?«1 1»y i*cb porsTii ’ rjilfs. rtner biuU liimsclf ■phn of provisions in.J.uhi.-h be may I'lH exeni^tioa neiir or to the tatji, fixed hy the Cam. ii«h r the iinpreii^ ,t auy ex- l l>e etititlcd to a ly ariMant of meat •hi** t»,ro‘ months xc»: Pr.*r;ded fuj.. withiii tho provV Hi! iu»t b«3 ilcprivej ro.*!^on of haviuo. tiUyoi Feo. foroj.>inr exemi> ar, under the di- HAv exempt or d®. he mar \^e satig. ed account «,f i.is’.irc til© prodiiQ- provj-iuns tbr th« •••Idiors. He may, r dt'Tiiili^, on 8nch il’C, t*> euch )vor- an ho in.ty he «Ht- to tlie country in ; th HI in Hic urli- .i? exoruptiou Irti iiK'f, ['laiuer or ittiV to euiplov ia captlril and labor .iun\ oH grain auvl e Governmeut an.l prices not exceed- »u for like article* I the State under lurer, auditor af’d Iroad company en- r the Govei nnieiit, ployecs ther*^of ud»'Ut i«])nil Certify t-' the effii*ii‘!it ,'i: rr>»v;de-.l, ti.at exempted hy thig lot 4'xcou'l one per- rua.i in ACtua] use ; and said vXeo>ptt j Hii.i description, ivlio have left tha paiiy, or who may u foriMirei shull the iWt rtpproved tied H!. aec t(» ex- the maila ot cd the driver* ut fi wli Tliibl...-)’ e.9T- ! t!.o exeaipiiv^ns lall »>niy contiana pled are ictL-illy re pureuitd or oc- ideiit be, snd he w ant detailb. under io« i to be issued t, either of pereoua dV a:TO, or from the 5jweh where, iu his [ and nece«#Hity re- I may revoke aQch r he'thi:»ks pioper: here'll ;:raulod to and exemp- ed to a'ltlioriztt th« any c^mrrHCZor for r kiud tu the Gov- id contract, unleM ae department ma- ertify iliat the |>er* ntracior are iudift' I of Sivid contract: leii a'ly uacii coo* iy and faitLfuil/, itioa uf sacii cc>n- itail shiill ce£we. iting local boardi .nitron of periions uo lue'iiber coin- ,'pointed from tba ct in whicii the/ fcX}! iiliaiiOn. H. C., I J'oBsa -3, IsoS. / r*,-« 0/ t-*« JImU « t'*** S80*?0’, *0- •I 4i I* M. %t A r*. M. ERVLLf.a. *J A Vi. f »t % t*. 1 *t 7 P. M. •4 Ft *1 •} it I P. M- 0. f ita'or l*» %t ft P M. -fior i\j *t 1 P. M. i' C*J KToN. t ,y ti 6 A. M. r 1 ‘y >il 1 P. Jb- a 1 J'r J *7 »t 6 A. d ^ ‘ri .f at i P. id- I il,* 8 P. il. 4J 2J ? X 1. M'/uf}To:a THO? , %•' )ln* i th! ewa tj b* s«at off fraa; Ht h 3 1 t jf :t Jill a pre p*ii 0/ k/ fri i ‘‘J 9J A a CO)K. P M. JaJ tftii oj jrvian, '•rHk li ttJOT pu¥iio ■ of Ail uealtny p«^* ai»9 } f- r, »*!.r:og Alt, insure a f*» irdi* vatK- uiitt 1 dajrs iUt U r«rtrr«l khK dtal3, •ai M MIA.*/, iLli. *>*•> S. 0 . u ) ax* 'T. r il. FAYKTTEVIiJ.E, >J. C, MAY 16, 1804 rco. I iUNTKn M(>N*!>\Y« ‘.V!) Tnnr’ JnWP rj.AV\^5ii »%?.»: /t sins. KriTJiiis jks’i* pi^orR!rTops. ' KnroiMaK Uiilcc, vajctlevltie, }Aa} }. 1ST>1. j Icoin #T ucc wiia recent a'siei'su. (JJii-j; t'*** I J (Jfl. it..t 0>»i). D.M., itni ir, ^beitcucs i« i-jf ;u .tica, t ti. m riiTj i' i« fcer.by jultre.l /hat: Pfl'.e for fh( OB8KRV1SR f 10 00. pai-l ?Q ' ‘ '•» ' GTibvMi^ni o a.->*5. •« o tiie t.gps of 5 7 ♦U'* l8inJ 45 »o.i oO ' *•! c/i V Mi'ti R'g'l N. (] Mi'iiu, saill j j *i F»;ti'ir Fv>t 56 per annum, l9tK •uti , n# »o 54'n • niw/ nre. 1''^ '-J'-Ota /uai , exc‘'pta ihx^o a-1» Hn^n i Qi [^>rii:id. i*ui> ^pt»v™r ;.n :h • "Jl-i i*»4t , A |»>»^'AnVRm l^•F^!r'VT^5 in'or'rJ f?r f'2 r*er •« j M , -toy c.iar r^»'n » s .-i«ia •(! '■y cx\ of 1'2 liufs • r 5« "JO tv.r (Ilf. and one JolNr Aji" j mujm* * .ruua clonus •»« j 8urc»-d5Ti7 ruMIca.i.,D. A nr*: .-*• me^-i ■ ,v. „ , . I I t* i* J'J'-i! •'I. vt.i fcd I i« «'r»j3L tu n.'ld Ci&{C left Oi T€r*t^ >i* *H*-v vtfl ! -*. * i * •* • « ' ^ UI ..I I.ivt. UJ p J. ir •I'' ja sii-t«r a f.ivd • .-» aH-cia?'!. lb ♦«)! ' R,a>} i.piy. j eitiu-’e «o »>* a' b; tbo i*t '* A'lv^rr- Jvu uli' a*? ri»T» 1- j |irr.iju» -'f c? i« r b^lwn* tS" o* ■»;; V oj w il ^e *»vr;’’.C.I cja0.‘r oj Hor"“ U I-r I i» a hr.,..,.'.( t> f-'r; Mo3=o\t Et> «?jT Ixj*. j vA.^« ftr» r ^.^•Tr■n»!•.cn W”! c*f>r-er i’SiL.,* !'a 1 .'lsD;.t t''iire’*i aui Ci>u>p«n;oi cf »i»y It’nl 'iiHfiLf-.b » roTi'-«}(• of » n;>T 3oo»cr!r-^r | ^jtpi :y.«s a.-gic*i> * wno"*: iti^f ‘f, r>-l.»u * wil’i l>e i »!tVout in a nor'wii-. | jjiiii €,> n rJiiti.rlh « rropfe.--pp'.iOr»uocs f'>r t^.eui pviar^ tfie fr'-:crilr.