lil wbicli ho vmiy le his «xewuf.tion 21U or to tlie-lkra. xed l.y the Com- ih r tho iuti>regg. :xi'\ pursuu ea 1';* "^'-ititJcii • •■• uu‘. . >i xaeat :• mouths 1*1'-■> .ded f^r. vv t '! the j>rori- dupriv^vi uf huriui^ Feh. ' ^ oxuinp- ' ’-^r th3 i\[. •-•■■ipt or de- ■‘‘iiV be Ratis- • ?K-*eoant of thu j.»r(Hino- rovisi^ns tWr the >Id'.',*rt.. He itiaVj tieiaiL*. (*n wieli tjc, to biich uver- '-e mny sat- to cuuutrv in tiNiu in the mili- kt Ml. 1 exemption ar. , planter or >ti\ c.:i})it)v in Ci‘, ‘ ' snui labor ;iu(i -4 ^niiii and ^i^>vernnieut ni»i pn-.i- not- exco4?d- « l.*r art-ielts the State under nrer, auditor and road coiapany en- •the H-'vernineut, )lt) V „A « tiiore-'jt' as [idcui 5-iiail cortif?’ Itt to the efiieieut d: i’pividcd, that exempted bv tiiid ot dxctic'-l oue p«r- rtmu in actual use ; ttiid s.iid exempts j a . l de:scripti(ju. ifho Uuve leti tb* pauy, or who tna? Q contaiued shall tho a&t upprov«il tied ciu act ti» %x- jin^ the maii* ol ud the drivor* ul from militarj ser- [ tiie «Keuiptioui3 lall ^vuy continott pled are aotuAllj Yt purcuitfi or oc- ideut be, and he ie ant details, under :ioP*‘ t • be i»eued t, either of persons of ttg«, or from the cases where, \u his f and udCtfAoii'f re* d IL.&J r®voke such !f he thinks pr»]^r: • bv-toUi :;rautea to letttiis ,nd exdinp- i«d t • authoriid tht ftnj i'vntractor for ^ kiud to the Got- dJ uoutract, uslws :htt 'j^^pHrtment ma- j«rtifj that tho par- i)ntract* »r are indis* n of »uid contract; hen auy Buch oon- tly ■ ’ faithfully, ;uti. jf 8uch ooa- eiis,; all c«a«e. nti:-. :-^cal boardi lina . of p®riou8 , U'> Juetnber com- app'^nted from th« rtct ■ which thay ;h 6' naination. ———— u. i«. C.,1 'J r '' K ls68. i trta/ ' ■' r Jfaik at thu ac , al M ly at 'i. B. at S ay at I‘ . »«. -ifitX'JN. X. ad ■ I 7 P. .M. aud '■ y i 1 P. M. !. 0 lid ^ at 6 P. M. I 1 ii 1. ■ i ' t 1 P. M. ^ aJ r \t 6 A..M. l i! . I P. M. lUE . ■ f. aad F-. a. A M- - i »». M. C [Sricj Lt 2; . HE, -•ON aad U T - * (,)»•» etou • off fro® n, 1 ' )r »9 h-. i: r,,.. p4idb/ ['i*y ' a to 9^ A a > |»i u:*M, - 0 ■bufui &jK>r^t.ion, witi laoiu n )B pu-bRo C00“ Ives of . healthy |t.r oue ^c-, (shfcf.u^Mi-Uiepro^ #f age ar« ias’iT^d Tut Ithir ’,-i luciT vahi«- Iwtuitu ‘ days aft** all*.' I, rifcrro-1 M a th »aii *• more ‘iry, UALh, I . .jom** J^KMI-WEEK L Y. N Ul. KAYETTEVILF.E, C.. may IS64. [N(X 1335] PriIKTFr M05!>Ar9 aUT) THURPUATa ^:dwarp j. hale & sons. E! ITORS .\5D PROPRFETORS tMie ^or the ai Tui-Wtiekly OnsiRvm flO n» adT&o !« RATES OF FREIOUT, «*TA»tUBB» ST THB raorBIITOSI or TBM ttrnamkoai Com^mnU* the C'«UM #Var RBRIJABT 1864. For tb» ts*«viy Odi«R«.7BB $0 00 J»«r p«14 adTanc# In 'ADVKHTI8EM RNTS lni»ertwl for $2 p«r a jnaro of 12 lincu f>r Ipap for ihe first, and one dollar for each •nooe^linjr publi«.ation. AdTertiserN arer*4uest^ to •taJe the nuroh*»r of inBPrtionp 'Irsired, or iheT will beocnflnned tM1 fnrhid. and charjrpd acoor'I'ngiy. Aflverti=t*ni. n» int^d*. cb^rjred i%p n^w »4- VMrtisemds. HPKOML NOTICE. From an • ic»- fhisi no name of a new ntih«criber will b« en‘3r*d wMhout pavineQt in adi'anoe, nor will Ihe paper be s*n» to acch suhsnrib*rti for a langur time than is p&i i fot 8u'h of our old •♦ab^onbers as de^re to lake the pa per on this SY“ietn will nleK«e noti^ us when makinjr remitt^ncfR Jan’y 1, 1358. H\?#. .Tfrl.. *Wf Jtf.f V, Attorney at Law. Fayktteville, N. C. ‘ I^ILL atieu.l the County and Superior Oourti of IT Cumbe»L*nd, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Cona- ti«B. Prompt attention ffiveB to the ooHeetios of all al&inui entrusted to hi* handx. Oct. 17, 1859. 5b-if UTLEV, €tro€rr and Commisftion .VereAnitl, FAVKTTEVTLLE, N C Jan’T 10. 186S. 98-tf IITHAN V STKi;.>tA.\. ' WM. H. BEBN'AIU). IV. A. »*TK»nA:\ A o.. WHOLESALE A3iD ilETlIL iEALERS AND «fo. 10, Bfay Strfet^ FAYETTEVILLE, N C. April 20. 2«tf B 0 WOBTB. 0 a WmBTB. B. O. DaBIBL WORTH & CO^ Oommlsalon and Forwarding Mttrohaats, n*atrr SIrtel, WILMINGTON, N Oct 16, 18«8. Boggiin.. j BtooB Wax and Tallow, p«r hktf B->Qon. ioo««, per ton Barreli*. dry, pef barrel j DiHo Pota)oe«. per barr«l ' Bei»tea^p each ! B-»1ew p^r bale 1 Hitto T*rn. per hale { Ditto W»»te. per '00 !be. 1 Cnpr»>rtiD per b>'l. I Cottr.n. p'-r h%i«» j (’t>rn. W^eat 0«t«, *o per hos.’id Ch^i*^. 8>>iir.|r, e*oh I Dl tc RoftVlnf, small 2 60: larfce etch j pi»r :-a» ■ >• hTrrel. j T'en.ijiVrs empty fl; flUed e««t* , F'*b and Pork, rer ♦'srrel I Grit* f Sioae*! per (ii'n I p r barrnl I Hidf.«. ftreen I 60; dry $1 I Hnrfl»s. diwn or np. Hay r»nd Pf»dd«r, per hale I'"on. b^*" an'? h"''p. per ton Dit'o, pi|f, p,'r ton Litne, ppr eagv dUfo per bstf«l L*atbe" loo«e p«r *lde, I fi'O; do, bUa, p L«nd pi»r t>n MolwBes. 