of aii. p».rsj;ip wade liable to [ military yirvice. Hr^ vi.n* to euroisu-nt us cous:ripts, | all eucb (.'- rfuns will bs alloiprd to %obint^er, provid ed — Ipt Tj.> C,'o>p^ny “•'ifOteu wa^ insfrrio^ ou the 16th of-Ap -1 iHiJ'J. 2c 1 The Cjiupany i»clpcted is at the time of vslun- i t*erin^, lieli/w the rciniaiuni prei-cribed by re^fulations. ; 31. No j cr^ica made lii»fkie to servtiv' u.j lt r tbi? oidr will b4 pfr»flii'ed to joiu. or will b,» a^sigucd to aiiy cr.mytay which has more ih in siz-y four privsus on! •he rol', uni’l ail the co'tip .uit»s ti. service from the Stale of wcioh the volunteer cr con.or^pt is a resi'Jeut, sh.all hrT>- ibe f;-i.n'aiuin cuuibtr |>r -rcnbcJ by regula- j tions t 4t.j. U^on the Company being aelfcied, the volun ' teer wiii receive from tne Ea-olltTg OfB^er n certinoate to the etfeoi fhit he has so volunteered; and no voluu i teer will l>c rec'-iv^ in any ccmpHBy except on such , o»'ri*tlca!i‘. i III Por:iJ&« who f>iil to make seleoUon, acocrding to I the provisio»i3 of thi^ ..rder, and at the lioie of onlist- roeTit, will be i«8ipned according to fxisting rpgul^tions. IV. All oific.'rs in comujand of companies authorized mder this order to r«?ocive conscripts or voluctecte will ft n hwitk send lo the Comnandant of Conscripts at the State, ft''cur?4tQ C‘'fiified rolls ci their*oompaDies; and vitho'it ^ucH roll, t-a* they dc not cxceed sixty ion' private?, th**re wil! liot be &s#igned any .coasoripi or volunteer By cop\raand of th‘> ^eoretstry of V\mr. 8 COOPER, .AJjt. & Insp. Gen. E irl^ Hui vigorous "iotion will be cojoined on tho Kn- r^.i I g OiiioRrs, each i^as of whom should be furnished wits ti coi..y qf tho ordor without deliy. To injure ihe puMicity of the order, there should br? scvcr.'il iuier ti«»np in the newspapers of general circulation 11. Persons presentinc; Bpnlioaiioas for ep’'.'i.'il ex- HEAHQUAIiTEBii Earolling Office, OumtHsrUiid,) FAYgrTKViLLB. Fvb y y, lHt)4. / PROPRIETORS of all Faetorina, Foundries, M»ohine Bh 'ps, (iud i-.ll MaU Conttikoiors, &o , &C., who have detailed .ui’.n iu their employ, will haui to iLiit Othc* on or before Int April 18t>4, a full descriptive list of tne S4it>e. GEO. H. HAIGH, 6-tlAl Lt. »rH E (J. for C'«ini>tri*n>l liilove« and lSockt« Wanted. iDEjlKE to j»urolasa tor the soldiers 10,0CK» p*irs of Ulo'‘es Hud ltl,01*0 pairs of 8coks. Den>i(ioo8 will be ihi.iikfiilly rarfi>?ed EDWARD WARREN, Burgei n Gen N- V Jan’y 1!. 8m Boies, J^c., for the Armv. 1 tv ILL seud a special mi^ssogsi' to the Army of Nartbcru Virginia ou the firbt Jay of every month. A.’l boxes, package'*, Ac , n'lil bo fftrw^rded from my office f**ee of chiir,>. EDWARD WA&KSN, burgeon General N. C. Raleigh, Jau’y 15, 1^64. > Sft Sm Fainable Land la Haraett f»r 8ale« BT virtue of authority vested io me by the last Will und Testament of ileetbr M. McLean, di^e'd, I wiR o.a a oredit of six months with inier«st from sala, or for cash at rha purehaaor may elect., that vt»luabie PLANTATION, on which ttie testator lifcd previous te kid death, coutftining about s.-x naudred acres This l«nd lies ou the North side of Cape Fear River, front ing ou t>>e sa^e hb.-'ut one mile and a quarter, and ran- mag back .v lv.