‘»T8 f^r a ic-ajer line j •••• ■'•*7 E'.ro’.laKOt iSAii 16 p.'ii-i for. I Euch 0* c"j old r.s Jestre ?o ».’’J pf.- ! Trrliaen- R”rr:; V' :ii E. 1.SST OK f niSiHN mi SMSSEXWKUS.! i’HE ’>!!■ rof w.ll b« ccmr^-v.s o« i ,V_T — j 1 Pr.''m r^yefi«*ri!>o to •‘ '• " K! •• V-lvi^ fi/1. •• ■• “■ K-n-*- *’ w, “ *• ‘* All tK hi-lcw, 8KnONr.» Cl.AB‘1, OH OKCK. Kr'-r* Ffty.’tjri.lf i*.> q. cn. It •• •‘ W,»J1. • • .. “ ji ;iy*. ri.»r»^ “ *• A ’ below. 11*. VC Jinirsf'^’n *o •• '• •* Kp1Ij> C r •, s:c 'Ml 10 (0 f?0 w> We ro:-p(?ootfuny recaimifcL«i | '•KiLu iucli.A\ ?• ,5 . '■**■ H (■'•.J U'' j '*•' I i» t-> a ;3 •.'•’3 ;£ ]{^ye:z-C riinf9 i ■ VASY M'y 2. ii.-A.c. ITe are aSvLorUed to &anou.!.e Cel 1 '1(1. J SI «>oY >r' 3 ev*>*>'i \i. ,1. r , t^ : ..c .»-;:.nntr'.j (v a, tr>. ihc n3t* •'*>!• j •y', il: tU« .-viati L-r>lj.U->) M ' 4 2^ ' * 4. IT. 4?h ^ y.* I . v-..I, , 1 >« i'.. >b -. 2u »K) 3:) e.) ' . 0 - -jf T ^ 4. h o.v'f. 1V ^ - >« * « - - I 1 Tr '^^ •■■•*.■-.r-} -! r-) ■ —-1 •i.r *y . r:.o ;'•• T.- 5Jjft.'VttailM r jiEILu At! li u:riir.;; t ’ i-ifM T>r re cv.* J >n, % ■-.•■■.> •,••• i •-1 : i ■wp''‘.lj?o i » ••; t'.*f I*'. tt.r, e'.ua’p niT Ri.“> «' •hi* p Tt Oj'i-’M! A>'».'ra ■■’ >jf tfcfl S--IT • f N ri - t&- | hn ’-.u* •*'?, iiojJr c»* i ;.J ’ I }1 V* , Ci> n . ( } W J-jb"*'2J5SV K J JI.tl ^« ilj £'ii>lilc, 1, •'Ih.iu.- i V - . ■ . -; . . O'iv.i- I'r.'i-r . ; • .. 11 III ftcE. i.Cii .30 2-1 4>\ per or. M rei.-itt *1. llT ;&rtcm«y at -jaw, >'AYT:TrEVII.! i£, N. 0. en iSlilUX 111 A t b?tne-a IK wvd 45, & fe-cXHtaina'ioc j'; ■ViiCSi f.fcs cri«re^ .I'-y, ,is n'-ii %» s lo? ! T.'ho uj . cr Ctrtv'.' jr/'o.i t.» **pp^nr ..loi * • wlA«‘li f Ia wO ti I x^arwUasetit' m si r^-"T y-t ■ ■—I B-. .11 I; £. i- -e n.ii- g.v>re b-i** ha c-f.^uT’i o, ■•ftv.' tji" .'•• y n.g:;c.^(S jF rt-'a'Ta l« so«t p y rivi kL?;* •J J rcry -e .t>oC:»b‘.3 —t..pcri thtin- • -1 t'l, r.’c::d ttiC' "i t. i 03 p C UlU' 0*1 .B 10 tz aipi-on b. 0 ■•C2SS >i>.:aro ». B o« r;.:.ror ufiioe yiii bp n' r1 ii il.e r.^> “ cf ::d ttic r csu3» ^c-r out f> t'a W3>v A to LDi*C cU.'Ci'. C^I. M d f? rt 2s Kp*. tu the c u utilLi i.io • WILL Att^O'i the Oouj.ty scd Siipsrior oourtf* of ;- t.ci, H*ru*'u Moor? '»ai F.ox-S'>u Coua- , ~ ^ ^ ^ U«. Prouct AM^Dt.cn '-y2b tc f:.«> of a,I u.r. ..ocuu;.t.a for la^c&cc 03 i'.,. :, '* >i.i L‘ ri*T';3Ua rl:ere»«i. louaa, iia a-j oat c- ct 9l4uxi>e et'in'.aivd tv C*-t. 17. 136.*. «’T6. e V, tircctr «i»f* « •‘Vti'chaitt. ?ay7.tti:vill;£, x. o. U*. ' *^3 If -ftl uiatSilf H'. 0. RLN'CnEB, Lt E”. Ofli cr, '2'J iyiP Ti.ia-'arlwci c* uc'v. “ “ E '2 .t'Oib, Rull. “ •* “ A I pv bis ►..> )T?, SECOKI> CLAael, 0& DECK. r;‘OfT WI>m?r.?'f a t.> F-.Vi ••■• Ti'.t', '• • iy'ij O.ive. “ “ • Fi. . “ “ A’! .>■■'•,''• ,1; ■»r*. g.S^.'^cc.-a-l JUh'i rr l>'0 I' 'i tiuH» cn '.(if. r ‘ii'c.U tr pr.» ^ Fii^l Cus. tSjr-An t’«TL- ^et'i .« >>'•0 ; 'I i~:aK >"v An J IT p>ini .« 1> ••*1 TT Tn s'loos ca, kl *b«» ds-'- :«) c» t**9 Or.ptt;n. Jf. A WCaTFI fAfO F B*i Co.. H. V i*llil'.Lr.. ‘y S/ra Sau' .iOJ iJus . ! T. ■» LUr^'sr.KLOH. I F^b'v -25, IfM. : ry-AZ FRilGL'"" AN!J ?5.3rBNGrP. T^AI^V ..f »bi - j ?■) 00: "^Te a» c li /jsaua :. '2' M> GILS-^ LtlT :ii S’, . S d-"" ■'•.•>■5 . M c- 1 11 cf 11 :' ; il>' Mat '1. ’2-2 J •- I ♦'o'. V c { iK a:- a i;a;icid:.re ftr re-eh;ctio;i to tje iitu.-j .1 'ota;no:i; lro;n So- •j.r."' i co;4.uy. April 27 27-:;u i'ii O a J I ^tiC ond»rd ^.a?'i. 1. { A %.1-v, t-t!. 3 I r‘8p-civ.>Jlv »i-. .V ' ! » T>« f.'H a‘r. .'t? 00' • i .‘‘h^B.IFr .iL t-- c. -> ; i?V.M E X*. ;.i»rc.’ '21. A' J y ' t - S l=">! 'J : on ?:p: •■'a.vcito' . T C.lZ riile ii. r v.. r • • : I. • a Co. ..c.*: c. r.:i Pr-r^y-^ ti.c E rc ii*. tV7-'-- y,r. 1 and occ ui i; I V i S « b' Cu*' w 0 ‘ roi j>irt.cLcr ascci ird * in tha o. u; > t:kon hi x.x the p-r*;cj!, tl:oroi:^bl_;r. Cl: >41 *;.»rHAX A. WM a. A. t'V Az iO* unou:si !: »r,iLEas A N D 19, IfrTV F.\i*EnEVIT.Ll!:, N’ c. April 20. :i5tf » o ^.Trn. i' o wi.-?.Ta. f. o. o'jiibi.. wosi^'rsi cOo, CcamtsslQr an:’> Tcrrr^riiss: ^ercJiaata, 457rf", •'.7ILHIiS'GT0:\ y. C. Ort. 10, I=--3 7.3 12.T1 £. 0. 