Ki (iUCh 1 Ptiier bintl hjniseh }»]ns of provision^ ind which he aia\ v.\^ exen3y.tioi. n**nt . r to theVaai tixed by the Coi* nU>r the iinpresn t flny perfi.ju 1 «*Htitle(i t., ^ ly amount of mea, :hu; thrwe montbg act; Provided fu». '•T'fii n the pro»i all r;-t hedepriyed -a >1 hiivina t^ V ,.f Feh ^lore^winu exerup Tar under t).e di. luHv - \. 'Lii)t .tr de i i ; luay be gati« te 1 on account at iiisare » proditc- pri-.vii.: >113 tor ti,* soldierni. Heiaay. >r detail-s on such ‘il)o, tv> such OTer- t as he niav he snt- l tu the country in ■e thnn in the mil^ lat such exemption .fanuv»r, planter or eiitly to employ in , capital ana labor cti-.Ti of grain and je Government and t prices not exceed- me for like articles >t' the State ander lanr&r, auditor auii .ilroad company ea or the Government, iployees thereof aa endent shall certifv ible to the efficient >ad: Pwvided, that 0 exempted by this not exceo^i one per 1 road in actual Q*e >d; and^aid exempti ne and dewcriptioB, wh.' have left th« npany, or who raav e. iin i-ontained shail ^ liie act appr®T64 titled an act to ex rryinir the mailt *t and !he drivers ot , from military Ber ill the exemptioQi shall only coatinue npted are actually tivu pursuits or ©o Nident be, and he m frant details^ under ation3 to be isined »nt, either of pv^>nd ■ of age, or from the cases where, in his ty and necessity re- he may revoke aucii rer he thinks proper 0r herein granted to details and exemp- ‘ued to authorize the f any contractor tor ny kind to the Go? taid contract, unl©8» ' the department raa [ f'eriify that the per contfitct. -r are indie iou •.! f?!>id contract' when iu.j such con intly ;iu i faithfully, ►cnii jit of such o'jii detail =. all ceace. >intii 4 ocal boards minaiion of persc'us :e, n • metnber com- » apj*(*iiited iroin the itric^ iti which they ich cxaiiiination. retteville, W. C., | >CTOBiia 3, 1^3. ) nf 3(m19 at u Ia^Boro , io P M daj Al H P M iMERVlLLE. »t 6 A M. iday ftt It I’. M PLINT*^>N OE laud SaiurJay at 7 P. M jr »atl Fridty 1 P. M. , 8. C. and 8»iurd»y »i 6 P M- &d Thur*d»y at 1 P. M. LUMBKRION. aaJ -'^Kurday at 9 A- M- ad T'JursJ^y it 1 P. M S ABE TH TOWN. 7 auJ Friiliy at ti.A. M. uid Hvurday at 2 P M a TRKKBINTH a» G P .M RK3.S CREbtK M &3E. CuVlNGTOiN anJ f)N M rin TKOY M M . %r^ clo!4J the etfU arti tu bt sent oil from be paid for as If Manual 'Kf pfij pald by I'ly from *4 to ‘*4 ^ kM a t’fKJK. P M PBeVlKK, supply %t trholes*!* ■ - r M a • '•**** i;%KOLlWv% ii]«€K COtfPiNY) operatiottf wltk hold upon puklio ooo- livei of wll healthy p«*“ for ooe year, for sewn r* aharing m the prod** I of age are ioeared fvr ) thir'ia their valu*- I vithin yO d»ya after puM*'' :• re*‘errei ^ rts c State, *od to deoi'pt Raleigh. HALE, ^^ent at faver-t^TiUe. K. Q tt Ivficl WllTUlUL \o\. xr.i. ?\\\ TTK\UA K. N. C.. APRIL 25, \SM [NO. 1326. ^ RINTED MONDAYS aND TH fni'^1* A RimiRD J. IIALK & SO^S. KDITORS ANU PUOPRIFT»»R.‘^ IV' t fi..r ilif Senii-WVi'kIV Obkkvi'.ii flO t>o p -iii 'n fi-ivanrp. l^'or »he Weekly Obsibvrb $»“> 0» p,vf -vjinm H Uance. in “ADVERTlyR^lENTS in«erfed for $2 per -i u;irc nf 10 ttneo for Jhe first, and on* doHar. for oach mic- CM Hng pnblicstlon. A'lverfis>empn(3 not excf***!!!!?*? s half square (eight lines) ?t f«v ihe ii-Ft sfid />•> for *d3b Buocecding pnhlicaiicu Advertisers art* re quested to state th* numh*r oT in"rrfion9 Jesirod, >r they will he coQtioued tJU forbid. unJ ch>irf:cd a ;cord- ifiRjy. AdTertisemotit'^ ooutinuel inu'if, chRrnvi as ii“w Ad vert i:semeut‘», SrECn‘ KOTK'K * From an -i.ter thisda.t.?, iionati(f>ot a iM-n wi!' l>€ entered ;rithout pityiuent hi ad»-unce, n^'r will j the paper be sent to such auhs.’rihcr« I'or Vin(-,-r tini* thftu ie paid for | Sue# of our old subscribers as d»r«ire i y i u« i>a- ’ per on this system will please notify us when nmking remittances. .Ian y 1, 1858. •Vi\ 15 »x> 20 (K) Ml CHJ JO 'MJ LIST OF C'H4!M;I*:S VOW PISSK\«KllS. ^■>ll■ raies ■' !’ i--';.* '!»•'( • Si’irjr-'i o I i'lir — Fr,-iii Pv V sii' » ii!f> i IK) ' nlav-a •• . • lill.i .'eh. “ Hi!' (i'll!. ■ K,-!! V “ \M T. \-.t SKf’oM) UR DKOK I ^ .y-'irAr.Kt' 10 V/ilin^ufoD. *• •• ‘‘ K isnht'ta. \v '1, ‘ ; V. •• A'. .•'Il'ltf j... , r> ifr. FfT-iTi 'i.o Di? r*?' (0 F»ieite^.U*, “ ' “ *■ .. vvhi:.. H«! * “ LMSihi'*' . “ ■' •' P:‘n.“TH‘0' H«ll. " “ “ A>! p . ii'B '.t.'.v.-, sKOONO cr,.\.ss, iu ni:( K K'"om Wilnitipion ■fio ttO “ ‘ K.’MW . > (, (i() *• “ !) iMj • All iV'; -10 ('«■) liaJf^Seeor ? or 1' s r™ ;t!,*v i i ’ow.r '?pk or i>vv full vift , f is F.'’'mc An ex!r» cH-tritt; vr'll ms i’r. for W-vy P (t*ra jrc*»inc in ^ lierff-9 il‘iriui ' ‘ !ic 1 for o cu- I'O^FRDKKATK BTATKS UK kMUHHK, \ I'iN.jiNeicK l>i^P.^BrMBNT, Oijr Cap* Khak, i- V» llOl'i'gU i>, N 16?> t J NO) i(,'E is ' ertsby j all i>‘jrHo!ie Uiiviii^ ciitiitiS I'HiQiji I'If. l£!!,.;a*'I f lueiK ■ . tijii! ■ r ' '!u- lutldl. flu (‘0 6 00 7 r,0 V •() Kl Ut) i-ji 1:; oO 'lf> 60 20 00 21 00 ;?f) 1)0 »nd f't \ UOtid ii 1 itfiT, 'm • kt: ..■III- ■ fTSSt"' I.-••'!« Seri'** Mi>- iui\- ti '>1 y ••*'0 T» ttrH*?-' Cf»t J, .r lit :y (n„v ■» j.,.' . , j • t: ,)? ny ("! • • ^ K'.iRVl OF OF iO j -u ' ;jv?ru! A ? >1 ii^ii rc* j/%; rBO!