PUBLIC liAWS. ENAiTl'V.I' Fk*’\ 16, An Act to i-Sind, 'ta r atuf Lfnixt il^ Curren, y ScoriON I. Ihe (Joivjress ut th* Coafetlerale States of Americfi do enact, Tbat i.he liOiiers i)f all Treasury notes above the deoomination of S5, not Oesriag interest, shall be allowed uiitil Isl daj of April 18^, east of fiio Mis^issjipp^ /^ fand the Muac, and antil the periods shall be s ihieot >PV ' ■” t r.>-n;=n- •** f" *»* to vh;;r. v.-r and v^«il i.of* ■■*'* *”■ ' xc\)*ifr. a*>U»1 *r »»c»7 j rea.-*urv uu»'‘«, ^ Ucidu proviJ xl, subjcot to tho dt’dnciion of said tax. Sko. 12 Tl'at any State ht-.luing' Treasury notct; rccoived I'efore the tiru(*a I'crf'in fixed for taxing taid notea shall br »ii!»rT-jcl till tV.e first day of Jf\nuRT^ 1865, to fund th*? rfame in 6 per iir^U^^ThZ; o “?, ce„t oU.. Oo.K.c,a,c S^«, p.,able..l * u II u H J X 1. •» 1 . IB rm'io-i date, and the mteref;t pavabie s=3Uii- ootcB shall be allowed to fund the 1 j ^ ^ , l.. tered bonds, payable 20 ycurs f.- eir diito, bwiag interwt at the r»te o» 4 per coot, per an BUm, payable on the 1st of 'Ff'nur^ry lud July uF •Mk yaaik 8bo. 2. The ftjoTiStacy of the f’-.visuvv is U. authoria«d to issue the boudd rmuirtul fo! U*' fandinir provided for iu the pr«;cedisw sectiou, and aotil the bonds oau be prepared he may istiu* eert«fieatiii to answer the purpose. 8iieh bonda and oertitioatcs shall bo n-coivable without inttsr- est iu payment of all Uovemmont dues payuhle ID the yojr 1^(,)4, execpt export and impoi I duticj*. Skc. a. That all Tresjjury notes of the ‘Jenonii aatioK ol flOO, not bcarinji intt?n;sf; which sb.iIJ not bo presented for funding uadet Uio jirovisi«n5s of the 1st section of this aot, shall, troi i .md riiU'r the lut day of April east of tlic Mi;isissi}>pi river, ,iiid the i^^t day of July }M>1, w 'nt of t .c MiAMitwippi, •rase to bo recoiv:*I>io iu piy^funt of public dutiA, aud .said uotes, if «of s,i pr.>. ntod =/ that time, nhall, in addition tt' tiie :hk ot >‘4 ns .ifi, liu I’tl trt >iliid ^ ■».:UUCtv-l iiOl 'Si ill.lll ftannally. But all Troasary notv« rewivod by •my State >ift^r the tiTae fixed f.T th-. name us atorenai-i, shall be he’d to ‘jir.vs be? n r-jooivod isinvtiialu'i by the amount ol’aaid tax The dis- i-’-iiiH ntior. l. >; ;.vi 'T( ’J f'pa'ij.'' ' t?'- atid ni‘i fTj^abjeot, »b:i!l b*' — j;{. Th.»t r'roi.iiiry ;k»t ■ -'.nr^i.^tore issued ■■ .it fb‘- ra:“ Sf7 i-n ihv per ar.nntn, .‘j'iaU ji" lont'o*’ b'^ iroi^ivod in pay- inrtif i'uhlio dues, but shail b, di .'und utid’ (Xjnsiu ircd bf-nds ttl tbe C‘.i>f’deratt' SfjitctJ, pnya ble two yo:irs iftor the ratiiieitioM of >i «rt’Hfy of pea-!; witl^ *l:e llnitfd State's, bf;!)':!!^ t^u' rt't" oi intrrovt .sp(>eilitd on t!icir ^ht; )ViyHbi!' l-f of January of c>^eh and every year 8t:>' 1 1 "'f !»t the, Setlvetfiry uf t.ii*' Tr' >iry I.*!, and h - i.s hereby, .m*horizoi, iu >•;>«• ' >e si L' neitv * t the (trivi!r.ip_ic it -li mM ro»(uirc • t(» p;iv ff: iJ.'W Ififl 'if ;i;:^ diror '.vli.:' ' 1 if' >t { to r IV -\.iJ .-I eeRtfi iaijKwed in the 4th softioi: -i •' snbji;cted to a t;iX ol 10 por p. r til so presented; which tax«s .'ibalt.-»iti notes wherever circulated, and .->h li. ■. from the face of said notew wii. in v. • k>i payiiont or for tundin;:, ;uu .■^ iid i,o! •! not be exehaugcubie for tiio uew i.‘f ftva- sury notes providod ft>r in tfii-s net St:o. 4. That on ull itaid 'i'lea.'-ury lot fundel or u.«ed in payiDt*ni jt it r* d. and plfcoed prca»)r;bt>d iu the l.->t tco?.iei; •; f.i.' aei, (hero ahaii bv, icvit»d at said datis aw l ['iai-. 'r- a taiL of 38i cents tjr evury dollar prui':i.s i* the faoe of said note^; >aid tas sballatuicb f notcfi wbsrever cireuiat*;.i, and dl h - -m'. by dcdactiog^hc same at tUt; trea.iur^ u toriee and by tax v^olLcJurs, u;: i ? • UiOiit oiiioer^ iecc;,'itj^ tbe sauii- .vbi ri ■■ i r.- - ^cQt«d for pay.'^i.rnt or't'or I'undir.;., or i’’ aj? ■ of (ioverniaent duos, a/ tor pah=tAj?c, m ia cx- uhaoge for new note;;. a« hiToinafter pruvidci, said Treai^utj^ n^tea .shall be lundable in !■ -i: -x-. provided iu the Ii»t aeotiou of tbi.-* >ict, v-'stil the let da^' of January l*fi5, at tUe r « cfn .; on th« dollar; and it bh>>ll be the duty o> f ..■ c- retary of tht Tr ;Hfury, .d any tLur ‘h .• 1st of April and the Ist.^af July, K''f>4. we.’( . t the Mississippi river, "ind the 1st of J.i-iu >■> to substitute and esoh^nge uew Treas;ii} ni> ’-s tbr the same at the- ratj u( »’tSi ccnto uu tl.' li d- lar: /Vopu^ed, That uotea of the deiiOiaiiiufior • 1 t 8100 shall not be entitlsd Xo the privi! ’re o- .-u*-! oxchanga; I^ovidtd /urfkrr, that the ritrht lu fund any of said Treasury nolo?!, niter 'he l.