' . ; f'rsM'i r : ‘ ■ V nuiv t y :!u- • .HI I. jni-it'ss . fx- ■ ! U f 1 il ill! •' ■ loaT ffi' ill., ths ■ . Mf'i. I’ti!- l.i-.-vi 1 I... -1 n- - 1v;;k iU_ •XOllt,; ■ i' MO .j: t- . ./I- if ' :mt >.f ti '• ; i = 'iiuc- ioii> i. r tJie V. il. may, lii.'. •-■n tsuc h I ■•ver- m iV s;it- i> ^ uMtry iti r- tiTuili- h r . :l ’b>U- M\ ; ,Mer iT o >v HI ,il : al>-»r >r‘ :t! !i arui eriinu'nt ;vrui S I; ■ avtu-lcs S* ■ ‘ u;:der ‘M\ l;'->r uj>.i cuiJ'i' iny eii- T j . »* ii;u«rit, eertit'v tin' ftiifU'.iit •.»v'u = -d. tflAt pt i 'm v tlii' ve ! ‘!ie per iu ; 5;a) use tl.-' rlptiitn. i.i': ;cr'f ihe or .V. . luftv 1 ^hiin ac-t vppV'.'Vfcd in ;iv. ^ A- tiif a; -1 c ^!'-!vcrs .>* mr t.iry ser e\, iiipdons niy ;.‘i aliiiue •Tc ii -ualiy re.ilto '.-r of- bc. 1 he (ietaiib, m der lo l-!' i-'Ufd her t ; '^r«' ms e, or Ir ' tiie vvhct;-. in ilia ne re- ’ rev"kt* !*u‘b iirmk- p.-^j)er: ill - 1 lO 3 an-i ‘'yeinjc aufi. *nze the coTitnvc'-'T tor 1 t'• the vj'fF- ntra'". par'II; lit Tji:v thftt rf;e per- • triH-T: SHIU iir'Ji foil '•■■itrds r>'ji:s MHII ntcd IIi:tn tiie h tiiev Ii3, N. C., 1 :i, ; • ■ ) li ( |i' |P. ILLK VT P ' !* M M r VI hr’i:.. . ]i»lay V*. I TON |t«vy > rovs ■ J j{i • t( - \i . P. M |£K^ M »\T>0 .N tr« eveR K-, ■ .a 'ram p'jk- > ' fc ‘ If r t.aid ty •'i A f-:K. |L0>IP.1XF, i»r%iiou, wilb •n pa'v I", cra il ny p.'t - f^ar, f myftn : lu »f*e pr..flin ro ir • i for ■av.r )»J '* ft. ’ •f. . J iO I dt-t. -R-1 te Ij. ■2“ I 1^- i \w p'T'i I-WBEK I Y VOL. XIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. MARCH 27, I^ti4 [NO. 1317.] PRINTED MONDAYS aND THURSDATS EDWARD J. HiLE & SONS. EDITORS AND PROPRrETORS. Price for the Semi-Weeklj Observhr $10 00, pai>l in I advance. j For the Weekly Obsbkvbr $6 00 per tuinam, pftid in i advance. - ! |^|?“ADVERTI8EMENT^ inserted for $2 per 8 juare ' of 16 lines for the first, and ono JoUftT for c%oh ^no* cecdiag pubUcaUon. AdTerlisemenls not axoeeding a ■ half square (eight lines) $1 for the first and 60 centfl • for eaah sucoeeding publioation. AdTertisers are re- ^ quested to state the niimb«r of insertion! desired, or they win be continued till forbid, and charged accflrd- ! •ng‘7- j Adyenisements continued ituide, charged as new .i«l- i ▼crtisemento. ! Hlt« Vernon Female Seniiiary* Ths 2d Session will c'^aameace the 16th of FEB RUARY and oontioue 20 weeks. Ttiitton in English Branches $50 H) •• “ Musio and Painting, (w»&h,) 40 00 4ohoo» Rocm ezp«nMf> 8 00 Board f400 per session. If paid in proyisions at old prioes $50 All of Tuition and one h^ cf Board re- quWd >n ftdvanoe. Each pnpil will famish her own towels, one pair eheelit, one pair pillow cases, one countf^rosp.i or quilt acd a drinking cup. Rer WM BOOPBR, 1 T (’ HOOPEil, J .\d*lro.“« M? T.uvr-epce P O . Ohath’Mn county. Jsn'v 12. 97 ftw Ml be BOARD. FRO^T »h' l«t of April our price for t>oard $160 ^K-r taoatli in Confsderate Bonda, or ?f piud in ProvLslor.s »t the following: rates pe* month: 160 Iba. Flonr, 10 Hushals Oo»‘n, or 40 lbs Bacon or IiiT.d. R»r. WM HOOPER. T. C. HOOPBR j Feb'y 8. 5-2m SPECIAL NOTICE. - From an n.ter this date, no name of a new subaariber I UST OF CHARGES FOR PASSENC^ERS. will be entered without payment in adTanoe, nor will ' lle»d(i«arters Chief KDrolllDg OAee, \ : Fourth Oougre't>i.>nai bipiiict, N. O . Mi.roh 10, i8tt4-. / Apart of tb« appciaioiem^ hithsrU. maj« by Swann, for ihe as^emblicg of the following Militia j Regiments, are hereby ohnnged a^id the Coniniao*liBg offiocrd of the Home Qaard add Militia wtii notify eveiy I w/iiie male person between i.be ag«« of 18 und 45, to ap- ; pear at the following pUe«a and limes for ezaail&ation t and enrollment: j Colum''ua oounly, 57(h Res’t, at WhiteviUe, Marok j 14fb tn >f.ifoh 18tb incluKiT" j Rooos..n ctun'y, 6bth Reg't, at Luoi'^rlon, Maroh j 23-1 lo Maro'j ‘iCto fncl'jr.iTfl ' H cihmoiid coantv CO;h Hog’t, at Liurinbnrg, April , I si Ml'3 j Ricftajjsd CDunty, til at Kcg’t, "t. aocki’ijrbam, Arri) I 4to r.nd 5 *i j Bli'tofi cuunty, L>6ih R»’i»'», at Fiiiahetbto\»o. Apri? I 7:i\ >■■*' I 8 h. 5«J Beu'f, at Ff»yei‘.eviU;, April at Fayetteville, April the paper be sent to f^acfa subscribers for % longer lime than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take ths pa per on this system will please notify us wben making remittaaceK. Jan’y 1, 1868. w WJfl. Jffelj. Attorney at Law, Fayette VILLI, N. C. ^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun ties. Prompt attention giTea to the ooUeotion of all claims entrusted to his handa. Oct. 17, 1869. 