;;tHi pov;! a lUvit tU!- ■' '*’■ hiiiis •'• ■' lr'‘h lu- '■ ' ''-'upiiui ’ •■■ the > ■' tbi- ' '■ 'Ilf i 111 J.1-0;.. ■ ^ ’•; r.-; •ii: t - sMli-IU; !'■ !«(•..v; ■ ■ ■ . . ' ‘'’i'tu ' '1^ '"XtMllj ' • '■ ;ill‘ tli- • ■' «:r io. i;iv [k» sntis- 1 nt ' I' produc- -;"Us lur tlio ^ Fie iii -r 1.* '•i ■ >nc!i Mi IM:tv :iQ g.jf !■ vouMtrv in 'i! '=i 111 rile ha. ■•1 - } . IU-! . j I.;lfi tyi' Ti,[ w r av, "Ii Piieh »\T- 1- •*1111 ajul »V 111 i.lliiii an.i ' ^ and i.cr Ke arficii;* ■-ih* unufi atiiu •Ir or ■. eri-i Ltl'f ad: •. auditor ;i!;d 1 - 'i-»l>a:,j 0,1- '■* •'‘'eriitiK'Ht, ' ■ ' Uiore.if >i»all ctTliiV ' illO i'‘f^-vidod, tlui! > uX 1)\- II Xi'cet.1 uilo j>er 1 »■ ' i 1 i:; urrna! iix' 1 :'Uul exi'ini.'s left the ■!■ \'-K > lU .V n; ip, A ia / ti-' itu ; ryir; rtlld I If' ■ !l ^ bdl. iptt- ve ! ■ siiull a r :tj>jkrove(i an a ■: t-* ex irt:ii!s u: !’ ■ .'t 1’iii‘tarv ser- ■ Xflft.riMna '. V cjntinue a:'' actuaily ■ i-.jir- :.r OI-- 'jc, aud he is pn: ti. uuJer ttiu?.,- • . l.-o ir;>ued It, eith.=r of j.ersuiis ot' ri^f. >r from the '.vi.=:ro, ill his an«l necessity re- m:iv rcv.ike sue!' r he thinks jTuper: here::; I'Taiiti-d t fcta’--,,nnii exiMi-ip D(1 to .-rize the any • >ritrac^>r fur r kii:d tl;e Gmv- id f«">fracr. uule.-s he ma- ert';'v fift ^ * - • on tract : let; a: . ^aoh con iy !=:i ■ '.i hfuily. itiv>n )f .micii C'-a- itiiJl r ;ai: cea^e. itin, uM-ai board* aa' >1. persnns n • ! :>cr »:oni- pp- tr'd the ict ■ V.- iiith they i ex.- : natiun. t' it the per r ari* 'nli«- iteviilp, N; C., » :ure .»/ ;i. ti P. .*•; lERVl^LK. ■ C A M. at' ’ r. 'I NTON r:nur-: iiJE' ' Saf.r ? M ' M •I. \. \l .1' M. IKTHT • Friiid i! Ij A M i>i 'ir'! 47 ERi; Nr I *' iri »: K- TK'>- . "vr io b .. b-! Ull f- fr I V. - >K M i ■ »v.-'U ' ' il from i ?-r a>j if ■ . id \jj ? 0 A I' M. K 0 1P».\ V, bi op^ratien, with I upoa public con- of al! ueaithy per- me yekr, for itevan iriug in thefirofiu |« ar' injured for d» th;ir Taiue. kis SO I*y8 ^«r i'' ii refirrel t« aivl to. ■tary, Raieigb. Li:, ’ig*Qt ai ^iteT 'lie. N. 0 iKk-9 (DlBSllilBTlKB. JSiEMI-WBEK L Y. V'Ol XIII.) PAYETTEVILLR. N, C,. APRIl. [NO. 1385.] f*RnTED MONDAYS aNL> TFfWRSDAY’^ KUWIRD J. HALE & SONS. EPITORfl ASD PROPRIETORS Pri ■» far the 8«nii-W*>ekly Orrhrvir $10 0). ) a>‘1 in advMioe. For Weekly Obkbhvib $fi 00 per annum, paid in ■dvttDOe. |^“ADVERT18EMENTS Ia?erted for J2 per s ju«ro of 16 lines for the first, and one dollar for .each ruc ct'odlAf publlcAtion. Advprti9cra!»n*s not exceeding a half aquare (eight linec*) fl for t^ie flrsi and 50 c*nf‘^ for eash suoeeeding publioation. Advertisers are re- qopeted to stAte the nambar of insertions de^^iretJ, or thf»v win be continued till forbid, and ohar|fe»i aowrd- AdTerti9*nieDt« oonlinuet ohar)i;f*l new ad- ▼trtlsementft. LIST OF iHllK^GS FOR PISSEXC;£RS. The foil'••wiug rates of PwMl be obarfel O” our Stena**r»’— ' Pr •>rn Fa»pi(evil|c to Wtlm ng on, ‘ •* EUz‘i' f*ih, Whi.' UUl. K.e'1'ri O lYe, “ All y.f! '«r, ^ SECOND 0LAS8, OR i>KCK. ■•'"r ti'. Kayf'Mt*»i’ic lo WjlT^i'mrioo, “ KMia'ie'li, 8PECIA1. NOTirP From an i.lor IhUdate. o* name of a new .;.hneT’.t^r will be entered without payment in adTanoe, nor will the pap*T be sent to such Rnbserbers for a longer time than ia pail for Suoh ofoiv old subscribers as dedire lu taike the pa per on this systera will please notify u.* when making remlttanoec. Jan'v 1, ls-i8. K ’ V.-. •• .\i pT-iiH belcw, II r. Frt'rn '-'■ ii iitiz'on »o K;»y?»'f»illo, ‘ Kojiv's OO'Tf, “ •• •• Elii\be'b, •• Pr''«foil H'*lt. “ '• 1 pj u’.s (.hciT ■, BErt»Ni> Cl.ASK, OR i>v;nK Prom lo “ “ “ KsMy’ »e. “ •* •• White “ •• • Al' p nt- ah.* “. d^^Secoud Jl»(‘* cr I'-ck Passt-'iccr-^ lower deck or pny full prij'. r pait Cig^An «*tra oKirge wit! m.v (rer.'i seMing in*o Berthp dario^ '!»v OO lo 00 20 00 21 tK) 80 00 ^110 f'O 6 00 7 0*^ s 03 10 00* }i;iO 00 !3 60 !« 5» 20 0i 24 00 ;tO 0>J lOXFSDERiTK STiTKS OF AMEKICi, EnUIUKKR DcPARTUfiHT, 1>HT. C-ATK KKIK, [ Wilmington, N. C , ;;i«ich 16th, J Notice > «tv^u to all p rsona ha^in* claims *eaiH ' E.iaiai'er UepartcieDU for 4«r»ioe« of ii!a'.£3 employi'd a;-; Inb-ircra on tb« lunJ tUf«ne€» nf-ar Wiimit gton, tj , th»'. ibo nudersieudJ is aaih> rized ai.d rr?p'*r>>J lo p./ me eame at hia *’fficc, on lUe se cond 0-- of ?U builiitig n>-j:i above Me.'‘rp«' Urug Su.n-, M.iiket -I Pwrnnrs rxcciUinc cf Atlornoy will ob- «ir/- ifcn filbwii'i' t.>nn -t•'i?trniifnitnrrs, in all c««r), t» f.o w i'li'.jtise'.i iiy (•'(J n.r-d s gtie'l in duoM- c .ic. '• ih "y a* ■; b ’ vt iii rtse i fieforc a ,fTi«;t:e r>f t^a P or C) ''i '•.* ri7 FORM OF POWTR OF .\l'l0HNEr I. of -— . do i»f r- by -ippoint ——, of —^—- tiiy true a'i 1 lawful A.eul i «igu ri '^fcipsa for, r«CriVo p:»i raeof. u# lU'. r.i y«* (.• mo by tti«* KofrinePr l>v par' *i III of thi‘ Ooni'.-di'ri*!- Sta >s of A^neiir.ii. for 'ho serTioe' f slatet* s’D'ftnjed nS lal arcrs o the I votl df'feuca'' at , iti-.uf niviith of —, lft*» * ;V , fep.iri*. . ' »t!ioi»* • J I If I'* "*i r T.’-'r tb>’l ;ii • . Jj tJl-! ■J’ 1 ' 'i fNtJ A'.ir/orjV* Wc y !