ppm bind him?eFf •t provisioni tieit lie tnav ? exein»tion r to the tdin- by tliti 0«»ia. tliD iii^pre««- person %x- Mifitled to a oniit of ni«Ht liree monti;* ‘rovided fuj. in tbe prorv ; b« deprived D of having ■jf Feb. 180+. 'ing lider tile di* xerupt or d*- uiv be 9Ati»- > account of > tlie produo- »ious tor til® M. He may, aila, on such > svicli over- I may be »at- 10 Country in 1 in the milF- :h exemption if, planter «r '.o euibloy in m\ utiu U^)or >f grain and eminent and B not exceed- ' like article* State und«r auditor and coirij»any en- Governinent, tis thereof u t eiiall certi^ » the efficient rovided, that apted bj this cced cue per- in actual uae said exempt! i deticription, have left the , or who maj ntained shall act approved an act to ex* the mails oi [le drivers ot military ser- i exemptions Mily coutiaue are actually irBoitA or uo be. and he is details, under to be issued Her of peraoas e, or from th« wbere, iu his I ueoijsbity re- y revoke such eb .nks proper: iiu graated to a and eiemp- > ttutiiorize the coiitracior lur id to the vioT* jutrac:, unless epartuieut uaik y that the pOf^ ,ctor are indis- tiaid contriictt any oocli cou* ,nd taitiit'ully, ;i of aucii coa- aiiali ceaae. f lui-al boards io!i ot penionB ineuiLHjr coin* inte*i troin the in which they amination. riUe, N. C., j, itt i, ) of thf Ma\U a ao’. ao. [ p. M. > P M. ILLB, >1. 9 P. M. >5. »t 7 P M. M 1 I’* M. rurd»y »t C P M. *t 1 p. M. klT')N. url-tT 6 A. M> j.t»v »■ 1 P. M. irowN. .d»y al 6 A M. r J-*7 %i ^ P. Bl-Sia. M. K.SES |)VLsaro5 »■> I tbe eT0» a«*at off frJ® p^ii for ^ |t>« pr«-p»i(l by pm to yj ^ ^OOK. P M. tuULy llv Jliita Bperation, inth Ipon public ooB* I jew, for Wmthe proflw [ilire insttred |th«ir t»1u6 ttU dA/i J la referred W L dut*. »ad M 7, lUlaiglk , i^eiu TO W MAT 30, lS4r (NO. 1330.1 HA’ Por th* '• aJrw •Bfr M;V it 12 Wr.ct. ^ucce^l:in^ : SSAT^'S OF FRKIGilT, *■ i«»R nr '!'3 I ttfpatt-i lifi or tek U‘a'.bo:!i Cajnpanieti ^Vnvigailng Hhc C(fp- Ffar Mlimtr,' FftlBRUART 1S«^ * i a - •• •r I- D. I H’’MK.ST'l f..t f-2 um - i!%ic ■ e 1,’e jno'*01'! r for »p.i i it>Ui'.i';or!. AiiTrr:''n»'-i i% ^ r» lo j Pi'o, State the f)iia)V#r of ‘Tir.nri’oii* or '^i*v co!>ti(n*»! fij' '- ’•bii’ Ti;'! i» ; iT ti'n • r- h r>*ir >>avT-vi V Adyert- »»rti(>pr.'»i ■*1 HfU'Hi rv»n* ■ if^d H-i n* w to! ; Frcm au wijl l.e pr.' I i r :?'f' - tann is i ivi *. f'-' Hue*! of 0‘T I pir on tbif. 3?* rpn.il t if'Cf'S. 8>‘F' : "i‘ • . nil hu ll NoTi‘:r •Ix:. I rf'nber r- ^T- 5»I!i b«(itin;c 1 IE • Attc?'n » AV lyiLL attfrJ M Cuui1'»*rlMi.!, Fviru i5j8. I'ror ii! At!i*nf:i!i eULna eui:u t b’- > Oct. 17. -'7 TT >■ V t (it La’Sr^' hx. N. ’ •J f»nd Si'j.e:.;r . ?>foorr »>na *• ?■*»* •»r »r Irvrb'L ' 1 ■T- O r >i .i.. I * 'V ■- 1 . •♦?. ' i j t i* ;>•- Q'li'h : I’i"?. 2 fO: mtih j • wf' V r • ■%.' »■ , ■» r"'! .'V f! • f*i: r'lf F r. r’i rer SvtaI «.-! ■' .V • t-?ri : F ‘ Hr »■ r I-h'T- 1 • gr pi; 1 f.O; (Jry J| f' rr s »:n .r up ! P"ir a-ij F • '(?vr. por h»'- I in b't \ti ■ h"'f). ri»i ‘Of 1 t ' . T” . , r ( ':> • T/!tip, pe r "s.a- r'.itt.i p»>* . y r ►vie, 1 .*0; H-«. hile, |^r fixw i L •* ! Ti-'r ot ‘ -a C(!!’.n- j o«. Grocer atfff i o FAVK:Trrvn,L»-:. Jftn’y 10. ■\T 40 •';1'■■?■> f ^ h»rrt) r -r. iK'r L. ? ’i'\ ! P--i |'»r iif»r !' if !>!» . SI s »’bii». ^ !n per I 60; iB hb!s. 2 50 p«r SM * 15 00 K- t' v'^ •■'1 iri-p I'l.rp- .itiac*. per harr»»l •J6 'M 10 1*0 40 0"^ 5 CO 1 00 6 0> 15 CO 10 00 2 TO 10 00 16 00 2i 7f> 4 60 5S OO ^ H) , ft 00 i 26 00 s 00 2^ fO a fto '« 00 io 00 8 00 1 00 36 00 5 0^' 1 60 20 00 f 00 «■ n 2 f.O 6 00 40 00 8 00 :>5 S 00 sathan a spkvViK. vrv. ii. «unxaiid. A. ■ j r.;’« A^■ A i o.. KEVLKSi .B Hit .;iJT VIL P’ILGilS /• > I* ir», /Xa»/ Sfrrct, I'.W KrTEVn.f.E, N. C- Apni 20. -' wf > a wof-^n. ■' o —». a. i>AriPL W05i §'«)| & CO., Ccc!uiii;£ion r’er'^ardiag Ifforohauts, (f? 'nttr Nff'fcf, 'VTj.MiNG^ 0t In. If. 7 • V,*T V.' y ^ TO bf-X‘ ■•. £,"r •■>, •« '•'••'s . ripfj %al oukx. pir gallon iti ^«r>■»lR. C > T''’- ion, f ?5; J t(>. p'P r.i l . f'O. A I '■t ’ei' f -uhM in proportion. 11ST OF ( BAK(IKsTba PiSSEXttERS. ^Q. lO. j { 'iniE F'VETIKYILLE COTTON C\RD j j 1 TUiilNGcO.VlF''• Vareuow mauafkctiiringVARDS j ! fiuptTiur to aii^' ran tlirougli Iba btuukadv.aad at pref*»ut ' arc 8i.41inj; for ;4lt?ss price tb«i aiaglic p*ir or by th« quan tity. I-'ay pci'soa onleriug si.x or more piurs. they will be •ecur‘ly ptAckt-d aud deliv*r««l in Wiluiagtou flre« of ex- pt-u^c. fall npoQ or addraa A. A. McKETtfAN, J. A. WOHTH. aLFX. JOHNSON, Jr. k^tteville, iN. C., April 18 »4tf Presbytefian and ''aroliniun copy. Fayett^viiie Kosin Oil Workf« ^UR Oil W'oi'ks are now In complete operation, and Vi ^ Tn ‘f ‘‘l® auh®rlaed to aaiionncc I?