iEinEKT. a" es iloiial histrici, IRFSS, ot RatiJoljih, »ional District, iKKSS, , ut Randolph. ■'loiial nistru t, uk>>s. . ot KHUiiiilph. I Hstnot, llKh>'S. . ot RaI|(]u] p)l. sioiuil District, HKESS. . >l R!tnili;l|>li. sioual District, OUK.^S, . ot R:ind(.*lpli. sional District. OKESS. , ol Raiidot{»h. sioual Distru t. rtkKs'-, , ot Huiidolpyi. sional District, QRKSS, , ot Handulpli. sional Di-tnct. OKFN'S. , of Randolph. sional District, aRKS.S, , ot Randolph. ilonul District. OKK> , of Ra:idol[»h. jional District, ikKS', ot Randolph. ional Distnrf. ot flaridolph. ional Di'^tnct, kkLs>, ot Riifidolpii. tonal Distnrt, ikhS oV iolyh. ional District. RK' - lot liii .-111 jih. p>n;i Diifnct, tKS^ |of It |..![ih. »n;il District, IKS-. it Ra'i‘}ol])h. [nal District, Rattd^.Iph. nal T)istnrt, fian-* ■ ^ iial District, [ituij > i.b. m 1 W \ if**- N K' fW I- W K K Hi. tj K Mil. A\j.'ri'f'VD \AL AinuL is, ’’TUNTK!) MO\r.AY>? ^Nl) TMURSUWS! tnWAHD J. HALK k SONS. EllTORf? AND PROPRIF.TOUS .Vi'f* for the Pemi-Wppklv . ivance. ir the Weekly Ob,hrvrb $(; (X) p>r innum. p;iiJ m ftJvance. *@*ADVERTI8BMBNTS ins(»rtea for S‘2 per a nare if 16 lines for the first., one ilDllar for each hiic- •ee-iing publication. Atlverfiscnients not erceetlinsr a alf square (eight lines) $1 for the firsi .and •'>0 ci*nin for eajh Huccecdin? publi”\tioa. AdvertiHers are re- ;ii**«ied to state the number of insertions dc:»ire*l, or hev will be oontinupd tjU forbid, and oliar^ed :icnord- “Riy AdvertisementH oin'innel oliaritcd ss n*w i»d- *r!'jprnent.a. SrF.OlAL NOTICE From an . a.ter thisdatt, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without .payment in advaucv, nor will ^e paper be sent to sueh subscribers for a longer time • iian is paid for. Suoh of oMT old suli?oribers as desir-- taVc the pa- LIST OF VOll PASSKX«ERS. ^P!IK 'ollowiiig rMie- 1 Pi»>'!a8:J w 1! be cliarg'’ 1 on 1 .iiir ?|eanier»!:— Fro>« F-k-yeiteTillo to Wilmingtoo, $S0 00 '■ Kl'Zabeth, 15 00 “ vysi*.* Hall, 20 l/tJ ‘ KoUv'fl Cove, 21 00 ‘ " .^11 poirits below. 30 00 .SKroNU Of..\8S, OR UKCK. F-ori F«»ye((flvi!lp to Wilmingt-on. «io to “ “ Klixabeth, ' 5 00 '• “ ‘ Whiiehall, 7 00 •• ‘ ‘ UyN H 00 ■' ‘‘ •• All points b.-'ow. 10 00 II r. I-r'i'T. wnci ti^ioii 1.) Far?tt>viilr, ?.‘10 00 4. .. C »■•, 13 50 Whit- HaM. It; 50 " •* “ Kiii .‘.p't'. •20 00 ■■ I’foai'ect fI«H. 2t 00 '• “ * -•*.1! toints ,v,.j :o yo SKOOND CLASS, OR DECK Fro’n Wilmington to F.^.votieville, $iu 00 “ • l^ lv’^ Co»e. ♦; 00 hi'.; .Halt, '* 00 “ “ ‘ All t.o^t' above. 10 00 ®j^Se2ond v!l v«e nr L'—Pt*--;Beng?ra Qut^t pi ay on CONFKUKUiTK »T4TKS OF AMKKIt’A, | SKi(fiNii;i':R Jlti’ABTMKKT, Di^r. ClAPa > W) iB'vsr; .•?, N. (■ , "i s^rch l»ith, 18{ib. ) t'OllM'fipt Offlct*,) liALnraii, N 13, A^'rtl (ith, ) ^ ( IRCULAR ) ' j.1 a»raiu.;i th«\ iJajriD. t-r bipamneui, for serv^ceti of j. No. l.‘i j ^aves foi^lay i M btrrrron tinland £/*/«»«« n^ar I rpfjR ATTKNTIOxN OF KSBOLHNU OFFICEHS is ‘ Okr.M', la I he fjUoi*ii;g GiroUiar, fruu. the Bureau WiitniKRJiin, ' C ihvt la:.' .-it^ is a.v-ih-/rii’d at 'l prepar d ti i.‘.e avi:.> ii ;na rflice, o:' ibn se cond fi->or of tb bmliin^ next 'ibovo Veaf:.!*’ l>rtig Store, .'Ir.rket JBB^ P^rsoas exectitinv Hr-wfri vt ••^(‘oruey will ob- sv-rve the fjno#ir->; u-r:r:- ?n ir Bi«ita).nrf»8, in all ca^en. to h ! wiiuecscij l y ir-. -? n. ssv.H cvrui i;j duf ti- ca'e. or ih'-y ' ly bt^ v* bri *.*o a .iustic: of tbo Of C'l;ik’i>f ay O i"r- FOil^^ UF I'OWKK Ot AXrtniNfcY. I, of , d'.' ht-.reby ippiiiiit , of , lay iiuc lawful A^Cf.t to sriif«i receifiiu f>r, and r;u;ei»o f) uisut of all m iafy:i uu. u; a»o by *he En(tii:H»-r L>e- i A^>*l)ANl'^^ O*^ (;ONi^('RIl’T.S will f>'’ b- par»-.:!'.a» >>'’tu.- C >iil»-dt r-if ,:f Atneucii, f-r i.tie wi'a prrveei*, in compliacoe tilth Uemr^l Or lers, N i Co!>ecrif.ii-a. Icsjruct^onB Haboi'quently in6nt-l, hs'.ve HO f^r irrtditiod :(« proTisionB. tv> crd«*'‘ ‘ the rrn-^zious of '.h^ r*-sefte;i i‘a the Ki'h d-»y of Aiiril, «!*.8*cad of lae 1st of M iyla ttx.:.jatlojr iia i. qui'-e- ni’n'.^, (utirei jra, ;.iia f •r.ajsr•s i'1 ;.•« «.uby!ii>-*!-.-d r r '.'.(I ^jjorevjr ii ocouia BUREa'u OF (JONaORIPTION, ) Kiuumonu. Va , ,M ;.roU 81st tJiBUIILAE No 1.3. iHbi. acrvicM jf *ny sift'scn ■l»feuoef) at , .luri *^i ncsa .Tiv > l?a "ituepwifs. uri 111-' !i»ud , IMG — '‘7 of A !ij»d 1 (i. (• , *u.rr III. serittt'. rajtiuly t 'uroU hU ji-trHowis b«*i u of ^vvi .• five aad lif y ;. ea: •, aUuVfiug ibiiw iwnl Uie I t ifity tif \L»y next, t.-> jci'u any Compai-y f r looal de f*nce irbigli bilH ln*»‘n f OntAra, Nrt "*• au'l 10 A CARO. AJ. BEi HUNK, p?iT»ter m Capt MoKellai’s C*> . (A) 6U> N tV CaTilry, batleg b*en Bolicyted to b** voifin H c i' didate (In to vrprcicnt the ifood people bf Carubcr'ard and UartteU O'tfntkB in the Commons of oar rex*. Li miniature. Therefore, if tee voters of said counties wi!l honor him wiiii a »uffioicDt uumOer of their Totes, at our next Augiut election to entitle him a beat to our i.