VC'l-S.Ml ' I iuj'ic • 1 '-fh ! o iiui\ o -\e’Uj,tioh *r t«» tlie fam i>y ilu‘ Oouj the iiuprotks y i>or»..u «K eutitlo»l to a !! 'Uut v>t luoai three muuths l*r.'vidod fu! ♦ in the prov; .. t« (.it liavinur •f' i'elt. 1664. f • njp' e\emp tho (Ji- • xeiiipt .>r do- muy he snti* >'*n jic’cuiini ot ' O the prodnc . • ••11^ for tlie iersi. He may, etuiU, oil such to tiuch over lie may be sal- the c*>niitry in lan in the mili- ,Uv*h exemption iiicv j ianter oi y t' employ iii pUa’ and labor .1. -rraiu and ’ crument and •\iv - u‘ti exceoii- ivM ; iite lirticiefi :he Srate mider uiiUitor and lad cumpauy en- he t.i'A ernmeut. >yees thereof lent shall certit'y to the efficient Pn)vided, that lempted by this ; oxceed one p«r- •ad in actual use Ll'.il rn'ivi cicmpTi and do6cripti(tn, ko have left tho ,ny. ur w)io !ua» contained dhall ha ai't approved dd an act to «x the mails ot li tiie drivers ot :>in military ser- the exemprion# kU oHiV oontinu* L0U are actnaViy i pni'suita or oo- lerit be. and he a nt deta.;8, under me to be isiuod , either of peraoui f a^j, >1 from tii* ines where, in hit and liecesifitT re- uiflv levoke sucli he ttiinks prooer' herein jrranted to ‘tails and exemp- ^d tu authorize th« iny coiuractor I’ov ’ ki’’ ■ f the Gov* id ‘ rsii'*-, unltss he ‘ivy-ui tiuent ina errifv ti.Ht the per- fitra: r r are indie 1 ot A;d COUtruct: jen ui y such con- ;ly arid faithfully, itfon of euch con- itail ai cease. ktiiiiT 1- cal boards itiuti : . of persons [no tu^ iiber com- lpp'>nted from thn ict -'n which they exarr.ination. tteviile, iBKR turi N. C.,| ^63. ) A Mail* at BUOKx i.0. I 4j P M. ^ at b P. M. i:uv iL.Lt tt A M V I' M [NT _ Saiurla/ at T P M itd Friday at 1 P- M. 8a' niay at 6 P. M ThursJ&y at 1 P M tfUKKTON. Batard^y at^ A. M Thur !*y rtt ’ P M SEI;;i -VN. ad Pf a- *' A M HktuT l>*v •ki P. M FKPwt - 'N o P \1 E.SS - ■ t K i. i- ' fcTI* iNwJ - N aad ar 1 the even to bp ;.i ofl from Uit * • 1 for as tf ould paid by ,ay ' a 10 A a P M R*l 1 K, wNo!e«al* kUOl .l.\A CE (;0>IPAXr, biui OC' iiiou, with [j i u; ■ ■ jtublio oon- M of n i ;;*lthy per- t one y*i!tr, for seven naniijr i a vb*‘ profita [ago .~t ia-^ured for kir t- ■' 1* ir :a!'ie hthin days afVer ii referred t* >.Qd to refary Kaltigh. lALK, at Tilie, ^ C Ji> 'hi 8 E m I -'W F. K. E. Y VOS \ I! FAYRTTEVflXE. N. C. APRIL 11, I8fi4 [NO. 1322.1 »'liIN"TKD \:fl) THDKNUA\y KDWIUD J. HALE it 80^S. EDlTOa.-^ \Nl> PROPRIETOUH for tJie Senii-Weekly Ohsrrvrb $10 00, oaid in •»dvano«. H lie Weekly Obhruvbb $6 00 p.?r luitmiu. paid in ulvaaoe. It^ADVERTISEMENTS insertevl for $2 per s ',uaro ; lines for the first, and one dollar for each snc- 0.Ung publication Advertisement a not exceeding a 1.If square (eight linrs) $1 th? first and 50 cemg 'Vr eash succeeding public^.loa. Advertisers* are re- v).ieflted to stale the number of insi'riions d«ired, or It ey will be continue ! *ill fflrhid. miiI t'harjte l :tcci^rd- IlglT. Advertiseiuent^ oov.iiauod ohnrge-t h.-* new ^d- trrtiseitjemsL ■■.: . ii.i ■ggaaa—a— iVt. VM'noti Fi^male Seminary. ^pHK 2d iieaeioa wil! •jomme'jce tb« loth of FEB I KUAKY’ and conUni’.e !iO weeks. Tiiihoi! in English 3r-.;iohoe SSO 00 '• •• Mugio ‘Uid Painting, (oac;'.,) 40 00 •'•■'lool Roo'o expsuwe 3 00 llfv WM H(K)PKR, > , T. C H!H)PER, |J’riuoipale Addres* i*t. Li«.wreae> P 0 , ^'hath»ui ouunty. Jftu'v 12. ' 97 ‘tw FltO‘1 S1& SPECIAL NOTIOK. Prom an aiter this date, no n;n^«.>of i»»?w snb-criher will be entered wlthont payment in advaaoe, uor will I he papfr be sent to euch 3ub‘»crib*Ts f'-; a longer time ih»n is paid for. J’ ach of our old subHcrtbers as desire u. ^ the ^>a- p^r on this system will please notify ns when making rvmittanoes. Jan’y 1, 1S58 w T'nBBBr I Attorney at Law, Faystteville, N. C ’ILL attend the County ^d Superior CouriK >1 I Camberlandt Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coun- ; ties Prompt attention giveh to. rhe •'•^llcotlou of all ;UiDiS entrusted to his bauds. jcl 17, 1869.' * , GEO. VV. WILLIAMS & 10., U liolesale I>«*aler» in CJroteries,' AND IMPOUTKaS A*«D DKALER8 IN 4«rdware and (’otlery, Swedes Iron, &c», Hi¥ STBKKT, FAYETTEVlLLli, 5. t. July 2. Setf JOS. IITI.1GV, Urocrr and C'omml9»t^n .Vct'rf*ani, , FAYETTEVILLE, N JanylO, 1863. SS-tf | • O WOKTH. D. Q W«BTU S. *J. D^^tlSL WORTH & €Oo Commission and Forwarding merchants, ^ IfVrf^r Strttty I WILMINGTON, N V • »C£ \6, 1863. 