Ki by antth periS“u rates. rtber bind Kima^if plug of provisionj ind which he may lile hift exeinjktioa lent or to the fam fixed by the Com' nder the inapregg. t any person ®x, 1 be entitled to « ly amount of meat ihin three uiontb act: Provided fw- within the protV • ill not be depriv^ reason of having t duy of Feb. 1864 foregoing exetnn’ far, under the dl may exempt or d»- \ he may be gatis- ted on aceonnt of insure tlie prudnc- provisions for the koldiers. 5e may •r details, on such ibe, to such over- as he may be eat- i to the country in e tlian in the mill, lat such exemptio* fanner, planter or mtly to employ in , capital and lalx)r ction of grain and . e Government anu ; priww Hot exceed- ne for like articles f the St«3 undec jsurer, auditor and ilroad company en- >r the Government iployees thereof lu indent shall certify ble to the eflBcient •d: f rovided, that > exempted by thii lot exceed one pur- i, road in actual qs« n; and said exempts le and description, who have left tb« ipany, or who maV i, in contained shall ^ the act approysd .itled an act to ex- Tying the mails ct and the drivers ot from military sor- IL the exemptions (hall only continue spied are actually ive pureuita or oc- •ident be, and he is ;rant details, under Uions to be issued nt, either of persons I of age, or from the caaes where, in his ^ and necesiity re- 16 may revoke such er he thinks proper: herein j^raated to details and exemp- uttd to authorize the “ any contractor fur »y kind to the Gov- taid contract, unless the department ma- i certify that the per- Bontractor are iudis- OQ of said contract' when any such con- ntly and faithfully, mention of such cou- detail shall cease. >iating local boards minatioQ of persons no member coin- a ap|»"inted from the Ittrct in which they Qch examination. ytttevlUe P^TOBKa 3 |Wm^ of the MaiU 9, M. c.a , 1863. } e MmU at thu IA8B0R0’, fro. m, M 4* P. M. »t 6 P. M. iMERVlLLE. f A. M. ftt 9 P. M. CLINTON. m. Md 8»ttfrJ%jr »t 7 p. M- f Mtd Frila/ 1 P. M. 8 C. Md SHurday *t 6 P M. ad 'Cbur»d%7 1 P. M- LUMBERTON. S*turd-ty at 6 A. M. id Tiiar3(J«7 at 1 P. M. 5A.BWHTOWN. f and Friday at 0 A- U- nd Saturday at 2 P. M.- aTriaEBlNTH. »t« P M. RBSS CREKS. P ^ )S£, WVl^aiON ON. M. Tiaxaor. n , are olosed Ibe TB to be seat off trom moat b9 paid >«kaal i oe ore-paid by ■ol*y frjm ftj to 9} ^ 8 o nooi^ P M- i ■ m€K €0.tfPANV’ waa/Ul operatioa> kold upon poblio oo“‘ tvw of all heattMy for 0Q« year, tot • aharing la the pront* of age are insow w thirds thetr vala*- withiii 90 dayt i» referred Isc'the aad M ■eeatary, ftaleif^* ■AL£, It Ofi«» WUILILI (DIB S B M I'.W BEK I. r 1IT ■ ai—Ti Vi). . ’ n»^NrRr> ^fov-'Avs anh Thursdays ;:i!WAHI» J. HALE & SONS. f'TlTORiS A.NL» PRApBIETORS. Pfi . r tl'> WeAkW Obhvrvbb SIO 00. in For the Weekly On»»f»via S6 00 per annnm, paid in alTanc*. .\T>VT^RTTSV;MFNTP inserted for ii'i per a [Uare of i '2 liTies nr f.->r the first, and one dollar for each ] ■uc .cclinjr pnM?cat:on. Adrcrtisors arc '•*quo:*ted to I stall* vbe nmrter of insprtiftn.- ile«ired, nr they will i be till fiivMtii. and r.};red acoord ngly. A/v^rtisem. nts c-'ntinlif J ohargod ts uew ad- ] »er#la«»nii'ai 0 SFFCUl. NOTICE. From hn *er *bi9 >ii»te, no name of a new aubnoriber will be euterv.l withont pnymont in a«.lTanc«, nor wlH the p»tpe«- he ■> -“i. h «uh>jerihcr*i for a ]onc«*r time it&n .s p.'il lOT. Sucli ot'oiir old 9ubp ribere as desl»* to take the pa per n tbir sv^teni w-11 T>\eas« noMfy us r-hen making remiu.aiic.eK. Jar-'y 1, 1H58. .JSc¥^. ^Lttomey at Law. FAYBTTEVILTit, N. O IITILL arienU the County and Sup«?rior Courte of If C'lUjner iiui. Hi>-ro'“»t. Moore and Bobeson Coun ties. Prompt it:'cutiuii gjvtji to the ooHoctioP of all claim’! Etrus'.oxl to hi - hauAt. Ocf. 17, ia5^. ' 68-tf j o». irr i/EvT^ f^tu'^rr and t'ammianion .yterchani* rAYKTTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10, IMfi;}. 98-tf KATHaN a. imCPMAX. ■ WH. H. BKRXIRD. A'. A. & CO., WH01.ESAI.E AND WMill DEALERS AND »fo. 1!>. Hay Street^ FAYETTEVHiLE, N. G. April 20. 25tf e o wuKTH. D O- w^^arn *. o. d&hixi. U'ORTil & CO^ Commissiou aad Forwarding merchaata, H'^ater Street, WILMINGTON. N. Oot IS, l»t>3 c. 7S-U’.m U Ai^TEO. BUHHEL8 WHiiAT, O CAA BUHHEUJ WHtA ^,OUU l.S'W COttN Per. l.aTin.n »ie above a articlea to sell will receive the higbe*‘t f’lsS pric** ou, on Mr. M Thoina»on, at the Me’-chaJ’t Fayet'cville, or on the nubrori- ber at hia old stan.^ on Market St^uare. A^iEX JOHl.riON, Jr. Not. 6, 18H2 75tf A9inY KARA£919^. A31 pre;iiir*'U t ia^»u'n'&oiure ail kintls of V¥agoa I tan tny leather »cd oaa ■“•i' '^o well to oend their f»^u5p-t attention ari JOHN oAitXER I L Ilarue'*!’ for -liij gitP good I 'T,” A-jvat erden to Tnt r.f »'■ y ia1' •ant oti lu mnck li^na-o/i- O^oklato'- y ’ . tloaiOHca Co.. C., J'iBt ) 5, I'-;- ' 6-nf tMK> ♦-IMS* Arabsc lor sale by J. R LEE Alter tliSK date I will pi.7 16 C-uV per found for rags, or t»i>! ‘ ni.