neaHPBBSPiasanHpri /*-t^ i xx^i /• /! v»v 9't"*! persoa r ■l"i ‘'^n l h;inself -.V1...A "t !>•■•-\ i^i():ia ! I : V V 1 mihj I.' * ..r t.. rJie'iini- li by jLo i.' n i-r 'iic iin]>rtss- it ■' {»v;r?>.u ! ■' ' ' *:=?;.-] t . a u» 'u.* ’iri? o} lii . i’mcu ifionr n .v-a.s! t\u : w : :t,ii :!k- ;i! : •■ ' ‘ioj.j-^r.l ' ;i >f liavu;;, :.v MVh. is.ii’ ’•>• M - o\c:u:i- r i;. i....K r the ii. ■It.I . O M'l;! *.>; s u n:\\ i,c c l 1) I .-iv'CulJul «f f.r-Klr-c- I - ‘!i-^ i.?r rho . .»i I Ill-uiav, >r ■:. * t !r;. ..’1 siu-ii 1 ‘t*. ^• .v>*r- 1 ri , 1.1 -. V • ’ * ' •* C l';.(try la I 'l. i-1 tiu! inili- lit* 'I'. !i ouMnpti- n i i■ ■ uci., }';a I' t'r or iti -M ,» in , i^--A:x\ a:;d U;>.»r Cii' ;; ; aii.i i;3 C: vvri.iUcut aiiii ' 1 ’ >^ ex -ftra- m *' r :rkt> arliclci ■t I’.u- State uuder tftnrer. Aiioitor a^'J ilr. ..ii c ■inpdnyeu- L»r vj = >vt-rLiaent, ij> ‘ Vcco t.iJlei I ;\B eTidi*:.! ji'iull t'»'rtiry t>> tlie eliloieut tad; .Jeu, t;iat 0 ox> ■ iiv thia 1 ‘ 1 n I »?\eO«0 OIU* per- '1 r.»ii'v4 Hi ifcC*uiii ii, I •• ri d eseinnu J 3 • • Lie 1 »n, 'T.,. ic!> lue ii.i,.:iv, or vvLc- aiuV ‘in |.!;L : i :i>T to ca- rrv !';X -‘ic* nikila ol a'i i ' i.i > iv.*"d ■>t , ii.i'.iiiiiv eer- lII i3 cuutiuKe i ■rr'tuaily tive i.vii'SM'to or 00- ‘ y, and he >a )pr-c^nt details, under litioas U be issued r - t’ porsons t K’l uge, vr If'jra t;!9 (••35-.'* vriierc. iu Ilii ty iiTid ::eoe=5ity re- Uo ?:Tav revoke er Le luiDk- ir ue^viri to - !i’.M c'erj;> GO-1 ■ -...L'.crizj thij ii'r' f ■’ ^ • . ti»o i.,-*, nniess J'lH- 1 I iit* j’ur- ' i: * dry iiid;S- I - i 1 •■ •titr.i'-'t: ,-i ’ ti. tufn’l), ■ ii .t‘ -j.c'i - nil „* . b’j.tris ,.r j-orj-.jos • • .1’ ‘t !P;;:i tii« -. . .tiOIl. 'ly -s 1 IM-, c* rf ij'i V :. 1 ’• till' r II !ir . t t 1M -) .i til 4 hj '* 1 d. fsni 4 % i I Mii - At,' \I. V n •,7 V 7 p»'i. ■ i. t p. Al. V ^ . ’* ’ 1’ I ., ; e. J > V M. - P. M- t- K. ■4 'i - ■ * - j> ' ;7T05 j.\. . jl’, J l'^ ^ 9»«“ . - f i‘-o^ . r>-n J f jf M-i ^ ts c ^ V W'-a I pjj:**-' : y-.r, I >• ^re luiur-l . r-Tiklll*- >j uj»y pH ■ :* refer c .w ntwW, *■3'^ *■* i- v>/, itaeigfc- •i ' !-K. ,^e. N. 0 . tr- n I IBTOWlIMyE (D SBM I-WK BIi. L > tit. N. C.. MAY 19, 1864. [NO. 1833.] r:iSTP;> 'iiW f\Vw; TnUR'^l)ATi r»»wrt!» J. HALE & SO!^S, PI in:iU iNl) VROT’KIFTORH •>miWe*‘kly OB-»sRvr.w (irt. pai-1 in '■V'T S6 oer ^nn;uTi. T iid Fn e '■ • t !»!-;>nce For '*'c »•’ w^ce tfc^.‘.DYETITISBMENT8 in.‘«i*rtel for S‘i per s luare of V2 lines - r >«g for the tirst, &nl one dolUr for pach UUCP edin^ puhlicAiion. Adreriis -rd jire re ^ue^tei to stnt> the ru*^n>>^r of insertiou'^ de>ired. or Uiey will be contin!i“ J **U fofhid. art! ••'‘T.rwi »iccor(i’n^iy. AlTpni®.‘>\ nts ooD>'n>i‘" 'harre*J new nd- ▼^rtie‘n:ru! SPE'7 -'\ NOTICE. Frou. i-i ter Mi'SvIate, nonnmeof a new jubjicriher .will bo p'en-1 without pdyment in Hiitnuf'e, nor will ii)(> pBf *r I'a p^nr t . "iii’h >»i:bfiorib;r6 for i I'jBee*" time t&^u is T>ai i for. ®!ach of iii'U' olil >in!iK'rib»‘r*’ jw desire to take tbs pa- ppr on thi« eTslt-P! win please notify m* rhea makiag r*n;ilf vnces. Jan'y 1. Iti-'tS. n «I*.W. .?#•£,. .Ueit.Jt’. Attcmey at Iaw, {'\\YETTKVILLIi:, N. C. T’TLL Jittetjii the County and Superior Courtfl of Ci.p.b; ’ nd, tf>.rr>e(t, Morre and Robeson Coun- liss. Pronipt lifieal’,‘u giTeu to the ool’flction of all el&ims eotru..teii to iiia K&nd^ Oct. 17. 1859. 5S-tf J os7i7t i7k V, Groter and CommtHftion .flerchant, FAYP^TTRVILLE. N. C. Jan’y 10, 1S6S 93-tf Ci^ROLLlLlfC} iVOTlCF.. KaroiliDg Office, FajeUerltle, Miijf 4,1801. 1N[ fODOurn liL-e wifh r-oenc npp^>int’ben>a o( Oriit:i ta. Off 4th Con D;sf., aul i« ohe'ii'nce to luouructione trcm ^uj, i' in'b7 ordered ihai: * I .^11 wh le a):«ie if *'iini)berlaiid o uaiy, b**'we-*o the agw» of 17 *a.J 18 --ud 45 an.l 50, teiong- I to 5.1d tlaj t N. 0. Khali .ipp.r%r a* Fayeite- in I fiiio ou 19ih lAot, and liio^e bel^i^ing to 64tt? I OB 'ha ilOiij mat , cxcep^iB^ liioje from 71st and Qa- wbiffli I)Dtriota. wbo siiall apo^ar on the 21st iast., A , tb U lOey may then bo ex^niiaed hy Medical Ex’g Board, lini nubuut 8uch cijkima a* th*>y baTe to Exenip- lion or Detail. A^i” person who nj^y Uave failed to eu- roll biiii^eif ^ill be ylnocd in 9*!r»i#; in the field nol iss bo abaSi pri’R?Rt on thete avpoi'Jted days “a 'eosouaMe exeu'-e (hcr.*f»*T, lo be jufged of by the Pr».-»id*.if ” II. All frcj pcr^ovm of coicr bvtwsa > tue pfl8 !»nd 50. Will heenroHel by offloer* of Uom'S Gt(i*rd and brrtugol bcli.>re Medtoal Bx’.e Bo^rd and Looat Enrf»il- ing ot&c«r lor tfxaminsuon and proper difipo8iti.n. , Manuf«ctureri> «ad CompAnin^ »>f any kiud iiuTinft as ! employe! B ‘’free nejroes’ waoui tboy >i .ife tc retain: mu«» Ble in (hisoffi.:e jiroper .'^pptioatiduB for theui prior to d»y of Eurnllnieni. Ill Alt betwet^u 18 ana 46. a ra-ezauuu&tian »/ »n-ini w.«3 orJered espeoinl'r, w»*U aa tcode rtho by i ncK■Jet'll pr of !!»'