imself '•t }ir. 1^: u-4 wllH-il I'u 1UH\ lifr *\etujHiun jr u - ’lie tiiin J bv the «^jui- tii V ,n ei, i-n: -.e.l a III Miu! -il ItJ fi'i* Mi' ■ : t !n» I'ru' fur h'ti 1’; [;r«»vi- '■r *'• lirivttj i« ■' huvii’i;^ •f ‘ V-l. 1 _ I'XiilUi. uii.i. r r!ie Ji- •\ Mjij.r iH- c!e tatii- ^ ..JTlt ol' ; - duo ■ T lh«i Be lUHV, Oil sni-h uoh *^vur bv* sat- ■•'Wntrv iij in.i V rt- T( riai..*: ier». htfti to ' lie ui tiie > >r an iij t;ie tnili- uch oxisnption uer, jV.anter to f U'1-‘V in .lital I’; ! i;»bor ti .>f r’i ,imi ovt-f . *ni .iud ce. iJ-- L>\fee\l- ^br like artifJes le Srate uudor nc to 1‘ r, Hudit -r rtjid d coinpiiur eu i G vcriitnent, eeij tiieieof aa rtiiall certit'v the etlicieut 'R'viJed, tiijtt tnjitcd by this xoeei otiu per- iu aeturt! use dHui exempts Jehfriptiuu. hnvc left the , ur w*i(j mav a ;ntained ^hall act approved an m i tu ttx ; tile tiiails ui ■he lrivtM-!i uf luilitarv' ser- e exemptions ouly 'jontinue autuaiiy >ui':iuit;j or OC- I b«, and he id details, under to be isiued iier of pe; auiia or t'ruiu the where, in his nece^'^ity re- y revoke sueh think* p/'.-per: sin granted lu a uiid e- emp- authorize the contra«*tor for id tt> tile (tuv- mtract, iu'ie^> apartinent lua y that the per- ctor are indis- said contract: any such con- od tuitlifully, of -' u> h C'-n- shal lof-al t. ardt; on ot‘ j ersons laeni ler coin- ntcd the n whic!.! they imination. il\9, W. C., f ft3, j f tk* Maiit at thu pO’, HO. P M tt. M [LLL M P v« N. urUiij 7 P. M At 1 P. M OTilKy HI 0 P M id»y 1 P. M ITON'. ard iy u C A M id iy >.> 1 ? M ITOV rllv , A M ri*y at P M. BINT ' M. K£EK V close 1 the ctcb » >t«n- olf from psk for &s it *>« r-rr paid bj ■om 10 A OOK. P M lER, !▼ »♦ \ • • ILiliA t'0>IPA.\T, psratKQ. witii ►oa pu )lt'j oon- 11 hcitiibjr per- year, for seTen g mthi profits »re msur«l f«r heir T«la». 90 days »fl«r referred to State, and t« ry, Agoat »t I-WESEK L, Y VOi I'AYFTTEVIIXE, N. C.. MARCH 31, 1864 [NO. 13U»:\ PRINTED M0N1>AYi aND THUHSMAY.- KDHARl) J. HUK & SO\S. EriT0B8 AND PROPRITITORS Price for the Semi-Weekly Okhkbvkr IK.*, paiil in aivance. Fcr the Weekly Obrkbvks ?Ffi '*0 per aimoTn. pai‘l in advance. O^ADVERT18EMENT6 insertcii for j.or s ,u:vr - of 16 lines for the first, and one dollar for each suc ceeding publication. AdvertisemcnN not exoeedinr a half mjaare (eif^ht lines) $1 for the first and'60 cenTii for eaah eucoeedinmpablication. Adrertisern arc re qQeated to state the number of insertions d^irod, or they will be continued till forbid, and charge*! accord Advertisements oontinuel ifuid^, oharpe4l as new ad vcrtis«meat4. Mtt Vernon Female Sewiuary* I''HE 2d Bcssiou will commcncc the 15'‘i of I'EH RUARV' and cop'inne 20 weeks. Tuiti'-n >n English Hranohcs 00 I *• Music »ni I'aiHting, ^e%cl»,) 40 00 School Room expenses 8 00 Boaril "*400 por s^'oiiion. If paid in provi'-.ions at old prices $50. All of Tuition and one h-^lf of Board re quirvU in ajvicice. Each pupil will furatsii her own I '.riils, i>i>a pai’" sheetii, ono pair piliai* caws, o'.*" O' uiilCT'f.n^ ! r and a driHlcinff m!r> By Hev WM R(X)PKK, Ip. . T C UODPKK, J T iWi-ynce i* O . Oba'tr m couuly ')7 ' Li=!.*v. r iifc' I i Pr liO A K n. >t Ai'Sil .:ur pjr.Ci* tor ! IfcO p-.T :;, )uth ia tJonfrd'srale lioudd, or . the followiucr rat"s Klour, lO bu>bcl.' v'orn, Fsb’v H. p".: I u> 150 llH SPECIAL, NOTICE. From an i ter thi>i Ulf,'eof i er \'1 ur (iuKui':s tot: or 40 lbs. Bacon or L-v*d Rev WM •IKH)PKK. T, C. HOOPKR 5 1..U Ibe iioternor uf Nortb Carolina. % i*U4M WtlEUEAB, % »aca:»c5 i*a« occurred in |K« Ropre- •snt^tioa of th'* 8'at« of N#rlii Cacoliaa in the I of ll''j»v»jijfnt>»tiveH of the Ooai^r«ee- of liie' Jon ; fede''-Ut» ■. I)? tsjo of the ilonorablo i^ttniutrl H. rhvisli.iu, li ’proa^-at^'’VC elc-it. ;o tho MHonnd i)*'** I firesr frora the rjevot»f>' C.tE«rrc«:iioni»l District; and I writs f.f ElecMos t» ■•'Ai -j ^na isiUed to t^o Sheriffs of th--> Rrveri-.l coua/ien 'o>ap saiii bi-tricl, comiaand- i:ijr • l-crio:.. ' i ho ;;etJ in their rfsp.’o five c,. . :e i>. e pl -.oK*' •■Oi'ktdishR i bv law, ou the . URyu'.Y IN APRIL, at '.fee m’-ali- li • ''f ur^i.J On.-.srTo^s-'uai Dis'rict cih? vote for h i\i p.'fflni fo h ! fiirttittM* THO'’'Cj' N. vT : .i-i i.-V ‘ ill cuiifoi-miLy l,y Kw m suoh oasus : "ti i (■. o' jilpd. 1 d ineac. luis my i‘r>cta(&ati>B, »■ -. k: jiii '-* L. I. e »:xiMtr*>;'ot tiui'h ■>».'i»noy«ua&d th»t 6- I ■■ * >»iU t-e 1 oM to 211 tb*' "Rrne at the tiino R*.: ■i, to ihe e'> I t.Lrit the qiiAiifl t voters in th-- I-'. .1 ' *nirre ai,)Q.v1 l>in»TS;- ui«« attend at the a*id time aud a* ■■ I vrl'bMMbi d by lu«i, »aJ c..Ht li^ir accrr-Jiwjcly '■ d\ r\ fro'Ti I tN-O !iP l’ W will be entered without payment iu niv vnoe nor will j the paper be scTit to s vti .subs'crihers f*'r a lousjer i ,nir j than is paid for. Such of oi» old suttciu)ers aa det^irc to t vkt’tUo pa | per on this systeni will plea^*-notify us when miikine I remittances. J ui'y I, •'>'3 • wiot/ rale-' incv- • f r ■unjf,r»8oifiial Distrsoi, who I'J'-.T -ntill^'d til 0:etv •^';C(tND rilUR^lMV IN M. Will I't ■—f—— . . Attorney at Law, Fayettevillb, N WILL attend the County and Sup*nor (Joiirt>.