‘! i;!i ;j ’■■• ■' r.' oaii-.j.'ii. r.r‘»h. Coaf’-d»r!Vi •rtrsof iBf s!'«ve!^ f.a.-pi djfenoe« h* , .iiirinjc (,f ‘..ritsj Ti'V — IH't for B»:rvio>H .if / dfftttcri O -Hr i»,U” ' 1-* itlitli 12. d lie rt>‘- S...V.- MUrii«r ■! .t ,\i;. tnli *jI>- iW^iiHinr. iL ill *11 "H'et?, •s ao i i in «», li- ;il 1! Ti. w c.r.ipifv . t.* -fii iio H ».!fv ciU(>cir...r arttolo ‘t ’.iMlUl OIL. vjjtu-.illy t.-r otlo% uud Wo.,U,i hirfi-t (rl; '111 ll.nt iSl,) ih* -JiifW ,,(jl jfUlD, u!l • fUHV I v'l iff* -(.M, ,t |K|(!; I4. Kir ft 11 l*..r-er, Stipuriuteudeni of I* tc.‘‘X I i.!K« been usmi.» }imi i.>i I ") cur • .n • IKO Wo mwJ‘ tban a; y ij'*!frO 1 - i*! 0- irt' -lUd >’^ri»UNKV .—. of , .;y ;ptp f.»r, .«!! 1 r*»o\“i\ ■ • > r. r by Urf .'iu*; :c-r • if .>for 'I't yed r»E laKorer.i o^i th* i >‘ d .• irii^n'a of , U-3 fkt lite ,l^,w f ifi^: u r ?.,r 2 'jr .3 ■noaii!'*, and fitid i! : c; ^» OM „ ju (_,j. {i-.brioRU^-'i^." r I .-n K8jj.’L cf Blouri’•» i'’r ts Fn:*or/, *)'•>: ‘1 C'lti '; v.'rfuily 'ay your Liiicic-Mif;.? A ' •>- * ■U' . »rf' • !t not t£unj in ite leii- , 1 li ^ K-T'B ^0 j-i •; uiiL-! . -ind :;>-!gh» ’■ F B ifeorJite, Ci' of titiarinef-" -f i-is ? S .Wv ■ '» ‘ Arns Tjr if tijig place, fris rco aert’ed r? it '.n« -livv; ‘ I iii-''- fcr fniobineTf ich-n''o‘! d ! ■• 3‘r»,ac:ruery r-ti-ii ••.*. 'O )*}r I.u Ti jiiil COiS'T-ir? ii.>xt in qu--l- ■t} 0 Svt rin •'■jor ni::u !-wse ir.ed ii nu.l j.n>- jf W “,'n I >r ' I-,; bari—l ■■■ !' .TlfAVf Attorney at Law. Fatbtteville, N. (V TI7ILL attend the County and Superior Conn-o cf Tf t?umberland, Harnett. Moor** ant* Robe‘“in C >nn- tio? Prompt attention given to ih^ col'UTiioii of h!1 claims entrusted to his handi>. Oct.. 17, 1859. 61J tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS ^ V(L~ IVhole^tale DealerM iii ^.irnrorieM., AND IMPOaXERS AN1> DEALKHS !N Hardware tnd Cutlery, Swedes iroa, HAY STBEICT, tArKTTKVIl-I.K, N. t. July 2, 1861. 30!f tJfacer t*nd Vammi'iHion .flmhitnf, FAYETTEVILLE, N C. Jau’y 10, 18«i«. . ‘J3-lf B 0 WO»TH. D. Q WftKTD N. O. l)ANIii.L WORTH & COe, Commission aad Forwarding MercUauts, W'iUrr Slreel, WILMINGTON. i\ 0 Oct. 16, 18(i8 7a ri'fi WA.HTKH. 2C'AA BUSUEL3 WHEAT. ,OUU 1,600 “ CORN t^ereons having the above articles to teil v»iU receive the highest Cash price by oalllnp, ou .Mr. .M Thja«vajn, at Ike .Merchant Mills, Fayetteville, er on '*n* ber at bis old stand on Market Square ALKX JOHNSON, Ir Nov. 6, 1862. Totf AR.nY 1AM prepared to manufacture all kiadi uf WHg..u Hameee for Army tise. I lan my K-^tber au 1 give good bargain‘d. Agents will do w«!!l lo i«cnd ibcir ordem to me m they shall have vrompi a't- ruu n aad oeat ofi in quiok dispatch. Jv)lN cakI'I'K GvklMion P. O.. Chatham Co., N. C., i Jane 13, 18ti2 f ^00 lbs. (i}am Arabic lor i^aSe bv J R IA'/l. ' ! Oo: 16 f 190 TOBACCO. BOXES VIRGINIA TOBACCO, variau- jrradee. for sale on oonsignment, by May 23. GEO. W. WILLIA.Md ir t’O ab' Alter this «iate 8 will pay 15 Cente per pound for ,rags, or the higheat market price, dei'tverr J in FtyetteviUe, or at my mills on Rookfish. f: VURPWV Peb’y 16, 1864 7 W Wanted to Purrlia*tt*, E8TEBN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bank Notes; Gold aad Silver. North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable;) “ “ “ $1 and $2; *• “ Bonds, old and new: Cotinty of Cumberland Bonds; Town of Fayetteville Bonds; GreeBslM>ro’ f 1 and $2 Certificates; Confederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bonds;, Coupons of $15,000,000 lo»n; “ of Town and County Bonds;' “ of old North Carolina Bonds; T. S. LUTTEKLOH. Oct. 12, 1863. 71 ti OJtU!iiANCfi fiKPARTMKXT, ) Ralkiob, N. C., May 8, 1861. / Lead wanted.—I wish to puroh'»»ie LcsmI for this Department. Persons having large or small quan- tKiee will please apply at oner. Will give 1 pound of POWDER, for 10 pounds of l.I;;AL>. THOB. D HOOG, Capt C. H 69-tf In charg* of Ordnnpr’. Palma CliriMti Beams.. The •ubseriber will pay the highes* c«sh pricc«i for any quanUty of P«lm» Chriift.i Braup J, A. ’^ORTr FaT*M«ivin« 0»t s WAI%Tli>. 1WILL pay the highest Cnab |'rio*f, for e?-y qu-atiiy of good COW HORNS, sni LEO BO'-SKi# of Hoi n" and Cows; Hbo, briar ROOT for making Pipco; d«*livcreri tome. n LEBE^^LE^.. Fayetteville. Feb’y 29. H l»i.i-d ' Ra7^! RAW.-^!! Th^ inlo- rior quality of the p'lpj’r on wi tol> ».«e Observer ban beeu priitif-d of IaM. ai;! l^oh u a great eye-aore to >i». iu ■ wiufi; lo l)>e wnat uf a stifiioient supply of good ragn, a:itirtocuu' f :*oi!! nc'' easity to retort to inferior tuUeriali* \f appeal to the friends of the Observer a* all acoes-iblo poiut*), to save up aad bring to town all the ra?«i '.bey cso ’.ro. iire. We have no time ourselves to attend ti.f-ir purchase, bot Mesflrff. Uoo W. V/illiams & Co , tris iti thle town of Mr. Murphy, will p-ty Uj cou* ' por Ih f.