I -1 ii lu-.' i*r-n ihtu’i *•11 lu- UIj To tl»o tatu ►y tlu* (/iMii u* uiifiroiis- |>orson e»- ititK-il t., K i*Mt >t iiifrtt roo iiMutlis iiitsj t’nr I 'liv prov •' i'M r;v«,1 !'t iiaviuu f h\‘ >. lSt>4 oxetnu vi» r tiu* (li- t-mpT v.r du ay be jiatiij- oC rlio prodnc oils for the b. Ho may. i\h, on ftuch MU'h ov«»^r may he 5*at e country in,^ in tlie milj h o\cmpti.jiii r. I'uuitcr 01 > employ in vil and lalv^r tf jr.iin and eiiuiieiit and b ii"t oxceoii like -’"ticJeM State under auditor aiid L'uujpany eu jrovernuittut, ‘s tbereoi’ a« shall c«*rtit’v the «flicien( 'Dvided, that ptod by iLii eei one j.»er- u actual uad laid exempt* descri|^)tion. -ivc left tho or wiio ;uav taine^j :»iiaU let approved n act to djt the mails ot e driven* oi military ser exemption* nly coutinue art; aofnaily rauits or wc- be, niki lie a etails, under t> be issued itr ot jHjrboiis* ‘,-or frii«i the where, in his ueceseity re revoke ^uch binlcs proj>er: in jsrranted to and t xemp- amb *rize the ontiaotor fi-r [3 to the Gijv- Ttrucr, unle-,-. partment ma that the per tor are indis aid contract: IIV rinch cm faithfully. lof such cm- Ihall cease, local boards of {Hji'sons ember com- ted from the which they inatioD. le, N. C.,) 3, I llA? JJaUt al fhU I’, &0 M M. liLE M »y .« 7 P M »y «ii 1 K W J-daj %l e P il |%y ai ] P VI roN. iay **i fi A \f ly «M. 1 P M row N fcy ai :■ A Vi ly at P M I NTH ilEK ING'i'o;. iuiJ loiiS'l 'becvexi h*at il from ai'i f jr pre-p%i I >»i lo )K P M RR irc .I.^A • WPA3(y, Irauon, puMic con- |he;4ltliy p«r - »r, for B«reo |a the proflu insured for ^ir Tatue. d&y8 «flar Ireferre i to %n I to Riileqra> (eat ai le, t? 04i«t iki I- VOi.. XHI. AY! TTFVM I-K, N. C.. APRII. II, I8H4 PKINTEU MONDAYS aNU THURSDAYS KOWARD J. HiLi: & 801^8. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Pri^eforthe Serai-Weekly Obsbrver $10 Oil. rniil in advance. Por the Weekly Orahrvbb $6 00 ppr >mnum. paid in advance, |&*ADVERT18EME!NTS inserted for *2 p^r a juare f 16 lines for the first; and one dollar for each suc ceeding publication. AiiTeriisement^s not esceedinf; a half aquare (eight line*) SI for the first and 50 certis f«T eaah eueoeeding publication. AdTcrtisers are re- {Uested to state the number of insertions desired, or hey will be continued till forbid, »ud charged accord- ingly. AdTertisements continue*! imidf, oharfced as n>w ad- rertigements. LIST OF l'HAK4i^ES FOil P^islSKiMlKRS. ^jlHK foUovriug r»tftp I our S*eaaiefj):— Fri'ui K»y8Uevl!Ir to ^'■••inineion, •• Eliift’’eth, “ VVi.ite Hall, •• ‘ '• KeUv’8 Ctivc, “ Ail point!* below, SECOND CLASS, Oil DKCK. Prnrii Kuypttevillc to Wilmington. “ “ E'l’zabeth. ■ ‘ W'-iteh;;!!, .. 4 Kfliy’u ffltf:-, “ All iioint? Ul% . from Wtimjiigiou^ Payctt«ville, K#iUv’s (Jovt, Whiic Ha!!, “ EHi'^hjib. “ .1 Prnspeot Hall. •• “ “ All points »bov»*, ' SECOND Cr,A8S, OR DECK . ^Froni Wi'.mingion lo FayoiiftTill3, KftUv’s Cove, White Han, AU {'oiut^ •if)ove, 1^‘Second Jlase or Pa.«a?ngarH rnus* be ohartjed on 1^0 OU 15 00 20 00 •il 00 ao 00 j:iO 00 5 00 7 00 s: 00 iO 00 J80 00 ! CUNKIiUICBiTK STATES OF AVKKICA, i H'iuinrnA DePARTaiiNT, Di-it. !apk Pm', ' V«'i’iu:.i(r;Oii, N. t' rc'i l'4ih, tbUi j NOTK'h is i ere'-y fiivt n to sid r> ;Moue nfraiDFt ti'.j* Knpriu ;-->r Ri-iiif, *or acwioea of fiiftvcH cujpl.'jy d ’■tborci’!- on •■i" iani defmttt n’ar Wilnjingtoc, ■> C , thii. 'he i.(= l.:rc}y.o*i> is an!*i'>ri*ed ! !*ud prep.’iri'd l;i pfty *tc FiDi.; ti bis *!hue, ou tiiC Cond flo jr of t!>c bi'ildii.^ next Meiirr«’ Dru? | Store, Mftrkei ^1^”" Peraoiia oiccuuii/ I' .w: t- of Ai-' r>i-?y v»ii! ob- | Berv~ (h« toil'.)viu^ ‘1 rii: l u !;-Uffrt, m aU i tj Sf? 1 *:y !/• jii.o ii^ lui';!- 1 C!»'e, or thrji ... j I,.- ^ i x •n'f iut uf tl.'^ ' PcKtic 01 (.Mcrk t’ nv 'lo «i l't>U.M OP POWIi!; iTiOKMfcV ' . I, ^ , (lo ii.*rt'by Hij>i>iuC —. of ^ u'-f true ,*nd iavrfui o 8*ga n'oeir'iH fcr, r cielv-j 13 50 i of -Hi m u> yj ..’;i !.i 1 KJ 50 I parlratoi of tin.- Ouui. dt-r^ St '08liK‘ri|»t Olllcc-, I ItALklOH, N. ' , A[..rtl Gth, j 'llU!Uf,AK I No l;{ { UIK ATrKNl’iON »)P KNROM.INU O.*-Mi bliS C'k!!J to tu!j f.illo'fittg Ciruuuir, fruisi ibe >-0!.aviiif,ti(,a Ii>biruuiioifti hub8»qu«M!v )an!i*-d. 'I btiVf ao far ui«'!tti‘d ii8 |>ruvial im zv-:u!! i.f tn, li’iicr^e.H >-u iKe U'l ti-Jiy ■ of the of ” la '•.t> il'E III:-.!'" t ,i r^'fot-e, ; Im f r-i!;r d*t • i-J ‘ irhoi'!‘v;r M vSuUrn SPECLA-L NOTICE. From au i a*ter this date, no name of a new su>>«criber will be entered without payment in advanoe. nor will the paper be eent to such subscribers for a longer time t ban is paid for. Such of oi» old subscribers as desirv t i tivkc th« pa per on this system will please notify ns when making ' B^rih with thi'r Soots or iboon oo. •»* th- i:-!- ?0 00 •->1 00 «0 00 $10 00 i G 00 j 9 00 10 W I ■f%y on j serTices of >ny slaves ftnployt I us U >orerf th iKifences at , dur:n^ t(-p tv -nth of , IHt Witnesa tny h^ud h'.hi ‘'p ■U »t . tl*e — — , ISP ^Signed 111 .It] ! tMUi aUilKAU ()!