- id CambeflaQd, Haruett, Mo*re ii;.'d Robeson Ooun- ti«8. Prompt attention /iven to the oollccti->n of all >u Kl 00 I (*ll ; •t!.- ()H-tf elaime entrusted to his bands. Oct. 17, 1859. GEO. W. willi ams'& ('0„ Wliolesalv IK-alvrs in AND l.MPOHTKRS A.ND DEALERS IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, ' HAI HTBKKT, KAIKTTEVIlilK, !f. ( . July 2, 1861. , 30tf ' JOS. UTI-E V, iirocer and t^mminufton ^WerciMnt^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1803. 93-tf B O WOKTB. D. O. W4&TH. N. O. UAaiRL WORTH St CO., eommission and Forwarding Merchauta, fW'ater StrffL, WILMINGTON, N. n Ooi. D>, 1863 7M-2m ^THOS. J. JOHNSON, Jr., & 40.,* Ueiieral .rommi-ssion &,Forwarding; Merchants, 4!i ^^orth. W^aUr Street, WILMINliTUN, N. C. Prompt attention fjjiveu ^1 busin?*Aa (j»>tr-us.‘.'*i : ■ our handii Conai:^Biueuis aolicite'l. T. J. JOHNSON. .Ir , A. GRABROWSffY. of Fayettevill!*, N. t\ of P‘t;?’shur>t, V;*. ■lan’y S 90-8iapJ ~WA^TK«. 2CAA BCaflELS’WHEAT, ,OW 1,«)0 •• CORN ParMO» kaving the above article.=5 to s‘ ii #airect.ive the hi^fafist Cc^h prioe by calling on Mr. M. at the Mcrohant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the .“^ulNJori- b«T at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. .TORNSjON, Jr. Nov. 6, 1862. 76tf i Kr 'i K. '‘-’Tir,- to ; • r.l-ii-cih, Ou - '-Vhiir. Hu! '0 v«) , ' “ l\; ■■ v.‘_ ' L’l; , V .Ail p. ts- Vclij» ' SKCONl' n.ASSj I»U liECK. t'.-or: P .y ■t'‘--»>l!i« to '.Vilm'ucf'in. '■ .It Kri;iV,(.f .. • VVhitphsil, ' 7 “ Kflly - ''T--, -■ .\1! p.'in:-' t -!ow lO IIP. p. ai ‘’'lianiijii'H; - K^ -etJoville. :.'■■> '’O ‘ *■ Ki'liy'.s Cov.’, i i ^>0 '• Whit" Hall. 10 r>u “ '• Elizabeth, 20 W » >■ ‘- I’rospeci iiali, 'Hi ” All poinls Rb ve, ■''> i^F,i:OXH CI^ASS, i>lv UKi'K rroiii U iliuinp'On • > P'Xyct:evUl \ 51" >'0 " “ “ KeHy'“ ’a7e. •* oO “ . .. White Han. 00 •• *' AH points sho^e, 10 00 ly^iSccond Jla.'is or D«->ck Pasatngers aau.M( stay on lower leek '>r pay full pric*^ cr same an Ffr^i Class ■Vn exfru charire wi!! i.e » »■!? for Wnr Parsea- crr* tjettirkj? into Bprths during «H» tirac. hivI for occu py ine a Berth with their V>oi't3 or .‘hoe« oti, *' ihr Jis- creiion of the Captain. •I, A WtJRTli, farO P. rtfm Ji’; Co , R. M ORRELL, for Si’rs Kate and Sun . T. S LU'i’TERLOH. Feb’y -2:^. IHtil. 9-tf KAIJ^ K4»Ai>. »'PHE FREIGHT AN’n PArfSENG’/R TRALNri cf this I Road lea.'n Fayen^vilie daily, (Suniajs exccpied) t h c’-jlock. .A. .M., -.n-i rctnruivif? leav Egyp; at 1 o'cl*>'S, P. -Ni. Catrl- r.-i'i fl-yr,. Tr im MONl; \V, WCDNEi^OA^ i*;, i FKIDAV. By order .INO .M. XrcaK r .■ir: I Gca'l Trann. Ag’t, Jan. ‘irl, 1 •" ’ , 97if Ki'Xf TiiOT, 11- iiir 1* Jl Miy't, •O' ; »;ri(;.! d • il ; • V r ■■ 'lii i ' >1 , ix-of. zi';i;u:.t»N ti v\Nt’r. . ap:a=r Ue'.i r .1 . -d C>>Uln:^i^i ■' ( pr. ..v,»tn iu -.l t - 17lti of Mari:I* Ml ! !. pe* .b‘nc VANCE V'JV X / IJrtr;.,*. -•! ■ :8. IHC.I i'rjvi oreiary !0 ‘2w N' ^up«rior I'ourt of Law for I'u&u- bcrUind Couiity* Notice IB hereby c;ivet4 that there will l>c S(.'rii>g Teri'u of this (7ourt held oa the 7th Munda^ iift.r tno 4th Monda}’ of March n»xt, being the l#th d»y of May 18*4. to try und de'erniine (?.ll aofona of Tort on tJio Civil l^ooket. »nd alt oaeet oa the State Uociiel Nouce is further §riven, that >-y an order paesad at F:ill Ti>rm 1863, the day ;or trying State c-ie*s ia «aid Court ha« been changed frc’i: !a M -'idAy Parti.*s and witn*“wfl wiU ■'•ern ffceniscWi's ftC0Q“dib»ly JOHN W BAKER AJ. a C M .rch 14. •, 15 tO List your Taiiabiexi. rilliE undcrsigitu..! bkviug b‘}er> appointt-d at Mi>roa 1 Tttrtn I MU'!, of thii Court of Pk as ao-i Q'i-»rfer Pes pioiis fo-* CuTnbertfinii c»'iis.ty, r.^fc^rs r n trTown r\nd (Jt'UJfl Cf-«elt Di>4triols har^by a •‘■i‘y «*1 fn c wTie forward tndjist !h*ui i lopwy during si'! laRt'^O wurk'tif; in April cozt. jo Ki tt-o Pih Vi*". i’'Ki b«i .omid from 9 .V M. *r 1 o’flocii P. M.', efifitj-fay, »t l*>n office of R •* >»rell on i-!'*r street, lio listij *111 b.j u‘oeiv*>l vftar !fta erpiratioti -it the tini»^ iy» ti-re l hv i-^w R M ORKELb. l.iiit Tak-'r for Towt DiUrict. ^ ^ W. U^iCJJii, J... List T.aUor for Orock IH-trict •Mapoh 14 y 16it.\r Western Kail Koad Ufflce, .i Fatkttrvillr, .March iV», 1KG4. / '1 u tiie Stovkliuiilersi ui' the Western llailruad Cu. ^IIHE T ixdne the Ooofederate Htalea tor the present 1 year us lh» eharea ot Mte Capital Stock of this Co will be ruturneu r.nd paid by thin corporal ion . Uudf r regulations isMUsd by t tie Sec’y of i.