8ta CO.VfitiKjiilOiAL UISTi.It'Iy t ' :'AL;iiBri>.T. jM. C., A. rii ibi*. j | .4tcj0.i!cc of 'i- eouniy Lutouing 0.*nc'rs saj -:;; Oliic* rs if Mli'fi'; e i.' 1 t.» i: r wUcn nr N'j. 10 O-'t ').;?>)», R.i; ;t,£i N. « r ih'j ? ra' .1 'U’U' ->f »ll »; j»u «:r.i» ; • T':nit ; n (be a.i'-p 'i ■ v-.OieVin nv.l t'.?. •. J r.-r-otti! r,f/;-,1cr f!lr 'gjf- h ‘-5; . 5n>, 10 •VOC'':.Kr'"C {.'l--C'*Ur N«. 8. Bi.rwi'i o?' >;ri» 3 liptiot. fi3ib.*.ic-i g fl.’ue sJ Or ’e's -U vu«i (•}, .V!'j'i'i..ai !n! Iu-j.'Cl'»-Q.'n.-rfcl “ i.'.U » A’l x>crr«C!.3 »ubln t*j-* i>;'» ■will U' folird ty t:9 Militia ('Qlff re m tsrly »»- iricti:i.f>l , j »~d »?.-.embia »t ibe ^’ourt F:oxcs:m of th Jr j 0 u *t t'.fl foI!piricg tiro?!! f.>r a»:avi‘*'i, r- j; Oiiurl t'-‘>. M»ekl?nbur^ o •I'nfy, }*6ii 9ti». ; •0 *Bi lUb -Mij; bOii Rejr'inBut. I'-fC, 13lb pad 14th Cor&barras ^our'y, Sth Regiment, I6lh, l?!Ji a o’^iooi. A. M., li-'i ri'tiir&jn^ ’.£'*»r r./yr>' ui 1 o’cl"). fe. P. ■rji i7c'«f Tntn MON'liAY,'VKlhNE.SDA V'^ni ^4v ,-rdor JK') >!. n;'?K, Tr.'J^s'r '^0 • ! Ti.i j». Jt*". 22 ^7*f To this fUlzar.H ; 4 T the Holicltatir^n c>^ A aanounc" my:';!! a ■i • ' ' ri’i. — A^'>t -»• injf/'iii'VC . .'•! is • f.. i; j{ ;■/! I'.-ie j: ssiif - . : 1 'li’j A .• VI ru»£i lit ■ .1: ii ■' 1.IU’ a iiu’lf . ‘ 1 !••• J ”"j Di'i es- > • ' r *ru" t’-?- !.••« rncjc! t I * , ! t V- * ‘t ii ' . V it C: ’i I.tl r • - t:. I _ t.» i.; t 1 t i:«i '• • l **i- f' V •!.,u L' tii p’sit u i.iii ^u U ’'; i ;• . ’ }■• ;• !:f £!vV :1 vC'ju:'- *. 1 ‘.rv-ICi t! a', a. t ClS-l lT- t to ■* • r-il •.resc i ■;« ibune ' r in the granaesc or. ur :ii J fce cuoo^e to cv i; 0 ea'rloy anjri]'. •’'. J *N'>?top tl.e tendt-Lie? icrui.i cr L. i-.tt. ■ : j rod^mpticn ” ' pf i —Si i:i.' three w. fki= ri? c.% . O.ic r rf Ui’g DLtrict Bcn:c:':bed J i.r? tf r; e M. ! CLmc.b, Sou.h. ■r , Ciiikiich, on ite ^vcund :■. y 7cr*i not ordain*d, they %cro ' i;. t cii'cLjirtfe 0£ lull loiaicterLl I' .1 j ii;a.tion *o C'J. Jiallctt. i - : !. • .laJ i-'jiractcii Oapt Swaon i h • It.-J pursued. Aa e j '’i-1 was V. ii)r. Cr-ivea. at tVe i; s'aLCo of ' S:i ihe intcEtioE lo test tiie oat.o w. l.e appc ai vraS susuiucd, tind the Jf clii^cijargod. ilenct; ta:> question !.l cT Jar;;c:J, ■ jv 1-r iri7 11 -'--pic'/aily r r‘-»i‘K;tioa lo '.t'j j office of Sti.riif for li.^ it l^ic'^zuily I .grateful to my !rieJd= K' ,i .: c. luJ '.u tht* *;rxy !iir 1 tho very )?ei»-?roii8 .'npror r*.i' .'o rece.veu di;h..:r ! ha:jd->. I c»i» only ple-’tgo r i d a,"ain r.a:.i- I f**:-t tiicir coiiiideace l^y ip- i- • . . .a'* i foi-e, rii^rvt.- t’j.'m pro-jpt.y uoa liitv^r'Tiy. j Very rffcpcclfaily, Je^. 'I I April 13. r-?-te l-'s'oe» A9id ihs>!.v.—— - . — d-iif i.~»- iSt.*i»iu?r A. P. i!L'ElT wii3 , *0 •»IC .OJt'>rSor.J’*0ie.'’l.i-/ 2.‘J i :i j v.0—tsWi- .j’cio 1. A It. on .\ior.d.4;i 4 I AN'K')UN>’E u',;«el.‘ •• : 'vp".. t . "1.. j,jg ^ 'VOiTrt, 1 I "f M:« e »■•''. “■ ..-jv. ■' " .r- • > ~ :\« Ax’: C f. Si«»m iS'.al C.>. •j.tjH O’u-.ipo^N'j*;. Oa ■ ' ^ 'i- 1 sr« f lU.'T filr-..: -‘ J • a^uj:v£L2.s;, (3. j ".c *w njA 1 a‘, e' ' n -• WILL OToa i!»» F.\UuB flOTiL for ih» re I , .* '* • ^ ^ m t If- !• >xVy O. ccpnuu o* i»i iuas, Huj 1 4»epr 1 > » •*• to bi» i.b’4 lo sntlit-iia iro'r; ev»vaiy-uv« icf.ii, .j. , _ iTr\‘ . _ ^ »-•. , hui»ur.“i persou; Ourirg tSe Pa'2**i^r. | ».0»«*l?rS ftnu tv if> Ct'il Vr.. t-: t.'!:. t • ■ ■ ■ ? ■/ s •. c >'T r c J Qu.I.lc ic ;s Sell!.:: v;_*lc tbo prescat law ciiitiiiue« ia ilro^. Erery r^an.in every denomination vchc is sanboriz ;d to {. rwao’i and is disoharglog fcUdu- • ticE, sji r:qc,'rtd ’:y Lij churcl?, is es'idcd tj ex-, i —Sjnh Car tl'iTia ( hr^'itian Advi.>cate. ■toi iLuv->i»y. fr j .\pr?i G~ 17'f ] A T*'Ay.T'^:ix 3rt»nEL.-i ’•VHEAT, , . w - Lt c'jrccctlvu witb tois HotCi, I^ PU5t*v>r j f’H*'! aiMifS frr-ii 0. i ur.'l IStL Ai.iT i of Ku.i S’xlilii Uontrs lU^it j 1 N O Trcci-i* srf .s>*r j '«-k i bu^y. Rv'^rju csan'y, 7ti h t 19 b, 20 j. I xv guj,!* can »t a taiuats’s tioiioe. J tsi 'zij > r' 2 I Slat 4ii 23i Msy; l«0.1i tiegijient, 2-l.h. 25la, 6td 1 ’ j. m j’’itrra sn.l eisM L-.. J I> C'.' j .'7‘> O' May. I Proprietor Eii’.e Uoiei, .AsftefJift, N' C. ! R-’t. »« r«pre.