^tday of January 1865, is hereby taken awa.y: .Ijur p* cuied further, That upon ail such Treasury notos which may retaaia out^taniiiDg on tiie ] %t iiiy of Jaauaxy 1S65, aud T)»ieh Eiay not he I'xch j-v.'cd for Taa# Treasury aotet>, as herein pr vi led, ^i. :=x of 100 per eent is hereby iiuposcd. Seo. 0. That after the fir^t day ot Ay ii nest, all authority ii«n>.‘vf:rc ^iv^a to th* S'ior-jiriry i l the ltHa,sury to Treatury cote-j .sliail be. and is hereby, revoked: Provid>^d, the Secret,»ry Trca:,ury luay, after that txtne, isoue aew ju y I '•V) I i; r> ■U U '^IK be t dtcr r ra i*i L iiiti.'l St't*' • r ■■i-iiofi.' h ic*l ; r ■ •. I jH’» ■i.i.’i it! .; 0* r siii.i e* .{ n't, '■.u> hi'M’ • :i .'Ji.r.j oli; . by b' M Jor- • ilb .1 b\ thf T:''M,“Ury, 'ind »H>d O 'l tifie^i' 't in- ■tary in HHi-h !.• M-- .; :th h*; • •■•fjofvix mi i i-is! tjn.i’M be.'.'i'tary of sJi be ev-’Trif*! ?• ' .XI' i >. iu iirit ’i,):;! :in(i i; f- it-; Sk.‘ ir» e—t;ir\ ot '■ Tri'aiUi-. >u- • 'vr jst. l to uiei .'u e i Ue uuujb*-■ } d; . o ;i f-- Tncc' bt* requirrniint.s ot tbi-' aet, '.i’d with th.s,i vipw : j e'opJoy Muob of jJ e L«tik - of tb,‘s-'V-. : -.a! Stjfe- hi- uiay dreiu cxpedi int Hkc 1) r'ru> Seei*:t;»ry ot the 'i’l ‘asury fnail {•I. liwitb adVb'-tihe tbL** HOt in KTi.b u'wiT'iperb V i’.li bed :o “OVCTui uisd by tr - iL- ii^ii H-'cUic i'.uait-diat^ pubhc'if.y; aud ■■e Steietiii-v t>t War 'nd the :S*-er‘;nirv »f th; .Vi ,vy - cacii CAU^■ o ’u be piofi^b^'d in ione rat order (bi t:ie iufoioiatio^ .‘f the a.i;*y and D»vy. Sec it 'I'b. y i.s.s^LO"i!t and 1 ho, Sk.’ i''. re.T }l-,o b-ri IjV MtT? V . >f;i- fid section o*‘ 'ho ;vet •.ibctioi- o*, taxof-, ij>pro\ d >? ,y ■iiy repealed .^( ■;rrf'ry of fh; Tr--Htiry •5 :rjd rt|airi--'l, upon the »p]t*i- ■‘•'r ■>! ,itj , certili ■•aF ', whiub, by the first s;jf'(vou of the act to provide for thii ‘uridi'ifrT.nd fnrtlier isf.n- of Tica«ur; no^'s, «p- '•rov ; ’ >l tro’i •1^G•1 tvOri reqaired to lo t.i.-r a!t>T uiieui-'d to be a bond, to ij-siir to such ddor a boi.d iheroibr upon rlie term' provido*! by a:d ncf. tao Treasury notae, iu such form a?; he may [•ri'seribe. payable two years after the ratitieation of ^ tr-aty of pmcG with the United States, said new i>siie- to be receivable in p »yaiant of aU nublio da??-, exccpi CXpoT*; anfl iKsncd in exoh&uee for old note.-^ at the rate ot2 doU-ir.-i oi the Dew for 3 of the old issues, whether ? dd BOtef* be sun'endered for eiciiuu^fi' by th?* hold-T.^ tliereof, or be reoeived into th> Tr. .tsur.' andor Au Act to lay additional 'Jax€« for tlhc cone- rnon deftnee rind 'ivpport of Umei'-nmmt. Sc-c. 1. Thu Cuiiirress of the Con find enite States ^>f Aniorica vlo eii>u-t, Tlint in rtd«li tioTi !•> tiio taxes levied by the act “to lay t;i\es for tiie ci»iujin»n ilefeiict) ami to currv un ta*- V tf Vi-rnutfht .>f tho C.>ntcdorute Stutes,” iiT.jir. ‘il-th t)t' A|>;il lStj8, there shivl! ho levied, from tlit pfissjiyre of tbi-i act, on the subjects of tiixntion horcHfler mentioned, and collected frutu every person, co|»Rrtuer- shiji, associHtion or eorpuration, liHble tfiei*e- to, ta.xes us f^)ll(nvH;, to-wit: I. rj>on the value of property, real, per ! •K.-ivvl cvt.ij » v«i1 , L-iri.t on.^ ilitcnrip. tinn, iif>t hereinafter exempted or taxed at a ditlVrent rate, 5 per c«nt.: Provided, That roin tlii? tax on t!ie vtiUio of oropertv eni- the provisions of this actj and he holders of the jdoved in Jigriculture (‘hail bo deducted tfie new Dotes or of the old notes. except thc^e cf tbe denozoination of $100, aft«r ihey are reduccd to m cents on the dollar by the tax aluiuj?»id, m,''y convert tho same into call certificate.^ bcarini^ in- tereit &t the rate ®f 4 per cent, per annum, and payable two y^ars af>er » ratificition of a treaty of peace with the United States, unless :-;ooner converted into new notes. 8bo. 6 Tbat to pay tno oxpcases ol tii^ -v- ernment not otherwise provided for, »he Secrct*ir} if the Tresuiury is hereby authorized to i^HDc 6 ' per cent, bonds to an aniouni uot exccedin j' fi, r hundr^'d ir;iliions of dollars, ri., pri . -i.-d iu \ in- I tcrest whereof shall be free from !ai-?tie: , - ..j ! for the payment of iiitere.-jt tb('r‘;ca t!;e entire ui t ' receipts of any export duty her. «rt.n hiia on J,e | value of any ootton, tobaee--. aud r.-«wj ■ j which shall t.p exported fruo l’>e ! States, and the ott proceftd- of tb- 'niroi t Ju;'-| now laid, or so muuh thereof . uii,y :.e ii- ce-^v* ( to pay annually the interest, are hereby ^.pcciaily pledged; f r>jvuM, tbat the duties uow i.iid or import*5 ire her-by pledged and sf li horeaf ter ue puic in spneie or in sterling excl;«- •■■o or in coufKjn.-i oi said bond,- ' ’ Ssr. 7 Thif, r,hr Sccr/'tarv ># tbc Trea«;:)rv is b'lxeby ani'^ ri: d ' . r^ „ . •aafa r.f tVc Tr-:^nry n,ay ro.juir. uypotlloiAle for T.- ;a3ury set.. j. part theriMf upon tho :>ebt ... ineet srpropriations by fr. ■ , -i j tim* nsdu^ an-> thj'a; - l.r latlon Tr.-a-;,r- (.Qf.., safe li'/jit _ ^ ' Sue. 8.