>r them. E J nALi; » «oN3 Peb’yl6. * N»rth t'Ai’oiiBa Volunteer Navy Co., TaaAsnaaa’s Orrioa, WUmingt u, N C., M'^roa 0,18t>4 BOOKS for further subsoriptioa to ttie *.!apiial Si->oti of this Company are opened «t this OUtoo ▲U persons desiroiu of aiding in thii all impcrtani mterpriK can forward me their namFs by n^%ll t^latiRg the amount they wish to vui'scirib>?. »ud ta:>u 8'n 1 the oath by some trusty person, on r»oeip‘, of wi ii'b I will forward Certificate of Stj^ck. Sharea 9600 eaeh. AU okl subaori^crs that havu not Ekid In their labioriptioas will please do ao at the ear- •at moment. m9tpd] W. ]). BBliTH, XNM’r. pvit'p ii ^J^tb V. ill 'hr-ir ^ l;!- . ) W ■ . I t(.i di I- erol--,' t'l seln. J. A M’tillTH. f'’r (.’ I-* St’rt* 15’- ^'o., K. ORUELL S'ln., T. S LUTTKKLt'H. Fi b’y 23, 1P61. 0 tf IS A11. ROAD. FREIGHT ANO PASSENQt^.R T«\TNs of tliis 1 Ro'»d l“ftve Fayetteville iaiir. (SuTui«.j's exceptt- l) at 8 vi’c-lock, M., an 1 returninp leave Eifvpt at 1 >’oloc!i, V. M. Cattle aud llorsf T'rnin ^iO.NU.^ Y. W EDNKrfl) \ V’>tud FRID.W. By order JNo M. lUlSF., Treas'r ,'»»>d (irn’l Trrilifc Ag‘t. J »u. 22, lhG:i ‘>7if From an«i after date the Steamdr A. P. HURT wiU _ leave ai 8 o’l-look, A M , on .Monday snd Thursday. JOS. A. WOilTJi, April 6—17tf] Ag’f. C- F. Sieani Boat ^J. V. V»’ILL open the E.\JLE HOTEL Tor the rc- eopti.'.n of Guests ths Sirs^of June, and I hoj^e ,to bt* able to enisrtaia fro:« seven'y-five to a hundred peri>«n9 duriug the Pumnier. In connection with ttiis large Hotel, 1 have a ttiiuWr of Hiw'.ka. Carriases, Bugdcies aud S^vidie Horm->( that n>y guests c tn gel at a mitnilrt'ti notite. J. .M. BLAIR, Proprietor KagK- Hotel, \sheville, N C. Muy 13.18t>i>. :>l-yj.d WANTED, tor the Hoapltnl at Fort Fisher. 1>ol!LTR\ , Ohifkeur. Uuii^r and oilier a.-.lioaoiea for !-'jC Kiok 8oidierd a la Is llo.-t>Hal Per-i*>a' (Lebc artioled oau vfbthtu liie market priirA ou tion ii- tbe subocriber a' old k -.ud vtr .Mr .1 \V i'.iwer->\ un Hav .*ireet R y. Ht'll»E. Uon l Ag'i. Aug. 2:j. If V:%rti 4»r %Vooi. N’t>TlCK is hereby gif> a *i. vt afier 'Iris Aite (cxcepi ill osai's wtiere wc Lsv.’b^trjt i'ned for W ol lo-jord ic-ij to »ko i«rnt.> of our 9 SroTtiii.-*n^nt ..f ihe -’U’h ■'Iiy, W:ioh ievriid are uow r“Vokfld,) w«^illgiv>\ Inn lie o.' Cv'i-'.ii Yarn fo*- 4 Ib-i of Wool aii'Ta-i;.o 1. >;i :J IVi Wished iud picked. io'-» oUvi^e i*i unit :i! :u»‘ the Uaart^nuV!.,-r it iaor i-ir i ni!»ke ttjs terrriti of exch.ia»e uniform thrjughoui th Sivc. GEO. W WILLJAM-i dt CO Fayetteville, June 29, 186H. 41tf Coal inline. 'PHK undersigneu w^re, at the Novewber T«*rm of ite I Coufeder.nto Court, Uistrit: of North Ctirolina, av- j;Otnii; I .'tlaaa^ers of iho Egypt Cofl'i Mine proper:,;, Knd h,.vp entered into copartnership for the purposfc of mining and selling Coal, and sohcii orders for the same iu any dosired quantity. Orderj for any amount oan be ^applied on short uoiioe. TUe Coal from thie pro perty is undoubtedly the best *2 {He Confederate ytated. Apj licationa may t-e made to ClitH B. Malleti, Fayette- vtHc. N C.. or James Brcarne, (.'birl.eston, S. i.’ilAr.LtS B. MALLETr J\MKS liROWNE. f^yetteville. Jaj’y 20. 18^3 ^ %tf TO THE SiVK. THE FOLLOWING: —Rev’d J >hn W. Po;ter (N. C ) B-tya: “For twc'ye years I was a great suffvrer. My liver was diseased 1 loit my flosh and Btrengih, and my skin seemed changed in its col r by the bile with which t -y nystem was overoharged I beo«'oo subject to fre quent and violent at'acks of bilionti olio, every attack leaving me weaker than ita predecessor. Tne physi cians bad been able to patch me up a little, but my health vras in a c«*plorab)e s'ali'^. I had ti>ksn patent ncdicioe’? until 1 w** tirod of them. Without energy- or comfort, I w^^s barely able to go about a little. At length I yielded to the ei^rnest persuasion of a friend and commenced takine tha HEPATIC PILLS, witn no c'.nfidence in them. They acicd liks a ohai'm on me From that hour I improved 1 hav.' persevered in th«ir •180, un'il now, by God’a bb'Rsing, I am wtU and hf.arty I hsJ n nt*gro uiao who, as I b.'!ipv?d, wae eavfd from death by a dose of these r’'ls My Doolor’.i biil was .iriPU'iUy from $100 t; i^200 i;ut I aafe had no use for ft physician ai»’ce I can oon.^dcutly rtcommend them a'! a superior family medicine ” i«j riLliS’* aro are «o o'osilj at) to caropc) the proirictor to jut at. present prices, whioti arc not •o r- munerc.ti'’e aa whei tho ptlla sold for it^.-^s. FuJI dirccfic^D t'ocoit'p-.ov each hos Price #3 a bnx F r a d z -n ^'oxos VfiU he °cnt pret-aid. GEO. W DKEMS, Goldsboro’, N. O. M'.rcb 2t5 1861. 18-9tpd ~wa"^tkd, 4 PiTCATiON Huoorinieuden' -ir O'^n-ral Mavi-v iV. ’^"CT by a coE'jtc^cu' nHouf.'iotu«'cr of both Wool aud C'^Hon. v:bo haa had 40 ycrs’ r.ipeti^uoo and is fifty throe ye'irn of anativiof '* anodes'er, Eng- Uud; i.» a!B;> a Ri«»oiiini»t !tni Eiirin'Se»'. A'.y oao ia Wi*n- of Buc'a a mun pl‘-as. addrcHs E. B R iNK’HOLS. W;.wj.«^fou. N. C V.i'.ih 'i'> l~ '.>n'd Artiller)! Ifis;lit Arlillt'ry! W .^NTEl# for my Hf-.tti'r/, ■-'.> or '.'J> tucn 'I'hi' iiiiint bounty end olotiiitiff ar I fatu-nn ivju Apply to (.lol. JotiU il. Cook, t’ayotlKvillo, oi JA.S I). tMTMMlNG, Capt. (^0 St^rr’rt Bat . K’natot-.. N. (’ April 4 2i»-ftpd ?ooperN 'pHRCF. SPIRIT BARREL OOOPiiKS wanted, for I which a liberal pri'^o will he oaid a»id Rtesdy work ,^5ven, hy MX)RE, CASH WELL & ’). March 19-9tpd T*;.