• (‘^iNHcRn'TloN Kiciim'>si! Va , >• .nib 551^! t*:ini iii.AB No i-s • . - y n,.; iju.tii. ipr II. •• ‘>*’M.^NI»ANTK O'*’ »;‘U i Aviric-. ti*r liir'f T'.*-i-.t'od, in C'>tiijjHnoo' vfijh Ci-u'”*' ?' ,11 I Witnesses I s- ! lower deck or pay full priiw, or v» Fir“t Cla=s i • . > • • 11 u . i I^An extra charge w U be nmde f«r W.w I . signatuics „f co'o. -I st^ould b - eers gcltiog into Bertii-' J'jring ’ty time, aui for cx’cu- j " remittances. .n'y 1, 1858. - ■! w of WJHr. •WriSf.#!*, Attorney at Law. FArKTTEVILI.Es N (’ ILL attend the County and Superior Court C»»berland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Cuuu- j ties. Prompt attention given to t ht* ''ollection of all | jlaluie entrusted to his hand:). j Oct. 17, 1859. &8-tf ^ GKO. \V7 WILLI AMS & CO.. %Vhole«ale Dealers in Wrocerie**, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Uardffare and Cutlery, Swedes Iron, JLc,f HAI STREET, FAYKTTKVILLE, 31. €. July 2, 18C1. 361^ JOS. UTI.EV, j t^roteir and CoMnil»»ion .flerchanf, \ FAYETTEVILLE, N 0 J&a’j 10, 18G3. i)3-tf B O WO»TH. D. 0 WSBTH »• 0. D.\!IIBL WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Meroliauts, if"V»fer Sirtetf WILMINGTON, N C Oct. Iti, 1863. ■ 73-lim WAMTEII. 2c:aa bushels wheat, ,OUU 1.600 “ CORN. Persons having the above articles to sell will receive Ltae highest Cash price by oalling on Mr. M. Thooiason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on the subscri ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. ^ov. 6, 1862. AR.nY HARNESS. 1AM prepared to manufacture all kinds of Wagon Harnese for Army use. 1 tan my leather and can give good bargain^. Ageate will do well to send their orders to me as they shall hu'te prompt attention, and sent off in quick dispatch. JOHN CARTER. Goldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., \ June 13, 1862. ) oretion r.f tho Captnin. J. A WORTH, fur 5. F. St’m B’t Co.. R. M ORRELL, for Si’r-> Suu., T. 8 LUTTERLOH Feb’y 23, 1864. «-tf WESTE»i% KAiL ttCMLl). ~ MIE FREIGHT AND P,vS.-^ENGf^R TRAINS of tUia Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays exceptod) at 8 o’clock, .A M.. >iad letnrning leave E>rypl at 1 o’clocn, P. M. Catllf aud llorsf Tr.un MONDAY, W EUNUSDAY ^ad FRIDAY. By order JNO M. ROSE, Tri ie’r ;.nd Oen’l Traus. A)? t. J^n. 22, 1863 ' »7tf Ther' mur-t or t-'i> .••iile ';i«plical>: i*owo’'8 of Au .iritr-y T enou uioaia. lU-.nk forms cau l.e bad upon appli- Mion »t thin ortiCf' W Jau’y 20, 1804 If ’AMESI C*-!*!. & (-Lief Eii{(. 1300tf 1 !200 lb». Gum Aras>ic lor sale by J. R LEE 69if C>et. 16. May 23. TtlBACC'O. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, variou? grades. k CO. 31i will 190 for 8»le OB consignmeDt, by GEO. W WILLIAMS W Atter this date I paj 15 CenU per pound for .rags, or the highest market price, delivered in Fayetterille, or at ry loills on Rockfish •' n '!U*tPHY . PeVyl6, 1864 " Wanted to Piirtliase, E8TERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Nolee; Gold and Silver; N^rth Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable:) $1 atid $2; ‘ •• Bonis, old and new. County of Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bondi; Greensboro’ $1 and $2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;) Coupons of $15,000,000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds;' “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTERU)H. Oot. 12, 1863. "It*^ OttDXiXCK DEPAKTMKNT, Ralkiob, N. C., May 8, 186^ i6^. } Laft*! for ihia Ij Department. Persons having large or small quan tities will please apply at once. Will five I pound of POWDER for 10 pounds or i^BAi* TH08 D HDOG, Capt C « gy.j, In chargc of Or.lnauoo. Palma €iiristi Beans. Bttbi«rlbcr will pay the highest caiib prices for 1 fcay qujoiaty of PalmR Chrlflti BeaM^ WORTP v«o#vin«. •'■♦I P iVAJlTEU. r WILL pay the high«st Cash price, for any quantity I of good CO W HORNS, and LEG BON KS of Horses and Cows; also, BRIAR ROOT for m^ikHij From and atter this date tne {Steamer A. P. HURT wiil 'leavi; ai ^ o'clock, A. M., on .Mondjty and Thursday. JOS A WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. P. Steam Boat Co. ^ ash^vViTle, .K. r. WILL open the E.AGLE HOTEL for the re ception of Quests the first of June, and I hope ,to be able to cnt^srtain from seventy-five to a hundred persona during the Summer. In connection with this lirge Hotel, I have a number of Hsicks, Carriages, Buggies arid Sadflle Horses that my guesth civn get at a minute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR, Proprietor E'^gle Hotel, .Asheville, N. C. .May 13.1868. 31-ypd WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fishor. POULTI^’. Chickens, Butter aud other dclicacies for the aick Soldierj at this Hospital. Perjon.i having these articles ean obtain the market price on applica tion to the eubsoriber at hie old stand or ut .Mr. J W. Powers’s on Hay S'reet. R. E. HEIDE, Oea 1 Agl. Aug. 25. 