40 irallona. per barrel Powder, Per keg. 25 lbs. Perp.'r per bate Oil, in bblB , 81 itallone, in bafs, per bag 1 60: ditio. ia bhiit, 2 60 per bM Ffoe, per ea«k B^“in, p>r barrel Snirlt* Tnrpf^niine, per barrel Wkgnns. R^ai, in b'>x»s, Spirits, in hhds , pl^s *nd eaeks, p*r gBll^B Buttae. in b>>rrelB. Cjal. per ton, f’26; ditto, p?r hhd , $10. A>1 other freieht-t in proportion. 1*0 10 00 40 on S 00 6 00 6 0-^ 16 CO 10 00 2 00 10 00 15 on J5 7f> 4 60 36 Ort 00; ft 00 35 00 H 00 2f> 00 6 00 26 00 25 00 8 00 »♦ 1 00 26 00 A 00 1 50 20 00 a 0C> per bM 15 00 2 fiO 6 00 40 00 8 00 26 5 00 COTTOK CWLDH, Ho. 10. i r I^HE FAYETl'flVlLLE COTTON CUtD MA.NUFA TUKING ro.MP \ '^Yare now manufacturiugHARDS superior to any run through the blockade, and at pri.-Heat are Stilling for a less price the siugle pair or by tbe quan tity. .^uy p.T9oa orderins; pix or more pairs, they will t>e securi,‘Iy packed and deliver«id in tVilwiagton frw of ex- peBPe. Call upon or addr«)* A. A. McKETfT.^N. J. \. ^\0^tTfi. ;LEX. JOHNSON. Jr. F^tU?vill«. N. April 18 24tf Pre?bytTian and ' ikrolinii (£> We lire aathorleed and rtqaested lo *>V'iuu .xnce *ol b F LI' 1 ulv hh a cttu.3:oate to ri progent ihe oi^Uii'y i*f R ch?in’n' H'. U83 cf t'ummoQ^ ia ibf n-. at L gi-l»iar.' 'aj 19 *14 te iaa copy. FayeUfvilJe llosiu Oil Works. OUR Oil VVork.s are now in complete operation, and as we use nothing but good ro.^in in producing the ra.-.n J 21 rii> u D, We are autborized to announce JOUN A. ivf H o>‘ujld>o l(.r re ts • lo t!se i ftcf cf Btejiff for the coat ty of Riut- 86 f:t;d te We arc autborized to snnouncc A. S. a .i.iojMiie t.r lUo o.Cv if J-h r ff for the oonnty cf Riobraond tbe »nt cM'oiioii &A-f)ipd The naiw; of JAMES KIRKPATRICK is reppectfnMy submitted to the voters of Guraberlar.d and Harne't lo voted for aa a Bepresentativa of thcBb Ooaaties't'tf ibe H./UBd of Commona MANY VOTKR8 Vlay 1«. lfi«4 • 8-1-tf \\ e are au|liorized lo atiiiotiiicc KObLlir .1 MtN ^in «.f (ji,. O, Ihi N C .Ar;> It-ry, a. h. ( in for the slBje of SHERIFF ■ t il!l 7 a4 0# UST OF coaim;es for passevgers. TU£ foll^'wing rates of PMiage will b« okarfe j ou onr Steamers:— 0. WA*1TTE». 2rAA BUSHELS WHEAT. jOUU 1.600 CORN. Persons kaTini; tbe abore anioles to sell wlU remiTe the hifhest Caeb price by calling on Mr. M Thc^nMun. at the Merchant .Vf'lis. Fhyctieville, «r on Ike sabaori- ber at his old s'and on Market Square. ALEX. JOBNSON, Jr. Not. 6, 1862. 76tf OOWM. From FayeW^*llla to Wilminjcon. fSO 00 •' “ Elixabeth, 16 00 *• wm-e H^Il, 20 00 “ “ Seilv’s Cove, 21 00 “ “ All poinia below. 80 00 *110050 CLA88, OB DIO&. From Fayette a to Wilmington. f20 00 “ “ *• Elixabeth, 10 00 »• •■* •* Wcjtehall. 16 00 •• “ Kelly’s 'ttve. 15 00 1 '• *• All points below. 90 00 tip. Pmm WllaiingtoB to P.aTetievillc. S80 00 * •• “ Kelly’a Cnvn, 18 60 *• “ White Hail, 16 60 .. “ Eiixabetti, 20 00 I! Priwpe?t HalL 24 00 *• " All points above. 80 00 8100ND CLASS, UB DIOR From Wilmington to F%yetteville. f20 00 4* “ Ke’ly’a Cove, 10 00 •1 •• White flail snd Eiisabeth, 12 00 1 “ ‘‘ All points above. 20 00 AR.11Y I AM prepared to minnfacture all kinds ef Wagoa Harness fcr .Krr^iv nve. I uw my leather and can gire go^d baraair*. Airenls wiii do well to send their •rder^ to me a? *■ y 5h«.U uavp attention and WBt off in quick disoatch. JOHN GAJET'SR. 0oldsi.on P •> . Chatham Co., C., ) Jnne 13. 1862. ) 34tf 900 Ihii. Arabic lor sale by J. a L£E Oct 15. 69tf ^^^8eoond OlafS or Drok Pa^s^ctera most stay on lower deok or pay fall price, or eazie a« Firet Claaa. Oil we can reconinienJ it to be the best of tbe kind matle in this cnuntry. It is a fine Lubrifating and Tanner’s Oil, and we would be e^lad to receive orders from thw 1 n Government and the public generally. We will sell on i Vl -.v ■>(> reasonable terms. MOORE, CASUVVELL A CO. I . L_ II 28tf • rvspectfiilly recommead { C'^l AAHON .V K kVYULL i.? i ^utia’>)3 p^r^on to run tf» r«pr»*«»Qi i.h« i»f Ma rf ■•iid .Montg m»r7 in the nex' Rc.oatm of North r.arolinv bi;h**vin|{ him to bs a man *>uon a9 tho timen de:iiHBt. MANY CIT1ZKN8 Mtv 17 m EAGL(5 FOUNDllF. SOMB mont-bfi a?o we ^owr'etcd all our fixln'e? for the ratnnfiotnre of CAlt WMKBL8, but owng i.i Ihe failife of the #unp!r of Iroti ”'f proper nature, we h%Te nnt. lait'ly been rdI' to sapply '♦tjr dem.%t»d tfceoi; f>:H diffieuky ti >wever, will l-e >>»erO'C‘Die is th.-' course of ^ix faecs. »» w-xioh time we bha!l be able «o furai^h wheels of the/oP'wicg siaua —24, 26, 28 and 30 inohes; alao Cbilled ( iroa T»»o Iron we sbal) use for ihc3) wil! be ('old BUit Oharcoiil Iro’i, and we war raat ur whfols NOT TO CRAOK. and to be equal to at*y made iu Ihe ConfoderiiOy, *r to those of Wtiitney &, S:;nsc( Pailadelphia, who>ie reputation is so well known by 4tl Riiilroad oompanieo. Wc are pr^'partd to execute Loom, f'ry 8and, aui Green Sand Work, of any sbape or ai*e D. .‘NDER80N Sr CO. Fayetteville, Mareh jJO. 186* Ifltf LUBklCATlji^GlilLr^ Ttiti Ui)deriti(cn-a i Uvw prAparad lo f>itai!