0.1 i.v ^iu>r, persut, t rutfs. irtiier i.inci himself rphis of provi8io„g iini which he mu.. lUMit or to the lain tixod hy tl,e Cum- lulor the iiupjvj^. lU :iny pero.jn ex- i l>e out I tied to .j ii> ainonm ..f meat tliiii throe iiiontiis rtct: l‘r,.vided I’lj.- within tiio provi. ul TK.t i»e 'l»;prived iva-i.ii oi lirtviiio- t «i;i\ (>f i td>. 1 >ifi^ t'Xfniii ;ii-. lUid^M- the .li, run i*xiMiipt or de ho may ho Siuis. ed ..!i aocuijTit ot in>ur,* the produc- pr!‘vi>;i()iis I'or the !olditM->. llemav. r det;ii!s, on sin-ij ibc. T;> sucli over- as he may he sut- to the country in j than in the niih'- :it 'U*h exemption t-ii -ier. j>hinter or ' eiiip!t>v ip cui-.ul and tioii -r grain and 3 li..\ ernrnent and ]>riee not exeeed- iG lor jikti iirticles tiie State under Hirer, auditor and Iroad company en- rthe Tovernmeiu. )lovecj! thereof a^ tident shall certifv le t«) the efficient d: Provided, that exempted hy this ot exceed one per- roiitJ in actual nee ; arid said exempts ! and description, Hi» have left the )aiiy. or who nui? * I cutitained tiliai; the act Approved .led an act to ex pni; the mails uf id the tli'ivera ut‘ iroin military ser the "Xemptioni all =>nly continue >led are actualiy e jmrsuit.' ot oc- dent be, and he ii int ilt'tail-, uiid.>r Ions to he* losued 1, either >f jjerswns )f aui% or from the jase> whero. in his and nec.'^-ity re I mav revoke sucli : :ie rhinkgi proper: [iien n granted to tail^ and exeinp- »d lo authorize t'ne ny contractor fur kind to the Gov- contract. unless ic department ma- irtifv tiiat the }>er- itract*-r are indis- of said contract: on anv sucii con- V at:d faithfully, itlon ■ f such coii- tail hi all cea-;e. tinL' local boardii nation of persons uo member com- >j)(>inted from the :t in which they examination. ing entered the mill* • States of Amerioa, wtomerf and ft*ieBls, >, Starr and John D B*yB to oolleet either ■ due them either b; D attend to their bu- Wice. They respetfr- keiE to call as proBipl- .make psyaci*a>. |LK * WILLIAMS tf shool Books* HALE 4 SONS ;evllle, W. C.,) •BEU o, l^iG3. ) re of >ht Mails at thu tOKO . &0 ,4* P M \t 6 P M. H.¥1LLE. M. 4t9 P M [TON SAtur.J^jr at 7 P. M. h'ruiny at 1 P. M. d»wurd&y at 6 1^. M. inrHdajp at 1 p M. lERTON. laiur-i^ty at ti A. M. nrsj at 1 P. M. THTOWN. Friday at 6 A. M. luniay at ‘1 V. .M. lEBINTH M CREEK p. M. COVINOTOM aai ROY tha e»eO ba Heal off fr9»n ha paH for M If 1 be pre paid b/ . 2 to 9^ A> coojc, a. I vol.. XUI.i PRINTPD MOND.W,'! aNH THURSPXT.'^ I^OWARO J. HALE & SOP^S. El ITOKS AND PROPRFETORS. Prio** fur tii# ?**mi-Wei'kl7 OpKBRvaB 00, paid in ■*dvanfte for the W(»ekly Obskktkii $4 (K» annum, paid In advance. li^^ADVKUTISEMENTS inwiel for f2 por of 16 lines for the firet. and one dollur for each anc ceedinff publ*'vit*/*n. ^dT?rt!pem?n?9 no* exceeiin^ s half squnrf" ;>i(rht lines) $l for the first and 60 o^'ntp for eajli sncoeeding: publination. AdrertiBers are re quested to state the number of ioBertionu d^eire*!, or ihcy will he crvntinned tIJ! forbid, and charged aoeord- iVfrlj. AdTertlsf>ni''rit>» 0'''ntln''.m1 ohar^ed a'S now ad- yertisemea'-.. -AYKTTEVTl fJi:, N. C,. MARCH 10. F£b !{(• Vernon Female Seminary. TUC 2ii Seaaioi iriU c‘iomei’ce *bo 15th pf ■F. V.ARY Hud o >u*inne 20 weeVa luiton in £n>clis'a Fra'iriips $50 CO • Mn«io and P*int’ajr, (PKsh.) , 40 0J ■'^■-.ool cx'cns^fl ■' 3 00 So v d 'M'JO )>er u€9*iiou. If r^iid in »-'t oH .-S50. All nf Tni:i ^n (*nd cue h it i f Boa"^ re quired r 3. K'U'ij r.u; i? will h*jr ot- tawe)-, ou' i-tiT one y.ai' o?*i ■r q jilt and a di'isT ne i.ap ilTT WM HOCH-EH,'. . 1. C. HOOPF.f. T,..v’r^DC' i* O . k-tibtaj c'‘-unty. 97 r.w CONSaaiPT OFFICE, aalolgh, N. C.,) Feb. 11, J8t>4. j TliS following ‘'N.itioe ’ fr^n Bw''e;iu of Coi!scripi'“fi i» pob'if’-^d ♦'^'r t-io 7u«d-i",’e f .■•M Q->r ciMif.l I'o"’ |>lr.ncc MT'th its .-'il! for ei TOpTiO’j ‘»r .'nrv'.'l m'fnri •! ’'■■■» d'lvy it> 1: 1* tiir'it'-'v .-f t>>« is fii. n... 9 • ,-rlpr . ? ihv n' .'ii'r.ai.dAKt. K. J • ) I Bank of Cape i'ear, \ ) ' WiLMiXQTO.v, N. O., March 2d, 1HG4. j ^ i UIViVrND N 09 i*'nro!lilk^ K^YgTTEvrCLE, March 5, J8>)4. !(7-ra. hmvi.ij' :iie'i i > ri 1 K • ’’:rcr 0‘fi’ r Sv.u -.r i A IHVIOKNDOF 15 PER TEVT ,»p. tfx-cftw ’ «‘o.k i(..» p ,.4. *,15 3i(*» H»v t ; o; i-iiri B ibr has b«en'Icolare!'!, :r> '''0’'ir i hi > B ihe 1o h ta«t , in tr.* pr-isvn? !xi’tinr u;i»ir'>.cy J 0 BtJRR C'-.-nir A'Ulr!?tfK > Js J’J. SPECI.^’. voTICE. From »u ter thi* date, no name of a new sttbucriber i will be ejjiereti witbo’’t payment iu. fuiTaaoe, nor will | .he paper be to .nch .uh^.ribere for a lo«rer time ; CHlRftL\rFOSr !%OTirSJ. ■ ONFEDEV \TE ' OF --) War 5'rp’t, IJi’BBjtr oF (Ktx.'toaiPTros, I RicHMosit. V* . .)»» lv;4 j Pti^-iyrarS X o* G Or"*, rs Vt» 82 an ! ‘ . :r (J (I'li.’p of IsCi.', r quire's i'u:tt ‘»ppU nations for eT*>np'iot: miit in u.li bt ata le ihr ^I^HL «on!JTa;*d iBcri>a8» in it»i» price of provision* ma' j E!ire!;i'sr OC'^pr ■’ 1 nVUgt’ >!