from tbt Ore«Bthorom(h Patriot. ADDRESS OF «RAND JURORS. We, the grajd jurors, of the county of Guil ford, at Sprinf? Term, A. D 1864, deem if not improper la us, comiag as we do from crery lec- ti >u ol the o’»uuty, to addrftHS a iV>w words of en oours^cacDt to our ftillow-aitixdai tbmaghout the tou''trv \Vc look upon the succes«ful issue oi the prei ent war au J the aohirvouieut of the iodepeudeuor of the Southern Oo!ifi*deracy a^ rhe ureat and paramouDt object which ought to take hoM od the heart and houI aod feeltuga of •v’ery man and woman in the State. Cherokee Warrion.—A body of Cheroke® lo-1 tY or vflWcts of amy not «Dnm«r»t«d o dian«, ntimbering , tinder the ojmmand of the ]Vrecedin^ paragraph, V«twe«n the time* Capt. M H Love, arrived hero a few days since, and went into camp- They are afine lookiD^^ set of mcD, ynr'Dg, robust and activ). Among them 8 a sf’n of tho colcbrnted 'hicf, Junalu-^ke". Spt'ak- ing of these fj''h*ul allies ot the South, reminds us of a little incident that very forcibly illu'^t'atcs their devotion to our caas«, as well as thoir fid 1 ity to a friend. Some time last wintrr, durioR namad therein, 10 per oent., in additioa tu the tax on Hiich profits as iucome, undtir the act aforeHaid. III. On the aniortot of j)rofits extending 25 percent., made during either of the ycar« 1863 and 1804, bf any bank or banking company, insnratic*, canal, Tiav?gatii»n, im £rcry thing that we have and every thini; that ^eld, aud tuafnificent promises made, if th'y j e.xc»*J*. wo hold dear is involved in the iadue If we «uofeed, our lives, our property, our liberty, and I'ur re!ii;io'», will all be preserved and hand ed down unimpaired t-> our children If we fail, we will be reduced to abject slavery, without mprt-y or comp.a>sioa from our relc»tUss foes, who. by their ran cooducl towirds us, hai-e 4hun dantiv fho’*va that no huciiiliation and degradation to vhich their malice cun reduce us W'll be epjf. •! U v! CijDliient y bol'eve thnt sueoiess is within oiir roiioh, un'l that by united and r'gorou^ ef forts we can ach’cve our indi-peiideiiee and fne doui a-d op.Mi up to • ur.>r!vo, au I our ihiHr n a hicl.way to national gr.'atncss and individuul hapr n. ss. O ir ■■t»>ai 'rs in the fi ‘M h'lve d m*’ thvir who!- du'^, und su ttin-‘>i our cau-*' in the iui l^f 0^ priv uiv'iis, (1 and do:i^h ev'ry hirir h-!“ b?pn Hffouij, ish ,i hy iu-.lit.irv .-kill ard pjr> .n .1 v;Jor c uid do, nnd the God of l at of their r.iJ,inlo our »e.t^ro conntiei., tbf »ni oxportiTig, t«lcgn>p|i, cxproM, yaokoen oapturfd about 15 of Col. Thotna'^' In-j inanufacturuij^, wry d«ick, or other dian so'diers, and carried [Jere th-y were £iatter*d and Df (jol. Thotna'^' In- ; . j umc them to Knoxvillr. »^>ck coinpaov oi any description, id feaj.ted, big talks j whether incorporated or *ot, 25 p«r ceut on would abandon the Uonfed>*ra‘y and J'^in th« i Suo. 5. The fuIlowiAg «xerQptii>n« from Lioo^ln government. They were promised their | taxatiou CiuUer iLIs a«t tJkail be allowed, •iberty andyite dnlli'-t i" yvA/ if they 1 to-wit: •ov\Ahnaj:,'^ti thr Kufp of thnr Col. L Pr#::>ertv of ooeh head of a tarnilr to II The Indians seatucd to paa«e—j the value of $50>; and for each miin>r cliild eon^uU-and fiaally a;*’el 'he proposition. | yf the family to the furtiier value of |100; ihry were released, returned to their native ' eacli »on actually engaa^ed in the ^aountiins, sruich' the catap ot their Chief, told i in-iny or navv, or who hae died or been »11. and ^avc ever sioco been oa the war- paib-.—Aihevl'e Nnct *4 li'tif Uto—Oi the return of (Jen. Floke’^ oniaaand, rec>‘ntly fro.u N‘*wb^'rn, riding ia the roar -'f a roiiim-nt in t'l^ r>*ur br'j'sidrt, we n »tie ed in advanci* of us a stuuf litti • boy tiU'l^inL' manfully along, hu* evidently borni! d >wn by the w i -h' oi his mask"t, knaijsaek. A • CdUm!' t hi:n 11 h:ir»d >ip bis nua that we m^ght c*rry it j the fHmiiy, IxMilg min«(»r cliikireu, to the lor we 5Bked, | vjjhu; ..f I killeii in the military or hathI service, and ' ^'ho wsis a member uf the family when lie i »Mit(.*red the sorvice, to the farther value of $.300. I II. Pro|»erty «»f the widow of any officer, UoldiiT, 8:iilor *r marine, who may havt* idled or been killed in the military or naval ^-^iTvice, or whure there \n no widow, then "f ■How lo"g h ive \tr' bf'en i" the servie f” IX. Of *ni!i«ptraciM, or attempiB to lib«r^ ate priaouttrt of war held by the Confederate States. