•r Uiuii liinj«eii !> -,i pruvi,iio,,^ \t!iii;!i hy iiia\ in.-' exiimptiut. t or Uie tain- '*i l)V tllti Ooiil- r the iinjjreat;- IIV pdrsoii cx L* ctititle.l Tu H nil Mint ot tltoa! I tlireu laoiitlifc rrovideu !'ur Tk .H Thf j»ryv i II.jf he i' M "!‘ liavino ly t>l' Ftib. lSf>4 oxetii(> . the .ii- V exi'tnjjt or*tie i.‘ mav be satis- «>u rtec'umt »>t lilt* the prnJuc jvisions I'or t-he liiei's. Fie Tuar, vlt?tu’U, oil aucii i, ?uch over- i lie may he s-at u thti count! V in :hun in the mili- su.^l'i exemption ^niiv-'r. j'hinter (>4; rly ! einolov in apifal Jiiiu lufXM on irr;;iii anii IrovernineiJt ajid not exceed t'. >r jiiie articles the State under rer, auditor and jad ••oinpany ^n he (i*jveruuient, L»yet.‘5 thereof a& ient shall certit'v ! to the etiicieni : iVjvicied, that XOnipted by thid t exceed one per >ad in actual uae ind said ex«nij»tB and dttJicriptiun, 10 h:i\’e lel't tiia iny, or wiiu luav containeil ^lalt he ac-t appr^vad tid an act to ex- in^ the mails ot i tfie drivei-s ot jni military ser- the exemptions dl only continue L‘d are actually > })urrfuits or oc- lenl be, and he iij n\. detaiU, under ■>n3 to be issued , either of persons f aj»e, or t’roju the Uieo where, in his and jie‘‘C!>;^ity re may revoke such ne ■ ulnkd j)roper; hereu cnitited to itaiio and eJtump- )d to authorize the jiy contractor tor kind to the Gov- d contract, unless e department ma- iriify that the per- Itractor are iudia- of euid contract: jen ai y such con- y and faithfully, tion of such con- Uil biiall cease, liu" local board* lation of persons 30 member com- >pointed from the :t ii which they exau.InHtion. teville, N. C.,) i 1863. ; trt of th* Mail* • thu BORt *, sc 4i P M A 6 P. M. [RVILLE. A. M. •t 9 P M ITON. S^lunlay lit 7 P M. Friday *» 1 P. VI Ba,iur\l(i>y W «> P. M. Iburiiday M 1 P M. BERTON Saturday m A. M buri4ii4y u 1 P >f BTHTuWN. I Fridt»7 at ti A .M. atunlay at 2 P M rREBINTH P M ti CKKtK M 3t»VlVtJloN and tROV lari closed itx e»en br .seat oti from be paid for a? if pld be pre paid by from hj to A P M. ll.HKR. ppply at wool*^»U • » • lijK LOI.l.lTA tOtfPANf, il operation, wiib upuQ public oon- |of all healthy p«r- »e year, for sevea ring in the profits ar^ iObured fbr their ralue. kin 5#0 dayi after I*' tB referred lo l^ha Utate, and to *r?, Raleigh. \^ent at c _ I 7 fin S E MI-W IB K R L, Y. VOL. XIII.] FAYUTTEVIIXE, N. C.. APRIL 7, 1864. [NO. 1321.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS POWIRO J. HALE & SONS. EDITORS AND -PROPRTETORS. Prise for the Semi-Weekly OBsnnvan $10 00, paid in advance. i f'or the Weekly OBtBBvan 56 00 per annum, paid in advance. I ier*ADVERTI8EMENTS inserted for *2 por B )uare j ■vf 16 linefl f«r the first, and one dollar for each sno- ceeding publication. Advertinements not exceeding a half-square (eight lines) SI for the first and fiO cents i for eash suoceeding publication. AdTertisera are re- | v^uested to state the number of insertions deaired, or j ;hey will be oontlnned till forbid, and charged accord- } AdTertiscnients oontiuued in$id*, charged a« new ad- i vertisements. I Mt. Vernoii Female SeBinary* fpHE 2d .SeseioQ will commence the 15th of FEB- 1 RUARY and continue 20 WMsks. Tuition in English Br.'inohes (60 00 “ “ Music and Painting, (each.) 40 00 •'^oUool Room expenses 3 00 Re». WM. HOOPER, 1 T. C- HOOPER, / .>ddresrt St. Lawrence P 0-, Chatham county. Jan’y 12. 97-Hw BOAHR. From the ist 6f April our price tor hoard will ba J150 per raonthin f!onf«der*t(» Bon.Is, or if paid in PxoTieions at the following rates ne>' month: 150 Ibv. Flour, 10 bushele Corn, or 40 lbs Bacon or La'd. Rev. WM HOOPER. T. C. HOOPER Feb’y 8. 6-2m w SPECIAL NOTICE. Prom aB 1 a^tvr this date, no name of a n«w subscriber ' will be entered without payment in advanoe, nor will the paper be sent to such subsi'rihers fur a longer time I tiaa is paid for. ! Such of our old subscribers as desire lo take the pa- ' per on this system will please notify ns when making j remittanoes. Jan’y 1, 1858. •tvw. JfMcE,. i Attorney at Law, Faykttevill*, N. C. ( '^ILL attend the County and Superior Courts of j Cumberland, Harnett, Moore aivi Robeson Coun- ■ tijs. Prompt attention ooUcotion of all i slainui entrusted to his handn. Oct. 17, 1859. 58-tf j *^b. W. WILLl.^MS & C()„ 1 Wholesale Dealers in wrocerieM, > AND IMP0RTSR8 AND DKALKR8 IN ! Hardware and Cotlerj) Swe|lfs Iron, | HAT BTRKKi, f IIKTTKTILLK, N. C. | July 2, 1861. 86tf j JOi^. UTLEY, Cfroc«r ami C/'ommiMi«n JVerchant, ; FAYETTEVILLE, N. C Jan’y 10, 186«. »3-tf j 1. 0. WOBTH. D. O WnBTH K. Q- 1>AR1SL | WORTH & CO„ CoouniflSioQ and Forwarding SleroliaDtfl, I n‘*ater Street, WILMINGTON, N C Oct. 16, 1863. 7;ili:m THUS. J. JOHBfSO]«,'jr., A €o7, ~ (ifneral Commission & jForwardin^ Merchants, 45 .