s>i.ch ^n] ■ >t j'r«• Vi^'( iiich hi‘ niu\ i5 e\*nii.tioji ■r tu the fatn '\V t!io C'.II. Mio impress N i-or?..-. •nM'lv;-! t.) ;i I ir. .jj ineat. lurt-o l’r.>v,i,led fur fi.p tie pr>>vi '■ 'lt'}>ri\ fii '’■* ' : ni'.Vlllif ’ Fell. 1 Hfi-l. iiu »,*xeiiijt nn.ii-r the li- fXi-mpr ur de tiuu l>e siatitt- uu ot c tiie pr.xjuc- isk'iis t’ur th« cr. He innv, LjiniU, (511 sucli !■> such «tver- i.= iiitiv he sat- the ovuuitry in itin in the inili- lu h ex-. 'nptioij luer, piAiUer v'>r y t employ iti •)’tui ;uh1 Inb^tr II irraiii and .»veriiin?nt and icestiv-t exeeed- nr 'ike article* e St;ite under r, HuJitor ;ind d company en- 9 Government, eOb thereot' a« ,nt shall certify t> the etficient P^iviiied, that einpted by tbisJ exeeeil one per- id in actual use d said extjmptd md description. liitve left the y, or wiiu luav ohtiiiliijd iiLuii tt act Hppr«v«iU an act to tx- g tlie mails ol the drivers ot ni military i>er- he exemption? only «.»ntinue id are aotually pursuits or oc- nt b«, and he is details, under id to be ls6Uud ither uf perdons ige, or froiu tluc :i where, in his id necessity re lay revuke such B thin kb proper; rein ^rAiited to ills and eiemp- to authorise the y eontractor tor. tind to the Gov- ouitract, unle!»s department ina- titysthat the per- ract»r are indis- )t‘ said contract: any such con- an 1 tHithfully," >n ■ t sucii con- il shail cca&e. If' local boards Uion of persons member com inted from the in which they xainiuation. ville, N. C.,) Eli :i, 1^63. I offA' .ffailt dt thtt «()'. kc P M ■, F M. '[ LliE. A. M P M ON 4iurd»y lit 7 P W Friday *t 1 P- M aturd»y »i 6 P. M uradftT ftt 1 P. M- ERTON. (iiur ijky at 6 A. M r-ility >*i IP M 'HTOWN FriJ:»y at *5 A M. »ofJ'»7 -It ‘J P M KBLSTH M (.’REtt P M yOVlSGTO-N *ni OY f' olos -i the eTftU hf» Hcot off I'rfim pa 1 for if I pre-p»id t'y frns) io 9J A CO' >K P M nwiH, ply »* •oJe"*-* operation, wiih upoQ public coa- f all healthy per- year, for jteTcn 'ng in the profits are insured for their value. 1 90 days aftw t« referred to h« dt»t«, and t« Lary, Hileink- E, Afcat at N. C IFATMP^riS'TiriLlL 1. W E K 14 i> T. VOL.. Mil, FAYKTTEVILLE. N. C., MARCH 28, mA [NO. 1318.) PKINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS KOWARO J. HALE & SONS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Price for the Semi Weekly ()ii8Bbvc« $10 00. paid i« K. r the Weekly Ob»b«ti« $6 00 per aanum, paid in :icivanoe. ‘ADVKRTISEMKNTS ins«rted for f2 per s ^uare ■>{ Iti lines for the first, and one doUar for each suo- efe>ling publication. AdTertisements not exceeding a square (eifcht lines) $1 for the first and 50 cents for eaah snoceeding publioation. AdTortisers are re- 4Hest«d to state the namb#r of insertions desired, or ihey will be continued till forbid, and charged aceord- ingiy. .AdTertisements oontinued m*ide, charged as new »d- »erti«emeni«. Alt* VernoB female SeMiaary* rLX 2d Session will o'>Biiu«i;oe th*' 15th of FEB- RD.ARY and oontiaue 20 weeks. Tnition in English Braaohes $50 00 “ *' Mnslo and Painting, (eMh.) 40 00 School Room expenses )i 00 Board $400 per session. If paid in provistoni at old i prices $60. All of Tuition and one hftlf of Board re j qu^red in advance Eaoh pupil will Airuiah her own towels, one pair sheets, one pair pillow caees, one I 3(>unierD>«nn or quilt and a driaking cap. ! Rev WM. HOOPBR, > ! T. 0 HOOPER, I Principals A«ljr««s Br. T>Awrenc(> P O , -hath*ni oounty. Jho’v 12. 97 Hw SPECIAL NOTTOE. j . rcm an «.ter this iat«, no name of a new su'os«riber > will b« entered without payment in advaaoe, nor will ; the paper be e«nt to «ach subscribers for a longer time : iban i« paid for. j Such of our old sMb.'>Tib»r« as desire to take the pa- • per on thw system will please notify ua_when making * reiuiitanoes. Jan’y 1, 1858. IfVRT. .VeJL. Attorney at Law, FArKTT*vn.L», N. C. County and Superior Court* of BOARlt. From the Ist ot April our priv? i>^r board will be $150 per month in Confederate Bonis, rr if paid in ProvisicDs t the following r*t»^8 pe’’ month: 160 lb». Flour. 10 busheJs (’om. or 40 Itw Baoon or Lard. Rev. WM HffOPBR. T. C. HOOPER Feb'v 8. 5-2at IITILL attend the County and 8up«rt« V T Cumberland, Harnett, Moore ana Robeson Coun li«6 Prompt attention given to the ooUeotioa of all elaims entrusted to his hands. Oct. 17, 1869. 68-tf GEO. WT WILLIAMS &nDO.r~ Wholesale Dealers In Groceries, AN1> IMPOBTEaS AMO DKALKBS IN Hardware and CuUery, Swedes lroa» Ae*y HAT 8TBKKT, FATKTTKTILLI, N. C. July 2, 1861. 