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa- ra.tiouB to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate Stlatea, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of nnlawfnlly burning, destroying or injuring, or attemptipg to burn, dcstr'»y or iii;jure any I>ridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of communication, or property, with tfie intent of aiding the enemy. XIIL Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vess'ela or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or other property ot the Confederate States. 6ec. 2. The President shall causae'proper orfficers to investigate the cases of all persona so arrested, or detaiined, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detaino I, (itiless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. That ilurlnj; the snspension afore said, no militarv or other omcCr shall be compelled, in an;wer to any writ ot habe.u^ corpus, to appear in jMjrsoti, or to return the fMidy i»f any perswtj or j>ersons letained by him, by the authority of the I’resident, S^^ | •liaYl |>e liable to b» placed in MrrfM in tb« field foi^ the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter tlie dutiee of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in the Commissary and Qnarterinasters Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, aud of clerks and empl >yees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, and all similar duties, shall be* performed by persons who are within the ages of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported provision^ to be delivered ^y sixth as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 8. Such person shall further bind him«>elf to sell the marketable surplus of provision, and g'-aiB now on hand, and which he tria, raise from year to year while his exem»tion continues, to the Government or to the'fuui Uies of soldiers,,at prices,tixed by the G.ia missioners of the State under the imprest^ ment act: Provided, that any person empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to credit of 25 p#r cent on any amontit of ni«at which he may deliver within three inontU from the passage of this act: Provided fu,. as unable to perform active service in the ^ ther, that pe:-sons coming within tbo nm*; field, but capable ot pertormmg some of the | ,jon« of this ^emption shall not be deifri Hi above said duties, specifying which, aud j of the benefit thereof bv reason of I a • when thefe persons shall have been assigned i b«en etjrollsd ^ince the 1st dav of Feb l to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre- 4. I„ addition to the foregoing si-lent shall assign of detail to their perform- tious, the Secretary of War under t^e cT Hi. Prooertr of every officer, soldier, i crelarv’ of VVur, or tlie (4e»«»‘ral »tiiccr com a^^sign or aetaii 10 ineir perform ance such bodies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of siich duties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall 1)0 assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be 80 CiMisirued as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departtuents or bureaus heroin mentioned. S«ic. 9. Tiiat any Quartermaster or As- vain 13 th'* 'Iftrt to »'onq ior those who ar*; d*- ter.'iiiri'd fv> bo iro''. Ih 11, che"r and e.'ico’.ir»g the !*o!u'it —lit no worils dcsp>ud«'nev ;»• d dio I'lteiit rca'h hitii from home. Jj"t l‘im huve no^t O' niy iti th; rcr; no has miongh in Iront. to eng*yo his wlii l.* ••ricL.ri._>a Wheo“ver it ’s i"' your j o'.vcr, snrul i.i u Ir. lu h.tnie urciohi of lood aud cl . vhc?, wuh words of enc'urr\i:en-nt and conli'eiicrt—th^se wi:l be appre*iated by him lar above their re-il value, i:s kind m'tnenro'V froui th ’^e he lovfs and ii r w> o-n he in btanJiug un-*w >d on the blo ly fronri- rs ot our 11: d We have du les at hi.’tue which oui:ht to claim our attention irj tuesj times of excifemcnt and distr>3, and fhe first ot these duti-.'^ js the ui^in teuance ol good ord' r and ll'.e supr»‘tuaoy of the law. \\ e d« ein it t' bf t'to du^y of every ci’ii**n to lend '^•is per-j >nal i fluenc' to prf*serye peacc •!id fjijii.