>rzt Legialaiuse, he will endeavor faithfully to reiire*!ent taeai and their iaterwit with what ability he way pitxfcsH But if thev pfaall decide against him, he will tucn r«* ma:u in the ariur, where he has been foe nearly three years, and continue to battle for the liberty and indo pendeace of our Btulhcrn Ccnfederaoy until, with God’s help, they ere o;>lAined, shotild his life be spared to witness that bappy oonrummatiod A^il H , ‘21-8tpd lamp -Hith KegH N. C. Troops, i, OftAHOB CouKT Hocsa, Va ) fpnE meuib-rs of Co D, 4ytb Reg’t N. C T, from I. Kobesr.n county, trke greal pleasure inreoommei o- i tug Mr WILLIAM STfiWAKT lo thm wot«rm of ami-l , n . , ... t county, for the office of Sfaeritf Election to b« heM in 10 * .HSI for the war, or any oifcor | ^ Btewart has served as a private sol- -onij.atiy fjr uj'sai d ftfuce, which ban -ti;epi‘'d dicT for two years faithfully. Was wounded at SharpH- i lower deck or pay full pr;o% or flani** Pirnt I An pxtra nliar^»p ** I! Se Tpr Vf,\y t'••‘■seu- fijorsi retting it»fo Bur’^ '’ jring IfVTl. JncM.9\\ Attorney at Law, Favkttkviij-k, N. 0 '.171LL attend the Couuiy and ^■uJ^erIO^ Courts of I I Cnmberland, Haru*“it, Moore anJ Ro>.e«on t’oun , ^ '’ jrine -ay titne. and fo-orcu- yfr on this system -will please notify u* when making j pyi^y ^ B^nh w'.th *hcir hi.'ta or sbo^-^ r.ti. *• *b’ ih- remittances. J m’y 1, 18'>8. ! ere'inn of *h* (Iaot.»»in. .1 ' W IRIH. r-.T F. Sfni B’* Co.. R. M ORHF.LIj, fot' SfVi- Ka!'' an 1 .Snn , T. £I L'JTTKRM)!!- Feb’y 23, l«tt4. • 9-tf j, IVKJ^TKttli n\U. ItOAO. j ,THi: FRKIGUT ANU !*AaSEiNG”R TRAINS .if :ain j Roai leave Fayett,''»!lle laily. (Sundays excepii-d) | at X o’-jlock, ,A %J.. atnl r-iiir*iin(t !*ave J^^ypl at 1 ; o'olocit. P. M. Cdttle tiud HoTff Tr'ttn MoNU.A V, WKUNEHDAY-ttid FRIDAV. By order JNO M. ROSE, ■frfdH r aid tJrn'l Trans. A^r’i. Jan. 22, 18G:i OTtf Tbe bisrui^tute*' ool i-vii r r.sf.nH siiould l a witui^-H'd '■y (hfi-e wii The>'c ! ■ Kr:| f e;kP.h tiicatli lU*' oalioti it tiiiH ofiiC' W H J.u/y ;iO, !a01 ■'i*e d'lplica*n Porous of A'loPi'cy iV. f^rror* o.'iM '>(» ha.l upon appli- •i: Eng. ies Prompt attention ^ivcn to •■•ura* antrusted to bis haut’“. - )■>». 17, ISo^^. t.h«» i-nll.*ction of Jill •jS-tf 1 ■iKO. W. WILI.IA.MS & rO„ %% lioleMaie Dealers in Iwrocerie^, AND IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN itardware and faUcrj, Sweden iroD, HAT STBSET, FAYSTTKVILLE, 3f. C. July 2, 18«1. SOtf JOS. UTI.El, tJroetr and C'onuniaaion ^ytet'chant FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, 1S63. 93-tf B a WO»TU. D. G. WftBTH. S. O. DAHIRL WORTH COa, O'ommisslott aad Forwarding Merchauts, n*aier Sfrett, WILMINGTON. N V (>ct. 16, 18C3. 73-12m WAi^TTEn. O XnA BUSHELS WHEAT, -O.OUU 1.600 “ CORN. Persons haviiig the above articles to sell will receive be highest Cash price by caHing on Mr. M Thomasoa, a; the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, ar on the ^ubsnri- ei at bis old stand on Market S4iiare. .*LKX. JOHN8UN, Jr. V 5, 18f>2, • 75tf AWtn\ i aM prepared to mauufaotnre all kimb tif Waiton I liarneaa for Army use. I tan my leu her and can jiTC gocd bargain". Agents will do well to send their orders t-o me as tb^'y shall have prcuipt attention, aud eiit ofl in quick dispatch. JuHN (JAR1KP». OMldlon P. O., Chatham Co.. N. C-. I .... June 18. \^f.2 i ;200 lb». iiiuiii Arabic Jot* sale by I II LEE (V-t 1,5. ••.Otr Frolu and after tbi» date tb** Sfe?amer .\. P. ilURT wil^ leavp .at ? o'clock, A. M., on .Monday and Thursday. JOS. A WORTH, .\pril 6—17tf J .^g’t C F. Steam B(r*t Co. A^HEl lLI.E, 1%. €~ WILL open thj E.\QLE HOTKL for the re ception of Guests the first of June, and I hope to be able to entsrtain from i?venty-five to hundred persons d'.»ring th* Summer In connection with tbis ! irge Hot®', I have a number of Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Saddle Horse? that my gues'* can get at a laiuute’s notice. J. M. BLAIR,* Proprietor Fagle Hotel, Aahe^ille, N. C. Mayl3,18IJ3. 31-; pd K»jetteTlllH Ar»«nal and Amiory,} Nov. 12, ISb-l ^loo Bouri i V. 19 ^flouHfed u. A UT1K*KItV uaviug been prast i ty the Wav l)o- XX pirtaieut 10 raiHP a CompHuy M(«u!i'»'d Ritie^n for Bcrvioe in tb;e *to?u (v, U”t’.c - ij :ere!-y given rlint rec(ui»6 to the number of IW noh-conjcrUtt wsH b.* re- for this ser»ice. >^ach rccru'' will be rcq>jire.l to ! ii ish a jfrviOi. »b!e tcrso ??r wSiva be will be a‘- loweu 40 cents po*'dirt'u. >*;id ^is pa_. fl'.^ pe»’luinth. WriH'^n pfrmtrtzcn wii> be re';>;!rc>l fror:; parvn's or .-u»*-d!A:ia, wr.ei =»* upr'lt'am ia t« -i-r 'bf'oii>r»;ript E.aoa recruit must bri.ig w.ia uini ► if.iiket or t>rrd srrs.