•» J'l IncToa'^e onr ra’es rvf futficu and bo«»rd • I' t>-f loc.^l E> Oft; .-r ►is..* not »hf ;.-iw-r to • f ai tfse e^pir.-»tjou of ihe li»t quar er ('JO'fe nf April,) o( ! or if» in ffrnb I;** '■-rj-r inv « rou wHiob .ur y'-.troDi* will have 'tut* rj.jtice la cxcfiafge i I'-r ?f ’ S, Sfr:--. r-«*Vr mo'; (ippiic.vinie 1'r brtoon 'v>d H-d at oUl p**ic u (LO C‘« ) a''"i for oort* St 75, Pl3«r at ^8. our ‘’oard will oontinti*' trithonl unv «bRn«"- Jkt t rr Tc inlb R?v. WM H-»0PER. . T. C tiO'.'PER F(»b' v 8 5 2ni 5-pr,3 ,„jj. ,.i fl'’ Tswitp.i »nd nb.*!! “Tp' % all OK’S n' to ; i * nr cn;v ■ Hr raci,. a in- • fS un! :i iji--: !irC n-. r t--. .• J ,y -ij hy ■•irinr';i«; to ‘'is ■ :ion, - (■ ..j f.;_ .v;! oasfH of error, fnttisi OT nbuHr C O', ■ ci'. 'i w;tn c')• 0''i.pii 'i «l!' c" f.T “.J o» !•> t ■an'fh' f ) «>x *'• is: '!:i« 0.. ;n y, i U:i: .(ty h,> mid T a»v bui fi rti. n 1!'y .,1 r t Tjr". nncri ' ■ i.;.; J, 0.-,.. px.’cut-on f «.i>' p- A II -1 i ■ r , i'I. »0 >Tic«-.iy;J v7(H t> ;i I'1 wif’ ' f'ri n tp (he f. e'jnifB if t'le tu'i;-wiaiit, T *» >■:;?!'.-I- r.T.'U :f; ■ .> ,jf Cfirh lent ^.C• ,ri r . ■- f 't J ,11 f ■ (I .. ■. *' J hi? ’V>r ' • • C? *- r f* ** ijp^ ' - ttinn 19 paid for. ■ ^ „ . u .» J ■ . t. I ^"llowing rates of Pass!i«j Such of our old subscnbera as dentre to take the pa- I Stf»»m.T»* p« ott this system will nleaae notify ns when making j OOWI%. reniittanoes. Jan’y J, 1838. • From F-kye.iuviile to Wiltn;a)i‘ou, •• “ “ El>xq' jtl- will be Rh(»r(r*> -ir. thr'';:)?' ’he proMr cbaai'*!! >•> '> ftnr*'aj ~pj>licat!oad r “itu to Ibip j?ur»-'»u sr “.•‘vif'*’ sf t,' d » ▼. u‘.!. S,« r-f’.T,'. ■' •• • r V i'lr.l - p i I* n .•■U'J • **T‘> »■ ;i- ■,-i n'.%l(n ■' 11-’ .j-.r'!'-. .'ii 't »ii* t'OtJ au t .>‘1 I? (' .1. ! ,ni . n fcr ■;»il. be fofw rJ -i br fb^oi f >r h-Hr'i'fj wbcn ■ioy plt»asjl’!' frownd of %pp.---,l in *.:t f-. rb. i! C *niT"Ar.d»o " of Cdrrc i. *ill ,s{»? thi^* iiotic.’ W r. HE - - Ofli r u H\n. Jftrlj. JficMJi r. Attorney at Law, Fatettiville, N . €. l^ILL attend the County and Superior Court:j ?f Cumberland. Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coan- ti(«. Prompt attention gtvea to ^he ooUeotion of all JSO 00 15 00 20 0J 21 00 80 00 oirei‘1'’ of oKtmfi emmsted to his bauds. Oet. 17. 1859. 58-tf ,fc}EO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., %Vhole«ale Dealers in Groceries, AND IMP0RTE&8 AND DKALSRS IN Hardware and CQtlery, Swedes iron, &e«, H.iY STBEBT, FiTKTTEYllLK, N. C. July 2. 1861, 86tf Jos7VTLEi~ ttroeer and Votnmiaaion JfMerxhant, tAYETTEVlLLE, N C Jan’y 10, 1868 98-tf B O WOETH. I> a WrtftTH S. d. D.HIKL WORTH & €Om CommlssioQ and Forwarding Merohauts, 9W*aier Sireet^ WILMINGTON, N 0. Oct 1H, l^’^S 7:M2a» TQDS. J. JOHXSO!!, Jr., & CO., Geoeral Comimssioa & Forwardia? Merchants, 44 Jiorth 99'*aUr Strrrt, WILMINGTON, N. 0. Prompt a^eot^a*! »-■ all buoino^s *!'>>ni8'. d n our hand-? Goa.^i.'oniciio i§'jUoited. T J. JOIiSSON. Jr . A aRABROW'SFT, 0^ Fayeuevill^, S !/. of P-t«ir«iurn, Va. Jao'y 8 iH8iipd ' U^AXTEO/ ’ it CZiHi BUSHKLt* WHE.\T, ^,OUUi:6oo- coRs Persons hating tie aboTo artiolea to sell will reoeiT* obe highedt Caso price by oallinf; on Mr. .M Tho.aasou, at the Merchant Mills, raycueTiiie. ur on ibe subsori- ter at his old stand on viarkat 8quar«. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Not. 6, 18tJ- 75tf *• “ W^hite Hall. Cove, “ “ “ All pointH below, k£cond class, or DKCK. Prom Fay‘ttetille to Witmindton, $\0 * 0 | “ •• “ Eiiiabeti), 6 0(* | j •• •• ‘ Wbit«iiall, 7 Ot> ! j “ ■' •* Kelly’d ^'otp, H OC' *' “ " Ali poinfg bpltiw, to 00 IIP. From '®'iliaing'on to Fatetlerille f®*'! 0(J '* “ • K.llv'eCove. lil 60 Whu'o Hail 16 6» “ •* “ E'iiibeth. ‘JO 00 “ '• Prospect Hall, 24 00 j “ “ “ All points »^b .ire, SO 00 ^ 8ECOND CLA^ti, UR DECK ' FroTj Wilmington to Fayeti«»»ill=, flO 00 ! “ “ Kelly’.^ Core, 6 00 j “ •* •* While Hah, 9 OO | “ *• • All point/i abote, 10 00 j B^^Second vUae# or D*ck Patseogcta ranjt stay on lower d^k er p?y full prio», or Batne »- Fir^t Olaps J®*An extra rharce will He frade far Way Pa«?«n- i yeru gefting into Bertha daring ‘Jay tiase, and for oeoa- pyinr a Berth with their boots or sboe» on, st th^ dia- oretion of fh« Tnpt^in. J. A WORTH, for 0 P St’m B i Co . R. M ORRELL. for Si’rs K.»t» h»1 Suq . T. 8 LUIXERCUII. Feb’y 1864. y-tf %%ESf RTfL ROAD npHE FREMGniAND PAS'-IENGRR TRAIN8 if*'5* eir 12 a ] L t‘ ^ E r ^ Tfie Cuiiiberl:Hi(i Hospital S' liiir... - h'., > i.ni- t.> •r-"v o n-' ... ! CUP bra»e sio’t Jic-, u/on the r (rU.t»JK . ■h“ o..itiny »r ii >own 'o s.‘-n^^ «om. tbibjz, eithe*" B cun. Pe.'iP Ftui*. r onj^hic^r th«y can ep .re, b. piok-'d *n boxes by ihr let of April, to b-; oen* i . iQc ' rnty ky U- ST:»nen « .^8"*^. Send to Mrg Lutter- lob. Pre^iJeoT of Aav'cintion Feb 29 At meetifiK^ of the Board or Dire*tt*ra of tlio i*.' f!C:p-4l liin« of .ij.