FUBlilO LAWS. Enacted Fkb’t" 186^* AnAct fo Funi, rax~^ ?v’TTnv 1 The OongreM Of the ConfeiieraU ^EoTJON 1 J above the denomination of 9o, •ball be aabjeot to • tox of per c«ot on «v-* erj dollar promised on the ft.ce thereof',, said tax to attach to said notes wherever oiroalated, and said Lotesto be fundable and exchangeable for new Treasury notes, as herein provided, sufijeot to tb« dcdootion of said tax. Sko 12 That any State holding Treasury all Treastjrr , ,, (;he notes received before the times herein fixed lor of Aprif 184, east of’ the Mississippi, to taxing said notes shall be allowed tiS the first fund the same, and until the periods and at the niaoes stated, the holders of such Treasury notes shall be allowed to fund the sama in regis tered bonds, payable 20 years alter their date, bearing interest at the rate of 4 per oeuL per an- day of January 1865, to fund the same in 6 per cent bonds of the (Confederate States, payable 20 W or effects of a»y kiqj^ not enumarated n tne procedin^jmragra]^, between the times named therem, 10 pipr cent., in adxli;{on t^ tbe tax on such pronts as income, under the act aforesaid. UI. On the amount of j)rofits exceeding 25 per cenfc, made during either of tlie yoare 1863 and 1864, by ai»y bank or bankin|g compAny, insurance, canal, navigation, im porting and exporting, telegraph, express, num, payable on the 1st of January and July of' ^ aloresaid, shall be held to have been received each year. ! diminislied by the amouut of said tax. The dis- Skc. "J. The •‘Secretary of the Treaaury is hereby j erimination between the uotcs 8iihjeot to the tAx anthoriied to issue the bonds required for the ' those not so subjoot, shall be— fuudinj? provided for in the preceding section, | 13. That Treasury notes heretofore issued and until the bonds can be prepared he may issue * bearing interest at the rate uf 37 30 on the 8100 certificates to answer the purpose. Suoh bonds j P®*" annum, shall no longer be received in pay years alter date, and the interest payable aemi- i ^Uroad, manufacturing, dry dock, or other annually. But all Treasury notes reeoived by j^i^t stock £umpany of atiy description, any State'aiter the time fixed for taxing the same whether incorporated or not, 25 j)er cent on 'sucU excess. Sec. 5. The following exeniptiona from taxation under this act shall bo allowed, to-wit: I. Property of each head o£ a family to the value of $500; and for each minor child of the family to the further value of $100; of the 1st scetion of this act, shall, from and alter [ Seo. 14. That the Secretary ui the Treasury the' 1st day of April 1884, cast of the Mississippi he, and he is hereby, authorized, in case the cxi- river, and the 1st day of July 1864, west of the , gencics «il the Govcrnmeut should require it, to Mi-ssi.ssippi, cease to be receivable in payment of pay the demand of any public creditor who.se debt public dues, and said notes, if not so presented at ™ay be contracted after tiie passage of this act, *^hat time, shall, in addition to the tax of 33i willing to receive the same a certificate of in- ccnts imposed in the 4th scction of this act, be j debtednoss, to be issued by said Secretary in such snbjeotod to a tax of 10 per oent. per month un-! form as he may deem proper, payable two years til so presented; which taxes shall attneh to said ; after a ratification of a treaty of peace with the lOtes wherever circulated, and shall be deducted ' Suited States, hearing interest at the rate of six from the tmee of said notes wheuover prcsenfed I per oonr. per annuni, payablq scuii-annaally, and $500. n. Property of the widow ()f any officer, soldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed in the military or naval service, or where there is no widow, then of the family, being minor children, ti> the value of $10M). Ill- Property of every officei*, soldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in th«i inilitarj or imval service, or of as have •*« »I. tor payment or for fonciinR, and »aia noie» »liau j —ij n?uvi3eJ'"tlltrt‘‘ai™gfiSvVexum!? ootiecxohMseabc lorthe ticw ol Tr.a-i rcKmatlon, to bo pr«onl,ca by the 8c-ret«, » I .j ^ a„v i«r80M. wlJe jury notes provided for in this act Sec. 4 That on all said Treasury aoton not fr"m taxation in principal and interest. cut »l tux Ob at the Jatos l.j. The S.'orctHry of the Treat the Trea-’Ury, and said certificates shall be exempt | shall n>t apply ^ any person, wiiose j>ro})crty, exclusive ot household furniture, tunded cr used in pi^’incnt asury is au j assessed at a valur exceeding $1000. ' IV. That where property hai* been injured and places prescribed in the Isr section ot tKis thoi ite;! ;o : sc.