*»e 1 renBory, the utQukhoidors wdl bo exeuipt from return ur payment of this T*x. By urj^r of the of U.rectors lti-2i» j JNO M ROHK. '’reajj’r W. K K Co. Fd^ettevilie Artieoal and Armory, i March ly. 1864 / Blacksmiths W^auteii, (^TE.aDY eutploymenl and good wacee wiii be given. Apfly to 1 tj tit ] Lt Co) F L. (JUlLbii, Coind’g Officer l>U3tKKU(i;ftAlK fetfiTKS OK AMKK1€A, i E.N.>iNKii.a Di;.'.\uti«»c.nt, Dijt. Capk Fiiaa, >• , N. v' 'arch Itita, Ib63. j .>Tlt,'E is *-e»c-;. t ' ».!! pi-rsous 'lavinj: claims -r Di-partmcnt, for services of s! tvcs iopl^y d aa !'»bi>r.-'r.*? on Iheiand dtfencttXi'iM Wiimirigi.'ii. • « , l^■^( t-iic is »uih'>iized I It d ‘K’l't'i- jr-.' i iv (i .y I tic • tt'jn nl t'ld othce. ou ttic ue- c r.'l ll. r i.>. ii»- l.^*! i:iu next “bove .Mear^'R’ Drug tii.iri*, SIArftet Sti. i Persona . xocntin;- Powor* of .\tt«.rney will ob- f r»e the lollr.wiap loru—th* irsignatures, in all caies, t bt* wiiiit'si't.i by two wifnesses and sij(uod lu dupli- c.-i e, or they iu;iy b« wiinvssad before h -'usiice of the p.-act* or Clerk %.f • ny Court FORM OF POWER OF AirORNEY. I, r-.f , do Ler.'by appoint , of , my true .inJ iawfu! Asrt.u to sign receipta for, and receive ps; iue?i of nil moniys due io rue by the Engineer De- I m - at of th« Confederate Slates of America, for tlyj I StiU and Fixtures, Household a.>4 KUohen 1 , tumiturc, Mii other irticlea, Terrnfi at sale H A. BARMEiS, Adm’r, MOTICE. PpHE undersigned having «|U»bfied a* Adminiatrator 1 of David Barnes, deo’d, at Marctx Term 1864 of liarnett Ct-uiuiy Court, at the late residence of the l>e- oeuc-d on TUEB1>.\T the 6th of April uext, 1 will ex pose to pubuo ail the Peraonal Property belonging to said ^tate, couBisttng of one Hors?, Cows. Hogs, one Bji viceti of my ttlaves fojployed as laborers on the land detoacec at , during the month of , 1H6 VuuL-HS my hi.U'1 se:>l at —-, the day of . 186 March 14. Near Barclaysville. 16 4tpd Itl: 'StiCS. [Sesl J ’J4 fi'Fone snoi'Ui t>e witnessed i The bign'ituip. nf ly thr^ wit^t^sos The® mu'-t b; HrpHr-**e hip1ir,iit” Powe'“ of Attorney f r ouch month Cliak 'orrut- c«i be fca i upon appli- e -tion a' t^ia oti-c' W H JAVlEd, I’apt. ft Chief Eng. J*rj’y ”0, ihijl 130^tf Turpeutiue Ntill tor ^ale. The subscriber h>*9 a 26 barrel TURPENTINE STILL at White U»ll, Bladen county, whiob be wi|bes to Bell, where it stands Itkis all oomplete except the arm Any perr>an wiping to examine it will call on U J. Carter, who r«aidcs at Wiiite HalL Aa to terms, &c., aJdns-o me at thi4 P O A K. CROMARTIE. tVt.iiA’j N C . Maroh y 16 Htpd EnrolUng FayetteTille, Mareli 96, ISM. I^HE foUoiviag appointmeBts fcr examiitatiopB and en . rolla eatd in Camberiaad Co., in conformity to la«t notice of Capt. Laailis, £q. OIF 4th Con Dis , are pab- lished, that ther^ may ^ no ndsappretieBsion^uocaaioned byMcent ohanges. To fi^lit»td the bu«inedt> of the oflioe as well as to coafculi oonvenienoe nf jparties oon- caraed, only one-third cf a Beg't need aseemble on the name d.«y Commandiug offioem of Militia will cause District Compa'^ir-a of tJieir respective Reg’ti* to apoear »t thi-i of&ca tiS follows: • * • . 53d Regiment tjn -April 11th—Black River, Silver Eun, and Flea Hill Difltric'-s April 12th—Codar Creek, Look’s Creek Distriotu. Apr:'; 13m -Ctous Creek Dititrict, (including volunteer ■O' mp«ui^n ) 64fA Regiment April 14iti—Town and Carver’a Creek DUtr:ots. Aptil )5iH—tiray’s Creek, and Rookftsk Uisiriole April Itith—and (4**wbiffla D.atricis. Kver maH between ahd 45 wbc breaUu* within this timi*a of OamberlaBd Co.’ must be aoconoted tor, »od I pTe a^lntonHicn is hereby given that liata of ail exempt ed or •4tail«d in each Uistrifit will be made oat, and Cot Drau^faoQ, eom’g H O , ibstriioted to cause thear-, reiii. ns recjsant conscripts, of all betweeB sttid ages I wh.iut i.awfs dp not appear thtfeou w u urnijnrrr, iiUt'VI 1 ] Lt & £n. Off Cumbt:rlai.d Co “to THE sic Ik. AD THE FOLLOVVlNO:—Rov’d John W. Potter (N. c ) says: “For twelve years 1 was a great salterer. My liver was diseased 1 lost my flesh and Htrength, and my >i«ktn seemed changed iu its cclor by the bile with wiaicn ni'f s^st«m wa« overchik^ed. 1 beoafne subject to fre quent and violent attacks Of bilious oolic, every atiauk le-ivinj me weakrr than its predecMSwr .o- ifaepbyBi' ci^ns bai beeti able to paioh me op ■ tittle, but uty j health was in a deplorable s*ate. 1 had taken patent medicines until 1 wan tired uf then». vviibout energy or coojfort, 1 was barely able to go about a liitie. At length 1 yielded no the earnest p^euasi^n oi friend anii commenced taking the HEPATIC P1LL.^ with no eonndenoe in them They acted like a cn-ti-oi uu me. /Vom tAat Aouf I imprurted 1 have perseT; v-’-J in their use, until now, by tfod’s blessing, i o,n tve/i *:nd htwty. I had a nogro man wno, aa 1 believed, wt: uaved from death by a dose of these pills. My Doctor’s bill was aunually from $li)0 to f2UU, but 1 have had no use for Ik physician sinoe. 