-p Fea* on the l«t d-'it 2.’. .vlar.ib ihf- , (he fo(t vijisr Kp=olntior'^. w»ri? a.lf'pt-.ia; I't T;.at fio laposite* *>•' ».■ col *. i- !■ v.p a ■>cc(un! of :*fi«‘r c»it;r> tr •-•ie, e.wL-.'r ::r Vu Pr:- rr'V'.I Fn»k 'r\t. apy of the Bratic’iep. '+ft«r 1&;I’ (1.1V {vf ib» pref.tint Jnopth Prs'-lyeJ. 2l Th*v: ail r. iw l^u^ ro ''t*ii»r par I'ei r wfclcb j;v!.y t>ec.}me doe the 20’h «ii,y cl' ih> Ti-'[> ‘ itiirr n account of d-.-pi tiiii-B or f;oi;ca;:o»t. i « u»t he WTthilrata n rr> ibc Princip-.' Bii-'k ,■ ,l!r .robes' where th" s^ni? m»y be p''■oa^ll • ^ .'h««fo'? aaid tiOth day of t^’e prei^ent tfionff ‘-r. s :*‘-Orai»n, pi>7ra‘,nt of alt mo'r sunm u. »ny over thftp !if r*i)w ex’f^ting 8urfi-noy ai its prife.-nt ■ •S'-x - .r- ? .f I'.-f-'^e. »-ill *'c •i'clit;e ’ > y his ^ »" i - .. i rums sc dn** and ro: wt> 'r .fcii \ «v!!t *Iu .nl in nepara'e |V4ck p-e ' fhf ‘'a'i t'vi ■ rrf-^>^7. i»nd •n’t'J a"? rr^'P'^'y fir ti«e flfTv'i'(»l p>»:t! p to whom the same itrty i •ire'y belujig Maroh 7 1*2 4' Fr'. li I REV-TON. So t I’rrrirt.u, ». Q • Im . jtief £jirollloi; Ufflee,) \ FonSTH 1A.L btSTRtCT, N '• J > : /^D’y ‘8 «, IR04 J* I IN tur(iua-if\; t’f '5-t •■ii (>-3“' 'Jo 1. ' ai:cT\pt OSioe, 1 i^R-^lelph, N . J I** ^ l-.u ■i'Kh, 1^**4 t^'mnc’indittg | »n£ccT! of Kf-'-i i>u I. !m.i Jl; jii>i .>t'4;n t^co^reu »' D sinct. a*e requo i» • i., .,ui5" ali ►j-s i>» bet 18 and 45 yesra of £. reial corcmandi' to assemble at ibe foll-.iwing tinjjjd nn.i p'^ce*, for ex- !»in na;ion awd ctjr.'jilaii’o!: N«w Harsfe:- 22d R«c’!nont, at '^'ilniiiirtua, Febr«arr 20t" »» %7 w. U-.lu.'iiyp N'?w R oiov. r CouAy, ‘28d R>*g^i, Feb’y 29tb to 8 i inoiusire SniT^wirk oouritT. 5f:»h Ree’t, Sruithr>lle, ^^^rc'OiSlh tc M«rcW 10th, inc’iBsiy* Columbus oouniy, .'>7*h Reg’t, Whit('TjlI». March 14th to V>iroh ISth, inclnsi»e Rnb» s^)i county, 68 b Rrg'r, Laaberton, March t« 'latMJh 26tb. inolu^>e. Robeson county, 69th Rrg’t, Lumberton M«i.rcb 28th tr MfiroH 81st inolu.'iir-r Ktchm 'B.l oounty, KOth Rejj’t LaurirVBrjj. April 4th to April 7th. inolueiv* Richmoad coucty. 81 ?t Reg’t fto«kinf’'' vr>! April 11th to April 1 itb, inclnsiTe i BI'wIt coan'v. 5&tb R?*‘t, E'.iiabetbtown, April IBth 1 to April inc'iapjTe ! Camberiind eoup'y, .581 R^;'t. Fdyf.tti»Ti!l-, April 22d to .^pril V4ih, inol‘'.fiiTc j i(io«^eM and $ockH Wanted. 1D£^Irt,E U* pur-'K^wi* for sae Boliirrw 10,ti0t> p*irj of ui'-ve? nd 10,0UO pairn of iBooks. Donations will b« thankfully r^wiTed EDWAUb WARREN, • dttrjreon Oen N. C. J&ny 11. 99-3® Boxes, Sc,c^ for the Arm?. Ion- ' I ^LLL 8an+ a sp?oi»l feiosueager to the Army of fret) -I Nortljsrn Vire^aia jji t*? first ?»y of eTe^y meath. i Bank ot FayetteFille. Depositors a^.d Panks ar-? V'.robyn''tibi'd .ha* O"’- If*'* their ' a arces '^re drs»n by >he 2*?th i’";t.. »h“y wil' bf 'aid in f*’e 4 p^r cent. Bonds of the •‘(J.'>n eiie r>it' or in tt?^ preser>l cttTcacy at par tStcrk- h-ildera having dividfooi* and unpaid tre also r.>>i- fl^'d to •e'^lleot the nme by the 28th in.il . or they wtU be patd off n the >aiBe currency at par Check*? on thi« Bank dated previone to 28fh hiub* be prespa'?‘.i br that date. W a. BRO\DFOOT. Ca«!>*r M%roL 6 12 8il AU b'ix'e, p»>'tt.tg.-'», otHee fre*i >f sii’iree *c U4»ifth, Jaa'y 16, l®ti4 'II be fotw.irJefl from ta? EDWARD WARREN, Sjrgeon Oenernkl •*. C. 99 8m Confederate Tax .Notice. The -Iprri3>>rd mti\ U.q Coi't-oi r f.-.r BU tu coonty •till Hi sot t.Ue tax payers of tlie different Disiriota at ff^llii^ns: '.m*i and places fur the purpc.oe of »«- »eB-»ing ihe tax on lr.eome and reOiiiTing the game. AUo th"* Titii? of Pork »i*; .M*5Sti11«, MoHii.iy 7th Mirol*. JStfi. Whb« Oak, Tuceday 8 h. Braver Daiu, TtedneeJay 9th. “e»Tes’e, Tbor-day lOih. • OoUey, Fri-lay 11th. French*! Creek. 12tli. C*rT**‘’a Creek 14t. White’» Cr»*ek 15th. Kelly’a Stor« lOtb. Bladenboro’, 17th. E'ii>bethiovrn, 19th. All are rcqaeated to hare iheir liHHj male out and AK.TIY UABIVE«(». i AM prepared #o manufacture all kinds of Wagon X Harness for Army use. I tan my leather aod can give good bargainB, Agents wiU do well to sand their I order* le me a.i t;' y s'aall have prompt atteution, and j •ent o# in quiek fii«patcfc OARTKR j Ooldhton P O . Cbathaai Co., K. t'., > Jnn^ 1?. 1862 f J. Road lea^e Fay^ttevii!** daily. (Sundays exceptedj a: 8 o’clock, A M., and r»*turning leave Ejjypt at 1 o’clock P. >1 a%ttU aud Hor»e Tram MO.VDAT, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By arler JNO M. ROSE, Trt?ac»'r %Dd Gcn'l Triios. Ag'U Jan. 22, 186:5 9'tT From and after thift date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A M., on Monday and Thamday. JO.*^ WORTH, April tt—17tf ] Ag’t C F. Stcua Bg.ii Co. A^HETILI^E, !V. €. WILL open tha E.AGLE HOTEL for the re- _ oeption of Gn»st« the first of June, and I bops [MiMLta be able to entertain fron teTeoty-fiTe tu » btmdred peroons during the Summer In oonnection with this large Uotal, I have a auab«r of Haok% Carriages. Buggies aud Saddle Horuee that my gu^sti can get at a minute’s notice. J. M BLAia, Pn-prietor Eagle Hotel, .Agheville, N. C. May 1.3, lbt»8. 