-kd. and cone prsparcd lo r;;ui*a RrioleH. saddles, nalti*r3 and saUile bl:ti}!{e.s fumina- ed by !be Govcnmcat, or Lf tte recmii C"me-} provided «itb them, ii : w.:l paid f)r i‘icai a 'air valuai.»n. Apply '0 Oapi seual 80(f I uto tbi K*-r»:re, and w' iob by the terun of ii^'enlist- trionl is liable lo in-rvice any where wititic tbe St'te; or to f. rnj !V;':ii3^ivep into volnnta-'y (Mganii'>ti0SH of ‘VmpaitieH, B.j'fslioaH or Regiments, ;;tsd elect their owii i iKj-a- J tlfiioeis, in onnf';riaily wjtr «'ii>n;ng )“, as i'rov)':*eJ in ' ae i;b oliou o'’ tbe .^ct of Cotigr^sil if> CiT,-;»ii'Ze for.'aS 0 Ms-rve durir*g the W vr. j»';b!ii>V!'d iii tl ner-l Ord^rrn No. 6, \ and I 0 O ijurr nt •crio«. T-T.-fli!. who d3 r >!, ii.’foro the 1st -lay May nfjt, ■■■oluuie’" or yttjau’ie t .eiQ.-ielves iitio ( ompani^e, vfill t e ! iH'o Jonii'ame-. i5*tlaliom aid Regimeut-J, Ilf ,.r r**p,uli!^o's to I--? j.rpticri-ei ♦ht:ri!fy; IJy (>'oiuniao.i of JOHN .S. PRF-.ST()N, Su/jt C 'B UUFFIELU. A. A G»neral ! 11. Ill vicvt >jf tbfl very lini.tod time allowed for the I •’ur:(lrajr.i c»«'iin cla»tcrt'/ j>ersons referred to in a"bove I ■'ttculHi', it iM UjI pr».?ticHb'e bt»t. it should await th« .abii'.,; reirular tour. Hiiiijlliug officcrb ot the 8cv- Tf.1 l«slriois will th^-refi'ie ih.sue orders witb all p'»Sf*i- bV '.tupaicu t' I.! eir ioeal Korolliug Offit)«rs, to i nroll ri'l wiii!0 maii-j between tne ajres of »*tveateen and j eiK'it»-«'y r'Q-! b.'iTJ-eu tbi it^es '.f fcrtv-live »n I lifiy, I and ijiwiird ro'is It- ». a Ois.rict Bui'ulling Oflioir. In I ooun'Jos unprov lied wi!*- local Enrolling Officerj, Coio- ' neiti of th.i Militia Regiments will be requested to enroll I all persons in ‘.heir reepeot vn ocmniands, within the j above prescribed ages, and f; rward rolls as above lii- ! recieJ. Hi Persons cnrjiled under this Circular will be > t» »fa i‘/i I •Vsu .nil V7»tu3^rvu. L i_ • • • N! \XTHEW P TAYLOR, at th« AY-I regular tour under Major C. 8 L. CHILDS. Comd’g Post. nircular, N^>. 8, B. of C , and such »8 are pronounced I b> tbe District Examiuing Boards unfit f>>r tbe required . 1 B‘-->'vie.'. wi I b« discharged IV. lu aceorJauoe with tbe a' ove iui«triicti> ’i8 from burg, Md , which wound renders him unfit for service. We have consulted Mr. Stewart’s feelings on this mat ter and he has c»H«ented to be a csndidat>. March 10 21 4tpd CO D. Wo art; authorizetl to an- uouuce AARON MALONE, Co H, 2Gth N. (' Truu^s, a candida*.% to represent Moore _oouaty in the next Legislature of N. C He i« for a vigorous prosecution of Che war. aud a staunch friend of Vance April 4. , 22 3tpd Tatlie Yotem of Uariiett Count)'. The undersigned, a private in Co A, 6tn N C. Cav alry, having been solicited by some of his friends, respectfully tnnouuces himself to the soldiers and eitl- leaa of Harnett o«aoty as a Candidate for the Offloe of SHERIFF At the eleatiod on the first Thursday ia Au gust next. SAMUEL D PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24tpd rjo M 23 TOBA€€«. I BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, variousgrales, ■ for sal? on consignment, by GEO. yf WILLIAMS fcJJO SHf I Will w After tills date p.ay 15 Cents per pound for ,ragt), cr __ ibe highest market price, delivered in FiyctteviHe, or at ih’''Bii^ls ot Rov'«tish M vr?'.P'5Y Fe .’y lb, 18tt4 7 ‘ Wanted lo Pureliase, ^E.STERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold »nd Silver; N^r'h Carolini Trcjvsurv Nolco (Fuojable;) “ *' “ $1 and $2; *• “ Bonds, old and new: ‘ County cf Cumberland Bonds; , Town of Fayetteville B-ands; OreeBsbbro’ $1 and $2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bon'Js;,* Cwtpons of $15,000,000 loan; ‘ of Town and Coiinty Bonds;’ “ cf old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTCRLOH. Oct. 12, 18G3. 71ii OP.LVVAXCK DKrARTMKM, \ RALKtGn. N C , May 8. I8f> ‘. / iLAD WANTED.—1 wish to iurcha:-e Load for *bs3 J Dupartment. Pcroons haviun \ar(r*' «r amait — titios will ploase apply at ono«. ?!''•' 1 p^snud of POWDKR for 10 pouods of lRAD. THOa D HOGG. Capt C 8. In cbargt .if Ur-hiance. Palma t:hri«ti «ea«». 141L sub£«r:ber will pay the bi^hcst car a pr-ces for ar 7 uuaniilT of PalTn* Chri#*ti Bt-a^is- ' ^ J. A ^'OltTH ('’* '■ ' \VAI\TEb. s WILL pay the highest (^asb price, 'or any 4uantiiy. 1 of good COW HORNS, and LEG BON P.S of Horses arid '; also, BRIAP. ROOT for maVine Pipet; delivered COWF to >at P»'»stteville. Feb’y 2'.i LEBEHLV.? 11 V WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fisher. poUL’TRi, Chicken?, Bntier aud other delioacies for tha sick Soldiers a' i,»-.jg Hospital. Persons having these articles can obtain the m.arket price on sppli;a- tion to the subscribsr at his old stand or at Mr J W. Ppwer-’s on Hay B'reet, R. K. HEIUE. Geii'I Ag’!. Aug. 25. 