^orth VTater Street, WILMINGTON, N. C- pROMPT attention given to all business astrusted to 1 our haada. CoUiigBments solicited. T. J. JOHNSON, Jr., ‘ ro-^v- of Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 8- WA^TM. LIST or CH1K6ES POR PISSEMERS. fpHE following rates of P.^sagc will be charged on 1 oar Steamorijs— Dowjir. From Fayetteville to Wilminstton, >30 00 “ Slitaheth, IS 00 “ Whito Hall. 20 00 “ Kelli-’B Cove, 21 00 “ “ .\’.l points bfiow, >?0 00 SKC»)Nn CLASS, Oft DBOi*. FYom Ka.y«»feville to Wilmiugtuu, $10 00 • • “ “ Elizabeth, 6 00 Wbitehi^ll, 7 00 “ Kelly’s Cove, 8 00 ! “ “ “ All points below, 10 001 UP. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $30 00 | “ “ •« Kelly’s Covp, 18 50 ; White Hall. IB 50 ' •* •• Elisabeth, • 2t) 00 | “ " “ Prospect Hall, 24 00 ■, • •• «• All points abov? 30 00 SECOND CIJ^88, OR I.KCK.. From Wilmington to Fayetteville, $10 00 “ “ “ Kelly’s Cove, 6 00 *• “ While Hall, 9 00 “ “ *' All pointe above, 10 00 n^Second vJIasa or Deck Passengers must stay on lowsr deck or pay full price, or same as Firpt Claas. I^^Aq extra cbarga will be made fer Way Parpen- gers gening into Berths during 1ay time, and for occu pying a Berth with their boots or ihoe? on, at the dis cretion of the Captain. J. A. WORTH, for C. F. St’m B’t Co., R. M ORRELL, for St’rs Kate and Sun., T. S. LUTTERLOH. Feb’y 23, 1864. 9-tf COXrKDKRATK 8TATK8 OF AJIBBIVA, ) En11NB»H DilPARTMIiNT, DlST. CaPK FkaB, > .V¥i!miugt>ti, N. C!, ^laroh Itith, ltW8. j Notice is liereby Jen tf> ti! ,)T!4v..n8 fc-iviuj; oiaiuw againnt tho £t>giu)er D'-parta^eni, 'jr services of I slaves employed as iaborers ou th * land defmeet nif-ir I Wilmington, N 0 , that the uudarsiyi. > it, aistharisud atid prepared lo p«y ihe i;.iiae ai ais on the se cond floor of rh»! buildin« next above Maaros’ Drug Store, Market Street. * ifiP^ Persons exeoutiu; Power«i of AU.orney w'li "b- * serffe iho following iorm—iiivtr signatures, in fill oa^ce. : la be witnessitd by two wi'uesses aud sigued iu dup'-i- I oae, or they may bv. before 4 Jitatioe of the ' Poace or Clerk -)f . ny Cc'ir* FORM OF POWER OF ^TfORNEV. 1, of , .do hcruby appoint of , ruy * true and lawful Ai;ent to sign receipts 'for, and r .-ceivf ^ payment of all m‘.;ney3 duj to me by *Lc &igis«rr De- , partTnent of tho Confederate States of Auienea, .^or ii»e ^ services of my slavM r-mployed as laborois tlm isnJ I defences at , durinjt tbe month of ——IH6 I Witness my hand and neal at , the c:aj of , , 188 (Signed in dupiip-ito.) • j^Meal ] . Wituesces, Knrolliiig Office, FayetteTllie, M*rch 1M4. I fpHE ioiijvnrg app-'intmi'U’*^ t r examinatioMS and ou- 1 roll. io *;u»!i^'-rlHDO C). io contermity to 1»‘* po'ioe Liuiift. Eu Off 4lii Cou Die , »re puV 1.9i5ei, (ont »t, r • lUt., he no miaappvtbensien oo^'isi'ined ’■•y r^ceut t Xo factlitAlo hu»inesF ot the ■■ffiot* well 18 i.t uODwuli cn'nvciiicnce of partibs oon- oera»-(i, oniy c;n«-third of a Reg’t need assemhlv.- on the .•iioe d;»y. C(imni!tndiug offioirs o« MiUtia will ••rsu-'e ->i»trict Comp&nii-9 oi their resp.^o!iv«* Reg’tw to i»pi-»?ar fc> itii*' Offiov OS frlloWH: b'6d Rtgiment (»« April 11th—Ulvjk River, Hilvcr ttua, and F«a Hill Districts. \prii 12t'j—Cedar Creek, Lack’s Creek Districts April 18th —Cross Cr»vk Dstrio, (including voUint‘?er comp'j.nit^'S.) 54/A Regiment Aix-il 14'h—T:^wii ar..1 O'r^fcr’a Oresk Di.nmctS. April 15*'-—‘\}rsky'H Ort“i>k, ^ad Rooi^fiiih Districls. .\pril 16ih—71-it, ind Qnwhi&ia Dn^rriots. Ev-.r .1 jtr be;T-.-.jB Ih 45 »ho brtalhet within the iimite of CumheriM'ia Co. mu;t be acoouiited for, and pro-admo»)itio»j i® h-'i'i by ^irp.n that lists of U1 txempt- i-i or detailed :c »'icb liisfrict will be made ous ai;d ■?'il Drau?hon. nt-im’g H G . instruoied to ctuise (near- rest, a,s reciip.'iuS. oonaoi-ipui of t»ii between said ages whoae uaiaes i?o -lot afpea:- therj,on W C RENCHER, i LIIBRlCATime OIL. 1’KE u!i'ii rHi«n®d is now prcnared to furnish tv *h« i pir |;is H v>Ty eupe^f’T hrtio1« of LUBRICATINO I OIL, etpeeially for Cottcu and WooUn Faetoriet : cls’m ihtii iMs Oil do*>8 not gum, and may be ritn at j grt ater speed ^ith less power than sny othwOil exutpt I iSprrrj. i Mr W H Pi-ner, Superintendent of Pboaniz Cotton PfuTM'j of it: “I faavo been using your Lubricat.- i-g Oil for 2 cr 3 nionthe, and find if to be superior to any other Oi' row in ui>e for lubricating.” r Joiiu Kt rabaw, Sup’t of Blount's Creek Factory, e*y?: *‘I c'-n oiieerfully say your Lubricating Oil is a superior arti?ie. It not gum in the least, bu keeps joarnaH olf>ar i®d brignt ” Mr A F Becker li'c, Cfc’ef Engineer of the C 8 Arve- nal and Arr'‘'ry of 'his pKoe, was rpqaosted to try *t ar.’f» s*vp; “I think for lieht machinery—«uch as Cotton Paotorie.