^ The bonds autboriznd hv the ii!h faon of tbiH act may he either re-h tered or c-.j- pon bondx, as the parties takinj^ them rsvy , i... ana they muy be e1.chan.4cd for, miJr such rcgul-Ations as the He'retRry of l-ho Tr**asr— may prescribe. They shall bo fori^iiKi . , nnitt sutti ,orci -^U'i ot 8uoh authentication a.s the ; - cj- rotary of the 'l’r*!asury way pre>scribe; tlie ihicr>.'^t shall be payable half yearly on the first of -jan’y and July in «aoh year; the principal shall be pay.« able o»t less than 80 years from their date. 8ic. 9 All call certificates shall ^>e funduWc and shall bo taxed in ail resy.ot. r,. ia provid.^d for the Treasury notes into -vhini> ihvv are con. vertible. If converted before the tirn« fixed for certificates shall IhalUe^rS" proaii8.Ki upon tbei'r face, and I th^ TT- Tre^aury notes at of Ak>U861 “““’‘5 Seo. 10. That if my bank of d«po.-dt shall ?ive e^mtors the bonds authorized by the first ® 1*^ exohanee f' r their deposits specifying the saxoe on th - bonds by sjme ♦if* mark or token, t.. ue a^^eed apiu with tho Secretary of the Treasury, then t- s..i,l Ue- entitled to r. tiev^ the amooj)- of *ud borids ia Treanur" notes, wid outjitandii./ -.f ti,. *vl*d, tho said, h . . value r-f the t.ix in kind delivered therefrom, as u-vH!='-id under the law inj})ortlii^ |t, and deiiveff.d to the Government: Piovidad, That rui crodit ehall be allowed beyond 5 per cent. II. On rJie value of ^old arul silver wares and {)hit**, jevvelh. jewelry and watche.“, 1> per cent. III. Tiie vaine of ,')rop«rty taxed tinder •ills Hoction shall be aniees-sed on flio bjisis (»f the market value •>} flu* same, or Hiiriilar pro perty wi ihe )ieii;hbi*rb‘>od when'as=es.seit, in tht! year lHt>», except mi cjw»es where land, shtves. cotton or toh:icc> liave been piir- .since the 1st lay of January 1SU2, -I wiiirh case th« -aid ianl, slaves, cottui .Ki'i t' iiHCCt* -o piiTiilia.Sud, shall !>»■• iisrie."5se«l it t/ie )>rice actually paid for the Maine by Uieowiicr. i>ec. ()') tui; >t .ill shares or iuU^r- estJ liehi in aiiv bank, bankin-c comj.any or aHs-K-iatioii, -.anal, navi;;atlon, importing-, elipiirtiii;;, inf;nr;‘,ru*>, maT)ufac1 iiriii;;, tcle- i,'ra}dj, express, railroad, and drv dock con,- pan’" M?id all -itiicr jo Mt -tock -)mpanie?^ >! ^iVi-ry Ki.'id, whether i'iC'ir;iorRt» i >r >ev cioif. • 1 *;• vahio J propeity' taxed under siiali bi! as.s»:.srted npon the ba.«is of 'h; • \ it' iJiicb jnopert.3' in tiie ■'‘•i;^!,iH*d wheri-'sscd, in such cur roncy an may I io Lronunii \isk- there, in the j'Urciiji.^e an I . ale -.i 8iicb pr->per'v, at ll ‘iiiKi of asfiet'^ment. Sec. 3. ITpo’i tli(*. jimoiint t»f aii ^old and BU v-,-r eo;ri,}ro]d diiiji, jrohj or .• iI vei* billii(»n, llmt; iiL‘h^,, by. ,i/Hiiks or otfior corpo all moneys iield abroad, or np**n theamounl ol ai! biiis of exclian^^o, dravvn tii^refor on h-reign countries,*a ta.v of o per eent.; bucii fa.\ U}>on ntoney al»road to i)e assessed and Collected accordini^ to the vaine thereof at the ]>lace wher' the ta.x is paid. il. LTpon tiie amount of all Solvent cvc- 'iilK, and of fill bank bills and »ill other jta- peio isaited ad currency, e.xclusivo of non- ititciest b'oariii^ Confederate troiiHury noteSj p.iid not employed in n registered I)usines3, the incouie »lerived from which i« taxed, 5 ty or effects of auy Idod, not enumttratod n the preceding paragraph, l^tween the time* named therein, 10 per cent., in uddition to t^‘ lax on Buch profits as income, uudorthe jict aforeeatd. III. On tl\M atiiount of profits exceeding 26 per cent., made during either of the years 1803 and 1804, by any bank or banking company, insurance, canal, navigation, iui- }K>rtinr and o.xporting, telegraph, express, railroad, tuanufactnring, dry dock, or other ioint stock company of any description, whether incorporated or not, 25 per cent on buch excess. Sko. 5..Tho tullowing exemptions from tiix.ition under thiei act shall be allowed, to-wit: 1. Property of each head of a family to the value of $500; and for each minor child of the family to,the further value of $100; and h>r eacii son actually engaged in the armv or navy, or who has died or beeu killed ill tiie military or naval service, and who was a member of the family when he ontereil tlu-* ^«*rvice, to the further value of li. l'ropi«: !v of tlie widow of auy (tfficer, soldier, sailor 01 marine, who may have iiied or he' . in the military or naval i-orx (CO, o! wluTc there is no widow, then of the family, boin^ iiinor cJiiidreu, to the rtiue of ~ • 111 Peopertv of every officer, soldier, .'