■ --..a Rl lucr V i «'X •*ipt ■■'nJen} t-f .')!’GO *7i! betu’'is:i», v^- r i.j’'t '*a!- , and i-t!|.eiior lo for lubric+ iuf irvif. wWrX. ^f£eJI£*ar, Attorney at Law, FArETTEVILLE, N. 0.* lUILL attend the County and Superior Conrt« of ! f Cumberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson i’oun- tles i*rompt attention given io the ooVtecvion of all claims entrusted to his hands ()ct. 17, \86». 68-1 f '“«E0. w. willIams & (To., %%holesaJe Dealem in iJroc‘erieK, AND IMP0KTBR8 AND DEALKRS IN Bftrdware and fatlery, Siredef) Iroa, HAT BTKEKT, FiTETTKVILLK, N. C. July 2, 1861. 3«tf ^ jroS. CT Ii E ¥, ~ . 4^ro€er atul Commission ^Verehant, FAYETTEVILLE, N Jaa'y 10, 186S. 93-tf ■ - B 0 WORTH. D O WOBTB. ». O. D*I«IBL WORTH & CO., Coumlision and Forwarding Merohanta, fW\iUr Strtet^ WILMLNGTON, N 0 Oct. 16, 166«. 7S 12m O bdshels wheat, ^,OUU 1,600 •• CORN. Persons having the aboTo article* to sell «riU rvcvtve the highest Cash prioe by calling on Mr. .M Tho.naaon, •t the Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, or on 'be aub«ori- ber at his old stand on Market Square. ALEX. .lOHNSON. Jr Nov. 6, 1862. ' 76tf iSifl HA R!% E»«. IAM prepared to znanafactare all kinds of vVagon Bamees for Army use. I tan my leat her and can give good bargain*. Agents will do well to s«nd their orders to me aa thry shall have prompt a.tf'*nticn, and «eni off in qoick diapatoh. JOHN i'AHTEK dotdston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C , ) Jane 18, 1862 ji SUf 00 ().» (X> 10 O'’ m sij»y on f- r \V -\T Pdw-n- iine. Riid I'tit a- pylnjr a BoriS w>h iheir V.o ';i or >e* o>'. *i- die iwtii'i of iKp rD*'*in. J. A ‘ W«>R'i'H, f >r C. F. Sfm B’* Co . R. M (*RRRLL, ^or Si'r:» K-.i- an i Hun , T. S LUTTKRLOH. Feb’y 28, 1304. O-tf WE!$TERi^ RaIp. ilOAb. The freight and PAS:^ENaKR TPAINS of this Road leave FayotteviUe daily, (Sundays Rxccpt.ed) lU 8 o’clock, A M , aiicl rt*mrnin^j 'e.ive Ejiypf _a» 1 o’clock, P. M. Cattle and Tr,iin \1().\I)AY, WRl)NKflt»A V and FRIDAY. Iiy order JNO M. ROSE. Tre*"«’r and Oi»u’l Trans. Af't. Jan. 22. 1868 97tf From aud attei* tliis date the Steauier A. P. HURT will leave a* 8 o'clock. A. M., on Monday and Thursday JOS. A WOKTH, April 6—17tf] Afr't C. F. Steam Boat Co. 'A i!i)i>s»; — -. IRM t?t ,;r.f niv !> .a J «•»" "U at the - ,S.*1 I I n"d»r-ign id 'I iJi" a v*ry sn^t OK, r'’pfei.%Ulj fvf (•!■»!«> 'ti»i t*i'F «.»ii d.., grm . r ppt^d wiiU I •• I M, W n p rt.T, Pwtory. ha.T-t o/ "i ' * 1 f-'r 2 r,f .? iny oO'ar Oil new iu if r .> ■>ljn Kcrsnav, t of .l'ioiiu:’s Crr-ri Kiclory, ■! «j*»i cn(?i-rful!y -ay your 1 mu-Usaihip 0:1 w a '•Hitt.'- It .toe'* uot j»iMu ill Jbf leas*, tun if'epd tl'f ^ •i*''-al« (>i( II at>d bui^hi ” \;r \ I.’ UvciiiirJil.*. v.i\'el Kogin" • af *H« t’ .\r9e- r .1 aui Arui r , of ^^li^ place, wm rt-qa.»!ii''i! t'S iry it • I II' IX fir Mijhi raachint."; — uci« J.>‘ton t - •.,« • ■ LI," lie.ivy caaj'iiaery (ratu u * tuotion I ih si- w,y nr I..i > '.o- 'in»Hl will oomi.ir*» nfxi in onal- il.v to Svi^rni " *‘K,.r it.iitou miknitfa^ture;s i>ave tiisd if an'l pro- V- »ui 'iii H' •'» r> ii ■ '-il by i'ltf ba’rel a* $2»> pti tal- , HENRY F. t OMON .\ge-jt F»7ott«T;’ie K .April tS'H 'iO-tf Bl Olli. ” '-WI ^ IJUaMNG'Olf, ru ^laa- j If ti'tee of't i lU i;%iluus at |>2d p -r g.ali'>n; tiu c«OB I or *■?/" Slo to 9>2') »dd’ti'>! a' S?ad - or ke^s wUen OOMvenien'. I Tbis i- ae xocnl «>n Oil ae oan be niaiie without the i mit'urt! irilh Aicoliol, which it is impossible now to j ob'ain. T^e wiok tubo of the ordinary Keronene lamp > should be bligi'.tly lengthened by soldering on % pitice. I With % I'smp (b^is arranged our oil barns without i>tnoke I ari’J wito as much brillianoy an any Northern KeruteD3. HENRY E COLTON, Ag't ¥ K Co. 1 April 7. ‘ii-if I !ie sigua.uiiti* • ' cutor^it :>ersi>[is n^O'jild l>»* by iiirt*« witi,t!>Sf Th»jr'* must !■» • o r;ne iuplicaio I'owars of Aftortiey for saoh month IJl ;.i formn ca>» be had iipoti appli* oat ion dt 1*118 oftici' W ^ I VMBi^ ‘'apt, A Chief Eng. J iii'y 20. 18«4 ISO(*tl Fayetteville Anenfti »nd Armory, i Nov. 12. 186S. i 5i^lOO BOUi^TV. liMnfed^ IO0 *VmiUed HiMetHrtt. Authority having been granted by the War De- P'^rtment to raise a Company of M.-iunted Kifleinrn for service in this Tioinity, notice is hereby given ‘hat recru'tfl to the number of 100 non-eonteripti will be r»- , . , . , oeived rcr this service. Eaoh recruit wiU be reoulred i proper nature, w* to fumisti a serviceable horse, for which he will be al- BiOLfi POUNUEY. iths ago we completed all our the manufaottj'e of CAR WHEELS, I’Ut owing to 3A| )IOO Ibii. tiiura Araliic* lor Male .1 K LEE. •X;t 16 K^tf 190 TOBACCO. boX£8 VIRGINIA TH>BACJ), variuu« grades, for sale on consignment, by GEO. W WILLIAMS .May 23. i- CO «lif i%tter tiliM date I will i pay 16 Cenu per pound for Tags, or I the h’ghest market price, deliveroi in ; Fajetteville. or at my mills on HocsfiRh 0 ^TUHPHY FsVy 16. 