1 oan confidently reoomiwend them ad a superior family medicine.” The ingredients of which the “80DTHBRN HEPAT IC PILLS” are made are so ocatSy as to compel the ‘proprietor to put them at present prioes, which are not so remoaerative aa wken the pills sol4 for less. Fall direotiona aocompany each b-vX. Price S3 a box. For fSO a d zen boxes will be sent prepaid. OEtX W DSBMS, Qoltliboro’, M. C. March 26, ltt«4. l8-ycpd t)K/ I'rolu aud after ttki«> dote the S’camer A. P. HURT »;U %t K o’clock, M., on Mnnd.-i^ and Tha-wlay. JOS. A. WOUTM, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Stciin (Jo. AR.UY HARA£I§»«. JAM prepared to manufacture all kinds ct Wagon Harness for Army use. I i*n, my leatiier ^nd can give good bargaia‘^. Agent.s will do well to sond their orders to me as they shall have prompt r.ttention. and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Ooldgton P. O., Chatham.Co., S. C., > Juns 13, 1862. / iltf 900 Ibtt. CtHiin Arabic tor »aic liv J. R LEE * Oct. 16. 69tf 190 TOBA€lX>. BOXES Vl-RGINIA TOBACCO, vari ous grades, fbr sale on consigtiaient, bv OBO. W. WILLIAIjItf c CO. aiif Kayottovllle Arsennl aud Armory, 4 Nov. li i»wj r . ^loo Boi;;i«rv. j tl^intedy too •ItoHiUed ItUtemen, .1 A lilHOiillY hnviug bten gr::tnt«d by the War l>c- | ! i\ I) rtme-it t^ r'Jfi a tJonj«>iny *f Monnt;'d Riflemen ! WILL open the EAGLE HOTEL for tue re- ! 1 «ei 'nw io tliis vicinity. n-»tice is hereby given that rv.rmts to iho number o 100 non-eon«-'ript» will be re- ' t (V«d U c Ibis set vi K-xj.i rooruu will be required j to f;vjii^:5 a servic-oable n.-r^e, tor whK:h h.i' will he al- ^ . 40 cvnifi per diai.i, ROrt his puj '>1- ["^r month. ■ Wrid^n vf^viiition ir’ll be re-iuirvd leoru patvUf.-i or rU'»r>i-»uV.*whorc ?b.' appacam is uuder lUe consoript WAHTCD, AT THK MANAS8A» UAP K. GREKNSBOHU, N 8FlR8if tlvss MACHINISTS, t. SMITHS. 20 t^AHi ESTKRS wAr»e M*r«h 16 To .the Voter* ot iiaritett County. The anderslgaed. a private in C6. A, 5th N C. Cav alry, having been solicited by soma cf his frien«ls, respectfully Minounoes hitnself to the soldiers and citi- I *:Ji8 of Harnett oouaty as a Oaodidatc for the Otfi-jc cf SHEiilPr at the elecUoa on the first Thursday in Au- •um n«xt. 8AM0EL D PIPKIN, jaarcb 21 17 24tpd 8B0PS, 16-1q May 23. Alter tlii» date I %vi£i pay 16 Cents per pound for ras;3, or the highest market price, dehvercii m Fayetteville, or at my mills on Ronkfioh. 0 v.UR»MlV. FeVy 16, 1864 7 ITauted to PiircliaHe, WESTERN RAIL KOAD STOCK; Bank Not«e; ^Gold and Silver; North Carolina Trcaaury Notes (Fundable;! “ “ “ 5>1 and $2. “ BoQ'Is, old and new; * County cf Cumberland Uvnds; Town of Fayetteville Bw?s; Oreen«'«oro’ fl and $2 Certiticaie*!; Coofouerate 7 and H per oeut. lioudn;, Coupons of $!•!>,000,000 loan; of Town and Coiint^ . •• of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOlt. Oct. 12, ■ 4iaDNA.NCK DKHARTMKVT, 1 RAZ.Miaii, N. 0., May y, l^f^J / Lead wanted.—I wish to purchase’ Load for thi« Department. Persons having lairif^ or pmall quan tities will please apply at once. Will givr i {>r.u id if POWDER for 10 pourd*^ of uEAD , THOS D HOGG, Capt C. S In charge of Ordnance. cection ol Qac3t8lt«e lirst of Junv. and I hope to be able t.i ectcrt'iin t.*jm seventy-five to a hunirc-1 yerbcns duriag the t?uiniier. In copucction with this large Hotel, I have :i tium:; uf HaokM, Carriages, Buggies aud Saddle Horses tV- -t my gaepts oan gel at a minut«’B notice. J. M. BLAIR, Propricicr Eagle Hot&l. .At-heville. N. C. Mayl3.186iJ. 3!-yp*l WANTED, lor the Hospital at Fort Fisker, POULTRY. Chi-jkeuB, BuUer and other.delicacies for the sick Ji>kdi.r8 i»' this Hospital. Pe'sons having ttefe articivb can obti-.isi the market price on applica tion to tae «ubeoriber a. his old »tand or at Mr J. W - Power»’8 op If^y Street. R. E. HElDh:, Oeu’l Ag’t. Au^. ~ 6b-tf To Uotto2i Planters. I liAVtj been .appointed by the Sfiuretary of tbe Ti'ea 1 sur,. Chief Agen' fjr ttc ®urckas* of Colton f jr tb» Coufcderate Gnvem:n-nt within th State of North Caro lina, and will j“A7 foi tbe s .me in 7 per ceot. Bonds or Civeh. Sub-Agents /isiting the different parts of the State, buying id my «iaroo, will have writ-t-^n oertificatcs o* %pj«infmint. By ori'rr of tjc Secretary ol the Treadury, allCoiton purchasi-1 b/ nyeeif or my agents, on and after the IStb a.y ot i'nrcU IStj.^, wij {>e paivt for in 7 per cetu. Bead.- "r Jast>, and not 8 pof oeut. Bonds an stHted tu a former •\dvcriisemf;nl. Up to rt;at lime, however, the 8 per cewt. bondtj will bo furnif had ad st&ted. Patriotic ci».i»*ut) ^re now offered an opportunity to a) t tlie Gover.