- fi T HOBCur M susu^.,ra^.o, t« : o Oil amrw« k1® *1 Lubricating and l«nnW8 j Ar.hbr,. * (!„u for the cfflce of SHEftlFP of Uii. and we would be elad to receive orders from tha n in ▼ OoTernment and tbe public generally. We will m11 on » v* r ' ' »* n reasonable torms. MOOP.E, CASHWELL «k CO. j ^ - ^ i tie rc.^pec'tfiilljr rccoiuinend * Col. A.^RoN \ P" i“Esnxa'yta ptrion to We are aatlioriscd a>»fl to cm .-a.-j ni. ti f M L K m * .;i. ; ii j.j ifc« e-.ii. f ft tf, ta« Vtiila-'OJ ;» ;1 £. L I- We are aatborized to annoance JOH\ A. LONtJ fcr re • •ii- =i i;» >(hev ef flhariff for non - rj 85 6t'vi? «»> We are aatborlied to aoQoaiice i. 8. MoNfclLi. an a u;maui6i.s f,v hi C'tSii* t^f ^h;r:ff f«r tbe oonnty ef E^cbs^ond a^ i»a fc«n‘!>p \ugaa>. eleoiioa M*« ZO. 84 flsH Mac 19 rorn.l Mat 21 A.pril IS. SS tf EAGLE FOUNDRY. ^f'.VE raonibn a^o we aU our SxtarcH fot O niinufsc3!u>"fl Car WhE6L8, hat ow!d|( to «L?; figure (.f >htf »app}y of Ircu of proper aatiire, w:> \t'^i itOif* 0 5upf;lj any dpftiaod f!'r fS!« aiGcuUy '•-.‘•ueifir, wiii hi* o»ti'0.'KH' in Ih-* rouTW' cf «ix rr'iiah Moie »i> dSail oe a*,i» tc- furiii S \»U' "!f of »h? i". )i3«riti|r fiig >fi—24, 20, 28 and •JO !«n' e-3; j*U.T Th? Iro*^* If.’ shall u^e for *br»i» wiM b*- Cold B •~'1iikrco-ii Iron, and we war- r*n* wh(**ls N(.)f To r’R.\'''K ati*} to be equal to ■»ay in the Ci>nf“>er ot. «r «e ibo»" of Wbitrey & S iTUPt p.iiiadoloMa. wtt’iserepii atien i* so w«ll kn'tws bv R*»i1road e''rap'^ni«»“. Wc are prepared tt» execute Lnma. J'r- P»n-1. an'J G^en Sand Wjrlt, of a »? 9*i%r« or D ANDE3S0?* A CO. FAyetie»hle. M*rch 30. 186t intf fl’MV I u, f'll w r>~ r 'e* of P *■•»»£» w;U he dharxfd on 2,o00 1.1 B«'. Mr ’.'11 f" h i> u ■ \1. !»t : rr - j ‘ 'A a. n.-t 5, ifteu ;r I aM prrj,:,' - J HanxcJ! f:r t^ier' to r»'. • •e-'t of^ ’B C'-i’ (l )!>‘«i«cn r . *LK2 J Fr-- WOW.’f. s t-i iNi.iiifrron, $80 00 '• Fi j .Sote, 16 00 Wvi,.. H»?l, 20 00 “ S i'.'TW, 21 00 *• .\il b«!ow. to 00 Fr->:T> '^COND CLASS, on DCCK. I* to W::r!i'ns:tOtl, S20 00 •• B'’l^hel'l, 10 CO 16 00 “ K ''j'" ♦'ore. 15 Oft *• Ai- piii.'. below ^=0 00 lip. t30 00 ■ -1‘rN 11 r.o 1 • ■ 1C 60 ■' " F -11 ■>*•*■!, 2t» 00 P>- 3-- - fUij. 24 00 “ .A!i t abcvT.-, HO 00 5F.COMP CT.^SS, fP. DSCa F PVii'.A §2') 00 • «« 5^ CoTr-^ :o 00 •* “ “ y^l r.nd E!i*ab#th, 12 00 .1 20 00 LUBUICATliHO OIL. IUaE ij*saifrh!^n»G »•» i,^ w proi '«rea to furttiitu lu ih* pub!i*( 4 V r> t-ur-eri.-r ariio*» nf LUBBIOATINO OIL, apteially for Cotton and WyoUn Factorit* We o' nn la:# Oil 'ln^ not xu'j, and may bp fan at gfra'tr speed ri:’j ijRf p^wsr 'ban any other Oil exec'pt yprrm, Mr W tf P-'rter, ?ap?r;ntea4«nt. of PbcBiiix Cotton F.'»ctnrj s*»s of i): •■! bav« b«>*n aii'ng your fubrioa* ir.g 0 1 frr 2 .>r 3 ui'>ntha, and ilod it to be superior to a;^y othdr Oil acw in U'je for lucricatinf.” r J.'-bii Kerefaaw, Snp'i of Blount’s (’ree's Fwotorr, Bays: ‘I o;a utjeerfuily tay your Lubrto^i'ing Oil is a 8U{)?r.or ardu'**. It doifs not gam in fie Uatt, but krepa wfce journals ci-ar and bript^t *’ Mr A ?* Bccit^rJit«, ‘JH’ef En(rir»?r of the C 3 Arrf uaI and Arm 'ry rf t.^ia place, was reqa«*«te4 tg try It a^ti g»j»: ‘ I ibir-k fur li»ht nacbinery—Fnob asCou^n Fnatorl***—and for baTy »aacS\n»ry wl»rn tr.fl oofijn 18 plow, yoiif r.u' r>oi»riP2*'il »ill o-iaiprja ntxt in qavl ity t** ap.Ti* ” Ot«cr c-ittic rr'annfftCiuroTH tri(»d it pra n^ur*e ' ef u RENRT E. COLTON. A?»nt FaveH"-!!!** S-roi«n» Co. Ap’il 4, 1^64 20 tf >0 I* >5- ■ J'a T I'l. !««. !, ^ J f- 16 . ■■■ E.?? M as***»» K-T^ '.N y.- -a: \j i J n ' . =.r.; r.-m'v ‘ Town of t‘ (Jre»-u- ■ >'■ t.’i'rf:' !• Couf on!> 0 ._r. -tct - I . '•> '.I ■' ’'.•t'k V;. ‘«.-!:»ers muji* stay on ‘ '•'d .ir r'.-- ftj" r ,nr ai Fir»t »' !l !-f. r.'ad» f«i- Way P»^pcn- ;T - r,'>•■'•1 tij-■-•.» >?.y time, aci forocon • ',*» ?!■'*"> I o'M cr shoa.'i ou. »t tbe dla- . rc*' — r f *>r. '■(•'‘•ir. J. ^ r: . n -vr 0 F D’l C^., r. c, Pi’r N C ’I. UPKE*^L, for 'ii'r* K*>» and 8iin. .-O IHi’i .*?4 lra*lm V:-E^TEi2\ S5AIL ^ j;: KaKlour avd paS''BN'OVR trains of tbi« i r.'"! 4 HfiT. r.iy^’tpT 'Ie '-i‘1t, (Buni.-^ys excepted' 8 o'cV)'^ M ., a^ i rt i irnirg le.\Tc Egypt at 1 n'cioct. r M r .^ui llorff MONnxT. 'VSl>!?ESDATand AY f^r 3r.»pr .fNO. M. ROSD, T: :*r.^r %r.’ G- n’l Trnug. .\g’t. /.I!, 97tf f-’roin asjfi alt«^r thK d'.