=i—aud for heavy machinery when the motion iswlow, your LnbrioRtuigOil will compare next in qual ! i'v tn SnArm ” it and pro i'y to Sp^rm I O'kcr cotton manufaoturnrs have tried > noanceii favorably of it. j We wi!l fumirh this Oil by the barrel at $20 per gal- * Ion. cash HENEY E. COLTON. ' Agent Fay«MeTiIl« Rerosine Co. ; April 4, 1864 20-tf Coniicrrpt OIBce, 1 RaleiqH, N C., April 2,18M J The annexed Circular from the Bureau of Con- eoription, directing the exeoutioQ of tbela*® A«»- of Oongrcse known as the “Military Bill," »» pub- litthed for fhe information of all oonccrned. By order of the Ccmniandant, E. J. HARDIN, Auj't. OF conscription, I 'PI.. V* vv!orru nnuuiu ms wiiucflseu I hy fhree witaefiii&a Thera must ba sep-.ra^e .tuplicatf. Powers of A'toroey I for each month. Blnk forms cau be had npon appM- I cation at tnis office. W II JAMES, Oapt, & CbUf Eog. I Jan’y 20, 1864 1300tf FsyetteTllle Arsenal and Armory,) Nov. 12. 1868. f $100 BOUi\T¥. Hlnnt€(i, too iflountedL ilMetnen, Authority having been granted by the War De- j partment to raise a Oooipany of Mouatod Riflemen | for service in this vicinity, n&tice is hereby given that I recruits to the number of 1(X) non-eonseriptt will '.‘e i ceiv(;d for this service. Each recruit wiit be required j to fuinish a serviceable horse, tor whiuh iic will b« al- i lowed 40 cents y>er dium, and hid pay $12 per month. WritUn ptrmUtion wiil bo retjuired from par«nia or i guardians, wherj} the applican* i‘» und«r th« consirint i ago. Each reoruit munt oring witn him a ulaui>et or bed | spre«^, and uome prepared to r;:maiu. | Bridles, siuldles, halters and saddle blankets furnif^h- { ed by the Qpveramsnt, or if the r'cniit cimse provided with them, he will he paid f^r ttiem a fair valuation. | Apply to Capt .M.\TTHEW P. TAVLOR, at tbe Ar- R %VEHTERxir RAIL. ROAD. The freight and passenger trains of this s Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) I at 8 o’clock^ A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 ^ o’clock, P. M. • CattU aud Horne Tratn MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and | FRID.»y. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r and Oen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1868 97tf sensl 80tfV Msyor C. S L. CHiLD8, A. ooiui g Pofct. GRAB ROWS? Y, of P«tersburg, Va. 96 8mpd n »-AA BUSHELS WHEAT, AOUU 1,500“ CORN. Persons having the above ariielet to sell will receive lae highest Cash price by calling on Mr.ftl- Thomason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, *r on the snbacri- ner at his old stand on Market Square. « ALEX. JOHNSliN. Jr. Nov. 6. 1862. HAR.1^ES». 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Army use- I tan my leather a^ caa give good bargain-. Agents will do well to send their ordem to m® as th*y shall have prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Goldston P. 0., Chathim Co., C., 1 June 13, 1862. / ~aOO lbs. Gum Arabic for sale by J. R. LEE. Oct. 16. 69tf TOBACCO. 1 QA BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades, lyu for sale on consignment, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS * CO May 28. ^Itf ~ filler this date 1 will pay 15 Cents per pound for |rags, or _ the highest market prioe, delivered ia Fayetteville, or at my miila oa Rookftah. 0 MOBPHF PeVy 16, 1864 ~V^Mted to Purchase, WESTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver; North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable:) .. “ “ $1 and $2: • •• Bonds, old aci new. County of Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greensboro' SI and $2 Certificates, Confederate 7 and 8 per ccnt. Bondi^;; Coupons of $16,000,00o loan: *' of Towu and County bonJs;| “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. a. LUTTERLOH. Oct. 12, m3. "Itf OBUNA>€K »FARTMRXT. I Raleigh, N. C , May 8, 1864. j LFAD WANTED.—I wish to purchtjs*e Lead for this Department Personn having largo or small quan- titieTiSl please apply at once Will give 1 FK>und of POWDER for 10 pounds of IjEAU. ^ ^ ^ „ TH08 D HOGG, Capt. C. S. In charge of Ordnance. From and atter thl» date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on .Monday and Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. ! a^hevii^i.eT^. c. I T WILL open tho EAGLE HOTEL for the re- j X ception of Guests the first of Jane, and I hope I jlSiSlato be able to entertain f.'cm teventy-five to a I hundred persons during the Summer, i In connection with this large Hotel, I have a number I of Haoku, Carriajf, Buggies a«;d S»ddle Horses ih«.t mv auests cau eet at a minute’s notice. ' J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville, N. C. May 13,1868. 81-ypd WAWTM, tor the Hogpltal at Fort Haher. POULTRY, Chickens, Butter and other deRoaoies for the sick Soldiers at this Hospital. Persons having iheae articles can obtain the market price on applicar tion to the subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J W. Powers's on Hay Street, R. E. HEIDE, Gtn’l Ag’t. Aug. 26. 68-tf To Cotton Planters. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchase of Cotton for the Confelerate Government within the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for tho same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. ' Snb-Agente visiting the Jiffer«nt parts of the State, baying iu my name, will have written oertificat«s of appcintaaeni. ’ By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coilon purchased by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds «r Cash, and not 8 per cect. Bonds as stated tn a former advertiuemcnt. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cect. bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic «itl«ens ani now ofiared an opportunity to aid the Govemmunt by sol!iag to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalist*. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Maroh 24, 1863. fo. D.J 14tf Cotton ITarn for Wool. Notice is hereby given that after this date (except iu oaees where we have bargained for Wool accord- iag to the terms of our advertisement of the 30th of .^lay, which terms are now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Y^arn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed aud picked. This change is made at the instance of the Quartormaster at Raleigh, in order to make the terms of exchange uniform throughout tbe Slate. • GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO Fayetteville, Juuo 29, 1663. 41 tf Office Depot I\o. 19, ) ! ^’ayettkville. March 7, 18«)4. j M*ay your Tithes. PERSONS who ttivu not already paui their Titie Tax w 11 have until the 20ih dav of M ly lb64, to | deliver the ••^me 1 Am uow ready lo receive the Bacon j due unJer Ihe tithe law. Sir. pouEd« of cured bac-^u , /or every loO Iba pork Hlaughtered binse me 24cb of ' April 1863 is required Pa.-t’ca dtilivcrioR ih^ir tithe*! t at a distance of over ei^ht miles will be promptly paid i for excess of hauling J. M. WILLIA.M8, j 12fJO.VI] Ageut for Cumberland county, j . North I'arollna Volunteer Xavy €o., I TBB\£U^8a’s Orrici, Wilmingt'^n, N C., Marca 6,1864 I Books tor further bubscription to the Capital Stock I of this Company aro optued at this Offioe j All persons desirous of aidiitft in thu all imporla»i | mterprite can forward me their names by mail stating | the vmount they wish lo subscribe, and then send the cash by s?me trusty person, on receipt of which I will forward Certific>ite of Stock. Skar«s ^00 e-»oTi .Ml >i'l snbscrlVtrB t»j^t have not paid in their ■ubti'.riptious will pievso do so at the e:tr- liest moment. W. D. SMITH, Trofir’r. TO THE «ICK. EAD THE FOLLOWING;—Rev’d John W. Potter (N.">J ) s'lytt: “For twelve yeitrs 1 was a great sufferer. My liver was di^t^ased I lost my flesh and strength, and my skin seemed changed m its color by the bile witn which mv system wa-* overcharged. I became subject to .fre quent aud violont ~ii bilio'i'j oolio, every attack leaving me wtaker thau its predecessor. Tli.j physi cians h*i ba'^n able to ratoh me up a li'tle, but my Health was >n * dep loribie n'atc. 1 nad laSsen patpni medicin*« uutil I was tired of toem. ithout etieigy or comfori, I »as barely ahle to go about a iittle. _ .At length I yifideil to the earnest perfauasion of a friend sud'XJOmnieEcedl taklui; the HEPaTlC. PILLS, with no n >nfidenoe iu ll'eiii Tiny ac!fd like a charm on me From that hour 1 impro%>«d I have persevered in th«'ir i.^c, until uow, bj Oo :'b !)';> .shibk, I am v>eli ar^d htariy I tiad a aegro n»au wlso, i»s 1 oelifVc i, wsn 8av» a iroo; death hy .io«e of iiifne j'iil-i 'iy D .otor’s b.il aocually from #lOo $2)0 fu I bav. hd no is- for a phypiciau si'’ce f oau ooiifidei)'.i,v r‘Oororafud th-a as a superior f.vijily uieilicint* The injjredie'.t- of wuich ihe “SouTriEiiN niii-’.-Vi’- IC PILLS” »re Uiaile are so cos'ly an lo compel! he pi'ov rioior ■' ■ii ii.oia ai pro'-eut priocfl. wtiicu >'»: r t 'O r.;.T»iiaer^tivo .i-t wbru i’’t ur.is a, d I..“ i -i? Ful: directions aooomp u cach box Price a box F'^r »30 a 1.1 n hexes will be n«>ni prepaid. OKt.' w 1>EEM8, GoKtrOoro’, N. C. il arch 2ti, 1864. - ls-ytpi» To th*; Voters of Barnett County. 11HE undersiguo*!, a private in Co .A, 5th N C. Cav alry, having been Bolicited by some of his friends, ’■espectfutly announces himself to the soldiern and citi- ons o' n>*rnQtt oour.t^ aR a Candidate fur ttie Office of SHBiilFF at tac eleotion *«n th.-. first Tnursday in Au gust next. S.\MDEL D PIPKIN. March 21 . 17 24tpd Bank of xl^ortll Carolina. '■PO the .Stockai-liers of the Bank of North Caro’ina; 1 The Confederate^ Tax jq the indi*i ual sharen will be paid by tha Bink C DEWEY, Oafhier Micrch 26. EA(jLK i’DUNilEL-. O the manufaoture of CAR WHEELS, but owiTig lo the T'kilure of the supply of Iron of proper nature, we ^avc not lat**ly been able to supply any demand for them; this difficulty however, will be overcome in the course of six weeks, at whioh Hme we sha’l be able to furnish wheels of the following sixes—24, 26, 28 and 80 iDohes; also Chilled Tires. The Iron wa saall use for them will be Cold Blast Charcoal Iron, and we war rant our wheeln NOT TO (/RACK, and to be equal to any made in the Confedcr».cy, .