^aiior Of niai ific, aclnaliy engaged in tho miUliirv «*r naval e>ervico, or of such as have bt-eii disabled in such service, to the value ofij;l(iO(); proviiied, tliat the above oxeinp rion^ -hall not apply to any person, whose piopi-i’fy^ e.vclnsive »)f lioUHchold turniture. Biiafi ue aise-sscu Hi a vuiue exceean»m)U^n>. I V I'hat ’-vhere }*roperty luw been injured or destroyed by tfie enemy, or the own«r thered'hii8 t>een teuip»rarily depriveii of the u^e or occupancy thereof, or of tlie means of cult) vating tho same, by reason of the pivience or tho ^)roximity of the onomy, tiie H^.'^e6smHtit on such property may be reduced, in proportion ♦-) the damage sn*- tained by the owaer, t>r the tax assessed thereon may i»e reduced in tho same ratio by the district c»dlector, ou satisfactory «vi- denoe submitted to him by tho »»wner or as Ressor, Sso. ti. I’liat tlie taxe» on property ^aid f-*r the year 1^64, shall be ju>seswid as i»n the (lav ot the passage M' this act, lUid l>o due and collected on th« 1st day of Juno next, or as stH*n after as praeticable, allow- iui» siu oxtent>iv*n \>f yo days West of tbo Mih.sissipjd riv-r The additional taxes on iiicomes or protits for the year 18t>8, levied by this act, shall be as*ie8Sed and collected forthwith; and tiie tiues on incorneft or {»ro- lits for the year 18t>4, shall bo assessed and collected according to the proviiions of tho ti4A and anjicst-ment acts of 1S(>S, Sko. 7. So much of the tax act »f the 24th day of April lKn?{, as levie* a lax on in comes derived from property or effecta bn the amount or value «.d’ which a tax is levied by this act, and also the 1st section of said act, ure suspe.*ided for the year H04, and Mo estimated rent, hire or interest on pro perty or credits heiein taxed ad valorem, shall be asbos.sed or taxed a» incomes under the tax act of 1863. Sec. 8. Tliat the tax imposed by this act on bonds of the Confederat'e States herctc>- fore issued, stiall in no case nxcc«d the in terest on the saaij, and such bonds, when held by or for miuors or lunatics, slmil be exempt from the tax in aii cases wh«re the interest ou the saiii* shall not oxw^ed if 1000. u4u A ol in ntbirpend the privU^je of ihe Writ of IliJ^/eaa Ctrrpm in certain cmm. Whereas, tho Constitution of the Confed erate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, tbat “the privi lege of the writ ol hal^eas corpus shall uot be suspended unk^tis when in case of r«bel- lion or invasion, the public safety may re- (!uire it;” and whereas, tho jiower of sus pending the privilege of said writ as r«cog- nize«l in iraid Article 1, is vested solelv in the (Jongro.*^', which ia the exclusive judgw ut the necessity of sucli t^iispension; and whereas, in the opinion «d‘the Congress, the pnl)lic Ra^*;ty rejuire« the suspension of said writ in the Cxis»ing case of the invasion of the^e States by the armies of the United States; and whfreas, tlie President has asked ^or the busj>ension of the writ of habeas cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public datiger whirh render tho sns})en}iou of the writ a measure ]>roper for the public tlefence against invasion and insurrection; now, t^ Tl'if ’ .a, 1 of the CiMjfedorate SfAti^s of Am' JLX. Of c)n8piracioH, or attempts to liber- j shall be liable to fie placed in service in the j A.".i ‘ ' !ii? ! invHr*ioij o. of ^'^aTin^: un in?.:rrv.t P«W]-?;». ;J,i8 „cf. p,, _ • .. ... • *"'■ v*r( :i'\’::x*d b'.’fore privilege of S . Mi,. *8 herein rtrf n rr^ncMTT, . L . r I.,-.,.. ..,io;'ory-'*’ w> be ree ' ‘ provided ^ .h ^rovisionp 1^^ t’ »t, and uutil n.t^.pR a! ♦ t-r sb>'.]l i -'n.* con nue per cent. Sec.-4. Upon j.roiltH made in trade and hnsincas, as foliow^: I. On all profits made by buying and sell ing sj.iritous liqnoi-s, tlour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or siruj), salt, bacon, pork, ii>gs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw bides, leather, hordes, multis, boots, fciioes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot.- ton or mixed cloths,.hat3, wagon.s, hsirness, coiti, iron, ateel or nail^ at ariy time be- t’.ycon th?i 1st of Januarj^863, and tiie 1st ot January 1865, 10 [>er ceut., ia addition to the tax on eucl» profits as income under the ‘‘act to lay taxes for the common defence, 1 carrv on tho Government of the Con- ao( ■1 luae.”b ’ ^1' I States,” approved April 24, 1863. fi-t 0'.Mober 1X04 foreign exchange, Mj.^«w.sippi livor, but after that Ume tb credits, or obligations ‘“ey ot any kind, and auy merchaad|ize, pr9p%r> on act, Tliat during the prea«nt ' (/Onfederate States, tho priv ilege of the 'V'-f of liabeas corpus be, an.d the same is here >y, .'