‘e the S-i ;t A. P. HURT will X IraT" ai 8 o’nlock. A. M., on Monday ft/' T) ur* 5-iy. Jl)S. A. '-VORTH, .\f (i-_i7tf] Ar-t C F. 8t4*atn Boat Co. ' VKTTK VILI7K ^:rn AL issirivgk compi.m. 019.. WE can fn>»:j.h 8.KKOcK>K BUn.MNOOILm qntn- tuiiu of or 10 jr»l!oni a* 25 p*-r gallon; tin o*n» or trgo JSU to Ho adiiti >na'. S.ad sans or kegs wh*n ccnTenient. Tnirt U )» r'>ed >n Oil am be made with eat th« I mtxture ■r'UU Alo^hol, witiob i* i* ioiooa«lble now to {obtain. Tie wick tu>*^ ol fie ordinary Ker isene lamp I snoaid be qbgiitly kng'.h?nci by noisierin^ aa a pirca. I With a Kinp th ja arraag«d our oil bortip wiihuat emake : atid witu aa isuca iS’^nc? a* any Nori'scrn KercseB*. ! EENHY e‘ CiiLTON. A>’t F K C®. j Ar'”\i ^ I rajrettcviile Aneoal and Aroiorj, i t Not. 12, 1h6». / SlOO BOLWTY, j i 09 .fJ^.yunfed Riilemf’tt, AUTHOUIIV barioj been gr.-'.stei by Cjc War Ds- par4nefit lo rai^i- a 0 *njp4ny of .Moaai d Hifleoidn ‘ fcr BorTioe in tbiis yio;u; y, a->t!oo is hereby gi^ua that I rccrtnts ta the nurob'ir of !(.'*> r.-^n c-jr.fcriptt will be ro- i cei'^ed for tbie eerTia's. iS.-^cb ri«rni:t will be rr>quircd to fumi«a a senriceable horj'i. tor which ho wiU be ai I I'jweJ 40 ceo'jt per di**in. «ad bis j«y f 12 p«r ntonth. ! irri'fpn /-.fTOtwjoa wiil be ro«ia;red pareuta or , wii^.ce t-h? appl':an’ ti n. tdr.- t*ie oop*crlp» I i Rftoh ret^ait ra‘i«t brtr.* wifb him a Manket or btrd I and oomc: pre“-»rcd to remain j saddlM. fa *li»T« and aa ldla blankets furni-’h { ed by the OoTernmant, or if tho reo«iit o>me.* proridrd with tbera, he will be paid for them a fair valuation. Apply to Capt. MA1TU8V7 P. TAYLOR, *t the Ar- aeoal P L. GUILDS, 80tf] Major C. 8 A. Comd’g Post. rnn !M a 'o repr^seot 'he of a*;d 'I. fu-xf tn t^ie nex'. H*natu of North Caroiia*, bt*!ie-iD him to bo a ina'i .=uoh a^ th»i ritneR Jein«nd. MANIT CIT1Z»3N’8 M-k» 17. a-t 4(rd 4Si?“W« SBApectfultjr rec»mnte nd Ll«ut. JOSEPH A. Mt'ARlUL'R, nf O'*. I 61«t Heg’i N C T a; « caodi'taU' to r-prf-rut ns in the Hoone of f'p">m'’n'- i»f i!ie n-xt Lf?!«l'\t'iri from Cumberland and Harnpt* CPuniies. L: M vArt.‘>nr i« a devoted man lo hie coon •ry’s ffcURe and ha*^ h»(*i in ih»* w»r ^w^r since it I’egsn, ard ho w 11 make n^ a -»ond R?pr»i*eri, 3» Ifpd te M^NY 80LDIFRS. We respeoftfirlly reoommend NBiLL McK.\Y K'q . aa a eand -Jaii* f.^r rfl-t Ivcfion to a f-«af in i.'ie next HouC4 ofOjmmons frarri Catnberland and Harnett eoantin*. MANY CITIZENS. M y 2. 29 • We art aotherisfd to antseance Col. MURDOCH McRAB aa a candidate for re-elvction to ttie Uoum of i'onunoos from SotMMou coanty. April 27 a7-2i» To Toterv ot Harnett County. The undera-gned. a private in Co. A, Stb N C. CaT- alry. haTing be*n aolicitcd by nome of hie fri.'nde. rrsr'-o’f’illr announces him^alf to ike soldiers and riti innii of Harnett, county as a Candidatn far the cf SHERIFF ai the aleoticn on th«^ first Tharadav in Aa gDHt n**xt. gAMUKL D. PIPKIN. March 21. 17 24trd To the CitlNos and Soldiers of Haroett. At the solicitation of many of my fUend^ 1 respectfully aunouace myself a candidate for re-electioa to th«! oQlce of Sheriff for the county of ilaruett. Profoundly ^rratvfiil to my friendn both at borne and in the Army for the Tcry {^.neroiia mipport heretofore recaived at tbeir hand* 1 can only pledgt that tibould tbay again mani- fcf^t theircoDlSdeacu by re-elacting me I will, ab hereto fore, si'rve them pramptly and impartially. Very refpeotfally, JAS. R. GRADY. April 15. 24-te To the Voters of Moore and Montgomerj Coaaties. [ANNOUNCE myaelf a oa&tfi'ate to r^pre«»nt th« retip'tA of Moore and Mcntgomery count ice in the neat a»a«4« of Noaali Caroliaa. My r-rinoip)ea are Con- ««r^;.tiTr »ft«r the »traltest feot, and are well known to ail wbo know me I ahall explain tl*em more fully ai the proffr ti.-nq. J. A. BARRETT CaH!i-*gp, May 5. 80 6 pd r * -Ii r Out 12. if’na . it'-riOji;; ’ n.,- •-; . i'-'in i“; ft. 7 It. ’n'Kl 5-1 I’-emnTTj Notr.e cinonnt** to in* V 1 »n-i ct^rr a.'>«ria. $267,S8« 2b 6,077 86 I llE ^nno^' > wH bo h? ‘ ^ ’>■1 ■ n ruing tbe 2 ! *■ : IJjnh of Cii'.rtKtlan at Ka^t » M i . I -'' I ( nt « • i -'f 1 *■> ^ k - p 'iVi V i' p •» ■ xt 1 'i V •J \v NI>ri' '0. •' >>) T! .'»y Jii-t «s»l lor .S.ilf* Gi)u r :> ^0*3 1 . F 7uu IbH N, May 15. Lead v^a.stli' ■ L*cr • Ufes ’▼ill • ■-*■1' P'JvvijLi'. for -0 r-. t;9-f '■■■yyi- '■A I.'. _t ^n;'' t!A’ EY ft '’f'N 8 J If s. •.• / «. )S‘- ; L?'. ^ ffir n*T^. To*a', *272,705 ifl T^•2 C^'^.pfii'-y have pa’d all lovseu promptly, and -y-N r p-»pT na ic an a!»5e,»t)iD«T.t on l Ueit' premium note*. To*.:.’ paid, S29.682 tjrricRa?: OFO, M~?TSILii, i*renldeat. I>. P-AV, Vice Preni lent a A MftMILLAN, Pec>. DiB»cr>Rs; ile'^ry Iiiil.y, S. TlIUn^ha!*t, .1. f!in«d.ale, Wsn AloLaurin, I. S. Luiicrloa, A. w ). a. Cnok, Hon. J. n av-rv.-i. 1: Craraten, Traveling Ag^'ntp L. *l~'r(‘yef, T HaV!~y. -n A. Bc ’jiat>. p.. o.- Ki 'C A >1-Krthaa l» li-t'l'OP, 'A- ' oU=n j Mi\r. c. V'4‘ tauy in*" ’• •prl'e>*!oni‘>. *1 tv: l» ii^XrrG V. 1 y. ;/:u Cupt 8. • ,f ‘C ijTUAW WANTED. VJ'ANTEI) it. M. '_r th.- U r» Tr '-p-? » at rnjPtr. vs. ‘!-'i 0!)0 .• und ; o’ n EAI ciUsb'c for b? ' J» 5 i' '■ ' ■ ' "‘''•-S V- ^ %n„;l‘0? b=- ; t’-iH C4-.'->- * b -;-fi nri w,uc ’;d vy ‘jiin/ i.v A Tiir f'ic'’ w I: bt OAid. .App’” ’ ■ QU . tlV P.:-vM •-.« ri:D.. «t i • « .\nriyz\ ?A’ ‘ r-PO .Xno'Tv, 1. 21tf The ander8Tr»'» Novc“»ber Tern of ihe Cot.fe-lor*;*! Court. jf florH C.-n.il'uP, pomtt;'! Msini^orn o'" tbo Ciai p'o\-frtj'. 1 .\ave fflic'ct i- oop‘*rti-*‘rE;' p for th'-'-.a', po' Qiuinir aiid 6 iiiT? r-.L-'.'t Oi'>‘f*rs for tsor-^- ■ d sir. J o Ord'rs /.>r ai..y i be »Up,'L .4 cr * t^riy J aadcj' i ApfJir viun^ E » ♦ii»e, IT. M., . >• J Pa>ei(eTi’l-. .1 n'» TK* Co-il fr>Di t'".”' i 10 I,,f- ill ij.' ( o’lf. ilf-nite fi!A.u-». i;o 10 J»3 ti Mallei!, Fi.yetU^ i-r-iv*i.«, Cbs'l'^’ion. y (.' t HAP.LLfl P. -MAL1.5T1 -f. " * V?fi}r cUo tlcapllil at Fort Flslier. ii'^L LiHY, Ciiu;-.>'iv. t*. it r an t otbe- irlic^cic" for t'“ «;ok St ilic 8 “• tHin Hortpi'iL P»^wnf haTiiif artiolfcs can »OU*-'l» (t.; fimf ;,ri ' ppJiCtt 'aoa Ute etibooriber at hi» o x -jT la W' J. W Ptwera’s »n Hay Btr«>ct. E. B. ttJaU>£. Q«u*l Ai;’!. Aa|.aSi Mmf LO^MS! 10U)18!! LOUMbUI 'I’llR ?c^so»i»^r8 buTioj boigci the right for the I J. (’,niiti.r9 of 0''»Dge, ChathiiTi, Wake. OranTllle, ! r rs'n and Ca«*well, to make, use and sell K«»daU’b ! d i -FAMILY HAND OP* POWER LOOMS,” I »re now !ii’g»e‘d n pu>»i-nr tbem up for e»le. This I 1 .• 1' a gra:w 'u^en I- iR eft'iiy kept in otd^r, (."1 wit*" proper ait«uii n, w il wo'tj from 16 to 80 V-,- ' y ir?“ >f olofh per day, a': rTditi|t to tbe kind end qnali- '*■] t7 ih* rlo'ii «■!■»«« No locms m»ke b*»tt»r oloits. ' They w-’fcve thick ■ r ttiin, a** may be d>'8iT''d From I t c fl'Twu drawing 'n, «imp!y by obknging the treddle I piiiir' whirth o#n bq doa? in t«n minnt#^. Plain l( ' tr” D 0 I*- Plon, J-atn TweeJs, Saltiuet, B:ank- tt Tiyi.l or S-rgft, F')«ti*n, , may be woTon A!jr> iioi’b.1.1 w;dih acd eoaral-S3 bags, if the warp id jrejari-f for th?.t p'^poiie Ary person tJkj VcowB bow to mrn beam aod drf\w in the warp well, in f-'e omraon loomf, can 3ujce!sfally operate on t.h«»fo l''cni’5 oioe To«y ^ror^ with a crank, pndare easily %7.-)Tked b? ‘ bo' orp!Tll>5 ypars old. They oan be rovh^'d hy banj, wv**r. eteara or ho""e p'»wt*r. I >>*i gfo'hc b’7b priv-a of l»bor, maf.erial, &o , a 1 i^ 1 ('d :ii»nb«r lv*-ds ri'l bo pat ap Orders will I le b ’ed i-j tee -r.lerthat 'hiy «'^'ae j Ti-« pr.-e »f tb-«e lo-cns befir*^ tao w»T. for i»'»ad tow'r. wi^ ?1C0 We will •'i*!! tnem at th" !\me now. pvl! ’ n^jvitirnf wo'i!, fl jir, corn, bacon, lard, f c.. -it • i'Hcm or th-'ir equi^^lGDt in b*«k. 8 ate, or (lon^-deral-i b4n> OEO. W. PUREFOY, K.. ii. PAUNDRRS. (Chapel Hill. N Arril 2». 28 iB Ce^rKDKRATB STATES OF AMBKICA, ) EHOLNKiift Dbpartmkht, Dut. Capi Kiar, V Wilmington, N. C , March lUth, 18^3. } Notice is hereby civen lo all pp.reons ^.’vriu? claiuis aiiaintt tbe Engineer Department, for services cf j employed a3 laborers on ttie land deftneu n*»r j l^ilmington, N C , that the ondersign^d i« antboris>'d aod prepared lo p^y the hame at his «ffine, on se- I oond floor of the building next aboTo Mearee’ Druf! 8tor«, Mt*rket Street, j JM^ Pi*r8ons executing Powers of Attorney will ob- ! nerve the following form—taetr signatures, in all caiH^ 1 to be witueneed by two wime?s»B and sign«-.l iu duj'li j cute, or they m'.y b» witnt*saed before a .lua-lce of the Peac** or Cli*rk of "ny Co^n FORM OF POWKR OF ATTORNKY. 1, of . do ber-..‘by act\filn* - • '"J" (r.» !--*-» ®>*® rereipts for, «na reoeire ! p^wj-meat of all moB“y« do«- to rae by *he Engineer De- ! p»r’«n»nt. of the Conf'-derate States of .\meriaa, for tLe seirviaeu of my 6li*«ee employed es laborers on the land d«feooe;t at , tlarinj «i:c month of , 186 Witness my hand and anal at ——, tbe — day of , 18«> (8)*»ed in «!«plioate.