-ea rC t!u-uuinb« r ol‘depositories ko , i j i . act, there shall be levied at said dates and. places to jueet the requiremoats ot' this act, and with j '>r lostroyeu by the enemy, or the owner a tax of 33i cents tor every dollar prouiihed on '■iew t«) employ mieh of the banks of the sev- j thereof lias been temporarily deprived of the the face of said Dutet.; s.-iid t.*x ehall atiach to said , cr»l .Staits si he luay dicin «!spidicnt | use or occupancy thereof, or of the means notes whtTevi-r cirouiatfd, and siiiiU be collet ft-i id The Secretary of the Tnadury shall i of cultivating the same, by reason of the by deducting the same at tlm treiu*iry, its deposi- j for^hwitk advertise this aot in sucL uewspapurs j presence or the proximity of the eueiivy, lories and by tax oolleotors, and by ail Govern-j F’^blished in the several Stat»rs, and by suoti other | the Hssessiueut OU such property may be ment officers recoiviug the sauio whene%’er pre- I n*eans as shall secure iuiuiediatf puLlieity^ aud ; reduced, in proportion to the damaue SUS- seuted for payment or for funding, or in payment; the Secretary of War ai>d the Secretary of the owner, oV th,* tax assessed ot Government dues, or tor postage, oi in ex _ N^vy shall each oause it to be published i8 gene-1 tber«on*iuay b« reduced iu th« bame ratio Chance for new not^, as hereinafter provided a^ fur the intormati.u u. th. army j by the distnct collector, ou satisfactory •vi- said Treasury notes snail be fundable in bonds as ; navy, 4 » i ; » provided in the 1st section of this act, until the j Sxc 17 The section of hcc for the | submitted to hiru bv th« owner or as 1st day of January 1§65, at the r»te of cents ; a-^sessmcDt and cn]!cction .»f fjtXcs, approved May *iJS^or. on the dollar; and it shall be the duty ot Che Seo- | Is^t 1863, is hereby repealed bKC. 6. Ihat ihe taXets on property inid retary of the Treasury, at any time betweeu the' Sso 18. The Seohttary ut tlte Treasury u [ f*>r the year sluill Ije assessed us on Ijt ot April and the 1st oi July, 1864, west of j hereby authorized and required, upuii the appli- dnv ut the pa.>tsage of this act, aud he the Mississippi riter, and thclst of Jano’try 1865,1 cation of tho holder of any call ctrtifii*?iiti, which, dne and collected on the 1st day of June to substitute and exchange pe^v Treasury notes by tiie first section of the act to provide for the next, or >-s Soon after jis practiixible, alluw- for ihe sane at the nite of 661 cents on the dol- ; funding and further issue of Treasury c >t.j«, ap- in;; an eX' of 9iJ davs’ VV\*6t of the lar: That note? of the denomin»rion of ( proved March 2ild I8t>3, was required to be i Missijisip . . cr The add'itional taxes on 8100 .-hai! not te ontiticd to the priviioue >f said ' thereafter deemed to be a bond, to issuo to vjch incri'OF .‘.r -iM f.r tlu- v.-ip 1 A-W that th- ri^ht to boWer a bonj .here.br apon rho ,cru.= prcid.d hy thU act. Uaii he uiUli"u.d ;!ind o! v-Hid 1 if aaury note*, aftei* tUo Nt dav by act. , » i -t lurthwith; ftnH thA taxe8. on incornes or pnv fits fi>r the vcar 1 >64, shall be assessed and collected accordint; to the provisions of the tax and as^issment acts of l'sl63. Sko. 7. So much of tjie tax act of the ‘i4th day of A^ril 1863, as levies a tax on in comes derived from pri)perty or efi’ects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied by thii; act, and also tlte 1st section of said act, are sus}>ended for the year l'»tH, and no estimated rent, hire or interest on pro perty or credits herein tuxed ad valorem, shall bo assessed or taxeI as incomeH under th«* tax act of 18*J3. Sto. S. That the tax imposed hy this act on bonds of ti>e Confederate States hereto fore issued, shall in no case exceeil the in terest on the same, and such Iwnds, when held hy or for minors nr lunatic#, shall l>e exempt from the tax in all cases where tlie intere^st on the same shall not exceed $1(X'H). 11-h*’ri4.j away: A >i*/pro-* — , h,i -■ ’h- T^^lt i:nnn ail --uch Treasury rotes ' '' Taj^s for th^ gqth- n..iv r.-ma:'n o’it,f iiiiin.r on^thc 1st day of. (hfenee itrul itnpf tort of Gmiernmeni. Jacuarj i whi.