36tf JOS. UTJLEY, itracer aiui C'oiNMttosiara JfierclumI* FAYETTEyiLLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1868. ' 98-tf l> U WOmTH. D O. WAKTB. ■■ O. DillllSL WORTH Si CO^ commission and Forwarding Merchants, fW^Oer Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. let. 16, 18«3 78-12m TU0s7 j. JOHNSON, Jr., & CO., i^eaeral Commission & Forwarding Merchants, 4^ •^arth W\»Ur Sirttt, WILMINGTON, N. C ^RuMPT attention given to all business unirusied to ConsigsmcntA soiioited. ORABROWSffY, of P»(ersbnr|i, Va. LIST OF CHARCiES rOK PASSENGERS. TUE 'llowiag rates r>f Pae*»ge will be chfirg«>d on ojir Stesmers;— From V.»yette*iUe to Wilmin|?f02, •• •• “ Elisateth. *• " " White Hall, “ •* “ Kelli’s Cove, “ I. .1 poiDti* tMlow, 8BCOND 0IiA8S, OR OSOK.. From Fayetteville to Wilmington, *' “ Elisabeth. “ *• “ Whitehall, “ '* “ Kelly’s Cove, " “ •• All points below. UP. Frum Wilmington to Fayetteville, “ “ Kelly’s Cove, “ White HaU. • Elisabelh. “ “ “ Prospect Hall, “ “ “ All points above, SKCOND CLASS, OR DBCK. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, “ *• •* Kelly’s Cove, » • “ » White HaU. “ “ “ All points above, Jitf'Seoond Olast or Deck Passengers must stay on lower ieok or pay faU price, or same as Fir*t Class S9*An exirti eharge will be made fer Way Passen gers getting into Berths during ‘«ay time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots ur stoes oo, at the dis cretion of the Captain. J. A WORTH, for C. F St'm B’t Co., R. M ORRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun., T. 8 LUTTERLOH. Feb’y 28, 1864. 9-tf Ueadqaartefs Chief Enrolling Office, ) Fourtii Cougre-.si-ukI Dii?iriot. N ('" Vi .re*! ;0, i864 / Apart of tte sppoiuimeQ.is htih*f»r by Cap.. Swann, for Le ass'^uibliitg of ilie foll';win^ Miliiia ReglmentH, are hereby obrnged aul tb^ ('oaiiaakdiiig I rffioers of the Hotae QuarJ and Militia will notify ever^ vhite vmleptrton botwa^n t*io of 18 nod 45. to iip- p«*ar at thf folibwinjt pli*c*.*9 »'i t tl»r*-ij 'of t x-iruitiaiiou sod fnrollnnfa'; I Colum^u** caaty, 57th Rcs’t, at WitiieviUe Mar^h I 14ih to M^ch 18th inclt(siv>. ! Rahesf’n o'iuiity, 615l*i' iifg'i, at Luml erton, Miwrc^ U3J to Vi“T-i3*i inclu‘?ivo K'c.hCIOu^;olint«, 30 Jj Reg’t, at LiiUri:>.burjr, .4pril I I '** and , . KiohmuQd Couaiy, GInt Heg’t, Routtinc’ttKkU, Ai'ril j 4ih nnii 6‘h Ula'J>'i coiiiiiy, 55ih Ri'g c, >*t Klsiabet'stooii. AjTil j 7»b anii 8ih. j Ca^nberland oonaty, ft-**!! Ri*p’t, at FayetteviUp April j llih, 12th and ISth ' nmberiaud oooniy. 54ii Beg-t. :it Fa/pc;ev*Ue, .April I 14th, Ifith and iKtH I Harnott concty, S'2d Reg't, at i.illinglon, April 18th i «>il th ■ Ti.’s uotice '»iii not onaofco the appoinlnti>n‘.p maJe j fot ■ ■ lusahitH ur Koboii,a Ci>uittie3. • ! A L.ANUIS, Jr.. Hon.-*' of R^iHt-SdD'Hti'.es of (be Coajtrfs f^^rate '■ hy tht' lipath ot l.bo 14 2,-.] F mrih CooKr«KsioBa Diatri*i N C $80 00 I 16 00 I •20-00 •i\ 00 80 00 $10 00 6 00 7 00 H 00 10 00 sao 00 18 50 Ift 60 20 00 24 00 30 00 $10 00 6 00 9 00 10 00 CWFKBKRATK 8TAT8S OF AMKKICi, ; EnOINBBB DKPAKTNBST, Di9T. I.'aPH l Wiiuuiigt-ou, N. C , March IHth. 18t?8. / Notice is i erel y giv«n to all persons havini; oiaima «.'rinst the Enginocr Department., for servioes of pmployed as iaborci-a ()n the land dtfeneu near Wiliui.:gton. C, that th^ uudeasignM i^ anthorised aiid preparp.c^ to the e.'uno at hif> fifflce, on the se cond floor of th! building n^zt above Meares’ Drug Store. Market 3troci, j|9* Personi cx>cutirig Powers of .Attorney 'Frill ob serve (he followins form—their signatures, in all oases, t« be wituessed by two witnesses and signed in dupli cate, or they mi; be witnesst^d before « Jiistiee of the Peace or Clerk of tny Court FORM OF POWER OF ATTORNEV. I, of . do hrreby appoint ——, of , my true and lawfal Agent te sign receipts for, >«nd ivcaive payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De- partaidni of the Confederate States of Ameriea, for the bsrvicea of my slav« employed as laborers oc the land defenoM at —, daring the month of , 186 Witness my bwd and se*l at —, the —* day of , 186 (Signed io dnpiicat^.l [Seal ] Witaessi^s, oar tituids. JOHNSON, Jr of Fayetteville, N. C. Jao’y 8 96-8opd WAi\TED. O '“AA BUSHELS WHEAT, 4,0UV 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articlM to sell will receive the highest Cash price by calling on Mr. M. Thotaason, ki the Meroiiaat Mills, Fayetteville, er on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Sqoare. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 6, 1862. 76tf ABJIY HARiVESSI. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use. I taa my leather and can f.7e good bargfeio*. Agents will do well to send their or lcrs to me as th»y shall have prompt attention, and Kat off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. G^Ideton P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., \ June 13, 1862. / WE!