mmtm :«HM>nio NEWS J -M. nui. May 18 r - k! »▼ ‘U oil tie l^k r Ori^»n». wiih k.yyy li.r with ^,1(^10 pri*on^ I -'■'« m rmiiiun^ *rdM ' ri-j .••..I •!. ti--: i l.« 0-onfed«r»t*« l)uru;iiii Two in;, rh« lira tn^a^ Tm* l>*Iud(^«i^ [.f ‘j! i;er«tin- »*jala« t' ■« -Tw ■u I -'*• IV I,^ at kf»ao* ‘■' - r a,i iu f~^.. >:■ ‘■•- '; J h- n,m hat 7 ' ' ' Ta.'koes la riii-.-' "•> „n, luirivv^lo. ih«_v*uk... '■.' I t.rEi;sBcurt Mu. r 1 ;i. . ^ ^ ■'* —I’f-ricRsBrRo. t ::!; N'w York NVwi P'-i.. ui uso hit. tLirty •I V .;.ul uov all ar* ■: 'A-". (Jold I7ti, hi.;..- .i! v;:.LK, M;iy H. U -.l'i .1 • ii*lh;^r out civil • rt |> ■' ! li (ii-p. Wjiyil*, :iii£li »t*!x. to IV , , U'l ;rs of A'!'■ -.'iii H'atau^a. ■; t •,• ' .Iti-.. '’'■-'1 »EHc* ■l'»4 p.i 'apt. W. J.LOI^G, • ^ i U--1 • f . uu I T r p n h ft'si T; |.r ■ r.; wa. G *r'.l . 1. ^-v. '? • ■ ■ r,',u-n", K f -•.i;SKTT . ■ a : 1 zei* to aiinouac« ' r r • -• * • L K ‘■ ' • u/ ■',!• ♦.riL-Vi' •>ec! ' ■''* j Proops, > A., F n’y rt, 1 >64. ) > ••:* ' -i ■. inl .i.ll- ie •-» . • '] f..r ■'•■i. V “ ' j • ■ ■ ' r jU' !--i . J -41 w -‘ob •• > ^ .1 - ‘.'J F IN LL>1. (;> h N C T aisUioriisvd to J. . . L’- i ... : f >4 - n F? ■' i-.'- izfd (0 a&:;OQuee iTO'' . ,\.ith^.C. ihe c . ■ : Moore io lutiiorixt'd to • Ai' 1 . ; U Me 5 .. ( -.v',;! , A J *Ki' •' .tf r h- It) for lily tire K'H.M.* " >.N ..f M-.n; ft ) •• «f lue-xt ."•■ I’- if .S Tth 1.MA.N riZH.NS. >T* Vtp3 A. - I ?d, |v f ; • I ye»r^ '4 nr> >vJ V ; £|I of t •; "H*riC 'l-*9tp4 il . i)TT 'N Y.\RN ■n only, » '.O'* 1 o' t’ e |6 .n the ;'T- lune) ■•J •-.I wno WP.O 6r t :u ''•eJ Dn' rr> ;H*i4 f"* ' ■8 r -kii' ■-■■inr-, t Sll. W- U J ; ■ l:i l id TM-i-i » r .i;j ' . le hel 1 I . r • If iu 1 ■' ‘-J ;i -. ■ »'d 1 ; , n fi! J in 1 f--; .1 !X 1 ar;e l‘ ,i 1'., at I .! i’-'l. vwK -f' »’ ('■ n iroluin, iTV. |«, r^n: ’. ■ i tn 1H64 f - \f iry, »•'• Ar» ■ . • t ..' Tour*, v.> v: Vt in Cl. ;, i\l ' ' to be ■ i I) ..* ia • *n'i . - ^ fi!. -! in . ■ ,>.• ‘.-^d , ., ! tri ■ our '^11 '’ourt, J April JH^ii WKfii, 0. C. 0. U •^’■■■1 J '■ . _ii„ L J**' E. I. M4Y 23, l8o4 I ■ -jt I. iM m.wi [no. 1114.] i'NiN'rEi; V'*''’ \N-.i T’HJ ■> L>V' J, uxv: & ►’F ITfinS ANi.> PROPRIKiOl’.-' bi' S''”-*. 'flO Ol'. P"i^ 'I ■ 1-roftrj or 'M ic Prise > A'l’fanc*- ^or t-hf H". *«i' ir^** iJVtRTIr^KMSNTH inserted for S'J. pp“ f "-\re of 12 ^ '■ '■p for ;h^ ftn*i one >»vch Bu«ce Adrfrtis --* «re rr jiscsf'ct to state Cif vicnol’*''' of in-^erfjoii.'’ '•••rod. c' b« con:) ■! .'•( ' '- "b; {. a.n.i '>• ■jr*pi npriy- A Iv^r . ' '' mjif'^c o’"vjx**^ ti-w From will W I' the pftr» tftar is 1 ' : Such C‘ Ovi per on *’ii; - remiitRacr^ ' wtipe. - • *-i IK. ififT»c*. f b new su^'t'.'n^er • liin 'tilranoo cor will ; It (»■'»»! tA o‘i' !’!Harrjbt»ri for » I 'naror tiwe dfpi.'c to the pa- w U pl'^'ioc nr'Ty u* wh^n miltinjr Jan’v 1, 1«58. 15VW. *nrt,. e’f?cK»1l\ Attorufty at Law. FAYKTUn'ILLlI, N. C. TILL ftUe-id the Coi’uty snd Sui!rior Courts the Coi’iity snd Sui!rior Courts of Ctinil>er!r*ad, H^rr.nii Moor« and ivi’ottt^on Coan- Proi’ipt 8tt«>nti . tr. tbp o-5'c?f'on wU ol&^inB entruricd i« hi- iuaj>' Oct. 17, 18r>‘* &3-tf JO?i. II T liK Y, €Hroe''t' and €'t*mmLt»ion .yferrttjtnt. FAYETTEVILLE, N 0. Jan’; ’0, 1JH)3. rvoTici:. Kmrollhig 01B‘4', !P'sj«‘tt«TiU(s .ttny 4^ I ■ conourr. bv.i? with r»?«c npp n ur.euis of Cnuf hti a. OIF 4i“i C*"'u Du;., uBii i» o^e'lief.ce to juBiru tion) »U»m Vj'o, i is tiered; or-ier'd ihit: I v4 ' wb’)-« of ’utnbcr1»ad o nn‘y, ^“fwe»n tftt* d|t•« of 17 b*j^ 18 laJ 45 »nd 60 belong- iip lij u4d I N. C- Miltui4, 8>i*n ..pp?ar i»t F»»yetU'- v.a. ou tJ(J» »D»*i , i»ni i.Ai>fC boion;^iU{^ to 64th o: I’'.!* lt>-1 ms! , K»Grp«';’^ thosM from 7’.-t % >d ;- w .iffi I'lHtricUt i»3j i.i^i » •p.^'ir o»i li. 'ilr.i l-a-. , A M , *'-‘a i.k«y tn.iy isrii i»- ux-«nia«d b» Me-iio'l Hr’? .^5 'S.i'ii, '^i BMfcu>3; s'lih claims s's tK -y baye to Bies'p- ■i >n «r D‘tail An^ jc-r-on w;io tn^y ‘wire fiilad lo t •■- r. !1 h.insfU «’»! 6» rl-^o^nl ia s*T'ti»t la the & -id tjsl' s I "f -ill fr.'fw* t ou '*;po;- 'iJ rt-/s ‘ » - v'^jn.ib!o ' *'">■? 0 be juV»d ••/ .*’ip ’''rp-'id •.{ ” II. .'>.1; fiv' Tvrsuus «f"s 'Ici b> tw tii.- Mufl «f IS i'Ji-i iO, *i:'i bftfisjalVJ hy of Ho Oti>»rd a*^d ^^uus^Jt b- frr- Mftdioi Bi> H>*ri (icd L*ch1 fOiier f'jr »x-irsiiift*’fa prot'er dispoti'i'' M iPtifsin; urers \a ‘ Corr'i .cie- of %«5 k; »J buTinjr -s i>n'pt'.'r ■ * 'frf* wbo a they di"! ■« to rc*a'it must, f’e ID in'eofA'^ proj^r apd3oiUS'>ce fjT tfaeto prior | If dby «)f Hc.roilcK-nf.. { III. A i b.lW©. U IS fcod 4o, ft rc-rX»miD:iiii C t!* w*>or( >r't-"-evt flupL-cUr.j, a-j '*■11 iw those who {ly -ioWiiOHj. or ro^^.-’n fi*il -i to *ppe%f ut Ir.a*. U'lT.'Uiorat muo; u.iw pr»r.jn» «h“njjr!r"'i ca th(> 20.h tiijt ib^ lia^I ?.XH7>ui&tioa It m-iT ►.\>t tt-w' f :e L%th bat-n fouT*d to - a trtij n n*- i.'fused to compij rha'. irt very r3v*e9r»o> 'equir^TH ti «n ihfin—report th»iD- s-1'o^, reaord »■ .; iiiii?. f >■ oni tf the&’Hiy, ’ r, _7 rifimti, tc i\it elf «!