‘i«t throe-f^unhs of a milo. ThiB land i« w:ihiB a mile of Liliingt«u, the Conuty Site, aud is very valu ibls. presenting advantages rarely ufferad in this county. There is a ver; valuable MILL 8ITE on sessingthe T*x on Ineouo and rcSe’ving th* same; al so, the tit't« of Pork, viz: « ' At Regan’s W«doesday, March,t2d, 18*i4, At t^t. Paul’s, ThnreUay, Marcl^Hi^, At Liunber Eridge, Fruay Ma.'ru.' .;■»» LAnil'iL'VUle, ^nturdaT', ibaiph 5th. At Col P. P. Smitii s, MonJay.lM5io;i ih. At AlfurdsTltla, Tuesday, Maro|> 8ih, ' * At Ttiompsou’s, Wednesuay, Mifroh 9th "At Whit* Hoase, Thursday, Mivoh 10, At HttrlSn^'s Mills, Friday, March 11, At So-Hicy’s, datucdajr, M&rch 12, At Lusnb-non. Monday, March 14, * At Wishari’p, Tuesday, M>»rch 15, At Back iSwatBp, Wedaesj^y, March IB, At Burnt Swamp, Ttturad.'iy, Marou 17. AU ttre rcqaodtod to have their li:«t4 ui^ie out. aud ready and ai; who have failed tu tiaiah tneir tithing liste or to list tneir cattle end pay Iheir taxes !»rc noti fied tnat this is the l>*st opportunity thiit will Lc giv«.n, in iiU fikilured the law will be euforccd. J. T. POPE, Feb. 16. D. S. MOKHlSoN, j Assessore. 7 4i2t* the land Any person desii'iug tu examine the premises emption. with any th»v ojt merit, will not be molested ' will i>pply ^o Hugh McLeau, E.'jq., or to G>n. A D Mo- until aetioa is taken by :i\is Bureau. Thecis oases will i Lean, either of whom will take pleasure in showing ba invcstisateJ in accordanse with Circular No. S, Cur- ! ihciii. EFFIE C. McLBAN. Ex’r dilate ot iWorth i'»t*olin», HARNETT .i V. CourtufPieas & Quarter Seasiun-i, Ifeojcibi f J'cnu, I8G3 Arch’d AlcLeau vs A D. McLean and wife (.-Uitariae and others Petition for pan.! ou cf Hlaves. fpHIS 0-.MC ooiuiug ou to be ueisrii. it is urderod: thst X publiuatiou be male in the Fayetteville Ouserv. r tor BIX weeks nu'fyiug Vim Boiio Mud wile May, Tno>ik*k9 Bjliu a d vrite N uiuy S.^phiii, lu :;e etna appear iit tht- iiexi-ierni vriuia Court, iua> they may uuswor the oii-i petition, plead ur demur as thvy oiay ihiuk pr pi.r Witness, B.njamin F. Shaw, k of bai‘i Cwuri, at Othoe in Liliiujt.on, Feb 1, 1804. 7aw*i2dMM upj] B F. SHAW, Ci’k. Wanted luiuiediately, By ‘he Tr«**.ets of Fr^iiiiiiii. .^iiltiary 4u.: 'cis..:itiO laslUUi.t, a Laiiy well qualide'i t • give in3i.ruoliou ou tuti Piaiiv, iahe ch,i.rgi: o: the Musio«»i Depai imeat of •aid School Tne Aoa leuy is in Duplin couuiy, near Mouiii Otive, (tltree miles uom the W. & VV. R. Roa'i,) in a g-iOU an'i remarkably healthy n»-ighourhood Ap- pliud.nia will address me at -Mouat OliVv*, N. C.” JAi. G DUjKSOS, Sec’y. Feb’y y. 5 Gt*3tpoi €ard«, Caps, Ccllee. 1 OllA CUriON CARDi, No 10. X/WvU WOOL aud Ji.\i CROiV VAiiob Irut e COD LIVER OIL for Cii>sauipu ju, Kheuiaalism aud oinei Sorotuiuus disiases; Tacks, PoffUtr, Shot asd Caps, Hand Saw, Mill Saw and Baatara Fil&s, Cau- dl-.s, ijhoo Thread, Prime Rio Cotise, Horst: and Mule Collars, Copperas, Sole 4nd Upper Learner, Pins, dit:., to, at • WILSON’S V/W, Lefeii^er, Saddlery and Harness Estaoiishmeut, Wiloiingi;u, xi. O'. Feb’y b, 18t>4 j^w. jr.J 6-4t*4t rent ::^eri«»9, with the lea-t delay prar.ticable. By order of Col JNO. S. PRESTON, Supt. ('^isrn:‘d) C. B. DUFFIELD, A A. Q. Jan’y 27. 3 lia • I it>3. J w LAR2>«ll^’ Factory. -14 Very fiiie artioie, for bale at my A. McLAUCHLIN BAR ASI> 'i'OiL.KiT .SOA I*.