‘r to those of Whitnoy ^ S'one of Philadelphlit,. whote reputation -S «iO well knawii by all Railroad companies. We are prepared to ereoute Loom, Dry Sand, and Qi’ipin Sand Work, of any ahs.pe or eixn. D. .^NUERSON A CO. Fayefpville. March 30. 1864 19tf 18 Im Headtittarteri Dept. Cape Fear, i ^ W)lc*iagton, N C.', March £2, 1864. j ■ Gcmebal OrnDBag, \ No 86 / COMMANDING oftcers are hereby ordered to report pr mptly to thess Headquarters all inst>fcncep on the -r) *f offi '*’•« in ib>ir commands overstaying lsi.ve of ■ me report wi;l be wade in each oat>e ut». the exp!"ation of the i^ave, and an additional ret"‘ii 1 I,,I.- ■. I. Tptnrn of tbe rfficer abseut stating the lct‘j,t.T • h^-> been ahs*nt wi'b.^ut leave I i’ ae -a' --;»tioti of all fficera in this comna .cd ii 1 !ri fu «hfrf tKu all officers absent wi hotst l->?To-tn>j I *1 -. iiut. (.nfficient ‘ud Hutisfactory v'xcuse arc i.: U'Je fo j f>i ir .pj'ed from tbe rolls and p'u into tne ranks. By oomn^And of Msj Gen Whitiso. VANDER I''nsr. ' 20 Iwl Mij i A. -■ To lolhct Arm* nnJ Ordnance Stures in ^orth Varnlina. PAV $4 00 per day, aud a hheral compensation for Stores ooUected, a4.oording to a fixed schodule- Applioanls muct fornfsh sa'is*’«Kj ory ‘-esiimoi.iH!8 of ex empt!on from Military scrfice, o’" oh.rio'er, and quali- &r»t OQs. Nont olhtrs nttd apply. A'idress F. E. 0 CARR, Gen’! Ag’t Col Ord Stores, CharloHeeviile, Va. Cbarlot'csville, Va , Miroh 26 20 4t 12 I9tpdl RAfwK! RAfii.Sn-The inte rior quality of the paper on which the Observer has been printed of late, aud which ia a great eye. sore to us, is owitsg to the want of a sufficient supply of g»oi rag!>, and the conoequent nec essity to resort to inferior materials. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all aco^ssible points, to save up and bring to town ail the rags they can procure. We have no time ourselves to attend to their purchase, but Messrs. Geo W. Williams .% Co , tbe Ageuts in this town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 16 cents per lb. for them. E J HALE & SONS. Fob’v 15 ■ . Mtf 69-tf Palma Cbristi Beans. The 8ub6«riber i»ill pay the highest cash prices for any quanaty of Palma Cbristi Bea^ns.^ WOETH F»v«tUvllla- 0#t. 8. 67 if WA.KTED. I WILL pay the highest Cash pric3. for any quantity 1 of iwd CO W HORNS, and LEG BON £S of Horses and Cowsfalao, BRIAR ROOT for ^^eS? Fayetteville, Feb’y 29. ll-17tpd The Cumberland Hospital As- lociation, always anrious to promote the •omt«t of our brave soldiers, calls upon the r friends in the county and town to send eomethiag. either B%ccn, Peas Potatoes, Driad Fruit, or anything they can spare, lo be’ paoked in boT.es by the 1st of April, to be sent to the Army ^y Dr Warren’s Agent Send to Mrs lot, ’•--«ident of the Association Feb -9. fiiloTes and Socks Wanted. 1 DESIRE to purchase for the soldiers 10,000 puri> f Gloves and 10,000 pairs ^f Sooks. DonatioitB will be thankfully reoeived. Jaa’y 11. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon Gen. N. 0. 09-«ai i^S^ypt Coal iVline. The undersignau were, at the November Term of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed M>knae«rs of the Egvnt Coal auu uave euteTeu inio ooparfnerahip Tor the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same iu any desired quantity. Orders for any amount oan be supplieu on short notice. The Coal from this pro perty is undoubtedly the b^st in the Confederate States Applications may be made to Chtw. B. Mallett, Fayette ville N. C., or J&tnes Browne, Charleaton. 8. C. CHAJILEB B. MALLETT JAMES 15R0WSE Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, I860. 96tf Piiysiclan’M Card. Dr D. A. CAMP’JELL (late of Marion, S. C.,) has removed to Fayetteville and takon an offioe on Bow street, where he may be found at all times, with an ample stock of Medicines, to answer Professional calls Satisfactory reference furnished, &c. Jan’y 2, 1864 ft4 8mpd Boxes, &c., for the Army. I WILL send a special messenger to the Army of Northern V^irginia on the first day of every mouth. All boxes, packages, &c., will be forwarded from my offioe free of charge. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon General N. C. Ralf-igh, JWy 15, 1B64. 99-8m Fayetteville Artenal and'Armory, i March 12, 1864. / The following regulations concerning the issue of ra tions are published for the information of owners of ‘ Nettroes hire I this Arsenal and Armory. Ne«roes who work six days in the week will receive rations for seven days. . * , » Negroes who lose tima will receive rations only for those days on T;h;oh they >»re present, unless fui-nished with a writitn oertifioate from a respectable ph/sician, that they were too sick to work. i4-lmj „ F. L. CHILDS, U- Col- Comd'g. j WAIVTED, i * iJITCATtON M SuT'erintendent or General Maita- 1 i\ (»i^er by a competent ai'»n'if«Tiurep of both Wool [•hdJ Gotten, who uas had 40 year'’ experience and is ' hfty-tnree years of age, a native of Man3'>*s'er, Eng j .i''also a Machinist ani Eagin .