7J 12ni TOOS. J. JUU.^SON, Jr., & CO., wDiTdl rojnmijsiuii Si Kurwardlni; .Mi-rehaub, 45 .forfA W'ater Streetn, WILMINGTON, N. 0. [)KOMPT fttteatioa giTon ta ill businese entrusted lo Consignments) soiioitcd BO/IRD. t tH(! uf .\rrll >ur price fo» wv»»rd wHl bt ; 160 jer nrnu’hiv S'’nJ.n or If paid in Provisions at the follnwi-.:/ ratf's r-c' raooth: 160 Ibi. F’Hur. 10 bu'j'ie'''! '"'ori, 'r Kt lbs b*oon •'►r L'i'^d. R-v WM HOJPER. T. (J Ht>)PER ! Feb’y 8. 6-2iii UStTf €flilK(;ES FOR PASSK^ttfiRS. i The followiiig r»t«5 of P»?sa^e ./ill tv* charged on I our S{e»n»‘‘r9; — uo%vrv. I Frv>m F.tyeOevillfi lo Wilni'nuion, #30 00 ! El.xft elh, 15 00 I “ Whi'V U ill, 20 00 I K ■U*'’s {j ive, • 21 OO j •• “ All p iists bt iow, 30 00 I 6EOOND CLAbK, OR UKCIL. From K vyeitorflle to WUm ngton, 00 •• • •• “ Elii».bvth. 5 00 Whiiehftll. , 7 00 • •• Kt?l!y’s Cote, 8 00 “ •• •• .All pointe beJow. 10 00 UP. Frviui '>'ilnim^on to Fayetieviile, f.'iO 00 •• Kellv’s Gov", 13 50 •• White Hal!. . ItJ 60 «• Elimbe'h. 20 00- •• •• ProsDeol Hh1>. '24 00 “ AH points •kbo'te, TO 00 SECOND CLASS, OR DECK Fro’a Wj]n>ing?->Q lo Fayei*eTille, $10 00 “ •• •' Kelly’** Cove, 0 00 •• Wbii* Ha'i, 'i 00 “ “ All pc'ii'tt above,, 10 IH) Hijrdooond Jli,«u or D'''.k P^^ftsengers nvtjs^ stay on lower deck or pay full price, or sama Firt*t Clasit gejTAn exirn *harge will be taado fer Way Pssean- f^ers ge'?i«p inti'^Bfrths during day time, ati-1 fir mmiu- pyiaK a Berih wi»li their boom or vhoee on. *t th.* di»- creiiou of tbs Captain. J. A W()RTI1. forC. F St’m B’l lk> , M ORRELL, for St’ri ICate and Sun., 8 LUTTERL«)H. ‘J-tf i. ’j^“ ST ; t* coxvsfiEiUTK sms;* or amkbicia, | EnOINBKH D«l>.\R'rMSnT, UlST. i AT« 'kAh., ■ Wilmieg'CD, N. C , lr;tn, j Notice is hereby given to all persvins bavin; cUinifa a(N»int«i the Eitgia^er Department, for derviove of slaves employed as laborers on the land dtftnttt n^ar ! Wilmington, f? C, that theiaauih, rlsed I and prep«r*d to p»y the ■saia * at hin *dRce, on ibo Be- i oand floor of the baildlne next tvbovo Mearcn’ Drug Store, Market Street. WtSr Psrsons executing Pow v« of Attiimey will ob- . serve the following form—their Mgcatures, in s-ll ea^cff, ' (» be witnessed t>y two wiinesLii-s and signed in dor'ti- • cate, or they fi» »y t»« vriiB«-s^ -i b*f.rt a Juatlee of the Peao3 or Cl^rk of»ny tJoun FOR.M OF POWER OF ATfORNEV. i, of . Uo hereby ;ippoiui , of , lay j true :ind lawful Agent to eicn receij ta for, *nd rvceivt {•ayment of t»il su>ney-> ju’ to ne by ll.o E! £-i>i«rr 1>«- ' {xiritufnt of the Couf«d*'»ate ;ii'4Kje oi A ncriei, for the , f-ervioea of n»y 8Uv«*3 eaiployeo as 4aborer« on l^ud I defences at , ddring «tie m^nth of —ia6 Witness my band —. 18« (Signed in Witaeas«s, knd t>e»I at Iff ) tbe d6,r of I The signatures of nolortd turituus should l>« witneHMfd by thr**e witness‘j There must be ■jep'i-Hte duplinate Powe*^ of A/i‘>ruey for each month forms e^u l>e bad upon s}.p>li- oatioQ at this offiof W H J AMES. & ('bief Sijg. Jan’y 20, 1864 IBOOff turoliiiig uiuoe. Fayetlevliie, n»r«U ';’3E loll m I r •.>sti'suaaii -tj»;-ir»d cn Tifll CiJts ib ijuiboer; iijd C‘> . if! s-JUforfciii> lo i.** v Dffjt* of tkipi. Lard'p, E » (Mf 4' •. (Joa D^^ , sr« pu^)- l;8he^, th'i* in.4y >ia ao mi»apprfhet‘?on «c3'4:*ioued by loieni 'i'o fi^uitate no r.u inei o* the ofS 's Well *uj to t*oii»*«li oonveo't'aoe o' ci*n cern^f!, only op^-tLird of a Reg’t nvel asKeirible on the saci^ d«y f 'Oirm'inding oCioers of Militia vill oau'e Diitrii't Coujpa'.ieBVf their resprolive Hof'tn to appoivr at >bi‘ office as follows: 6Sd Regiment U>J \pri! nth—lU-ok RiTer Silver fiun, and Flea Hill D'siriots j Apr!» 12th—Oodar Gri*ck, Lor'k’s Greek lri«iriot-' I Apr;i ''iib--(% cr» (}r^k DjHtric", f tnoiuJing v.jiuatt8r coEnpa:ii>,-s.) I , 04M ieyn^U Aj-ril 14’..b—To'nm auu vJarvtira Cr>c>k I .-iprii 16th—U-ay’s Week, aod Roc. 6sb Di fric'.s. [ Af^ril Iti.'h—71*t, and (^uw^Ufie Disiriots. Evyr, .luan between 18 and 45 who brtachM within • he,)tei^ of (Jbtnberiand Go niust be aoconn(«d (or, ar. l pre-aI'uoiiiti-^ i§ herefej aivea ilj»t bets of 4ll «xeinpt- oJ or detailed tn fso!’