5^ tf i'oitun Yam tor %Vool. J^OTIOE is hereby givi-i' that a.'trr lhi.j data (cicant in cases wnere we 'jart^aiued ror '-Vool acoord- ina- to the terms of our Hdv»rti90*r.ent of tbe 30th of May, Kbjch terms ar« now revoke!,) «« will giv# I U ta- die «f (.'oitou Yarn for 4 of Wool unwiisbod, or 3 lbs. waf!ie.l and piekel. Tai' oh.aiige is made at t ut .e^^.no« of tbe Qua'tjrrda.?'-'r at Ralji^'-, ui ordt i to Uike tbe l^rms of exciian^e uniform tbrougin-ut the State. GEO. W WILLI\Mc5 A CO Fayetteville, June 29, l?ib3. 41tf €oul :Uine. undersignea were, at tbe November Term of i-ic J Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egj’pt Coal Min* propciHy, aad have entered into copartQership for, iie purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solic’t orders for the same in any desired quuntity. ^.^riers for any amount can be 80pplieI on short notice. Tlt« Coal frora this pro petty i3 undoubteily tbe beat in the Confederate States. Applicatione may be made Uj ^*:as B Mallett, Fayette ville, N C.. or Jaiaes Browne, '’harleston, S. C rni*’LE8 B. MALLETT JAMES SROWNE. Fayetteville. Jan’y 2if. ixt> ftrttf .Boie>$, &c.. ior the Arui”. 1WILL #111 ft special 'a^s.wager. to the Arm/ of Northern Virgiuia on tUe first «5ay of every mou^b Ail boxes, packaijes. ic , will be forwarded from my ottice fre** of charge. EDWARD WARREN, Sargf'on General N. Ci. Raleig’a, J.»n'y 15, lSb4. 99-3ta TO THE >EAD THE FOLLOWING;-Rev’d J,ohn W. Potter . .i (N. C.) says: “For twelve years I wa« a grsU gufierer. My liver was diseased I loat iny flesb and str?*igth, and my skin seemed changed m its colrr by tbe bile with whicti wy syetam was overonarg d I oecatne subject to 'fre quent Hod violc.ut at-ack^ 'f biU m.^ culio, every attack leaving m“^ weaker tli»» its predecessor. Tbe physi cians had b'tti able to p,V,ch .Tie up a iiitlc, but my health was in a deplorable statt. I bad taken patent mcdicines ant'l I was tired of them. Without energy r c-ioifor^, I wat I'arrly uhle to go about a little. At leutth I yielded to tbe earu.'^Jit pfc^^■uasion of »..Criptiil •AA'O H 4'# k H X IV/ 1 ttO confidcncp in •’■.eni Tb.i.'y act"d 11110 a f*barru on me ■'i.r.a lhaC how I Lin)>r;ved 1 hav? persevere I in th**ir sc, until j*ow, by Go.l’s bli**i.og. / am icelt a:iJ fv.arty I tial a negro man wbo, as I btiiev.-d, was saved froa) dc-ath by a dose of these } il!s. .My Dodor’a bill was anuually from JltK) to $200, but I tiAVi bad no use fer a physician si'C" I can eonfldcntly rccoairoend thew a superior fa'nily medio;ae” The inrredi3»»tB of which the “SOUTHERN HEPAT It) PILLS” are made arc so costly as to coiupcl ifce prorrietor to l ut them at pre.->enf price.**, i|hleb are rtof ao remunerative as when tbe pill« ho d Tor leSH. FuH d''p.cfioDs acao'fpan ? eacu hjx Price if-3 a b x F.r $3t» a ilrit-n hoxen will be,sent pr.'paid. tlLO W DEEMS, 0ild'boro’, N. 1. March 2f., 1804. l8-9tpd OeUOt “^O. 14 ) ' tv. tu aoeorJanoe with tbe a' uve iUKtructt is trom L’. -/u - f I C., neio' tb« i;!asaHH embraced therein, will FAVETTEVlLL^March ,, 1H»>4. | , in.t . ,t.« liberty of forming * ^OHt' , Q» joiuiug the or.(anization) therein recited. 8uoh as wan ua»o uot already pai.l thsir Titb«) : desire to form tbemselves into Compani's, Battalions Tax w 11 ha^e ’’ntil the ‘20th da^ >' M,.r 18ti4, to j j|. R^girncTil-e, in j'tirstxaiiOU of the pi j»ii*ionM ol at>ove liver the eame I am now r^a.Jy to r«-oeive the Bacon , Circular, No. 13, will proofed forthwith to their organ- due unier the tit tie law -'>x pounds of cured bac.u i plert th-ir Officers and forward their muster for every UO it-- pjrk clvightrred .since lb« 24iu of / r. il* to tbtsOfiicr. through the District Enrolling officer. Aprti 1808 ih r-eq'iii'M P.vtl'a delivenn? tii'-ir titbea 1 y. Any portion ■'f Ciroalar No 10, from this Office. eurrcnt soric?. which may coiitiiot with the directions at » dtat nce of jver eisbt tnilei! will b;- promptly paid for exo. g-t of baaiing J .M. WILLIA.MS, 12 t20M] AgsDt for Cumberlaod county. ^ii|»erior t'oiirt of toi^t'iim- berlaud t'ounty, OriCK tiereby ^jivru tii«re will be » tipring Tenu of 'bi- \'ourt ot: ;he Tib .Mo-*dav aft*r 4*b .VIoudsy of M-trci i-ex: ^ 1:/ f’c liitU day of j Miy 18>-4. to try ard .le'»i'ni*ne all aci ons of Tort oa ( ti;? CiTil Dockot. ar. i a'T oasi^s ou tve State Docket ; .Not.icp ts furt^ T p!' u; lt‘i«i "'y au order oa-,-»- l ai Fall | To.-m 18-13, Ibt* 0 .y lor tr>i«g Slate c»-' b ;a *-aid Court '.ij b.'eii o^iaui. -- ' 't oiu Tiiur^day 'o M.iuday Pariit-H f lw;ti‘ r-e.'Vv-rn Lu“m5i i»e!> accjrdm/ly JOHN w i;.\KrK t:, s c. M&rcb 14 '15 tC CliloTes and ^ioekv Waiifc*** IUt.HlRE to jiurchase for ihe soldi*r« 10,000 pairs » UU)vee »nd 10,000 pa-rs of H.-.oat. Donations wi!^ be ta.inkfuilv reociv® .