-er. Ariy o?j« '») j «»ai' of f>uch a m’-n pl?;kac adJr. so J r: B R N’irHOLS. Wilmingi^n.^N C . Maroh 2-2 17 9.p l Further Supplies of School Book^« OUR OWN spelling BOoK; Our own First Re-ider; j .. .. Pri;oary Aritbiaaiic; ! •' “ “ Gr»mtT>ar; “ “ E.etai'utary Oranamar; I •• •• Primer; : Bingham’s Latin G -irnin’r; Just received. E. J. HALE Si SONS. OLD CA«T lRO.\ WAlfTED T the Star Fouuiry, hy "I -V. R L March 1 n tf Turpentine Miifis Wauled. i^tate of .^orth t'.'irolina, MOOKE tjourv. Ci'urt of Pl^a? and Quarter Ses.sions, Jan’y Tti'm, 1864 Ann SiealtQao v» Wihism t teaJroi^n, and others. Petition io>- D wer IS this oaf*e tipon mi»ti''P, i is ordered by the Court, thiit piiMio'k'ion be n’a'lc for six succosf'ive woekt in Ihe Fwfctt Till? vtbs^rver, notify'Dg the Defendants, To Cotton Planters. OniOK GuMaaxi. -ovwt P»oi>t>o« T^omi, ) Charlo:t». N C , March 28. 1864 f IT is hoped that Planttrs ^ill d'ii\-*-r ih-ir tiibe Cjtton. to-wit: cn^ t«n»b of .'vll raise! in 18t>.^, by the 1st ij-iy of May. Ago»it9 ar*' anfoin^ed in ail :tic c^nn tie**, with inetructi-iE?. whj »•■?; authoriz 'd to receipt for all iiolive-cd. I' i-* th« c?uty of eioti P rntcr. whf-ther he ha^ been or not, to de'iv^r th« tenth of all produced to the .\feats of the Post Q iartt-rmasters L S. WILLIAMS. General Produc*! Loan Agent for N. O. Ma-c^ 28. 20 3t Editors: Please announce the name of Lieut. JOfiN H. McLEAN, Co G 24th N C T , as a CAUiKlMi.' '(I represent the county of Robeson in the ncnoe of Commons in our next Legislature MANY CITIZENS. April 1. 20 3t All persons taal have Copper Stills for s*ie will ad- ! Wiliiau. ;.ud H-ary 3t.-al3a:i. per^on^fiy to be an 1 ap- dress Fayetteville, .March I • M. A BAKER. 11 tf FLOUR AMD OATS, LOUR and OATS will be exchanged for Corn at the Store of D. McLaurin, by giving him a few days notice. Flour good, Oats No. 1. black or white. Jan’y 59. 2-tf Superior Court of Law for Cum berland County, NOTICE is hereby giveu that there will be a Spring Term of thia Court held un the 7th Monday after tbe 4th Monday of Maroh next, being tbe 16th day of May 1864. to try and determine all aot-ons of Tort on the Civil Docket, and all oases on tho State Docket Notice is further given, that hy au order pa(«iaed at Fall Term 1868, the day for trying State cases in t.aid Court has been changed from Thur-i Jay to Monday Parties and witnesses #iil govern themselves aocordinfiily Jt>HN W BAKER, C. S C. March 14. 16 tC List your Taxables^ _ the Court of Pltias and Quarter Hes- sions for Cumberland couv.ty, Libt Takers for the Town and Cr.jss Creek Didiriots. hereby notify all persona to come forward and list their property during the last 20 working days in April next, comincncing on Friday the 8t.h We oan be found from 9 A. M. to 1 o’olooK P. M., each day, *t the office of R '•!. Orrell on tliiy street. No lists will be rfccived after the expiratiou of thu time whioh ia fixed by law. R M ORP.ELL, List Taker for Tcwu Dietriel. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr . List Taker for Cross Creek District. Maroh 14. 16-tl.M per- »t tbi next Term of this ouri, to he held for the County of Moore, at the Court House in Carthage, on the 4th M-'nJay of .April 1864, then and there to plead, answer or demur tf> the petition filed in this oaec, other wise the same will be heard ex parte, and judgment entered as to them. Witness, A. H. McNeill, Clerk of our said Court, at offioe in Carthage, 4th Monday of January 1864. Issued March 9th, ls64. 16*6tpil A. n MoNEILL. C. O. C._ We recoinmGijd Lt. J. A. P. CONOLY .. tbe 2.i Reg’t N C ('avalry, to Mtate of IVortli Carolina, MOORE COUNTY. Court of Picas Ai 4uaru-r SesHi.i.-ts, January Term, 1864- Catharine Alct’ruaimo- ana otaors vs. Dj.aiol McCrum- men. Petition f'W partition of Lan'*s. IN this oase, upon moti’'n, it i* Ordered by the Court, that publication be made fo- eix sucocBsive weeks in the Fayetteville Ohsorver, notifying the Defendant Daniel .McCrummen perso.ially to be and appe»r at the nr.xt Term of this ('ourt, to bo held for the County of MiH*r», at the Outirt iioute iu C.rtt-i.ge, on the 4th ■ ■ plead, auBwer inent pro cou- febso w:ll be entered as to him. WitncKs, A. M McNnill. Clerk of our said Court, at office ill Caithaee. 