-»r r‘• p“»ce. dcjT‘-rtJ Fayette? Il3. i-r "i m- •n-r.x • R •'•■ifii.n ■* iIU=tP^T FjVy Ifi, ldo4 7 ^ Waiftted to Purchaae, \^^E8TERN li UL RO\T) .mOv:K; iV Bank Xo?*‘"r Gold 'uJ •'er. Norte CiFOiifia l'r.' NoiC'i (FuBd*ble;) $1 >»nd ^2; »• •• Bonc.-i, old •■^r.d «“w; Couti*> Cuio^erl -:»>i Rjo ii*: Town of F ■;-et?‘.'!’iiie 1>->l.::; Or&en -.:ro $1 a> d $2 ;er*ifi,atM; ConfeJ- ’^tc 7 aud 8 per Uyjds;; Coup :is of $1 •>.>■ ,)'J 0»V) l9-ar “ oi Town and County Bonds; “ (*f ok* Nofin C-. roliaa iknie; T. R. LUTTERLOH. Get 12, lb03. 7It. Dj4FAaTMK\T. \ Ralxioh N. C., M(*y 8. 1863. / Lead V'ANTEU.—I wish to puroba e Lead for this Ilepar uieui k‘sriO?;B t> iV'.ax tartre or small quati- lilies will a'lMy >it ouoe. V-iil^iTe 1 pound of POWDEP ur iU of L.KAD. THO*i V IJUGQ, Capt. C. 8. (i9.ff In caiirjfe.ol'Ord&ane^. Boob of I North t'arollna Volunteer Navy Gd„ TBBASCKtB S Otiios, Wu..i3iugt. 'ij. ^ 'J . 6.1864 ROOK'S fiT :ann**r t't'-Mcrij ticw to t»e t'.ipital Stock n»ia *''• .rao-^nv '-«•»! ►. t«.* ouHw~. All ptTfl. as -' vs.wu v f . in.iAw all mportant mtervTue oa.* f ij-3 liieir m.tncs b .ua:l stat.og the amount tr ey wish lo .u sor.b •. andih^« ^ni the oath by acxf trusty p» rtion, ou r ct>;p' o^ whiob wtu forward Cenifio^'^' oi •■‘took. Shareet hSy'-*) each, /li* -'Id f’->b9u:iV>ert; that /ia»e not paid in tbt r ^ .b -vrJtr will plea.-i's do so »t thp e*» ^MITK. Trr^V AUCTIOM SALEHi. BE. CRONLT, Aaotioofler. BY CATALOOUB of . impoRTED «aom. CARGOES 8TKAM 8HIPS PET AND LUOT With aur-dry !oiMdgnreese per other Ship*. N i^BDNE8DAT May llih. 1864, 0omtMnoi»|tat9 o'cl >ok. A. M , 1 will f««ll at ay 8ftle« Eooma, No. 2 Oranite Uow, Wiixuiogtoo N 0., the Car^t^ i^the ab>vA n-i-ined Hhipa, together with athar o»MifB«nirts, o*insi»t»ii|: ill fart t/ DRY OOODfi 8 bales white Flannel 4 1-ales blue do 5 bales 80-vrlet do 2 halos rrinted do 1 bale Marenta de 1 baU tst(.iae do 1 hale a^fforted do 5 &iaes D^L^incs 3 o.^aea Merino Skirta " 3 btlt'8 o^lored Lonaa 3 b^!es MbIk'u Cloths 2 oaers sl'k HaodVerohie'fj 4 ooff’or SC 2 cases ^tacV Alp^oea 2 cn3oq f-.ficy T"weodf 2 eaoea 111» Thro't-^ 2 oases pins 2 e .see Bune Bnttous 2 caves fanoy WoTe Shitti 2 0'!9 a Blark and White Muslim 2 cfiSfs Re^a’ta Printa 1 o«ae Bnnting. R«d, White »nd Blna 1 cape LonK.S^awl# 1 e w Usftdy-M«de Clothing 1 case Coh»itfs. Hoop Skirtg, Hoaifry, Ao 1 ease Pilot Cloth 1 bale Cisdim^re 1 ease Spool Cotton SHOES, 6m 14 c«8*a Ladies and Oeats Shoe* 8 eases Army Bluchers 1 ca«e Cavalry Boots 4 oases Boy’s Sho.’S 1 oase Calf ekine 4 oases Supr Chamois Sklsa 1 bale Shoe Thread STATIONARY. 5 oases Stationary Tjetter PapTa, Peaa, L«ai Peae(tta« Aa COTTON 0ARD«, ftD. 12 oaace Cotton Car^, 600 pair 1 oaa>> Superior Card Clotalag, 4 x M, 10 &alet Stito'tiinf Twine OROCERIKB. 72 p%okagi*8 superior Qre-ti Te*, ohecta; half «6«sts and caddiee 104 packages Black Tea, ob«sta, half obetts oad'sad* dio5. 22 barrels orashcd Su^ar 22 bai^s Jamaiea Coffee 60 boxes Adamsmtin-) Candlei 17 bags bUok Popper 10 oasks Chiokory 6 barr*?U StareH 5 b^xea Suroh 2 easks Vinegar 60 barrels Mackerel * 10 half Barrels Mackerel 85 kitt« da 16 kilts S«lmoa 65 sack" Ll^^rp^l 0 A SaJt 10 eas^s Table S'%lt, 102 doi 8 oases Spio>e HARDWAKB, »•. 48 kei(s ('nt N:»ila, awortad ellM 04 droM N..U. 4 tca4 Nail Rod Iron 4 oasos ('titlery I oaso Hatchets 1 case R*it)S 1 case Pistol Cartridges 1 case & fl wipers a»d g^l» 10 oases Qua Caps 1 oasit ShoenjakeT’s T >ohi OILS, ao. 182 tins K.*rjfieiifl Oil. 6 gala eeeh 'I o«ekB Whale Oil 1 eaek C >al Tar DRUGS 10 onsee Soper Mass Liqnorioe 2 o^sea Liquf-noe Rsot 101 barrel-* Eng’lsh Copp»^raa 64 k»-g^ Bi Csrb Soda 30 dru'ns BaUau Copaiba 29 barrels Alum 10 caees Rlne Maes 7 oa.-ke Epsom Salts 11 barrels Epsom 3a1t« 43 k^g4 fipsom Salts 12 oaeks Alcohol 11 b«rreU Borax 8 barrel* 8od-a Crystals 3 cas>efl Pare Castilt Soap, 360 lbs 8 e^isos Magnesia 2 o».sks Gura Camphor 2 oa'^ks Extraot Logwood 2 casks Potash 1 c-itse Gum Shellac 2 kegs Saltpetre 4 ca8» Tart. A oid 2 cases Baking Powder 1 cas^ Morphia Aoet. and Med. 1 cave Phosphorus. LIQUORS, *0 3 half Pipes Pare Marlal Brandy half Pipes Old Rum 45 oas^A Ram 28 o&HbB Paie Ale. 4 djaen «aoh 48 c!*3eB do 4 do ^ §S5"e"s ftHte‘ane'‘aln"“ 146 oases fine.HolUnd Gin 162 oasea s-ipnri -r Oognao Brandy 20 oaSf'S Sontch Whiskey 40 dem'jobtjj pure H'll^nd Gin Wilmington. N O , VrrU 26. SHIce »« l«*‘ 3. ^ lA7«TTEyil-LK, March , l»o4 ptgy youir FPRSONS iri.0 V ~o* alr.-^dy ra. l the^r Tithe ““STi r.r. -.iWl- '!•/ M., 18U4, to dai*er%he -*ne I •«» aow ready to rQOeite the Bwon Jue under .Ue tith,- Uv,. Six of for e*erv 4^0 d- p .r^ eUugoterod siSao toe 24t.n of April 18^?. IS lic^d Pa.t’CB deUvenua their tuae’ at a ditttiUie Vi for excesj" o1 ’n>»ui*ar 12 I20M1 J. M. WILLIAMS, Ageot. fur tjuiaberlaiid county. S7-t» t’AVt-.TTtrvn T.F. V c„ MAY 9, 18H4 [NO. 1330.] I m ^ |j|j II — ttKiU’QKS KXAMlNI?iV'COAK»,) I 7th >.0* HkS.