- -.i!ros 'I hy t! r.»-' v-r.-.isser- tn'u l bo ->'■! ri»)".;B p'.iTTiUl bt> -witnen*- i Tt ■ jr e ,v- »tiO I D‘ W 'iplirK* •f Otf :Wf b 01 i.*.V ua i iifioo tpp I .,.1. A !i Log. IKK-J;! Fayetlcville Arsenal and Arniorjr. i Nov. 12. ifWii? 1 ■ I^ioo BCMJiVTY. ii'anicfi^ (Oil itinrmcH, AUl'iHUtFrV rinvi^.g bci::> irra(>ii'. by tue War D--- I>»rt.;'cvjt 10 frtisc? a CompRny of Mount'*il Bidiioi'n i'jr servioe iu this vtomity. is.tiice is hereby irivcii ili v i joitiit- t.i Ihe uiituber of lOt) non-eop-icnf>!t i^ill b^ i-.* c«ivwi •• this aerfii *. Ehi'^ij recrjit rill be roquii^d 1.1 furmal' ■» serviwahlo hortfc-. tor whtch be tvill l>o al 1 )Wed 40' uents \n',r di-jui, a»jd bis jiay 5112 per .njuih. ^Vrttlm «0i he i-eqtur-d frooi (iari-.uia or taa*'luiU-, wh.iri* ill -rti>pU.->tiii i.^ iii.d 'r the j*'ot>-Tipi “ge. E Aih recruit inttst bnn^ wiiti him a hinufcet or twd -ipr-'11, AfiJ comc j iojiared to ri uiaiti Briul«»s Httd-.lles, li»l‘:*rd aud stddie blankets furnish- >d by tb»* Gov»»ri:mr.n), o*' iX ihe r»“oruit coiuef provided with h.* wi;l b«5 p'iid for ti*eni a fair valuation. A::' !.■ (’M«i .MATTHEW P 3 AVLOR, at Ihe Ar- sonbl F L CniLl>8, 8UiI I \ijiiir S A Comd'g Post. Olficv Depot Ao. is7 Kaykttkvii.h:. .M.irch 7, lhG4. I/our Tithes. IJEKSONS who adv9 xj'it pail their Titae Yix w II havt‘ until l.ic 2(Mh d^y of May 18t)4, lo d- liv- r lilt Mwno 1 >»ui -w f- ■» y to receive the Baoon line ituuer tu>* (ilbvla^T :tx pouc s of cored bac>>u r r fViTy 10 Ibd pork .U>iu>hteri'.l iiinoe «f»e2ti-U uf .'pr>l Istiij is r>-q tirr.l dtdiveriiig tfteir tithe'* a' a diit -u.;,* ■( ov»*r ei^jbt uili-s will bi* prcniptly paid f.-r tt ies-au'i'i.' 1 M WlLIJA.Ma. 12 fir 'ii;n'>erlau I county. CoiiB'l ol for i'lim- berhiM«i Coiiiil}-, N’Oi li.’K ;• heroby i£ v a mere will be a Snriug I'crin iif (his (J. ur* ■''?! I on *ho 7(h Mon.iar after ihrt 4th .ManJay of Maro'* uczi, b«in|t ll4e lH«h d-«/ of .M \y 1SJ‘ 1 10 try i.:nl d *' ■ ariie all a-tl onH of Tort ou ii.o I r^tckci, i aV On''*?' j» the Sia'e l> M»kc« ' ti- f i- 'u;t*J r civ : V au I r.t-.i t>»^t.;d at Kail T rn I S '.Ha !r>- ■ ' 'r- ti>^ »t.« oii'u in Hat 1 Ojur bil- . uch- ii,*eJ I T'.iii . *y to Monday' Pwiie.i K>>1 w i»i '-n'*.i wi! T?ru i?i"iaiiel»‘‘j '’y JOHN W ti \KER. C. 3 !. March 14. 15-tC »1 Oil.. nr K can )tKi-OMlN E BlTilNlNG Ol!. ia qu-.xi- If r,f'I ,ir 10 :U i'Zb par g-?.’i i,; ;iuo u •r la #2(,* :\d li . ■.«»!. £:ni 3? ’.is or kec^‘ v-' sea ooTi7t-n. rit. T *'e ii •'■K g'fid .in Oil as can be niade wii^.uii ihs " th A'colinl, which it, id impoa j’oie u-.-v to TtiH wick fibe ol the ordinary Kerosene iamp ■i 0.} un I -i’ > :l DEiD 1 li (N. C yolii* Taiables. Ul >■; una- signed b v -id b-f-n appointed at March of ;:••• irt i>f I’leas aad Qui.rtc'* Kes- fifrt f r- ’ .n’brr!*’! ^ 0 U'-'T, Li't TlVirp for 'h» Towu bpd fr.s-! Crsrek Ui-*trifi». nareby notify alt peraor^ to come forward and list their property during ttie last 20 work’ll? days in April noxt, commencing ou Friday Ihe P*h. We csn he ionnd from 9 M. to 1 o’clock P. M , each da>. at the oflioe of R Vf OtcU on H ay «tr«et. No lists «ill b« r.'ceiveii after the expirrition of the ti ne which i-i liied by law R M. ORB ELL, ■fjist Taker fur Topn District. JOHN W. BAKER, Jr . List Tnker for Oois lreek District. March 14 I6-tl.M Bank of Hortli Carolina. ''pO tua Stockholders of the Bauk of North Carolina: X Tht Confederate Tax on the indiviiual shares wtll be paid by the Bank (]. DEWEY, Cashier March 26 18 Im W. T, HORI%E lirANTS to buy 4 or 6 good blooded youc^ and etrong VV HOUND DOGS, at tho highest price. Ha would prefer their beine already broke to run the trHOk of twofootfld animals oaH^d thieves Tnese dogs are in tended aT l-!teotives He would lik.s to buy or borrow ons at liTast as a IcKider. from any friend The dog shall He promptly returned wHen oalled for and f>.nr fri?nds who may aid b>m in g«tttng ap IhoH" dogs shall have th^ d.^«s at t-'.eir servioo W'l'^ri oi-Mod f‘r, as W'‘!l ■M f'lr nn’p>hbir!ioid. .-\nv p>'rsou having a d’g or do^B wi'l ple-i#** iva'l .»i T w » n y.ard ». scort. dis (»nce from tha T')wio» Fay‘t'efi!ie T'»o dogs will bo tiffd un duriu^ »he' dav- Apr»l 9 Strayed or i^tolen, IjlROM wy repj lp'^c ’ i-n LilUe River, a FJI-LY about I iv-o old, £• -rr-l color, whiie hind f*ei 1 wi!l 07**! fh«»r rf»c''T*T/ . ALFX. D‘.RUOMl ■V'Ti’6 -Ml- •iho'il.t be aliiiHtlc iengihencd by soldi.fin* on a pir«?. Wiiii a.liinp ibna arrang'd our oil bums wiih-mi smoko ind Wixi UH niUiib ovilliauov as any N'orth-»ra iii'ros-nfl. HENRY F. C0Li1>N Ap’t F K Co. At'ril 7 VU tf EAKLE FOliNDRVr ' ^ SttME rioniQs ago we completed all ourfitUt'?-! 