« l>-d‘ ' will 'io uja(5e >«, and Cil. D'su^ihon. c*-iu^g H (J iotriructod lo caos-i >b«ar r.-ut. as «...tovripUT OT SlI tiClWectt 1‘^id Kgt-S whose ni^mes do m i a]>f:car thereon W. C RENtJilEK, ISlA’lJ L> ik En. Off Cunibirlar.d Go. lubricating oil. ; ADVERTISElHEN'f. ii:. . J i t a . f ♦ R‘ PoUer i'O THE EAU TUE POLLOWlNQ. -RcVd John W (N O J aay« “F'lr twelve yu*rs I w»f a gn-at wjtferer My liver diseased 1 lo-t ujy fl'en akd B'.reugth, and my ■^siin seamed cUsnged »u its oi'd' r by the bile with which /l y By!»"vm waH over.ih^r^' d i bts-t'DB subject to fre q-ient avd vu>ieiit st^aoka -f bi!i»'U*> cjUo. every atraok Ip iving m's weaker tuan its predeo'wsor. Tae plijsi oi'tuH h«d been a>le to ^atch me up a iiulo, but my bctaitif was mi a deplor»b.'e s'aie. I had i>kkeD patent intdioioes until 1 Witi> nred of tt>ein Without energy t s .t.- ■ *. .. 11. V 1 ooDi^t, I was barely .*!)ie to go *bout a hltie. At for servioe tn this vicinity, netioe is hereby zives that , i. i ■ li j. .i.. . .» » ..... . t MI V 1-nth I ylrtded to tho e•^n^•it pt-rsuasico t^f » friend recrult« to th« pumber of 100 non-cotucr^i* wiU be n*- , , ^ celved for this service. Uach nforuit will be required to lurtiuh a servioeiible horso, tor whicii be will be al- Fajrettevllle Anenal and Armor},' Nov. 12. 18«8 i SlOO BOUNTY. too •/ftomuea illilemen. Authority having t>een granted by the W&r De partment to raibe a Company of Mounted Rifl^aen 4: Feb'y 23, 1364. WGSTERiir RAIL ROAD. '^PHE FREIGHT AND P.AS9EN0BR TR.\IN« of this 1. Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A M.. and returning leave Egypt at i o’clocx. P. .M. Catlle aud Horse Tram MONU.\Y, WEDNESU.W and FRIDAY. By order JliO M. ROSE, Trc»*'r and Qen’l Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 97tf lowed -K) cents per die^o; and his pay $1'* por t.-tnuih. Writton ptrmution wisl bo loquiwi irom p*r»«ni« cr guardians, wHore tn^ applicant is n^'der :ae o>u>K*r1pl age. Each recruit pust bring witSi him a blanket or l>ed »pre*d, and come prepared to remain Sridles. saddles, h^t^rs and saddle blankets fnruiHh- ed by the Oovernment, or if the recruit oomes provi>ied with them, Le will be paid for thsm a fair valuation. Apply t-o Capt MATTHEW P T.W’LOR, at the Ar- aenal 80tfl Major CHILDS, Comd’g Post. Prom and after thi» | date the Steamer A. P. HURT will i leave a>- 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday j und Thursday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. I our haadi T J JOHNSON. Jr., of Fayetteville, S. C. j «n’y 8. QRABP.O-^'.SPY, cf P-»t*:rsbur|r, Va. P>; .Sc-.pd %VA.^TED. BUSHELS WHEAT, ^.OUU 1,600 CORN- Peraons having the above articles to ReU w>llreiv»ve :bt highest Cash price by calling on Mr. .M Thooiaso^ j n Lae Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the au»wori- -CT at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX JOHNi^ON, Jr Nov. 6, 186* 7.5tf j ASHEVILLE, H. C. WILL open rhe EAQLB HOTEL for the re ception of Quests the first of Jnne. and I hope to be able to entertain from leventy-flve lo a hundred perso&s during the Summer. In conneotien with this large Hotel, I have a nt*»nl>eT cf Hack'*, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Hors*9 that my gue>>ti can get at a minute’s notice. J M. BLAIR. Proprietor Eagle Hotel, Asheville, N. 0. May 13,1863. 81-ypd ARiH¥ DAR.lTESil^. WANTM, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. POOLTB^, Chickens, Butter and other delicacies for the sick Soldiers at this lIoepiiaL Persons having these articles can obtain t1i« market prioe od applioa- ■*..M prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon j tion to tbe subscriber at his old stand or at Mr. J W. Hamesa for Army use. I tan my leather and can Powe.-s’s on Hay Street. .... g hEIDE, Oenl Ag’U Aug. 25. 