$TER1V RAIL IU»AD. The FREIOHT and passenger trains of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sm&dajs asoepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt -at 1 o'clock, P. M. CattU md Horte Ttmh MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Gy order JNO. M! ROSE, Treas'r awl Oen’l Trans. A^t. Jan. 22, 1863 97tf From and after titis date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on .Monday and Tharsday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf] Ag’t C. P. Ste«n Boat Co. tbe Uovernor of Nortb (jaroiina. A l-ROCLAHIATSiO.^. WHEHEA!? '• uC'i.tjO V lift ' iirr,-cl o li-i.:* Rt ):’** .. ..-ib" of N^rth C-.--' .ifi IV. of ibo ‘-'atrw;-! li. 'Ohrieliaa, ttl^pscdcn'f4titf'e cloc‘. fo ■PO-.nd Co»> ' (rrc«^ from the seventh /ongri;Hsion'>l DisUiut; »iui «»rj'a uf Sittctioa hare he«n iaHud tw -je Sharitis ct the s*'ver»l oouuties aotup'.siog Uiitrict, oamcuar d tag (h?n to CHug-.t el*'oMoa9 tA b \>M ihv'r r'>!ip?c- • ive counties, at it.# pl.^oe^ by l«w, on thft THUiD TCDR3DAY L'l APKIL at^' .'ct qa-M i ?oi(*r» of s.'nd ) oBgresajc-ua: Diairict maj vote for ii.iino person to fill tht- sAid vvi'^rcy. Njw, therefore in o'^nfornoty to l«w ia aooh c^nes mi»l'^ And pro»i.if«d. I do i>^BUi» t! uty Pr'..cliiinaticii, o-akii g kuofro c existenc i>f such vacancy, And that an flection will be hal'l to fill the at the timo Creek Academy, I J I.MKS PATlEllSON. Priuoip-il j i»w} .-id session of this tftHoo! c''nnr>eao?d7ili inst. I I R>rtet of tuition per gei>}i->n nf five month*^ j Priosary courst*. $20 00 j iDtprmcd’ate. • 27 60 ' OKaeisal, 00 : Jio'ir.1. .rnvpnirnt fo the soho-'l ^oas(*. n*in be ob- I '»iQ**d at $80 per month. I Va to hb^lth, mor-ality and int‘'Uitfenot‘, '%c Qi*igbbor I ht.'od will compare f»v-.>?ably with »ny iu t&^ State Fjr I fu.Lv»r iiif.rai iji-ta .^iMrt ’S thu Prlai’ipai or eiihci vf 8u'ecribf.r.^ at Qu;eusJ>l5 P U, Hohen :a o 'oo'y. N 0 M-'-roh 15 J McQDEES, C STEW art W. MoLAURIN J TmBtef-s. 16 2t.pd WMtera Baii Road Office, \ FAYHTIEV11.I.S, M.troti 19, l864. / afo'‘>^.'»id. to the tad that tbc qui^fi^d voters in the B ili Cc-ngroiwionU Di-^trict. tn;ij r.tteud at the 8ai^i tiir.e • m .n. t i ^ j n„ aiivl (it thf place”^ est biisheJ br Inn, i^nd oust thtfir | TO til6 StOCkhOldOrS Of thC WCStCTD RallrOad CO. | vctes ^ordingly. . rpHE TiX luc ibe Goniederwe 8t.»»tfc6 T.r liio pre3Ctt ’ Soluj -ra .r«r:i ibe s«id Congr .esi .nat Distr.ot, wL«. Capital St 'ck of this Co. , afo d voters, are oy l-»w ^-rtiflfd t«' (.jiHt ti-eir Triii bo riftnrs> d anc* paid by this corp‘'”«titn rHis elecfion on the S15C0ND THORS DAY' IN Und-:r regulations issued by t* Sr-o'y ot the Treasury, ▼' ?«'!* in APRIL 1 our Governor, Capts’n G* ' / cr i«-rhief, b»th s>»rn»i^ eaueed ih»* great (rrtl Don.o at the City r,i’ [.ai^igh, A. D. 1^64, and In ‘he y«ar the 8Sth. ^Signed] Py tho Gover/X'>r. R. H. Barru, Jr , Prlva‘e Secretary March 18, 1864. . r^l Htid Comn ao>l itiiS^ pr sv ts «nd b» aifixed. 17ir>. dhj of M'rcbi tittirHa Irii'Tii-oJiiBo Cy -- •I NO r W K R fV Z. B. VAi?OE 16 2w CAPE FEAR MAVieATIOIV CO. J^AF YOUR TOLLS! OOL'LSCT tour DiVlDENDSn NOTICE is hereby civen to all persons indebted to the Cape Fear Navigation Company to make pay- m»nt before the 28th inst, as the pr«M.iit curreQcy will noi be received at p«r after that time All persons who have «ot coilectod their Dividends are notified to oocio forward and reoeivo tbem I'efore the 2)th iast, as all funds belonginc to the Company will tbea be fandei in 4 per cent, bonds, and payments will be made in the same thereafter of aii Dividends now due By order of the Board otf Directors. W N. TILLIN6HAST, Seo’y A Treaa’r, Maroh a 18-t28M FayettvTllIe, Marcli l», 186t. All persons holding cikiss ui&n>T .od ronaty -re riofij* '1 *0 preeent ihsoi at onre to the C»un'y Trustee for payni^nt. It having been ordertd by the ; • after the 28h inst ,'iko payments Bbi*U l>e ! made sxoept in Confederate^ money at faoe valus, tiie intentloB b«ing to fund after tHo da%« mentioned J. A PB&1BERTUN. Coont^Trust«e. —Also— Will be sold on Tharsdity 7lh day of April, by order of Coart, A LOT OF IRON, consisting of iron doors, bridge bolt*, Ac Ac. . J. A PEMBERTON, 16 u] Conniy Trustee The signatures of colored persons should be wltaeeeed by three witnesses There moot be separate daplibate Powers of Attorney for each month. BUuk forms can be had upon appli- eaiion at this ofiice. W. H. JAMES, Gapt. & Chiaf Sng. Jan’y 20,1864 ISOOif } Fayetterilie inMai and Iraiorj, Not. 