• stood rea*on fa'lej to appear at )$9t Enrollment, ucw pr^tijent thouaselvus on the 20:h iiii’t for fifi>il nxaruinatina 1- Tiir a.flj I'e ad'.rV., iaa> Home lisre be-"ii fom-d to iif -f (.ufire y acglacied or refused to ooinplj r-iin nhat 13 f- **-:j rcasouab’;? tequin-tnpat on them—ieport 3tti ee. recoid »K.»ir causj for beirg out of iq# aruiy, piid ri*C-iTa a certifl«at»» to taat effect Na man oau p'.eMimed to bo exempt, but tbe cr'at'!”»ry, nntil ois cVi.m ro exemption beoemes apparent Hereafter no notice tfiil be gi»5^n, but nil b.'iw’pa liie Ag"g of conscription, not aocunntcd for in lais office by IheZlst Init wi’l b** arrested trh«}re»er fonod, and no one can feel Uim«»"lf injured. W. C. RENCftER, Lt * Ed. Offl*er, 29 tM3l] Cumberland ovuQty. LOOMS! LOOMS!! LOUMiy!!! 'pUK Su'iftctif' ra bough* ib» ri,^, I 'oorli.'B Of Oi"Dge. ObRt***!!!, *Vak(r 0»'-Drit]e, P r.‘?uii aad to, uae .ini a«li Koi.daU’s ot'itoran d • FAMILY IHND ;>R POWER LOOMS.” are now t»figag.»d in putting thtm up for ■^sle. Tlita lo ;ai ia gr«ftt inven ion Ii is easily kep* in oni'r. Mid ffitb pr .per ationiio.j, if-'I wei>T» iioia 15 to 30 yards cf cloih per day. ao.'*frdir'8; t'j the hind n 1 qu>*li- ty of (heoio'h Ni lO'ms maka bot;f»r cl'lh They weave thidk :r ii:tn, as Bc«y b* d '8ir»'d From We NEILL Me A WIUOUT DG^lC.iiS iur.. rrtii»f’'’n ii! r-g'.r.i to ner late hnaband, NOP»* 'N McDONALD whi was a private in f-o t-. 8j Regiirent N- C Troops -Tne laat she hear*’ cf bid h* waa sen* from his ooinpany tbout the 1st Not. 1862, at. Hirasburef Va.. to some Hospital.*!, wlie.n and bow he died 8h» ha.i never been able to learn 8^e begp the Virjiinia aaK N. C. paper:» oircuiatiBg iu Va. and the ?,rni7 to pu^^^h thia notice in the hope resp'^CCtfully reOOJniDeild ' •*»« e>e of Bome one who will be able cX , £^We respectfully recommend Lieut. fb-T j JOSEPH A. MoARTHUR, c t? . 1 .. N (.’. T , at* nH’tdi'Ia'C to repTOf.’.'nf U8 iu liu"* flo’jso of i’.'iTinmm of'*Je -!• xt L’f'oUtura from Cumberiaud and Harriet*. coui«*i'«, L M iAri'iur ifl a detoted m>*n »o bip conn trj’‘»c'pu .e a'ld hc..^bf i’n in ’he w»f' vcr t.ace it ber'-.n, am? h as a ^ood Repre'eoiafi'.’ Itpd te M NY F0LDIKR3. AV, Rj« , a o-odidaie for j her the J'*sired information r«‘-‘'l '•Mon to a seat in tt»e next HouBu '‘‘'Commons from ! the gtiae drawing in, eimpiy by chaugin;: tee treddle ! Cinphcrja^d and Haraeti oona*?*8. SATHAN’ K. STEDSU.\. W*. H. BERNAJtD. X. A. «TKl>? A CO., WH0I CS4 .E AND KET4IL BiOALEKS A N U i:0 »?Tll»:«S4r\ TIEKC HA.liTSI, .to. 19. Bay Street^ FAYErrKVILLE, 5. C. April 20. 25tf B a V^.RTH. O. Q W'ii’.Ttt. 5. O. 1>AH1L WORTH & CO« Commissiou aud Forwarding Iderchanta, H'clrr Street., WTl.MINGTON, N. Oct, 19, 1« -8 0 2,500 5:1.' %TA.TITKI>. EA'T Person^ tavlr..? :he ^boT> the hi,'he»i at tke Me;eta'-i M ber at his ol. . Nov. 6, 1X0: L. to sell will receive IHt ; a Mr. M Tlioinaaon, ■ ou i'»c *•! 'qif.,; ALJIX Jr ASi.lil’ I Harnes.’> fc give gcod b r •rdare to m it l cent off in ^u>.:a. d Soldstcn P .1.. MA uy 1 ijui rny cua -te’’*.' vlo »eU tv p rri th“;' 7 %.i *iti.7. j-Tvtnpi. alt-inu*}!!, - -.i JOHN ''’ARli-ti «'’b;*tb,ani Co.. I? V. i ipc ’3, 1''‘’2 i4if 300 lh». C»ui«i j%rahii‘ tor »al4P Uj J. H I.IE. Got. lo. aw A llvr |gii« ilate I will v^y 15 Ccnti p jr for rags, or '.Le !• .‘Tiv"st ^ rk-'l pric*. del:vf’’ed ia ,,t TTj. miiiJ ^ II . v'fijb •^::hp3T F«’'’y Ifi. 18 .4 T-‘‘ Payet^eville, c W WanteiS to l*ui'cha«e. EXTERN RAIL R0AL» gXOCit: Bii^k i: V:'. G.ild »ud ortf"-; Nor>' a t. ’■If N‘t?s {FncdaMe;) '• ' •• v^l «.nd $2; *• “ Bo:i ‘4, oil ^ni t ,>w; Cti'inij f * am crl ' J}.,od«; Town tf F wfi* V!'' Gre-ax‘.".ro' ii d C^ofe J rai i - *0 per c-^nt. I’ Gouj on.- 0. S'lO COf^ i>_ i; “ of T ; a iiii'i U'^'ity BoU'je:. '* 'H Nt,ri.v; r ,rohaa Bonos; T. 8. LUU hliLt)!! O-1. IZ, 18o;i. 71i. FsjretteTllle Anenal SMd Armory, i Not. 12, 1868. / 9100 BOUNTY. 99\tnied, t O0 »1tim*Ued JKUtemp h, AOTHORITY having been granted by the War De partment to raise a Company of Mounted Riflemen for service ia this vicinity, notice is hereby given that rcoruite »o tuc number of 100 non-eonter^U will be re- e«ived for thia aervioe. Each rocrait will be required to furuisti a serviceable horse, for which he will be al lowed 40 oeutti per diem, and his p>^ $12 per tunota. Writtim permitnon will be r^qaireS from partnid "t gu.*rd**nie, whero tj.-* applica;it in auder the conscript age. Each recruit mast brinir vrith hin: a blanket or bt*d spread, and como prej^ared lo remain C'idles, saddles, halters and saddle blankets fuwiHa- td by the Government, or if the recruit comes proviuoil with them, he witl be paid for them a fair viiluatioa. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- sona’ F. L. CHIL1>8. 80if ] .Major 0. 8. A. Coacd’g Post. t'OXFKfliSlTK STATES OF AMKRICA, ) £nui!«sir Dipaetmimt, DiflT. Cape Fsar, }• Wilmington, N. C , ^larcb lOih, 18«.S j SOTICE is hereby given to all persona havii« c'airos asaiast the Engineer Department, for pervicos of employed as Uborjrs on the land itfenct* -»r ^!'’D!cgf:u, i'* C, tha: the’.;Lider8ign‘d i^i authc'ick 1 aiict prepared lo pny the same at hia »flioe, on s*-- cond tloor &f the building next above Mear.