1864 7 >' Wauted to PurcliaHe, WESTERN RAIL ROAD STOCK;* Bank Netes; CK)ld and Silver, North Carolin^jreasurv^ Notes (Fundable;) “ “ $1 and $2 *' '* Bondi, old and new; Oouaty of Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; Greenskcro’ $1 ard $2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;) CoapoQfl of 116,000.000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonds;- “ of old North Carolina Ponds; T. 8. LUTTEHLOfl. OoU 12, 186S. - 71t. A^HEVll.I.E, IV. V. WILL open the E.\GLE HOTEL for the re* ; ception of Guests the first of June, and 1 hope i to be able to entertain from seventy five to a | hondred persona during the Summer In connection with this large Hotel, I have a oumber of lliMku, Carriages, Bag^ie-i and Haddle Horees ths4. iu> guests cau gel at a tuiDiit«‘'a notjoe. J. W. BLAIR. Prorrivl >r Laglc Hotel. A-heville. N C. l:?. 31-yp,i WAWTED, tor the HaHjiltal at Fort Fisher. ?.V, Chickeb.-., Buti*r and other delicacies for the sick Sol tiers a' this^Ho'^pital. Persons r-»ving theee artioles cua obtain the market price on app'.ica- lion to the sabscriber at his old ,-iand or at sir J W. Pow^rx’s on Hay Street P.. K HEIDE, Uen’l Ag’t. Aug. 25. 68-tf Cotton If am for %%’^ooi. VOTICE is hereby given that after this date (exoept in cases where we have bargained for Wool aooord- :a^ to the terms of our •vlvertisement of the 80*^ 'f Ms>. which terms are now revoked^ we will give 1 bun dle of^ Cot* on Yarn for 4 lbs. of Wool unwauhe 1. or 3 lb- wiwihod aud pickeJ. Thi: chaage is made at tbe of the Quarterniast>’r at Raleigh, m ordi«- to J!ak» the terrnt of excnange uniform throughoui ttie Stete GEO. W WILLIA.MH * CO l'ayett«>ville, June 2l>, lbti3. ^lif Egypt Coal .Vline. The undersigueu were, at the November IVrm of the Confederate tjoiirt, Uistrior of North Jarolia>k, ap pointed .ManageVs of the Egypi Coal Mine prof-eriy. and have entered into copartuarship for the purpose of mining and selling Coal, and solioif orieni for the s.*ma in any desired quantity. Ordeis for any amount can be supplied on shcrt uotioe. Tiis Coal from this pro- j.eity is uudonbtediy the best in the ConfoJt-raie SiateTt Applications may C>e m^le to Ohas B Malleit, Fayett-e- ViUe, N C . or Jacocs B’‘>^ne, Citarlesion S. C OHAKLES B. MALLET? JAMES B»OV/NE t-ayetteville. Jao’y 20. lH6;i ^Htf lowei 40 cents per diem, and his pay $12 per month. Wn{tm pemiuion will bo required from parents or gu(.rdiaafi, where the apptioaui is under the oonaeript age. Each recruit must bring with hitu a blaakel or bed iprt.-aJ, aud come prepared to remain CridL's, saddles, haiters and aitddle blankets furnish ed by the Government, or if the recruit oomes provided with he will be naid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt .MATTHEW P TAYLOR, at the Ar senal 80tf 1 Vyjor L. CHILDS, A. Comd'g Poet. IMIIce Oepot Mo, 19, ) Fayktteville, March 7, 18ii4. j i*uy gaur J^then. PERiiuNd who have not already paid their .Titho T'\x w 11 have until the 20th day of .May 1^4, lo deliver the #ame I >ini D'jW ready to receive the Ba^a due undrr the tithe law Hix poonds of cured baoon for every U O Hn) pork slangbtered sinoe the 24ih of April 186S is rej tirjd Par:*»a delivering ihoir tithe* at a dist.nt:(> of cvir etght :nili»s will b^ promptly paid f >r exccf« of‘-auhng J. .M WILLIA.M8, I J i2fi.M] Agani fo'" Cumberland couniy. Superior Court ot Law tor Cum berland County, Notice is hereby giv*n that there will bo a Spring Ter'ii of thi« Court held m the 7tb Mondav after I lie 4ih .Vi'jnday of Marc^ next being the 16th day of -May 18 4, to try and de'ermioe all aot’ona of Tort on too (?ivil ^o»ke', la ' all wsee on the State Docket Not ice furtiifr glv.-u, that ’ 7 an or-ler pa^^sed at Fall Terir. 18*’-H, the da^' ‘ -r tryii.g .'^tate c\see In said Court has been changed fr^iui Taort>>tay to Monday Parties and wilii(*B«»e8 w >’ I'.-'vern themsclvc!* aOcordiorflv •loHN W BAKER. C S C. MarOh 14. 15 tC R' OKUNANCK DEPAKTMKNT, f Ralkigh. N. C., May 8, 186JJ. j Lead wanted.—l wleh to curaha»e I.*n.d for thin Department Persona haviui; i»rt;e or small quan tities will please apply at onc^^. Wili give I pound of TOWDER for 10 pounds of I4EAD. , * TH08 D HOG(4, (Jsnt. C. S 8fl.ff In charge of Ordnano* l*alma Cliristi IfeanM. fpH£ tubseriber will pay .he nigheat caeU p'-ioes for 1 any quantity of Palma ('hriati Beans. J A Wt)RTH fayaltrvil)*. Oftt H * ‘"J c WAi^TEII. 1WILL pay the kigheet Cash price, for auy quantity of good COW HORNS, and LEG BONES of Horses and Cows; also, BRIAR ROt)T for making Pipes; delivered to mo. B LEHEKLErt. FajMteviUe, Feb'y 2!>. 17tr>.i RA4;fH! RACiM!! - I'he inlft- rior quality of the p\per on Wl>ich liie Observer has been j rtnt»d of late, and ^bloh !