58-tf pve good bargain'^. Agents will do well to send their jrders to me aa they shall have prompt attention, and ^i3t otf in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. • Uoldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. €., 1 June 13, 1862. / ^ dOO lbs. CMum Arabic tor by J R. LEE Oct. 16. TOBACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, various grades. To Cotton Planters. lyo for sale on oonsignment, by GEO. W. WILLIA.MS •vlay 23. * CO. 31tf W Atterthit* date 1 will pay 16 Cents per pound for .rags, or the highest market price, delivered in F»yetleville, or at my mills on RookSsh. D .MUaPUY I'eVy 16, 1864 7-f Wanted to Purchase, E3TERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold and Silver, Nonh Carolina Treaeury Notes ^Fundable;) “ “ “ $1 hnd J2; *• “ Bonds, old aci new. County cf Cumberland Bvnd;; Town of Fayetteville DonJb; UreensVtoro’ %'l and $2 Certiticates; Confederate 7 and 8 p«r cent. Bonda;* Coupons of $16,000,000 loan; •• of Town and County Bonds;’ “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUT1ERL.>H. ,;cu 12, 186a. 71ix UUDNAXC’K DKFABTMKXT, I Ralkigb N. C., May 8, 1863. / Lb,\D WANTED.—1 wish to purchase Load for th^s f^partment. Pert'ons haviuK Iwge or small quan- U.iea will please appiy at once. Will give 1 pound ot P'iWDER for 10 pounds of I^EAD. THOS D HOGG, Japt. C S In charge of Oninanoe. Palma Ctiristi Bean^. 1 HE subseriber will pay tLe highest ciwh prices for 1 any quantity of Palma Christi B**i ?»y#ft«wine. Oet. 8. WAI%TED. I WILL pay the bighest Cai!h price, for any quantity I of good COW HORNS, and LEO BONES of Horses and IH.WE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the piirohase of Cotton for the Confederate Qovemmont wHthin the State of North Caro lina, and will pay for ths same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-A^'cnts vioifjng th“, different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written oortiflcates of appointaient. By order of the Secret-ary of the Treasury, all Goiton purohasfsl by myself or my agents, on and after the 18th day oi March 1868, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds Mr Cash, and not 8 per oent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent, bonds will be furnished as stated. Patrioiio ciiisens are now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their Cotton rather than to private? capitalists. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. ■C^harlotte, March 24, 1863. fo. P.] 14lf Cotton Yarn for Wool. Notice is hereby given that after this date (except in oases where we have bargained for Wool aooord* ing to the terms of our advertisement of the 80th of May, whiib terms arc now revoked,) we will give 1 bun dle of Cotton Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwashed, or 3 lbs. washed and picked. This change is made at the Instance of the Qua-termaster at Raleigh in ordw lo triahe the tenrts of exchange uniform throughottl the Sute. GEO. W. WILUAM8 & CO. Paactteville. Juae Office Depot rVo. IS, ) Fatbtteville, March 7, 1864. ) Pay your Tiikes. UGESONS who onve not alrt>ady paid their Tithe X TiiX w'll have ontil the 20t^> d»y of May to deliver the eame. I am now ready to receive the bacon due under tlic tithe law Six |.n>und8 of cured baccn for every Itl) lbs pork slaughtered since th» 24th of April 1863 is reqair?d Part’es ielivcrinij iht-ir titboji M a d'31'ince of over eight miles will b« promptly piid for CIJCB? a* ''auliag J. M. WILLIA.MS, 12 t20M] Agent for Cumberland county. North i'arollnft Yolantecr 5avj Co., TRaASUBiE’s Orrici, Wilming^na, N. C., Mi^rch 6,1864 Books ftr further subooription to the Capital Stock of this Company are opened at this Office Aii persons deairoos of iu (Am mli important | mitrprite can forward me their uacios br ciail statf^g the acjonnt thej- wish to KUfscrib®, »'.-d tben'send the cash by some trusty person, on rocjipi of which I will forward Certifica'e •'f Stook Shares $600 ••^oh All old sub«»cr{t>^rs that have not paid in thoir autiscr^ptiobs will ple%ee#o so at the ear- li^t moment. 12 tOtpdl W. D e.MITH, Treaa’r KA^! RACJSn-The infe-1 rior (|uality of the paper on which the 0>>9erver has been printed of late, nud | which is a great ey ' sor« to u«, is owiiig to the want of . a euffioieat nupply of g >od raga, and the oon«equent nec essity to resori to inferior materials. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all aooeaaible points, to save • np and bring to town all the rags they can prooure. j We have no time ourselves to attend to their purchase. | but Messrs. Geo W. Williams & Co., thr Agents in ' this town of Mr. Mnrphy, will pay 16 eenta per lb. for | them. E J HALE A SONS. Peb’y 16 ' 6-itf ! i>ui comiacuccd lakioir the HKP^TUJ PlLLti, with oo oouQdcnce in tnem They acted like a chariu un me f'Tont t/iM Kot$r I im/rroo^ 1 nave persevered iti th*-ir otso, uuC.l now, by tfod’s t»i ■it'^iag, I am wdi attd heartp 1 L-a'i a uegro oan who, a* I t>elieve 1. was saved from death hy a does of tneue piils My Doctor’s t^i was acnu.»lly from $100 to JMOO, bat 1 t>aTe had no use for a physician si'*ce. 1 oi»n confidootty r\oommeud thrio a’l a supnriar family medicin> ” The iogredleHie of which the -SOUTHERN HEPAT IC PILLS” are made ar** sj CMdy as to compel the pM;irietor to cut them at present nrioes, which are not i» reciuneraii^e ap wheu the piUs so'd for Ip#.'» Fult directions i»ocoiLHp'tu> eich box Pri' $8 a box F t 4^30 a doxon Ooxes will be sent prepau. GEU W DEEMS, • Gold.‘iboro’, S C. .March 26, 1864. 18-»tpd To th£ Yoterti oi Harnett County. THB undei«!gnf»J. a private in Co A, 6th N C. Cav alry. hiiVicg ieta solioited by some of hta triends, 1 esp.*o^fuUr Hiuou-tues h!'a?elf to the soldiers and citi 1 ns o' li .rnett oou'Jty a^ a (SoJidat'* f-r the Olfice of SHERIFF Hi ne eleotiou ou tko ursi Iraursday in Au- guft next. SAMUEL D. PIPKIN. .March 21 17,2UFd Bank of .l^ortll Carolina. ’^pO tho atockhoHare of the B^nk of North Carolina: 1 Th(' Confederate Tax >n the iodi»Hual shares will I be paid by lUe Bixik C. DBWBY, Oa»bi»c ! March '25. IS-lm I H ti. d i-1 i.-.w i/^vparifd It) ftiriiiah in i Ji pti i o ;;u(>«'rier artiole of LU|||MCAT1N0 I OIL. f»p«eitiUp for Oottrm aud Woolen Fadorie* We I ('iKim Its .1 (»ii Oil do^s uot gam, and may be run at ; gr !iitr ape>d vi;*h leas power than any other Oil excopt ! ^;►ern'» j Mr W H Pi-t-t«r. Superintendent of Paoeaiz Cotton j P.4i!tt'r/ Biys -if if; “I (j»ve been nslog your Labrioftt- I i»g O'l for 2 .>r 3 ni .nths, aad find it to be superior to any otJjcr Oil ? .. w iu for lubrioating. ” r John K. Tnbfcw. Sup’t of Blonnt’s Creek Factory, fiRVs: •! o»D c!-->*rful!y say yotur Lubrioating Oil le a KCDsr;or artic)« I> r.ot irum in the least, bat keepe I he Jouf nals cit-M" '*vd hrt,»bi " *Mr \ F Bet!k.\.’.n>«. 'uief Ebgineer of the C 8 Ane- »:« i»tid Arm ry •> (c .8 jdtK. e, wat4 requesled to try It ar>d rtnyp; fhtr.k for iiaht machinery—ruch as Cotton P-'!toric.i»—Hbdfur bawyv lu&ctiinHry whe.n the motion is sl-iw, your L(ibric«ti»gt>i! wijl oouipare next in qo»l- ■| try t-.» Sperm ” i 0ther eott'jn rnanufantareTs have tried it f*od pro- ’ nounced favor’kbly uf it tVe will furutsti this Oil by the i»arrel at $20 per gal- : loo. cftsh ‘ HENRY E. COLTOK. Agent Fayettevjue Keroelne (Jo. April 4, 1864 20-tf ‘ I EAtrLKloUNDRY. I HOME luonthe »go we oompleted all our iixtures (ot I O the ut%nufao>ure of C.AR WHEELS, but owing to . 'be. f>-:iurQ uf the supply of Iron of proper osltire, we , b»ve not latf^ly able to supply any demand for ' t .Lt (UffiutUiy buwever, will overoome in the I -jourA.. i.>r *ix •c'C'iks, at which time w.e shall t»e abl^to I ftirni>.ti wheebj of the following sixes—24, 26, iW and I 30 iacben; (Jhilled Tires The Iron we stxall use for lattu will be Ooll Biitsi Charcoal Iron, axul wh war rant »u- wheels NOT TO CRACK, and to be equal to any oiade in the Ooatederaoy, those of Whitney & Sonaot Pliiladeiphia whose reputation ie»o well known by all KaiLroad compAnus. We are prepared to execate Loom, Dry S^d, and OrdeB Sand Work, of any shape or sixe D 4NDStttiON A CO. Fayettfvlllc, .Maroh 8fj 1S64 19tf He»dqiart«r« Dept. Cape Fear, i Wilr^iagton. K i... March 'H, 1844. / GiMKnAi. Oaons, ) No 36 / (COMMANDING otfioers are^tiareby ordered (« report J promptly to theite Headquarters all instaneee on tke part -f offi.iers in their commands overstaying leave of aboeaco- Tbn report will be made in each oase upon the expiration cf tHe leave, and an additional rejK'Ti upon t^( return of tbe officer absent stating the letiyit. of ’ii«e he has been »bs'^‘Ct without leave I tor (h4 iafoririatioQ of all cffioere in this comcitvi:! U | Id publishel th»t all othcsr^ absent withont Utive aud without eufUcient and iwtiefaetory excuse are li^'hls io be dr.pped from the rolls and put into the ranka By command of Msj Gsn Whitixo. .