♦ Nv m\n cAn pr^funi'd to be eximpf, bu' tie c nt*:i‘y, natil Mp c'-i-Zj t > ex.';c(';.T b '««mi 8 Ri- 'S'-eit. H.•r«.^o^Eo ?')ri‘.‘6r Dc-ti2 »ii,l oe givtn. *"ii. .=>li !he »SP6 of ''0-.'.-rij.tfor. D ^ ft;jourt-(I fo* iG‘fci- by tLp 21«t i". I '5^111 fiTP«p gd irherr»»»- lotiud, uo oa* oin ter I h}ais«if %. I. BENCHER, Li A JBa. Oa'^r, 29 tM21] Corab-rland ooun»y. XATBA^ A. •If.nUAN. WM. H. BKK.MAJtU. W. A. EOJIA\' A t o., WiOlKSt i: A.^D RETAJL DSALERS A N L- co.^s ’«iJii* n irftt’ii .fo. IJ>. Ha ft I^St'eel, F WETTEVII LE, N C M. 25U' l« 9 W TXf^. l> 0 W-ETH 9. G. DASI*!. WOHTH & €0., ComniJsplon aad FarwardJag roerohanta, n*at€T Htreet, wilm[ngto:n, n. Oct. 16, Itii. c 73 12m T. 2 '•'AA WHFA jOUUloi*)* O'KN P«r«0C9 hjlT-.U? tke highest C ; '• %* tke Merch ii ber »t h'lB cl i n:- Sot. 5, 18b cu'int K .y-'i. * i.'.. > '-••rjrat |rAr*- ^T>-\ JO’ to i“'li wllre-K't^e V* .M TUo Farett«T!lle Aneaal »n4 A.rntoi7\\ Nov. It 18ti8. f «5100 BOUiHTY. !«• mffottnted RiHeme n, ACTHORITY baT'iig baen granted by the I>c- r .Shc a Ocrap%n/ of Mount^id Riflr ta' n fur scrvici i:s tliis vi.intty, uetiee i§ heit>by gU-a that r&craitd to th nnmber of lOU non-conecr^* i»-ll re- MiT.'d fnr thi-» scrTiC\». rwniit wUI bs reqtiiro'l t,i f.irelpi A H?rvioe»ble bor«!f! lor which he W'il -he »1- I'lwr.i 40 cents ppr di'‘m, Rt1 b's pay 512 p?r un nth. Wntr^T, pfmitriyn wi^l be ’^.-q-itr»d frc-n ptvr'i.;s o»- in?». wht“r;* tHj-* rtppliiTpTi* j" np(1e»' tb« o^n.»'ript V'-- Ba^tj rwruif must brpsr with bin? »i bij^aket or bed spread. *ud oome i rep«eO to r»ravin Briiloe, eaddlea, h:»ls rs and nddle blsak«l4 furnitn ed by the Qoverninettt, or a the reoruit corned pro»idoi with ihrra, he wM be for them a fair T;ilu&tiua. A, to Oftp' MATTI1£V» P. TATLOR, at tae Ar- 98Da'. P. L. CHILDS. bOvf I Major 0. 8 A Comd'g Poat. • Jr. 5tr IAM.prfr.%1?'^ to tni'-nu.fap'arc all kinds cf Hmtiop? fv;r it". I tan my leatber i‘n*i «en five good b«rjwirv wUi do well to tbeir «rd«rfl to m* iM- t. j ^a• prompt attMjtion, aj>4 sent off in quu?*c J')}!!** P Solditon I* Ghathara Co., N. C..1 U4.. Jnrt*- IS. -I86v? I «iOO n>«. i5«w Arabic for snieby J. B LEf: Ool. 15. FayetMTii]'* c Fsb’y 16, 13 Alter tliiM date 1 will f4^t '5 > v-x'-^ pound tor razs, or t‘j.’ >■ f‘ ?! iu.».rin'f pripo, drlirerwd in %' v '" R' D ‘AUTtrUT. Wanted to, MJBSTERN BAIL aOAD STODK: W Bank Notc-i; Gold and i.i Forth Csrcl ua Tr;’"ur. Hoi»s (Furdul l “ “ $1 ..nd $2; “ Jloads, oil auA »i w, Coiint} .f Cuw. erV.pd P,>p.if: Town of Ff.ypt* Till® B j? J». Greens »oro’ 41 i»!id #2 CertificatfS; Confed;r*t ? 7 »-:d 8 p»r ccnt. BoHd«; CJouporn of f 15,'.*OU,OUO loan; “ TfTj*c Goa.'ity PoU'ijs; “ of oht North C.iroHna Bonin; T. a. LOTTERLOH. Oct 12, l^W. 7U/ lX>!rFEDSaATK STATES Or AMERICA, | BHOtNKBH DkPABTMBNT, DliiT. C’aPK FiAR, V Wi’miniftcn, N. C.. ’^larch 16th, !>»«} j Notice is hereby gtvcn to all {.(‘fsons havin': c!vims li^aiQ^t the Eujfineer O^pfcrtiBent, for Bcrvicf?* of slavea foployed se Hb 'r'r^ oa thp It^d dnfmeet a*’»r Wiin>iBjri'-u. .*• C . tht 'hi i»id"r^gn?d in anihoris d H id pr*p*red fo p'^y the S'lnt h*. h-8 ..flS'x*, or iiiv 00a I f lor of thi* >"alMtja;T »^ova Mcar’’'' !>ro: Suirr-, 'ii irkei Str'vt. J*-rsgi58 of AtLorw'y will ob- tl>9 fuUowio^ forni—signi*tares, in all Is } ^ witncstjed bj two wunewifS and sifrnei ia dai>ti C'its, or thny may b« riin.-a^eJ before a Justice «f it*'" l'»-!.o? 9T Cl*rk of »ny Conri FORM OF POVfER OF AT CORNET. L, —^ of . do hereby appoiat ——, of . Piy trne ^jid lawfnl A^ent to ptfa reoelt)tB for, and r^c«>iT*■ piTiaeat of all moneys doe to me by the Knt(in«er De- paiirnrB* of the Ccnf. derate 3t*te« of America, for the serviced of my flavei rmployed ae laborers oa the land d'’fftnr2i3 at , dtirin|r the month of ——, 186 WitoMi my hani asdl w#J a* ——. the — - day of , 18ft (8if ~ed ir •J»p»to**A.) [»«'. ] Wita^'kw LMOKKII LOOMS!’! 'pHF ta'*hur r\ : f,fc» mr’'-' '-'T i ■ t i cii- i'*s 0 (.►'•. ••g-', Vi jlt.!). «r »nvi!- Prfl *.>t»l OA-'weM to un>“, u.>» sa ’ .■•eli K O' i.-hr^t! d •‘FAMILY HAND 0^ P-»'VKB. LOOM.S ” f^re now c“j'-«r‘d -n pnttl- r fhtn* no for “ i'. I'-: Ip-’pi !i >» g In'-mtlou I '•» f k. -o o>-d- ni'' wiib p- '?r !'. > *r H ,.y ». .■ \r, ;•; ? y-'JIf! ,;f c.hiiS j.rr da'' i-iv ri^i -(f t • tPt- V ’♦ t ’ ci>- '-y f It' 'I iv- ir. ..'v N. 1‘.-lus flc-i r:t '-.‘T c ." Xney thick r '-} ?n. -.»t b-> d nir- d F i 1'“ e rt»rui« c). aw'^ic- ir>, “'hi- it b^- ooanjir^ ■ t o .n b- la te>i 1’!- Cl-t. , D'U !■• PI*;?!, i ..-vr! Twe 'i^s, . lii-4r;' r-' T. t ! or f' T-je. F -i - >* &■' , r:^y b » »rd iffi-H.i b?.f.s, i/ tb« ««. is P' t f\- I'ixni purpod* A;y p'n^on r ■■ o» to w>rp bj'-ei h >U iraw In tw. ^',rx- . ii) t' c Viaoti L>-.i£a3. operate oo »hf t u^oe Tupy s -rir w'.h h ci v.'ik, anda'e i'ft-'* w>r.*r'j b~ 5>o» or s’ -! I-”* -v.r# •'•’.■i Tie c^n y' -‘'*d h' • *». - , . r • Owifg fo th « ; »j;h ■ !