-ltfNAL l-'is-r ICT, j- c^, .ip •! ‘.’.3, 18G j The Undersij^ned, o»'.e.f !tie M--. I'&r v-f i e iix ni r> ini; B'jard for ike 7 • ‘'•ngrb?»t. n .1 D.Hi' . f. 0 , hereby ..pj oiuis the toilowia^ i' ru. nud Ini* , fi^s *he £x%n)initicu of C m^o-ipif ol ; 66to N C a., D)»viiijOt« ;ouni.y, L x ii^tiii, Miy Jlf, 17. 18 ai.^f 19 D»Tii^: ci(> ccumv, L*x tfr'oo, Ivla^ 2tl, 6«th N C M 21, VB »*u 24 «8it N C M , 28 aod 80 N. C M 8 Hud 4 81st N. C 8 and 9 (l2iN C 18, 14 and 15 61st N. C M 20 and 21. 4»;ft N C M 24. 25 aad 27 60th N. C M M M £iia«ily c uiny Ail t* ari*,'>I(*.y 2o, '/'i, A***-);* c un'j, W w ;‘sho'o’, Ji'n^ I, 2, Anaoti county. W»dlci>torii’, J'j.:. 6 7, M n-gomtry wtuu'y, Troy. Juutf 11, Moore couuty, Cartixtge, Juutt 17, 18, , Chatham ctustj, Pit-tbi>r.i’, .Juci; 28, ('bat> Mn 0'rUi.ty, PmaOoro’, 28, 29 80 a-d Jtilv Is, 63d N C M., R«it.(.‘.o't‘5i ocuoiy. j— B, t» wmi f 64th N- C M., Rj>i:dj!ph oou uy, Asbboro’, Mily 8, 9, 11 and 12. A H S OTT. tiurg. P. A 0 8. Chairuua Ex Bii>td 7th O.inp District. C^icf Ea»oltmg Office, 7'h Di»ir»oi, I LexiDgi: :i, N C , April 21, 18S4 / GbSUKAL ORDKRrt t , No 4 / I. In puri»uai.c« o* Grrj r^l t> N ' 13, Co!i8*'ij;t Office. C'.-unty Earoiiinr OCio-rs ;ire t.ofcMy !» ; i have all whito 0)^te8 b. tw; t n the .>>!.« 17 i nd 0, at tbe 'imee and pucts xbovc uieutioi:e-i. (or Ex'^minatinn. II f'onnir EcroUin^ Officers nil bur?rii tri.d .hn enruKuiOnt in ihcir r.- p«»c>t-TC Conntieu, »i;d :ii p ds claiming exemption from a&y cau!.i.othvr iHbu :>pr.hi i ly. will preiicn- their olaiirs to (he Cuu ly Ear..' Itofc Officers, wiihcui awaiting ar*i»iil '{ .Medifuwl Board KurolUcg Offiaere will inTot-iigr‘'e eucL ol iiran in aoeordsuce with directions htr^tolarc issufd, and forward as carlr an possible III County fcnroilinir Officers will enroll aeJ ht.'ve pre.H»nt at tbs appoiated times all male free iiegrocb and other free pcr-nns of color U:iw»>(u icto ag f 18 and 50. for Medical Ex'-Trinaiion, i»nd ^n' o' tiiacli- b havinjr cUiii>» for iXv-a.ptiou, i.'.eir c r.iu a wiil he in- Tcetlgat^d as in other cas'^R IV The att»n;j n of tJounty Enrolling t}fii;er& is tspeai.illj invited to tat> bcc^s)iy > f.havtutra loctaiied k^nds present at these .x«rpinx.i;ui. V Ennll«.))i Offio ri will ord- r » 'ou^ih of rue Ccn scripts of a MiHtia rejtltnrnt tn '■•'O'.rl on ’’pcb rf th» appointed days, »-&d the alt«>rn( ah of tuc la»t day ap pointed for the eximinaii- n of a reg meni will he de- Toled to the examinatior of tbe ucgi ' f» VI. All pf.sonf? cm'ir.'icc-^ in 'he* call • •»bs;..uto y required to he present at ne i*p}'iijt»-d tiirf« and. places, and an/^fn-ilinp to Brp»*r ''■li le s'd' i-to regular serTrcf-, unlesp taeir rxcut-e be ,pp.0T»d by higher au'hoti y D C PEARSON, t?an »nd & O. 7 H ru. 23-31 ‘enrolling Office, 4t *. Oong. DUlrlct If. C.,) IWilraiiistoii, April ir>, f N compliaiicu with paragiaph IV,Circular No. 10. Con- ^cnjd. Oilice. Kuleisrh, .Varch 28tb, 18>4.' uuuty Eu- jolliiig Utticc-ra iiiui Oliloei-s of the Home Guard, will C!iu-«‘ t(j h * enrolled and oid'.'rwi to appear ut the 1' jUow- iii^ liUiniid tiinus and places, all whit; male per^;otl8 bt-r tvvctri tiio ages of 17 and 5ft, for liual enroilmeut and ex- ainiuiition. ilauovor county, 2Vd Regiment, at WiluiiuKton. 2t:th, 27th. '• ITunovcr county, 2M IveKimcut, at Vv ilmiutjtoa, .‘.oril 28th, 29th. ^ j' couuty, 57th IJegimeut. at Wliiteville, .May K>'’itnond county, o’1st itegiment. at Kockinghaui, May C^h, it’). county, 60th Regiment, at'Laurinburg, May 11 county, 58th Regiment, at Lumberton, May Kobi;8on county, 59th Rt'giment. at I.umlicrtou, May Blad>jn county, .'iSth Rejriment, at Eli*ab»*thtown, May 14tb. it;th. • tiinborlapd county. ^Hd 'i»«»im«»nt_Fa,yBtti}vilIe. J'aff * uinlierland coun*y, 54th Regiment. Fayetteville, May 2t>tli. 2Int. Harnett county, 62d Pegiment, at Summerville, May 2:id. -.Mih. s . . / lirunfcwick county, 56th Ro;;iment, at Smithviite. May 30th. « • / n. PeiHons l)et\veen 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 will be enroUi'd on the sain*; roll, and distinct from those bi-^tw^n 18 tiiid 45. III. ••^ilitia OflicprF and Magistrat;H hetw««u the ages ol 18 and 4;> in tin. counties of New Hanover, tirnntwick, Coluui!>u.s. !^ol>caon, : ichmoiid, Bladwi and Cumberland, will not be rwiuin-d to report. * IV. In Ilaniett county. ev«ry wht‘e nuilf person bo- tw>*^n the agf» of 17 and 50 will be ruquired to report. V. In compliance^ with 'ircular No, *12. >'onacpipt Offloc, County EnrollingOfiScers and OJBcorsof tbe Home Guard, will cause to h«? enrolled in their respective coun ties. all male free prrsotu of color, between the ages of 18 »nd 60, and have them to appear before the '' edical Ex- aminiug Board and District Enrolling Officer, at the t mes and plaoes above stuted lor enrollment and exaini- ““^01 • A. LANDIS, Jr., Captain and Enrolling Officer, 4th Ooc. District N. (7. To til.! V3t**rs of Oounty. d. ^ fTtv*Jo *. 