= cnt i j 2f?»ton, C»!»wb3 c>ui'j, SO.b, SUt May, 1st %n 1 M^v i.*». 1S4.S. Sl-vi^i | t*-** m.t! L j; • 2.' 0^ Jiot j — — j mt> »Til bi'ca ; ■ j j 'Ictiro?, a'^nnty. 82J R'g‘tanj;», 6‘?!, 7j?r, tti j i.OUMl'!! LO«ir^>%!!S ■ «r->ch s^» s-tv-d t? vr, j S:'' »f Jo??e: 119t-. R gin»?’t. 9»tJ »;id‘lft'-» of Juuc. I'T’HE Sj-^r-rr-b^T-* nr.r.r^;^ br-.itai th- np:’it f->r fh« -• T-r ly y/oudJ-jiI, »Mron o .aBt,, 1314 h »nd IPth >f Juiv. 1 ? «o-r i-.«« of 0- t.ngf, Wsxi, G •• ••C' I'U - J B nr^Ti. • y 6 ro ii I- I?--’ T -»V S'’f? K. t i?\G, A*'^.., M-t 3 * - >. .. ro'. f " ii? Tt 5JT£lATi.:», ! y73'“-'' n? r'.'.'•-•>. II' vf J b - ..V. £ T-.;. -r ’■ ■■.M? ‘ %**»*.* : I • r»r f .•• , V.. T ..,e‘ r.,.,. f I • . . . ' ' ■■■.■. . ->.1 . -r-'i - wer - • i ‘ ’ • r' H. t. ' *PerOT)iii VjHV’*- r ‘.Vi Cf-'L ^ri;' %•. the T-'i .* ber fct Gi« cd - si-J lio'w 5. 156- £>.v»' artir.es s«l’ rU’ riceite " ~"3 '»’■*. >? nci.i-««'73 V •T’o*' :vi5:P, CT .>n !.*♦ tC.b.V.T’'.- M‘ ’'■ffit Sc-’R'c. *.Lt;C .JOKtnsON, :r Zci.f T AM jTrp>.rJ t>' P'dr«'.’H:-..rr* Ml ?f ^"Kca J •'•■• .ir;.iy v^'- I '.*’*• .-^7 I'.vr.cr -tu 1 sj.~ to lue H(4 li! y Fh '-U h.ivc ;*Kcu**vii, tent otf in q.;i“u >l'r *»'C~. V- iiIl’. i-K. Oi'Idston ? f^c> , J C-, I "x r ■T'.'-’i-' 1?. l.S‘.;2. I “ 200 I5i». iiuv.’i .'&rnJ>ft‘ tor hy J K. i ?i: Oc: J6. A (!i*-*■ wsi! p-»5 !6 '• Cl*'? po' !k#: nO (•){ T*- A, ot :/i.' FayottsTi'-le, or *~t my r-;t ■• r-j j-a ^ * yupp i^ i Li Cj’-t iTj, Lincoln Ooua;y, Itt.'.;, 17tb u»i Juoe fOX"* dim* *cd C”2 i June; 90ib P.?f iiasai, 2^J, 2*iJa 25j!j Jaue. AU Er»ii:!.'iv.nj» bprrtofore grau-eij »ri» s>er."br r«*»i'k- :•!, Hti 3'! whj wifci to tn*k» *rpH^«‘if>D for Ei- %r I'at'^i! iriU presiai. isfl EfiXi*^ t-^tbo Lojsl iia- ciL-t g . of loeir resptaUT? ccj Mic«, wbo o':;! r a- j y.^r ■>. ? I cio.*i p.T >i ' r f;'i fR» Bi^rJ ^lo i,* r.^r^;p.»:d in %,^*orii»nc w ili j |, „f ,;.p 3,n-;. '.‘‘reu'&r Ni .-.sws’.l, la nVsc, tisc *Q i sail F ra 'r »n u.-.err-.T'o, • PA'TTLY K\50 or LOOVS. ’ %T5 TiOw a or.on/t taom np f.r f-oi* Ti's !o.)m i:> » 'ti^ea I:.ri. I »a Iccpi »n r/i •■ • T-ii^ pr >f.’r i\Oen ioo, w l’> *■> 5 ) •¥ R.ic rdi 1? io 10 ju.'i _ . x.ikTQ yj a iif bc't'rr !!.'.•.') B .) ia ei»OR ‘%adcr.-'ryn;.'j'.,- ; ^ ■J I!. ^tx ^ report fr' rC( ib» L"- j Jr%w.i»3{ xt, #'nt *y by ti'* '■»! Kor.i !i6 CfBotr, 4H-1 f*u.T P4C2 r"P«iitirr I'.f i.-'* . w^.i: i o-t« n* li .v-* ui t >> ;n'^ ;'c'' wiil oe r.*.4n:ri.« ap -o o«n, Wil! f-*- ; Viun. l.^mv 8.iiu-*l n. .S'o i.'^ t'a'-oihri{- inc«ra!:oab-.-srri»«il • T w..l w S F-rn -n, &.’t. vj ir j A’ni iSoiib! • w.»l h sinJ b*.*-ii'-93 ir iho I 'a prjkpAi'tri fer 'hii » .^f.j ]»■ ►;»•• ! ka '0 •• rc- b^*nu >v i -o t'.e n rp »>vn, i IS t*- » 1-, ciT r H or oa %*s' j ’f> >»tt* nt oe •..• Tori ■ft-th * o k'li. 'r.l'XTi «.>■ j ; » *rK-'« bf - he' or ^ il i5 yp-i-* oiss Ti’y cua r-, i »i»tkcJ by b»ad. m-a i • r 3o«.-r pj^vr. ! O'^ir.g to lb!' i>r t^b^r. ie , «v ' i.^ i »)d r i.^b-.r vf k.' >» ''i 1 b} |n*. a;>. Or-i^ri v.U VI3S. •’u» wRi • ^ririn.iJ tu par:£,r«; j ' Mut CC £. ■-C-. • ^T. ^ :i9 41 F.,: ■ 'C S:. i j }i :-' ■ }.,; i.e. i^’hcleuxie.—"'Vf c?'.7a tb^ very I iii‘V'.'*.3?i a ih»t tbe Cojamis'-i.ry Dc- ) i--rt i oni ccnra in j'''p“t?3ioi5 of fhrrs J , ;»/ rJ‘'2J t>-u(.i cfrnc’^j e : fa“''G, M'"'' tTi'l ; t:. i r,0j'.v5. w'’ prt.mTO. tr>7i. bant gb, - i il ii'y*>uu tt»e ill! i»e t»i tbo Cctifaderaoy. The j •■*;* v*::®#! ivi ISortb Cir >dr* are a’cO ; • j. h'rij: I.'rg» q'i .r'.t’‘icn «.f i!iOR S-^r- : -'r J 2i.'c>, ■>•>« cn oi^cial s.athonry, ! it »i;p -.r i>5C.'~i if ^jporp-i.i wcuM pxorrd ivi i.'i :io3s of po’ird*'. Ah of tt^se fa^ra teed ’ •;' t .'• av, t*-:: in; anc re coun.ry that ih^ FCTi--d '* f u ;. •nt-.-t ? ;t !r^ ifssj, to t? .oilowfd, ’ • l: , > y -1 eis( 1 i pl'Tty if not oi poacf*. * J hr-’^i f'Tf c nci ’ r vct i’it't'es of bvon ia • T -*~ ' .^ t . -; or ’ an*’, h C»'c‘:ni, ' '• •• ^ -7’' • 7.0 nirket ■wbi's^ hiaii -; •- r'l i ;. ' K (•''n ip dcw over .y.’.'v .rtf' Si r.,:.> c.rtf-E.'; b-fore tue war. r r ; .. ; _. »c .-■ l ' ,1- !. t>>r §20 iti Tren- . 