■". ,->t' oi- •■i*!. X' * iTii 'd u.’ib''' o'' i’V " i! b> pat ap »;’ w.ll t'"' filiji iu iliu .-r.’tor o-imo. • r'! -t' ::i Ii« r.a r r-' '.Li w-r i’»r l’»rid vr -I'ilOQ VV» w' l ..'ii Jh-'in IK - ‘•■•v o." ejw •.'I p*'07iri‘H", w;.r»t. fl .Hr. e.>rii. bioou. l-.rd, o!- nr t5>-ir in R m?. or Wlif Om). W rUULFOY, a H S\UNUKRS (.Lftpel liili ?• 28 IsB y‘We reepectfiilly recommciid Ucut. ' A M.AKTilUa 0-0 .1 fil-t K**..'’' xM «’ T, ■ '.u «:•» lc> ii'ff'k’'? »I IIS «U ^^t• :tf rioi'U'i ^ T'*t L«*|t'“lef’!w» frcn Ouruhnr(!*aJ sad Har»ett ‘‘t’>fi L M .jrtSur IS devot**!! ai .i' ?'> h»t c'>na- ■'-uo 'ii"; btiec ill t*’« w»r ve?* H-i.f,*-. ii t er'a, 4 W’i! nitifre us a sjofd Hepresei vfi»e 1:(1 e M\NY FOLDIT’R'^ A WaDOU DE>^U;ES !nf'..rinaiiHi r g«r-.' ■''• o»^r iase hw8b«.o', HOii'- f 3i Mi-.DiJNALD wtJn w*»w a private in o ‘J. l N (? Tfooi't* T^p she he»r^ -nf nim h*- f' n‘ frctn bis roTnomv the 1ft No». ISGi. at t' T'iJt'iirfr, Va., to i*oira Hopfit*- Where, wof'D *a*i tew i-f died nho nevf'r been able to learn bf-g« th- Vjre-ici-i 0 uapcr? circulating in Vi and t.i*’ ariuv n pi)‘*h this aotioe io tb» hopf - - _ 1 — j Hi. »*5.- »ij « v.:»' n«niv » » iui'1 uuit'or lu irv Ws reSpTOCtfUlly rdOOmniBIld i it Pf»y rc,eet •. » eve of iO'ne oao who will be abie EilX AUKAI lS>q , s-: a e-Dd>oai“ f r ‘ ‘i'Si fi informitien >iEil.,U ft!oR.AI K>q ’ oiicn t' « in »ae np*‘ lioufl'ofC in-moos/rom i «pd H^rne».(, o ■aij.'q. 4ANY CITIZES.^ T •/. ■ 29 ■ o We »re auttiorlKed to^nnvuncc tol. W iSr THC. J. M‘>HiaSY a canii'i.'iu* to*^- O Ui >v -fcrt Tji» ' R Of'S n. iu the H a*?** of - J !ll -ure pr. 11, t T. ' *1 it p -I ti r C..n^ Tli& friends ut JSlLij FicII HlLii uavlng ohla-:)c'; U'Bc-jiJtteat for rr-cieotion>ie ti-. .1 fiaaJvJite to rrprtfcnt tLa *onutjr of Rvbv-suii Li tf.m nri' tf .?ner£»! of the -.f .N r?b C;.ro- i n * --J tup H-jnee o* C ju* . .. Mr.T ^ 29 O-f d EAGLK FOUNDRY. The eignatuTM of oo!or«d per«‘ i«> sboald be wttnw'j'l by tbrtj* witmsses Th*»re tati^ be separate dnpHcJ^ta Powers of Attomoy f-T ‘a3h tiionth BUtik fc»rtns c n V»e had npca appli cation at ttiia of&o^. W H. JA.VEtl, Oaf.t. & Ch:*f Eng. Jac’y 20, 18fl4 ISOOtf OaDXANUK DKPARTMKNT, Balkioh. N. C-, May 8, 1863. } LKATi WANTKD.—I vrish purtjba'io Lead for this Departr'oi.t- Pfreoas uav^rz lai^c or swUl ^uaa- titiw wiH ?ppiy at once. VfUl oive 1 pcut» 'f POWDER ‘ ’ V" lCAD. THO« l> KOeO, Capi. G. P In char)?!' of Ordaarcr. PERRONS >v Tax w 11 • deliver the » -' • due un I' for «very 10' ' T April 1BS3 i? •'.qii?.. Bt a diBtanc f f ’^"r for exeesa o' '’.•.ntin-? 12 I20M1 Offilce jf>t*i»ot iVo. 1*, t AYETTKViXiLE. Marcli 7, l?64 Fttfl i(*9H.r 'Smithes. iv\f» ’»%Ot 'ow-i' their Tilh') o' M*y 18f>4. to I.-- ■ i =•■ ’^-•'Siiva the . - r ir >* ; -.7«d -n ^Ip j-*itirc. ire.' tjo 2'lih cf p.- ► -i' -r’Tift lb?lr tifha^ It Pii Tiil be prciiaptly psiJ ,T M WILLIA.MP, *'r Clii 'jnbarlats i co’in'y. jvorac K TO I'AR.tlKKS. 8T11AW WANTED. WANTEU imooPiUatolv for the H-?ipita»?i and Troops at F»yetW*ii;?. 20 0'J»J ;.oo-i.l8 of UKAT Slrt-Wf, suitable fo’- Ke.iait g. F v iera bavi jk :»euri>lw^ of f hia articlfl oa b»ii'*. will confer i nencCt oa our siuk awl wjuaied eo > cr3 ty bricRUi?' it in. A fair pYiofc will be paid. Apiilr tc QUART EHMA8TER. at the Arsenal FayetteviUc Aricot' ari Ariuwy, April 4. Kjyyjit DoaS i?iiiie. The undersignfii were, at the November Term of the Confedtrate Court, Diptrict of North Carolina. »p- poTBtod MaB?k'?«r« of the Cgypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnership foi the purpose of mining ud selliJP!; •oal, aad solicit or lorB for th* same in any des rcd quantity. Or l'-rs for *cy aniount caa be BuppUed on flhort notice. The from this pro perty 1b undoubtedly ih? best in the Confcdtrate St.ates. AppiioatioL.^ ic^> t roais to Chan B. Mallett, Fayctte- vihe. N C '? J'-r.t?! Charif-flton, 8. C CHARLES B. MALLETT JAMES BROWNE. ray«ttevillfi, Jfci’y WANTED, lor tho Hospital at Fort Fisher. ■pOOLTllY, Gliitken-J, BntW'r and ither delicaoiee for X the etck t^oldiors at this Hospital. Persons ba^ng theee arUclea can obtain the market price ou applica* tioB to tbe aabscrib^'T at his old stand Mr. J. W. Powere’B on Hay Street. a. fi. HEiPfi, Oeo’l A«>t. kit%i 2S. 68^ Siir^con icEicral’M Office, 1 Kalkioh, N. C., April 27, 1864 ) f PP*OPO°E »o E-tabh»h, in fho City of R;»’eigh, a I icmnwfie. ry for AHTIFIOIAL LTMR8 Vhe obj?ot of this fntrrprisi? !• to supply these useful >>'-tir!c3 to all soldieia from this State, who have been, or iD»y bts 80 maimed ic the service as to require them. Privates and r.on ooiamiPBionftd officer? will be fur nishod gri'uitoasly. Commissioned officers will be chirg'-d the actual cost Disabled gc.lliers are requested to oorrespnad with the uadersiened givijiz camf, regiment, rank, locality of ara_»ntA'ifn, and the freci^e me>«»urfinpnt of the re naiiia*^ ^nen^^tr. I wisa to '■tnp’ov #■ nnmbsr of oompetnt KPcbanif* f-jr t -T Rhoire PiTa-»d T.'nrpo‘’j *-’'1 such arc invited to n'tr-inTiioi'^* ini/ti'diatoly with th;s rfflce. EPWARU WARREN, ^urg9oa General North C»ro!ina. April-10. " I..IJBRIC;ATIi^O OlL. ’PmE n!idcT!'jin'l t3 BOW pr^'‘ftred to farniah lo the t 1 pu’-Uo a vi'ry >,'uperior arUole of I.DURICATlKt I ^)IL. ffp^siallv f'tr (7»f*"n amd Woolt'% F'letorifn We I cl»im tout t.