—For s>ile at my Factory. A McLAUCHLIN. Fayetteville, 12, 1803. G^-Ompd OUUNANCfi DmUTMEXT, t Ralbiqu, N. C., May 8, 1863. j LEAD WANTiiD.—I wish to purch.oso Lead for thifl Departn^eut. PersoM having large or Hmall quan tities will please apply at onoe. Will give 1 pound of POWDER for 10 poaads.of 1.BAD. ThOS D. HOGG, Capt. C. S. In charge of Ot'dnance. HUisboro* Military ieademjf. The Sixth Acadejiic year of tiiis Ir.etitut -ju will be~ gin on Wednasday, Feb’y 3d, 1864. For oirrtjlo^s and informaiion apply to WM. J4. GORDON, Sup’. HillBboro', N. C., Nov 21, 1363. S4-3:.o OIL AND LAMP BLiCii.’ and LUBRICATING tjIL. liAMP BItACK In barr«le. For sal* by JOB. K. BLOfiUOM 4 CO., M.a Cotton ITarn for Woo!. Notice is hereby ^vcn that after thi.s date (except iu Cfises whera we Lave bavgai’ied for Wool Hocord- isg lo the terns of our advertisement of th# 30th of May, which t-ircis are now revoked,) we wiU/vel bun dle of tJotion Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwaohed, or 3 U>B. waahc.l aud picked. Thia chauge is made at the inatacci of the Qu!>ttennnBtpr at Raldgh, in order to make 'b" terms of exchange uniform throu«rhout th3 GEO. W. WILLIAMS'A CO. foyeiteville, June 29, 1863.. * 41i.i !);ryi>t iYSas&«. underaigncil were, a.i Sovctaber Terra of tlic 1 O -ufedcrute Courl, BislriQt of Korlh t!aror.a;i, ap pointed M:\nagerB of the Egypt Cor.l Mine property, tcl entered into coy artnernhip for the purpose of lai'iiTf; and Reiling Ccai. and suliott orders for the iu ep>- dfrsired quantiiy. Ordars for any amount can be sucplisd on short r-'jiioe. The Ooal trim t'lis pro j.v.:rty js un joub'sdly th;.- beat ia tha Conj\ i‘-ra*tt AppliciLttont' j’ftiiy be to Ch?i^ 13. JiLilivVr.i, tayc’io- viUe F. C.. '.r r,efi D>owce, CisarlastoD C CHAPvLEH B. ilALLETP. JAMES BHO\Vf-"E F*iyvtl**viM*. .liLi^y 20. 18^S. Ootf r^.**jBaiia €hri*^li S^eaiSM. ■•■.ribcr will ;>"y tho highiist f''.'! I tay .^n».n.ity of Palrrvi Cbtisti B-ans. J. * WOETP COXFKDKRATE STATES OF AMERICA, EnoimjuKr Dbpaktmrnt, Dii?. Capb 1;kak, Wilmingtou, N. C., .^ia^oh Uiih, 1863 N otice i? hereby given to all persons aavina! claims agai/isl the Eugiue^r Department, for services of Htavcs employe d as kbon rs on tue/ani de'cnees jiQir Wilmiugtou. S , ths-* the Lndors!»inei i^ authorised and prjparci lo p>y (ha satu'» at his fcQoo, on the h«- cond door of th» buildin)? nrxt above .Mearra’ Drug Store, Market Street. ssr Persons rxocitlng Powir'i of Attorney will ob- s^r^e the following fona—tlieir signatures, in all cases, to be witi)ud«ei by two witnesses aud signed in dupli cate. or they m.\y b« witnessed before a Justice of tho Pca!e or Clerk cf ?ny C-.i-irt FORM OF POWER OF ‘TIORNEY. I, of , do hereby appoiut , of , my true and lawful Agert to sign receipts for, and rcceive payment of all moneys due to me by the Engiuctr De part meat of - he Cont.*icrat4 Slates of America, for the i*crvice3 of xsj sla-es employed as laborers on the land defeoooa at , during the month of , Ibb Witness nay han J and t>eal at —the ——- aay of , 180 (Siened in duplicate ) la^ai ] of H. M. McLEAN. Dec’r J2, 1S63 »'itf STAR FOIJIVDrY] ~~ 1UU3 Bu'.scribjr very respecu'uliy .nfotuis uis friends .vud t..e public gcnii-sl!y. that ucha.