f iil >r provibiun- iiv-li he u»H\ s e\iMU}»tiou r t' the faiu }>v i'oin the iiiipress- ?■ iK?r!«.>n ex- i iiti.Ic'i ti» a I. ii'iiit ot' ;ueat three !fl*!iths .’ri'Viiloil t'uv- liu ’lio iirovi- >\ lu* >lo|>i;ive»i D 1 >r havitig ■ 4' Fei>. Ibf54. ;• exenij>- 1 it'r the i!i- I xcr.i]it or iiKi} he satis- •u iwcount of rr the j.>rod«c- for the it*rs. He inay, ,stalls, ©II sufii sucli uver- 10 ■ i;iy 1»« sat til.- (.‘lUiitry in ;ui in the inili- u.-!i eX'-'uiptiou invf, pUinter oj- V t‘ •-'in}»h>y ill ulul lahoc II ..t' and i)\ •: iiiueiit aiui ii'fs ii?*t exceed- tl: hke articled :k bt:*t‘" under tT, auditor and ad ouiin'aiiy en le (I 'VeriuneDt, y. rhi*tHji»f as erit shall certify t. the etficieiit IV v! led, that u*iii}'Ted by this exfi ed one per ad ill nctuul use ,nd >;t.d e'xeitipts and ieso.riptioii. lo ' ave left th{j n\ -I' whij uiay c-iitaiiied shall he act apj)r#V(iil jd an act tu ex- In^ the mails ut J t':=‘ drivers ot jm inilitarv §er- tlK exetnpHo*^ J1 •►'>.y continue Led ate actually ; pur'^iiite or oc- lent l.vi, and he is ut Jetails, lUider DUS t - L>e issued , eitiier of persona f aiTf (,>r from the is,te where, in his and 'lit c-3sity re uiav rtjvoke such • he think; proper; herd’ll -raTited to eta.. :i .d eiemp- ed t. .ut' -rize thfe any -.>ntractor for r kind to the Gov- id contract, uulrii*3 Lie department ma- ertify that the per- ntractor are iudis- 1 of said contract: fieu any soch cgtj- Lly and faithfully, ution of 6uch coii- 8tai! chail cease, itiuif I'jcal bosrds in at ion of ]>eraonB no member com- ippointed from the ict i!i which tbey h ex'a;; ination. tteviile, N, C., | TOBEK 1S63. ) rture ’ ' i Mailt &c. at 4i P M. y at P. M. lERVILLE U li A M fcy at '* 1* M INT-^ il M'l'ur Jay at 7 P M. ktt'i FriJay ftl 1 P C. •i tiaturday at 6 P. M. Thursday at 1 P. M- \lBERTON. li 8ai urday *11 ti A. M Tbur- lay *vt 1 V. M ^BETHroWN and Friary ,t 6 A. M J 8>iiur lay at. 2PM TKrtKt'^NT!; 1> M. EUSORfctK kt. J M IE, C .V.' hA Tu/1 ii i.S aai |31 .arq tb« evea be sent off fr6B b-j pai J for aa it khoald be {>re-paid by ^diy from 8^ to” VJ A- « ( .'/K, P M. [KI.TIKK. r^KOI.IMA ;K COHPINV, ■fill operaiioa, witk hot l upoa public eoa- Ivea of all healiky per- lor one y®ar, for •e're* p sharlug in t&e proft(> bf age ar« iiuurod for |tkird>‘ thsir value. fitklii day* sftw in referred *• (h* aad i« ieorclary, Uai«igh. IUAL.li, kgeal at w .h * NKIW l-W KRK !>T vol.. xni. KA\rTTl^:V!IJ.K, N. C. APRJI. 4, I8G4 PRINTED MO\l>\Ya aM) THUUSDXYH 1:I)W1RD i. HALE & SONS. editors and PROPRIETORS Pric€ for the Semi-Woekly *'b*skhvkh 0(1, pai l in ad>ano«. For the WaeJtly ORbiRVKK $t> iK) per auuum, paid iu advance. |^ADVERTISEMENT8 inserted for f 2 pt-r & juare of 1ft lines for the first, and one d.>llar for each jtuc- ceeding publication.- AdTertiaemeiils not exccedine a ^alfs:)aare (eight lines) $1 for th« flr^f an'U^^ cents for eaah succeeding publication. Ad^ertiserH are re- (^nested to state the uumber of insertions desired, or will be continnod till forbid, and chArf^ed aceord- ‘ng»y- Advertiseoaents continued 'n*ide. oharjred aj new -ul- ' Tertisemeni«. nt* Veriiou Feu&le Seminary. I^HK ■_’! Session wiU c'^rnmeace he 15th of FEB- IIU.^.RV' and continue 20 wetks Tniti:'»> in English Brar.ohes 11.50 00 .Music and Paintiup’, (caoh,) 40 00 School Roo”i expenses ' a 00 So'kr i S400 por sissnion. If p%id in proriaions at old pHcei“ $50 .MI of Tuition tnd one half of Board re quired in advance. Each pupil irill ^Jrai.•^h her own t‘ w»>ls, oiit» p.iir sheets, on^ pair pillow eaePS, one C'MiDten an* or quilt and a driniina’ onp. Rov WM. H(K>PEK, ) » - - , T C Ht ’OPER, ( Prmcipals .\ddr,-¥« 8t. Lftw-enoe 1’ (.) , f’bathiOA county. J »’r 97 «w By tbc Ouveroor or Nurtb t'arulina. 1 PH^ri.AiflAT10.^. SPECIAL NOTICE. From an ’’iter this date, no name of a now 3uV>iioribi^r will be entered without payment in n W iniie, nor will the paper be sent to so.b subscribers for a longer time than is paid for. Such of ov old subnui ibera as desire to take the pa per on this system will please notify us when making remittances. Jan’y 1, I85H. BO.\RD. I.'U^OM *hfl tat of April our price tor hoard w*ll be L $150 per month in Confednrste Bonds, or if paid in Provisions »t the followinir rates pe*" a.onih: 150 Ib^. Flour, 10 husheV. "ora, or 40 lbs Bacon or Lard. Rev. WM HOOPER. T. 0. HOOPER Feb’y H. 5-2m ;f30 00 15 00 20 00 •21 00 30 00 ^neJL. t*. Attorney at Law, Faykttevillk, N. C. WILI* attend the County and Superior Oourt.-* of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Couu- t»*9. Prompt attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to his hand.>4. Oct. 17, 1859 6H-tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. Wholesale IK^alers in €!roct*rlt*!*, AND l.MPORTERS AND OEALERts IN Hardware and Cutlery, Swede;^ Iron, Ac., HAT BTRKET, FATKTTEVILLB, >. (. *10 00 5 00 i 7 00; « 00 i July 2, 1861. 