*i:t. Oil Jopfl B0» and ro-*y be rna at g'l’at^r ppfxjo wi’l lose p'*wer than ary oiter Oil exscpt riptrm. Mr W U Porter. cap«rintendcnt of P>*f9n'« Cotton Vaotfiry p^en »f it: “I h»va heffn iising y.nir Lohricat mg Oil fcr 2 er 3 lAontba, and find it to bupbiior to liny other Oil in uPe f‘r ln'’Tir'»'!ng.” r John S- rfl^;^'^r, Pup’t cf P.lon'^'t’.'t CreeV Fic'o'-y. tisiye: -‘I cr.n cc»Terfa»iy eay your Luhric-ifiiiR Oil i» ► sniptri^r arhclrt. It dor^ not gnra i" 'bo le&et, bm «eef i the jou! uats aIpht »»d br‘tv;bf ’’ 'ir A F ii :':ftor li’%1, t'b of EatTiQ>*cr of fie C F> Arn? cftl and *rmn/ rf this pUce, w»« r«qa*ai*'• to try it and sa.7« ‘ I this i f-'t lijfiit nwhinery—“'toh M I'Jottcu F^iPtoriea—and for hes.vy TT.?»chlnery wain the motl'-n Is al'iw, yo^r Lubric^t'agOil will oonipare next in qu>»l liy to aporm *’ Other «oU(in raanu'^cturer^ bave tried it and pro nnuoee I fav^r’ibly of it. HENRY E. COLTON. Agant Fayetteville Kcroei-te (^o. April J, 18'j4 20-tf SOME ni-'utbd ajto w • ^aipleied all our finin'e '• r tbe of CAR WKEBLS, Hut owmf •> t?»e f«s.ilnrc 'f 'h? *rpply of lr"‘n of proper uft*ur?, w > h-^T. :iiH !r»cly bcea -hte to supply any d»>min.l fi r Htfin: ti>:s i fiicu-tr « wever, will be o’eroome in thi^ oinir?.' iff pix voel:** at wMc>» tira» we eha.l bo ahle io furn! wh^eis of ibe f-'l!owi!*ir si«‘S—24, 26. 2t! and 30 !ns'f>rc; alt-o Ohilb-l lir^- The Iroa w * vfe for iLpm will b. (JoM B!»?t i harcoiil ircB. aud w^ w.vr- rant our whe»ls NOT TO CRACK and lo be eijual t-r> any r.iA-io -3 tn.^ Cors^ n^rft'-y '>r to t^os'’ of Whi*iiey & S (J*- t Pn-trhof 'c'a :p «■■* wt>il known ■'y i’l R-’>■•('‘- '1 ri.iTi-.--,■■'■ F . -ir"* pT p»r-r! t, *>y-' ij'e L->ct.t, l*ry S*>n'^. *ir>.I OT-‘fs Sitw Wo'‘k, 0' ^.n7 or D 'NcaaaoN » :»). F^ypt'e'i'lMe. .Mtrch 30 l!s64 IVif rorron whuh, ao. io. 'VHE^' ATKTTKYILLK cotton C.*Rn M A'^UFA''- f TL''f»lNG ~O.MP ' NYarenow manutactarin>('’.\RUrf mip^riiM- 0 any run rhnmgli tb« i)!(X‘k'vli'. and nt pr#.*:*nt are sdlmit for al--** price th^* ■'ingl ' pair or by ttie (quan tity. Acy p rjyu ordering sLx or more pair?, they will be wan ly packed au4 flolivercd in VilmiDjrton free ol' *-x~ p*'B-*e. Call upon or addrew A. A. McKETR^N. J. A. WORTH. :LEX. JOHNSON, Jr. ' Faten>*villr. N. r.. April l«> 24tf Pr**«byt.*riiiU ami t. aroliniun copy. FayettffiHe Bo^ln Oil WorM. OUR Oil W’lTrV* are now In eoniplftt> >p'r.'»tion, atid as we nse nothlint but >^«] nr«in in producing the JM1 W(. can rr*^Liiienl it to the best of the kind iuaie ta thie country. It is a fine LiibTicatini!; and Tann»r’a Oil, and w« would b*! glad t4( receive orders from the OovomT*wit and the putjlic cfnerally. We will »ell oa reasonable tertii* MuORE, CASllWELL A CO. April IS «8 tf U8T or CHIKKES FOK PiSSEXBERS. I'^HE frtlliwing ra'»« of Pivj»»ge will be cbarg--! on o»ir gt»anj-r»»: — ‘VilcainKtoii. f30 00 B'tia''fth, 16 00 •• tyhMf* Hall. 20 00 - K-U-’tt Cove, 21 00 •’ .. n poiaifl biJ^w, J0 00 SaOOItD OLAS.I, OR ©ECK. From F-kv? itevil’e to ^iltometon. flO X) “ *• “ E >4''.eib, 6 00 Wuitrhall, 7 00 “ .. »i Kelly’s f'oTC, 8 00 *' “ All points below. 10 00 tJP. From 'Wiln3ips5*,-a fo FayctteTille, fJ'O 0't- '• 4. .. Kelly’s ro»r, 13 50 » “ ‘ ^hite Hall. 16 5f> “ “ “ Etis%1>>th. 20 00 * Prospect Hall. 24 00 “ “ " All points above, 80 00 SEOOnD CLASS, OR DIOK. From Wilmington to F^ye^tcvill*, flO 00 “ “ •* K*^My’s Covo. fi 00 » •' “ White Hali, » 00 “ “ ‘ All poinii* aliove, 10 00 oni .'l'»t»B or Deck Pa'arnpers ninat stay on lowfr dec'i or pay full prlc', rr “•ine Fir'^t Class «^An extra oharge will be made f«r Way Pa?pen- jicrg getting lEto Btrths during day time, aud for oocu pying a Berth with their boots cr shoes on, al th-’ dis cretion of tht Captain. J. A WORTH, for 0. F Pt’m B’t Co., R. M OS HELL, for St’re Kato and 8tm., T. S. LUTTERLOH. Feb’y 28, 1864. 9-tf ^ IVe «re »Hth(Hi*ized lo sPiinetince QILE6 L21T''’H, Biq , as a oacdidate for«ction to ih S'n - re fronur t urimufB of R'ci mor-dand Robesoa May 2. 29 fiipd We .^re aHtborized to aiir.«ince (’ol. WIJ‘ DOCfl VcRAR a» a candidate for Election toth* Houst oft ommons from Hob««in county. April 27 ar-2m To the Y«>$«>rs of llariictt CoMiity. TfiE un'ic-atgn. d, a priva'c in Co. A, ^th N C ^’ar- a'ry i'HTjnc been solioit^l by ?on c of his frier.'*?, respc'^tfully annomieas hinj'^'slf ‘o the soldier? and citi- (,f Hargett ocunty % r>ia vidvp f^r the (tfRt - of •SllEillFF at the elcoti'iu on tb« fi'st Tbt:rnd-,y in Au- ? next. SAMOFL D PIPKIN M..rch 21. 