> Law iu ms empioyine^t ccmp^'lunt workmen, ud is fu!l> prepared to c .ai bay ki^ud ot \YuRK iu Lis line at the shortest no tice and ou tho iresi I'easornbld U'.rms: such tuj Car Whfcils, Wnving W’h«iels, Green aud Dry iSand work, Locu wcrit, Blowing CylinUdrj, i:n;ii>u iioai « jrk, Salt Pans .-ini Grat^ Bard, ko &a. 'I A. BAKER. Fsjeiieville, N. C., lan’j 11, 18ti4 97tf TMME BI.O€M^tbE, WM. MACINTYRE Has reoeived, NE case, 29 inch, 9>)0 yds all Wool White Flannel; One case IBOO yds. Madder C&hco; 3A doz Fine 3 BUdcd Knives; 250 Qr38i> K!la»tic Su-el Kaiuiug Ne^dle^. Fo(i> 1 2-6w »JA1INERS Phyj*icsan’» I'arrf. Dr n. A. .'A>5PBKTjLi (la.*« of ?urtri.>n, s. C.,) hA«; rpnicivfd to*teviUe i-r.d tab. n an !Bcf on Bow street, where he laay bc*fou.':;d at all li’iv-s, with a>i aa*>U Btock of MO'licinw. to ft^'.swer Profos?ion^l o“l!s. Sitiafactory rcferrtn-f furni.'thmi he 3%n'r 2. T5fi4 ^irrYckJ. The undersigned, both having entered the mili tary servi«e of the Confederate of AuKtrioa, hereby give notice to their old customerH and frienus, tiiat tbey.have appointed John D. biarr aud John D Williamb, of this place, their attorneys to i»»Ueot t^ber separately or conjointly all moaejs (lv“ t.^ era fit'ior oy a(!«oant or note, and otber'^'t.w to attend to tbeir bu siness generally during tbeir abse'-ice. They respeot- folly B»k all pcreosa indebted U) thea to c 'ii as pi’cmpt' ly ae poasible on taetr i av.-i. iTiakc iiayuieai ■ F.rAi&r» A WILLIAMS Stpt 19. 18»1.^ TiaiilDliL^nFRi i«i G R, Um Uttlt lolka. A fartkir tapply •& wholaMftU Tilt! hignaluies cf oolorod persons should be wituesst d by thr®e wiUjCHse.*? There mu,t be sep';rs\to duplicate Powers of AttorDoy for cp^h monih. BKuk forms caa bo had upon appli- oailou at this oJGce. W. II. J.lMES, Capt. & Chief Eng. Jan’y 20,1864 • 130fttf FayettevU16 Arsenal and Armory,) Not. 12, 1863. / ^lOO BOUiVTV. H^tnted^ 100 ^ft&utUf.A Rillemen, AUfHORliY having been graut^d by the War De- partraorit to r.'iise a Company of Moucled Riflemen for snrv^e in this vicinity, rfMice is hereby ^von that reciuitH to the n.imber of 100 non conseriptt will-be re ceived ior this Bervioe. - BaoH reflruit \r:l! be required to luruish a s'tvioeabie h»rso. for which he will be al Inwod 40 ofinta per diem, and bis pay SI- per month Writim permitiion ^rill be requirad from par,y»ts or guardiaas, where the ."ipplioiiut is u*dlsi' 'he cunsnript age. Each rottruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, aud come prepaiod to r^miia ^ridles, saddles, hah»>rd .'utd saddle blackets fumie.h- r .y the Govcrnmeni, or if Ute rt-cruil oames provide*! with ttiem, He wi I be paid'fur tttem a fair valu.Uion. Xppiy t ^ Capt MATTiiEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- seiial F. .L. CHILD,*3, 80:f] M.^jor C. 6 A. C.^'irsd’g Poet. I .^ock«i and Flores toT iikc .*!itoldierM It-TAVE ■.u'hor>i.'.d to "xehabjp 4—4 Sheet inga for lOOpah-s ot p o-i ^Vucirn iookp fl'otep : 1,0 If ’'resentxi to ihe Soldier-i, rU the rate o. i.h»ee ; yii ds of .'’.“etings for lour pairs Call at'hrxt door below iik' a Pear'ie’s J- A PEMBEHTON. Fayetteville, Feb'y 3. 4 THUS. J. iUllNSU.^, Jr., & CO., General Comimssiou & Forwardin^j; Merdiaots, 15 .toWik If'Vi/e** Street, \irrr sjt i.»To -tJ- J. JROMl’T atieiitioa given t.