>n lu the purlio I very fiuperior ar»ic1« of LUBRICATING OIL, etpteially for Cotton and IfooZen Faetoriet We cl--im mat laiH Oil do.’s not gun, and may be run at gr -ater speed with less power than any other Oil exeept dperm. , Mr W H Pjrter, Superintendent of Phooix Colton Factory, stys of ii: *•! have been using your Lubrioat log Oil for 2 or S^rsonths, and find it to ba superior to auy other OH oow in u*i> for luhrioating.” '.r John Kors.haw, Sup’t of Blouot’s Creek Factory, sp.ys: “I can cheerfully say your Lubricating Oil is a superior ar*ide It doee not gum ia the leas*, but keeps Lhe joarnaU clear and bright ” Mr A F Beekerdite. Cb’cf En2>nier of tbe C 8 Arse nal and Armory of this placc, was requested to try it and “I thirk fot litttit machinery—ouch a> Co'ton Fkotori^B—aud for h^avy machinery when Ihe motion ia «U>w. your Lubricating Oil will compare next in qual ity to Sperm ” Other cotton manufacturers hiv?e tried it and pro- ncftiDced favorably of it. HENRY E. COLTON. Ageat Fayetteville Kcrosine Co April 1864 20 tf BUK.^I.K,i OIL. WEc-in farm h KKROiiE.VIJ CUttNlNG OIL in qaan titles of •*> r 10 «%lion.‘« at $26 p-r gallon; tin oano •>r Slo to $20 adJitiocal. BaaJ or keca w^en oonvenient. Tois is as gjod in Oil ms cnn be made without the mixture with Aloohol, which it ia impna-iit’e now to obtain. Tbe wick tube of the or tmary Rt^rTesne lamp An extra charge will be made far Way Pa^set;* i v 11 i ...i i i. i — - - * saould be slightly leogih?nrd oy eo!der>&g on a piec5. ger« ge'tlog iBt;> Berths daring day tima, and for .>cca PTiDK a fi.^th with their biK>i9 or shoes on. at the die eretioQ of tba Capt-ain. J. A WORTH, fcr C F Hi'ra B’l Co., T. S LUTTKRLOH, or 8t’r N C B. M OBRELL, for 8t’n Kate and San. Mhy 20, 1804. 34 lB»*lm With a lamp thiic arraugid our jil l>uroi wiih.'>ut emoke J with ad much hrit moy t*. any Norlnern Kerosene. □ KNRY E CO 1.7ON. Ajt’t F K Co. April 7 '.’l-tf After tlii« date t vrill pa/ 16 f>ni3 per pouad for .rags, o» the h»fr!.ftst riapket price, de'ivered ia FayetteTiUe, or tI rey ;ji ? c?» Ra.'kl, h. P MDBPRY Fe^’y 1«. 18«4 7 Wanted to Purchase, 7E8TERN RAIL ROAD STOCK: Baiik No eo; Odd and Silver; Nona Caiohca Treaaar,* Notes (Faad*b'«*:» “ “ •• $1 and $2; ** “ Bonds, old and aew; County f.f C’im^rl*nd Bunds; Town of FAj«»teT;ile B’juda; Greensboro’ $1 a;id $2 CerttficateB; Confederate 7 and 8 per c‘nt. Bonds;; Coupons 01 $l5.0iX>.000 loan; “ of Town and County Bonda;* “ of oM '•orth Carwlina Bob Is; T. 8. LDTTERLOH. Oct. 12, 1863. 71i4 B;ink or Clarcndoq at rayetteTlllei \ M y 16. 18t*4 f 1'HE Annual Mefiiog of the Stockholders of this Butk Will bft hfM *' th- ir Banking Hi use. on TfcnreJay ffiorninK tbe 2d of Juue nf-xt M 11 ''’cl ck. 8J:» J vr. k^ANDFOKD. Oash’r. RAIL. ROAD. The FREIGHT AND PASSESQRR TRAINB of this Road leave Fayetteville daily. (Sundays exoepted) I at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning leave Egypt at 1 o’clocB. P M Calfte €ud Hont Tram MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By ar.J*T JNO M. ROSE, Treaa’r and Gen’l Trans. Ag’U Jan. 22, 1863 97tf From and after thi» date the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Tharsday. JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Go. 600 FAYETTEVILLE MITUAL lN81JRAi\€E COMPAM. Capital in Premiam Notea amotinte to Cash on band and other Msets, $267,688 2b 5,077 86 Jii^t ll«x*ji«i'd and ior Sale,, CcFl'EH H, HOO I- p. F- »r Siisr^*'. 7uO Ibn Naile, ••merie'l si*eB. H T HAWLEY &SON. May 16. ~OKD.^A!(CE DKPAKTMKICT, \ RALnioH. N. C., May 8, 180*. / Lead WANTE1>-—I Wisb to pnroha«e Lead for this Department. Pernons haTing large or itaall quaa- titie^ will plea«e apply at once. Will give 1 pound sf POWDER for to poatids of jJSAD. Tnofr D HOGG. Capt. 0. 8. 69-tf Id charge of Ordnance. MOTICl^TO FARiHlsRS. 8TR.VW WANTED. Wanted immedia'^'y for the Hoflpitals and Troops at Fayetteville, 20 000 nonnda ot WHEATST-itAW, snitaLle for beidiog. Fa iners having a surplus of thia article on hand wiM coa?'*r a benefit on oar slok and wfunded BoM' by briugiiig it ia. A fair prioo will tw paid Apply »o QUART£HM\STER, at the Arsenal Fayette»ill'^ \r«ena’ a»d A'^mory, April 4. 21tf E^ypt Coal !?llue. The tmdersignea were, at the November Term of the Confederste (Jourt. District of North CM’olina, ap pointed Managers of Ihe Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartnarahip for the pui^se of Diiaing and selling Ck>al, and solicit orders for the same In any desired qu^^ntity. Orders for asy amoont ran be supplied on «bort notice. The Coal from tuis pro perly it undorbtedly the bc^t in the CoJifederate States. Apfiieaticni may be r>ado to B Mallett, ?ayotte- . »illc, N. r., or !at! Brcwue, Charleston. 8. 