12, 1868. tlOO BOUNTY. too yfiaMHted RMemen. Authority having been grafted by the War De partment to rai9u a Company of Mounted Riflemea for servloc ia this vicinity, ni»tioe is hereby given that recruits to the number of 100 non-coiuer^U will be iliotice to holders of Ronds of the Cor-poration of FaycttcTllle. PERSONS iiol«iiAg Conpuns due fcr i’l rMt on the above Bonds. ar« notifiad tu preheat tbom for pa/ ment on or before the 26th inst. he Fands Tor the payment of ti^ese Coupons having b*cn oo'leo '*d and p%id ia the present Currency at iti ftce, it will be funded in 4 per cent Bonds and held to meet the Coupons in that kind anlese withdrawn before the above date A. McLE.AN, Chm’n CoumiaaibDers of the Sinking Fund. March 12. 14-i25' e«iv>d for this servioe. Eaoh recrait will be raquirad | drawn to furnish a a^rrioeable honw, for which Ike Will ba ^ | per oant l->wed 40 oenu per diem, aad his pay f 12 per aoath. Wriuen ptrmiui»R will be requin^ from pareaU or guardians, where the appUoaat ia ander the ooaaeript A9REVl.f^L.E, ili. C. i ^ w. k. .. . k-h nr.TT n.ninu.viror , __ i reorult must bncg with him a blanket or bed T WILL open Oie EAGLE HOTOL for the r^ ^ prepared to remain 1 oepuon oT Gueata the first of June, and I hope , hnlt^ws and saddle blaafcete fttmlah. to be able to et*t^m from geventy-five W • | by the Govemmeci, or if the reoruid comes provided hundred persons danng the Suiter. j ^ valoation. In oonnection with this large Hotel, I haire a nutter , c^pt maTTHEW P TAFLOK, at tbe Ar- of Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horses that j p CHILDS Rank ot Clarendon, ) FATKTTKViLLa, N. C., Maroh 8,18G4.-.) NOTI- K is hereby givea to all p*r»'.jis and Oo'pora- iions havioK bslacoes dne them on tho bosks of this Bank, that the same most be drawn by th? 2^ih Instant, and that no deposit will be received after that day befc V**a.tha lat of April, all deposits ren»aiajn£ nn» flfilttr |bft 4M ^ ia 4 t bonds "oTue Confederate States” and paid my guests ean get at a mtoate’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagl% Hotel, A.sheville, N. C. May 18,1868. 81-ypd 80tf) Major C. S. A. Comd’g Post. lbs. Gam Arabic for sale by J. R. IlEE. Ooi 15. 89tf 190 TOBACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W- W1LLLAM8 k CO. 81 tf May 23. After this date I will pay 15 Cents per poaud for ^rags, or the highest market prioe, delivered la P»7«tt»viUe, or at my mills oa Rookfiaii. 0. MURPHY FeSy 16, 1864 7-t' Wanted to Purchase, VrEtjTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; If Bauk Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fuaiable;) “ *• $1 and $2; *' “ Bonds, old and n^w; County of CamberUnd Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Uonds; Grc«nstoro' $l and $2 Certificates; Conft;d?raie 7 and 8 p«r o«at. Bonds;* (Jottpons of $15,000,000 loan; of Town and County Bonds;’ ij( oM North Carolina BonJa; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oot. 12, 1868. _ OKDNiifCE DKPABTMKNI, Raleioh, N C., May 8, 1 EAU WANTED.—1 wish to puroha»e Lead for this i ^r( iclr.H ean obtain tbe market, ptioe on applioa- tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. Powers’s on Hay Street. R. E. HEIDE, Geaa Ag’t. Aug. 25. 5S-tf To Cotton Planters. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confe^rate Government within the State of North Caro lina, aad will pay for the same in 7 per eent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-Agents visiting tke different parta of the State, buying in mj name, will have written certifloatea of appointment. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton pur^ased by myeelf or my agents, on and after the 18th day of Mar^ 1868, will paid for ia 7 per cent, iiendfl »r Ctsh, and not 8,per oent. Bonil as stated tn a former advertisement. Dp to that Ume, however, the 8 per oent bends will b« furnished m stated. Patrietio cititens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton raiher than to private capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Ch^Hotte, Msr«h 21, 1868. fo. d.J 14tf Cotton Yarn for Wool. N otice is hereby given that after tiiis daie (except in caried where we have bargained for Wool aooord- Ing to the terms of'our advertisement of the 30th of May, which terms are now revoked,) wo will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yam for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or S lb8. waabed and picked. This ohange is made at the mak^lhe terms of’eichange'uniform throughout the GEO. W. WILLLAM8 A CO Fayetteville, June 29, 18ti3. 