-h may not be exchuni't-d 1. Tlie Oo^gress of Mih Confo*iwrate tor ne# Treaiury n^tcci, -is h.:'rcia provided, a fax i States of America do enact. That In addi- of Ino per ^nt. is hereby impo-ed ; tion to the taxes levieu by the act “to lav Xpril next, taxes fV)r the common defence and to carrv oil all authenty heretol.re given to thft Secretary of the Government ..f the Confederate States,” L >h.ro.Lan bo the Treist.rrr m»v :'.!! * Iev,ed, trum the pas.sa4r« of this act, on the subjects of taxation liereatter mentioned. and C'dlected from every }>erson, copartner ship, as3'>ciatioti or corporatioti, liable there to, taxes as follows, t>-wit: I. Vpon the value of property, real, per sonal and mixfcil, of every kind and descrip tion, not hereinafter exempted or taxed at a difl’erc t rate, 5 per cent.: Pp'vided, That f'rom tills tax m the value of propertv «*m- nd he holders of the ! ployed in agriculture shall be deducted the the Treasury TOtiy, aher that timr, ifsuc new Treasury notes. !n puch form as he may prcscrib#, payable two years alter the raoiScation of a treaty of peace w'th tho TTai;^ States, said new i^ae« fo be receivable in r.ayajeui of all put»Iic duen, except exnort an i imrMjrt duties, to be issued* iu exchange lor o'd notes at the rate of 2 d*ilara of the new i ;r " -f ‘L .-)ld L^sacs, whether paid old notc.s he surrc.'iiJ'T i for exel^.ijre bv the holders thereof, or te receiv.,d into the Treasury under fhe pijTvsiona ut this ac^ snd he holders of the new note.^ .jr the ,,;ri r,otts, .xcayt I'aoee of the valne ot' Jie tux in kind deli v'i«red therefrom, acn?^. . ation ; «1 , af.er t.'. ;y ure re'inccd to 1 as assch.'^ed under the law imposing it, and > -« on ii.oar v tV.A Government: Prorided, That nt» credit shall be allowed beyond per cent. II. ^)n the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, 10 per cent. III. Tl le value of property taxed under this section shall be asseesed on the basis of the market value of the same, or similar pro- perty in tbe ntM^hborho->d wherea.ssessed, in on 1,1*:- ii.-oar ' y the tax aioret>aid, may convert the- aiU rertiScatf»i hearincr in- f'.'ri -.t' 0? I TV5i»cer.!. {.?r aojiurn, ard I r-.- y, fi r a r-itificiai n of a treaty i t>t peace with th. rnited Stat^, unl«,-i sooner i ojnverted into new n Sep. 6 That to pay the >-xpeD-'\s of the Gov- •.>rnmerjt not orhervfist provided for, the ?f'oi«?tary of the Trea-i'iry is her.iby authoriBcd to issne « pt-*r cen* boL Js to an aniiunt not ^x»?edinsc five hundrrd milhoa.s, .i dollart,, the prin »pal and in- . An Aci t/) ^luspcnd theprivU.ege of tht Writ of Tlahens Corpus in certain iXLaes. Whereas, the Constitution of the Confed erate States of America ])rovides in Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that “the privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be sus}>ended unless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re quire it;’' and whereas, the power of sus pending the privilege of said writ as recog nized in said Article 1, is vested solelv in IX. Of conspiracies, or attempts to liber ate prisoners of war held by tbe Confederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the euemy. » Xn. Of unlawfull}’' burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele- grapfiie line of communication, or property’, with tlie intent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of treasr>T>ahle designs to im]>air the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arfns, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workdhoj>s, or otjier property of the Confederate States. Sec, ii. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the canes of all })ersons so arrested, or detained, in order tliat they may be discharged if itnproperly detaineti, unless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the su-ipension afore said, no milifary or otlier omcur shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habejis c*orpus, to aj)j>ear in person, f>r to retnrn the bod}’ of any ]*ei*son or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, i»e- cretary of War, or the General ofHccr com manding the Tcans-Mississippi department; but upon the certificate, uudor oath, of tho aHio»»r iiAviny char;;e of any one so detained, :iat siKtn |)erson is uemineU 03’ turn as 1 prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspentled so long as this act sliall continue m force. Sec. 4. T'liis act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. THE MILlTAP.y BILL. Section 1. That iVom an.l after the passage of tfiis act all white men, reaidentti of the Confedei'ate ^5fatea, between the ago.-* ot' 17 and 5U, shall be in the military service of the Confeileiate States f'oi tiie war. Sec. 'J. rhat h11 the persons afoietirtid, be tWeen the ageti Of IS and 45, no\y in service, | this section, shall upon being duly convicted shall Ihj letained during the present wai‘ I thereof, be discharged from the service. VMth the L. S., in.the Sjime reyiments. brtt- Sec. 1*. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall l>e exempted except the following; 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of Wai’. ^ . 