58 tf Ck>ttosi I'arn tor %Vooi. Notice is faercbj" giTc« that after «ki« !«.• in cases where we have bargaiafd for Wool accord ing to the terins of our advertisement of the 30th .of May, whioa terins are cow revoked.) we will give 1 ' un- dle of CoUon Yarn for 4 Iba. of Wool unwif^liea, r 3 lbs. washed and plckovL This etiArige is m;ide »t me inaiance of tae Quartermaster at RiUd^a, in order lo make the teruis of exchange uniform taroughoat ihe State. GEO. W, WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, June ‘29. 1863. 41 if E^ypt Deal .Hinc. The undcreigneoi were, at the November Term of iLe Confederate Court, Dismct of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, aud have entered into copartnership for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be supplied on short notice. The Coftl from this pro perty is undoubtedly ihe^edt in the Confederate States. Applications may be made to Chas. B. Mallctt, Fayette- vil'e, N C.. or James Browne. Charleston, B. C- OH.'.r.LES B. MALLETT JAMKS BRONVNE. f :.yeiteville, Jas’y 20. 186^^ 96tf Boies, &c., tor (he Armv. I WILL send a special mPineng.r to the Army of Northern Virginia on V^ie first day of every maalh. All bo^es, packages, &(. will be forwarded from my office free charge. EUW.ARD WARRtN. , Surgeon General N. C. Raleigh, ■l''-n’y 15. 1864. 99-3m TO THE Hl€K. Read the following:—Rer’d Johu w. Potter (N. C ) saye: For twelve years 1 was a great sufferer. My iiver was diseased. I loat my flesh and strenfjth, and my skin seemed changed in its coV r by tlie bile with which loy syst'.m wa^ overchirgtd. 1 bccame subject to fre quent and violent fv»-iick» > f bili u.-i colic, every r.ttaok leaving me »i»aker 'ban its pTeleoes3or. Tae physi- ciiins had been able to patch me up a little, but roy health was in a deplorable 8'ate. I had taken patent medicines until I wai tired of them. Without energy or comfort, I was barely as'e to go about a little. At length I yielded to the earnsit persuasion of a friend and commenccd takins; the HEPATIC PILLS, with no like FsyetteTiile Arttenal and Armory, \ Nov. 12, 5HttS i ^lOO BOUiVl Y. l9'\4J3ieU^ JOO ,fiouttled iHHetAcn. AUrilOitrrV Jinvmg t)ee« graated by the War Do- p irtaieui io raiae '4 '.'ompauy -f Mouuit-d Kiflem.-a for jervice iu this vii-in fy, Qi*tic» is hereby giv«'u ihttt recruits to the number oi LUO riK^n coAfcripu will be re- ! oeivc-J '■or this acrvice. Lauu recruit will be remiir;d ! to iui. ;sn /» eervioc-i&k hortw. :or wni^h he ml! bo nl- ( I'vwed 10 cents per dit! n, und hid j>:*y JI2 per Hiouth. WriClfii perinUnion viMl be re'^'U^-ed from -ar-u's or guardiaus, whfrrp -jii.'upplit'.-vii' is tinder the o )n:;.Ti’pit Ag.:. • i Each recruit mu(l bnag wit:> utai u t'Knkel or ti.'d | .sf.re;id, acd cooie piejtared to rem-vin Uu-l I 1 U t) . -jurrfui dc.riet' r.\i !al- p-;r-*oi)H hi i wecii t ijd «i£a-> ot ^eve „ gi' . »..j fort; live &.id tifiy ; eu;r. ihCuv Ml. . !us* ”* ! IfL 'J-iy o/ .'diy ucx'., to joiii tiny C. i-jpiiiy f- r loc*! u-v I f«ncfl whiob has foti jvd iinJer (!•. n-.i-’iil t,). Ji-ro, N'i>. j A. !iHii I O. o Iasi H«‘ries, for • i»0 Wt'. ol .lU.v oih.;r I iuio ilii- d»-rvit:o, and w' ion i>i the ;ora- ue l Uii: t- ; uie it is U/iolc to ittrvice uay wheit wiuiiiitje ' or I . ra) ib«-i into voluntfcry bi'ganiz :. oiti uf B .iU'ioi'r or Regimfl’.U, H.ii’i t icir \ (Itti;er3, in 'ooalorrait/Wii i* *■, j hs ■iruvrle I in tiie titu iiit.ciion o' I'lf Act ut (i'o^gribe j l'» .-TtT u.zo for fttt »a serve uiiriug luc W j.ub'’»*h>»d j in G-iner.ii Or'lfTH No. •>, .\ and 1 (JO, ca:Jt>it ' He>'ie. wliu do fco'. b“fore ih« Iwt dav May next, ' iiOhmu.**r or ure.^tnice Ivea L to f ooipiutiea. v»i!l ii« t Tt>i«''i .liio t.ioni^auiu’, B a*5d Rfgirnonm, •in vr to ’ «}>ri>«cni>e i therutor Ify .jf t!oi John S. PKEtiToN, SujU C P. I'DKKIKLD, A A U.ueml 11. In view cf tb.r Very li'mio't ta£u: iillow»il for the ' ■ur'drm nt of 'Sc- clni'eef {ier.'*(>t;s r^forrtd I . in aJ'oie j o'TMlUi'. it is u>t pr»clictb'* ibnt it ahAiI ilu A CAKIK I'l'ii'HUNL, ptivtkte >u Capl MoKellar’j Co til N ’avalry, baviug so!ioiied t-j be corao u csruti Jsite (in p.'«n) to rep'esent the good pc AJ. l.l'i * (A> of O'ln’bttib^rd n.?id Hari^ei.t counfics in th“ Comm'as of pur bex' L ■a-irialure. Therefore, if th«» voters of ssiii’- counties will honor him wiih a Huftioient numi-tr of their vi>t«s, HI our next August el«olion to entitle hiui to fiei’.l in our -M'xr. L-^gislaure, hi* will tndf-avur faittfu'ly l'> leprCtfcui iLeTri and lUb'r io\erfat wi>b what abilitj be n;H_v jjopues" liut if tbtii !:h«tl decide itgainst him. te will then re- Tt>»iiu :u (he krniv, where he h.aa bi»en tor nearly Hire*' ye&r.^, and coiHinue to battle for fhe liberty and mde- pesdoitoe of I iir Si uthern ‘uBf»,dtracy until, riils Uod’i h«dp, th-y are o!