■ a great eye-soie to us, is uwing to the want of a saffioie&t supply of good ragit, and the uon:equent nec essity to resort to inferior materials W e appeal to the friends of the Observer at all accessible points, tu save up and bring tu town all the rags they can procure. Wa have no time ourselves to attecd to tneir purchafia, bat Massrs. Qeo- W. WiiUams Ik Co , the. Agentn m this towB of Mr. Morphy, will pay 15 cent^i per lb for them. £ J HALE & SOUS. Fab’y 16^ 6-itf North CaroUna Volunteer Navy Co^ TaiASC&BE's Orrioa, Wilmiugt.n, N t/, Marcu 6.1864 Books for further ti.ibscnption to the Capital St'>ok of this Company are opened at this Of&Ci* All persons desirona of aiding in (hit all irnporlait miUrprut oan forward me their names 7 mail stating the amoant they wish to eubsoribe and then send the OMh by somo trusty person, on receipt of which I will forward Certifioate of Stock. Shares $600 eaoh. Ail old subsorit^ers that have not paid in their subsoriptiona will please do so at the ear- tisat moment. W. ^ SMilfi. 'Stmtfr, TO TBE »H:K. JAD THE FOLLOWING:—Rev’d Jvhn W. Potter (N C ) Bays: “For twelve years I w»e a great sufferer. My liver was disr-'is'd 1 io«t my fl.'SQ and s'renftth, anl my skin seemed changed n its col r by ttie bils wiib wtiicti ■'>y s»8i*m was overch^rgfd 1 oecam-,* sut'ject lo fre quent aod violent at aoks -f bili iu* c die. every aHack leaving me weaker tnan its predecessor Tue p?iyst- olana had been able to patch me up a UHle, but my health was in a deplorable s'aie. I had taken patent medicines until I was tired of them, ^^ithout energy or comfort, I was barely aftle to go about a littie. At length I yielded to the earnest pemuasion of a friend and commenced taking; the HEPATIC PILLS, with uo o^nfidencft in them They acted like a charm on me /Vow* tAat hour I improved 1 have persevored in th“ir )>se, until now, by God’s bl'*‘'uing, / am w*U and hearty. I ha-d a nogro man who, as I believed, was savcd from dca'h by a dose of these pills My Doctor’s bill was annually from $100 to $200, but 1 have bad uo use for ^ nK X * .a--- — a? a siiperi.jr family luedioine ’’ Tle ingre'Ue»it8 of whir.h tho ‘ SOCTHERN HEPAT IC PlLLi' are male are so coHfiy as to compel the pro)'rietor to rut them a> pref'ent prices, which are n.'>t so r-?inuaerative as when the pili« so!d fur less Full direc*ious iicaoi>ip*n^ each box Price $U a bM I’ r io a dr.ian boxe.s^ill bo beat prepaid tll'.o VV UF.E.Mfl, 1 >ld.-boro’, N, C. Mnrch 2ii, lHti-1. I8-«if.d WAMTEM, ASITUATKiN as i^upcrintendent or General MaHa- ager by a oorupetent manufacturer of both Wool aud Cotton, who has had 40 y>.>ars’ eipericuu? and is fifty three years of &ge, a naiiv« of ^lanoh»s'er, Eng land; i.s also a Machinist au+ Enjjioce^. >ny oae in wani of “uch a man pl'*aH j ad-lrcsj E. B R NlCHof.rt, Vf !-.iinf!.Mn.. N C. March 22 (7 ^t'pd Ligbt .4rtHler}! l/t^lit Arlillerjf • W.».NXED for rey B utery, 20 or 25 men The usual bounty aiid c'ofhiiig and rati'>kis ^iven Aj>ply to Col. John H. Cook, Kayeiieville, or JA*^ D. CUM.\tlNG, Capt. Co. C, Starr’s Bat , Kinston, N. (J. April 4 20-lip.^ CooperM Wanted. Three spirit barrel, coopers wanted, for which A liberal prHs will b? paid and steady work given, by IW'ORE, CASHWELL & CO. March 31. 19^p4 Heading; Wanted. SPIRIT B.\RKBL HEADING wanted by MOORE, r'ASHWELL % CO. March 31 HMUpd rLiOliR AiV» OAT«r FLOU R and OATS will be exchanged for Corn at the Store of D McLanrin, by giving hi'u a few days notice. Floor good, Oats No 1, black or white Jan’y ‘£H. 2 tf iUuxkfl for fate at Office. Ii»l your TajLableM. 'plIK uu'tersigneJ having been appointed at March I T m 1864, of tfce t'.juTt of Pleas and tjuarier Ses- sior* for '’umberla*5d ov.u- >v. ».iist Takers for the Town aud tVoHs Creek DiHiriate. hereby notify all persons to CjiTiv for war 1 and list thi^ir property during the last 2fl work ng days in April next, oommenoing ou Friday the fjtb We can be ,cunJ from 9 K. M. to 1 o'clock P. M., eaoh da", at the oSice of R M. O -rell on Hay street. No lists »ill b** received aficr the expiration of the • imo whioh is fixed by law R .M ORRELL, List Taker f''r Town Diftrici. JOHN W BAKER, Jr. List T .ker for Cross Creek District. March 14 16 tl.M Bank ot IVorth Carolina. I'O ta» Si icki'iMers of the B«nk of North Carolinik: . Th*> C'^nfi-derat** Tax on the indiviinal shares will bo rai'i by the B.*uk C. DEWEY, Cashier March 25. 18 Im __ eOR!%E ’ ~ W' NTS 'o buy 4 or 6 good blooded yonng and strong HOUND DOGS, at the higtiest price. He woald pre fer their bei’)K alreaiy broke to run tho track oC twofooit*d animals railed thieves Toese dogs are in- tenied as Jet-jcttves He wouU like to buy or borrow one at least as a leader, from any friend The dog shall be uromptly re'urn'd wben called for and any friends who o^ay aid him m getting up th»is(» dogs shall havo th* dogs at ttieir service when otiled fir* as w«ll as for the neighborhood. Any p.*rson having a dog or dogs will please ca’l at Toliay vineyard, a snort dis taooe from the Town of Fayetteville The dor« •ni 22 4tpd Mtrayed.or MIolen, my rcsiJenoo on Little Hiver, a FJLLY about give S'M) f'jf b.-r recovery havi* not lately been able to supply any demand for them; t*>is difficulty bewever, will be o>^ercome in the ooarse of six weeks, at whioh time we shall be able t« famUh wh>el8 of the following sizss—24. 