41 tf Office Depot IVo. 13, ) FjtTETTKVlLLE, March 7, 1864. ) Fay yeur Tithe*. PERSONS who havf) not already paii ttieir Tithe Tax w 11 have tmtil the 20th d«y of May 1864, to deliver the same I am now ri*a'1? to n*oe've the B»c»n due under the tithe law' Six poaaiB of cured bae’n for every 100 lbs pork slaoghtered sinoo tbe 24th of Aitril 1868 is required Parties deliriring their titJae^ at a dteti.nee of over eight miles will bn promptly pa:d for excess of hauling J. M WILLfAMS, 12 t20.M] Agent for Cumberland county. paid to dep''aitors at par Any ohe'k drawn on this Bank, previous to the 86th Inst., anst be pr^i-i n e i for pay ment by that tin>« • 18 6i J. W. SANDFORD. CaahV Rank ot north Carolina. All peri'ois haviitg Di^l.lemi-' dat- *0 i ut.; - li in thii» B«ak. Brwiobe* and A#*- ♦, i''>* rot'.ficd that ii3lt'S!> the "iaoo be dr .WP..0 or hofrj--.* t>«* 25i“i .l«y of Marc ', iosiaiit. th«y w’l' r- .*.id n ‘.o^ 4/>r omt Bonds jf tlio Con’’*dcr*!*- or in t»»e present currenoy at par ' DE^'EY, I’ashier M-roh 7 12 tt . IfOTICE. Endor Iron Works, Chatham Coanty, N. C. Having e ■!cI tho Ea''or Iron Work-', bcr •*'r **o*i* f» ‘*11 ner«ion8 h'vting ol im-* g i’ st tne Bnlor Irnn Compuuy to oreft^nt iti.m -.oifa >-ty f. r ti'Wfl'ni'nt All c’ftims pres«**tted tfMr tit' 31't "\6 , will be paia in 4 per >}• at D N.»iLT> MjRaE Pi -s’* — I'-'n Co Mnr a 12 14 4t WAiVTER, AWATCHMAK for the Baterpriee Cotton Factory To an honest, sober aad stvaJy man, ic.mauent employaaent and good wages will be gaarat led One above tkte oonsoript age preferred. Apply Ihos. A. Headricks, Sup’t at the Factory, or to GBO. BRANDT, ».«3ident. Maroh 18. 16 tf ^ NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified a» Auiui&ietralar of David Btrnes, dec’d, at ‘larch Term 1864 of Harnett Coantfy Court, at the latj re^.^ » so of the D^ oeased oo TITBSDAY tlie 5th of Apr«l lioxt, I will ex pose to public sale all the Persooai Property b^slonging to said Estate, consisting of oiie H.irsa, Cows. Hogs, one Turneatia# Still aad Fixtures, H>>useMi)ld and Kitohen Furnitore, and other >^rttclee. Terms at sale. H. A. UARNES, Adox’r, Near Barclaysville. March 14. 18 4tpd ainperior Court of £aw for Cnm- beriand County, NOTICE is iMiraby givaa that there will b« a spring Term of this Court held on tha 7th Monday after th» 4th Monday of Maroh next, btiog the 16th daj of May 18^ to try aad deiermine all aot'ona of Tort oa te« Civil Dcoket, aad all .eases oa the State Docket Notice IS farther given, that by aa order passed at Fall Term 18f8, »he day for trying State oasea ia said Court has beso changed from Thursday to Misiiay. Partiea omd witeiMaM wiU ge'**rm themnyWee •o«CWdta|^T. JOHN W BAKEB, C 3 0. Mttrah 14 15 tC Ei^lneer’s Office, MaroJi 14, 1884. PERSONS baring clainiLt at, ‘inst the Ertgi.oe**r Dop>Art- mvnt, reiatisg to tee Defences at /lyuitevilie, will plea?)* present them a* once to fbe unxicr?i'taed. Powara of .itforae^’ of the form givca by in this pap -r m iy be useJ but mutt be in Hupiieate f«r each month during which service wi»s rep ifr^d ‘ A .aSHE. 16-8*1 lit L' C 8 A , on Eriv Duty WAIITEO, AT THl MANASSAS CAP B. M. SHOPS, ORBE^SBORO, N. O. 8 FIRST CUss MACHINISTS, « SVIITHS, 20 ^'AR^E^TEB8. H gn-’Bt w . es pa i. M »'*on 15 '*5 1 Ti’ .} Uepttrtmcnt Persons having large or small quan- mie“ wUl please apply ^ once. Will give 1 pound of POV. UEH for 10 pounds of lEAD TH08 D HOGG, Capt C. S. In charge of Ordnance. Palma Christ! Reans. rBE 8ul)3»riher will pay tlie behest cash prices for any iiiim.riLity of Palioa Chriiti Bfans. ' ^ J. A. WOBTH FayatUvina, 0«t 8 ^ OIL AND LiMP BL\^K.' 1V\NNF.R,S’ and LUBRICATING OIL. 1 I..AMP BLACK la barrels. For aale by JOS R BLOSSOM k CO., rrs^ The Cumberland Hospital As- scciation always anxiotifl to promcte the oorotort of onr brave soldiers, calls upon their friends in the county and town to eend something, either Bacon, Peas, Potatoee, Dried Fruit, or anything they ean spare, to be packed in boxes by the 1st of April, to be sent to the Army by Dr Warren’s Agent Send to Mrs Latter- ;oh,* President of the Association Feb. 29 Egypt Coal illine. The undersigned were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court. District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered iat« copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit ardera for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for tmy amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the best in tho Confederate States. AppUcationo may be made to Chas. B. Malleit, Fayett«- Tille, M. 0., or James Browne, Ciiarleston, S. C CHABLBS'B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20. 