>trtiued, tfhouM bin life be tij‘»r»r5 ^o hnfi-y ctHif'ttnimaii'^n^ ril *'• 2l-3l|ti I'auip 4«tii Kes’t N. 1’. Troops, \ Obanok Ooubt llorsK, Va j fllHR meiut^ roof Co D. 4Glb R>g’t N. O T , froc; L Robeson countv. fake g^ivit *lee.«ure *n reooronier,‘! I ;ng 'tr WILLIAM STEWART to tho yotcrs of said • eouuly, I’jr the cffi'^e of Sheriff Election to beheld in f dier for twr> years ffiitbful'y. Was v^ounded at Sharps- : burg, Md , whiah wound rinders him'unfit for service We have oonsulled Mr. Sie wart’s feriings ou this oiat- ter and ho has cousented to bt a candidali*. M&ror. la 21 4tpd CO D. VVo :»rt* jiiitlmrizfMl to ;iii- nouaoe AARo.'f MALONE. Co H, 2(»lh N, (- Teoof'S, a candidate t repr»iecf Moore county in the next Legislature 'f N C He is for a vigorous proseoution of the war, and a stanncti friend of Vance April 4. 22 8tpd AN INI i in ('ami* you i I ■. N : .pj.Mi cTi iig ie;Mil*ir tour Ki;;o!'ing i^Ujcirn '-1 the aw- ■ ftl l‘i^ti iol.1 1* ii ib'ticiore ir-o.u% ui iers alt ).! 9.ii- bi« liMiiiicb t.i t'.eir Ivioal Kui-.>Hiiis; Ofh;>‘.r(i, to • v'l iu«>l-ri b^t«*>5ii tiis uf sevt-nit-en i-d ,ui ?ieiT'’r':n t' • ajrefi ;if fjrty ti*. :*i lit'V, ■»sid A.rwrtrd roH^ !•.> *'•» Diutrioi Ki-.rolliue (»ttii;> r la nnprov ded w'lti i >cal Enrolling tiliicera. 0’ - U' i.i of the Mill) ia K ;giuicntd Will be requested to euroU i»H p* rt-ri.a in iheir r*; eci v" 0\ nimandK, within Ibe Brifiles sadiles. waiters ^ind saJdle bt iakets furni.U- i scribed a?-., nud f. .ward rolbf as above di ed by the Gov3rt;m-;uS, or if the rcorui; comes provided with them, iie will i>.* naid for them a fair valuation. Apply to C.*pi MATTHEW F I AY’LOR, at the Ar senal 80tf >]p.jor C L. CHILDS, A. Comd’g Pi St. Ill Persons enr'lied under this Circular will be B'lb^equintly f-x:tn'ia‘.'d during the regular tour under •vrcular. No. 8. B. vt C . and such as are pronounoed the District Examinin'g Boards unfit for the required Hrrvic^'. w; l be discharged OHice BeUOt IVo. 13 ) 1 lu'^'^s^rdanse with the a'^>vc instructl.'ics from V. \f .-A ~ f ■ ii of 0.. nsrsoi*a of th.'oiaases embrfkoed tlerein, will BAYErTE\'ILL^ March ,, 18t>4. [ ,o,u .nst . the liberty of forming your ruuen. i 01 joiniag toe organlzalionB therein recited. SuSh aa I^ER^ONS who ii>^ve nM >»Iready pai I their Tiiite t dtsiro t'> form theniselvet* into Compani«e, Battalions Ttx w'll have unnl tne 20'h d»y of May 1804. to | r,r Il'*gir.(^t‘», in ji'irsaftnoe >f Iha j,vovi8ioiiH oi above d'liver the baine 1 »t.ia»i..w r^siy lo recoive the Bacon j G rcul»r, No. 13, will j roceed forthwith to their org-»n- duc uaitT the tithe la>f. ' ii poun id of Ciied baoou . zitjo;.,.elect their Olfiotrs and forward their muster for every UO Ib.x pjrk tbughtcred bin^i- (ie 24th of ' rvlU to ihis OOic •. through fhe District Enrolling oftioer. .\pril 1863 is required Parti:*s delivcriac their ti'bes y Aoy porti u ^f «uUr No 10. from this Ofltee. at a distinoe of over o orht miles will bs promptly paid i current s; rics. which mav conflict with the directions for exoes-j of''au'.ing J .M. WILLIAMS, joft iis 12 fiOM] Agent for Cumberlaud county. T Superior Court ot Lair for Cum-! berland County, NOIH'E is hereby eiv-;» that there will be » Spring ; Terra of this Court held on the 7th Monday afior j tb« 4th M'>nd»x "f M«roh next, bdar the 16t*» dav j M-»y 1S"4, !-3 try and -letermine all actions of Tort on tne Ci»il Docket, £.aJ ail cases on the State Dooket j Notice is further ihat ^y an order pa“»ed at Fall Torm 18*>3, the d'.y for frying Slate c-is's in --aid Court »s been chan,'"'d from Tbr:rijd;\y to .Monday. Parties u wKn;-33cs vt 1 i g;vern tiienu'elres accordiualy i JOHN W BAKCR. CSC. , .M.arc’n 14 15 tC j i^ist your Taiables. ' HE uua-ioig'ied R.ving been appointed at .Vlxroh 1 _ Term 1864, i;f the Court of Plea* and Q^iarter Hce- ] aions for Cumbt-rl^r.d county, Lii^it Takers for the Town and Cross Cree'is Dijfri^is. hereby notify all persons i/> came forward and list their prof»erty during the list 20 working dayn in .April next, commencing ou Friday the 8ih We can bo found from 9 A. M. to 1 o’elock P. M., eac'a day, at the oflBce of R M. Orrell on Hay street. No listd »ill be r*:ceived after the expiration of the time which is fixed by law R M ORRELL, List Taker for Town District. JOHN W. BAKER. Jr . Lisi Taker for Cross ^reek Distric* Mircb 14 lo tlM AUE^TS WAIVTEB | T>> collect .JrJH.s i)nl ()rilmine Stoi'fn in Xort/i \ (Jaroluui. )\V f4 00 p»"r day. and .a liberal compensation for Stores collected, ftccordinu; to a fixed pcheduie. Applicants Riu n fuinish siiiisfuctory testimonials of ex- emp'ion from Military service, of chsrt-c'cr, and qu^li- fisst ons. Norif others need apply. Address F E 0 CARR, Gen’i .^x’t C 1 Ord. Siores, CnarlottegviUe, Va. CharlottesviUe, V» , March 25 20 41 Bank ot ilnrtli Carolina. '^PO th« btockhclders Tf the Bank of North Caro’ina; 1 Tbp Gonfedc~a* j TIX >'i fl’e iiiJi^i^tnl ilinrc-i wil’ be paid by the Bvnk C. DE'^VKY, Cai-hi^r March 25. 