26, 28 and : 80 inches; aisi Chillod Tires^ The Iron we shall oae ' for them will be Cold Blast Cliarcoal Iron, and we war* r%nt our wheels NOT TO CRA/K, and to bo equal to any made in thf^ Confederacy, er io those of Whitney It , Sonti of Philadelptiia, whose reputation is so well known ; by all Railroad companies. We are prepared lo execute Loom, Dry Sand, and Oreeii Sand Wo^h, of any shape or site. D. ANDERSON A CO. ] Fayetteville. March 30, 1864. 19tf I To tile Voters ot Harnett Countjr. The nndentgned. a priv:tte in Co A, &Lh M. C. Cav* airy, having been solicited by soma ef his friends, I reepeotfully annotincei’. hiuiself to the soidtera and 4ti- I lens of Harnett ouunt/ a^ a Candidate for the Of&oe of SHERIFF at the e!e'''.'..'fj on 'be first Thursday ia Au- ) ga«.t next. SAMUEL U PIPKIN. ^ March 21. * 17 24ipd I ~ .VoTicK 'ro FA risersT * “ I fT£.\W W.\NTKi>. WANTED immediately for the hospitals and Troop« at Fayetteville, 20.«M pounds of W HEAT 9TUAW, I suitable for bedding. Fa'mers having a surplus of this I ortiole on hand will confer a benefit cs oar siok and { wounded soldiers by bringing it in A fair price wiU ; be paid Apply to QUARTERMASTER, at the Araenal j Fayetteville Arsena* ard Armory, April 4. 21tf Annual meeting:. j rpHE stockholders of the Fayetteville k Western Plank j_ Road Co. will take pbcae on Thursilay tb» 28th Aprils iu the Town Hall'iu 11 i*’Hook. JXO. M, ROSE, apcc y F. A W’. P. R. Co. April 11. J2-5t A Cbanre for the Uoyn. j *)|!r CENTS per buehel will be paid for old siioas or fjfJ i*orap I.EATHER of any kind, no matter how old, delivered at the Arsenal • • j April 5 ^-4t HARXETT COL^yXY A lotion of the citizens of Harnen County having coit- anea at Lilliixgton on the 9th inat., a meeting was huld i which nearly all the districts in the coonty were repre- Mi’ed. Jsmes P. H'jdges was called to the Chair, and D. McN. .'Oues (\ai w M Ui tlxke into consideration the propriety of recom ; niandin^ tu tlie loyal voters of our county some metitod of «f»cnru»g co-operation among ourselves in the electiuii I of (.'andidate.'^ to represent, us in the next Legislature. ' M«* said, irom all indicatioud, and from facts detelopinj; t*rei^ (lay, that ia all probability there wuuld be many eaudidales Ijefore Uie people for their suffrages—that to ele't from thei:- number good mea tuid true, requirt^i unitfd artion aud coucenlrated effort; he Imd no doubt in his mind that if we I'ould devise some method by •Ahk-h the j^ple could be fairly represented th*'re would Ih! uo Uoldenite candidate in ourcwinty witlx thelaiat««t hopt" of eloctioUj nor even a Tiuioe man witli the least tincture of CoufedrraU preju'iic After a very friendly interchange of thoug^hte, j>luns, ▼imTs and suggt“tlons by the moctlnj'. to brin^ about this tlewred oonsurtimation. the following re'aolntit'>n3 wern pa.is«>i: 1st, That we rccommend lo the loyal people of our county to bold a Conveution at Lillincton on the FIRST WOXbAY in MAY, to nominate t'unaidates to r‘pre?ent US in tie next Legislatare. \ ad. That we rerommend primary mettincs to be held in the diJferent districts of the county, on the 4th Satcb OAV in Amri, for the purpose of sending' Delep^ates to said Convention. 3d, That every gentleman in this meeting assembled is requested to give publicity to the above resolutions. 4 th, That a copy of the proc^dings of this meeting be sent to the Fayetteville Observer ana Carolinian with the requMt to publish the same. • JAS. p. HODGES, Chm’n. D. McN. McKat, Sec’y. 23-tlstM Enroliins Office. 411 Cons. District K. ) Wilmington, April 8, 1864. ( IN compitance with paragraph IV,Circular No. 10, Con- ■cript OtBee, Raleigh, March 28th, 1864. County En rolling Officers and OflBcers of the Home Guard, vdll cause to be enrolled and ordered to app':sr at the fillow- ing named times and places, all white male persons be tween the ages of 17 ivnd 50, for final enrollment and ex amination. New Hanover county, 22d R^ment. at Wilmington, April 25th, 26th, 27th. New Haoarer county, 23d Regiment, at Wilmiagtoo, April 28th, 2»th. Coliunbus county, 57th Regiment, at WhikevIUe, May 2d, 3d. Richmond county, 61at Kogiment, at Rockingham, Hay 6th, 7th. Ric^imood county, 60tb Regiment, at Laurinbarg, May 9th. 10th. Robeson cooatv, 58th Regiment, at Lumberton, May llth*, 12 th. Robeson county. 59th Regiment, at Lumberton, May 13th, Utb. Bladen ooiuty, 55th Regiment, at KIizaU>thto'>vn, May 17th, 18th, Idth. Cmnberland county, 53d Ragiment. Fayetteville, May 23d. 24tti, 25th. Cumberland county, S4tJi Regiment. Fayetteville. May 26th, 27th, 28th. Harnett county, ftSd Regiment, at Samoiervnie, May 31st and Jane l«t, 2d. Brunswick connty, 5Gth Regiment, at :SmithviIl«, Jua« 9th. 10th. II. Persons between 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 will be enrolled on the same roll, and distinct fi\>m those between Ii and 45. IfL All persona in the counties of Columbus, Robeson, Bicbmood, Bladen and Cumberland, who bave received certificates of exemption from the Medioal Examining Board, since Marcn 14th, 1864, will not be WANTED, An i)VERSBER, one without family, aud having some expori^Boe on a farm Apply to the sabscriber or Maj. J loaihan Evaas 29 J. P OB*JRTSON. 