'ir ui'inufaciuro of CAR WHEEL8, f*iit owng !o ; (he fAtlnre of the supply of Iron of prop?r n-.ttire. we I 'lav-' nut ia'.fcly lioen able to supply any detn'.nd lor : !he lUf t»*iy ditfioulty however, will be o*ero*ni€* in the I iiout 'fp uf .dz weeks, ai wtiieh time we shaM bo «b!e lo I fartiiiiti wheels of the following alzas—24, 26, 28 and ' ^0 iuciee: :iiso Ch'lled I'ir-js Ttie Iron ws shall use I for tti^ui will be t'ol I Blast t^Uarcotl Iron, aud wi? war- :-ani uv V hiieli NOT Tt> CRA''K. ai;d to be ti^ual to •»n> ...»d^ ta I iti ,'o'jfed«riiy.' or lo those of Wbittiey A dotj rt Pfiiladeio’Ma, who'^t^ repuiat ion is so well known by all it:*ilro:vt Ooiujianie-' Wt) are prepared to execute Loom, Dry Sand, and Green Siui Woik, of any shape or siie. D. ANDERSON & CO. FayeU>>.7ille, March 30, 1804. 19tf To the Voters oi Harnett Coiinty. The undersigned, a private in Co A, 6th N. C. Cav alry, having been solicited by some ef hia friends, respectfully naooanaoe hitnsoif to tha 6oi(ters aud eiti- tenK of Harnoit oour-ty an a (Hndidale for tbe Office of 3HIIRIFF at (be eb'otiou ou the first Thurthlaj in Au gust next. SAMUEL D PIPKIN. March 21 17 24tpd ~ rVIITii^E TO I'ARMKR9«. STRAW \VANTK1.». WANTED iinmedtatoiy fur tht* lloapitala and Troops at Kayeituville, 20,t>l)J p >unda of W HE.AT I5TUAW, waitable for beddiug Fa* n^vrs L£.tiug a aurpins of this articb' ou hasJ will confer a beucrfit uu i^^ir sick an*i wounded so’diers by bringing it iu A fair prii^ will he paid Apply to gUARTKRM \STER, a- ih? Areenal Fay'etievillo Arnena' ard Afmory, April 4 21tf Annual iTIeeting:. TilK sUickboldcni of th»* FayetieviUe A I’Link Road (-0. will talie plaoo on Thui-sjduy ta,‘ i.'lth April. in tb- Town Hall :it II oVIwk. .TN’O. .M. ROSK. •S:o y F. A W. P. R. Co. April II. 22-5jr A t'lianee lor the fitoys. ' bushel will be paid for old shoe" or tJrJ iorun J Eat HER of any kind, no matter how old, delivered at the .\rsenal. * * * April 5 22-4i HARNKTT C'OLNTY a p«^lii.U t.l'lllf l itiZfUd uf HtUIirlt CiTUlilV lou \eiK‘l at l.illiii^ttiii ou tlie yth in^t , a iur>etitig ws-} held ill whii li iifHi U all tlif di^triels in llie fttiiiil V »vri* rtjjii'i.- sj-utt'il. .liunf-s P. lItMli;;t*.-i Wiiseallfil to the Chair, aud 1) McN .Mtdvny wa?* n-|Ui‘sted to lU't a: Scffetiiry. .Mr. IliHlge-! on tHkiiig the* ('luiirHtated thiit the object of the niei'titi;^ I wa.s t.o t«fce inly i-oiwideratiun the propriety of recoui- I meiidiu^to tbe lo_\al vol.«;rrt of our oonnty som»; ^netliod ofsocariii,^ cO operation ainon^ ourselvus iu the election ; of Candidated to r«!pr‘Sent us iu the nttxt Legislature, lie said, fri>111 all iudii-ation^, and from fact^j developing every day, that in all probability there would bo many oiindidates l)efore the people for their suffrages—that to elect from their number good men ajid true, required united action and eoiu'entrated effort; be hal no doubt in his mind that if we could devise some method bv whieh the ]>eop1e could be fnirly represented there would be no Holdeiiite candidate iti our eimnty with the faintest hope of eleclion, nor even a N'aufe man with the least lir,eture of Conf«drra1e fffjudict After a vety friendly iiit.ercliaug«3 of thoughtfi. plans,! views aiid siigge.'tioiis l»y the nieeting, to bring about this ’ d.-sircd i-onsur>iniatioii. the following resolutions were . * Tat^ 1 U* tht? (fjyaC |K*OpIe of OUT ^ ■•11111% idhoUi a Convention at Lillington on the FIRST • \li»M)A\ in M .W, to nominate Candidate.--to r*»prfgeat Us ill the lii'xt I.egislalure. ‘id, 'I’hat we reeouHuend primary mettiug.-t lo beheld in the liiffi reut districts of the-oouaty, on tne 4th S.*.tve- DAT in Apkii., for the purpose of sending Deleg" -s to said Convention. 3d, That evory gentleman in this meeting aj'riembleti is requested to give publicity to the above resolutions. 4th, That a copy of the proceedings of this m'*oting be sent to the Fa3'ette»i!le Observer and Carolinian with the request to publish thcs^ame. JAS. P. UODGES, Chm’n. D. McN. McKat, .Sec’v. » 22?-tlstM WA!VTE», An OV'ERSBER, *^06 without family, and having Bome expari^^noe oc a farm t» Maj. Jonathan Evans Msroj 29 Apply to the subfloriber or J P. ROBSRTSON. It-lm R i^lOO REWARD. AKA'V,-' V f- om l*>p pubscvibor on t.h® 21k' F»'-'’of-ry, try b y -JOHN, sixtesn y«arfi .»ld, -i.i.itU. 4 fivt (i ju'i'i-a o mpl-"T.tOn. »nd hii ■» s^civr b*-- tT>"'T' ('i c'IT ’nd ir>o!il.:i. Ho iM.-.y r-.-o'it'-ly h?-'--* mAdf. *1 ('•. H.-nnrUsvillc, 8 C., re bis psronis I will p*iv on^ htir.df*'d dolI^'H fir !.igT)'- T3Ht -lu ■’ o.>n*it»-ment in rmy j*5I at thit I «(•’ D W. AVKV V.,vp*»rv l' N f Vp'il 7 51 ■! ,,l l-'AVKTTI-:Vifl.i.8-: i.i l'roTn-i\Di lu tl.inU Ou b%nd ■*.ud iilht*^ t*SS 2b »7 7 Headings Wanted. LJPIRIT BARREL HEADING wauled by >0 MOORE, PA8.MWELL » CO .MtrchSl. 59 9:pi AA1> OATJi. IjXLOCR aad OATS wiU be ezohangi^d for Core a! the 1; StcJV of D McLaurin, by giviug him a few days notice. Flour geod, Oate No. 1, black or white. Jan’y 29. • 2 tf Blanks for lale at thU Office. Total, _ ¥'.J72,7tir» til Tilt- '.Ni.iipaiiy ttftve paid all tcs:ies promptly, and >4cvf>r Mia.Se an •i«Hf^Hn»ent on iheir premiuct auies. ioanes paid, $29.iH2 C*i • Jifvicitafi. *ji5’0. McHKlLL, f*reflident D. A. RAY, Vice President. f;. A. McMILLAN, aeo>. Disbctocs; Henry Lillj, W. N. Tillinghast, 11. L. Myrovcr. S.*J. SiaBdaie, S. i‘. H.v«riey, Wm. fnoLauria. ^^ftthan A- Slednt»»ti T 3. Lutierl lii, C. B. Mallett.. A. »^. 