■nsjiended; but silch ans perii^iori shall apply ojily to ihe cases of per sons arresteii or detained by order of tbo President, Secretary of War, or the General Officer com.nanding tho Tmns-Mississipp: Ifilitury Department, by the authority and v; uler the contnd of the President. It is hereby dtsciared that the purpose of Con- more eflecluany for the public'safety by tU8pei!diT»g the writ of habeas corpus in the fbllowing cases iwid no other: I. Of treasm, or treHs«»nable efforts or combinations Uy subvert the government of the Confederate States. il. Of consjuracies to overthrow tho gov ernment, or con^}>iracies to resist tlSe lawful authority of tiie CMifederate States. ill. Of combining to assist the anomy or of communicating inteliig;encu to tlie enemy or giving him aid and comfort. coiispiracies, preparatious and at* ui2m)t8 to incite servile insurrection. V. Ot desertions or e:iconraging deeer- tious, of harboring deserters, aiKlV attempts to avoid military service: Providod, That in case ol palpable wrong and oppression by iny subordinate officer upon auy party who does iK>t legally owe military service, his superior officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate snail be dismissed from office. VI. Ot spies and other emissiaries of the enemy. V^ll. Ot holding corrospondeiice or iuter- c(»!irse with the enemy, without necessity and without the permission of the Confede rate States. VIll. Of unlawful trading "with tho ene- my, and other offencca against the Jaws of the Confederate States, ©nact€fl to promote their AUQOQes ia th« war. ate prigon«rs ot war lield by the Ounfederate States. X. Of conspiraciuA, or attctnpts or prepa- ratiouB to aid the enemy. , XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Oonfodentte cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to' tho enemy. * XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele- gra])hic line of comtnmiication, or jiroperty, witli the inttint of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Ooveriiment by desti'oying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or other j>roperty of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the cases of all persons 80 arrested, or detained, in order that they ’may be discharged if iinproj>erly ietained, nidesa they can be speedily tritid in the due c-jnrse of law. Sec. 3. That during the susi>onsion aforo- saiil, no military or other ofncer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, tt» apjKiar in person, or to return the luKiy of an}' person or persoiw detiiined by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary i>f War, or the General officer ct»m- manding the 'I'rans Mississippi department; but upon the certiticate, under oath, of the dHcer having charge of any tniO so «letained, that such person is detained by him as a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore «r)eci(ied, under ihft authority afore.said, fur- lller j*i oceeUliigts tl*o Trrit wf hnt>c»o corpus shall imiaxjdiately'cea-se and remain sus|>etided so long iis this ;u;t shaU wnitinue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days aft'r the next inciting of C«-»n- gress, and no longer. THE MlidTAKY KILL. (Section 1. That irom and after the [>assage of this act all white meii, residents of tike Confetlerate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for tJie war. Sec. li. That ail the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of IS and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the pre.sent war with tb« U. S., in the eanie regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the ]>assage of this act, with the same or ganization and officers, ludess regularly transferred or dischai’ged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov- ermnent of the army: i'rovided, that com patiies from one State, organized against their Consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organiz;itioii6 d‘ lrt>o])s, in tlie same arm »jf tlie s»*rvice, from the Statcj^ in which said com}>anies were raised; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, shall be allowed, it they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six months from the first day of -\pril next, a bounty of filOO in a six }»er cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorized to issue, shall l>e paid to eve ry n/U'Cc»mmissioned officer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in the event of his deatli previous to the [>eriod f>f such payment, then to the person or per sons who would be entitled to receive by law the arrearagesof his pay; but no one shall l»e entitled to the lH>unty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six months next after tlie said first day of April be aliaent from his command without leave Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved from the operation of this act b^* reason of having been heretofore discbargel from the army where no dfsability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitutes l)e anv longer exernpteil by reason thereof: Provided, that no person, iieretofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who has paiil the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be lequired to rentier military service under this act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselv^jd at such times and places, and under such regulations, as the ^President may prescribe, the time allowed not being less than 30 days for those east, and 00 day: tbr those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll Irim self, without a reasonable exctise tberefoi' to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same maimer as though thoy were be tween the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned it) this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty,_jand shall uot b^i required to perform service out of the State in which they reside. 