18 Im OLD t:A.«4T lUOi^ WAHTEU T the Star Foundry, by M. A. BAKCR L March 1. 22-tl6A cnlar, is hereby revoked By M der of Ccl M ALLETT, Comd’t Cons, for N C. E. J. Hardin, Adj’t. to me. Fayetteville. Fcb’y 29 ci>nfidenso ia ihein They acted like a charm on^^e use, unUl now, by OoJ’s bl>-pHin^, 1 am wM a.ni h*arly I had a n**fi^ro tnas wno. 've 1 bclit*v^id, was saved from death by a'do^e of l,hs«f^ pibs. My Doctor's bill was annually from *100 t ; f200, but I have h xd no vs:* for a physician si' cc I C’iU coiifident'y reoonirjcnd thctu a® a superior family medioine.” - The ingredleflls of which the •‘SOUTHERN HEPA IC PILLS” are made are .so costly aa to compel ?he proprietor to*r-ui i^em f.i pre»^eni [•rioctt. which nrp not so r«oiunera*i»i‘ an whe * (he piiis 60;u i-jr ies^ Full d’reclion'i "'•pocp' nv each box » Price ^3 a * :x F r ,f;iO a «icz n bor.es will be- GEO W DEEMS, O adsboro’, N 0. !l-17ti>d (liloTes and ^ocks Wanted. 1 DESIRE to •urchase for the aoldiira ?0,000 pairs jf Gloves' and 10,000 pairs of Socks. Donations w.ii EDWARD WARREN, Oen. N OO.^m 11 If .V i ‘ive Copper SliMs for salt will u>l- M. A BAKER Maroh 1 lit! i Ltj peraoi;.' A dr^s FayctteviU FLOUR OATS. Ij^LOUR and OATS will be exchanged for Corn at the ‘ Store of D. 'ilnLaurin, by giving him a ?e»f dnyi; ji/'Hop. Fi'^ViT pood. Oata No. 1, hhn^fc or wbiti*. Jan’'.' tf LUBKICATING OIL. fJirlE underaiicn^d i-i now orcpatred to. t pubiio a very (■upermr artiet« of LirBKlCATlNQ OIL, tJtptcially for CotiotK ar»d Woolen Factoriet We cHim that this Oil does i»ot guw. and Inay bo run at grr-ater speed with lees pov7er than any other Oil except Sperm. • Mr W H Pcrter, Superintendent of Phoenix Cotton FsMdory, says of it: “I have been u»'rng your Lubricat ing O I for 2 or 3 months, and find it to be superior to any other Oil now in use for lubricating.” r .lobn Kershaw, Sup’t ot Blount’s Or*^k Factory, say.-; “1 can cheerfully say your l.ubricatiag Oil is a suprrlor article It Joc.s not gum ia the I'asi. but keeps .he journa1« nloui- snd bright Mr A F Beckerditc, Cii'ef Eui^iuecr of the C S .\r?i»- nal a>id Armory of this place, was requested to try it and 8»yp: “I think for light machinery—»nch as Cotton Factoriee—and for heavy maohi»ery when the motlno is sle w, yonr Lubricating Oil will compare next in qual ity to Sperm Otrisr Cotton TO ituf »>'-ure“P ba^e tried it and pro- nonnCB'i favorably of ii. We will furnish this Oil by the barrel at #20 per gal lon. caih HENRY E. COLTON. .Agent F^yetUviUe Kerosine t'o. April 4, 1864 20 if oii^. WJV. can r.ifjiifti KEROSENE BUaNliNtj Oil, in-,••*•■»- \f tines of rr 10 ,th1o.*!i- at t-25 p^r gal' n; ii' o*ns or tegs tlu to $20 .♦ddiiioaal S*-nd 2Mia or k-cM waen convenient. This ia as good an Oil aa c*u be itiad,* wit:;oui the mixture with .Alcohol, which it is itupos ibV* ni>w to obtain. Tue wick tube r.f tlw ordinary Kerosene lamp should be slightly lengthened’ by soldering on a picoe. With a liimp thna arranged our oil bun>s without pniokc r.nd wita dP mufih brinianc/ aa snyNortliefa Kerijsero. HENRY E COLTON Ag’t F K Co. A-ril 7 EAtiLE piniNDRV. MOME aiomtiij ago w . c .mpleted aU oui O ^'te r.iHuuiaeturc of OaU WHERLS, ut ng to flie lailf^e of the supply of Ir-n jf j ropur 9'4tn»e have not lal-ly beeu ablvj to Buppl> >'.ny dci., .od ff'r thf»>i; t..i( difli;,ulty however, v.ill be n-« re-'>uc in ihe Ronf.i- of nix 'roeka at wbio^ time «o .^b i!i * furnish wh«*elfl of Iho following aizrrt—'^4, it r>-u{ OUT i^hei'ls NO." TO CH \ 'K '-j '■ : .f'.: to anv ros.l" in th.* Co f'e Jeric^', -r !o t&:*H' of 'Vhio,-?-/ A Son“ I f P-;iKji'hihi I, r >t i by (til Railroad c-'nt'-U!ie^. Wo ar-j pr..i>i»red ‘o exei;U'** Gr^'es Sai.d Vrork, ot any D F:%vet • vilie. March 30 18ti4 To th« Voters ot Harnett County. fllUE undersigned, a private in Co. A, 6th N C. Cav' J. ftlry, having been soHoited by somi* of h!e friendd. respootfully fxsnouuoes hinti^elf to the suidieri and citi xeus of Harnott auur.ty as a Candidate for the Ottioe of SHERIFF at the e- otion &a the tirst Tcursday in .Au gust next. SAMDICL D PIPKIN March 21 17 24tpd l^tlTICE TO EA RiHER«. STRAW WANTED. WANTED immeIiately for the HospitAla aud Troops at f ayetteville. ‘20,000 p^iunda of WHEAT BTRAW, fiuiiable for bedding. Fat mers having a surplus of this article on hand will confer a benefit on our eick aud W3und§d ao'diers by bringing it in. A fair price vl’’ be paid .Apply to tiU.ARTERMASTER, at the Arstu-.l Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory, Ap-ril 4. 