1868.” ^tf Physician’s Card.* Dr D. a. CAMPBELL (late of Marion, S. C..) has removed to Fayetteville and taken an office on Bow ■treat, where he may be fooad at all times, with aa ample stock of Medieines, to answer Professional calls. Satisfactory reference furnished, Ac. Jan'y 2. 1««4 ' ^ Roxes^ A^c.. for the Army. I WILL send a special messenger to the Army of Northern Virginia on the first day of every month. All boxes, paekages, &o., will be forwarded from my of&oe free of eharge. EDWARD WARREN, Sorgeon General N. 0. Raleigli, Jan’y 16, 1864. 9»-8m FayetteTille Artenai and Armory, i Maroo 12, 1864. / The following regulations conceruing th( i*sue of ra tions are published for the information of owBers of Negroes hired at this Arsenal and Armory. Negroes who work six d^ys in the week will reoeiTe rttions for seven days. Negroes who lose time will receive rations only for those days on which they are present, unless furnished with a written certifie&te from a r>'spectabie physician, tkat they were too sick to work. 14 1m] F r>. CHILDS Lt. Col. ComPg North Carolina Volanteer Navy Co., Taaasuaaa’s Orriox, Wilnjingt>’n, N 0., March 6^1864 Books for further subfioription lo the Capital Su>ok of this Company are opened at this Oi^oe Ail persona tlasirous of aidiuz iu this all imporitmt aUerprit can forwar>^ me their names b- «>ail stating the amount tbey wish to «n*^8cnbi^. *t>d tbeu 6-nd ti\e oath by some truHy puraoo, on receipt of which I will forward Certificate of Stock Shares $500 each .All old subsoriUors that have not paid in their subs^tnptions will pleaee. do so at ^e ear liest moment. 12 19tpdl W. D SMITH. Treaa’r naroeit for Sale* Y virtue of authority v«BieU in aie by the lost Will and Teslami^nt of Heot:>r M. Muiaan. iro’d, I will tisU on a credit of six trwr.fhs 'vli!' iutereei from sal;r. or for cash a« thf pnrcna*tcT may 8i**ct. that valnbble PL.ANTATION. on which lae ieRta*or lived previous to his doath. containing about six hundred acr{>* This land li'-8 on the North si it* of f'ape Kear River, front ing on tbe earue about orie tnilp an.1 r- quarter, and run- niag back a leant threr^- fouitbs of a mile. This laui j is within a mtle of Lilliugtoa, the County Site, and is | very valuable, presenting advaotageu rarely offered in ' this county There is a very valuable MILL pjlTE on ■ tbe land An? person desiring to examic? tbe premiiiei will apply to Hugh McLeao, Enq., or to G.n. A D Mc- Leaa, either of whom will takr pleasure in ahowiu; them. EFFIE C. McLEAN. Ex’r of H. M. McLBAN. Dec*r22. 1863 95tf W^ $300 REW.4RJI. wili J ■ « a''0T' ro« 'd r... vies, tbe p O'" P *' tine Distillery ou S*tur«i»y « 'I Ta«’|H'tit>f->*r .'I'kp • 2’> .»■ J ».U I'lNE STILL C C Barclay ville, Maroh 8 ^iTlR CAW-F IROM waSteo At toe Star F..U);jrv, t«y M A B .K-H. March 1. 11 ff B' Turpentine Stills Wanted. . All per sjo" that have C'.‘}»par t^ti’S for s>*i'* wiil ad- (Ir, SB M. A Bi\KEii. Fayettoviije, Mareh 1 11 tf i-lCoV it aTm D Flour ao t ('aTS wUl xob-^n^el f->r >;orn at ‘he Store of D \JcLaurin, by h:-- a '.'w d»y? notice. Fl-’Ur /fod, Oats Nn I. tla fe '-r whit' .Tan’^ 29 2 tf A (irardeD for the Soldiers. "Seodn uf all iciact« wiil nt this Otfi'e ajul f.)ricarded i«ar j(i'atefui y »o a poH on the W:>,’to Hail, BiaJ^a cia j J. w -Jh tn* wlsues t> Sf li, where it utaad!* Ir is ali eomplete except tie arm A . - , r ..oni wiahiu-v to 'xaciine ii w-'Il c5i* on H J r-- .-aa r - !a?at White H;*?!. t>> te*'iw. Ao-. . . • o O \ K GROM VRTIS - N C Mi'C 9 15 0 i a motS^e.’ T~E sabscribtr having qnaSifisd »-t Dfeembcr Term of 'iurt of P vas and Quarter Sensijaa of Cuxnber- l-i»>i C unty, 1^8 Adaiinitrai.rix "de hoars non” vn the Estate pf Q W I n, bi^r^h/ tfives uotice U> persona having cl»im- e.gainst -s'-t Estate tj prs'a-it tarm within the t.iiri9 presi"! ed la», or tiiis no>-i ;e ail! be -pleadfti in bar of their r'csviry A d ail per- aoDS in iebtod to said Estate tom fca i.T.m?l''t»? , HARRIKT GC»LD-rO..N’, AJcr;’x -.t ' rjnis uon. M\r:V 14. • 15 4'^ N 'A'£$$TA9fEl«T8 AilIO ifV.WiirS. ('lONFRORR VTS SfAi/e? Biblr SKOieiy T-ist iioe»it». I ^ ■” of yT=nnn V F » SONS. E ¥oQDg’s Arithmetieal Dletionnry, MBK.AC.ING a Byste® of /\rithm?(ic. Rea>iy R c'.oo- er, lotcresi t^alcalalor. Book Ke-p>ne. Forais. &c E. J HALE A SOHa. I'pc’r 16 ReceiTer^s rVotit:«. OT able »o reict* RanJ .lj.h atJ rctara h :r> _ '> 1st ^p'i!, t5“tjc»5 is he’^eby giv"ii, ibaf all pi^rsTO? ;nd*;‘)tc. ’ to tae -n ao-'ioant of .n'.e r^^at '•X o-'ic“ w»u« ;U“ t ras?rly to o.li'-it j”“ ‘ make psymcat to m. og ^ ,^t;SrtA;r*eaf‘er'iu isJ re^ I 9 sail_ notes, or in tha oi i ini>ie tHo tas aad discount add^ 1 MJ,-.. R?oviw«r Piili* 'M-.