4ih Monday in January, 1864. Is- sued 4ih Feb’v 1864 16*6lpd] A. H. McNEILL. C C C Voung’jii Arithmetical Dictionary, EMBKACINtt a system of Aritametio, Roaly Rcfkon- 9r, Interest Calculator, Book Ke’pinz, Forms. &c E. J HALE & SONS 16. the Hi.’dif*r3 ai.l oimeuR of ijobf'son county as a Candi date for fhe Officc of SHERIFF E'e"tioc in August nevt. MANY VOTERS. April 1 20 3?pd. Light Artillery! light Artillery! »TT anted for my Biltery, 20 or 25 men. The usual W bounty and clothing and rations given Apply to Col John H. Cook, Fayetteville or D. CUM MING, Capt. Co. C. Starr’s Bat, Kmstou, N. C Apfil 4 20-®tpd Coopers IVaiited. Three spirit B\RREL coopers wanted, for which a libera! price wi'l be paid and ste»dy work eiv^n, by MtTORE, CASHWELL & CO. SlnrchSl ft! *0“ •^•UUrL iiuuec hj * ''lou Jc.f of .\pril, 1H61 then aud H.oi-e «■ pie; ffe'oAmiJ will b"e iieard rx p»rt«? au i ju Igmei Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory,! ■Marao 19, 1864. J BlacksmiUvt gTE.\DY employment ai."l goou was:“3 wiil bo givep. I Wi IHE Suboouber offers for Fair FAYETTEVILLE ro«PA#i Capital in Prf OiiuDi uniO’'i>t ’ to Ca*ih on h*x.ufi .•ind othi-' 'iS'^e'P. Beading Wanted. SPIRIT BARREL HEADING wanted by MOORK. '’ASnWKLL h CO. March 81. _* , S^team .tiill for «ale. >*a* OaW Mill tftfatited on Lumber Ritcr, oca** the ilrnington and Manchester Rail Road The mill has two boilers th'rty feet long, tw3 feet six inches diaine- ter, ten inch cylinder, two feet stroke, two gates with wrou«ht iron pitmanp .^ny persons wishing ro pur chase call and examine for thomseWoe. ^ g\fixH F.air Bluff, March 26, 1864. 19 4tpd Administiratrix Moticc. H WING obtained Letters of Administration on the Estate of William Blalook, dec’d, at Maroh Term ln64. of Tlarnett County Ocurt, the undersigned hereby all jiavia^ claims against said Estate to present f.em witaia the time prsscrlbed by Hw, otherwise this to ice Wii' be piead^d i i b:»r of their reci^^ry. FANNIE F BLALOOK. Adm’x. 077 19 4lpd 35 Apply to Lt. Col F L. CHILDH, CoiutJ’K Office- 16 fitl Turpentine Still for ^'aSc. ImS subgorih?.* na^ a 25 barrel TUKP;:>:TI.SE STILL at Whito Hall. Bla'ieu county, wni^h he wish""! to sell, where it stands. It is all oomplete exi.epf ' c '*rru Any porson wishing to rxamin-' it wH c-vll on H J. Carter, who roaide*’ at White Hili. to term*. Ac , addr.’ss me at thi-* P. O A K. CROM \RTIS. Whito’n Cr?'':, N C . Marnb 9 15 ^‘.rd ~ ^"WAiVTED, AT THE MANASSAS GAP R. M. 81I0PS« GREEffSUORO , N. C 8 FIRST CUes MACHINISTS, 6 SMITHS. 20 CARPENTERS. Highest wages p»id. Maroh 16. 16-lm I Total, j The Company have p-iid *'-l’- I havo never made a!> " Toiai i. IjvilClill.l': (iKO McNEILL., "resii'eo;, D. A. TvAY, V'.ce Pr- sid ut (j. A. MCMILLAN, Seo’y. ' DiBB^TORS: f272,765 61 proi.jptly, li.l 11'' ■ i Miirch ’0. _ !jlOO REWARD. Tv ‘ WVt'.AY fro-. lav oait Worifs, bockwoed’s Folly, rV kci'RH - b .uT 25’h February, my boy V':.; > ' Mi or 11 i-'c .es Uiir’a 2;i voars of age: the , > . u -dUi'^tf of nis rich! hanii; be r No '.i'iut>t h« !■’ Uirkiopr about wvri T,orki«g around too wharves Tor tr.*i '.iloolfa’e riui’iers last week * ,rl for t^is cMianeDieat in J**’' A. G. THORNTON. 20-tf 1,. ou, Henry Lilly, il. L. .Myrover. S. f. Hawley, Nathan A. St.e'iii>an, ij. B. Maliutt, Jatnus Kylw, .V A. McKcthan. J. D. Wiiuams, S. W. Tillingh&st. W. I'iVinghtve^, S. J. flinsUale, \>'n. McLai^rin, T. d. Luurrlo’-. A. W. J. G. 0-U, Hou. J. S’lepuefu’, S. F. Blrcvru, \ A. 13. j j-et him. F ivetievillo, .\pril f WAIVTED, k N OVRRSBER, one without family, and cxperi-»noe a farm WiJm’gtoi. • 10 M-ij J iiL'vau >ij.ron i - AppW to the sub^oriber or ^'P. ROBERTSON lt*-lm TESTA)TIEI%T1» A.\p HYMiVS, •J. ... xLiuuj^unov. — - ,—^ J ^.-iNPEDBRATE Stales Bible^Socie^ Tesianients. hn Collins and C. C. MoCrum^en TraveUng Agent* ^ , Sikbbath School Hymna. i^The Company iniii* a^oatioiu. A^ltootion oiamo ^ ^ ^ Maf as, 1861.. n- Richmond, March IS, li64. Circuit: .»o. 8. I. (icnerai Orders No. iJ6, A & I G O , March 1st, 18(i4, is herewith lu^ids a pan of this Circnlar, and coiuiuaudantti of Cunscripts are en joined to prc.eed to tbe rapid md vigorous ex ecution oi its'pro^isions, under the iot^truotions and interpretatioa herein prescribed II. Untier tho terms of the eighth 8«ctlon ot the Act of (Jongres8 published in (jleneral Orders No 1^6, A. ii 1. G. O., and the terms of Circular No. 55 of the Bureau, last series, CooimandaQts i will proceed to organize the service in thcif re- dpeotive Statos. Jo addition to the organization therein provided for, and x^u. "26, Commandants will forthwitii organi*e in each cbunty a Board, to consist of not more than three oi tho moat reliable and intelliguat oitizens, be tween the ages of lortj-nTe anii yiarfi, who have been enrolled and detailed for the 'r- vice. These Boards will be eharged wiiu aiding the local enrolling officer in obtaining io- formatioQ concerning all applications ior ezeinp- tion and detail, for agricultural or otber indus trial pursuits, and also iu furnishing ail other io- formaiion which may be needed in the duties im posed upon the enroiilng dfit^ers. The local tod ooni'restnloDJ enrolliag >>fiicer will be required to supc^viae thb aciioa of these Boards and promptly report to the Commandant untltness or delinquencies on tbe part of persons detailed for them. So long as the duties are properly performed, the person? so employed will ‘ be exempted.from other service. Care will be used in the beginning to select proper menj and in view of tbe grave dunes herein devolved upon the enrolliog offioer, he will, at hia discre. j ti?