3t«el, .Jrtifces Kjie.' J. Q. t'ook, A. McRethr.u. Hflj. J. G. Shepherd, J. D. Williami., R. F Brown, » , S. W. lilUaghaet. A. E. Hall, / Wilm gum. hn CoUins aud G. G. MoOmmmea, Tnkveling Agents (UrT&e Gompuij iaviu mpliofttions. Mar 28. IMl. a|. >itate oi Ufortli Carolina, MOfJRE COUNTY. Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sesoioas, J«a’y Term, 1864. Margaret Blue vs. M J Biue, au 1 others Pelidon for Dower. IT appearing to too aaliifaeUoa of the Court, that the Defendants, Hugh MoGallom and wife, are nou-resi- .lonta of (his State: It is therefore oidered that publi cation be made for six suoc?38ive we«ks ia the Fayette ville Observer, notifying the Der^ndaats, Hugh Me* Calliui! and wife, .psrsonally to ba aad »ppe.^r at (h« next Term of this Ciurt, to be held for the oouniy of Moore, at the f'ouri Hou ie inC^rthaga, on 4th Monday of April 1864, ihon and there to plead, answer or de mur tc the petition filed in this case, otherwise the same will be haai^ ex narte, and judgment pro ccnfe??o will be entered as to th-nm Witr>ew. A. H McNeill, Cierk of our said Court, at office »• f’-»rt.»ait«, 4th M nday in January 18>4. ls«u»d i)i}> Mar5h 1864. »6*6tpn A H MoNEILJ.. C C C. ^tate of A'ortli Caro!i»» yman or Pleas A Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1864. Catharine Mo-ra»Tiraen and others vs. Daniel McCrnui- taoB. Petitio*! for pitrtiiien of Lan ’s IN ibis c*s-, upois moti :t i-= Ordf*r'- ^ '•>>> ‘i ; - .n, thsi. ruhltc» 1 lor six >iUi;c w -i a ia tiie Fiy:'!t€?ill• O-H T ro’ Tjinji t-' b-,*re>,' l'Rni«! r^r’ly i i 1h :»r,; v;jH;r a' • ■'“Xt T«’r.1'. r*' our:, =0 e . Id fur t'-.c t' 'uoly of M'jore atjtii' n-urt ii-•.I'jp in ti aE'j, en ti'O 4th Vtandf. V if April, 1861 iJKin a’^ 1 t '*?p t-a nlead, H iswer or den u-to i*ic petition fil?d ia tnia o’rie otherwise tho same wii! h ; tiuard ex part« and judg sent nm coa- fc!>80 W ’ >■' »U i-V d :ifi i-ti *;iOi Wito-'f-s. A. H .'I ’.!’?"?!' Clerk of our ai^i l Co'iri, *,t oiBce i)-i ' Jart.So'-t', 4 h M 'nd-i? in J‘«nniry, 1S64,, la- suad 4! Feb 1S04. lil*Gtpd] ' A. H. MoNEILL, C. C. C Mtat4^ ot A'ortik Carolina. MOORE CODI'V. t .)urt of Plean aud t^uarfer Seseioua, Jan'y 'IVrt»^, lHtf-1 Ann t’'(fadf'.!au vi* Williaui Bteidm^m and others. Petition for IN Diis c.asc iip.'it! motion, it la ordered by the Court, tll'.t piiiilicaiii>n be made for i^ti auco 'A^ive weeke iu tbfl Fayettevilb' OKs rver, nutirying lJu' f>efendants, (ViIll’Ui and Henr; Hteadiuaa, persun^Uy iti be and ap- ».->r t the next Term of this (,'curl, to be held for (ha IUcinty of Moore, at tbe Court Honse ia Carthago, on Ibo 4th Monday of Ap^:l lHti4, then and there to plead, mswor or demur to (he petitioB Sled ia this ose«. other-, wiie the same will bo heard ex parte, ^nd jiidgtnent eiiteriHl aa to them. Wiltiess, A. H. MoNeill, Clerk of our B»id Court, at u:Qoe in Carthage. 4th Monday of January 1864. 1 I-iau ’.d Marah Wth, 18{4. I ’.ri*6lpd] A. H MoNEILL, C V C i!Votice to l^oldierii’ Familleis. j 'pHE uaderaigned res?«cifuily invitea soidiers’ wives I I !Hid mothem to oaM at his eiiop and get thoir Farm- j ing Diensils repairod on more reasonable terma tiiaa thuT oaa get it done any wher9 else I ^ &. D. MoLAUGHLIN, i r. tL If. PlMk Bowl, 4 hUm btlov OMtkace. I A»ril7. Knrolling Office, it\ Cong. District N. C., I Wilmington, April li, 18l>4. J • IN compliance with paragraph IV,Circular No. In, Cotx- j scrijrt 0®ec. Raleigh. .March 28th. 1864. ounty Ea-, rolliug Officers and Officers of the Home (Juard, will cause to Iw enrolled and ordered to appear at the f illow- iiig named times and places, aU white male persons be tween the ages of 17 and 50, for final enrollmejit and ex amination. New Hanover county, 2id Regiment, at Wilmington, April 25th, 26th, 27th. New Hanover comity, Regiim'nt. at Wilmington, April 28th. 2!>lb. Coliiinbn^i ciHiutv, .'>7(h Kt'ijiinoii!, at WuiloNllb'. Miiv 2.1, ;u. Richmoiiti ('oiinl V, >lft Keeim.-nt, ut l{o kiii^hani. ,'\Iav Cth,7(h. Richmond countv,t»Oth Regitneaf at [.uuriuburg. .M'lv 9tb, loth. Rolvstjn county. .'JSth Regimenf. .tt l.umlxMl-ou, ^>1 iv nth. l_>:h. Robemm county, 59th Regim.-nt, at l.umbi^rton, .'day 13th. Uih. Bladen county, S.'jth Regiment, at Eli/aU*thfovn. May I7th, 18th, 1‘jth. f’umberland county, 5:!i riegiinent. I'ayetteviile, May Z:ki. 2tth, 25th. J Curnberhind coutt’v, .'>4th Heuimeut. Favetteville. May 2t;th, 27th. 28th. Uaruett county, 52d Regiment, at Summerville. May 31st and Juue 1st, 2d. « Brunswick countv, ofdh Begimeut. at Smithville. June S»th, 10th. II. PetsDoa between 17 aiul 18 and -15 and 50 will be enrolled on the same roll, and distinct IVoiu J>etwee« 18 aud 45. III. All person-s iu the counties of Columbus. Ro>>eson. Richmond, Bladen and CumbMland, who have received ftirmmenl c«‘rtiticates of o.temptiuii Iroiu the Medical li^amlning Board, since Maioti 14th, 18l>4. will not be required to report. IV. Militia Officers and Magistrati^.