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the members and officers yf Ct>ngress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Governor of the re shall be liable to be plaeed Jn service in t^^ fie^d for the war, as if he were between a^s of 18 and 45. Sec. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in the'Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empl >yees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who jire within the ages of ,18 and 45 years, aud who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform'active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specityiiig whicli, aud when these persons shall have beeu assigned to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their j>erform- ance sneh bodies of troo])s, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, iis may be nee«led for the discharire of such duties: Provided, that persons between the age»4 of 17 and 18 shall bo aRsigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so consiruod as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or j>or- sons /!*f scientific skill, to perforni indis|>en sable duties in the departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. (♦. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As- sistjiiit Coiiiinisisary, (otlier than those serv ing with l)rigadcs or regiments in the field,) or ottJ>-ore in the Ordnance BureaU. or .Vavy Agents, or I*rovost Marshal, or othc-er in the ci^nscriiit service, who shall hereafter emj>loy or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectioii *>f this act, in violation of the provisions hereof', shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be’cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such otticer lots violated this ]>ro- visioti, immeiJiately to relievo such oflicer from duty; and &aid commandei’s shall take •j^rompt meariunfS to have liim tried for such otfenw; ani any commander as afort^aid failing to perform the tluties enjoined by letained during the preheat war I thereof, be discharged from the servi L. S., in.the s;ime regiments, bat- Sec. 1*. That all laws granting e tauoiis aud companies, to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov- eruuient of the army; Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against ihoir consent, expr«BMid at the time, with regiments or battalioiw from another State, shall have the privili^e of t>eing transferred to organizations of troops, i^i the same arm of file service, from the States in which said Companies were raised; and tlie soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, skill i,o all..w«J ,t the.v^iie it, h trat.rfer | U. i t.e,w»en 45 aud 50 years of Me, ur tVui,, tl,. to ojjranizations fiom their own States, iii o Kvery minibter of reli^^ion authorized to j urmy in the field, in all cases where, in his })reach according to the rules of his church, {judgment, justice, equity and iiecessity re aud who, at the passage of this act, shall be i (piire such details, and he may revoke such provisions, to be delivered by sucli per?..,,, a« aforeflilid at equivalent r;*roH. 3. Sucfi person shall furtlier bind hiius*,.,. fo sell the marketable surplus of provioj,,,,, and grain now on hand, and which he ina, raise from year to year while liis exeuipti,,; continues, to the Government or to iJje tku^ ilies of soldieis, at prices fixed by the (j.juj missioners of the State under the iniprc-b.- ment act: Provided, that .any persijn enipted aforesaid, shall be eutitle.l t,j ^ cre«iit of 25 per cent, on any amount of mea- winch he may deliver within three uio:iti]» from the ))assage of this act: Proviijed lu; ther, that persons ct>ming witkiu the : sions of this exemption shall not he depriv*-.j of the benefit thereof by reason of havirj., been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 4. In addition to the foregt»ing exeiup tions, the Secretary of War,‘under the i: rection of the President, may exempt ..j'ri,* tail such other jn'raons as he may be SHtis- fied ought to be o*tempted on accjunu public necessity, and to insure the }»r.diH tiyii of grain and other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers. Fie mHv. also, grant exemptions or det^iils, on sucli terms sis he may prescril>e, to such over seers, farmers or plar^ters as he may he gat isfied will be more useful to the country ni the pursuits of agriculture than in the miii tary service; Provided, that such exemptiot, shall cease whenever the farmer, planter overseer shall fail diligent!