7 • r 0'->!lnrfl .»ul hc!' 0'’0 c 0 i.® c.t ill t ■>■ c‘>‘. o» il** equ’Tnlt-ct : 1’ •: c. A ! ;'»i «• 0'*r'itij-.»*« cf Ey tnpo-^n troci Ex'tni’r.fug B .*rl of t>>H D.s ric-‘, »a t'r.^ cj • I--! y? IJni'n M#':K-'*r!bixrg L »iC;o!:i. C.b* ’-*;*. i »ai* I'kreliiiiil. u^-cd u i tpp“.r. Ex^s’p k. ‘i-vo"'?4v‘a>»r,.'-Olb tr ejHr>‘bii of Coi'.r * i;i !C» fcft.'”®''nv o> t' l! i»; l»y It ojrii of iu*s *>,?•; Tiaati.;* f..i jJi To:* a of ^wnsT'io-^iar Ofiicera of 'I is 1 U5fi a canrii4« Ate t,> r#’i»rc*»A*iat | P..-»h.’a.'.n c^'uni.^ n t « tt S' K !!a.' o' v ».s. uo.T,i .-V i U> i '• i»»i •;llApri: iSii »«,'sui t-’uspori-^r ! ■ f .’J ■ II ■•iJ'C ijr (5 - jrjor. I swri'^ r t.C a' «r.i i F.-of.. ! sa>. w»>ir- • .or pvi :.- I .I'm lo | •.. j.j,» j ••r.» in il 8.-.>v's:m?9-.i. tc t;oa ;.nl 1’.*..-. i »o "mp.osi-ju c: in-.* • abjKe ovr-'i-n^, tj t^-., } >^(V. Jy u.il''*fy n 'i ^w. r. 1 *.>livif 'Sif . -u ., i uf wy c^uaty %ol?iy f.r csujo 'f »b:c.* 1 ] r>'f r'-s!>r*t. AaCU » ARNli MoHRVLS. ’ Cir-'p rfoi'TfE, A - *il Z7. ' i* ■*•; ■-> i a r- K (■ '.■ ■ ;• '.-il r A :..r . ,:t l> ‘iTi'' • 'T»V, - i U'.». - t.* ri n /V nt A il' V -- il B *i.t- % ’»>n '*'V •I' I 1 i., t r** Ti r iriicu’.»r)y 0‘llei i> «k^ ntz ti'Aj of fc»» n? icb s?r i , ^ j,. -j,, . -j^r ! >»?. »h ;- ftjcje. 9i>J ''"•jur'ati a cf ?^jb p »l up.*« tb'i App’ cr,. | b..' h*.'. fii* b=.-' : t "S t'T Ex.^i‘jpiU>n cr .='''Oul * t>* •■i*rt8».*,u to j w.^ilt'0 W* w*!! I'l! ib m >*>* tii* «»i.io no’», I oroti»rA5r»c 011i-#rn f.f lii Coun'l j» uni i ro- ^ if p.li 13 oru, blC '‘J, fl.th Eir.',!! a-7, OfTice:-*, J J- PKi.)»l, ..'i r.rit-i * or tb^ir »a b^ua S at*, or Int T.i »r..i K > 0®v r Si*! Con^'l I> st. .Jjn?.,,! r.vt3 biiu Pos'4'iiasc,, \\TLS1E;R> l-.AiL H(iAl> >I l:*cM .-r'i ~ i hifiiu Tr^-:Rcr- Nu'c# (•^unA^bic;) *• “ • »• “ It-iis!; oU.i'ii afw; C''uni a (f ru K'^ Cl IV rair; To'^u of l>’fi Gret'UH'-'ro 4i i..,! T» LV-i:5i.'»te^; r n'e-;r.‘ii- 7 ail 8 ctr n-ni Ii CCu|0I:3 >1) tI'll.* '.“Kl l.nu; “ iii ■tTi'* C “ O' v'lM A.jiJ t C.-.r-jU:i^ Bi n m; .M. LyrrrpLOH. o.it.42. IfOH. 71.. I I 'a.ui5W:i€ATi:^a o5l. , j'r.it ’’1-i »a>-D>.-a i-v r: , i' i«rra n lu l.l^u ••* t’r'^ I S p-» *io » n!,'';,.'’ . cr I,U4iit.U; A11 >0 1 t>W, f.'fcc'(u’lf JcT ''"'•Ih e :*n» Wyolt i Ftei^-rtf$ i liiAi‘>1'^ Oil r >*.c‘ikol I-*7 b* tun -it }’•>? -..f fit* t I p! i ■ ■ H* V.i ? '■ r hn/j jl uv\i at . \\ ‘Tts vf Ilanry llyjf.— :y ar) in.errei-nt *f .'-i r. J i3'! v?eck, cp‘'a the ■ ■.'...'•Aji si'l> h/ fti 4 r’\ h. •iU i.’i: fo c’Tc^ri ^.0 • ia ::>t Iv’^fuc'^y, Civwf ?• {I >; r*'*.•« 1 n >011 liij i- thts ir tvd .'h\. Aiu .-. J- I..r t.‘ iiij r ai ).'t f br b >‘y +' o^a r*, >v..^ t'.a li '.} h i:i n?! .••N.u p*r •‘ci * 'rrv";i m, 1>h’l' it 'I'lt l- I. ah.I; wlic’i ;rir '"'••.i ji, >v,,, : r> il; u';s );i. ■J \V i^lt a >rt KfdeS »» tb 1 ts I .w t liiia A"j oiter O.ltXv.'pi K.vLiciOM N'. l« , M »>• y, I IKiD tTA>'T£I>.—! '•-• purc.i*rtr rc-r 'bie 0 Dejisr'n ?>it Pjr!ci>"'11^ EC or pm-.l! q-iM- w.f. I.’-*;*''.* ^>-»'P\V ’>1 oaor. TVjil 1 pi:.it.' -it POvVDEUY... 1*) « f.f t> V.’%pt. yj n. I if Or'loan'.". ALEX‘.SJ-*liH »' fMLf.. Su «'ca, R S TFS: r.Ero': Am*t “ V. H KO'rVEliVON, M I), Med Ex Bo»rd, 8 h C ng’l U.S. «iiU l.e *1 • be ft’.tfTo liiueH a&d pliK***** [« w ] 2-^ 2 FayetteflHe Anrn«l aod Armory, [ Scf. 12 set,S. J sloo noiJ.\TV. l«0 •ffottnlcil iit^JSemrn. AUi HOKITV b-Tir.g bc»'a gr».iteJ b* ifar ^sic De- , f>KriiQ>‘U( to r»ia» a Uoaspitiy of M. luutf.i Eiil-.-wn I lor spTT.’Cc iu Ibii* tici*^i»y, usnov is bsretiy (ciTj’.i tii v. j r*«T‘4ii“ to ta■• naiohor of lOt! tyjn 9h4cripft wiU b-» re- o«M»*'d lot thii* fprric**. K>wib rccru:* «fili »v* '•^q^irr.i ; 13 fiirn'H" % 3tr»ioembli; bort^e top »»!ncb he v*')l nw jl- li»rt 40 ofMn f-r dirra, •»nd h;»» pH* fl2 p*r sucnA* H'nt'tm pemU^ton wt!l be requirrd fioia pn.r£ui.{> cr wacrc tbt? appiic»n*. i.n n.-ider tbe ooatsT'pt t,»i. uiuKi. fjT'.ng tn’a aim MaaVf-'. or Iv:*! lij.’-o'i.'f »!ii B;>*nr pp«M»re>i 10 r*,u**ia Bf.iil-** hAU^ft* salaic blM.V»*9 furai'^h ftf? by -fce l5o»^iri>nisu», op tf T«-cr.jii o-jwe-' pro^i.lc? * ib •; f-m. ha \'l'^ b( f ■- « Vir Ti\lu.