3l-ypd ^ I . -mhe*U^ eonr y, 54 h R’c’t F.iyrftejille, April 37th I ready And ^ who h^ve failed to ^aish tneir Xitbiug of thin I n '‘‘P*'" W?bj ] list or io list thtir Cattle and pay their Tixes are noli 14 ^ Harnett ct/Uts'T 52d Reg t, r.’^nj»t 'a. May iJ to May , fit^d ;u ai tliis is the laaf opportunity that will be fiven. ^prsons. ^beh»r previously tl», IRO'yaiTd This call embraope «tlt exoff.pted or no! WM. .V. SW.iNN, tJapt, ani Chi«"f Enrolling Officer, 4th Cia Dis. N C /%’O'rtt^E TO roWrRIPTS. HS4DQUAKTKSS Medical DepartnenU \ Caiar Ehrul.lino Orvioa. XSi'o. lb€i. i 1 «A.t U ...»« CoTiBcriptloa .'ii Rvle:^h N C in rrc'»ril lo nl'r laeD 10 Cn;i6cripti''n uudsr recent ac? rif 'onffre«>8. an- in all failure! the h J opportiutity that will be given, w wifl be enforced. W R088, 1 . GEO. CROM ARTIE, / 10 ^tpd P.b'y 25 ValaaMe Land in UarneU for Sale. BT virioe oi aathorit; tn tne by the last WiU and Tu^tament of Hector M. Mouean, d«>o’d I will Mil ou a oredit o: air montus witn inierest I'rom Bale. «*« wweu »9 4.w>v pu*Mu-*eo» PuAI'^TATIuN, wa Wikich o.ie tesiator lived previua? to t’is l/aih coQ.^Ki ng ..bout pix hundre'i a;r4S Tliis I ; Uo r 2S-U. MKtltctf Kx*ni r:nr Bvurd I oo j.5« ^ori^ sije of f’ape Fe*r River, front I'or FourlU C'^n^rctiion .1 Di» rict, N C , wili ooavene t:j ac'jordancB witu ibcv* iime«t anJ pHcej Th" attention of si! o.^nctroed i' oa.lod to ^bc follow- ■ ajr ‘‘All exernftir'm heretofore g*'tnttd -ire tnb- j-flt m r-svi-.ioe. tvi der iG.^tracliot.* iroui uu'eau of Con- nerip-i.>n. 'in ] if found be iciproper or uniutaofiaed i*y ''.w, wi” b? revoked OCT.AVIUS A WniTB, A 0 8 , Chief f>f Kx-Jraininj: B ard. Fourth C ug. D;s>?.. N C F»b 11. 5 tArn.22J iog fn Ui« B loie s.hout oae mll(> and a quarter, and run* niai: haus. a’ leti.«i three fourths of a mile. This land i^ Within a mile of Lillingtun, thn County Site, and is '••eiy TalnsbU", i rcseoMiig adv>uiia2e9 rarely off«rod in ihi^ eJUBiy. There ig a rerj valuable MILL 'HE on tta innd Any person desiring toexaminH itt p>'emisee wiU apply to Huifb McLean, E>q., or to Q n A D Mo Le^n. ei'her of wnoa will lake f'c-asare in showing t»e»«. SFFIE C. MoLE.AIf. Kx> of H. M. MfLEAN. Dec’r i2. 1^68 9.Stf HEAIMirABTKKS KRroUlns OUce. Camberland, pATKTThVlLLE F h'v 'i 1864 84t/ 4^0 Ithi. fwiim >%rabic for «ale by J. U LEE •Jet. 16 6«tf WANT nuULT ibeMe Powers's m Hay Street. salt: sAhTr. 25 Bale *’-y !>««. -2 ROBFHT MITOajgLL. «P-tf TOBACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades. 190 for sale on consignment, by May 28. GEO. W. WILLIAMS it CO. 31 tf After this date 1 will pay 16 Ccntfi per pound for ‘rags, or tne bigheitt market prioe, delivertd in Fayetteville, or at my iniUd oa Roskfish. D. 'ilURPHT Feb’y 16, 18»;4 7-if Wanted to Purcl«a«e, W^EgTEIiN R.VIL R*AU STO-.’K; Bank Nn»e.-; Gold »ad 8i;?er; Sorl' Carolina Trea8ur7 Notes (Fnnd'vble:) ** “ $1 and ' • Bouds, old ani ?ew-. County of Cumberland Bnuds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greens-'oro’ $1 at-d $2 Certificates; r.«>nfo.leratc 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds; Coupons of $16,000.1)00 ban; *■ of Town and County Boads: “ Oi old North Carolina Bouds; T. fi. LUTTBRLOH. OcU 12, 1863. 71t.; SpoB Cotton Exctianged for Lard* yV E will give hpan t’otion in ^ari payment for LA'KD M d«tiverf,i til ujv F^coty on Peraju 8: A. MoLAUCllLlN R, E, HEIDE, Gen’l Af’U Aug. 2-5. 68-tf To Cotton Planters. 1HAVE been appointad by the Secretary of (he Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purohast of Colton for the Confeior«te Govemmeut within the State of North Caro- Una, aai irill pay for the same in. 7 per sent Bonds or C^h. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, baying: in my name, wrill nave written ocrt^cates of appoiiiimeot. I5y order of the Secretary of the Ti-eaaory, allCoitgn parohafi.;d by ir.ysolf or my -ageate. on and after tbe 18th day of MarcH 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Boiidii «r Ca^h, i^ad not 8 per o«a^ Bands ad stoited ts a former advertisement. Up to that tiue, However, the 8 por heads will be furnished as stated. r=»'riotic o^iuens arc now ^ifer^i aa opponaalty tc all tUe Ofcveriiancnt by s^l.inj t^o :t ti»eir Cu4*«a ra»!ier i.»;sa to f^v it;^ pafitali«t5 L8W18 S. WILLIAMS. CharlotK?, March 24, ibb3. [o. d.} 14tf ('0XFE1IKK4TK STATR8 OF AMKBICA* | I K.HAIXBCK Dp.PARTMfLnT, Dl5IT. I'APR 1’ RAS, a i Wl'mingutn. K. C , IHto, 1863 J ; ■^OTICB ’erebv jti'.'cn to a'l prreons havinjf cUixne ri '-o 10 wtjM RceelFer’« i\otice. 