58-tf “em WrWILLIAMS & %Vholesiile Dealers in €«roeerieii, AND IMPORTEBS AND DXAUBS IN Hahiware an4 Cotlerj) Swe4es Iron, Ae.) HAT STREET, FiTETTEYILLE, X. C. July 2, 1861. 86tf JOIi. IJTLEY, €hracrr and Vommiasi^n JfMervhant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1868. 98-tf B 0 WOSTB. D. O. WAKTH. B. O. DABIBL. WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Mercliants, Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 16, lBt>3 78-12m IrHOsl J. JOBKSOSli, Jr., &“coT Geoeral Commission & Forwarding Merchants, 45 J^orth 9W\Uer Street^ WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention giTen to all bodinesa entrusted lo our hands. ConaigaTnonts soUoited. T. J. JOHNSON, Jr.. A. ORABROWSffY, of FayetteTilie, N. C. of Pstersburg, Va. Jan’y 8 96-3mpd WAITED. 2r AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,OUU 1,600 “ CORN. Persons haring the above articles to sell will receiT® the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. Tboinasoo, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, ®r on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nof. 5, 1862. 75tf ARiVlY^ilARiWEIiS. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargain 4. Agents will do well to send their ordcn to me aa tb^y shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Qoldston P. O., Ciiatham Co., N. C June 13, 1862. The fc.llcwing rate? of Passage will be oLarg>d on oup f?»p^ni?r9: — DOWi^. From F'yeUf”iIie to Wilmington, “ “ Elisabeth, “ *• “ White Hall. •• •• “ Kelh’sCove, - *• “ “ All points b«iow. SECOND CLASS, OB DECK. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, •• “ Eliiabeth, “ ...» Whitehall, “ “ Kelly’s (ioe, “ •• All points beiow, CP. From Wilmingion to Favetteville, “ •* Kelly’s Cove, » White Hall, “ “ “ Eliiabeth, “ •• •• Prospect Hall, “ ■ “ “ All points above, SECOND CIJISS, UR DECK. From Wilmington lo Fayottevillp, •* “ Kelly’u Cove, » White Hall, X “ •' All point* above, l^'Seoood x’laes or D«ck Pasaengerr miut stay on lower deck or pay full price, or same as Firot Class f^^An extra charge will be made fi»r Way Pa«aen- | gers gclting into Berihs during fay time, and forocou- pying a Berth with their bo-ots or shoes on, at the .iis- cretion of the Captain. J. A WORTH, for C. F. St’m B’t Co., R. M ORRELL, for St’r* Kate and Sun , T. 8 Ll'TTERLOH. Feb'y 23, 1864. 9-tf ' WE#TER1¥ RaIl ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRAINS of this Road leave Fayetteville daily^ (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clocK, P. M. CattU aud Hor$f Trrnn MOND.AY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE. Treas'r aad Oen’l Trans. Ag*L Jan. 22, 1868 97tf Cu'rbvrlaud courtly 11'h l-.'tbfinriI3th. C‘n.i>ber!snd oonnt.y, 54l’u Reg’t, 14th, Iftih and lt;th Harnett ct>unty, 52d Reg't, at Lillingtoii April 18th aoii I'ttb Tab ii.jiic« will joi obaMTf the appointments made for f .'.lanious or Koi>esoa counties. A. LANDIS. Jr , a,^ BnrolitOT VQTi'T, 14-2r] F,.urth C.'^-Kcr dt^iona' DiMri-'i N C $30 00 16 00 •20 00 21 00 W 00 $10 00 5 00 7 00 R 00 10 00 (30 00 18 50 16 60 20 00 24 00 80 00 flO 00 6 00 9 00 10 00 Stay on CONFKDEKiTK STATES OF AMKKICA, } ERontBBK Uepaetmmbt, Dist. Caps Fkab, V Wilmingion, N. 0 , March l(»th, 1868 J NOTICE is Sereby given »o rH persJns having claims ~ gainst tbe Eiiginexr Department, for services of •vfaven •^tnploy'^l as labor>>t6 on the land defeneea B«sr Wilmington, N C , tba» ti»e nnd^rsign"'^ is atitfaoriied and prepared t* piy the at bi« office, on tbfi 9«»-' oond floor of tb« building n»*xt r\bove M^ar's’ Dru* Store, Market Str. at. Persons oxecotiug Pow. if .Attorney will ob- SJMTve the following form—t«»eir signatures, in all eaies. Bj tbs lioTeriror of North CarollDA. A PaOtl'liAMATAO.li. WUBREAt; • viiowcy »as oofurred in tlm IV*uie «.si'uiitK>u of toe State oi N'*?th Ca’-o'dn** ’ ' House of iiepreBsntativeb of tbe Conitreps of t^’e federate ^tateF. ths? d(>ath of th«f rioiiijrable s H. Ohristian, Representative elect to the coond C -n gres9 from the seventh Congrepsi«a*l Dis''''C*; writs of Election oa*e .wen JB'U'-d to t?ie {?lpriffj rf the several oonnties oompopirg Batd D5»triif, J lag them to causn elrotioaH to b» it! {‘k ir r'spn* ti»e oo'in*ies. at the plaoes e8^'ibl!F*'e‘^ by 1f'’» "C t* THIRD TIiOaSDAf IN APRIL, fit wV-oh (>>(• qnr-’i lle-t voters of said CoBgrnPS^r'na' D:stri3‘ !H".y toip w some person to fill the safd vicancy Now. therefore, in oonformity t.» l%w in S’jfh cafK’P madc«nd providrd. I do issue tiis ray Prooi6;n»ficn, making kno'>n the exirtenc” of such vaaHsoy, -nd tli»t an rle«tion will be held to fill tho caaie at iiie tiiue aforesaid, to the end that; the qu*UflKd voters in th'* said Congressional Distrioe mny attend at ihe s iiti ti;:ic l^d at the plaoet^ established by law, aad c»9t tb/il. votes acoordingly Soldiers from the said ConKressi''Ba] Distrlot, who are qcalified voters, are by law entitivd to cast tl'«ir votes in this election on the SECOND THURSDAY IN APRIL. f J,\ our Governor, Captain Geatral aad Ccmrcsn t- \ / er in-('bi«»f, haih s'^ned prtserts and '-V-' oau.