0 CHARLES B. MALLETT JAM£8 BROWtnE FaretieTille. Jat’y 20, IHO’i. Wltf WANTIID, lor tho Hospital at Fort Fisker T^OULTRY, Chicketifs, and ether delicacies for I the sick Holdier? at this Hospital. Persons haring these articles oau obtain toe market prioo on applLoa- titm to tbe subtioribvr at his old stand or at Mr J W. Povera'a oa Hay Street. K. X. HKD>S, Qen'l Aa«.2k Total, $272,765 16 The Company hare paid all losses promptly, and have never made an aasessment on their premium notee. Total loaaes paid, 129,682 OvviOBB*: GEO. MoNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. MoMILLAN, Slo’y. DiaBOTOBs: Henry Lilly, W. N. TlUinghanU H. L. Myrover, 8. J. Hinsdale, S. I. Hawley, Wra McLaarin, Nathan A. Stedmaa, T. 8. Lmterloh, A. W. Steel, J. a. C*ok, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. P. Brown, 1 A E ira.n_ >Wilmgton. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A A. MoKcthan, J. D. Tftlliama, B. W. Tillingl.aat. rayettCTille Arsenal and Armory, \ Nev. 12. 1S68. / ^lOO BOUiVTY. If\inferl, lOO •.Wmnted Kittemen, Authority having bnen granted by the Wat De partment to ralsi- a tJorapany of Mounted Riflemen for service in thia vicinity, not'ce is hereby given that raoraits to the number of 100 non eontcripit will be re- oeivrtd for this service. Each resruit will be required to furnish a serviceable horse, tor which be will be al- Hwcd 40 cents per dicm. and his pay $12 per month. Written ptrmution wiil be required from paren*« or gaardiatis. where the appUcact is under the oanseript age. Each recruit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepared to remain Bridles, sivddles. halters and saddle blankets furnieh- ed by the Government, or if ths reoruit comes provided with them, he wi.l be paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at tho Ar senal F. L. CHILDS, 80tf] Major C. 8 A. Comd’g Post. A. E. Hall, i John Collias and C. O. MoT.mmm®®, Tr^Telmg Agrnfe ani^rhe Onupaar iav*t« aDplieatlons. »‘nv 39 fWi *1. LOOMS! LOOMS!! LOOMS!!! The Sabecribere having bougtit the right for the Connties of Orange, Chatbam, Wake, Granville, Person and Caswell, to make, b»6 and sell Keadall’a oelebrated ••FAMILY HAND OR POWER LOOMS,” are new engaged in patting them np for sale. This loom is a great invaatioD. Ii is easily kept in order, and with proper attention, will weavo from 16 to 30 yards of cloth per day, aoo rding to the kind and quali ty of the oloth wovea No ItKims make better cloth. They weave tbiek cr tbin, a« may be d'-sired Frr.m tbe same drawing ia, limply by changing the treddle strings, which oan be doae in ten misataH, Plain Cloth, Doable PUia, Jeans. Tweeds, Battinet, Blank et, Twill or S^rge, Fnstiaa, &o, may be woven Also doable width and seamleM bags, if the warp ia prepared for that purpose A«y person who kaowB how to warp beam, aod draw ia tbe warp well, in tbe oommon looms, oan suooessfully operate on these looms at once They work with a orank, and arc easUy worked by a bo” or girl 15 years old. They oan be worked by band, water, steam or horse power. Owing to the high price of labor, material, &o , a im i ed camber of looms will be put op Orders will be filled in tbe erdar that they o-'«me The priae cf thesA looms befar* the war. for hand Tvowen was $100 We will sell them at the »ame now, if paid in provieioaa, wheat, flsar, corn, baoon, lard, Ac., at old prices or their equivalent ia baak, 8.ate,'or Confederate btUa QBO. W. PUR8P0Y, B. B. SAUNDERS, Chapel HiIL N tH. April 29. 28 Im . CONFKDBKATI STATES OF AMERICA, ) EMaiHKKB Dbpabtmbnt, Di9T. Capb Fbab, I WitmiugiDQ, N. C , .Viaroh Ibih, 1863. } Notice is hereby given lo all prrsons bavin? claia>3 against the Enemeer Department, for nervioee of •laves employed as laborers on tbe land defmeu n«ar Wilmington, N C , that tho undernigBeit i^ aucborited and prepared to p^^ the «ianie at his office, on (.ju s«- oond floor of tbe building next above .Meare^’ Drug Store. Market Stroe.t. Persona executing Powers of Attorney will ob serve tne following loriu —their signatures, in all caiec, la be wiMio.ised by two wines!>e8 and signed iu dupli Cft-e, or ih»y maj b« w:in“SSod before a Justice >f tt».» Peace or Cl*rk of -nr C>>urt FORM Of POWER 0? ATfORNBy. I, of —•—. Hereby appoint , of . tny true «nd lawful Ai^cnt to eign rccnipta for, receive pi.yment of all moneys due to me ny the Euginetr De,- pikrtment of the Conf'derate States of •no aerviora of mjr niavd emp-lo^ed ae laborern on the land deferccs at , during the month of , 186 Witness my hand asd imai at ——, ibe day of , 18« (SigBfd ia dnplioato.) — —— JSeal ] Witnesea Ct^We resipectrully recomaie nd Lieut. JOSEi'H A. MeAKTHUR. of C >. I 5Ut Reg’V N C. T . as » (landidaie to r«'n>‘i»^ent ue in tbe Hooee of fTsmmon* of the n»xt Legialafire from Cumberland and Harieti ooun!iea. H M'.Art.iur ia a devoted man «o bia coun try’s oau«c aod has b-»pTi in ih* war *Yer since it began, and he w 11 m«ke n* a ^oid Rpprepenfi.;i»-> 82 Itpd te Many SOLDIERS. We respeootfnlly recommend NEILL McKAY, E^q . >s a candfuate fvr re-cl»oti(>n to a feat in tbe next Honie of Gammons from Cifflberland aci Harnett counties. MANY CITIZENS. May 2. 