1 SHALL M.ieU'1 a» At»r,.tburuui(h. on tor ‘^Sd dtty ol .Maioa next, to r:>c«ive me ini«rt6i Cm on *11 cUiu^ A/Aintt .he lSnst!n(>pr Departmrat, for serviae* of j oe m H-ojjvei-. y not pa-d, tuoj ioob *!av#s employ-d a* laborers on the land defeneet n^ar Wilmington. C , !ha* he tD.tia a'Uhv*ri*-'d ! and prepared to p'iy the sam^ "xt his* . fiSo**, on *t>e »« ; oond floor of 'h* buildin? next abcv. .Mearls’ Drug 8tor«. Market ."tri-9t. Bar ?(*ryoBs exectifinff ’’ower* of Attorney wil! ob serve the followiri/ form — ti’^ir esgn ■tnre'*, in nil ca6«fl, t^ he witnes.^ed hy tw.i wi np«H«-3 and pteneil in du-li- cate, or they in^y be w lursael before a Jus .oe of the Peaoe or Cl»rk of ^ny C :* rt FORM OF POWF.R OF ATTORNEY. I, — of ——il-j bt'T'-hy appoii-t , of —, my true and lawfiil Ai^ent ti sign receipts for, • n'i r. e**'ve payment of 'I! mun. ys tu t» by thtj E De- i»ar(m-n* of th’ Conf d*=riii ■ St.'.les of f-r the wili wiiJp rfly. All »no tave c'Bin.s :u 'b-ir h.inds ■'tiieu eufimicH ■* required to 6uir*utti!r tue tame 'o 'n> i* i' r. nrj,> John j-* , Heeeiver. P U'har*>ugU, feo'jr 17, i8t/4 NOTICE TO TAX PAYBHH OF RICHMOND COUNTY. 1WILL attend at the fo«’owing- times pn>’ pljce" for the purpose nf colleei'rg the Inoime '?'-5 for 1868, aiso, Tax for 1*^«4, and on O- x-.i Sales for Quarter ending l.‘!t J \n’y 18'4: .At Rteele’s on Tu^^sday I6f«> -f Meroj; at Mmc^ral Sp'itJes. Wednesday, M^rob 16; at Rockingham, 21"1 »nd 22d %Iaroh—being Court weekt Persons in Black Jack, Wo'f Pit and Baaver D»n will meet at the most C'nvfnlent place Person* failing to attend will have to sabiQit to a dedootion of 88J c r ifter 1st April. L w MoLAUBIN, Celleotor for S8d Dis* , Riohmorni county. .March 6 12 t.22dM Ofllc« Pott 1. M.. 4th long. Dlst. N. C.,) FATKTTBT11.1.S, :uaroh 3. 18b4 / noncE. . WANTED to hire five I^FGfiOfiS, ta be employed ae teamste'n(,. Forty doii.ra r-er mofjih will be paid and rations inmished. Apply at this offioe immediately 12-2t] J M MoGOWAN, Capt & A Q M Office Depot iVo. 13, ) FaT£TT£V1LL£. Marcb 7, 18>4. ) J*ay your Tithe». PER80N8 wno nave not already paid thelf Tithe Tax w 11 have nniil tbe 20ch day of May 1864, to deliver the same 1 am now ready to reoeive the Bacon due nnder the tithe iaw Sjx ponnds of out ed bacon for every K-O lbs pori etaaghiafred since tue 24: h of April 1863 is rtqiired Parties delivering thpir tjtbe- at a d.si.,aoe of over eight miles will be promj'tly paid for exresH or I ftuiing J. M WILLIAMS, io •onvi'i KLIZiBETHTOW.X, Feb’j 1864. rjltiE undersieu. i !».>■( r.irf n>“!- 0;ji I OIB l«l X low citis:r.s of f-be c.iiinty for f ir I'.trm-r geuerou* support, and ^nnsunces himself %s a c ndidate for re- '’leoii'tn to tlif* offic!* of Sheriff cf Rlad^i, O^nnty. and ■v^li b» thank'd to ! • f-Uow-cii iei>!« «vd tbe soldiers in tiie ariTiy tor » rs^iewal of ^heir g'*i>“r um aupp rt. It if; f r mr ^ell-iw cif’ien? to ludge •• e m »nnsr in V ^»>h I h%ve a'Bch.fgfd the outies of the uffi.'e I b'.v4 enleavor«. to do ar* with^faithfulness andflieliif; pnijCtOiiltv Peitling *’iib the varlows offio*ri» of the oouni> at the *“;at.*i tim«>e pr*8ori^«d by law, fkcd at tee pr brnt cv-tnsat bn!iin.^ e^ery r-rapor i-cceipt for the *ll-6tpi R P MEI.VIN- North I aroUoa Volunteer Navy Co» Tssasfr^ a’s OrpiCK Wumiiigt ■'b. 'j., >iarcu 6,1864 Books ftr further subsoriptiou to the t'apital S'ock of Clii« Company “ire opened at inls Officc All pe rsons desifouf of- aiJini? in /Am ai/ impt>rtaHt «nlerpri$e oai» forwar>’ me tbcir nsiites by iufttl etatirg tb? imom.t tliey wi-ilT to su-serib'. and the»' send the cash by Hotte trusty person, on rrcaipt of wiuoh I will fciw!ir..i remfic'^te of I'look. 8h.*res $600 e»oh. .\U old snbscribers that have no* paid in the-.r subscriptions vrill please do so at. the e^.r- iiH)t moment la 19ipd1 W. D BMITH. IVeas'r IVOTICE. Plttsborought Chatham Co. } rniiose thst hHve not paid thetr Relief Tax w>uld rfo wf'l itn — — I ,u „r -March I'ouri, (3*1 Monday.) Thiww huvInK pr*' P^BB' AST ’^y 5. C. 0 FOa NE PATLt »>lL'j srONPjS, 42 >noii«is in dt»meter ,, t >y .r. ...f .n. W . .re .auuty gnt A eood quality | *ata. would, 1 think, do^w,^. Chath..m n. perty In th« t'onn'y .int llvitij mt ofihe '. oiiBiy, won!l Io »veil u> tfriiig ur aend lac s:iine. Th«? Ta» i* the sanie tlie*- it wns in July i»»t; th>«« that hnv.- n»t (>.'»td thfir Taics up to ttie i»t Ajtril f r grtiilin? oni. 'viy t Fa^ etteviile. N 0., or r i* ME'-IOKY P > ’y 11 ra Lx'ttrl.n. Ksq, at M„d. 7. i‘-0riUe, ■■ 7 '’•! |.AKI» »k t. Factory Ty tine artiole, for silc at my A. MoLAUCMLlN BAK A.^I» 'lOll.lisr M>4P.—For sale nt my Fact^ry. McLAUCHLLN. Fayetteville, 12, 180;',. 68-6mpd 0&DNAM3K OKPAHTMKNT, I Kalbiuu, li. c.. May 8, J8«4. / Lg.iD wanted.—I wish to purohfy.* Lead for thi.i Departmotit. Persons havinij l.