‘t and goo i erder in the coiirtry, and 'o bno- 'all off n 'ers against ilie law toj latioe. Wo hkewi.e d it to b>- the diry ot’ all who have a aurpius ol the nic(s^ari>s of lili-, to .ii-frtb ire aiuori^ thoiie \Tho are iu need, tnd to relieve the tra-.t^ ..t the dis re--3-d as fa- as p..flsihle. It woultl^bt, a .shame t> our country and ju3 ly suh- j'Ct- t" r prouch, it we shou.d pcrimt any on’ to ^utfiT w:th hu.igjf, it thera is enough of f'od in the c.unrry to .supply the w*nt^ of all Hu manity, eh irity and kindness are debts which w? owe^ t'> one anot^f-r ar a'l tim -s, hut more espf'ci ally in these evil days through which wo are pa'S- iep e di'eai it to ho fh ■; duty of all loyal and truf* It O'lt We th n aoited what county he was from, and he ■•mswei’ed ‘ (’umh- riand ’* A halt was now ord*.* * d, and our little hero tnking ln*m ns his I’U’i said he was iroing 'o the. ce k f r a wa-^h; b-'t h^ wjuld be up ’vitl the ro^jiw'nt s>«on at er it r >n ix d the m reh. Of 8ucb m iterial old CumberUftd may well b«> nroul. and o 1 such n>>»t*’rial wt-11 niav the t?ou fcicracy rely. — Gi>ld*boro’ S'a*e J twral. The Mifxirnu Qu^^tion—The New Y >rk Her a^d. of the 4 tr, nays th^t the Paris j lU’^nnls a'mdi much iiu ortan'e to the deciar^tion ot th'' llou-e id R presentttive^ »n Wa»hingf>M) agkinst »he es tatdiR^ m >nt i>f a monarchy in .M xico T > ■ Iiid’ pc’ob'ij'*« iutiiua ei thpt th • now E iip' ror ha"* refl eted on cvi ry *'VtMif’iality and iha' h- pn>h ibly ‘ 0 ipsKlcrs hitu' If preyaied to brave the ho^ifihty ot the I'aitfd S'a?es ” Kmttino Nekpi.f.s.—Mr. O D. Pe»iroe. of (’ohim- hus. (ii'O.. iuvf-i:ied a mac'ime t«> mak - Kumini.'' Nee i!e.-». utid iia-- tnrned >iit t;o.(K>o >iets. He iimket} them almost a^ tli.-^t u* ti niua can pick tliein up. A n Art to biy Oi hi it tonal Tnx4;s for the c&in iiuyti ami nipport of Govei nnient. Sec. 1. The Uoiigrens (»f the Confederate States of America do enact. That in addi tioii to the ta.Kes levied by the act “to lay taxes for the common defence and to carry o.m the (iovenimeiif of t!ie Confedrrate S*^:itofi." approved 24rli of April 1863, there shall h —- - ^' I 1 II • I- I * 1 • 111 uio Ciiipiw\ riJcill iiri> IV. TliHt wtiere |»roj)erty Iiim been iiijiirtMl j cor|»ii8 ituincuiafely ceaee auu reiiiHiti ! in any of tlieir said depii^rtineiitB or I or destroyed by the enemy, or the owner , :jiid|»eiidud so long as this act shall coutinue | Unreaus, ur in any of the duties mentioned I thereof has been teuiporarily deprived of the j in force. . i ^tli sectioirof this act, in violation of use or »>ccu[)ancy tlierei>f, or of the tneatjs j Sec. 4. This ac^ ahall continue in force for j the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction j ot cultivating the same, by reason of the j ninety days after the ne.xt meeting of C.»n- i thereof by a C(Hjrt-martial or military court jMette!ii*'j or the proximity of the enemy, , gross, and no longer. '■ '• • the a>see»^smet)f on such property may be j ~ ^reduced, in proj)ortion t-o the dainage «»uh-j* ^ HI h) MILITA U\ BILL, j tained by the owner, or the tax assesse«l : Section 1. Tuat »ri»m ind after the passa; I thereof! may be redact'd in the same ratio j of this act all wliite men, residents of the «)\ the drstrict collector, on satisfat i dence submitted to him by the owner j s^*ssor. ShX3. H. That the faxes on property laid Sec. 2. fhat all the persons aforesaid, be for the v««ar 1SH4, shall be asses.-^(Ml iis «»n fween the ages of i!S utid 45, now in scrvicn, the day of the pa^s^age of this act, a:ii» be fhall Ikj retained dnrnig the j*resent war line and collected on the 1-t d ty ol Ji'.ne : witli the U. S., in the same rui;i!tn*tits, but next, or as s >on af'ter as prai^ticalile, allow , t.ilions and Companies, t>» whicfi thev be! ing an exten»;ion of davs Mississippi rirer The ad incomes or pr-'iits for the year 18»»{. levied i trnnstcrred or discharged, in accordance ! I.y tl,i» acl, 6l.;.U l« assiss'eJ and c.llectwl ! will. tl.