^ * \U T 11 EDWARD WARRRN, S-irsfrr-t Ocn To Cotton Planters. I HAVE been appointe-t by the Secretary of the Troa eury, Chief Agent for the purcha?: of Cf>tton for th Confederate Government within the State %f North Caro liu&, and will pay for the samf in 7 per oent Bonds or Cash. {jtub-Agents vieiting the different part* of the State buying in my namo. will have wr tten crrf.ftoates appointneot. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, all Coiton purchased by myself or my agents, 51 and after tbe 18th day of March 1863, wiQ be paid for in 7 per cent Bonds er Cash, and not 8 per oent. Bonds as stated tn a former advertisement. Lp to tnat time, hawever, the b per cent, bends will be furnished m stated. Patriotic oitiiens are now offered au opportunity tc aid the GoverniHeat by BelliaJ to it tneir Ooitau rather than to private oapitAlistfl. LEWIS 8. TVILLIAM8. OluurkUtt. Mwob 24,1868 (o, o.} litf MITI€E TO EAKMl^RK. STRAW WANTED. W.ANTED immediately for the Hospitals and Troops at Fayetteville, 20.000 pounds of WHEAT STRAW, suitable for bedding. Fa’ mers having a surplus of this article on hand will confer a benefit on our sick and W3und«d soMiers by bringing it in. A fair pries'‘fi.l be paid Apply to tiUAJlTERM ASTER, at the Areea-1. Fayetteville Arsena* ard Armory, April 4. 21 tf CiiTe in your Tai iA»tn.' Having been appointed to tak^ the Tax List iu 71st District for tbe present year, I will attend at tho following times acd plaoes to receive the f.'st of Tax- ables in said District, viz; At M. C. Lamom’o Monday the l8tb inst . »t ? 1) 1tak»r’a uu TucoU>»y tlio I'Jtn, at Duncan Ray's, Lang Street, on Wednesda]^ the 20th. All Lists must be irivt,a in by the 1st of they will be relumed unlisted. Ap'il 9. of this Circular, ia httreby revoked By Order of Col MALLETT, Comd’t Cons, for N C 22-tltiA - E. J. HaauiN, Adj’t. yoiir Tainbles. 'HE uni-iai/!^ei^ ^ /ing he.«»« appointed a‘ .March Term !«»>», • ’ t > Court of Ph»s an-! Quarter Hes- 8!o;;a for Cumbvr'.a j 1 c u«iy, Li.^t Tai-'rs fo*' the Town and Crosa Creek D. i" hereby notify all pereoco l/» cacte forward and lidi t uir proper y during the last 20 working days in .^ri! next, commencing ou the 8ih. We call be louni f-f.m 9 A. M. to 1 o’clock P. M,, each day, it the oflic;! I'f R '■> OtsII ou Hay shreot. No listfi ^ill be receive! after ihe expir;iion of the 'I' which is fixed by 'aw K M. ORRELU List Taker for Town Dj3irio;, JOHN W BAKER, Jr.. Li« Tnk'.r for Cross Diatrici. M*iob 14 lo tlM At.JE:%'8>J WAATEO To col/ccf A: 7iiK tmJ OrLiiince Slores in Nurtn f 'antlind. 3-VY 3*^ 00 p^r day, aiid a libeial co)upv.fisa'>ion (d« Stores collected, acconi'nir to a fiT>*d schedule. AppHciuts mua*. fainirtb sa'isfaco y tOBtimc^i'^ls of ex- etnp ion from Military service, of cb'trnc er, and quali- fieat ons None zlUert need apply. .\ddrP3S F E. G t}ARR. Gjn’l Ag’t C ’'rd. Sicrt'p, Charl'ilt^'eville. Va. Charlottesville, V* , >L»rch 25. 20 4* Hank of .'Vortli i'aroliiia.. ■^O the StockhoMc.! The Cc.nfc'der;it. be raid !5y tbe Bink M roh 25. 'ftho B ink fif Nor;.! Caroli'na: IX-'n'he !n 't»i lu'’ p‘it*-rc3 wi*l C DE'Viri’, Cv hier 18 1 in OM> CAvr iKorv waateo T the Hiar Foutidrv >.v * ’‘■ji'tf Tiirpentieie MIiIIm IVanted. 4 lAj p'/.-wit' I'tal ’• .Y" (■ f'UiPr .-tiilLa for n il-,; will »•! /i^«-' M. A F'yeiicviile, .Marc: 1 r I .o r 11 A0 O ATS. |^L(.)UR and (»AT8 will be fxchanjced for (-ora at llic MnLaurin, by giving htn’. a fer days li it P Store, of D n >?!•:?. Flour ^.'od, Oais No Jac y 29. 1, iil»'*k or white. RA(w«! RA-«!! -The inle- rior quality of tiie paper ou wnich t.‘ic Observer has b»^i-n prints'd of late, a^.d winob IS a great eye sore to uf*. is owirgto t.ic want of a sufficient supply o^giol ra^ i, acdtbe oon^equetK nt-o- efeeity to rcBor- to inferior materiiln We appeal to th** friends of the Observer at aH acctesiblc p^iuui, to s»v»' up and bring to town ail the raes thry oin pro.;urc. We hate no time ourtelves to attei-d (a Jboir purchase, but Mesera. Qeo W. Williams 4 Co., ibe Ageate in t’.is town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 15 cents per lb. for tbem. fi J RALE & SONP F«jb’v 16 ' a: W A AT Eli, JON a > .Hur>erin:sn *cn or G > 2 tf ■>ral M''i»a ITU A ^ei* by a co:np"!ieul m‘•JufJO'iirer ot hnt'.i Wool and C5*>- ii. w'“o fta‘- >ta l 40 yeara’ expericnae and is fifty-ifcr years of ace. a 0(vtiv;- of Mjmc -eeier, Enfr- land; :■ 1 Mschi^jtai t.'ul Enginsar. .\uy oi«e i'^ wa»i* Ol' a •ni'n !•!• ,»?• i ldres.