3titf JOS. UTLEY, firoeer and C't>mtnissian Jfierchanxt ^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1863. 98-tf B O WOBTB. D. O. WwRTD S. O. UAMIKL WORTH Si CO., Commissloa and Forwarding Merohauts, W'at^r Strert, WIL.MINOTON, N (' Oct. 16, 1803 73 12m fiaos. jrjOIII\(SO.\, Jr., A €0., i^toeral Corami^sion & Forwarding Mercbaiili, 4A »torl/» IFV*/«r Strert^ WILMINGTON. N C Prompt attention given to all business ^>irriist4>i to our kaadu LIST OF CIlAKfiiES FOK PASISE^fi^eKS. ^pHE hallowing rates of will okftrg^i cd Jl our — »OW!V. Fr-.iu K.vyjfteviUe to Wilmin^'oa, " “ Elizabeth. “ •• “ While Hall. “ Kellv’s Cove, ■ *• “ All poTiits below, SECUNU CLASS, OK UKCK • From Fayetteville to Wilmington, *• •' “ Elixabe'b, “ Whitehall, •• .. .4 Kelly’s t’ove, *• •* •• ,^U poi»jt8 below, UP. From Wilmins^ion .‘o FAyett«*vi!!e. •• *■ •• Kelly’s Covp, “ White Hal) “ “ Eiiiabetb, •• Prospect Hall, “ .» *• points above, SECOND CLASS, OR yKCK. ^^ rora WilniingtoH to Fayetteville, •• " “ Kelly’s Cove, » ‘ “ Wh»s Hall, “ “ •' All points above, H^Second Jlasa or Drck Passengers must stay on I lower deck or pay full prici*. or same as First Class An ei'ra charge will he nade for Way Passen* ^u|H;rior I'ourt ol JLaw lor Cuiu- u . V « ' tHjrlaiid ClouBty, Hi.abAS, s vacancy bas ooourrc-d m the R«pre- ^OTICE is hereby jiiven tuai there wiU be % A.n-.g sentat.ouofiho State of North Carfina in the | Term of this Court held on the 7tb Maadav ati.r nouae of Kepreseafativcs of the Congress of tbe Jon . the 4th Monday of Maroh next, beina the 16th iny of fedemte .Mates bv tne death of the Honorable Hauiuel ! May l«tl4. to try aa-l determlae all act oiis of Tort ci. H. hnst.rt.i. Rppr«8eu!..iivn eleot4o tba H^ooad Oou | (be Civili>oeket, and «J| oasea on Uie State l>ookct wrhl District; and ^ Notice ia fupUier given, that by an order pfssed at Pall writs of htecl.o^ n-iv- I.een issued to the-Sheritfs of ' Term ls«a tic day for trying Stale oasea iu said Courc the s. veral oouuties oouip'.sing s+id DUtriot, oommknd i hiw been oUoged from Thnrmlay «o Monday ParUrs log 'net*, u. cause el^ouona to be heM in their respec- i aud wltnesse* wl'l gcvern them»cl»es aooordinly live 0(;>’u at iba plftcos establishel by law, ub the i J(»HN w aaRKR * APRIL, at Whfoh the qu»U i March 14. 15% liitit your Taxableii. The nntlereigned having been appointed at Maroh Term 1864, ,->f the Coort of Pleas and Quarter Ses- sicDS for Gumberiar>d couqty, List Takers for the Town and CrnsB Creek Dislricts, hereby notify ail persons to 0 >iae forwi^rd and list their property during the last 20 working days in ApHI next, oommenoiug on Friday the 8th We can he 'oud4 from 9 A. M. to 1 o’olook P. M., eaoh day, at the offioe of R Vf. Orrell on Hay iitrect. ^^el’ls fcerby’u; ' & M OJRRELL, List Tak**r for Tow i Disiriot. JOHN W BAKER, Jr L si T tker for Cross Creek District. 16-tlM ti»*', voters of said noQgr'’8sioQa! Distnct may vote f»r 1 boaie person to fiil the said vao»Pcy ‘ Now. thfrref'ore, in ccnformity to l *w in Huoh oases : made and provided, I do issue mis my Proolamation, n akii.g knov^n the exist.eno? of such vaosjaoy, and that an »lcotiou wilJ he held t> fill the sano at the time at'ore.ifaid, to the end that the qualified voters ia the baid Congrensioo&I District may a(t.end at the said tWhe ; and at t»io c^tsbusliea^y law, and oafit their votes aooordiagly Po.diers from the said Congrvssicual Distriot, who , '• I'-lificd v'^.r® *>»■“ ft’ ' votftw m It 18 vTi*ciion od tn , APRIL Iu witu.M.>. thereof, ZBBUI-ON B VANCE I S*AL caueed the great seal fo be afQzcd Don'i at tile City of Raleigh, thn 17th day of Marcb [ A. D 180t, aud in ibe yi^ar of Au«»ri''s.n ImlependeDOi- j the H^^th. I'^- gnedJ Z. B. VANCE. iion on the SECOND THDRSDAV IN ) our Gov»-rnor, Captaip General ai.d Comn'and- J er in-t’hiaf, hath sigm'd thsse prfsenta and Maroh 14. KBrolllng FajotteTllle, Marek 98,19M. j rpHE Ibllowiug appoiotmantii for examinaUoos and «n I roll 1 ents in Cumbeciand Co% in conformity to la*t I notice of Capt. Landis, fin. Off 4th Con. Dis , are pub- I liahed, iltat ther> may Im no miaapprehecBion oocaaioned I by recent ohanges. To faoilitat* the Infiness of the I ofiioe »a well aa to consnlt oonvenWnoe of parttea ooo- I oerne«4 only one-third of a Reg’t need aaaamble vn t^e j trame day Commandiog offioera of Militia vili caB'&' Dltftriat Compasies of their resfcotive Reg'te to apr''*U' I at tbi office as foilowa: 68d RaginutU Oo April 11th—Blaolt RiTor, Silver Baa, and Flaa Hill biatriota. April 12th—Cedar Creek, Look’s Creek Disirieta. April 18tb—Crosa Creek Diatriot, (including volunteer companies.) fAth SUgimtamt- April 14tk—Town and Carrer’a Creek Dlatncta. April I6ih—Qray’a Creek, and Rookftak DUtriota. April 16th--71st, and Qawhiffle Diatrieta. Ever; man between 18 and 46 whc brmihtt within , the Hmita of Gamberlapd Co. muat be aooonnted for. and ■— m uwMy gifeH TBBt ims or aU exempt- ‘ »4 or detailed in eaok Diatriot will be made oct, and f C('l DraugboDk oom'g H O . icatraoted to caose the ar rest, as recuaant ooneoripta, of all between aaid ages whose names do sot appear thereon. W C. BENCHER, IStAll] Lt. ft En. Off. Cumberland Co. the Goverucr R. H. Batplk, Jr , Privaie Secretary. Maroh 18, 18t>4. 