}’ to employ it. f?ood faith, his own skill, oapital and labo: exclusively in the production of grain arid provisions, to be sold to the Government auij the families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixe«l at the time for like artidcs by the Commissioners of the State undtj the imi>ressmertt act, 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and su|>erintendent of any railroad coiflpai,v bi, gaged in transportation for the G^jveruiijciit. and such officei'S and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certits on oath to l>e indisponsable to the etiiciern ojteration of said railroad: Pftvided, that the number of persons so exempted by ttua act on any railroad shall not exceed one pur Son for each mile of such road in actiuil iise for military transpoi'tation; and said exeinjjt. shall be reported ijy name and descripiioii, witli the names of any who have left tue employment of said company, or who luav cease lo be indispensable. ti. That nothing herein contained siiaii l>e construed as repealing tlie act appr^vad April the 14th 1863, entitled au act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails ot the Confederate States, and the drivei-s ot post coaciies and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, tbat all the exemptions granted under this act shall only continne whilst the per&^)U8 exempted are actually eny^aged in their respective pursuits or oc- cupations. *Sec. 11. Tliat Uhj President be, and he is spective States, may certity to be necesbary [ hereby, authorized to grant details, under for tho proper administration ot the Con- j general rules and regulations to be issued federate or State Governments, as the case j from the War Department, either of persotis which shall be exported from, the Co&lederate State?, aud the net proceeds of h« im|K>rtf duties now laid, or so much thereof aa may bo neochsary to pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pledged; I rou 'dcd, that the duties now laid on imports are bere% pledged and shall hereaf ter bte paid In specie, or in sterling exchange, or in coupons of paid bonds. Sec. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorfied, from time to time, as tbe wants of the Treasury may require it, to sell or hypothecate for Treasury notes said bonds, or any part thereof, upon tho best tcrm.^ he can, so as to meet appropriations by Congress, and at the same time reduce and restrict the amount of the circu lation in T’-eaaury notes within reasonable and sate limits Sec. 8. The bonds authorized by the Gth sec tion of this act may bo either registered or cou pon bonds, aa the pardes taking them may elect; and they may be exchanged for each other under such rejrurationa as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. They shall ho for SlOO, and shall together with the coupons thereto attached, be iu I such form and of such authentication .■« the Sec retary of the Treasury mav prescribe; the interest shall bo payable half yearly on the tirst of Jau’y and July io each year; the principal shall be pay able not le.'if. than iiO years from their date. Sbti. 9. ah oaU certificates shall be fundable, and shall b; t-jxed iu all respects as iw provided for the IVctfury notes into which they are con vertible. if converted before the time fixed for taxing the Treasury notes, .such certificates shall from that time bear interest upon only ti6^ cents for every dollar promised upon their face, and shall be redeemable in new Treasury notes at that rate; but after the passage of this act no call t A M.. 1 _1! I • • y, - * • certificrites : liall bo issued until aftf-r the firatdav of Aprii, IStU. ’ ^ SKr 10. '^tiat if any bartk of deposit ahall pive Its depof-uor.4 tfia bonds authorieed by the first Bocticn ct-t'.is HCt, in exohao'e for their deponitfl ifid specifyinjp tde same on the bonds by some IS incti'To tnari or token, to be agreed upon with the Secre^a-y oi the Tretxsury, then the Wid de- posi r ,«ina ^cnti},?''d to rroioro the amount of "ury not''!;, b-'^-.rin? no Jntcr-^st •' 'hi? aot: - - I .before • • n; ijt r.„ said boi ds i i ■lid tr u/ /f / pr:v ' ip 1 . M V. .. provxJc.- Viv. >f g' -v-ont f and tobacco so }>urchiu.ed, :shall be assessed at the price actually paid for the same by the owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all bhares or inter ests held in any bank, banking company or association, canal, navigation, importing, exporting, insurance, manufacturing, tele graph, express, railroad, nnd dry-iock com panies, and*all other .joint Bt>ck companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not. o per cent. The value of property taxed under this section shall be assessed upon the basis of tlie market value of such property in the neigh"borhood where assessed, in such cur rency us may be in general use there, in the purchaiwi and Rakj of Bucfi pioportjr. at the time of assessment. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, whether held by the i»anks or other coyjo- ratiojis or individuals, 5 per cent.; and npon ■ill monevs held abroad, or upon the amount of all bills ot exchange, drav/n tlierefor on foreign countries, a tax r>f 5 per ceut.; such ta.x. upon money abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at tlie place whore die tax is paid. II. Upon the amount of all solvent cre- d|t.s, and of all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive of non interest hearing Confederate trea-sury notes, and not employed in a registered business, the income derived from vvliich is taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Ujw)n profits made in trade aud business, as follow.^: I. On all profits made by buying and sell ing g^)iritoud liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacoti, pork, hog.s, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leatfier, horses, nniles, b(X»ts, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harriesg, coal, iron, steel or nails, at auy time be tween the Ist of January 1863, and the 1st Oi January 186.5, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits an income under tlie.“ let to lay faxes for the comrnou defenc«, uspen writ in the exi.afing case of the invasion of these States by the armies of the United States; and whereas, the President has asked for the suspension of the writ of hal>ea8 cor pus, and informed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the suspension of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion and insnrrection; now, therefore, ’ The C«mgres8 of ihe Confederate States of America do enact, Tliat during the present invasion ot the Confederate States, the priv ilege of the writ of habeas corpus be, and the same is hereby, suspended; but such sus pension shall apply only to tiie cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of the pu' '• c jtjfir>ijr I •'Uid carry on the ^4overn imut of the Oon- '0 d««», ,u, io 'eraie '^tates,” approved April 24, 1863. er the, II. On ail protits made by buving aud aut thr'first of Jnlv u uy uuying auQ thev *5^ aebta, credits, or obligations ot ftny kmd, and any mdrchaqdize, propw* PmideiU^Secre^v of W^tf. or the General Ufhcer commanding the Trans-Mississippi. Military Department, by the authority and under the control of the President. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress iu the passage of this act is to provide more eflectually for the public safefy by suspending the writ of habeas corpus in the following cases and no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable efi'jrts combinations to subvert the government of tho Confederate States. II. Ot conspiracies to overthrow th_ ernment, or consoiracies to resist the lawful authority 5f the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist the enemy or of communicatiu^ intelligence to the ene“my or giving him aid and cotufort. IV. Ot couspiraci^, preparations and at- tempts to incite servile insurrection . desertions or encouraging deser tions, of harboring dei;erter8, and of attempts to avoid military service; Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and op])ression by any subordtn officer upon any party who does not, v owe military service, his oupcnor officer -iall grant prompt relief to ^'le oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be d’.sinissed from office. • ' VI. Ot spies and other emissaries of the enemy. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter course kvith the enemy, without necessity, and Without the permission of the Oonfe(£^ rate States. VUL Of unlawful trading with the ene my, and other offences against the laws of the sanu: arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six m»nths from the tii-st day of April ne.xt, a bonntv of $ lOf r ill ni N |.r-i ««-i i). to wt't > I tieil ( ln>ntj, which the Secretary of Hie Treasurv is here by authoi’ized to issue, shall be paid to eve ry !)on-C'»mmissioned ofiicer, musician afid private who shall then be in scrvice, or in the^evefit of his’death previous to the peri(»d of such }*ayment, then to the person or per- sjfis who would be entitled ti.» receive bv law the arrearages of liis pay; but no one shall be entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six moutns next after the said first day of April, be absent from his command without leave! Sec. 4. Tiiat no person shall be relieved frotn the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army where no disability