17 2'»lpd A'' To the CttiB«ns and Soldiers of Harnett. T tilt' ■.jlicitatiou of many of iny friends 1 respectfully aunouiice my-elf ;i candidate for re-election to the Mtfioe of ShiTtf for tile county of llafnett. Profoundly grateful to my friendi Iwth at hom‘ and in the -•rmy for tbe verv ijeneroaB support hwreiofore recaivt'd at ilieir hand', f can ouly pb d^ti' that should th«y aguia mani fest th» ir confideae*,- by re-eleciing me 1 will, at- hortto- fi>re. * rvc thorn promptly and impartially. Tt-ry resp-ctlHlly, JAS. R GR.\DT. .'ipril la. 24-te Io the Voters of Muore aad Montgomery 1 ANNOUNCE ra?Be!f a t« repr^Bent the 1 rejpli of Mcore *r.d jM utgoraery cnunties in the rjoxt S’ niic 0' Nuetfh Cftr-jlin*.. My prfncjpUs are Ccn- n’rvativ' aftf the straitext eect, and arf- well known t,> nl}t,ip*!o kaow m» 1 e‘i.,ill expH'C thero irrre fullv »■ i'n ;>r-, ;r tim**. J. A B.ARRETT C.i’-t’* k^»p. M^7 f>. '^0 6'pd Mrty 11. JANE McDON.\LD, whon’s Hill, Moore countw. N. 82 3t Laws of the Town of Fa^etteTillA* Applica*^ION *111 rcale to th* tsext Session f*f the Otaerll A.-semblv, for the ena?t»nent of Law*;; 1st To I taMe tbe Mayor and Cou>tai9sionpn? of Ksy- ct'evtl'r to eqa>’‘*' tbe taxei oolieeted, fo' tfco uea .f tke Town, by .tax:'’g ILe subj'c's, (except Rea’ Rc^'.tc anil 8iaT(;f erctd-'Ti'tl bpyotd *t.e of «*11 wh"»f' rvpr:- i-tr t u'':n.‘-'9 iR o>inied ->n whbip -b* li'uits nt ineTown, by the > »nle *>* r“:'’iii'’ntp m** taxed. 2.i To '■ji'ro'i*^ eaiJ Mayot nad Conimii-jloners, with oJ*?' 'offitrMssioners to ba nuaed in thj act, to extend tb' WentPrn limits of ifee Tot^a •''d T.; "intborise tho May^.r *nd Oommisaiciiers to pay (he Mayo*- a proper salary "i-ib. To auth^'tie «be M»yor and C^raT>i“«ictn‘r8 to e)rc( aud s-ppanii iheir Tresstjr^r fro'i the body cf tbe C'i;s9D«, r’ffou- bciaT r ?t ict« i to mtkiag the ap n-’Ltrr'Et within tbe B •arJ. V ?J CAVpRELL, T'>wt.C!f>rk. .Vi»y U» 81 3t Biltik of I’iarondon at Fayetteville, \ M V ll>, lH)i4 / 'l^IIE Ancna’ \leftir«g of ;he ^toeitholdeis of t.^iis ii^ank r 'rill be h?id at their Bfubicg Kcu^e, on Tiurelay morntug tbe 2d cf Jpu' next at 11 o’ol?ck. 32ft J W. SANDFORD, Cftt^b’r. JiiKt Recciv«'fl and lor $lale, LBS. COPPERAS, Duv 800 Ibg. F.\- Sugar, 70U lbs Na;1s, apBorted sises. 8. T HAWI.ET ft '^ON. M,y ir>. 82 tf Wilmington, €liar., A. R. It. K. Co.,) i'i.E.SlUKNT AN*> DlKtiOroRS’OFFICE, V L-.ur;nburg, Ma'- 5, 18(i4. J niHE Tux due to the Vaf»f*t>rvte State.*! on ibe Isl day JL of 'nre n’x*, un-n the e.arital stock of this Compa- liV. tr' i ha pi^id hy (pp CoP'r^-ny. By or ipr cf the Biard of U;reet'>rf. .*’,2 J1 JAMES I McCALLUM, Bec’y. From rey»ueril!e t^i Td ti« t ltii'n8 Hn l Soldiers orUolit'Ron (oanfy. T .'• rpq'i"?i fip 1 5'''01 Mi'-n of many fri-cda. i-el- ■? oiii*»r,j, t r- Qvrflt a. can(5id’»te 1 J r >..-nr i •■>' R. b --'>n -n the xt Lo^’i- b-'uff I s'.'u'1 be r'e»3->>i tD a'tei.d th? d’fferen* p.e*-- f 't’’-; '• oatv brforr’ c'ectioD, but fS the eu'- ny •. r 'i' ar ac f> L-? • iirht soc », I fr>r I shall n 'n »b>-: to ner’ y^u 1 on'y afk you. my fullow- M* I- Tf’.ile t’a. oan1ii V =^b .\t home a'e a idr-esiag .a lo rpniember thet I w’th the U2!iny col Uers Trbo B'Niioit«d me to all'w m” n^ue try tun, am prohibit- e t f'-i'm ibe "! «i9ure of ns»t'ng y ju, by standing in de- f-uc« of your proTierty. y jur rights »nd your liberties. And to you. brother soldier”, who have soBtrontrly eoH- C'teil n>c t.-> become a candidate, I can only thank you ttis manif-'■t4tl''n of coBfldcnc?, and nromisi, if e h.'I m', to keep a vigilant ey" to y''ur rights, your honor »ai you*" coTifarts If dvfeatoJ. I shill wilUni^ly ro- n vPi (whor* I h»v3 been for ttir*e y3:»rs.) ia def»noe of lb.- coiin!ry, wtii'.e th'we eho^ea ffiil legieiate, praying tbr ii ippv diy, when our lnd-.>p“nJ*>Boe u aokn. wl e !a^ ;d.and we all besllowel to return t-» our homes “to roj^ tse rew jrl of our ^r.ff-ri-ags” aa iadependeat, J ro?eer.)u« and happy peop'«. I ant, f'I'ow citiiors, aud brorher soldier?, your hum- Ueber»a'.t. JOHN H MoLEaN. Co G 24th R-»«’t N C T Ma-f a. 81 3tpd&te VIK9ilTBIKiir KAIL ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PAS?ENGF:R TRAlNi? of this Road leave Fayatteville dnily, (Sundayn excepted) at 8 o’clock, A M . ard returninc lea-c Erypf at 1 o’cloc.t. P M. Catflf uwi TV/jfff MONDAY, WEDNE.SD.VYani^ FRIDAY^ ^r^^^ .INO. M. ROSE. T-erys’r %r. 1 Grr>'' Tra •“. A«’* Jan. 22, 1863. PTlf 250 For BJiGS SALT; 3000 »da 4 4 Sheetirg; .6iX) Bundles Pp’-jn Cottoa; 2U Bbls Tanner’s Oil; S Casks Rice; 100 Boxes Tobacco. Five Dol'ar Conft^derate bills taken at face in pay ment tn 25*h Ma» T. a. LUTTERLOH. \fav 16 82 3t %VA.liTEl>, ^A AAA Sh-iTei 3SiT»c!-8. for wh;ch the hlghes OUjUV^* Mark 4 C'Sh pc'c? will be paid. Apply at *h-- Te!eer»pb Cfliee 31-2w .T1AT€IIK». 