\niprit by s-’fing to it tho'r Cottou rathor tiifcn to rT-Sv-'i api;^.riHt- L.EW18 6. WlLLIA.Mtf Cbar'otf ;. rt ir-Jh 24.' jc. w ] 14tf Toiug’8 IritkAetfeal Dky«iuu7y . E.MBJlAtTISG a 9T8t«^«J of Arittime'ic, Reaty Reckon er, lattirest Calculator, Book Kef'ping. Forms, Ao. E. J. HALS 4 80178. Dc'-’r 1 *i. Fayette>iUe aud IWortberu Flauk Jftoad Cookpauy. ADIVIDET?!) of Nine per cent, has fce?t» declared out cf the &tbls of this Company, payable on and after Monday, ’iWtH w* -irtU j>\nw, ••U a%d Qollec^ fho sa.^8 before Ihursday the Slst inst., or the funds will Hav^ io be sul4®oted io a tax ot >13J per C'nt., and w'll be r»l aoMrdingly «o the stockholder J M. Scc’y F. A N P. R. r-a. Maroh 26. NORTH CAROLINA—GOV VANCE’S 8PEECE. The old “North State”—God bless her—we love her notwithatandiDg ahe has nourished with- io her oonfinca a Uoldea and a few other treason able coadjutors—prcaenta a proud und defiuit crest still. The stigma which an insignifioant number of trembling spirts at home attempted to fix upon her fair escutcheon, is more than wiped out by tbe dauntless cour^c of her sons in the held, and the noble stand of her able and inde fatigable Governor in her councils. It is a fact not generally known that a recent official investigation into the desertions and ab- sentecidU) of soldiers from the different States com posing our army, ^ves North Carolina the fairost record of any. According to the ratio of her fighting population, she is behind none of bar aiuterb in tlie number of troops sent to the field, I and according to the ^ame ratio there have been lesiB deaortions among uer noble boys. I North Carolina is fortunate in aufether respect. I She has a Gov«rnir worthy of her heroio soldiery; and this is, perhaps, the highest compliment we pay Jtita. vVith bis heart and soul earo- eatly wniiMted in the cause, he has worked day and night for its advancement He has not sig- naliziMi liifl admifiistratiou by the frequent issu ance ot patriotic and high sounding proolamations, like many of our Southern Executives, but let us see what he has done. It is a notorious fact that the troops of North Carolina are better . cluthcd than those frutc any State iu tbe Con- lederacy. Aud tluH it so because the Executive of tbe Slate has attended to the matter himself. Wheu Governor Vance was tint elected there were nut live hundred ^uits of clothing tc be found in the i}uarterma»ter’s department of the State. Now there are sixty thousand suits of ready made clothi^ awaiting tbe needs of North C'aroliua troops. There are also thirty thousand blankets, shoes, kc. In tact, the Governor tells us hi his speech that his ^'boys have so many go^ clothes that they trade them ior liquor some times.’' .All this has been accomplished through tbe indefatigable energy of Gov. Vance, without any assistance wbatffrer fiom the Confederate States government. What other Executive has done half so well? Gov V'ance has further endeared himseif to all true patriots of the South by his speech deliver ed at Wilkcsboro’, N. C., on, the 22d ult. It is the most apro^n speech we have read since tbe war coutmenced. It is cheering aud cheerful—logical and amusing—profound and witty In short, it is d rare panacea for despon dency, and cannot fail to interest and relieve the anxious. The object of its utterance was to dis courage the scheme oi' a convention entertained by some malcontents of that State, but il looked principally to the condition oi the whole country. We are informed that the speech had a magicai elfect cn tbe minds of the discontented—that the convention project was killed as dead as a door nail by it, and that there was never a"i*etter and more wholesome sentiment among tbe people of the than is now prevailing. Selma Miasissippian The Farmers’ and Planters’ Al- Bi»n%c for 1864 \ few grooe morn ju.^t reccivdd J»o’-- ’l F3 J HALE A SONS. Varia iojr %¥ooi. Lt. " -‘iCTuit must bring witn him s. blanket or bed k . '-.y i prepared to remain r>ii ilen, iaddKis. .•’•’Uer J and saddle blankets furnish- td by tLe flovernmcnt, sr if the recruit comes provided with I Hem, fie wiil bo p^vid fjr tnem a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- sonai 80tf i F. L. CHILDS, rdsjor C. S A. Comd'g Post. V,k t’-.veby iriv.jn ibat after this dat*; (exci? f ir) coyti*: wh«rj> we have bargained for vVool accord- iicnt of the "OUi of Palma C'tiriMti Beau». The subseriber wilt pay the highest cash prices for ^ny qusndty ot Cbristi Bo&ns. J. A* WORTH r«y«tUT^na. 0«t. 8. 67 ^ WAATEO. T I WILL pay the highest Cash price, for >»ny quantity of good COW HORNS, and LEG BONEH of HorRCfl and Cows: also, BRIAR ROf)T for m’vkinz Pipiss; delivered tome. ‘ B LRBERLEa Fayattevilln F^b’y W. 11 - i 7*pd inf; lo (he tev;u!i of our adverti n.r. n r-i.?ok« i,) wt rill give I 'mu- p.