\ [Seal ] WltncBSO To t ie CUiienn and Soldiers ofRokeson Coenty. At il'e reqnesf and aol'ci ation of many friende, aol diers and oiiic-ns, I annonoce myself a candidate to represent the county of E.ihi>fon in the next Legla !a ur*j. I wou'd be pleased attend tbe different pro oinct of t*»8 ''•'nnty before tbe el-etion, but »s tbe eae •ny i» "'T^-ar p.g !p gire ns «•. Cig1-t soo!). I fear I snail ni't t.e ab « «> rcr»t y^n I ouly a?k yoti, my fellow- ci i»* a", »? .'.ile i ;c cnnJil*‘-9 nt homo a t.iffBsioa TC’,’. tc T'^ftrbcr tSit I, with tbe tnany soHkrs who h%ve R->l"Oi>.I pie to albw my mtme to ran, an prohibit ed fr'3> tse {•li’.’Miure of meeting y.iu, by et^n.lTog ia de- 'enoe of you.* pra-^erty. y-^ar rigH's and your 1it>e-tiC9 And to yoa hroiber eoliier-*, wbo baye s'* stroasrlT scli ci'*d wo t'> heoim? a e»ndida?>, I oan cnly rhank yon f>- thin nstnif'l‘»tioa of oonQder.c?. aaJ prow'f", 5: «:^c»c *. to keep a Tigilant ey^ to T'^^ur ri^>'ts, joar lono* ari yojr ooajf^rta If defeatrvl I ahuM rillin^l^ r? nttain (where I bnre btjer for t'tree yc'i’’#) in (*«>fi*ncft of •h=* o^nntry, wbi?e those obofien will l^^gi^Ut^j, projinf. fo~ th“ bappy day, when our in''' p-n’*«ioe \n aoku'‘Wl odgfl'i.and we all be allowed to r-.tum to our koines “»o 'iij''y the reward of oar •nfl'erisgB” an independent, proBc^rcn* ani h^ppy people I am, f Pow citiscos. and brotb»*r soldiers. y-'>nr hom- bleserraht .TO.RN H MoLR^N, «'o G. 24th R-7't N C T. May 9. 5 B'p-iAs* The RignatureB of colored persccs flhoaH lie witnossed by l^^e" witness There muat be flepir^te daplioate Powers of Attoraey for each nu*ntb. Blank forots o.*b be b«i apon appli es tioo at is ofiSce. Vr H JAMJBS, Capt. ft Chief Sag. Jan’y 20, 1«04 . 180fHf A'I'CM ^ LOT ef gUPBitlOR .UATOH«^,’for saja by JA8. May ft » COOK. 81 4w ' Tlr Miw of JAMES IIRIPATRICI ll' I re»»ej(funv fiaboiitted ta tba vctara of j and Ha^'u^it to > e voted for as a R^pre«c.'»taiiva *f i tkf-Sr Cuniitipa f^r tba U.>usa af Con^aona MANY TQTKRS May 1«, }3«4 8Vtf $*iOO REWAt£l». WE will pay the above reward for the apprehen^ioa and couOiiement in jail, of the purl» or parties wha cut and carried a^vay 80 yards of our Telegraph '^ ire, 14 miles from Fayettevill«. about thv 22d or 2:Jd inst. StlUTHKRM ExPHHU TlCL£OaArtl ( 0)irA>T. April 26 27U ^Vnntt*!! — Wood Laud. 'PHFi under»igiK‘d will give a fairpricc fi>r a well wooded ! tract of of lot) or 200 acres, oa the Railroad at any point 1.*^tween Jon?nl)oro’ atid Fayeiterilla. W#>oH pilch pine ^ ^ Kay*tt*ville. ^pril 1S>. 'itu Wilmington, €liar., R. R. R. C«.,) Fi.EalOti.-f aD-» UlttlitJi'»UiS OFKit hi, V L^u.- nbur*, M*y 5, 1864, } 'pnE Tix dne to the C >uf« ler*.t« Slates on tbe l«t dav JL of .hin* n xt, npon the o.i} ital stock of this 'c*n-p» ny. wi’l ' c ii"4ii hy ‘be Cooioiny. By ord‘ r of the Boird o' Directors. 32 J1 JA.MEl I McC \LT,UM. Boc’y, C0.1FEDKIUTE Til HOTKG. The Assr«i((ors of tbo Oonfalerata Tkx for Robeao* Cfcuoty will maat the paopla of tka diffarajit Dis- trioi* at ti's followitt^ timea end plaaaa for t^a f^nrnoae of reoeiviag the Msts »f aU property and aabjssta re quired to be lis'ed at this tiiyr, and all ioeoTBas of 18^8 liaMe to thn a tdiioo*.l 10 p r cent tax; atso, all ^a»r> terly re’ums to the Slat of March, 1^641 viac At R^r'n’s Tn^sday, May 24ik, ItS^ St. Pmu!s. W«daes-iay, May 2i>, Lnniber Bridjze, Thnr«d\r, May M, BatidVflv^Ua, Friday, M»v 37, 8Bii>h’a. 8;.>urd[«y. May 28. Alfordsville, Mnod^y, May 80, TknmpAoc’s. Tuand*y, Hav SI, White Hcae«, W.-iln«aday. Ja*?a 1. 3»crlinjt> Mh!*. T*»ar->day, Jnaa i, Pealey’s. Friday Jjn*8. Baok iwa(»p, S^iurdtty, Jane 4, Lum'-.prtoa, Monday, June C, Bamt Swatop, Tnfsday, June 7. All p^rsone in Wi'Hari’* District will meat tka A«- se«8^>re in Lumbcrt'^a, on Moa4ay, Jana •. Th* CoUeo'or will be along lo reoeitra all arrearages C)f Taxe*, and all who are in arrears are aotif 4d that payment mutt be male Pan-tiial attaadanae raqnired of a’ll. J T. POPE \ . D. 8. MORBIBON, May 14. ft t*J THK fO-T riLViW 'TFAIB. Fro*!! G(;v. Isbam llar i-’, of Ter.nessee, who atw’'nipaniod. End baa r^c nilv rc^ched AtUota, in rc'urn from tbe cxj>nli;inii of, Forrest into West TeDnes’ee, tne rouJct’orncv cew.