16 2w 10 OO *30 00 13 60 10 50 20 00 24 00 aO 00 *10 00 ♦1 09 ft 00 10 Ot) ’• 1 »63 j CONFKUEBATE STATES UF AMERICA, Enoimue Dkpautuk.nt, Dtw. Capb FaA.a, Wiliningioa, N. (1 , .March 16th, 1863 _ Notice is hereby givon to all pcrsoits Lavinr olaima afraiiu't the Engineer Deparfment, for services of slavoe employed as Itiburrrs on the ^Ofn/ defenet nr’ir VVjlmitigioD, C, tbai ibe uudereigned is authorized a.'tl r-eparo'J 'o p ty ihe suiuf j-t bis nftioe, ob itjc fle oiiid fl'-’Or of thi' bii'ldiiiiaf nox-. *bovc M»:ar‘;i*’ I*ru^ Hif'ri'.. Market Street. ' P*»? sons execatlng eowern cf .Ati rn^ will ob- p-,rv«* iho fijlowiu^ form—t.aeir signatufes, in all oases, to he witnjssed by two wimrp^^s and si)rned in dupli cate, or they re»y b* wtict.8eed .beCore u .>atiae of the Peace or '..'Irrk of any Cicirt FORM OF POWER OF VTTORVEV. 1. of ——. do her'by appoint -—, of —ibT , . , true knu luwtul Agent to aign receipts for, and re««ive ners getting mto B. nhs during day tim*, and for ocou- 1 p^^meut of all moneys due to me by the Engineer De- ('onsi^'aru-' J. JOHNSON. Jr , of Fayetteville, N C Jan’y 8. OaADROWSlfY. cf P UHr.sbuffc, Va. 9t‘)-3iapd pying a Berth with thoir bcicts or shoes on, at (he dis cretion of the Captain. J. A. WORTH, for C. F St’m B’t Co., R. .M ORRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun , T. 8 LUTTERLOH. Fab’y 23, 1864. 9-tf WESiTEUiV RAIL. ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TR.AINS of this Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o'clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clocK, P M. CUlU and liont MON DA V, W EDNESDA V aaJ F P. ID AY. Byor’ej- JNO M. ROSt:. Trean'r and G'jn'l Traus. Ag i. Jan. 22, 1H6.'^ 97tf |*'roiaa ttai date the Steamer A. ‘P. HURT itiU l*ave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April b—17tf ] .\g't C. F. Steam Boat Co. partment of th j Confederate Slates of Amerio^i. for the fefvioes of my slaves employed as laborers on the land detences at . durng the month of , 186 Witness my huid anJ seal at —, the day of , 186 (Signed in dapH^’ate I [Beal ] Witnesses, Western Kail Road Offlc«, > Fatbttevilli, March l‘J, 1864. / To the Stockholders of the Western Railroaii Co. The Tax due tho Comederate Stutea for the present year on the shares of ttie Capital Stock of this Co I will be returned and paid by this oorporation. Dnder regulations issued by the Sec’y of the Treasury, the stockholders will be exempt frntn return or payment of this Tax. By order of the Board of Directors. 16-2fr] JKO M. ROSE, Treas’r W. R. R. Co. Fajetterllle Araeoal and Armory,) Maroh lit, 1864 / BlackftmithH IWs«tfe€f. ^rEAUY empioymeut aud good wages will te giv«u O Apply 'o tt] Lt Cul F L ijhlLi^S, Comd'g otfioer NOTICE.' The undersijined having qu^lHifJ -vi Administraior of Dtvid Barnes, -Jeg’rl, r.f Mrr-' - Term 1864 of Hunietc Ccua'y •■’ourt. u: rh-i !a>f ri*,'’i-i-.->':c> of tho De- ceas:;d on TDBSD.AV tbw ota of .\pril n. st, 1 will ex pose »o public sale all tho Pf’rson*! I'ror‘»?5'-'-l>‘*l.>nging to Sold JEstat:^. consii>tiOK of on.' Ci-ws, Hogs, one Turj>ec#.ine Siil! and Ftxiures, RouEchold I'.d Kitchen Furniture, an J oihtT 'irticles. Terms at 8*le H A. B4RNE5, Adm’r, Ne.ar Barolay.^ville. March 14. 16 4tpd UAi%T£!l. I 2r AA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,0\/U 1,500 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to bell will receive | the highest Cash price by oaliing on Mr. M. Thoioason, i at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the eubscri- j ber at his old stand on Mark'it Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 5, 1862. 75tf ARUY UAR.\E!$I^. I AM prepared to manufacture all kinds cf Wagon Harness for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargaino. Agents ^ill do well to sf'nd their orders to me as tby .shall have prompt a’/ention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN C.^RTER. Ooldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 June 13, 1862. / :j-ltf 300 lbs. (vuiti .irakic tor «alebv J. R LEE * Got 16. 69tf 190 TOMACC’O. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, v.arioui. >^al«s. for sale on consignmeDt, bv GEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO. 31tf May 23. Alter tbi» date I will pay 15 Cents per i>oanJ for .rags, ot the highest market price, delivered in Fayetteville, or at. my mills on Roolrfish. D MURPHY FeVy 16, 1864 7 W Wanted to Purchase, ESTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasure Noies (Fua l?.b!c;) *1 ani $2: *• “ Bonds, old and »'ew. Couniy cf Cumbeilaikd Bouds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greeneboro’ $1 and J2 Ccrtificaif^; Confederate 7 and 8 pertipnt. Bomi^f;, Coupons of 116,(/‘00,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bondn; “ of old North Cj.rolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 18t>3. 71:i OBIINANCE DjfPABT-^lE.M, 1 liALiiioa, N. C., Mity 8, 1^'Go. j Li Department. Persons having ’driFie or f-roall quau- Uties will please apply at onoe. Will ^ive 1 »i-iu'id ot p^tWDER for 10 pounds of lEAI>. TH08. D UOUa, C 3 69-tf in cbargf of Ordii iuci. Palma ('liristi KeassM. The sttbseriber will pay the hif^bftst cash prices for any quantity of Palm* Christi iiei.n.'i. J. A Fajetteriila. Oct. 8. WORTH t' WAI\TEI>. 1WILL pay the highest Cemli price, for any quaniity of good COW HORNS, and LEG Bt)NKS ofHoisefiar.i! Cowe; also, BRIAR ROOT for maldts! Pipc-s; d*!iv. rp.l to me. B LEBEBLEM. Faveiteville. Frb’y 2^ 11 17»pd A^UEVll.I.K, .li. €. WILL open the E.\GLE H«>TEL for the re- •••■■ 1. ception of Guests the fir^t of June, and I hope jsm .to be able to entertain from acventy-five to a hundred persona during the Sumn»er. In oounectton with this large Hotel, 1 have a number of Hacks, Carriages, Buggiea and Saddle Horses tba: my guests can get at a miuute’s n-'tice. J. M. BLAia. j Proprietor Eagle Hotel, -\?heville, N C. Mayl3,186.i. 3l-ypd I WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. pOULTRY, Chickens, Butter and other delicacies for I X the sick P.oidicrs at this Hospital. Persons having I these articled can obtaiu the market price on applica- f tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J. W. I Powers’s oii Hay Street. I R. E. HEIDE, Gen’l Ag’t. ; Aug. 26. 58-tf To Cotton Plaiiter!^. X FT .WE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea- i sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro- I2ua, and will pay for the BAme in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash*. Sub-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, buying iu my name, will have written certificates of appointrueni. By order of thi-* Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purcnaaed by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds as staled tn a former advert isem-^t. Up to that timo, however, the 8 per ocnt. bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather t\:an to private oapitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, March 24, 1863. fo. D.J 14tf €'ottoii Ifarn tor Wool. NOTICE is hereby given that after this date (excopt in cases where we have bargained for Wool accord- ins’ to thp ti'Moo nf - - —' '' ™“ Mhy, »V:cb terms are now revoked,) wo wnl giv>l bun dle of CoHon Yarn for 4 lbs. ♦'f Wool unwasiied, cr 8 lbs. wa.shed atid picked. This cban^tj is mad" at (he iuiitance of the Quartermaster at RaUdgh, in order to make the terms of exchan«;p uniform throaghout 3t}ite. out). W. WiLLK.MS ft CO. Fayetteville, June 29, 18tl3. 4itf Esypt tCoal fpilE uud^rsigneU were, at the November Term of the X Cont'eaerate (Joun. Dibtnct of Noith Caroliua, ap- i pointed Managers of lUe Egypt Coal Mine property, I R'.id bave entered into copfirtntrahip for the puiposo of I tuining and selling Co&! and soiicit oi“de.'s r,>r /li»' sai^ie I in any desired quaatii;-. Orders for any amount can i he supplied on short j’otice. The Coal from this pvo- ^p;rty is undoubtedly ti:-.- best..in the Confederata States, j Applioations h> ujfi'ie to Chas. li. Mailett, r'aye.te I vi'uo, N. C., or Jatoes Browne, Charleston, 8. (;■. : I CHARLES B. MALLETT { JAMLi.^ BROWNE. Faypttoviile. Jati’v 20, lh63. ''if'it' | Pliy»iC’Eaia's Card. i Dr D. A. (JAMPBELL (lf*u> of M\.rion, S. C ,) ha.- j removed to Fayetteville aud taken au ofQce on Bow 1 ptreet, where ke m-ay be fonnd*Ri a!l times, with nn [ anule'stock of Medicines, to answer Profep^ifm»l c»’!5. | Satisfactory reference fumiabed. &c. 2, 18P4 94-Smpij I The eigaatuie-j of colored persoutf sboula be witnessed j by three witn«43*s j There must be aeparate duplicate Powers of Attoruay I for ci»oh uiouth Bltnk forms c~ko bp bad upon appli- csLlion at I‘lie otiico. Vf il Oapi. it ('hi«*f Eug. Jan’y 20, 186} liu^*# Fayetterilie Aneoal wtd Armory,) Nov. 12. )3ba. / i 9100 BOUNTV. AUTHORII V having been granted by the War l>o- p^rtuient to raise a Comp.uiy of Moiini.>d Kifiet^fC (• r service iu tbi« vicinuy, nv.tioe is aereby given that , recruitti to the number of 100 non-connrript» will b« re- j o-.-ived for tnis senii:*-. E'»rh r*erui! will he required 10 furu'sb a serviceable ii.irae, tor whioh he will al lowed 40 Aents per uien-, and his pay SI 2 per month. H'riitrn pfTT‘iL»*ion will be re^juii'ed from parents or i (tusrd'sazs, where the app’ir^ut is under the oonsoript I ‘pe. Euca rccruit must briB* with him a blanket or bed .