*e(! thr great s?al t.:» b>i affixed. Done at ihe City of Kaleigb, t7tu day of Marrih A. D. 1864, and in the year of Ameri'*n Ii.d*pendenoc the 88th. [Signed] Z. B. YANCE. Py ihe Governor R. H. Battlb, Jr , Ppiva'.e Secretary. March IS, 1864. 16 2w • Leith^a* 4'r«^ek Acai4*tuy, JAMES PAT1ER30N. Prino’.ual. ^HE (?ee->iTi B"=;flion cf this fcl^ool cnrottnyiJSf d 7:h irat. I I Rata of tuition per mtion of five month*: Prijnary oours.*, $‘.iO 00 j Ist»>r!uedi8*«. 27 50 I *;la98ioivl. ^5 OO '■ Bo'ird, convenient to lUe ecbool homt, Csu be" i-b- I •■+'3-'-d a.t $30 p?r month. I »o i.'ioraiity a»-d iut*‘;li?eu(jf', j fi i-'i *■!! ^ ably with any ia tis- Stiie. For ; jaf rrnii'ioa «nilr IK" Prineipnl or eiib'T ot •ra..,' .t Quc-«a‘«(.i-‘.k- P O . Kobes-in c ‘uuiy, , C \ i .\lcQUKEN, J .JO STEW BT, [Truste.- I L V/ Mof.AUKIN.) -Hsrih 15 ’ 16 CAPEI'EAK H/IVIttATlOi^ CO. rAV YOUR TOLLS! COLLECT YOUR DlYIDENDStl to be wittieaaed by two wiineMM^ acd signed in dupli- , T^OTK JJ is hereby aiven to all pjrsons lud-jbted to Mte, or thej^may be wita.^esed before a .Jrs'iee »f the i the Cape Fear Navi/ation Company to make pay- Peaoe or Cleft of any Court POEM OF POWKR OF AXrORNEY. I, of . do hereby app.>it!t ^ , of , mj true and lawful Agent to sign receipts for, nnd r^oeive pajmeut of all moneys du«> to ne by the Edgimier De- partmf>nt of the Confederate St.ues of Amoriea, for the Mrvices of my slaves employed as la^ortr; on the land defences at - during the month of , 186 Witness my hand and seal at ——, the —day of —, 186 (Signed in duplicate.) [Seal ] Witnessae, 34tf 900 Ibd. Crum Arabic for sale by J. B. LEE. Oct. 15. 69tf ~ TOBACCO. ~~ 1 BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various gradee, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. May 28. 81tf After this date I will pay 15 Cents per pound for .rags, or _ the highest market prioe, delivered iu rayetteville, or at my mills on Rookfish. D. MURPHY. FeVy 16, 1864 7-t^ vv Wanted to Purchase, TESTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasury Note? (Fundable:) “ “ “ $1 and $2; ‘‘ “ Bonds, old and new; Oouniy cf Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; GreensHoro' $1 and IS2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per oent. BouiIh;; Coupons of $15,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bondo,- “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oot. 12, 1863. 71t? I OKDNANCfi DEPARTMENT, 1 Raxbioh, N. C-, May 8, 1864. j 1EAD WANTED.—I wish to purchase Lead for this J Department. Persona having large or small quan tities will pleas© apply at once. Will give 1 pound of POWDER for 10 pounds of L.EAD. THOS D HOGG, Capt. C. S. 69-tf In charge of Ordnance. Palmsk Christi Reans. The subtwriber will pay the highest cash prioca for any quantity of PalTtm Cbristi Beans. J. A WORTH FayettoviCa Oot 8 67 if From and after this data the Steamer A. P- HURT will leave at 8 o’eloek, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A- WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Af*t C. F. Steam Boat C^. AOTEVli^i^, w.~^c. WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for the re- „ ception of Guests the first of June, and I hope to be able to entertain from seventy-five to a hundred persons during the Summer- In eonnection with this large Hotel, I have a number of Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses that my guests can get at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Bagle Hotel, Asheville, N. C. May 13,1868. «l-ypd WANXi^, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. Poultry, Chickens, Butler and other delloaoies for the sick Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having these articles can obtain the market price on applica tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. Powers’s on Hay Street. R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. Aug. 25. 68-tf To Cotton Planters. 