« law« and re){uUli..ns lur ti.e a„v. scrvie„, nndcr rule* to be proscribed by rection of the President, may exempt or do- tail such' other persons as he may be satij fied ought to be exetnpted on account of public necMsity, and to insure the prodiio- tion of grain and other provisions fyr the army and the families of soldiers. He may also, grant exemptions or detaila, un suth terms as ho may prescribe, to such over- seei-s, farmers or planters as he may he »at- irified will be m*re useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the I'ailf. tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter »r overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his ow.n skdl, capital atid UW exclusively in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Ooveniiuerit and ttie families of soldiers at }»rice8 nut exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articlei by the Coiumissiouera of the State undw the impressiuetit act. 5. Ttje president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en- » gaged iti transportation for the Government, , ( And such officers and emplovees ther^^it .,„ry evi I Confederate States betwoet. tlie a-'es of 17 I ‘ officer act on any railroad shall not exceed oueper- or as- and 50, shall be in the .ailitary service ot j 0^0,0^^/nr f ‘Vf use i ihe Confederate Srates for the war P ompt mta*,ures to have hmi tried tor sucl. tor military transportation; and said exempri ... . . ... • arui atiir nr)iniii5iiinpr ua af/trMaul u.. u., i j • .• offence; and any commander as aforesaid tailing to perform the duties enjoined by j this section, shall upon i>eing duly convicted t tliercof, be'discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp shall be reported by naiue and description, with the names of any who have left the employment of said company, or who laay cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained ghall )ra(‘licai»le, ai.ow ,iaiiont> anu companies, r>» w.'i/cti tt'ev bemi ' *■ m . • i i i ouaa lava VVVvt of the ! »it the j.assage of this act, with ti.e “same of * 1 !‘rT ! ‘f cy/^trued as repealing the act approved Id'itional taxe.-^ on ;-anization and ..fiicers, unle.^s re-,,Ja.Hv i Tm '^epe^led, and hereafler none April the Uth l80a, entitled an act to ex- . 1 1 • 1 ■ tr... J 1- . 1 1 V . ^1 •' i ^hall be exempted e.xcept tne following: em»t contractors for carrvim? the mailo nf ipted e.xcept tne toitowmg: 1. All who shall be held unlit for milita- t’orthwiiii; and the taxt^s on inc«»me8 or pn»- | eripnent of the army: l’roviled, that com to su'it.iin and ece^’irage nnr authorities levied, f’njiii tlie of this act, on tin. with-he sunp rt and C .utid nee'd the country subjects of taxati.m hereafW mentioned, 0 cou tt ttjoy o en i' to a'*eora;)li>h all tha'- t-ollec'ted from overv person, copartner » xji: ct, aud may somcti Dfcs do thintjs which wo di'Japprovc Iia' we -hfcjid r'member t*>a' imi.erfi'c ion is the hit ol I uina.iity, a'jd ;hat t'le be.'it devi.aed Kch''m '8 ott'n oji-cirry; a-id where hon »:y ol purpose, industry and energy are ah eiuployt'i^in tho public ■service, by men who-»c all as w.''l as our all is a‘ s*ak'», they ^ro cn'itlei to our c 'oli itioC'', aod shoul 1 ^»e . t rn*^t fr.'.m tiMi- 'i'l 1 tnvoiois o J fcti'*ns to thoir coniiuct , and af’ti.iDS In the list [d.ce. wo «,hoald aM feel onr d-pendenco on nod ac'now'edge r.u>- ohii ; gati t.3 to Ahniijhty »od We have lo)ked 'o I foreiiin natior.s f>r interv ntion and aid We ' loi'kcl to divij;ons a'nontr our eneicv, ! wi h the hape that they would produce divi-t ofVs j in our favor, but our pist expori.>nce has sh .^n ' tl'it w’ have been leaninjr ur^nn broken ro«^d ' Oar otdv drpe^'Qi.-jjce is up »n (ro / nn'i ourt»h'f% W e have h .d ra'.ny t.k:>ns ot Iti, f.vor tim- ' p.a% >^h ei, we a.-iirpmlodge wirh eratifude, and it we ~ empt contractors for carrying the mails of the Confederate States, aoJ the drivers ot post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that all the exemptions Confederate ■ granted under this act -hall only coutinue Congress j wliilst the persons exc.upted are actually vtures, and | engaged in their respective pursaits or oo officers as' cnpationi» the re j Sec. 11. That the President be, and he ii the amount or value of wtiich a tax is levied ' compatiies were rai^e*l; and tiie soldiers frotn i •--’tateo, may ceitify to be iiAessary . hereby, authorized to grant detaUs, under bv this act, and also the 1st section of said I "o State, in companies from another State ^ I- i o\ the Con- ^ general rules and reguhitiorn to be issued «:t, are su9i»ended f»r the year l^t>4, and j =^lui!l be ullov.ed, il they desire it, a tra.isfer i Governments, as the ease I trom the War Department, eitaerot persoM m.itel rent, hire or interest on pn> j to organizations from their own Slates, in ” lv * ■ * r • *.i • j 4. ! credits herein taxed ad valorem, i the same arm of the