*.' Uruji Stcf , Msrket dtr .s't Persona (jxecuting Pow’T'^ of Attorney will cb- "f’-ve the following form—t'leir signatures, in all ••ajes, '•J be ■witDeiJse*! l»y two witnesses aud signed in dunli- ca:e, cr they m*> b« w'jneMed bcf-ire a Jnsiioe of the P. or til'rk rtf »ny Co.urt FORM OF POWER OF ATTORSEY. i, of —, do hereby appoint ——, of , my true and lawful Agent to sign receipts for, and receive payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer Do p-irtrnenl of the Confederate States of America, for the Hcrvlceit of my slaves etnployed as Uborerfl on the land deforces at , during the month of , 186 Witne«9 ray hand and seal at . the — day of , 186 (8ij;3«»d in duptio^te.) [ ] Witnee** ptriagH. wnioh cm t>e «lowe in ten Pli>,in Cit.tb. D.mble PUia, Jea^.^. Twee's, 8“it», Bl:ick- et. Twi'l or 8erge, F !?ti 'n. &o , muy b-* w iven Als” doaM.i w'lih and siauil^BS bajs, if the vat-p ia prepared for th ,t purport'. Any pfrejo "'.r'lt) knows ijow o w-*-.'p beitn ,md ^r .w in the irirp ?reil, ia t‘'e comirr'n lootps, can sucoe'Mjially oper.a'aca Ihee*; iocm* at oiioe Tuey work with a crank ind are eavjly TTorkel bv bo^ or girl 15 ye»rs old Tney can "d worked hy h-yid, w».ter. bi ■noi cr liorse nnwer. Owixgfotiif hi;ih prioq of libor., i.-, ft » r» I i;d ;e,be.- 1„ ' -f ' b fit Tp O’-^-rs Witi " w. aa-.* i.. i«. 4.^ .u-» '•• -—-r~ —T" The price '•f rHflf-.t J ■ »ais ijef''’*' t'l; war Lr hend rcw.** w*J$100 W ; ft II Sill (btma: a 'nme uvw, ♦ if P-id ia proviidoa.-T w;. as, f! '.r, c ’rn. bnc-jn, lard, Aj at o' i ■ r ny\ ‘beir c^ui. vl >.-i in d^^nk. 8 a(.j, or Coaf- ^rr'*le bill* OKI). R. t MANY CITlZliNi 29 *-‘fp",&:e May 11. JANE MCDONALD, y.awhon’9 Hill, Moore coarfy. N. C. 32-3t \fe are authorized to pnnoance €ol- Tlltl. J. MOItlSEY a c*M'lidaie‘o.ripre- ;-t. i ;.ii> s.iuDf" cf Robes'n. i” the U'iUSO of tTo'ac:o38, ip the next Le:{iplaiure M v i 2» ^-fvd The friends of > ivlLL Mc!f KILL bavins j-iRc rifraf Tr ro ?*.''.»i. n. ' '.n, cc »iT. • •>--r'-**** “*• “•“““‘J *■' ‘ *T.' n»x‘ A-'»PCirj!y of .h** Pf .;e r.f N>rth Csvio- 1 D>» '.'I »h* Mcuiie cf GotPuj in-* Ma « • 29-fit,d Anri! 29. W PURKF«‘Y, SACNi):':RS, Chaoel Hill N 2K Im EAGL^: FOUNDRY. SOME montos asro we cpmpteted all cur fixtures for the manufacture of CAR WDEEL3, but owing fo the failure of 'bo «upply of Iron of proper n'>ture, wi have net la; ly able to snpply a"y dt-ioand 1 . ibena; this d\lBoiiry hcwcver, will be OTorcome in tht cours!» of six weeks, at wluoh time we shall be ahl* tc forai-h wheels of th:* follcwinp sii;«—24, 26, 28 aud 80 inches; also Chilled Tirfs Tbe Iron we -hall osc for th»m will be OolJ Bla^* Charcoal Iron, art‘ we war rant our wheels NOT TO CR%CK. and to b(! equal to any nade in the Confederacy. «r to tho«e of Whitney & feoti-' of F.iiiadelphia. whose rer.a ation is so w il known by all Railroad companie!>. Va, «re prepared ■ i etf ut» Lcmihs, t>ry S %nJ, and Oreeo .S ind Wor^. of any »>»'*pe or *itn. D. 4NUEK80N S CO. Fayettevilie, ^'^rch 30 1864 IVff i:OTTO]% r¥o. lO. Y'He Fayetteville cotton C‘.rd manufa"- 1 TUHINGt OMPA^'Yarenow manufacturing CARDS superior to any run through thts bJocKad**. it id at pres'-nt are selliQK for ale:i3 pricc tbcdiugle pair or by the quan tity. •'^tiy person ordering six or more p iir?. they will be sccurely packed and deliver^-d in Wilmington free of ex- pinw*. Gall upon or address A. A. McKCTWAN. J. A. M'O-'TFI. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Ff»tteville. N. C.. Aprii 18 24tf 'sbyterian and '-'aroliniau copy. Fajettefiife Kosiii Oil \Vork». Om Oil W(jrks are now in complete operatiim, and as we use nothing but good n^-in in protlucicg the Oil we can recommend it to be the best of the kind made in tliis cijuntry. It is a fine Lubrioatlnsr and Tanner's Oil, and we wunld be glad to receive t)rders from the Government and the public Kcnerally. We will sell on reasonable terms. MtJOUE, CASHWELL «k CO. April 16. aS-tf- LIST OF IHAIUtES FOR FASSE.WKRS. n'^HE following rat«s of Pa“s»ge will b# ebarged on I our t*te»m«rs: — %'i e a»*c* aiiihorizeci to an»o«siscf; GILE - i.hrfv'H. K*q , as a oa. dnlat? for re,-* lec'*. n to th.‘ 8en'»^ia frcn ihe cyun»i.B if R rajr.d and Rnb«»son M-iy 2. 20 6 pd We nre aathoriz«>d te annonnee Col. MURDOCH '•^cRAE aa a candidate for re-election to the lluust ol'« Commons Irom Hobe^n county. April 27 27-2m To the Toters of HariRett I'oiinty. ^pilE uoders'gacd. a private in Co. A, 5a‘i N. C. Cav- X airy, having been 3olvci!*'d by some of bis friends, respeotfullr announcfii bitafeif to the soliierd «.>id I’iti- x.ns of Harnett cou.ity as a fianc.idate for the Office of 8HEUIFF at the elec*ion on the first Thursday in Ao> gust next, SAMUKL D PIPKIN March 21. 17 24tp(i To tlie I'itiienK aod Soldiers of Harnett. At the solicitation of many of ray friends 1 respectfully announce my.