1H.WE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton foir the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for the m:me in 7 per eent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written certificates of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the I8th day of Maroh 1863, wUl be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per oent. bon.is will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citixens are now offered an opportunity tc aid the Gover:«.pient by selling to it their Cotten rather tbaa to private oapitaliats LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Maroh 24, 1863. fo. d.] 14tf Cotton Ifarn for Wool. NOTICE is hereby given that after this date (exoept in cased where we have bargained for Wool accord ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 80th of May, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 buu- dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwaahed, or ?natMi^"of”the"i|uM'teriaast?r'at^kaleig in order to mako the lertns of exchange uniform throughout the The signatuies of colcrad persons should be witnessed by three witneosee There mast be separate duplicate Powers of Attorney for each month. Blmk forms can be aad upon appli- oaiion at this othce. W. H JAMES, Capt. k Chief Eng. Jan’y 20, 18t>4 ISOOtf FayetteTllle Amiuil and Armorj, > Nov. 12, 1863. f SlOO BOUNTY. 9W\9nf^a, lOO mfiouHted Riflemen, Authority having been granted by the War De parlment to raise a Company of Mounted Riflemen for servioe iu this vicinity, OAtion is hereby given that r«cruita to the nunsber of 100 non-conttrifU will b* re quite to fUmi«h a serviceable horae, tor wkioa be wlU be al lowed 40 cents per diem, and his pay ;(12 per month. Written permiition will be required from parents or guardians, where the applioant is under the oonsrript age. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepared to remain Bridles, ssbddles, haliATB and sa.idle blMrtwte fomlah- #d by tbe Government, or if tke r crult comes provided with them, he will be paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to C^ MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar senal F. L. CHILDS, 80!.^] Mi^or C. 8 A. Comd’g Post. Office Depot rVo. Id, ) Fayetteville. Maroh 7, 1864. ) Pay your TUheu, PERSONS who nave not already paid their Tithe Tax w 11 have until the 20th day of May 1864, to d*iiver the «an:e I am now ready to receive the Bacon due under the tithe law. ^ix poun.ls of cured baoon for every ICO lbs pork slaughtered since the 24th of April 1868 is required Parties delivering th->ir titbe^ at a dietanoe of over eight miles will ba promptly paid for excesu of liauling J. M WILLIAMS, 12 t20.M] Agent for Cumberlaod county j uirnt bofcre the 28ih iu«t, a» the vrexcnt oarrci.cy will nvt be rrctivzd at par afier that t.me ■\ll pcrbons who have not c-i.lecttd tbeir Df^idend? ar‘ notified to o«^ e tbrward and receive them before tbc ii^st, an all luu'aa beioneiuii: to tbe Company will then bA funded in -i per oent. bonds. tnd payments •' U h:'. cud in ti.e SAM*' iiieTi'iif^ r ot ill Dividends now due By order of the B.>ard of Directors. W N. TlLLINGllA'T, .Sec’y t TreWr. .March 9 13 t28.\l i%otice to 3u>ltk tv. BondH of the ' Cor|M>ri&tion of l:'ayettcvlle. PERSONS*hoi.ling t’oupoas du^ lai'reit on tbo above Bonde, are r.of.fied to pr«‘iet.t them for pay ment on or before the 25th in»t. he Funds for ^h*' piyaieii of these Coupons bavicg been coUeo ed and p»]d in the present Currency at >t3 face, it will be fund.id in 4 per cent Bands and held *o meot the Coupons in that kind unlet’s ^ithdrawij before the ab»ve date . -V. McLl .^N, Chm’n Conmii»>ioaer9 of tbe ;3ioiiiB>j Far.'^. Maroh 12. 14 25 Western Kail Hoad Office, i Faybttisvili.h, Aiarcb Jw, 1864 j To tbe Stockholders of the Western Kailroad Co. The Tax Jue tbe Confederate Staten for th« prepeni ye>»r on ice shares of tbe Capital St-'>ck of. this Co- will be returned and paid by this corporation. Un i'-r regolatiors jisen rd by the Seo’y of the Treasury, the^sto^h^'df^s v'ilj be.f^eoii^fro^ r^iyrn or 16-3-»] if-rs v'ilj he .fj:eaiEl frosi return c Bji' or.lpfDf me B'l^-rd of u:r-o*o>‘H. JNO M aO^^S, rreae’r W R ii C.>- Fajettevllle, March 19. 18M. A LL persons holding oi.ii.OiS .- g.aia.n ^umf>er;aad county A. ^re no'ified to pri^eut them at once to the County Irusfe-' for payment. It having been ordered by thr i3onrt that after the 28th Inst, at) payments shall bt- made exoept in Confederate money at face value, the intention being to fnnd after the d^ mentioned. J. A PEMBERTON, County Trustee. —ALSO— ^ Will be sold on Thursday 7th day of April, by '■■’•dcr of Court, A LOT OF HtON, consisting ■ f iron doors, bridge bolts, &c Ac. J. A- PEMBERTON. 16 tt] County Trustee Waited, A WATCHMAN for the Enterprise Cott'c ?