« ?ANDER HORST. :2U Iwl Maj. & A ^ Uen. A«EIVT8 WAwVeD* To vtriiect Jrma itinl OrdTtartiMi Storti in North Carolina. P\Y $4 00 per day, aud a liberal compensation for Stores ooHec'ed, according to a dxed schednla. Applicants must furnish satisfactory testlmoniala of ex emption from Mllitfliry servico, of character, and qoali- fiosi ODS. Nom otfter* med (^pply. Acdr-Bs F E. G. CARR. Of'r.'l Ag’t Col 0'"d. Stores, Charlotiesville, Va. C?»irlot*c3vllle, Va., March 26 20-4t WAA'TEi#, At?ITUAT10K ks iniculei«' or Gsuet’al M*ta- ager t)y a coaipeieu* m*uuf*oturer of b«tb Wool aui CoUon. who hafr had 40 years’ experience and i»i fifty-three years of age, a native of Manobeater, Eng- tsad; is alao a Maohini^ anJ Eaipueer Aay oae lo wnut of such a man pil^’as^ aderess E B R NICHOLS. Witmington. N G. N»»rtih 2-2 17 »ipd 0 Farther Suppiie§ ef Seheol Bookiii* UR OWN SPELLLNli BO.)K; tJur own First Reader; “ “ Primary Arithmetic; “ “ “ Qramnar; •* Elementary Grammar; •• “ Pnm^ir; Blugham’s Lntin Grammar; Jusi received. E. J. HALE & SONS. To Cotton Planters. C-rncE CsssaAX. Aoest L Charloiie. N C . March 28. 18«4. i IT tiop«d that the Planters vUl delivt-r thoir tithe Colton, to-wit: one-tenth oi all raised in 1803, by tho let day of May. Agents are appoinied in all fbe ooun ties, «rith instruotioad, who are aathorised to reo>-ii>i f-ir hli delivered It Jk the tuty uf et»ch P:acter whsLhtr he has bN^rn Assess'd or U"). (o deliver >>.« tenth of ail produced to the .Aiieats of v!«e l*ost Quartrrtnesiers L S. WILLIAM-^. Oenef^l Prodnoe Loan Agent |or N. O. March 26. 20 St Seventh Congressional Piatrict, FOE COMGRESS, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, tilst N. C. T. Seventh Congressional District, FOR CONARESa, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, 6Ut N. C. T. S«v«ntft CoiigressioQai District, ^X)K CONGRESS, C'apt, N. A. RAMSEY, Co. I>, 61st N. C. T. Seventh Congressional District, FOR CONGRESS, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY. Co. D, eiit N. C. T. Seventh Congressional District, FOB COHGBSM, Capt. N. A, RAMSEY, Co. D, tint N. C. T. Seventh Con^ressioaal Distriet, FOR CONGRfiSS, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, 61rt N. C. T. Seventh Congressional District, FOR COSGRISB, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY. Co. D, 6lrt N. C. T. ’S V I # i ! A OLB VAST IROi« WAntTED T thft Star Voundry, by M. A BAKEP* March 1. H-tf Turpentine Stills Wanted. All persons that have Copper Stills for st^e wUl_ad dress M. A BAKER n tf Fayetteville. Mareb 1 FliOIJjR Aivb OAT«] ILOUR and OATS wiU be exchaogod Tor Com at the Store of D. McLanrin, by giving him a few days itioe. Flour good. Oats No. 1, bla» or white. Jan’y 29. 3-if State ot rVorth Carolina, MOOtlE COUTY. Court of Plsas and Quarter Sessions, Jan’y Term, 1864- Ann Steadman vs. William StoadmiO, and others. Petition for Dnwer. IN this oasa upon motion, it is ordered by the Coui^ that publication be nriaie for six suooessive weeks in the Fayetteviile Obst*rvcr, notifying tbe D. feadant9, 1 William and Henry Steadman, personally to b3 and ap- i pear »t tb-i next Term of Ibis Court, to be bald for tho i Coanty of Moore, at the Court Housa in Carthage, on ' the 4th Mopday of Aorll 18(»4, then and theri to plead, j njwwer or d^jmiir to the peti wn flle-I in ^his c»se, other I wise the same will be h*ard ex parte, aad Judgment j entered as to them ! Witness, A. H. McNeill, Clerk of our ssid Coart. at offlo* in Carthage, 4th Monday of January 1864. . I Iifiued March 8th, 1864. I 16«6tpiJ] A. H MoNEILL. C. O. C. ' of ilorth Carolina, ••OORK COUNTY. Superior Ccqrt of Eaw for Cum berland Ck>unty, Mate NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a Spmig ' wt Term of this Conrt beld on the 7th Monday after | of Pleas Quarter Sessions, J vuuary Ternt, 18&4. the 4th Sionday of Maroh next, being the I6th day of I ovhanno .\tot>ru!nra>?u voa othura ya Diaiel MoOum- May 1864, to try aod determine all act one of Tort on IVIessrs. Editors: Please annoonoe the name of Lient. JOHN H. McLEaN, C» 0. 24ti N. 0 T., as • can ltdate *o roprcseat the eounty of Robason in the House of Commons in uur next Ceg>sl*tar«. MANY CITIZENS. April 1 30 5t ITg|s=>We recommend Lt J. A. P. CONOLY of the 2d Reg’t N C Cavalry, to the boidiers and oitiiens of Robeeon ooanty m a Cudi- date for the Office of 9HRRIFF.. Bieetion in AngtMt aeii. HAKY VOTBBB. April 1. 