-•'•Vcad, t.tid come prepared 'o remain Brii..*-s. sadJles, balt‘»rs r»iid saddle blaukcts furnish ed by tue Goveinment, or if the recruit oomes provided with them, he will be paid for ttiem a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- Turpentiiu; $itill lor .^ale. The subscriber bM a 25 barrel TURPENTINE STILL :*t Whi'e Hall, Bladen couaiy. w’eich hs wishes to sell, Wherv. Lt staudti It is all uompUtte except th« arm. Any person wishing to ex'.mine it will oall un H J. Carter, who rasides at White Hall. As to tfrrms, &o.. address me at thii* P O AS 'ROM.\RTIE Wbiii*'n 0«*tV. N . M*roh H la ‘♦tpd %VA~^TE», AT THK l[A!IAS8Ah ttAT K. 1. w/s t>. .T t’. g FIRST Class MACHINLST8, « SMITHS. 2U «lARPKNTERiJ H’ghest wages paid. March 15 Young’s ArUhmetieal Diciioaary, EMBR.\CING a system of Arithmetlo, ReaUy Reokoa- er, Interest Calculator, Book Keeping. ForttiS, Jto. TO THE SICK, Read the FOLLO'wma:—Rer’d Jolm W. Potter (N. C.) aajs: “For twelve years 1 waa a great aoffarer. My liver WM diseased I lost my fleah and atrengtb,«ad my skin seemed changed fn its oolor by the bile with which my systvin was overohargad. 1 became aubjeot tc fre quent and Tioleat ataeka of biliotu oolio, every attack leaving me weaker than ita predeoeasor. The physi cians had been able to patoli 'me up a little, but my health waa in a deplorable a* ate. I had taken patent medicines until 1 waa tired of them. Without tntrgy or comfort, 1 waa t»arely able to go about a little. At length 1 yielded to the eameat persuasion of a ftiend and commenced taking the HEPATIC PILL^-^ with no obnfidenoe in them. Tkey acted like ^ charm on me. Fr(rn that hour I improved 1 have peraev^red in their use, until now, by Qod’s blessing, I am leet^ and Aaarty. I had a negro man who, aa I beUeved, Wb.=i saved from death by a dose of tb«M pills. Mj Do>.:ior’a bill was annually from $100 to but 1 bave bad no use for a physician sieoe. 1 0*0 confidently recommend them as a superior family medicine.” The ingredients of whieh the “SOUTHERN HEPAT IC PILLS” are made are so ooaOy as to compel the proprietor to put them at present prioes, which are aot so remunerative t« wben tbe pilis »old for less. Full directions aooo'spuy eaob box. Price f3 a box. For »30 a d( zeti boxes will b^sent prepaid 01^) W DEEMS, Goldsboro’, N C. March 26, 18tt4. 18-9; pd To the.Voters ot ilaraett County. The undcrs.gaod, a private ia Co. A, 6th.N. C Cav alry, having been solicited by acme of his friends, re«>pe-.'.tfully t^nnouuoes himself to the soldiers and citi- I sms of Harnett uouotv as a Candidate for tbe Office of j SiUERlFF at the eleouon ou ibn first Tbarsday in Au- ! glut next. 8.A.MUEL D PIPSIN. I .March 21 17 24tpd I iPayeittevHJeanid1%ortherii Plank Road Company. ADIVTDEND of Nine per cent, haa been declared out of the fkinda of thia Coiapany, payable on and after Monday, 28tii inst 8tookhoidere wii) please oall and collect the t>-iiae be'ore Thursday the Slst inst., or the funds will bave to be subjected to a tax of ^3^ per o*nt., ani will p»>d a'j'iardinjfly to the fitookhoider. J. ROSE, Seo'y F. A N P. R. Ho. 'lareh 26. It 2t Uf-e'r 16. E. J. HALE & SONS. The Farnier«’ and Planters’ Al manac for 1S04 4 few grocn more ju^t reoeivsd Jar’v ■/}. E J. HALE A 80N8 DEK 1 Ts senal P L. CHfLUS, 80tf] Major C. S A. Conid'g Post. Otlice Depot I%o. l!2, ) Fayetteville. March 7, 18W. j JPa§f your Tithen. KSONS who pbve not -vlrc ady paid their Tithe Tax w 11 h-iT.i uutii ttic 20th >!■*/ of .Vla.v 1864, to d“liver the I am u -w ready to TPOeirc- the Bacon due (inder the tithe law Six poun l-* of cured bitccn for every loO lbs pors slaughtered since the 24th of April 1863^s required • Pa;ties delivering their tithe« at a distance of over eight miles will ba promptly paid for excess of Hauling J. M WILLIAMS, I2-t20M] Agent for Cumberland county. FayetteTilie Arsenal and Armory,) .\I^rc!i 12, 1864. / The following regulations concerning the issue of ra- ti.-'us are published for the information of owners of Nef^roes hired at this Arsenal and Armory. Negroes who work six days in the week will receive TRtions f>r seven days. Negroes who lose tim' will roof-ive rations only for those days on wbic>» tht-y are prtstct, uuie8!^ furnished with a written CHrtifio"^^* from a respectable physician, tb*t tbey weiv; too sick to work >4 1m] F L. CHILDS Lt Col. Com.i’g Books for further subscription to the Oapital S*outi of t'li.i t’omptUj are opaaed at this Otiice All p rsoas desirous of mdin? in Mw aJl imffurtant enltrprue cit: forwar>f me tliuir n-mes by loBil siatu-g the ..nf(,u!it i'laj wish to vu-sorib-, and tbcn eeud the caw’i by s'li'ie trusty p.-rson, on r 'ooipi of w*>icb 1 will forwarii ('eriific it; of :!ooV S'JaroR :j»6o0 e-ich Ah old Hubsrrl!