-> ail bu«iuo3y *‘ijtrus:ed lo ^ our bands. Cousi^um^^nts solicited. J JOHNSON. Jr., A. GRABROWSfiTY, ot Fayf-JteviUts, N. tj. ot P terrsburg, Va. J »u’y 8 96 Smpd * $»00 REWARB. STOLEN fro.a t^c subaoriber on the-jir^bt t f ibo 4tti in^it. ft Itrge B^Y HOR’iE, bla.ik mane and tail, in. tine otd. r, (5) yi'ir.'i oil ni-xt aprinc-, shaved on bis sMe? by r iC’'?. a f.rirk in the hoof o" t*ie »cft hind fool I vtili p-iv ‘.ho Hbove r»*waril fc-r tho s-viU horae ftud pro /f (r> O'tnvi;'* t'lp thinf; «r I will uiiy two hun- dr>’i doU.ra tor ta-» d*>liv:iy of the »;» fit Union Paotory, North Carolina, or for t»‘". »i any place go that I cako gat him. Any jnfor.uaifon .rilt i>e ih-iuk- fully recoi»ed • JAMES DU'KS Union Faetosy, Feb’y 6, 1864. 6-9iyd Female Teacher. WILL pay two hundrad and filiy dollars per boosion of h?e mobtas or &ve hundreU lioliais lor leu mouths and board, for a Female Teaciier tUat \fiil como wcii rv‘como.euued, to t;;aoh the usual English iir,inohei>, Freiica »ud Music oh Piano, and wiii aiiuw me Teacner to charge tor aii sohuiars outside oi uiy oku famiiy. Periiaps Uio aouosi wiU not exceed 10 sctioi&rs, 6 of ttiem tu my family. HARRIS TYsOil, Fair Haven, N. C. Feb’y 13 7-4tpd tO'a TB£ OBSEBVKB. • AU1»I*A« TERAM I'AllTEM ntletiit'ii: i have read the opinion of "liis Honor, Jud^c 1’'ri:n« ii, in matter of Alex ander VV illiauis truiu Moore countyj also, the cominuiiicaf.iou oi “Richmond (’punty” on tbe ssime subject; and, n*jtwithstandiif}; the great re spect which I have ior the opinions of Judge French, as wc*H as for those of the gentleman Hifiniog!f ‘‘Richmond CJounty,” I caanot bi'ing tuy mind to a concurrence in the epinioD that the act of (Congress requiring principals who hhve furnished substitutes to go into the ser vice, is authorized by the Confederate Consti- tutiou. A eontruct is “an agreement upon suffi cient consideration to do or not to do a particular thing ”—Black. Com., book 2, p. 442. And con tracts may be either excvutei I or executor I/. When the G-venoment said to an individual who was i liable to a caif i’^to the military service, furnish i a sub:;titute and you shall bo di.scharged for the ■' war, und the individual agreed to do so, there «was an executory ct^utraet. When the substi- ’ tute Wtis furnished and accepted, and the indi vidual was discharged for the war, .there yiSLS a cooti'acc executetl. . This was the case of Wil- lianiB. The Government got its ju{l pro quu, and it had no further claims upou him: for it is a principle of universal jurisprudence that a com pact cannot be rescinded bj only, if the other party does not consent to rescind it, and does no act to destroy it.—1 Kent’s Com. 177. It is aaid, however, that the Confederate Con stitution does not prohibit Congress from pass- in^ laws impairing the obligation of contracts. This is true. ]^ut the question is, docs the Con- lederate (Constitution authorize, the passage of sucli laws? The (’onfederate Government is one of limited, not of general^ powers. Congress, therefore, can exerci?e ao powers except those specially granted, and those derived by necessary implication Iroiu tlu franted ones. No power authoriEing the passage of a law impairing the obligation of contvactH is expressly granted; nor can any such grant ot power be derived by im plication frotn the Constitution. A change has certainly come over the dream of the strict con etruction, iState's Ftights gentlemen. Congress has power to raise and equip ar- inits. True; but to raise them liow?