6t^j*8ec^^ L.iftrilus acTto ear^nnem3elv',ia field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. Tliat hereafter the duties of pro vost aud hospital guards and cl'jrks, asid of clerks,’ guards, agents, einployees or labor- tm} in the Commissary and Quartermaater’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bjireau, and of clerks and emj)bye68 of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are within the ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall l)e reported as unable to perform activc service in the lield, but culpable of performing some of tl^ above said duties, specifying which, and when these perfi»>ns shall have been assigned to those duties fis far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such lK»dies of troops, or individuals, required to be enroUed tinder the 5th sec tion of this act, as may lie needed for the discharge of such tiuties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that njthing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the I*resident frojii detailing arti.sans, meclianics, or per sons t)f scientific skiilj to perform indispei^ salde duties in the departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. That any Quartermaster or A. sistant (.Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regftnents in the field,) or olfi*ers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Nuvy provisions, to be delivered by such p*;rui as aforesaid at equivalent ratei^ 3 Such person shall further bind liinud. to sell the !i:»rk*ta>de >urolu.i of pr>»viisi.jii and grain now on hand, Kud which he i!.?, raise from year to year while hi? exeiuj tio continues, to the Government or to the Uui- ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Coin missioners of the State nuder the imprvv- ment act: Provided, that any person empted as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to ;i credit of 25 j>er cent, on .viny amount of inoar. which bo may deliver within three nioiitii^ from the passage i)f this act: Provided fu.. ther, that ’>ersons coming vvitiiin tlie pr^, sious of this exemj>lion r^!l»ll not be d«';-r: . of the* beiiMUt thereof by reason of iKivii, been enrciliod .-^inc'; the 1st d.13'of Fel> lyr,^ 4. ‘In addition to the foregoing exetnj»- tions, the Secretary of War, under the di- recfSon of tiie Pi e-ident, may exempt or ile- tail sucli other persons as he ;nay he fied ought to bo exempted on of public necessity, and to insure the j'roduc- tion of grain and qther provisions for li^;, army and the families of soldiers. He inav, also, grant exemptions or details, on siicb terms as he may i»re8cribe, to such over seers, farmers or planters iip he may be sat islied will be more useful to the country ir. the pursuits rf agriculture than in the miii tary service: Provided, that such exemptioii! cease whenever the fanner, plantei I if.’ 'ihall fait diligently to employ i: i ; .1 fnitli, his own skill, ca{>ita! and b!>..; e.-^ch:>i"oly in the production of grain [)r .visions, to be 8ohl t'^lhe Government ac. f i Agenta, or i’ MArshal, or otKeer in I ihe famUi»-'B of soldiers at prices not exceed the .conscript service, who shall liereaftiiT j i/ig those lixed at tiie time for like aiticleb :\oa may witnin 30 days at\er the passage there of, east of the Ajississippi, and within 00 days, if west of said river, ibrm themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elcct their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their services lis volunteers durint*- tho war to the President; and if sucli orgar” izatioUB shall furnish pro\)er muster rolls, as now oi^anized, and deposit a copy thereof with tlie enrolling officer of their district, •which shay bo equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themgelves as before provided; and may, by the President, be reqnired to assemble at convenient pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall havo the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to tho same pay and allov^auce as troops now iu the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to