2Uf Give in your Ta\ Eists. Having been appointed to take the Tax List i.1 71st District for the present year, I will attend .at th) following times ftud plaoefl to receive ihe List of laz- ablea in said District, vii: At M. C Lamoui Monday the 18th inut. at G. D Baker’e on Tuesday the I'.tth, at Uun'^an Ray’s, Leng Street, on Wednesday the 20th All Lists must be (tivts in by the let of May or they will be reiurncti unlisted. NEILL R BLUE. List Taker for 71 at District. April 9. ’i2-2t w. T. HORr¥E^ WANTS to buy 4 or 6 good blooded young aud strong HOUND DOGS, at the highest price. He would prefer their being already brt>ke to run the^track o' twofootad animals, tialled thie*ves Thes« dogs are in tended M detectives. He w4ikl like to buy or borrow vu» •>. icMv as » leauer, tr'jm any inenu xne uOg shall be promptly returned wfaten called for and any fnendfl who may kid him in getting up tbe?e dogs shall have the dogs at their servioe when called for, as v'ell as for the neighborhood. Any person having a dog cr dogs will please oall at Tokay vineyard, a snort di^; tance from the Town of Fayetteville The dogs will be tied no during the day. April (*. ‘22 4tpd §lrayed or litolen, Ij^ROM my residence on Lliile River, a FILLY' about two years old, sorrel color, white bind feet. I will give $10 for her reaotijry. ALEX. April 5 DARROCH. 21tf prepaus Mari>h 26. 1^64. I8-l*‘pi' KAii«! BA»;j^:!—The infe- be thankfully received Jao’y 11 ” To Cotton Planters. I HAVE been appointed by the Secretary of the Trea sury, Chief Agent for the purchasQ of Cotton for the Confederate Government within the State of North Caro lina, amd will p*y tor the same in 7 per cent . Bonds or Bub-Agenta viflitiug the different parts of Ihe State, buying in my name, will have wrUteu certifioates-of Mpointment. By order of the Secretary m the Treasury, all Coiton purohased by myself or my agents, on and after tne 18th day of March 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent. Bonds er Cash, aud not 8 per oeut. Bonds as statel in ft former adverLiBexneftt- Dp to tbftt tixuc, however, the 8 per oent. bends will be furnished as stated. Patriotio citisens are now offered'^n opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it thei? Ootton rather Utux to prit»te oapiUliata. LEWIS 8. WILLIAMS. GhulotU, Hwoh 24, 1868. Jo. »•! vior qnUity of thr- p-per on w;=:ch i'le Obsurvar bai bf>en printed of lite, ,ar.d wITich is a great eye-sore to ui», '« owit'g to thfl •vani r.f a suSloient.Mipf'ly of g v> l r.-t^ , ao i th:- Cu a=ieqneri-. iiec- easity to rosor;. to inft^rior m'»!crit.i8. We appeal to the friends of tbp Observer a* all aco‘:BS’b1e poia’a, to savc up and bring to town all the rfts;3 they C'ln pro-iure. We have >u; time ourselvcS to a-tciid to iheir purchfuie, but Messrs. Geo W. WilUams & Co., the Agonin ic this towa df Mr. M»,-.phy, will pay 15 ctnts per lb. tor E J HALE & P0N6 Feb’y 15 _ ^-itf North Carolina Volunteer Jiavy Co., Tkkasdeie’s OfFiCB. WUcQingt'^u, N- 0., March 6.1864 Books for further substjription to the Capital Stf.ck of this Company are opened at this Office i tlTU a. agcr WA:\TEO, t'lTLJAl H .-'UDCriii‘eTle;ii or 0'ueral Mi^^v.- by a co'iytilcn; ).iin!if.'.;.-vrer of botb V.'ooi an'’ C^jtton, wh? &a-« bid 40 year.i’ expcrieute and ia fifty tiir'-'yearn o' !ia:c, r, n»?iv,’of .Manoues'e^, Eng land; I*! al.-Ki M.:ao'-iai*}! i.M 1 Iv'x'ia^iS'. Any one i'l w.nt of ftucii a m\n •iddri a.’^ E B. R NH’MOLS, lVORin*l.oa, N. C. VJfjrrih 2i 1/' 9ipl 1/ oin. Dry S iir mZ'- » NDEKb'ON (o 8 vd •'11 Ur; wn I. ;>nd N t.’O. lytf Llsjht Arlillftry! Light Artillery! TANTED for my B ittevy. o-; 25 CK'n. Tba U3«-il bfiunty t.mi c’olhiug and rLilions givt*n Apply to Col Joha H. ’ook F>»jrttev'lle, or JA8 D. (’UMVIING, Cait. Co C, Sl 'vr’s Bat , K.nuton, N. ’ Ap i?4 20-' tpd v00pers Wanted. B vRRRL coopers wanind, for prioi.' jvill bi paid ';nd work MOORE, CVSHWELL & CO. 10 91.5 WAiliTEII, UT T.HK MAXAB8AS ilAP'K. aim>^ysmjiio. y 8F1RSS CWt-K M ACHINISTS, ti SMITHS. •20 CARPENTERS. H'gh J6t wages paid. M'vroh 16 M. c 15 Iw Anunal i^eetinfir. The stockholders of the Fayetteville A Western Plank Road Co. will tAki' plaoe on Thiir«lay the 28^b April in the Town Hall ;it 11 o'clock. .I>'o. M. ROSE. Sec'y i'\ A: \V. I*. K. Co. .\piil 11. ' 22-5t A 4'hance lor thi Boys. 4) p t’RNTS per bushel will b« paij for old siioee or scrap ijE.ATUER at syjy kitid. oo matter how old dolivcred at the .Arsenal. * * * ^ April ft. 41 JYOTMVIE, Application win b« m&de at tha next Session of the Legislature of North 0«rolina to inoorporatc tne “Cape Fear Exporting and Importing Company ” April?. 1864. 21-4t Another Ear^e Arrival. m UA pair WHi rTEMOBE COTTON CARDS No 10 JUU 13‘H> P^irs OOTTON CARDS^ L -Hfeh-r Leaf P w l«r. S>i >t s-nd Csp3, Pure tit Livsr Oil for Dyo- pep-ti i. L'v«r Ccninlain' >.nd 0&n8u»pti*>fc. Wool Cards, t’ott!'®, Sn;;ar tA »r.d Rio »'o^*!iriv^, Shoe Thr'a.!, b'>pi-Ho9k8, Pior.gh Line*, K*se woUarh, Slacking Tacit-}, Mada, Pitnhforks, F.rwdif^’R"h!!jk‘?y-, &o., Ao , at WILSON'8 Oil »nd Watner E3i&t>ii3t»nieat, Witctinf{t«c, N. *: April 4 u «ltN> liElWARB. ANA i7.A Y fioai tr.o Kubscnoer on tus iTJat .Febiu«»ky. il D)y Ui?g-'0 boy JoilN, eixteeu yei«v «:d, bout. 4 ftret 6 ia-ch-s ;>■»?