-.'h K*-Ui i^OTICKa All persons noiding my Notrs or Oheaka, ct having ot&«:rd«Tnaucis a^.tiTist me, w;ll pWaas ^ rf'^eut tU. w on or bf^.fara the 1st day of April rxrrt or they wiil bv paid in the present Confedertite iesoes. GEO. W. BULLARD. Blocker’s P. O., Maroh 15, 1864 15 5e*2tpd ■ loves and Socks Wanted. I DLBIRE to BttrchMe for the loidiers 10,000 paira of 1 Gloves and 10,000 pairs 8c«ka be thankfully rto^vad —— • Jm’7 11, BDWA&D WABRBN. Sorgeoa Qtm. H. 0. Socks and GloTes for the Soldiers. 1BAVE been aathorised to exchange 4—4 Sheet- IngB for lOO pain of good Woolen Books and QIotm, to be presented to the BoldUrs, at the rate o. three jar^ af Bheetinn for foor paita Gall at naxA dear baiov Bay k Pearoe’s. J. A. PBMBBETON SaitUnltto, r«b’y • i RA«S! RA(4Sn-The infe- ri/^r quality of tho ps>p3r on which tbe Observer has been printed of late, and which is a great eje-sore to ixs, ip owing t.o the wo-nt oi' a sufficient supply of g^od ra^?, and the oon"eqnen' neo- ewtity to resort to infr>rior materUls Wo appeal to the friends of tbe Observer a, all Rcoeseible points, to savw ap and bring to town all tbe rasts they can prosnm. We bftve uo tirae cursalvcB to attr^rd *o their pnrohase, but Messrs. Geo W. WilHafca A Co., the Agonts in this town of Mr Murphy, vrill p.iy 15 c^nts per lb. for tliem. . - E J. HALE & SONS. Feb’y IP 5-itf FATETTBVI1.1.E MimilL INSIIBISCB e«»P*Sf. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to f2R7,688 2b jCitsh m hand and cth*^r a«3et^. 5,077 35 WAfVTEO. I WILL pay the hje»n^' C.uMi |.nf % for any quantUy of good COW HORNS, and LEO BONKS of Horses aad Cows; Use, BRIAR BOOT for making Pipes; delivered B. LSBS&LK8. ^^ettavUa Feb’y 29. ll-17tpd Btamkfl for aale at this Office. The Farmers’ and Planters’ Al- roinv ^05* 18'H A f*w ar >ce nior.- ?u ‘ 1 F .T, IT alp k * Total. $*372,765 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an asHessment on their premium notes. Total loRtjies paid, S29.682 60 OmCBi.P: GEO. McNElLL, f-resident. 0. A. R.AY, Vice Pr.’Rident C. A. McMiLLAN, sec’y. Di«BCT6us: fienry Lilly, W. N. T'lnini^Mt., H- L. Myrover, S. J. flitisiiale, g. T Hawley. Wm. McLauria, Nathan A. Stedman, T S. Lmtorlch, C. "B. Malleit, James Kyle, A. A. MeKethaa, J. D. Williams, 8. W. TUlinghast. A W. J. Q. Ceok. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, JL F. Brown, A. 1. Hall, j. Wilm’gtOA. kn Comas and 0. 0. BlaCmsmaB. TraTeUag Ag«M •TkaOonj taviUafpBoatt*as. List your Tavibles. TITE pndf^reigued hi^ving beeii aprointed at .Marct Term of the Court of PfeM and Quarts ^es- t*i«up fT> J^mberland cousty. Tai"s for t|f T.crn anti Cdst Creek D:s*riot?. not-^y n’} t' o-'fnc f”"c»rd and list tbir prof c:^^ .iinsujit ibt' list iO work-c.T '!*yo April a3Xt. ootcstK"^'.*!.? c«> Fr viy. tnf 8tb We can be :ound fr> to 9 A M. to 1 o’cloclt P. M., dsy, at tbe offlce vf R M. O’reil on Hay str.«*t. No listfi vill be receive-i *ft«r tha rxpiratioa of the tiioe which is fixed by law. R M. ORRELL, List Taker f..r Town Umttiet. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr.. List Taker i.>r Ctoss ‘ rcuk Diatrict. Mar(}li 14 15-tlM Opened in the County Srhocl- Hoube, un Haymount, A MEfjECT SCHOOEi for yo'ing MiEses asd Boys. Branchca tang t »rt LaUu. Fr- noh, EngliaU Branches aad Mueio. For t»rm« apply to Mrs J. D. BUB£ABT. March 16 16 4t roB TBB OBdCaVXB. “Blbae Hocsb," Feb’y 14, 1864 KNITTINO. KBSPBOTFITLI.V DEDICATED TO “Th* Young Ladiee’ Knitting Soc\tty ’* With a blooming maiden sitting. While slin cimbiy plies htr knittijk^, P!easfd 1 g«ze uprn her boamy, While 1 All try happy duty, ‘•Paying cut'* the cephyr double. Richly paid for pleasant trouble, Ji'St to watoB her nimt’le ficg«te, ’ I -’ her ru-y Ji't', where liogtrs Mm-y a heat:»y ta b^r Rtiiiling, AH n y loving pool bpgniling; Jtist to feel the wondrous thnlling Of fs^j heart, with r’^ptnre fiiliog. White beside the maiden sitUng, •Paying cut” whi'c »he »e kn^tiog, 1 Ki3 thtnltiaK how our knitUng is -n illutttration fitting O' the real it e re Itv'ng: Of-he mfrciff* God is giving In )he uctive w >rid aroua-i oJm, Wtiea to wom*n man has bound him, . TJ>«u are love and labor making All lb? ^ ys our tiouls are taking— *c l-*bor are snpplyine. “Pi*>»ii2 out” life’s tUreart, and trying Ever to undo 18 tangling; E*er to profec' froai -vraagltpg; to give Itfe's thread, and bold it; Hcr's, in love to gent'y mould it Into foltQ^ of use and beauty: Thus they link their ’ove aad duty. Fratetnally, "ISSALHAR ’* rOB TUB OBSKBVKB. * “PASSING away ” • Change oom>s oa all; each passing brecse, That o’er Barth’s bofom wavf-iikn