service. i minister of religion authonzed to ; army in the Held, m all cases wtiere, lu hi» the event of his death previous to the i»erio{ it we our-el/es wi n humility .,nd ‘ u.h to flis t''‘, and p-nit>-n'^y inu-h.r.' Hi« *d, w - hav^ 0.. ’cubt II . k»iil oirry u - sif>-iy thro'igh’, -or do w- d ‘ m tho ,i-vsi -n inapprrs ito to ten.tor t. h.s K^ Z H Vane;, .'ur no^ le aii I p I'riotic I,} i/.?n ^r. roin Uiis tax on ttie valno ot oroi.ertv em- •' . , ■ o i i p!..yed in HKri.ulrure sl.all !,e dctllctud il.e I" 7'"" ' .T value ..fthc (.T in Hnl .iclivor,-.! .I.erefrotn, ''>« »•'"'= *'■=” as ast^eseed ii»ider rhe law impi>sing delivered to the GovernrnenX: Provide That no credit fthull be allowed beyond per cent. II. On the value of gold and silver and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches per cent. III. The value of property taxed under lion or invasion, the public safety tuay re rhis section shall be assessed on the basis of ijuire it;” anl wliereas, the power of sus- the market value of the same, or similar i»ro- I pending the privilege t>f Siiid writ as recog perty in the Mciirhhorhool whereasses.^^ea,in mpt I ploy e^ as said edi- furnisuing supplies of any kind to the Gor* of such payment, then'to the person or i^er- ^ l'”* :erlify on oath, Uj be indisiJenaable orumeut, by reason of said contract, uiilcse sons who would oe entitled to receive by law ! \ y newspaper; the I the head or secretary of the department ms- from the operation of this act by rcasvm of liaving been heretofore discharged from the army wtiere no disability now e.vists; nor stjall thirtje who liavo furnished substitHteo r ir'afL-lui a'*kno JT!• df"’. m. nts a.. I g,„ -cf^- sr.atuu'l:- f.»r t*i« an J , ffi r. l,„ ,|-cS .r^. ..I ,h„ d.f,.s,.fh ,,.,,5oe E.r..^c.u ly,i>w. ro,.*rd »uh rff.rrs u, r.-U,, o..rnfo -'- not ,jnfy of the .oi 1| - s f I'nl l ; :t nixed in said ArticIc 1, is vested solelv in the year I860, exce slaves, cotton or t — - , ^ - —, , i chasei since the 1st day *f January 18f>2, whereas, in the o|)inion of the Ouigress, the | , of religious opinions and who in which owe the said land, slaves, cotton i public safely re.{iiires the susftension of said I f, V** relieve him from atid tol.accoBo purcha.sed, shall be assessed writ in rhe e.xisling case of the inva-ion of be required to render militar^) at the price actually paid for the same by , fhese Slates bv the armies of the United * under this act. and has continued said business, without intermission, since that |^>erlod; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, ‘wa ui.iT I . 4 1 . . i **'*d for the last 7 years have be^/n, in the •>e any longer exempted by re;ison thereof’ i i i .• x- a* l»r .vi . 1 *• actual and regular practice ot ther.r profes- L roviJed. mat no person, heretofore e.xemot- : , u... »i » « i ■ • u n • f 1 . . i Sion, but the term physician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and tei\chere tfie o’vner. St!C. *2. On the value of all States; and whereas, the Presiiient has aske«l hares or inter- i for e suspension of the writ of habeas cor- Sec. 5. That ail white male residents of the Confederate States, betwoeti ttie a>^es of a! Ur Tn 1’ I'e h.-y •■I to •' ' ,1-1.' • s ' ‘ y 'h-; i-i I '’oi itv. hat ot the whol a id th ir I held ir> any bank, banking company or i pus, and informed Congress of conditions oi »‘”d 50 years, shall enroll I -i' pr.f.^ )! 1 ). IS tr -re u-iaTirn > iB y (’ SMirif F reman -d.' // , V' [. J'j- P a • r ir , , a' l)V, h iU If n' f,"'’ ■'-’Ic. '■e iDTt; l--an. tj •'1 T a I •!) .rhicii T' ).:i b' in c»moitied by ttie t ’\T rojende a- sieiales up >n tn« n I'll c'liiirea a'ld hclple^i 1 if^'y " I I h '>rc,.^ ^ .ij-‘iijher of i?t;j:i!nL*nr. r*acbei ih f - la ■ ^ii.Q . I r .Qi ij .r, J .