^ E B R NI’'H*)La, WilmJagiou, N. C. 22 17 ftCD-l North Uarolioa Voianteer Navj €0., Tbkaburbk’r Ofucs, Wilmingb'n. N. G., Miroii 6,1864 Books for furr%e'r mibscriptioD ‘-0 ibc '-apital S» *ok of this Oompanv are opened at tUiM AU persons de‘>'rous of .aiding ’n thii all imporltint can forwar' a-.t their uarriL'a by .uatl Htalirg the amount they wisa to kut-scnb'. and ibfi send the ca^a by some trusty person, on r'oetpi 0/ •^hich-1 will forward Certificate of Stook Shares $500 osoh. All old subscribers that have not paid in th^r aubsoriptions will please do so at the ear- Uest moment. U-iatpd] W, o. SmiH, Ir«a8>r. Ligbt Artillery ANTED 'or iTiy 5> Col Light Artiller}! ■•erv, •( or 25 m 11 Y>i» iiHnal i-'ui,y ftii.! c?0t''irit ui.l rati-ius givtn . Aj p!y to Jo*n 'I. Cook. F+yttieviUe of JA'^ D. ’U\IM1MG, C C l. C. Starr'a'Bu . Kinptoi;. N. C Ap-il4 _ - 20 tpd '!oo|»er» WasBtedI IMIftBF. SPIRIT B\RRRr. C00PL8S waited, I wb'o! a ibara;*D. i*-’' wi". b" »id in.* -te^ -rcrw givep. by MOORE, CASHWBLL & I'O. M-reh 31 19 (» i„] Heaiins Wanted. SPIRIT BARREL 'dHADING T,»B'e> by MOORE, f .ISRWHLL * CO March 31 ^ 19-0.rd Young’s irithmetical Diethuaryy EMBR.At’lfJG a system of Arithmetic, Ready Reckon er, Interest Calculator, Book Keeping,. Forma, ho. B. J. HALE ft SONS. OM’r 16. l.i;bki€atin« oil.. ttndereign nl now preparel to furnish to tlie 1 put.Ne a v»>ry aupvrior articli* of LUBRIO.VTING OIL, etpteiaiiy for Collott and WouUh Factorim Wfl i olaim ibat th:a Oil ioee pot rusi, and may be run at j gr»ai*-T speed wi'b lei - p.'jwtr iban anj Mber Oil except ) .‘f>erP!. , Mr W H Porter, Kuperinteu.leiil of Pl'ijeaix Cottsn Factory, says of H: ‘ I liave I'ecn u.“.iug your Lubricat ing O'l.for 2 or 3 raantba, and find it to be superior to H'.iy othe*' Oil t.ow in u/*e for luhricating.” ' r .Inbn Ktrshaw, Sup’t of htouDt’s Crerk Factory,, t^ays: ‘I can nbeerful'y eay your Lubricating Oil is a superior article. I' not gutn ia the leas!, but keeps ibe journal-! clear «>.uil trrigiit Mr A F Ueoker-lite, tJb’ef Eugiceer of the C 3 Arse nal and Arm->ry of this place, waH req»e8i«l to try it and says: “I ihLnk for liirht mtchinery—nuchaeCotton Fftctori-8—and for hg^vy tj'.aohinery waen the motion is slow, y. ur Laarioi-lingOil will 0'>ni{)Hr0 next in qual- ’ty fco Sperm ” O 'jer coj.ton t'lauufH.rlnrers have tried it and pro- uounced favorably ef i’ We will furai^ii this Oil bv the ' arrel at if 20 p>>r ai^l- lon, c' HENRY E. COLION. htpnl Fayetteville Kerosinc Co. AprilM, 1864 20 'J ' 01 Ii. ~ ~ \ITEcan furui-h KliilO.SENE BURNING 01L i-i m: ,n- V\ tities of 5 r,r 10 gallons at f 25 per gali'C; tin .i^ni or ft^ga $15 lo $20 ;idditiour.l. Send sans or koffa Wuen c nvenient. , T.ais is as good an Oil *s ftau be made w>thou. the miiiure wit?> Alcohol, which it is'ie sow to obtain. The wick tube of tho ordinary Koroaene lamp should be slightly lecgthenad by soldering oe a pieco.' With a lamp thus arranged our oil burns Ti'l»‘’ut smoke and with as mu:*h bri.lianoy As an? N .rthern Kerosene. , HENRY E COLTON. Ag’t F K Co. A'rilT If EAGLE FOUNIIRY. HO.vlE 11 .nM)s ago we Completed all ourfixiuterf f>r i'.> ri:»nuf*ciure of CAR Wi'EELS, I ut ovr og o (.he fail . of the aupp’y ol lf..n af proper nature, we bav.' not lately been abl*- to s^tpply ai«y demand the-. . t‘.i,a ,.lilIicnUty_ 'jew^verij furni h wheels of the f>ilicwing t#iiH—24, 2(>, 28 aud 30 !i! ji'CR; also tiMl' d riri-f T'-’c lr‘U w ' n‘-';|i u^e will be-*:Vla Bi’-.ri t’ .arcO*! lr,.n. ai.a wo war rant ..ur -Ueoli NOT TO 'Ki' K. and 'o i. wj i^' '> any wud* ia li'. Couf d-.;i *ey, ir lo tbMo «.f VVl.ltoey & Sor.iol Piiili^delpbia. wbo!»e repti(ati»n is 10 w-'U known by i'l C»il-ii« t c -ni!i .nie;^. Wo art prepfired t.i oxjcal' L :om, Dry S*ni. and GirecH Sau 1 W^rii. of wn? shape or ?«is- D. ^NDER'?ON * tIO. Favett.'ville, Marcb 30 1801 19tf WAHTEH, AT THK MAXA«Si8 GAP B. M. ttU«l*S, GUEKySBOHO , N O 8P1ILST CUh;. MAt^HlNlSW. K SMITHS. 20 CARPENTERS. H'gheat wages paid March 15 16 1“ FAlfETTKVII,iltE «PT»iL INSCR4.WE COMPANt. Capital in Premium Notes p-niounts to NEILL If BLUE. List Taker for 71at District. 22-2t W. T. HORNE ANT8* o buy 4 or 5 good blooded young and strong VV HOUND DOGS, at the highest prs«e. He would prefer their being already broke to run the track o' twofooted anintala, called thieves Tiieao dogs are in tended as doteotivea. He would Uke to buy ur borrow one »t least as a leader, from any friend The dog shail be promptly returnel when called for and any friends who may aid him in getting np thAse dogtf shall have the dogs at their service when called for, as well as for the neighborhood. Any person having a dog or dogs wilt please call at Tokay vineyatd, a short dis tance from the Town of Fayetteville The dogs will be tied up during the day April It. 22 4tpd' ^Strayed or i^toleii, From my rosldenoa on Little River, a FILLY about two years old, sorrel color, white hind fi^et. I will give $10 for her recover*. ALEX. April 6 DARROCH. 21tf Auiiiial i^eetiii$ir. The sCockholders of tlie Fayetteville &. Western Plauk Kiw^ Co. will take pl»fe uti Tbursduy tbe 2Sth April. ilk the TownJIall at fl tiVlwk, JNO. M. ROSE, rfce'y F. fc W. P. R. Co. April 11. 