29 '"tprt&ie We are anthorized to annouoce Col. MUHDOCU McRAB as a candidate for re-election to Ifae House of Commons from Hobeaoii county. April 27 27-2m To the Voters of Harnett County. Tub unders’gned, a priva'a in Co. A. 6tb N G. Cav airy, having been solioiled by some of his frienda. reancotfully anoounces hliaself to the soldiers and eiti s-na of H»mett coooty as a Candidate for the Office of SHERIFF at the eleotion on the first Tharsday is Au guBf coxt. SAMUEL D PIPKIN. March 21 17 24tpJ To tbe I'itiiens and Soldiers of Harnett. At the solicitation of many of my friends 1 reapectfolly announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of SheriflT for the county of Harnett. Profoundly >;rateful to my frienda both at home and in the A rmy for tlie very jp.-nerous support heretofore received at tbeir band'4. I can only pU-dge that Hbould they again mani fest their confidence by re-electing me I will, ab hereto fore, aerre them promptly and impartially- Very respectfully, JAS. R. GRADY. April IS. 24-te To the Voters of Moore and Montgomery I'ouatlea. {ANNOUNCE mvself a candi >ate to 'epresent the recple of .Mcore and .Mciktgomciy counties in the next 8«>n»te of Nc-»»h Carohna. My trinotples are Con- aervativ after tbe strait«at sect, and «re well known tc all who koflw me 1 shall explain them ir^ro fnlly a* ito nrnper tirae. J. A BAR'tETT Ca-thage, Muy 6. 80 6>pd To t le ritlzcns and Soldiers of Uobesuii County. At t^o tequc.m and soiioiistica of many frienda, ao| ditrti aud citix^ns, 1 annouace luydclf a candidate to repr-seai the county of Rob ’scn in tbe next Leg>e laturn. 1 would he pleised to atte'id the different pre of the flouuty before tbe et»eMon. but *e th; en* ray i«! prapar’ne lt> give us ^ fi|i:bt ".ion. I fear I ahal' not be ab’.e lo iiieet y.'.u I only a'k my fellow oitiii'ns. waile the canJila'es at hsoic ar» aJdrc-ssin^ you, to remember that I. wuh tbe roauy soHiers who have sti’O'led me lo all'w my n^me to run, am prohibit ed fr>>m the pleasure of meattng y >u, by standing in de fence of your property, your rich's and your liberties And to you. broiher soldter«, who have so strongly soli oiled uio to become a candidate, 1 can only thank you for this m«nifeetation of csnfilenoe, and promise, if elected, to keep a vigilant oye to your rights, y'^ur honor abd jcur comforts If defeated. I 8b*.Il willingly re main (where I have been for three ysars) in deft^nce cf the C3iintry, while those eho^ien will logifUte, praying for tbe bappy day, when our independeao£ is ack&owl edged.and we all b^s allowed to return to our hooics “lo »njoy the reward of our «ufferiBgs” an iDdepenJent, prosrerons and bappy people I am, f' i'ow oitisens, and brother soldiers, y-'ur bum ble servant. JOHN H MoLE\N. Co G, 2*th B?g’t N C T May 9. 8t8ip l&te FLOUR AXD OATS. rrOUR aad OATB will be ezchuged fw Com at the gtore of D. McLanria, by gMag bia a few dayv aetioe. Floor good, OaU jRo. 1, blaak or wUt«- r The signatuiee of colored pcraona shouhi be witnessed by three witnc?«e8 There mast be sepi«rate lapUo*t» Pc -rers of Attorney for each laonth. B|-Hxk forms oan be had upon appli oatiou at thia offioe. W. VL #AMES, Capt. A Chief Eng. Jan’y »20, 1864 180«tf $.100 Ri:WARIft. WE will pay ‘.be alwve reward for the apprehenpioa aud coiirtuemeut iu jail, of the party or parties wba cut and catried away 80 yards of our Telegraph ‘V'ire, 14 miles from Fayettenlle, about tbe 22d or 2;id iost. SOCTMKIU i^XFKEBS Ti:L£aBArH ■'OVPANT. April 26 27tl IVmitrd —Wood l>and. The undersigned will give i* fair price for a well wooded tract of L.VNU of 100 or 200 acres, oa the llailroad al auy pf)int t>*twi*«;n Jonesboro* and Fayetteville. Wood, pitch piue box'-tl or uu^jo.xed HEVkY E- eJOLTON. AgKnt F fC. C7o FaTetteviUe. \pril J9 i.'itf WUaaainvton, CUar., & R. R. 1^ CO., ) pBEdlutoM'ANi.t tit'e’l't;, V Lxu'nburfr, M 6. 18ti4. ) rPHE Tax dne to the Confo ier«te Sia'eB on the 1st day X of Jncie next, npon Ihe oipital stock of this Onmpa- nj. wi.l be p'«.id by t'le Cotpp^ny. By order of the B?ard of Direelors. 82 J1 JAMES I MoCALLDM, Sec’y. .HATCH GS. ^ LOT of SUPEttlOR MATiJHBS, for sale by May 9 JAS. G COOK. 81 4w Siirgreon €iienerai% Office,) Ralbiuh, N. C., April 27, JS64 j IPROPO^-E to E-ilabliah, in tbe City of Raleigh, a raaiiafactory for ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The objoct of this enterprise is to supply these ceefnl articlea to all sr>ldi>r8 fr3m this State, who have beeu, or may be. ao maimed in tbo scr^ioe aa to require them Privai»8 and noc-tfootmiBsioned officers will be fnr nlshed gra^aitoufly. Commissioned officers will be ohar{ptl the acti^al orsi I^sabled soldiers are reqaected to oorresp'cd with the nsdersiitned. gi'^icg name, regisD«at, rank, locality of amputa’ion, and the preotae meaeurement of tho re 'jaaising wenaber. I wiMb to employ a number of cj-npetent tDeokanics for the above n^mc'i purposa All such are invited to oommonioata immitdjatcly with this ffioe. ED^^ARD WARREN, * Surgeon General North C«rolina. April 80. 