1 LOT of SUPERIOR M ATGHE8, for sale by k JA8. G COOK. P 31 4w i^OTICE. The ‘mb‘*''rlb;r wishes to hire two or throe FARM IfaNDS A liberal n»-!c? will be rtaid. THEtt RVAV8. May 10 81-Stpd hB^ar Cane Molasses- PERSONS disposed to pNut Cane may do so with » sarcty ti'e-t a g’-od iroa m>ll wiil be put up in this town for gri;?ding t .e Cbine'fM Su^ar Cane, anl abetter set of viipcr.a»orB 1 boi\ rn, than were evar hereto fore nsed IK t!*i.s es0«i0’i. Hoping to do a Urgt> bupfncss, not less than an acre wiU b« tsk-’n and ono four: u of the syrup charged as toll. [3t] Fayetteville, May 13, 1664 The Donori to (he Soldiers’ Orphan Fund \HE respeotfully reqnes'ed *n me'?t ia the lae'itftion for the Deaf tind Danib. in Raleigh, N. C , on Fri- div, 27th of May, at 11 o’cl -ok A .M. Those who oan- tot b* preseot yhooM send proxi> 3. A full attendance ia I'psirt d for important buoiness The c-)mrai*tco of the Gf^ni Lo Jg;; of Masf-ns for Pi. .I'lhn'o College are respectfnny in»i»p4 to be prestut. rHARLE=» F DEE^, Financial S'^'^r-.-tary. May lfi«4. 29‘t Forty able-bodied Kccriiits Ark wtnted for ’o*npiny D Tenth North Carolina Battalion "f Heavy Artill»rv, stationed at Fort Cas- w'!i, N. n. Perj-'Hs rf the Reserve hav’ n-w an opportunity cf- fe-rd of the servij:' in their own State, at a d?'=!r*bl> pciat The Q. M. D'^r'i'lment will f-rnish transportation ■I;'’n prop'»r apniv »»inn v«*r 9 J ] 59-Rt The «l^/Cdar FaEl!!) Dob bin AT*? 'iOw tireparf l to fui-n!*;''. a notion. eU. v"., Bnltftble fcr ^ool't* -.''d J M ODET.L, A T«'t. N. C,, '^{%y 7, 30 loll'd Frosn »i**l after drtte the t?teaTut*r A. I’ HURT f»:Il leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on a'Ioi and Thursday. JO‘=l A WORT.M. April ] Aft 0 F st^nv Boat Co. ?iUT«i4L !:«srru\r«; *’apit:»l in Premium Notes ^»^u»rl'\'s '■•isb (n land and f.2e7..>'’S Z'i >,0.7 ;-5 cn M*;ln FOR REIVT. A LARGE oorafortabh- H0U8E and LOT in the town of Pittribori'ogh, ('haii'am erpniy, N- C , formerly tbf^ te.Vid-nce of th" Iste Mrs. W-.imeck. Tb(re is a good gij^len spot, aad a small field at- t}>chcd ther»-ti; b1«-> a r,oci comfortable kitchen and o Ler out-housej; aiso pt-abl?8 and e&rriage-house on lot. Ar-?’y ♦* Mr Frf'i=rick S. D»v's in Piltsborongh. May 14, 1H64 32-3tpd Tbe wants of* the people sup plied at the Star Foundry in Fayetteville with f'coking Pots, Kettles, Ovens, Spiders, Plows and Plow^ Points ot all the different pattem.s now in use. Oastiu!:^ of any description made at short, notice. Sugar Mills mad* to order at the #ar Foundry in Fayetteville, N. C., by .\pril 11-—‘.!4-lia J. M. A. SAi^KR. 9.100 KKWARD. WE will pay the alwve reward for the apprehensioij and conflnomeat in juil. of the party or partiaa whi *ut and cairiod away 80 yards of our Tele.CTaph ^’ire, 14 milBB from Fayetteville, about the 22d or 2Sd init. e'OUTUKRN ExiTiJWa TEI.«GRAPn CeJtF.iNT April 26 27tf ?iVo«! an^, i ard 4'lotbiK-n. 4 tARQE i.*rr v« --v rViiCLtud COTTON ’ ^ RD 3 ''LOrutl^G, iiliifb'Iy o'»i^!»sr d, f-rfe-lt* at KOO^'MAN !k ?I!B».PS ,ar’. *• , M».y 8 ' Lo- » 1 .FMirR A,^fVoAT«. TTLOnri at«-^ OATS will be eito?»Msred for at. the StoTi' nf D Mfll.rtma, by pmng him %,few di^ys n «?lA..r t>lito No 1. bl9,/*k nr white. jn> 29 iirKiiriiirf>i oib^. WE oan faraish ILEilOdESE BUUNINU OIL in qaac- titios of !> or 10 gallons at #26 per g*ilon; tin c*.ns or kcga $15 ♦> !f20 *dditional. Send aana or kegs wiien oonvenient. > Thlfi is *8 good an Otl sa can be made withotit the mixture with Alcohol, which it is impcs?ib>e now to obtain. The wick tube of the ordinary Kerosene lamp should be aligi.tiy leng«.hcnftd by Boldering on a piMse. With a lamp thus arranged our oil bume without smoke and with as muoh briHifcncsy as any Nortoern Kerosene. HENRY G COLTON. Ag*t F K. Co. AcrU? * P PalniA Cbristi Beanif. subseriber Kill pay the higheet cash prices for I any amnaty of Palioa Ghristi B«an& ^ ^ 1. A. WORTH- fsysitstiBt, 0«i 8. Tol*\:, 2-272.7t>r> fi Tbe * ompacy h^?o ftll h proraptly, ~.nd ^^^r • cever n’ade .»n d-P'-esnmeut on t'‘'^t'' p>'err'.':'iir>'i n't'" Toi.'ti losi»* s p.'iid. ()mcBRs: GFO. Mc’?3FI;jL, l*r0'j!uent. U. A. R.\Y, Vice Preflideni. P. .\. McMlLLAN. Se's’y. l)ix?'oross: W. S. Tillirtgii%'ii 3. J. Hin'dale, Wm McL.vjriu, T. S. Lutt.-rloh, A. '*7. Stcpl. J. G. Caob. Kon. J. G. Shcshtra. Henry Lilly, H L. Myrcver, H. T. Hawley, Pathan A. StedmR.n, C. B. Mallttl.' James Ky'e. A A McKc^han J. D. 'iVilli-ims, 8. W. Tiilinghast. Tobu Colons aadC. C. M''Crumm?n, T’->'v?.l!ojt Afl-er jrt^Tha CoTpsay inv t. *tjt Ucv’-oi' '>R IfXtl 'I -Ot .M'b«ol SSook«t. r E. •. v-.ri.-t.p of JLAS^ICAL -^ORK.'; >1 s Gr'-ri'T-s-s ijlrft?> -isi L't’tj 1.".- ic- n . W.hfrt.'-’* A:;a’Tm''’l)S'>ti’cTnTrijn ^. bo'.l 0 l..'r^'v-niT M»tr'r>»!> >“(') , ” ‘>9. o, , ■ “OMTCPON. ’ N C ¥7" .VI; HACK-? 'f good D^Y SALT, t-j !ni . xcbantr^d f r Corn. Apnlv t.c -1 !\P. O COOK y ;t. iPt;4 ' 30 4w li. F. Brown, 1 , , A S. IJ>H. ^Wilir’plon A^TiVE. IFO BID all persons from trading for a ^ote given by me, 13th of April 1864, to J. B. McRae for $200, as I do not ititoud to pay the Note unless eompelled by law, as I did not get value received. CHARLES STUBBS. April .ra 26-»tpd B'xcciifor’K .