-t*rn tliat hav-ju it paid iu ‘hoir sii'M'.iiptions will plw-^-io du S'* «t the. ew liest inniueut. 12 Jfttp.il W. D SMITH, Treas’r The Cumberland llos{)ital As sociation, always anxious to piomotc tL.'- comfort of our brave soldiers, calls upon tl'c'r friends in the county and town to send bometfaiRg, either Bacon, Peas, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, or anything tbey can spare, to be paoked in boxes by the 1st of April, to be seut t*. ihe Army by Dr Warren’s Agent. Send to Mrs Lutter- loh, ,’^-vident of the Assooiation Feb. 29 fwloTes and Hloek» Wanted. 1 DESIRE to purchase for the soldiers 10,000 pairs of Gloves uid 10,000 pairs of Socks. RA.i5»! RAIiiMn-The iiife- rior*qiiality of the p.-.per on wliich the Observer has been printed of late, and Hhicb is a ^reat eye sote to us, is owipg to tt^ wsnt ut a Riif5o!c-ntr.upply of g od rags', and the Ci>n’>equeB* neo- CiHlty h.) rt.sor. In interior materi.iU We appeal to the frif-rdH of it)? t)N9*:r7er at al’ s.co.Kiible points, to save xip and bt'-ag to town all the ra/s 'bey car. pru.-uro W»i ;‘a7e no linio ourselves to a'ter.d to their purchase, bill Measi-g. Geo W, WilU'itns 4 *'0., the Ageois in ti'is tnwa of i\lMurp.'jv, will p.aj 15 ocatu per lb. fo- be tkuikfnily received. Ju’j 11 Donations will EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon Gen. N. C. W-Zm ftoKCM, 4tc.. tor tl8c Anil''. 1WILL send a special mf*agepgcr to the Army of Northern VirRiaia on the first «J»y of every Kor.th. All boxes, paokagcB, &o., will be forwarded from my cifice free of charge. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon General fJ. C. Raleigh, Jan’y 15, 1^64. 99-3m MOTICK. All persons holding my Notes or Checks, or having other demands against me, will please present them on or before the 1st day of April next or tbey will be paid in the present Confederate issues. GEO. W. BULLARD. Blooker’a P. O., Maroh 16, 1864. 15-6t*2lpd ti>em. S Fcb’y 55 lnTo 2Ta«T IR4»'^ At the Sl«r Pcuuclry. by March 1 HALK & PONS 6-itf WAnTTEM M A. BAKER n tf Turpentine i^till» Wanted. All persona th.at hive Copp.T Siills for sale will ad- dr«8S Fayetteville, Maroh 1 M. A BAKER. II I! FEOUR A.\« OAT», Flour and oats Willlie exohanged for Com at the Store of D. McLaurin, by giving him a few days notice. Flonr good. Oats No 1. black or white. Jan’y 29. 2-If "tbstawemts^aIw^ CONFEDERATE States Bible Society TeaUunent«. A OoUectioB of Sabbath School Hjmns. Ver Mlt ky ■. J. BAU * 80VB. iKtate ol iWorth Carolina, -MOORE COUrY. Court of Pltff.s and Quarter Sessions, Jan’y Ta'm, 1864 Ann Steadman v» William Steadman, and others Peliiion for D -wer IN this case upon motion, it is cr^e^'pd by the Court, that publication be made for six i>uact‘flxiTe we«'k;> in tu6 Faretteville Observer, notifying the U feudanta, William anu Henry Steadauan, personslly to be and ap pear R.t the next Term of tais t’ourt, to be he'd for the County of Moore, al ihe ''oiirf House in Cartba,^e, on the 4*.h 'Monday of Ai r-i i864 I'leo and there fo p.ead. insre'*' or demur 1 i ion fi eJ in tljb c o £ior nisu tiie 8«me will b' Q'.ard ex pane, and jviJgaient enir.r.-d -vS to iJieiti Witness, A. H. .VlcNeill, Clerk of our 3«.id Cou>t, at offioe iu Carthage, 4ih M>->nday of January 1864. . Issued Maroh 9j.h, 1864. 16*6tpd] AH MoNElLL, C. C.^. Mtate ot Morth Carolina, MOORE COUNTY^- Court of Picas & Quarter Sessioua, January Term, lb64. Catharine .McCrummen and others vs Dauiel MoCriun- men. Petition for partition of Lan'^s. IN this case, upon motion, it is Ordgred by the Court, that publication be maie for six eucoessive weeits in the F»yettevillo Obse>ver, noiifytng the Defendant Daniel McCrummen personally to be and appear at the nirxt Term of this Court, to held for the Ccunty of Moore, at tbs Court ilouss iu Cartbag'-*, io the 4tfa VI on lay of April, 1864, then and ther« t.j plead, aoswe# ^l( ne beard ox p«rto and jodgmenl pro con- fessj w>ll be entered as to him Witnei-s. A. H MoNi*ill, Clerk of our said Coort, at otiicp in t’arthaga, 4'h Mo-aday in Januar.r, Is sued 4th Feb’y 1864 I6*t;tpdj A H. MdNEILL. C C. C Camp 18th IV. C. Troops, ) Near Libertt Mills, Va., tWy 0,1S>4.) ^IIHE uu’ler^iigniid annoucoes to the oitizi'.ns and sol- 1 diers of Blad ho is a Caudidate for 'ounty, at'.d would be ■n e.ou:ity. thiit tbc Offioe ofKHERIFF of said pU'fc.' d to reoeivc their support He pl'.'dgfrt biioseif. If eleoied, to dtsciargc the duties of t^e offioe with the same tl.lelity and zeal which bo r>3wj basj oharaetariz d him as a suLlier. BKNJ F RINALDI, 7‘t1ApdI Capt C» A, ISih N C T. faVetteviiTee mTTPiL INSURAiVCE COMPAM. Capital in Premium Notes amounts to $267,688 ‘4b Ghs'u on baud and other assets. 5,077 35 Tof»l, $272,765 61 Th» Con-p.iny hart pnid ail loaees promptly, and hivve never muao ai: Hsgeasment or* their premiunn Mleti. Total lo;j»'e5 paid, !fa^*,682 6V ; OEO. McSElLL, I’lcbidonl D. A. KAY, Vi;a i'n.Miieut. C. A. MoMlLLAN, Sec’y J>tKKor».