^«ion. Api’j t« .'^lArTU£W r. fATlOA. fr.. ;~e Ar- F. L. OiTILUS, ;*)».■} S A. t .ifcil g ?;.+!. Arr!’ 2y, GEO. W PURE**' ;V, R. 0. S>UNI>rP,.^. Hill ?' C. 2'* !nj r^«». I**. I Fw FiTl^MLLV;, di.rch 7, ISCJ. ) A'ftf/ SfOV.t* Prt»3,')vc «• . ii‘• >'! • ’V ra‘? (be’r Titi’e — — T«z V.i .i'.ri n .i .-.V/. r M’-r 'o t-ONFlinERATS STATE.S OIT A.MKRICA, &■ liTKP ibb * 7 c. ’f .'.ff 'n rcc li’v; f.rt !'.>«?• 5 KxGiahna UifAkxintNT, Dm. C\pb l-kis, c*ae ' • ’> V ♦ ''■* ' ’ 'Vi N t!.. itJsroh 10th. 1S«;3 Ui i O l^s j.-v rf i \TOrU’fi ;9 lorc'.y Kiv-n to all P'r«r.r;B biTiiiv ciinjiii HAi/rtou. N 0., x^jtril 27, l!iu4 }rP.OP«_> L ».'• K'U »;;e vi;y ^1 ii^ cigh, & ica:;uf..ijt ry for A'riFI-’IAL LI'.{!».? Tbp r'j of i^ifx ^n!r{ ii3“ i- to t-upplv thpF» I •spf.ipl'!*, t' «I1 i tn fi' ’in t'jia 3t^i'«, wiio L**v^ barn, I or n-'-y b.*, po w v'itc'l ».n tLe at-rvioe as r 'j i-r.j j I I'rir'tipii AT ! ron c^iK.iT'^sionfd »fil! fn*" • pifb!*'! g' iff^ui-ly * (' a.T.ibHii.n'rd ^.Sizirtt wAi b»* Vhv>(T 't IT" ’ C.dJ. D »"‘!.’i!‘r!i «►?*' r q^irs *•! f » c’•r»?'-T''.-i « t'* t!i» wji'iTij "'.■•if-, r.^hq t!. r.it i;, Ir .'•f a--J tbe vr-'oisf » iv«di*.o‘V'' ••* “ - - - tN'^i I'* '>upli'y Ii nuiDu'^f of' o'.*'«p(*trnt f';f fc abcre nivtn-'t pri.-p.-H® All iacH krf» iu'itad fo o>;a -uaiC'.i* s ftir' H>t^Ai0 WARRF.??, F.nrg»f.a ijfca.n N.nt C-i''' ii'*. Arril SO. ‘.JS tn. j .M* vv H P-‘ri»r, fcji’ptri ■'•'adest of P''3”-x C it^op ; !’ c*.-••7 ‘ir'C-i': *'l '>«'■' -■*'E u.t'ni? >c>it- I iJ>rrP’*.' »> I f'>r - or 3 Kor ai;3 limt It tv *e aup^uor t ' -»oy oit.i'r i‘.ow i» '*•.' : J la r.c itic^.” ;.rJ ‘iii S-. ri'bi-'#-. R ;p‘4 f V* BlonvU’s f ree’' F»c!c^‘. , -ijt: -I 5»n ciioppfu -j *.1*7 f >>:r LaLr’.cioag O.} U » i -ui;- r or It aot ••'3® i.i tia lej»s;, bu’ .Bt j -.-j •■'’•?!:r Hpd br'ab* '' M*r ^ F l*c'.x«’r!i e. Oh>ef j'lijla^pr of Jl.f' C 8 Ar— n»l Rt;.1 \Tin"rj cf tb*a "S** r^r-fiat«*il I ' try j v>'t «*yF; “I I'nlot '••r '■•/c.i lo'^obinery—'acb; F*ct.'r>.-s —:»i- for b?*.''- Tn-clnt.try tr»3 n.-!i.> , *« 'ur l.ubriD»i.i3;^ )u «iil ojtj?.'ar-? n*f la qa*i )iy t:> iSpe-ai ” Of'j.r C'U.n MM:u'*?;’ji"«r« hi7« «lfd it roI pro noune^ij f».f jr*blr ai ii. r'll’N'FY ti 0^V 0!T. Azi'i y >. ■ef.:Ti'.'.« JUtr».*"n( To. Ap'iM. 18 V. I J" I f f : -vn;, F \ i i I ''1 . j -iT*- u'Tis; •• j -iiy- ‘ -If'. •V. G »’ • T:>'^ *'.% ; ^'• , i > ■• '* V A' (• Tu") V ,v M>,; thi .-’.i., Tue.. ■ v» '■■•■1 •). ■; • r E •V'. * ;' V'^l ■- '.X O’" u- • u:! !jpo \ F‘.'7 '1 rV.lc, • t- r;o.! a • M '.. April 1 ^ j • I- ili 1‘s.! C-: la V’ r. 3iTT’ i 511 i ti* T, o t ' , .13 riiiii'cera! t^'U: • boti 'Ti-ed a* n a .>1.1 ■'r by .■> ail ‘y tie . V.'. t • > I !'» • ■ n^P f : • .' i; ■' *'f'' tV -!i ■-C oi'-'i' i,-:i >1IV I ^ f»- . vr •{ ,.!.).» : U.- ■. Ti '• I 1 L'.i _■ .la j ' I ^oC.a ;• 2iC i 10' Oil cc'.ri * Men f.>r »»*>»•, TWVU y'iuT-K vHi N‘- -. v; u. ' *r TP.ir. ( vir rf .\s>r;l 14 rd i%2!^or ^ I'HE Fk,'"t>^i!!: t'-i*. .vfrr> ;C r j'lhj w il tpply :- v.rp - ^ -r,- rf. ». '■ fl / Ar.f-iiSO 1861 I'r i ; ^ art* lu .V .H.S .vt- 11'*! n ^'*•‘•1 ••• • ^)il rei'i'rintnteii'i it 1\) **•:■ ti!i> ' • 6 tilir I'C-'^ntrv. it lb H Hr.t* Lvl . \ Oii. and VC vi io.i:',* lit* :i r ■•. • ■■I -.1 •; oi UI I '* ' i ’ ■? ? ’. c *3 i ,f rU.. i !l“ I , l.iP ‘ I rta.-«'Ti'’bif* ter. Cl s. I A-sni I.>. • I S5ip4!ri#»5* »# l.nw for I'laiti- b«;rS^.ui ’» I' Frjl.y c,\ca tbjre will b>» *- Pprl i il Ti-r"-! th'i. -c’.'j-i. CO fh-' 7io ^» WLmm A7T.li> i pLOGP. aal »rP; . '-'■'j * -• --. •ing fc 6-.recf I) 1... ; "x'f j 'i;VFD. il nv-ib-r of FN'i r r p. » ■ .'V S.rr-r-c.i :iTi siiu':-1-!‘;i ! ! iia !.«t; li'i’.i'l *■.' p.Ui:l ’.'5 ’■• ' U'-.Jt il!,', ! Tji j iv'-r. and A Cj. ac-j'- v •i'- ■ j ;nr a.3*:vc 3. .d ? r.'ici* i • d ii"*: '•« i ^ duty, h' ’x.rtic'.i a'!y fa^, i '■• '-i ^ -.•I.mi' ■; ' Atp.y cit o'.ii J :o , ;*-St Lt >ol. I ..I.. • iilLI3. t. ur ; ; Jmi ■.c>'a -’5 «2. t PTU ; ! i; y.Lpn- ii.i •«' ••• vri'i i-1 r ;t ?i.'u- ^ ir >\} .'u: .1. t.i'Ti tl.ur* 016 or- :i>iou. . . ..'ti »t vhe in«i*di-’A:**’ ui t:.o O: ; ./v^;«^'iJa to w} ;■ h re n f ■ :,• fha > afc ?Fvs rcoeivo'i ti" J..