«ptper ob tains tho toliowicg true vcrf^ii n uf (L;e late attack upon Eor* Pill- w In view of the poivo’tfld »o- ouuntfi ol the Yankee pa'cr^, tliis cffioisl narra tive of the whole procc’ difg will be ft>uad u io- trresting aa^it id bece^ruiy to viudioalc the trath of hiBt>ry: Arriviog io the vicinity of Fort Ptll^w, Gen. Forrest, bavinv prcviouhlv a langcd uifl plsnaanl i-sudd his insfructi>ms lor thi? atu-ck, rapidly »4- vanced his linc^, and truiord, aitnr a brici, sharp contest, the out"r wjrks cf t^.a i nemy. H.avii*g po.8es9cd blm«>uU of *hie po.iit.0D, he Arew t»r- watd a line of skiriuishers in a fort ol ravine b3* tweeo tbe oufer-trork.s the fort, wbioh line WPS protected IVutn the Fe«Jur»I sl.an>8hooters by his reserve line in thf * u'tr defences lie then sent in a fla»; of truoc to the comman der of the garribon, di:iu«ijdii>g 'bu uae ^ntiitional sarrender of the ft rt and gar^i^oc, with all tbe stores and munitions, Rtatir;g tKo sdvautage of his position, his dt tmminati n to oarry the iort, and annoancing thut if Ms demand was not com plied with, hti did nt>f feel otrrraiu tha' he wooM be able to c^mtrol bb men when they en'ered tba fort, after having been forced to take the riik8 ot assault. Hearing, after the note was di8p!«lcVed «nd be fore an answer to it was receivrd. ihat tUr Ft-dcrals believed the demand f.»r surrondei'arvs-; tfeyuerr* and that Forrpst, in person, was not in oonimaod of the as«ailant8—he rodo up witbin haHng dis tance, announced to the enemy in pers'^n that he waa G>'q. Forrest, and verbally dvmnndcd the sarrender. A reply was s«'ni back, oonoHed a defiant laogaage, declining to accede to the de mand. The assault was commenced, and in five min utes after the bugle sounded the charge the fort was in postsesaion of our men. Our advaao^d skirmishers went over the works pell-mell, aU around them, each man lifting bis fellow by tba leg, and mjuating on the shrulder of tbvir oom- rad''s until tbe fi>rt was filled with Coniederates. Col Booth, commanding the ;arrL>on, was the first man killed, and not an cffi;cr of the negro regiment was left alive It is true that a few, black and white, brt-w down their arms and m&da rigns of surrender—but at the same time tbe men on each side of them still retained their arms and k>pt up a constant fire and show of resistance, la the heat, din and ct>nfu&ion of a fire at such closo quarters there was no chance fi-r d'scriminaticn. In loss than five minutCH after our men scaleJ tba esplanade, tbe fort wus c'eared of the enemy, tbe main body of whom fled to the edpe of the rive^^ leaving the fort colors Htill flying. At the river they still kc( t up tbe fire, until the number was fcarfullv reduced, »nd until, as Gen. Forrest states, he 8bM>lutely sickened to witac'ss tba slaughter. He ordered the firing to cease, and dispersed his strff along the lines with orders to that effect. It was next to impossible tj effeot an immediate et'ssation of the firing; the enemy themselves still fi'bting Gen. Forrest rode up and down the Hues ordi*nog the men to cease fir* be cheer^nl’y ri Oeived, aad a liberal rew»rd p^id fcr | finally stopped tbft carnage. The Bum* her recovery, by Mr«. B. H. WALKER. vort> of thf* garrison were all taken prisoners. E«ymonnt, May 19 fStf ! The maximum aggrrgate ft>rc3 of tbe Federal i qarripon »a3 800. About 500 were buried by I Gen Forrest’s men About 50 of their wounded j were paroled and sent up«in a gu*iboat to Mem' Enrolling Office, Bladen Cwitntjr)) l!iL I BMTUTuWn tt .Vlty Itt, lKo4 j IN obedience tu Uenerai Orders No. 3, Cbitf Barolliog OfBofl 4ih Cong D.st, it ia hereby ordered that all white male persons bftween the agea of IT and 18 yaara io Bladen coantv. report th«maelvea immediately ta the Captnins of the Home 6fii«rd Company of their rMptrt- tve Districts for eurollm^nt. Captains of the Home Otjtard will see ihat all peraoBS between the above aces are enrolled, and repoift at this office on Tuesday Slat inst. prepared to re to Wilaing- tf.n to be organised into companies Those who do a?t rnport aad tnroU taemaeWea as abOT^ will he arreatad and assigned to the regular earvioe. The organicatian of persons t>etween 46 and 60 is postponed until fartker orders J B- PUHHANA5, 34*lt 2-1 En Off. Bladea eeanty. 