--lf a candidate for re-election to the ofiSce of Sheriff for the county of Harnett. Profoundly grateful to my tViends Uiih at home and In the Army fur the very jrcnerous support buretofr>re received at their hand.-, 1 can only pledge that !hould they again mani fest their coufldence by re-electing me 1 will, as hereto fore, fvrve them promptly aud impartially. Very respectfully, JAS. R. GR.‘.DT. AprM 13. 24-te Kaws of ike Town of Fayetteville. 4 PF uICA'f lON '’tili b«j ii)ad> lo the next Session of J\ ihf‘ 0“?tr.»t .^'■fi»^.b’y, ^or the ena'^tmont of L-'.w.': To a>iV,p the Mayor and CoaiiPissiODera of §».y- iilievi^lt* to • thfi f-Tr\ oollcoled, for use of •le Tow-, by taxing tie fiu>j o*’., (ex«"r‘ Eh‘.«t' and ®ttnv.--8 »nr'tloy*'rt beyond 'n^i l-niita) ov'l*'^^hc8P r-. gu- l"r t'Uiine'JS is c rrrieu ’‘n w’i>*in tbn limU3 T’own, br tbe sfttu" rpic ss rr.*1d?r,f.j n w ts-xprt. T.- - .»■ C t 1 wiil’ ott'T Go'> 'iiiH'^i'^nerq n.^’Dcd in the aef',*"® ex.tead the Wc ffrn M'li's of t'a T.-»l( •ii' To tutb'jr’is tn« Mny 'r and ComrGisaicncrs to P?y ihi» .Mayo*- a Dr-'par 9:i'iiry 4:h. aafbortse tSo Msyor ao'^ (Jom'pi'^sioaer^ to e'ec' f-nd appc m their Treasurer from the body of t'le cii.j?Ms, w:’.hput being regt-icteJ to making the ap- poiutnitnt within the Biard. * A. M CAMPBELL, Town Clerk. M»y 10 81 8t Bank or Clarendon at FayctteTllie, > M-y 16. J8.i4 f The Annual Meeting of the 8tockholders of this B^^nk will be held at their Banking House, on Thursday mornittg the 2d cf Jane next at 11 o’okck. 32tt J W. 8.VNDF0RD, Cash’r. •fuNt ReceiYcd and lor S^ale, ^Aik LBS. COPPERAS, OUU 800 Ibp. Fair Sujar, 700 lbs Nails, asRorted sisea. 8 T HAWLEY & SON. Way 15. 32 tf Wllminfton, Cliar., at R. R. R. Co.,) PKESlbENT A.NJL» D1KEGTOR8’ OFFICE, V Laurinburg, M'i'®’ 5, 1864. J [IE Tax due to the Caufcier»t« States on the 1st day of June next, upr.n the capital slock of this Compa ny, wi>? be pnid by the Co»-»p»ny. Bv ord?r of fiie Bo'jrd of Ditootors. .32 J1 JAMES I MoCALLUM, Seo’y. OliU.VAMK DKPABTMBXT, \ H.vlkigb. N. !., May 8, 1863. / EAD WA'ITED.—-I wish :o purofai^e Lead for this Ju Depart:, tities wiU pi” POWDt:H f. 85)-if t’ T ona uivrnsr or «inall quau- -rpiy '>t c-'i'-*. 'Vill aive 1 poni>i '>f j. i-of lGAO Tbi/H. D HOGQ, Capt. C. 8 In c.'3a»'g'‘ of Ordi:an3e. €lifiCi‘ llt'pot x\o. 1% ) Favkttkville. 'Jarch 7, 1804. ) i*at/ fiCHr ITitheft. PERSONS T> ■}■.■■ f V:- .■> p*-. 5 'be'r Tithe Tax w ll h»v" - •’» "j df“ of May 18G4. -o drlivtr the » e I ^”1« t • Jy *t' receive the Baoon du» under it' tr.'.ie ; vw ^.i pu'.i.ivU of cured b'i0->a for every 1 0 1» ^ pr'k ?i'»iii'htrvei ■ in .• i :c2Vh of Apnl 18ti3 i; r!>qt;i - 1 Pi^ •• df!werin;t th at a d'St iuc of cv?r jtit aniiMj t?iU h» I'.'ompMy pa:d for exf'eb® fi^ai'.!■'« I- 'Vir^LIA.MS, 12 t20M] Af. -■! for finmbTla^-t connty. w TO I ARiaaillS. ofiiAW WANTKD. ANTEl> i>T.oe Si“.i^ r ^-^r the nud Tronps ^«yeti vl'.e, 20 0*>0 }"jan l3 rlE.i f 5T-.w i W, suitable for hr ■ IL g F*.'n!er i >ja»i’'g t aurp!.-!* of I'ois artiol“ on h-". wiH i’onfjr h beneSt on our sick and wounded so U'era by bringing it in. A fair pricvs will be paid. Apol;/ to QU-VRTERMASTER, at the Arsenal FayetteTl.lo vrscna* anj Armory, April 4. 21tf lig;ypt Coal ifline. The undersijjcnoa were, at the November Term of the Confederate Covrt, District of North Carrlina, ap pointed Marifterfi of the Es;ypt Cottl .Mine property, and have entered into uop.artnvrship for the purpose of mining and f-eUing •oal, and solicit orders for the same ia any desired gumtity. Ord'-rs for any amount can be sr.pplied cn H*'ort notice The Coal from^^tliia pro perty is undoubtedly the best in the Gonfederat.e States. AppUoation? .’n%y be made to ' lhas B Mallett, Fayette- TiUe. N C. 'r J ’•Ties Browno, Charlesti/n. S. 0. CHARIiF.a B. MALLETT. James bhowne. Fayetteville. Jan’y 20, 18H8 WANTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fi^er, FJCLTRY. CtiekoDU, Butter and other delicaues tvr the BI ’k ooidic H at this Hospital. Person" hariug thefic »rticles can o.^ in the marxet priic on applioHr ■ tion to the t^ubscriber His c»ld stand or at Mr. JL. W. Powr’m’s O'* rtay 8ire»t. IL S. ILEIDE, Qea’l A«'t. Ak4> ib. 68-ir Tne signatures of colored persons should be witnesecd hy itree witnesses There must be separate duplicaie Powers of Attorney *uT each mouth. Blank forms c.n ''•o had upon appli- o.'ition at this officR. W. H. JAMES, Capt. 4 Chief Eng. Jan’y 20, 18ft4 1300tf ^urfiT^on Cienemi’M Office^) Ralbioh, N. C., April 27, 1864 ) (PROPOSE to Establish, in the City of Ra'eigh, a rja:.uf»ot.'ry for ARTIFICIAL LIMBS ■?be objpct cf this ^ntnrprise’s ‘-o supply these useful sr’i.;?P8 to all saldlers from this 8tice. who have been, 1 may be, so maimed in the service aa tn r:qiiire ihem Privates and non oooimi.^siODed pffioerfl will be fur nished gra'u>t5u»ly. Commissioned officers will bo chargi-d tne aciu'il coBt Disabled poldiars are requested to correspond with the unders.