**. c-Jupi-iXioi; hH.M -fc i>tiar 1.^- (wcen bi« obi:» *iud mouth. He n.>^ iirolia'uly Ji^vo in=ide 'nis way to Be«iieitsv51le. F. ■wL-.rejsin ps,renia are. 1 wiil iiay on» hundred cfcilliirs itwari fo.t his ar rest and Qontincment iu asiy jail ao ijitt 1 net aim. D. W ATKR rtMeville. N C.. April 7. ‘jJr^ipd Turpentine i^till lor iKaie. f^HE eubscrr.irr has a 25 barrel TliRPKI^TlNE SirLL 1 at Whita Hall, P.lr^dea oiuufy. Wtioh 5»c wi.^h«i^' I ' sell, where it stand:. It is hU oonj-Iete except the aroi. Any pc-rson w*.ihinf^ to e.3i'»tTiiu» i w*?! call on H J- Carter, who r->“it‘ey *t Wbit^ HiS. Ah to terms, ua a'idre.^8 me s( thi'’ P. O K (JROM.ARflo • WUife’s C’re-.'S, N C . Mpre.'r H w ipHP.i:r! .'jpiRiT i wbioh ft imr.ii'. given, v.y f VI I.UIH \/uxu^»ujp c*t«5 All persons des'rous of aidinjf in thin all importual ^ mterprise c iu forwar ’ ssj their u mus b> iuad t!-..«itiug , the amount tn*:y wish to ' u- '^orib ■, and then s-.'nd t'ue cash by some trusty person, on r-’ceipt of w -ict 1 will forward Certificate ot Stock. Shares $600 eaeh. All old subsoribers that have not Mircb 31 Ifeadinj^ W.'tsiCed. 1PIRIT BARREL HEAHI.vG wan'ed b- .MOORK. '.VS;I>-wLLL * CO 19 Oil .! FAYETTEVIEEE MUTUAL INSURA3i€E COMPA.^f. capital in Preinium Notes amounts to it G*»s’u an hand and other asHots. $‘267,688 ‘2b 5.077 85 Total, $272,7Cr> 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an asseBBaient on their premium notaa. Total loBses paid, $‘2^,68‘.’. 69 OfriosRs: GEO. MoNEILL, Presiden*. I>. A. RAY, Vice Presideat. C. A. McMILLAN, Scc’>. Di&sotoks: W. N. Tillinghas-, March 31 Said in their labMriptions will please do so »t the ear- leat moment. 12-19tpd] W. IX Tr«M*r. loung^8 Arithmetical Oictiouarj; EMBRACING a systom of Arithmetic, Keaiy Reckon er, IntereiM. Oalcalator, Bbok Keeping. Forma, &o. S. J. HALE ft SONS. OM’r 16. Henry Lilly. H. L. Myrover. S. T. Hawley, Nathan A. SteJtnan. C. B. Mallett. James Kyle, A. A. McKfcthan, J. D. WUiiams, S. W. Tillingh&at. S. J. flinadale, I u Uo..1av Wm. McLaurin, T. S. Lnt.terloh, A. W. Steel, .J. 0. Ceok, Hon. J. Q. 6'aepherd, hn GolUns and 0. 0. MoOminmea, Trftvelinf Agents a^Tke Oompuj iavite applioatioiia. IIi9 28,1M1. si* $100 REWARD. F> AN.A'^AY'i'rou. ny • ■'^ork^. i.ocKwc^d’H Foily, t 25‘h February, my ^o>- DAVE, n t’Pi iO :r I'i I ••ibesnigii, 22 y.'WH of age; tt»e endi 0" fiis two middle tittgerd off of his right hand; he is near copper color. No d"ubl Ue is lurking about NMImington, as .bc' was working •i.rouud the wharves there for Iby block»;a ra.iutrt) last w'ek ! will pay the above reward for his oonfinenient in jail so I can get him. A. G. THORNTON Faye'teville. April 4 WAilTTEJ^ An OVERSBER, one withont family, ^4 having some erperienoc on a farm •20-tf f> .\faj. Jonathan Evans Marob 29 Apply to the sobsoriber or J.'P. ROBERTSON. 19 Im lUK oBsicavKa. i .11: LA IE NhWBKRiS RAID Cavai.kv, near Kinston, ) .Mai^'h H, 1^04. ) MesKr.s. Kthlufii: .\ rompbjle liiatory ot this war cat! ucver be written A great luany things oc cur, wliicli, though hi'.lf tilings ami unimportant, to make up tho Ho!di«“r’,H life. iJut they are nev er recorilod atnl will o«)usejUeiitly never bolinowii to any (jue hue iliii soidierr' thetuselvfs. To tbeni, liowt;vt!i', tiitirie sci.fiivi ufni incidcutH will consii- tutt* a tiover'IUiliiig .siure house oJ aticcdote and Imi luukiii^ I iina;.^ine I t^ce an old aohiier IfOor III ^turs, IfoiQ iliin lUle, sitting surrounded by a |lroIJli.HC^l'JU.^ crowd, .'•‘■n o oi them pt*rbups hii» owu chil«lr«n ll? is t iitcrtaiiuu^ them with Home Ol thoso iinwrittou in Holiierlife. It h» should c.hancc to h“ Ui';tnber of the «^d Caval ry perhaps he will t i! thi.-: 1 woil remember the lotstol Jan’y .ihilo wo were picketing on the Trent Itivcr iuilc.s above Newbern. Our iuinp hui been xoitod tlio ui^ht before by the unexpected urriwi of 4 or .')O0U soldiers, intautry and urtilh ry, and we softti learned that We were to advaneo on N;#t)cr:i We were arouBed by the bu^le at .'Jd’ciock, and ofV we put in the di rection of that lifit ol yunkeort and traitors J‘ fore reu'iliin" the; mctny’s pickets we l>ote ofl to the rijjrht by Viny oi a seoiit patli. We wore on the South sitle ol tho Trent, aud our cavalry mtin- bered 400, as goud soldierH as ever irew a blmlf. We met up wirli night 3u^^t as we lust our path The whole country around n«'emed uninhabited, and we could h-ar iioiiiin!/ but ibe croaking of fro^s—(tlicrc Wen- .* k> aii oj croakert. iu that day.; JSiow we pnv:iter ttioii!fit that was a bad Wa> to N;\vl>ern, for the ottioer.s lia«i not told us that we wetvi goiut'; down to t ui the railroad and tple- grupii beluw NVwbfiu an vit- were, tor whenever till ilaptain rod* itl >ii>; the t-oluuin, every man a.'