20 8tpd. Light ArtUlery! Llfht Artillery! WANTED-for my Butery, %0 or 26 men Th« usaal bounty and clothing and rations given Apply to CoL John H. Cook, Fayetteville, or ■ JAS D. CUMMINa, Capt. Co. G, Starr’s Bat, Klnstoo, N. C- April 4 - 20-»tpd WORTH '- 7 i' Egypt Coal iHine. ^pHB ^tulersigneu were, at the November Term of the 1, Confeder».te Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managsra of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership fdV the purpose of cxining and selling Coal, and solicfT orders for the same in any desired quantity Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coal from this pro per^y is undoubtedly tbe l>f8t in the Confederate States Apnliuatioue may be made to Chaa B. Mallett, Fayette ville, N. 0., or J'*niee B-*ownc, GharleetC'O, 8. C. CHARLES B. MALLIfFT JAMES BROWNE. Fayetteville, Jan’y 20, 1861*. 96tf Physician’s Card. Dr D. a. CAMPBELL (late of Marion, S. C.,) hae njmovod to Fayetteville and taken an office on Bow street, where he uiay be found at all limes, with an ample sleek of .Mcdioinee, to answer Professional oalis. Satisfactory refer.*.uce famlfjhed, &o. Jan’j 2. 1«64 5M-»t«pd the Civil Docket, and all cobges on. ii>c 0»o Docket Notice Is farther given, that by an order passed at Fall Terra 1868, the day for trying State oases in said Court has b^ JOHN W BAKER, C. S. G, March 14. ' , 16 tC PftitjoB for pirt'tion of Lan^s. i Daniel NljCrumsier. persona!ly to be an t appe-r at the i next Terfii of iLis f oorJ, io > e held for th-O-.unty of M*’0r;s Hi th> C'^ur; liouse tn Gartbajf.-, on tbe 4th 1 Von «s»yof .\pril, ’*-‘d '» t or d!‘n'ur to petition fil«d in this t.vw. otnerr,ise THK undersigned having been appointed at March | ttame will be h'*a'^il ex stzd judgnuen’ e-'u T«r.»i 186"^, of the Court of Ple*8 an;’ Qinfier '*es- ; fcHS> *»U1 bf; enter d bs to him eions for CnmhTjrland county, uint Takers for the fowu j VViiu:'^s, A. H McNoiiL tlletk of our stud Conrt, at and Cross C'oek Di.-itricfe. hereby notify all personf* to i ofljee m Carthage, l*b Monday in J»uuru-y, 1864 Is- Coopers Wanted. SPIRIT BARREL COOPERS waotad, for I. wbich a given, by M>ireh 81 p» 5 wlU be paid atrd ste&dy work MOORE. CASHWELL & (X>. 19 9tpd Eist your Tai.ables. _ ’ good L - Oows; also, BRIArt^OOT for aa’iing Pipes, delivered Ujta^, B LEOERLEH Fayetteville. Feb’y 29. 11.17tp.J ftoxes, &c.« Yor the Arm.i^. iWILL send a special meeaenger to the Army ef Northern Virginia on the first day of every month. All boxes, packages, 4o., will be forwarded from ray The Cumberland I lospital As-: office free of charge. bdward warren, sooiation, always anxious to promote the come f >rwarJ ^nd list their proper'y during the Kst 20 working days in April next, oooimenciuc on Friday me 8tb. We c»M I** found from 9 A. M. to I o’cl. oR P. !VL, 6»oh day, a.l the office >.f K O'Vt >i on .tft. ct. No liifts •Hi t>e ffoeived if'ef !,he I'Xptr tviou ot the time wiiioh Is fixed by law R M ORRELL, List Taker for Town Distri^. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr , * List T^er for Cross Greek DiNttidt.. M»vrohl4- 16-tlM PayotteTllie Arsenal and Aritiory, i March 19, 1864 / Blackitfniihs W^tnted.. gTEADY employment and good watres will be g!v»;ri. suC't 4tb 16*6t',# i 1804 A H. M.-iNCILL C C. C YoDug’s Aritii^isetical Uietionary) i'>MBRA‘''lNQ a hvetem of'Arithmetic, Ready Rrckou- er, lutererit C)*ionl»»or, Book Keepini;. Forms. Ac E. J HALE & SONS Dpn’r 16. EAYETTEVIEEE tllTlAL INSURANTS COMPAXV. I Premium"Botea ty Cttsit “li itaud aud ot'h.;? Applyio Lt Col. F L. CHILD?, Comd’g Offioer comfort of onr brave soldiers, calls upon the-r friends in the county and town to aend eomethisg, either B>-oon, Peas, Potatoes, Dried Fruit, or anything they can spare, -9 be packed in boxea by the lat of April, to be sent to .aa Army ^y Dr Warren’s Apent. Bend to Mra Lutter- !oh, T^wident of the Association F«b. 29. (,;ioves and Socks Wanted. IUKSIRS’to purchase for the soldiers 10,000 pwr« Gloves and 10,000 pairs of Socks. Donations wiU Raleigh, Jan’y 16, 1864. Surgeon General N. C. 9^8m be thank folly received. J«a'j 11. EDWARD WARREN, Borfson Qen. H. tMa Farettovllle inenal and irmory, \ '* March J2, 1864. / The following regulations