*' Yiru for 4 nf Wool unwi'«hed, or :} i> .. W!i,ahR‘l ^n 1 i^icked. This otiAiigc in rn nie at ;.he cak- U «r L^rmn'of exciM^nze mtifortn ttircughout ihe State. GEO'. V.'. WILLIAMS & CO. Fay:;»ievi!le. Juj\e 2'J, IS’i.T. 41 tf TliBae. fl’lHK uiider«igned ni'-c, a' the November Torn>of !he X Coufedorats Court, Disttict of Noi^.fc' Garoliaa, ap- T)0»^ted MaUikgerB.of the Egypr. Coi.1 Mine pr-.'} Cii.y, and have i>t.tered lato cop.trinersbip for tbe pu poss ui Bituiug aud sealing; C -^i, and -c-licit orders for ih« samv io my desired'v Or«ters for a’ly an?oiiat oai?. be Bupplioa on “oorf. notice. The Coal fro'Ti tlus pro . ■ at«tf ct4^- The Cumlwrlantl Hospital As- sooiation, always ...anxious to promote tbe comfort of oar brave soldiers, calls upon their friends in the coanty and town to eond eomethiBg, either Baoon, Peas, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, or anything they can spare, to be packed in boxes by the 1st of April, to be sent to ihe Army by Dr Warren’s Afent Send to Mrs Lutter- lofa, T'^ldent of the Association Feb. 29. CiloYeft and l^cks lUTanted. I DESIRE to'purchase for fhe soldiers 10,000 pairs of Gloves and 10,000 pairs of Socks. Donations will JAMES Bt{.f>SVr:;F. Fayetteville. Jar’y 20. ‘ *'i' Pliy»i4iiaM’« L5ar«l. Dr. l>. A. CAMPBELL (lata of Marion, 3. C-.) bag reraoved to Fayetteville and takrn au oflic!n on B‘W etreet, where he may i>c found at all times, wiih »*j ample Btcck of Meaioines. lo answ ’r Profeoiional cil4-. Satisfactory reference furni"hed. Ac. .Tan’y 2. IPM » ^ 3n\p'- Boxen, &^c.. tor the Ariii''% 1WILL send a special messenger to the Army of Northern Virginia on the first day of every month. All bftxeg, paokages, &o., will be forwirded from my office free of charge. EDWARD WARRKN, Surgeon General N. C. Raleigh, Jap’y 15, 1P64. .. 9»-3m tlltice Depot A'o. Id, ) ' pAYETTEViLiiSr. March 7, l«>4. ^ Ptiy your 'Tithes. 1jEKSt>NS who n'»vi* ut't already pail their Tithe Tax w 11 have unlil the 20th ‘Uy of May lkJ64, to J- liver ihe wuiie 1 am now ready to receive ibo BsMion GUI ur>i>\r the tithe law ';^x pounJa of cured bacuji f r tilery ICO lbs pork slaughterednince the 24th of April 1803 is required 'PHrties delivering tiKir.tithe* at .a distance of over ei^ht miles will be promptly paid for e.xc'.:i8 of r-auliup: J. M WILLIAMS, 12^20>IJ Agent for Cumborlaad county. Fayetteville Arttenal and Armory, I Marcn 12, 1864. / followiKR regulations ooi^ceraing the itisue of ra- I >1 n.-i are puldisbcd for t’lo iriforniatiou of owners ot Megroes b rel at this .Avful an 1 Ani.ory. , N'^grooM who work six ‘»yH iu *'■ "^efk will receive r,iti',n» for seven Jays. NesToea wh>-. Io«o thn- will n c i*» rations only for V.,Mf ■l'*yi» ou t.-K'v ,»re pr»Ko»'>', U''>s'' fiiruishcd w^ith a wri'*en ;i-rt.iiip-!.' a rfspe-t-tbin j uysiciau, tS .j Oi'y fT- C-. t-'o fill to v-'ork ij lii'J fc’ L CHlLi^H Lt t!cl. (iom I’g .North taroliiia Volunteer Navy t'o., TaKA«ua.«:K (tKKic'iJ,'VViinjingt'-n. N. C., .Marcn 6, 1804 1>0 ' r further su'iseriptlou to tba Cupita* S» >i!k ) oi iv-.s t!oiji -inr f'f'' op^i'd at itiip Oflica Al; V- "-H '>.i« I'eti'rov.* of ’dine n thi» fU important fjle"jfiicutit :;if-."wi3^-to ■=’ii'‘ai)r!t :. a?nll tben s*nd the ca^!’. t>y iiu>-ij tw'rHOj:, ou r' t-sipt. of wUioU 1 wiU f ywyr.. ert,fict.*(‘ ol :.'tock ;F5(‘0 ea9h All uH fliib:ic; iV.'ra that >iave n vt p?.i J ;d ■ r rt>.’‘''^‘)i'iptions w'U pl'^ s»- lo «: at the ear liest W. D SMI I'H, Treas’r »A«»! K At-^WlVlTie inte- I'ir.r i|u;.lity of tii'^ P I*' " cu v. ;.i(ih tt»} Obeve.r h .s l.«*.a pritiic-d o' l'*',o, vrtf vrhicb iv a j-r:- f • ve sore to '.ts, ia owiof; to want of 5 sv.fSc cnt «un; ly o^g'-od rag^. md theconicquont neo- «--j;i!iy to ro>»o-i-.. lo inferior nj'»*er;r'lrt. We' apjieal to the fii *n5fl of the Obs^ ^rvcr »* all aco-iawble points, to Rave iiu aud bring to ti-wn ail tbe raits thoy can pn^jnre. Wr- »!a»e no time ourbolvec to attend to their purcha::e. but Mep.'^rg. Gep’ W. WiiUamS & Co., the Agents in •hJ^ towi" of M“ Mnrphy, will p iy J6 cents pferlh. for wera. ki .i II Aid!'. & S0N8. Feb’r * Mtf ^fate ot 3Iortli Carolina. ’ .MOORE GOUTY. Court of PI k-* and Qatrter Sesaions. Jan’y Te'm, 1864 Ann StcaJman Wilii%m Steadman, i»ud other/. Petition for D 'wer IN this oaee upon motion, it is or i«red by the Court, tb^t publioation be made for six sucoesBive weeks in the Fayetteville Observer, notifying the Defendants. Wirinai^nd Heary Steadman, personally to b« and ap pear «■.’ ib»* next Term nf this t’ourt, to he tirvld for th« County of A^oorc, at the Court House in *;arthage, on the 4th Mondt^y ol April 1364, ther* and th«*re to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed >9 thie cas«>, oibcr #iue the same «7ill be bear>t ex par e, and jndtgment entered as to them Witness. A. H. McNeill, Clerk of our s»id Court, at ctSoe in Carth>4ge. 4th M^nd-y of January 1864. IsHUcd Mar'jh 9'h, ,1861. lOmpJ] A. H MoNClIrL, C. C. C. To the Stockholders of the Fayetteville and Northern P}ank Road Co. IIUIS Oorporation will give ia and pay the Tax due to tho Confederate Sutes on thie Sbvit of this Com pany Stcckholdors will th.refore be re*ea3£d fr.m pivirir in and paying said Tax JNO M R08B, Beo’yF. &N P. R. Co. March 26 18-2t Bank ot IVorth Carolina. r( the Staokholders of the Bank of North C»r(rtina: The Confederate Tax on the individual shares wiH be paid by the Bank. C. DBWEY, Cttsbier March 26. 18-1 m Bank or Fayetteville,) March 23, 1864. J The Stockholders of this B*nk are hereby notified that the tax due the Confederate States, ou t»? ehares tbe oapit^il stock of this Bank, wUl l)« paid Ifty the Bank StookhaldoTB will be relieved from listing the same for t»x*tion. 17-4tl W O BROADFOOT, Cashier. be thankfully received. ia&*;y 11. EDWAED WARREN, Surgeon Geo. N. C. W-8» mOTICE. All persons ’uolding my Notes or Cbeok«, or having oth^rdemands against me, will please pretwint them on or before the 1st day of'Apr41 next or they will be paid in the present Confederate issaes. GEO. W. BULLARD. iUooker*8 P. O., Marob 10,186i. 16-5(*2tpd. OliU VJkifiT IROA T tht Star Foutirlry. by I Ma»ch 1. WAHTEB M A BAKVR 11-tf Tiirpentliie ^lillM IVanted. ^LL persons tbat b>tve Coppot Siitfs for sale Wi?l ad dress Fayeitcvilh!, March 1 M. A. BAKER. 11 tf FL.OtJK AI%0 OATi$. Flour and' oats win be exchanged for Corn at the Store of D MeLaurin, by giving him a few da^s notioe. Flour good, Oatj No. 1. black nr white. Jan’y 29. • 2-tf • ' TElSTAillFiWTS AIVB CON FfiDBRA/TE States Bible Sooiety TMtamente. A CoUeotion of Sabbaik Soheol Hjwm. tor »le b7 «. J. BAUP • JMWS. |[ ’'l^late ot IVoi*th C'arolina, 'KMjRK CtiUNTY Court of Pleas & Uua»H,e.r 896«ions. January Tertu, lb64. Catitaiins .McL'rummen and others ts Daniel MoCrum- • men. Pi^iiioD for purtitioA of Lands. IN lliifl oasc, u'ponSnotion, it !■» Order.'d by the Oourt, that ,>ublicat1on be made for nix '•uocessivo w*‘eks in the F;-yottfvill" Observer, notif^-^iig the befendant I'auiel McCruninie.i f.( ri**jriA!ly (o be and appe ir at Ihe text Term of (bis Coiu'-, »,o = e -*>e!d f^r the. • auuiy of Moove, at tbe Ci urt iimtse in t’iithsg -, ou ttf 4th Mou lav of Aptil, 1864, ib'-n hu . u. ? lea I at,ew«r or d-eiur to 'be petui'n til->d i»i thi-’ .ji irrwis^ the aairie will be hoard tx p-m i; i»jn ig'«ei. :>ro oi,n- ft eju will be entered ah i him Witue^B, H .VlcN-‘i!l, tJIsrk if our said Court, at. ofBco la t^art'satre, 4'h Monday in D>*i!iiRr«^. Ih64 is »’tcd.4lji, n. H. iMoNErLl,, ^ i;. C Camp 18th N.'C. Troops, ) Near Liberty Va , Feb’y p, 1864.) ^^IIE unJer^ignet) nnnouuce« to the citicens and scA- I. di«'rs of BlivJ.-n couniy, th»t he is a CandidfUe for tnc Office of SHE III KK «t sa.d t ounty, uiid wjol.l be pUas^d to receive their suoport. H» ided^>B himself, it elooted, to discharge tbe duties rf the utlioe wi-l> ihc, s*»ne tldelity and yeat whioh he Musts has ol''»r.'»ct«riz"d h'ui as u sr-Mier. BENJ* F RINALDI, |*tlAr.dl Cipt Ci isth N C T rAVKTTKVIliLE' MdTIIilL INSnRANCE CUMPAMI. Capital ia Premium Notes amonnts to $267,688 2ti Cfsb on band md ether aflpcts. ‘ ^077 36 5'oltU; ft72,766 61 Th^ Company hato paid all Josaes promptly, and hsve never xfienl-d »a assessment on tbc-lr premium notes. ^ot!>,i losses paid, %29,PS2 dV 0?»JC«EP; OPO. MoNE^L, President; I). "A. RAY, Vico t^rtsident. . c. A. McMlLtAN, Soc’y. DiaiuToEs: ‘ Henry Lilly, ^ W. N. Tillinghast, H. 1* Myrovor, ' 8. J. Ilin8d.ale, • 8. T. HaTTley, Wm. MoLaurin, Nathan A. St^man, Tt 8. Latterlok, LO($T oa UTOLElH, . Last evening between tbe Court House and the M>thodi8t Church, a piece of CALICO, ten yards, da»k brown, with small white figures. A liberal;:^ward for recovery will be paid at tkis Office. March 28 ^ LAMD FOil SALE. riMlE hubscribw offers for stle FQUH THOUSAND X ACRES OF LAND, lying in the8outh westent part cf Mo ire county,tiie line of the Cheraw and Coal Fields :t4ilroad Ao’ otnortunity ia afforded lo fund Coaf«Hi«r»to Notes waew'it wi’l pay » .re than 4 per c. nt F »r furthei* p-.*r:L!tliarif ttddros^-i the uudcrsigned at Crans’*' 'VfeV, .M' oro .’.ouu’? .N C L ;a.\ieron M»rc»i24 -it^atpd ataaswAIKBa ^nil.EN out uf TOY wa^.on. Wfdues!ay t, oa 0>e 0 ro-kd between F'»"tt(4:viUe and tbs Planii>tioa of the late Afvus Shaw, FOUR KEAVY WKOUUin PLOWS 1 T*ill ft »e t.he atr>vc icwiU^l f->'‘ the delivery t f said H.3W" E SPEARMAN Fav i'.*vil)e. M.aroh 18-21 flrange 0, H., Va., March 15, 1864. 1 WOULD be pleased to receive M»era’. ga#4 recruits to fill un my Company.