28-lm CORFICDIiRlTG TlX NOTIt'E. The AeaeHBorn cf toe Ok>>if» Jerate Tax for Robeson I ourtly will m!!?tt th« penp’e of the *iifferent Dia trio's al f*ie foU'>wing tiruea *nd places for the onepoae 'f receiving Ihe’is'fl «f all pr'>pcr*y aod sabjoo’a re quired to be lis'ed at thia tinse, and all inoomea of 1868 li-*ble to t!>e a idi'iou'tl 10 p -r c'nt tax; also, all quar terly re'urns to the 8lot of .Maroh, 1*^64, viai At Rogiin’s Tuesday, Muy 24'b, 1864. fit. Pnultr. Widn*8lay, Mav “6, Lumber Bridge Thur-di”, M*y 90. Randalflville, Friday. M*y 27, 8mi h’s. 8aturd»y, M*y 28 Alfordnvillc. Manday. Mij 80, Thompaon’s, Tuesday. Ma” 81, White Honan, Wedaesday, Jaie 1, Sterlinpr’a Mills. T lur day, Jana t, Pealey’s. Friday J me 8. 6fr*iDp» Lam'->erioa, Monday, June 6. Burnt Swamp, Tu'sday, June 7. All persona in Wi*hart’s District will meet the Aa- sesnors in Lumbertnn, on Monday, Jane fl. Th* Collector will be along to receive all arrearages of Taxe?, and all who are in arrears are notified that payment ntut be made Pun''t)ial attendance required ^ T lAaaeaaora D S. MORRISON, / May 14. 88 t»J Enrollinf OfDce, Bladen County, > i:.Liz .bbtutow.4 N >, jl%y 18, itso4 j IN obedience to General Orders No. 3, Chief Bnrolling Offioe 4th Cong Dist., it ia hereby ordered that all white male persons b‘'tween the ages of 17 and 18 years in Bladen conntv, report themselves immediately lo the Captsina of the Home Guard Company of their reepeet- ive Diatricls for enrollment. Captains of tbe Home Guard will see that all persons between the above acea are enrolled, and report at this offioe on Tuesday 31st inst , prepared to go to Wilming- tcn to be o'iranixed into companies Those who do a -i report and enroll themselves as above will be arrested and asafgaed lo the regular service. The orgaaiaation of persons between 46 and 60 is postponed ontil farther orders. J. B. PUOHANAN, 84*lt 21] En. Off. Bladen county. f^O REWARD. RANAWAY frorn ths subscriber on the 17th inst, my negro boy, JOHN. 16 years old, about 5 'eet high, and weighs about 100 lbs. I would caution Steam Boat ownera on the River >g%inst letting him go on board of any ot their boata. The above reward will be paid for hia apprehsnaion anl confinement in any Jail so (hat I can get him. D. W AYER Fayetteville, May 18 88-9tpd !iPE€lAL IVOTICE. GENERAL HOSPITAL No. 3, 1 GoLr-sBOBo*. N C , May 16tb, 1^64. / Agreeably to General 0“ders, No 34, Current Series, fr m Adjutant and Inspector Ganaral’s Of fice, an Examining Board, for retiring disabled officers and privates, has been organ^t^d at this Hospital. All who are anthoriird to appear before a Medical Ezaniinlnf Board, for Examination to be retired are hereby notified that this Board meets only on TUE^ DAYS aud THURSDAYS, at 8 o’clock, p. m Those interested are respectfullv requested to be gnvorned acoord'ug'y WM A HOLT, 88 2i1 [o s. J 3 8r. Surgeon of Board. Cow $»trayed. 4 BROWN COW, marked with amonth orep and under- i\ bii both eara. mediuui a'S9. Any information will cbeer^ul'y received, and a liberal reward paid for 4cr recovery, by Mrs. £. M WALKER. Haymount, May 19 ?8if Executor’§ Sale. By an order of the Court of Pleaa and Qiarter See aiona of Cum^'erland Couniy. the Su^eeriher, at r.xecutor of NeiU Wilkinson, da'-’d, wi'l axpo.>e to public nale on Monday of June Court, 1864. the land belocrini^ to sail estate, containing 125 acres more or less, lysg >n tho East side of Cape Fear Biver, adjoining the laaoe jf NfcDiniel aud others. Terms at sale D TORRENCE Ei’r. April 9 30 ts %QS Reward. RAN A WAY from tni sab-criber, a NEGRO WOMAN bired the ^st Jaa'y 1864, from Mr. A. W. S'eal ot Faye’teville f>he issupoosed to be about tba town new Said woman’s nims is Bj'S^y, and is of mediam heigat dark complexion, aod a full auit of hair. 1 will giv' bhe above reward lo anv one who will deliver her to m« it the Arsenal, or confine her in jail. MATTHEW P. TAYLOE. April 2« 29 i.f Palma Clirl«ti Rean*. I1HE subacriher will pay the higheat oaah prioea fot any qoanvity of Paln^a Christi Beana. i. A. WORTH. otn* rv«4 n *» SUOVRCAVE. FOR THE onsEaviR. This important plant was introduf^cd into this oouutry about nine vears ugi. at a cost o^ 876,000. The crop ot 18.57 was. probiolv, tho largeH ever»‘d in ‘hi.-i c^'uu'ry. as the seed ot tha crop «if 1850 wa-( then ri-d lhroQ:rhf>ut tho variou.s Stif«-n; but owitii; fo tbe \»a»t of proper milU and b«»iK‘r.