19 Im ,M KX. An ii 5 IM.RRO..H. •iltf siilOO REW ARD. R.\NA WAY from liie subscriber on the 2lsl February, niy n-.;gro boy JOHN, sixteen years old, about 4 feet 6 tushes high, li|?hl uomptexiou, and ha? a soar be- tweeu tiis ciiiii and mouth. He may probably have mad-) his Way to Bcnnettsville, S. C., wb 'rebis pirei>*H fire 1 wi'I uay one baotli-id dol^rn r‘w*rd for bis'»r- res* aii.l cnnfinpinent. ia .any jail *o that I net hiav. n W. AYER *'av ‘'t'rii:'. N Ai'iil7. ?! ft.p l EAVETTEVII.I.E HliTiilL L\SURl\€li: (0!ttPA,\t. $$tate ot iVorth Car* c «ia« MOORE COUNTY. Com I of Pleas aud Q ji.k.'!.:r Sessions, J ^ 3864. Margaret Blue vs. M J Bbio, a*. Pe«'tion for Dower rT appearing to the satb^facLiaa of the C'.i ti tl^a' I Defendants, Hugh MoCaUum an. wife, ^re naa-resi> dents of ^his S'ate: It is th-^i«fore oi«i«rtd that, fublt- oation be made for six suoc-.aslr* we^«« in the Fayette* vlUe Observer, notifj'ng thf Dsfntiiaata, Hugh Mo- Callnm and wife, pe«*a->ually to be and appear at the aezt Term of this Court, tu be held for the county of Moore, at tbe '"^our^t House in Carthage, on 4l.h Motiday of April 1864, then and there to plead, answer or de* tnnr to the petition filed in this case, otherwise the same will be hsa^ ex parte, and judgment pro confccbo will he entered as lo them Wim ess, A. H. MoNciU, Clerk of our sa^d Court, at office lii .'arihage, 4ih Monday in January 1864. Issued 9lh March 18i4. 16««tpll A H MoNEILL, «. O C. oi rvortli Carolina, Vt>ORB COUNTY. Court of Pleas A Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1864. t'albarine MoCnuuuieti and others vr Daniel .Vli^ruin- ineia. Petiii»u for partition of Lands ' IN tilts oas', upon uioti'-n, it Ordered >>y the (vourt^ th.ii pMbiioatioQ be made for sii suooessive weeks iu : liie Fi.y^iiefil!" 0‘tseiv.^r, uot'fying ibc Defeadaat : Daniol .\lci'rooiDie:i I'crsinally to be aud appear atdhe ' iicxt‘l'eri;i ‘t' this Court, to !.« neld for the Coualy of I .Mootv., at th; Couri tioiise in (Url.hage, ua the 4Ui I ^londay of April, I84i4, then and ther * ta plead, answer I ur demur to the potiMou filed iu this case, oiherwiaa c I the same will b'^ heal'd ex parte %nd judgment pro oob— f-jssa w:il ba enter\-d as him I Witness, A. H .McNeil), Clerk of our said Conr^ ac I ofiioe in (^ftrihaKC, 4»h Monday in JannaiY, 1R64.. is- ; sued 4th Pdb >• I8t>*. ! iH*6tpd-| A. H. MoMEILL, C. C. C C»{>ital iu Premium .Notec amounts to CuMh on hand and other asselp.. *267,688 no r»,077 36 1 Total, . $272,7t»5 61 j The Company have paid all losses promptly, and hfcve Tfver made aa assefsinent on their premium notes. I Total lossex paid, ¥29,082 69 j . OirsioBap; I , OEO. McNElLL, President. I D. A. RAY, Vice President, i C. A. McMlLLAU, Seo’y. Dttia'i’roiig; Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillingtiast, H. L. Myrover, S. J. fiinsdale, S. T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurtn, Nathan A. Stedmaa. T. S. Lutterloli, C. B. MaUett. A. W. ateel, Juiiies Ryle, J. G. Ceok, A. A. VlcKethan. ficn. J. Q. Shepherd. J. 1). Viliiams, R P. Brown, i . e W. Tiiiinghast A. E Hall, | Wilm gton. hn Oollind and C. C. MoCmmmen, Traveling AgaQta jliirThe Compuij laviU aapliMtiona. lUx Mr iwi. U- $$tate ol iVorth Carolina, M(X>RE GOUTY, t'oart of Pleae and Quarter Sessions, Jan’^ Tevm,184. Ann Steaiimaa v«. Willlaoi B(«adman, ^d oik«rs Petition for Dower. IN ibis ease upon motion, it is ordered by tb« Conrr. thit publication be made for six suooessi^ weeks in t.h« Fayetteville Obsorver, notifying the l^endiuiiii, WilU.xm and Henry Steadmaa. personally to be and ap- E.t The next Term of this Court, to be held for Cooaty of Moore, at the Court House ia Oarthage, oa ‘ho 4th Monday of April 18641, then and (.here to pleiMl. fiiswei* or demur to tbe petition filed in tkis ease, other • wi^e the same will be heard ex parte, aad judgment »:ilere.i ae to them Witr.eM, A. H. McNeill, Clerk df oar stid Coort,^ oUioe in Carthage. 4th M'^nday of January 1864. Is8u hI March 9th, 1861. i :*6tpi] A. H MoNEILL, f). C-C. ! HOI! rilEKN GENKRAL8 I Ui‘e of tin* laif-st works od the war i* entitled j “Tiirie niontiis iti th« ijoathern Stat>s—Bj I Col. ]Tf''Tnnnt!e, [hn^ishj Ouldstrpvm Oaards^’ . U has ju*t beeo publishea io Engla* d, end t!*e i .NUK^iy was roquestinl to act as 3acreUry. Mr. Hodges {J\'ew \'ork Daily News makes large eztraoto t«b j 0.11 Hking the Chair sut^ that Uie object of the meetiug ; loilowing:— j* (IkxxralLkf. I (ueti. Lve is, Urnost witboat exctption, the ! han'inoDicst m.ati ttf hi.s ago I ever saw. He ia lifty-^ix years old, tall, broad shoaldered, Tery well luu'ie, wc*il .'Cf up—a thorough soldier in appcarurtco; aal liis luuaners arc most oourteoua and full o* (]i:,'iiity. ({« is a perfeet gentleman ill evt'ry r«!spo*‘t. 1 iiiiagina oo man has so few enemiois, or ii >3.* uuiv.»