^ned giving name, regiment, rank, looality j nf sTTifuiAn''.n. and the precise measurement of the re- maminj meuiher I wish to employ a number of competent meckanicB f f >r the above n^m'd purpiise All snch are invited to cm.Tiunicara imsiediately with this office. EDWARD WARREN, Surgeon Genera! North Carolina. AtrilSO. _ „ _ I.,UimiCATIi>iG OIL. 'fiHt; nud«ra»iiti id 13 n >w pr-s'tar.^d to furnmh lo the I pii 'lie a very superior article of LUBRICATING OLL. tnpteially for CoUon and Woolen F'lctoriti. We cUim icat this Oil does not gUM, and m'*y be run at greater speed witi lens power than any otDerOil rxeept i5ip''rm. Mr W i'l Porter, Superintendent of Phaonix Cotton S'aotor/. of It: “I have .been using your Luhrioat lug 0:i f. r 2 or 3 tBonths, and Sad it to r»e superior to %uy other Oil now la use for Inbric^ting. • r J -bn Kershaw, Sr.p’t of Blouvit’s Creek Factory, p«yR: -I Ciu o' eerfully say your Lubricating Oil t3 a sup.’r.or arPicle. It doe« not gum in the least, but keepi^ be joa;nai: clear and bright ” Mr A F Rpokfirditc, Ch^ef Engineer of the C 8 Ar*»'- nal »n^ Armory of this place, was requested to try it and B^ys: ‘ I thirk for ligtit machinery—FuohaaCotton f aatoriea—and for heavy machinery when the motion is slow, your LubrioatingOil will compare next in qual- lly to Sperm ’* Other cotton manttfacturers have tried it and pro nounced favorably of It. HENRY E. COLTON, Agent Fayetteville Kerosine Co. April 4, 1864 20 tf i)o%¥iir. From P»yettevilIo to Wilmingioa, $30 0(i “ “ “ Eliitheth, 16 00 “ White Hall, 20 00 ‘ “ Kelli’s Ccve, 21 00 “ “ “ .\ll points below. 30 00 8BC0ND CLASS, OB DJtOK. From Fayetteville to WiimiDatoa, flO 00 • “ “ E ijHbcth, 6 00 Whitebdll, 7 00 “ “ “ Kelly's Cove, 8 00 “ •• AH points below. 10 00 UP. From Wilnjing'-on to Fayettev.Ue, f30 00 ‘ “ “ Kelly’s C.'ve, 13 60 “ “ “ iS’kito Hall. Iti 60 “ “ “ Eiii ibet'n. 20 (»0 " “ »• Prospect HaU, 24 00 " “ “ All points nbove. 30 OtJ SECOND CLASS, OR DECK. From Wilmington to F(»yeiiev:l!*, flO 00 “ •• “ Ke’ly’s Cove, 6 0» “ “ » White Halt, 9 00 “ “ •' All points above. 10 00 IdrSeoond JKss or Deck Pa'SrDgern must. stJiy on To tbc Voters of Moore and Montgomer j CcaotlM. IANN'I)DN''E B6?iir>lf i f^nai'^te‘to *he pecpl' of M.rre ftrjl M ctgomc.-y counties in the next S=i^'.ie of Noeeh Car >liaa. My piLncip'es are Cc~- ‘HrrT,'»M7- fcftrr t*-e »traife3t ncot, acd are well tjuown to %ll who know mt I shall explain ibem '.nore fully at *h’proper time. J A BARRETT C^.th£.ge, M-iy 5. 30 6.pd To t’lc Clt'iens and Soldiers of RoliesoQ Coanty. t T t^e requi-s' a" I STltci'ttiou rf many fri'ndi-. s-d- diera t’d oitiiens, I suaou'oe mys'-tf a casdidf'.tc t.- ’■rTres'nt tfca jouny of *R?b ^.-jn in tue nixi Leg’s- ’iture I w ’iiid be*p'e'.‘«''d t-> a''»r>d the d^ffe'en' pre- cinof nf t V .1 .anty before the eU’ctioo, but »a »h»' eno- U)V iH v>p»T.».,r'elk to giv*! iis * ^ght soo'i. I ^ea»* 1 sLall not he •b’o to mee* you I oaV ^**iiow- irbj:e the canlidates at home are addr*seing you, to remember th»t 1, wi?h the many eoMiers who eS f-So' ti.e f>l‘ asure of as»ytfag you. siaadJBg in de fence of your propertr. your nrhf« and your liberties. .\nd to yen. brother soldiers, who have sostr'-mgly soli cited me to become a candidate, I can cnly thank you for this manifestation of oouflJence, and promise, if elecUid, to keep a vigilant eye to your rights, your honor and year comforts If dcfeattid. I shall willingly re main (w^^'re I have been for throe ypars) in defence of the er'intry, while those r-.hosen will legi?l*te, praying for .ho hsppy day, when our independence is acknowl- edr-';d.and we all be allowed to return to our homes “to euj y tb? reward of our ‘U?Ter'rgi»” an indcpcQdoct, pr«^rercus and hiwppy pp'p’e. I »m, f'*Uow cit'ieus. att' brotcer soldiers, ynur hum ble liiJrvaJit. JOHN H. McLE\N. Co 0, 24th Rcit’t N C T M»y 9. - .31-8tpd&t3 lowor dock or pay full prio»*, or same aa FirPt Cla?*? f^^An extra charpe will be made f«r Way Paf=pen- gera ge'tirg into Ber«ls during ^ay time, and for occu pying a Berth with 'h:’ir boots or shoes oo, at the dis cretion of the Captain. J. A WORTH, for C F Sfrj B’t Ca., R. M. ORRELL, for .'^t’rs Kate and Sim., T. 8 LUITERLOII. Feb’y 2-3, 1864. 9-tf %VE$ITiill.\ RAIf^ ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSENOrR TRAINS of thia Road leave' fayettcville daily, (Sundaja excepted) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave E^ypt al I o’clocic. P. M. FRl CattU aud Hortt Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAYaud-j BlTRnril¥« OIL. WE can furnish KEROSENE BURNING OIL in quan tities of •'> or 10 gallons at $26 per gallon; tin cans or kegs $16 fo $S0 additional. Send sans or kegs when oonveaient. . . . .u This is aa good an Oil as can be made without tne mixture with Alcohol, which it is impossible now to obtain. The wick tube of the ordinary Kerosene lamp should be slightly lengthened by soldering on » piece. With a Ump thus arranged our oil burns without smoke and with aa much briRianoy as any Northern Kerosene. HENRY