^*ctory To an honest, sober and steady man, ’ ■'rmaneot employaBent and good wages will be guara;! :ed One abcve tbe oonsaripi are pieforred. Apply i ■ Thos- .A. Hendrioka, Sup’t at the Factory, or to OK). BRAKDT, President. Maroh 18. 16tf NOTICE. 11HE undersigned having quaiifi?d aa Administrator . it David Barnes, dec’d, at J''i i Term I3f;4 of Harnett County Court, al the latj i .j^ti.ce cf the De- oeas'd jn TUESD.\Y the 6th of \ ril next, I will ex pose t.? publio sale all the Persor«l Property bslongiag 10 said Sdtate, consisting of oue Por-e, Cows. Higs, one Turpentine Still and Fixiuren, Hivuhehold ai.d Kitcben Furnitnre, ani other urticlcs. Terms «U saie. H. A. BARNE-^, A Jni’r. Ne.w Bjrclui^ville. .March 14. 16 4tpd State. GEO. W WILLI.\MS Fayeitevilla, June il9, 1863. * CO. 41tf OIL AND LAMP BLACK. rPANNERS’ and LUBRICATING OIL. 1 LAMP BL.\CK in barrels. For sale by .108. R. BT.0880M k CO.. 'riie Cumberland Hospital As Booiation, always anxious to promote the comfort of our brave soldiers, calls upon the'r frlendein the county and town to send somethiBg, either Bacon, Peas, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, or anything they ean spare, to be packed in boxes by the 1st of April, to be sent to the Army by Dr Warren’s Agent. Send to Mrs Luiter- loh, Presidant of the Association Feb. 29 Eg;ypt Coal iViue. The undersigned were, at the Novewber Term of tbe Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnersbip for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, aad solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro p«;rty is undoubtedly tbe beat in the Confederate States Applicsiionii be nwide to Chaa. B Mallett, Fayette- Tille N. C., or James Browne, Charleston, 8. C. CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BROWSE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20,* 1863. 9»«tf Physician’s Card. Dr. D. a. CAMPBELL (late of Marion, S. C.,) has removed to Fayetteville and taken an office on Bow street, where be may be found at all times, with aa ample’ stock of Medicints, to answer Professional calls Salisfaotory reference furnished, Ao. Jau’y 2. 1>W’4 Boxes, &c» for the Army. 1WILL send a speoi»l messenger to the Army of Northern Virginia on the first day of every month. AH boxes, packages, Ac., will be forwarded from my office free of oharge. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon General N. G. Raleigh, Jan’y 16, 1864. 90-3m Bank ot i'larei»4ow, Fayetteville, N 0., March 8, 18«34. ) N'Ofl E js ^creb? givou t.i J^'il ,». tr :.■> mj 1 co r-r;- tions h-vinp o iHi.Cv-f' '*■.»« of tij:9 B-.nk. that tn nji’it ? «'^3 ‘i/ . 2-ih iiicttaat, and ha! ao ■lop'-»ir vii' re.*» r.?;? er that day ^»efor« th** 1st of Arr'l. 1^ m« *M» 4la.« M per cent bonds “of tne {.'•I’J' to depositors at par A-iy u previ-.ius to tbe 20tr. ins: mus! ! 'j meat b7 that liuie 18 5t J. W. ;'v -V Bank of IVorih C/iii*oli«tH. All persons haring Di»nle; d- ’i Bank. Branch.^e aud that unless tnebame bo dr -wni.u 5 ;i . r of March, insca''t. they will 3.>n>ls of tbs Coafe^c-at*- S -t .". ot iu , - ourrer.py at par Q. DEi\E\, i M^ 'cb 7. *•’ *' Endor Iron Works, Chatham County, T-i. C. Having so’d tb’En‘nr irti -’.V’ . fw all pery I S •ns '1 . Compskcy to prcsBm 13 ;m snjtj. ' > All claiois preneatt.i 'rft,»r thr 31 u , .i 4 per e'nt bondn O *NAL?‘ Me’’ 'K !’ hUrch 12 Fayetteville Anenal and Armory, > MarcJ» 12, 18(54. / The following regulations concerning the issue of ra tions are publieiicd for the information of owners of Negroes hired at this Arsenal and Armory. Negroes who work six days in the week will receive rations for seven days. Negroes who lose time will receive rationa only for those days on which they are present, unless furniehed with a written oertifioate from a respectable physician, that they were too sick to work. 14-lm] F. L. CHILDS Lt. Col. Comd’g. $300 Kft^:WAKi> WE wili [>-V .’a"©??* t Id V viol t'te perMun or o-rar-'ir ’.».i t:*"-. line Distillery on Salurd ’.y .• ^ht, 5 1 i C C Barclayville, Maroh 8 14 4 ur r.i itt' .V CO lo OtIKf u a p n OLD CA5*T IROili WA.\TED T th« Star Foundry, by M. A B\K K, March 1 U Gloves and $jk>cks Wanted. I DESIRE to purchase for tbe soldiers 10,000 pairs of Gloves and 10,000 pairs of Sooks. Donations will be thankfully received. 11. EDWARD WABRBN, Surgeon Gea. N. 0. iSocks and CiloYes for the Sloldiers. 