22-5t A Cliance lor the Boys*. O ^ CENTS per bushel will be paid for old shoes or OO scrap LEATHER of any kind, no matter how old, delivered at the Arsenal. » * “ April 5 22-4t FVBI^ieJVOTMeK. APPLICATION will be made at tUe next Session of the Legislature of North Caro’ina to incorporate tbe “Cape Fear Exporting and Importing Company ” April 7,1864. 2l-4t Another Iarge Arrival. pair WHITTEMORE cotton CARDS So. 10. yUU 1300 Pairs COTTON CARDS, Lo&iher Leaf^ Powder, Shot aud Ciips, Pure Cod Liver Ojl tor Dye pcpaia, Liver Complaint tind Conaumption, Wool Cards, 4.:off>?e, Sugar, Tea and Rio Coffee, Copperas, Shoe Thread, Fish Hooks, Plough Lines. « Blaoking, Tacks, Soda, Pitchforks, ' Ao . &c y Esta^.Huhment. WiImin*ton, N. C April 4. ..*/l-4t*4t ^^oTiewakd” ) ana WAY from the MUbscribor on tbe 21st Februarv, _i any neg'-o bt>> JOHt^, sixteeu years oil, about 4 feel 0 laehes hij(’i, ligtit complf xiow, and has a scar bt- tween his cl)ia »nd inauth. He may probably have made his way to BennettaviUo, S ).. where his parents we. I will pay one hundred dnHit^s reward for hiaar rest and confinefnent iivany jail so that I get him. D. W. AYER - Pay eMcville, N. 0 , April 7.. 21-9ipd Turpentine Sitiil Cor ^alc. The subscriber bat* a 25 barrel TURPENTIN E STILL at White Hall, Bladen o»anty, which li«s wishes to sell, wlxere it stands. It is all complete^xoept the arm. Any person winhing to examiuu it will o?»i* ou H J. Carter, who resides at White Hall. As t-o terms, &c., address me at this P. 0 A. K. CROMARTIE. Wb'te’R Cr?«^. N 0.. March 9 , 16-9tpd /itfiiiii iij. /i/t OU Ojjt^rsoJ ujjoii #SV6«os./o/t—Tlie replj t*l lietijantiii Kraukliti to Lord flowe, iti 177»i, wlit;u Lo pretieiit«i the plan o the Kngiit^h i.«oyeniiuont t> the “Aiuericaii rebels,” ol partiun upon &ubuii»aiun, i>* most ap propriate to the preueiit ;>tat.c ot* tilings. Hear what he says; “The official dispiitf-hen to which you refer me eoutuin uothiug more than what We had neeii in the act oi I'arliaineut, viz: offers of* pardon upon subiQiHsion; whicli I uui sorry to tind, as it must ^ive your liord-'^liip paitt to he sent m) iar upon no hopeless a hasIuc.-.>; , “Directing pardon to he offTcd to the Colo nies, who are the v*ry parties injured, expressoj'. indeed, that opi.'tioii of igaoninoe, haueueafi and insensihilfty, wliieli jour uuiatonued and proud nation ha.s long bt;» u pleahctl to eutortuin ol' uh, but it can have no other eflect than that of in- crc».-jiug our resetjtuient. It is injpotisibic w« ahoiWd think oi suhruission to a governiuent that huH, with the wuuton barbarity aud cruelty, burnt our del'eui;;iK£i.s towns in the midst of win ter, «*xcited the tavages to luastacre poaocful farmers, aud our Hiaves to murder their masters; and is eveb now brin^ixig I'oreign jucrcenariea to deluge our st'ftkmeniH with blood. These atro ciouH injurit a hav^ extinguished every spark of affection for that parent country we once held so dear; hut were it pph!«ible for- us to forget and Ibroive them, if. i* noC possible tor you, I mean the Hritish nation, to lorL'ivc tho people you have so heavily injured. You ean never confide again in those as tellow subjects, ahd permit them to enjoy equal Ireedoui, to whom, you know, you have given sueh« of lasting enmity; and this imp**! you, il we are again under your irovcrnuient, to endeavor the bieaking oi our spirit by the tyranny, and obstructing, hr “Very mean/ iu your power, our growing siroiigth and prosperity. =t= * ^ I consider this war against UB, therefore, ai' lioth it/i/t/sf and nnxcisp) and J am persuaded that cool and dis- pasrtionate posterity will condetun to infamy those who advised it, and that even bucccfs will not save from some degree of dishonor those who have voluntarily engaged to conduct it.” “li. Fran’klin ” 7V^ Position of th'' head on thr liatth-Field. —A prominent officer attached to the French army in Italy, published some time ago the re.sult ol fiouie curious aud inti'rcsting ohservationa made by himself and others upon tti" n*.ia w N'o^iuicoiite war with Austria, lu regard to the position which the bodies of the slain assumed under the effect of mortal wounds produced by different missiles of leath. In a number of cmcs the dead soldier wa.s found almost in the speaking attitude of life. A pa.ssat»e in l>r. Armand s re port .says: A Hungarian llll.^3a^, killed at the same mo ment with his hor.'e, was only slightly moved in his saddle, anti sat tlu^re dead, holding the point of i*i.