5»*' N 0. Va»- T1*K noi!. ■ {, «.!rv • ,.r . , t .■ i ii-. fi.' ii 'i\i'-i.' HilEIUFF «f t n*xr. 21. • LOJ^‘?ES IN THIS WAR We take from the PLiladeipbia North Aiaeri- bt"*- ■'li'’:'' at . p' 'Oil. of b in-1 J.;! ^ can the tbUowing list, luada up to the 1st Sept'r If Ni the flf l*;rri ^ I riti 18G3, iocludiag the battle of Ohiokamaags: t T t-j ('f ! C0NFEDEBAT£8. tr. SAMU *r.' urs-11 / !•» .iLU L ii. PIPKIN. 17 2‘tf d To the i'ttlscns iind Soldiers uf liaraett.* 1 T the i»olicit^ii>n of many of my friends 1 respectftilly iv aouounce ir;y>eif a cuiididuttj'for ro-cleotion to the oiBce of ShT!tr for tlic ooonty of Harnett. Pr«?fouad!y j?ratoful to my lii-radi Id'tb at home iuid in the ‘rmy lor the very s'-.^m rons siijt[K)rt h«^retotore received at their hands, lean only plivlj^e that should they again mani fest their oonfideoce by re-electing me 1 will, as hereto fore, serve them promptly and impartially. Very respectfully, JAi*. B. GR*DY. April 13. 24-te Ofllcf' Med. KxKmtnlDg Board, ) WimiNQToN, N.April Ifc, 1864. f Notice is hereby given that the Medical Examining Board will attend at the above namid times and places £[ r tl)i‘ examination of all Conscripts and persons above spt'cilicd. • A11 pt*rsoii8 in the cuunties of • ’olumba*. Robeson. Rich mond. Bladen and Cumberland, who have received per manent certiOcatef of exemption since March 14th, 1864, will not be required to report SAMUEL R. RIXEY, Surgeon P. A. C. S., * hief of Examining Board, 27-2w] Fourth Congrossional District N.C. MOTIVE TO t ARWEttS. STRAW WANTED. Wanted imM'-.Uately for the ilc^pitals and Tro.,p« FaT-t.^vl!’e. 20.000 pourde of « HE ‘.T «TdAW, suitable foi btf-idi>.g. F* ^.‘rs having a surplus ,,f artioi^ on will confer a benefit on our sick aod waunaed so-fl ers ^y brinjfiag it m. A .air pnco will be paid. rteRM \8TEft. at Iho Arsenal Fa?ett.jvi;i*^ Arseua v d Armory, April 4. 21lf reward. Ran AWA\ from the pubscrib-^r oa t>ic 21at February, my u*R 0 b .J JOHN, sixteen years old, about 4 feet 6 iDobta oompl«ixiott, and has • **** tween ms ciiia »nd mouth. He may probably have made his wav to 3 0., p*reots are I Wtd P»7 huudrod dollars reward for hiaar- Tttt and ooofinement in aoy jaU so th*a ^et f«7«Uevai*, K. C., April 7. 2X-9^ LOOMS! LOOXSn LOOMBIII 'l^HK SuV'Scrihprs having bought the right for the, L I'ou .iitB of Orange, Chatham, Wake, Granville, P rsc.nond Caswell, to make, nse aad sell Kerdall’a ‘’®^'^^?FAM1LY hand OR POWER LOOMS,” aie now engaged m putting th^m up for sale, aora is a great invennoq. Ii is easily kept in order and with proper attention, will we^^ve from 16 to 30 yards f'f doth per day, acoording to the kind »nd quali ty of the cloth iroten No looms make better doth. Ttey weave tbiok or thin, as may b** desired From the same dr«wlt!g In, srmtdy by changing tbe treddle striagB. which o>in be done in t^n miBat^, Plain Clr-th, Double Plain, Jeans, Tweeds, Sattwet, Blank- Twill or Serg», Fnstlan, &o, may be woven A!»o double fridth and aoamlc-es bags, if the wa^ is prepared for that parpoae. Any person who knows huw to w«.rp beam and draw In the wfti p *«•*» in t>»e cjromon looms, can suooessfully operMe on iheN looms -*t once They work with a erank. Mdare easily worked by a bo" or girl 16 years old. They oan *‘- worked by hand, wa*er, steam or horse power. Owing to the high prioe of labor, material, fito , a iu ited r>umber of looms will be put up. 0?iers ' be filled in the order that they oome. * , . . The price of theae looms befor* the war. for band pow^r, was $100 We will sell them at tho same now, if p»ld in provisions, wheat, flour, oom, b^n, lard, &o , at old nricfls or their equivalent In bank, 8:ate, or Conf'’.derUe bill* „ geo. w. purbfoy, B. SAUNDfiRS, €hap«l HUL N 0 April 29. ■ *81» Ch. £. 0. 8th CONiiRESSlOXAL DI&TiiiCT, 1 Salisbcrt. >. C., A, ril 18tii, lbb4 J The attention of th-' conoty Erirol'ing (.)ffic?rs at? > Oeniiaan'ii‘%fc Officers of .Mii-ti% R^g'm^a s is 0*1!. d to the C'ronlar No. 10 Con«o*ipt _»Sai-, Rilp^r'i. N. 0 . requtriisg tan immediate f-arollcueat of all wbii^ n persons beiwoeu iti*'aj{ - of S ’VHt**eii aa-l fifiy. ;iua free perrons f c'lor h?iwen th - ■'i;!*: 'f irn.; ifty, in accord in'e with Circil .r ,N.. 8, i' j / I oa- S'rtptioB, en»br«cii'g G'nefal Orr’e'S Nos 2R a^.d 33, Adjutant and Iosp«ot3r 0.-neri.l d Offi.e All penons within ibe pres >rit>ei •.(•'•b w ll ^e cn rolled by tbe Militia t>ffiot-r« aa esn-lv a>t prnotioibte. — ■* vt» .V. r’otiri. Hor :.{ I > rv e-> va eouatros, at me fol^o-^irg tiuit'si lor -x ni-. -ti »>, * z: Charlc^to, Mectt!