E. COLTtiN, Ag’t P K. Co. Acfil 7. ^ ?l-tf Palma Chrlsti iteans. fpBLE subscriber *»jll pay the highest cash pricoa for I a&y auufcity nf PftLiaa Cliriati Beaiw. ^ ^ I. A. WOETH. rajittMiltoi Ot/L a. tl-4f *^^Jy order Jan. 22, 1868. JNO. M. RO.’»E, Trcas’r aud G'.n’l Triss. Ag’t. 9Vtf FroiM and atter lhi»* date the Steamer A. P. HURT wiil leave at 8 o’eloek, A. M., on M'-ad'.y and Thursday. Jt)S. A. WORTlf. April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. St.eam Boit Co. FA V KT T i: VIL L. K KUTlil!, IHSliili.VCE $267,i;e8 5,077 8«> The Donorg to the Soldiers’ Orphac Fnnd AKE rrspectfuUy rrquet**- d to raset in the Ii.siituMoii for the Dv-af and Dumb, in Ralegh, N. C , on Fri day, 27tK of >Iay, at 11 o’clock A M. Those who can- Q r, be presi-a' s),fuld.send proxies. A full attendapce .Jeaired for imporiAnt business The ccmmittoe of the Gr ind Lodge of Masons for St, John's College are respectfully invited to be pres-jnt. CHARLE8I F. DEEMS, Financial Soerctary. May 3, 18fi4. 29tt l'orty abSe-bodied Recruit!* ARF. waated fjr '.lonpmy D. Tenth Nona Ca'-Jl^na Battalion of Heavy Artillerr, stationed at Fort Cas well. N. 0. Perflocs of the Reterve have n"W an opportnnUy of feted of enierirg the aervioe iu their own State, at a d Hirable point. The Q. M. Depariment will ftt.nish transportation upon proper appljcaticn VT*v 0 ' [w J ] W-fit Cedar F ll» Tlic Cedar Fails Bob- bis Os are uow prepsr-rd tc funti?’'’. si'crt notiO", «U ki'wla «•»».• wittaoie fc" w jol«ja * J M ODEI.L. Ag^m N. C., ?Iay 7. l.»64 30 lOtpd iVooi and 4'oifon €^ard Clotlii>^rt^. LARGE lot of W()(*L»Ed COTTON ■ * RD CL» I'liIi'^G, eligUl^y d-»mR(?.*d f-.r ntie !*t KOO^’MaN i rjJELPS hftT!ofic, M^y 8 (^o b 1 •3t>-4; il F2.0SIR A.lJl? OAT». Capital in Premium Notes aw.cuRts to • on hand and other aseetH. Toul. .$272,765 1 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an assessment on their premium note# Total losses paid, jt29.G82 OvricsRn: GEO. McNEILL, President, D. A. RAY, Vice President C A McMILL.\JN, Sec’y. DiRir'TOBS; W. N. Tillinghaat Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 8. T Haw'ey, Nathan A. Stedman. C. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A A. McKcthES. J. D. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghaat. Jo'in Collin'! iud C. C y^TliA Co npany inT*t.# aopM'Jationa V»¥- ?J? 8. J. Hinsdale, Wm. Mcl.«aurin, T. 8. Lutt«rloh, A. W. Sled, J. G. Ceok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, > «, i > . A.E. Hall, McCmmmen, Traveling Agent* JVOTMCE, FO“ BID all persons from trading fora Note given l>y me. 13th of 4P'^'^ 1864, to J. B. .McRae for $2>)0, as I do not iuteiid to pay the Note ualcsa compelled by law, re 1;1L0UR and OAT:^ wii be ex'^'j^tnred for i^crn at t I' Snrs of D .M-'la^rin, by gi"'-r*3 hi:a & fevr ds aeijce. Fl 'iir *raod. No 29, bl».*.k or white. ‘ii* Ncliool BookM. I.10R i3*.r,E. 4 varieiv of JLA.^SICAL WORKS;—01 l! le d rtf'rt Prea-ib nikr'i, Greek .\ad Luiu Las- icoua, W nsier’s Aoa'.i-3miu Diationirics. /^oramnn School Books, Dr*W‘ng Materials, et«., e o Aid'esa “OMICRON,” WilfHinctton, N 0 Saltrsaltn S.\CK8 ff gof'd D!iY SALT, to be •xchan^iK^for JA8 G COOK 30 4w T For Sale. 250 3000 vdi» 4 4 She^ticp 600 Bundles Ppi’c Cotton; 20 Bbls Tanner’s Oil; 8 Casks Rice; 100 Boxi-s Tobacco. Five DcPar Coc.federatc bills taken at face in pay ment to 2 jtb May T. 8. LUTTERLOH. M»y 16 82 81 WAIVTED, p'A AAA Sbav?d 8hingl*'S, for which the highea OvjvV'v/ M^rkft cash price will be paid. Apply at the Telegraph Offife 81-2w Watchesi^ A LOT of SUPERIOR r.lATOHEiJ, for sale by JAB. G COOK. .May 9 81-4w __ - _ HHE sub33Tib»>f wish* s lo hire two or three FABM [ HaNDS a libera! price wiil be paid. THEO EVANS. May 10 • 81 atpd fBgar Cane Molasses. PERSONS disposed to plant Cane may do so with a surety that a aro^d iron mill will he put up in this tAiwn for grindin.7 »ho C''inese Sn^ar Cane, and a better set of eviporator^ and boiler", than were ever hereto fore used in this seeti^n. Hoping to do a large bnfiiue.‘’S, npt Ies3 than an acre ill be taken and one fourti: of th'^ syrup charged tia toll [St] Fayetteville. May 18, l>i64 FOR RE!fri A LARGE enwrort-ibls HOUSE atd LOT in the town of Pittpbor. 'Kh. ('bith^m county, N C , formerly the Te'«td-nee of the late Mrs. Womact. Thvre is a good (Harden epot, and a small field at tached therete; also a g.>od ccmi'ortable kitchen and other out-hoasef; also stftb’es and carriage bouse on ssid lot. Aprty to Mr Frederick S, Davis in Pitfsborough. May 14, 1864 32 8tpd Tlie wants of the people sup plied at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville with f'ooking Pota, Kettles, Ovena, Spiders, Plows and Plow Points ot all the different patterns now in use. ('astings of any description made at sho.t notice. Su^ar Mills made to order at the St^r Foundry iu Fayetteville, N. t\, by April 11.—24-lro ] M. A. BAKER.