- Uo, oome on at once, you brave “Tar Heels" and join os 1 am certain you can pot gel to a b'tter Comp.ani in tbe O'^nfede^ate Xt;*te6 Come at ono^; we will g’ve yon a cordial wcloome, and «-will iBi»i‘»te you into tho grand Army of Northern yir gibia—an army that has maintained an indelible sr.'unp «;) ^>e recorded in History. Come at once, ^e are get ting ic»vd raiie^s and a littU to tpare aod will ddH you auffislcnt every day to Vring on a good appetite You ean Sui i't'in two miles liorth-wesi of Orange C U • V*.. A.. W DOCKERY, 1st Lt Cofcd’g 17 3tr''= 1 Co B, 38tt Reg't, N. C. Ti The Enemjf we art Fiyhtivg—Hherman’t £Te- roes.—V/t have a copy of a letter written by a lady of Mississippi to her brother in the army. We take from it some passages written in a plain and unaffected style, describing the atrocities pf some of Sherman's soldiers in the vicinity of Quitman: ^ ^ I supjtosc you li’tye heard about the yankees paying us a visit. Yes, dreaded day is past, the 17th of February. Tte' yankees, about three thotisand in number, euteref town, marched to the railroad bridge and bnmi it; returning th% burned the station, oourt house, printing office, hospital building, and several other vacant houses. The night before they came, —^— heard they were at Enterprise. He took oif not quite half of our meat; three tru&ks of my best clothing and blankets. About four teen or fifteen men came here; walked iato the smokehouse^ took all the hams and shoulders; or dered biscuit, and had three of the servants cook ing biscuit; used tip half a barrel of flour, and helped themselves to as many eg^ aud chickens as they wanted. Two big negroes were in the erowd. Not one of them entered my house and only one spoke to me. He asked for the keys; 1 told him the door was open. They went into some of the houses; took all the bed-elothes and oloilting they could lay hands on; broke open trunks,’drawers, and in one instance, went into Mrs. Dun^r’s house, where she was lying aick in bed, and pUled the blankctb and quilts off her. 'I’hey Mcarohed houses for weapons; cursed some of the ladies, and evb,> stole the bed-cUnhes and olothing from negroes. One yankoe took Percil- la’s best tjuilt The whole jjankec army quarter ed at Marion lour days, where Uiey bebavod in a scandalous uiaaner. They stripped the- Judge's i*t).cr of every stiieh olothiog he bad; stol*) thre«> thousan j dolia^ io mon-Yj tliauaand dollars iu wine; burned his law-o»-. his books, and left the poor old man with noiJim^ to He on or cover with. At Lucian Hattcoek'B they took everything from the fdniily; tore up his cousin’s olothing before her face, and made her pnlLtbe ria^B from her lingeis. But joor Mrs flushing! they treated h«r .•jcandalously. They stripped her and whipped her until they brou|;ht the blood to the surface ol the skin. This is the truth. She lives opposite to the Judge's uncle. She is ao old lady, aud had done nothing to provoke them tout. One of the brutes found a strap, aud askeil what she did with that thing? She told them she used it to cor rect her servants and children. Tbe fellow told her be was going fo try it on her, an4 did so. They smacked Mrs Smith's face, the Judge’s sis ter. 1 thank Providence I fared a?t well aa 1 did.” WArVTEU, A SITUATION a~'^uoerintendent or General Maaa- ager by a competent mauuftkoturer of botk Wool 1 ind Cotton, who has had 40 years’ experience and is I fifty-three years of age, a native of Manehester, Eng land; is also a Maobinist and Engineer. Any one in want of puch a man please address E; B R NI0B0L8, Wilmington, N. C. Maroh 22 17- 9ti>d C. B. Mallett, A. W. StMl, James .» G- Ceok, A. A. McKethan. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Ifilliams, • • a. P. Brown, \ - e.-W.'''RlUngha8t. A. E. Hall, ]-WilMigto». bn Collins and 0. 0. MeCrammon, Traveling Agento iir'Xhe Company Invite appUoationa. . May 28. IRfli «- WarrftD^ for n)e hm« Farther Sapplles Sehoel Books* OUR OWN SPELLING BOOK; Our own First .Reader; " *' Priaury Arithmatio; •» *» Grammar; •• • Elementary Qraamar; “ “ Primer; Bingham’* Latin Grannar; Jnsl teeeived. s B. J. HALE & SONS. Blanlu for eale at tb^ Office. Prof. Johnson, ot Middleton Uniyeraity, was one day lecturing before tho students on min eralogy. ile had before him quite a number of specimens of various sorts to illustrate the sub ject. A roguish student, for sport, slily slipped a piece of brick among tho atonfls The Prefes- sor was taking up the stones, one after- another, and naming them “This," said he, “is a pieCe of granite; this is a piece of feldspar,” &c. I*re- sently; he came to the briok bat. Without betray ing any kind of surprise, or evco changing his tone of voice, “This,” said he, holding it up “is a piec«i of impudence.” On a recent occasion as tho marriage ceremony was about to be performed in a church in a neigh boring town, when the clergyman desired me parties wishing to be married to rise up^ 4 larg* nttiahei^of Itdke immediately looe. i