* nbar? coun'y, K6 i- Re>^iin t yth. 10th aoa 11th Ms> ; 8**th Kegimeat, 12j:% 13t • ind 14th May Cof*oord, (”a^ rrre couiv^y. 8-*ih li 'giu-’vni, Itiih, 17th and 18th May 8ali«bnry. Rowan onu j, 7tJ S R .iitn • t 20h 21st an>' 23J M*»y; I'iO h jiino .n , 24 b, 25;d, ''i.r a;.il t.h O' May Newton, Catawba oouo;y, 30'b, 81‘t May, l-t an i 2d of Jane Monroe, Union county, 8id R?g m?nt 6 h, 7t’r, and 8tti of JuTie; 119t > R gime it. S h ft’d fOi « o'Jti-c. Dallas, Gaston cotratv, 13 h, 14 !i a'ld li^ih ot-'un-' Llnca'nton. Lincoln coun'y, Ifi'h, 17t'irnl U'lhJan" Hhe'by. C'^vela: d ou-iiy, 9t-t Ptg la^ t, ’0 , , 21}j and 22d June; 90th Re(.iiaent. 2 id, 24th \r.d 2'»:h Ju> All Exemptions heretofore ?ran e i ar>- i*cr hv rctf !i- | ed, and ail th'jse who wifci to iu:ik*> aoplL I.. Ls- | etnpHon or Detail will pr-s-a* he sam-to t';" l*oc^l 1> rolling cffioer of rheir r^»p'*cUvp ao'i:fiie'». who wiil em! | fer With tn« Boa.d (>o i>r‘ app itttrd in ac.T>r'K‘X,c* wuh | Circular No. 8, B cf C ,) in >ii'i.:g c .o » and tver? j.:.ii- o'nt a nuidcximioiHoc A wii'tca ■ jori fr- »r. th«' L..>- | cal Enmlling ('flie r, 1 • .•!•)h r ••'I f' t] Board, wiU t>o rpquired u:'on e^cfc c-.T. w ii -Si Kill Kr I presented to* he disi riel E9roilipgtfiioeru!>''nVji>' arriinl. All those hoHiuR C't iSosIcs ot Ex-?t!i{,’tii n Irom !h“ .Medical Examin ng B >>rd of this I)!“ net, in th;i coun tlesofUuisn Meckl*.oliu?K, L'ncoln, (’ and Cleveland, mwid net appear, p-o ied tb*- Ei.u* > tion was granted sinfva Feina-.ry 20* >, le-6t. Free persona of Color w-i-! liKS'JBtd' ih« af'c ntn! of Mie last day in each of the \hj»e Ciuatirh for En rollment The att»ction «'f rociUiacdiucr t'ffi .-’r'. rf M lai* i>- farticularly called t' the iiec>»aity of ha’- n;: • .?> .k,-. and occnuation of each ro^n upun the R^l'i., A' pU tions for Ex'^noiioa or Det .ii should b^i c l'ir.-■^.1 t Comm*oliii^ of .Miltiia, m «Jrun'n-fc u' t pr.- vided with Enroll uij Otfic"r3. J N I’blOM, 1st T.f. na'f E.i I'fiSo'r 8ta C- njt‘1 i> St. >.*'5^k'E!^PCrrM/N*Vs,'l “ W. H HOWERTON, M D, Med. Ex Board, 8 h Coug l D,s. v.iJl b. pres at «t the above tiroes and pl^cra . [ w ] . 2 V l^iirg^eon Weiicrnl’w \ Kalkigh, N. C., April 27, 18tU j PROPO?E lo E tabJish, :n iH-^ Ciiy "f Ra'fieh. ~ Oiaouf‘.ot ry for AR^Il'KIIAL LIMBS • The object of tbi^ »>n?'>ri,ri=‘t> ip to tupply t’> - '.t '!!'!!! artioles tt» all a Idi rs from I'. iD .Sivo, w'iq hnve h* pyj, or may b^, bo maimed ia I'm, spr-vif.e as i.'- r-q-iiri them Privatps'ind iimi 0"r>ia!ifHifiD(*.d fffi-rcrf will ^'C I'ur niehed grnu;toH(>ly Comiiiii;8;v.n-d 'tii cro will h eharg«:d the ;.ciu .l ccct Di:iaMcd foUirrp irc r. * ' Tirrt';>t:d »’• tb**, uiid^'.^n*'d ir'vjrer niir>o, r pirn I't viirk, Ir-o- til of amipniaticn. aiid the pr.'ciso m -^Ui’caien* of tu^? r.’ maining monihcr. 1 jfinh lo rajpi'.'i a nanjbo*’ oi to : ;• : n: for tlie above nt»iB i> purp >«’' A l •jC’i ar« iu-.ii- d to ocm'nnniove iiata di'ii'iy ■=Hn tn^s ibr-p. EDV Aiib WARUt.N, Surgeon Gfcca! Noiih C.polca. April 30. 28-1 m The Cape Fear H'avi^alion 'om- paay will pay the C. S Taxef- due on July 1st, I8t>4, on tlit stock of said Co. Therefo”e stockholders need not give iu their Stock. W. N. TILL1NGH.4ST, Agent. &o. A4>ril 2*> 27-2w MOTi€:;e To Machinists, Blacbsmiths, Gnn>€srrt»^ Mak* era and Pattern Makers. (10(.)D Mechanics in any of the above tradys. can tind J “toady * mp!oymcnt and lilicrul wages, by applying at the C. S. Navui Ordnance Works. iJharlotte. N. O IL ASHTON R^M^AY, Chi(!f Eng’r C S. Navy, in charge. April 20 [c. B] 27-6t We are aathorized to aanoiHic^e Ccl. MUHDOOH McUAE as a candidate for re-eloctlon to the House of '^ommons from Eobeson county. Ajiril 97 , * Am Bank of i^'ajretteville,) April 16, 1864. f rl^ ' nnnal Meeting of the St«x;kholders of this Bank will take place at the Hall of th» Bauk, on Monday the 16th day of .May next at 11 o'clock 24 *d] W. G. BHO ^ DFOOT, Cash’r. Kiliel Mfouo'-**.! Ftia^'U^rf. T'-Jal. 1S6I 1 '270 8 956 2 772 7 ft“7 IS62 14 *7 -.04 16 876 77 64C I’-ba I2«ii 48 HOG 71 211 131,882 Tot*' 28.147 99 439 89 369 217:186 Confederates died of dit>ease and 8icknes.s from coniinbcccment of war to present time 130,000. Ir'EOERALS. • KiiiAd. W oundwi. Pfisonero Total. 186! 4 724 9 791 9.144 28.70» 1862 20,87» 69 973 46 >^34 136,380 1863 15 8HS 63.981 8S.281 162.«i26i Total 40,9e> 1S2 745 J19 009 2G2.720 COTTOir €A»U!«, I¥o. 10. 'I’HE F^YTTl’TEVILLE COTTON C‘RD M.VNFFA'’- j TU t^IVG t OMP ^ Yare now manufacturing ".A R OS superior to any run through the blockade, and at present are aelliug for a le^ price the single pair or by the quan tity. Any person ordering six or more pairs, they will be securely packed and delivered in Wilmington f^ree of ex pense. Call upon or address A. McKETHAN. J. A. WO«TH. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville^ N. C., April 18 24tf Presbyterian and Carolinian copy. PayeUeriile Rosin Oil Works* OUR Oil Works are now in complete operation, aad as we use nothing but t^ood roain in producing the Oil we can recommend it to ^ the best of the kind made in this country. It is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be glad to receive orders from the Government and the public generally. We will sell on reasonable terms. MOORE. CASHWELL A CO. April 16. as-tf FavetteTllle Arsenal, and irmory, \ April 18. 18^4 f W .\NTE3), a number of Fishermen, skilled in taking Sturgeon and other kinds of fish. Tbe attention of Farmers resident along tbe course of the Hiver, and of Co..scripta who have been fouul uutit lor active field service and arc to be detailed for light duty, is particularly called to this advertisement. Apply at oace to 2.">-8t Lt. Col. F. L. f'HILDS, Comd’g Officer. Feder&ls died of disease and siokness daring same time, 290,000. RECAPITULATION. Ft>dcrai losses fn ba tJrs, Aa , “ “ by sickness, &o.. Federal total loss in 3 years, ^on''ec'era*e lo»s in battles, &o , C ‘ofi'drrate^oes by siekD‘s*. &o., Confederate tvtal loss in 8 jcars 21-^.466 1?0 000 262 72® 29 J o:o 652 720 847 486 2C6 256 A iiood flor»e V.. 1 Wi TiTiriH'Aa uui m;. ncii m ■»it &iau'* ui ^ iiiid would suit well for cavalry service, posst.^siag gn-at i I pjwi r and action and is sure footed. Price seventy (70) l)iwhc.l.i coru or iu equivalent iu money \.>r other produce Apply to Dr. D. A. t^'WPBFLL. Faycttevill'*. C. April 27 ■ 27-3tpd A PIM.I' TION’ will made to the O-neral Assembly i l-rf.ctly clcaaly about her A of North Caroliiia, at its eusuiug meeting in »iay, for i i . . Excrss of F deral loss The total loss North and Sonth, according to this has been 900,185—which when the fall three years of war are ended, will doubtless rise to a million! The Northern Democractf.—A correspondent - of the London Herald winds up a letter on the Black Republioan party squabbles with the fol> lowing:— “There might be the hope of some poaiible good to oome out of these quarrels among the wrangling factions of the dominant party if there were virtue enough among tho^e who affoct to oppose them on principle to seize the opportuni ty and use it courageously in an effort to restore the national sanity—in distsouragin^ by every possible means the evil passions which made and which support this war, and invoking peace, even ut the cost of giving up the struggle for territo rial dominion oVer an unwilling people, aod ta king the broad ground that the first duty of the people is to stop this horrible bloodshed, and turn their sobered thoughts to repairing their own shatteied institutions, repairing and consolidating unew thtir own lost libertirs, and laboring in pa> tiencc to recover some portion of that social and material prosperity which they have recklessly cast away in the obstinate perpetration of a self- BTcneing wrong. “but there is no such courage or virtue in the iJemooratio party. There are a few men of rare qualities within it who give eane counsels, but they are overpowered and outvoted in the organi zations which direct the combined action of tbe I party, and which are under the sway of leaden who have not convicti.>n strong enough to enable them to face a popular clamor, and are mostly mere traders in obsolete maxims and traditions for the sake of gfdning power, ''■'hese men are making haste, and taking the party along with ^cm., to i;et rid, for the purposes ol the coming Presidential election, of the apprehended odium that they, too, are not xealons lor the unconditiotaal j prosecutton or me " -» -r — . ». _ . . ,, I Ex-Prasidenfc Fillmore, tbe very type of conser- I vatism, who has recoDtly acted with the Demo- [ erats on general questions, expressed the whole j W ISH to pureh-ise for my own use. a stoJt* healthy I idea in a brief paHca-e of » spet^ch recently made By a Lady of experience in teaching, a sitnatiou in a private sthool or family, f ddresa H., bos 13S>, Favettkfvllle, N. O. ^5^6tpd April 2C JVOTiCjE. T FO BID all persons from trading fora t^ote given by 1 me. 13th of .ipril 1864. to J. B. McRae for *2 ‘0, as ! do not intend to pay the Note unless compelled by law, as I did not get value received. CQARLE'^ ?TUBB8 .Ai>riliW * 2ti-tttpd ■ . u .1 • 1 Jfesro Men for sale. well m all kinds of romt. j vl^n. f'^r whom Coufsd- tiondti. S-i, 7« "T 4ji. *aken. Refer- zrurn 1:. Wru Arrlll4 Fa_>eitevi!le. 28-9ith1 A (»4>o«1 t'oo!* WaRt*‘rt. .. >.-H to purehsise for luy own use. a stout. wuinan—one that is quicK and active, and above all, X ■ li.irt'T for tbe ^o.^t■ r»‘«;k \lauutactiiring ompjiny. * prU 27 27-blpd I%OTI€S% VFlM.l ■ - TION will be uiide to the General *.«pombly ot ^oi th ^’aroliua at it.s eiiPiiing rai-otini; i i M:iy f"r a h.vrt^ r tor thf rayetleville -Mill .'ianulacturiug l^om- pany. April 27-3tp*l $500 Rf^%VAKi>. VIFK will pav ‘he a'tove reward for the apprehen-iot; I and contiiiement in j »il. of the party or pirtles who cut and c iiriM away bO yards of our I’eleprHith '* ire. 14 mi!"