990 REWARD. R.iNAWAT fr >m the eut)siribor oa th'^ 17th last, «y ne^ro boy, JOHN. 16 yoi^ra old, abaat 6 feet high. ikQd weigtis about 100 lbs. 1 woald eaatioa Ste\M Beat owners on the River »gainst la’ting him go oa board of itny ot tbeir Hoats. Taa above reward will be paid far h=s appreheniuoD an i eoBfinament ia any Jail ao that I can g**t Sim. B. W AYKft FayeiteviUr, May It. *8-ft4)d SPECIAL IVOTICE. GENERAL HOSPITAL No. 8, \ OoLrsaoao*. N C , May 16tb, 1"®4, / Agreeably to Genera! Oi*ders, No. 84, Ciirrent Bcrira, fr m Adjutant and Inspector General'a Of tioe. an Examining Board, for retiring diaabled officers and privotca. has been t-rgan i*d at this Hcspital .All who are authoritcd to appear bcfora a Mtdic&l Examining Board, for Examination to ba retire1. are herrby notified that thia Board meeta only on TUB’’ DAYS and THURSDAYS, at 8 o’clock, p. m Those interested ara respeotfnllv reqaest^d to be (tov«'roed scBord ng'y WM. A. HOLT, 88 Ztl [a s X 1 Sr. SargaoB of Board. Cow S^trajrcd. A BROWN COW. mirked with »mooth amp and ander- bit buih ears, medium s:e* Any infarmatian will Executor’s Sale. By an order of tie (.ouri of Plnaa and Quarter Sea aisns of Cutii'erlaad County, the Snh&ortber, as hxcoutor of NriU Wilkinson, dc'-’d, will expo«>a to pablio sale on Mooday of Jaae Court, 1864. tke land helaogisf to said estate, containing 126 acrea acre ar leas, lyicg .n the Eaat s*de ef Cape fear River, adjuiniagtae laada jf VcDaniel ao l oitsars. Tt’rtrs at aals. 9 TOSBGNOB Ex’r. Aj,rU » 80 ta Reward. RAIf.\WAYfrou) luo sub-«piDer, >. MEGKO WOMAN. oir!^d lae >st Jin y 18'i4, from Mr. A. W 8 e«l o' t'*/«• teville. flbe is »npai»atd to be aboat ih* t«wo now Ha>d wo*aai’a aams is Bsiaey, and ia of msdiam iark oomidexios. and a fall ouu «f hair. I will giv* trie above reward to an? one who will deliver har to w« >1 tae Arsenal, or ceafina her in jail. MATTkLEW P. TAYLOR ?«. 29 *f Two hun'lrcd pris- ner? were brought away, and among the number abo'jt 30 n'3r»r»e‘«. Thera is rot the Bcmblsnc * of ii 'hadnv of tiuth in tba Federal fX»ggcra-!on9 of wliolrsile sluu^hter. The abovt' ar^' s’Jb?t,«nt^^^v t’ facr« of the cap ture rcmirig di^ec^ly un'l ‘ ffir'iully from tho pro minent ac or.-* i:i tbe bl O'l Otaiiia. FMIDR OATSi. Flour and OATB will be ex«Ktini;;ed for Ctnra at tha etore of D, McLaarin, by giving him a few daya i aotice. Flaar good. Oats No. 1« blaok or wklta. i Jaa*j at. »-« Siir|^€*oii liiencral’M Office,) IlALKion, N. C., April 27, 1864 ) I PROPOSE to £ rablirh, in tbe City of Ra>eigh, a mar n fact ry for ARTIFICIAL LIMBS The object of t jis enterprise is to supply these oaefal articles t-’ all s:'ldt-'re from this State, wbo have been, cr may b-^, so maimed in tho s«rvioo aa to reqaire them Priva*« and nov oom’vifsioncd cfficers will be far nish^d grata;t.-»»ly Ccmaiis«:on-i‘d cSccra will b« l^e “««».! co«‘ Disabled eoUiere *ri niue9*cd to cwtreep^ad with be ai^OersigneU giv-°g r'xim^nt, rank, loeality of a’J|rOt**i'''- av d the pr*fi«« m”suremc**t of the re- flsainivg aeabor. 1 wis’i *c employ a nambcT of eo^TW-U’ut ueel^aniea for tbe BsiaHl rurpsso All eaah are i«7i(t.d to •rmraaniav« Immediaurly mb th s ffflce. EDV^ARD WARREIf, Sargs«» Qeee-a'. N->rtli C.»rAlin%. April 30 aJ^-lm The Cedar Falls Rob- b*n are i>»w pr*-par^d to ftirf i.tn. at I aiji sbort notiec, all kindn of BOBBINS, I 8P0^LH a«i QUILLS, &o.. sui;*Ma for Woolen asd Cotton M'lls J M ODELL. Ajj-at. f)e ?»r Fall i. N. C . May 7, 1P84 80 10i, d iHchool llookfi. F^R sale, a varistv of iJLAiSlOAL workS;—0'- !e>'d'>rff’i> Pr‘*»';h Q'a.nm^ra. Qrao^t and L tin Lsr- iocitts, Webster’s Academic Dintiona; ies. ^t>urAoaS^ho.l Books, Drawing Materiils etc., etc Asd*ess ‘jS-ftts'd «»0UTC!R0N ’ wn-vuet.j^, n. C &alt! Salti! ncr BACKS of good DaT BALT, to be eaobugad for ^0 Cora. Apply ta JA8. 0 COOE. RA«SI! RAs«!! -The infe- rior quality of th« p ip«r on wl'ich the Ot>aerver ha* httTu printed of l%te, ar:d which ia a graat eye-sore to uA, ia owing to »ka want of a sufficient supply t»fg''od rear*, aad vn»oon*'queci nec essity to resor. to inferior mtterialo W«. apps-^l to the friends ef the Observe’* at all ac'ioasible poins, to a^ve an a^d bring to town ra'» they r-in pro.iuro. Ur t>«ve no time ourselves to attood to tbeir parohas^, but Messra. Gao W. Williams t C-o , the Agense jn fcbiB town cf M«*. Mnrpby, will pay 16 eestx per It), tor them. « J 0ALK ft 80!fa Fab’y 16 *-itf The Faraiers’ and Planter*’ for 1864. A fsw greoe saare jost reeeived. Jta>XL B. 2. BAU * 00m. The Svppfy 0/ Foitil.—The Macon Telegraph savh: A fritjod shows us a letter from au acqiiatnt- ance iu North CaroJioa, by whom be bad been req^i'-sted to j urchase a ceruin quantity oi bacoo, os t>ae in was tbt'n selling in >iorth Oarulina at over six dollars per ptmnd. Tbe letter in qup**- tion countermanded tbe order, and stated that iht- writer bad within a few uays been able tu buy in his own VJciliity lit 81 75 por Jb. One of tho unM-t 8uga«ioue proviaion tn Macon yesterday ex 1 Drefi.«o.(^ *».