^ale. By an ^nip- cf tfa« 0»urt of P!psb and Quarter 8e»^ eloni of Cumb«'rlv!d Coau*y. tbe B'lJ-coribpr, «is fi\ccntorofK 11 Wilkinnc-n. d^- ’d, wi 1 expo c-to puW^o ivn ' of J'^no C.-.rrt 1864, the land beloii»Ing to P’id f*4t»t«, cf‘nt-\jn;ng 125 aori*s nn.irc or ks", lying t a t he Ea^t side of Cape Fear River, adjoining the lAods cf Ml Daniel and ofbers Tertis at sale TORRFNCE, Ex’r. A-r.rilO. 30t.R Blanks for latQ at tbii Office. Reward. Ran \WAY frm the snbsoritier, i NEGRO WOMAN h'r“d 'be ’bt J*^’y 18'-4, from Mr. A. W. S «»*l of F»ytfteville. •‘^he ia P’jp:>os«d to b^” about tho town now Said woman's name is Be«8*i^ aad is of medium height dark comrlexioD, ani ft full suit of ha'r. I will give the abov«i reward to any one whn will deliver her to me at the Arsonal, or confine her in jedl. MATTHEW P. TATLO&. April 86. rOR WIT.L sell or exchaaifo for 4 per cent. '’o*f#d=iratc i«»iia" («* uieir vainn) Monelo-re jt'am. In tk* Fn.-nch Brotid Valley. Traueylvaaia county. The Farm contiiina 680 acn-j«, of which 210 of bettlom land and u»d*r the nio?t succesi^ful cultivation. Producing (per aer*) asi hirtre crops of Rrain. clover and otbwr hay gra*»e« a« any farm in Wcbtern N. ). Tbe premiew^ are in the b«»st pus Pible order. Building.^ all new with evwry eonTenienee *f a flist elasp establishment. Tbe Farm is beautifiiny lo- cati-d, enclosed with fence of locnrt post* and oak and ehesniit lathes. .-Vddre." Ihinn’a Roek. N. C. F. W. JOHNSTON. April 22 *»- »tpd By order of the Court of Pleas and Quar^»r SewlouB ®f Robeson county, Feb’y Term 18'i4.1 Re«k«n King, Sheritfof said county, will sell for ca«b. at the Cotu‘t Hou«! in T.umberton, oa the fourth Monday ki May next, the followini? Tracts of Lnnd, or innch thureof an wUI pay the tax anW costs then'On for th«? ysnr lt(S2, vit: One hundr-d acres located ou tbe Eli*»>*otb Road, valasd at fS8. listed by Robert«on Singletery. tax $2 5*. Alse at the same time, >i*rhiy-five acred. locat*d on Gaw SwaniD. valued at $‘2.5, listed by F. C. Watson, tax *1 jji ^ R. KINti.Shir. ’ April 1«. ‘5;;^ W:iBite«l—Wood H^and. rpUR undersignird will give a fair price for a well wooded 1 tract of LAND of 100 or 200 aerefl, ou^the Railrp^ at any |K)iut lx^twi>«n Jonesboro’ and Fayefteville. Wo«d, Ditch pine Ijo.xed or nn1x)xed „ ^ ^ ucMuv 6’ tJOLTON, Agent F. K. Co 26tf HENRY B. Fayottflville. Anril 19. RAWS! RA«S!!—The infe rior quality of the paper on which the ^ Observer has been printed of late, and which is a great eye-sore to ns, is owing to the want of a sufficient supply of g o I rftg^ • nd the consequent neo- o'^'lty to resort to itiferior materials. We appeal to the friends of *^be Of.server at all accessible pointa, to save up and bring to town all the rags they can procure, We have no time cBirselves to attend to their purchase but Messrs. G«'0 W. Winiams A Co., the Agente in this town of Mr. Murphy, will pay 15 cents per lb. for « J. HALE * SONS GALILEE OF OLD AND IN OUR OWN DAYS. Five little cities, of which men will speak forever, tis mach as of Rome or Athens^ were, ia tho time ot Jesus, scattered over the space which extends from the villaga of Mcdjdel to Tell Hum. Of these five villages, Magdala, Dal- mauutha, Capernaum, Bethsaida and Chorafin, tho first onlj can now 6e identified with certain* ty. The 'wrctched village of Medjdel doubtless preserves tbe name and the place of the little aiarket town which gave to Jeas his most faith* ful friend Dalmanutha was probably near by. ~ It is not inipos8ibIa that Chorazin was a little in* land to the north. As to Bethsaida and Caper* Baum, it is in truth entirely by conjecture that they are located at Tell-Hum, at Ain et-Tin, at Khan-Minych, at Ain-Medawara. It would seem that in topography as in history, there has been a profound desire to conceal the traces of tbe great ioundcr. It is doubtful whether we sLall ever succeed, amid this complete devasta tion, in idpDlifyiDg the places to which humanity would fain comc to ki^s the imprints of bis feet. Tho lakes, the horieon, the shrubs, the flowers, these £.re all that remain of the little region of eight or ten miles in which Jesus founded his divine work. Tho trees have totally disappeared. In this country, where the vegetation was for merly so brilliant that Josephus saw in it a sort of miracle—nature, according to him, being pleased to collcct here, side by aide, the plants of the cold latitude^", the productions of the tor rid cone, and the trees of the temperate climes, burdened alt tho year with flowers and fruit—in this country, 1 say, tho traveller now calculates a day in advance the spot in which he may find on the morrow a little shade for his repast. The lake ha8 become deserted. A single bark, in the most miserable condition, plouglm to-day these waves once so rich in li^ and joy. But