*)ii?: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tiiiin(>b.%st, H. L. Myrover, 8- J* Hinsdaio, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLauria, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterlon, A. W. Steed, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. \ . A. B. Hall, f 8*®“- hn CoUins and C. C. MoCrtunmen, Traveiing Afenta l^rThe Company invite applicai.ion0 May 28. 18A1 21. Blank Warranti for aale hm. C. 1>. Mallett, James Kyle. A. A. MnKctbftn, J. D. WilliamB, 8. W. TilUng1!iaflt. To the Stookholders of the Fayetteyille and Northern Plank Road Co. This Corporation will give in and p»y the Tax due to the Confederate f’tatea on the Sham of thia Com pany Stockholders will therefore be released from giving in and paying said Tax TNO M ROSE, Seo’y F. & N P. R. Co. Mareb 26 18-2t Bank ot IVorth Carolina. r) the St’jokaolders of t(ie Bank of North Carolinat The Confederate Tax on the hidlvldual shares will be paid by ti^e B-uik C. DEWEY, Cashier March 25. 18-Im Bank of FayetteTille,) March 28, 1864. ) The Stockholders of ttiis B^nk are hereby notified • :i.a ibe tax-due the Confederate States, an the >b»res of the ot.pi’al stock of this Bank, will bo paid by the Bank Sccckbolders will be relieved from listing the same for taxation. 17-4tl W Q BROADFOOT, Cashier. E08T OR STOEEIV, LAST EVENING, between the Court House and iV» Methodist Church, a piece of CALICO, ten jard«, dark brown, with small whit« flgar>»8. A liberal rew&rd for reoevery will be paid at this Offioe. Maroh 28. • EAil^D FOR SAEE. The snbscrLber offers for sale FOUR THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND, lying in the l3autb-weatern part of Moore county, on the line of the Cheraw and Coal Fields Railroad An ticportunity ia afford-^‘• /*«‘d Confederate Note- - -*» PV “cre than 4 per c>._ y-.iber pariioiilars address the undersigned at Crane’* Creek Moore oounty. N C L CAMERON. March 24. 1R 2t*2tpd kE W A RIK QTOLEN out of my wagon, Wednesday nigbt, oB the 0 road between Fayetteville itud the Plaotation of the late Angus ShaW. FODR KBAVV WROUOUT PLOWS 1 will g ve the above reward fur the delivery of aaid Plows E SPEARMAN. Fayetteville. Maroh 26 18-2t Orange 0. H., Va., March 15, 1864. I Would be piea^^d to reneive several good reoruits to fill up my Company. So. come on ut once, you btave “Tat Heels” aad join us I am certain you can not got to a better Company in the Confederate States. Come at onoc; will gve you a cordial welcome, and will initiate you into the grand Army of Northern Vir ginia—an army that has maintained an indelible stamp tr be reo*ird(*d ia History. Come at once, we are get ting good rations and a little to spare and will drill you saffioicat nv«rj daj to bring on • good *jkppelir« Toa oan find mo in two miles north-west of Orange C. H., Va. K. W DOCKERY, lat Lt Comd’g 17 Stpdj Co. E, 88th Reg’t, N. C. T. WAIVTEO, ASIl’UATlON as Superintendent or General Mana- age** by a oompetent manufacturer of both Wool and Cotton, who has had iO yeara’ experience and ia fifiy-threc years'cf age, a native of Manoheater, Eng land; is also a Maohinist and Bngineer. An^. (me in want of suoh a m%o plsaso addreM E. B R NIOHOLS, Wilmington, N. C. Maroh 22 • 17- 9tpd • 0 Farther Supplies of School Books* UR OWN SPELLING BOOK; Our own First Reader, .. •• “ Primary Arlthmetio; “ “ “» Grammar; •• Blementary QramBar; « Primer; Bingham’a LaUn Chrammar; Jut rtoeived. t. J. HALE & B0R8. X Blanks for sale at tbia Office. [No. 1320.] ASA HABTZ. The accomplished huoioridt, knuwu as A^a Hartz, waa captured some months ago and taken to Johnson'a IslaDd. Although cribbed, cabined Rad oonfiaed, the irrepressible geniua of Asa will assert itself. Witoess the foHowiDg iinea which were handed as by a frieod ot tha^fted captive They will be read with pleasure by Asa’s thoa- sands of admirers in the South-west, and we trust, bring tears to the *MoTe-iit eye” of his iadye love: MY LOVE AND L My love reposes on a rosewood frame— A *bnnk” have I; A oouch of feathery down fills>np the same— Mine's straw, but dry; She sinks to sleep ai night with soaroe a sigh— With waking eyes 1 watch ihe*hours creep by. ' y love her daily dinner takes in state— And so 1(7); The richest vian't® fl-»nk her mIv -r pUfe— Coarse ttrub bave 1; Pure winea she sips at ease, her t^irs' to slake— 1 pump my drink f'om Erie’s limpid lake! My love haa all the world at will to roair,— Three aerep I; She goes ab’*oad or qui-i sus at home— So cannot I; Bright angels watch around her couoh at night— A yank, with loaded gcc, keeps me in sight. A thousand weary miles now stretch between My love and I; To her, this wintry night, cold, oaliii. serene, I waft a sigh, And hope, with all my warne-«tne»-s of soul, To morrow’a mail may bring mo my paroltl There’a hope aheao! We’ll one day meet again, My love and I; We’il wipe away all tears of sorrow then; Her lovelit eye, With all tjjj many troubles then beguile, And keep this wayward reb from Johnson’s Isle! Yankee speculations on the War.