-», as wc;l ;is rli.- chetipnebs of th* Southern Sugar Cane, tiiO cuhurc was almost abanduned. It has beon steadily culiivuted eioce tbo war began, and is becotuiiiir a very i i poriant and use ful plant, and I would urge its extensive cultare by all a^ricuhurit«^ a.s beio^ the cbcupeijt and most useful grown for iauily consumption, for the following reason.^: First, its juice or saccharine properties maVes good sorghum or ?yrup, a id thw syrup, whea well boiled and put into open barrels and dripped, yields a very good sugar, the top or ^-cum, dis- tiJJed, yieJJfl a qaaatity of rum or brandy, which possesses a mild ta^te. The stalk, directly after prc.ssure, can be fer mented in tubs or barrels, and yieldi^ as proli&o and as good vinegar as the apple. Tbe fodder from the stalk is said to cure well and makes an excellent roughaee for stt>ck. The seed makea excellent batter cakes and waffles, and yields about two-thirds of its weight in flour, the t»kia being very fine and thin. Chicken.s, and poultry >?ea- tjrally, are very fond of the »eed, and Mrs. King of Tarboro’ informs me that they dye an excellent worsted, ashes of yoses color. • • Thus we have molasses, sugar, rum or brandy, rinegar, bread or wa£Ses, fodder for stock and grain lor poultry, besides its properties for dye ing, ail out of one plant, and that plant as easily cultivated as the common Indian corn. While I would not urge aa abandonment or even an abatement of the corn culture, I would all to plant early, and plenty, of the Cki> nese Sugar Cane. Capt. Braddy, of Cumberland, informs me that be wiil plant about 60 acres, and has made ar raogements for a good irou mill. Success to the crop. Uespectfully, * Don C.£i>AR DK Bazan. The Cedar Falls Rol>- bin lire now to ftirni^h, at _ s’-ort notice, all kinds of BOBBINS. SPOOLS and QUILLS, Ac., euilable for Woolen and Cotton Mills J M ODELL. Ag^nt. Cedar Falls N. C , May 7, 1864 80 lOtpd iichool Books. F»R sale, a variety of JLA3SICAL W»RK3; —Ol- loTidorff’s Freojh Gramm*rs. Qnjak and Litta Lex- ioina, Webater’s Aoviemio Diotion^ties. Common Sohotd Books, Drawing Materials, etc., etc A id'ess iW-fttc-d “OMIGRON. ’ Wilr,in«tton. N. O RA«sTBA«~Sn-Th^c inf^^ rior quality of the paper on which the Observer I: as-been prmted of late, and which is a great eye-aore to as, is owiog to the want of a auffioient supply of g -od rags, and tha con»equimt nec- eesity to resort to inferior maieriaU We appeal to the flnends of tbe Observer at all aooessible points, to save op and bring to town all the rage thay can pro.sare. We have no time ourselves to atterrd to ’-heir purchase, but Messrs. Geo W. Williams A ^o-, the Agentt in this town of Mr. Mcrphy, will pay 16 cent* par lb. for tbcia. B J HALE A SONS. Feb y 16 S-Uf Halt! Malt!! or BACKS Pf good Dsty*8ALT, to be *3Mhanjce^far I C«._ Apply lo Maj 9, 18M. JAS. e. COOK. ao>4w The Farmers’ and Planters’ Al- maaac for 1864. A few grooe more jaat received. Jm*j U. 9. h HALB * 80S&. Vaiikee Di-rry —The Petersburg Express mukes extracts Ir im the cip ured diary of one ol Butlor’s men. We copy two i'ems:— Mat 6.—At about 5 o’clock. H-en. Butler and Staff rode through tho different reeiments, and wi re cheered wiMi a lon» and continuous cheer. Qou Buflor RdvAn*«-d to tbe ourpoMt, whore I wa.s Ht tioned, and btill forward ho went, until be w«8 fired up »n by a party of guerilbis, w^o had been concealed behind rk church—some 200 yards beyond the otitpost. One of the General’s Or- dcrliea was taken prisoner, after being severely wounded. General Butler narrowly escaped cap ture. We could have taken a very pleasant g:tme of “FticAer” (Yankee spelling) on the General’s coat tail, so straight did it stick out behind, as Ke fairly ftew to the rear. Nay 10 —About noon a woman came up to where we were stafioned, and demani^ed that the General should stop the firing, as the \^alln were dying all around her house, atid that it was dan gerous to stay there. This was fun for out boys, although anything else to the poor woman. Onions! OniontI!—The necessity of plentiful- 'y planting this vegetable aromatique during the present season cannot be too wirmly impres* sed upon our producers There is nothing in the entire catalogue of “garden truck” which will be more welcome to our soldiers; there is nothing more refreshing, healthly, and oonvenient for transportation; and certainly, as an adjuncCAf ar my food, nothing could be more eavory.