oiuj)loy or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or l)ureaiLs, or iu any of the duties mentioned in the 8th s!ctio«i of this act, in violation of tho provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, ije ca^hicrel; and it shall be the duty of any department .»r district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prfunpt measures to have him tried tor such ofience; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upjn being duly convicted theretd', be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the m^nbers aud officers ot Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as tiie President, or tho Governor of the re spective States, may certify to be necessary for the ]iro}>er administration of the Con federate or State Gov*rnments, as the case may lie 3. Every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his church, and who, at tho passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendenta and phy sicians of asylums for the deal* and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for each newsjvaper being published at the time of this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of tlio Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen print ers jis the said public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on tho 10th day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the ago of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular practice of their profes sion, but the term j)hyi'-ician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological boniinarios, acade mies aud schools, who have been regularly engaged Jis such for two years next before tho passage of this act: iVovided, that the benefit of this e.xemption shall extend to those teachers only whoso schools are com posed of 20 studentfi or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such phj’sicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person* as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon wliich there are now, and were ou the 1st da}’’ of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between the i.ges of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases iu which there is no white male adult ou tho fai'in or plantation not liable to ^ilifory Rflrvico- iior uiiless the person claim ing tile exenijTrioii waa uij t.11^ xt»i, uay >y the OoiuTuiasioners of the State, unui- the impressment Jict. 5. The president, trea-surei , auditor ;c! i superintendent of any railn>ad comp;iny en gaged in transjwtation for the Goven.iuout and such officers and employees thernot the president or superintendent shall certit\ on oath to ITe indispensaole to the elScit;:!' operation of said railroad: Provided. t\« the number of persons so exempted by tLv a«t ou any railroad shall not exceed one pe' son for each mile of such road in actual \im for military transportation; aud said c> euj}**. shall be reported by name aud dtsciiptloj, with the names of auy who liase K-i- t' employment of said company, or who ihh, cease to be indispensable. 0. That nothing herein ctfiitairied s.’ia : be construed as repealing the act i;i)})rovt>.j April the 14th 18G3, entitled an act ejk empt contractors for carrying tlie :uaili ■: the Confederate States, and tiie drivers or post coaches and hacks, from militciiy »es vice: Prcrvided, that all the exemptiviis granted under this act shall only eoutiaue whilst the persons exempted are aciuaily engaged in their respective pursuits ;,>r oc cupations. Sec. 11. That the President be, arui iie is liereby, authorized to grant details, uiider general Yules and regulations to be ' ued from the War Department, either ' between 45 and 50 years of age, or . . tin. army in the field, in ull cases w heK . »a his judgment, justice, equity, and neceoaity rc quire such details, and he uiu> revoke sucb orders of details whenever he tiiiuks proper: Provided, that the power iiercin granted to the President to make details and esemp tions shall not be construed to authorize tie exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to Ihe (4ov eminent, by reason of said contract, unlegs the head oi- secretary of the department mx king snch contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are indi;' pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided furtlier, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to prcKjeed with the execution of such c( H tract, his exemption or detail shall ccabe. Sec. 12. That in appointing local board# of surgeons for the examination of )K*r60iip liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from tlie county or enrolling district in which thev are required to make such examination Jan’y-1864, either tho owner and manager or oversoor