-r- i .••* s>‘'.ti'/activn. ' • . .Id, -iiow xnxich does » two COujhts w‘'l. I ta'rli, t f. b€>'.rcr ot the bat r>‘i H 1. *■. (ii' * U.1 me down for cce ct' thj Iff, *ih .M.-dj.j t“i? 5 61b liny of •y jc>! 4 c '>t*. a:t o •bf-a’^t^ f.rii.'Ot t ^ JOHN *V BAKEK Am U n i\OTI€!?5 ^'AK.neHS. STivAW WANTKD. WANTED fvP li-s Mr'?pi'»l3 •»' T'O'-p** i« *" ••. ‘iO r •li’ivtJ £>• •• UJSAT *’i .‘t.V‘V, f3.K»b:»i tot b ii- c F V >5 .» .»i:r> itij. of t"j: fcrtioU OM . b^n.ilr oa oijp “liiik »i*"l w ttodsd Bo'd »:ps o_'* b!1‘j, ii- A ffcir pfico w l* bt) p*Hi Apv/v ir QIJ . \: naV >5«TER, -it tb.' AictEn.J F«)4ttt”lllc '-r.’c'!’.' Aiinrrj, .Ipr*’ 4. 21'f Of.nJ fl - i tjt.'VTP, li.«kct dtr-- 't. > p*raaft» e*t*ci/tii>.'; PcW'ir" cf *,itrraey ob s-rvp ibd follofTH'j fom—tifirsis;Q‘it'i-e», m hU '4 ro ws uM.'.€ l by t»o wvaev'S ^ni ii dar‘1.- or ran-y bs fsiit to^cri a Jaa-:a« .'4 stc P»4cc 01 ( I 'k of "ay lU i*rt FORM 0/ IrUHEB OF ATL’fiRNIiY. L (:( . do h.»rjby appc-ial — of « iry v."ne -tTi.l Aj?fct ♦•*5 fi«n rt*i»€»j,ia foj, •»nit rre^'-i^tf .'oe by tic S:«jtmc>j D-J- EAGI.e FOLNiiRV. I’l .lupiiu**.?.) Witup^fca, [Seal ] The aalers iru-o if-re *« *>• Noven.pt^r Tt-'-'n of tf,p | ^ Confe«'‘m.'p Oeun,. t .-‘-rii‘t Norlo aj~ ! poin’ed M^nniii'r’* ot 'Ui^ /'“.!''>* C s-l ‘li*;** pr''p''’‘sji 1 f.ti'1 b'*e -.1 i-.to '•on-M.-r-L;? -V ih* *'■' di.iTjg *3.it ■»o'rt ^ ^'-d "(M'-c’-t attter* fuT t*i» s-*»tpc fcS9 desUct. '.{Ui.a'jty. or.l^ta lor *(!■“ •'■jount o»o *00 ■appiiciIiici-c !-. t-lJAl iroui tiii« f’’c- jM-fkj u* ttu.^i-u’■•'!* JJy :l Statsa. Appl.cptior^ 1-^ . |.. -r .1.* f--' L .M.lUiU. F»yc‘. «- ri^t, i* C., 'V tir'.vrje,, 8 O tHiVliKa ». MALLKir .‘AMK? Ji't-OWNS. -7fct.’T 20. 'y*f le? tho aoapitdi at fort llskor. Iy^ULlHV, Ofiickeai'. B;i*t4r &oa w.L«r deiio»oi2H fur tt.« 8'ot HoiiifciS ft* tbia Ho-;pi; %l. Persitu hftTiag tHifpg wticltjg 0’»t obtwa the msr&t-t price od inppiicii- i », - . Uon to tbe sab«i’*lbtp st aia old euad or »t Mr J. W. J; le' d rff s French Greet and L»iia I«r*- , I icra«, Webstw’s Ao*deaiq Dieiioo»ries. ('omiaoa Sokool I T'i« s)(rn»'.i«'>t> of col4:r»d ptrsoac er&nM l^s vilRw^-i _ by ?»iriie vriiiic8i«f-» Tber-^ ra«j»t be R*p%'«ite linplic&tc of A?u^rr-tj ^■yr mcatSi BUok ^ccna c&a b» li*i n;. oa »5pU- Mrtcti >.t this W. H. JAMJSS, C»pt. & Cbiftf a»g. Jw’y 20.1W> ISOOtf tif-3 ‘.Ti» .-fC’i -ill 'tUr *>k) i'iij pj»t •iffcPurc of CaH biji ctrlnp’ t' • -.e o '-p E'jpyilv Oi fr?a -it proper unIsto, Tf- n»\? t>.'.t l-:tn v^|.» »o ‘- ■pr'i' j»uy d-(n t’ie»x»;. I'li**'j ftioui^v i*oTCTfcr. will bu o 'crc'-ttie Its tb.* eou'iw- ‘f f'z. *cc^-f. ■^1. Mr-a wc Sr- %y'>^ to ■»o4 *•^8 j r!•• tucni v»i! b; ;-i.i Bi-tst Cbtriiofcl Ijovu »n'i w,%r !*y of I '■iir ■■,'ie NilT TO f’ttA*'K, to b-: i*^.ii»l tc I'jy .n th.* ^■>''•f.■1^•r.-oy. *-r ro Jm-’SP of A i So;:>»ff P iii:-c»*; :>>::>*. icpu'.«lija lOi?'} w.-ll l;ii-.-wu j all li.v'i'rcfc'? j tVe prcp-r^'J t;'/ fTCi-jr* Lsoin, Try S-aJ, •oJ j G-lvrs c»hd Wcrb, 0? f«i, 5 or j U ANUE :S05 .*»• CO Viirrb 1864 {9;f p*> o»pai M r«!ob»y» daj ti tiHriMfefli of ths ('or trdcf'ttc 8i*f-cs of .V.i..»ric%, fur tht* t'Trri’’.- cf *• * *—‘-it. ”8 faVTio*';! ''f fpy “rjpicywl *h lobarcPi’or tnw b*»d j gi'* irion''; »li'0 C'-ili'i Tir.’d T”.*- Iron wi hujJI '1*- . ‘^«r!3jc fuonih of -— '•Vit'ic"’! OJ llBi tad Rk-sd »t , i'.»c . i'W ^TtiTMCn. T FO .BID all rro'a tr,- l;a,'^ fir a .'Wn sc'T«nby \ 31.*. 18th of Ap.'i! ii.'.i. t > J. R. f..r .i,’ 0. a* I d ) .it i. int.^.id tu pay tba Noi** uaie.'^ .ion p-.ii- d hy law, aS I did Ut»t g^st v»Wte received. ^'T'J330. Arr* ' ''•> 2:>ilt].'il gv'Sgf'? r> \’l iWATf; JO th . -:b • ' f tl tn.v.i \ni-. ii*t ' t-'i r **■ *■ •’' F »*. *■ ^ ns^'o ! **■ ' 'Ntl; C!'"?’=«t’os, s'zi .* .u. t'-2 t.' r»'“d to SrS ' ' - ■»t the APKrnjo, or ' • f\4 '1 \tVrV 2ti -S .' 'V. . II’ o;r *!^rK9 S--1 " /!wO Ci> 1;. '^Fr’>‘ .'H»y i*. Sf>4 i,a.rc«il«>2 ** i>Y on '.rltr rf th^ Ocu”. ' I TAYLl-X. 29 Lt :r-- if a^)'. 5?a E’.acVsciU’M. f n-i.r.r rhje JIak- l! i era xr. l Pait‘ru rs. . I /"I ■)()!> '^ocliJipictt in ony of th? ubu’'? caii ?nd , * Vl ►I'iwly UDpio^mrnt «nd li*»^ *al wij"*:". '•* a!