."; from l’'uv-5t'vint^. about the 224 or 2.Sd ifist. tiOlTHKlO; E!ft*Ktai3 TKLtCOO-VPU (. OMT"A.NT. April 2t> WILL p*ll or exchange for 4 per cent, roiifcdorate 15(>nd“ (at their nvirket value) Monolove Farm, in th‘ Fn nch wH'.id Valiev. Transylvania county. The Fi'.rm at.ii'is 080 acr« «. of which ‘.TIO of bottpn land and ut'dcr ih.- ro> t 'uccc^'ii'il cultivation. Producing (per acre) as iarz'' rr'p' of craiu, clover and other hay gras.* s as any firai ill '■.’’eht t:i ■1. ^ The premises are in thebo?t poe- li!( O’ l'’i . BuiidinK-^ all new with every coiivpnie”ee of a fir.'t cl isa Of^’ablishraent. The Farm is beautilully lo- cat-nl. enclosed with fenoc of locusl posts aiid oal. aad ?heant !athc«. Addres.® Uunu’s N^,9; “’“^ 26- 9tpd .'iallsl'ury, April 14. [s. w.| FMrther ^8-41 ■t a meeting at Buffalo for tbe sanitary relie* of the soldiers He declared for unrelenting war to the attainment of u'tcr so>j-i^jation, leaving hU qne»tion3 of lenity and j'^stice to be settled afterwards, and, in the meantime, an unreserved npil E Soldier Roy'sSongh-ter; Songs of Love and Lb'rty; g-rant of all the men fnd ra'ney the Admini&tra- 1 ♦ ottoa Field \lelodies; Bonnie i)!uc Flag ^ollg Uuok; Hymr;'Tor Th*i l'»mp. J. H.VLE Sf .'iON*'. *,r>’ "S F*V^{ -Ti'h t'oU'>r t f-id M»r’ 'f-»c*iiTipg Com W. MATri«.5WS, S c'y. 28 It The FarHMhru’ and Planters’ Al- muuM for 18M. 4 few groee aor«Jiast Moaivad. lucj u. fuJM * r\t ApiilSO 1864 I..UBkj€ATIMG OII« ! U iu I Lie ; u Superior €ourt of l^a w lor €11111- berlasicf Co^inty, NOTICE is herohy fivea tijHt there will be .* Sprmg Tenn of this ('oxjTt he’d on 'hr 7;t* aft- - the 4th Monday of Marc*> next, the 16th -iny of May 18^4, to trj aad dof-'rm>n« -U act ons >t T.‘'rt or. the Clvii !>ook»'.t, «■-» ! eaf!»>5 • o t*’*; S'air. D No*iee io further 'i*. tpv “ ^ an or '.er ri * 't s' p» li Term 18'‘8., thij d.^y for t.rviug i;e » ia .>«* 5 Court baa bten QhawTed trora T .ur*iaF i*» Monday. Pa;ti'.-p nnd iritn*‘«Be(i will govern tbo‘inw-?»i*s ai^Oi'-.tinely JOHN W TJAKRli, C 8 C. Myoh 1C 16 tC i\OTI€E. Y order of the Court of Pleas and Quarts Sessions of Uob«-!on county, Feb'y Term 1864,1 Reuben King, ■^heritfof “iiid comity, will sell for cash, at the Conn lloii'-c in Lumh-irton, on the fourth Monday In May next, the ti>r.owing Tracts of Land, or as much thereof as will pay Uie tax ani* costs tbereou for the year U62,via: One hundred acres located on the Elizabeth Road._ valued at !»i98. listf d by Uobirt-con Singhitery, tax $2 *3:i. Mso lit the same timo, eighty-tlve acres, located on Gam ^v,-aiEi). valued at $255, U«+ed by F. C. Watson, tax $1 23. ^ R. KING, Rhtr. .vpril 16. 25-te Ymiiijsr Oranare Ooy, [3 oti' T d fur s:\le, and will stand at ray Stables in Sails- I bnrj. utilil ^old. nt tbe Sea«)n. and $40 the Insu- I’aiioe. t )r:ing‘.‘ Boy is a Ijeautiful Blood Bay, black mane and tail, eight vear.-* old this Sprinj^ YOUN'G’OIUNvtK BOY was sired by Old Orange Bov. and he ».y John D. Amis’ Old .‘^ir Archie. Young Orange Bov's dam was got by Thomas H.unehan’a Chni“.icter. he by Old Sir ,i i-chte ' haracter was out of a Prnid '!are and she out ot Janus. Ucsides, \ oung Orangt; Boy is chtaely connected to many other horses of tine blood: .such as, Bclipsi-of Virginia, Baro«s, Bainbridge, Import'xl Drivers. Oiomtnle. Beller and imported Medley. The a>K)ve is the true Pedigree of Young Orange Boy. This Horsie has f»iken three premiums. JNO. A. HOLT. Salif>bnry. April 11 [s. w.l 25-4w The want« of the people sup plied at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville with Tookinjr Pots, Kettles, Ovens, Spiders. Plows and Plow Points ot all the different patterns now in use. Castings of any description made at short notice. Sn^r Mills made to order at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville, N. by April H.—24 Im J M. A. BAK£R. I- ■; r If •>'^^'1 i'» luT..^.}u t.i tbe a vf'ry sup^ri T wt-ei- of LUbHlCATlNG OIL^ e^pectaliy for f'att'yn md W,>olei Faetorit» W !»%i. tb> O'l 'lOi’s not ruw. m'ly bi> >uu **> *:r aur ar.eei with U‘?>5 poi^A' a*o aay ui5.ei 0.1t:*c!*pf Me W M Porter, ^:^p'rintearfc«t nf P osaix Conoa f=‘irl >rj f V’'H of’i: • I >x*-u .IS Pit vour I-UOTi«'.V O I for 2 i^r 3 an! fiusl i* to be e-ujKticr t> any .ii'.iir 0; >■*• \» n>-^ f-r lU^T..vVlnp." r J •ii Krr8n.iW- riup’i'■' i^iv-unt’s vrsci if-stor;’, s-kk; -I i9.n C! eiT'uiiy t.ay y^MV Lubrjcstiog O 1 >» * • i.ornor a'-t\clR Ii ^0!-= oot gum in tr-e least, but kseft Ot jocp tli o!t f.r nud i>rik'''t ” .» F .Jopk; r*li*>. 0' EosiTiCJ'r ol fs.*“ C S Ar*- nni “1 *.?r litf'jt —p;»cK Ct*: iod f—and for mac »inc''y Kh ^ii fU** li >8 .sl.t?. vo'T Iii!'