‘i nally enUeemed. Tbroogh- out tho. South, all agree iu pronouncing bin -to be as near porfct'fioii as >i man can be. lie hat none of thf* i tuall vioe>, .huoIi hs smoking, drink ing, chewing: or Bwearinfr, and hi.a bittereflt ene my nt'vi.r accii«‘i hitu of any of the greater ones, lie ^euerally weari a well worn long gray jaok- et, a hi^h black fcif hat, aud blue trowsers tUeked into his Wellington boots I never saw him ear- ry arms; and the only mark oi his military rank ^ are three stars vu Lis collar. Me rides a hand some horse, vrliicb is extremely well groomed. He himself is very.neat in his drcM and person, and in the moat attluotifl marches he always looks smart and clcan. In the old army be wai> always considered one ot the l>est oihcers; and at thf) outbreak of these troubles he was lieutenapt colonel of the 2d oav- alry. He was a rich man, but hia flee estate was one of the first to fall into the ehemj's hands. I believe he has never slept in a hotise sinoe he has commanded tbe Virginia army, and he inva- riablv uuclines all offers ol Jiospit^ty, for fear the person offering it may afterwards get into trouble for having sheltered the rebel general. The relations between him and Longstreet are quite touching—they are almost always together. Longstreet’s corps complMU of this sometimes, as they say that they seldom get a ohanoe of de- ^taehed service, whioh &lls to the lot of Ewell. It is impossible to please Longstreet more than by praising Lee I believe these' two gen* erals to 1^ as little ambitious and aa thoroughly unselfish as any men in the world. Both long for a successftil termination of the war, in order that they may retire into obscurity. Stone^ll Jackson (until his death the third in command of their army) was just such another simple mind ed servant of his country. It ia understood that Gen. Lee is a religious man, though not so de* monstrative in that respect as Jackson; and, un like his late brother in arifts, he is a member ol’ the Church of England, kiia only faults, ^ far as I can learn, arise A'om hia excessive amiability. UBRERAL JOSEPH S. JOHNSTON, in appearance, is ratber below the middle height, spare, soldier-like, and if ell set. up; his features are good, and he has lately taken to wear a gray ish beartl. He is a Virginian by birth, and 57 years old. He talks in a calm, delil||pnte, and confident manner; to me he was extremely affable, but he certainly possesses the power of keepu^ people at a distance when he chooees, and his officers evidently stand in great awe of him. He has undoubtedly acquired the entire oonfidenoe of all the officers and soldiers under him. Many of the offi^rs told me they did not consider him inferior to Ijcc or any one else. Gen. Johnaton is a well rt»ad man, and agreeable to converse with. He told me that he considered Marlborough a greater general than Wellington All Americana have ^n intense admiration for Napoleon; and they seldom seruple to express their regret that he was beaten at Waterloo. ReiBarking upon the extreme prevalence of military titles, Gen. Johnston said: ^‘You must be astonished to find How fond all Amerioaas are of titles, though they are republicans; and aa they can’t get any other sort they all take mili* tary odos.” While seated around the camp fire an officer remarked to me, “I can assure you, eolonel, that nine men out of ten in th**^ South would sooner becovie subjecta ot Queen Victoria than return to tho Union.” “Nine out v»f ten!" said Johnston, “ninety-nine out ot a hundred I consider that few people in tho world can be mwe fortunate in their government than tbe British colonies of North America.” Gen. Johnatoo told me that the principal evils a Coufjdcrate general had to contend against, consisted in the difficulty of making combinations, owing to the uncertainty about the time which the troops would take to march a' ccrtain distance, on ao= count of their straggUn^ propensities, tie told me he had been wound^ ten times Speaking of Stonewall Jackson, he eaid that althoui;h he did not roascss ajy groat qualifications as a strate^ gist, and was perha|>s untit for the independent command of a larj^e army, yet he was gifted with WOtjderftll Coura!?‘ and lrlciDunat’ion, and » pm- fect laith in l'roviKno« tliat ho w.-is .destined »o destroy tho fcii*iuy H*i wttch indebted to (Jen. Kwtil ill thr cam|»ui}iii« in tho \’irginia val ley, and was Ibrfnniue in coniraiandinj; the flower ol the Virginia trooj.j» a*iti heitii; on|»otied the most incapable K^i',ral coiutiiaiidiTn, Muoh a« Fremont and Banks.” ABOUT STlt.NKW.Vbl. .1 Aflv.'iO.N . In Mobile, (ien. Slaughter*, who was a comradr of Stonewall Jackson in tiie old army, related many anccdotea about Ititu It appears that pre- vioti.t to the war he was aliuoMt a monomaniac about his health. When he left the [United States army he was undrrtlie itii|ti'nsion that one of his legs was getting shorter than the other; and afterwards hi^i idea was that he ouly perspired on one side, and that it was only necessary to keep the arai and le'.