(oMt *nV -'n lurl‘1.1 jiio,] [ii li-. it • ix iamly i;u'. ot (irecn'5 c ii'iiy, . ^ 'ulu-*!d fo ask fo’ tno t(«riou'*i 'J ^ J .rhicii r-viotied tiuu frouj n V l-. I{ .J,.g JJ , * "D’ n I'l l a'ld hclple^i >*ld tn n ot that ‘‘'"tirr. d cri ifry H * has shown us a let’er ‘ron tiis b - 'gin^ lupit-ou->ly tor tii n to ^^■£0 »jfn; tdiirt to r m)ve her frjtn Greene y, aid uarra'ing ou ra^os whioh are too shjCiirtjr t-, jrj print. She says (un I w-i have trio sK'ie t i'«i; t>irou.;h other souroe-^) that * Jr. (ir cn lla i'c’.s wito wad treiteJ in *st bru ally, ^"er-ion Kolhr’s wife aud daugfitor b»th Sho' *nd .Severely wjundcd, and Josse Da>fi8 and «on Hi ird red Aa ind's^jriinmato system ot pi.lag; (iiundir prevuls, an i tha most rc^peorable la ^>•'1 ar,:; d lily Kuhjeated to outrages at the m-n non of wtiich the bio nj boiU aal vcug^anoe bo- c^uies at oaoo a virtue ahJ a duty. A^h^’vtllt TVttr*. :irt«oHHtion. canal, navigation, importing, | fnil)lic danger which render the suspension ‘ l^he writ a measure proper for the pul»Iic letence against invasion and insurrection; now, iherefore. The C .tiarresR of the Confederate States of exjHirtiiiiT, insurance, matnifacturing, tele grapit. expres.s, railroad, arid drv dock com panie**. and all other joint sfivk cotnpaniew of every kind, wtiether incorporated or not. 5 per cotit. The value of property taxed under this rtoctio?) shall ho a.-..4essed upon the basis ot ttie market v:^lne of such property in th*i neisfhtxirhood where a>'.sesrtod, in sucli cur rency as may be in goni;ral use there, in the purchase and sale of such property', at thy titne of asiier-smoiit. Sec. 3. Upot: the ainonnt of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, g'>ld or silver bullion, wkether held by the l)anks or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 per cent.; and upon all moneys hehi abroad, or upon the ainoant of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a Uix of 5 per cent.; sueli tax upon ta-»ney abroad to be {isaesaod aud collected accordiag to the value thereof at tha place whore the tax is paid. II. ll!>on the amount of all solvent cre dits, and of all bank billfi and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive of nou- ider .1 Pf'tclual 1 lustration. — \’o.sterdjiy one of the inT'J^l\i[ic^ of the present Httte of things was brought to our attention. Our daily paper is for hix months. A gentlemiu gave usadol 'ar in silver, aod we let him hare tlie paper for BIX fn njtiis, aul, thinifs go, ^.5t moro than wo '^oul i have received had wo been paid in Con- ffcderate. Thua, before the war, we got six dol lars ill hj»f>cio or its e{uivalent for a y'.ar’a sahscrip- tion,—.'5;j tor six m >iiths, and now wc take one in silver for ais months, and of course two doi ars lor a year. Ttius, tUon, our n:>aiinal nae in price has not been i (pul to oae tiiir 1 of the d prec-atioa of the, or the rise in tho pric j of gold 0:her tlii.'^igj, however, ne.irly all other thiatrs, have kept pico with, the d^ prooiitiou, and s »me ol th. m g ,ae far beyond it. Thus baeon has gone 'o 4U j.ricea, beef ti 50; chickens about the same »ni, indeed; nearly all the ncceseiries of Ufa are t»r above even a spcoie basis. Thingj dtm’t work wtaoily rigut.-— fVUmtMj/lon JtmmaL mterost bearing Confederate treasury notes, and not employed in a registered Insineas’ tho income derived from which is taxed, 5 per ccnt. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows; L On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liqArs, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, iiiola88e3 or airup, salt, bacon, pork, liogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, bojts, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot- A'tiurica do enact. That iuring the present invasion if the Confe«lerate States, the priv liege of the writ of habeas corpus be, and the ^a-ne is hereby, suapendvi.l; but such sus pension shall apply only t-» the cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of'ttie 1 reniijent, Secr!*tury of W^ivr, or the General OiHcer commandiog the Trans-Mississippi M.ilitary Uepartiaent, \yy t!ie aintturitj- nna U'ldcr the control of the President. It is horoby declared «hat the parpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to provide moro elfecfually for the public safety by ^uspotidmg the writ of habeas corpus in the following cases aud no other: L Of treacjon, or treasonable efforts or combinations to subvert the goverument of the Confederate States. XL Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov- tliemselves at such times and places, and under wuch regulations, as the President may prescrilje, tiie time allowed not !