=ir^ ur ■entail quaa- tities will plnuee apply '**- once. Will glvt; 1 pouud at POWDER for 10 poiin h-’ of i.EAD. THIOti D HOGG, Capt C. 8. »jj). f In charge at Ordn.' joe. I*alni» tJiirisli BeanK. The sabs»!riber will pay tbe highest cash price's ? >t any qim»*ity of Pai.ta ('•br’sti Beans. Cotton Yarn for %%’^ooi. ■*^t)TICE la Lereby given that after this date (exsept in eases where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of onr adverti^menb ot the SOth uf M'^, wn»v»f ..annV*r > WM wiIIifive 1 btn- d5e 5f Cittan Yarn for 4 Iba. of Wool unwashetl, or 1 3 Ibo. w wS»et ai'd piokod. Thi« oh.vnt^p is mide at *he in.-jt-incfe of the Quarfermaster at Riileiirh, in order to make tbe tenoii of cxoh'in^e uniform throughoat the State. ' GEO. W. WILLIAiia & CO. Fayetteville, Juna 29, 1863. 41tf ftigypt Coal inline. The unuersigued were, at the November Term of tbe j ConfeUerate Court, Dic.nct of North Carolina, a(>- pointed .Manaffer^ of the Egypt C^al Mine property, and hiVi' entered ii.to copntrioerBbip for the f urj>opf- cf mining and selling Co-»>, »n:d soUoii ordeni for tue same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount osa be snyy'-ied oti short notice. The t'oal from this pro perty is o^diubtcily tLe best in the Contelerate State?* .^pplioatJt'rts may be m.'‘.do to Chas fc. Malleti, FaT-ett.o- TlW N C., or Jamos Browac, CharloBton, tf. C. HARLSS B. MALLETT JAME8 BROWNE Fayett#ville, Jan’y 20. 1868. 9itf Phynician’ti Card. r.ervioei of n>y sl'iT?^ pl.ijed s3 >r.-r* defence:* at . during ti e o> >a’h of Wiipess biv h^ni aad seal at ——, the —, 18rt (Signed in daplioate.) I‘^6 dij of FM»Uli o.i'rl' I'LOLR »'it i>Vf ' Wl!.^• sei>u«e^ >' Slv-ro of D »ii;iau in Hy s’i»j g a’ ■ »icr. F'lUr yo- U. No 1 bia k r-r whU' lUTl'l ‘^9 !A i A' I2-3lpd OS O 4 l»o\ WA ,1iTE» : >r F a...it' y >i. A t> n i.1 ' 2 tf Witnesses, [Seal } Turpentine stills Wanted. ' ■ ' t"*t 'iHve Copper Siitia ;or wi l ad M. A, ■I tVl!l?-‘M' c’' 1 B.^KER 11 tf i\4>Tlc»: j Cro!«8 Creek LoJge No. 4,1. O* O* F* I To Jhe nexi of kin and Jinti ibuteespf thp Elates .1 I Jf ate ntnt tfuie, tJan I Hme, Mary Bute j_ anf Flora Buie deceased, heing the Jirst f 0/ iht mhi deceased. A!.L claiuriiti; 'c? b^ me f ki« and dl - t'DU'S'St 1. i»i Jiii r.s* E-sit.s V ' '■ q •j'-ed -o fur- ii- »i vfo-' ti'iKn;:-an'r) on ;»r t9f'"*‘tte 2l5t Mv'." Hi' 'a', ti‘.T*c I i W* proo?»^«i rnaki- .■i-M!Vit)u ivn ui' in. perB-jt.i Rs ar.j.->tsc ♦.»’'“’e r roved ( • »!,* e tiili^'i All Jirnt cou»in$, whtihtr eilieen* or alien* f'l‘ bt- ei!'!tl:a 1 hu :-qu*l “Sr.re in th.- di-j.ri-^u^ion. On ttti> d.i^ •ibcro naniei. Mond»y the 21st M'»rch, at th« .VIsrkf!i Hou)? in nr* Mwn of Fiyptt ville, I wili i at publia Aacti.;-n. aoout ioOO in silv;-r c-'ins, be %WUnt€U^ I | lonsring ,0 e .id i;at .v*s ane'> cf th« .iisiributors as pHrtment * ) ri»io« a Comp‘\Dj of Mouot d Rit1''ineu ; F’' IL 1 The signatures of colored Dersons should be witnos^eJ .y three wituesaea There mu?t l;c sep'^r'ite (tuplicnto P »erd of" A'tnr iry for eaoh month Bl*nk forms cin -r iia' ij-on appli nation at this otSoe W H JAME8, fapi, 3t a’.iff E;..;. Jan'y 20, 1864 130*^1 f IcayettcTille Arsenal and Armory, i So». 12. iKuS } ^100 BOlJt^TV. cri, 100 . ftAtnat^A HMk ^UrHDRllT h^tvn'g b^-eo gr^iiteit by tbe War DR D. a. CAMPBELLi (late of M-trion, 8. 0..) has j removed to Fayetteville and taken p.u otBce on Bow 1 for Hervioe iii this vioini.y. n'ttice Is hereby ^ivuk 'hat i recritit'* to tb» number of 100 non eon*cript» wil b*» re ! ceiv.-d ;or th;'' scrvics. S*i;h r'‘orui» will b? rfquired to furnish a ser?j«aabie horee, (or which oe will be al- l:»wcd 40 ocnte per Ji»>w, and bis p.iv S12 per m;;ath. Wrilten fcrmUtirm, wiil be required from pnr«i;tlt or H'trdian**, wh?re thw a;-pli^ant i« ncii-r th; oons’ript '''t. s Oil aNi) LAsli* ANNEKy an t L0BRiCATi.:^O OIL. i LAMP BLACK. In barrels. For 8»1« by rOR. &. BLOSSOxM A 00., nnwdmgtm, N. 0. Tl ■trc«t, where He may be found at a!l t?m>i.>, with an aroi>li» gtook of Medioio^«, to nisswar l’>ofessioaal ciUs 1 Sa'icf^wtory referenee forntphfid. &.«. t .'••Ji’v ‘2. ff.i-n.t j SSW RE W A HO. j OTOLEN fro'.u t^ie 6uh‘>orif'cr.oa (he ni^ht of the 4»h j O in“t a Wrate BAY HOR.’?E, *lai;k maue and tail, j tjr.f* o*' i«r, fi.» yiMri oi l next spriftj:, shaved f^n ; hi* sid. ■ :-y tr^a:>7. h. traok in thi hoo*’ of tt»e l«ft hjn l ' foo', 1 will pu,- '-lie f,bjve r-'ward for ta.i s>iid horsr j an l proof toconvioi ir»i- thief; or I will p*y two u iu- : drt-d dollars for tha dcli'^ jry of the horse to ni» at j Onion Faotvjry, Norf' Cai-jlma, or for him at any j I 80 that I o*n ){et him. Any information will be thank- 1 Ailly received. , ! ^ ^ _ JAMIS DI0K8. j QaAe* Fartery, Feb’y C, 1M4. 6-9tfd Rach rocTdit muBt brin(^ wits ftiro » blanket or bed spread, and ij'wne prerarpd to n- •a^in Briilt>fl, yaddWa, h>iitt r'» and R*ddie blankets furnish ed by ihe G.>veri. M' ul, or if tbp v.'ornlt oone.'i provided wiih tb“im, be ’^vid b« paid for ibem a Tair Talujttion. Api'ly to. '-p! M,\TTHE.V P TAYLOR, at i^e ,Ar- fifnal » L. CHILDS, • SOa’l H^jor S A 'omiy Post. r i'i rt,o!’v.r their diffribiitive «bHre» of this ocs'a in f. O.AO t*i' *n i JMid bid off tre t^atne, ar.d sottle tfi*?re- for f'y ’V!Ti7. r^ff-.