^ of the other sidesu consUnt motion in order to presarvo tl»e circulation; but it s'^ems that .liter the war broke out he never made any allut'ioh to his health. General Slaugh ter declared that on the night after the terrible repulse ot Hurnside’s army at Fredericksburg, StonewaM Jaekaon made the following sU|fgeBtion: “I am of the opinion that we ought to attaek the enemy at oacc, icd in order to avoid the confusion and mistakes fo t*:>n'nioo in a night attack, I re commend that we should strip ourselves perfectly naked!’' required to report. IV. Militia Officers and Magi: of 48 and 45 in the counties of N istrates between the i^es ew Hanover, Brunswick, Colnmbus, Bobeeoo, Bicbmood. Bladen aad Cumberlaad, will not be required to report. V. In Harnett couaty. every white nale person between the ages of 17 and 50 will be required to report. VL la compUance with Circular No. 12, Conscript Office, County Eorolling Officers and Officers of tbe Home Guard, will cause to be enroll^ in their respective coun ties, all male free pertotu of color, between the ages of 18 and 50, and have them to appear before tbe Medical E.x- amining Board and District Bnrolling Officer, at the time and places above stated for eurollment and exan^i- aation. A. LANDIS, Jr., Captain and ISnrolling Officer, 23-2w 4th Con. District N. C. T. To the CttlMBs and Soldiers of Hnrnett. At the solicitation of many of my frientis I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff for the county of Harnett. Profoundly grateful to my fHends both at home and in ^e Army for the very jrenerous support heretofore received at their hands, I can only pledge that should they again mani fest their confidence by re-electing me I will, as hereto* h>re, serve them promptly and impartially. Very respecrfully, JAS. R. GRADY April 13. 24*te Bank ot FayetteTille, Aphil 16, 1864. THk *Laual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will take place at the Hall of th« T ■ - the 16th day of May next at II o’clock will take place at“the Hall of th« Bank, on Monday tt at II o’clock. 24-‘dI W. G. tJBOADFOOT,CaBh’r. CMrrTOM CARDS, rvo. 10. The PWCTTEVILLE COTTOR C'RD MANUFA^ TUBING COMP AN Y’ are now manufacturing CARDS superior to any run through the blockade, aod at presept are seU'mg for a less prioc the single pair or by the quan- tity. Ai^ nenwn ordering six or more pairs, they will be secoBctv naoUM ft-- -r «x- y^ur^. * C&ll upon t>r addrff* A. A. McKETH.AN. .T. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSjN, Jr. Fayctt;ville, N. C.. Ap*il l8 24lf Pnbyterian aud Catolinian topyr The wantM of the people »up- plted at the .Star Foun.ky iu FHyettiviUo with Cooking Pe^. Kettie^i, .Spiders, I'iwws atul Plow Points ol aVt thi* dllTeivnt patleras now iu use. Castings of any (U-scripUon maile at short notice. Sugar Mills maiie to order at the Star Ftmndrv in Fayetteville, N. C., by . April 11.—24-lm ^ ‘ ^ M. A. B.AKKR. Fayetiefiile Ro§ia Oil Works. OUR Oil Works are now in complete operation, and as we ase nothing but good rosin iu producing tiie Oil we ran recommend It to be th(' bent of the kind made in this cotmtry. It is a fine Lubi i ating and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be glad to ructdve orders frmi the Govexnment and the public generally. \V«* will sell on reasonable terms. MOORE, CASHW Kl.L A CO. April 1R. i9chooi BookN. r)R BA1.E, a varietv of CLASSICAL WORKS;—T>l- le«4orflr*s French Grammars, Greek aa J Latin Lex- ioona, WebfUer’s Academic Dictionaries, Common School JBooks. Drswrlng Materials, etc., etc Add-ess 2S-9tpd “O MICRON,” Wiltaingtoa, N. C. PMUC NOTICl.^ Application wlll be made, at tae next Sestum of t»ie Legislature of North Carolina, for the ineorpo- tatioa of uie “Enterprise Cotton and Woolen Mills,'* IVotice to Soldiers’ F«JQillle«. The unde?^ign?d reBji^otftally ihVitefi soldiers’ wiven and motbrtrs to caM at hia shop and get tkeir Farin- iti« Uteasils repaired uu more reas^r.able terms thiMi^ tii>:y eaa get it done any > hire else R. P. MeLAUOHLIN, P. & W. Flaak Road, 4 milet below ffarihart. , AfriI7. i iw in progress of eoastmctioa at Rockinghant, Rieh- anond eonitfy. April 7,1^- ^ Negro Men for sale. rvo yoaog and likely Negro Men. for whom Coafed- « raro Bonds. 8s. 7s. 6s or 4s, will be taken. Befer* m«a to Wm. MoL. MoEay, Esq , Fwyetteville. ^^14 28*9tM A w«>ed Cook Wanted. 1WI3H to purchase for my own use, a stout, liealthv wonwB—one bat is quick aad active, aud above all, perfectly cleanly about her oooking Saliahurf, Apri) 14. [«. w.] ia-4w Tubarco.—No crop will b« found lo'.’ valuable, duritig this and perhaps several years to coinc. than tobat'co. The stock on hand is enoimous. Never since Virginia was Virginia has she contained so much dry tobacco. • Less than the usual.crop ha^ been produced since the war; but far more than wa.-« necessary for home consumption, and none has been exported. Hence the accumulation on the stock extant when tbe war broke out has been ent>rmous. It is unsaleable while the war Iwts; and when th» war ends, the sudden supply will br^ down tbs price in every nwrkei of the world.—

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