.h d hiui wiicre in tlie worid we^all wore going t- ' 'I’hey wcr5 anhWrrcd al! Ihe time “to New b«tiu.” We eventually came to what w6 called the jutuping-off-plaee, a deep bedded creek, with an abrupt stcp-otffil' about feet. It is uselefis to try to tell of tin? dtiekingH and spatteribga ther^ experienced, it ia enough to say that it waiiUko the mo.st ot men’s experiences after getting to the “jumping-oft-plaoe of life—iriuch worse than it wa.s before. We had a pilot along, who, by the by, ouebt to have been piloted himself, for before we had gone much farther, he was the worst lost man in the column. The country we had to go through was a vast wilderness or prairie called ‘‘The Foc- osin,” with no inhabitant save the trogs in a bog here and there, (icncrally it was a large plain. covered over wi'h wire graas, ever and anon a pine, like a moaning tientinel over the deep soli tude surrounding, reared its lofty bead We went in ginylejilc and our coluoiu waa al lea:;t two miles long. It wss just dark enough to make every visible object appear like what some ot the boys called “waga doodles,” (ghosts.) The grey ho'rses were easily seen aud I'ollowed, and henee *- « gicy Dorse, wliloh was impossible, tor we had but tew ot them. The idea was for every man to keep up with hiH filo- leader, else we might get lost from the head of the column—a something which everybody dread ed. Thus we wended our devious way over logs and brush, and swimfs and “sucks,” as the boys called them, for some hours, when the solemn si lence was at length broken by some one tar in the rear saying, “//a//otliercI”‘‘John!” *‘liill!”‘‘Jim'” and nobody answering hc/itiil cried out “Hallo somebody'. I’m lost!’’and so ho was, and the chain being broken, so were all behind him *‘Thn rear of the column lost!” echoed along the line till it rcached the front and all halted for the lost ones to come in. Far back in the swamp we could hear whistling, one here and another there, ju«t like a covey of young turkeys, that by some meaps becomes scattered. I'iien we who were not lost answered them with a similar whistle. They all eventually came up, fiUeU with eoiu- piaiiits about lo.st ham, sciatcb»d noses and mud dy fbee-s. Making a kind of voc.il telegrai.h of the line, the word “.Vll’s uj.” .soon reached tb.- advance and on we wont 'l'hi>i was no- the only time that some of the men got lost, but they soon learned to keep up better. An hour perhaps had passed, when all of a sudden the head of the co lumn arew up at a sudden “ualt.” ‘‘What is the matter now.'’^ ran along the line, each man asking himself the }'acstiou There was a crow«l ol mounted men almost in front oi us and but a few steps ofi. Our advance up, tor a hglil pcrhap.-^ —and they would certainly have met their match if they /kj" pitehti in; for it was no other than the rear of our own column! >ur guide hud bcc-me lost and thus we had doubled back on ourselves! lonsiiiig a eooiplelo -irele of about twomijes len«(b i is «iald “^.^ticiues meet, anit fht'r«' it wfi.s Hiir« ♦•rioii'rti ".Now wfiat is t- lie done.'" :*:lid soinc unt', “We ar-' ccriai[ily l>'st ‘‘So we are,” rcnpoiidfd auotlicr, ’‘but ?’.omebody is faciiii; the tight way, the liitiicuity is, who is it!''”" 'I'liat ttiafi was ritrht, for we, W'ure tacing every way. 'vV«* iJien rook the back track., detei i;jined to go till we found oiirs*lv*!H. b*avtng tne loop d jscribed iti our wanderings behind us. At. last we found ourselves ir fhe big load leading to Newbern, beiow th«^ yanWi-y. |)Ick.ets. We ihei; moved down nearer the railroad—the object ot oiir iiiu’.ch—anti at last aceonipUpliel in flart what, we had marched all night to do. iictiring to • .safe place we built op some littl** tire», broiled our meat, fed our horses from our wallet',stretched out upon the ground, and slept a sweeter nloep than the cowards, shirkers ar:d e» > .Lits ever slept on their feathery. bt*ds—fi*’* i-^nseicncf ^’d us that wo ha(t done our duly tr. our State and oui country. rAU'ft. liroohlyv it ml i i' >loi‘.r A. Koebling. theengiaeor f tL: n;_,.r,. iSu-^peusion Bridge, proposes to build a bridge bciween the cities ot New York an^i i>rr>oklyii. The dupcr- structure of the bridge would form au arch about two miles long, clearing the water of the Eaist river in one sweep of to 1,>*00 feet span, and extending over the Louses.of both cities in a series of smaller spau.9 whose * length would be gradually diminished from the Ka.st river towards either approach, say from 1,200 to T,f»0> feet The Darki*'.*-gentleman from .Mis.sissipi'* who was in our oSce yesterday couhrins the re port of the yankees, that a negro regiment was recently attacked near Yazoo city tjyour cavalry and the last one of them killed. The men com posing the cavalry were maddened '.o frenzy by €>nl A I-*^ocitiet> of these negroes while un- iiyt ptoteotioD » J^tee tayon^ TESTAMEiHTS Ai%D /CONFEDERATE Stated Bibla Society Testaments. * J A Oollectfon of Pubbifh School Hvmns. -rft- -!» V. I T I?ALE * RONS B. J. KALB ft 80K8. ilacort, Von/tcUratc.