of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2* Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, ia such form, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Secrettiry of War may proscribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 montlis next ensuing, 100 pounds wf bacon, or, at the election ot the Cfovern- ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or jx>rk and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the Commissioners of the State under the mpressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall prodace satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm Post OfBce, Fayetteville, N. C.,) OCTOBEH 3, li^O.'i j SeheduU 0/ tne Arrival tnd Departure of ^aih. •! Office. rtALaIGH AVElLV.81iO'Z()’, Arrives daily, e»oept ^uQday, ai 44 F. .M Departs duilx, except Siifariii.> at 0 P. M RALF.iaa /iaSUM\rEllVILL^’ D»par^? Tuflsd jy and Friday at j .1. M. ArrivM Wedaenday aod Syaday at S P .\l WARSAW via CLINTON. Arrivea daily at 12 noen. Pep&rtA ditily At F. M. • CARIHAaE. ‘ ArriT«p Taeaday, TiorrJay and S\tnrduj st ~ P .M Depart '?onJ»y, We lu^e.3ay and Friday w 1 P. M. CHER.\W, S. C. .^rrivep Tn sday, Tiur^day and Saturday a’ b P. M Di parts SuRJay, Tuf^aday aad Thursday «.f 1 P. .*' FAIR BLUFF rU LUMBERTON. ^rri»!>e Tu^s.J-iy, Tbnr?d.^y and S»turdi»y A. '1 I> .>•.(« S^anday, Tur .dsiy and Thurndiy ai 1 P. R0B1J30N S Via aLIZ.\.BETHTOWN. ' r-=p rfis Moad»y, i^?Jn(*8diy and Fridaj at t» A Ni '-'■iTfs Tn>?, Tl^urda-y and 8;^Oi*day at 2 P. F.LTZ\BETrtTOWN vin T.’«; SBII^TH Moadiy at 5 P. M UtfJiArl vi»y i Moada^ ) hI b P Id ‘ .MAviNOLl.i via CTPP.23S GRKEX ArriTcs Xues-Jity a» 2 P. M. n*ps.rt3 n.ta«! day ( at P M dWlFT IdLANP Tia MONTROdB, C(>VIN(ITU!S s-'4 POWELLTON. AiTivct Tu^day r? 6 P M. Departs Wednesday »l 11 A. M SWIFT ISLAND via TEOY Arrives Tuesday st ^ P. M. l>cp«rt3 Wednesday at 11 A. M Aii mails leavia ; befor* 7^ I , ar* daaad ewn lOp before ftl. 9 P. •' \11 i«'.. .rs •-.> by Kant oil Ir^is th?8 offio'’, o^her t.iiiti by mu?;t h“ p^ii fti if ».^at by Ri-iii All Jf vTj ihould b? pre paid t y 2 o»at Btftiapa. Tt’« ■»?!! be 'tn Slun-i»-/ ir m S* *c 9* A M , « froif t.-> 5i P ® ® JAd G COOK, r M TMR DIXIE P«I^Er7 attend at the place of rendezvous as required [or plantation, the Secretary of War shall by the authority of the President, without j direct a commutation of the same, to the la aaffioieat excuse, to be judg«d of by him, lextent of two-thirdg th&nofia gndn or oth«r ^ TH® ilfORTe €4^ROLliliA HBTUAL UFS INSURAi^CK COKPlNf, Now in tb« t«Qtk ye»r of sucoesHfUl operAlioo. witk growing capital and firmer bold apoa publio ouu- fidenoe, contiaues to inattr« the lives of all healthy p«r- soas from 14 tu 60 years of age, for oue year, for se^fa yews, aad for life—all life members shariag m the proflta All alavos from 10 to 60 yeara of age are insarod far !;9 year or for ive years for two thirds tkeir Taiue. All losses are paootoally paid within 90 days after atisfaotory proof irf presented. For further information tke pablH Is referred to Agtntfl of th* Company ia all ptrts c ihe dtate, and t« R. H. BATTLE, dMretarj, ftaieigli. 8. j. HALE, Agent at Jmi’j 1859. Fayetteville, N. 0 WariraiitfNiale ^or 9t this VOL. PRINTED M KDHIR EMTOR Price for fhe Senti advance. For the Weekly Ob advance. ADVERTIS of 16 lines for the ceediog pulilicntion half square (eiRht foT easb succdedin vju«3ted to state the they will K« oontln tiigiy. Advertise nipnts •ftrtigprren'y. From AD ;*‘r th will be enfered the paper be B to than bt paid f.r Such of OIT o'iJ t'U p«r on this system remittauoec. IfVW. Atto Fay 117ILL attend the ff OamberlaRd, H tiee Prompt atten ciaitas entrasteJ lo Uot. 17, 1869 «K0. W. %% liolc^alc A>D IMPOR Hardware and HAY 8T }%x\y 'L, lSi!. .10 €Ht'octr anU FAYK Jau’y It), B O W'»UTU. WO! Commission and If WIL.M Oct t6| TU08. J. J General CtHnniis.'^io 45 ►%!» W1L> PRO-MPT attention our h*ind9. Cona T. J. JOHNSON, Jr. of S'^yjiitevillo, N •JiD’y 8 “ W 2,500-f.S'"' Persons having th the bigb^at Cash pries at the Merohint Miila her al his old stand o Nov. 6, 1862 AR.n 1AM pr»pared to Uanici«b for Army give good bsrgRiD* , orders to me aa tlif y eent off iu ^uiok dia^ GtiJdston P. (), Oh !200 IbM. mU ^ct. 15 B«jXE« VIRO for sail? on co May 23 pay 1 the iii Fayetteville, or at my Fo^'y 16, lBt>4 Wantc rESTERN JfAIL Bank Noie-^; Gold and Silver; North C’arolina * w Couaky-of Cumbe Town of Fayettei Gro'just'oro’ .$1 a Confe Jetate 7 an Coopons ot S15.U *• ot Town of old N Oot. 1‘iJ, OBI Lead v/anted. Depart oient Per liUes will apjd] pnWDEK f-r 10 po;iu 09-tf B^aliaa. 1 any q-. *aw\v " 011^ ANi) rpANNiK.3' and LU I ?IL\'’K ii s.ention, oomior*^ cf oui hr i-^e 1 the couoly 'i'^d 1 a Pea», Po’.aio!'*'. l‘ i‘’d to be p Kk' i la the Army ''v L>'' lob, .1 ■). •(!.' au IDESIiiE lo puroQi U1 'ves ind 10,00( be thankfully receive