^ In France, the onion has become almost a national vegetable, and whether in camp or on a campaign, it is the constant companion of the soldier. It is recommended by the surgeon, is the pride of the cook, and the delight of the mess. In our own army the first article robbed from a garden is an ,onion. Many a time have we seen the poor fel lows on a long journey nibbling lustily at the odoriferous bulbs, and with a piece of dry bread and a handful of salt making the meal which wai denied by the necessities of the march. We say therefore, plant onions; the soldiers say plant onions; the generals join in the request, and let it, therefore, go forth in tmmpet-tonea through the length and breadth of the land—omomI The Spirit in the Army—the Spirit that f>ujhl to be at home —In a recent charge to the Grand Jury Judge Fleming ot Georgia said:— “There is another view of our defeats from which we nay derive encouragement. It is in tha spirit and determination with which our soldiers have fought even ag >inst the most fea'fiil odds. This perhaps was never better or more fully illui* trated than at the fight of Fort l>onel(ion.~ It is a fact (at lea^^t t-uch is my iiupression from the Hccriuntd published a*, the time) that so long u we fouizht we cot quered, and we never ceased to fii^ht until by phy.sio;iI (x'- austion wc could fight no longer. It is the only inptaoce in the histoiT of the world where the victors had be^^n compel led to burrendrr to the vai qu'shed. Tiiis spirit of determined resistance i» as frcnh in the armj to day as it was then or ai> any time during this war. W^c see the evidence of this in the fact that the army is re onUsting almost without excep- ticn, «nd r' -euligtiug or th •. war. Is there not encourage ment ia this? 7 he people at home faiay waver, but tho *»rmy stands firm. Some people at home may f. cl wbipt, bat the army baa never felt whif)t—ncv 'r bc-n wbipt, never will be whipped. It is, oevertlielcs-, our duty to cul tivate ttic same spirit at h iii' thnt unitcatcs our army in tho field—a Sjiirir •( 1-tancincd, ua- yielding resistance. Let ili^ whol.^ oa*io3—gov ernment, army »nd peoiile, b h t;nit in this mat- 'cr, nnd we thall bo invi. cibie It is our duty to cultivate a spirit of ticpc^ai.u-'^s —to disocu-te- nance all despondency »ui fnulifinaing I never meet »i;h a fault fiiider that I am not reminded how diff nnt wiis tb ■ sj.irit cf old H-jme, in a day ol great(*r darlcn* sn ’ba.i sny that has yet visited our counlry. I ref^r fn tl-at peiiod of Ro man history wh»*n Ilanuib-l 1 ad eros.‘*ed ihe Alps and dencendt d upon t.hc fiir n!aos of Italy. In four successive battles he had iu t and defeated the Romans. In the last f th^'^o battlt^ (Can- USB), one ot the two Oooiru's w d uon-:u u'uiod oa that nec:ision had lalVn; 'iie o'lier, aid by whose fault it ia said the btt'li* b c'i 1 a*, kavin:^ forty thousand gailant ll-nia-s sl.'oping their last tileep on that tnsanguitic i tie'- l, wsfl vrith Lis shatt^n-d forces ret'eanfig u .on tbe, loiperial City. Darknos and ul ioni ojerVindowei the laud, but not despond ncy; f*ir wh y i-" tbe speo- facie that now pnwnts it eh? Tli*' S uate %cd p-'opl/» of Rome gn out in a body m meet him. For what purpcso do yt>a stipp'f ? To cKide hiui? No To upbrai i bim lor b't* fault iu los ing the battle? N'*. T» eritici.«e th • conduct of 'he wat? No. But (‘tes«r i', yo ero*lfer-i tcd faulr-finrfere^ tht^y we»t iju*' t«» thaak h tn—yea, to tbank him—that aini J the utm gr d '^arkpces that had settled upon the Isrid, 4e hud not des paired of the republic W’hat was tho ’•e'-ultf W^hat was tho result of the people thus standing up to tbe *govcrnaient and the arn?y? Hear it again: Carthage, not Rome, was blotted from tha map of the world.” Gov Vanre.— * *. * We think that the prudent, patriotic and energetic manner io which he has conducted the aflT-Ira of N^ortk 0*iuUu« since he has been Governor, eminently entitles him to the eomplinent of a re-rlretion, and wa Bhould have been pleased if it could have been effected without opposition. As far as onr limited observation extends this seems to be the general impression. When Col. Vanee was nominated two years ago we gave an the reason of our preference for him before Col. Johnston, that he had been longer before the people and we knew more about him. He had been a leading man in his section of the State, and the people had repeatedly expressed their confidence in him. Quoting from another paper, we said, “his ability as a statesman, hii experience in public life, his purity and integrity of personal character, all comrcend him for tho ofBee.’’ Honest, capable and taithful, he hafi those other qualifications of pre eminent value in the present criHij, untiring zaal and unqucstion* able patriotism. These opinions, expressed two years sgo, bara been strengthened by the satisfaetory manner ill which Gov. Vanee has so far fulfilled the duties of his o&oe.—llf U>boro’ Recorder. A woman being erjoined to the effect ^ kindness on her husband, and beirg told that it would heap coals of fire on his hand, replied that she had tried “bilin’ water, aad it di^’t do a bit tUgpod.”