+sabr; in advance, in the position ui charging. A parallel occurred iii the death o! an Aus trian artillery man. * Thi>.se H^ouuCted iu the htiad, it was remarked, generally leli with faoi,* and ab domen flat to the ground. Wouuds in the and heart protiuec-d a like po’jture ot the body, tln)Ugh in the latter ease.s niGdilic.ation8 ol the po sition and expre.ssion more fretiuently took plaot; bun in. the former A Zouave struck full iu the host was “doubled upon his mu.sket, as if taking a position to charge bayonets, his face full ot energy, with an attitude more menacing than that of a lion ” hut the reporl ol l»r Armand, after all, con tains no eases so u*markablo as the two which are reported iu a Norf.hern paper to have been ob- •served upon the battlu-fteld of Shiloh. A let ter in the New‘York Journal of t’ommorce says: On that bloody field, when the carnage was over, a soldier was found standing, his legtt tjome- wh«t spread apart, aud his arms thrown convul sively outward, his posture that ot a living ntan, agitated, perhaps, by k vtry strong emotion; he was nevartheleas stone dead, a ghastly monument of seeming life along side the hecatomb of fallen corpses. Another body lay partially prostrated on one side, tbe right hand holding to the mouth a piece of cheese, which the set teeth were al most in the act of graKping. Lying upon the back, with the arms extended, aud the knees drawn up towards the face, was a posture fre quently to be bb.scrved on this as well as other } fields. Other observatirns would be of interest, ifdcacribed; sjut the livint'atfiM''f^«•’ -‘-7^ Ji«r still fitandicg upon his lett, and tiie grim mockery of lif.; in i^c apparent ofl>r of food a ctirpsC, are hanfly surpassed by any reported iu- cidnnt of war Tho faots are derived from mi ilieer who wittiessed the unusual spectacle Cash on hand and other asSof^. $267,688 2b 5,077 36 Total, J272,766 61 The Company have paid all losses promptly,_ and have never mad« an assessment on their premium^netes. Total losses pMd, • $29,b82 OV Orrioia?: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAT, Vice Pvfcsideot. C. A. MoMlLLAN, See’y. piavoToas: Hsniy Lilly, N. TiUingbast, H. L. Myrover, 8 J- Hinsdale, Bv T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Lutterloh, A.'W. Steel, J. G. Ceok,/ Hon. J. Q. ShepLeyd, C. B. MaUett, James Kyle, A. A. M'^Xethas, J. D. W'illiamfl, 8. W. Tillin^^t. ha Goilins and G. G. MoCmnuaen, TraToUng Agents ■tf'Tk* OomMai iarite appUoatioiu. $100 REWARD. R.ANAWAY froti lay s*!t Works. Lockwood’s Folly, Brunswick oouaty, about 26th February, my boy DAVE, 5 feet 10 or U inches high, 22 years of age; tne OHda o' his two middle fingers off of his right tiaa^ he ifl near copper color. No d*?uoi iic ifl lurlting M>out Wilmington, R3 a» w»3 working around tbe wharTes there for the blockade ruauers last week I wiil pay y.i i'aitsTOs “ Fayeitevillc, April 4 WAIVTED, An OVERSEER, one without family, and having some experienoe on m farm Apply ^o theju^riber or 20-tf to M#|j. Jonathan Evans March 29 P. ROBEBn'SON. 19-lm TESTAHEMTS AWD HYMJWS. CION FEDERATE States BiWe Society Testaments. r A Collection !>f Sabbiith Sahool H.,mn.s. ™ ^ TTATJ? * RONB. The rarmers’ and Planters’ Al manac fcr 18>4. A few groce naow jiwt Jaa’f SI. HALS • 8OI1V. 1 I‘ift'f'rioii» i'ouf/i.— An tiriiiy corrt ftpoiideiit rtilalt.'s ail incident dl :!atup life, sIiomiu^ tlio pro ocity «•! a yutitii 1! siK’M-ii,-tlic koii >f a Ut-m ral, on a vi.sit lo bis latlu-r mi the fichi On one op * easion, \?Jlf n liit. j! ti-ral V p.iifwt was getting low, he remarki'tl tbat he would be obliiuiil on hisiiankcr lor some mon**y. “How lumdi do you want, father'"' “1 think I shall soml for a oouplc of hundred/' replied the (ieneral. “Why, father,” “ 1 ean let you have that amount.” “ Vou can let me have it!” exchimed the General 111 surprise; “where did you get bO much nwiuey'” “I won it playing draw-poker with your staff, sir!” replied tbo'hopelul youth. It is needless to say that the 9 lU train next morning bore the “'"ay young,gambt>lier” towards his home. Yankee paper. Phi-fJiix Ajaia—A California paper tells the following of Lieut. Derby, “John Pha'uix*,” the humorist: * “One evening at the theatre,' Phounix observed a man sitting three seats in front, whom he thought he knew; he requested the person sitting next to him ‘to punch the other individual with hin canc.’ The polite stranger did so, atid the disturbed person turning his head a little, he disoovere'd hia mistake —that he was not the person he took him for. Fixing his attention steadily on the play, and af fecting unconsciousness of the whole affair, he left the man with the cane to settle with the other for the disturbance, who being wholly without an ex cuse, there was, of course, a lu^wrous and em barrassing seene—during all ol which Phoenix was profoundly interested in the play- the man with the catro asked, rather indignantly, ‘^ido t you tell me to punch that man with my stick?' *Y««.' ‘And what did you want?’ *I wanted to see whether you wouM ptinch hint, OT aot/ " L