1HAVE bben authorized to exchange 4—4 Sheet ings for 100 pairs of good Woolen Socks and 0!ovcs, to be presented to the Soldiers,- at the rate o. three yards of Sheetings for four pairs Call at next door b^w Baj a PMne’i- J. A. PEMBERTON. Fsff^vUle, F«k*y 4 North t'arollna Volanteer Nary Co„ Tbbasuebb’s OrrioB, Wilmingtnn, 0., Maroh 6,18ti4 Books for further subscription to the Capital Stook of this Company are opened at this Office All persons desirous of aiding in (hit alt tmportant enterprite can forwari me their names by mail stating the amount t.hey wish to pubscribe, and then send the catii by some trusty person, on receipt of which 1 will forward Certificate of Stook SharoB !|600 each. .All old subscribers that have not paid in their subscriptions will ple.ise do so al the ear liest monicnt 12 19tpdl W D J£V. . Valanble Land ifi Harnett for Sale* By virtue of authnrity vested in me by the last Will and Testament nt He«t‘>r M. Mol.whn, dco’d, I will 3ell on a credit of six months with interoe', ^rom sjtle, or for cash as the purchaser may clect. that valuable PLANTATION, on which the testator li'ted previous to bis death, copt.aining about fix hundred arres This itnd lies on the North p«de of Cape Fear River, front ing on tbe same about o»e mili^.and aquttrter, and run ning back at least three-f«>ur(hs ot a mile. This land is within a mile o^ Lillingtun. tho County Sitn, and is very valuable, presenting advantages rately offered in this county. There is a very valuable MILL Sl'fE on the land. Any person desirior to txainlne the preuiiao." «iU apply to Hus^h McLean. E-?q , or to G“n. A D Mc Lean, either of whom wili takt* pleasure In showing them, EFFIE C. McLEAN, Ex'r of H. M. M-LRAN. D«e’r 22, 1868 95tf Jt A«»!~RAGS!!-The infe rior quality of the piper oi which the Observer has been printed of late, acd cb is a great eye-sore to us, is owirg to tbe want of a sufficient !*i.pply ofg‘'.oJ raj^nnd thi) oon^c-queat ncc- essiity to reseri to inferior materials. We appeal lo the friends of tbe Observer a' nil accrsRible points, to save uj! and bring to town the v&n they can pro:'ure. We have no time onrselfcs to attend to the’r purchase, bat Messrs. Goo W. Wiliiama 4 Co., the Ag^ntu in this town of MS' Murphy, will pay 15 cents per for them. ^ .V HAI.K & SONS. Feb’y 16. R-Ur WAnfTED. I WILL pay the bitrhpst Cash prioe. for any quantity ofgO!>dCOW HORNS- andLF.QB>VR8ofHorBeq*»>d Cows; also, BRIAR BOOT for making Pipes; delivered to me. B LEBERLE9. F»y»*ttefvill«. Feb’y 29. ll-17tpd A Turpentine IStills Wanted. All persons that have Copper StiHs for »ms wi‘l ad- dr/as ^ A BAKER. Fayetteville, March 1 , 11 if FLOIJrT AWD OAT«. ' FLOUR and OATS will be exchanged for Corn at tbe Store of D MdLaurin, by giving him a few days notioo. Ficnr good, Oats No 1. bla’^lf »■ white J*n’v 29. i (xardeo for the Soldler§« * ;^Seeds of all kinds will b>» gratefully re eoive'.l at th^ Offi ?_ wyi ^ t^p ni«y kL'O* wQotn to thank. TESTA.llEilfTS AJiD (1'JNFEDERATE SUies Bible Society Tef«ament«. J \ Colleot’on of Sabbath School Hymns. . ,,t. It f • TTit.F A ’'O-K'. ¥onng’s IrithBetieal Dictionary» E1.VIBHA .lr4Q a •«y8i>-'’j» of Arith»a*fic, Roa.^y Reckon- J er, Iut.ere«t Calculator, Book Keepitjg, Form» Ac. B. J. HALE A 80NB. The FarMiers’ and Planters’ Al- \ >cr ^r.joe mor-’ju-t ’■ •re V”i s> - T ft I• FAYETTEVSS.LE Oap’t'*! in I'rpvinitc Not**!’ anioT;’'*? lo 3adh oa 1 »nd »'L‘^r »^b.svc. PUUl.l MKEFINQ IN DAVID;30N COUNTY. j?OH THE OBSERVER. A meeting of a portion of the citizens of David son County was held at Thcmasville, oa Monday afternoon, March 14th, I»64, to consider the propriety of taking some stepn to supply the va cancy occa.sioned in Congress, from the 7th Dis trict, by the death of Hon. S. II. Christian: On motion, Dr. R. VV Thomas was called to the chair, anti J. L. Lee appointed Secretary. Tbe '*hairman having stated the object of tbe meeting, as above set forth, on motion of R- W. Shelley, a committee of five, con.'.isting of R. W. Shelley, Reuben May, A. F. Dodson, E S. Lijg- on, and ^V. F. Hice was appointed by the Chair, to dratt resolutions for the consideration of tbe meeting. The Committee, after deliberation, reported tbrough tbeir Chairman, R. W Shelley, as fol lows: A vacancy having occurred in the Congress of tbe CoafHjcratc States fi-om thfs the 7th Con gressional District of North Carolina, by the death ot the Hon. S. H. Christian; and we, a portion of toe freemen of said District, believing that the exigencies of the country demand that said va- eaiicy should be filled by some one of oar fellow- oitizens, who, by intellectual endowments, in tegrity of cbaraetcr and unflinohing devotion to the State and Confederacy, is eminently fitted tor official station: Be it therefore, Resolved, That wo rccommecd