—surely not by fraud—not by disregarding its plighted faith —not by doing an act forbidden by the jurispru dence of every enlightened nation upon the face of the earth. 1 do not regard the case ol the State vs. Mat thews, the c"isc of .McRee vs. Wilmington & Ra leigh R R and others cited by the learned .ledge, a.s at all decisive of the question under consideration. '!’he States are sovereign: the Confederacy is not. Property and powers held under a charter f rom a State to a corporation, are subject to tae right of eminent domain by the State; anti by virtue of this right the State may interfere with the adniiuistration of Corporate concerns without violaliug a contract. No such rijght l^relongs to the Confederacy in the case of Principal and Substitute. 1 have no time to elaborate this matter thia morning. I shall therefore elo2>c, by saying that I am not in the interost of tho principals of sub stitutes. I know many ot them who howled for secession, and told us oi tha mighty things they would do if secession was followed by war, who, nevertheU.s.s, got out by putting needy wretches in, in their places. Hut 1 do not think a great* principle ought to be stricken down even in the persons of these men. The honor of the Gov ernment is a matter of more importance than the services of these persons. ‘"Private credit is wealth. Public honor is security. The feather thSit adorns the royal bird supports his flight. Strip him of ois plumage, and you fix him to tha earth.” Very respectfuliy, A Citizen OP Richmond County. Office el Dhiet Quarter mats ter, | • Raleigh, Feb’y 17, 18t>4. ) PROPOSALS will Oe reoeivcu al t;u otlice uuLil tue 28ih lusi., for the maiiufaoture ot Oil ft ou tbe Tilhe i’e.'i M utfl. ’ Proposals must state the price per gsiiioa for the oil ptoduuisd; as the Gcverameai will require tae ijial pro duce of oil as well as oil cako W. W PEIRCE, 8 3t] Major aui Q M iVEtiHOES FOR HIALE. 11W0 iikcly NEGRO BOYS—one eight aud the clhf.f tix yoarti yl agS The owuct of ilieBc Negrc. t tic- sires a n>sidjuoe.fur *iia taijiiiy ;n F.ty.;’.e or tuc vi cinity i'tie Bcgrocs vfiil b»^ joid fur ii; 'li-.;-, tat-n) -x chitige luf Real Esiaia preurred. T .. •« .-f t .t‘yurJtt ic it Hud not li-.ueti rrufn ’• ii COOK. Feb y]8. 7 3t FOR .SAi'^K. NE PAIR MILL 5»10NE», 4:^ iujhos i.i diamo e=- Th« y i\re ^ ti»e Moore courjty grii g.od q'lfiliiy fur griKCtiJig corn. *' >i l.u= •.orlosi. l>tq , at Fayctt.#villf;. N (L, tr ~ 1. S. MEMORY, t»t vy it-vil-e. N. (J. F;V’y II. 7 ^»tpd Youog’s Iritirraetieal Diftionary) ;iMBEAv ING a of AriitrTn. K ek »ii er, ftt ftr*»5' f>i(cul;-tcr, I5ok 'Ve piu*. Forms .1. ri.Al.!*: .% RON^?. Dec’r lo. ^4 Brave yonntj Rebel.—The Abingdon Vir ginian says a little boy twelve years old in Lee connty, son of Peter Phipps, who was so brutally treated by Major Recrs, recently captured by Geu. Jones, was caught by the yankees and three times hung because he would not cheer for Lin coln. Each time when relieved from the rope, he shouted at the top of his voice, “Hurrah for Jeff Davi'».” The yankees finally let him go, as an incorrigible rebel. 