now exists; nor Bhall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason thereof: Provided, that no poi-son, heretofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be required to render military service untfer thiB act. regularly employed in the discharge of his orders of details whenever lie thinks j)ropt;r intnfstcrjal duties, superintendents and pliy’- i*rovitied, tliat the pt>we?' herein granted t. sicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb the President to lyake details and exemp Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the a»^9s of 17 and IS and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times and places, atic under such regulations, as the ■'President luay prescribe, the rime allowed not hein;, less than 30 days for those ejist, and 60 days for those w*est ot the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him- 8elt, without a reasonable excuse therefor to be judged of by the President, shall be placed iu service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be tween the ages .>f 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall dofeuce and Getail duty,_aiid shall iu»t be required to perform si.*rvice out of the State in which they reside. bee. 0. 1 jiat all persons re|uired bv the 5th section of this act to enroll tliemselvos, may within 30 davs after tiie j>assage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 6u days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, aud elect their own otiicers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organizeil, to tender their services as volunteer.-i during'’ the war to the President; and if such orgati- izatious shall furnish jiroper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, which shall bo equivalent to enrollment they may be accepted as minute men for service iu such Suite, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, be required to assemble at convenient pla ces ot rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be proscribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; aud all troops organized uuder this act for State defepce, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troopa now in the field. Sec. 7. That auy person who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required the Confederate States, enacted to promottl ^7 authority of the President, without their suooeM in the war. 1 a anffioieat excuse, to be judged oi hj him^ and blind and of the insane; one editor for each newspa|)or being published at the time of this act, aud such employees as said edi tor may certify, on i>ath, to be indispensaMe to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen print ers as the said public prifiter shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1.S62, and has continued said • business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and rejjyilar pnicticc of their profes sion, but' the term physician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological fehiinaries, acade mies and schools, who hjive been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: l*rovided> that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com- po.sed of 20 stildents or more. AU superin tendents of public hospitals, established by iaw l>efore the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses theiein as such su- perintendents'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the j>roper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands,-between the f^es of 16 and 50, uuon th^ following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be grauted in cases in which there is no white male adult on tbe farm or planta.tion not liable to military service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Ji\n’y 1864, either the own^‘ afid manager or overseer of said plantation, but in uo case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall tirst execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in' such form, and with ‘such security, and in sudv penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned tliat he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may bo designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensning, 100 pounds of bacon, or, at the election of the Govern ment, its equivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices nxed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act; Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been iifipossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall direct a .oominatatioa of the same, to the ojcteat oftwo*Uurdi th^oof in grain or othor i exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretai y of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per sotial services of such contractor are iudia- pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided further, that when any such cou tractor shall fail, diligently aud faithfully, to proceed with the execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the satne shall be appointed frooi the county or enrolling district in which they are rei,uired to make such examination. Post Oflloej Fayetteyille, N. C.,) October 3, 1863. ) Sckfdhle of the Arrival and Departure of the MaUt 0t thu Office. RALEIGH vift AVERA8B0R0’, &o. Arrivea daily, except Sunday, at P. M. Dspartd duly, except Saturday at 6 P. M. RALEIGH via 8DMMEKVILLE. l^partt! Tuesd*y and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Wednesday and Sundaj at 9 P. M. WARSAW via CLINTON. .Arrives daily at 1:2 noon Departs daily at 1^ P. M. CARTHAGE Arrives Tuesday, Tburaday and Saturday at 7 P. M Departs Moaday, Wednesday aad Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, S. C. Arrives Ta*sday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 P. M Departs Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. F.41R BLUFF via LUMBERTON. ArrlTea Tuesday, Thursday aad Saturday at 6 A. M. Departs Suaday, Tuesday and Thursday %t 1 P. M , ROBESON’S via ELIZ.\BETHTOWN. Depc^a Monday, Wednesdaj and Friday at 6 .M, Arrives Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday at 2 P M ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH Arrives Monday at 6 P M. Depart.^ same 4j^y'(Moudaj) at 8 P. M. .MAGNOLIA TiaCY'PRESS CREEK Arrires Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs s.aoie day (Taesday) at 2^ P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE. COVINGn>N ana PDWELLTON .\rrivea Tuesday at tf P. M Departs Wednesday at 11 A M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROV. Arrives Tuesday at K P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A M. All mailti leavia oafor^ 7^ A M . are closed the even •nn l)eforc at 9 P. vf AM ieUirs to be sent off from this clBae, other tb*n by mail, loasl be paid for aa If sent by mail 'U drop letters shouM be pre-paid by 2 oeut stamps Tbe office will be opi*n on Sunday from to 9* A M , aod from 4J to 5^ P. M. JAS G COOK, P M. TBE OIXIE: PRI»eR, the L!t’.!f Fo'trt 'arllter supply at wBOl«»aU •* '- ~ : -f * T' » '’OW THE iirORTH C>%^ROE.l]«A flurriL uric issdbanck covriNr, NOW Ib the tenth year of suooesaful operation, wiih growing oapital and firmer hold upon publio oon- fidenc«, continues to iusuro the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—^1 life members sharing in the profits AU slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insu^ fbr one year or for tve years for two thirds their valne. ■All losses are pu^oally paid within 90 days after sati»fi*etory proof is presented. For further information the pnbli'' is referred to A.|^nts of the Company in all parts a.' /^he State, and to &. H. BATTLE, Seoretary, Raleigh. fi. J. HALB, A^nt at Jm’jt 18M. fayyUnllt,.J. C ttlaok W^urraqtflmlA for tbii Office VOl PRINTED RDWA EDIT Prije for the 8e advance. Por the Weekly advance. ttr“ADVERT: of 16 lines for ti ceeding publicati half square (eigh for eash succeed! t)uested to state t ■ hey will be conti -ngiy. Advertise Dients vertisemeuin. From un « I will be eni«re»i tbe paper be sent rhan is paid for. Such of oir old per on this system remittances. irvtf. Att Fa WILL attend ti Cumberland, tijp. Promi>i alaims entrusted t i>ct. 17, 186^. GEO. W. %Vholet«ale AND IMF Hardware an HAY s July 2, 1861 J o Urocer and FAYl Jan’y 10. 18r,g ■ O WOUTH. WOJ Commissloa an 1 WIL Oct. 16, 1863. THUS. J. General Conimiss WIl I^ROMPT attentio A our hands. Oo T. J. JOHNSON, of Fayetteville, Jan’jr 8. 2,500 Persons having the highest Cash pr at the Merchant Mi hor at his old stand Nov. 6. lSti2. AR-H I AM prepared to Harness for Arn five good bargain-*, orders to me as th(>; lieut of in quick dis Goldston P. 0., 0 Ihn. ii) Oct. 16. 1 on ®OXES VI' X«7U for gale on May 28. rayettcville, or at FeVy 16. isai Waut WESTERN RAI] Bank Notes; Geld and Silvc Nortli Oarolini Oouniy of Cun Town of ('ayet GreeosKoro’ ti Confederate 7 Coupons of $1 ui' XO' of Old Oct. JVJ, J8«3- O! Lead w.^nted Department P tities iriil please ap| POWDER for I'J pot 69-tf Palma The subseriber #i •n; quantity of Ff.TsttsviD«. (>«L I WILL pay the of good COW HOI Cows; also, BRIAR ie lao. Fayetteville, Fob’ rhe sociatioi eomtort of oar brav the oounty and towi Peas, Potatoes, Drie lo be packed in box. the Army ¥y Dr Wai loh, ^-^ident of CiilOTCM ai I desire to purcl Gloves and 10,C he thankfully reoeiv