- $300 REWARO. WE will pay the above reward for the apprehensioa and conflnement in jail, of the party or partiea who cut and carried away 80 yards of our Tele^ph*Wir«, 14 miles from Fayetteville, about the 22d or 23d inst. SocTUKRS ExPKiJBB Teleobaph Compant. April 26 . 27tf _ TOR S.§MjE. I WILL Hell or exchanire for 4 per aent. CoafVideratr *t*«rrr $ntm-hvt TH»ltX9> F«Mrxn. iti French Bioad Valley. Tninsylvauia county. Tlic Farfn contiiina t»80 acn s. tif which illO of hoU->'^ land an.T uuder the most 8uect.s.-ful cultivation. I’roducing (p»r acre) at* large cropF of grain; clover and ctbar hay graases asany fiirm in Western N. Tie premisas are in thfe b«8t pos sible ordiT. Buildings all new with every co&vwniciice #f a first class establishment. The Farm i.^ beautifully lo- cat(^, enclosed with fence of locu*t jwsts and oak aud chet'n’ut lathes. Address Dunn's Koek, N. C. F. W. JOHNSTON. April 22 215- Qtpd ."VOTBCE. By order of the Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Robeson county, Feb'y Term 1864,1 Ranben King, Sheriff of said county, will »ell for cash, at the Court Douse in Luml»ertou, on the fourth Monday in May next the following Tnict? of Land, or as much th-roof as will pay the tax anH costa thereon for the year I,'^52, vix: One hundred acr,»j8 located ou the Elizatieth Road, valued at $38. listed by Robt-rfcwn Singletery. tax $2 SA. Alao at the same time, eighty-five acres, located on G«m Swamp, valued at $2."i5, listed by F. C. Watson, tax $1 23. R. KING, Shff. 25-ts Com. '\pply to May 9, 1864 ^ Eiecwtor’ii ^ale. By au order of the Cours of Pieas and Q.iarte»- 8es sions of Cumberland Count;;, the Su^, ixh Executor of Neill Wilkinson d«r!d. wi'l cxpo,ie to puM'C s*(e on Monday of June Ooii»*‘. 18G4. theUnd b*lotiflog to eeid estate, ooutaining 12'i «cr';j onre or less, ly'r.g on the East aide of ’»pe Fear River, adjoioiag the lands of McD'iniel and othero. Terms at sale D TORRENCE Ex’r. A t ril 9 30 t-4 as 1 did riot get value received. Aprils CHARLES STUBBS. 26-8ti>d Biaukfl for sale ai thia Ot&ce. $9(5 Reward. RAN«iWAYfrvB' the sub^C'ib. r. a NEGRO WOMAN, hifci lb 3 J>ii’y 18o4, frim Mr S eel o^ j Fije.lieviU-'. f^’issuppv ;ato ba abou* tb.^ to now 1 Said •'ow'.n’n B’l^e is Bc’S'-y, and ioof heignt j rk oompltixion. ani s fu!l suit of haif. I will giv^ I the abo«a tetr.mrd to any on^ who will deliver h*r to me 1»t the Arsenal, or oonficc her in jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR. « AprU2& April 16. %Vanted—Wood l^and. The undersigned will give a fair price for a well wooded tract of LAND of 100 or 200 acres, ou Ihe Railroad at any point Itetweeu Jonesboro’and Fayeftevilla. Wood, pitch piiie boxed or unljoxed „ „ ^ HENRY E. COLTON. Agent F. K. Co Fayetteville. Aoril 19. -The infe- RAIiiS! RA«S!! nor quality of the paper on which the ^ Observer has been printed of late, and which ia a,!ifrat to us. ia owing to the want of a sufficient sapply of g c i rage, and the oonoeqaent nec- fwity to resor- to iuf'^rior m*.‘eri>'.l«. We appeal to the frierids of t.;'«» Olf"rv.?r at pi! acceaeible psiate, to 3%?s up fil'd bring to town ail the rags ihay an prooure We ba»e no time oorfictves t,o atte-d tu *be»r purch*e>' bu*. Me-ers. Gao W. ^iliia-na & Co, the \g»ni» it »hia toWE of Mr. Murphy, w»ii p'^y 16 oeaUt per lb. to K J. HAL« A B0N8 Wci'j 15 THE CAPTURE OF FORT PILLOW. Camp 2d Tenn. Cavalbt, Okoloaa, April 20. The situation of this fortification is roffioientlj familiar to all oonTersant with the hiatoiy of our straggle for indopendcnce in the West to ezouM me at present from attempting a lengthy deMrip- tion of its works, aivancagcs, pregnable points, etc., and I will, therefore, only make such obser vations in regard to ita locality, as te more read> ily portray the attack and capture of the fort. It 18 ercctf d upon a pruminent point within the interior of Gen. Pillow’s old works, in such a manner as to command its approach for three qaar- tern of a mile in every direction. To the north the broal bosom of the Missis^ppi extends up ward of five milca, afi'urding a ready field of ope rations for the gunboats always awaiting at that placc To the oaMt, south aod west, a suooeasion* ot rugged, undulating billa rise up, stripped of their timber, in order that no approach may be itsprotcoiion. To thesouthcaat, and upon the road nscd by Opd MoCulIoogh'* brig*d® in their attack, staods a detached fore, more used aa a wa.tchtower t!,an as a stronghold, as no reaiflt* aace was offered at that point. The prcgrammc of attack was after this fashion: (’halnn'r,! was placed in oommand of Beil’s g,id McCullough's brifirades, and by a forced jjj trch of two n;ghts rxhibited a portion of his eol- nmt* oD 12ih, when the yankees aban- donci^.*'^*®*^ exterior works, and assumed a po sition most formidable fortress, behind their batt«n®®» keeping up a alow shelling of the neigbtJ^^^’^S woods some time before themaiq,foroe entereu *1*® attack. Col. Bell advanced bj a oircui^'®“® route to Hatchie River, some three miles aV®^® enemy’s batteries, aod moving down t^‘® stream, upon its left bank (and between that ri'®*‘ HIlow’s old fortifioi^ons, extpp' ‘“g yankees,) on through « extor-s!'"