— What it the Prospect of its Ttrmination.—The Washing ton corrempoodent of the Chicago Times, writing ol the probable termioatioa of the war, says: The admini^tratioa is still ondeavoriug to make thtt public believe that the rebellion is on its last legs, and that the war will be ended with the campaign of next.summer. Never was there a greater delusion. To those who know the real facts, it is evident that the end of the war, so far as the conqucst or the subjugation of the South is concerned, is ais far of now as it wan tioo years ago. The South may not have as many troops in the field iu 1864 aa they had in 1803. But, it tbey Lave only three hundred thousand, they can give abundant employment to over six hun dred thousand, and if they have four hundred thousand, they can aUack* Washington besides. If is undertitood that the South will aot entire ly ou the defensive, and will seek to draw our uriuie^i as lar as possible into the interior oi the countty, where they expect to defeat them- And th«r« is very little doubt that they will depart from ±he defensive sy«tem, so far as tc make an attack upon Washington. If they do this, and act on thti defensive everywhere e’“e, they have means and material • for carrying on the war for five years more. I am satisfied from the in formation that reaches me, that Richmond will never be abandoned so long as the Confederacy can put ilfty tnousand troops iu ihe ueld. Sicettfieartis.—And - speaking ol sweethearts, says the Richmond Enquirer, reminds us of tho poor soldier and the pathetic missive of the sweet hearts of Georgia, who thus—saith one of them —express their sympathy and commisseration for the objects ot their attachment who prefer the storms of battle to the ease and enjoyments of domestic beatitude: “ 'Tis nard for you uns to be in camp, 'Tis hard for you uns to fig it; ’Tis hard for you uus to lay in the damp. And steep iu the enow at night. But it’s harder for we uns from yon uns to part, * When you uns iiave stolen away we uns heart.” Mr. Lincoln s last *‘Joke'* on the JTloruia Mas sacre.—The President, on hearing of the bad generalship which, as it at first appeared, charac- terizef the management of our forces at Ol'osteei in Florida, aad the heavy slaughter which fol lowed, burst out with the following exclamation: “It seems to me there are no heads down in Florida except dead heads." Of course, every one in the vicinity laughed as heartily as the President himself did when Ward Lamon sang for him, aa they rode over the graves and among the burying parties alter the battle of Antietam^ the negro melody of “Jump Jim Crow.” Yankee Paper. Focketiny the Snrplu*.—Vesterday the pro prietor, w»item and visitors at the ca/'n, on Main atreet, celebrated for its charges, were astonished at the conduct of a soldier who, haviag called and paid for a hearty meal of several dishes, quietly set about packing up ^hat remaiued and storing it away in his knapsack. He rolled up sundry bits of meat, scraps ut bread, and particles of butter, and concluded by emptying, the contents of the sagar b»wl and cream-jug down his throat. The proprietor interposed. ‘*lt was not customaryfor" . The soldier checked hiut. “Did 1 not call for thehe dishes? And did you not charge me fif teen dollars for them? The surplus is mine, and it shall serve me for an extra ration.” The soldier was right, and we recommend his example for adoption to all who lunch in' saloons. The first charge compensates the keeper, without ti^e guest leaving behind him the fragments, to be served up to the next cu.stomer, to be paid for a second time.—Jiichmouif Examiner. A negro went in a menagerie, in which was a large baboon, in a cage. He approached the cage closely, while the baboon went through seve ral gvnitions, euch as nodding aud shaking his head^ holding out his hands to shake, &c., to the evident delight of both negro and baboon. Fi nally, the baboon seemed so intelligent and know ing, the negro addressed him some remarks, wnicK the baboon only answered by a nod of the head. At length the negro waa still more delighted, and broke forth with the remark, “You’re right; don't open your mouth, kase if you spokes a word the white man’i have a shovel in your hand in lew dan a minit.” A married lady ioand her two sons quarrelling, and, in hopes of puttfng an end to their differ ences, uttered the following: ‘‘You young rascals, if you don’t desist directly, I’ll tell J)oth your fitthers." London.—li estimated that oTsr 700,000 periMns came into London every moT&in^i and leave in the evening.