‘pis f'">r th;j ^-moants of th»*ir ’:ur- c:i»^' -. « ntiieb iow.»ris ihvir jis'rifcativ,? star’s of tiie Es*'.?e. » .'^l: pcr§‘ns '.-.ildine o’ain'fl ftRa'nPt tl:e E>itate %«•/ all who are stil’ w-idfti'ttid, ar-> earnestly r.-*qussted t.-j oome f.irward anl '"^tile up bifor?. tar day above named' a*! I am deier/Diri'fi t-> oiose ui: ihi' whole bu^Iaess at that tlina AR0H'I> McLKAN. Adai’r. Fiyrttevi’ie, N. tl . Mftrnh 1, 18(54 11 t»'*Stpd ot i^orth Carolina, HARNETT CeUNir. n fftfc tUURL' —•» I Vais of liie Bocit! t.e lo tne Library of 'ijia L:d,;e 5on.Ht'na u>>oat shelv. a unJ tabVs in i>>s pH.'Sr': Please look ov«»»- -pon- Libr'»»-y and e'l yn fi"d with f^e l-'bo! e»> them (hem in t*? rnv'. JA8 0 COOK Mar"h 9 12 4t F‘ iot!if or r^tolin, OOM tnv w^gon ;n tae iOtu or 2i’>tn S’sh’f 1>6'». be- t-woei. *t%-'x « Mil’s P 0 and Faye^ te .-i’le. h- th.* way f Pa,5«'s T-'H IIrius>». a -ci.ton ec atainipc on« co;tPK i-totorv shut; ip ihe sbirf two ivrry in^ W.i with ptarl colUr button s^l-d ro'.d U-s-k s;zo. witt' cqu .rt-s.U'1 c m. b‘.v]l. nn h Th ««h:ri,ba“ '■?r«6i’l*'s bosom and coltar yH>-tts f dsrl. i.—*p 1?^ rards of sin«> wov- r-f tbe sr.t;* I w.ll pny H iiber-ii rewsrd f^r ihe .d&l-v.'iy of »".il kt- ticli'a or an« snformatioti wbfrr 1 cir. art ih-*m a A .SIKES, Cox’it ViiUe P. O , R^nd'lj**) cvEm.v, N MareV H ' 1‘2 4ipd “^XivTED. I WILL pay the '!as" prio" for any qa»jtliry of/to-id COW HORtfS. and LEGBO orEorsesaud Cowp; ftloo, BtllAR ROOT for makicff Pipc^ deliTcrBd to toe. B LE3BHLK3. FaveMfville. Feb'y 2‘> 11 17tpd MocJfcK ailii C4io%*?s ^or SSse I fPlc;ws&Qjj,rt *r Sensionp. I>e3 itnher r,^rm, 1863 1 Tp^K.llS up and o'lniyitt.? I to Jail of t'i»»n’ ''ri&ii'l. AroVd M:L^.., w. a D. wife C.tb.ariao j I tre fr^lowin^ SLAVES: HEpY-bt b.u^rif^ ROLIN and HAM >■ I. i HoIraa; JERRY, belanfiov •» n Sini >; -TEHRY be- HAVE netn air.^.n'rjsed to esohanio 4—4 8h**e'- ! in^s fcr tOO pairs of 'A.i ! nuad 1 to b'^ T>r(*Bto !■« 3'^.ldi;*rii, at t^.p raie r>. •-H.ee j Tf.rds • S‘*fRiin^et fir four pairs C»-V -at {••. xfc d.jcr I wlow Rav & Pearne’p J .V PEVlHjJliTON I Fayrtieville, Fftb’y 6, 1 1 Bhuok Wiumi»tsaa!« for at thi» «>r*i P«sl!ao^!tor r.ariiiior. r-f t UwHs. 'pHIS cr.ae cor.;n;5 on f; •» h^mrd. it is ordered: that i, ,*U"'if be '3a')r. i»* tite F.»5etteville O^'scrvfr for Rix wo'ki; ■ vir.7 B.'ii’’ anl wlf'^ Td^’-y, Tbomas BoiiT a d »s>» N^.ioy S>p'riia, te - a and appeur at the neii tern Cr.un. thut, tbe? ra«y ano-»t*r the said p?t?!ion. plf>ai r'r dewir as thev may iliink proper. Witness, Benjamin P Sbsw, Clerk of *.«d Court, at OfBoa in Lillingion, Feb 1. 1864. 7m«t»llUrhpdl •• ®HAW, Ol’k kr-fing tc Gc-. Penax; GREEN, Smith "‘.pd '■ay were rr^rklng nea. Fori Fisb~r.— all Davids .n connty T^e owners will cjn^ forward, pjfcv cb^:.rj?^a aud take tbem away, or they will be dealt with *=5 the law directs P P. ALDERMAN, Jailer. March 1 for sale at tfaia Office. fV(>. 1313.] KfciU05P«li;T A few days after tha CJaiieCs of C'harleStoa fired iiit) the. Siar ot the Wc'^c-^the first shot for Southerti oetuuce—v»ov. Kilib, throUjii iiis pri vate fcJecrttary. wrote us € letter, i wiiich, siuong oiiier thinffs, he lavitLU as to K Jei^h to aUare f)i;j couiiHuis 111 thu ifiuii critical cotiiTition of al- I'fiirt. VVe rcbpjiiJtHi to his buuiiuoii'^^ uud 011 oar atnval wo lourid the Govtriior .suliering the prtniouitorj 8^'tuptouiS ol that tatai aincusi: which, al;i8, toj early tor the Statf, CiOacU iIk career «>t a a»t:lul oHic«r, and ard«ot patrioc. in attvndaoce UrfK'D ttie t^overnor, were ^vJr. VVinsiow, hie chief ol tho idihtarj H(jar«i, iVjajo Hr.idfi^rd aritl >Jr. 11 \V Uuioa. About t. e sauie tioio tjo, our hretaren frotnlhc ariuy', bods oi our old uo hcr, wtiie returuiug lo espoutsc tier uaude The ten K ^itueQt liiii waa ou the tapis, aud wab soon pa^.50ti, ana ttie appoiutuitiQt:i were auuuuuoed ' Ui uil ihe array ul men whom we tiicre first ’ met, atiswering to the touutry's call—Gov. isliiii^,* Win.slow, Hrautiirrf, Lruioti, Coi» S.uit^, 'J'ofr, Ml urus, AnaerbOD, i^ isher, C'aiL'pbeil, 8haw, Hraiiob, Fender—all, ail have lahen martyrs in the glorioud oaut>e, i^ve Mr. Gmon and ourself . IhuGovernur lived but aHbort lime. An unceasing actentioa to busiuess, the refusal to take reflt, the abaoibing devotion of mind and heart, aasivted diiiease, and hurried to a termination a iiie that would been valuable in the&e ptiriloua timea iMr Wiuslow wai a uiaa ot uo ordinary mind, and r.uys^nd ali 4aestion was a flincere aud faithful seivant of the. State, whose usefulness posterity wili appreoiatd. Col. Bradford was an ofl^oei of ihe old army, lor many years a'resident ot Fayettevilb aod conneoied with the Arsenal at that place. A polished and entertaining gentle man, he shone in every eociety in whioh he