® cypress swamp, approached as near aa practica"^®> §nemy by sharp- shootinc* while.Gen. McCul^„gh»g brigade in vested 0“/;ne hour of skirmish- Ii bringing out of one reg’t ot negrv »dv»nci» •’o™® *Wo hundred jards itonaact, —J* of the batteries. Two hours aftcrwara the Ru'were driven into the'fort,"and our men ild .^ing their advantage, pushed up near; c>o cld^e, in fact, that it became decidedly bazardoui for a Fedc-ral to make tlie benevolent and moral organs^?) of his head visible to>our marks men, to gay nothing of their features, of which they ' manaeed to keep below the battlements. Affairs, 1 believe, had obtained this aspect, when Gen. Forrest arrived upon the ground. Before his arrival, serious apprehensions were entertained that we would not be able to take the placc; but when he became visible to our troops, universal confidence prevailed. He immediately advanced to the front, inspired the troops with such a degree of enthusiasm that they moved on, never faltering, until they had obtained position in a ravine under the very guns of the enemy, with nothing to prevent the immediate sealing of the works, when Gen. Forrest, through a desire to 8»va hnman Ufa, sp.nt in a 4»«ee de manding the commander to surrender. The terms offered I have not had opportuni^ of ascertaining, but the answer was certainly of a hos tile character, as a rapid roar of musketiy, ac companied .by the-thunderings of artillery from gunboats and batteries, followed the return of the flag. Steadily, and in a crouching attitude, with arms at a present, silently and in line, moved the troops up the hill, crowced by a frowning fort, protected by an exasperated garrison, to the ditoh at the base; a moment’s pause in this place, a temporary cessation of fire arms, and we climb the ramparts, pouring, as wo ascend, a deadly volley into the interior. A feeble resistance is offered by those within; then the lines give way in confusion, and gunners, yankees and negroes rush madly from the fort down an almost perpen dicular bank towards the river, under a rapid and destructive fire from our rifles. The polluted “star spangled banner” was torn from its fasten ings and trampled in the dust, and high above tlie ramparts of the conquered fort, proudly uaated our own loved ensign, flapping defiance at the ominous looking gunboats anchored above. ’Twas but the work of an instant to turn the guns, so lately used for our destruction, upon the boat. Two shots were fir d, and she headed off up the stream; at the same instant, a proud, exultant shout of victory ran across its waters, arousing the reverberations of triumph throughout the majestic old forest. For ten minutes death reign ed in the fortifications and alontr the river bank. Oar troops, maddered by excitement, shot down the retrcatiTig yaokers, aod not until they had a+taincd the water’s edge and turned^ to beg for mercy, did any prisoners fal! into our hands. Thus the whites received quarter, but the ne- grops were sliown no mcroy. The plundering of he encaTipmrnt aSordcd no suiall feature of in- er st; the stckiag »^f the stores no little excite- nient, and the brave bn^d of soldiera, after be- cemii'-g urd;s5utc * of the fost, with pris- uiierH p’cperly Pf ctired, devoted their energies and attention to the well fillfd st>re9 of the commis sary and quirtc-n^r.stcr’s department, and the encaiupmeat, which ah^'Undcd with crackers, chee.s3, lager beer and wiQCS, to the hearty de light ol *'ur trorps, whu had ridden all night and fought all duy without rating After securing all desirable arUcl'’f, '^e ignit»^d» stores, tents and .stables, t«pd bs in the affair at Paducah, withdrew by its ligiit. The fort remained in our pot>se88ion nearly .^ix hours, during the succeeding day, when I am told .fo’ir guaboats came up from Memphis under truce, and made proper provis ion for the wounded. We have arrived at Okolona with 210 bri- soners, embracing IGO whites and 40 negroes, in cluding women and children. A large number of hor; 09, six excellent pieces of artillery, two 24 poundersj four 12 pounder parrptt guns, and four large field pieces, were brought safely off. One hundred thusand dollars worth of property was destroyed. (.)ur loss is trifling, not exceeding twelve killed, while the enemy’s killed amounts to 400, most of them negroes. We return to West Tennassee immediately Correspondence Mobile Evening New$. Blank Warrants tor sa'e here. Provisionx in Eadern N. C.—A letter from Ply mouth, dated May 7, published iu the Goldaboro’ Journal, says:— /i “Provisions are very cheap here. Com can oe bought a3*low as fr(*m $3 to §4 per barrel-—the bams und cribs are packed full of it; bacon at 25 cents per pound by thousands of pound*. Chickens (grown) 10 to 15 centi each.” _ Blank WarraPts tor »!© bgrtK > Sl«*

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