— fljur, c-.irn and bacon wuUid soon ruiu lu^rer iu tie«rgia than they had I ever yet beea Huee the first year of the war. j lie tiaid thu.t a man Lad but to look at tbe tax paid I in Georgia to satisfy him of the great abundance of food in tbe Siato; aLd to open h:s eyes and ears to sa'isfy hi:iiself as fully as to the ^carcily oi money and the pinch which would come, if the tax culkotors did their duty in J uue. He believed that tbe joint operations of tbe tithe and money tax would nearly support the government, and that if we lost no mure territory, tbe food and financial question was already solved.* The Gov- ernmeat would be under no necessity of again unduly expanding its issues, and fuod would be increasingly abundant from jear to year. A Death Clock.—We have recently been in formed of a truly wonderful clock, which is said to belong to a family in Newport. The clKk is of fimplo construction, acd belongs to tbe family of Mr. L y; >'ut all the cflF^rtscf clockmakers have not beeo able to make it keep time—conse quently, it has been permitted to rest in silence. A few hours before the death of Mr. L y’s sister, some short time since, the clock suddenly struck one, alter a silence ot many months. It thus continued to maintain its silence until another member of the family was prostrated with a fatal malady, when it again struck one, and on the following day tbe child yras buried. A year elapsad, when a second clild sickened and died. 'The clock was punctual in sounding one a few hours previous to its death. A third child, a little boy fifteen months old, was affiioted with scrofula, which baffled the skill of his physicians and died Tbe clock gave tho usual warning, and struck one. It baa never failed in sound ing a dtath knell when any of tho family in whose possession it now is were about to die. ^‘There are stranger things in HeaTen and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.’’ OmCSMMUS* Much aHni h- J to th‘’ M rrlt'.d ' State.—\t is usn illy conside'c'^ a no’ w r h v ci';uajstance for a roan oT w tu -n t" I cvi: 1) .n marri'^d three time*'; ^u^ of ol«l trs's r’«■ .u)d have been tho‘’g^t li’tlc 0^'. iSt J nr»M- ru iitioiiS a widow that marrir'd b-'r tv^et ty-^ofi*n ‘ hui-baiid, who, in his turo, ^"d bc'n m-'rii;-? to twenty wives. Surs’ly ao exjt‘'rienfe‘l c vf! ! A woma* n»mcd Eliz.ibt ih Masi, who uitd at Florerce. 1363, f-ad hee:. married to sevec tus- b'*nds, all of whom fcho '>ut,l vod Si^e mi rned the lsw=t of the t^even tit »h- "f 70. When on her diathbed she refaiifJ tho voM and bad points in cfi*h «, f her LusOaroH. and h.ivit'g im- pirtjally weip.hed them in the balayct', fhe sin gled out her filth sp US'* as thi» favQrire, and diT-ired that her reataius nii^L. be infiricd near bix. Tl»e death of a soldier nct'fitfd in 1781, who had fi-7e W!» es. and l.is wid -w, »gt.id 90, weof over tho >trave ij r- r llu^I)a•’d. The writer who niecticn-s tl es- l:u-fs t-a'vrly added, “the baid sjldicr wa.s mucb aituched to tbe mar ried 8*ate.” There is an account of a g.-'ntlen'an who had been married to four viver, nn f who lived to be 115 years old. When he di d fie lelt 23 “e>hil- dren” alive and well, some of tbe haid ehildren being from three to four f>core. A gentleman died at B irdeiux in 1772, who bad been nfarried sixteen timi>! In July, 1768, a coutde were living in E'^sez who had been mairied 81 years, the hu-band being 107 and the wife 103 yiars of ag" At the church «f St. Clement Danes, in 1772, a woman of 85 was married to her frix'h husband. Exchivge. John Kolf, who lived in Lebanon co'inty, P»., died in.1850, leaving his fif h wifj a widow By these five wives be was tbe lather of thi ty fiva children,thirty tour of whom attended hisiuoera), theothf r bein^ absent in a Wes'crn State. He was sixty e'ght years of age when he died, and showed mueh vigor and strength of body until an acutc a'tack of lung disease c u^ed his death. In the village of Manhemi, Penn., there liv6d in 1848, a man named Shaffncr, who tcarrird for his fourth wife a widow who had buried tbrea husbinds, by all of whom she had cbildrcD. Shaffncr brought to the bru^e children whith. each of bis wives had borne him, and the last union was blesse l(?) by children. There was a curious relationship existing in that family- We pchooibo^s were otten puzzled by our teacher to unravel the connection.—Ailani>* Intdb'yencT. Tbe Card Factory at Selma, Ala, is muDing four machines, which turn off from twenty to fifty pair per day. Tbe proprietor will soon commenoe manufacturing wire from eommon bar iron. Ths eardi will tell at $S per pair.

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