oonoerning the issue uf r^ tiona are published for the information of owners of Negroes h’red at this Arsenal and Armory. Negroes who work eix days in the week will receive rations for seven dayn. Negroes who lose time will receive rations only for those days on which they are present, uulees furnished with a writteB certificate from a respectable physician, that they were too siok to work. li-laX r. Ii. QBILD6. U. QoL Cowl’g. i-v-tit") Turpentine Still for Sale. The subscribf r hai a 25 barrel TURPENTINE STILL at Wh'te HctH. Bladeia county, which he wishesSto where it stand". It is all coraplete “ixocp' ***e srm Any person wishing to examine it will cal! on U’J. Carter, who resides at Wbite Hall. Aa to tertnst, .litc address me at thin P. O A K CROM\8.TIS , White'* Or^t, N C. M%roh 9 1/i 9t>.{ J267,68S 5,077 85 WAi¥TED, AT THK MANASSAS «AP R. M. SHOPS, G&EENSBCmO', N. G. 8 FIRST CLaaa .'dACHfNISTS, 6 SMITHS, 20 CABPENTEBS. Highest wagsf paid. Marah 16. 16-lnt Total. $27-2,765 61 The t/Oinpauy have p*id atl !'>i»«ea promptly, and have never made an‘^nt ou tneir prem^ Total losses paid. , t»« OvrtCKRs: GEO. Mc?-t£ILL. l*r«6ident. D. A. EAYi Vice Pi'tsident. C. A. McMILL.^N, St-o’y. DiAKOTPltS' W'. Tiningb ’^t, Heary Lilly, H. L. Myro»er, S. T. Hawloy, Nathan .A. StedB»an. C B. Mallett, J»iuef> Kyle, A A. McKetkftit, J. D. Wiliiaiua, 8. W. TUlinghast. a. I fiins'ialc, Wm. McLaujrin, r. Ic Lutferloa A. W. 8t«l, J. (x. Cook. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, Heading: WaofedT BARREL HE^DJNO ^ Mf.rcH 31 iy-9ipd Sfeam iflill for Sale. fPHE Subicriber offers for sale his Steiun Saw Mill ai t Pair Biutf, situated on Lnmber River, bear the WilmiDgton and Manchester Rail Road The mlU has two nuibjrs thirty feet Ifing, two feel six inches dlame- t,?r, tpn Inch cylinder, two faet stroke, two gates with wrought iron pitmans Any penona wishing to pur- ch'v4e call »n i exa-aine for thenisolves. R SMITH. F.»i»; Bl.'ft, March 26, 1««4. 19 4tpd Administratrix Hotice. HAVLSG obt^iiaed Letters, of AdminietnUiMn on the Es(a»e of William Blalock, dec’d, at Maroh Term 1864, of ll»rncti Coanty “iouri, the andersiitned hereby i!Otifi«*e all .'javiu;! claims against said Batate to present tucHi wi:kiu thf tine prescribed by Uw, otherwise this i.o loe wiH b.' plea.lf4 in bar p? their reoovtrry. FANNIE F. BLALOCK. Adm’x. -M+rch -'0 19-4tpd REl^ARlbr. RANaWAV ir:)‘ji my 3»U Work*, iookwood’s Folly, Brunswick county, about 26th Febrnai^, my boy D.W8. r» f;e>^0 or 11 iocaeo hitrh, 22 years of ftge; the *-Bds his Lwt» ai-.ldle tingura off of his ri#tht hand^ he i« ijrar coj-'P^color No ditibi be >• lurking about Wilc3ir-?ton* h;* working around the wharves there f-jr '.fca bl:>ckale runocrs last wc*ek I will pay the above riw ird ^or l»i^ ocnfioc*i«ent in jail eo I can get Lini. A G THORNTON, j Payetteville, April 4 20-tf I WAiYTED, An OVERSEER, one without family, and having some (xpt^rienoi on a farm. Apply to the fubsorlbw or ; VO .Maj. JonatUan Evans J 1 Maroh ^9 ROBERTSON. 19-lm TESTAIWEIITS AiHD HYJHIVS. s. w. luunghast. J noNFBDRRATE States Bible SoeKty T«st*m#nts. hn Collins and 0. C. McOmmmei^ Traveling Agents , nONFE^^TK 7^ ■^^Tke Oompaay invite l^ — - iU7M,mi. Seventh Congressional District, FOR COHO&E8S, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, t>l8t N. C. T. Seve**th Cougressioual District, FOB CONGKEiS, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Oo. D, eist N. C. T, Seventh Congressional District, FOR CONGRESS, Capt N. A- RAMSEY, . Co. D, 61it N. C. T. Seventh Congressional Distrift, FOR CONGRESS, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D? 6l*t N. C. T. Seventh Congressional District, FOR CONGRESS, , Capt N. A. RAMSEYr. Cfw- J>, «!•* >>1. o. T. Sevenilt Congressional District, - FOR CONGRESS, Capt. N. A. RA:MSEY, Co. D. 6Ht N. C. T. Seventh Coiigrejgsional Diatriet, FOR CONGRESS, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY,^ Co. D, 61« N. C. T. Seventh C'ongressional District, FOR CONGRESS, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, ^8t N. C. T. Seventh Congressional Distn#l, ('OB CONGRESS, Capt. N. A. RAMSEY, ' Co. D, 61st N. C. T. SeTent|i.Congressional District, FOB CONGRESS, Capt N. A. RAMSEY, Co. D, 01«tN.C.T. tai-2ttew) i I 1