0 E Further Supplier of Sebooi BooIli* OUR OWN 8FEl^L.lNG BOJK; Our own First Reader; “ “ Primary Aritumatio; “ “ “ fiiaoimar; ‘‘ '« Elomeniary Grammar; “ Primer; * Blcgham’s Litia G-ammar; Just r cciv>^d. E. J. HALE JP80NS. Jap’y 21. THE I%ORTM CAltOLiWA MIITliAL LIFK t’OMPlMf, N'O’.y iu the tenth year of saecessful operation, with growing capital »ad firmer hold upon publie^on- udcuee, coniiuaas to irisurc the lives of alt healtky por- S';n^ from 14 t« 150 years of ajiC, for one year, for yenrs, en ! for life—all iife members sharing lathefrofita All slavr.s from 10 to 60 years of age are insured fot one year «r for five years fur two thirds^ their value. All losses are f.unoiually paid within 90 days «ft«r t>.;ii.sfactory proof ia presented. For further information tk* pubH' is referretl to -Aitouts of ibe (.’ompauy ia ail parts e ' ihe 8tat«, aad ta R H BATTLE, Secretary, Baloifk. E. J. H.ALE, Agent at .Tnr’v Fayetteville, N. C After thi«i «late i vi'ill p;iy 16 Cents per pound for 'rags, or the higheiJt markfii prioe, do'.iv**v> l in FavetteviHe, or ivt my mijlfl an itookfish. D. V^URPnY. F^b’y 1«, 1864 ' ‘ 7 ' ItVoUR Ai\1» OAI'^ " ijlLOU ll and OATiV wiii l-» uxohanged f -.r Corn at tho ; Store of D McLaurin, bjr giving hi'u a few days notice. J»n’' Fiotir eo«Mi. Oib? No 1. 29. hU-t] t,white. 2-tf PKR^iO.^Al*. Bltnk Wairaiit«ia(« for «t thia Office A YOUNG MAN ..f jrool char-tcter and education, is degircui of onfoin^ » correspoudeno® with !»ome ycung j^?.dy u(>-)u the of matrimony. Any youBg Uiij- who derTrea,to '’p>n a oorresp indence on that eubjcot will addrcs'i Major BARNET BARTON, Lwe'S Brigade, Wilooz’a Division, ▲. N. V. F. B. A kdr 1b Imt la fntor«d. Mifd FAVETTEVIB.8.E mvnkL iNsjiKivcK $267,688 2t 6,077 36 ti^pital in Premium Notes amonxts to Caab ott hnuu other assets. Total, J272,766 61 The" Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an aHsessment on their premium notoe. Total losheB waid, $29,682 CV (rrrioEEF: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. P,Ai, Vice Pi-eaideui. C. A. McMILLAN, 3iO/. . DjaisoTORB: Htury Ldly, ' W. N. TiUingiiafit, H- L. Myrover, iJ- J- Biasdale, 8. T. Hawloy , Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. St«daian, T. S. Lutierloh, A «E^! Wew Ktjt^ Snail, Itie new (itvt^ SnBll, rOLOHKU PU0T(N^RAr»8, Vanor«dell*8 Oallttry C. B. Mallett, JatuM ^yle, A- A. Moilethao, J. D. Williaiaa, S. W. Tillinghaet. A. W. Si«ei, J. 6. C^k, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, hn CeUin* aad G. 0. MeCnmmeB, TraTvUng Agenti ■arTk* Ooaq^aaj faivit* ap»H^«B8. ii ART. Woodward’s Solar Canae^ft. nHOTOGRAPHS can b« had at Vaaor«d*U’g Bkylifkt i Gallery. Hay street, eppoaita Marbla Yard, Fay- I etteville, N. C-; plain, retouched, oolorad, in watar ! colors, oil and paeMle; from amall to life site. Ambr^ ; types, Mslaneotypev, and all other aiylea of Piotaret j pertain' *g to the Art. Also, Gilt .Frames, Gilt Moold- I iuf. G) I' J for very large pioturei—aa large as 26 by »• I iiiohes. Jord and Tasaela for hanging pietute*; Inetra- i stents. Steok and Ghemieala for sale low for cash. Life i colored Photographs made from small pietnree. Having permanently located here I hope te medt j^ur patronage. 1.would also return my sincere thawkai fw tke liberal patrouags beetowed on xae heretefure bf a. Pketegr^hiat . 90, IIM ■ih

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