>eing less liian 30 days for tli-ne ea-»t, and tJO days tor those west of the ississippi river, and any person who stiall fail so to enr.ill him self, witljout a reasonatile excuse tiierefoi, to bo judged of by ttie Presidenl, shall be placed III service in the tieid for ttie war, iti the same manner as ihough they wore be tween Uie ages of 18 and i5: Provuied, that the persons mentioned in this section snail constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, aud sliall iu)t t>e reouired to perform service out ot tho iu wtiich they reside. Sec. t|. That all persons required by the 5th aectioa of this act to enroll themselves, may within 30 days at'ter the p^issage there of, east of the i!4ississippl, and within days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regimente, aud elect their own olUcora; said organizations to conl\>rm to the eruinent, or conspiracies to resist the lawful I «3xi'^ting laws; aud, tiaviug so organized, to authority of the Confederate States. pteuder i!heir services as vohiuteers during III. Of combining to assist the enemy, or' President; aud if such or*raii" of cotumunicatiiig intelligence to the eueiiy gj'^b»g him aid and comfort. * IV. Of cotwj. iracies, preparations and at- teii^jta to incite servile insurrection, Ot desertions or encouraginy deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attompta to avoid military service: Provided, That in case ot palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his . -111. grant prompt relief to ton or mixed cloths, hato, wagous, harness, the oppressed parly, and the subordinate coal, iron, steel or naiU, at any time be-1 shall be dianiissed from ofiice. tween the 1st of January LS63, and the 1st j VL Of spi^^ and other emissaries of tho >f January 1865, 10 per cent., in addition lo the tax oil such profits as income under the “act to lay faxes for the Ci>mmon defence, ayd carry on the Government of the Con' federate States,” approved April 2-i, 1863. IL On all proiits made by buying and selling money, gold, silver, foreign exchange, I stockfty QoteS} debtiSy oredits, or obligations of W3,T 8tBd A&y merohsndistti proiMr*' 016017. Vll. Of holding corrcipondence or inter course with tho enemy, without necessity and without the permission of the Confede rate States. VUL Of anlawfal trading with the ea«> my, and other offenoea against the laws of the Confederate States, eaaoted to promote thttir Bofioaai in the war. izations shall furuisti proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling otiiiier of their district, which shall be eijuiviilent to enr )lltadiit, they^ may be accepted as minute men for service in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Tiiose who do not so volim- teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by tiie President, be required to asseiable at coaveuieat pla ces of rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi mente, under regulations to be prescribed by him; aud shall have the right to elect their cotnpany and regimental otiicers; aud all troops organized under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, wiirle in actual service, t«j the same pay aud allowance as troops now iu the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend &t the plaoe ot rendezvoQ..s as rejuired »f colleges, theological seminariee, acade mies and schools, who have been reguLarly ongaged as such for two years next before the pjissage of this act: Provi»ied, that the itenetit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are cotn- P'hscd of 20 students or more. All sujKjrin- 4endents of public hospitals, established by law l>efore the pjissage of this act, and such physicians aiid nurses theiein as such eu> periiiteiiilents shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to tho proper and efficient •nana^ement thereof. 4. riiere shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan'y last, 1.5 able-bodied Ueld-hands, t>etween tfie t-,ges ot 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in p.ades iu which there ia no white male adult on the farm or plantation not liable to military service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, eitfier the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for oue farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such tbrm, and with such security, and iu such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government ac some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds of t>acon, or, at the election of the Govern ment, its equivaletft in pork, and 100 lbs. of !iet beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which exemptioi Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards ■of surgeons for the examination of personB liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are rec^uired to make Buch examination. Fost Offl06j FayetteriUe, N. C., j, OcruBKtt 6, J Seh*du!f of the Arrivai and Dep-irturt of the MatU rt thM Ofice. RALKIQH tU AV£dA8BOSO’, fto. Arriree daily, except HuaUay, at P. M. Depart* aaily, ezoept S%(urd.iy at b P. M. RALRiatl Ti% SaviV^EKFlLLB. Departs Taeud-iy aud Friday -it b .1 .M. Arnvee Weda«sday and :iua4ay at 9 P. If. WAHd.