to the voters of the 7th Congressional District, Alfred G. Foi- ter, of Randolph, as combining those qaalitiaa wbich constitute the safe counseUor and wise leg islator. Kcsolved, That tho conservative and Judtciout administration of the State Government by Gov. Vance, and the noble and patriotic sentiments embodied in his recent address to the people, make him our first and only choice for Governor. Resolved, That to tbe heroic defenders of our homes and liberties in the field—our gallant soldiers—we tender tbe warmest expressions rf our administration and gratitude, and we trupt that an honorable and lasting peace wili, ere long, crown tbeir self sacrificing efforts in the cause of Freedom and Independence. The report of the Committee was adopted as the ui]animious sentiment of the meeting. After returning thanks to the Chairman and Secretary, the meeting adjourned. R W. THOMAS, Chairman. J. L, Lee, Secretary. The Yanki^ts in King and Queen.—Last Thurbday oiorning tbe yankecs appeared at the Court House, wiiere, besides the Court buildings, arc three residences. Finding most of the male iuhabitints away—Mr. Martin himself being away on duty as one of the home-guard of the countj—they entered the hotel without hindrance or ccremony. Tbeir first exploit there was to upsc the breakfast table, and their next to baild a large fire in tiie middle of the hall, on tbe bare fioor. They ransacked tbe hotel and took every- iHinf,' valuable that was at hand. Mrs. Martin, (••:'cit.g the lire lit in the iiall, besought them to iiparL her i^oune, when she was told by tho wretch es ‘ d—n it, they would burn the housc^ and her, tj:>, ii she did not keep quiet.” Before tbe Him s bad mantled tho house they forcdd from lier tiLT keys, so as to- prevent her saving any- ;bing 1'hfy h .xl already taken all the money 1.1 tr hou.“e—about $2500—and had even appro- pridvod soiue finger rings belonging to one of the h.i dm, tor w'lich tbe little on* plead piteously but in viiiu. Alter the bouve had been tired, the yai;ket'.s toid tbe negroes they jaigiil take tor iht;m'five6 hatever they couid save iioni the tl anc lii this Ma^ iiumc vaiuableii iiaa i>i n rt.scued, they were appropriated by the ^ank.jLS themselves, wiio were very much amused at th is making tup negroes the catspaws for tbeir pluuder. Haviug burned the hotel, they also set lire to xMr* M:irtiu'b ^.mokehouse; but this was happily saved, the flames being extinguished by the salt brine. With this exception, Mr. Mar tin lost everything on his piace—bis house, bia furniture, his money, and everything in the way of provision for man and beast. His loss will amouat to or §iJ5,000. Even a piano, which his daughter begged might be saved, was smashed in wantonnesa, and tbe parlor carpet vfiB taken from the floor, cut into strips, and divided among the robbers. The house of Mr. Robert Pollard, clerk of the court, wan also visited and burnt to tbe ground. They threatened to throw his wife into tbe flames, wlien she remonstrated with them. Tbe house of Mr. Williain B. Bird, residing at the Court House, was not burnt, on account of the hurry of the wretches to get away; but it was despoiled ot everytbio^ valuable- The wardrobes of the ladies wore, rifled, and all the clothing in the bouse was taken, not even excepting the gowns and dresses of a little infant. Wo i'urgot to aay that at Mr. =fiuc*of Couteder^.te notes, or in tho oiJ is?uc w:ti t*i« j >l)trtia’8 the clothing of the family was stolen, tas jnJ di"'coant aJd’;r^D^ ^^ ^ I u»i.l tbat tb« tbioved wont so far aa actually to Viu^t.or..' >tar b 14 !5ti^ ) pick over the clothes t« wan/i, and select from . - . 1 [hem whatever th»*y fancied. The Court build* IHOTiVE. I ing was enrircly cunsumed, as also the Clerk’s iSuperior Court of I«aw for Cum berland County, N’OTICE !3 hereby p,i»en *n*t tli»re wili fae a St»rir'g Vcrr.: o.' -i-a Iho 7th Movdt-‘;ftT '.it - ^tb M 'ndav cf Mnroli ccxt., being tp.e 16tii i\y of j .'l~7 1S--1. ij Uj .tc Cline bU act . us of T n ou j tt- t'"r;i an t aii oaiips \,u ihe Statb D.'ckei. I ■' *urth‘ T t>j4’ ac 'rder ps=>«eo -it F*li l-'i :rr 18 hv' .y i »',Ti'g c*5-> ic :-ai. C.rar b:i? beta oUt.nrfe'l from Tiiurj'Aj so .Maoday Paities r.o-3 w»in**.»oa will goTcrc tlieui^ielTea »cc-ird»nfly JOHN W. B"AKER, C 8 C. :-'i 14 15 «.0 o y 'K. K'jgtiieer's OfBre, .Marcj 14, l!»t>4. , ^ :,Q% ■ • . i/ J.. ■ yj i'.-c i) ■ •• !• , w;! ■ c«a.^e ' ■ me un >i;r^ii:a.:d r;. ■ ,i> ■ . b% O'pt .1 ;i~o la ■ •' iT y tmm be in dupiicate for -r rev II i .J .V =SHK, lA L w t! , i Eu ■ Daly W.4 ■%'le'rliif, THis. (iAP K. M. biiUPS, Gi{Ki:X'tB0t{0. A' c r ■> . \ I -.f s ■ 5 I 'u r’ A . 