-s between the ages of 18 and d.'V in tbe counties of New Hanover. Kninswick, Colnmburi, Rotieeou, aiciiutouil. liiaueu and l/umix^rutmt, will not Iw required to report. V. In Harnett county, every while male person t>et v.'e‘a the ages of 17 .and 50 wjll be requirt^i to report. VI. Iu compliance with 'ircular No. 12. Conscript 0(Bc^, County Enrolling Officer.' and Officers of the Home Guard, will cause to be enrolled iu their respective couu- tle*. nil male free pertoru of color, betwtx'u the ages of 18 and 60, and have them to ippear liefore the Medical Elx- aoiiuing Board and District Enrolling OlBcer. at the time and place» above stated for enrollment and exami- natioa. A. LANDIS, Jr., Captain and Enrolling Officer. 23-2w 4th Con. District N. C. T. To tbe atlzens and Soldiers of Harnett. At the -solicitAtion of many of my friends 1 respectfully announce wnyself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sherifl' lot the county of Harnett. Profoundly grateful to my friends both at home and in the Army for tho very generous support heretofore received^ at their hands, I can only pledge that should they again mani'- fieet their conflBence by re-electing me I will, as> hereto fore, serve them promptly and impartially. Very respectfully, JA5. R. GRAD'i . April 13. 24-te Bank ot Fayetteville,) April 16,1864. J The Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of this Bank will take place at the Hall of the Bank, on Monday the 16th day of May next at II o’clock. 24-‘.d] W. BROaDFOOT, Cash r. eOTTOiV CARDS, IVo. 10. THT5 FAYETTEVILLE COTTON CARD MANUFAr-- TURING COMPANYare now manufacturingCARDS superior to any run through the blockade, and at present tire selling for a leas price the single pair or by the quan- tity. . Any person ordeVing six or more pairs, they will be securely packed and delivered in Wilmington free of ex- A. /». ittvicnrnAVi. J. A. WOKTH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. I^iyetteville, N. C., April It? 24tf Pre>!.yreriiUi aiui Carolinian copy. TEie wanti« ol* llie people »iip- )>lied fit till, .'-'lar I'oiitidry in Fayette^'ille with Cooking Pot-. Keitics. l ivens, i^jtidern. Pfows and Plow Points ot all tbe ditVei'ent puiteriis now in u.>?‘. fa>ting^of any description male at shoft. notice. Sugar* Mill.- made It^ order at the Star Fountlry in Fayetteville, N. bv April! 1.-24-lm J M. A. BAKER. Fayetteriile Rosin Oil Works# OUR Oil W’orks are now in complete operation, atiil as we use nothinof butffixHl rosin in producing tbe Oil we can recommend it lo * > tbe bc't of the kind madn in this country. It. i^' h niic- l.iibricating and Tanner's (HI, and wo would be glad lo receivc orders from th‘ (rovernment; and tbe piiltlic geiu*rnlly. We will mcH on reasonable Um’iiis. .MiM'>ltl', i'.\SUWKLL «t (XX Apidl 15. _ . K«'ii04»l Bookoi. 1J10K BALE, a varietv ...f CLASSICAL WORKS;—«.)i- * levdorlf'« French OrHinmars, Grouk aud L^tin L»x- ioooH, Webster’s Acadamio Diotionarirs. ('ommon Hohool Books. Drawiojt Maleriala, elo.. etc Add-ess 28-9(pd “OMICRON, ’ Wilia!Ugu>«». N. C. PrBLIC NOIlOlt. A PPLICATION wil? he made, at th#* uext rttssioii of J\ th« LefcislMuro of North Carolina, for the tnoorpo ration of the “Enierpriao Cotton and Woolen Mills,” now in prpgrosB of const iTxetiiin at RocV'inghaai, R-eh- mood county April 7, 1864. Negro Men for sale. * *■ ' r vboir. i; _ Re^er- anc« to Wm MoL. MoK*v, E^q . Faycttfvl! April 14 ^-Ott.d A 1*0^ Cook Wanted. I WISH to purchase for my owa om, a stout, health; womau—OD« that ia quick and active, aa* above perfeialv cleanly abont. her cooking department. JNO A. HOLT. a>Krt>ary, April m (a. w.} ‘i3-4n !‘Kl'.dIL'ENT I>aV18 published iti the Ixst Oh#rvor some ex- tfiiots Cnn'i Iol i''re*m»!itJe's “Southern U^n omI.s ” 'I'hi* 1-»Uuwiii^ irt what lie had to MJ ol l-aESlliE.NT DAVlli * .lert'er.soii l)avin .-itruok uie tm Itfokiag old«>r than I es|.>ectod Ho ia only iilt^-siz, but hia ia(tc in cniaciarcd »nd oiucL wrinkled. He ifl ntarly .-lix ioet bj^'h, but is extremely thin, *nd stoopr a iittliv His leatures arc good, especially hiH ejc, which is very brght, and full of life and humor. 1 was hlt'rwards told he had io«it the sight of his Icit eye Iruiu a r«;ccat illness fle wf're a linen coat and gray trouser*, and he look ed wiiat be evidently iB. a well bred gentleman. Nothing can excecd tho charm ot his manner, which is simple, easy, and most tasoinating. He conversed with mo tor a long time, and agreed with liunjamin that the yankees did not really intend to go tn war with England if ahe reoog* ni^cij the 8outb; and he ttaid that, when the in evitable crash came—and the separation was an acoon]pliah(;d fact—the Scat« of Maine would probat>ly try to join Canada, as most of th« in- telUgeat people in that StuUi have a horror ol bt ing “under the tbunib v>t Mastiaohusetts ” He added, that Maine iuhabttud by a hardy, thrilty, seaiaring population, with different ideas to the pcop'e iu the other New Eaglaud States. Wbcn I Hpoke to him of the wretched scenes I had witncs-^cd in his own State (31issis!iippi,) and of the miserable, almo:jt desperate, situation in which I had found so many unfortunste women who had bcou left behind by their male relations, and when I alluded in admiration to the