heavse. Mutters in sighing symphonies ^ Its dirge-like moan. “Passin? away,” by each pale flower Is nightly ;nng; while tbe Iresh dewy shower, Exhaled in one brief stmshine hour, Rppeats the song. Like vapors scattered by tbe mom. Like shadows ebased by tempest storm. Even so life's Vadding hopes forlorn Beat the light air. To-day the hero's fiashing eye May glow with dauni.lrB3 energy: To-morrow ere the go^l he is nigk, U>«pea kiss detfpair Like Antomn-leaves mat.lrcmbHng play la the grey mooolight’fl silvery ray, Restkss and soon to pass away— Oht suoh is life- Joys quickly wither—the youthful brow, Wiero larks the fair and fustroas glow Of high-born thou^ta, may soon lie low And oease its strife. Spirit of change! thy power I Icnow: I seo it in the^ook of woe: I feel it in the heitft’s deep throe: Waen hopes decay FaUe joyel that mook the foolish heart: Farewell! v^n hopes, with you I part: Ph >iitom of Fame! adieo, thou art •'Passing away,” JULIAN. - FOB THB OBSBBVXR. Fort Pender, Maroh 2, 1864. - At- • held ftt tlie Methociist Cliaroh tliia eveniag, Maj Alex MoRae was called to the Chair, and itieut Wm M Harris was requested to act as Secretary. Tkie meeting tlios constituted wad opened witii prayer by Rer B L Beall The C’nairman explained tbe object ot tiie meetings after wiiich a committee was appoiated to draft Kesoiutions, consisting of Rev B L Beali, Capt Jas S McCormick and iiieut Tiios M Argo. The meeting wsh then addressed by tCev John N An drews, at'ter which the committee reported the tollowiDg resolutions: » Resolved, 1st That we approve as highlj oom* mendabie the plau ot the* Rev’d gentleman and earnestly hope that its issue maj be sucoessiui Resuived, 2d. That nothing is so productive of high moral eultivation ab the proper davelopmeBt ot the iateliectual faculties, and that we believe no scheme teodiug more to effect that result could| under the circutust&nce:>, be adopted. Resolved, 3d That we express our high appre ciation ot toe didinterestea motives acttuttng the Rev John >t Andrews irrt.ropusing this measure, and our conlideuco in his bkili aud ability by u- nanimousij reoommending him to become Agent' for tbe procurement of such religious and secular works as iu his judgment may be suitable and proper. Resolved, 4th, That we commend for the earn est consideration of the people the oonaumiuatiou of this plan a8 being aa ubccsaar^ to the welf^ire of soldiers, as those bodily comforts whiclrthej have hitherto so generously provided. Re.solved, 5th. That all religious and seoolar papois ot the Confedeiacy are respecifuily re quested to donate us one or more copies of their daily or weekly lasuts. Resolved, 6th. Thai the Railrdkd and Expren companies are re»pcctiully requested to transport packages oi books tor the Library at Smithville, N. C., free of chariju rtli. That the Fayetteville Observer, Church laicliigeucer and Cbristiau Advocate be requested to publiah, and other papers please copy. On inotioai oi itivut Wm Calder, the resolutiooa were unauimously adopted. Ou motion of Rev John N Andrews, a commit* cee ot tivc were appointed to obtain a suitable room, aud make other arrangements that may be necessary, conslbtiog of Capt Wm H Brown, Capt Jas L McConuick, Lieut W'm Caldcr, Lieut Wm M Barriss, Lieut Thos M Argo. No turther business appearing, it was resolved to adjourn, subject to the call of the eiiairman. Maj. ALKX McRA£, Chm'n, Comd’g Oarrisoo. Lt. Wm. M. Habetsh, Bec’y. ^ue*n Victoria’s Abdication.—The Memorial Diplomatique makcii itoi/lf responsible for the ex* traordinary statement tiiat at a recent cabinet council, ou the Dauish question, Queen Victoria rose trom tbe tabic declaring that she could oome to ho decision without consulting with Prince Albert, retired into her closet, and, on emerging, announced that the Prince was hostile to any act* of war by England. This unmistakeable proof ot mental aberration is said to have datemined Lord Paimeiston to urge the abdication of the Qucfcu.—A’eic York Commercial. Strayed or Stolen, From the Su»nme- resid-Bce of Mr J. C Hai^h, a small D.\RK BAT HORSE. The Qoi'se bas a very sore baelr., and has lost one oye. A good set of Baggy Hariiess was on the Horse When taken away A liberal reward will bo for tho de livery the Heteo aad Haraeis. A. M. 0AM7BBLL. Ml ^ !«.» Fayetteville Arsenal and Ai>nory,\ M«rcH 19. 1864 / Blaekftmiths W\$nted. STEADY employment and good wages will be given. Apply to ' JbStl Lt Col F L. CHILDS, Oomd’g Officer. Wanted to Rent a Piano. API nal aad Armory. Blaiekli. 16^ I Wuk Warrant* fbt aale her*.

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