0* ' ji'iit'peutiiie tor ^ale. ' rr .1 • 2'> .ir -l TUttP»:NTi.Mji .'TiL-. H 1 H.- 'a ojii'.. V. w'le'i ft', wisass t ’• ..i •. i' -s •! vi-jjapiMie "ZCi'p’, tr>i i»-a; j,.'r -J wiiiin; lo ■ XA'.j (>«■ It w -1 oaif .-n H J. - t:.o r-'jsi.js at vVuiie Ha’l. f o it*r.us, &c , - -I P 0 A K. CftOM \RTIK t, - - . N 0 \f .rp 9 15 » r.d T’l 1 '1 iVOTICE. .'£ «ii'’3ariber hivtc^; qa'»iifi;d »t D.^ce'Qber Teru; of he Coart of P ‘a-t and Qa»rte»’ Sessions of Cutabtr- WadOo'.inty, as Adji!ni»tTatrix “do baais non” ea tbe Estate of G W I Goidst.n, hnreby gives notioe to nil personv havinii olaira? against said Estate to present h--m within the time pre«i"i el by law, or this noiioe will be pleaded in b-r of thjir recovery. Aud ail poi- »iin» in'lebted to paid Re'ate to na ke h-i-e pay ^eni. HARRIET QOLD.STON, Atttn’x ae b;.n s no-i M .iTcfe 14 15 41^-1 Receiver’s .Ifotice. JOr bfioi? v>ift *0 KftadolpJi hfrp :y ilap Js’c jt .'iprii, G3t:cio ir, ^Ircu. thui “o in? p*; cTi *%coontit )T n*n^T \\%v%• «' »u r'f -J V ^ — offorp M ifcU -iidt , or masQ tftvtnsnt ^ ^ ... I t )l fbftm to mftle Iberei^fier in lie N «267.6H.‘ ::t- 5 077 ®272,7>5 fiJ Tbe Coinpitnv La^e paid -a'l losF.ea proiaptly, ano have T*.ev^ ma,f1e an »'’2e'»rr.'C-nt ou tiie'r piemiuai r.otee. ’t otal losscf! pf.id, 6'3 OyFl(]S.K»: - SFO. ’’rssi'leut. T;. ;-}" i*rf.r:idfs:t. J. A. M:MiLL-iJS. Seo'.. DmKCTtaf'-. Blanks for sate at this Office. Henry Lilly, H. L. MjTcvcr, 8. T. Hawley, Natbap A St^axHRP C. B. Maileit, JaiutiP Kylo. A. A. McKe'k'aan. J. b. TVilliamfi, 8. W. Tilhngbast. N.*T!i;.ni'>-as!, S. J. Hinsdale, Wm. McLaurin, T. 8 Lutferkh. A. W. ,1. G. C«o 'n, Hou. J. G. Sh-rpaard, All hoIdi.ig my Notes or :b« cks. *.-r h>iviotr oiherdemaad^ ajraiust .at, »ii.l pie w e f.r«.ieii . l(i«‘u» on or before the ls dj,y of .Apnl rext or 4'^ey wili bii pail in the present C-infedtrate ii»sues. GEO. W. BULLARD. H!ooker*8 P. O , Ma'ch 15, 1864 16 5t*2»pJ Ijist your Taxahles. rjIHE undersigned h.vrxig boer apvoint.-d ai .M^rcti J. Term ISC', of tbe Ceart of Plet*s Qj'»r;!*r J^es- aioas f )'■ Caic^rlaiid oc.uaty, tiiet Titju ra for thp Towo a-1.1 Cr^s* C-'oek Disrricla, hereby notify »U pergo;.** o:aie fjrtrard and Hflt their property during the list 20 wo’iiiQS! •i'*ys in -%pril nex*, ootnffleaonm ou Frid«y th»* Bih \V.* '. va be Touu-i from 9 A. M. to 1 o’'J ck P. '.I., •-!>♦) , *t 1^-3 o£oa i’f R )'i'.;>l on Ray iirp«t. ''ill be >"!cei»*:d after the expir.'.t;ou vf tte f:!K« whi.ib Is ftr .'d by law R M ORRELL, Llai Taker for Town District. JOHN W. BAKER. Jr., List Tikcr for Cross *?rcek Dwtrict. Mar-sb 14 0 , 15-tlM Opened iu the Cosinty $^‘hooi- Fl'-rtc, CE Hoiyp:-''imt, A >EILKCT SCHOOL for ynuajj Mi»ses> aad Uoys. DrAOCi’t'S L.iia i Fr-'Dcb*. .Baglish Brancbcs an^l Muai-c. For tC'rni'' ".r.ply t.o Mrs J. D. BURKAH-T. I .»!^roh 15 16 4t l^trayed or llitolen, From the Hutnmcr n*8td-.'nce of Mr .1. C Haigh. a sraall DA RK B A r HCBSE The Horse has a very ' JL' I sore b:iek, aad baa lost il. F. Urown, i -j-., . . _ I A good set o*' f-ucnv Hacne-sa was on the Horaa when A. E. Hi.’!, ( ™ I takeu away A liberal reward will be paid for the de- hn Collins and C. C. McCrumiaen,' Traviling Age&ta 1 livery of the Horso aad Harness. i9-Th« Company invite applioationa. | A. Maf S8. 1861. Maieh 19. CAMPBELL 16-21 ofliee and Jail AH tbe County Court papers were destroyed. The raiders also destroyed the mills of Mr. Jobe S. South, some three hundred yartis from tbe Court House. His loss is not less th.*in twenty thousand dolhrs Richmond Examinery \%th. On their route down from Richmond, after the failure of the raid, Kilpatrick's men acted in a most barbarotu manner to the inoffensive and helpless people of New Kent and James City. From the Cross Roa'fs in Now Kent, where the vandels entered the stage road, down to Barbams- vtlle, in the same county, they burnt and pil- lag.-id nearly evr.ry house At Barhsmfville, they destroyed tho barn of Nelson Timberlake, burning all liis corn and fodder, and stole every pound of his meat. A Mr. James Taylor, who remonstrated with them for their outrages, was knocked down, and beaten until he became in* sensi’ Ic. Other citizens were most outrageously treated.—R ich.% Dispatch. Fayetteville irseual and Armory, \ Marcli 19 1864. / Binrksmithit Wanted. ' STEADY employment and good wages will be given. Apply *0 Lt Col F L. CHILDS, Comd’g Offioer. Wanted to Rent a Piano. Apply to j D BORKART at the Fayetieville Arse ni and Artoory. Maroh 16. lo^ BlanVc Warrants for lahi Irara*'* fi