qoiet, calm, uncomplai.ning manner in which they bore their t^uftcrings and their grief, he said, with much jllng, that he always considered silent despair the mo!»t painful description of misery to witiK in the same way that he thought mnte in.s3-iity was the uii>«t awiut form of madnest. iic confirmed the truth ot my remarks, that a Conl’edcrato general is either oooRidered an Admirablerritohton by tht auldiers, orelse abused as cvtTything bad; aud he added, the misfortnQf^ ^a*? shat it i.i absolutely Becessary, in order to In, -ime Huccess, that a genera! must obtain and pre serve this popularity and indaenoe with his men- who were, however, generally very willing to »o cord iheir coclidcEcc to any officer deserving it With regard U> tho black-flag-and-no-quartor agitation, he said people would talk a great deal, and ovcti j'o into action determined to give n*» quarter, ‘-lait,” he added, *‘I have yet hear of Oonlcilwratc soldiers putting men to death who have thrown down their arms atul held up their hands” lie told me that Lord Russell oonfessed that tho iiupartial carrying out ol the neutrality la«» liacl ]>‘l hard upon the South; and Mr. £>» vis a.ssert(‘d that the presiiure might have been eiiualized, and yet retained its impartiality, if flrcat Britain, instead of closing her ports, had opened them to the prizes oi both parties; but 1 answeri'd that perhaps this might be overdoing it a littU' on the other side. When 1 took my leave about 9 o’clock, the [*r -sident askod me to call upon him again. 1 ■dob’t tbink it in po^sibla far »oy onfl tO h&T6 an intervi(;w with him without going away most favorably IujpreB.sed i>y liif*agree«ble, unassuittiag maniters, and by the cb:trm ot his conversation. Whiie walking home, Mr l>enjamin told me that Mr. Davis’s military instincts still predomi* nated, and thnt his eager wish was to have joined the army instead of being elected President. Inuring my travels many people have remarked to me that Jefferson Davis seems in a peculiar manner adapted for his office. His military edu cation at West Point rendered him intimately acijuainted with the higher officers of the army and his post of Secretary of War under the old Government brought officers of all ranks under hia izuiuediute personal' knowledge and super vision. No man could have formed*a more ao- ourate estimate of their respectlAe meri tg. This is one of the reasons which gave the Confederates such an immense start in the way of generals; for having formed his opinion in regard to ap pointing an officer, Mr. Davis is always most de-* termined to oarry out his intention in spite ot every obstacle His services in the Mexican war gave him the prestige of a brave man and A good soldier. His services as a statesman pointed him out as the only man who, by his unfliaohing determination and administrative talent, was able to control the popular will People speak of any mistortune happening to him as an irreparable evil, too dreadful to contemplate. L/Ouisiana in for the W>tr.—The following is one ol' a series of resolutions adopted by the L-^g- islature of Louiniaua ia session at Shrereport. There is no mention of the A'/6 ng corpus cur rency bills, &c but just ths's*' nobl** worda*. Be it lurther resolved, That in thit hour of trial the State of Louisiioa tenders to her Oovernment and sister States Tier warmest sympathy and cor dial co-oporarioii; and she hereby declares her uof-ltering determination tj spare no expense of blood or trea:ntrc in defenoe of the Oontedcrat« States of .\nicrica as a Jree aud independent re public. iivgrv air^u iv* «»*•«».• r' O yonn^? *ti4 l:k«iy M?n. for vfaom Confed- cr«!e Bondx 8«. 7c- is or 4a, will be laktn ” ' - fhy all, A Nero Value of Sorghum —The inestimable value of this troduction is only beginning to be appreciated by our people. It 'nay not he gen- orOly kiiown that the grain or seed constitute au exc iJcnt and prolific brcadj*tuff, A correapoa- dcnt writing tu uj on the subject, from Pattnns- buig, says: “I had fifty bushels of the seed whieh J ruiscd ta^t yc*,;r, and a short time ago 1 took sis bushels to the laill and got it ground into fiour, ;tuil have been using it in ray family lor bread for scvi'’-;il dfty>i. It inskos really good loal bread and tight roliA, luit still bettor batter bread; ia tiiut Way it can't be beat, if Laked in the ordinary -ay of-baking liuekwheat cakes. Besides it tnakeii fin«* chop for horses. Min> is the red seed." Li/nrhiurg Vtryinian. In London at the execution in public of firo iDCu, ill front ol Newgate, beer house wicdows, dnors £r.»l roofs oppo ite, were placarded to let, and ft r*3ndpoint rented for as high u £50- vast u;i;S3 of ruffian-a and abandoned women pervaded every approach to tbe gallows; mea were held, choked and robbed, under the Bca'fold, at the momect the vrretoh'^o ciiprin were writhing in their final agony; r.oalc'ry, ob scenity, crime, and tbe cheers of a thoroughly de-* praved populMe, were the aect* ;*panjment.s to this ooDsununalioD of the “law ot »clf-i»e*«tviir tiOB."

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