the water;^ are still light and transj arcnt. The beach, composed of rocks or of pebbles, is almost that of a little sea, not that of a pond, like the shoro ol Lake Hulch. It is clean, neat, without mud, always beaten at the same level by the slight movement of the waves. Little promontorie, roT'cred with oleanders, tamarind trees, and the prickly caper, complete the outline At two pliiccs especially—at the egress of the Jordani near Tarjchoca, and at the border of the plain of lienesaret—there are intoxicating parterres, whero the waves die awa]^ amid clumps of graaa and flowerfi. The brook of Ain-Tabiga forms a little estua ry full of shell fish. Clouds of swimming birds cover the lake. Tho horiEon is sptirkling with light. The water, of oelestial azure, deeply en cased between frowning rocks, seems, when view* ed from the mountains of Safod, to be in the bot tom ot a cup of gold. On the North, the snowy ravines of flermon stand out in white lines against tho sk}’3 on the East, the high, undulating plains of the Gaulonitis and of Penes, completely arid, and clothed by the sun in a species Of velvety at mosphere, form a continueus mountain range, or rather a long, elevated terrace, which, from Cae sarea Philippi, tends indefinitely toward the South. Tho heat upon the borders is now very opprea- sive. The lake occupies a depression of 600 feet below the level of tho Mediterranean; and thus shares the torrid condition of the Dead sea. An abundant vegetation formerly tempered these ex* ce^ivc heats; it is difficult to comprehend that such an oven as the whole basin of the lake now is, from the month of May, was ever the scene of such eztraordinary activity. Josephus more over, considers the country very temperate. Doubtless, there has been here, as in the Raman oampagna, some change of climate, brought about by historical caus^. It is Is^amism, especiallj the Moslem reaction against the crusades, which has blasted, like a sirrocco of deatii, the region favored of Jesus.—lieman’s Life of Jetm. — . . - — A Fairy's Funeral.—The following description of the funeral of a fairy, is from tbe pen of the late Professor Wilson, the “Christopher North” of Blackwood’s Magazine, and is as beautiful a piece of composition as we ever read. “There it was, on a little river is!and, that once —whether sleeping or waking, we know not— we saw celebrated a fairy’s funeral. First, we heard si'me small pipes playing, as if no bigger than hollow rushes that whisper to the night winds; and more piteous than aught that thrills from earthly instruments, was the scaro* audible dirge. It seemed to float over the stream, every foam bell emitting a plaintive note, till 4he fairy anthem floated over our couch, and then alight ing without foot-steps among the heather. The pattering of little feet was then heard, as if liv- infz creaturcs were arranging themselves in order, acd theii there was nothing, but a more ordered hymn. The ha mrny was like tbe melting of mu3 cal dewdropp, and sung without words of sor- r« w and dea h We opened our eyes, or rather !?ight to them when clo^ed, and dream was vision. Hundreitfl of creatures, no taller than the cje*:* of the lapwing, anl all Imnging down their veiled headf», stood in a circle on a grecu plat among the rocks; acd in tbe midst of it was a bier, ’ram'-d, as it seettjcd, ol flowers unknown toth; Highland beds; aud on the bier a fairy lying with uncovered face, pale as a lily, and motionless as.the The dirge grew fainter and lainter, and then died away; when two of the cTcatures came from the circle, and took their station, one ot tho head and the other at the ftwt of the bier They sang alternate moasures, not iouder than the twittering of the awakened wood lark before it goes up the dewey air, but dolo rous and full of the desolation of deSth. The flower bier stirred, for the spot on which it lay ear k slowly down, and in a few moments the green sward was smroth as ever, the very dews glittering above the buried fiairy. A cloud pass ed over the moon; and with a choral lament, the funoial troop sailed duskily away, heard afar off, so still was the midnight solitude of the glen. Then the disenthralled Orchy began to rejoice afl before, through all her streams and falls; and at the sudden leaping of the waters and out- burt^ting of the moon, we awoke. FeVy 6-ltf Btank Warrants tor sa^e here. Wheat Fi-ot'pect in the South —Having j'ust returned from a trip through South Carolina, Qeorgia and Alabama, it affords pleasure, says the Statesville N. C. Express, to report that the wheat crop in all these States is very promising and the report is equally favorable from Missis sippi. The stand is good and the fields green. At Columbus, Miss., com was selling at $4 per bushel, Selma |S, Montgomery S5, in old iasue. Millions of bushels oan be purobaBed st ihe0% rates.

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