^W Tia CLlNTuN. daily at 12 nooa. Deparia dailj at P tl. CARTH.\OE. ArriT)** Tassd'ty, T.iaraa*/ •iol 8«tardaj at 7 P M. Deparu .Vlonday, Wcdac«di»; aad Friday at 1 P. M. CrtEa\W, S. C. Arrivea Ta«lay, Tnursday awl Saturday at 8 P M. Departs Sunday, ru,:sday aad i'&ursday at 1 P. M. KAtR SLtJPF »ia LUdBSaTON, ArriTes TacaJi,/. Taar^day aa l S*iurd*y at 6 A. M. Deparis Sujiij, Tutiid\y lad Tnursdtr at 1 P. M. SulZ VBi£ TdTOWN. Departs .Mootl'ty, W'jJaesday aud Friday ai 6 A. M. Arrifes Tuesday, Thurd>iy aad duuMay at i P. ELIZvBEffiroWS via TiiAEBlNTBL Arrivei .Vioaday at A P M. Departs same day (Maaday) at 6 P. M. MAUNOLIA Tia OTPBBSS CBBIK. * Arrives Tuesday at 2 P M. D«p»rt« H,iT.R day (Tuenday) at P. H. SiriFI ISLAND via \iOVTa*J'^&, OOVTINi^TOR Md POWBLLrOil. Arrivea Tu>)sday at 6 P. Departs Wedajsday at 11 A. M. 8WIFI’ ISL\ND via TROT. Arrires Taetiday at B P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. All mails leavioj Odfjr^ S.. A , ars elaaed the eTsa ia; t>«fjre at 9 P. ll Ail letterd to be -aeot olT froa ttiis office, ottier thaa by loaic be paid for as if s«at by malL AU drop ietuira shoall tx pre-paid by 1 o{at stampe. Tb9 o93s vHI be 9pt«a oa Sunday f^om 84 to Vi A. M , a«i from 4^ to 6^ P. M. JA8. O. C00£. P M. Ti|iS OIXIG PiftlVeB, {J108 Ui^.te a ^rt^er nppl^ at w«oI eaak said bacon or piM’k aud beef shall be P»*>d for by the Goverument at the prices axed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment aict: Provided, that when tho person thus exetnpted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amoaut of moat thus contract ed for, aud leare an adei^aate sapply for the subsistence of thoae living on the said farm I - *• .u o .1 plantation, the Secretary of War shall .by the aathontj ot the Prwiden^ without I direct a oommatatiou of the sanift to the ft suffioiea exooB^ to be jod|^ of bj hiia, jexlen^«/inio>thii4s theieof in graii or otiitr Tae iVORTH MUTUiL L^suai^cifi €0jii*iirr, Now in the tentii year at suci^asfU operatioa, with growing capital and firencr hold upon public eon* fldencc, oouLinues to insure tha lives of all healthy pei^ «soni from 14 te SO ye^rs of age, for one year, for serea yeara, and for life—allufe mcm1>er8 saaring mtheprofit* All elavee trom 10 to t>0 yearr of age are insured for one year «r for ive years for * i i tbirda their raiae. AU loMea are punotuiilly p%;u within 90 d*yi afl* ■atisfaotory proof la proaenie 1. For further information lae pubH'^ is referred K> Agents of the Company la ail parts o ‘ ha dtate, k»d M &. £L BATTLB, Seorvtary, Kaleigk £. J. UALB, Agent at J—1869. Faye^gvilif, Q*- BUuik Warraatffid# fo; t^Rui O adv'tT For tb* ’ »f I'? •ucceet.'ir.r : il.J Stale Ih^ be coqtinxp ! Adynri-. »»rt:Hen>o, Frcm ^1. «rijl Ke er.t .. th# F -I'e' taan is i ji ’ : Piicb of por on fl.c rpn.iir tfi.'t-: n.MI i tiiMj. I'roT ii: K eUL'aa eai.-i; «)ct. 17, Ht'ocer «•' K V Jaa'y 1*\ ; .\’ATH.A . A A. A. KfiOLL’S; , : April iO. • a woi. Mf. won CciBmii;?loi ?' t '* '' '3l 10. IP i 2.0OO tbf I - ■ • ■ at thr Vl- rr Hf •■ . ' I N-t JfifJ A r , r AM prrji:- X Haracf.* f. f irond bn- ■■ w Jei ■ 10 r-; ■ «r«t ■ aoi.Vt. .: • 1'-' Or’ to. F*.?et. -*i! •. pa' > i«;, H an*"* >» P*.i k F- Vj o' .^'i, N. ri-. C- r.i'in'v *■ ' Town of t'“ ■ (jrpeli- • (.Jl'pf:-! ' • Cou> -in- •• Oct. 12. IP’rj of The AnriO:*’ '' will h«> h, H • Pi'^rning (be /’ • ' * S2u Ji!-I V COu^Hji . (■ May 15. Lead l»cr .1 tit'esf ^ ; l-’e*' PO' fv>r 09-if WANTED ■! at rH7»'r eaitabte for hi- ar»iol« Oi* b WjUOlJfd B-i'i?- be paid. .\p! Fa''«t*»Ti The nnders1 Coiife'ler-ii«: .^an. pointed Man-i- vir- s- aave pnicre' i *■> mining and e u i? any dvgir.-iS ■» be '^apflied : ■ i p«riy iM Ojidc^ -u i Api^carjonn z » ■ vUie, N. O., . - FajetleT^l'. .) f-rOM POl'LiKY. t: « «:ck S> s theae antolfcii ohq enta tion to the Btib.-jcnb^r 1 Pewers*s on Hay BtriN Atc*afti