>ri3'*iiig0ii ‘fill »ira,'»Are next in qunl i'y i . Sp'fm ” tj; u^f r t: n n-mufjic'arars hwe tried b aau pr*^ Rouacet »»f it. HENRYE COLTON A^e-'t F»T«'.temil*! ZeroS'he Co. AV’’>5 ^ iSiB-J *>-!./ FLOUR Arvo OAT«. FOUA aad OATS will be exobanged for Corn at tbe Btore of D MeLaoriB, by giving him a f«w days AOtioe. Floor good. Oats No. 1, black or whita. Wanted—IVood Land. Tub underaigiied will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acres. «a the Ifailroad at any point between Jonesboro’ and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch pine boxed or unboxed HENRY B. OOLTON. Agent P. K. Co. FayetteviUe,^P^ ***^ OIL. \1T K on u K iKOtiliMi uMNG OIL in qnia Vf of 5 r.r 10 S'- l!on at $26 p-;r gall- n; lin « ua vr Vefc-, .116 lo *20 i^'iifun»l. aaos or k«^8,8 convenient. I oiii i3 a." i >iii Oil sb cr»n be niaue without tht* niiz‘ur‘* wu*! A'0>'t*ol, whioti si i« !ia> •va^ib e bkw lo c>'i-in. T ie wioii tu^'^ of i-he or iinary Kerosene itmp Hbonli b*> siia-itw Iri-g heiio-i by soVicring on a pi»-«e. Wiiii ft - arra>'g«d our oil bnr is wUhtjui smoke ■ uil wiiA >ta £T.u6h oviilianoy as anv Northern KHronene. UEN^y E COLTON, Ag’tF K. C^. _A^nW-_ EAGLE FOD'NDRY. tIO.VE iu!-n> f'S a^o WJ ouaifjictod all oar O the m-,nn^-o.ur.^ of Ci^R WHEBLB, ' utowiag to ue fo'lurc t‘f ’.*»e i»upply of Iron if proper nature, we Lav3 iioi iatt'ly '.■•JiE-.u able lo supply any demand for tisenj; tuia dilfi^iiity aowever, will be o«erooioe u» tiie coui*^5 of bix veeiB at wliioh time we J** furni« of the followinf siaes—24. ati.«»oa SO inc' 3s; als'- Cuill''i firee The Irou ^ ahaU use for Ih^ n will be OoU BUst Oharcoal »«» rant rarwhe. l* NO*; TO CRACK. tc ^ eqial to ftRV wadi' in tht' Coafe lerAoy, er to thoee of Wbi^ey s SoR^ot PiiUa-’jI^hia. whose repatation ia eo well known by ^il Railroad companies. n a m j We are prfipared to exeoiite Loom, Dry Sana, and 8«i W..», ,f .1^ 4 00 Fayetteville, March 80. 18S4. 19tf tion. needs, “cvoa though we may not a'ways ‘-pi rove of tha us3 tfiSt is to be nsaJ'. of cither.” “This is the political pofition of the Demo cratic party, and it is powerless tor any pos&ible good” I Damascus is the oWest city in the world; Tyre and Sidon have or.;mVlcd on thp shore; Koalhec is a rnir- Palmyra is b’»rio^ in the panda cf the desert; Nineveh, Bal»ylon have disappeared from the Tijrris asd Euphrates; Damascus remains ,v »t it was beloic the d'>s '*f Ahrab;.Bi—a’centre ol rrpde acd travi 1; a" i.^lsnd of verdure in a desert -“predet-tinarcapital,'' with mttlrrial and sacred associations extending tl rmvh n^ore than thirty eonturies. It was “near Dimaocus” that Saul of Tarru'^ saw the “light trom Heaven ibove the brightreas of the sun;” the street which is called S raight, in which it was said ‘ he prayeth,” still runs through the city. The caravan comes and •/oes as it did a thousand years ago; there are still the sheik, tbe ass and the wafer wht;el; the mer- cii»aia of the Kuphratrs and of the Mediterranean still “occupy” these “with the multitude o» their waters” The city which Mah>>met surveyed from a neighboring height, and was atraid to enter, . it was given to man to have but one Parad'se, and for his part he wa» resolved not to have hiR in this world, is, to this day, what Julian oallcd *%he eye of the East,” in the time of Isaiah, “the head of Syria.” From Damai-cus came the damson, our blue plum, and the delicious apricot ot Portugal; Da- nacu8 diiniask, our beautiful fabric of cotton and silk vines and flowers raised upon a smooth bright groand; the damask rose, introduced ii-to Eng'and ia tho tioie of Henry 111; the daniaacus blade, so famous the world over for its keen edge and wobderful elasticity, the secret of whose manu facture was l(Mt when Tamerlane carried off the arts into Persia; and (hat beautif al art of wood and steel with silver and gold, a kind of Mosaic en graving and sculpture united, eaUed Damat^kening, . with which boxes and bureaus anti* swords and guns arc ornamented. It is still a city of flowers and bright waters; the streams from Xiebanon, tho “rivers of Damascus,” the “rivers of old,” murmur and sparkle in the wilderness ot Syrian gardens. • Sichool Books. For SALBfc* varietv of wLAtJSlCAL WORKS;-— leT.dorff’^renoh Omtamafa, Orook ud ioonff, Webater’B Aoadeialo Di'otioaaaiet, OommoiiSoaool Booka, Drawing MiK«eriala. etc., ote. Add-ets 2S>^ > *OII1CBOII,” WUiiiBf^ >• 0* Er>g ( holera.—This is becoming a des^cdve malady among the swine. No labor is more pro ductive and important to the firmer and the Confederacy at this present time, than raising hogs and preserving their healih. An old hog raiser once told ns that oorn waa both the food and medicine ot ho^. He said a hog fed on plenty of sound oom meal was hardly ever known to be riok. Rotten or unsound corn he said waa f ery pernicious, and lie always preferred the oom ground to whole grains. He aaid^it was a feet waste to throw hogs whole ^rs of powd- always had it shelled before feeoing ' ble, i^roond.