>a, require the written opi ion of the Board on j claims lor execiptioii or applications f^r detail, j and may call uu them fo. specia* infjrmation i c»'ucerairg matters pertinettt to tbe iiervice. In every ca-»e relcrreo by tde local or Coug'essional disti'iot enrolling officer to the- Oomoiandments, au opinion as to tbe merit must be endorsed or :he case, and the like rule will be rigidly observed by Oommanuauw*'®f®rriQg tu this Bureau III. Command'^nts will order the immediate enrollment and ezumination vf all persons within the proscribed aj»'e^, who are found in the em* ployment of any department uf the Government, and who ar not tipecially exempted by the Act ol Congress; and such as are fuutid fit for senrice iu the held, may be detailed until tne 10th day of April next, provided an appiicatiou is made* accoriiiig to the terms of the 6th paragraph of General Ord -rs No 26, bcrein cUid. IV. Commundiints of Con. :^ripts will forthwith transmit to tUis Bureau, recoraa'tndatioLJ for physicians* to be employed in aceurd».Dce with para^zraph IX, Generul Orders Xo -6, herein cited. -Muct. complaint reaches this Bureau ocn- cerning irregularities in the -Viedical examtna> tions Looso or ir^'cgular examinations must not be permitted, and Commandanta will promptly report any well-ascertainrd delinquency in the matter. V. Forms for ConsoHdateU tieports by the Commandants of Conscripts, wiii be forwarded; also foriiif for the Recoras of the (!ongres.>»ional District and Local Enrolling Offif^ers. These re cords must be accuratcly ^ept, ami the reports based on them must be in clear and intelligible foim, or they will be returned for rfcvtsion and correction. VI. Fer^oas and cl.isscs etuaien.tei in the l«t, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 0th articles of section lOfch, except those referred to iu the latter clause of the 4th article 01 said 10th section of the j\ct of Congress recited, hhall be •,xcniptel. All yther persons referred to in said act sbtll be detailed. VII. EXKMl'TlONh BV ExAM BOArtDS. 1. Persop'’ •’’Vo shall be determined by the Boards of ation to be incapable of prrtorm- ing activ iviv. in the fi Id, and r.ny -if th l i ties men^i' ui*d m tho 8tb Sr?ction ot tbe ^\ci of Congrt'ss, irom caus-s of a peroianeat uaiuu-, shall be exempted irom military SLr.ico by he said board, who shall grant certificates tbereoi; which shall specify the causes of tho incapacity, r«iciting in lull the nature and degree of the dis ease or olher incapacity, and tbe probable dura tion oi the disability t’au»;ed by it; and t»ic paities shall not be subject to tUture exauiinaiiou, unleKs specially ordered by the Board ot "the (.»ongrM- sional district in which such parties reside or by the Cotnuiaudatit oi Conscripts for rhe State, or by fhis Bureau. ^ „ m ■J When, in tbe op_inion of tbe AuroJimg oin- ccrs, the cau.ses tor which exemption v'-^ grant ed tf> a perr'on, alter exaunnation by fhe Mtdical board have ceased to exist, they will o ake a re port to the Board, istating the nau.e of the perwfr, when enrolled, when examined, and tbe disease or other cause of disability, with the reasons believing it to have dLsappearsd, and that the person is capable ol performing active service in the lield, or some^ol the duties meutioned in the said 8th saction oi the act aforesaid. The Examining lioard will then order tlfc l*rty tobebrought bclore itfora re-examination. When a perbofi is re-examined b} the Board, his former ccrtiticatc shall be sui rendered atjd cancelled, it again found unfit for duty, a new certificate ot exemption t.haii be issued to him. Every certificate of exemption granted by * Board of Examination shall be approved by (’ongrfcssional district enioliing officer, which shall protect the person exempted fr-m molesta tion by the officers of' Conscription, and from re- examinaiion, unless the B >eid of Examination ur tbe CouinianUant of Conscripts of the Bureau of CoiiScription shai) e'»rd«-r the saujc. VUl ExtMi-noN »F Specified Ci.A«bB8 and IMIIVIUUALS 1. Applications for exeujption under the 3d and bth articles of tbe lOtb section of th*> act aioreiai s fchall ue ma.Je to tbe Enrolling officer of the cuuatv in w.tiol^ the aoplicaat ^e8^ue.■^, who will thorou-hly iovrstjgaie tho case, and it =atiB- fied by competent evidence, that exemption should be allowed, shall ii.3ue a certificafe thcreofj which must be submitted to the Enioilmg officer of the Congressional distriot, for his appro'»»l- ^Goaolitded on aext.

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