was pleased to aissociate—and by all who were inti mate with him, he was esteemed for genial and generous characteristics. These all leli victims to disease, but disease aggravated by labor in the cause of the public. Stokes tell in the attack near Mcchanicsville, and alter suffering amputation of his limb, died in the city of Richmond Col. Tew was stricken down at Sharpsburg. He had heea with .us on the preceding Sunday at South Mountain, and on that occasion we saw h’m for the last time. He was one of our most useful men, and the State had reason to expect from his labors a harvest of great value in the improved education of the youth within her borders. Meares was slain at the deadly assault upon the lieights of Malvern Hill. He was of a stock that onbures good and brave m?n, and we speak the nniversal estimate of our friend, when we aocord to him that com bination of gentle and btern virtue which makes up the gent'eman and soldier. Anderson .was another victim of the battle of Sharpsburg. Ha was, perhaps, the most popular of our North Ca rolina officers. All who know him, loved him. Id his own command, he was idolized. His was a heavy loss to the army, for fi 3m his first en trance he bad ranked high, and his whole cha racter gave proitij'e of more advanced and ex- and heroic dash upon the toe on the ‘tar-tame(l field ol Manassas, in advance of his line, received bis death-wound, and const^crated his name to history, along with those of Bee and Bartow, the first martyrs of the war. Campbell died at Gaines’ Mill, boaHijg the flag of his regiment, in one of ttiose impetuous chargcs of-that day, which hurl ed the enemy from liichmond, and saved the be leaguered city. kSuaw has but just perished, and his service and eulogy are fresh; and Branch, at tho clo-ic of the day of Shii-psburg, afiter the ene my had been repulsed, by a random shot fired at long range, was stricken with a mortal wound, and die4 upon (he spot. Wc oald not bestow Tipon this officer a better testimonial than that we heard Irom the lips of tlie gre:»t#Jackaon, who said o! *eneral Branch, “I regard him as one of the bept Brigadierp of my command. He is in defatigable ant' exemplary, each day a better offi cer tha^ he was tho t^ay before—a moet improv ing and useful raaa.” This is the array wc first met at the opening of the war. Slnyige th»t the writer of this arti cle, the lea-st valuable of all, should aione have beon sparod, to pay thin .slight tribute to tho memory of this roil of heroes ot whom the nation ban bs't n deprived. Then to tl ese are to Le add- —Peuuer, Pettit'tew, Lee, Singcltary, Uavuii, McKinoev, Riddick Ohrihti:., and, aU^! aia.*-! a scroll whose end wc caunoi rea‘h, but whom hia- tory will honor. If these valuable lives have been lost to the eoUDtrj, the^' have not died in vain. They have fes ified t'' the world the vulue ot the struggle. Thoy have p lurod oat their b'oid in tiie c*uso, U) *okcn of th-nr e.stituate of its Haced and meri toriovd chhraoter Aud fr.>in the graves wUero they sleep, the voice oomes focih of adinonitioo aga:nst w rakne.SH and faltering, and ol exhorta tion to ox**rnoo and courage. W bile the nation drops its tears fir the late of tbe fallen herous, it takes new incentive to labor, from the rcmcm- brancc ol their valor and patriotism. Kaleigh ilmJedtraU. l^pirit of the. KhusvVU’ Ladies —The t" der ate in Knoxvi;!'; arc l-aviog no easy task in sub- jtigariDg the rebel ladies, if we may judae by a few itiSfiDce.s of ppirit which have come to our knowle‘1^'5 Mrs H D, a remarkably handsome dark rty f Tiriijiv lady, ^as rcjaircd fi leave without Ei jrf ihnri an hour’ij wotioo, and no opportunity was DffiT d her to di;pose ol her furniture for her ot»?n benefif Tne harpies wore even besieging her door, with the expectation nf appropriating the t.nure contents of the reMdance the mom«nt sbe .should vic:jte the premises Aware of this, by Fome little dextorily, she kept them at bay, whiUc she manufactured a lobloly, consisting of her pickles, sweet meats, wines, marmelades, pre- ficrvep, flour, vinegar, mustard, sugar, slops, &o., and deliberately spread this over her parlor oar- pefs; broken mirrors and crockery were qaiokly added, whilst a bucket or two of aiihes and su^ completed the ruin of het household treasarea sacrificed within hearing of rho enemy. , It is beyond ciir po-.rer of lescription to por tray tho rajr^', aiifi a«a'>ni-»hmeDt ot the Yankee crew, ar> th'^y rnsh^d in to sieze upon the widow’s p»'op".‘rfy, and bi>came aware of the trick which had p'.^vented them from satisfying tbeir keenest appetite upon her “goodies.” Mrs H u’s last remark to the officer, who escorted her out of town, was an admonition to him, to mnke haste baak to her residence be fore his'brother officers app'opriated his part oi tho pltuder, and eat his share of the •nteitain* meat abe had ^ro^ded ior them. mm