-plj;Dg . ' H» h»? C d. ;ii*va. Crdaance ,>'?il■>■''■ t’- (-'• ■ i H. AlilirO 'J H’M -■ r. Cbi-Jf Kn»'r G -S, i;i fti-rare. [c B] iV^ 'v‘ I*: cr.t tRi-.' 'I \ ■ milcii :io;c t- iy.-.i I« 1* i. W A Ri $i*, u> ."vj roTfii'-i P)r thrt appfrthfp-^.n .. r»i jail, cl p-"irty ur parties «.i. » ' Vi ; v'dii of our XeiejCTttph '• itv', i 1 10 -.it the 22i or 3Jd 5r,«it. Acr.l 25 .aMyxhr. 2Jti April 20 ~yf-'hui>.nr.'n, 'OJ" liT i'-'" > j , 3 ^fl-.Tt’l fo^ sr’V a»d will i. 1 J** 'T}' '■ ! ‘■'I'"' •- ' I ♦ oary. f-sO rbe r5'-a->'.a. >tr,^ i ' • .•« .• 'j'' • r's£l'.;. OV ia It b-f.Ti*’ flj- li.-'- d '/ l.-i...; * Cl (S'-J i-Vll, f '. il. iT".*r'* -a \ >S.;-G’ O t. MGi'l 1; / ' A- ? rf- liv.y. n,nd i«t by J>>hii i). A'ais’ Oiu ^.r *■.■•. .'0. Oi'.*'jt.' *’ y • •i"'-’'* 8 '* ^ ‘ ;v;.. r. i>\ ?!•! C'l.r n;cii‘C • h;-JiiCV r a '• l*.'.u i vjtra a.i l fbo C.it of Jaoiu“. B (i',( S'.'. I7vir.T. ••': .'•• t-:..cbrt-.-,ie to. 4 par cc.’-t f'oaf'1.;iat« L'oi.d* (V- iU- ■' 9jilu«) .Mouclova I-anr in tb-3 Frepch V-J ty. Tre-asylTaj-a caunfy. Hu Fiirna contaiaK Ci^O aor-.-. o' ''rhicb '.JiOaf tf.id.n-, fae :ao.-t i^-.r t” 't I ci t'Tat.oa. rnida-.-lrg ;v ;r • j-' as lar;v: cn p> '-f .r'-is, els'"' r sad otlifr hat v«ii;’y fana ii\ '.Void 1 '. « . ' 2*e'prc:n.''*-‘t*ie lU t'le ;io? sible ordi'i. •»! r''’'a iii a- w with er«ry con-sfe.iiet'ce of ft Srnt eiaf^ Tb.i Ja.m i?* Ijef’.-t fuily lo- CRt d, f!)C'.')i--d f.ilb fi iL« ofj-t aaioul and tlieiiiut ..G i^uca'* llock. >. .t’. I. V,’. «-;. nN3To>\ ^ /.jM'il 22 ilS- 2^. V, i >^»r?T^-ir~ ’ i'R- j T'jiY •■'t l' T ."f Ih ' o" P’ .»s »il Qntrt- r Se^;;^4a^ of j U tciiiity. Keb yTtrnj lt;P4,1 . eubea A »«r» I 'err if li .'W-'i ; ■ ii.iv, ^ f-r c.i»a. a« tht .,'oarc ' Mv.. v ui Liia'".!"!-.-. -.'*; V ib«* j in a-.rt, * J''* 1 lie 1 !..ov?i!i' 1Vk.-j: . »■ cr «.' aiici tber -o. *’il- ! 1 v-- .li • >0: t- r='.- tiiC'i'.xi for M>cy*-t»r ctCs.-r's; ‘^'oa 1 ' Ui'di ti &’"*- ..f ■ Bookfi. fl^LE s TAfletT of CLASSICAL WORK8;—Ol- 01^.. ■lirEon f'in'i*'!: Kfe'F.0.''5'.’':E Bl'H S'NGOIL 5n qn.’n of ^ • r 10 .T'viinTj-^ i(. f 2~> p-'r «• :t; ti-i cif>* ■r kftj-'’ $15 io udiiti'nal. 3v»>i} or irt.cD T'v? 13 v3 .t'bd Oil M« o«p bi* mi.ie tb** ta(jx’-.irr A'sobol, it ii» no* to ob)*‘*n. T • wi-rk tab# erii.’ary K r.Mrxte ihinp •'hould be aiy -Oy lerg• b'n*-i by BJJdwr'c* on » p;*oe. f ?wr.S or MI'S—•>-•■. ' -III- V, r Ja01U“. K i'Vl:! [ vt >.i- I i5»»caKjr of W-Ikiiic-rr • «.i e> “» » !•• "ti. l't • ^ i.iiii.,-cit;d &> witfiy‘•ii Lti o*' m ; | rw.-;-.;rj*. vu^a. I y*e ••fl Moa.iay jl i, 1- 4 tb . ‘ b?lo"'!icr j ?".;Iip.:«.' cf Vir^rit.a, .^.»rcn.>.. I3r." • id;''-- ' i3. I t} r“,t»tw. *ja*aiaJr‘.'»f>{. ic::.' p 1''r ”c 1 ^ tn.ik?r a i:l i'.--''or‘i.d .‘I-j y ; .\Dri IS. ■,.a tb. R46t Bid*. %f -»P' 7 • f - i? - '£"s -'-I? ^ •*-'» : Lb ,, .' ii tb^ l-i ‘ Pi5 .rrcp 0! You.15 *> • ! ’ „ ;7 ■K.ued »t 1-"J ..irf »crw. ^ A.- S'iiEVtftt by F. ' jd VI* ii-’i *’. >it'*cn. t.-'’! ♦! i.. jki.'iG, 'f »nd oitarr Tcrti:* 4t eale. Ai ril 9. 1 IS 4 H.-re» ba- la^eu ibtt-j pw?f.*am« I> TOB.a’I'J'S E-.’r. 1 . NO. it. -5ai;.-V’iT. t'rii •.,4. V MO'S' j TP.'O of ijir jt' .^b ▼ V2 or 1 rlifi ;V. be .'t-ar Fnam'lry in Tayfrte'iV^ Pywera’B 4a Hay 8 reet. Aa(. 26. R. ». fiSIDJt, Gen’I Ag’U k>-if j Dr»wlag M%k?ri»ls, elo., eto Aid’>;M 1 tt^9tpd *S>MlOBOVr K. C. 4 NY ppreon wishji^ tc , . „ \ obi for % girl 17. • i ^ li '?0’-v8 *i3 kacd 4Tid , Pot-. S- tt:'*s 1 ven«-. Spi.i>T^. P.o^-^s iVith « li.ojp tbna n.?Trapg'»'i oar oil bur^^ irithout fiaake j 3 Tory f-Tod oook, they cv» = '9 '•! K'cnon cr Geo. j o.i tbe nduirtiiit. p«tt*fraH norr in «.ad wiWi! »s much b:*'iJiftacj »« »ay N.>rtbert* K"ro*f.^e. 3olv.e«, Sr. or flXOkiMi^s two dma tar tue wid Ue^’'.pt ’n n)«u,e it i'>r> artux-. 1 EESl&Y £. COLION, J K Co. ciri. • April 1. S4-»i lift/1. Witi" *wi .*11 iijiu.c 'tt "-I'.I 4 a'. . ..S'.. 1i>rd»r *Jio 5?t«r Fo.iin’^ry iu fayevtevit.K. N. i.— 'i£i-ia ^ il,‘A. CA-n J!'.?; be »-'v n:-€., I'.r * w-'iodt-d 0!i :j.' iiiki ?d at f i. -‘‘.’i ii.3. Wooi!, Aceo; y h. J K Co. ;».o

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